Water generator. Water Generator Water Generator

The regular increase in electricity prices makes many people think about the issue of alternative sources of electricity. One of the best solutions in this case is a hydroelectric power plant. The search for a solution to this issue concerns not only the scale of the country. Increasingly, you can see mini-hydroelectric power plants for the home (cottage). The costs in this case will be only for construction and maintenance. The disadvantage of such a structure is that its construction is possible only under certain conditions. Water flow is required. In addition, the construction of this structure in your yard requires the permission of local authorities.

Scheme of a mini hydroelectric power plant

  • Channel, characteristic of the plains. They are installed on rivers with a slight flow.
  • Stationary use the energy of water rivers with a fast flow of water.
  • Hydroelectric power plants installed in places where the water flow drops. They are most often found in industrial organizations.
  • Mobile, which are built using a reinforced sleeve.

For the construction of a hydroelectric power station, even a small stream flowing through the site is enough. Owners of houses with central water supply should not despair.

One of the American companies has developed a station that can be built into the water supply system at home. A small turbine is built into the water supply system, which is set in motion by the flow of water moving by gravity. This reduces the flow rate of water, but reduces the cost of electricity. In addition, this installation is completely safe.

Even mini-hydroelectric power plants are being built in the sewer pipe. But their construction requires the creation of certain conditions. Water through the pipe should flow naturally due to the slope. The second requirement is that the pipe diameter must be suitable for the equipment. And this cannot be done in a detached house.

Classification of mini hydroelectric power plants

Mini hydroelectric power plants (the houses in which they are used are mostly private sector) are most often one of the following types, which differ in the principle of operation:

  • The water wheel is the traditional type and is the easiest to make.
  • Propeller. Used in cases where the river has a channel with a width of more than ten meters.
  • The garland is installed on rivers with a slight flow. To increase the speed of the flow of water, additional structures are used.
  • The Darrieus rotor is usually installed in industrial plants.

The prevalence of these options is due to the fact that they do not require the construction of a dam.

Water wheel

This is a classic type of hydroelectric power plant, which is most popular for the private sector. Mini hydroelectric power plants of this type are a large wheel that can rotate. Its blades are lowered into the water. The rest of the structure is above the channel, forcing the whole mechanism to move. Power is transmitted through a hydraulic drive to a generator that generates current.

propeller station

On the frame in a vertical position there is a rotor and an underwater windmill, which is lowered under water. The windmill has blades that rotate under the influence of the flow of water. The best resistance is provided by blades two centimeters wide (with a fast flow, the speed of which, however, does not exceed two meters per second).

In this case, the blades are set in motion due to the emerging and not due to water pressure. Moreover, the direction of movement of the blades is perpendicular to the direction of flow. This process is similar to how wind farms work, only it works underwater.

Garland hydroelectric power station

This type of mini-hydroelectric power station is a cable stretched over the channel and fixed in a support bearing. Turbines of small size and weight (hydraulic rotors) are hung and rigidly fixed on it in the form of a garland. They consist of two semi-cylinders. Due to the alignment of the axes, when lowered into the water, a torque is created in them. This leads to the fact that the cable bends, stretches and begins to rotate. In this situation, the cable can be compared to a shaft that serves to transmit power. One end of the rope is connected to the gearbox. Power is transferred to it from the rotation of the cable and hydraulic torches.

The presence of several "garlands" will help to increase the power of the station. They can be connected to each other. Even this does not greatly increase the efficiency of this HPP. This is one of the disadvantages of such a structure.

Another disadvantage of this species is the danger it creates for others. This kind of station can only be used in deserted places. Warning signs are mandatory.

Rotor Daria

A mini-hydroelectric power plant for a private house of this type is named after its developer, Georges Darier. This design was patented in 1931. It is a rotor with blades on it. For each of the blades, the necessary parameters are selected individually. The rotor is lowered under water in a vertical position. The blades rotate due to the pressure drop that occurs under the action of water flowing over their surface. This process is similar to the lift force that makes airplanes take off.

This type of HPP has a good efficiency index. The second advantage is that the direction of the flow does not matter.

Among the shortcomings of this, one can single out a complex design and difficult installation.

Advantages of a mini hydroelectric power station

Regardless of the type of construction, mini hydroelectric power plants have a number of advantages:

  • Environmentally friendly, do not produce substances harmful to the atmosphere.
  • The process of obtaining electricity takes place without the formation of noise.
  • The water stays clean.
  • Electricity is generated constantly, regardless of the time of day or weather conditions.
  • Even a small stream is enough to equip the station.
  • Surplus electricity can be sold to neighbors.
  • You don't need a lot of permissive documentation.

