Unknown and incredible. Unexplained mysteries of the planet (20 photos)

 13.11.2017 02:44  0

Off the coast of the Algarve province, employees of the Portuguese Institute of the Sea and Atmosphere caught a prehistoric frilled shark. It is reported by The Portugal News. It is noted that the frilled shark lived in the Atlantic Ocean as early as 80 million years ago, for which it was nicknamed by scientists as a living fossil. This species of shark has more than 300 teeth, its body length is 1.5 meters, and its movements are similar to those of a snake. Frilled shark is a prehistoric animal. It…

 9.11.2017 21:23  0

Researcher Vadim Lovchikov talks about four examples of an “impossible” situation in modern science. It is generally accepted that the electron particle is the carrier of electric charge, and that its charge is precisely negative. This is the basis of the modern concept of electricity. A charge is an excess or deficiency of electrons, and their movement is an electric current. It would seem - everything is simple ... But one has only to imagine a simple model, as these ideas begin to blur and ...

 5.11.2017 21:20  1

A sensational film about the mysterious civilizations of bygone centuries and the ancient little-studied history of the planet Earth. Numerous archaeological discoveries, eternal mysteries and secrets of the architectural structure of megaliths, alternative history and archeology that defy logical explanation. New unique and unusual finds of archaeologists and artifacts from the ancient civilizations of our forefathers from the cities of the world of bygone centuries…

 14.07.2016 04:43  0

A report on the Rossiya 24 channel about one of the most famous mysteries of the 20th century - the "Kyshtym dwarf", which the locals called "Alyoshenka". It is still unknown where he came from, but even today those who saw him personally live in the city of Kyshtym. True, they saw him already dead, in the form of a mummy. And only one pensioner, who suffered from mental illness, claimed that he lived with her for a whole month. At the same…

 24.06.2016 11:42  4

Everyone knows about the famous Easter Island with its mysterious statues, but few people know that there is an even more mysterious island in Russia. The Russian island of Champ (Franz Josef Land) is very popular with tourists sailing on an Arctic cruise. And no wonder, there are objects on it, the origin of which is still not clear - these are mysterious stone balls of quite impressive size and perfectly round shape, which make you get lost in numerous…

 27.12.2015 00:57  4

Unusual children with a high level of intelligence have always been born. According to legend, the baby Leonardo da Vinci painted a wooden shield so that his father sold his son's work in Florence for 100 ducats. Mozart began composing music at the age of 5, and at the age of 6 he performed in front of the public. William Sidis began reading at 18 months. In the second half of the last century, such children were called child prodigies. In the 90s, the whole world started talking about indigo children ....

 26.12.2015 17:02  0

— Unexplained disappearances of people; – Expedition of the program “Secrets of the World”; - In the footsteps of the 3rd Reich; — Sensational finds; — Entrance to a parallel world; — The mystery of the death of Adolf Hitler.

 24.12.2015 01:31  1

A strange anomaly was photographed by paranormal investigators at the old cemetery of St. Bartholomew, in the west of Sydney. As soon as it appeared on the Internet, the picture made a lot of noise. The strange foggy clot really looks like the ghost of a person, but at first glance it is difficult to determine the authenticity of this image. The anomalous silhouette was photographed by paranormal hunters at the burial site of researcher William Lawson. Locals believe that the old church and cemetery, founded…

Dystopian societies are described in many works of fiction, the action of which often takes place in the future (although there are exceptions, for example, the famous Bioshock game series, or rather Bioshock Infinite, where the plot takes place not in some future, but in the past, namely in […]

On May 27, 1957, a B-36 bomber accidentally dropped a 21-ton Mk-17 hydrogen bomb near Kirtland Air Force Base from a height of 600 m - the bomb broke through the closed doors of the bomb bay and fell into a cow pasture. On impact with the ground, an explosive […]

Scientists managed to describe the appearance of the recently discovered fossil crustacean - it was called Callichimaera perplexa, which can be translated as "incomprehensible beautiful chimera." The remains of a crab were found in the Andes mountains back in 2005, but at first scientists mistook it for a spider. It turned out that […]

French researchers have discovered a secret message on a rock, left 230 years ago. Scientists suggest that this is a cipher, but it has not yet been possible to solve it. The inscriptions on the stone were exposed at low tide on the beach, and then vacationers saw them. About the find immediately […]

During planned excavations on the territory of the London City Cemetery and Crematorium, archaeologists discovered a burial in which the Elephant Man, one of the most famous British of the Victorian era, is probably buried. Recall that the Elephant Man is the Briton Joseph Carey Merrick, born in 1862 […]

