Review of the best eggplant varieties with descriptions and photos. Early eggplants for greenhouses and open ground

What kind of eggplant to choose?

Eggplant varieties and their characteristics

There are quite a few varieties on the market today. eggplant. It is very important for the gardener not to make a mistake in choosing. AT middle lane varieties intended for the southern zone should not be cultivated. It is better to choose a variety or hybrid recommended for your region. It is also possible to choose varieties suitable for open or protected ground.

Most of the new varieties and hybrids are compact plants of medium height (Matrosik, Maksik, Lebediny). With a height of no more than 40-65 cm, the varieties Almaz, Quartet, Serial differ. Vigorous hybrids - Behemoth (1.9-2.1 m), Pelican (1.2-1.8 m), Surprise (1.4-1.6 m).

Vegetable growers have the following requirements for modern eggplant varieties: they must be high-yielding, resistant to the main pathogens and pests, have good-tasting fruits with pulp without bitterness, with a small amount of seeds and a high content of solids.

AT southern regions countries process the bulk of the harvest for canned food. There, requirements are imposed on the size and shape of fruits in accordance with the processing method. Varieties used for the preparation of canned saute should have cylindrical fruits, about 6-8 cm in diameter, with pulp white color, without voids.

The shell of the fruit should fit snugly against the pulp - it is convenient to cut such fruits into narrow transverse circles. For cooking eggplant caviar Preferably fruits are rounded, with denser pulp.

When growing eggplant in northern regions early maturing varieties resistant to low temperatures are needed.

AT dry areas varieties that tolerate the lack of moisture in the soil and air are preferred.

By duration growing season very early varieties are distinguished - from germination to technical ripeness in less than 100 days; early - 101-115 days; mid-early - 116-130; late - 131-150 and very late - more than 150 days. However, depending on the growing conditions in a particular region, the beginning of fruiting in some years can shift by 20 or more days in one direction or another.

Eggplant varieties with pulp without bitterness:

Early varieties of eggplant


The fruits ripen on the 90-100th day after full germination. The fruit is cylindrical, dark purple, glossy, smooth, 15-18 cm long, weighing 100-190 g. The flesh is dense, white, with a pleasant taste. Fruits weighing more than 250 g are light purple. The variety is resistant to tobacco and cucumber mosaic viruses, tolerant to other diseases. Productivity in film greenhouses is 8-10 kg per 1 m 2.

F1 Behemoth

The fruits ripen on the 101st day after full shoots. The fruit is pear-shaped, dark purple in technical ripeness, 18-22 cm long, rounded apex. The pulp is medium dense, greenish-white. The taste is good and excellent. Fruit weight 322-341 g. Productivity 17.3 kg per 1 m 2.

F1 Valentine

The fruits ripen on the 90-95th day after full germination. The fruits are cylindrical, purple-black, shiny, smooth, 25-26 cm long, weighing 200-270 g. The flesh is dense, greenish-white. Resistant to tobacco mosaic virus. Productivity up to 10 kg / m 2.


The fruits ripen on the 107-122nd day after full germination. The fruit is shortened pear-shaped, 11.5-14 cm long, 6-8 cm in diameter, dull, greenish-violet. The pulp is white-green, medium density with a large number of seeds, good taste. Fruit weight 102-123 g. Productivity 8.2-12.6 kg per 1 m 2.

F1 Max

The fruits ripen in 90-100 days from full shoots. The fruits are oblong-cylindrical, dark purple, shiny, smooth, up to 25 cm long, weighing 180-250 g. The flesh is dense, greenish-white. The taste is excellent. Productivity over 10 kg from 1 m 2.

F1 Nancy

The fruits ripen on the 75-85th day after full germination. Fruits are oblong-ovoid, dark purple, shiny, weighing 60-80 g. The flesh is dense, greenish-white with a pleasant taste. Productivity is 3.5-5 kg ​​per 1 m 2.

