Metal rafters for the roof - features of the device and installation. Do-it-yourself metal roof Roof coating technology with metal sheets

The term "metal roof" refers to pitched structures covered with flat or profiled sheets of galvanized steel, aluminium, copper or special alloys. At the moment, this option is considered one of the most reliable and safe, durability reaches 20-50 years, the scope includes both private houses and industrial and public facilities. The choice of a specific type depends on the configuration and budget of the work, the installation technology has an average degree of complexity.

It is considered optimal for high requirements for fire safety and reliability; it is successfully mounted on roofs with a slope of up to 25%. The scheme of the pie may include a heat and waterproofing layer or be non-insulated, common features include laying corrugated board, tiles or folded paintings on the batten system and sealing the joints of junction areas and drilling sites. Among the many advantages are:

  • Resistant to fire, temperature extremes and atmospheric influences.
  • Ensuring rapid descent of moisture due to the smooth surface.
  • Attractive appearance.
  • Relatively small weight.
  • Maintainability.
  • Ability to implement complex projects, stability of forms.

Durability depends on the quality of anti-corrosion protection, aesthetic appeal - on the presence and type of polymer outer layer. The offered range of corrugated board, rebated elements, smooth sheets and tiles includes grades with varying degrees of gloss - from completely matt to glossy. Such roofs are laid using components that match in color and style.

Types of metal coatings

Depending on the material, there are:

1. Aluminum roofs, characterized by low specific gravity, ductility and excellent anti-corrosion properties. They are offered to buy if it is necessary to reduce the load on the truss system and in order to obtain a durable structure, the service life reaches 100 years. Most often, aluminum is used in the construction of a seam roof or in the manufacture of profiled sheets and metal tiles.

2. Copper coatings, which are elite and retain their attractiveness and reliability for up to 100-150 years. This group is represented by folded sheets with a thickness of 0.6-0.8 mm and small tiles with vertical and horizontal locks. Copper is easy to weld and bend and looks spectacular on both flat and curved surfaces, the only limitation is the high price.

3. Products made of zinc-titanium, laid with folding seams on a solid wooden crate of slopes with an angle of 5 °. In terms of plasticity and visual appeal, the material resembles copper, but when working with it, other skills and tools are required. Durability reaches 90-100 years under normal conditions, 40-70 - when operating cottages located on the seashore.

4. Roofs made of galvanized steel with a thickness of 0.4 mm or more. The group of building materials includes modern types of corrugated board, tiles and seam systems and is the most common. This is due to both more affordable cost compared to other types, and simple installation technology. In addition to protecting the slope area directly, sheets are used for the production of funnels, gutters, valleys, cornice strips.

The above materials are used in the manufacture of metal tiles, seam paintings and corrugated board. Cloths imitating natural tiles are placed on a wooden crate with a step matching their profile and fixed with self-tapping screws. When working, the general requirements are observed (accurate movement and lifting, the absence of high-speed cutters, sealing of joints). They are laid on roofs with a slope of 15 °, some brands allow a downward deviation. A distinctive feature is the large number of additional elements and the need for the correct number of fasteners depending on the installation site, the costs of these items are quite high.

Roofs made of profiled sheet are lightweight, bearing capacity is determined by the presence of rigid corrugations. They are fixed with a mandatory overlap of adjacent panels from 100 to 200 mm based on the angle of inclination of the slope using self-tapping screws with sealing silicone or nylon gaskets. The service life is affected by the reliability of anti-corrosion protection - in the absence of a polymer outer layer, the corrugated board will need to be updated in a few years, when using grades coated with polyester, acrylic, pural or plastisol - from 30 or more. The chosen direction of the waves should not interfere with the runoff of precipitation from the surface; by analogy with other types, drainage systems are placed along the edges. Replacing any section is not difficult.

Seam metal roofs are assembled from the so-called paintings - sheets with edges prepared for hermetic joining. A distinctive feature is the absence of mounting holes, the fixation of the material to a continuous or frequent crate is carried out using clamps, the connection of adjacent elements is by single or double folding of the seam, the latter ensures the highest possible tightness. The advantages include economical consumption, reliability and long service life, no leaks, minimizing the risk of displacement during sudden temperature changes, ensuring rapid drainage of water due to the smooth surface.

