November pear description. November pear - one of the best late varieties

Delicious juicy fruits.

In the article we will give a description of this variety, talk about its advantages and cultivation features.

Selection history

The variety was bred in the distant 50s of the last century at the Far Eastern Agricultural Research Institute. The author, breeder A.V. Bolonyaev, by crossing the Belgian "Winter Dekanka" and the domestic "Ussuriyskaya", received a new variety, winter-hardy and hardy.

Chernozem, or humus, is poured into the prepared recess, and (plus). And after a while, trees can already be planted in this land.

Step by step process of planting seedlings

So, the pit is ready, we survived a month or the whole winter (depending on the planting season). Now let's start landing ourselves.

Before planting, soak the tree roots in water for 12-20 hours, and before planting, dip them in a clay suspension.

A peg is set in the center of the planting pit, to which the seedling will later be tied. A tree is placed near the peg and the roots are carefully straightened so that they look evenly in all directions.

Now you can fill it with earth. Do it slowly, carefully, falling asleep roots from all sides. It is necessary to fill up the seedling so that its root collar is 2-3 cm above the ground.

After falling asleep and lightly tamping the ground (just be careful not to damage the roots), make a hole for the plant near the tree trunk.

The formed near-trunk circle is mulched with leaves or.

Features of seasonal care

Caring for the November pear is not much different from caring for other fruit trees. Includes weeding, protection from and damage and crown formation.

Watering should be carried out regularly. In a normal year, 2-3 buckets of water are enough for one tree. During a drought and in a very hot period, the rate can be increased by 1.5-2 times. The pear is not watered very often - 2-3 times in the warm season.

The first time - in the spring, before the appearance of buds, the second time after flowering and the third watering - after harvesting and the leaves begin to fall.

Important! Carry out such a procedure in cloudy weather or in the evening, but not under direct sunlight.

After each care, it is necessary to carry out loosening in the near-stem circle. This allows you to provide the roots of the plant with air and maintain humidity at the required level.

The combination of this procedure with weeding will also allow you to get rid of, which are able to take moisture and nutrition from the tree.

To preserve moisture at the roots, after each watering and loosening the ground in the trunk circle. A layer of compost, humus, or (or rather a mixture of all these components) will protect the tree from moisture weathering, drying out, and growth.

The introduction and provides the tree with a normal supply of all the necessary nutrients for growth and development.

Feeding should not be carried out in the first year of a tree's life. But already from the second plant, fertilization will not hurt.

In the spring, to improve the growth of green mass, feed your garden (,).
In the fall, after picking pears, apply a potassium-phosphorus mixture (

Pear "Noyabrskaya" is widely known throughout Russia. Among breeders, this variety is called the "reference". This means that perfection has been achieved in almost all possible characteristics.

Characteristics of the pear variety

Previously, the pear was considered a southern tree and the cultivation of this crop was possible only in regions with a warm climate. But thanks to the long-term and painstaking work of breeders, the situation has changed radically.

"Noyabrskaya" was obtained by crossing two completely imperfect varieties "Dekanka Zimnyaya" and "Ussuriyskaya". But the result of pollination exceeded all expectations, the variety turned out to be very hardy and winter-hardy. Thanks to these qualities, Noyabrskaya grows well and produces crops throughout Russia, including regions with difficult climatic conditions, such as Primorye and the Far East.

In terms of ripening pear "Noyabrskaya" is included in the group of late autumn varieties. Removable fruit maturity occurs, depending on the region, at the end of September-mid-October. 30-40 days after harvest, the fruits are fully ripe and ready to eat.

plant description

The trees of the "Noyabrskaya" are tall. At the age of ten, their height is 3-3.5 meters. The crown can take the form of a wide pyramid or rounded. The main branches are of impressive size and are located almost at an angle of 90 degrees to the trunk, from which the crown has a very large radius. The tendency to shoot formation and branching of the tree is pronounced. The color of young branches is green with a burgundy tint. Medium-sized leaves are dense to the touch, have the shape of a regular oval with barely noticeable teeth. The upper part of the leaf plate is painted dark green, and the lower part is almost white with a green tint.

