Zucchini yellow or green 2. Description of the best varieties of round zucchini, features of cultivation and care

What family does the zucchini belong to? Zucchini is a relative of pumpkin, a grassy bush with oblong, early ripening fruits - a regular in vegetable gardens.

Zucchini is a vegetable loved due to its beneficial qualities, excellent taste and unpretentiousness in cultivation. And there is no need to prove to the originals: a zucchini is a berry or a vegetable. Of course, a vegetable is low-calorie, dietary, healthy for children and adults.

Wild squash and cultivated

It is difficult to even imagine a wild zucchini in the vastness of nature. Imported a long time ago to Europe from America, and a little later to Russia, it not only took root in the farms, but also became a permanent cultivation culture, which means that breeders are working on breeding new varieties and improving the already familiar ones. Therefore, if someone managed to see a familiar oblong fruit growing somewhere on the side of the road or in a clearing, then most likely it was a squash seed that had accidentally sprouted - a cultivated plant.

vegetable marrow


The variety of vegetables is manifested literally in everything: in shape and color, size and speed of ripening, taste and yield, cold resistance and keeping quality. What a zucchini looks like depends on the shape and variety.

plant forms

  • Climbing - creeper branches crawl along the ground in different directions, a rich harvest of high-quality fruits will be born on them. Occupies a significant area in the garden;
  • Bush - compact shrub with several stems directed upwards. The fruits are formed in the form of clusters. This form is indispensable in small gardens, where every decimeter of area is valued.

Fruit shapes: what a zucchini looks like

  • medium sized cylinder;
  • the cylinder is elongated;
  • oval;
  • pear-shaped;
  • round (brightly colored, motley is also used as a decorative look);
  • bent, crooked, arched (sometimes the shapes are the most bizarre).

fruit size

  • young, milky ripeness - the most tender and sweet, up to 10 cm in size; when pressed on such a zucchini, a drop of milky liquid will stand out. During this period, the vegetable contains the largest amount of vitamins and other useful substances;
  • ripe fruits reach 30-40 cm in length, while their taste remains at its peak;
  • overgrown fruits - they are also called ripe, but the quality of taste is blurred, vitamins and other nutrients fade away, the peel becomes almost stone. The size can be huge. Bringing the zucchini to such a state is justified only when grown for seeds;
  • small zucchini - these are easiest to get from round varieties. There is no common name for small zucchini.

zucchini fruit

Color palette

  • White.
  • Light green.
  • Dark green.
  • Almost black (with a green tint).
  • Light yellow or golden.
  • Yellow.
  • Yellow-green.
  • Orange.
  • Beige.
  • Striped (alternating light and dark green stripes).
  • Variegated (covered with irregularly shaped spots).

As you can see, there are not only white and green, but also bright, decorative zucchini.

Fruiting terms

  • Early ripening (harvest for 40-45 days).
  • Ultra-early (harvest for 35-40 days).
  • Average ripening period (harvest is ready for 46-50 days).
  • Late ripening (readiness for the 50th or more day).

Pollination methods

  • Traditional, insects (bees, bumblebees, wasps cross-pollinate - the stamens from the male flower are transferred to the female pistil).
  • Parthenocarpic (virgin) hybrids that do not require pollination, but such fruits are not suitable for further reproduction, since they do not have full-fledged seeds.

On a note: ofosch belongs to the Cucurbitaceae family. The Kabachkov family does not exist.

The best varieties for the Middle lane

Among the mass of high-quality varieties and hybrids, it is difficult to name the best, however, below are the most popular among gardeners, time-tested:

  • Gribovsky (bush, early, fruitful);
  • Belogor (bush, productive);
  • Waterfall (late, dark green, suitable for canning);
  • Zolotinka (late, highly productive, excellent taste);
  • Tsukesha (bush, early ripe, fruitful, unpretentious);
  • Zebra (bush, early, high yield).

The best foreign varieties

  • Iskander (bush, early, very productive, more than 15 kg per bush per season, has good immunity to diseases);
  • white bush (bush, early variety, yield 10-12 kg per bush, delicious cream-colored pulp, high keeping quality, universal use);
  • Kavili (early ripening, cold-resistant, immune to fungal diseases, high keeping quality);
  • Cannon (ultra-early ripening, very tasty, well stored, bears fruit all summer, is immune to fungal diseases, productive);
  • Mary Gold (golden fruit of an early variety, the bush bears fruit until frost, good taste, resistant to diseases, universal use).

Zucchini: useful properties

The usefulness of a vegetable is dictated by its chemical composition. What vitamins are in zucchini?

  • A, B, C, E, PP;
  • Trace elements - iron, magnesium, potassium, calcium, phosphorus;
  • Saturated and unsaturated fatty acids;
  • Cellulose;
  • Sahara.

All this has a healing effect on the digestive system, metabolism and skin condition.

The vegetable is actively used in dietary nutrition, and it is useful for both adults and children.

Zucchini is useful for both adults and children.

A woman during pregnancy also needs zucchini dishes. The diuretic ability of the vegetable will help get rid of the edema that some expectant mothers suffer from.

Zucchini is also included in the diet of infants in the form of vegetable puree.

Beneficial effect on the body:

  • Mild taste and light texture do not irritate the walls of the stomach and intestines;
  • Has a diuretic effect;
  • Removes metal salts and toxins from the body;
  • Reduces cholesterol;
  • Fights edema;
  • With the help of zucchini, proteins are better absorbed.

Application in medicine

Diseases in which eating zucchini is indicated: cardiovascular diseases (the content of potassium and magnesium contributes to the normal functioning of the heart);

  • the occurrence of edema (for various reasons);
  • sick liver, stomach and intestines;
  • problems with the composition of the blood;
  • weakened immunity;
  • inflammation of the joints;
  • the presence of helminths;
  • kidney disease;
  • diabetes;
  • dryness of the skin.

There are many cooking methods: fried, stewed zucchini, stuffed (where you can stuff large pieces of zucchini with dense pulp with various fillings), canned, baked (for example, with cheese), even - boiled! For long-term fresh storage, it can be frozen. Also, everyone's favorite recipes for vegetable salads with fresh zucchini and zucchini pancakes.

No less interesting is the recipe for a helminth therapeutic cocktail, when pumpkin and squash juice are mixed in equal proportions, and drunk on an empty stomach.

Important to remember! Fresh, raw zucchini or zucchini will bring the greatest benefit. Their most valuable qualities (vitamins and trace elements) will not be destroyed by heat treatment.

By the way, young fruits are distinguished by a special taste and fullness of nutrients and useful substances. They are not coarsened, their skin is thin, it does not need to be peeled off. There are no seeds in such small fruits, so the core can not be removed.