Colored roofs are assembled both from folded paintings and from individual small-piece products in the form of scales, leaves or tiles. In addition to the unique durability, they give the building a unique image and rightfully belong to the elite. Despite the presence of convenient locking connections, it is better to entrust the work to professionals.

The main criteria are the thickness, bearing capacity and reliability of the protective and decorative coating (if any). Attention is also drawn to the wave height and markings, wall varieties for roofs are categorically not suitable, the recommended types are designated “H” or “CH” from 35 mm and above. The calculation is carried out based on the size of the slopes: the fewer seams, the better. It is mandatory to check the availability of fire and technical certificates.

  • When planning the construction of a metal seam roof and high requirements for tightness, preference is given to double standing elements, when building in difficult climatic conditions - rolls.
  • With a limited budget, you can buy simple, unpainted galvanized sheets with the condition of their subsequent painting.
  • When buying multilayer options, the condition of the edges and the coating itself is assessed, defects and scratches are unacceptable.
  • Attention is drawn to the type of protective and decorating layer and the proportion of zinc in its composition, the recommended minimum is 145 g / m2, the more it is, the better.
  • If you want to manufacture additional products on your own, you should purchase a thicker type of corrugated board, the permissible minimum in this case is 0.6 mm.

When choosing a manufacturer, preference is given to time-tested brands. The overpayment in comparison with cheap and little-known brands is 5-15%, but it pays off with quality and fulfillment of warranty obligations. The best lines of copper coatings include products from Rosmed, KME Tecu, Aurubis, VBS, GZOTsM, zinc-titanium - Rheinzink, NedZink, VM Zinc, aluminum - Alunova, Gentek, Impol, Alcoa and Prefa. A large share of materials from non-ferrous metals is represented by foreign companies, but Russian and joint products are gradually replacing them. With galvanized steel, the situation is reversed: many factories produce domestic smooth and profiled sheets, Grand Line and Metal Profile have the best reviews.

The cost of roofing materials

Type, manufacturerAnti-corrosion protectionMetal thickness, mmWeight 1 m2, kgPrice for 1 m2, rubles
Profiled C21, Grand Line Optima25 micron polyester layer0,45 4,5 280
Seam roofing, Classic A Ruukki0,5 4,72 980
Double standing fold Pro, Grand Line0,45 3,356 345
Metal tile Monterey, Metal ProfilePlastisol from 100 microns0,5 5,5 645
Seam copper, KME0,6 5,3 1860
Roofing aluminum PrefaDouble layer of enamel on the outside and protective varnish on the inside0,7 2,3 2470
Smooth aluminum sheet0,8 2,35 875
Galvanized steel coilzinc Zn 1000,55 6,3 275

Metal roofing attracts attention with its light weight and relatively low cost. The main advantages of the material include lightweight installation, due to which the speed of roofing work increases, while you can perform such work yourself. The material is waterproof and fire resistant. Tightness is justified by the minimum number of mounting holes or their absence at all.

Types of metal coatings

People have been using metal as a roofing material for a long time and many technological options have been invented over the centuries of its use. Instead of simple aluminum, sheet iron and copper, they now use a kind of "constructors" with a set of fasteners, elements and additional parts for connection devices. Such kits greatly simplify construction work.

The classification of roofing iron divided the metal options on the roof into the following groups:

Technological and easy-to-use roofing sets made of corrugated sheets and metal tiles are distinguished by a high price. For the same reason, many do not consider non-ferrous metals. If choose most economical device metal roofing with its sheets, it is better to focus on budget materials. This will require steel sheets with a width of 1.25 meters, a length of 2.5 meters.

Steel is best purchased with double-sided galvanization. It will cost more than the "black" counterpart, which is not coated with zinc, but the investment will pay off in the form of optimized wear resistance combined with rare maintenance. The cold rolled material is completely immersed in a container of molten zinc at the factory, after which a dense protective layer appears on the surface of the sheets.

SNiP dictates the values ​​\u200b\u200bof the thickness of the material. According to the regulations, metal roofing (II-26−76) is constructed from sheet metal of the rolling industry. For a metal roof, steel with a thickness of 0.5-1.5 mm is suitable. It is easier to mount thin sheets, as they bend to form the desired connections. But if it is planned to make drainage elements and additional parts from the same material, it is better to stop at a thickness of 0.6-0.8 mm.

