It is a transparent invisible light and colorless gas. He is a transparent invisible, Light and colorless gas.

He is a transparent invisible, Light and colorless gas. He envelops us with a weightless scarf. He is in the forest - thick, fragrant, Like a healing infusion, It smells of resinous freshness, It smells of oak and pine. In summer it is warm, It blows cold in winter, When frost colors the glass And lies on them with a border. We don't notice it, We don't talk about it. We just breathe it in - We need it!

slide 4 from the presentation "Air". The size of the archive with the presentation is 3152 KB.

The world around 3 class

summary of other presentations

"The Human Body" - Lesson Plan. What is more important for a person - wealth or fame. Working process. Human organism. Crossword "Organism". World around us. Practical work. Human organism. Proverbs about health. Anatomy is the science of the structure of the human body.

"Wind" - The movement of warm air. I.K. Aivazosky "The Ninth Wave". How will the wind blow in the area day and night. Vane. Aivazovsky I.K. B. Shcherbakov "Fresh breeze". wind characteristic. Wind. Air compresses as it cools. How to prove that warm air takes up more space than cold air. Correct answer. Storm. Warm air expands when heated. Warm air takes up more space than cold air.

"Chaos and Order" - Stolen Sun. The sun. Chaos and order. Give the numbers of the squares. The game "Believe - do not believe." Universe. Peace. Order. Earth. Planets.

"Human skin" - Saprophyte. What an interesting feature our skin has. observation. The skin must be washed. The skin is a reliable defense of the body. Cleanliness is the key to health. Outer covering of a person. What do you think we will study, explore in the lesson. Press your finger on the skin, you will see that this place will first turn white. The structure of the skin. Can a person do without skin. Can the skin be called a respiratory organ? Statement of the educational task.

"History of the Kuban" - Peoples of the Caucasus. Beginning of XX century. War between Russia and Turkey. Monument to Catherine II. Caucasian war. There is no future without the past. Eternal possession. Gold of the Kuban. Herodotus. Annexation of Crimea. Letter of Companion from Empress Catherine II. Russian Tmutarakan principality. Giants and dwarfs. Resettlement of the Cossacks to the Kuban. Greek settlements in the Kuban. Ancient people. The country is huge. Winter Olympics in Sochi.

"Dogs in Space" - Veterans of space flight. Among all animals, the largest group of astronauts are dogs. Gypsy did not fly into space anymore. A squad of space mongrels. Tests began with flights to an altitude of 100-150 km. First orbital flight - Laika. At the beginning of space exploration, the risk was too great. Dog suits. The spacecraft did not have a descent vehicle, it was doomed. Belka and Strelka. 9 dog flights.

It is colorless and odorless, invisible, without which we cannot live. Very light, but has such pressure that several pairs of horses cannot overcome it - all these are properties that describe children's riddles about air. They will be useful for schoolchildren in grades 2-3 in lessons about the world around them. In developing classes, invite the children to come up with riddles about the air on their own, and you will appreciate what features of the air are familiar to your students.

He is invisible, and yet,
We cannot live without it.
And even, frankly,
You can't light a fire. (Air)

There is paper and firewood,
Branches, brushwood and grass,
There are matches, but without me
Don't set fire to you.
Who am I? (Air.)

He is around, he is invisible, only everyone needs:
People, balls and tires, diver, underwater.
Bird, fish, and cars, that's the mysterious one.

We've lived with him all our lives, but we've never seen him.

Needed for breathing
With the wind, the blizzard is very friendly.
Surrounds you and me
Do not catch it with your hand! (Air)

There is an invisibility: it does not ask for a house,
And before people run in a hurry.

We don't notice it
We don't talk about him.
We just breathe it in
We need him...

It has no weight or color!

Always surrounds us
We breathe it easily.
It is odorless, colorless.
Guess what it is? (Air)

He is a transparent invisible
Light and colorless gas.
He envelops us with a weightless scarf.

Birds are flying in the sky - on it,
The plane flies in the mountains - on it,
Our oxygen enters the body "through it",
Without him, we have no life - no one ...