Indications and contraindications


The usefulness of zucchini is appreciated. They have established themselves as an indispensable dietary dish for all ages - a small child and an old man, a pregnant woman and a person after a long illness eat a healthy vegetable with pleasure.

Even a baby gets zucchini puree, as from the most hypoallergenic vegetable!

Zucchini puree


Only people suffering from urolithiasis have a contraindication. The diuretic properties will be harmful if they provoke the advancement of stones. Therefore, people suffering from such an ailment should definitely consult with their doctor.

Note! And another category of patients who should use zucchini with caution: with gastritis and stomach ulcers, they can only be eaten in processed form, but not raw.

Pests and crop care rules

In order to grow a rich harvest of healthy zucchini, certain rules must be followed.

  1. Seed preparation (selection, soaking, disinfection).
  2. Soil preparation (digging and fertilizing).
  3. Compliance with crop rotation (it’s good if the place allotted for zucchini was occupied by potatoes last season, also, the culture will grow well after onions).
  4. Implementation of competent watering, loosening, weeding from weeds.
  5. Application of fertilizers.
  6. The use of chemicals when signs of disease or pest infestation appear.

Who harms the zucchini

Main enemies: spider mite, sprout flies and melon aphid.

If, despite all the preventive measures, insects attack the zucchini, then you will have to resort to drugs (Spark tablet) or folk methods (when a tick appears):

  • pepper in the form of infusion;
  • onion infusion;
  • wood ash solution.

The easiest way to deal with aphids is with the help of Karbofos.

The sprout fly dies if you dig up the ground in the fall and apply manure, as well as remove all plant debris.

It is simply impossible to tell everything about zucchini. And to the question - what is a zucchini - for starters, we can say that this is one of the best vegetables grown in the garden.

Zucchini is a dietary vegetable with a low calorie content. Moreover, it contains a large amount of vitamins and minerals. Due to this, this product is often used during diets, as well as for the treatment of kidney failure, heart and liver diseases. It is not difficult to grow this vegetable in a suburban area, it is enough just to understand the variety of varieties of this crop. It’s worth starting with varieties of early-ripening zucchini.


It is worth starting with this type of zucchini because the first harvest can be obtained quite quickly. In this case, the plant continues to bear fruit for 2 months. Therefore, you can enjoy fresh zucchini until late autumn.

Outwardly, this variety can be distinguished by elongated fruits, the length of which is up to 22 cm. The weight of one fruit is about 300 g. Vegetables grow on small bushes that do not take up much space. Pale green zucchini has juicy light flesh. As a rule, this variety is used for cooking caviar and other cooking.

Vegetables of this species are resistant to overripe, so they are perfectly stored and do not lose their taste.

This variety of zucchini is unpretentious. The main thing is to provide him with a sufficient amount of moisture and sunlight. You also need to make sure that the plant is in nutritious, light and fairly acidic soil.

"Iskander F1"

This variety is distinguished by fruits of a standard shape and up to 20 cm long. Moreover, zucchini grow quite large and can weigh up to 650 g.

If we talk about the characteristics of this type of zucchini, then it is also worth paying attention to the fact that the plant begins to bear fruit quite quickly after planting. At the same time, up to 17 kg of fruits can be collected from one bush. This squash is distinguished by its green skin and standard cream-colored flesh.

The main advantage of this variety is that it is resistant to most common diseases, so it does not need to be treated with toxic poisons.


Speaking about the most early-ripening types of zucchini, it is worth highlighting this particular variety, since the plant gives the first fruits already 30 days after planting the seeds. However, it is worth paying attention to the fact that you need to harvest at least 2 times in 7 days. Otherwise, fruiting may noticeably slow down.

This variety is frost resistant. At the same time, gardeners collect at least 10 kg of fruits from one bush.

Aral can be planted in difficult conditions. The fact is that this zucchini tolerates frosts and severe droughts well.


This green zucchini belongs to the zucchini variety. This variety is also considered early maturing. However, zucchini do not grow very large. The peel is distinguished by small light spots. At the same time, the fruits grow very even and perfectly tolerate transportation. To get the maximum amount of harvest, it is recommended to collect zucchini in a timely manner. Overripe is not worth it. Otherwise, new fruits will not form properly.

If you take care of the plant, then up to 12 kg of fruit can be removed from one bush.


This early ripe variety is also a variety of zucchini. The bushes are compact, while they grow a huge number of female flowers. Thanks to this, the Skvorushka zucchini has a high yield. From one bush you can collect up to 10 kg of fruit.

This variety is successfully used for canning, cooking various dishes, as well as for other types of processing.

The main advantage of this variety is that it perfectly tolerates both frost and dry periods.


This early ripening variety is very popular, as it can even be consumed fresh. It is also great for cooking caviar and other culinary dishes.

Usually, zucchini of this variety reach a weight of up to 600 g. At the same time, they are covered with spotted skin. The flesh has a slightly greenish tinge.

The main advantage of this variety is its disease resistance. However, it should be borne in mind that these zucchini do not tolerate low temperatures very well, so it is recommended that plants be planted exclusively in warm soil.

It is also worth noting that these zucchini can be planted quite close to each other, as the bushes are quite compact in size.


Speaking of early ripening types of zucchini, it is worth highlighting this variety, since the first crop appears quite quickly. However, the fruits of zucchini of this variety are not large in size. Their weight rarely exceeds 350 g.

Separately, it is worth noting the light white skin of the fruit, which is most often used for canning. Also, zucchini is great for cooking a wide variety of dishes.

This variety is distinguished by increased resistance to diseases. Thanks to this, the crop is perfectly stored. It can be transported without any problems.

As a rule, seeds are sown in the third decade of autumn or in early June. Since the bushes are compact in size, they can be planted quite close to each other. It is recommended to feed zucchini with organic fertilizers.


Considering the varieties and types of zucchini, you should definitely mention this variety. Gardeners harvest the first crop within 25-30 days after sowing. Despite such a short time, the plants bear rather large fruits, the weight of which can be up to 450 g.

If we talk about the external features of these zucchini, then they are not much different from their "brothers". Fruits can be stored for a long time and at the same time transported without fear that they will be damaged. Also, zucchini perfectly tolerate temperature changes and show phenomenal resistance to the most common diseases.

It is worth noting that this variety was bred relatively recently. That is why zucchini seeds can not be found in every store. However, they are worth looking for.

It is also worth noting that this variety of zucchini for open ground is used very often. In addition, they grow well under a film or in a greenhouse.


This variety is considered one of the most delicious. In addition, zucchini of this variety are perfectly stored, transported and are distinguished by excellent aesthetic data. Inside the fruit is a very small seminal chamber. At the same time, the seeds germinate perfectly.

