Unusual shelves in the interior. Shelves on the wall: photos, views, original design ideas

Sometimes, in order to make your interior design exceptional, it is not at all necessary to resort to the services of expensive specialists or buy exclusive and expensive furniture. After all, the interior design of a room is not a routine task, but the most creative process of transforming space. Therefore, sometimes, to give a room a certain individual style, the most ordinary and ingenuous objects are enough, which with their presence will dilute the monotony of the interior, making it more dynamic and functional. Such elements are racks and wall shelves, when choosing which it is only important to take into account the harmony of their shapes and colors with the surrounding interior, while not forgetting about their main functional purpose.

Types of shelves

The variety of types of shelves today is very large. If we take as a basis the material from which the shelf is made, then they can all be classified as follows:

  1. Glass and mirror;
  2. Wooden (chipboard, MDF, plywood);
  3. Polymer and plastic;
  4. From other materials combined with each other.

If we take as a basis the design, appearance, structure and method of attachment, then we can distinguish the types:


Wall shelves supported by other stable furniture or floors. A positive feature of such shelves is that their special design allows them to withstand a sufficiently large load, which makes them indispensable helpers in the house when you need a place to store something large and heavy.

Most often they are used for all kinds of equipment or storing shoes in. These shelves take up a minimum of space, which is also a positive feature, especially for.

Built-in "niche-shelves" in the design of plasterboard will look advantageous in any interior

Classic (rectangular)

Classic rectangular wall shelves are attached directly to the wall. The advantage of this structure is that both internal and external surfaces can be used. The back wall may be missing, leaving the wall open.

Upstairs you can put various interior items: vases, clocks, photographs, lamps, books, nightlights and figurines. It is these shelves, due to their functionality, that add coziness to the apartment.

Simplicity and conciseness - the main strong point of the interior in the style of minimalism


Tiered shelves on the wall look very original, and also combine many different functions. This type of shelves can combine a combination of various horizontal, vertical and inclined planes, which is very convenient in everyday life.

However, often just the same horizontal planes are made, which, firstly, have no less beautiful appearance, and secondly, are very functional. In this case, you should give free rein to your imagination to make something both comfortable and beautiful, corresponding both to your preferences and to the surrounding interior.


Corner shelves make it possible to use all the empty corners in the apartment. Most often they are used in bathrooms, but this type of shelves can be used anywhere. They are reliable and stable. They can even be made transparent, which will look very modern.

The use of shelves in the interior

Wall shelves have integrated into our lives so much that it is already difficult to imagine life without them. There is no such place in the house where they would not find their application. People put them on, hang them on, screw the shelves to the wall, mount them in cabinets, build them in chests of drawers, install them in mezzanines and other hard-to-reach places. After all, shelves are not only an elegant decoration of the interior, they are also an additional place for storing things, which is always lacking.

In addition, beautiful shelves in the interior will help to correctly place accents in the room, emphasizing its overall flavor. They will look even more attractive if they are equipped with additional lighting in the form of an LED strip that emits soft light.

There are no special rules where it is necessary and possible to place shelves. They can be installed anywhere. However, it is still desirable to take into account the functional purpose of the room:

  • If this is an office, then it is advisable to install them above the table, within the reach of an outstretched hand, so that if necessary you do not have to constantly get up from your chair.
  • The same method of placing shelves is suitable for. Only in this case it is better to use open shelves, as every housewife loves to have everything in front of her.
  • Installing wall shelves in or designers advise near the bed or above it. Thus, you can dilute the empty space of the wall.

As mentioned above, in addition to the functional benefits, it is necessary that the wall shelves also bring aesthetic pleasure. To do this, you can place your favorite books and magazines on them, arrange photos of smiling relatives and people close to you that will give you pleasant memories and warm feelings.

Shelves are a decorative element household items whose main task is to decorate the interior. This item always attracts attention, so it is very important that the things placed on them are correctly and neatly arranged.