They breathe animals, birds, people,
Without it, we will not get fire,
Without it there is no life anywhere -
Even those who live in water... (Air)

Peas scattered on seventy roads;
no one to collect - no priests,
neither to deacons, nor to us fools.

Peas scattered along a hundred roads,
no one will pick it up.
neither king nor queen
no pretty girl
not a white fish.

You can't live without him
No eating, no drinking, no talking.
And even, frankly,
You can't light a fire.

What do you see in the room?

What can you not see in the room or on the street?

What are we breathing?
What do we not see?

Passes through the nose to the chest
And the reverse is on its way.
He's invisible and yet
We cannot live without it. (Air)

What is always around us, but we do not see it?

I am an insidious arsonist.
You want fire - here you go!
I am the omnipotent oxidizer
(If you only give firewood).

Difficult riddles about air

If you put chestnuts on hot coals, they crack with a strong crack. Why? .. Answer-(The air under the shell of the chestnut expands from heating and breaks it with a crack)

Even in calm weather, when the wind does not move the leaves, the aspen does not remain at rest. Her leaves are trembling all the time. Why? ... Answer - (Even in the calmest weather, vertical air currents move above the ground. Warm jets rise up, cold ones fall. Aspen leaves, which have thin long petioles, are sensitive to the slightest air movements)

In a poem by A.S. Pushkin's "Caucasus" there are such words: "The eagle, having risen from a distant peak, soars motionless with me on a par." Explain why eagles, hawks, kites and other large birds soaring high in the sky can stay at the same height without flapping their wings? Answer - (The air heated near the ground rises to a considerable height. These warm air currents hit the outstretched wings of the bird from below and support it.)

Why do our feet get cold first of all in cold rooms? ... Answer - (Cold air is heavier and therefore always near the floor).

Interesting facts about air riddles:

Magdeburg hemispheres

In 1654 Otto Guericke made an experiment in Magdeburg to prove the existence of atmospheric pressure. He pumped the air out of the cavity between two metal hemispheres stacked together. The pressure of the atmosphere pressed the hemispheres together so strongly that eight pairs of horses could not tear them apart.

He is a transparent invisible, Light and colorless gas. He envelops us with a weightless scarf. He is in the forest - thick, fragrant, Like a healing infusion, It smells of resinous freshness, It smells of oak and pine. In summer it is warm, It blows cold in winter, When frost colors the glass And lies on them with a border. We don't notice it, We don't talk about it. We just breathe it in - We need it!

Air is moving Take a piece of paper and wave it around your face. You will feel a light breeze, these are air vibrations; The movement of air in a horizontal direction is called wind; Wind occurs when cold air replaces warm air.

Warm air rises People noticed this property of air and decided to use it to lift various objects up. So they came up with a balloon, an airship. This property of air can also be seen on the street, when, for example, warm air from pipes rises.

The air retains heat Why do animals put on warm fluffy coats for the winter? In fluffy fur coats between the villi there is more air, which retains heat. Why do animals and birds hide in the snow in extreme cold? Although the snow is cold, there is air between the snowflakes. This air also protects animals from the cold.

Aksana Krikunova
Experimental activity in the preparatory group "Transparent Invisible"

Acquaintance with the environment

Topic of the lesson: « transparent invisible» .

Program content:

To give children knowledge that air is a condition for the life of all living beings on Earth.

Continue to acquaint children with some properties of air.

During the experimental activities to teach children to observe, reflect, compare, answer questions, draw conclusions, follow safety rules.

Develop observational and curiosity skills and creative research work.

Activate and enrich children's speech by reading poems and staging a fairy tale "Dispute", answers to questions.

Cultivate an interest in the reality around us.

vocabulary work:

Air, transparent, invisible, gas, odorless, colorless, living, not living.

Preparing for the lesson:

Artistic word;

Little men are clever;

Didactic games;

Balloons for each child;

- masks: sun, water, air, plants;

Glasses of water for each child;



2 sheets of paper;

paper man;

Basin with water;

Frozen water in a bottle;

Hot water;

Cards - blue and red;

Course progress.

