Updated Artek (Many photos, traffic!). "Artek", camp

On the southern coast of Crimea, not far from Yalta, in the village of Gurzuf near Mount Ayu-Dag (translated from Turkic - “Bear Mountain” or “Bear Forest”), the most famous children's camp in the world is comfortably located ICC "Artek" .

In June 2015, he solemnly celebrated his 90th birthday. We will try to tell about the history and present days of the camp. About traditions, customs, about the famous Artek people who had a rest in Gurzuf (Yalta) in different years.

From the history of the pioneer camp "Artek" named after V.I. Lenin

Artek rightly considers A.S. Pushkin the first Artek. Indeed, during his exile in 1820, he visited these places. The memory of these events is still kept by the gazebo and the grotto, named after him. In 1836, Golitsyn translated the poet's poem "To the Slanderers of Russia" into French in Artek and sent the translation to Alexander Sergeevich. And after another year, V.A. will walk in the same places where the Great Russian poet walked. Zhukovsky. He will make an album, which later received his name, consisting of more than 100 drawings.

At the beginning of the 19th century, Count Gustav Filippovich Olizar became the rightful owner of these places. He planted vineyards and olive groves in these places and began to call his possessions "Kardiatrikon", which means "medicine of the heart." These places were then visited by the author of the poem "Woe from Wit" Alexander Griboedov, as well as the Polish poet Adam Mickiewicz.

In 1832, Nikolai Ernst Bartholomew Angorn von Hartvis, an honorary corresponding member of the Russian Horticultural Society, bought part of the land from Gustav Filippovich.
From 1835 to 1838, Count Alexander Mikhailovich and his wife Tatyana Borisovna Potemkin became co-owners of these lands. In 1837, Emperor Nicholas I and Empress Alexandra Feodorovna honored them with their visit. According to the will of the land of the count, after his death, they went to his grandson by his wife, Alexander Borisovich Golitsyn.

And in 1875 I.A. Pervushin bought the Artek estate from A.B. Golitsyn. In the purchased estate, he took up viticulture and winemaking. And after his death he left his estate to his sons.

The history of the Artek camp dates back to 1925. One of the main tasks of the young republic of Soviets is the education of the younger generation. Various children's circles and sections are organized throughout the country. But no less attention is paid to the organization of children's recreation.

It is this question that concerns the chairman of the Central Committee of the ROKK, Zinoviy Petrovich Solovyov, who arrived in the Crimea in the autumn of 1924. It is not easy to find a suitable place for the future children's health camp. He had already explored the entire eastern coast of the peninsula, but he managed to find a suitable place only in the Artek tract near Yalta.

According to one version, "Artek" - translated from ancient Greek as a small quail, these birds briefly stopped in these places during their flight. According to another, Artek got its name thanks to the mountain Ayu-Dag. The fact is that the Greek name for the bear is “artkos”.
One way or another, but rather quickly, the first tents began to appear near the Black Sea coast. And already on June 16, 1925, the camp-sanatorium of the Red Cross Society of the RSFSR in "Artek" met the first children who came to Gurzuf to relax and improve their health. Total for this year
summer rested 320 people. The living conditions of the first residents of Artek were quite modest, in small tents there were only the most necessary things for life - wooden beds and small tables. Separate houses were allocated for a library and a hospital, which was headed by the chief physician Fedor Fedorovich Shishmarev. Interest groups are organized. The first Artek tradition is laid - a camp fire.

Two years later, the first counselors appeared in Artek. Their duties included not only looking after children, but also general educational activities. Children began to go on various excursions, much attention was paid to physical and labor education.

The first residential buildings appeared in Artek already in 1928. At the same time, the camp acquired the status of a year-round sanatorium.

Artek celebrated its fifth anniversary by opening the Upper Camp. His discovery helped increase the number of children who attended the camp by 120 people per shift. And for the year their number has already exceeded two thousand people. A little later, a museum and a technical station open in the camp.

A visit to the camp by Vyacheslav Mikhailovich Molotov played a significant role in the life of Artek. Largely due to the efforts of the chairman of the government in 1936, the children's sanatorium was replenished with the territory of the rest house of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee of the USSR "Suuk-Su". Thus, four autonomous camps are formed:

  • "Upper"
  • "Lower"
  • "Suuk-su"
  • "15th dacha"

Each squad has its own flag, song, traditions, events, circles.
In 1939, the famous writer Arkady Gaidar rested in the camp together with his son Timur.

During the Great Patriotic War, German troops captured the Crimea. But the life of Artek did not stop even in these difficult years. The camp, together with the children and staff, was evacuated to the Altai and was located in the village of Belokurikha.
Pioneer life in Gurzuf resumed only in August 1944. And by the 20th anniversary of Artek, the builders restored the destroyed camp in record time. In addition, this year the territory of Artek expanded even more, a new camp, Kiparisny, appeared on the map of the children's sanatorium. "Artek" was able to take on vacation 1200 children. These achievements have not gone unnoticed. In September 1945, Artek was awarded the honorary Order of the Red Banner of Labor for the first time in history.

The camp becomes multinational. Every year more and more children from different countries come to relax on the Black Sea. Such prominent world politicians as Jawaharlal Nehru and Indira Gandhi, Ho Chi Minh and Amir Abbas Hoveyda consider it an honor to visit the camp; Wife of Winston Churchill Clementine. New traditions appear in the camp: "Peace Day"; "Continental Cup" in sports games; there is a special summer international shift in the camp.

Each Artek citizen has his own pioneer book. In which a detailed report is kept on the social work done during the month, the circles visited, and sports successes.
Life in Artek does not stop even in winter. Young pioneers at this time of the year not only relax and improve their health, not only dance around the Christmas tree, but also study, like all the other guys in the country. Homework was not assigned at Artek. School material was studied in the classroom. Teachers in the classroom did not grade their students below the "four".

"Bottle mail" is one of the oldest and permanent traditions of "Artek". The pioneers of the camp wrote their wishes on pieces of paper. After that, the messages rolled into a tube and went to the bottom of the bottle, which was closed with a cork. Bottles were thrown into the sea either directly at the camp, or a special boat took all the collected messages away from the coast of Artek so that the letters could travel as far as possible to reach the farthest shores.

In 1960, when the camp was celebrating its 35th anniversary, a time capsule was solemnly laid for the pioneers of the coming 21st century. Children left their drawings, letters, wishes in it. The capsule was opened in 2000. Dreams of peace, space exploration and friendship between peoples were found in a package from the past by the children of a new country.

A year later, cosmonauts Yuri Gagarin and Georgy Titov visited the camp. Artek then solemnly dedicated the first cosmonaut of the planet to the pioneers. Yuri Gagarin became the ideological inspirer of the Cosmos Museum in Artek. Several times Samuil Yakovlevich Marshak came to the guys. In his poem "Merry Journey from A to Z" he writes:

Everyone knows:
With the letter "A" (capital)
Artek begins -
The kids camp is great.

For the II All-Union Gathering of Young Pioneers, by the summer of 1962, new Artek buildings were built. This is how the new buildings of the Coastal camp appeared. And four years later, the complex of camps "Mountain" was erected.

Artek food and "Quiet Hour" are separate topics of our story.
The USSR never spared money for children. And if it was about the main pioneer camp of the country - even more so. Only in Artek could there be breakfast number one and number two. Porridge with jam and delicious buns. Various seafood. Large selection of fruits.

"Quiet Hour" - a mandatory afternoon rest in "Artek" is called "Absolute". From a similar sleep in other children's camps "Absolute" differs in the complete execution of the internal routine. And it's not about iron discipline. During the day, the children are so busy inside Artek's life that they only have the strength to get to bed and fall asleep peacefully.