People have been fond of visiting places of power for a very long time. To do this, they travel to distant countries, some find places of power in the suburbs. An example of this is Sin Kamen, which is located in Pereslavl Zalessky, people come to him from everywhere, by the way, from […]

All information about this incredible incident, which happened in 1989 in the Sevastopol commercial port, is still classified and is not subject to publicity. And only by a lucky chance, the Ukrainian ufologist-enthusiast managed to partially lift the veil over the secret, which was carefully hidden from the public. […]

The respiratory system of dinosaurs was more efficient than that of modern mammals, according to scientists from the University of Manchester. The team compared several 3D models of respiratory organs and found clear similarities between dinosaurs and birds, according to the Royal Society Open […]

These trains do not adhere to the schedule, do not stop at stations, ignore semaphores and do not take passengers. They appear out of nowhere and, as legend has it, go straight to hell... It is believed that there are three railway ghosts in the world: the Lincoln funeral train, the ambulance […]

Whether you believe in ghosts or not, a good horror story about phenomena from the “other world” will definitely make you shiver, or even deprive you of sleep. It is not for nothing that the horror genre is considered the most win-win among filmmakers, especially stories based on […]

"Black Widow" lives in America. No, this is not a vamp, this is the most ordinary shiny black spider with two red skull-shaped spots on its abdomen. The female of this spider hangs a simple web on a bush or grass in the hope of catching a fly or […]

One of the strangest and mysteriously contradictory characters of the Slavic epic could have remained in the backyard of Russian folklore, if not for the attention of the great writer N.V. Gogol and his story "Viy", first published in the collection "Mirgorod" in 1835. In his […]

The Culbertson Mansion in New Albany, Indiana is a cursed place with a terrible history. The mansion is located near Louisville, Kentucky. One autumn night in 1888, lightning struck the mansion, which caused a fire, damaged almost the entire interior of the building and killed everyone […]

Carlos Castaneda's books about don Juan were read by the "progressive" youth of the second half of the last century. Meanwhile, the writer himself is a legendary and even mysterious person. So, even his true biography remains a mystery to researchers... According to one source, Carlos Cesar Arana Castaneda appeared […]

I was born in 1973. My childhood fell on the Soviet era. As a schoolgirl, I, like many of my peers, went to rest in pioneer camps. They were located in the most beautiful corners of our country. Once I was in a camp, which was not far from […]

July 1954, it was a hot day. An unknown man has just arrived in Japan, at the Tokyo airport. He looks like an average European, but for some reason he is suspicious of the airport security. During the passport check, it turns out that the man came from a state under […]

 14.07.2016 04:58  1

In mid-May, mass cases of insanity among schoolchildren were recorded in Peru. Children talk about a mysterious "black ghost - strangler" who is trying to kill them. Parents are sure of their obsession, and doctors and state authorities are in shock. At the lessons, the children simultaneously fall into a trance, fight in hysterics, and then declare the same terrible vision - according to them, they were strangled by a ghost with a long beard ....

 19.02.2016 19:13  1

A resident of the city of Elektrostal in an apartment where inexplicable phenomena began to occur at night, decided to try to find out what it was, and left the camera for two nights for several hours. Although the author thinks that this is a brownie, we see the appearance of a classic poltergeist (in Russian - “barabashka”), which moves objects, and after the 41st minute the entity itself appears at the door. The night shots themselves were made in December 2015. Below is a frame from the video…

 11.01.2016 13:31  0

A group of tourists from Perm, who found the corpse of an unknown man about 50 years old on the Dyatlov Pass, disappeared. They cannot be contacted. They go along the difficult route of the Northern Urals. Ivdel and should be at their destination on January 18th.

 27.12.2015 01:05  1

I've compiled these few video images of some strange activity in the skies over Kentucky. The images are reminiscent of the aftermath of some strange energy event, perhaps a plasma explosion or something else. This is how it looks. But no noise was recorded and no explosions were reported in the area. Local residents were left at a loss, and continue to look for answers to their questions. If you have had to deal with…

 10.12.2015 21:39  1

1994 was marked by an amazing event that most people simply ignored or did not even know about it. But very close, right on our planet, there are mysterious creatures moving at such a speed that they can only be recorded with a video camera. It was in 1994 that the famous director from Mexico, José Escamilla, was filming a film near the city of Midway, USA. And then he noticed strange things in the frame ...