Building regulations do not prohibit distorting the shape of galvanized plates, but this is still not recommended, since the solidity of the zinc coating will be broken. Metal tools must not be placed on a galvanized surface during operation; this requires a wooden lining. If the zinc protection is damaged, the performance will deteriorate.

Implementation of self-assembly

The most economical and common type of laying sheets on the roof can be called seam technology. The basis of this principle consists of a method of connecting elements with curved edges, which form transverse and longitudinal seams (they are called folds).

Cross seam connections are convenient when the size of the slope exceeds the horizontal length of the classical steel sheet. They are double and single, called horizontal due to the fact that they have the same direction. They are also recumbent they are bent to the sides of the water flow so that there are no unnecessary obstacles for the runoff of precipitation.

Longitudinal seams should connect the elements of the coating along the vertical slope (side line of the sheet). They can not be bent, so as not to cause stagnation of water on the roof. From this they were called standing. Rebate installation involves the use of horizontal standing joints.

If possible, single horizontal joints should be excluded, which can reduce the ability of the roof to resist atmospheric negativity. Standing double folds are the most practical and reliable option. The formation of seams occurs with the help of a wooden lapel and a hammer or special electromechanical machines.

The main element of the roof is a piece assembled from two steel strips with curved edges, which are required for further connection. This detail is called "pictures", they are collected on the ground. You will need a special workbench that matches the length of the connected parts of the picture.

To splice paintings, home-made clamps are required: they are cut from the same sheet of steel, the strips have sides of 3 and 15 centimeters. They are fastened every half a meter from the vertical seam line. From scraps of a metal sheet, the required amount of fasteners is pre-made. The parts are cut with scissors, as uneven jagged edges will remain from the grinder, in addition, the protective coating will burn out.

The collected pictures with the edges prepared for joining remain to be lifted up.

The construction of the truss system will not differ much from the technology of building frames for other roofs. It is not necessary to place the rafters very often here, since the material is distinguished by its lightness. But the crate beam will need to be installed with a frequency of twenty centimeters, because you need to take into account the ability of the metal to bend. Due to this, damage to the coating can be avoided.

The minimum slope of the slopes for a metal roof is 14 degrees, the maximum is 30. If the roof is insulated, then it will be necessary to build a counter-lattice of thin rails over the waterproofing to form a ventilation gap between the insulating layer or the metal coating. Thanks to such ventilation, there will be an equal temperature on both sides, therefore, condensate will not settle, which can destroy the metal.

The cornice overhang is made of three or four cohesive boards. The ridge is formed by laying boards on both sides, at a single point they converge.

Assembly of elements and final installation

The assembly of a metal roof fence should begin with the installation of crutches, which are installed every seventy centimeters along the cornice overhang. First, two crutches are nailed along the edges, a cord is pulled between them for the subsequent alignment of other parts.

The paintings are transported by a car lift to a storage place organized from above. Clamps are fastened along the line of the second picture every half a meter; for this, self-tapping screws are used. The clamp is positioned so that the picture laid on top can cover the point of its fixation. After that, the first picture is installed, its side line should coincide with the pediment line. The first element is fastened through with self-tapping screws.

Seam roof elements must be mounted in a similar way: clamps are placed, then the installation of the next strip, connection with the previous sheet. The fold must be folded together with the fastening strips. Experienced roofers recommend strengthening the seams with silicone sealant. And in order to avoid unbending homemade clamps, it is allowed to supplement the point of their location with riveting.

And the final installation steps metal roofing will look like this:

Additional lightning protection

There is an opinion that the metal roof itself acts as a good lightning rod, so it does not need additional protection. But a direct lightning strike can cause a fire, as the metal installed on the wooden crate will overheat. If the seams between the coating elements are reliable, then lightning protection will be carried out by connecting it through the down conductor.

The construction of a metal roof can rightfully be called the most economical and easiest way to equip a country house. If, when performing work, remember the technological rules and act carefully, then the erected structure will last for a dozen years without requiring repairs and any alterations from its owner. You just need to remember the installation rules according to building codes and take into account the features of the metal coating.