  1. If you want everything to look harmonious and tasteful, things must be arranged in a certain order. For example, large items should not be placed next to small ones, they are best placed separately and preferably higher, while small items will look great on the lower tiers of the shelf.
  2. We must not forget about the right. Each element must strictly correspond to the general style of the room. Bright colors should not spoil the interior, but rather complement it, competently bringing the color palette of the room to perfection.
  3. Shelf space must be used both in height and in depth. Taller items should be placed behind lower ones, while functional items should be placed in the foreground. However, you should not clutter up the space too much, so as not to create a heavy feeling of an overabundance of decor. Ideally, the ratio of free and occupied space should be 50 to 50%.

Also, do not forget about the option of symmetrical placement of items on the shelf. This method allows you to achieve the desired effect of a certain completeness of the interior.
Types of home shelves.

Wooden shelves and racks

Fashionable and modern wooden shelves have long been replaced by huge and uncomfortable racks and cabinets. These fashionable and practical elements fit perfectly into the design of any room. They go well with any style of interior, are easy to use and maintain, and are also a great place to store things.

Wooden shelves will become not only a beautiful addition to your interior, but also an essential attribute of modern life.

Buy or DIY

Today it is not difficult to buy a ready-made hanging shelf both via the Internet and in any furniture store. The advantages of such a purchase are obvious:

  • No need to waste time making your own wooden shelf;
  • You can buy certified high quality products that will last a long time;
  • You can pick up a rack, wardrobe or bed in the same color and design, since in stores hanging shelves are usually a separate element of a furniture set.
  • You can immediately choose the required size and height of the shelf, thereby gaining confidence that it will withstand the load you need.

However, not everyone will like the store shelf, many prefer to make it on their own in order to get an original and unique thing.

Making a wooden shelf with your own hands is not difficult, especially since today there are a lot of ideas and master classes on the Internet.

Wood and metal are a great addition to a loft-style living room interior.

Master class for making a wooden shelf

There are models of hanging shelves that you are unlikely to find on the Internet - these are wooden shelves made from scraps of boards or bars, for which a piece of rope serves as a fastener. They look very stylish and unusual in the interior. Here are the two most popular ways to make them:
First option:

  1. We cut the board to the desired size, process it with a grinder, or paint.
  2. On the sides on both sides at the same distance with a drill, we make one hole with a diameter equal to the diameter of the rope, on which our shelf will hang.
  3. We thread the ends of the rope or rope into the holes and tie reliable tight knots so that the board holds on them. We fix the shelf in the chosen place.

Second option (multi-tiered):

  1. As in the previous case, we prepare the boards, this time there will be at least two of them. We will also need small bars of different sizes and thicknesses, they will become the side walls of the future model.
  2. To the bars from above and below, using self-tapping screws and special wood glue, we fix the main boards. Then we give our workpiece some time to dry. The first tier of the structure is ready.
  3. In a similar way, using the same material, we make the remaining cells of the future shelf. We carefully monitor that the inner corners are right.
  4. After the required number of elements for the shelf are collected, using a rope or a metal chain, we connect them together. The final step is to install the wall mount. A carabiner or an anchor bolt with a hook is best suited for these purposes.

As you can see, there is nothing complicated here. Shelves can be painted to match the color of the furniture, stained or decorated with decorative elements to your liking.

How to choose the right shelf

Agree, hanging shelves in the interior always look spectacular. If, of course, you pick them up correctly and place them in the right places where they will look good. Now, fortunately, the choice of shelves is huge and their variety is simply amazing.

The shelf is not only useful and necessary furniture, but also a great design element that can bring beauty to the house.

In order to make a choice, let's remember what types of shelves exist:

  • One of the most popular shelves is wall mounted, which is attached directly to the wall;
  • Also popular is the corner shelf, which is placed between two walls. This saves space in the room;
  • Floor shelves that are placed on the floor are also very effective. And if they are also on wheels, then they can be moved, removed or rearranged at the right time;
  • No less popular are hanging shelves, which, using a variety of chains, cables, belts, are attached to a wall or ceiling.
  • Folding shelves are also a great way to save space, as they can be folded if necessary.
  • Shelf-table, the name speaks for itself, can take two forms: the table itself and the shelf. This is a great option for a small room.
  • If the area of ​​your room allows you to use more space, then shelving is perfect here.

Yes, as you can see, the variety of shelves is great, and there are quite a lot of them today. You just have to decide on the type of construction. Most importantly, do not clutter the entire room with shelves. They should go well with the overall look of the room in which you plan to hang them.