 22.10.2015 00:25  0

The disappearance of Northwest Airlines Flight 2501 in 1950 and the disappearance of Captain George Donner from the locked cabin of a freighter are two of the most intriguing mysteries surrounding the Michigan Triangle. Many mysterious disappearances of ships and aircraft are associated with the anomalous zone of the Michigan Triangle, which is located on the territory of Lake Michigan. The Bermuda Triangle is considered one of the most famous places where planes and ships mysteriously disappear. However, there are many…

 14.10.2015 21:39  0

A huge mysterious city, including skyscrapers, hovering in the clouds above the city of Foshan in the central province of Guangdong, China appeared in the sky on October 7, 2015. The phenomenon, which happened in front of hundreds of shocked locals, lasted only a few minutes before completely disappearing. One of the hypotheses discussed in many forums is that this is a Mirage, a natural optical phenomenon. Another version is Fata Morgana. However, others have expressed concerns that this is mysterious ...

 22.09.2015 15:44  1

- Where do strange ships come from in the airspace of the Earth and to whom they belong. What do the military do when they are seen; - Secret developments or traces of other civilizations. Who got to the truth and what threatens the planet with the disclosure of this secret; - Unique testimonies and exclusive interviews of those who create spacecraft and Star Wars weapons.

In the Sahara desert in Egypt lie the oldest known, astronomically aligned, rocks in the world: the Nabta. A thousand years before the creation of Stonehenge, people built a stone circle and other structures on the shore of the lake, which has long since dried up. Over 6,000 years ago, stone slabs three meters high were dragged over a kilometer to create this place. The depicted stones are only a part of the entire complex that has been preserved. Although the Western Egyptian Desert is completely dry at present, it was not so in the past. There is good evidence that there have been several wet cycles in the past (when up to 500 mm of precipitation fell per year). The most recent dates back to the interglacial period and the time of the beginning of the last glaciation, which was approximately 130,000 to 70,000 years ago. During this period, the area was a savannah and supported numerous animals such as extinct bison and large giraffes, antelopes of various species and gazelles. Starting around the 10th millennium BC, this area of ​​the Nubian desert began to receive more rainfall, filling the lakes. Early humans may have been attracted to the region by the sources of drinking water. Archaeological finds may indicate that human activity in the area is known from at least sometime between the 10th and 8th millennium BC.

Chinese mosaic of lines.

These strange lines are located at 40°27"28.56"N, 93°23"34.42"E. There is not much information available about this "strangeness", but a beautiful mosaic of lines does exist, it carved in the desert of Gansu Sheng province in China. Some records indicate that the "lines" were created in 2004, but nothing seems to be found to officially support this assumption. It should be noted that these lines are located near the Mogao Cave, which is a World Heritage Site. The lines stretch for a very long distance, and at the same time retain their proportions, despite the curvature of the rough terrain.

Inexplicable stone doll.

In July 1889, in Boise, Idaho, a small human figure was found during a well drilling operation. The find aroused intense scientific interest in the last century. Unmistakably man-made, the "doll" was discovered at a depth of 320 feet, which allowed its age to be dated far before the arrival of man in this part of the world. The find has never been disputed, but only said that such a thing, in principle, is impossible.

Iron bolt, 300 million years old.

It was found almost by accident. The expedition of the MAI-Kosmopoisk Center searched for fragments of a meteorite in the south of the Kaluga region, in Russia. Dmitry Kurkov decided to inspect an ordinary, it would seem, piece of stone. What he found is capable of turning our ideas about earthly and cosmic history upside down. When dirt was brushed off the stone, on its chip was clearly visible somehow got inside ... a bolt! About a centimeter long. How did he get there? A bolt with a nut on the end (or - what this thing also looked like - a coil with a rod and two disks) was tight. This means that he got inside the stone back in those days when it was only sedimentary rock, bottom clay.

Ancient rocket ship.

This ancient cave painting from Japan dates back to over 5000 BC.

Moving stones.

No one, not even NASA, has yet been able to explain this. It's best to just watch and marvel at the moving rocks in this dry lake in Death Valley National Park. The bottom of Racetrack Playa is almost flat, 2.5 km north to south and 1.25 km east to west, and is covered with cracked mud. The stones move slowly along the clay bottom of the lake, as evidenced by the long footprints left behind them. The stones move on their own without the help of others, but no one has ever seen or recorded the movement on camera. Similar movements of stones were recorded in some other places. However, in terms of the number and length of tracks, the dry Lake Racetrack Playa is unique.

Electricity in the pyramids.

Teotihuacan, Mexico. Large sheets of mica have been found embedded in the walls of this ancient Mexican city. The nearest place is a quarry where mica is mined, located in Brazil, thousands of kilometers away. Mica is currently used in energy production technology. In this regard, the question arises as to why the builders used this mineral in the buildings of their city. Did these ancient architects know some long forgotten energy sources to use electricity in their cities?