Metal roofs are widely used in private, multi-apartment and industrial housing construction. There are several types of metal-based roofing materials. They are united by the main thing: each of them is based on a metal sheet coated with special protective compounds. Today, there are two large groups of metal roofs on the building products market:

  • Flat, or folded. These include coatings made of rolled or sheet steel;
  • profiled. Coverings from a metal tile and a professional flooring fall under this category.

In turn, in each of these groups, the material differs in the type and thickness of the sheet, type of coating, weight, size, shape and performance properties.

Metal roofing with sheets fastened together with seam joints was produced long before the appearance on the market of other, more modern types of roofing materials. This option has not lost its relevance even now. This is due to the fact that this type of metal roofing has several advantages:

  • Versatility. Due to the flexibility of metal sheets, it is possible to equip a metal roof of almost any configuration: flat, one-two- and multi-pitched, hip, tent, mansard;
  • Durability. The service life of metal roofs is from 30 to 100 years, depending on the type of material used in the work;
  • Environmental friendliness. Metal roofs do not emit harmful substances and unpleasant odors;
  • Excellent operational properties. If the technology was not violated during the work, seam roofs have a high degree of tightness and do not allow moisture to pass through;
  • Good maintainability. In case of damage to individual sections of the metal seam roof, they can be quickly replaced. In addition, such roofs do not require special care, mold and moss do not form on them;
  • Ease of installation. Due to the low weight of the material, it is possible to make a lightweight truss system and crate, and the work does not require complex tools and a large number of workers;
  • Fire resistance. The material does not support combustion and is not subject to spontaneous combustion;
  • Aesthetics. Today, a wide range of materials for seam roofs is presented on the market: both galvanized steel sheets or sheets coated with polymer compositions, as well as products made of non-ferrous metals, aluminum and copper. This allows you to implement various design projects.

The disadvantages of metal roofs include a low level of heat and noise insulation, but this problem is eliminated by using special insulating materials in the under-roof space.

What is a seam roof

Metal roofs got their name due to a special type of connection of individual sheets, a fold. There are several types of such connections:

For the arrangement of metal roofs, there are two types of seam plates on the market: sheet and roll. In the first case, there is a restriction on the use of material: the angle of inclination of the roof should not exceed 30 °. The use of a roll analogue in the work is possible on any type of roof.

In addition, it is possible to cut the sheet to the required length. In this case, the consumption of material decreases, the number of joints decreases and, as a result, the operational properties of the metal roof improve. Provided that the work is carried out correctly, due to the absence of horizontal joints, it is possible to achieve 100% waterproofness of the roof.

Roofs made of various metals: from steel to copper

When planning to equip a metal roof, special attention should be paid to the choice of material. The main materials used in the production of roofing are steel, aluminum, copper and zinc-titanium sheets. Each of them has its own characteristics, advantages and disadvantages.

All these options are used for arranging seam metal roofs. It is also important to consider that all additional elements necessary for the arrangement of a metal roof: ventilation outlets, drains, fittings and nails must be made of the same metal as the main coating. Only in this case, you can achieve the perfect result.

Modern materials for metal roofs

Metal tiles and profiled sheets are relatively new roofing materials with excellent aesthetic and performance characteristics. For the manufacture of profiled sheets, either steel or aluminum is used. In the first case, in addition to galvanizing, polymer compositions are also used for protection.

The main materials used to create a coating that protects metal roofs from external influences are:

  • Polyester;
  • Pural;
  • PVDF;
  • Plastisol.

Due to the application of a protective coating, it is possible not only to improve the operational properties of metal roofs, but also to give profiled sheets and metal tiles various colors and textures.

Both options are widely used in the arrangement of metal roofs of various configurations. Metal roofing is usually done in private households. The use of roofing metal profiles is much wider: depending on the type of sheet, its thickness and profile height, it can even be used for arranging operated metal roofs at industrial facilities.

High-quality installation of a metal roof is the key to success

All types of metal roofs are quite simple to install. The material is lightweight and easy to transport and store. However, a person who does not have the skills to carry out roofing work may encounter a number of difficulties.

