How to start growing mushrooms at home. Mushroom growing business

At home? Many people want to have a natural food product in their kitchen. Champignons are unpretentious mushrooms and are easily cultivated in artificial conditions. Any darkened basement with good ventilation and a satisfactory microclimate will do. The method of growing champignon mushrooms at home is simple, and anyone can master it. The main thing is to create the necessary conditions and maintain the required humidity.

Champignon cultivation technology

To grow champignons at home, you will need:

  • basement or other darkened room;
  • fans to create good air circulation;
  • boxes made of plastic or wood (in extreme cases, bags are also suitable) for the substrate;
  • thermometer for measuring the temperature of the substrate and air;
  • hygrometer for monitoring air humidity.

A properly prepared substrate is the key to success in growing mushrooms. The volume and quality of the product will depend on its useful properties. Well, if you managed to get horse manure, the so-called "mullein" is also suitable. They are excellent ingredients for preparing nutritional formula. If it is not possible to purchase these types of fertilizers, it is practiced to replace them with pig manure or chicken manure, but in this case one must be prepared for reduced yields.

Substrate preparation for growing champignons

In order to grow champignon mushrooms at home, you need to master the art of preparing the substrate due to the lack of an accurate dosage. One reason is the complexity of the chemical reactions that take place in compost. Based on the many years of experience of amateurs practicing the cultivation of mushrooms, it can be noted that a substrate consisting of 25% straw and 75% horse manure shows good results.

To create a small mycelium measuring 3 m², you will need:

  • high-quality straw - 100 kg;
  • manure - 200 kg;
  • urea and superphosphate - 2 kg;
  • gypsum - 8 kg;
  • chalk - 5 kg.

Upon completion of the process, more than 300 kg of the finished product will be obtained.

The substrate should be made in a well-ventilated room, and even better in a yard or garden, since after the components are combined, a complex reaction begins, which significantly increases the temperature in the pile. It is important to protect the substrate from factors such as rain and direct sunlight.

So let's find the right place. We water the straw with water, then give it 2-3 days for soaking. Then we begin to prepare a mixture of the remaining components (chalk, gypsum, urea and superphosphate). Everything is well and evenly mixed into a powder until a homogeneous structure.

Compost is made by stacking one layer on top of another. Initially, at the chosen place, we decompose the pre-soaked straw, then sprinkle it with the prepared mixture. Then spread the manure and sprinkle with powder. This algorithm is repeated 4 times to obtain 8 layers. To ensure optimal fermentation of the components, it is recommended that the length and height of the stack be about 1.5 m and about 1.3 m wide.

The compost ripening process lasts about 3 weeks. At this stage, it is necessary to carry out from 3 to 4 procedures of mixing the mixture at regular intervals, each time moisturizing it well.

Then the finished mixture is placed in special boxes or on racks.

With a lack of experience in the manufacture of nutrient mixtures, you can buy an already prepared product at special outlets.

How to grow champignons at home (video)

Planting mushroom mycelium

Ready compost is filled with wooden or plastic boxes, bags are also suitable. Here it is important to observe the height of the laid out compost, which should be about 20 cm. For 2 weeks, it is necessary to monitor the temperature of the substrate so that it does not exceed 28-30 ° C. You also need to take care of humidification.

So, the substrate has reached the required parameters and is in the selected room. Next, you should settle in the place of the future mycelium. Only specialized laboratories can grow it under sterile conditions. You can buy this product in specialized gardening stores.

Depending on the method by which the cultivation was carried out, grain and compost mycelium are distinguished. Both are used as seeding material.
The consumption of seed per 1 m² of substrate is 0.5 kg of compost mycelium or 0.4 kg of champignon grain spores.

For inoculation, lay a small handful of mycelium to a depth of 5 cm in the compost. Holes should be located no closer than 20-25 cm from one another. As for the spores of champignons, they can simply be gently scattered over the surface.

Subject to all technological recommendations, the process of growing mycelium will occur very quickly. It is important to regularly moisten the soil during this period. Care must be taken to monitor the temperature of the substrate and not to exceed the threshold value of 27°C. Violation of the regimen can lead to the death of the mycelium, and the idea of ​​​​growing mushrooms will not come true.

After 2 weeks, when the mycelium has grown, it is necessary to backfill with a small layer of soil of about 3-4 cm. This coating is prepared from a proportion of 50% peat and soddy soil to 50% chalk and loamy soil. The ingredients are treated with hot water to destroy unwanted microorganisms, and then thoroughly mixed.