Do-it-yourself mini hydroelectric power station

You can build to generate electricity yourself. For a private house, twenty kilowatts per day is enough. Even a do-it-yourself mini-hydroelectric power station can handle this value. But it should be remembered that this process is characterized by a number of features:

  • Precise calculations are difficult to make.
  • The dimensions, thickness of the elements are selected "by eye", only empirically.
  • Homemade structures do not have protective elements, which leads to frequent breakdowns and associated costs.

Therefore, if there is no experience and certain knowledge in this area, it is better to abandon this kind of idea. It may be cheaper to purchase a ready-made station.

If you still decide to do everything with your own hands, then you need to start by measuring the speed of the flow of water in the river. After all, it depends on the power that can be obtained. If the speed is less than one meter per second, then the construction of a mini-hydroelectric power station in this place will not justify itself.

Another step that should not be omitted is the calculations. It is necessary to carefully calculate the amount of costs that will be spent on the construction of the station. As a result, it may turn out that hydroelectric power is not the best option. Then you should pay attention to other types of alternative electricity.

A mini-hydro power plant can be the best solution for saving energy costs. For its construction, it is necessary to have a river near the house. Depending on the desired characteristics, you can choose the appropriate version of the hydroelectric power station. With the right approach, you can even make such a structure with your own hands.

As a source of electricity, not so long ago, mini power plants operating on water began to be used. The use of water as a resource for energy production is the most rational solution, since this resource is practically inexhaustible.

For those living in areas remote from the centralized power grid and civilization in general, mini hydroelectric power stations are becoming an increasingly popular solution, profitable and convenient. Such a mini water power plant consists of an inclined type turbine and an alternator that generates single or three-phase alternating current. These units are small in size and light in weight.

A mini power plant on the water does not need the equipment of a dam structure, unlike large analogues, and allows you to use water energy efficiently.

The energy received by such hydrogenerators is absolutely free, since only the power of water is used, and the maintenance of the unit comes down, as a rule, to the simplest lubrication of the turbine shaft bearings, which is carried out no more than once every few months.

At the heart of a mini power plant on the water is a hydraulic unit, which includes a power unit, a water intake and control elements. There are several categories of small hydraulic installations, which differ depending on the hydro resource used:

  1. Channel or dam stations installed on small reservoirs.
  2. Hydropower plants powered by the energy of the river current.
  3. Installations mounted at water management facilities, the operation of which is based on the use of a water level difference.
  4. Mobile mini hydroelectric power plants in containers using pressure drainage from a flexible reinforced hose or plastic pipes.

Hydraulic units for mini hydroelectric power stations.

As mentioned above, each small hydroelectric power station is based on a hydroelectric unit based on one or another type of turbine. To date, turbines for hydroelectric units are available in several versions:

  1. Axial.
  2. Radial-axial.
  3. Bucket.
  4. Rotary blade.

HPPs are also distinguished by the possibility of using different water pressure into three types:

  1. High-pressure hydroelectric power station - head more than 60 m.
  2. Medium-head HPP - head from 25 to 60 m.
  3. Low-pressure HPP - from 3 to 25 m.

The type of turbine installed in the hydroelectric unit also depends on the pressure used by the mini power plant on water. Turbines of bucket and radial-axial type are mounted in high-pressure mini hydroelectric power plants. Turbines of rotary-vane and radial-axial type of operation are installed in medium-pressure units. For low-pressure versions of HPPs, Kaplan turbines are most often used, mounted in reinforced concrete chambers.

Despite the variety of turbine components, their principle of operation is practically the same in all cases: with the help of pressure, water is supplied to the blades of the turbine unit, causing them to rotate. The rotational energy is transferred to a generator, which generates electricity. The power of a hydroelectric power plant is directly dependent on several factors, including the pressure of water and its consumption, as well as the types of parts of the mechanism and their efficiency. Due to climate change, the water level periodically changes, therefore, when expressing the power of a hydroelectric power station, its cyclic power is used.

When choosing a small hydroelectric power station, you should pay attention to the compliance of the unit with the needs of a particular facility, as well as several equally important criteria:

  • Reliable and easy-to-use plant monitoring and control system.
  • Option of automatic self-management of the installation, with the function of switching to manual control when required.
  • The degree of protection of the turbine and generator from possible accidents.
  • Ease of installation of a mini hydroelectric power station, during which large-scale construction work and a large space are not required.

