May's educational activities. Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University) What is Mai

    - (MAI) named after Sergo Ordzhonikidze higher educational institution in the field of aircraft engineering. Founded in 1930 on the basis of the Aeromechanical Faculty of the Moscow Higher Technical School. In 1935 the Institute was named after Sergo Ordzhonikidze. Associated with the Institute... Encyclopedia of technology

    - (MAI Technical University since 1993), founded in 1930. Trains engineering personnel in the specialties of aircraft and helicopter engineering, economics and organization of the production of aircraft, etc. In 1993, approx. 15 thousand students ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    "MAI" redirects here. See also other meanings. Moscow Aviation Institute (State Technical University) (MAI) International name Moscow Aviation Institute (MAI) ... Wikipedia

    Encyclopedia "Aviation"

    - (MAI) named after Sergo Ordzhonikidze - a higher educational institution in the field of aircraft engineering. Founded in 1930 on the basis of the Aeromechanical Faculty of the Moscow Higher Technical School. In 1935 the Institute was named after Sergo Ordzhonikidze. With institute... Encyclopedia "Aviation"

    Them. Sergo Ordzhonikidze (MAI), one of the largest educational and scientific centers in the USSR in the field of aircraft construction. Founded in 1930. In 1935 the Institute was named after Sergo Ordzhonikidze. The institute is associated with the activities of such aircraft designers and ... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

    - (MAI, Technical University since 1993), founded in 1930. Trains engineers in the specialties of aircraft and helicopter engineering, economics and organization of aircraft production, etc. In 1998, about 18 thousand students ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    The rapid development of aviation science and technology that began at the beginning of the 20th century required fundamentally new engineering personnel for new branches of science and technology. In 1925, at the mechanical faculty of the Moscow Higher Technical School (MVTU) ... ... Encyclopedia of newsmakers

    "MAI" redirects here; see also other meanings. Moscow Aviation Institute (State Technical University) (MAI) International ... Wikipedia

    MOSCOW AVIATION INSTITUTE (MAI, technical university since 1993), founded in 1930. The university has 14 faculties: aviation technology; aircraft engines; control systems, informatics and electric power industry; ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary


  • , Gostev Anatoly. This edition is a catalog of the exhibition of the best examples of European engravings of the 15th-18th centuries. Engravings grouped by national schools from the collection of the Center for Graphic…
  • 100 masterpieces of European engraving, Gostev Anatoly. This edition is a catalog of the exhibition of the best examples of European engravings of the 15th-18th centuries. Engravings grouped by national schools from the collection of the "Center for Graphic Arts" ...

MAI is one of the largest technical universities in Russia. Currently, about 21,000 people study at the university in various forms of education. MAI organizes multi-level training of specialists within the framework of the system of continuous education, ranging from the MAI pre-university and additional educational programs for schoolchildren in grades 8-11 to professional retraining and advanced training courses.
The admission plan for 2020 is about 6,000 people.

Plan for admission of students to state-funded places in 2020

Teachers and researchers

The advantage of preparing students at the MAI is to send them to specialized enterprises, where they, under the guidance of industry specialists, carry out specialized course and diploma projects, undergo all types of internships, while enterprises pay for their work and assign additional scholarships. This helps students to see their prospects in enterprises, and employers - the abilities of future employees. For this type of training, MAI has concluded agreements with more than 150 organizations. At the enterprises, the university teachers also undergo internships.

The training of specialists in the branches of the university is carried out in the leading centers of the aviation and rocket and space industries:

  • in the city of Zhukovsky - in order to provide personnel for the enterprises of JSC "UAC", TsAGI, JSC "NIIP named after V. V. Tikhomirov";
  • in the city of Stupino - with the aim of training personnel for the enterprises of the military-industrial complex OJSC NPP Aerosila, JSC Stupino Machine-Building Production Enterprise and for JSC Stupino Metallurgical Company, which is part of the Rostec State Corporation.
  • in Khimki - in order to provide personnel with secondary vocational education to enterprises of the State Corporation Roscosmos;
  • in Akhtubinsk - with the aim of training specialists for the State Flight Test Center of the Russian Air Force;
  • in the city of Baikonur - with the aim of training personnel for the operation of rocket launch complexes at the Baikonur cosmodrome.

The MAI implements a targeted recruitment in accordance with the state plan for training personnel with secondary vocational and higher education for organizations of the military-industrial complex (DIC) for 2016-2020 (Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated March 5, 2015 No. 192).

MAI occupies a leading position among the most demanded organizations of the military-industrial complex of educational institutions in the country.

In total, in 2018, the targeted recruitment from the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation, Rostec and Roscosmos State Corporations, the Almaz-Antey Concern, other departments, as well as under agreements with state authorities and local governments amounted to more than 720 people.

At the same time, there is a significant increase in the quality of MAI applicants. So, over the past two years, the average USE score of applicants entering state-funded places has increased by almost 7 points (in 2018 - 75 points), and only the target set - by more than 10 points (in 2018 - almost 70 points ). This is one of the highest growth rates of the average score among Russian universities.

Practice-Oriented Approach

Training of students on the basis of MAI is carried out according to the principle of end-to-end design of all systems of aviation, rocket and space technology. For this, the university has created a unique laboratory base that corresponds to the current level of industrial development. These are full-scale models of equipment, including aircraft, helicopters, missiles, weapons systems, robotics, avionics and radar, wind tunnels, flight simulators, an industrial computed tomograph, an installation for fusion of metal powder materials, an X-ray powder diffractometer, an experimental vacuum stand, a set of equipment for studying micro- and nanoparticles, the measuring complex of the laboratory for the creation of high-precision ultra-wideband radio systems, and others.

End-to-End Design Training

On the basis of research laboratories, resource centers, design bureaus, students are trained and participate in R&D. The defense of diploma projects on the creation of aircraft was also organized.

Special specialized subjects at MAI are taught by heads of industrial enterprises: B.V. Obnosov, B.S. Alyoshin, V.A. Sorokin, S.Yu. Zheltov and others.

Interaction of MAI with organizations

The Moscow Aviation Institute trains specialists for all Russian spaceports:

  • "Baikonur" (Baikonur);
  • "Plesetsk" (Mirny);
  • "Vostochny" (Uglegorsk).

In 2009, MAI signed a tripartite agreement with the Amur State University (AMSU) and the Government of the Amur Region on the training of specialists for the new Russian Vostochny cosmodrome in the specialty "Design, production and operation of rockets and rocket and space complexes." In 2015, the first graduation of 13 students took place, who were directly involved in the implementation of the first launch from the cosmodrome. At the moment, almost 100 specialists have been trained under the tripartite agreement.

