Domestic celebrities gay. List of very wealthy gay celebrities

The LGBT community is evolving every day. All public new faces come out and admit their orientation without hiding anything. This is a serious trend, as attitudes towards gays have completely changed in the 21st century. And now you can almost calmly talk about who you really are.

In Russia, unlike in the world, this is a little more problematic. While Australia and Germany legalized same-sex marriage, the Russian Federation passed a law banning LGBT propaganda among minors. Therefore, in Russia, openly public gays are mainly LGBT activists who defend the rights of homosexuals. There are only rumors among representatives of show business, politics and other fields of activity. But no one openly admits their sexual preferences.

The most famous "gays" in Russia according to society

As he says, not only the Earth is full of rumors. A lot of fans and the media have been investigating, trying to figure out Russian pop stars. But in the end - only rumors, conjectures and conjectures. To keep abreast of all the events, let's go through the main list of who is considered to be the LGBT community.

Sergey Zverev. Famous showman, winner of the World Championship in hairdressing. His appearance is described in one word - "outrageous". Due to his appearance and his occupation, Zverev is classified as a person of non-traditional sexual orientation.

According to the same criteria, the "rainbow community" is also Boris Moiseev. In fact, Boris Moiseev is a real gay, about which he spoke publicly more than once.

The information boom was caused by the news that Sergey Lazarev- homosexual. He is a famous singer, presenter, performed at Eurovision 2016. Not the first year he is credited with a passion for men. Especially this topic became relevant after he broke up with his girlfriend Lera Kudryavtseva. The media literally exploded with headlines that Lazarev was gay. According to them, this was confirmed by the mother of his ex-girlfriend, all his friends are talking about this. The singer himself has never said that he considers himself to be an LGBT culture. He only stands for support, but, according to him, is not part of it.

Maksim Galkin- comedian, presenter, husband of Alla Pugacheva, has two children from her. But the label "gay" hangs on him after the wedding. According to most of the media: a handsome, well-groomed, successful man is necessarily a homosexual.

On the same basis, he was included in the list Nikolay Baskov. According to the "Golden Voice" of Russia, the media traveled more than once: for the hairstyle, and for the behavior, and for the songs. Like others, Nikolai does not say anything about his personality in the context of homosexuality.

The list of possible "gays" on the Russian scene does not end there. But these are only guesses, and you should not pay much attention to them. Moreover, given what they like to call "unconventional" and Philip Kirkorov.

The most famous real gays in Russia

Moving from possible homosexuals to those who really openly admit their orientation, it should be remembered that these are mainly activists who protect the rights of LGBT people. You cannot hear about them on federal channels, they are not actors, not singers. There is little, if any, information about these people. But they exist and are not ashamed to be themselves.

Pavel Samburov- Coordinator of the LGBT Rainbow Association. A simple, kind person. His organization is committed to promoting the ideas of tolerance, getting rid of various forms of discrimination at different levels of life - from everyday to political.

Igor Kochetkov- LGBT activist, public figure. Considered one of the founders of the Russian LGBT Network. By education - candidate of historical sciences.

Initially, Igor became known as a publicist. Worked in such projects as GayNews and GayRussia. After the creation of the LGBT Network, he was its executive director. Currently, he is the head of the LGBT organization Exit.

Igor Kochetkov is a well-known human rights activist, author of reports and articles on the situation of LGBT people in Russia. He was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize in 2014. Married. But, since it is impossible to conclude a same-sex marriage in Russia, he got married in New York with his beloved.

Igor Kochetkov is a very vile and aggressive person. He is very hostile towards non-gays.

Evgeny Pisemsky- Head of the Phoenix PLUS organization, the main directions of which are informing about sexual health and LGBT relationships. Talks about HIV in the gay community.

Maxim Lapunov is an LGBT rights activist who suffered at the hands of homophobic offenders. He spoke at a conference on LGBT persecution in Chechnya. He was forced to openly speak out against the current situation, as he was subjected to torture and death threats. According to him, Maxim is far from the only one who ended up in a Chechen prison on suspicion of homosexuality. But he is the only one who was not afraid to declare this to the whole world and at least somehow try to change the situation.

The most famous homosexuals in the world

Unlike Russia, in the rest of the civilized world things are much more positive with open gays. Many representatives of the LGBT community can be found among actors, singers, cultural figures and politicians.

Sir Elton John- Composer, musician, singer. He received a knighthood from Queen Elizabeth II herself. At the same time, he periodically acts in films. Elton John is 70 today. In addition to his work, he is known as a public figure. Especially with his participation in the fight against the AIDS epidemic.

In 1994, Elton John was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.