The international Artek movement is gaining momentum. The International Friendship Club is in correspondence with children from many countries, and international pioneer rallies are held. Signed various petitions to international organizations. In the 1970s, the Multicolored Ties at the Round Table conferences take place; "For a happy childhood in a peaceful world"; International Children's Festival "Let there always be sunshine!" (1977), which became the prologue to the XI World Youth Festival in Cuba.

Various world events find an invariable response in the life of Artek. How can one not recall the famous letter from a little girl from the USA, Samantha Smith, to Yuri Andropov. And about her arrival on July 9, 1983 in the Morskoy camp. Unfortunately, two years after visiting Artek, Samantha died, but Samantha Smith Alley still keeps her memory. Thanks to Samantha, Artek is also known in the USA. And after 5 years, 100 winners of the contest “Why do I want to go to Artek” come to the camp? and leaders of the organization "Child of the World".

In the 1990s, with the collapse of the country, hard days came to the life of ICC Artek. I had to somehow survive in the difficult current economic situation. However, even in these difficult years, Artek continues to live a bright, creative life. In 1993, the Artek International Children's Film Festival was organized. Next year is the International Aerospace Festival. In 1995, Artek became a member of the International Community of Children's Camps. In 1998, according to the results of the All-Russian competition of the best projects in the field of international cooperation in the field of education, the International competition of teachers in Artek took first place and was recognized by UNESCO as a Project of the XXI century.

Unfortunately, but a fact is a fact, the Ukrainian authorities invested in Crimea, and in particular in Artek, according to the residual principle. It was planned that the regions would buy vouchers for children, but there was not enough money for these purposes and the camp was empty. The almost total sale of vouchers to everyone (the price sometimes exceeded $ 500) did not save us much. The buildings were not repaired, the territory was not ennobled. Outsiders easily penetrated Artek. As a result, the gradual collapse of the infrastructure of the camp.

Since 2014, a new stage of development has begun in the life of Artek. The camp becomes subordinate to the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia. During the year, it was possible to repair and put into operation more than 20 buildings, swimming pools, sports grounds. Over the next five years, it is planned to carry out a complete reconstruction of Artek. After that, the camp will be able to receive up to 40,000 people a year.

The Artek International Children's Center includes:

Complex "Mountain" of the children's camp "ARTEK"

On the territory of the complex of camps "Gorny" are:

  • Camp squad "Amber"
  • Camp squad "Crystal"
  • Camp squad "Diamond"
  • School ICC "Artek"

Its name "Mountain" was due to its location. Mount Ayu-Dag - one of the symbols of "Artek", which we wrote about above, is located in close proximity to the camp. The slopes of the mountain remember the tribes of the Tauris, who have inhabited these places since time immemorial.

The five-story building of the Yantarny camp named after Arkady Gaidar is located not far from the Artek school and the Artek Sports Palace. Yantarny received its first Artek workers in 1966. The camp building is designed to receive 360 ​​children per shift. There are communicative circles in Yantarny:

  • "School of business people"
  • "Communication without problems" "Leader"
  • "Young parliamentarian"

Not far from the "Yantarny" there is a twin building, which bears the name "Crystal". The squad is named after the first cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin. Starting from last year, Khrustalny hosts an annual shift dedicated to astronautics. In 2014, the building was completely reconstructed and modernized. Cozy rooms with modern furniture are designed for 6-8 children.

Complex "Pribrezhny" of the children's camp "ARTEK"

On the territory of the complex of camps "Pribrezhny" are:

  • Camp squad "River"
  • Camp squad "Ozerny"
  • Camp squad "Field"
  • Camp squad "Forest"

"River" is a complex of five buildings located on the very shore of the Black Sea and named after the five great rivers of Russia:

  1. "Angara"
  2. "Volga"
  3. "Irtysh"
  4. "Yenisei"
  5. "Amur"

All buildings are two-story and were renovated and modernized in 2015. Each room can accommodate seven people. In total, the camp accepts up to 322 people per shift. On the territory of the complex there is a swimming pool with sea water and water attractions.

"Ozerny" has been reckoning since 1962. Just like the "River" camp, it consists of five two-story buildings, which in turn bear the names of the great Russian lakes:

  1. "Seliger"
  2. "Ilmen"
  3. "Baikal"
  4. "Sevan"
  5. "Balkhash"

Each room of each of the buildings accommodates 7 people. For them all conditions for rest are created. Comfortable furniture, air conditioning, leisure rooms. There are two swimming pools on the territory, in which children spend every day for 30-40 minutes.

The corps are located autonomously in the ARTEK camp

  • Camp squad "Morskoy"
  • Camp squad "Azure"
  • Camp squad "Cyparisny"

Life in the children's camp continues to be in full swing. In Artek, everyone can still
find a job for yourself and show all your talents. A future biologist, geologist, journalist or film director will find here everything they need for their creative development. And "Artek" is a friendship that does not end at the end of the camp shift, but lasts for many years. It is not for nothing that they say that there are no former Artekites.

The address of the Artek Camp in Crimea:

Crimea, Yalta city council, Gurzuf settlement, st. Leningradskaya 41

How to get there, get to the camp "Artek" in Crimea

The best way to get to the Artek camp is from the bus station in Yalta. At the bus station, you need to take bus number 31 and take it to the final stop "Artek". You will find yourself in the village. Gurzuf in the immediate vicinity of the camp "Cypress". In Gurzuf itself, bus route No. 2 passes through the entire village, including along Leningradskaya Street.

Camp "Artek" on the map

The article uses information from the official website of the pioneer camp "Artek"

Near the coast of the Black Sea. Every year, tens of thousands of children come to Artek from various cities not only in our country, but all over the world.


The children's camp is located in the southern part of Crimea, near the village of Gurzuf. The nature in this place is truly wonderful and amazing. Almost 50% of the entire territory of the center is occupied by numerous green spaces. Artek has very beautiful squares and parks. The coastline stretches for eight kilometers from the center to the village of Gurzuf.

The children's camp is located in a great location. It is protected from strong sea storms by rock capes that form beautiful bays, and from piercing winds - mountain ranges. During the warm season of the year, the whole air is filled with the marvelous aroma of flowering plants and fragrant roses. The wonderful climate makes the rest in Artek amazing and memorable for a long time!


The idea of ​​arranging the pioneer camp "Artek" appeared in 1924. The initiator of the creation of an anti-tuberculosis health resort on the territory of the Crimean peninsula was Zinovy ​​Solovyov, chairman of the Russian branch of the Red Cross.

Already in June 1925, the first detachments of the pioneer camp appeared. Young vacationers were placed in four tents, which were made from a simple tarpaulin. Only a few years later, the first houses made of plywood boards were placed on the coast.

During the difficult years of the Great Patriotic War, the children's center was moved to Stalingrad, and then to Moscow. In the post-war period, its gradual reconstruction and restoration began. By the sixties, the infrastructure of Artek already included numerous sports grounds, swimming pools, and a real cinema. The medical service consisted of three huge buildings in which Soviet doctors provided qualified treatment to children.

A ticket to Artek was free in Soviet times, and getting it was considered a real success in those days. They were issued only to the children of party workers, as well as to children who studied very well or showed high achievements in sports events.

Children from more than 20 different countries came to the year-round camp to have a great rest and improve their health during the summer holidays.

In the years when Crimea belonged to Ukraine, insufficient money was allocated for the development of a children's camp. Only after the well-known events, in 2014, by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, a whole program was developed to restore and develop the children's camp. During various conferences and meetings, it was decided to add educational standards to the activities of Artek.

