Ladder to the roof from propylene pipes. How to make a ladder with your own hands? PVC pipes

When building a house or cottage, it becomes necessary to equip the stairs. The most durable and durable are ladder structures made on the basis of a metal frame.

Moreover, the use of metal allows you to solve the most intricate design projects - you can create unique and non-standard compositions from a profile pipe that will suit the interior.

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Types of stairs

The division of stairs into types occurs according to several positions: material of manufacture, design, purpose, location (internal, external).

As a material for the manufacture of ladder structures metal, wood and reinforced concrete mixtures are used. Most often, these materials are combined.

By design there are:

  • attached - the simplest and most common structural type. It consists of two parallel supports, to which steps are welded at an angle of 900. They can be both stationary and portable, for example, a stepladder;
  • marching - have a more complex design, which involves the installation of steps on beams installed at a certain angle. Bowstrings or stringers can act as supporting elements. These are quite within the power to do the owners of a private house with their own hands;
  • screw - The steps are attached on one side to the support beam, and the other side is protected by a railing. Steps are made in the form of a triangle or sector. It is quite difficult to make such a design on your own;

  • bolt ladders - in this case, the steps are attached directly to the wall using special strong bolts (bolts). The other side is connected by a railing. A prerequisite for this type of stairs is a strong wall that can withstand the load.

Advantages and disadvantages of stairs from a profile pipe

Do-it-yourself ladder from a profile pipe has a lot of advantages in comparison with designs from other materials:

  • high strength, which is provided by a profile pipe;
  • long service life, you can even say that this is a staircase for centuries;
  • the frame manufacturing process has already been worked out to the smallest detail, so it will not take much time;
  • the use of different fasteners, you can implement any design ideas;
  • relatively cheap building materials for the frame.

Along with the advantages, there are some "cons" of stairs from a profile pipe, which must be taken into account even before work begins.

So, a metal frame is a rather heavy structure, so lighter materials such as plastic or glass should be used for auxiliary elements.

But this nuance allows you to give them a more aesthetic appearance. The second point: the use of a metal profile implies that all joints must be welded, therefore, the master must be able to use the welding machine.

Stages of manufacturing stairs from profile pipes

The most commonly used option for manufacturing stairs is a frame made of a profile pipe, and the steps are made of wood. For the base, they take a pipe with a diameter of about 60 cm and a corner of 40x40 cm.

Using this design as an example, consider the main stages of work:

  1. At the first stage, they make a calculation and drawing of the future structure, determine the number of steps and calculate the length of the kosour. The most optimal dimensions: the width of the stairs is within 80-120 cm, the height of the steps is not higher than 20 cm and not less than 12 cm, the depth is 30 cm.
  2. Next, they mark the pipes and cut them, make frames for the steps.
  3. It is necessary to concrete the platform, which will serve as the basis of the entire structure, and also to keep the angle of inclination. This level is considered to be zero - it will be the first step.
  4. The installation of the profile pipe is carried out, fixing it by welding to the tabs in the concrete platform on the one hand, and on the other to the anchors that are built into the wall.
  5. Corners are welded to a metal pipe, the calculation of the dimensions of which is determined at the initial stage. It should be noted that all dimensions, even if a household ladder is made, must be observed exactly.
  6. When the frame is assembled, railings are welded to it (if they are metal) or fixed in another way if wood or other material is used.

How to make a ladder from a profile pipe with your own hands? (video)

Design features

In the process of manufacturing a ladder from a profile pipe, there are nuances, the knowledge of which greatly simplifies the work. So, if the railing is installed on the side of the ladder frame, then it is possible to increase the width of the span in this way.

When erecting a staircase, it should be borne in mind that during operation, maintenance of the structure may be necessary. For this purpose, a gap is left between the wall and the supporting structure.

To avoid vibrations of the stairs when moving along it, the length of the racks in the spans is limited.

A completely metal staircase made of a profile pipe is not very attractive, so auxiliary materials are often used, such as glass, durable plastic or polished wood. This not only facilitates the design, but also makes the appearance of the stairs more beautiful.


In the backyard, an attached ladder is an indispensable thing that useful for any high-altitude work. You can make it yourself. There are single-sided or double-sided ladders. Structurally, the ladder looks like this - two parallel, and steps attached to them.

The calculation of the height of the ladder is done in the process of determining the interval between the base, that is, the floor, and the last step. The optimal interval between them is 20-25 cm.

According to the functional features, there are three types of ladders: classic, universal or transformer.

The frame of universal ladders can be folding or telescopic, in which sections are put forward gradually, as needed. The sections are fixed with latches or hooks.