Children stand in a circle, the teacher guesses riddle:

He surrounds us everywhere

All space fills.

He invisible, but still

We cannot live without it.

No trees, no animals

No bugs, no frogs. (air)

Let's remember the poem « transparent invisible» .

He - transparent invisible,

Light and colorless gas.

Weightless scarf

He envelops us.

He is in the forest - thick, fragrant,

Like a healing potion

It smells of resinous freshness,

Smells like oak and pine.

In summer it is warm

Blows cold in winter

When the frost lay on the glass

Lush white fringe

We don't notice it

We don't talk about him.

We just breathe it in

We do need him. !

Guys, of course, you already guessed that today we will talk about the air we breathe.

Now, guys, take a breath and try not to breathe. Take a deep breath and hold your breath.

What did you feel when you weren't breathing? Did you feel comfortable? (poorly)

What can be the conclusion?

Output: Man cannot live without air.

(children sit down)

And tell me, who else needs air? (children's answers). In one word, wildlife.

Guys, what kind of nature do we have? (alive and not alive).

Let's name 5 signs alive:




Let's play a game with you "What's extra?".

caregiver Q: But what is air?

Who among you saw him?

Maybe it doesn't exist at all?

What would be the answer to all these questions: "Is there air, where and how to detect it?". For this I invite you to our experimental laboratory.

Take a balloon and blow it up. What do you think is inside the balloon? (air). Now deflate the balloon and put it on the table. What came out of the balloon? (air).

Do you think there is air inside our body?

Let's check: dip the straw into a glass of water and blow into it. What appears, bubbles, means air comes out of our body.

Do you think there is air in the water? (children's answers)

Let's check: Throw a pebble into a glass of water. What appeared around the stone? (bubbles). So there is air in the water too.

Go to your seats

Now let's check if there is air around us?

To do this, I will take 2 sheets of paper, the same size. I'll squeeze one into a ball. Now I will stand on a chair and at the same time release 2 sheets from my hands.

Which leaf fell to the floor faster? Why do you think the sheet that we crumpled fell to the floor faster than straightened. ?

Output: The weight of 2 sheets is the same, but the lump fell faster, and the sheet was slower, it was trapped by air. The larger the surface of the sheet, the slower it falls.

Experience number 5. "Diver".

I have a glass in my hands, there is a paper man, I attached it to the bottom of the glass, turn the glass over and try to immerse it in water. Water does not enter the glass, why? There is air in the glass

Do you think there is air in frozen water? Let's check!

A bottle of frozen water is placed in hot water, and a balloon is put on the neck of the bottle. And let's see what happens to the ball.

Output: air is everywhere and around.

Now let's consolidate our knowledge, let's play game: "Agree or Disagree". Do you have 2 circle: Red and blue. I will say a statement, if you agree with me, raise the blue circle, and if not, then red. We listen carefully.

1. Air surrounds us from all sides. (blue)

2. Air is not visible, and it transparent. (blue)

3. Man can live without air. (Red)

4. Air has its own taste. (the air has no taste) (Red)

5. A paper ball falls slower than a flat sheet. (Red)

6. Clean air is odorless. (blue)

But the air very well assigns other people's smells. What can the air smell like?

Freshness after the rain;

Pine resin;

Smoke if a fire is burning nearby.

7. Name proverbs and sayings about wind:

The wind sways the sea

Look for the wind in the field.

Whoever sows the wind will reap the whirlwind.

Don't puff up against the wind.

Children stand in a circle and squat down.


Close your eyes and we will rest. The sun is shining brightly, a light breeze is blowing. I breathe clean fresh air. The air smells of frosty freshness. I feel good and happy. I am very glad that I met with the wonderful world of nature. I want to live in peace with nature.

Open your eyes and listen to music. What reminded you

music (Rain, thunder, wind).

Children, where does rain and snow come from? (the wind drove the clouds).