Since 2015, free vouchers have been renewed. They, as in Soviet times, are usually issued only to children who show high achievements in education and sports. A whole strategy of the center until 2020 has also been developed. According to this document, it is planned to increase funding for Artek, as well as improve the infrastructure of the center and attract kids from other countries.


"Artek" consists of several separate camps. This structure has been preserved since 1930 without major changes. The complex includes several camps: "Mountain", "Marine", "Coastal", "Azure", "Cypress".

Each separate camp includes 2-3 detachments or squads. For example, in the "Coastal": 4 squads. These are "Forest", "River", "Field" and "Lake". This structure allows you to place all the kids in an orderly manner and in compliance with age criteria.

Each year, the organization of squads in Artek may change, but the basic principle remains unchanged. This allows more than 30,000 children to have a rest every year. Toddlers are accommodated in rooms designed to accommodate 3-6 people. All rooms are equipped with bathrooms and well equipped with all necessary furniture.


Mount Ayu-Dag or "Bear Mountain" is visible from the residential buildings of the children's center. It is a real monument of nature not only for campers, but for all residents of the Crimea. Mount Ayu-dag reliably protects campers from possible strong winds. It is directly connected with the life of "Artek": the guys visit this mountain during hikes and excursions, night gatherings around the fire on the mountain slopes are arranged here.

Children who come to rest in the camp are initiated into "Artek" on Mount Ayu-Dag. This wonderful tradition has been preserved since Soviet times.

Another real monument of nature, which is located near the "Artek", are the rocks of Adalara. Sometimes they are even considered symbols of the Crimean peninsula. There are several traditions in the children's center. Usually children, together with teachers, make real sea voyages to Adalary. At the end of the shift, a joint photo is traditionally taken.

"Shalyapinskaya" mountain is another of the sights of the center. Its cape protrudes strongly into the sea, and the slopes stand out picturesquely against the background of the waves. This natural object was named after the famous opera singer Fyodor Chaliapin many years ago.

On the territory where the children's camp is located, there are many underground springs. Many years ago, numerous communal collectors were laid there, which help to collect water and divert it to the sea.

It is also very important to say how many beautiful parks there are on the territory of Artek. Every year, professional florists and craftsmen work on their creation. Various flowering plants are used to create the ensemble: various magnolias, roses, cedars, larches and many others, there is a real olive grove.

"Artania", located, according to Grekov, in Black Sea Russia.

In the camp itself, the version associated with quails is now the most popular. There is a stable expression "Artek is a quail island" and a song with that name.

In the first half of the 19th century, the estate of the Potemkins (Tatyana Borisovna Potemkina, nee Princess Golitsyna) was located in the Artek tract. In October 1836, Pushkin sent a letter to Artek to her brother, musician and translator N. B. Golitsyn.


"Artek" was founded as a sanatorium camp for children suffering from tuberculosis intoxication, on the initiative of the chairman of the Russian Red Cross Society Zinovy ​​Petrovich Solovyov.

For the first time, the creation of a children's camp in Artek was announced on November 5, 1924, at the celebration of the Moscow Pioneers. The Russian Red Cross Society (ROKK), the Russian Communist Youth Union (future VLKSM) and the Central Bureau of Young Pioneers took an active part in preparing for the opening of the camp. Z. P. Solovyov personally supervised the preparation. Apparently, therefore, in some sources, he is indicated as the first director of Artek, although F.F. Shishmarev was entrusted with direct leadership of the camp immediately after its opening.

In 1926, Margo S.V. was the head of Artek. This year the camp was visited by the first foreign delegation - pioneers from Germany.

The first Artek residents lived in canvas tents. Two years later, light plywood houses were placed on the shore. And in the 1930s, thanks to the winter building built in the upper park, Artek was gradually transferred to year-round operation. In 1936, a change of order-bearing pioneers, awarded with government awards, took place in Artek, and in 1937 the camp accepted children from Spain engulfed in the Civil War.

Similar, although less famous, pioneer camps were in other republics of the USSR. The second place in terms of prestige was occupied by the All-Russian Pioneer Camp "Eaglet" (Krasnodar Territory, RSFSR). This was followed by the republican recreation camps "Ocean" (Primorsky Krai, RSFSR), "Young Guard" (Odessa region, Ukrainian SSR) and "Zubrenok" (Minsk region, BSSR).

Artek today

At the moment, Artek belongs to Ukraine and is called Artek International Children's Center. 60% of Ukrainian children rest on a subsidized basis or free of charge: children from low-income families, large families, orphans, the disabled and gifted children. In July 2008, the total cost of a three-week trip was 1050-2150 dollars. For several years, Artek has not been a year-round camp, but even in the summer season, the occupancy rate of Artek is no more than 75%. During the time that has passed since the collapse of the USSR, Artek has lost one of its camps. According to the official version, the Almazny camp is closed for reconstruction, however, according to objective data, it cannot be restored, and its opening is not planned. To date, Artek consists of 9 camps, over the past years, projects have repeatedly appeared in the Internet media to convert some of them into youth centers or family boarding houses.

The current decade has been marked by a number of high-profile corruption and financial scandals in Artek itself and in a number of state structures associated with the camp. The reasons for them were the loss and misuse of funds allocated to the camp, debts to public utilities, and inefficient distribution of vouchers. Several attempts were made to initiate cases in criminal and arbitration courts, employees of enterprises that have material claims against Artek held pickets in front of the camp administration building. The last audit of the Accounts Chamber confirmed that the situation is deteriorating.

On February 15, 2009, in Moscow, on Krasnopresnenskaya Zastava Square, with the support of the Moscow city organization of the Union of Communist Youth, a rally was held in defense of Artek, organized on the initiative of Moscow schoolchildren - Artek students who had been in the camp and maintained their strong Artek friendship.

Child molestation scandal

In October 2009, a scandal erupted over cases of pedophilia in Artek. According to the statement of the People's Deputy Grigory Omelchenko, including 3 deputies of the Verkhovna Rada are involved in the story; children were allegedly raped and filmed.

The media indicate the involvement of several Artek employees in these cases, including Boris Novozhilov, General Director of the Artek International Children's Center. One of the suspects was arrested, while the Prosecutor General's Office clarified that this was not about rape, but about child molestation. At the same time, the management of the Artek International Children's Center noted in its official press release that all statements about cases of rape of children in the camp have nothing to do with Artek and are impossible on the territory of the center. Moreover, the director of the Artek International Children's Center, Boris Novozhilov, said that this slanderous campaign is a consequence of the fact that the current administration of the center rebuffed the strategic plans of corrupt politicians to destroy the unique socio-cultural center Artek.

In May 2010, the activities of the commission of inquiry were terminated, but Novozhilov resigned. However, in July 2010, the Prosecutor General's Office of Ukraine announced that the investigation was ongoing.

The former head of the Crimean police, Gennady Moskal, announced the closure of the "case of pedophiles". However, less than half a day later, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine denied the erroneous information about the alleged closure of the high-profile "case of pedophiles". Case is closed.


The structural division of Artek changed along with its development.

Initially, the tent city on the seashore was simply called "Children's Camp in Artek". The name of the tract Artek was fixed as the proper name of the camp a little later, by 1930, when the first building for year-round reception of children was built in the upper park. He received the name "Upper Camp", and the tent by the sea - "Lower". The third Artek camp was in 1937 "Suuk-Su", created on the basis of the rest house of the same name transferred to "Artek". After the Great Patriotic War in 1944, Artek was given the Kolkhoz Youth rest house, which became another camp.

