Wise sayings about life. Aphorisms about life with meaning are short

Clever thoughts come only when stupid things have already been done.

Only those who make absurd attempts can achieve the impossible. Albert Einstein

Good friends, good books, and a sleeping conscience are the ideal life. Mark Twain

You can't go back in time and change your start, but you can start now and change your finish.

Upon closer examination, it generally becomes clear to me that those changes that seem to come with the passage of time are, in fact, no changes at all: only my view of things changes. (Franz Kafka)

And although the temptation is great to go along two roads at once, you can’t play with the same deck of cards with both the devil and God ...

Appreciate those with whom you can be yourself.
Without masks, omissions and ambitions.
And take care of them, they are sent to you by fate.
After all, in your life there are only a few of them

For an affirmative answer, only one word is enough - “yes”. All other words are invented to say no. Don Aminado

Ask a person: "What is happiness?" and you will find out what he misses the most.

If you want to understand life, then stop believing what they say and write, but observe and feel. Anton Chekhov

There is nothing in the world more destructive, more unbearable than inaction and waiting.

Turn your dreams into reality, work on ideas. Those who laughed at you before will begin to envy.

Records are there to be broken.

Don't waste time, invest in it.

The history of mankind is the history of a fairly small number of people who believed in themselves.

Did you push yourself to the limit? Don't you see the point in living anymore? So, you are already close ... Close to the decision to reach the bottom in order to push off from it and decide to be happy forever .. So do not be afraid of the bottom - use it ....

If you are honest and frank, then people will deceive you; still be honest and frank.

A person rarely succeeds in anything if his occupation does not give him joy. Dale Carnegie

If at least one flowering branch remains in your soul, a singing bird will always sit on it. (Eastern wisdom)

One of the laws of life says that as soon as one door closes, another one opens. But the whole trouble is that we look at the locked door and do not pay attention to the opened one. André Gide

Don't judge a person until you talk to them in person, because everything you hear is hearsay. Michael Jackson.

First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win. Mahatma Gandhi

Human life is divided into two halves: during the first half they strive forward to the second, and during the second back to the first.

If you don't do anything yourself, how can you be helped? You can only drive a moving car

All will be. Only when you decide to do it.

In this world, you can look for everything except love and death... They will find you when the time comes.

Inner satisfaction in spite of the surrounding world of suffering is a very valuable asset. Sridhar Maharaj

Start now to live the life that you would like to see it in the end. Marcus Aurelius

We must live every day as if it were the last moment. We do not have a rehearsal - we have a life. We don't start it from Monday - we live today.

Every moment of life is another opportunity.

A year later, you will look at the world with different eyes, and even this tree that grows near your house will seem different to you.

Happiness does not need to be sought - it must be. Osho

Almost every success story that I know of started with a man lying on his back, defeated by failure. Jim Rohn

Every long journey begins with one, the first step.

Nobody is better than you. Nobody is smarter than you. They just started early. Brian Tracy

The one who runs falls. He who crawls does not fall. Pliny the Elder

It is enough just to understand that you live in the future, as soon as you find yourself there.

I choose to live rather than exist. James Alan Hetfield

When you appreciate what you have, and not live in search of ideals, then you will truly become happy ..

Only those who are worse than us think badly about us, and those who are better than us are simply not up to us. Omar Khayyam

Sometimes one call separates us from happiness… One conversation… One confession…

By admitting one's weakness, one becomes strong. Honre Balzac

He who humbles his spirit is stronger than he who conquers cities.

When an opportunity presents itself, you must seize it. And when you grabbed it, achieved success - enjoy it. Feel the joy. And let everyone around suck your hose for being goats, when they didn’t even give you a penny. And then go away. Beautiful. And leave everyone in shock.

Never despair. And if you have already fallen into despair, then continue to work in despair.

A decisive step forward is the result of a good kick from behind!

In Russia, you have to be either famous or rich to be treated the way anyone in Europe is treated. Konstantin Raikin

It all depends on your attitude. (Chuck Norris)

No reasoning can show a man the path he does not want to see Romain Rolland

What you believe in becomes your world. Richard Matheson

It's good where we're not. We are no longer in the past, and therefore it seems beautiful. Anton Chekhov

The rich get richer because they learn to overcome financial hardship. They see them as an opportunity to learn, grow, develop, and prosper.