However, it should be borne in mind that this variety is recommended to be grown exclusively in greenhouses, since zucchini of this species do not tolerate temperature fluctuations very well. If you plant a crop in open ground, this will negatively affect the yield of the plant.

In addition, this variety is not very suitable for growing in the central and northern regions of the Russian Federation.


If in the region in the summer there is a large amount of precipitation, then you should pay attention to this particular variety. In addition, zucchini perfectly tolerate temperature changes and severe frosts.

The fruits ripen fairly quickly. However, if the spring was very cold, then this period may increase to several months.

Outwardly, zucchini are distinguished by their cylindrical shape. Moreover, their weight can reach up to 1 kg. The skin of the fruit may be green or yellow.

This variety is considered the most picky in care. In order to collect a good harvest, it is enough only to irrigate the crop in a timely manner.


These Spanish zucchini hybrids are best suited for heat and extreme drought. The main advantage of this variety is that the weight of the fruit can reach up to one and a half kilograms.

In the process of transportation, zucchini do not change their useful and taste properties. Thanks to this, the fruits are perfect for salting, preparing marinades or eating fresh.

This variety is recommended for regions with a dry climate. At the same time, you can grow zucchini 2 times per season. Primary landing is made in the third decade of spring. The second time you can sow zucchini in the middle of summer. It is recommended to choose the most sunny place for growing this crop.

It is also worth considering mid-season types of zucchini. Such fruits are distinguished by a longer ripening period, which can be up to 2 months. However, the fruits grow quite large. At the same time, mid-season varieties are suitable for growing in any climatic conditions.

These varieties of zucchini can be planted directly in open ground. However, before this, it is recommended to germinate seedlings at home. It is best to plant zucchini away from each other, as the bushes grow quite large.


This type of mid-ripening zucchini is different in that it does not require special care. The fruits are often consumed fresh or used for canning.

If we talk about the characteristics of zucchini of this variety, then you should pay attention to their skin. It can be white or green. The pulp has a dense structure and a white tint.

This variety is resistant to temperature extremes. Also, the fruits are perfectly transported and do not lose their positive qualities.

In addition, it should be borne in mind that this variety is not susceptible to mineral dressings. Therefore, there is no point in wasting time on such fertilizers.

A distinctive feature of this variety is the branching of its bushes. That is why they need to be planted at a fairly large distance from each other. To get a good harvest, crops need to be watered in a timely manner.


This variety is distinguished by a bright yellow color of the skin of the fruit. Its flesh is very tender and quite soft.

Yellow zucchini has a large weight, which in some cases can reach up to 2 kg. You can store the harvested crop for no more than 2 months. After that, the fruits must be used for canning or cooking. Otherwise, they will start to fade very quickly.


This variety is popular due to its taste and commercial qualities. This type of zucchini is great for canning.

The weight of the fruit can reach one and a half kilograms.

The main external distinguishing feature of this variety is that the stripes on the fruits are not continuous, but intermittent and differ in size.

Planting is best done at the end of May. If the temperature of the earth is below +15 degrees, then it is better to sow the seeds later - in early June. In this case, you need to ensure that there is a sufficient distance between the bushes. So they will not interfere with each other or block sunlight. The soil should be moderately dry. If high groundwater prevails on the site, then it is better to choose another place for zucchini.

Also on sale are zucchini seeds that are planted in the autumn. Such varieties ripen for a long time. The first harvest can be obtained only after 4-5 months.

Such zucchini differ in their shape and color. In addition, they can have a variety of taste qualities.

These varieties do not require special care, so the plants can be planted and safely leave the suburban area for at least the whole summer. Consider the most popular varieties of this type.

"Spaghetti "

This variety got its unusual culinary name due to its distinctive features. The fact is that after heat treatment, the pulp of the fruit is converted into oblong wavy fibers, which outwardly very much resemble well-known pasta. In addition, Spaghetti squash is distinguished by its stems. They can grow up to 1 meter from the base of the bush. In this case, the stems can also penetrate other plantings. Therefore, you need to choose a place for the zucchini, which is located away from the beds.

The fruits of the plants are distinguished by an ellipse-shaped shape. Their skin is yellow and quite hard. Thanks to the sweet pulp, Spaghetti squash is widely used in the manufacture of desserts and other dishes. At the same time, the crop can be safely transported over long distances.

"Lagenaria Calabaza"

A pear-shaped zucchini looks very unusual on a suburban area. However, the fruits of this plant are practically not used in cooking. The most interesting thing is that they are used to make souvenirs and some types of dishes. It's all about the unusual shape of zucchini and their strong and hard skin.

Gardeners usually collect up to 40 kg of fruits from one bush. In this case, zucchini can grow up to 1 meter in length. Therefore, plants need to be planted at a great distance from each other.

"Lagenaria Ordinary"

This is another type of giant zucchini. The length of one fruit can reach up to several meters, and weight up to 12 kg. This fact must be taken into account during planting. They should not cover each other from sunlight.

Giant fruits are not suitable for cooking, so it is recommended to pick young zucchini, the length of which does not exceed 50 cm. If they grow larger, then the zucchini peel becomes very hard. In this case, the fruits can only be used for making dishes, souvenirs or decorative items.

To check the maturity of the fetus, it is enough to run a fingernail over it. If the skin is quite soft and easily scratched, then the zucchini can still be consumed as food.

The main feature of such fruits is that after separation from the main bush, they continue to grow.


The variety has an extremely high yield and excellent shelf life. Zucchini "Pharaoh" has a rather thick skin, but its flesh is very soft, juicy and tender.

It is recommended to sow the seeds of this variety towards the end of May, when the ground temperature is positive. At the same time, bushes should be planted at a fairly decent distance not only from each other, but also from other crops. After that, it is necessary to regularly water, loosen and feed the plants.

With proper care, you can harvest a huge harvest of delicious fruits every season. Also on sale you can find It is suitable for decorative purposes. From all the variety, you can choose the best variety that is suitable for growing in almost any weather conditions.

Zucchini (lat. Cucurbita pepo subsp. pepo) is an annual plant that belongs to the flowering department, the dicotyledonous class, the gourd order, the pumpkin family, the pumpkin genus, and the common pumpkin species. It is a subspecies of the common pumpkin.


  • Cucurbita pepo var. giraumonas,
  • Cucurbita pepo var. giromontina,
  • Cucurbita pepo var. giraumontia.

The zucchini comes from Mexico. This vegetable was brought to Europe after the discovery of the New World, and is now widely cultivated throughout the world. Initially, it was used exclusively for decorative purposes, and only three centuries later it began to be eaten. It is known that zucchini was brought to Russia from Greece and Turkey, from where the Russian name of this vegetable came. The word "zucchini" comes from the Turkish kabak - pumpkin. In some southern regions of Russia and in Ukraine, zucchini is called zucchini.