A feature of the trees of this variety is their unique winter hardiness. At temperatures down to -40 degrees, the trees do not freeze and tolerate wintering well. At lower temperatures, damage can be, but minimal, after which the pear quickly grows lost shoots.

Pear trees "Noyabrskaya" come into fruition from the age of four. But abundant harvests of fruits can only be obtained from seven-year-old trees.

Should know!"Noyabrskaya" refers to self-fertile varieties. It cannot pollinate on its own, therefore, within a radius of forty meters, such pears as Oktyabrskaya, Goverla, Williams Summer should grow.

Features of fruits and their application

The fruits of "Noyabrskaya" have an elongated pear-shaped, often ribbed shape. The weight of the fruit depends on the region where the variety is grown. So, in favorable climatic conditions, fruits are poured up to 380 grams, and in regions with cold and short summers, the weight of one pear does not exceed 80 grams. Unripe fruits have a classic green color, and after a month and a half after picking, they acquire a yellowish tint with a slight blush on the sunny side, which indicates their ripeness.

Taste characteristics of "Noyabrskaya" are estimated as high. The snow-white pulp has a juicy, oily texture and has a bright sweet and sour taste.

Pears of this variety have a universal purpose. After reaching consumer maturity, they are excellent for consumption in their natural form. Despite the delicate structure, they perfectly retain their characteristics in jams, compotes and other preparations. The ability to store well allows you to enjoy vitamin fruits until the New Year holidays.

The yield of the variety is high and regular. From one mature tree, gardeners annually receive more than 60 kg of fruit. With mass plantings in industrial gardens, the figures range from 70 to 110 centners per hectare, depending on the region of cultivation.

Advantages and disadvantages of the variety

Pear variety "Noyabrskaya" has a number of advantages. We list the main ones:

No significant deficiencies were noted in the variety.

Agricultural technology varieties

In order for seedlings to quickly take root and for many decades to please the harvest, it is necessary to choose the right planting material, time and place for planting, and of course, follow the elementary principles of planting.

The best time for planting is the month of September. In extreme cases, a pear can be planted in the spring, without waiting for the trees to begin growing.

When choosing a seedling, the following recommendations should be followed:

  • A young pear should be purchased only at a specialized outlet, and preferably from a nursery "from the ground."
  • Externally, the roots, trunk and branches of the seedling should not have mechanical damage and signs of disease.
  • There should be no loose leaves on the shoots.
  • The seedling must have a moisture-resistant tag indicating the variety "Noyabrskaya" and age.

It is important to put "Noyabrskaya" in the right place. Landing site requirements:

  • The place should be high and dry. When landing on low-lying areas, an artificial embankment is made.
  • Groundwater should lie no higher than 2.5 meters from the surface of the earth.
  • The soil should be loose and well seasoned. It is not permissible to plant a pear in a place where other fruit trees used to grow.
  • When planting, the distance to the nearest trees should be 4.5 meters. To berry bushes and buildings 3.5 meters.

A landing pit 0.8 meters wide and 0.7 meters deep is dug at the selected location. At the bottom of the pit, to prevent stagnant water, lay out broken bricks or gravel. Fertile soil filled with fertilizers is poured over the drainage layer. It will be possible to start planting in 2-3 months, when the soil settles well and the fertilizers are completely dissolved.

The direct planting of the November pear does not differ from the usual method, suitable for all fruit trees.

Advice! If the groundwater is very high on the site, you can get out of the situation in the following way: the landing pit is dug to a depth of about 1-1.2 meters and at least 1.5 meters wide and a tin sheet is laid out on its bottom. Thus, it is possible to direct the growth of the root system not down towards the water, but to the sides. This will save the pear from inevitable death.

Care rules

Caring for trees of this variety is not difficult. The pear is so unpretentious that it will grow and bear fruit without human intervention. But in order to get larger fruits and bountiful harvests, it is necessary to provide the tree with proper care.