Everyone has their own hell - it's not necessarily fire and tar! Our hell is a wasted life! Where Dreams Lead

It doesn't matter how hard you work, the main thing is the result.

Only mother has the most affectionate hands, the most tender smile and the most loving heart ...

Winners in life always think in the spirit: I can, I want, I. Losers, on the other hand, focus their scattered thoughts on what they could have, could do, or what they could not do. In other words, the winners always take responsibility for themselves, and the losers blame their failures on circumstances or other people. Denis Waitley.

Life is a mountain climbing slowly, descending quickly. Guy de Maupassant

People are so afraid to take a step towards a new life that they are ready to close their eyes to everything that does not suit them. But it’s even scarier: to wake up one day and realize that everything is not right, wrong, wrong ... Bernard Shaw

Friendship and trust cannot be bought or sold.

Always, in every minute of your life, even when you are absolutely happy, have one attitude towards the people around you: - In any case, I will do what I want, with or without you.

In the world, only one can choose between loneliness and vulgarity. Arthur Schopenhauer

One has only to look at things differently, and life will flow in a different direction.

The iron said to the magnet: Most of all I hate you because you attract, not having enough strength to drag you along! Friedrich Nietzsche

Know how to live even when life becomes unbearable. N. Ostrovsky

The picture you see in your mind will eventually become your life.

“The first half of your life you ask yourself what you are capable of, but the second - and who needs it?”

It's never too late to set a new goal or find a new dream.

Control your destiny or someone else will.

see beauty in the ugly
to see rivers in the streams…
who knows how to be happy on weekdays,
he really is a lucky man! E. Asadov

The sage was asked:

How many types of friendship are there?

Four, he replied.
There are friends, like food - every day you need them.
There are friends, like medicine, you look for them when you feel bad.
There are friends, like a disease, they themselves are looking for you.
But there are such friends as air - they are not visible, but they are always with you.

I will become the person I want to be - if I believe that I will become one. Gandhi

Open your heart and listen to what it dreams about. Follow your dream, because only through the one who is not ashamed of himself will the glory of the Lord be manifested. Paulo Coelho

To be refuted is nothing to fear; one should be afraid of another - to be misunderstood. Immanuel Kant

Be realistic - demand the impossible! Che Guevara

Don't put off your plans if it's raining outside.
Don't give up on your dreams if people don't believe in you.
Go against nature, people. You are a person. You are strong.
And remember - there are no unattainable goals - there is a high coefficient of laziness, a lack of ingenuity and a stock of excuses.

Either you create the world, or the world creates you. Jack Nicholson

I love it when people just smile. You go, for example, on a bus and you see a person looking out the window or texting and smiling. It feels so good to the soul. And I want to smile too.

You should know that when you let go, the best comes to you. Do not be afraid.

Life is theater. Only the actors are on earth, and the audience is in heaven.

Everything that serves to change life is natural. Happiness is just waiting for a reason to express itself in action.

"BUT. S. Green

The meaning of life is the point where science gives way and wisdom takes over.

"AT. Frankl"

The essence of life is to find yourself.

You may not need the whole world. If you are not needed by one single person.

Life is not the days that have passed, but those that are remembered.

Life constantly distracts attention and we do not have time to understand why specifically.

Short quotes about life - "Kafka"

Is it really only then that I appeared for this short period of time in the world in order to lie, confuse, do stupid things and disappear.

"L. N. Tolstoy»

To live is to make things, not to acquire them.


In a dialogue with life, it is not her question that matters, but our answer.

"Marina Tsvetaeva"

No matter how serious life is, you always need a person with whom you can fool around.

Life is a textbook that closes only with the last breath.

The main purpose of life is to remain human.

The purpose of his life cannot be accessible to a person. A person can only know the direction in which his life is moving.

"L. N. Tolstoy»

Life is the art of making big gains from little circumstances.

"WITH. Butler"

Life is like a play in the theatre: what matters is not how long it lasts, but how well it is played.


Who wants to keep - he loses. Who is ready to let go with a smile - they try to keep him.

To live is to make a work of art out of oneself.

Age is not a barrier. The barrier is the opinion of outsiders.

Our life is a journey, an idea is a guide. There is no guide and everything stops. The goal is lost, and the forces are gone

"Victor Hugo"

It's not about how long we live, but how.