Purple Haze

The fruits ripen on the 102nd day after full germination. The fruits are cylindrical, 15-18 cm long, 4-6 cm in diameter, glossy, from light lilac to lilac in color, with delicate skin and whitish flesh. Fruit weight 150-196 g. Productivity up to 10 kg per 1 m 2.

F1 Purple Wonder

The fruits ripen on the 95-100th day after full germination. The fruits are cylindrical, slightly curved, medium length, smooth, shiny, dark purple. The flesh is greenish-white with a pleasant taste. Fruit weight 100-350 g. Productivity up to 5 kg per 1 m 2.

Mid-season varieties of eggplant


The fruits ripen on the 109-150th day after full germination. The fruits are cylindrical, dark purple, 15-20 cm long, 3-6 cm in diameter. The flesh is greenish, dense, without bitterness. Fruit weight 100-170 g. Productivity up to 8 kg/m2. It is recommended for cultivation in those regions where this crop produces an open field crop.


From germination to technical ripeness 118-125 days. The plant is compact, 75-90 cm high. The leaves are dark green, medium in size. The fruits are cylindrical, dark purple in technical ripeness. Fruit length 20-22 cm, diameter 5-5.7 cm. The flesh is white, dense, without bitterness. Fruit weight 125-170 g. Weakly affected by anthracnose and phytophthora. Yield 6 kg/m2


The fruits ripen on the 104-110th day after full germination. The fruit is oval, short, striped - with lilac and white stripes, glossy. The pulp is white. Fruit weight 143 g. Productivity up to 5 kg per 1 m 2.


The fruits ripen on the 100-130th day after full germination. Light green leaves and a green, anthocyanin-free stem well set off the white color of flowers and fruits of a cylindrical shape, 18-22 cm long and 5-7 cm in diameter with a very thin skin. The flesh is also white and very tender. Fruit weight 128-330 g. Productivity 2-3 kg per 1 m 2.

F1 Pelican

The fruits ripen on the 116-117th day after full germination. The fruit is cylindrical, 16-17 cm long, 4.5-5.2 cm in diameter. In technical ripeness, white, slightly glossy, with dense white pulp. Fruit weight 90-134 g. Productivity up to 7 kg per 1 m 2.

F1 Ping Pong

The fruits ripen on the 116-117th day after full germination. The fruit is round-oval, 5-7 cm long, 4.5-6.8 cm in diameter, white in technical ripeness, slightly glossy, with dense white pulp. Fruit weight 87-93 g. Productivity up to 7 kg per 1 m 2.


The fruits ripen on the 116th day after full shoots. The fruit is cylindrical, glossy, dark purple, 20-22 cm long, 7-8 cm in diameter, weighing 300-400 g. The flesh is greenish-creamy, contains few seeds. The taste is excellent. Productivity 4.1-4.3 kg per 1 m 2.

This page contains the best early eggplant varieties for open ground and greenhouses, various colors, shapes and shades. Here are described low-growing and tall varieties suitable for cultivation in different climatic zones and regions. Varieties for the Moscow region, the north-west, Siberia, the Urals, northern regions you can choose based on the reviews in the comments, which are left by gardeners from various parts of Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, the Baltic states, etc. Enjoy your viewing.


An ultra-early, unpretentious eggplant variety bred at the West Siberian Vegetable Experimental Station for open ground and film shelters. The bush is low, compact, standard, 50-60 cm high.

Fruits of an elongated shape with a slight thickening towards the bottom, in the stage of maturity dark purple, weighing up to 200 g, excellent palatability. These eggplants are recommended for culinary processing and canning.

Eggplant variety Early ripening gives a guaranteed harvest in any summer, even in Siberia.

Sowing seeds for seedlings is carried out in late February-early March. When planting seedlings in the ground per 1 sq. meter plot placed up to 6 plants.

Eggplant Siberian early 148

Very early productive variety eggplant for growing in open ground and film shelters. The plant is short, standard, up to 50 cm high.