The folding stepladder works in several positions, and besides, it is compact and light when assembled, which greatly simplifies transportation.

In non-separable stepladders connections are made by welding, and transformer structures are joined with bolts. This connection method allows you to quickly dismantle the damaged element and replace it.

Made by hand, it has a number of advantages, such as lightness, practicality and ease of use, and a high degree of reliability.

The pool has not been so long ago an attribute of luxury. Even today, it is a traditional part of the exterior of quite a few houses outside the city and within the city. The modern market offers such structures in different shapes, sizes and designs. They differ in the type of device and installation method.

However, the pool has a unifying characteristic, which is expressed in the need for a ladder. This applies to both inflatable structures and capital ones. Quite often, home craftsmen today make stairs for swimming pools with their own hands. They have special requirements. For example, the descent should be comfortable and safe, as well as the exit from the water. In addition, the staircase structure should also play a decorative role. Therefore, it is necessary to think about the shape of the stairs at the stage of choosing a pool.

In order to avoid injury, it is important to ensure that the ladder - made of stainless steel or any other material - meets certain requirements. Among them, we should highlight the strength of the material, good illumination of the place of descent at any time of the day, as well as anti-slip characteristics. If you do not plan to purchase a ladder for the pool, it is elementary to make it with your own hands. Then it will have all the necessary parameters.

What to consider before starting work

To date, stair structures for swimming pools are represented by a variety of forms. Along with the usual options, there are steps that go in a circle. You can purchase both screw and rotary designs. Sometimes the owners of real estate, on the territory of which there is a pool, have facilities for descending with slides. This allows you to get a real attraction.

When choosing the design features of the stairs for the frame pool, it is necessary to take into account the shape of the bowl, its features and dimensions. If the pool is not buried, then the best option would be a design that will allow you to climb onto the side and go down into the water. The most suitable material for such a system is metal. It can form the basis of pipes.

If you have a recessed bowl on your territory, then you can make a staircase for the pool with your own hands according to the principle of Roman-type construction. It will look like a closed system with rounded steps. To date, Roman side and stationary ladders are known. The last variety is laid even at the time of planning the pool. The steps in this case are insulated and lined. The material is usually polypropylene, as it has a high thermal conductivity and almost does not slip.

The first steps usually have a large area, due to this, several people can be accommodated there at once. With this design, you can create a real area for children's games and recreation. You can run a ladder in the form of an attached version. This design is attached to the side and quite often located under the plastic stairs.

Manufacturing process

If the stairs for the pool with your own hands will be carried out, then for fastening the parts you need to take care of the presence of a welding machine. You can fix the nodes using fasteners, for example, bolts. However, in terms of reliability, the first option wins. Reinforcing corrugated bars can act as material for steps. They prevent slipping.

The further process of manufacturing the structure requires compliance with some nuances. If you are thinking about how to make a ladder for the pool, you must remember that metal products should be protected from corrosion. To do this, they are treated with a polymeric protective composition. Metal sheets are used for steps, but they are not able to prevent slipping. Therefore, reinforcement acts as the most suitable option.

If you still decide to use sheets, then it is recommended to rubberize them. A channel or pipes are prepared for the frame. This material will be laid on edge, and then steps can be installed with some steps. It is important to pay attention to the evenness of the corners. Steps should be parallel to the floor surface.

Using a welding machine, you can make a railing from a metal corner. At the end of the assembly, all sharp corners are cleaned. Sandpaper will help with this. Once the staircase is made, you can give it a finished look. To do this, with the help of a grinder with an emery wheel, all welds are processed. It is important to pay special attention to sharp corners and protruding parts.

In the manufacture of stairs for the pool, it is important to exclude the susceptibility of the structure to the negative effects of corrosion. For this, products are processed with a special composition. The surface should be degreased, only after that you can start applying the mixture.

After drying, the structure is treated with a primer for metal. On this we can assume that the manufacture of the stairs is completed. The resulting structure can be decorated. To do this, you should use a variety of options. Some paint the product or use elements of the original finish.

Making a wooden staircase

Another great material option for stairs can be wood. The design in this case will be adjacent to the side. To begin with, the length of the boards is measured. For strength, it is necessary to fasten the elements with metal plates and self-tapping screws. Then measurements of the structure are carried out, if necessary, you can correct the material by removing unnecessary ones.

The surface is cleaned with sandpaper. In order to improve the appearance of the product, it can be burned with a gas burner. This will make the texture of the wood more expressive. The boards are fastened in the next step with self-tapping screws, the final step will be the application of varnish. It is worth remembering that wooden stairs for the pool, although quite simple to manufacture, are short-lived. Under the influence of water, they quickly become unusable.