What is wind? (air movement)

How can you feel the wind? (waving palms)

What do you feel about it? (coolness, freshness).

caregiver Q: Where does the wind come from?

How is it formed?

That's how. The sun heats the Earth not equally, somewhere warmer, and somewhere colder. Masses of cold air rush to where warm air has made room for cold air, because warm air is lighter than cold air, and warm air rises and cold air takes its place below. And when warm and cold air combine, wind is formed. Let's do an experiment

Let's light 2 candles. Let's open the door to the street. We hold one candle at the bottom near the door, the other at the top. The flame of the upper candle is directed outward, and the lower one is directed inward. As you and I said, the cold air is heavy, clumsy, it comes to us from below into the room and the flame of the candle goes inside. And the warm air is light, it rises and goes to travel outside. Where they meet, the wind appears. Wind is the movement of air.

Now listen to an excerpt from a poem by A. S. Pushkin "Wind, wind, you are mighty".

Wind, wind, you are mighty

You drive flocks of clouds

You excite the blue sea

Proudly soaring in space.

The wind is walking on the sea

And the boat pushes,

He runs in waves

On swollen sails.

Guys let's play now game: "Clever and Wise".

I will ask you questions, and you will be for the correct answer

receive "little man - clever or clever".


What is wind? (air movement)

Name a spider that uses the air to build its home? (diving spider; silverfish spider)

Where is the air better in the forest or in the city? (in the forest)

And when the air in the city becomes fresher and cleaner? (when it rains or snows)

Why plant "Tumbleweed" called it that way? (Because only the wind can tear this plant off the ground, and roll it around the field for a long, long time, like a bun.)

“Once upon a time, tourists gathered for a hike. One of them, named Pyotr Ivanovich, loved butterflies. He watched them everywhere. "I'd rather get to the top! There must be so many butterflies, dragonflies and beetles that I have never seen in my life!” he thought. But the higher and higher the tourists climbed, the butterflies and dragonflies became less and less. And they did not fly, but mostly crawled on the ground. At the very top, no one flew at all. Pyotr Ivanovich was surprised and thought: “Why don’t butterflies still live here?”? (The higher we climb the mountains, the stronger the wind becomes. In a strong wind, insects cannot fly, the wind blows them away and takes them away).

What plants with flying seeds do you know? (birch, maple, poplar, ash, linden, reed, pine, spruce).

What sources of air pollution do you know? (cars, factories)

Leading: That's how many little men you've earned. Well done.

Guys, and now we will remember a fairy tale with you "Dispute".

Fairy tale "DISPUTE"

children wear masks

Leading: Water and Air once argued about which of them is more important?

Water: You can't live on Earth without me.

Air: And without me there is no life on Earth.

Leading: They argued for a long time. To resolve the dispute, we decided to ask someone. We asked the plants.

Water and Air: What is more important for you - air or water?

Plants: You can't live without water. We need water for growth and nutrition.

Leading: The water rejoiced!

Water: "I am the most important"!

Plants: But you can't live without air! We need it to breathe.

Leading: The air rejoiced!

Air: "I am the most important"!

Leading: Water and Air looked at each other, and decided to ask people and animals. But the same is heard here.

The sun heard their dispute, surprised:

The sun: "What did you forget about me? After all, I give light and warmth. After all, if there is no me, it will become dark and cold on Earth. It's so cold that the water turns to ice. And then plants, animals, and people will die. All living things will perish."

Leading: And they decided not to argue with each other anymore. Boiling life on Earth. And everything for this life important:

Air: And Air!

Water: And Water!

The sun: And the Sun!

Holding hands and talking:

Everything: "Together we are strong!"- raise your hands up.

caregiver Q: What did we learn in class today?

What did you like about the lesson?

(children's answers)

This concludes our lesson. But after sleep, we will still talk about the wind and I will read you a fairy tale called "Southern Wind".