If you need shelving for storing important things: books, documents, photographs, then try to make them stable and strong. Especially if they are intended for children.

Shelves in this case should not be placed too low, as children are very active and mobile. Also, do not opt ​​for glass shelves. And their corners should not be sharp.

As for the choice of shelves in. Here you can give free rein to your imagination. Tetris shelves, shelves of unusual shapes, spiral shelves, frame shelves will look good here.

In the bedroom, you can get by with the usual classic shelves. Most spectacularly, they will look over the bed, where you can put family photos.

Wall-mounted bookcases and wood shelving are all the rage

White is a great backdrop for wall decor.

For it will be better if the material from which the shelf is made matches the material of the countertop. This will give the kitchen space its own specific style and grace.

If natural wood is used as a material for shelves in the kitchen, its surface must be reliably protected by a product that is resistant to moisture and temperature changes.

Video: beautiful shelves in the interior

As you can see, there are plenty of types of shelves and their shapes, so the main thing is not to overdo it, but to focus on quality and durability.

The main thing to remember is that the shelves on the wall should look very good in the room for which they are intended. But no one forbids you to bring something new and unusual to their design. After all, with a good choice of wall shelves and racks, your room can sparkle with new colors.

Despite the total use of modern technologies - you can listen to audio books and read news on the Internet using various gadgets, our country is still considered the most reading in the world. This means that our compatriots will always be close to the problem of storing books in private houses or apartments of different sizes. It's great if in a spacious household it is possible to allocate a separate room for accommodating a home library and accompany the storage of books with a comfortable environment for reading them. But let's be realistic - in many small-sized dwellings, you have to cut out every square meter to accommodate storage systems. In this case, there is no question of arranging a library - book shelves are located in the living room, bedroom, corridors and even a bathroom. In our impressive selection of modern design projects, we will look at various options for using the usable space of dwellings for arranging book storage systems and more.

Bookcase - variations of models and colors

Bright, beautiful book spines, by their very appearance, can not only diversify the color palette of the room, but also become a decorative element. That is why they are not customary to hide behind closed doors. A traditional bookcase is a set of open shelves held together by a common frame. Such a structure can be presented as an independent, portable element of the interior, or can be built into any niche.

An open bookcase is often complemented by closed cabinets with hinged or sliding doors. It is most convenient to place such storage systems at the bottom of the rack and store household items in them that you would not like to put on public display. Sometimes closed cells are combined with open shelves in a chaotic manner, making up the original images of storage systems.

If your extensive collection of books has valuable copies that need to be protected not only from dust, but also from direct sunlight, use shelving with glass doors. Light tinted glass will not hide the beauty of the book spines, but it can partially protect the contents of the bookshelves from moisture, sunlight and various types of pollution.

You can complement the design of the rack with open shelves with built-in lighting. Even the most ordinary structure looks spectacular, not to mention the obvious benefit of adding light sources - a great overview of the entire range of books and other contents of the shelves.

If your bookshelf is located from the ceiling to the floor, then access to the upper shelves will be limited. Convenient ladders on rollers that can move along rails attached to the rack are an excellent way to use high weapons.

If you add a low railing to such a ladder, then the level of safety of your household will increase significantly. Lightweight steel railings will not make the structure much heavier, but will ensure the safety of the path from the floor to the desired book located on the top shelf.

We have often seen in films how behind a door designed like ordinary bookshelves (with fake books, as a rule) there is a secret room. You do not need to have such a room to use this design technique in your home. Most often, such a door with shelves has a small depth, but sufficient to accommodate one row of books. Also, similar designs are accompanied by wheels at the bottom. To avoid sagging doors on hinges, do not heavily load open shelves.

A bookcase can be a simple open shelf nailed to the wall, but act as an interior partition and even an island. The advantage of using the free space of the room for a storage system is obvious, and at the same time, the structure will perfectly zone the space, dividing it into functional segments.

Firms that manufacture bookcases and custom-made cabinets can create a storage system of any shape, size and modification. The advantage of manufacturing storage systems individually for your size and architectural features of the room allows you to more rationally use the usable space of your home. Corner shelving, combined storage systems, smooth lines and shapes, even round cells framing a window of the same shape.