"Noyabrskaya" loves when the trunk circle is wet. Therefore, with a long absence of precipitation, pears are watered. To keep moisture in the soil longer, it is mulched. Watering is carried out in the morning or evening hours. Water consumption rate: 6-7 buckets per square meter.

top dressing

Fertilizing every year will help keep pear yields high for years to come. In the spring, during the beginning of sap flow, saltpeter or urea is scattered around the trunk circle. After the pear has faded, it is fed with organic fertilizers or nitroamophos. The last time fertilizers are applied after harvest. During this period, Noyabrskaya needs phosphorus-potassium fertilizers the most.


Young trees actively form new shoots. In adult pears, this process slows down somewhat, but despite this, November pruning is carried out annually, starting from the first year of planting. In late February-early March, when the temperature reaches -8 degrees, pruning is carried out in order to form a pear crown. For this, branches are removed that thicken the crown of the tree and grow too close to each other. In order to rejuvenate at the same time, the skeletal branches and trunk are shortened by a third of the length. This stimulates the growth of new fruiting shoots. In autumn, after leaf fall, dried and damaged branches are removed.

Protection against diseases and pests

The variety has excellent immunity to the most dangerous diseases characteristic of a pear, such as: scab, bacterial burn.

From insects, aphids and pear codling moth can attack a fruit tree. To prevent the tree from attack, as well as to destroy the larvae of pests, they are treated with special preparations in early spring and late autumn.

Preparing for the winter season

As preparation for the winter season, the pear "Noyabrskaya" carry out the following activities:

Harvest and storage

The pear harvest of the Noyabrskaya variety is started no earlier than mid-September. For collection choose a dry and warm day. Remove the fruits first from the lower branches, gradually moving to the crown. It is advisable to immediately put the fruit in the container in which they will be stored. In no case should the collected fruits be left in the sun, they must be immediately moved to storage. In cellars and cellars at temperatures from +2 to +4, fruits are perfectly stored for three months. In the future, pears lose their juiciness, become wadded and tasteless. Therefore, before the expiration of the shelf life, they must be eaten or processed.

Advice! So that during the harvest the pears do not fall to the ground, under the tree, having previously installed temporary supports, they stretch the nylon mesh. All fallen pears will fall into such a cradle and remain clean and not beaten.

The variety is considered a reference not only among scientists-breeders, but also among summer residents. Due to the combination of a large number of advantages and the absence of disadvantages, Noyabrskaya has been a leader among late autumn varieties for more than seventy years. This variety of pear deserves to take pride of place in any garden plot.

Kira Stoletova

The November pear was bred in the middle of the twentieth century and has since won the hearts of many gardeners. In various sources, it is often referred to as Winter, Xenia or November Moldova.

Variety characteristics

Description of the pear variety November Winter is rightfully called one of the best among winter ones. It impresses with its winter hardiness, therefore it is suitable for cultivation both in regions with a warm climate and in the Far East.

The first fruits can be harvested already from a two-three-year-old tree, and it begins to actively bear fruit only in the fifth year of life. The best pollinators for the November pear are Hoverla, Clapp's Favorite, Conference and Williams Summer.

It is impossible not to note the high and, moreover, regular yields. The plant begins to bloom quite early, and the fruits begin to ripen in October - early November, but it is better to use them after some time (3-4 weeks).

The fruits tolerate transportation well, so the variety is widely used by large industrial enterprises. They can be stored until spring without losing their taste. Pears are used both for processing into jams and preserves, and for the preparation of desserts, pastries, juices and compotes, and are also consumed raw.

plant description

The tree is small in size, the crown is pyramidal and grows up to 3 meters in height. The plant grows quite quickly, and after the start of fruiting, its growth slows down noticeably.

The crown is very dense and fairly wide. Branches and young shoots are thick, have a greenish-burgundy color. The surface of the leaves is elongated, rich green in color, on the reverse side - greenish-white.

The variety surprises with early and very beautiful flowering. The inflorescences are white.

Description of fruits

Fruits, depending on growing conditions, can reach different sizes. On average, their weight ranges between 150-300 gr. They have an elongated, rather asymmetrical shape.

The surface has irregularities in the form of grooves. The peel is colored yellow-green, which becomes more amber at the stage of full maturation. There is a light burgundy blush and light gray-brown subcutaneous dots are clearly visible.