Zucchini - description and photo. What does a zucchini look like?

In most cases, the plant looks like a bush, but there are also climbing varieties with creeping stems, like a pumpkin. The stem of zucchini is thick, faceted, erect, less often decumbent.

The root system of zucchini is powerful, very well developed. It is represented by a pronounced taproot and highly branched lateral roots.

Zucchini leaves are large, green, with five-lobed or slightly separated plates, with a prickly and hard edge, sometimes covered with whitish spots. Petioles are long, faceted. In some varieties, the leaves are medium or small in size.

Zucchini flowers are large, monoecious, bell-shaped and bright yellow or bright orange. They are male and female. You can determine them by the length of the pedicel: in male flowers it is long, in female flowers it is short.

The surface of the fruit can be smooth, bumpy or ribbed. Young zucchini have a thin and soft bark, in mature species the bark is thick and woody. With age, it develops a mechanical tissue called sclerenchyma.

Depending on the variety or hybrid, zucchini are white, yellow, orange, cream, dark or light green, two-tone. Stripes or spots may be present on the bark.

The pulp of young zucchini is tender and juicy, of varying degrees of density. In adult fruits, it is more dense, and in overripe fruits, it is tough, like the outer bark. The color of the pulp is white, yellowish, cream. The taste of zucchini is not too pronounced, it can be more or less sweet depending on the variety.

Inside the fruit are seeds that look like seeds. Zucchini seeds are flat, elongated, whitish or creamy, small or medium in size. 1000 seeds weigh - 130-150 g.

Zucchini begins to bear fruit 35-60 days after sowing seeds. 7-10 day ovaries are used for food - the fruits of the so-called technical ripeness. The length of such fruits varies from 15 to 30 cm, and the diameter reaches 4-10 cm. 100-120 days after sowing, the squash reaches full, or biological, ripeness. Such fruits become tasteless, lose their useful properties and are suitable only for livestock feed.

What is the difference between zucchini and zucchini?

Zucchini is a squash native to Italy. The name "zucchini" (it. zucchini) is a diminutive of the Italian word zucca, which means "pumpkin".

  • Their first and main difference from other zucchini is the color. Zucchini have a dark green or yellow color in different shades. In this case, vegetables can be plain, striped or spotted. In addition to the above colors, the color of zucchini can be white, orange, light green.
  • The difference between zucchini and zucchini lies in the timing of ripening and fruiting. Zucchini ripen earlier, zucchini later. At the same time, the fruiting period of zucchini is longer.
  • Another difference between zucchini and zucchini is the size of the fruit. Basically, zucchini are small in size, while some varieties of zucchini can reach a meter in length and weigh 30 kg.

Classification of zucchini.

Zucchini differ among themselves in many ways: in color, relief, shape, size, ripening time. These vegetables can also be classified according to other parameters, such as cold resistance, method of application, shelf life, taste, yield, and many others.

According to the shape of the bush, zucchini is divided into:

  • Bush, having erect stems, growing compactly in the form of a bush. Most of the varieties currently grown are in the bush form. Such a plant requires an area of ​​\u200b\u200babout 1 m² so that the crown formed from large upper leaves does not obscure neighboring plants.
  • Climbing, with stems creeping in the form of lashes. Such plants give a larger harvest, and their fruits are considered more tasty.

The following zucchini are distinguished by color:

  • light green,
  • yellow,
  • Dark green (and even black green),
  • yellow green,
  • white,
  • orange or beige
  • Striped or spotted.

The shape of zucchini can be:

  • elongated cylindrical,
  • oval,
  • cylindrical,
  • club-shaped (pear-shaped),
  • round,
  • Curved.

Zucchini sizes vary:

  • Fruits of technical ripeness have sizes from 15 to 30 cm,
  • Biologically mature species grow up to 1.5 meters or more,
  • There are giant zucchini. For example, the fruits of the Russian size variety grow up to 1 meter and weigh up to 30 kg.

According to the terms of fruiting, there are:

  • Ultra early zucchini
  • Early ripening (early ripening) zucchini,
  • mid-season squash,
  • Late ripe zucchini.

According to the method of pollination, the following types of zucchini are distinguished:

  • Zucchini pollinated in the traditional way. Pollinating insects (bees, wasps, bumblebees) transfer pollen from the stamens of one flower to the stigma of the pistil of another. Thus, cross-pollination occurs.
  • Parthenocarpic varieties and hybrids zucchini do not need pollination at all. The fruits on such plants grow without pollination and do not have seeds. These squash are suitable for places where there are no pollinating insects. Parthenocarpic varieties and hybrids include Kavili F1, Parthenon, Sukha F1.

Varieties and hybrids of zucchini by color, name and photo.

There are many varieties of zucchini and their hybrids. Hybrids are good because they give stable yields. But this happens only in the first generation - F1. Unlike varietal zucchini, hybrid seeds no longer germinate. Selection work with zucchini is ongoing, so in the future we can expect an increase in varietal diversity.

Light green zucchini.

  • Aral F1 - a hybrid of early ripening, semi-climbing. A well-growing and developing plant with cylindrical, slightly ribbed fruits weighing 0.6-0.8 kg. The color of the fruit is light green, with whitish specks and spots. Zucchini Aral F1 gives a good and long-term harvest.
  • Kavili F1 - ultra-early, parthenocarpic (bearing fruit without pollination), long-bearing hybrid. The fruits are small: 16-22 cm in length and weighing 0.3-0.5 kg. Light green zucchini Cavili F1 has a cylindrical shape, white flesh and a delicate taste.
  • IskanderF1 - high-yielding, early-ripening zucchini hybrid. Grows as a bush. The leaves are medium dissected, dark and light shades of green, with specks. The fruits are light green with white spots, cylindrical, narrowed towards the stem, not long and weighing 0.7 kg. The pulp of zucchini is dense, tender, with a good taste.
  • HeroF1 - a hybrid bred in Spain. The fruits are cylindrical and light green in color. The weight of zucchini varies from 0.4 to 1.5 kg. The pulp is sweetish, crispy, dense.

Yellow (yellow-fruited) zucchini.

The fruits are colored in various shades of yellow.

  • orangeF1 - ultra-early, yellow-fruited hybrid growing in a bush. Numerous fruits are round in shape. They are harvested when they reach a diameter of no more than 15 cm, so that they do not overripe. They have sweet pulp. Zucchini Orange can be eaten raw.
  • Zolotinka- an early ripening variety of zucchini. The fruits are oval, golden yellow in color, grow up to 0.5-1.8 kg. The flesh of the fruit is thick, yellow and sweet in taste. The skin is thick. Zucchini Zolotinka is resistant to powdery mildew, stored for a long time.
  • Bananas- representatives of early maturing varieties. Zucchini squash are cylindrical and yellow in color, reach a length of 20-25 cm and weigh 0.7-1.8 kg. Creamy pulp has a good taste and a high content of carotene. The yield of this variety is high - 12-13 kg / m².