In 2017, an IT center was created on the basis of MAI, whose activities are aimed at training personnel in terms of solving practical problems for business in the context of Industry 4.0, implementing new formats of cooperation through the implementation of joint innovative educational programs and research, developing student entrepreneurship, generating high-tech IT - services and solutions.

On the basis of the MAI IT Center, the following master's programs in the field of IT have already been launched:

  • digital production management;
  • designing high-load Internet services;
  • machine learning and big data management;
  • software development process management;
  • cybersecurity of infocommunications.

MAI partners in the implementation of new IT master's programs are such companies as ivi, Avito, SberTech, Microsoft, Samsung, HeadHunter, MTS.

A joint accelerator of IT projects of MAI and the Internet Initiatives Development Fund was also launched.

MAI implements additional educational programs of various duration and focus, including technical English, business foreign language. At the Faculty of Foreign Languages ​​of the MAI, in recent years, more than 3,000 pilots and air traffic controllers of civil aviation of the Russian Federation and CIS countries have been trained in aviation English in accordance with ICAO standards, flight attendants are trained and qualification testing is carried out to determine the level of English proficiency in accordance with the ICAO scale. Faculty specialists provide translation services.

Officer training

MAI was one of the first universities that received the right to conduct an experiment in training officers for contract service. An experiment in the training of career officers in civilian universities made it possible to amend the legal acts in the field of education, military service and defense. On the basis of the results obtained, military training centers were created at 37 civilian universities, including at the Moscow Aviation Institute. Currently, the Military Training Center at the MAI trains officers for contract service in the interests of various types and branches of the Armed Forces (AF) of the Russian Federation. In parallel with the main educational process at MAI, reserve officers are trained at the military department. MAI graduates since 2013 have the opportunity to do military service on conscription in scientific companies of the RF Armed Forces.

International activity

MAI trains foreign students from 59 countries, including 10 CIS countries. The largest contracts for training have been concluded with the countries of Southeast Asia (Malaysia, the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, the Union of Myanmar), as well as with China, Kazakhstan, Belarus, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan and others. Many foreign MAI graduates hold leadership positions in their countries. Currently, more than 1,300 foreign citizens are being trained at the MAI and its branches.

foreign students

Currently, the university is implementing programs in the following areas: "Aircraft Engineering", "Aircraft Engines", "Missile Systems and Astronautics", "Avionics and Electrification of Engineering Systems", within which foreign students are trained in English.

MAI actively cooperates with foreign universities and corporations in the field of double degree programs and develops new relevant educational programs

In 2017, a new master's program was launched, which has no analogues in Russia and in the world, with Shanghai Jiao Tong University in the following areas:

  • technologies for managing the life cycle of products in the design of modern aircraft;
  • design of aircraft structures from polymer composite materials;
  • aircraft engines (design and design of gas turbine engines, advanced technologies for the production of gas turbine engines, thermal processes in gas turbine engines).

Undergraduates study in Shanghai for the first year, and for the second year at MAI. The training programs are exclusive and developed in the interests and with the participation of the Russian corporations PJSC "UAC" and JSC "UEC", as well as the Chinese aircraft manufacturing corporation Comac.

Also, the Moscow Aviation Institute, together with the Beijing University of Aviation and Cosmonautics (Beihang University), Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Zhejiang University, Shenyang Aerospace University, South Central University and Harbin Polytechnic University, opened network forms of magistracy in English with the issuance of two diplomas in directions "Design of aircraft" and "Engines of aircraft".

Thanks to the implementation of new programs, the admission of foreign students to MAI has more than doubled.

Also in 2017, MAI was included in the priority list of universities determined by the Government of the Russian Federation as part of the project for the export of Russian education. The project includes the attraction of foreign students by Russian universities, the increase in foreign students of online courses and foreign students. In addition, in 2017 MAI was included in the list of federal state educational organizations that train foreign citizens and stateless persons at the preparatory departments at the expense of the budgetary allocations of the federal budget.

The Moscow Aviation Institute takes an active part in international associations, such as:

  • World Engineering Education Initiative (CDIO);
  • Association of Technical Universities of Russia and China;
  • European Association of Aerospace Universities PEGASUS;
  • International Council for Aeronautical Sciences (ICAS);
  • International Astronautical Federation (IAF).

Additional professional education

Every year, graduate students and staff of the MAI undergo internships and advanced training. Over the past five years (2014-2018), the number of internships has amounted to more than 3,700 people. In 2018, 444 employees and graduate students of the university completed internships at enterprises in the aerospace industry. Among them are such enterprises as LLC "UAC - Complexing Center", JSC ICB "Fakel" named after. ak. P.D. Grushina, PJSC "TANTK im. G.M. Berieva, Federal State Enterprise "Scientific Center of the RCP", PJSC "Company" Sukhoi "" Sukhoi Design Bureau", IPRM RAS, FSUE "TsENKI" - CC "Yuzhny", Engineering Center "OKB im. A.I. Mikoyan" JSC "RSK" MiG "and others.

The personnel potential of the university and the unique equipment of resource, scientific and educational centers and centers for collective use of the MAI allows for advanced training and professional retraining of specialists from specialized enterprises of the industry in more than 110 programs of additional professional education (AVE) and advanced training of MAI at the modern level. Thus, more than 1,300 representatives of industry and 785 scientific and pedagogical workers of the university underwent advanced training on the basis of MAI. Distance learning technologies and e-learning are actively used in the implementation of individual CPE programs. Advanced training at MAI is carried out on modern methods of numerical modeling, product life cycle management, project and program management, and other areas.

In 2017, the MAI School of Management was established at the university, the purpose of which is to organize a management training system for the personnel reserve of corporations and new generation engineers.

Currently, more than 100 specialists from high-tech enterprises (UAC JSC, UEC JSC, USC JSC, Russian Helicopters JSC, JSC RUSNANO, State Corporation Rosatom), as well as 70 employees and talented students of the university. As part of the training, project teams work on real-world challenges facing corporations and discuss corporate program management best practices.

Also, the MAI has developed and is implementing its own personnel program of the MAI "Scientific and Pedagogical Youth", the purpose of which is to saturate the teaching staff of the university with young scientists. The program includes sections: “Targeted postgraduate and doctoral studies” - organization and financing of the preparation of dissertations by postgraduate and doctoral students who have concluded a civil law agreement with the institute on additional funding for their postgraduate studies and work for 3-5 years after graduation as teachers ; "Qualification growth" - organization and financing of the preparation of dissertations by young employees of the Institute; "Rejuvenation of teaching staff" - the organization of a systematic replacement of the teaching staff by young scientists. Currently, 18 postgraduate students are studying in the target postgraduate school of the university. In total, during the implementation of the program, more than 60 young teachers who defended candidate and doctoral dissertations have been trained.