The fruits are elongated pear-shaped, weighing 150-200 grams, dark purple in color, good taste without bitterness. These eggplants are good for home cooking and canning.

The variety is very unpretentious, adapted to the conditions of the Urals and Siberia. Shows a stable yield in any weather.

Grow eggplant through seedlings. Sowing seeds is carried out in late February-early March. Eggplant seedlings are planted in the ground after the cessation of night frosts. It is desirable to place plants in the ground according to the scheme: 60-70 x 25-30 cm.

Eggplant Vera

An early ripe variety of eggplant for growing in open ground and in film shelters. The period from germination to the beginning of ripening is 100-118 days.

The bush is compact, 70-90 cm high. The leaves are medium in size, purple-green, notched.

The fruits are pear-shaped, bright purple at maturity with a characteristic light stripe under the calyx, 15-20 cm long, weighing 125-200 grams. The skin of the eggplant is thin, the flesh is white, without voids. These eggplants can be used in home cooking and canning.

Advantages of Vera: early ripeness, stable yield, high marketability of fruits.

Eggplant Long Purple

Early ripening (95-110 days from germination to the beginning of ripening), a productive eggplant variety for open ground and film shelters. The bush is erect, compact, 40-55 cm high.

The fruits are oblong-cylindrical, dark purple in technical ripeness, yellow or brown in biological ripeness, glossy, weighing 150-300 grams, 12-24 cm long. The pulp is greenish-white, dense, juicy, tender, tasty, without bitterness. These eggplants are good for canning, salting, culinary processing.

Variety value: resistance to a complex of diseases, high marketability and transportability of fruits.

Eggplant Nutcracker

Early ripe, high-yielding, unpretentious eggplant hybrid. In the middle lane, it is recommended to grow it in a greenhouse.

Bush up to 1.5 meters high, but not sprawling.

The fruits are round-pear-shaped (pot-bellied), glossy, in the stage of maturity of a rich purple color, weighing 200-250 grams (in favorable conditions up to 350), 12-14 cm long. Pulp of medium density, without bitterness, excellent taste. These eggplants are suitable for long-term storage and transportation.

yield in extended turnover - 13-15 kg / sq.m, in spring-summer 7-8 kg from 1 sq.m of plantings. It is desirable to plant plants according to the scheme: 60 x 40 cm.

The value of eggplant Nutcracker F1: early ripeness, high yield and marketability of fruits, excellent taste of products.

Eggplant Valentine

The earliest (90-95 days from germination to maturity) of all eggplant hybrids, which has a very high resistance to diseases and sets fruits well even with a lack of light and heat.

The bush is semi-spreading, 70-90 cm high, depending on growing conditions. The leaves are medium sized, green, with a notched margin.

The fruits are elongated, cydindrichesky, leveled, dark purple at maturity, weighing 200-220 grams, up to 26 cm long, about 5 cm in diameter. The flesh is white, without bitterness and practically without seeds. These eggplants are used for home cooking and canning.

The hybrid is resistant to TMV.

Grown through seedlings, sowing in late February-early March. Eggplant seedlings are planted in the ground after the cessation of night frosts. It is desirable to place plants in the ground according to the scheme: 60-70 x 25-30 cm.

Eggplant Bibo

Mid-season, high-yielding and disease-resistant Dutch eggplant hybrid for greenhouses and open ground. The main advantage of this eggplant is that the plucked fruits retain their taste for a long time.

Bush with short internodes, which provides an abundance of ovaries on it. Bush height 80-90 cm.

The fruits are oval-conical, smooth, glossy, leveled, white at maturity, weighing 300-400 grams, up to 18 cm long, up to 8 cm in diameter. The pulp is dense, white, of excellent quality and taste. These eggplants are good for home cooking.

It is preferable to grow Bibo F1 eggplant seedlings without picking, which provides more early collection harvest.