Dark green zucchini.

  • Black handsome- early ripe zucchini growing as a bush. The fruits are dark green, cylindrical, weighing up to 2 kg. The fruit surface is smooth and glossy. The light and juicy pulp of zucchini contains many vitamins. The variety has excellent taste, is well stored, convenient for transportation, suitable for open ground.
  • Tsukesha- high-yielding, early ripening zucchini. Bush variety. The fruits are cylindrical, dark green in color, weight 0.7-0.9 kg. The pulp is white, crispy, with excellent taste.
  • Aeronaut- a variety of zucchini, related to early ripening. The plant has mostly female flowers. The fruits are cylindrical, dark green, weighing up to 1.3 kg, with a thin skin. The flesh is yellowish-white, tender, with a good taste. Fruits are well stored and transported.
  • Skvorushka- early maturing, compact, bushy plant. From germination to technical ripeness, 46-57 days pass. Dark green fruits with slight spotting grow up to 0.7-1.2 kg. They have dense, but tender, juicy and tasty pulp. Skvorushka is a drought- and cold-resistant variety of zucchini. The yield is more than 7 kg/m².
  • Black Prince- an early ripening variety of zucchini with glossy dark green fruits of a cylindrical shape. The flesh is light beige, firm and juicy. Can be eaten raw.

Yellow-green zucchini.

  • Delicate marshmallowF1 - a zucchini of an unusual two-color color, which can be eaten raw. The pulp of young fruits has a particularly delicate texture and sweet taste.
  • Bicolor Wonder- a variety bred by English breeders and is a climbing bush with vines up to 10 meters long. The upper part is solid yellow, the lower part is dark green with light green stripes and spots. Can be used for decorative purposes: for example, to decorate a gazebo. Zucchini fruits are cylindrical, with a smooth surface, very tasty.

White (white-fruited) zucchini.

  • Beloplodny- productive, early-ripening variety of zucchini white. Bred at the Kuban Agricultural Institute. Enters fruiting on the 38-44th day after germination. The plant is bushy, compact. The fruit is cylindrical, smooth at the base, slightly ribbed. At the stage of biological ripeness, white zucchini turns yellow. The mass of zucchini is 0.6-0.9 kg, length is 14-28 cm.
  • White bash- a plant with cylindrical fruits of white color. Cold-resistant, early maturing, high-yielding and well-kept variety of zucchini. It has high culinary and taste qualities.

Orange and beige zucchini.

Orange or beige-orange zucchini can be confused with pumpkins, as they are similar in color, size and weight.

  • Russian size- a late-ripening, winter variety of zucchini with a fruit length of about 1 meter and a diameter of up to 20 cm. Zucchini of this variety can weigh 30 kg. They differ not only in their unusual appearance and size, but also in their high taste.

By the way, butternut squash is mistakenly referred to as zucchini (see photo below), calling it a pear-shaped or walnut zucchini.

Striped and spotted zucchini.

The color of the bark can be green, light green, whitish with dark stripes and spots of different sizes. It is also possible vice versa: the field is darker, and the stripes and spots are lighter.

  • Zebra- an early, bush variety of zucchini. Striped fruits are not very large: up to 0.9 kg, cylindrical, with slight ribbing. The bark is light green with dark green stripes. The flesh is whitish-yellow, has a fruity flavor. Zebra zucchini is juicy and tasty.
  • Kuand- mid-season variety of zucchini. The fruits are cylindrical, narrower at the stem. Grow up to 1.5 kg. The color is pale green with intermittent dark green stripes. The pulp is white, tender. The variety is high-yielding and cold-resistant.
  • Romanesco- mid-season zucchini. Fruits of the original form: elongated, ribbed, tapering towards the stem. The color is green with rare light stripes. The pulp is light cream, juicy. The weight of zucchini reaches 0.5-0.7 kg.

Varieties of zucchini according to the surface topography.

smooth zucchini have a glossy shiny skin:

  • Video clip- a variety of zucchini, bred in Russia, ultra-early, cold-resistant. Bushy plant with few leaves. The fruits are oval, smooth, weighing 0.6-0.9 kg. Tender flesh has an excellent taste. Yielding variety of zucchini, forming up to 5 fruits at the same time.

Tuberous zucchini covered with tubercles of various sizes:

  • golden scallop- mid-season variety of zucchini. True, some experts attribute this fruit not to zucchini, but to pumpkins, wrynecks, or krukneks. The variety has yellow fruits weighing 1.5-2.0 kg. The pulp is tender, light, tasty. Can be consumed both cooked and raw.

ribbed zucchini have more or less pronounced ribs on the surface of the fruit.

  • Winter gourmetF1 - a late-ripening hybrid that can be eaten raw. It has a sweet, hazelnut flavor, starchy, brittle creamy yellow flesh. Zucchini fruits are cylindrical, ribbed, with dark green stripes. They are stored for a long time, and the sweetness increases during storage.

Varieties of zucchini in shape, photo and name.

Elongated-cylindrical zucchini.

Elongated cylindrical zucchini include varieties and hybrids Apollo F1, Nemchinovsky F1, Astoria, Negritenok, Golda F1.

  • Negro- ultra-early squash-zucchini bush type. Fruits are dark green, oblong-cylindrical, with a smooth surface. The weight of zucchini reaches 0.8-1.0 kg.

Oval zucchini.

Oval-shaped zucchini include varieties and hybrids Culinary, Vegetable Spaghetti, Russian Spaghetti, Polar Bear, Portion F1, Zolotinka.

  • Polar bear- an ultra-early variety of zucchini, the growing season of which is 36 days. The plant is bushy, tolerates low temperatures well, therefore it is suitable for the northern regions. The pulp is tender, the bark is thin. Fruits reach a mass of 1.3 kg.

Cylindrical zucchini.

Zucchini varieties and hybrids Aeronaut, Mechta hostess, Sosnovsky, Astronomer, White Swan, Gribovskie 37, Anchor, Yasmin F1, Kavili F1 have a cylindrical shape.