Working with schoolchildren

MAI's career guidance work with schoolchildren in grades 5–11 covers many schools and specialized technical schools in Moscow. According to the approved curricula of the MAI, in more than 50 basic schools, university teachers conduct additional classes in mathematics, physics and the Russian language.


Additional education

Preparation for admission

A new format of interaction with the Moscow Department of Education is being implemented, which provides for systematic pre-professional and vocational guidance work with educational institutions. Thanks to this, more than 15,000 students became participants in various university projects in the 2017-2018 academic year.

One of the key areas of such interaction is the project “Engineering Class at the Moscow School”, within the framework of which, in the 2017-2018 academic year, classes were held on project activities, additional training was organized in mathematics, physics, computer science, and preparation for the pre-professional exam was carried out. Excursions were also organized and conducted to engineering enterprises, such as PJSC Sukhoi Company, PJSC NPO Almaz, PJSC RSC Energia, JSC MVZ im. M.P. Mile”, Federal State Unitary Enterprise GosNIIAS and others. In the summer, engineering vacations are held for schoolchildren at the MAI. Nearly 1,700 schoolchildren from Moscow took part in the project.

As part of Decree of the Government of Moscow dated 04.12.2018 No. 1466-PP “On measures aimed at implementing the State Program of the City of Moscow “Economic Development and Investment Attractiveness of the City of Moscow”, the Children’s Technopark “Rise Trajectory” was opened on the basis of MAI. The Technopark is a site equipped with high-tech equipment where programs developed jointly with high-tech aviation enterprises of Moscow in the following areas are implemented: unmanned aerial systems, IT, 3D modeling/industrial design, smart factory, digital manufacturing, robotics, composite materials, additive technologies, virtual and augmented reality.

Another new platform for schoolchildren who are interested in science and technology will be the MAI Pre-University (to be opened in September 2019) - a joint project with the Moscow Government to organize specialized education at the university.

The Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University) is a thematic partner of the Artek International Children's Center. In 2018, more than 100 schoolchildren took part in the joint session of JSC "UAC" and MAI "From Dream to Achievement", which were divided into teams according to the stages of the product life cycle: designers, designers, programmers, specialists in electrical equipment, 3D printing and operators drones. Another MAI shift took place as part of the Artek Startups program, where the Mayov team held an educational program called Modern Technologies in Aircraft Engineering, as well as a series of classes on aerospace topics.

In the summer of 2018, Sirius hosted a joint shift of the United Aircraft Corporation and the Moscow Aviation Institute as part of the Big Challenges program. For three weeks, the project team of schoolchildren created an unmanned aerial vehicle under the Smart Product - Predictive Analytics project.

In 2017, the Moscow Aviation Institute signed an agreement on the development of a partnership with the Talent and Success Foundation, which carries out systematic work to identify and accompany gifted children in Russia.

Young scientists and teachers of the Moscow Aviation Institute have become tutors and experts of the Projectoria portal, helping talented schoolchildren find an effective solution to real production problems for the most relevant and in-demand professions.

The Olympiad of the National Technological Initiative, which includes the Unmanned Aerial Systems profile organized by the Moscow Aviation Institute, was included in the list of the Russian Council of School Olympiads (RSOS) in 2017. The profile "Unmanned aerial systems" focuses on technical and innovative activities in the field of creating unmanned aerial vehicles. Particular attention is paid to the development and configuration of an intelligent digital environment for the organization of autonomous operation of a group of aircraft and the deployment of a local navigation system. /p>

Employment of graduates

More than 80% of MAI graduates work at specialized high-tech enterprises. According to the results of the monitoring conducted by the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia, MAI is included in the TOP-5 Moscow universities of engineering and technical orientation in terms of the share of employment and the level of wages of graduates. The average salary of a young specialist who graduated from the Moscow Aviation Institute is more than 70 thousand rubles.

MAI has extensive ties with industry and is one of the most popular universities in the country in the field of training for high-tech industries. In order to promote the employment of graduates and the adaptation of students to the labor market, the MAI Employment Center has been operating at the university since 1996. The Center is a member of the Association of Employment Centers of Moscow Universities and is the coordinating structure of the Association. Employees of the Center take an active part in the work of the Interuniversity Career Development Center, as well as in the work of the Employment Commission of the Council of Rectors of Moscow and Moscow Region Universities. The database of the MAI Employment Center contains more than 200 employer companies interested in university graduates.

MAI Job Center

Aerospace Employers Club

For MAI students and other universities, the Employment Center annually holds an "Aerospace Forum", which includes a job fair, seminars for students on career building and successful employment, a round table with the participation of the MAI administration, representatives of employer companies and aerospace universities. More than 20 companies-employers, as well as the Employment Center of the SAO of Moscow, take part in the forum. The event is attended by more than 1,300 students and graduates, who are offered vacancies at enterprises - MAI's strategic partners.

Specialized stands at MAI regularly post information about vacancies, as well as about internship programs for specialized enterprises.

Also, the MAI Employment Center maintains a specialized Internet portal with vacancies for aerospace enterprises, where any student or graduate can leave their resume.

Participation in international and national university rankings

As part of the development strategy, MAI is implementing a set of measures aimed, among other things, at strengthening the university's position in a number of leading Russian and international academic rankings. Thus, according to the results of 2018, MAI not only entered the World University Ranking for the first time - the annual ranking of the best universities in the world, published by the British agency Times Higher Education (THE), but also found itself in the 601-800 group of the THE subject ranking of the best universities in the world in the direction of " Engineering Sciences and Technologies”, as well as in the 301-500 group of the THE ranking of universities in countries with developing economies.

Also, according to the results of 2018, in the annual ranking of the best universities of the BRICS countries, prepared by the reputable international agency QS, MAI improved the result of last year by 8 positions and took 105th place. Among the Russian universities included in the ranking, MAI increased by 2 positions and took the 26th line.

Also in 2018, in the annual ranking of Russian universities according to Expert RA, MAI for the first time entered the top 30 of the overall ranking, moving up to 5 positions at once and taking 27th place, while showing one of the best growth dynamics among all universities.

Rector Mikhail Aslanovich Poghosyan students over 22000 Foreign students 1500 teachers over 1800 Location Russia Russia: Moscow Legal address Moscow, Volokolamsk highway, 4 Website Awards Media at Wikimedia Commons

Encyclopedic YouTube

    1 / 5

    ✪ BUDGET-SCARF - MOSCOW AVIATION INSTITUTE MAI How to proceed, How much does Training cost

    ✪ Directions of preparation at MAI: video guide for applicants

    ✪ Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University) 24.04.2013

    ✪ SPbGUGA - Forward for the highest! Issue 7

    ✪ 5 questions about admission to MAI: admission to a university is not a lottery, but a dialogue with an applicant



The birth and development of the Moscow Aviation Institute is closely connected with the needs of developing aviation, with the activities of Professor N. E. Zhukovsky, on whose initiative in 1909 at the Imperial Moscow Technical School (now MSTU named after N. E. Bauman) a course on the theoretical foundations of aeronautics began .