How to care for planted champignons

At the end of the incubation period, in the mycelium that has grown and covered with a layer of soil, the growth of fruiting bodies will begin. This is a crucial moment. It is important to keep the temperature in the room no higher than 13-16°C and relative humidity no more than 65-80%. The substrate itself can have no more than 20-22°C. The room should be well ventilated, at least once a day.

You can expect the appearance of the first fruits in 3.5 months. The harvesting procedure begins with mushrooms, the cultivation of which is completed, carefully twisting the legs, but not cutting. The fruiting process lasts about 60 days. Experienced mushroom pickers during this period manage to grow and harvest up to 7-8 harvest waves. It should be noted that the main yield falls on the period of the first two waves. 1 m² of mycelium area is able to give up to 12 kg of a dietary product.

How to grow mushroom mycelium at home (video)

What is the benefit

So, having considered the question of how to grow champignon mushrooms, we can say with full confidence that this is a worthy occupation. This method of cultivation makes it possible to have fresh mushrooms every day. There is no need to tell anyone about the beneficial properties of these delicacies. They can be used even by pregnant and lactating women. Growing champignon mushrooms at home, if desired, will work even in a city apartment. Having provided your family with this delicacy, the remaining products can be easily sold on the market. For this, mutually beneficial cooperation with the nearest store is established. You just have to make the right choice.

Champignons are one of the most common types of mushrooms. Next, we will talk in detail about growing champignons at home for beginners. As you can see for yourself, this process is quite simple, anyone can handle it. Although, of course, there are some subtleties in it that must be taken into account.

If you follow all the recommendations below, you can get a good mushroom harvest. It will be enough not only for itself, but also for sale. True, it is unlikely that it will be possible to breed mushrooms in a city apartment. It is better to do this in the country.

Necessary materials

The technology for growing champignons in the country is quite simple. But for its implementation, some materials and equipment may be needed.

  • First of all, you will need a substrate - a nutrient medium in which mushrooms will be grown. How to create it and what is required for this will be described later.
  • The second is mycelium, that is, fungal spores. This is planting material, an analogue of seeds in plants. You can buy it in stores that sell everything for the garden. There are two types: grain and compost. The first is produced in plastic bags, the shelf life is about six months. The second is in glass jars. It can be used for twenty days and yields less.

Equipment for growing champignons in general is not necessary. However, it greatly simplifies the process and increases the quantity and quality of the resulting mushrooms. It will be helpful to use the following:

  • ventilation and heating system;
  • water supply system;
  • refrigerator for storing harvested mushrooms.

Growing champignons in large volumes requires the availability of equipment that allows you to mechanize some processes. For example, a lift with a winch and a conveyor.


The first step is to prepare the substrate. This is the most difficult thing in growing mushrooms. And it is on this that the final result depends to the greatest extent.

For cooking, manure is used (preferably horse manure, but cow or bird manure can also be used) and straw in a ratio of approximately 4: 1, in the case of bird droppings - 1: 1. Due to the rather unpleasant odor of the components, as well as the release of toxic gases in the process, it is better to prepare the substrate in the air, for example, on an unused plot of land or a summer house. But always under a canopy that protects it from direct sunlight and precipitation. In extreme cases, you can also indoors, but non-residential and well-ventilated.

When using horse or cow excrement, eight kilograms of gypsum, five chalk, two urea and two superphosphate must be added to one hundred kilograms of straw. If birds are used, then about three hundred liters of water should be added to the same amount of straw, and chalk and superphosphate should be replaced with alabaster. Naturally, the figures are given for the convenience of calculations, and you need to do as much substrate as necessary. The result obtained in the above example is enough for about three square meters of mycelium.

First, the straw is soaked for a day. After that, it and manure are stacked on top of each other, three to four layers of each of the components. At the same time, the straw is additionally moistened, especially abundantly if bird droppings were used. Next, urea and a pound of superphosphate are added. After that, everything is thoroughly mixed, gypsum, the remaining phosphate and chalk are added. After adding each component, it is necessary to repeat mixing. In about a month, the nutrient medium for growing mushrooms will be ready.


So, the substrate is ready, now the mushrooms need to be planted. For one square meter of nutrient medium, you need about four hundred grams of grain mycelium or five hundred compost.