"Air Magician"
(middle group)
Compiled by: Melyakina
Elena Vladimirovna
(teacher of the 1st category)
He is a transparent invisible
Light and colorless gas.
He envelops us with a weightless scarf.
He is thick, fragrant in the forest,
Like a healing potion.
It smells of resinous freshness,
Smells like oak and pine.
In summer it is warm
It blows cold in winter.
When the frost lay on the glass
Lush white fringe.
We don't notice it
We don't talk about him.
We just breathe it in
We do need him.
Relevance of the project: Relevance and effectiveness of the project
is that directly to the child
given the opportunity not only to express themselves, but also
replenish knowledge. At the same time, developing creative abilities
and communication skills, the initial prerequisites are formed
project activities, as well as providing
individual developmental trajectory of the child, where
opportunity to participate in the project
according to his abilities and interests.
Thus, the actions of the educator are to
to help every child to believe in himself, to create
"success situation", evaluate your capabilities, lay
foundations of intellectual education.
Project object: air.
Subject of the object: how, using the properties of air, to show
Project goals:

develop the child's creative abilities, activating
thinking in the process of expanding specially-modeled
air problems.

Enrich the child's personal experience and create conditions for
expansion of ideas about the properties of air: "possesses
force”, “transmits odors”, etc.

develop the search activity of the child: the ability
plan the stages of their actions, argue their
choice; ability to find innovative solutions
problematic situations, come up with new variations
ways to use ordinary things; systematization
knowledge about the properties of air; level improvement
accumulated practical skills: experimenting with
objects of inanimate nature; creation of items
substitutes, supplementing them with the appropriate parts

Activate the child's speech;

to teach the child to develop hypotheses, to develop
striving for independent acquisition of knowledge by experienced
Hypothesis: Air is present everywhere and it is not visible, but it
can be used.
Stages of work on the project:
Stage 1 - preparatory (1 week)
At the first stage of the project implementation, search and
analytical or preparatory, we are based on
interests of the child, a survey was conducted
parents, discussion of the goals, objectives of the project with
parents, creating the conditions necessary for
project implementation. Then they identified the problem: where
find invisible-air? What would you like to know about it?
Application of air. How and from what sources do we
can we get information about the air?
Stage 2 - main (2 weeks)
Accumulation of knowledge and skills in various forms
- conversations (where to find the invisibility; properties of the invisibility;
how items work; what the invisible man can do), stories
from encyclopedias, videos (air in nature)
– game, learning and creatively developing situations
different types (what happens to air, what happens to
air when we do actions; why air
moving, etc.)
– labor activity (production of a model
kite, "cunning snake" to determine
air properties);
– experimental research activity
(“How to see the air?”, “Why does the air
ball?”, “Why is it cold in winter and warm in summer?”, “What
can the air? and etc.);
- Problem solving and problem solving
check that the air has power, etc.);
- manifestation of the action of air in nature;
– thematic classes: (“What is the air in our
city?”, “Properties of air”, “Air is invisible).
Stage 3 - presentation (1 week)
- making a kite model;
– activity-entertainment "Air magician";
- a reflection of the acquired knowledge about the properties of air in
drawings "Invisible Away".
Project participants: children, educators, parents.
Equipment and materials: jars, cups, sticks,
soap bubbles, plastic bags, corks, small
toys, plasticine, made kites, hair dryer, sailboat,
balloons, balls, etc.; educational literature,
paintings and illustrations, video footage, camera,
materials for productive activities, computer.
Intended product of the project: activity-entertainment
"Air magician", drawing "Invisible Away".
1. N.A. Ryzhova "Invisible Air" Moscow, 1998
2. E.V. Marudova “Introduction of preschoolers to the environment
peace" St. Petersburg. "Childhood Press", 2011
GCD on the topic: "Air is invisible"
(for middle-aged children)

Give children an idea of ​​what is
air is one of the conditions for the existence of living

Generate interest in experimental
activities, modeling.

Develop logical thinking, interest in
natural phenomena.