Features of the manufacture of stainless steel stairs

If you still don't know what material to choose for making stairs, you can consider stainless steel. Among its advantages are:

  • durability;
  • ease of care;
  • attractive appearance;
  • resistance to water and reagents;
  • ease of installation.

If you will be making a ladder for a stainless steel pool, then it is necessary to lay the anchors at the construction stage. The ladder will be attached to the sides. Fixation can be carried out not only with anchors, but also with special glasses, which are mounted after the construction of the structure and finishing work. Inside the pool, the system must rest against rubber gaskets that will keep the walls from damage and the material from corrosion.


To work with stainless steel, you will need the following materials and tools:

  • drill;
  • drill;
  • Bulgarian;
  • cutting discs;
  • felt circle;
  • nozzle;
  • screwdriver;
  • marker;
  • hex key;
  • level.

Burrs and end errors can be removed with a nozzle, while a felt wheel will help to polish the surface. Additionally, you should purchase grinding paste. You can make a ladder for a stainless steel pool from pipes, the diameter of which varies from 16 to 50 mm. They will be needed for the manufacture of handrails, racks and strings. According to the number of racks, the required number of tips should be prepared. You will need self-tapping screws 6 x 40 mm, as well as anchor bolts with nuts.

Work methodology

It is necessary to start work with the manufacture of the upper and lower racks. As soon as the desired pieces are prepared, their ends should be cleaned. Tips are taken from a set of components, which consist of a lodgment and a leg. The tip should be put on the rack. The section of the rack will be hidden by a cap. Once the racks are prepared, they can be installed in place.

Fastening is carried out by mortgages with an internal diameter of 25 mm. Before you start making a ladder for the pool, the drawing should be prepared. It will help you understand how to avoid mistakes.

Features of the manufacture of stairs from plastic pipes

If you decide to make a staircase from polypropylene pipes, then 32 mm products should be used as side elements, in which holes of 20 mm are made. Pipes with the appropriate parameters are inserted there. When making a ladder from a plastic pipe for a pool, you will need to connect the side elements to the main lower bearing part. Its diameter should also be 32 mm.

For connection, an adapter is used, which has a right angle. It is possible to strengthen such a structure to the pool wall using brackets. This approach allows you to make the lifting system removable.


The main condition for the operation of the pool is the presence of stairs. The process of its manufacture is characterized by accessibility, since it is not necessary to have special qualifications and skills to achieve the goal. The ladder for the frame pool can be made of different materials, among others, wood, metal, and stainless steel should be distinguished. Some home craftsmen even use plastic pipes.

Reading time ≈ 4 minutes

The presence of a stepladder in the household is due to many household tasks. It is necessary for repair work, when replacing light bulbs, as well as for processing the garden. It does not matter whether you bought it on the market or did it yourself. Moreover, subject to professional recommendations, a do-it-yourself stepladder will last much longer than any other. Therefore, we will now consider the instructions for assembling it.

Features of a homemade ladder

Before you make a ladder with your own hands, you should decide on the material. Many tend to choose budget wood, while forgetting about its shortcomings. Due to the hygroscopicity of the material, after a while it will begin to dry out. The design will be unreliable. In addition, the tree will have to be treated regularly to protect it from insects.

This problem can be solved with the help of metal, the blanks of which remain after repair or are bought in hardware stores. At the same time, there is a choice: the manufacture of a stepladder can be made of aluminum or of heavier steel. A garden structure made of aluminum will be characterized by low weight, sufficient strength and lack of tendency to corrode. The latter also means that painting is not required. In the case of steel, the owner can count on the ladder's durability and superior strength. However, the weight of the product will be quite heavy, and the material will require periodic painting. Because real steel is prone to corrosion.

Also, a metal ladder requires some care in manufacturing. If the cut of the metal profile was carried out poorly, then there is some risk of injury. It is desirable to treat sharp places with something.

Conditions for the manufacture of a ladder from a profile pipe

In order for a metal ladder made of a profile pipe to last as long as possible, the following conditions must be observed:

- Since the stepladder principle involves two folding ladders, their dimensions should not be identical. It is important to outline a slight difference between their widths so that the design does not look flimsy;
It is important! The result should be the effect of a dense liner.

- So that the steps of the stairs do not complicate its folding, they must be placed closer to the outer edge of the profile;
- The placement of steps should not be continuous - the upper part of the ladder is freed from them. Here, a connecting mechanism should be provided.

Compliance with these fundamental rules will help to make the design durable.