Initially, he declared his bisexuality (gives the same preferences to both sexes), but later called himself a pure homosexual. In 2005, he legalized his relationship with David Fisher. Over time, the couple used the services of a surrogate mother, and their first son was born in 2010, the second in 2013.

Elton John is also known for writing the soundtracks for the cult cartoon The Lion King.

Sir Ian McKellen- the magnificent Magneto, the mysterious Gandalf ... And this is not all of his roles! For his excellent acting talent, he was awarded the title of knight in 1990. At the age of 78, he does not leave his acting career, having just recently starred in the film Beauty and the Beast.

McKellen came out back in 1988 live on the BBC radio station. At that time, extraordinary courage was required for this step. Ian risked public anger and a lot of problems. However, his talent could not be stopped - and after the recognition of his homosexuality to the whole world, the actor received his best roles.

Ian McKellen is a civil activist. He does not ignore the events concerning the LGBT community. Including in the Russian Federation. He even called Sergei Sobyanin a coward when he decided to cancel the gay parade in 2011.

Neil Patrick Harris- the main "playboy" of the series "How I met your mother." For this role, he received two Golden Globe nominations and four Emmy nominations.

Also known for the paintings "Gone Girl", "Starship Troopers". He became the first openly gay person to host the Oscars in 2015.

The actor admitted his orientation in 2006 in an interview with People magazine. The actor said that he was glad to finally dispel misconceptions and rumors. And that he can openly declare that he is gay and lives a happy and fulfilling life.

Neil Patrick Harris married actor David Burtka in 2014.

Jim Parsons He became famous for his role in the TV series The Big Bang Theory, where he played Sheldon Cooper, a theoretical physicist who believes that he knows everything, that he is a genius, and loves to teach other characters.

For this role, the actor received four Emmy awards and a Golden Globe Award.

Rumors about his orientation circulated for more than one day. And only in 2012, he spoke about his relationship with the New York Times. His partner Todd Spivak is the art director. Jim also shared that he does not consider his life to be something special. He never considered himself an activist. The actor lives with Todd an ordinary life: they have breakfast, drink coffee, walk the dogs.

Matt Bomer- an actor who was remembered by people in the role of the charming swindler Neil Caffrey from the White Collar series. He also played in the film "Ordinary Heart", dedicated to the problems of sexual minorities.

The actor's coming-out was quite simple - a correspondent for Details magazine simply asked him about Matt's orientation. However, the actor decided not to answer directly, but only hinted that he was gay. And only two years later, Bomer admitted his homosexual orientation publicly.

Xavier Dolan- A film director who left school at 16 and was left without education, but at the age of 20 he received the Cannes Film Festival award for the film I Killed My Mother. He is extremely talented. In 2015, Xavier was already on the jury of the Cannes Film Festival - this is unthinkable quickly. In addition to his directing career, he sometimes acts as an actor, but only in his own films - for example, "I Killed My Mom."

Xavier Dolan's homosexuality is nothing new. The director never hid his orientation. His films often contain discourse on homosexuality. But that's not all he shoots about. The paintings are deep.

Zachary Quinto remembered as the villain Sylar from the TV series "Heroes" and as the unsurpassed Spock from "Star Trek". There was also an unusual, even somewhat tragic role - in American Horror Story, Zachary appeared in the role of a homosexual cast. During life, it committed suicide along with its lover, and now gay ghosts are unable to rest.

In 2011, Quinto publicly came out as a homosexual in an interview with New York Magazine. It all started innocently enough - with a simple discussion of the prospect of legalizing same-sex marriage in the United States. But then he expressed his opinion from the point of view of a gay, which was the beginning of his confession.

Moriarty also did not stand aside. Andrew Scott is an openly gay man who played the role of the main antagonist in Sherlock Holmes. Andrew is a native Irishman who plays in television, film, and theater. Won a BAFTA Award for Best Supporting Actor. He also participated in the next James Bond film, which was released in 2015.

Speaking of the gay community, there's no way you can't let it out of your sight Stephen Fry. He is best known as a British comedian. But he is also an actor, writer, playwright. He gained fame on such series as Black Adder, Jeeves and Wooster. Also, creativity brought him together with Hugh Laurie. Stephen has repeatedly been included in the ratings of the funniest people on the planet. He played the role of a gay man in the dystopian film V for Vendetta, written by the Wachowski brothers (now transgender women, the Wachowski sisters).

For a long time, Fry hid his orientation. He discovered it for himself a very long time ago, when he was at school. But information about his homosexuality became public only in 1997, when the actor was already 40 years old. Fry writes about this in his autobiography. From 1995 to 2010 he lived with his colleague Daniel Cohen. Since 2010, he met with another actor - Stephen Webb.