The flesh is oily, white in color and very juicy. The taste of the fruit is sweet and sour. November pear has a well-defined aroma.


The pear variety Noyabrskaya has a number of advantages:

  • winter hardiness;
  • high and stable yield;
  • good transportability and long shelf life;
  • excellent taste qualities of fruits;
  • fairly large fruits;
  • resistance to common fungal diseases.


The first step is to choose a landing site. A sunny site that will be protected from winds and drafts is best suited. Better - from the south side, because the plants are very thermophilic.

Pear seedlings of the Noyabrskaya variety can be planted both in autumn and in spring. The first option is suitable for regions with a warmer climate; for colder climates, only spring planting is suitable.

Planting hole preparation

The landing pit should be prepared in advance. If spring planting is planned - from autumn, if autumn - 3-4 weeks in advance. The dimensions of the pit should be selected depending on the size of the root system: the roots in it should not bend. It is recommended to make it at least 1 m in diameter and 60 cm deep.

Mixture preparation

It is necessary to prepare a fertile mixture, which consists of humus, soil and superphosphate (150 gr). You can also add 50-70 grams of potash fertilizer. The mixture is poured to the bottom of the pit in the form of a small hill before planting.


Seedlings must first be immersed in water for 10 hours. A peg is driven into the center of the landing pit, to which the trunk will be tied after landing. The plant is lowered into the pit, the roots are straightened and carefully covered with soil. It is necessary to ensure that the root collar remains above the ground. After planting, the soil is well tamped and the seedlings are watered abundantly (20-25 l of water).


Pear Noyabrskaya needs regular care. She needs: watering, pruning, fertilizing, weeding, weeding and mulching.


Mature plants, like young trees, prefer moist soil. It is preferable to use sprinkling, or to irrigate in a groove around the tree. During the first summer after planting, the tree must be watered two to five times. Further, the number of waterings depends on weather conditions and soil conditions, but at least two to three times in spring and summer.


The first pruning should be carried out no earlier than in the second year of life. This process is then repeated twice a year. During spring pruning, a crown is formed, and in the fall, dry, damaged and diseased branches are removed.


Mulching is carried out immediately after planting. It is recommended to repeat this process every time after watering the trees.

In order for the plant to survive the winter well, the soil around is well mulched with peat, which makes it possible to protect the root system from freezing.

top dressing

Feeding is an important part of care. In the spring, as a root top dressing, saltpeter is used, which is applied during the swelling of the kidneys. In May, the plant is fertilized with organic matter, and in summer - with urea, alternating with phosphorus and potash top dressings. In the autumn (after harvesting the fruits), wood ash is used, as well as mineral fertilizers.

One of the most favorite fruits after apples is the pear. Due to unpretentiousness in care and climatic resistance, the pear has become widespread. This fruit tree has a wide variety of varieties, one of which is the November pear. This pear has a number of characteristics that favorably distinguish it from the rest.

Pear Noyabrskaya has several names, namely it is also called Noyabrskaya Moldova or Winter. It is a reference variety. This species was bred as a result of crossing Dekanka Zimnyaya and Ussuriyskaya pears. This fruit tree has been known since 1950.

The tree grows quite tall, has a wide pyramidal and rounded crown. Skeletal branches grow from the trunk at an angle of 900. Dense branching is characteristic. Its shoots are greenish-burgundy in color, rather thick and cranked. Fruit formations develop on two- or three-year-old wood, they look like simple annuli or shortened twigs.

What this variety looks like can be seen in this photo.

The leaves are round or oval in shape, but dense and elongated. They are of medium size. Their edge is entire or finely serrated. The color of the leaf blade is different: it is dark green above, and light green below. The omission is not typical.

Planting seedlings should be carried out in spring or autumn (but only before frost). During the first year, after planting, it does not need pruning. Light rejuvenation by pruning should be done once every two to four years. To increase the size and volume of fruiting, it is necessary to fertilize with potash fertilizers and a 0.4% solution of urea.