If we talk about the choice of color for the execution of a bookcase, then the most popular option is all shades of white. It is no wonder that for such large-scale structures, often occupying the entire wall of the room, designers around the world and homeowners choose a neutral white color. Such a structure will not visually "press" on the image of the room - light colors visually facilitate the perception of large-sized structures.

No less popular in the choice of color for the execution of a bookcase or open shelves is the natural pattern of wood. Nothing brings warmth and comfort to the atmosphere of a room of any functional orientation like natural wood or its spectacular imitation. In addition, the natural pattern of wood of various species goes well with plain wall decoration and harmonizes with other furniture in the room made of wood.

Any deviation from neutrality in the choice of color for the execution of a bookcase or cabinet leads to the creation of a color accent. The largest furniture in the room will certainly attract attention, but if it is made in a beautiful, colorful color, then it can easily become the focal point of the interior.

The design technique of using the same shade as the main color of the wall decoration as the color of the bookcase is often used by owners of houses and apartments around the world. The image of the room turns out to be very colorful if a color that is far from neutral is chosen as the basis.

You can bring a color accent to the interior of the room not only with the help of the shelving itself in a bright tone, but also use the back of the building, the background for the books. White, dark or neutral gray shelving with open shelves will look luxurious against any bright backdrop. This technique will look especially impressive if your books are arranged by color, collections of volumes with the same spines.

Storage systems for books in various rooms

Living room and modern shelving

If the living room has a fireplace (whether with a chimney or an artificial hearth), then the space on both sides of it is literally created in order to be decorated with book spines located on open shelves. Such a layout will not only allow you to place your collection in a room convenient for reading, but also bring order and symmetry to the interior of the living room.

A video zone can also be built into the storage system for books and other necessary things. If the location of the TV above the fireplace for some reason is inconvenient, then video equipment is suspended in one of the niches of the rack (the location depends on the installation of upholstered furniture in the living room space).

In a small living room, in which there is no need to decorate the space near the fireplace or equip the video zone, one of the short sides of the room can be given under the bookcase. As a rule, designers and homeowners choose a combined version of storage systems - with closed cabinets at the bottom of the structure and open shelves up to the ceiling.

If your living room is part of a spacious room that contains other functional areas, or just a room large enough and it is not necessary to place a sofa against the wall in it, you can use the back of upholstered furniture to install low storage units. They take up little space, but at the same time they are able to accommodate more than a dozen books.

Another possibility of mounting a large number of bookshelves is the design of the space around the doorway. Bookshelves are shallow and do not require much space, and such a design can accommodate even a very large collection of books.

Study and library

For many of us, an English-style office is an example of luxury, wealth, a symbol of keeping traditions and love for one's own business. Nothing sets you up for work like a beautifully and soundly designed workplace. Wood bookcases and shelving extending from the floor and ceiling, a matching writing desk and book spines throughout, are a classic office setup.

If the office area is small and it is not possible to place a roomy bookcase along one of the walls, you have to look for free space in the gaps between window and door openings. If you do not have heating radiators under the windowsill, then this space can also be used to arrange storage systems for books, magazines and documents.

Standing on both sides of the only window opening, bookcases of the same design will be a spectacular addition to the interior of the office. Not a single room has been disturbed by symmetry in planning and beautiful wooden furniture with luxurious carvings.

Store books in the bedroom

Placing a home library in the bedroom may not be one of the most popular options, but for lovers of reading before bed, this layout does not cause rejection. In addition, often in small living spaces there is simply no other option for installing a bookcase. Here are examples of the design of storage systems behind the head of the bed. If forging is against the wall, then the task is only to order a set of open shelves suitable for the size and configuration of the headboard. But if we are talking about installing a shelving around a window opening, then you will have to start by moving the heating radiator or building special perforated screens for them.

Many of the bedrooms located in the apartments have access to the loggia. Often the partition between the room and the loggia is removed, the latter is insulated and due to this, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room for sleeping and relaxing is increased. In the space between the floor and the windows of the loggia, low bookcases can be installed almost along the entire perimeter.

Storage systems in the children's room

Greater demands are placed on shelving and cabinets for a children's room than on furnishing in any other room. The structure must be strong, with well-treated corners (to avoid unnecessary injuries) and installed in such a way that the child cannot turn the structure over, reaching for the top shelf. That is why the shelves and individual storage modules in the nursery have a small height - it all depends on the age and height of the child.

