Parking on even and odd days. Parking prohibited on odd numbers fine

On some streets of the city you can find installed signs that allow parking only on certain days - even and odd. These parking signs, as a rule, are not put up so often and in most large cities.

Signs are used to regulate parking on certain days. The established sign prohibiting parking on odd days allows cars to be parked on even days during the month and, accordingly, vice versa. These parking rules are set on roadsides on different sides along the roads.

When these signs are installed, it is allowed to park cars only on the side where they are located.

An important point is the time during which you need to rearrange the cars. For this, a single time is adopted - from 7 to 9 pm local time. During it, you need to rearrange the entire transport. It turns out that during this period the action of the signs is temporarily not valid. After 21:00 it is considered that the next day has come and if you do not remove your car from this place when parking is prohibited, you can get a fine.

Why do you need parking on different days?

One of the main uses for regulating and changing parking every day is for public utilities. In the summer, dust and dirt are regularly collected from the roads, as well as the roadway is washed. Similarly, in winter, sweepers clear the streets of snowdrifts.

In large cities, so that drivers do not park their cars anywhere and do not interfere with public utilities, it is common to install signs prohibiting parking along roads on even and odd days.

These rules are also aimed at ensuring that road cleaning is carried out efficiently and efficiently. After all, it is clear that standing cars will interfere with public utilities, and the road in these places will remain uncleaned.

All signs and indicators installed on our roads have a single goal - to ensure maximum order. Of course, not every rule of the road, which is regulated by the established pointer, is adequately perceived by motorists. For example, a parking sign is prohibited on odd days of the month - many simply do not understand why parking is allowed today, but tomorrow it will be impossible to stop here.

In fact, everything is quite simple. These operate mainly in narrow streets, where numerous organizations, shops and offices are located, and there is a large accumulation of personal vehicles. If all cars are simultaneously parked on both sides of the street, it will be very difficult for oncoming traffic to pass, and in case of emergency, it will be difficult to get to the scene of an accident. transport. A sign regulating the order of parking on each side relieves such tension to a certain extent.

How to calculate the sign distribution area

In order not to be mistaken and correctly determine the zone of "influence" of the sign Parking is prohibited on even or odd numbers, you need to remember the traffic rules well, which everyone studied at a driving school. So, it operates from its own location and remains relevant until the following sections of the road:

  • first intersection;
  • completion of the settlement;
  • immediately after the set pointer overrides any previously applied restrictions.

In addition, under this sign there may be signs with a time interval and arrows indicating the direction of this sign - here you should be guided by additional signs. Does not cancel the action of traffic rules crossing with secondary roads or exits from yards.

If parking is prohibited on even days of the month, but after this sign there is a sign 6.6 Parking, you can leave your car here regardless of the day of the week. In addition, this sign does not prohibit the simple stop of the vehicle, which is allowed daily. These signs, unlike many others, have one feature that drivers often forget about - they "work" only on the side of the street where it is located.

Attention ! Non-compliance with the parking rules in the zone of action of the sign Parking is prohibited on even numbers is punishable by an administrative fine of 500 rubles.

Are there exceptions to the rules

Despite the fact that such a pointer clearly indicates the inadmissibility of leaving vehicles on even numbers, there are exceptions to this rule that allow the following cars to park:

  • transport of the postal service, having the appropriate color;
  • legally operating taxis, the taximeter of which is switched on during parking;
  • cars driven by disabled people of groups 1 and 2, as well as cars carrying them.

It is worth paying attention to such an interesting concept as the permutation time. It becomes relevant only in the only case when signs are installed on both sides of the road prohibiting parking on even and odd numbers. In such areas, from 19:00 to 21:00, parking of vehicles is allowed on either side of the street and the imposition of a fine by the traffic police will not follow. On the other hand, if you leave the car under the sign 3. 29 after 21:00, this will be recognized as a violation of the current traffic rules and may result in an administrative fine.

Despite the relative simplicity of this paragraph of the SDA, for many it remains quite incomprehensible and annoying. In addition, those motorists who like to travel around European countries note the fact that they have never seen such signs there. But in spite of everything, on the territory of our country, the signs informing about the prohibition of parking on even odd numbers are relevant, and the rules that they dictate are mandatory for all drivers of the vehicle. For a more complete understanding of this rule, you can watch a short video tutorial:

Rule to be followed

Unlike European drivers, who are distinguished by almost innate discipline, more stringent traffic rules are quite appropriate in the expanses of their native fatherland. Particularly relevant is the problem of parking in small towns, where there are many narrow streets that can accumulate a huge number of vehicles. In the absence of a sign, parking is prohibited on odd numbers; an excessive number of vehicles could accumulate here, creating significant problems in terms of free movement and oncoming traffic.