Dog Death

Suicide of dogs on a bridge in Overtown, near Milton, Dumbarton, Scotland. Built in 1859, the Overtown Bridge became famous for a number of unexplained cases in which dogs apparently committed suicide by jumping from it. These incidents were first recorded in the 1950s or 1960s, when dogs - generally of the long-nosed species, like collies - were observed to quickly and unexpectedly jump off a bridge and fall fifty feet to their death.

fossil giants

The fossilized Irish giants were discovered in 1895 and are over 12 feet (3.6 m) tall. The giants were discovered during mining in Antrim, Ireland. This image is from the British magazine Strand, December 1895. “Height 12' 2", bust 6' 6", arm 4' 6". There are six toes on the right foot." The six fingers and toes are reminiscent of some characters from the Bible, where six-fingered giants are described.

Pyramids of Atlantis?

Scientists continue to explore the ruins of megaliths in the so-called Yucatan channel in the Cuban region. They have been found for many miles along the coast. The American archaeologists who discovered this site immediately declared that they had found Atlantis (not for the first time in the history of underwater archeology). Now the place is sometimes visited by scuba divers to admire the majestic underwater structures. All other interested parties can only enjoy the filming and computer reconstruction of the millennium-old city buried under water.

Giants in Nevada

A Nevada Indian legend about 12 foot red giants that lived in the area when they arrived. According to American Indian history, the giants were killed in the cave. During excavations in 1911, this human jaw was discovered. Here's what an artificial human jaw looks like next to it. In 1931, two skeletons were found at the bottom of the lake. One of them was 8 feet (2.4 m) high, the other - just under 10 (3 m).

inexplicable wedge

This aluminum wedge was found in Romania in 1974, on the banks of the Mures River, near the city of Aiud. They found it at a depth of 11 meters, next to the bones of Mastodon - a giant, elephant-like, extinct animal. The find itself is very reminiscent of the head of a huge hammer. At the archaeological institute of the city of Cluj-Napoca, where the artifact supposedly went, it was determined that the metal from which this wedge was made is an aluminum alloy coated with a thick layer of oxide. The alloy contained 12 different elements, and the find was classified as strange, since aluminum was discovered only in 1808, and the age of this artifact, given its presence in the layer along with the remains of an extinct animal, is determined to be approximately 11 thousand years.

"Loladoff's Plate"

Loladoff's Plate is a 12,000 year old stone dish found in Nepal. It seems that Egypt is not the only place visited by aliens in ancient times. This clearly demonstrates the disk-shaped UFO. There is also a drawing on the disc. The character bears a striking resemblance to the aliens known as Grey.

Hammer made of the purest iron alloy

A puzzling riddle for science is ... an ordinary-looking hammer. The metal part of the hammer is 15 centimeters long and about 3 centimeters in diameter. It has literally grown into limestone about 140 million years old, and is stored along with a piece of rock. This miracle caught the eye of Mrs. Emma Hahn in June 1934 in the rocks near the American town of London, Texas. The experts who examined the find came to a unanimous conclusion: a hoax. However, further research conducted by various scientific institutions, including the famous Battele laboratory (USA), showed that everything is much more complicated. Firstly, the wooden handle on which the hammer is mounted has already petrified on the outside, and inside it has completely turned into coal . So, its age is also calculated in millions of years. Secondly, specialists from the Metallurgical Institute in Columbus (Ohio) were amazed by the chemical composition of the hammer itself: 96.6% iron, 2.6% chlorine and 0.74% sulfur. No other impurities could be identified. Such pure iron has not been obtained in the entire history of terrestrial metallurgy. Not a single bubble was found in the metal. The quality of iron, even by modern standards, is exceptionally high and raises many questions, since the content of metals used in the metallurgical industry in the production of different grades of steel (as, e.g. manganese, cobalt, nickel, tungsten, vanadium or molybdenum). There are also no foreign impurities, and the percentage of chlorine is unusually high. It is also surprising that no traces of carbon have been found in iron, while iron ore from terrestrial deposits always contains carbon and other impurities. Generally speaking, from a modern point of view, it is not of high quality. But here's the detail: the Texas hammer's iron doesn't rust! When in 1934 a piece of rock with an ingrown tool was chipped off the rock, the metal was badly scratched in one place. And over the past sixty-odd years, not the slightest sign of corrosion has appeared on the scratch ... According to Dr. K.E. Buff, director of the Museum of Fossil Antiquities, which houses this hammer, the find comes from the early Cretaceous period - from 140 to 65 million years ago. According to the current state of scientific knowledge, humanity learned to make such tools only 10 thousand years ago. Dr. Hans-Joachim Zilmer from Germany, who studied the mysterious find in detail, concludes: "This hammer was made using an unknown technology."