The popularity of small-scale hydroelectric power plants is due to a whole list of advantages. Firstly, it is environmental friendliness, increasingly appreciated in the light of the current situation in the environment. The quality of the water used in small hydraulic installations is in no way reduced. This allows the installation of such stations in water areas used both in fisheries and for supplying settlements with water. In addition, such a hydroelectric power plant does not require the presence of a large reservoir - high-quality functionality is quite possible even if there is only a small river or stream.

Secondly, it is worth mentioning the efficiency of micro and mini water power plants. There is also an advantage on the side of hydraulic units. Produced on the basis of modern developments, the stations are remarkable for their ease of operation and high level of automation. The presence of a person is practically not required at all. Also, such hydraulic installations are able to work not only in stand-alone mode, but also be used as part of the power supply network.

Thirdly, a mini power plant on water does not consume any fuel at all, which significantly increases its efficiency. Also, the cost of work per unit of power is minimal, because the technology for generating electricity by such units is extremely simple. On average, such costs are almost ten times less than when using CHP as a source of electricity.

The battery in the old LED flashlight died and Igor Beletsky decided to turn to one of the oldest technologies for generating electricity, which is hundreds, if not thousands of years old. I decided to make a simple generator that can run on water, which can serve as a model for a more powerful device if its dimensions are increased.

Everyone knows that if you take two electrodes made of different metals, such as copper and zinc, and immerse them in the most ordinary drinking water, close the circuit, then you will get this simplest primitive battery, and current will flow through it. In this case, the open-circuit voltage of one such pair will be about 0.8 volts, and this voltage does not depend on the size of the electrodes. Only the current strength will depend on the area of ​​the electrode.

To increase the voltage of the generator for your consumer, you just need to make several of these pairs of electrodes and connect them in series.

water generator

For example, we will connect five pairs of such electrodes in series, placing them in 5 cups with plain water. Connect everything in series and get one battery with a voltage of 4.26 volts. That is, this voltage, the LEDs will shine.

But, as you noticed, the voltage starts to drop, that is, this battery starts to drain. This suggests that on ordinary water, even such a meager load as LEDs is a lot for such a battery. Therefore, since it is very easy to make, it is better to make more of these battery modules and then you are guaranteed to get your LEDs glowing for a long time.

The variant of the generator with cups is, of course, purely demonstrative for understanding the design and principle of operation, in itself it is not practical, because it is not overall.

For his own LED flashlight, the author of the video made a slightly different generator design. The battery consists of sixteen flat cells, they are interconnected in series. Each of them is a plastic bag measuring ten by ten centimeters. Under this size cut zinc and copper. Zinc had to be bought, this is the only thing that was not at hand. This is a thin sheet with a thickness of 0.3 millimeters. It is not expensive. The copper foil was in the workshop.

We cut to size, between them we put a gasket from a washcloth. Then fill it all up with water. Each sachet contains 5-10 milliliters of water.

All. The generator in the field version is ready. Not a very practical model, since there is little water and not completely the entire area of ​​​​the electrodes is immersed in water. It would be nice to make a separate plastic compartment for each such battery. Rigid, so that you can insert the electrodes with a gasket there, fill it with water from above and they would be completely in the water.

Let's say that this lantern worked for you for a day, then you just took the water, drained it, and poured a new one. This is like a quick recharge of this element, because all the same, the water will have to be changed. But the hastily created version will also, in principle, fit so as not to bother with plastic.

The generator on the water turned out to be quite efficient. Such a battery can power, for example, a receiver.

Initially, the idea was to test this circuit for more practical applications, such as charging a mobile phone. There, the current needed is about 0.5 amperes. But, the assembled circuit does not allow you to get more than 20-30 milliamps on water. It is unrealistic to get the desired current on such dimensions of the electrodes. For LEDs, this is enough, this is normal, but to obtain a current of half an ampere, a chemical electrolyte is needed.

The generator that runs on water is made for informational purposes only, so that you know that such a method is simple and elementary and can be easily implemented. If you use an LED flashlight every day, carry it with you, then there is no alternative to the battery.

An independent source of electricity in a country mansion is the first necessity. The electrical goods market offers a wide range of electric current generators of various designs: gas, inverter, gasoline, diesel. Among them, water power generators occupy a special place due to their advantages and savings in fuel consumption. The generation of electricity from natural sources is the most environmentally friendly and low-cost way to produce an energy resource.