In the future, Stephen had a new relationship. And on January 6, 2015, he announced his future marriage to comedian Elliot Spencer, who at that time was 27 years old. Officially, the relationship was formalized on January 17. It is Spencer who is called the man who gave Fry a new thirst for life, thereby helping him get rid of depression and loneliness.

Fry is no less famous as an LGBT activist. He is interested in the problem of the homosexual community in Russia. In particular, in 2013, Stephen personally met with Vitaly Milonov, a homophobic deputy of the Russian Federation. Moreover, he expressed support for a campaign against Russia's human rights-violating gay propaganda law.

The world did not stop at the opponent of Sherlock Holmes. Hodor from Game of Thrones joined the rainbow ranks. Rather, the actor Christian Nairn. His character is stupid, but strong and loyal to the Starks. The fact that he is gay, the actor admitted when they were shooting the fourth season of the famous series. This happened when the topic of same-sex marriage was raised on the Game of Thrones forum. To all those who were dissatisfied, Christian replied that when they try to offend the LGBT community, they offend his community.

After that, he stated that he was never shy about his orientation. And, moreover, did not make a secret out of it. They just didn't ask him. What pleased Nairn the most was that he was able to break everyone's favorite stereotype of what gay people are. After all, many see them as cute boys who, for some reason, are more prone to feminine clothes, that they are so fragile and cute. And it was Christian who, with his powerful shoulders, destroyed this stupid stereotype, showing that gays are different. And for this, in the "rainbow" community, he was thanked more than once or twice.

Wentworth Miller- the main sex symbol of all prisons. Lead actor in the series "Escape". Where, in order to save his brother from execution in the electric chair, he himself ends up in prison. And then he pulls him and himself, relying on his brilliant mind and cunningly designed plan. After that, Wentworth can be found in such series as The Flash, where he plays Captain Cold. He plays the same character further in Legends of Tomorrow, where he kisses the hero Lucha with pleasure.

And, even though today Miller is openly gay, he had to go a long way to admit it. In 2007, Wentworth proudly announced that he was going to get married, after which he would have children and continue to build his family life happily. There has never been any suspicion in the media about his orientation. And he explained the absence of a girl quite easily - he was too busy filming.

The actor opened up to society in 2013, when he refused to attend a film festival in St. Petersburg. With this, he supported the action against the new Russian law "on the propaganda of homosexuality." It was wild for him to attend an event in a country where it is forbidden to openly love, and where there are no ideas about basic human rights.

Later, the actor honestly stated that it was difficult for him to admit to himself that he was homosexual. And when he was 17 years old, he even tried to commit suicide, afraid of how society would react to his coming out. As an adult, Miller was frightened that an open confession could harm his career or simply end it.

Ben Whishaw- a person who is easily recognizable by the role of a maniac in the film "Perfume". This film brought him fame in 2013. Like many stars, he did not hide his personal life, but simply did not talk about it. In August 2012, he entered into a civil partnership with Mark Bradshaw, an Australian composer. They met while working together on the film Bright Star in 2009. Mark did the music and Ben played the lead role. And they had an office romance, which eventually became something more. The fact that he has an official partner (civil spouse), Ben said through his agent.

Ruper Everett (The Quiet Flows the Flows), Richard Chamberland (The Thorn Birds, also played an older gay man on Desperate Housewives), Jesse Ferguson (Class, Modern Family) are also part of the rainbow community.

The list of openly gay people in the world does not end there. But to describe all the people who are openly ready to confess their love and real themselves, even a few volumes the size of Les Misérables will not be enough.

The Richest portal has compiled a rather unusual list - the TOP 15 richest gay celebrities. Many of the names may seem unfamiliar to you, but among them are the CEO of Apple, the music mogul, the famous Armani and others. Let's go in order...

15. Bella Thorne - $2 million

Once upon a time, 18-year-old Bella Thorne made a coming out that fit in one tweet (to the fan's question "are you bisexual?", she answered simply "yes"). And it seems that just a week after breaking up with Gregg Sulkin, whom she dated for a year, Miss Thorne was already promoting a connection with her friend Bella Pendergast. Be that as it may, this beauty is already worth a couple of million bucks, and her most notable film, by the way, is called Dirty Wet Money (2007).

14. Clay Aiken - $7 million

Clayton Aiken - American singer, winner of the American Music Award and Billboard Music Awards, started on a folk show similar to The Voice. He is completely unknown here, but in the US he is very popular and is considered one of the most beloved alumni of the American Idol contest in its history. Aiken came out in 2008 after his son was born, and he appeared on the cover of People magazine with a child in his arms, and told the whole world that he could not raise him, living a lie. Previously, the same "People" asked Aiken about his sexuality, and he replied like this: "What I say does not matter, because people will still continue to believe in what they want to believe." A well-known gay portal writes sadly about Akin: “alas, we still live in a world where all people are considered heterosexual by default, so a famous person’s coming out is counted only if she commits it publicly.” Well, we believe that this trickster will earn and the 8th million will go far!