Before sowing spores, heat treatment of the substrate is recommended. After that, it must be cooled to twenty-five degrees Celsius. If everything is done correctly, the finished material will be elastic, slightly springy when pressed by hand. Now you need to put it in wooden boxes. The amount is calculated based on their area - about one hundred kilograms per square meter.

Actually landing is as follows. Holes three to four centimeters deep are made in the substrate with a peg at a distance of at least twenty centimeters from each other. Planting material is introduced into them: a handful of dry or a small lump of wet. If grain spores are used, you can also simply scatter them evenly over the surface and cover with a four-centimeter layer of substrate.

Next, the boxes are covered with burlap, which is sprayed with water as needed. Humidity should be high, about ninety percent, but you should avoid getting liquid on germinating mushrooms.

Growing in a basement or cellar

Growing champignons in a basement or cellar - in a word, indoors - is the most popular way to grow mushrooms in the country. This is where lighting equipment comes in handy. Mushrooms themselves do not require light for growth, but a person is not able to see in the dark, and caring for plantings with a lantern in hand will not be very convenient.

Watering mushrooms during the first month of growth is unacceptable. At this time, the mycelium grows, and any liquid that gets on it can lead to the death of the entire crop. However, the overall humidity in the room should be maintained at ninety to ninety-five percent. It is also impossible to allow the top layer of soil to dry out. To achieve this goal, a method is used with covering boxes with seedlings with burlap, which is regularly wetted with water.

The temperature inside the substrate should be maintained at twenty-five to twenty-seven degrees Celsius. This is the best option for achieving high yields. In principle, the temperature can be a little more or a little less.

It is important to remember that at a temperature of more than thirty and less than twenty degrees, growing champignons is impossible, since the mycelium dies.

In a month, the germination of mushrooms should begin. Since then, the order of care for them has changed. The burlap is removed from the boxes, sprouted champignons are sprinkled with a layer of soil. After that, it is watered, but not too plentifully. The substrate must be damp, but not wet. Further, before harvesting, it should be maintained in this state.

The total humidity of the air should be reduced to eighty percent, the temperature - up to fifteen - seventeen degrees. It is during this period that it is especially important to ventilate the room well. The air must be fresh and clean, but at the same time, drafts and active movement of air flows directly above the boxes with mushrooms are unacceptable.

Outdoor cultivation

But not everyone who plans to grow champignons in the country has the opportunity to use this indoor space. In principle, you can try to grow mushrooms in the open air, right in the garden. However, this will be much more difficult, since the requirements for care remain the same.

First you need to choose a place. It should be shaded, because bright light, especially direct light, harms the mushrooms. Also, over the entire bed, there must be a canopy to protect against precipitation.

The growing substrate in this case is buried in the ground to a depth of about forty centimeters. Its quantity is still one hundred kilograms per square meter. Spores are laid in it to a depth of no more than a centimeter, after which everything is sprinkled with soil. The bed must be covered with plastic wrap or the same burlap. It will be possible to remove it in a month, after the first shoots appear.

Growing champignons in the country in the open air is best done in the fall, when the temperature is kept at fifteen to seventeen degrees. This will solve the problem of care after the germination of the mycelium. And the film covering the planting up to this point will not allow the mushrooms to freeze during the period when maintaining a high soil temperature is required.

Using a greenhouse is the best way to grow mushrooms in the country. It is easier to organize ventilation in it, maintain the temperature and humidity regime without using special equipment.


So, growing champignons on your own in the country as a whole is not difficult. However, several important points must be taken into account.

  • Firstly, this is the correct preparation of compost - a nutrient medium in which the mycelium will grow.
  • Secondly, constant temperature and humidity. There should be no sharp jumps, even the transition to the second stage, which requires different conditions, should be carried out gradually.
  • Thirdly, regular ventilation, maintaining clean air over seedlings. But without sudden movements of air above it and drafts.

Under these conditions, growing champignons in the country will be an easy task, giving a very decent harvest.

Champignons are tasty and healthy mushrooms that are well known to the average consumer and do not need any special introduction at all. Thanks to their excellent taste characteristics, as well as the high content of protein and useful amino acids in their fruiting bodies, champignons are actively used in cooking for preparing all kinds of gourmet dishes.