In the fifties, Artek was officially considered a complex of several camps. Its directorate was called the "Management of All-Union Pioneer Camps", and the camps themselves were called by the numbers "Camp No. 1" - "Camp No. 4".

Thus, at the time of the collapse of the USSR, "Artek" consisted of 5 camps, uniting 10 squads: "Marine" (squad "Sea"), "Mountain" (squads "Diamond", "Crystal", "Amber"), "Coastal" (teams "Forest", "Lake", "Field", "River"), "Azure" (team "Azure") and "Cypress" (team "Cypress")

This Artek structure has survived to this day, but by the end of the 90s a new tradition had developed - all Artek teams are now called "Children's Camps", and "Mountain" and "Pribrezhny" are camp complexes. Although the older generation of Artek continue to call the camps "Morskoy", "Cypress" and "Azure", and the rest - squads. A few years ago, due to the emergency state of the corps, the admission of children to the Almaznaya squad was stopped.

In the 60s, it was assumed that the construction of Artek would continue. Polyansky's group designed the Skalny and Vozdushny camps, a number of cultural and educational facilities, but these plans were not destined to come true.

In addition to the above-mentioned camps, the structure of "Artek" includes two mountain camp sites "Dubrava", "Krinichka", which are visited by some Artek detachments.

Today, after a major overhaul of the Morskoy and Gorny camps a few years ago (which radically changed the external and internal appearance of the buildings), living conditions and expenses for maintaining the material base of different Artek camps differ. Accordingly, the cost of vouchers and, as a result, the social composition of vacationing children differ markedly.


The main directions and components of the camp:

  • Medical and health. Initially, this was the main, and according to the idea of ​​Z.P. Solovyov, perhaps the only purpose of Artek. This is evidenced by the fact that since the opening of the camp, the chief official of the camp was a doctor. Only children with a diagnosis of tuberculosis intoxication or those at risk for this disease were sent to the camp. The regime included medical and hygienic procedures, and the menu was compiled accordingly. Later, along with the leader, a medical worker was attached to each detachment. Created as one of the institutions of the Russian Red Cross, Artek after some time was transferred to the Ministry of Health.

This function of "Artek" was also relevant in the post-war years, but gradually its place was taken by the function of "organizing children's recreation", which included general physical education, climatotherapy, daily routine, but no longer assumed special medical programs. On the contrary, there was a whole list of restrictions for sending to Artek due to health reasons, which has survived to this day. Although in official documents and media publications, the stay of children in the camp today is called "recovery".

  • Educational. The first employees of "Artek" noted in their memoirs its difference from other camps that existed at that time with their drill training, night wake-ups and political education. Artek was a "new type camp", a "sanatorium camp". Z. P. Solovyov rewrote the main pioneer motto: “Be healthy! Always healthy!” Of course, the need for educational work with children was not called into question. But from the first years of the camp's operation, the country's leadership thought about turning it into a "forge of personnel" for the future Komsomol activists.

Gradually, the function of patriotic, political and ideological education came to the fore. A ticket to Artek became an encouragement, a reward for the pioneer. Increasingly, decisions on the work of the camp were made at the highest party level, and in 1958 Artek was finally transferred from the subordination of medical departments to the jurisdiction of the Central Committee of the Komsomol. From that time until the 90s, Artek was considered a “camp of pioneer activists”, All-Union pioneer rallies and thematic shifts were held here for activists from various areas of pioneer work. However, according to the general opinion of Artek workers of those years, this work was carried out very carefully, without excesses. Against the background of the general coverage of schoolchildren in the country with pioneering work, Artek sometimes looked even a little dissident. The leaders and teachers of the camp tried to instill in children genuine friendship, and not abstract collectivism, and even taught to serve the ideals of socialism without ostentatious reporting.

  • methodical Artek's activities were not put at the forefront by its founders, however, already in the first years of the camp's existence, numerous guests (in particular Clara Zetkin) spoke of the need to use his experience in the work of children's institutions in Russia and abroad. In the summer of 1928, the first international seminar of pioneer leaders was held in the camp. Subsequently, such events of various levels and directions were held regularly. This work was not interrupted during the war either - during the evacuation, the Artek leaders shared their experience with the pioneer workers of Altai. Subsequently, a careful selection of specialists, year-round work, continuity of traditions and wide professional ties with colleagues in the USSR and abroad allowed Artek to become a kind of laboratory of pedagogical experience.

During the years of structural subordination of the camp to health departments, the Red Cross Society produced methodological literature and propaganda and educational posters reflecting Artek's experience in improving children's health and sanitary and hygienic education. And the pedagogical side of the camp’s activities was reflected in the series of books “For those who work with the pioneers” (in particular, the collections “So they live in Artek”, “Song of the silver horns”) and special issues of the magazines “Counselor” and “Zateynik”.

The Artek experience was also spread along with the camp staff, who continued their labor activity in educational and cultural institutions of the country. Artek's seniority was considered the best recommendation for employment in children's camps, schools, pioneer homes. At the opening of the All-Russian Pioneer Camp "Eaglet" in 1960, a large group of Artek leaders was sent to organize its work and formed the basis of the future teaching staff. Krapivin's book The Boy with a Sword tells how the Artek leader uses the experience gained in the camp to organize a new pioneer club.

With the collapse of the USSR and the fall of the authority of the camp, the purposeful and systematic dissemination of the Artek experience gradually ceased. At the beginning of the current decade, “summer pedagogical schools” were held in Artek, separate seminars on a commercial basis, and an attempt was made to publish an international pedagogical journal, but this practice has not yet been continued.

Currently, several children's camps in the CIS officially indicate the use of Artek's pedagogical programs in their work. Whether this always corresponds to reality, or is it just a marketing ploy, is difficult to say. Before the start of the summer season of 2009, the Youth Department of the city of Krasny Luch organized a meeting of children who had a rest in Artek in order to study the experience of organizing leisure activities and using it in school and country camps.

  • Educational.
  • Socio-cultural.



Crypt (chapel) of Vladimir Berezin

Not far from the Palace, also on the territory of the "Azure" camp, away from the central alleys, there is a family crypt of the family of the owners of the estate (sometimes called a chapel). The crypt is made in the form of a grotto in a steep hillside. In Soviet times, it was used as a garbage dump. Today, the entrance to the cave, framed by a stone portal, is closed by a grate through which a well-preserved fresco is visible depicting the saints Equal-to-the-Apostles Vladimir and Olga, heavenly patrons Vladimir Berezin and Olga Solovyova.

Less well known are other historical memorial objects of the turn of the 19th - early 20th centuries, which are quite a few on the territory of "Azure": the Pump Room, the Orangery, the Communications Center, the Eagle's Nest Hotel and others.

Historical buildings in the eastern part of Artek (the territory of Morskoy and Gorny) were built by several of the previously mentioned ones. They are connected with the names of the owners of the local lands: Olizar, Potemkins, Gartvis, Wiener, Metalnikovs. Currently, they continue to be used as premises for classes and household needs. In this part of the camp there are two objects that are directly related to the history of Artek itself. In Morskoy, a tiny house has been preserved, in which the founder of Artek, Z.P. Solovyov, lived during his visits to the camp. Tradition links the pre-revolutionary history of this building with the name of the French Countess De la Mothe, who became the prototype of Milady, the heroine of the novels by Alexandre Dumas. This house has been closed to the public for several decades. Many current Artek residents are not even aware of its existence. And in the park next to the "Mountain" camp is the building of the camp "Upper", built in the 30s and made "Artek" a year-round camp. In it, in 1958, some scenes of the film "Military Secret" were filmed. Today it is used as a residential building.