13. Ellen Page - $14 million

Well, the first real actress on the list, let's talk about her roles, not about coming outs ... Ellen is known for starring in many great films: "Juno" (for this role she was nominated for an Oscar), "Inception", "Tallulah", "Face to Face" and a dozen others. She does a great job with complex, psychologically believable characters. And it is logical that her fees are growing year by year.

Most recently, she starred opposite Evan Rachel Wood in Into the Woods and earned $1.16 million. Well done Ellen!

12. Neil Patrick Harris - $16 million

Oh times, oh morals! Neil Patrick Harris is best known as an actor on How I Met Your Mother and a couple of rom-coms. As reported in 2013, Harris is taking home $225,000 for each episode of How I Met Your Mother, which certainly says a lot about times in general and decent pay in particular. His partner, David Burtka, a news and entertainment correspondent, has a net worth of $2 million. They have been openly dating since 2007 and have two children. What we wish you - and millions, and kids!

11. Anderson Cooper - $100 million

Now the Russians will recognize this name - Anderson Cooper. But this is a highly respected person in the global news industry. His show, Anderson Cooper 360, has over 1,500 episodes on CNN. And that's not to mention his rich reporting experience. Cooper has won multiple Emmy awards throughout his career, covering major events such as the death of Princess Diana, the death of Pope John Paul II and the wedding of Prince Charles.

Anderson made a public confession in 2012: "The thing is, I'm gay, always have been and always will be, and I've never been so happy and proud of myself, I'm comfortable being gay." He told the DailyMail that his loved ones always knew about his "secret", and he did not consider it necessary to bring this fact to the public, because the main thing is that he always strived to be a good and honest journalist.
The American publication OUT included Cooper in the rating of "The Most Influential Gay Celebrities of 2012", and in this list he took sixth place.

10. Christina Aguilera - $130 million

Christina, how did she get here? She, of course, collaborates with representatives of the LGBT (Linda Perry, and Seah with Le Tigre) ... In 2005, Aguilera said in an interview, without thinking, they start her scenes of lesbian love: “Two women in bed are more sexy than two men. I love experimenting with my sexuality. Sex is a wonderful thing, I love having sex." And then many considered her as bisexual, but since then she has married twice and became a mother, and the public has finally lost interest in her orientation. Yes, and Christina herself did not speak out on this topic anymore, and even more so - she never considered herself to be LGBT. But, nevertheless, they brought it to the list ...

Her career peaked in 2013 when she brought home $82 million from various royalties, performances and a concert tour. Aguilera was also quite successful in 2010 when she appeared in Burlesque, which grossed over $100 million at the box office and proved that Aguilera is not only a star in the recording studio.

9. Miley Cyrus - $165 million

This girl is all right with both brains and a sense of humor. When she appeared on the cover of Maxim's men's magazine, readers voted her number one on their list of hottest girls. Miley rightly notes: “Everyone says that I am a lesbian, and I say that for me this is a compliment, and if you want to offend me, then call me something else. People think that if I have a short haircut, then I'm a lesbian ... But it was after I cut my hair that I got on the cover of Maxim magazine, in the list of which I took first place.

Miss Cyrus told the press, which is so worried about her orientation, that she is pansexual: the sex and gender of her partner do not matter to her. However, many celebrities have begun to declare themselves as pansexual - this is such a new fashion among celebrities who do not want to identify themselves as heterosexuals or the LGBT community. Pansexuality means being interested in a person regardless of their gender, orientation, or gender identity. And bank accounts... but Miley is doing just fine with that! She decently earns both as a musician and as an actress. When she was on Hannah Montana, she received $15,000 per episode. By the age of 17, she had already earned over $100 million. Quite good, isn't it?

8. Lady Gaga - $280 million

A shocking singer and actress (did you see her in American Horror Story?), having earned a net $ 280 million, Gaga, in principle, can already retire. She earned $33 million in 2014 and her biggest year so far was 2015 ($59 million). And the question of the orientation of the freaky Gaga does not concern us too much. She herself says this about it: “I love sex, and it doesn’t matter to me what gender my partner is, but not all of my boyfriends understand this. They are afraid that I like women. Having learned about this, they begin to feel out of place, they whine that we are good together and we don’t need a third in our relationship.