"N. Bailey"

If a person begins to be interested in the meaning of life or its value, this means that he is sick.

"Sigmund Freud"

Short quotes about life

Some people need to learn how to exercise their right to remain silent.

Be self-taught, don't wait for life to teach you.

It is easy to see a good person: by a smile on his lips, but pain in his heart.

The whole meaning of life lies in the eternal effort to know more.

"Emile Zola"

To live means to feel and think, to suffer and be blissful, any other life is death.

"AT. Belinsky

Life is what passes us by while we make plans.

"John Lennon"

Life must be lived now; it cannot be put off indefinitely.

"Irvin Yalom"

We are all born for love - this is the only meaning of life.

It is not difficult to make decisions, but to experience their consequences.

Here's a test to see if your mission on Earth is over: If you're alive, then no.

It is worth living only in such a way as to make immeasurable demands on life.

"BUT. Block"

The art of living has always been composed mainly of the ability to look ahead.

Happy is he who knows how to enjoy today and does not wait for happiness tomorrow.

If your life has lost color, color it yourself. It's worth it!

Often adversity is just God's tool to make us better.

In depressed patients, the sense of the meaning of life increased dramatically after electroshock therapy!

35 useful tips from Robin Sharma. We are not acquainted? - then we read below and gain experience that the writer and the motivational specialist share.

Here are the tips themselves:
1. Remember that the quality of your life is determined by the quality of your thoughts.
2. Keep promises made to others and to yourself.
3. The thing that scares you the most should be done first.
4. Small daily improvements are the key to stunning long-term results.
5. Stop being busy just to be busy. This year, remove everything that distracts you from work and life, and focus your attention on a few of the most important things.
6. Read the book The Art of War.
7. Watch the movie "Fighter" (2010).
8. In a world where technology is commonplace, some of us have forgotten how to act like a human being. Become the most polite person.
9. Remember: all great ideas were first ridiculed.
10. Remember: critics scare dreamers.
11. Be like Apple in your obsession with doing everything right, even the little things.
12. Every weekend, use 60 minutes to work out a plan for the next seven days. As Saul Bellow once said, "A plan saves you the pain of choice."
13. Let go of what is holding you back and love this new year. You cannot foresee if you don't love.
14. Destroy or be destroyed.
15. Hire a personal trainer to get in the best shape. Stars focus on the value they receive, regardless of the cost of the service.
16. Give your friends, clients and family the greatest gift of all - your attention (and presence).
17. Every morning ask yourself: “How can I best serve people?”
18. Every evening ask yourself: “What good (five points) happened to me this day?”
19. Don't waste your most valuable morning hours doing simple work.
20. Try to leave each project in a better state than you started it.
21. Have the courage to be different. Have the courage to create in your chosen field something significant that has never been created before.
22. Every job is not just a job. Each work is a great tool to express your gifts and talents.
23. The fears you avoid limit your options.
24. Get up at 5 am and spend 60 minutes fueling your mind, body, emotions and spirit. This is the most productive time. Be a superhero!
25. Write romantic letters to your family.
26. Smile at strangers.
27. Drink more water.
28. Keep a diary. Your life is worth it.
29. Do more than what was paid, and do it in such a way that everyone around you will take their breath away.
30. Leave your ego at the door every morning.
31. Set yourself 5 goals every day. These small victories will lead you to almost 2000 small victories by the end of the year.
33. Remember the secret to happiness: do the work that matters and be necessary in your work.
34. Do not strive to be the richest person in the cemetery. Health is wealth.
35. Life is short. The biggest risk is taking no risk and agreeing to be mediocre.

Brevity is the soul of wit. The legendary writer Anton Pavlovich Chekhov first used this phrase in a letter to his brother, implying that one should be concise and not deviate from the point. Over time, his advice has become widely quoted. The quote is a verbatim excerpt. We present to your attention original statements on a variety of topics that may be useful to you in a given situation.

Quotes about love with meaning are short

Love - oh, how many poems and prose are devoted to this feeling. And everyone has their own: the first, passionate, tender, unearthly, quivering, fatal, unfading, fleeting, etc. Someone plunges into this feeling with his head and is ready to shout about love to the whole world, while others are afraid to admit even to themselves. Perhaps it is in quotes about love with meaning that you will find a short answer to a burning question for you.