On the western border of "Artek", in the "Cypress" camp there is a historical object even more ancient. The ruins of the Genoese fortress of the XI-XV centuries, built on the site of an even more ancient Byzantine (VI century), have been preserved here. In the Middle Ages, a tunnel was made in the rock of Dzhenevez-Kaya, on which the fortress was built, to observe the sea. It has also survived to this day.

natural attractions


The parks are the indisputable decoration of Artek. The founder of the camp, Z. P. Solovyov, emphasized their importance for the children's health resort. The beginning of park construction on the territory of Artek was laid back in the 19th century by G. Olizar, whose estate was located near Mount Ayu-Dag. Today, the park ensemble "Marine" and "Mountain", descending to the sea itself, has up to a thousand species of trees and shrubs, in particular - five types of cedar, three types of cypress, several types of pines and sequoias, magnolias, lilacs, oleanders. There is also an olive grove here. The bizarre pattern of paths and alleys is complemented by stone stairs. In the park, artistic cutting of plants is carried out, here you can see bushes in the form of funny animals and look for a way out of a real green maze.

Nearby is a small, but unique in its collection, Gartvis-Winner Park (in Soviet times - "Komsomolsky"). It was founded in the twenties of the XIX century by the director of the Imperial Nikitsky Botanical Garden N. A. Gartvis. Here you can find rare plant species: iron tree and cork oak, camphor tree, bolearic and evergreen boxwood, Sulange magnolia.

The park "Azure" was known even in pre-revolutionary times, when the resort "Suuk-Su" was located here. It was then that the park was given the appearance of an Italian terraced garden: retaining walls, balustrades and bridges with forged railings, stone stairs are harmoniously included in the lush park vegetation.

No less beautiful and remarkable in composition and layout are the Cypress and Coastal parks.

Several alleys and squares on the territory of the camp were laid by the Artek people themselves. One of them is Friendship Square in Azure - 48 cedars planted by children from 48 countries who vacationed in Artek during the X World Festival of Youth and Students in Berlin.

Artek parks have the status of monuments of landscape art of local importance.


Monuments of "Artek" can be divided into several thematic groups. All of them were created in the post-war period. Earlier monuments, including those created by the hands of children, were destroyed during the occupation of Crimea by fascist soldiers stationed on the territory of Artek.

The largest Artek monument - to V.I. Lenin is located in the central part of Artek, next to the Coastal. The architectural complex, which includes the monument itself and the surrounding area, is called the Lenin Memorial. It was built according to the project of the architect M. F. Sinyov and the People's Artists of the USSR A. T. Polyansky and N. A. Shcherbakov. The monument, opened in 1985, together with the pedestal, has a height of 19 meters, and the pylons behind it, depicting flagpoles, reach a height of forty-two meters. Due to its size, the monument was included in the sea navigation as a navigation mark. The memorial also included a lecture hall and areas for exhibitions of the Union republics, connected by stairs and galleries. However, soon after the construction, it was discovered that the memorial complex was slowly sliding down the slope, as a result of which the facing of marble slabs and the stairs framing the monument began to collapse; the interior of the complex fell into an unusable condition. The symbolic image of a pioneer fire, made of multi-colored glass, is broken and taken away for souvenirs; lagging slabs of red granite began to be plundered. There is a lot of household garbage on the sites of the memorial. Currently, Artek detachments are leading around the memorial.

Despite the impressive size, central location and ideological content, the main monument of the camp, according to the ideas of the authors of the Big Artek project, was not to be the Lenin Memorial, but the Monument of Friendship of the Children of the World in the Marine camp. It was founded in 1962 by children from 83 countries who brought pieces of rock to Artek. The basis of the monument is a large panel of shell rock with relief images of children's faces and the inscription: "With the heart of the flame, the sun's radiance, the glow of the fire, the children of the globe of the earth, the path of friendship, labor, happiness, peace, freedom, equality, brotherhood will forever illuminate." The panel is placed on a sheer wall of a steep bank, framing a round platform. In its center is a pavilion, the roof of which depicts the globe with the outlines of the continents and models of Artek buildings. At present, it is rusted and has an unattractive appearance, the glass walls of the pavilion are broken. During major events and visits to the camp by official delegations, the monument is partially draped with fabric. The author of the monument is Ernst Neizvestny.

On the alleys of "Coastal" you can find a few more works made by Ernst Iosifovich. These are, firstly, small metal sculptures, obviously designed, according to the author's idea, to symbolize the Crimean nature: images of fish and birds on abstract structures; secondly, a unique stainless steel panel near the Suuk-su palace. Thanks to them, the name of the sculptor was immortalized in one of the Artek songs (“Here, once upon a time, an Unknown series of masterpieces created ...”)

Several monuments in the camp are connected with the history of the Great Patriotic War. In the park between Morskoy and Gorny there is a monument to the Unknown Sailor, who died in battle with the invaders of Crimea in 1943. The monument, made by A. A. Emelyantsev in 1962 from white stone, is a sculptural image of a Soviet soldier at the time of the battle on the seashore. In Soviet times, it was one of the main monuments of the camp. Solemn events, rulers, laying flowers were held here. Today, the monument, located away from the central Artek alleys, gives the impression of being abandoned. On the site in front of him are traces of tourist picnics, in a bowl of fire of memory - household garbage.

It should be noted that this is the second monument to the "Unknown Sailor". The first one stood on the very shore of the sea, where now there are guest buildings near the "Marine". It was a traditional monument in the style of "socialist realism". A full-length sailor in a peakless cap and with a PPSh machine gun in his hands.

Here we must make a digression. According to the official version, the sailor died during the battle of the Soviet destroyer with the Germans. It was washed overboard and carried to the Artek shore. In the 10-80 years (and in the camp "Lesnoy" and in the 90-2000s), children were told that local pioneers found him and, secretly from the invaders, buried him on the shore. Later it was said that the sailor was buried by Romanian soldiers (Crimea was part of the Romanian zone of occupation). Both versions are baseless. As Vdadimir Svistov, an employee of Artek since the late 1930s and the author of several books about the history of the camp, later recalled, during the reburial it turned out that the grave was not a sailor at all. On the remains were infantry windings (sailors never wore windings) and a tunic from the time of the Civil War. The bones themselves were mixed, as if the deceased had been torn to pieces before burial. Most likely, the sea simply washed away the old coastal grave and washed away the remains. The Romanians reburied them, and the case itself was overgrown with rumors. Like, in the burial - a sailor. Then, in the early 60s, all participants were urged to keep quiet about the windings - "Unknown Sailor" by that time had become the ideologically correct symbol and legend of Artek. And the new monument was a monument to the Sailor. In any case, the monument by Emelyantsev is a symbolic monument to all those who died for their Motherland, and it doesn’t matter that an infantryman from the time of the Civil War is buried there - he also fought and died for the Motherland.

In culture and art


Artek is (in whole or in part) the setting for many works of art, among which are the following: “Military Secret” (A. Gaidar), “Girl and Deer” (E. Pashnev), “Little Spaniards” (E. Kononenko), “Bear Mountain” (E. Ilyina), “A Month in Artek” (V. Kiselev), “Innocent Secrets” (A. Likhanov), “A Letter on a Shell” (M. Efetov), ​​“Almost Incredible Adventures in Artek” (P. Amatuni), "Samantha" (Yu. Yakovlev), "Street of the Youngest Son" (L. Kassil, M. Polyanovsky), "The Fourth Height" (E. Ilyina), "Day Watch" (S. Lukyanenko).