Fruiting begins from two to three years, after planting a seedling. But massively begins to bear fruit only in the fifth year. Characterized by a regular yield. It is annual and plentiful (about 70 c/ha on average). Fruits are formed in different sizes and their weight ranges from 70 to 360 g (the mass depends on the care and climatic features of the growing zone). Their shape is ovoid. Pears are unequal-sided and ribbed, as well as with deep grooves. The peel has a yellowish-green color with a characteristic burgundy blush, and numerous light brown dots are visible under the skin. It is thick in texture. When harvested, it has a greenish tinge, and when ripe it becomes pale yellow. Blush forms on the sunny side. The funnel is shallow and narrow. The upper base is blunt below and has a slight indentation. The bottom base is blunt, slightly uneven and has a cut-off appearance. The pear is divided by veins into unequal slices. The stalk is thick and curved, the length, like the width, is medium, has a dark brown color. The cup is narrow and small. Sepals sparse and narrow, directed to the sides. The flesh is white, oily and juicy. It has a pleasant aroma and a pronounced sweet and sour taste. In terms of taste, it is similar to the fruits of the Noyabrsk beauty pear.

It is considered a late autumn or early winter variety. Pears ripen in late September, October or early November. They do not fall even during the monsoon rains. The fruits become suitable for consumption in a month, after ripening. In a cool place they are able to lie until December-January, and in a freezer until the end of winter (there were cases when they were preserved until April). After defrosting, the taste is preserved. They make excellent jams, compotes, marmalade and dried fruits. Due to this, this variety has a lot of positive reviews.

Pears of this variety contain the following substances: sugars (10.8%), tannins (0.5%), titratable acids (0.9%), pectin substances (0.4%).

The November pear is characterized by precociousness. An excellent combination with quince rootstocks is described.

Pollinators for the November pear are Williams summer, Hoverla, Clapp's Favorite, Conference.

Pear Noyabrskaya has increased resistance to many fungal diseases and scab. The degree of immunity to bacterial burn is also very high. It is characterized by high winter hardiness, especially the root system. Winter hardiness is constant when growing on hills.

This fruit tree can be found in almost all EU countries, Belarus, Ukraine and Russia.

Video “Pear November”

In this video, you can clearly see the parameters and characteristics of this tree.

Advantages and disadvantages

Like any other variety of any fruit tree, the November pear has both advantages and disadvantages.

Gardening benefits include:

  • excellent taste characteristics of fruits;
  • well suited for various preservations;
  • good yield;
  • stability in fruiting;
  • the yield is quite high;
  • strong attachment of fruits;
  • duration of storage of pears;
  • during storage, positive taste qualities are preserved, as well as juiciness, elasticity;
  • transportability;
  • high frost resistance;
  • high fire resistance.

In addition to such an inspiring list of positive advantages, the November pear has only minor disadvantages:

  • fruits can be formed both large and small;
  • the appearance of the pears is inexpressive.

Thanks to its excellent characteristics, the November pear is a very popular variety. And high winter hardiness and low susceptibility to fungal diseases will give odds to many other varieties.

The November pear is classified as an autumn variety. It was bred in the Far East in the 50s of the last century. The creator of the Noyabrskaya pear is the breeder A.V. Bolonyaev. He crossed the winter decan with the Ussuri pear species and received a new hybrid, which is still held in high esteem by gardeners. The variety is bred in the Khabarovsk and Primorsky Territories, as well as in the Amur Region. Due to its resistance to severe weather, this pear has taken root in other regions of Russia.

It is a tall and strong tree with spreading branches. The crown grows in the form of a large round pyramid. The angle between the trunk and branches is 90 degrees. The leaf is dense, densely green, oval or round. Fruits begin to appear on branches that reach two or three years of age. Pear Noyabrskaya is an early ripening variety with high yields. Every year, each tree produces up to 60 kg of fruit.

The fruits of a pear are medium in size, each of them weighs about 80 grams. When grown in warm regions, the fruits become large - up to 350 grams. They grow like a ribbed egg, with grooves and stripes on the skin. The color of the fruit is green with a yellowish tint. One side is often decorated with a red blush. Symmetrical small dots are visible on the surface of the skin. Fruit with white dense pulp, juicy and sweet, with a pleasant sour taste. The pear is fragrant, strong, tasty.