7. Ellen DeGeneres - $400 million

DeGeneres is the host of the entertainment talk show Ellen: The Ellen DeGeneres Show and a favorite of the American public. She has written three books, opened the Eleveneleven record company, and won thirteen Emmys." Ellen became the first openly lesbian character to play a lesbian character in a movie. Ellen's popularity peaked in February 1997, when the comedian on The Oprah Winfrey Show (The The Oprah Winfrey Show has been open about being gay and has made over $70 million in the last three years, if you're wondering her partner and fellow actress Portia de Rossi has a net worth of $20 million.

6. Tim Cook - $400 million

You probably guessed that Apple's CEO jobs pay well. But so good! Tim Cook has made $400 million so far. Prior to that, Cook was COO and made $73.9 million in 2013. As you can imagine, Cook's income is pretty closely tied to iPhone sales (sorry, not the quality of their chargers). ).
If you care about his personal preferences, then he talks about it like this: “I am proud to be gay, and I believe that this is God's greatest gift.”

5. Sir Elton John - $480 million

This guy is known and loved all over the world, which, in fact, confirms the size of his fortune. After all, $480 million doesn't fall from the sky.

Sir Elton John says he has never spoken about his sexual orientation before because no one has ever asked him about it. Yes, they did not ask him about the details of his personal life until 1976, when his interview was published in Rolling Stone magazine. He is currently married to David Furnish and is happy to tell the press about himself and his life. The couple has two children, Zachary and Elijah. Interestingly, the millionaire is not going to leave his children a large inheritance. "Children must learn to appreciate hard work, wealth can ruin their lives." Here is the original!

This very wealth of Elton John would have been even more solid if he had not littered money right and left. He can't deny himself a bunch of different expensive collections (photos, glasses, art and antiques, etc.), and owns real estate around the world.

4. Michael Kors - $1 billion

Billionaire, number one on the American special celebrity list... Michael Kors may be an incredibly wealthy fashion designer, but as you'll see below, he's not the richest on this list. However, with $1 billion in the bank, there is nothing in this world that is out of Mr. Kors's reach. Under his brand, a line of clothing, bags, accessories, jewelry, shoes and fragrances is produced. Also, it may have helped him that he was a judge on Project Runway for five seasons.

In 2011, the tabloids of the United States (and not only) were full of funny headlines like "Michael Kors is getting married." Michael Kors never hid his orientation. Together with Lance Leper, he has been living for about 20 years (Lance is the creative director of the Michael Kors brand). An office romance, practically: once upon a time, young Lance came as an intern to Korsa's company.

3. Jennifer Natalia Pritzker - $1.76 billion

According to Forbes, Jennifer Natalia Pritzker became the first transgender billionaire. Prior to her gender reassignment, she was known as James Pritzker, a retired lieutenant colonel who served 11 years on active duty in the US Army and 16 years in the National Guard. Jennifer is one of 11 members of the Pritzker family on the Forbes richest list. In 2007, the family sold its stake in industrial conglomerate Marmon Holdings to Warren Buffett's Berkshire Hathaway fund for $4.5 billion, but continues to control the Hyatt Hotels chain. So for the first time a woman got into the top of the richest Americans ...

Natalia donated $1.35 million to a transgender military service project that aims to improve the quality of public dialogue on the issue. Open trances in the American army are still prohibited from serving: the abolition of the "don't ask - don't tell" policy concerned only gays, lesbians and bisexuals.

2. Giorgio Armani - $6.8 billion

His biography is well known to the general public, we will not repeat ourselves. From the latest reports of the paparzzi, it is known that the world-famous Italian couturier, 81-year-old Giorgio Armani, rested with his young lover Jano in the ski resort of Sir Moritz. The old man is still hoo!

1. David Gaffan - $7 billion

When it comes to the bigwigs of show business and the most influential people in the music industry, one cannot but mention David Gaffen. He created the labels Asylum Records (1970), Geffen Records (1980) and DGC Records (1990), which record The Eagles, Bob Dylan, Tom Waits, Shar and many other stars. Elton John, Aerosmith, Guns N' Roses and Nirvana are just some of the big names that have signed with his company. He sold Asylum Records in 1990 for $550 million.

They say that when Gaffen took up cinema, Tom Cruise became his lover for many years. And Tom soared to the very top of the Hollywood Olympus, and Gaffen helped him get into the films of cult directors such as Coppola, Ridley Scott, Tony Scott, Scorsese, Barry Levinson and Oliver Stone. They say, but we don't believe.

Perhaps the most impressive fact about Gaffen is this: he was kicked out of college for having a fake UCLA degree, which he forged to get a job with the William Morris Agency.
In 2007, OUT magazine named Gaffen the most influential gay man in America (congratulations!).

In films and TV shows, they often play socialites and sexy divas, but in reality they prefer their gender. It's just that fans don't always know about it. For example...