On September 17, 1929, by order of the Supreme Economic Council of the USSR (No. 124), the aviation department of the mechanical faculty of the Moscow Higher Technical School was transformed into the aeronautical faculty.

On March 20, 1930, on the basis of the aeromechanical faculty of the Moscow Higher Technical School, the Higher Aeromechanical School (VAMU) was established by order of the Supreme Economic Council of the USSR.

On August 20, 1930, the Moscow Aviation Institute was established on the basis of VAMU. At first, classes were held on Olkhovskaya Street, then the university was given a building on 5th Tverskaya-Yamskaya Street. By the beginning of the academic year (1930-1931), students of the aviation department of the Leningrad Polytechnic Institute - 120 people - and Tomsk Technological Institute - 19 people were transferred to VAMU. As part of MAI, as well as in VAMU, there were three departments: aircraft building, engine building and aeronautics.

In 1930-1931, the structure of the institute was being formed. The Aeronautical Faculty was renamed into the Airship Building Faculty.

On September 22, 1932, by the decision of the Central Control Commission of the RCT, on the basis of the Airship Building Faculty of the MAI, the Moscow Airship Building Institute was formed, which, by the decision of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR on April 8, 1939, was reorganized into the Moscow Institute of Engineers of the Civil Air Fleet. K. E. Tsiolkovsky (Later Russian State Technological University named after K.E. Tsiolkovsky).

By 1933, the first own building of the institute was built (currently building No. 3 of the Faculty of Control Systems) at the fork of the Volokolamsk and Leningrad highways, where the main territory of the university is located to this day.

On March 10, 1933, the Faculty of Engineering and Economics of the MAI was organized on the basis of the Moscow Aviation Engineering and Economics Institute (MAIEI) and the departments of production organization and concrete economics.

On December 16, 1935, by decree of the Presidium of the Central Executive Committee of the USSR, the name of the People's Commissar of Heavy Industry Sergo Ordzhonikidze was given.

By the autumn of 1941, the government decided to evacuate the institute to Alma-Ata. After the defeat of the Germans near Moscow, the question was raised of resuming the activities of the institute in Moscow, and already on February 2, 1942, the educational process began in the Moscow premises of the institute.

In 1945, the merits of the MAI staff during the war were awarded a high government award - the Order of Lenin. In addition, 119 teachers, staff and students of the institute were awarded orders and medals.

File:AeroLab MAI.jpg

MAI laboratory

In 1945, the Department of Special (Jet) Engines was established at the MAI (Head of the Department, Professor N. V. Inozemtsev). With this, the MAI began training specialists in air-jet and liquid-propellant engines, and then in other rocket specialties.

In 1956, a group of MAI teachers went to Beijing to provide organizational and methodological assistance in the creation of the Beijing Aviation Institute (PAI), currently renamed Beihang University (Beijing Aerospace University). MAI teachers have conducted all kinds of training sessions at PAI for a number of years.

File:GAK MAI.jpg

In 1956-1975, the second stage of the MAI construction was carried out. The number of classroom buildings, educational and scientific laboratories, industrial premises was increased to 35. With the growth of the institute, its structure changed, new faculties and departments were added. The result of this stage was the transformation of the aviation institute, previously focused mainly on aircraft and partly helicopter technology, into an aerospace polytechnic university that provides training for a wide range of scientific and design organizations in the aviation and rocket and space industries.

In 1959, the Department of Design and Construction of Aircraft was created to train specialists in the field of rocket and space technology. From the moment of organization and until 1990, the department was headed by the first deputy chief designer S.P. Koroleva, academician V.P. Mishin (graduate of MAI in 1941). The department laid the foundation for extensive training of personnel for the rocket and space industry and served as the basis for the organization in the subsequent (1968) Aerospace Faculty.

In 1967, at the Department of Design and Construction of Aircraft, the first in the USSR student design bureau of space technology "Iskra" was created.

In 1970, in accordance with the intergovernmental agreement between the USSR and India (1966), MAI took part in the creation of the Faculty of Aviation Engineering at the Bombay Institute of Technology. More than 20 professors and teachers of the MAI worked at the BTI from 1970 to 1974.

October 26, 1978 in the Soviet Union, the first successful launch of the student artificial satellite of the Earth "Radio-2" created by SKB MAI "Iskra" was carried out.

In 1980, for a great contribution to the training of specialists, in the year of its fiftieth anniversary, the Institute was awarded the Order of the October Revolution.

In 1998, the Faculty of Foreign Languages ​​was established, which trains public relations specialists and linguists for the aviation industry.

Your university has made a significant contribution to the development of domestic science, aviation and rocket and space industries. Over the past years, he has trained more than 140 thousand graduates, including well-known scientists, cosmonauts, managers and leading engineers of aerospace and defense industries. Today, within the walls of the MAI, fundamental and applied research is being carried out in a number of areas, including nanomaterials and nanotechnologies. The Institute has a modern technical base and a unique infrastructure and is rightfully included in the number of national research universities.

On March 31, 2015, by order of the Ministry of Education and Science, the MAI was reorganized by joining MATI to it.

University today

MAI's mission is to train the world's elite engineering staff through advanced research at all stages of the life cycle of aviation, rocket and space technology.

MAI has extensive ties with industry and is one of the most popular universities in the country in the field of training personnel for the Russian military-industrial complex.

A distinctive way of preparing students at MAI is to send them to specialized enterprises, where, under the guidance of industry specialists, they carry out specialized course and diploma projects, undergo all types of internships, for which enterprises pay them for their work and appoint additional scholarships. This helps students to see their prospects in enterprises, and employers - the abilities of their future specialists. For this type of training, MAI has concluded agreements with more than 100 organizations. At the enterprises, the university teachers also undergo internships.

The MAI implements a targeted recruitment in accordance with the state plan for training personnel with secondary vocational and higher education for organizations of the military-industrial complex (DIC) for 2016-2020 (Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated March 5, 2015 No. 192).

In 2015, MAI took first place among the most demanded organizations of the defense industry, subordinated to the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia, educational institutions of the country.