Of course, there are fewer and fewer such streets where the presence of a road sign Parking is prohibited on even numbers - the work of the city authorities to expand existing roads, as well as the construction of a sufficient number of equipped parking lots, is affecting. However, this pointer is relevant and mandatory for every driver of the vehicle throughout the country. It should be noted that violation of traffic rules in terms of non-compliance with parking rules can lead to the imposition of an administrative fine not only by the traffic police officer personally, but also through automatic photo and video recording systems. Therefore, it is much easier to park on the right side of the street than to pay a quite significant fine for such a small violation.

Why do you need a sign prohibiting parking on certain days of the month. How to correctly determine the permitted time and length of parking. Exceptions to the general rule.

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Road signs are one of the ways to regulate traffic on city streets and country roads. However, some of them are sometimes not entirely clear to drivers.

For example, no-parking signs on odd and even numbers raise the question, what is the reason for such selectivity? We will give a detailed answer to it.

Basic moments

The fact that parking of vehicles in this place is prohibited, drivers are warned by a solid marking line along the carriageway and special prohibition signs:

  • No parking;
  • parking is prohibited on odd numbers;
  • parking is prohibited on even numbers.

The No Parking sign is a blue circle with a red border, crossed out obliquely with a red stripe.

In the zone of action of such a sign, only parking is prohibited, but not stopping. Signs prohibiting parking on certain days are supplemented with vertical white stripes.

One such lane means a ban on parking on odd days of the month, and two lanes prohibit parking on even dates.

Signs can be used both independently and in combination with information plates that provide drivers with additional information:

  • on the forced evacuation of improperly parked cars;
  • on the extent of the zone of validity of the sign, if it differs from the usual one;
  • about the end of the ban.

Required terms

The ban on parking on odd days means that on this side of the street you cannot park a car on odd days of any month - 1, 3, 5, .... 29, 31.

And vice versa, you can leave 2, 4, etc. You can stop on this side on any day.

Parking on even days is prohibited, which means that you cannot park in the area of ​​the sign on any even date of the month - 2, 4.6 ... 28, 30.

On all other days, parking under this sign will be completely legal. Stopping is always allowed.

Turnover time is the daily period from 19:00 to 21:00 when parking is allowed on either side of the street.

But such a concept applies only on those streets where both signs prohibiting parking on certain days are installed at the same time.

Odd and even dates start at 21:00. That is, the action of the sign "Parking prohibited on even days" begins at 21:00 on the 1st, 3rd, 5th, etc. of each month.

With odd dates, everything is exactly the opposite - they start at 21:00 on the 2nd, 4th, 6th, etc. day of the month.

What do they mean

Signs 3.29 and 3.30 prohibit drivers from leaving their vehicles in their coverage area on certain dates.

Parking in this case means stopping the movement of the vehicle for more than 5 minutes.

In this case, the engine can be turned on, and the driver can be inside. An exception is made only for mail cars, taxis and the disabled.

In addition to the temporary criterion, the parking is also determined by the absence of actions related to the loading or unloading of various items, as well as the embarkation or disembarkation of passengers.

To stop in order to perform such manipulations, these signs do not prohibit. It will not be a violation and forced parking caused by a malfunction of the car.

But the driver must put up an emergency stop sign and turn on the “emergency gang” light signaling.

What regulations govern

Signs 3.29 and 3.30 are given in Appendix 1 of the Rules of the Road in the section "Prohibiting Signs".

Features of these signs

The main feature of signs 3.29 and 3.30, which prohibit parking on certain days of the month, is that they only apply to one side of the street.

On the opposite side, parking is allowed at any time, unless a similar sign is posted there. Simultaneous installation of both signs is allowed, but on different sides of the street.

The ban on parking cars on even or odd days does not apply to a simple stop in order to pick up or drop off passengers. Such a stop is possible on any day, on any side of the street, it will not be a violation.

Why do you need parking on different days

Road signs that prohibit parking on certain days have a certain placement logic.

They are used in relatively narrow streets where there is a large accumulation of parked cars.

The reason for this density may be located nearby numerous offices, popular cafes or recreation areas.

The simultaneous occupation of the edge of the carriageway on both sides of such a street significantly narrows it. As a result, it becomes difficult for drivers to pass each other and traffic jams occur.

In any emergency, special equipment will not be able to quickly get to the right place along the street clogged with cars.