  • Gribovskie 37- This is a variety of zucchini, bred in the USSR at the All-Union Institute of Selection and Seed Production of Vegetable Crops. The most common variety in Central Russia. The fruits are cylindrical, light green in color, with a smooth surface. Fruit length 20-25 cm, diameter 7-10 cm, zucchini weight 0.7-0.9 kg. The flesh is white with a greenish-yellow tint. Mature fruits are milky white, firm, weighing 2-3 kg. Harvest from one plant is 4-10 young fruits with a total weight of 3-5 kg ​​when sown in open ground and 8-16 kg when sown with seedlings and under film.
  • Yasmin F1- early ripe hybrid, giving high yields. The fruits are cylindrical, yellow. Zucchini has good taste. Fruit weight - 0.5-0.6 kg. The variety is resistant to powdery mildew. The average yield is 3.8-11.5 kg / sq. m.
  • Anchor- mid-season variety of Russian selection. Small-leaved shrubs, with a predominance of female flowers. The fruits are cylindrical in shape and weigh 0.5-0.9 kg. The color is light green at the beginning, with biological maturation - light yellow. A cold-resistant variety gives a guaranteed yield even with a lack of heat.

Club-shaped squash.

Among the club-shaped marrows, hybrids of Hobby F1, Karisma F1, Ardendo 174 F1 can be distinguished.

  • HobbyF1 - a hybrid of early ripening squash. The shape is club-shaped, the color is light green. Small-fruited - from 0.3 to 0.7 kg. Resistant to powdery mildew, mosaic virus, high temperatures. The average yield is 7-9 kg / sq. m.
  • karismaF1 - ultra-early variety of zucchini. The fruits are club-shaped, smooth, light green in color. Weight 0.6-0.7 kg.
  • Ardendo 174F1 - a hybrid of Dutch production, early maturing. The shape of the fruit is club-shaped, the surface is ribbed. Zucchini weigh 0.3-0.6 kg. The flesh is light green. Zucchini Ardendo 174 are resistant to temperature changes and are suitable for eating raw. The average yield is 5-14.5 kg/sq. m.

Round zucchini.

Zucchini varieties Botsman F1, Bourgeois F1, Sailor, Cook, Gingerbread Man, Ball, F1 Festival, Tintoretto, Ronde de Nice, Tondo Scuro di Piacenza have a round shape.

  • ball- early ripe round squash weighing up to 500 g. They have a green striped color and soft, juicy, white flesh. The fruits can be pickled whole.
  • FestivalF1 – very beautiful, decorative hybrid. Zucchini fruits are round, about 15 cm in diameter, with bright stripes, they look like a pumpkin. They have sweet flesh. Well preserved.

Varieties of zucchini by size.

  • large-fruited zucchini: varieties Russian size, Amazing giant, Watermelon, Boatswain F1.
  • Small-fruited zucchini is removed from the garden when the fruits reach a length of 10 cm and weigh no more than 500 grams. Usually small-fruited varieties are characterized by high yields, the peel of such zucchini is very thin and tender, and there are practically no seeds. The following varieties of zucchini are small: Orange F1, White, White Swan, Mountain, Yerema, Karina, Kolobok, Hostess's Dream, Murzilka, Roller, Russian Spaghetti, Chest of Health, Tondo, Tintoretto.

Varieties of zucchini by ripening time.

  • Ultra-early zucchini - 36-45 days pass from germination to technical ripeness of fruits. These include varieties: Dream of the hostess, White, Black Zucchini, Polar Bear, Roller, Beloplodny, Belukha, Waterfall, Karam, Moor.
  • Early maturing (early maturing) zucchini bear fruit after 45-50 days from the moment of germination. These include varieties and hybrids: Karina, Zebra, White Swan, Burzhuin F1, Gorny, Aeronaut, Anchor, Beloplodny, Gribovskie 37.
  • Mid-season zucchini bear fruit 50-60 days after germination. These are the varieties Yellow-fruited, Nephrite, Kuand, Mini-zucchini, Golda F1, Black Beauty, Ball, Macaroni, Delicacy, Ksyusha F1.
  • late maturing (late) zucchini begin to bear fruit after 60 days from the moment of germination. Late varieties and hybrids include: Russian size, Walnut, Spaghetti Raviolo, Kuand, Tivoli F1, Vegetable spaghetti, Russian spaghetti, Portion F1, Tiger.

Some experts combine ultra-early and early-ripening zucchini into one group - early-ripening.

Spaghetti zucchini - what does it look like and what is it?

Spaghetti squash is a plant that does not differ in appearance from other squash varieties. The fruits of such zucchini are quite common both outside and inside. But after heat treatment (stewing, baking, boiling), their pulp breaks up into thin, long, pasta-like fibers. Hence their name - spaghetti. The pulp of zucchini acquires the property of disintegrating into fibers when ripe. In young fruits, this property is weakly expressed, and in overripe fruits it is already lost. Spaghetti zucchini includes varieties Spaghetti Raviolo, Caruso, Spaghetti Femeli, Macaroni, Portion Spaghetti, Tivoli F1 and some others.

  • Spaghetti Raviolo- a late-ripening variety of zucchini. The bush is powerful, with a lot of foliage and ovaries. The fruits are oval, yellowish in color, grow up to 900 g.
  • TivoliF1 – a late maturing squash hybrid, similar to the Raviolo variety described above. Grown in warm southern regions. Fruits are oval, light green, with a smooth surface. Weight reaches 1.5 kg.

Climbing zucchini, photo and description.

Among the varietal diversity of zucchini, there are not only bush, but also climbing plants. Their fruits are edible, and long lashes can be used to decorate the garden plot. Climbing varieties and hybrids of zucchini include: Aral F1, Climbing, Caruso, Culinary, Spaghetti Raviolo, Spaghetti, Macaroni, Amazing Giant, Umka and others.

  • Amazing giant- an ultra-early variety with great vitality, tolerates cold and damp well. This is a climbing marrow with long vines and large fruits weighing more than 6 kg. The pulp is sweet, orange. Zucchini grow quickly, stored for a long time - at least a year.
  • ascent- a variety of zucchini of Italian origin. It does not grow as a bush, but spreads in all directions with long, 3-5-meter vines. Mature fruits have a lamp-shaped thickening at the end, a curved shape and a creamy yellow color. The yield is good. The pulp is crispy, with a pleasant taste. The plant looks beautiful and does not take up much space if its whips are directed along the trellis.

Where do zucchini grow in the wild?

Zucchini has long been a "domesticated" plant. If it comes across in the wild, then most likely it is a wild domestic variety.

The benefits of zucchini for the body.

Zucchini is a product whose benefits for the body can not be overestimated. It is a low-calorie, easily digestible vegetable. Its fruits are rich in carbohydrates, vitamins, mineral salts. The table below shows the chemical composition and calorie content of zucchini.