For example, for the arrangement of a seam metal roof, a folding tool is needed, which not every owner has available. Rolling folds by hand is a very time-consuming process, and the quality of the work performed may be at an insufficient level.

The arrangement of metal-tiled roofs or profiled sheet coatings does not require special tools, but to obtain a high-quality result, it is better to entrust the work to professionals. The specialists of our company are always ready to help and perform all work on the installation of a metal roof with high quality and in a short time.

Fake rates:

Copper seam metal roofing - price from 2799 rubles / sq.m.

Galvanized seam roof - price from 3404 rubles / sq.m.

Aluminum seam roof - price from 1981 rubles / sq.m.

metal roofing prices

Prices for metal profiles

Economy class coating, polyester coating type, metal thickness, mm 0.4

Standard/economy class coating, coating type - galvanized, metal thickness, 0.5 mm

Coating class standard, coating type - double-sided polyester, metal thickness 0.5 mm

Profile viewunits rev.Cost, rub/m2

metal roof

Metal roofing is widely used in modern construction. It is used for roofs of low-rise cottage-type buildings, industrial premises, residential multi-storey buildings.

The main advantages of metal roofing:

    light weight - ease of installation, relatively low cost of work;

    does not require special flooring or crates;

    fire resistance and fire safety;

    long service life;

    a smooth surface prevents the accumulation of debris and snow on the roof;

    does not require care;

    environmentally friendly - does not have a harmful effect on the environment.

The main disadvantage is increased noise.

Types of metal roofing:

    Seam is made of sheet or rolled steel , the individual elements of which are interconnected by a special seam - a fold. For the roofing device, galvanized steel is used, which is resistant to corrosion, or steel with a polymer coating. A thin colored film serves not only for decorative purposes, but also reliably protects the metal from corrosion. The advantage of a folded roof is that the metal itself does not break through, and the fastening occurs with the help of special clamps, which, in turn, are fastened to the grate. The most reliable of metal roofs, the service life is more than 50 years. It is possible to install a double seam for a minimum roof slope of two degrees.

The cost of installation is from 400 rubles per square meter. meter

    from profiled sheet - the most budgetary and easy-to-install type of roof. Sheets are lightweight, which allows you to work on low-rise buildings alone. Sheets with different profile heights, as a rule, the wave height starts from 20-114 mm. They are made of galvanized steel or polymer-coated steel. Galvanized metal profiles are usually used at industrial facilities, color-coated sheets are used in individual construction. The length of the sheet can be made to almost any length, which avoids transverse seams and reduces installation time.

The cost of installation is from 120 rubles per square meter. meter .

    Metal roofing is a highly demanded building material. . It is produced in the form of solid sheets of galvanized steel by stamping, which allows you to imitate the pattern of natural tiles. Finished sheets are covered with a polymer composition. Metal tiles are outwardly indistinguishable from natural ones, but they are much cheaper, lighter and do not require special skills for installation. The only downside is the noise when it rains. Available in various thicknesses from 0.37 to 0.65 mm.

The cost of installation is from 150 rubles per square meter. meter. The minimum order is from 300 square meters!

    From non-ferrous metals - zinc, titanium, aluminum and the most popular copper roofing . This metal meets all the requirements of roofing materials, but has a fairly high price. Copper, which initially has a reddish tint, eventually becomes covered with a thin film - patina, which reliably protects it from negative external influences. Due to this, the service life of a copper roof is more than a century. This type of coating belongs to the premium class, very often dome churches are covered using a special type of coating in the form of a checker or the so-called "bumps".

The cost of installation is from 1950 rubles per sq. meter.

The cost of the material is 1650 rubles per sq. meter.

Metal roofing is reliable, durable, affordable and easy to install.


Can you do it on your own or do you need to hire a professional?

The metal tile is very often used for mounting the roof and looks very attractive on it. But I would like to know: how difficult is the installation of a metal tile - can it be done on its own or is it necessary to involve specialists?

Yes, indeed, for the arrangement of the roofing part, metal tiles have been increasingly used in recent years.

Yes, indeed, for the arrangement of the roofing part, metal tiles have been increasingly used in recent years. The material is supplied in the form of profiled sheets with a polymer coating. If desired, you can independently perform the installation of metal tiles. Step-by-step instructions will help you do this without serious mistakes. You can get detailed instructions for the installation of metal tiles in our store when purchasing material.