All children love bright, saturated colors. If the decoration of the children's room is neutral, then with the help of furniture you can bring that accent of colors that is so necessary for the baby to focus attention. Such a bright element of the interior can be a low rack or cabinet. Another way to bring color to a child's room is to decorate the back of the shelving unit with open shelves in a bright color. This simple and inexpensive option for finishing the wall behind the rack can become not only an accent, but also a highlight of the interior.

You can borrow the principle of placing books from stores - stands with a minimum depth present copies in such a way that the cover is visible. Books are held up by narrow slats or rails along each bookshelf. To organize such storage systems, you need a minimum of usable space in a children's room, even a rarely used place near window openings will do.

Let's combine the dining room with the library

If your private house or apartment with an improved layout has a separate room with a dining room located in it, then it would be irrational to use this space only for meals. Many families do not often manage to get together for dinner or invite guests for lunch. As a result, the dining room is rarely used. Many will say that it would be more logical to place display cabinets with beautiful crockery, crystal and silver cutlery in the dining room. But one does not interfere with the other. If the area of ​​​​the room allows, then you can equip a bookcase on one side, and on the other - a place to store dishes.

If your dining room is part of a large room that also includes a living room and kitchen, then a bookcase can be used as a zoning room divider.

Corridors, spaces near stairs and other auxiliary spaces with bookshelves

It would be an oversight not to use a wide enough corridor passage for arranging storage systems. The advantage of open shelves for books is that in depth such structures do not take up much space. But even a shallow bookcase built from floor to ceiling will be a capacious storage for a large number of books.

The advantage of open shelves for books is that they do not require a lot of space to arrange them. Even small niches can be equipped under the rack. Another plus of such structures is that not a single style of interior design will “suffer” from the presence of book rows with beautiful spines.

In order not to burden the image of the auxiliary room (especially if it does not have a sufficiently large area), it makes sense to use not large-scale bookcases that extend from floor to ceiling, but low (half the height of a person) modules with open shelves. Such structures are very roomy, despite their modest height dimensions.

The space around the stairs is a storehouse for organizing storage systems. To arrange open shelves, you can use the walls near the marches, the space under the stairs, and sometimes the distance between the steps. Of course, it's best to know your storage plans before designing your stairs to take into account built-in elements. But even with a finished structure, manipulations with the installation of open bookshelves are possible.

For many lovers of reading, the most relevant place for this process is the toilet, so it is not surprising that bathroom design projects with built-in bookshelves have appeared. The only thing you have to take care of, in addition to arranging a mini-library in a utility room, is a good forced ventilation system to get rid of excess moisture.

Bookshelf or cabinet in modern interior

The time has passed when bookshelves in the interior played a purely functional role in the room. Now they may well be an element of decor in an apartment or office. This is a great opportunity to show your creativity. What if we move away from the usual and trivial wall design solution and experiment with geometric shapes? The materials for the manufacture of such products are very diverse: from classic wood to modern objects made of glass, plastic and metal.


Bookshelves can be classified according to different criteria. Here is one of the typologies: by design.

  • With hidden fasteners. Holders are invisible. It seems that the structure is either glued or attached to the wall in some unthinkable way. In fact, the shelves are mounted on massive metal pins and bolted.
  • console type. Fasteners in this case not only perform their function, but are also an element of decor. There are side (attached from the ends) and lower consoles (fixed directly under the shelf, not necessarily from the edge). By purchasing fasteners and a shelf from different manufacturers, you can build an original design.
  • Modular products. A module is a unit for making a rack of any size. At the same time, the number of compositional options is measured in hundreds. A special case is puzzle shelves that allow you to create various wall structures from triangles.
  • Asymmetrical. One or more surfaces protrude beyond the supports. Such products are suitable for placing interior decor, books or hanging plants.
  • Vertical (mini-racks). These are several narrow surfaces located one above the other in the form of a ladder (as an option - stepladders).
  • Multifunctional. Shelves, for all their diminutiveness, can perform several functions at once. These are retractable drawers, projector screens. A metal product can simultaneously serve as a mirror.
  • Mobile. This furniture is a cross between a stand and a classic shelf. This is a mobile platform equipped with wheels. In addition to storing books, it can be used to accommodate a large house plant, audio and video equipment. The floor version is an excellent solution for a studio apartment, when dividing space into zones.