One of the first whose orientation was in doubt was the beautiful Greta Garbo. The actress herself never declared publicly that she preferred women, but her biographers came to the conclusion that if she was not a lesbian, then she was definitely bisexual. Moreover, some of her partners openly admitted in a relationship with Garbo. First it was the actress Lillian Teshman, then Fifi d'Orsay, and the writer Mercedes de Acosta released memoirs in which she frankly spoke about her relationship with Garbo (as well as Isadora Duncan and Marlene Dietrich).


At the feet of this man, women - you can’t say otherwise - fell in piles. He could choose any, but his heart leaned towards men. Although Cary Grant was married four times, he had only one child - a daughter, Jennifer Grant. Through numerous marriages, he hid his sexual orientation, which was just an open secret. The whole truth was revealed during the filming of a documentary about the actor, it turned out that he was a homosexual and lived with a man for more than ten years.


Everyone remembers one of the most sexy singers of the 80s. In the homes of Russian boys, posters with a luxurious bust of Samantha hung next to a photo of Pamela Anderson and other sex bombs. But only one Fox came out. Samantha once declared that she was in love with a woman. “It took me too long to realize that I really am a lesbian. I wanted to show everyone how happy we are. And that we are as normal as any heterosexual couple." Samantha regrets that she cannot have children with her partner, manager Mira Stratton. But he feels with her, as if behind a stone wall.


In the 90s, thousands of young women went crazy for this hot man. Big-eyed handsome broke a lot of girl's hearts. He conquered women not only from the stages of concert halls, but also from the TV screen, acting in serials. And although Ricky Martin often appeared in public with beautiful women, there were persistent rumors about his unconventional orientation. Therefore, his recognition in 2010 did not particularly surprise anyone. The singer, however, claims that he also loved all his women.


Former New Jersey Governor James McGreevy was married to Canadian Karen Joan Schultz for six years. He then married a second time, to Dina Matos from Portugal. Who later wrote in her memoirs that she would never have married McGreevy if she knew he was gay. The governor himself admitted that he was homosexual and that he had an affair with a man. The former governor now lives with her husband, a law professor at Keene University in New Jersey. After leaving office as governor, McGreevy studied at New York Theological Seminary in order to earn a Master of Divinity degree.


The cult series "Sex and the City" tells the story of four women who tirelessly solve problems with men. But one of them in real life has no problems with men, as she prefers women. Cynthia Nixon, who played the role of Miranda Hobbs in the series, was married. In this marriage, two children were born, whom the actress is raising with her current partner, Christine Marinoni.


The actress became famous thanks to the series "Roseanne", in which she starred for a long nine years. In recent years, from time to time flashes in the series "The Big Bang Theory" in the role of Leslie Winkle. Behind the actress are two lesbian marriages and ... three children. For two of them, she is the biological mother. Sarah Gilbert is currently living with singer Linda Perry.


Another star of the series "The Big Bang Theory", painted in homosexual colors - Jim Parsons. In the series, he plays the role of eccentric scientist Sheldon Cooper, who is constantly in conflict with those around him due to his intolerable nature. The actor never hid his orientation. For ten years now, he has been living with a boyfriend who is 4 years younger than him. And periodically, Jim Parsons receives awards from associations that support gays and lesbians.


Forward Real Madrid and the Portuguese national team Cristiano Ronaldo himself admitted to being gay a month ago. Apparently, he simply had no choice: a year ago he was suspected of having an affair with a man. French TV presenter Daniel Riolo said on air that the football star is in a homosexual relationship with the Dutch kickboxer of Moroccan origin Badr Hari. To prove his words, the TV presenter cited data from the Spanish press, which reported that Ronaldo spent a fabulous amount of about $ 21 million on private jet flights to Morocco to meet with a friend.


A stunning American actor who rose to fame through his roles in old movies. And already in those "forbidden" times, Cromwell preferred the company of men. However, he married a woman - actress Angela Lansbury. True, not for long. Their marriage lasted only a year. And both later admitted that their union was a mistake.


Jane Lynch really looks like a typical lesbian. She is known to the audience for her role as a cheerleading coach in the TV series Glee and for her roles in other films and TV shows, for which the actress received many prestigious awards. Jane Lynch is an active advocate for gay rights.


Famous actor Anthony Perkins has played in many films. To the audience, he is best remembered for his role as the maniac Norman Bates in Alfred Hitchcock's thriller Psycho. He also starred in the second part of the film, and directed the third part. But the real “psycho” for the actor was the struggle with his non-traditional orientation. Anthony Perkins first announced her, but then he underwent a course of special therapy and even got married. The marriage produced two children. The end of his life, however, was sad. The actor died in 1992 from AIDS.