Scope and features of the device

Various applications

These hydraulic devices can be used for various domestic and economic needs:

  • In agriculture;
  • Campuses of geologists;
  • In river transport;
  • at recreation centers;
  • In the mining industry;
  • In suburban and suburban areas.

To convert various kinds of energy into electrical energy. The device is simple: the engine, the generator itself and the housing.

We watch the video, the scope of generator sets and their types:

Depending on the type of power plant, generators are divided into:

There are also water and solar powered generators. The water electric generator differs from diesel or gasoline in greater efficiency in operation and absolute environmental friendliness. If a river or stream flows near a country house, the expenditure amount for servicing the station is zero.

Principle of operation

The production of energy by rotating a structural element has been used for a long time, suffice it to recall water mills. A water generator for the production of electrical energy differs little from the old fixtures.

Watch the video, the simplest mechanism of work:

You need to connect the hose of the device to a water source (stream, faucet, shower stall tank), and the rotation of the wheel blades under the pressure of water will transfer energy to the generator itself. In turn, the generator will process the received energy into a current of the appropriate frequency (AC or DC).

Types of hydro generators

Industrial products differ in terms of power output. For domestic needs, low-power hydraulic systems (10-100 kW) are used with a vertical position of the rotor rotation axis, operating on the basis of small watercourses. For the needs of industry, devices are designed with a horizontal rotational movement of the axis.

Water wheel

For domestic purposes, a damless type of mini-hydroelectric power station is used, which is divided into 4 types:

  1. Water wheel;
  2. Garland hydroelectric power station;
  3. Rotor Daria;
  4. Propeller.

The water wheel is a rotating element with blades, which is installed perpendicular to the movement of water, immersing half or a little less. By means of water pressure on the blades, the rotation of the wheel and the transformation of energy are created.

The design of a garland for a water generator is a cable with fixed rotors, thrown from one to the other side of the river. One end of the cable is attached to the generator, and the other end is fixed with a bearing. The rotors immersed in water begin to rotate under the pressure of the flow, causing the cable to rotate. As a result, electricity is generated.

Rotor Daria

The Darrieus rotor is a vertical rotating element that is driven by changing pressures on the blades of a complex design. It is the flow around a complex surface that creates a pressure difference.

The water propeller generator resembles a "windmill" equipped with a rotor, but installed under water. The width of the blades (2 cm) has the necessary dimensions to create maximum rotation speed with minimum drag load. However, the dimensions of the blades must be selected in accordance with the flow of the water flow, their performance may vary.

Propeller-type hydraulic installations and wheels have become widespread in everyday life. The advantage of these devices is high efficiency at a minimum cost.

Product overview

Manufacturers produce mini hydroelectric power stations for domestic use for generating current of constant and variable frequency in three-phase and single-phase versions. To generate electricity, a small water pressure is required - up to 12 l / s. As a rule, these hydro installations are used in places with the flow of small rivers or in areas with a natural / artificial waterfall, as well as with a built dam.

Mini generator Ct-02 (China)

  • Power - 5 kW;
  • Generated current - 50 Hz;
  • Rotation speed - 30-3000 rpm;
  • The current is variable.

Products can be purchased under the order, indicating the necessary parameters. The starting price is 30,000 rubles.

Mini generator for home xj13 (China)

  • Power - 8.5 kW;
  • Generated current - 50 Hz;
  • Rotation speed - 145-1920 rpm;
  • The current is variable.

This model of horizontal installation has its advantages, light weight and small volumes. The device can be easily installed in the garden. Price - from 16,000 rubles.

Hydrogenerator LPWG

Hydrogenerator LPWG

  • Power - 5 kW;
  • Generated current - 50 Hz;
  • Rotation speed - 500 rpm;
  • The current is variable.

This hydraulic system with a horizontal water supply will provide household farms or a country house with current. The purchase of a water electric current generator will cost 49,596 rubles.

How to make a hydroelectric power plant yourself

Creating a water power generator with your own hands is a fascinating process. Can be designed on the basis of a conventional bicycle generator. First, you should determine the speed of the water flow using a stopwatch. If the speed is insufficient, you will have to create a height difference, for example, by installing a drain pipe.

Watch the video, do it step by step with your own hands:

You need to cut several blades 2-4 cm wide from an aluminum sheet. The length of the blades should match the diameter of the bicycle wheel (from the rim to the hub). Then the blades are installed between the spokes and fixed with pliers. The wheel is immersed in water by a third. A very good option for generating electricity on a hike to light a tent and charge phones.