Depending on the location, there are wall and floor options. The latter are quite large. In addition to the main purpose, they often serve as partitions in studio apartments. The most common option is a rack made like a furniture “wall”, divided in height and width into separate sectors. The "ordered chaos" of modular structures near armchairs or sofas also looks original.

The advantage of wall products is their compactness. Compared to outdoor furniture, they take up much less space. Noteworthy are exclusive products that will make the interior of the room original and completely non-standard. As for their placement, it can be any room.

Fancy shelves

Who said that the home library must necessarily be boring rows of bookshelves or racks, as in a regular library? After all, it is possible to make them not just a repository of paper wisdom, but also an original design element, a real decoration of the interior. Consider the most interesting options that you will undoubtedly like. Maybe you want to make something similar to order or yourself.


This is an unusual mix of shelving, bookcase and shelves. This is a plywood panel dotted with pegs that are retractable. You can independently create partitions and niches at your own discretion. The "classic" variants of such shelves are yellow, orange, pink or red. In addition, they can always be painted. Even a kid can manage such a storage for books, transform it. Not to mention that it is not only very simple, but also interesting.

All my favorite books are with me

This is a special comfortable chair for those who like to spend time reading. Books are neatly placed on shelves near the seat. There are special partitions for magazines. There is also a small recess where you can comfortably place a cup of tea.


This is a modular shelf. Blocks of the same configuration that can be rotated in different ways, each time getting a completely new version. Now you can design a unique piece of furniture yourself at minimal cost. The shelves are well combined into a rack, they look original in the form of a wall structure resembling an irregularly shaped honeycomb. You can use this unusual design in the form of a lightweight partition for zoning the space of a room.

couch potatoes

Pac-Man and the Super Brothers

An original wall product with cells that you can easily make yourself. The originality of the product is that its shape resembles Pac-Man, the hero of a computer game. Video game fans will appreciate this design element. Another idea for video game fans. In the nursery, shelves made of plywood or drywall in the style of the once popular Super Mario game are appropriate. And supermen figurines – Luigi and Mario – will complete the product design.


Do you like relaxing in a hammock? So the home library will be very comfortable in a specially made “curtain” with cells, made like an organizer. Practical or not, this option cannot be taken away from originality.

Country map

The basis of this unusual product is made in the form of the borders of the country that you like best, but the shelves can be placed in any way that suits you.

Choosing shelves for books

So, bookshelves can be placed in any room. Moreover, it is not at all necessary to use them only for their intended purpose. To give the interior originality, you can supplement them with paintings, posters, souvenirs or photographs. If you prefer wall products, do not place them at too high a height. So they will be both more beautiful and more functional. For example, it is very convenient to reach for a book without getting up from your favorite chair.

This furniture looks great on the wall behind the sofa. Now - about the choice of material. It is necessary to take into account not only the aesthetics of the product, but also its compliance with the style of the room.

WoodThis is a universal version, a classic of the genre. Wood has an unusually beautiful, unique texture. At the same time, the wooden product is able to withstand significant loads and last a long time. Such products are indispensable in the interiors of a classic, rustic style, as well as Provence.
GlassThis option is for modern and stylish people. These shelves look very nice. Of course, glass is a fragile material, but products made from its high-strength varieties will last you a long time.
PlasticBudget-friendly, easy-to-care material. Another positive quality is hygiene. Plastic is unattractive to mold development, unlike, for example, wood. Often plastic products are used in modern interiors.

It is equally important to consider when choosing a product the format of the literature that will be placed on the shelves. If you can’t find something suitable in a furniture store, it is advisable to make it to order in a specialized company or do it yourself.

Oddly enough, a book is not just a functional item. It can serve as an interesting and original decor item, a wonderful accessory for design. Decorating a room with solid volumes and frivolous books in colorful covers is an exciting experience even for those who have completely switched to the electronic version. Besides, it's also useful. Thinking through the design, you can get carried away and re-read the half-forgotten book of your favorite author. Here are some interesting options.