Training of students on the basis of MAI is carried out according to the principle of end-to-end design of all systems of aviation, rocket and space technology. For this, the university has created a unique laboratory base that corresponds to the current level of industrial development. These are full-scale models of equipment, including aircraft, helicopters, missiles, weapons systems, robotics, avionics and radar, wind tunnels, flight simulators, an industrial computed tomograph, an installation for fusion of metal powder materials, an X-ray powder diffractometer, an experimental vacuum stand, a set of equipment for studying micro- and nanoparticles, the measuring complex of the laboratory for the creation of high-precision ultra-wideband radio systems, and others.

On the basis of research laboratories, resource centers, design bureaus, students are trained within the framework of UIRS, NIRS, and some of them participate in R&D. The defense of diploma projects on the creation of aircraft was also organized.

Special specialized subjects at MAI are taught by heads of industrial enterprises: M. A. Pogosyan, B. V. Obnosov, B. S. Alyoshin, E. N. Kablov, V. A. Sorokin, S. Yu. Zheltov and others.

The Moscow Aviation Institute trains specialists for all Russian spaceports:

  • Baikonur (Baikonur);
  • Plesetsk (Mirny);
  • "Eastern" (Tsiolkovsky).

In 2009, MAI signed a tripartite agreement with the Amur State University (AMSU) and the government of the Amur Region on the training of specialists for the new Russian Vostochny cosmodrome in the specialty "Design, production and operation of rockets and rocket and space complexes." In January 2015, the first graduation of 23 students took place. Currently, 88 students from ASU are studying at MAI under a tripartite agreement.

MAI implements additional educational programs of various duration and focus (technical English, business foreign language). In addition, more than 3,000 pilots and air traffic controllers of civil aviation of the Russian Federation and the CIS countries have been trained in aviation English in accordance with ICAO standards within the framework of ongoing educational programs in recent years at the Faculty of Foreign Languages ​​of the MAI, and flight attendants are being trained, qualification testing is being conducted to determine the level of proficiency English in accordance with the ICAO scale. Faculty specialists provide translation services.

The international cooperation

MAI trains foreign students from 57 countries, including 10 CIS countries. The largest training contracts were concluded with the countries of Southeast Asia (Malaysia, the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, the Republic of the Unions of Myanmar, the Republic of Korea, etc.), as well as with India, China, Algeria, Egypt, Mexico, Brazil, Angola. Many foreign MAI graduates hold leadership positions in their countries. Currently, more than 1,500 foreign citizens are being trained at the MAI and its branches.

In September 2015, the MAI opened a bachelor's program in the direction of "Aircraft Engineering" in five profiles, within which foreign students study in English for four years. In addition, an agreement was signed with the Nanjing University of Astronautics and Aeronautics, the largest university in China on double degree programs.

The Moscow Aviation Institute takes an active part in international associations, such as:

  • World Engineering Education Initiative (CDIO);
  • Association of Technical Universities of Russia and China;
  • European Association of Aerospace Universities PEGASUS;
  • International Council for Aeronautical Sciences (ICAS);
  • International Astronautical Federation (IAF).

MAI Program "Scientific and Pedagogical Youth"

The University has developed and is implementing its own personnel program of the MAI "Scientific and Pedagogical Youth", the purpose of which is to saturate the teaching staff of the University with young scientists. The program includes sections: "Targeted postgraduate and doctoral studies" - organization and financing of the preparation of dissertations by postgraduate and doctoral students who have concluded a civil law agreement with the institute on additional funding for their postgraduate studies and work for 3-5 years after graduation as teachers ; "Qualification growth" - organization and financing of the preparation of dissertations by young employees of the Institute; "Rejuvenation of teaching staff" - the organization of a systematic replacement of the teaching staff by young scientists.

Career guidance work

MAI is conducting career guidance work with schoolchildren in grades 5-11, which covers many schools and specialized technical schools in Moscow. According to the approved curricula of the MAI, in 38 basic schools, university teachers conduct additional classes in mathematics, physics and the Russian language.

The Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University) was among 13 metropolitan universities participating in the educational project "Engineering Class at the Moscow School". MAI implements additional professional programs for teaching staff of engineering classes, conducts seminars for teachers and career guidance events for schoolchildren, including: master classes for students, excursions to engineering enterprises, implementation of elective courses.

MAI Job Center

In order to promote the employment of graduates and the adaptation of students to the labor market, the MAI Employment Center has been operating at the university since 1996.

The Center is a member of the Association of Employment Centers of Moscow Universities and is the coordinating structure of the Association. The center's employees take an active part in the work of the Interuniversity Career Development Center, as well as in the work of the Employment Commission of the Council of Rectors of Moscow and Moscow Region Universities. The database of the MAI Employment Center contains more than 200 employer companies interested in university graduates.

According to a survey conducted in 2015, over 70% of MAI graduates work at specialized enterprises in the aviation and rocket and space industries.

Officer training

File:MAI army.jpg

Presentation of titles to graduates of the UVC MAI

MAI was one of the first universities that received the right to conduct an experiment in training officers for contract service. An experiment in the training of career officers in civilian universities made it possible to amend the legal acts in the field of education, military service and defense. On the basis of the results obtained, military training centers were created at 37 civilian universities, including at the Moscow Aviation Institute. Currently, the Military Training Center at the MAI trains officers for contract service in the interests of various types and branches of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. In parallel with the main educational process at MAI, reserve officers are trained at the military department. MAI graduates since 2013 have the opportunity to do military service on conscription in scientific companies of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

Educational activities of MAI

Currently, about 22,000 people study at MAI in various forms of education at 12 faculties, 9 institutes (with the rights of faculties) and 5 branches.


  • "Aviation Engineering"
  • "Aircraft Engines"
  • "Control systems, informatics and electric power industry"
  • "Radio electronics of aircraft"
  • "Aerospace"
  • "Robotic and intelligent systems"
  • "Applied Mathematics and Physics"
  • "Applied mechanics"
  • "Social Engineering"
  • "Foreign languages"
  • "Radiotuz MAI"
  • "Faculty of pre-university training"


  • Institute of Engineering and Economics MAI (ENGEKIN MAI)
  • Institute of Material Science and Technology of Materials
  • Institute of Aerospace Structures, Technologies and Control Systems
  • Institute of Information Systems and Technologies
  • Institute of Management, Economics and Social Technologies
  • Military Institute MAI
  • Military Training Institute
  • Institute for Advanced Studies and Retraining MAI
  • Distance Learning Institute


  • Voskhod (Baikonur Cosmodrome)
  • "Rise" (Akhtubinsk)
  • "Arrow" (Zhukovsky)
  • Stupino branch (Stupino)

Scientific activity of MAI

Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University) is a large scientific and educational center with a developed infrastructure.

As a result of the implementation of the activities of the MAI Development Program as a national research university, the university has created knowledge generation centers with powerful material and technical support for scientific experiments and developments on the basis of which research and development work is carried out, which is a significant contribution to the socio-economic development of the country and industries.