· Raise the desire to keep the air clean.
vocabulary work
ta: Enrich the children's vocabulary with the words:
laboratory, transparent, invisible, experiments.
Preliminary work:
- wind observations;
- conducting experiments that prove the ease
Lesson progress:
Educator: - Guys, I will now give you a riddle,
and you try to guess it:
The path goes through the nose
And it's on its way back.
He is invisible, and yet,
We cannot live without it.
Educator: - That's right, it's air.
- Guys, who knows who is studying the air. (Scientists)
- Where do scientists work? (in the laboratory)
- Do you want to play scientists and visit our
The teacher tells the children about the rules of behavior in
- Guys, let's conduct experiments with you:
Experience 1: Blow into a tube lowered into a glass with
Educator: - Blow into a tube lowered into a glass
with water. What's happening?
(bubbles come out)
Educator: - You see! So we have air.
inside. We blow into the tube and it comes out. But to
blow some more, we first inhale new air, and then
exhale through a tube and get bubbles.
Educator: - Guys, what bubbles can you still
let in? (soapy)
Educator: - Do you want to allow soap? (Yes)
- What do you think is inside the soap
Children: - soap.
Educator: Of course, soap!
Educator: - Soap bubbles are obtained from soap
solution and air by inflation. Bubble
increases in size when air enters.
When blowing soap bubbles, we exhale air from
(Each child inflates their own bubble)
Educator: - Look, everyone got a bubble
different, someone has a big one, someone has a small one, but they all
made from soapy water.
Educator: - Tell me, can we see the air with you?
- That's right, we don't see, but what do you think, we catch
can we do it? (no)
Educator: - A
you want me to show you
how can you catch
Experience 2: What's in the package?
Educator: -
Let's take
plastic bag.
- What's in it? (is he
Let's put it together a few times. look,
how thin he is.
- Let's together with you we will draw air into the bag and
twist the open end. Look at the package
elastic, tight.
Educator: - And now, what do you see? (In the package
Educator: - And if you and I let him go, what
will happen to the package?
(it will become flat and thin)
Educator: - Let's take air into the bag together,
and then release it together.
Educator: - There is air around us, only we
we do not see it, but with the help of the nose, we can see it
What can we use to smell? (from
with the help of the wind)
Educator: - And how can you create wind conditions in
our laboratory.
- Correctly with the help of a breeze, a fan, a hair dryer, a turntable.
Educator: - What else do you think can be done
with the wind?
(Waves on the water, let the ships go, make a fan and
blow on face)
Educator: - I wave the fan, push the air,
wind is produced. If I don't spin the turntable, then
the air is not moving and the spinner is not spinning.
- It turns out that the air moves and conveys to us
different smells, although the air itself has no smell.
Educator: - Today we tried to see
air and catch it, and still I offer it to you
- Do you know how it can be done?
- But, before we carry out the following
task, we need to refresh ourselves:
Physical education:
The wind blows from above.
Grasses and flowers bend.
Right - left, left - right
Flowers and herbs sway. (Tilts to the side).
And let's get together
Let's all jump in place. (Jumping).
Above! Have fun! Like this.
Let's go one step at a time. (Walking in place).
So the game is over, it's time to deal with us. (Children
sit down).
Experience 3: "What does it sound like?"
Educator: - I suggest you now hear
air. Let's take the bottles and put them on
lower lip and blow from the side into the neck.
- What happens to the air? (he whistles)
- Let's take the edge of a piece of thin paper
(you can foil) put it on your lips and blow along
it so that sound is produced.
Educator: - What's going on?
Children exhale a stream of air, the edge of the paper trembles. He
makes the air tremble, so sound is produced.
Educator: - In order to confirm, let's
just put the paper to our lips and try something
- What are we feeling? (feel the paper shake)
Educator: - What do you think, what other items
make sounds?
- Of course, this is the rustle of leaves - the rustling of paper;
transfusion of water - the sound of a stream; tapping fingers on
metal - the sound of rain.
Educator: - Well done guys, you coped with
tasks like real scientists, and even managed
the last task, which we will talk about in more detail
with you at the next meeting.