Quotes about life with meaning are short

Life surprises us every day. You never predict what is waiting for you literally around the corner: a blow of fate, manna from heaven, a financial crisis, an unexpected meeting, political changes, betrayal of loved ones or help from strangers. After reading quotes about life, you are likely to find meaning in the situations that happened, and short concise phrases will stick in your memory for a long time.

Quotes about life with meaning are short

Life is filled with both household chores and unpredictable events. Quotes about life with meaning reflect short but well-aimed remarks and observations. Take a look at routine trifles and everyday affairs from a direct or, conversely, a new angle. The authors of scientific, political, artistic and scientific works comment on life's difficulties and realities in this way.

Quotes about a loved one

A young man, legal spouse, work colleague, neighbor or lover, and who is he - your lover? In quotes about a loved one, all kinds of examples are given of what love is like, when and for what reasons it ends, and if it does not fade away, then why. This or that situation is close to you, look at how others acted in your place and evaluate their actions.

Quotes about loved ones

Family, relatives, friends, close circle - all these people are an integral part of the life of each of us. In quotes about loved ones, the nuances of relationships are subtly noticed. Is it worth looking for a catch? Can there be friendship between a man and a woman? The authors subtly and succinctly speak about children, friends and parents, share their views on the current at all times.

Aphorisms about life with meaning are short

A complete thought embodied in a minimum of words and often used by people in formal and informal communication is an aphorism. Aphorisms about life have a special applied meaning. These short expressions contain the experience of generations, and were born in the course of scientific, artistic, routine or philosophical sayings and conversations. How do brilliant writers, sages and scientists respond to life situations?

Quotes with meaning are short

Never give up on what makes you smile.

If you did everything right, this does not mean that everything will be fine with you.

Situations in which a person himself determines the price of his life is called the philosophy of the meaning of life.

Mistake is a stepping stone to perfection.

If your dream is easy to achieve, then it's bullshit, not a dream.

Before expressing your opinion to a person, think about whether he is able to accept it.

Our character is the result of our behavior.

To be above the crowd, it is not necessary to be tall, it is enough not to belong to it.

The past can be too heavy to carry around with you everywhere. Sometimes it is worth forgetting about it for the sake of the future.

You need to know your mistakes at least in order not to be responsible for the excess.

Quotes about life love with meaning are short

Sometimes the only thing left to do is hug each other one last time and just let go...

The first breath of love is always the last breath of wisdom.

It's good to be a frank person - everyone is afraid of you and tries to bypass you.

Grievances are often spoken in a person, and conscience is silent.

Positive emotions are emotions that arise if you put everything on.

The heart can add intelligence, but the mind cannot add heart.

It is much easier to be unhappy, no effort is required for this.

When the paths are not the same, they do not make plans together.

Wisdom begins with the desire to get to the bottom of the truth, and stupidity - with the confidence that you have already got to the bottom of it for a long time.

To entrust someone else's secret to another is betrayal, to entrust one's own is stupidity.

Quotes of great people with meaning about life

The essence of common sense is the ability of a person to make wise decisions in difficult situations.

The weak avenge, the strong forgive, the happy forget.

We cannot be deprived of self-respect unless we give it away ourselves.

The concept of duty was invented by scoundrels - to force people to do what is contrary to their interests.

It doesn't matter how old you are, what matters is how many roads you have traveled.

To know your meaning in life, you must participate in the lives of other people.

Young people do not know what they want, but they are determined to achieve it.

A good fighter is not one who is tense, but one who is ready. He does not think and does not dream, he is ready for anything that can happen.

Nowadays, to be an optimist, you have to be a terrible cynic.

Quotes about love sad with meaning

The fastest way to increase your fortune is to reduce your needs.

The success of a promotion does not depend on those who are pleased with you, but on those whom you do not annoy.

With money in your pocket, you are both smart and handsome, and you can even sing.

Do not ask friends about your shortcomings - friends will keep silent about them. Better find out what your enemies say about you.

Hope in God, but still get a job.

We are all looking for happiness, but we gain experience.

Humility does not mean thinking less of yourself. Humility means thinking less of yourself.

Imagine that in a city where more than five million people are constantly on the move, you can be lonely, completely ... - Waiting for a miracle

Life is a game, play beautifully!

A person stretches, like a sprout, to the Luminary and becomes taller. Dreaming of unrealizable dreams, reaches sky-high heights.