The priority areas for the development of the university are:

  • aviation systems;
  • rocket and space systems;
  • energy systems;
  • information and telecommunication systems;
  • new materials and production technologies;
  • diversification of the application of aerospace technologies.

For the period 2011-2015. the university performed R&D in the amount of more than 6.01 billion rubles (including 1.48 billion rubles in 2015). The amount of funds received on the accounts of the MAI from the implementation of scientific and technical activities in the framework of international scientific programs and projects amounted to 2011-2015. over 100 million rubles.

The level of scientific achievements of MAI in recent years is confirmed by the implementation of major research and innovation projects within the framework of federal and sectoral targeted programs, Decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation dated April 9, 2010 No. 218-220, grants from development institutions and international organizations, etc.

The Moscow Aviation Institute also takes an active part in the formation of the innovative economy of Russia, including in the activities of companies implementing innovative development programs (IDP).

Thus, MAI is included as a flagship university in 11 out of 60 innovative development programs approved by the Government Commission on High Technologies and Innovations, and for the period 2012-2015. performed R&D for companies implementing design and survey work in the amount of 1,672.3 million rubles. (including for 2015 - more than 380 million rubles). The work was carried out for such leading enterprises in the aerospace and defense industries as PJSC UAC, JSC Concern VKO Almaz-Antey, JSC Corporation Tactical Missiles, JSC Rocket and Space Corporation Energia named after . S. P. Koroleva, Federal State Unitary Enterprise GKNPTs im. M. V. Khrunichev”, JSC “Radio Engineering Concern “Vega””, JSC “Information Satellite Systems” named after. Academician M. F. Reshetnev "", JSC "NPO Energomash im. Academician V.P. Glushko, OAO United Industrial Corporation Oboronprom.

In general, the Moscow Aviation Institute has concluded more than 120 cooperation agreements in the field of scientific and innovative activities. In addition, the university is developing plans for joint activities with specialized Russian and foreign corporations and organizations, such as the State Corporation Roscosmos and Rostec, COMAC, Safran, etc. 2016 and beyond with PJSC "UAC".

The latest and unique equipment allows MAI to increase the volume of scientific research carried out in the interests of the largest enterprises in the aerospace industry, including international ones. Since 2009, the volume of investments in the re-equipment of the university has amounted to 1.7 billion rubles. On the basis of the university there are centers for collective use, resource centers, scientific and educational centers, design bureaus, an airfield and other units. Also, on the basis of MAI, a youth innovation zone is being created, which unites the Center for Startup Entrepreneurship and a business incubator.

MAI is the only university in the world that has a certificate of a light aircraft developer and a license for the development of aviation equipment. The university provides educational and scientific support for the serial production of aircraft.

The MAI has a training Mission Control Center (MCC) involved in the MAI-75, RadioSkaf and Shadow-Mayak experiments, which are part of a long-term program of scientific and applied research and experiments on board the Russian Segment of the ISS. MAI MCC equipment allows to control and receive data from various types of educational satellites.

Scientific journals "Bulletin of the Moscow Aviation Institute" and "Proceedings of MAI", published by the Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), are included by the Higher Attestation Commission of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation in the new List of peer-reviewed scientific publications.

Innovative developments of the university receive a large number of awards at major international and all-Russian exhibitions, such as the International Aviation and Space Salon (MAKS), Vuzpromexpo, the Army forum, Open Innovations, the Salon of Inventions and Innovative Technologies Archimedes, HeliRussia and many other events. Within the framework of the International Aviation and Space Salon MAKS, the Golden Wings competition is held annually. The competition is held among exhibitors of the air show - universities, enterprises, financial and public organizations - in four categories: Premiere MAKS, Science, Exposition and Business Program. In 2015 MAI won in the nomination “Science. Project". The university was awarded a statuette and a certificate of the winner signed by the Minister of Industry and Trade of Russia D. Manturov. This victory is not the first in the history of MAI's participation in the Golden Wings: before that, MAI became the best twice: in the "Event" and "Best Exposition" nominations.

The university is the base for holding major international scientific and technical conferences and events that reflect the development of the university as an important educational organization in the aerospace complex. This is the International Week of Aerospace Technologies "Aerospace Science Week", within the framework of which the International Conference "Aviation and Astronautics" and the Intersectoral Youth Competition of Scientific and Technical Works and Projects "Youth and the Future of Aviation and Astronautics", the International Forum of Leading Universities of the Aerospace Industry, the Scientific and practical conference of young scientists and students "Innovations in aviation and astronautics" and others.

Training and aviation base "Alferevo"

A unique type of educational process is the flight-operational practice of students, which has been held since 1973 at the Aviation Center (near the village of Alferyevo, Volokolamsk region), which has an airfield, aircraft, qualified flight and technical personnel.

During a month of practice, students, first at the flight stands of the institute, and then at the Aviation Center, comprehend the art of piloting aircraft. This allows future designers to become more familiar with the flight characteristics of aircraft.

This practice is not carried out in any other university in Russia and abroad. Over a 35-year period, it reached over 3,500 students.

A lot of work on the creation of its methodology, organization and implementation was awarded the prize of the Government of the Russian Federation.


In 2015, among 10 Russian universities, it was in the top 200 of the international ranking for the quality of teaching Round University Ranking (RUR).

The Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University) dates back to March 20, 1930. In order to ensure the training of highly qualified personnel for the country's aviation industry on the basis of the aeromechanical faculty of Moscow State Technical University. N. E. Bauman, the Higher Aeromechanical School (VAMU) was created. On August 20 of the same year, it was renamed the Moscow Aviation Institute (MAI).

In March 2015, by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, the Moscow Aviation Institute was reorganized by joining MATI - Russian State Technological University named after K.E. Tsiolkovsky.

Foundation of the Higher Aeromechanical School on the basis of the Moscow State Technical University. Bauman. Renaming to MAI. Training of specialists for aviation science and industry has begun
For exceptional achievements and especially outstanding services during the Great Patriotic War, he was awarded the Order of Lenin
The training of specialists in the field of rocket science, astronautics and weapons systems has begun
For his contribution to the development of the Soviet state, special courage and courage, the strengthening of peace, he was awarded the Order of the Great October Revolution
MAI received the status of "State Technical University"
MAI received the status of "National Research University"
Association with MATI

The mission of the MAI is to train the world's elite personnel for the digital economy through advanced research at all stages of the life cycle of high-tech equipment.