To regulate traffic in such "bottlenecks" signs 3.29 and 3.30 are used. If all cars are parked on only one side of the street, there is enough space for oncoming traffic, maneuvering emergency vehicles.

In addition, one side of the street is also available for cleaning from snow in winter, from sand dust - in summer.

How to calculate the area of ​​distribution of the plate

In order not to be mistaken with the length of the zone of action of signs prohibiting parking on certain days, it is necessary to be guided by the general provisions of traffic rules.

If such a sign is installed alone, without explanatory plates or together with a sign, then the prohibition applies to the corresponding side of the street up to:

  • the nearest intersection after the sign;
  • the same sign, but with a plate 8.2.3;
  • the boundaries of the settlement;
  • "Cancellation of all restrictions" sign.

If the prohibition sign has explanatory signs, then to determine the length of the zone prohibited for parking, it is necessary to use information from them.

As a rule, plate 8.2.2 is used, showing the length of the prohibition zone in meters.

Sometimes the prohibition of parking is limited to certain time frames, as indicated by the corresponding sign, for example, in the business center it can be during the daytime, and in residential areas, on the contrary, evening and night.

Video: signs 3.29-3.30

Parking hours on odd and even days

This echoes the tradition in many European countries. There is a reason for applying such a rule - drivers have the opportunity in the evening, returning from work or rest, to immediately park the car on the “correct” side and not go out to move it at midnight.

For the convenience of drivers who work or live in the coverage area of ​​two signs at once on both sides of the street, there is an additional period when parking is allowed everywhere at the same time.

This is the period from 19:00 to 21:00 daily. It is designed to move the car without haste to the side where parking is allowed from the new day or immediately take a place there the next day. These two hours are called so - the time of permutation.

Are there exceptions to the rules

Despite the fact that there are parking signs on even and odd numbers in the SDA for all road users, there are a number of exceptions to the general rule.

Drivers who parked cars in the zone of action of such a sign will not be violators:

Another exception would be parking during so-called "swapping time". According to the traffic rules, it lasts from 19:00 to 21:00 on the same day.

During this period, parking is allowed on both sides of those streets where both signs are used simultaneously.

For violation of traffic rules in 2019, quite serious fines are provided. At the same time, among the numerous road signs, it is not so easy to navigate. Today we will consider in detail what is the area of ​​validity of the “No Parking” sign, what are its specifics.

There can be many nuances that arise in the process of movement. For example, even stopping a car directly under a “no parking” sign will not always be a violation of the rules.

Drivers need to know what kind of liability is provided for violation of the rules, when it can be avoided. Of course, it is important to be careful.

No-parking signs are usually placed on sections of the road with difficult traffic, near construction sites, gas pipelines and intersections, as well as in any places where stopping a vehicle can be a potential danger.

First of all, it is important to understand the essence of the sign "Parking is prohibited". Motorists often poorly distinguish it with the “No Stopping” sign.

The question arises: if parking is prohibited, is stopping allowed? In this case, when it comes to the sign "Parking is prohibited", it is necessary to define the word "parking" in this context.

Parking is understood to mean the cessation of movement of the vehicle for a time interval exceeding 5 minutes. At the same time, parking is not connected with boarding, disembarking people, moving luggage.

If we are talking about the sign “Stopping is prohibited”, then a short-term stop is already provided here, less than 5 minutes. Under the road sign "Parking is prohibited" you can stop, but not for long. This is allowed by the rules.

In addition, the vehicle can stop if you need to wait for a passenger, unload or load luggage.

Thus, in accordance with sign 3.28, it is prohibited to park vehicles on the side where the sign is located. You can stay in this area.

These signs are installed on the following sections of the road:

  • where a standing car blocks the movement of pedestrians, the movement of cars;
  • where standing vehicles can reduce the safety of other participants;
  • where a parked vehicle provokes other drivers to break the rules.

How long can you stand under a no parking sign? In accordance with current regulations: maximum 5 minutes.

Now it's time to determine how the no parking sign works. According to the rules, it has the effect of:

  • at intersections with minor roads;
  • at the exits from the sites adjacent to the highway;
  • from the mounting site to the end of the settlement, if there is no intersection;
  • from the sign to the nearest intersection.

Also, a road sign is sometimes installed along with the markings..

It is a dashed yellow line that goes after the sign along the curb or border of the road, sidewalk. In this case, the sign will be valid throughout the marking, until its end.

Additional pointing elements can also affect the zone of influence of the “No Parking” sign.

Consider the types of pointers:

There are also varieties of the “no parking” road sign: with one or two light vertical stripes that are inside the crossed out field.