Artek is also mentioned or is part of the plot in many poetic cycles and individual poems by A. Barto, V. Viktorov, A. Zatsarinna, L. Kondrashenko, S. Marshak, A. Milyavsky, B. Mirotvortsev, S. Mikhalkov, V. Orlov.

In some cases, the authors of literary works mention that in the past the heroes of their books were Artek people, thereby expanding the characterization of the character or explaining the motivation for his actions. So, at the behest of the authors, Soviet intelligence officer Alexander Belov (“Shield and Sword”, V. Kozhevnikov), teacher Oleg Moskovkin (“Boy with a Sword”, V. Krapivin), dissident Tolik Paramonov (“Freedom or Death”, L. Filatov) and others.


Literally from the first years of its existence, Artek began to be used for the creative needs of domestic cinema. This was facilitated by the coincidence of several factors. A large number of sunny days a year, the proximity of the Yalta branch of the Gorky film studio, a variety of exotic flora, mountainous terrain and the seashore, combined with unusual, futuristic architecture. And if necessary - and free children's extras. All this made the camp an ideal platform for the realization of the creative ideas of filmmakers.

Accordingly, films shot in the camp can be divided into several groups. First of all, these are films set in Artek: "New Gulliver" (1935), "Happy Shift" (1936), "Military Secret" (1958), "Pushchik Goes to Prague" (1966) and films about " no one", usually - an international, pioneer camp: "Three" (1927), "Passenger from the Equator" (1968), "Hello, children!" (1962) Matchmakers 4 (2010).

The second group - adventure films about sea voyages, distant exotic countries: " In Search of Captain Grant" (1985), "Battle of the Three Kings (Fire Drums)" (1990), " Captain Blood's Odyssey" (1991), "Hearts of Three" ( 1992), Empire of Pirates (1995).

And finally, fantastic films about life in the distant future:

At the initiative of the chairman of the Russian Red Cross Society Zinovy ​​Petrovich Solovyov.

For the first time, the creation of a children's camp in Artek was announced on November 5, 1924, at the celebration of the Moscow Pioneers. The Russian Red Cross Society (ROKK), the Russian Communist Youth Union (the future VLKSM) and the Central Bureau of Young Pioneers took an active part in preparing for the opening of the camp. Z. P. Solovyov personally supervised the preparation. Apparently, therefore, in some sources, he is indicated as the first director of Artek, although F.F. Shishmarev was entrusted with direct leadership of the camp immediately after its opening.

In 1926, S. V. Margo became the head of Artek. That year, the camp was visited by the first foreign delegation - pioneers from Germany.

The first Artek residents lived in canvas tents. Two years later, light plywood houses were placed on the shore. And in the 1930s, thanks to the winter building built in the upper park, Artek was gradually transferred to year-round operation. In 1936, Artek hosted a change of order-bearing pioneers, awarded with government awards, and in 1937, the camp accepted children from the Spanish Civil War engulfed.

Since the beginning of the 1960s, the camp has been reconstructed according to the project of A. T. Polyansky. By 1969, Artek already had 150 buildings, three medical centers, a school, the ArtekFilm film studio, three swimming pools, a stadium with 7,000 seats and playgrounds for various needs.

In Soviet times, a trip to Artek was considered a prestigious award for both Soviet and foreign children. Within the same school, the best of the pioneers were awarded vouchers according to numerous indicators (participation in the affairs of the pioneer squad, behavior, academic performance, and the like). In its heyday, the annual number of trips to Artek was 27,000. In the period between - years. Artek welcomed 300,000 children, including more than 13,000 children from 17 foreign countries.

The International Children's Festival "Let there always be sunshine!", which was held in Artek in 1977, was attended by 1,500 children and 500 honored guests from 103 countries.

Honorary guests "ARTEKA" in different years were Jean-povements Bokassa, Leonid Brezhnev, Yuri Gagarin, Indira Gandhi, Urho Kekkonen, Nikita Khrushchev, Javaharlal Nehu, Otto Schmidt, Lydia Skoblikova, Palmyir Togliati, Ho Chi Minh, Benjamin Spock, Mikhail Tal , Valentina Tereshkova , Lev Yashin . In July 1983, the American girl Samantha Smith visited Artek.

Similar, although less famous, pioneer camps were in other republics of the USSR. The second place in terms of prestige was occupied by the All-Russian Pioneer Camp "Eaglet" (Krasnodar Territory, RSFSR). This was followed by the republican recreation camps "Ocean" (Primorsky Krai, RSFSR), "Young Guard" (Odessa region, Ukrainian SSR) and "Zubrenok" (Minsk region, BSSR).

Until March 2014, Artek belonged to Ukraine and was called Artek International Children's Center. In recent years, "Artek" was not a year-round camp, but in the summer season, the occupancy rate of "Artek" was no more than 75%.

On February 15, 2009, in Moscow, on Krasnopresnenskaya Zastava Square, with the support of the Moscow city organization of the Union of Communist Youth, a rally was held in defense of Artek, organized on the initiative of Moscow Artek schoolchildren who had been in the camp and maintained their strong Artek friendship.


The development of a new concept for the development of the center was also started. During the open discussion of the draft Concept, 894 expert opinions were received. The presentation of the concept took place on October 8, 2014 in Moscow, at the RIA Novosti news agency and on October 28 at the 10th International Camp Congress in Turkey. In accordance with the document, innovative educational activities were identified as a priority for the center, in addition to recreation and health improvement. Experts from various regions of Russia were involved in the development of new educational technologies at Artek.

In the autumn of 2014, Artek began work on the improvement of the territory, reconstruction and overhaul of buildings. About 5 billion rubles have been allocated from the Russian budget for the reconstruction of Artek. For 2014-2015 a large-scale reconstruction of the camp was carried out, the construction of new buildings and other infrastructure facilities. Communications were changed in the buildings, new furniture was brought in, the dining room was restored, and a sports ground was equipped. The swimming pools were also repaired, the camp was supplied with modern computers. On February 27, 2015, 4 buildings of the Lazurny camp were put into operation.

In March 2015, the Government of the Russian Federation approved the Artek Development Program until 2020.

On March 20, 2015, at a press conference in Moscow, the director of Artek, Alexei Kasprzhak, presented a new system for distributing vouchers - Artek becomes a reward for a child for achievements in various fields of activity. The arrival of the first Artek shift in 2015 took place on April 26 at the Lazurny camp. In total, in 2015, Artek received about 20,000 children.

On June 16, 2015, Artek celebrated its 90th anniversary. A number of festive events were held, which were attended by the head of the Russian government, Dmitry Medvedev.


The structural division of Artek changed along with its development.

Initially, the tent city on the seashore was simply called "Children's Camp in Artek". The name of the tract Artek was fixed as the proper name of the camp a little later, by 1930, when the first building for year-round reception of children was built in the upper park. He received the name "Upper Camp", and the tent by the sea - "Lower". The third Artek camp was in 1937 "Suuk-Su", created on the basis of the rest home of the same name transferred to "Artek". After the Great Patriotic War in 1944, Artek was given the Kolkhoznaya Youth rest house, which became another camp.

In the 1950s, Artek was officially considered a complex of several camps. Its directorate was called the "Management of the All-Union Pioneer Camps", and the camps themselves were called by the numbers "Camp No. 1" - "Camp No. 4".

Thus, at the time of the collapse of the USSR, "Artek" consisted of 5 camps, uniting 10 squads: "Sea" (squad "Sea"), "Mountain" (squads "Diamond", "Crystal", "Amber"), "Coastal" (teams "Forest", "Lake", "Field", "River"), "Azure" (team "Azure") and "Cypress" (team "Cypress").