The highest technology of stone processing

The second group of finds that pose mysteries to scientists are artifacts created after the time of the appearance of man on Earth, accepted today. But the technologies that were used in their creation became known to us relatively recently or are still unknown. The most famous find of this group can be called a crystal skull, found in 1927 in Belize during excavations of the Mayan city of Lubaantuma. The skull is carved from a piece of pure quartz and measures 12x18x12 centimeters. In 1970, the skull was analyzed in the Hewlett-Packard laboratory. The results were stunning. The skull was created without respecting the natural crystal axis, which is impossible in modern crystallography. When working on the skull, no metal instruments were used. According to the restorers, quartz was first cut with a diamond chisel, after which silicon crystalline sand was used for more thorough processing. It took about three hundred years to work on the skull, which can be taken as an incredible example of patience or recognize the use of high technology unknown to us. One of the Hewlett-Packard experts said that the creation of a crystal skull is not a matter of skill, patience and time, but that it is simply impossible.

fossil nail

However, most often, objects are found in the rock that are similar in appearance to nails and bolts. In the 16th century, the Viceroy of Peru kept in his office a piece of rock, which firmly held an 18-centimeter steel nail found in a local mine working. In 1869, in Nevada, a metal screw 5 centimeters long was found in a piece of feldspar, raised from a great depth. Skeptics believe that the appearance of these and many other objects can be explained by natural causes: a special kind of crystallization of mineral solutions and melts, the formation of pyrite rods in voids between crystals. But pyrite is iron sulfide, and at the break it is yellow (which is why it is often confused with gold) and has a clearly defined cubic structure. Eyewitnesses of the finds clearly speak of iron nails, sometimes covered with rust, and pyrite formations can be called gold rather than iron. There is also an assumption that the rod-shaped NIOs are the fossilized skeletons of belemnites (invertebrate marine animals that lived at the same time as dinosaurs). But the remains of belemnites are found only in sedimentary rocks and never in bedrocks, such as feldspar. In addition, they have a pronounced skeletal shape, and it is impossible to confuse them with something else. It is sometimes argued that nail-like NIOs are molten fragments of meteorites or fulgurites (thunderbolts) obtained by lightning strikes into rocks. However, finding such a fragment or trace left millions of years ago is extremely problematic. If the origin of the nail-shaped NIOs can still be argued, then some of the finds can only be shrugged.

ancient battery

In 1936, the German scientist Wilhelm Koenig, who worked at the Archaeological Museum of Baghdad, was brought a strange object that was found at the excavations of an ancient Parthian settlement near the Iraqi capital. It was a small clay vase about 15 centimeters high. Inside it was a cylinder made of sheet copper, its base was covered with a cap with a seal, on top of the cylinder was covered with a layer of resin, which also held an iron rod directed to the center of the cylinder. From all this, Dr. Koenig concluded that he had before him an electric battery, created almost two thousand years before the discoveries of Galvani and Volta. Egyptologist Arne Eggebrecht made an exact copy of the find, poured wine vinegar into a vase and connected a measuring device that showed a voltage of 0.5 V. Presumably, the ancients used electricity to apply a thin layer of gilding to objects.

The Antikythera mechanism (other spellings: Antikythera, Andythera, Antikythera, Greek Μηχανισμός των Αντικυθήρων) is a mechanical device discovered in 1902 on an ancient shipwreck near the Greek island of Antikythera (Greek Ακαθτ). Dated to around 100 BC. e. (perhaps before 150 BC). It is stored in the National Archaeological Museum in Athens. The mechanism contained 37 bronze gears in a wooden case, on which dials with arrows were placed and, according to reconstruction, was used to calculate the movement of celestial bodies. Other devices of similar complexity are unknown in Hellenistic culture. It uses a differential gear, which was previously thought not to have been invented before the 16th century, and the level of miniaturization and complexity is comparable to mechanical watches of the 18th century. Approximate dimensions of the mechanism assembly 33×18×10 cm.

Figurines of astronauts from Ecuador

Figurines of ancient astronauts found in Ecuador. Age > 2000 years. In fact, there are plenty of such testimonies, if you want, read Erich Von Denikin. He has many books, one of the most famous is "Chariots of the Gods", there are both physical evidence and deciphering of cuneiforms and so on, in general, quite interesting. True, it is contraindicated for ardent believers to read.