The main stages of roofing work:

Prepare a set of tools and accessories in advance;

Depending on the configuration and operational features of the roof, select a set of additional parts (the main elements should be mentioned in the step-by-step instructions for installing metal tiles);

Waterproofing device and fixation of control bars;

Installation of the crate under the metal tile;

Installation of parts mounted to sheets;

Laying and fastening of sheets;

Installation of end strips and ridge;

Installation of snow guards.

What types of seam roofing exist?

What types of seam roofing exist? What is the principle of subdivision of seam roofing? Are there any fundamental differences in the installation work on the roof, depending on its varieties?

There are the following types of roofing:

The type of folded roof depends on the type of seam - the fold, which creates a self-latching edge. There are the following types of roofing:

1. Standing single fold is a single comb of triangular section, located along the edge of a sheet of metal. The comb of one sheet is put on the comb of the adjacent one and fixed on the crate of the slope with the help of clamps.

2. Standing double fold is a double fold protruding above the level of the sheet. The technology of connecting roofing elements using a double seam is considered the most hermetic.

3. Lying single fold- a single bend is performed along the entire edge of the metal sheet. Most often, this technology is used to perform horizontal seams.

4. Lying double fold- formation along the edge of the sheet of the bend, consisting of two turns. Compared to a single one, this technology has better protection against water penetration and leaks.

5. Clickfold. On the one hand, a self-latching seam roof has a decorative bend that imitates a seam, and on the other hand, a spring-loaded click seam. Such a device allows you to install a seam roof faster by snapping a sheet of metal onto the previous one. Most often there are roofs with vertically arranged folds.

Does the choice of the type of metal roof depend on the slope of the roof?

What is the best option for different values ​​of this slope? We just develop the main plan of a country house with an architect and choose the type of roof. But I don't want to do a very expensive roofing project, so I'm looking for the best value for money materials.

The choice of the type of roofing, indeed, should be carried out depending on the angle of the roof slope.

The choice of the type of roofing, indeed, should be carried out depending on the angle of the roof slope. When using a profiled sheet as a roofing material, the angle of inclination must be at least 10 °, the maximum value of the angle of inclination can be 70 °, and the optimal value is considered to be an angle of inclination of 20 °.

Seam roofing is optimal for both flat roofs and roofs, the slope of which is not more than 5 °, the maximum slope is 25 °. Depending on the angle of inclination of the roof, a type of fold is selected. When using a double seam, the angle of inclination should be 7-14°.

Metal tile: minimum angle of inclination - 14°, optimal - 27°.

Copper and zinc - titanium roofing - angle not less than 17°.

It should also be noted that the angle of inclination affects not only the choice of material, but also its consumption: the amount of overlap is also determined by the angle of inclination, being directly dependent on its value. So before the final approval of the roof design project, make a detailed calculation and compare the data obtained in each roof option.

What are its features of zinc - titanium roofing?

I am looking at options for mounting a zinc-titanium roof, I think it may turn out to be an original version of a coating for a country house. In practice, never had to deal with zinc - titanium roofing. Tell us what its features are, where it is used. The presentable appearance of the roof made of this material captivates, and even such an interesting color scheme in many photos.

One of the most durable coatings is titanium-zinc roofing.

One of the most durable coatings is titanium-zinc roofing. The service life of this material is comparable to the service life of brick buildings. The titanium-zinc alloy is interesting for its plasticity and almost complete inertness to the external environment. In addition to plasticity, zinc-titanium has the highest environmental safety and excellent predisposition to soldering. The plasticity that zinc-titanium possesses is an important factor for the construction of architecturally complex structures, such as: domes, various towers, gutters, curved roofs. from damage caused by various impacts.

The high ability of this material for soldering has made it in demand in those cases when, during the installation of the roof, it becomes necessary to create a large number of joints and seams. The reliability and durability of this roofing material fully justify the money spent on it. The beautiful color component of zinc-titanium also allows you to save on paint, since the sophistication of the color of the metal makes it impractical to paint it.

To date, there are several types of zinc-titanium, namely:

1. natural slate patinated;

2. patinated under gray-blue color;