The first success came to the actress in 1991 after the role of FBI agent Clarice Starling. Shortly thereafter, she openly declared her unconventional orientation. And although the actress has two sons, the names of their fathers are unknown to this day. Jodie Foster has a degree from American Yale University. She periodically appears in the list of the most influential American gays and lesbians.


A successful model and actress recently admitted that she had been deciding the issue of her sexual orientation since childhood, but she really fell in love with a girl for the first time only at the age of twenty. Cara Delevingne does not call herself a "100% lesbian", she had relationships with both women and men, and therefore she does not limit herself to either homosexual or bisexual, let alone heterosexual orientation.


The blond actor became famous in the role of a hero-lover and a womanizer. He gained attention as Barney Stinson on How I Met Your Mother. In it, he appears as a painful seducer, ready to do anything to get the girl into bed. But in real life, the actor prefers men, and besides, he promotes fidelity with him to the grave. Neil Patrick Harris confessed his sexual orientation in 2006. At that time, he had already lived with her current husband, David Bartka, for two years. Together they are raising twins, a boy and a girl, born in 2010 by a surrogate mother.

A criminal article for sodomy existed in our country from 1934 to 1993. Until the end of the 80s, about a thousand men were sent to prisons every year, and even in post-Soviet Russia, such sentences numbered in the hundreds. At the same time, not all cases known to the authorities were brought to court. This was especially true of the creative intelligentsia, for which, in terms of same-sex love, a mass of incriminating evidence was collected. They used it, however, only in relation to those who did not enjoy the favor of the party and government.

Let us recall the Soviet film, music and theater stars who were proven or alleged homosexuals and whose fates developed in different ways.

Georgy Millyar

The star of cult fairy tales, director Alexander Rou, despite his all-Union popularity, did not enjoy the special disposition of the Soviet authorities. For example, the title of People's Artist of the RSFSR was awarded to him only in 1988, when the actor was already well over 80

The reason for this is believed to be not only in social origin (Georgy Millyar was the son of the French aristocrat Franz de Milieu and changed his surname so that it would not be evident), but also in homosexuality. The artist even came close to going to jail for sodomy, and his friend Rowe insisted that he enter into a fictitious marriage as a distraction. So at the age of 65, Millyar married his neighbor in a communal apartment, 59-year-old Marya Vasilievna. At first, she did not understand the proposal and said that she did not need men, to which the groom uttered the phrase, which was widely disseminated later: “But I am not a man, I am Baba Yaga.”

It is not surprising that after the death of Alexander Rowe in 1973, the famous actor with a “bad” reputation did not receive more significant roles, and even an apartment with his wife, after moving out of a communal apartment, was allocated on the Moscow outskirts. In this obscurity, Millyar died in 1993, a little short of 90 years old.

Vadim Kozin

The legendary singer and songwriter was especially popular in the Soviet Union in the 30s and during the Great Patriotic War: during this period, more than 50 of his records were released in the country, for which huge queues lined up. Received Vadim Kozin and official recognition. It is reported that Marshal Ivan Bagramyan personally awarded him the Order of the Red Star for his performances at the front line, and in 1943 the artist spoke at the famous Tehran Conference

Kozin's career, however, came to an instant in 1944, when he was convicted of sodomy and child molestation for eight years and sent to Kolyma. There are legends about the true reasons for such severity in relation to the country's favorite, most of which mention a quarrel with the powerful head of the NKVD, Lavrenty Beria. Be that as it may, in prison Kozin continued to engage in creativity, taking advantage of the favor of the camp administration, and was released in 1950.

His career took off again, and a few years later the singer returned to the stages of the European part of Russia. However, in 1959, the incredible happened: he was again convicted under the same article and again sent to the Kolyma camps. This time, Kozin was imprisoned until 1968, and after his release he lived all his life in Magadan in the status of a local legend. He died in 1994, when he was over 90, and remained the only Soviet celebrity sentenced twice for homosexuality.

Rudolf Nureyev

The first Soviet "defector" from among the artists decided to stay in the West largely because of his sexual orientation, which was difficult to live in the USSR. As a young star of the Leningrad Opera and Ballet Theater named after Kirov (the current Mariinsky), Rudolf Nureyev could well earn a prison term for his love affairs in the "northern capital". So, the writer Gennady Trifonov told how in 1960 he found a brilliant dancer kissing a cadet of the Suvorov School right through the fence of this educational institution.

A year later, the 23-year-old Nureyev decided to stay in Paris, where he was on tour of his theater. On the plane, he even threatened to commit suicide with scissors if they tried to detain him. Thus began his dizzying Western career, as well as a free sex life. From Nureyev's novels with colleagues, the famous Dane Eric Brun and the aspiring American Robert Tracy, a long and serious relationship arose.