Adapting well to external conditions, champignons are found on almost all continents, and besides this, they grow well in "captivity". Of course, the home method of growing will not replace the delights of their favorite “silent hunting” for inveterate mushroom pickers, but it will always allow you to have a valuable nutritious product on the table. The process of home cultivation of champignons is quite complicated, and during its implementation, all the rules of agricultural technology should be carefully observed. The result of the efforts expended will be young fresh mushrooms grown and harvested near the kitchen where they will be cooked.

Substrate preparation rules

In the cultivation of champignons, the basis of the foundations is a well-prepared substrate. The process of its preparation is very time-consuming and requires the most precise adherence to technology. The main component of the substrate is a compost mixture, consisting of 3/4 of horse manure and 1/4 of winter cereal straw (wheat or rye). In the absence of horse manure, it can be replaced with mullein or bird droppings, however, in the case of the use of the latter, a decrease in yield was noted. The compost recipe is as follows:

  • The straw is soaked for a day in a container of a suitable volume.
  • Alternating layers of manure and wet straw (3-4 layers of each component), stack a stack 1.5 m high and 1.2 m wide.
  • During the formation of the stack, the layers of straw are additionally moistened by gradually adding urea and 0.5 kg of superphosphate.
  • The resulting pile is mixed four times with great care. After the first mixing, gypsum is added to the compost, after the second, the remaining superphosphate is added, after the completion of the third, gypsum is poured and mixed again.

On the third day after laying the components, the temperature inside the heap will exceed +65 ° C - a sign of active fermentation (burning). Since the process is accompanied by the release of a large amount of moisture, carbon dioxide and ammonia, it is recommended to prepare compost outdoors or in a spacious hangar-type room with good ventilation. Outdoor compost should be placed under a canopy while it matures to protect it from rain.

To prepare compost for 100 kg of straw, you will need:

  • manure - 400 kg;
  • superphosphate - 2 kg;
  • urea - 2 kg;
  • gypsum - 7.5 kg;
  • chalk - 5 kg;
  • water for additional moistening - 300–400 l.

This number of components provides 300 kg of compost mixture at the output, sufficient for laying a mycelium, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bwhich is about 2.5–3 m². The fermentation process lasts about 20–22 days, after which the temperature inside the compost pile drops to 20–25 °C. You can also determine the degree of readiness by external signs: high-quality compost has a thick brown color and loose texture, does not stick to hands and gently springs when squeezed, while there is no characteristic sharp ammonia smell.

Mycelium selection and seeding (inoculation)

To get a good harvest of healthy and tasty mushrooms, you should pay special attention to the choice of seed. High-quality mycelium is grown only in specialized laboratories, and it is recommended to purchase it only from a reliable seller. To date, two types of planting material for home cultivation of champignons are known: compost and grain mycelium. Grain is packed in polyethylene bags and stored for no longer than 6 months from the date of issue. The optimum storage temperature is from 0 to +4 °C. At 1 m? substrate (about 100 kg), 350–400 g of material will suffice.

Compost mycelium goes on sale in glass containers, which can significantly reduce the degree of negative external influences, but its yield is lower than that of its grain counterpart. Its shelf life depends on temperature indicators, at 0 ° C - up to 12 months, at higher temperatures (from +18 to +20 ° C) - only 20 days. At 1 m? compost will need about 500 g of mycelium.

Before sowing, a mandatory heat treatment of the planting substrate is carried out, after which the work is carried out in compliance with the following order:

  • Ridges are poured from the cooled compost or wooden boxes are filled with it. The thickness of the soil layer is about 30 cm.
  • At a distance of 20–25 cm, planting holes 4–5 cm deep are formed in a checkerboard pattern, lifting the soil with a small peg.
  • Sowing material is introduced into each well - compost mycelium the size of a chicken egg or a handful of grain. Inoculation with grain mycelium can be carried out in a simpler way, scattering it over the surface of the soil and covering it with a thin layer of soil mixture (about 4–5 cm).

For the correct and rapid development of the mycelium, plantings need to provide competent and complete care.

Conditions of detention and care

For the period of incubation in the room where the mushroom "plantation" is located, the following conditions must be observed:

  • High humidity– not less than 70–95%. To maintain the required level of humidity, plantings can be covered with newspapers or burlap, which should be sprayed regularly. It is very important to ensure that moisture does not fall on the soil or on the mycelium.
  • Temperature inside the soil mixture should be between +20 and +27 °C. In case of any deviations from the optimal values, the temperature should be equalized: if it is too hot, it is recommended to ventilate the room, if it is cold, additional heating will be required.