This variety ripens in late autumn or early winter, so harvesting is planned in late autumn. Under adverse weather conditions, the fruits are harvested in early September, and they ripen safely in a dry room. For ripening, the pear will need no more than 30 days. You can store it until February, and if you put the fruits in the freezer, they will retain their taste until next spring.

The variety has excellent taste, so it is used:

  • fresh;
  • in jam;
  • dry;
  • in compote;
  • in charlotte and other baked goods.

For its excellent taste, the Noyabrskaya pear is considered one of the best European varieties. It is grown in many countries of Western Europe, as well as in Ukraine and Belarus.

Advantages and disadvantages of the variety

This variety has the following advantages:

  • resistance to fungal and bacterial infections;
  • resistance to direct sunlight;
  • precocity;
  • high yields. Each tree bears fruit annually;
  • suitability for sale (fruits can be stored for a long time, and they do not deteriorate during long-term transportation).

On a note!

The roots of the November pear are especially resistant to cold.

Of the shortcomings, different sizes of fruits are noted. Pears grow large, but it happens that among them there are many small ones. Too picky people may not like the modest “outfit” of the November pear: ribbed skin with specks and uneven sides. When planting this variety, it must be borne in mind that it will not bear fruit without pollinating trees.

Pear Noyabrskaya is a self-fertile variety. Its flowers are not endowed with the ability to cross-pollinate. Gardeners use the following varieties of pears as suitable pollinators:

  • Williams (summer variety);
  • Hoverla;
  • Clapp's favorite;
  • Conference

Pollinators are planted simultaneously with the pollinated variety. It is necessary to plant several trees of different varieties in the neighborhood. The distance between them should be from 10 to 15 meters.

Resistance to diseases and pests, adverse conditions

Pear November has good immunity. She rarely gets sick, but is prone to attacks by harmful insects. Shortly before flowering, you need to carry out an insecticidal agent. After 14 days, the treatment is repeated again.

The cuttings of the fruit are remarkably strong. Thanks to them, pears do not fall off even in strong wind and rain. The weak point of a tree in a harsh climate is the crown and trunk. In cold and humid regions, tree branches are pressed to the ground and provide them with a reliable shelter.

Agrotechnical measures

The best place for planting the November pear is the southern part of the site, which is located on a hill and is protected from strong winds.

In a cold region, this variety is planted in the spring. By the winter cold, the trees will have time to get stronger. In areas with a warm climate, pear trees are planted in autumn.

Landing steps look like this:

  • 6 months before planting, they dig a hole, taking into account the root system of an adult tree (70x70 cm);
  • Before planting, the nutrient mixture is poured into the hole. It consists of rotted compost, ash, phosphate and potassium-based fertilizer;
  • put a peg in the center of the hole;
  • the seedling is set strictly in the center of the hole, with a neat straightening of its root system;
  • the roots are sprinkled with earth;
  • a distance of 2 to 3 cm should remain to the neck of the root;
  • the planted tree is tied to a stake.

It remains to water and mulch the earth. For mulching, sawdust or other organic matter is used.

In the summer after planting, young seedlings are watered 3 to 4 times a day, with preliminary loosening of the earth. The soil in which the trees are located should always be slightly moist. During the dry period, rain watering is used. Thanks to him, the trees receive moisture through the foliage.

Until the young tree is strong, weeds are regularly removed near it. For an adult pear, weeds do not pose a danger. Loosening the soil is enough for them. Young one-year-old trees need to form a crown. To do this, the main branch is made twice as short. In two-year-old trees, the skeletal branches are given the necessary shape. Ripe pears are made sanitary in the fall. They cut old branches, remove weak and sick ones.

When shortening all branches by 10-15 cm annually, the pear will quickly begin to bear fruit.

In a cold winter without snow cover, seedlings may die. Before the winter season, the soil around them must be mulched with a layer of peat bog 30 cm thick. Old trees are sanitary pruned in spring and autumn, removing old, dry and diseased branches. In spring and summer, the pear is fed with organic and mineral fertilizers. After the autumn harvest, it is fertilized with overripe manure, compost or ash.