With the participation of MAI and its graduates,

Cooperation with organizations

Total contracts

Membership in organizations

  • International Astronautical Federation - International Federation of Astronautics
  • International Council on Aeronautical Sciences (ICAS) - International Council on Aeronautical Sciences
  • PEGASUS - European Association of Aerospace Universities
  • Association "League for Assistance to Defense Enterprises"
  • Association "Assistance to Universities"
  • Association of Leading Russian Universities
  • Association for Engineering Education of Russia
  • Association of Moscow Universities
  • Association of Museums of Cosmonautics of Russia
  • Association of Technical Universities of Russia
  • Association of Technical Universities of Russia and China
  • Association of Employment Centers of Moscow Universities
  • Eurasian partnership of aerospace clusters
  • Innovative and educational cluster of aerospace technologies based on MAI
  • Consortium "Robotic Cluster of Small Spacecraft"
  • Consortium of Russian Universities "National United Aerospace University
  • Space Science and Education Consortium
  • Russian Union of Rectors
  • Council of Rectors of Universities of the Northern Administrative District
  • Union of machine builders of Russia
  • Federation of Cosmonautics of Russia

The uniqueness of the MAI lies in the fact that it was historically created with the aim of training designers and designers for almost all departments and teams of design bureaus and aviation industry plants (from the design of wing, fuselage, landing gear, propulsion systems to technology and economics of production). More than 50 years ago, on orders from enterprises of the military-industrial complex, MAI began and developed the training of specialists in the entire life cycle of products in the field of rocket science, astronautics, as well as in the field of weapons systems and precision weapons, programs for supporting aerospace complexes. Subsequently, with the participation of MAI, a number of other universities were created. In 2009, MAI won the competitive selection of university development programs and is currently one of 29 universities to which the Government of the Russian Federation has assigned the category of "national research university" (Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 02.11.2009 No. 1613-r).

The accumulated scientific and pedagogical, educational and scientific and methodological experience, the presence of a unique technological base, extensive ties with aerospace industry enterprises allow MAI to train highly qualified specialists whose level of training, knowledge, skills and abilities meet the modern requirements of the domestic and world labor markets. Today, such specialists are in high demand by the enterprises of the aerospace and defense industries of our country.


Total graduates

175 000+

General and chief designers, heads of organizations of specialized industries


Academicians and Corresponding Members of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR and the Russian Academy of Sciences


Honored Test Pilots, Heroes of the USSR and Russia




Generals and senior officers

2 350

Reserve officers

60 000+

Rectors of higher educational institutions


Honored statesmen and heads of economic structures, ambassadors, representatives of the business elite


Olympic champions, world and European champions in various sports


Over the years since its founding, more than 175,000 specialists for aviation and space-rocket science and industry have left the walls of the MAI, to which 60,000 graduates of the MATI affiliated in 2015 can be added.

Separately, it is worth noting that MAI is the leader among civilian universities in terms of the number of graduates who have become cosmonauts and test pilots.

Thus, among the MAI graduates there are 23 pilot-cosmonauts who have worked in space for a total of more than 15 years. 14 of them made 65 spacewalks. Many graduate cosmonauts are still working in the cosmonaut corps.

MAI constantly monitors the career achievements of its graduates, including 29 general directors, 9 general designers, 38 chief designers, 4 directors, 97 other senior managers of specialized enterprises.

Today, university graduates form the backbone of enterprises of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia, State Corporation Roscosmos, State Corporation Rostec, JSC UAC, JSC Corporation Tactical Missiles, JSC Concern VKO Almaz-Antey.

Most of the samples of modern (in service and (or) in operation) aviation and space-rocket technology were created under the guidance and with the direct participation of MAI graduates. As Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences E. A. Fedosov noted, “it is not necessary to say which aircraft and missiles produced during the life of the MAI, its graduates took a certain part in the creation - in all of them.”

License No. 1961 dated February 18, 2016 00:00, valid indefinitely.

Accreditation No. 1912 dated 05/10/2016 00:00, valid until 07/08/2019 00:00.

And about. Rector: Shevtsov Vyacheslav Alekseevich, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Education
1977 - MAI, Faculty of Aircraft Radio Electronics
1986 - Postgraduate
1987 - Ph.D. thesis defense, Ph.D.
2004 - defense of a doctoral dissertation on the topic: "Signal processing against the background of non-Gaussian interference in telecommunication systems and networks", Doctor of Technical Sciences.
2007 - professor

1978-1980 - service in the SA, senior lieutenant engineer
since 1981 at MAI - engineer, graduate student, head of the educational laboratory, deputy dean for research
1980-1990 - All-Russian Research Institute of the State Patent Examination, freelance expert
2001-2007 - Dean of the Faculty of Aircraft Radio Electronics
2007-2016 - Vice-Rector for Research
2016 - acting Rector of MAI

Author and co-author of more than 50 scientific papers, including 15 invention certificates, a patent for a new method of cellular communication, 3 monographs: “Signal processing against the background of non-Gaussian interference in telecommunication systems and networks”, “Optimal signal processing by large systems”, “Location determination of subscribers in cellular communication systems”, “General system issues of information security”.

Laureate of the Prize of the Government of the Russian Federation in the field of science and technology
Medal "In memory of the 850th anniversary of Moscow"
Badge "Honorary Worker of the Higher Education System"

Academic Secretary of the International Academy of Information Sciences, Processes and Technology
Deputy Chairman of the editorial board of the journal "Vestnik MAI"
Chairman of the dissertation council
Member of the expert council of the Higher Attestation Commission
Honorary Doctor of the Higher Technical School Esslingen (Germany)

Vice-Rector for Extracurricular and Educational Work: Yurov Nikolay Nikolaevich, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor

Vice-Rector for International Relations and Security: Vitaly Ivanovich Miknis

Vice-Rector for Quality and Informatization: Yury Ivanovich Deniskin, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor Yury Ivanovich Deniskin was born on July 30, 1961 in the city of Vladivostok in a family of employees.

After graduating from high school in 1978, he entered and graduated with honors in 1984 from the Far Eastern Polytechnic Institute (now the Far Eastern State Technical University) with a degree in Ship Power Plants.

Since 1984, he began working at the Moscow Aviation Institute as a trainee teacher at the 905 department.

In 1985 he entered full-time graduate school at the Moscow Aviation Institute, in 1989 he defended his dissertation for the degree of candidate of technical sciences in the specialty 05.01.01 "Applied geometry and engineering graphics". In 2000 he graduated from the MAI doctoral studies and defended his doctoral dissertation in the specialty 05.01.01.

Specialist in the field of geometric modeling of objects and processes, information technology, quality management and information support of the life cycle of complex science-intensive products.

Since 2001 - Professor of Department 905, since 2007 - Vice-Rector of the MAI for Quality and Informatization.

Supervises graduate and doctoral students.