This Artek structure has survived to this day, but by the end of the 1990s a new tradition had developed - all Artek teams are now called children's camps, and "Mountain" and "Pribrezhny" are camp complexes. Although the older generation of Artek continue to call the camps "Morskoy", "Cypress" and "Azure", and the rest - squads.

Children's camps of the "Pribrezhny" complex consist of several residential buildings with a capacity for 2-3 teams, each of which has its own name.

  • Camp "Forest" - buildings "Poplar", "Pine", "Maple", "Viburnum", "Rowan".
  • Camp "Ozerny" - buildings "Seliger", "Ilmen", "Baikal", "Sevan", "Balkhash".
  • Camp "Field" - buildings "Chamomile", "Cornflower", "Forget-me-not", "Bell", "Violet".
  • Camp "River" - buildings "Volga", "Yenisei", "Angara", "Amur", "Irtysh".

Several years ago, due to the emergency state of the corps, the admission of children to the Almazny camp was stopped.

In the 1960s, it was assumed that the construction of Artek would continue. Polyansky's group designed the Solnechny and Vozdushny camps, a number of cultural and educational facilities, but these plans were not destined to come true.

In addition to the above-mentioned camps, the structure of "Artek" includes two mountain camp sites "Dubrava", "Krinichka".


The main directions and components of the camp:

  • Medical and health. Initially, this was the main, and according to the idea of ​​Z.P. Solovyov, perhaps the only purpose of Artek. This is evidenced by the fact that since the opening of the camp, the chief official of the camp was a doctor. Only children with a diagnosis of tuberculosis intoxication or those at risk for this disease were sent to the camp. The regime included medical and hygienic procedures, and the menu was compiled accordingly. Later, along with the leader, a medical worker was attached to each detachment. Created as one of the institutions of the Russian Red Cross, "Artek" after some time was transferred to the Ministry of Health.

This function of "Artek" was also relevant in the post-war years, but gradually its place was taken by the function of "organizing children's recreation", which included general physical education, climatotherapy, daily routine, but no longer assumed special medical programs. On the contrary, there was a whole list of restrictions for sending to Artek due to health reasons, which has survived to this day. Although in official documents and media publications, the stay of children in the camp today is called "recovery".

  • Educational. The first employees of "Artek" noted in their memoirs its difference from other camps that existed at that time with their drill training, night wake-ups and political education. Artek was a "new type camp", a "sanatorium camp". Z. P. Solovyov rewrote the main pioneer motto: “Be healthy! Always healthy! Of course, the need for educational work with children was not called into question. But from the first years of the camp's operation, the country's leadership thought about turning it into a "forge of personnel" for the future Komsomol activists.

Gradually, the function of patriotic, political and ideological education came to the fore. A ticket to Artek became an encouragement, a reward for the pioneer. Increasingly, decisions on the work of the camp were made at the highest party level, and in 1958, Artek was finally transferred from subordination to the medical departments to the jurisdiction of the Komsomol Central Committee. From that time until the 1990s, Artek was considered a "camp of pioneer activists", All-Union pioneer rallies and thematic shifts for activists from various areas of pioneer work were held here. However, according to the general opinion of the Artek workers of those years, this work was carried out very carefully, without excesses. Against the background of the general coverage of schoolchildren in the country with pioneering work, Artek sometimes looked even a little dissident. The leaders and teachers of the camp tried to instill in children genuine friendship, and not abstract collectivism, and even taught to serve the ideals of socialism without ostentatious reporting.

  • methodical Artek's activity was not put at the forefront by its founders, however, already in the first years of the camp's existence, numerous guests (in particular, Clara Zetkin) spoke of the need to use his experience in the work of children's institutions in Russia and abroad. In the summer of 1928, the camp hosted the first International Seminar of Pioneer Leaders. Subsequently, such events of various levels and directions were held regularly. This work was not interrupted during the war either - during the evacuation, the Artek leaders shared their experience with the pioneer workers of Altai. Subsequently, a careful selection of specialists, year-round work, continuity of traditions and wide professional ties with colleagues in the USSR and abroad allowed Artek to become a kind of laboratory of pedagogical experience.

During the years of the structural subordination of the camp to health departments, the Red Cross Society published methodological literature and propaganda and educational posters reflecting the experience of Artek in improving children's health and sanitary and hygienic education. And the pedagogical side of the camp’s activities was reflected in the series of books “For those who work with the pioneers” (in particular, the collections “This is how they live in Artek”, “Song of the Silver Horns”) and special issues of the magazines “Counselor” and “Zateynik” .

The Artek experience was also spread along with the camp staff, who continued their labor activity in educational and cultural institutions of the country. Artek's work experience was considered the best recommendation for employment in children's camps, schools, pioneer houses. At the opening of the All-Russian Pioneer Camp "Eaglet" in 1960, a large group of Artek leaders was sent to organize its work and formed the basis of the future teaching staff. Krapivin's book The Boy with the Sword tells how the Artek leader uses the experience gained in the camp to organize a new pioneer club.

Currently, several children's camps in the CIS officially indicate the use of Artek's pedagogical programs in their work.

Whether this always corresponds to reality, or is it just a marketing ploy, is difficult to say. Before the start of the summer season of 2009, the Department of Youth Affairs of the city of Krasny Luch organized a meeting of children who had a rest in Artek in order to study the experience of organizing leisure activities and using it in school and country camps.

  • Educational.
  • Socio-cultural.

Since June 2016, Artek has been taken under guard by a brigade of the Russian National Guard Troops.



Not far from the Palace, also on the territory of the "Azure" camp, away from the central alleys, there is a family crypt of the family of the owners of the estate (sometimes called a chapel). The crypt is made in the form of a grotto in a steep hillside. In Soviet times, it was used as a garbage dump. Today, the entrance to the cave, framed by a stone portal, is closed by a grate through which a well-preserved fresco is visible depicting the saints Equal-to-the-Apostles Vladimir and Olga, heavenly patrons Vladimir Berezin and Olga Solovyova.

Less well known are other historical memorial objects of the turn of the 19th - early 20th centuries, which are quite a few on the territory of "Azure": the Pump Room, the Orangery, the Communications Center, the Eagle's Nest Hotel and others.

Historical buildings in the eastern part of Artek (the territory of Morskoy and Gorny) were built by several of the previously mentioned ones. They are connected with the names of the owners of the local lands: Olizar, Potemkins, Gartvis, Wiener, Metalnikovs. Currently, they continue to be used as premises for classes and household needs. In this part of the camp there are two objects that are directly related to the history of Artek itself. In Morskoy, a tiny house has been preserved, in which the founder of Artek, Z.P. Solovyov, lived during his visits to the camp. Tradition links the pre-revolutionary history of this building with the name of the French Countess De la Mothe, who became the prototype of Milady, the heroine of Alexandre Dumas' novels. This house has been closed to the public for several decades. Many current Artek residents are not even aware of its existence. And in the park next to the "Mountain" camp is the building of the camp "Upper", built in the 1930s and making "Artek" a year-round camp. In it, in 1958, some scenes of the film "Military Secret" were filmed. Today it is used as a residential building.