The hybrid is characterized by rapid growth and the ability to set fruits in extreme conditions.

Eggplant Giselle

Early ripe (107 - 117 from germination to maturity), cold-resistant, high-yielding eggplant hybrid for greenhouses and open ground. The bush is compact, up to 120 cm high. The leaves are large, green, the edge of the sheet is even, without thorns

The fruits are cylindrical, dark purple, glossy at maturity, up to 25 cm long, up to 7 cm in diameter, weighing 300-500 grams. The pulp is white, excellent taste. Suitable for long term storage.

Productivity depending on growing conditions: in extended turnover - 14-16 kg / sq.m, in spring-summer - 7-9 kg / sq.m.

Variety value: early ripeness, high productivity, compactness of plants, weak prickly, high taste qualities of fruits.

When planting seedlings in a permanent place per 1 sq. m, it is recommended to plant no more than 4-6 plants, since the thickening of plantings leads to a decrease in yield.

Eggplant Taste of mushrooms

Early ripe (95-105 days from germination to ripening) eggplant variety for greenhouses and open ground. The bush is compact, closed, 50-70 cm high. The leaves are medium in size, green, the edges are slightly wavy.

The fruits are cylindrical, white at maturity, weighing 150-200 grams, with a thin skin. The pulp is milky white, without bitterness, with a delicate mushroom aroma. Recommended for use in home cooking and canning.

Variety value: high marketability of fruits, excellent technological and taste qualities. The variety easily tolerates temperature fluctuations.

yield eggplant Taste of mushrooms - 4.8 - 6.4 kg / sq. m (subject to agricultural technology).

Eggplant Galina

Early ripe (105-110 days from germination to maturity) eggplant hybrid for cultivation in open ground, greenhouses and under temporary film shelters. Semi-spreading bush, 60-80 cm high, stem with anthocyanin coloration of strong intensity. The leaves are large, green, with a smooth edge.

The fruits are cylindrical (slightly pear-shaped), glossy, dark purple at maturity, medium length and diameter, weighing 200-220 grams. Spines on the calyx are absent or very rare. The flesh is whitish, without bitterness, excellent taste.

yield marketable fruits: 6.1-6.5 kg / sq.m.

Eggplant Galina F1 sets fruits well during temperature changes, enduring to unfavorable conditions. weather conditions.

Eggplant hybrid Galina F1 is included in the State Register of the Russian Federation for cultivation in open ground and under film shelters in personal subsidiary plots.

Eggplant Fabina

An early eggplant hybrid from French breeders. Recommended for cultivation in open ground and film shelters. Bush open type, 45-60 cm high. The leaves are large, green, with jagged edges. On the plant, 6-8 fruits are formed at the same time.

The fruits are elongated-cylindrical, in the stage of maturity of a rich dark purple color, 20-23 cm long, 5-6 cm in diameter. The eggplant skin is thin, the flesh is whitish-green, dense, without bitterness. These eggplants are good for cooking and processing.

The hybrid is resistant to verticillium wilt and spider mites.

Seedling planting scheme: 100 x 40-35 cm. yield: up to 6 kg from 1 sq. m.

Eggplant Prince

Early ripe (95-104 days from germination to the beginning of ripening), a highly productive eggplant variety for open ground and film shelters. The bush is compact, 65-70 cm high. The leaves are medium in size, green, with a notched edge.

The fruits are cylindrical, glossy, dark purple at maturity, 20-30 cm long, 5-7 cm in diameter, weighing 150-200 g. The flesh is whitish, without bitterness, excellent taste. These eggplants are recommended for culinary processing and canning.

yield: up to 7 kg / sq.m (in the presence of watering and top dressing).

The value of the variety: complex resistance to diseases and changes in air temperature, unpretentiousness, stable high yield, high taste and commercial qualities of fruits.

The eggplant variety Prince is included in the State Register of the Russian Federation for cultivation in open ground and under film shelters in household plots.