As the tomb grows, it gradually comes to the surface, outwardly resembling a silver-white cobweb. 8–12 days after sowing, 3–4 cm of cover soil prepared from peat and chalk (9: 1) or garden soil, peat and chalk (4: 5: 1) are poured onto the plantings. For every 1 m? planting area consumes about 40–50 g of cover soil mixture.

3-5 days after filling the cover mixture, the temperature in the planting room is reduced to between +12 and +17 °C. The surface of the cover soil is regularly moistened, while preventing the penetration of moisture into the main substrate. During this period, good air circulation is a very important factor - the room should be ventilated frequently, avoiding drafts.

Popular ways of home cultivation of champignons

There are several methods for growing champignons at home, each of which has its own characteristics:

  • On the ridges- one of the most popular and simple ways. Ridges can be poured in any basement or outbuilding. Among the advantages of the method, it is worth noting its low cost, simplicity and rational use of usable area, among the disadvantages - an increased likelihood of developing infections and an inconvenient (too low) location of landings.
  • On shelves- the so-called Dutch method of cultivation. The good thing is that with minimal labor costs it allows you to provide high-quality care and guarantees a high yield. However, the use of expensive special equipment is profitable only when cultivating large volumes and sowing high-quality high-yielding varieties.
  • in bags- a very practical and low-cost method, in which the raw materials for the preparation of the planting substrate are placed in plastic bags and mature in them for 20–25 days. As the compost is ready, cells are made in bags for sowing mycelium. The main disadvantage of the method is its complexity.
  • In special pressed briquettes from manure, peat, sawdust and other components necessary for the full development of the mycelium, packed in polyethylene. The main advantages of the method are high efficiency, significant savings in time, effort and usable space. Disadvantages - the high cost of the blocks and the need to replace them after 3-4 harvests.

Regardless of the chosen method of breeding, the basic requirements for the conditions of maintenance of landings remain.

Harvest Rules

From the time of preparation of the substrate to the harvest of the first harvest of champignons, no more than 3-4 months pass. Young mushrooms are subject to collection, in which the membrane connecting the champignon leg and the edges of its cap has not yet been torn. Flabby and overripe specimens, the plates of which have acquired a brown color, are not recommended for eating - they can cause serious poisoning. It is not customary to cut champignons, as many mushroom pickers do with their forest counterparts, they are removed from the ground with a neat twisting movement. The hole remaining in place of the fungus is lightly sprinkled with casing soil and moderately moistened.

The time of active fruiting of champignons is 8–14 weeks, during this time the number of fruitful waves can reach 7, the interval between which is 5–7 days. On each square meter of planting area, the number of mushrooms grows, which, in terms of kilograms, is 5–12 kg. Most of the harvest (about 70%) falls on the first 2-3 harvest waves. Mushroom soil can be used on the plot as a fertilizer, it is not recommended to reuse it for sowing mycelium.

Home cultivation of champignons will allow their owner to enjoy delicious mushroom delicacies, regardless of the season, and their cultivation on a large scale can be a source of good income.

Champignons are very tasty and healthy mushrooms. You can not only buy them in the store, but also grow them yourself. How is the cultivation of champignons at home?

Substrate preparation

Growing mushrooms at home is quite difficult, the whole process is very laborious. It requires certain skills as well as patience. Following the instructions will help you achieve your goal.

Growing champignons in an apartment is a little more difficult than growing oyster mushrooms.

The process of preparing the substrate is the most difficult stage. Growing champignons at home begins with him. Among the main components of the substrate is compost, which can be prepared from wheat seeds, straw and horse manure (it should be about 80% in the mixture). In the absence of the last component, it can be replaced with cow dung or bird droppings can be used. But in this case, the yield will not be much lower.

It is better to prepare the substrate in the open air, it should be protected from rain and sunlight. The apartment will be a good place to cook it. When preparing the substrate at home, carbon dioxide is released along with ammonia, so the room should be well ventilated.

Growing these mushrooms is a labor intensive process. If you use wheat or straw (100 kg), then you will need 5 kg of chalk, about 8 kg of gypsum, 2 kg of superphosphate and urea. If you add manure, then the resulting substrate will make it possible to make a mycelium, which will take 3 m2. If you use bird droppings to grow mushrooms, then for 10 kg of straw you need the same amount of gypsum, 300 liters of water and 100 kg of droppings. Superphosphate, as well as chalk, should be replaced with alabaster.