  • Book wall. This option is for owners of an extensive home library. Shelves, located from floor to ceiling, act as an original compositional center. It is no coincidence that many designers use this solution. Literature can be sorted according to different criteria: size, texture or cover color.
  • Placement of volumes at an angle. Such an interesting solution for a living room or bedroom looks so unusual that other decor items are hardly needed.
  • "Skyscraper". Of course, a couple of volumes casually thrown on a coffee table is stylish, but somewhat boring. It is much more interesting, having selected products by size and shade, to build original architectural compositions. But if you really like to read, this can create some inconvenience. It is also important that the composition you create does not merge in color with the background.
  • Books outside the living room, bedroom or office. They will look great in a kitchen interior or hallway. For example, in the kitchen, the “island” design looks great, you can rotate it. It's the best place to put light women's novels or weighty cookbooks. But with the bathroom, everything is not easy. You can place shelves with literature there if there is a good hood.
  • Crafts from old volumes. This is a great way to give new life to literature that you have not used for a long time. Having strung the volumes on a metal pin, gluing them together and covering them with paint, you will get a wonderful stand for a homemade table. You can make an original "bed" for low houseplants, such as succulents, from unnecessary volumes.
  • phantom library. This trick is used in the design of classic home interiors, as well as themed cafes and restaurants. Antique tomes are not cheap, so fake books, which consist of a cover and a plastic insert, help out.

Some people think that shelving is just for storing books. But in fact, they can be used as a great decor element, which has long become one of the world's best trends.

You can put books and your favorite things on the shelves so that they will perfectly complement any interior.

In this article, we will help you choose the perfect bookcase for your home.

Cabinet shelves

It is worth starting with the universal shelves of the well-known design company DecorKuznetsov. These are very fashionable pieces that can be purchased in several different sizes.

They are ideal for placing next to the bed. In addition to external excellent performance, they have incredible practicality.

One of the other good options is another versatile shelving unit that is crafted by the masterful hands of Enrico Zanolla.

These independent racks have special rectangular openings that can be designed for any of your items.

Is it so cool when one piece of furniture can serve several purposes at once? The shelf of the famous designer Diego can be used not only to store books, but also to highlight any area in your room.

A large number of rack compartments can collect completely different items.

Consider a few bookshelves of the company "Faktura". Special geometric shapes perfectly show the special style of this shelving unit.

To make the perfect shelf, the creators even used the laws of physics, which allowed items to stay in one place.

Let's consider one more bookshelf of the Faktura company. This is a multi-level structure in which one shelf holds another. It turns out an incredibly interesting result!

Who said simplicity can't be used in modern shelving? Often it is she who is used in the best options.

Using long geometric shapes and regular lines, the famous design house from Spain has created an incredible bookcase that consists of several levels. Its white color makes the room seem more spacious.

Looking to add some activity to your living room? Use racks that are made in the form of stairs. The mahogany and the simplicity of the usual lines make them unique and modern.

Want to add dimension to your living room? Buy racks made of metal, which were invented by Hancock Clover. It would be ideal to put two such racks next to each other.

Wall shelves

A special wall is used as the basis for bookshelves, which opens up great opportunities for creating a good interior in your apartment. If you paint the shelf in a special color that goes well with the color of the wall, you get an incredible result.

Shelving "Alcove" is able to uniqueize any room, because it is made of metal and steel. In some ways, it resembles an exquisite grid, which allows you to place absolutely any things on it.

If you hang a bookcase on the wall, you get a very interesting result, which is quite compatible with all other types of wood products.

If you have little space in the room, then use a rack with six shelves that are arranged horizontally. This is a great space saver.

Modular wall shelves

Such racks are used when there is a desire to create some kind of unique composition.

Bookshelves "Quick Bricks" can be purchased in a set of three such cubes. It is quite possible to buy several sets to create a contrasting and interesting composition.

If you are interested in art in all its manifestations, then a special rack, which is somewhat reminiscent of ivy, will fit perfectly into your interior.

Designer boxes along with boards are able to fill and decorate any space you have.

You can cleverly combine cabinets and bookshelves, which will allow you to use the space in your room to the maximum. Here it is quite possible to arrange any things that you consider necessary.

I would like to end the article with such shelving, which, as it were, visually play with you. The designer who created them believes that he demonstrates a real "boom" of modern trends.