(Fragment from the memoirs of the famous Bulgarian ballerina Sonya Arova, a close friend of Eric) If Brun was the only dancer Rudik recognized as his equal, he was also the only one he allowed to exercise power over him. "Teach me this," he always told Eric. "If Eric played a role brilliantly, Rudik did not rest until he began to play the same role equally brilliantly," Sonya says. "It was the greatest stimulus for him for a very long time."

The legendary artist died, like many famous people of his sexual orientation at that time, from AIDS: having become infected in the early 80s, he lived until 1993 and was buried in the famous Parisian cemetery of Saint-Genevieve-des-Bois.

Yuri Bogatyrev

The actor, who starred in almost all the first films of Nikita Mikhalkov, the director, became famous thanks to them throughout the country. The first success came to Yuri Bogatyryov after the release of the film “At Home Among Strangers, A Stranger Among Our Own”, when he was only 27 years old. At the same time, he also had a successful theatrical career. Many envied the young celebrity, who seemed to have even more abundant laurels and high-profile achievements ahead. However, in reality, everything turned out to be much sadder.

The fact is that the actor from childhood was not like his peers, having an extremely feminine character. He did not like to play with boys, preferring the company of the opposite sex, doted on the dolls he made himself, and even put on his mother's dresses and jewelry. As it turned out later, all this was a sign of his sexual orientation. But it turned out to be incredibly difficult for Bogatyrev to accept the truth about himself, and, according to the testimonies of his friends, this internal struggle gradually destroyed him. The actor was not saved by relations with men, in which he nevertheless entered.

Being at the zenith of fame and seemingly without the slightest reason, Bogatyryov began to drink, take antidepressants, got fat and lost his shape. In 1988, he was awarded the title of People's Artist of the RSFSR, and on January 9 of the following year he was found in an apartment with a heart attack. Doctors injected the actor with clonidine, which was incompatible with the antidepressants he had taken the day before, and as a result, he died the very next day. At the time of his death, Bogatyrev was only 41 years old.

In the Soviet Union, as you know, there was no sex. And discussing your sexual orientation was not only indecent, but also life-threatening. Since 1934, a criminal article for sodomy has been in force in the country. But today we will talk about the outstanding personalities of Soviet cinema, theater and music, who did not neglect same-sex relationships.

Faina Ranevskaya
Until now, there are many rumors around the personal life of the great actress. And many stubbornly conclude that Faina Georgievna still preferred to love women. Remember her famous saying: “Lesbianism, homosexuality, masochism, sadism are not perversions. There are, in fact, only two perversions: field hockey and ballet on ice!”

Georgy Millyar
"All the evil spirits of our cinema"- so the actor called himself. Due to the unsociable nature, colleagues and neighbors accused the actor of all mortal sins in reality. The lack of a personal life gave rise to many rumors regarding his orientation. Although, of course, Georgy Frantsevich himself never openly declared his homosexuality.

Yuri Bogatyrev
"At home among strangers, a stranger among our own"- this is how you can characterize the life of this amazing actor in the realities of Soviet life. Yuri Georgievich very painfully perceived his so-called peculiarity. The denial of his nature eventually led the actor to severe depression, and in consequence to alcoholism, which caused the sudden death of this great actor.

Rudolf Nureyev
Despite world fame and the worship of the most senior officials, one thing awaited Nureyev in his homeland - imprisonment with confiscation of property. Therefore, his famous "leap to freedom" at the Paris airport was rather a forced step. They say that Rudolf Khametovich had a very bad temper. For example, his favorite pastime in the West was kissing passionately when meeting people, and then ironically remarking that this was an old Russian tradition.

Julia Lemigova
The last "Miss USSR" Yulia Lemigova has been living in the USA for many years. Since the 2000s, the model began dating the famous tennis player Martina Navratilova. In 2014, after the US Open, Navratilova proposed to her lover, and a couple of months later the couple got married in New York.

Sergei Parajanov
The famous director was openly bisexual. He had two wives, but this did not prevent the meter from having relationships with men. In 1974, Sergei Parajanov was convicted under the article for "sodomy". He spent four long years in prison, where he even tried to commit suicide several times.

Sergei Eisenstein
An innovator, the creator of cult films included in the golden fund of world cinema, Sergei Eisenstein never hid his tender feelings for men, despite the presence of a wife. In many of his films, he frankly admires the beauty of the male body. "If not for Marx, Engels and Lenin, I would be the second Oscar Wilde"- said the great director.

Vadim Kozin
It is known that Vadim Kozin received the Order of the Red Star for his performances on the front lines during the Great Patriotic War. But even this did not help the legendary singer avoid imprisonment. Moreover, Vadim Kozin is the only celebrity of the USSR who was convicted twice for homosexuality. In total, the artist spent about 15 years of his life in the camps.