To get a big harvest at home, soak the straw for 24 hours. Use a container for this. Next, you need to lay the straw, manure in several layers in a pile. You should get no more than 4 layers of each. When laying, moisten the layers of straw (100 kg will require no more than 400 liters of water). Next, you need to add 0.5 kg of superphosphate, as well as 2 kg of urea. The resulting mixture will need to be stirred at least 4 times.

Then the combustion process will begin in the stack. The temperature can be set at 70 degrees. Make sure that the stack is one and a half meters high and long and 1.2 meters wide. Compost is good for no more than 22 days.

Alternative way

Mycelium preparation

You can breed mushrooms at home in another way. For this, seed materials are used, which must be grown in the laboratory. One of these materials is mycelium, which is of 2 types: compost and grain. The latter can be stored at a temperature of no more than 4 degrees for about 6 months. It is packed in polyethylene bags. The apartment is a good place to grow champignons, for this you need about 0.4 kg of such mycelium.

Compost mycelium is not so "demanding". It can be stored at home if the temperature does not exceed 20 degrees. But in such conditions it can be stored only for 20 days. It stays at zero temperature for about a year. If an apartment is used to grow champignons, then in this case you will need 0.5 kg for each "square".

The yield of compost mycelium is somewhat lower than that of grain.

Mycelium in section

Before introducing mycelium, pasteurize the substrate at home. Click on it with your hand. If the substrate is a little springy, then you did everything right. Cool it at home to a temperature of 25 degrees, then fall asleep in boxes. The thickness of each layer should not exceed 0.3 m. This will allow you to get a big harvest at home.

Entering the mycelium is very simple. Raise the substrate using a peg. A handful of mycelium is placed in the resulting hole, which is similar in size to an egg. Holes at home should be placed in a checkerboard pattern. The distance between them does not exceed 25 cm. Grain mycelium is usually sprinkled on the surface of the substrate. Another layer is poured on top, which has a thickness of 5 cm.

Further actions

To grow a large crop at home, control the humidity of the room, mushrooms do not tolerate insufficient humidity. It should not exceed 95% (the minimum level is 70%). To keep the necessary moisture inside the substrate, the boxes are covered with burlap, paper. It is necessary to spray with water, but so that it does not seep into the mycelium.

Mushrooms do not tolerate insufficient moisture.

When growing champignons, you should remember about the temperature regime. Inside the substrate, it should be no more than 27 degrees (minimum - 20). When the temperature rises, it is necessary to ventilate the room.

After 1-2 weeks, you need to prepare a cover soil for mushrooms. When the mycelium grows, it is necessary to cover the surface of the substrate (layer thickness - at least 4 cm). To prepare the soil, which is necessary for such a complex procedure as growing mushrooms, you need 1 part of chalk and 9 parts of peat. Such a composition will make the soil the most effective. You can use the land from the garden (4 parts), chalk (1 part) and peat. For each "square" of substrate, almost 50 kg of soil is needed.

When 5 days pass after the soil falls asleep, in the room where mushrooms are grown, the temperature should not exceed 17 degrees. It must be moistened, but water must not seep into the substrate.

Be sure to ventilate the room where you grow mushrooms, but avoid drafts.

The production of champignon mushrooms is a business idea. Technology of growing champignons. How to grow champignon mushrooms at home.

Mushroom harvest can reach 10 - 15 kg per 1 m² when grown at home, this will require a room with the ability to maintain a humidity of 65 - 85%, and a temperature regime of 14 - 25 ° C, almost any room is suitable for mycelium - basement, cellar, barn , greenhouse.


Racks in several tiers are placed in the room, the racks are filled with a substrate, and future mushrooms will grow in it.

Technology of growing champignons.

The first stage in the cultivation of champignons is the preparation of the soil - the substrate. The basis of the substrate is straw 75 - 80% and horse manure 20 - 25%, horse manure can be replaced with cow manure, although the yield will be slightly lower. Straw is preferable to take wheat.

Compost preparation.

Compost preparation consists in the fermentation of the substrate.

Substrate fermentation is a microbiological process that occurs under the influence of microorganisms.