And here is a whole list of useful properties of zucchini:

  • Zucchini is recommended for use in cardiovascular diseases, gout, anemia and obesity.
  • They increase the outflow of bile and contribute to the restoration of glycogen in the liver.
  • A large amount of pectin contained in zucchini helps protect the mucous membranes of the stomach and intestines. Thus, this vegetable serves to prevent stomach ulcers and other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Zucchini seeds are used as an anthelmintic, as they contain a lot of oil (about 50% by weight) and santonin.
  • Zucchini does not cause allergies, so even allergy sufferers can use it. In addition, it is the first to be introduced into complementary foods for infants.
  • Zucchini is useful for pregnant women. For the expectant mother herself, this product will help fight swelling, constipation, and control weight. Calcium contained in zucchini affects the formation of the child's skeletal system, and B vitamins are involved in the formation of the nervous system.
  • Zucchini is good for men's health, as it prevents prostate diseases.
  • The vegetable is also useful for the elderly, as it to some extent prevents the accumulation of cholesterol in the blood.
  • Zucchini is easily absorbed by the body and contributes to the digestibility of other, heavier foods. It enhances intestinal peristalsis and activates digestion.

You can cook a lot of dishes from zucchini. They are fried, baked, stewed, stuffed, included in vegetable stews. Soups, sauces, squash caviar, pancakes and other dishes are prepared with their use. Zucchini is suitable for canning. They can be salted or marinated: whole or cut into pieces. Zucchini is rarely included in the restaurant menu. But "haute cuisine" is impossible to imagine without zucchini, which is used for salads, first, second and even sweet dishes.

Harm of zucchini and contraindications.

For all its benefits, zucchini can harm an unhealthy body. Contraindications for eating this vegetable are:

  • kidney disease,
  • increased acidity in the stomach,
  • hyperkalemia (excess potassium in the blood).

Growing zucchini.

Growing zucchini is a rewarding activity. These plants are cold-resistant, very unpretentious, almost do not get sick, ripen quickly and, as a rule, give a large harvest. Caring for zucchini is easy even for those who have never grown vegetables.

Depending on the place where the zucchini will grow, they are planted in different ways:

  • In the south, seeds are often sown in open ground.
  • In the northern regions it is better to grow seedlings of zucchini.

Preparing zucchini seeds for planting.

So that the plants do not get sick, the shoots are friendly, and the sprouts are strong, zucchini seeds must be prepared for planting.

  1. At first seeds sorted out by deleting the corrupted ones.
  1. Then they are warmed up in one of the following ways:
    • folded into a linen bag and kept near the heating system for 1-2 months;
    • leaving for several days in a place where the sun's rays fall on them;
    • in dryers of various types for 3 hours at temperatures up to 60°C or for a day at a temperature of 40°C.

Heating disinfects the seeds, increases their germination, and increases the number of female flowers.

  1. After that seed disinfection, soaking them in a 1% solution of potassium permanganate, nitrophoska, wood ash, trace elements and other preparations, followed by rinsing with water.
  1. For zucchini to rise well, seeds are hardened by placing them in the refrigerator: either 1 time for 2-3 days, or several times for 8-10 hours with breaks of 15-16 hours.
  1. Zucchini seeds can be germinated before planting, but they must be handled with care, as their sprouts are too fragile and can break off during storage and planting. To germinate seeds, you need to take a saucer, put cotton wool on it, pour water at a temperature of 20-25 degrees, wrap the seeds in gauze and put them on cotton wool. Seeds will hatch in 2-3 days. Water must be changed 2 times a day: in the morning and in the evening. Both swollen and germinated seeds can be planted in open ground.

How to grow seedlings of zucchini at home?

For planting seeds, it is necessary to prepare the soil. The soil for seedlings is frozen for 1-2 months, leaving it on a balcony, veranda or in another cold room. A week before disembarkation, it is brought into a warm room so that it thaws. The right soil for zucchini should consist of:

  • turf land,
  • decomposed peat,
  • rotted manure,
  • rotted sawdust in equal proportions,
  • coarse sand.

Currently, in the store you can buy ready-made soil for zucchini.

Seeds are planted for seedlings in April-May, 20-30 days before the intended planting in open ground. For planting in greenhouses, seedlings are sown in the first decade of March. It is better if each zucchini grows in a separate cup, peat pot or other container. Drainage from sphagnum or sawdust is laid at the bottom of the tank, and then it is filled with soil mixture. The seed is placed at a depth of 3-4 cm. You can put 2 seeds if you are not sure of their germination. If necessary, the second germ can be removed. Until sprouts appear, the containers are stored in a warm place, covered with a film. After the sprouts hatch, they are placed on window sills or in other lighted places. For better growth, seedlings are placed under lamps for artificial lighting. Watering is carried out once a week.

Planting seedlings in open ground.

Seedlings of zucchini are planted on the beds when frosts are no longer expected. At the time of planting, the sprouts should have a squat stem and 2-3 leaves, since with a larger size they take root worse. The root system of the plant must be developed, intact and fill the entire space of the container in which the seedling is located. So that the seedlings of zucchini do not wither and wind, it is better to plant it in open ground in the late afternoon or in cloudy weather. Each seedling freed from a temporary pot should be placed in a separate hole, sprinkled with earth and slightly crushed. The soil in which planting is carried out must be moist. At first, zucchini should be covered with a film so that they do not freeze. If the weather is hot, during the day the film should be lifted so that the sprouts are not hot.

Planting zucchini seeds in open ground.

In the southern regions, zucchini is planted in open ground without germination, while observing the following conditions:

  1. The area where zucchini will grow should be protected from the wind, well lit and warmed by the sun. It must be remembered that zucchini grow better in places where potatoes and other root crops, onions, garlic, cabbage, peas, beans, beans, and spices used to sit. Do not plant them after peppers, turnips, carrots, eggplants. The zucchini themselves prepare the soil well for all vegetables, except for pumpkin (watermelons, melons, squash, cucumbers, pumpkins). Their dense foliage suppresses the growth of many weeds, and the roots loosen the ground well.
  2. In autumn, the soil for future crops is loosened and fertilized with manure or droppings. Instead of manure, you can use complex fertilizer. Zucchini love neutral soil, so you can add lime if necessary.
  3. In the spring, at the beginning of May next year, the site is again dug up, fertilized, and beds are made. Manure humus or compost is used as fertilizer. In addition, depending on the composition of the soil, mineral fertilizers, wood ash, sawdust, or water with a solution of potassium permanganate can be applied. Manure should not be used.
  4. Before planting zucchini, it is important to foresee the likelihood of frost. The soil at a depth of 8-10 cm should have a temperature of 10-12 degrees. The air temperature when planting seeds of heat-loving varieties should exceed 15°C. Northern varieties of zucchini can be sown at 8-10°C. You can plant zucchini seeds in open ground at intervals of 2-3 times to insure against frost. The seed is placed in the ground to a depth of 5-7 cm if the soil is soft and loose, or 3-5 cm if the soil is dense. As with sowing seedlings, 2 seeds can be placed in the hole. If both sprout, the second sprout can be carefully dug up and transplanted, or simply cut off at the root. Zucchini is a vegetable that loves light and space. With a lack of light or dense plantings, the yield decreases. The distance between the seeds should be large enough, as zucchini widely spread their whips:
    • For normal development, zucchini is planted according to the 80x80 scheme. This means that the distance between rows and between plants is 80 cm.
    • In the south, you can apply the scheme (90 + 50) x 70 cm and plant with ribbons (2 rows per ribbon), where 50 cm is the distance between rows, 90 cm is the distance between ribbons, 70 cm is the distance between plants.