On the western border of "Artek", in the "Cypress" camp there is a historical object even more ancient. The ruins of the Genoese fortress of the XI-XV centuries, built on the site of an even more ancient Byzantine (VI century), have been preserved here. In the Middle Ages, a tunnel was made in the rock of Dzhenevez-Kaya, on which the fortress was built, to observe the sea. It has also survived to this day.

natural attractions


The parks are the indisputable decoration of Artek. The founder of the camp, Z. P. Solovyov, emphasized their importance for the children's health resort. The beginning of park construction on the territory of Artek was laid back in the 19th century by G. Olizar, whose estate was located near Mount Ayu-Dag. Today, the park ensemble "Morskoy" and "Mountain", descending to the sea itself, has up to a thousand species of trees and shrubs, in particular - several types of cedar, three types of cypress, several types of pines and sequoias, magnolias, lilacs, oleanders. There is also an olive grove here. The bizarre pattern of paths and alleys is complemented by stone stairs. In the park, artistic cutting of plants is carried out, here you can see bushes in the form of funny animals and look for a way out of a real green maze.

Nearby is a small, but unique in its collection, Gartvis-Winner Park (in Soviet times - "Komsomolsky"). It was founded in the 1820s by the director of the Imperial Nikitsky Botanical Garden N. A. Gartvis. Here you can find rare species of plants: ironwood and cork oak, camphor tree, bolearic and evergreen boxwood, Sulange magnolia.

The park "Azure" was known even in pre-revolutionary times, when the resort "Suuk-Su" was located here. It was then that the park was given the appearance of an Italian terraced garden: retaining walls, balustrades and bridges with forged railings, stone stairs are harmoniously included in the lush park vegetation.

No less beautiful and remarkable in composition and layout are the Cypress and Coastal parks.

Several alleys and squares on the territory of the camp were laid by the Artek people themselves. One of them is Friendship Square in Lazurny - 48 cedars planted by children from 48 countries who vacationed in Artek during the X World festival youth and students in Berlin.

Artek parks have the status of monuments of landscape art of local importance.


Monuments of "Artek" can be divided into several thematic groups. All of them were created in the post-war period. Earlier monuments, including those created by the hands of children, were destroyed during the occupation of Crimea by fascist soldiers stationed on the territory of Artek.

The largest Artek monument - to V.I. Lenin - is located in the central part of Artek next to Coastal. The architectural complex, which includes the monument itself and the surrounding area, is called the Lenin Memorial. The memorial was built according to the project of the architect M. F. Sinyov and the People's Artists of the USSR A. T. Polyansky and N. A. Shcherbakov and opened in 1985. The monument, together with the pedestal, has a height of 19 meters, and the pylons behind it, depicting flagpoles, reach a height of forty-two meters. Due to its size, the monument was included in the sea navigation as a navigation mark.

"Monument of Friendship of the Children of the World" in the "Sea" camp. It was founded in 1962 by children from 83 countries who brought pieces of colorful rocks to Artek. The basis of the monument is a large panel of shell rock with relief images of children's faces and the inscription "With the flame of the heart, the radiance of the sun, the glow of the fire, the children of the Earth's Ball, the road of friendship, labor, happiness, peace, freedom, equality, brotherhood will forever be illuminated." The panel is placed on a sheer wall of a steep bank, framing a round platform. The author of the monument is Ernst Unknown.

On the alleys of "Coastal" you can find a few more works made by Ernst Iosifovich. These are, firstly, small metal sculptures, obviously designed, according to the author's idea, to symbolize the Crimean nature: images of fish and birds on abstract structures; secondly, a unique stainless steel panel near the Suuk-su Palace. Thanks to them, the sculptor's name was immortalized in one of Artek's songs ("Here, once upon a time, an Unknown series of masterpieces were created ...").

Several monuments in the camp are connected with the history of the Great Patriotic War. In the park between Morskoy and Gorny there is a monument to the Unknown Sailor, who died in battle with the invaders of Crimea in 1943. The monument, made by A. A. Emelyantsev in 1962 from white stone, is a sculptural image of a Soviet soldier at the time of the battle on the seashore. In Soviet times, it was one of the main monuments of the camp. There are solemn events, rulers, laying flowers.

Two Artek busts by A. A. Emelyantsev are dedicated to the people after whom the pioneer squads of Artek were named: in the “Morskoye”, copper on a granite base - Palmiro Togliatti (1969) and in the “Azure” more modest - twice Hero of the Soviet Union USSR pilot-cosmonaut Vladimir Komarov. In 1972, a memorial plaque with a bas-relief of the writer was opened on the wall of the Yantarnaya squad, which bore the name of Arkady Gaidar. After the recent reconstruction of the camp, it was temporarily removed and returned to its place at the end of the reconstruction.

In "Azure" there are two more monuments created by Emelyantsev from white marble: a monument to N.K. Krupskaya near the Suuk-Su palace and a bust of Pushkin on the Pushkin site.

In culture and art


Artek is (in whole or in part) the setting for many works of art, among which are the following: “Military Secret” (A. Gaidar), “Girl and Deer” (E. Pashnev), “Little Spaniards” (E. Kononenko), “Bear Mountain” (E. Ilyina), “A Month in Artek” (V. Kiselev), “Innocent Secrets” (A. Likhanov), “A Letter on a Shell” (M. Efetov), ​​“Almost Incredible Adventures in Artek” (P.   Amatuni), “Samanta” (Yu.   Yakovlev), “Street of the Youngest Son” (L.   Kassil, M. Polyanovsky), “The Fourth Height” (E.   Ilyina), “Day Watch” (S.   Lukyanenko), "Good people - good morning!" (V. Zheleznikov).

Artek is also mentioned or is part of the plot in many poetic cycles and individual poems by A. Barto, V. Viktorov, A. Zatsarinna, L. Kondrashenko, S. Marshak, A. Milyavsky, B. Mirotvortsev, S. Mikhalkov, V. Orlov.

In some cases, the authors of literary works mention that in the past the heroes of their books were Artek people, thereby expanding the characterization of the character or explaining the motivation for his actions. So, at the behest of the authors, Soviet intelligence officer Alexander Belov (“Shield and Sword”, V. Kozhevnikov), teacher Oleg Moskovkin (“Boy with a Sword”, V. Krapivin), dissident Tolik Paramonov (“Freedom or Death”, L. Filatov) and others.


Literally from the first years of its existence, Artek began to be used for the creative needs of domestic cinema. This was facilitated by the coincidence of several factors. A large number of sunny days a year, the proximity of the Yalta branch of the Gorky film studio, a variety of exotic flora, mountainous terrain and the seashore, combined with unusual, futuristic architecture. And if necessary - and free children's extras. All this made the camp an ideal platform for the realization of the creative ideas of filmmakers.

Accordingly, films shot in the camp can be divided into several groups. First of all, these are films whose action takes place in Artek: "New Gulliver" (1935), "Happy shift" (1936), "Military secret" (1958), "Pushchik goes to Prague" (1966) and films about " no one", usually - an international, pioneer camp: "Three" (1927), "Passenger" from "Equator" "(1968)," Hello, children! "(1962) "Matchmakers 4" (2010).

The second group is adventure films about sea voyages, distant exotic countries: “In search of captain Grant” (1985), “Battle of three kings  (Fiery drums)” (1990), “Odyssey captain Blood” (1991), “Hearts three” ( 1992), Empire of Pirates (1995).

Also, episodes and scenes of films were filmed in Artek: "White Poodle" (1956), "Hurrah, we're on vacation!" (1972), "New Adventures" of Captain Vrungel (1978), "Ten Little Indians" (1987), "Dunechka" (2004) and other feature, journalistic and documentary films.


Artek songs

Hundreds of songs are dedicated to Artek, which were written directly in Artek or by former Artek residents. The most popular of them is the song "Artek's Oath" (lyrics by Anatoly Anufriev, music by Vladimir Boganov), written in 1965.

Philately and numismatics

  • Postage stamps of the USSR / Coin of the Bank of Russia
    • In honor of "Artek" were named: streets and lanes in