Compost preparation begins with soaking the straw in a container for a day, then moistened straw and manure (1: 1 ratio), placed in containers in 4 layers (the optimal size of the containers is 1.5x1.5x1.5m). Each layer of straw is sprinkled with urea, for 100 kg of straw - 2.5 kg.

The next step is cutting and fertilizing.

On the 7th -8th day, the first mixture is broken down and 7 kg of gypsum (alabaster can be used) and water are added.

On the 12th - 13th day, the second perebivka of the mixture, 2 kg of superphosphate, 4 - 5 kg of chalk and water are added.

On the 16th - 17th day, the third rebuffing of the mixture, only water is added.

On the 20th - 21st day, the fourth rebate of the mixture, water is added if necessary.

On the 22nd day, the compost is ready, and fits into the ridges.

Ready compost has a dark color, the smell of ammonia should disappear, the compost should not stick to the hands, the straw becomes soft, when squeezed in the hand, the water should seep slightly.

Bird droppings can also be used to prepare the substrate, the method for preparing such compost is similar, only chalk and mineral fertilizers are not added, only gypsum is applied at the first overturning. For 100 kg of straw, 100 kg of bird droppings and 300 liters of water are used.

To check the correct laying of the compost, on the 3rd day its temperature is measured at a depth of 30 cm, the temperature should be 60 - 70 ° C.

Laying compost on the racks.

To grow champignons at home, it is most rational to arrange the mycelium on racks in several tiers.

Compost is laid on the racks with a layer of 30 cm, the mass should slightly spring when pressed by hand.

After 3 days, when the temperature of the compost drops to 25 ° C, you can plant the mycelium.

Planting mycelium.

The temperature in the room during the planting of the mycelium is 23 - 25 ° C, humidity 70%.

It is important to choose high-quality, sterile mycelium, otherwise you will not get a good harvest. Mycelium is of two types:

Cereal - sealed in plastic bags, shelf life 6 months, at t = 0 - 4 ° C, consumption 350 - 400 g per 1 m².

Compost - less productive, but less susceptible to external influences, consumption 500 g per 1 m².

Planting method - a handful of grain mycelium or compost is placed in a recess of 5 - 7 cm, covered with a substrate, lightly pressed with a hand. Landing is carried out in a checkerboard pattern 20 cm apart.

After a week, the mycelium grows in the form of spider webs.

During the growth of the mycelium, it is important to protect the top layer from drying out; humidity should be maintained in the room during this period.

The mycelium grows and appears on the surface within two to three weeks, at which time a layer of moist cover soil is poured over the compost, which may consist of peat and chalk (9: 1), or peat, garden soil, chalk (5: 4: 1 ), peat, lime chips (3: 1), or peat with marl (1: 1), if the room is damp, you can use loam with sand (2: 1), the mixture must be thoroughly mixed and moistened. The covering mixture should be prepared 5 days before bedding. The mixture is applied in an even layer 3-5 cm thick, 3-4 buckets per 1 m² of surface.

4 days after the introduction of the cover soil, the air temperature in the room must be reduced to 14 - 17 ° C, at temperatures above 19 ° C, the mushrooms will grow poorly.

Watering does not begin immediately, only after the mycelium enters the cover layer (after about 10 days). Watering should be carried out very carefully, with a watering can from a low height, in small drops. It is important that water remains in the cover layer and does not get into the compost, otherwise the mycelium will die off and the entire crop will die.

In the room, you need to maintain a humidity of 70 - 85%, for this they put containers with water on the floor. To reduce the concentration of carbon dioxide, ventilation and careful ventilation of the room are carried out, drafts are not allowed.

The fruiting period of champignons lasts for 2-4 months, the process occurs in waves, the first wave lasts 3-4 days, the next one a week later, and so on up to seven times. The most productive are the first 3 waves - 70% of the total harvest.

Mushrooms must be collected carefully, trying not to damage the growing fruit buds nearby. The mushroom is carefully taken by the leg and removed by turning, it is important not to damage the mycelium, otherwise it will affect the crop.

Mushrooms reach maturity when the film that connects the edges of the cap to the stem has not yet torn.

After the final harvest, the soil can be used as fertilizer.

The room and equipment after composting should be thoroughly disinfected with a 4% bleach solution, otherwise diseases and pests can cause significant damage to the subsequent crop.

The yield of mushrooms directly depends on the quality of the mycelium, properly prepared compost and the temperature regime of the room.

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