Choosing an electric generator


  • For the constant supply of energy to a private country house, a power of 20-30 kW is quite enough.
  • To accurately determine the required power, you need to add up the power consumption of all household appliances and add lighting lamps.
  • It should be borne in mind that another 20 percent must be added to the total amount of power from above, taking into account starting currents.
  • If you are working with electrical appliances for construction purposes, the amount of power required should be three times more (up to 100 kW).

Prices and manufacturers

The market of goods is provided by different suppliers and manufacturing companies. The price factor is formed depending on the promotion of the brand. Recently, Chinese manufacturers have proven themselves well. A favorable combination of quality and price deserves attention.

Since electricity tariffs have recently begun to rise, renewable sources of electricity are becoming increasingly important among the population, allowing them to receive electricity almost free of charge. Among such sources known to mankind, it is worth highlighting solar panels, wind turbines, as well as home hydroelectric power plants. But the latter are quite complex, because they have to work in very aggressive conditions. Although this does not mean at all that it is impossible to build a mini-hydroelectric power station with your own hands.

To do everything correctly and efficiently, the main thing is to choose the right materials. They should ensure maximum durability of the station. Homemade hydro generators, which are comparable in power to those of solar panels and windmills, can produce much more energy. But although a lot depends on the materials, everything does not end there.

Varieties of mini hydroelectric power plants

There are a large number of different variations of mini-hydroelectric power plants, each of which has its own advantages, features and disadvantages. There are the following types of these devices:

  • garland;
  • propeller;
  • rotor Daria;
  • water wheel with blades.

The garland hydroelectric power station consists of a cable on which the rotors are fixed. Such a cable is pulled across the river and immersed in water. The flow of water in the river begins to rotate the rotors, which in turn turn the cable, at one end of which there is a bearing, and at the other - a generator.

The next type is a water wheel with blades. It is installed perpendicular to the water surface, immersing less than half. Since the flow of water acts on the wheel, it rotates, and makes the generator for the mini-hydroelectric power station spin, on which this wheel is fixed.

Classic water wheel - well forgotten old

As for the propeller hydroelectric power station, it is a windmill located under water with a vertical rotor. The width does not exceed 2 centimeters. This width is enough for water, because it is this value that allows you to produce the maximum amount of electricity with minimal resistance. True, this width is optimal only for flow rates up to 2 meters per second.

As for other conditions, the parameters of the rotor blades are calculated separately. And the Darrieus rotor is a vertically positioned rotor, which operates on the principle of differential pressure. Everything happens similarly with the wing of the aircraft, which is affected by the lifting force.

Advantages and disadvantages

If we consider the garland hydroelectric power station, then it has a number of obvious shortcomings. Firstly, the long cable used in the construction is a danger to others. Rotors hidden under water also pose a great danger. Well, in addition, it is worth noting the low efficiency and high material consumption.

As for the disadvantages of the Darier rotor, in order for the device to start generating electricity, it must first be untwisted. True, in this case, the power is taken directly above the water, so no matter how the flow of water changes, the generator will generate electricity.

All of the above are factors that make the hydro turbine for mini-hydro power plants and water wheels more popular. If we consider the manual construction of such devices, then they are not so complicated. And in addition, at minimal cost, such mini-hydroelectric power stations are able to produce maximum efficiency indicators. So the criteria for popularity are obvious.

Where to start building

The construction of a mini-hydroelectric power station with your own hands should begin with measuring the speed indicators of the flow of rivers. This is done very simply: just mark a distance of 10 meters upstream, pick up a stopwatch, throw a chip into the water, and note the time it takes for it to cover the measured distance.

Ultimately, if 10 meters is divided by the number of seconds elapsed, you get the speed of the river in meters per second. It should be borne in mind that there is no point in building mini-hydroelectric power stations in places where the flow velocity does not exceed 1 m / s.

If the reservoir is far away, you can build a bypass channel

If you need to figure out how mini-hydroelectric power stations are made in an area where the river speed is low, then you can try to increase the flow by organizing a height difference. This can be done by installing a drain pipe into the pond. In this case, the diameter of the pipe will directly affect the rate of water flow. The smaller the diameter, the faster the flow.

This approach allows you to organize a mini-hydroelectric power station even if a small stream passes near the house. That is, a collapsible dam is organized on it, below which a mini-hydroelectric power station is directly installed to power the house and household appliances.