Preparation for self-assembly of the ladder

The most popular model is a ladder from a profile pipe. For its manufacture, it is necessary to cut 4 strips from a metal profile under two meters in length. The size of the steps is determined independently. Also for work you will need a long bolt with nuts and two ears. It should be noted here that the design will be much more reliable if a welded joint is used. Since fixing with bolts requires an accurate calculation of the allowable load. Otherwise, the owner will not be immune from sudden deformation of the fasteners. Therefore, in the photo you see an example of a welded model.

- Roulette for taking measurements;
— Welding machine with a protective mask;
- Drill for drilling holes;
- Square.

If you plan to cut the profile strips yourself, then you should also get goggles. Then it is recommended to clean the segments from sharp protrusions. You can use a drill with a special nozzle.

It is important! It is desirable to choose a steel profile with a rectangular rather than a round section.

The same should be done with the slats for the steps. Before starting work, it is advisable to make a sketch drawing.

Sequence of work

After all the details have been prepared for work, the steps are applied to long strips for marking. Here it is recommended to use a square to maintain a right angle. So far, work will be carried out with two of the 4 existing sections of the profile. The sequence of operations will look like this:

1. After correcting the future connection, you can start making welds. And the first step is to mount the lower support;
2. When the first step is ready, you can sequentially weld the rest;
3. When the installation of the first part of the ladder is completed, it will be necessary to drill holes for the threaded bolt in the upper part;
4. Then you should weld the ears, as shown in the corresponding photo;
5. Now the second part of the ladder is going in the same way;
6. After fixing the two ladders with bolts, it is necessary to carry out a strength test.

The end result is a robust design. To protect the metal from corrosion, it should be primed and then painted.

- this is already a fairly familiar sight, few people can be surprised by it. Such structures are made from various materials. Popular among country residents and small inflatable models that can be placed for kids. Such a pool does not take up much space, it can be moved around the site, cleaned for the winter. But in order to comfortably use the pool, a ladder is required. Such a design should be not only durable and reliable, but also safe.

Scheme of the pool stairs: 1 - water level; 2 - steps; 3 - equally high handrails; 4 - niche; 5 - ledge for rest (dimensions in m).

A ladder for a pool, erected by oneself, can be installed both for seasonal pools and for permanent ones.

Before proceeding with the manufacture of stairs, you need to understand what requirements apply to it:

  • the surface of the steps of the stairs must be non-slippery and safe;
  • it is necessary to place it in a place that is well lit;
  • if there are kids, it is better to install a small structure separately for them with a smaller distance between the individual steps;
  • the material of manufacture must be durable and reliable.

Design features

Stairs for swimming pools are very diverse, but in order to choose the right design that is needed, one should also take into account the shape of the pool bowl itself, its dimensions, and the requirements.

A swimming pool ladder can take on many different forms, but for the most part it depends on what the pool itself is like. All designs for launching into the water have steps that can follow each other not only in a straight line (traditional scheme), but also with turns, in a circle. For the pool, you can make a staircase with mid-flight, rotary, spiral. For inflatable and children's ponds, you can install designs with slides for descent, which will be a great gift not only for kids, but also for their rather adult parents.

What form the design of the stairs will take must be determined even before the moment of its construction. Consider the options for using a variety of schemes:

  1. Unburied pools are recommended to be equipped with such ladders that allow you to first climb onto the side, and only after that go down into the water. In this case, the person turns his back to the water. Such a staircase is often made of metal pipes, it is easy to make it with your own hands.
  2. For a recessed pool, the so-called closed-type Roman staircase can be used, whose often rounded steps smoothly go into the water. The scheme of this design can be of two options: stationary, mounted together with the bottom of the bowl, and attached. For decoration, decorative ceramic mosaic tiles, special plastic, reinforced with Kevlar thread are used. The first few steps, which are the highest, can mimic a shallow area where you can lie down. Usually they are very wide, if the space is large, they can take up enough space for several people. If you install several nozzles, then such a top platform of the Roman stairs easily turns into an excellent hot tub.
  3. The second type of construction is a ladder, which is mounted after the pool is completely ready. This is a pyramid of steps and handrails, which is simply attached to the side with your own hands. Such ready-made designs are available in various shapes and sizes. These can be stairs for oval, round, rectangular bowls, they are placed at a depth of half a meter to one and a half. It is possible to purchase non-standard models.
  4. For you can install a medical design. This is the so-called balneological staircase. Special nozzles are mounted in the steps of this design, which provide massage of the lumbar region.
  5. For frame, inflatable pools, you can install step ladders made in the shape of the letter “A” with your own hands. Such structures rest on one side on the ground, and on the other side on the bottom of the pool, as if they go around the wall of the pool. They are made of metal, tubes with an anti-slip surface are used for this.
  6. For inflatable pools, special inflatable slides can also be used. Most often they are placed for children's and not very deep bowls.