Organizer and editor-in-chief of the electronic journal "Applied Geometry" MAI. Deputy Chairman of the Doctoral Specialized Council in the specialty 05.01.01, member of the Doctoral Specialized Council at MAI.

Professional teacher in the field of quality, has a diploma of the GOST R Certification System (April 1999). Certified specialist in the principles and methods of total quality management (TQM), certificate of the Institute for Quality Assurance (IQA, England, January 2001).

Since 2001, he has been a part-time professor of department 104.

Vice-Rector for Economics and Finance: Gorelov Boris Alekseevich

Vice-Rector for the Development of the Institute Complex and Social Issues: Gavrilova Inna Semyonovna, Vice-Rector for the Development of the Institute Complex and Social Issues

Vice-Rector for Research: Shevtsov Vyacheslav Alekseevich, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Education
1977 - MAI, Faculty of Aircraft Radio Electronics
1986 - Postgraduate
1987 - Ph.D. thesis defense, Ph.D.
2004 - defense of a doctoral dissertation on the topic: "Signal processing against the background of non-Gaussian interference in telecommunication systems and networks", Doctor of Technical Sciences.
2007 - professor

1978-1980 - service in the SA, senior lieutenant engineer
since 1981 at MAI - engineer, graduate student, head of the educational laboratory, deputy dean for research
1980–1990 - VNII of the State Patent Examination, freelance expert
2001–2007 - Dean of the Faculty of Aircraft Radio Electronics
2007 - Vice-Rector for Research
Prepared 2 candidates of sciences.

Author and co-author of more than 50 scientific papers, including 15 invention certificates, a patent for a new method of cellular communication, 3 monographs: “Signal processing against the background of non-Gaussian interference in telecommunication systems and networks”, “Optimal signal processing by large systems”, “Location determination of subscribers in cellular communication systems”, “General system issues of information security”.

Laureate of the Prize of the Government of the Russian Federation in the field of science and technology
Medal "In memory of the 850th anniversary of Moscow"
Badge "Honorary Worker of the Higher Education System"

Academic Secretary of the International Academy of Information Sciences, Processes and Technology
Deputy Chairman of the editorial board of the journal "Vestnik MAI"
Chairman of the dissertation council
Member of the expert council of the Higher Attestation Commission
Honorary Doctor of the Higher Technical School Esslingen (Germany)

Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs: Kuprikov Mikhail Yuryevich, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor M. Yu. author of 256 scientific papers, 127 of which were published including a monograph, 49 articles and 9 copyright certificates for inventions.
Main areas of research: applied information support for product life cycle automation, continuous product life cycle support (CALS), automation of design and development work, the impact of infrastructure restrictions on the appearance of an aircraft, automated formation of an aircraft appearance, solid-state, hybrid and parametric modeling of products and processes in mechanical engineering , staffing continuous product life cycle support. M. Yu. Kuprikov owns fundamental results in the theory of mathematical solution of the problems of forming the geometric appearance of large and complex technical systems under "hard" constraints by transforming these problems into "inverse" design problems.

Kuprikov M. Yu. (as part of a team of authors) developed and implemented a system for automated formation of the appearance of vertical take-off and landing aircraft at OKB A. S. Yakovlev, the design results of which were reflected in the appearance of promising aircraft carrier strike groups. New results were obtained by M. Yu. Kuprikov in the field of development of long-haul aircraft with large passenger capacity, systems for the collective rescue of passengers and aircraft crew. With his direct participation, the tasks of identifying the impact of environmental (noise and emissions) and demographic requirements on the appearance of advanced aircraft were solved. He has developed applied scientific and methodological support for the training of personnel support for continuous support of the life cycle of products for the aviation industry, implemented in MAI, KhAI, MATI, V.A.T.U. N. E. Zhukovsky, TANTK named after G. M. Beriev, ANTK named after A. N. Tupolev, OKB Kamov, OKB Sukhoi, RAC MiG, NPO PROGRESTEKH.

Kuprikov M. Yu. is the editor-in-chief of the journal “Applied Geometry, Engineering Graphics, Computer Design” (, a member of the editorial boards of the journal “Quality of Life”, chairman of the specialized Council D 212.125.13 of the Higher Attestation Commission of the Russian Federation (specialty 05.01. 01 and 05.13.12), a member of the Council D 212.125.10 of the Higher Attestation Commission of the Russian Federation (specialty 05.02.02 3), the Scientific Secretary of the Council DC 212.005.02 of the Higher Attestation Commission of the Russian Federation (specialty 05.07.02). Under the guidance of Kuprikov M. Yu., 5 candidate and 1 doctoral dissertations were defended.

In 1982, after graduating from high school with a gold medal, he entered the Moscow Aviation Institute through a competition. He graduated with honors from the Moscow Aviation Institute in 1988 with a degree in aircraft engineering (mechanical engineer). In 1989-1992 he completed postgraduate studies at the Moscow Aviation Institute and received the qualification of an engineer-researcher. In 1993 he defended his dissertation on a special topic. Assignment of the degree of candidate of technical sciences in the specialty 05.07.02 "Design and construction of aircraft". In 1995–1998, he completed doctoral studies at the Moscow Aviation Institute, after which he defended his thesis in 2000 for the degree of Doctor of Technical Sciences in the specialty 05.07.02 “Design, construction and production of aircraft” on the topic “Structural-parametric synthesis of the appearance of a vertical aircraft takeoff and landing."

Professional experience:
1985-1987 - Art. OSKBES MAI technician (part-time),
1988-1990 - engineer, junior researcher "Problem Laboratory" of the Department 101 of the MAI "Aircraft Design";
1988–1990 Engineer at MMZ “SPEED” im. A. S. Yakovleva (part-time worker);
1994 - leading designer of AOOT OKB im. A. S. Yakovleva;
1995 - present - Deputy Dean of the Aviation Technology Faculty of the Moscow Aviation Institute;
1992 - present - Assistant, Senior Lecturer, Associate Professor, Professor of the Department 101 "Aircraft Design",
2006- present - Leading Specialist (part-time worker) of JSC Sukhoi Design Bureau;
1998 - present - Head of Department 904 "Engineering Graphics" MAI.

In 2000 he was awarded the academic title of professor in the Department of Engineering Graphics.

Awards: medal "In memory of the 850th anniversary of Moscow" in 1997, Breastplate of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation "For the development of research work of students" in 2000 (ten medals of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation following the results of an open All-Russian competition for the best research work in 1992 -1993, 1995, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2003, 2004 and 2005), Gold medal of the Salon of inventions "Archimedes 2003", commemorative medal Air Force "100 years of Chief Marshal of Aviation A. E. Golovanov" 2004, badge "90 years of long-range aviation of the Russian Air Force" 2004, medal of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation "For labor valor" 2005