When choosing a bookshelf, consider the amount of available space.

If there is a lot of it, then use shelves with open sections. If there is not enough of it, place the shelving on the wall, which will allow you not to steal a large amount of space.

Photo racks with shelves

Wall shelves are an important element of the interior. They can serve not only as a stand for various items, but also be an independent stylish interior solution. At the moment, there is a huge range of shelves on the market. They differ in material, shape and design. This article provides a lot of photos of shelves on the walls for clarity.

Despite the huge selection of shelves, it is not always possible to find a suitable option. In this case, you can either order in the workshop, or make a shelf with your own hands, which is not at all difficult.


Before you start making a shelf, you should consider its main varieties. So, according to the shape and place of installation, the shelves are divided into the following types:

The classic bookshelf has a simple shape, so making it yourself is not difficult at all. The main requirement for such a shelf is strength, as it must withstand a sufficiently large weight.

This design has a straight shape, is made of durable materials (wood, fiberboard) and has a secure fastening. If you show imagination, then even such a simple shelf can be turned into a very interesting element of decor.

The corner shelf has the shape of a triangle and is attached to the corner of the room. Often such shelves are hung in small rooms. They can be attached to the inner and outer corner of the room.

Very often, a floor shelf is used for interior decoration. If such a structure has a height of more than one meter, then it is commonly called a rack. It is placed on legs and sometimes attached additionally to the wall for greater stability.

The hanging shelf is very functional. It is suspended, as a rule, on heating pipes that are under the ceiling. It can also be hung on special brackets. Such a shelf would look most appropriate in the kitchen or bathroom.

Before you start making your own, it is important to understand what you can make a shelf from, what material to use for this. Shelves are made from a variety of materials.

The most common are various types of wood, chipboard and plywood. However, often rooms are decorated with shelves made of glass, plastic and metal. It all depends on the preferences of the owner and the style of the interior.

Do-it-yourself shelf production

After choosing the material and shape for the future shelf, it is necessary to consider various types of fasteners.

The most traditional type of fasteners are hinges. This method of fastening is perfect for fastening wall shelves from almost any material that can be drilled. The main thing is that the thickness of the product is suitable.

The hinges must be fixed with self-tapping screws on the sides on the shelf. After that, you need to measure the distance between the central holes of the loops and mark the points on the wall.

The main thing is that the points should be parallel to each other. At the marked points, you need to drill holes and insert dowels there. Screw capped nails into dowels. A shelf is hung on such fasteners.

Today, brackets are a very popular type of fastener. They are distinguished not only by their high strength, but also often by their attractive appearance.

For glass structures (thickness up to 34 mm), the type of fastening "pelican" is used. Two of these fasteners must be attached to the wall with dowels. To do this, remove the decorative trim. After attaching the "pelicans" to the wall, you need to install this pad back, insert the glass and tighten the screws.

Shelves without support are fixed by flush mounting. To attach a shelf using such a device, it is necessary to cut a seat at the end for the pin and holder body. Put a shelf on it.

After choosing the fasteners, you should proceed to the implementation of the very basis for the shelf itself. This article will discuss how to make the most practical base from natural wood, MDF or chipboard.

First you need to know the dimensions, have your own or borrowed project for the future shelf. It is advisable to have a drawing handy for clarity.

First you need to cut the tree with an electric jigsaw or a hacksaw to a given shape and size. After that, the resulting base must be carefully sanded with sandpaper. Next, use sanding paper.

The resulting smooth surface of wood can be left as is, or covered with stain or acrylic. After the paint has completely dried, a final coat of glossy or matt wood varnish should be applied.

At the very end, attach the shelf to the wall using the selected fasteners.

However, wooden shelves are more suitable for spacious rooms. In small rooms, glass shelves will look more harmonious, as they are able to optically enlarge the space.

It is better to make a glass base in the workshop, as this is a rather fragile material. Attaching a glass shelf to the wall is not at all difficult. To do this, you must use the special fasteners discussed above.


With the right choice of color, shape, material and mounting location, shelves in the interior can perform not only a functional, but also a decorative function.

With the help of shelves you can place bright accents in the space. They can be a very original solution for interior design.

Photo of shelves on the wall