Seedlings appear 5-8 days after sowing. The fruits grow in about 2 months after planting. One plant usually produces up to 18 fruits. Zucchini should be harvested young, avoiding overgrowing, as this will reduce the yield.

Caring for zucchini.


Zucchini is a cold-resistant crop; they tolerate short-term cooling down to 5-6°C well, but plants die at 0°C. The optimum temperature for these vegetables is + 20 ... + 25 ° C. Since frosts are not uncommon in temperate latitudes, where zucchini grows, it is necessary to ensure that the plants do not freeze out. To do this, the seedlings are covered with a film and other covering material.

Top dressing.

Usually, zucchini is fertilized immediately after germination, when laying buds, during flowering and during fruiting. Some types of fertilizers are applied directly to the soil during loosening, other types are dissolved in water and root watering is carried out with them, the third type is foliar fertilizers, which are sprayed on zucchini leaves. In the initial period of growth and development, zucchini needs potassium, phosphorus and nitrogen, and nitrogen should be excluded during flowering and fruiting.

  • 8-10 days after the appearance of mass shoots, the first top dressing is carried out: 2 g of superphosphate per 1 liter of water or a pale pink solution of potassium permanganate.
  • The next top dressing is carried out with an interval of 7-10 days. Zucchini is watered with diluted bird droppings (1:20) or slurry (1:15). Mineral and organic top dressing alternate.
  • During active flowering, the following top dressing is suitable: 1 tbsp. a spoonful of combined fertilizer (nitrophoska) and 0.5 liters of mullein per 10 liters of water.
  • At the beginning of fruiting, zucchini can be fed with a mixture of 2 tbsp. tablespoons of ash per 10 liters of water.


Zucchini is a moisture-loving, but relatively drought-resistant crop. Water the zucchini in the evening, 1-2 times a week. Watering should be plentiful, but not excessive, otherwise the vegetables will rot. Before the appearance of the ovary, approximately 10 liters of water are consumed per 1 plant and 12-15 liters during the fruiting period. Watering is carried out with warm settled water, the water temperature should be at least 22 degrees, while water should not fall on flowers and leaves. To reduce the evaporation of moisture after watering, the soil under the plants is loosened. Loosening should not be deep, as the roots of zucchini are located close to the surface.

Formation of bushes.

When the fruits appear, you can break through some of the zucchini leaves to increase ventilation and increase light access. This will help to avoid rot and other diseases. With a strong thickening of the bush, you can cut off 2-3 leaves from each plant. In climbing varieties, pinch the top over 4-6 leaves. This stimulates the growth of side shoots.


The optimum air humidity for zucchini is 60-70%. Unlike cucumbers, zucchini does not tolerate high humidity very well in greenhouses and greenhouses.


The female flowers of squash are pollinated by insects, mainly bees. Male flowers cannot be removed, since fertilization will not occur without them. Sometimes it is necessary to carry out manual pollination in a greenhouse: for this, at the beginning of flowering of female flowers, male flowers are collected, petals are removed from them, and then pollen is applied with anthers to the stigma of female flowers. Pollination is carried out from 6 to 11 am. In hot weather, this procedure is completed earlier, in cloudy weather - later. For one female flower, several male ones are required.

Collection of seeds.

To obtain seeds in the garden, several varietal zucchini are left, which grow large and become woody. Then the seeds are taken out of the ripened fruits, washed and dried. These seeds remain viable for 5-7 years. For crops, it is better to use not fresh seeds that give a lot of male flowers and are less productive, but 2-3-year-old ones. They produce squashes that have weaker lashes, but produce many female flowers and are more resistant to disease.

With high agricultural technology in central Russia, 700 centners (70 tons) of squash grown in open ground can be harvested from 1 ha, and 900 centners (90 tons) using film shelters.

How to store zucchini at home?

If you yourself collect zucchini from the garden, then it is advisable to do this in the morning and cut the fruits together with the stalk at least 5 cm long. In addition, you need to take into account that frozen or damaged fruits will not lie for a long time. Do not wash vegetables - this will reduce the shelf life.

  • Young zucchini- perishable products, not suitable for long-term storage. Under normal conditions, they lie no more than 5-7 days. Usually, zucchini is placed in plastic bags and stored in a refrigerator in the vegetable compartment for 2-3 weeks at a temperature of +5°C.
  • Mature zucchini with firm pulp and a crust are stored much longer. In a cool, dry room, they can lie up to 1 month, but their taste deteriorates. An ideal place for storing zucchini is a cellar or basement, where the temperature reaches +4 ... +10 degrees Celsius, and the humidity is about 80%. If there is no cellar, any room will do: the main thing is to choose a place away from heating appliances. You can put vegetables in a box, some use cardboard partitions or wrap zucchini with newspaper (paper). It is desirable to place the box in the coolest places of the apartment: next to the balcony door, front door or just under the bed.
  • Well ripened zucchini with rough flesh and thick, stiff skin, they can be stored for several months at home at room temperature.
  • Zucchini is used in folk and traditional medicine. Their juice and pulp are used to treat inflammatory processes in the digestive system. Zucchini dishes are included in various diets.
  • Zucchini have found application in cosmetology. Various nourishing, softening and toning face masks are made from them.
  • In 2008, 70-year-old English farmer Ken Dade grew a 65 kg zucchini on his plot and got into the Guinness Book of Records.
  • Zucchini is eaten raw, boiled, fried, stewed, baked, and jam is also made from it. Zucchini goes well with herbs (parsley, dill, green onions), with many vegetables (cauliflower, tomatoes, carrots, bell peppers, potatoes, eggplant, onions and garlic), as well as with meat and cheese.
  • Zucchini is a good fodder crop; biologically ripe fruits are used as feed for cows and pigs.
  • There is a vegetable called Vietnamese zucchini. In fact, this is not a zucchini at all, but lagenaria. This vegetable also belongs to the pumpkin family, can reach more than 2 meters in length and weigh up to 150 kilograms.