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metal models

The board ladder is installed to the edge of the pool without any fastenings.

The simplest and most commonly used option for a pool is a metal structure that is installed at the side. Such a scheme can be assembled with your own hands, using only metal pipes and a welding machine for this. For example, it is not so easy to make Roman steps on your own, except to purchase a ready-made design, which is carefully selected to fit the shape of the pool bowl.

Metal ladders for the pool are most common, with their help you can quickly and easily go down into the water or go upstairs. Most often they have an emphasis on the upper platform and the bottom, but there are options when the structure is attached only to the walls of the pool. In their form, such structures resemble the letter "A" or "P".

The first option is a metal ladder, for which stability is ensured by resting on the walls of the pool. The second option is a ladder, the mount of which is located on the site. The structure itself is assembled from metal pipes, which are handrails and a frame; pipes or plastic, metal corrugated crossbars are also used as steps. It is quite easy to assemble such a ladder with your own hands from pipes.

For an inflatable pool, a metal ladder must have feet with tips to ensure its stability on the ground. For large pools, mounted models are used. They are simply "put on" on the side, have comfortable handrails. This option is used for pools deepened into the soil.

The width of any metal staircase should not exceed half a meter (for most models), so that it is convenient and safe to use the structure.

A ladder for a frame pool with your own hands is an excellent option for solving the problem of ennobling your artificial reservoir. Armed with simple materials and improvised tools, you can create an interesting and reliable design that will become not only a safe attribute for the pool, but also a real decoration of the site.

And what only craftsmen are not capable of. There would be only a desire, but even the most unrealistic idea can be realized. Take a closer look, maybe in our selection of such fantasies that have already come true, there is the same ladder to the frame pool that will win you over.

Master class on creating a staircase made of wood

Typically, ladders for outdoor pools are factory-made from aluminum or austenitic alloys. Products made from these materials are light, beautiful and easy to install. It will not be possible to work with them on your own without special equipment, and a special skill is needed.

In the absence of such, you can pay attention to the wood. Anyone can work with her. As a material for stairs - ideal. Below is an instruction that describes in detail how to make such a simple and convenient ladder structure for a frame pool.

We start, as always, with a drawing of the future staircase in order to accurately determine the amount of materials. Measure the height of the pool, and calculate the parameters of the future design. The photo below shows our drawings with all dimensions.

Attention! If possible, you can design a ladder in a computer program.

Knowing all the dimensions, you can make simple calculations, and purchase a certain footage of the base material.

For our design, boards of 100x50 mm in size of different lengths will be required in the amount of:

  • 2 pcs. 450 mm long;
  • 2 pcs. 1245 mm long;
  • 2 pcs. 1422 mm long;
  • 4 things. 1016 mm long;
  • 2 pcs. 1346 mm long.

Sawing boards 100x25 mm. − 13 pcs. 1194 mm long. You will also need 6 bars with a size of 250x50 mm and a length of 1232 mm.

In addition to the main material, you need:

  • wood screws;
  • screwdriver;
  • electric jigsaw for cutting;
  • wood grinder to remove irregularities;
  • dye;
  • varnish.

Attention! To make it more comfortable to walk on the steps, they can be sheathed with soft material, for example, carpet. In this case, you will additionally need a furniture stapler with staples, and pieces of carpet of the right size with an allowance of 5-7 cm on all sides for bending.

When all the materials are collected and the boards are sawn to size, you can proceed directly to the assembly, which will take no more than two hours.

The result is such a staircase that can be painted, varnished and used with pleasure.

Video in this article:

How to equip a recreation area with stairs around the frame pool

For those who want more, and who are not attracted to simple ladders for prefabricated frame pools, we suggest considering our small photo report as a guide to action. Namely, the transformation of an ordinary frame pool into a luxurious recreation area.

To equip it, you also need to measure your pool from all sides, and enter its dimensions on an impromptu drawing. Taking into account the area of ​​the site, we “build” a site on the drawing around the pool.

Let's not forget the dimensions. According to the resulting instructions, we will find out how much wood is required. In addition to it, sheet insulation is also needed, and consumables for assembling the structure.

  • Stage 1. Reliably isolate the pool from the outside.

  • Stage 2. We make a frame according to the drawing from a bar. It is important that the supporting elements are located at a distance of about 30 cm from each other. We leave room for the stairs, which can be assembled according to the above instructions.

  • Stage 3. We sheathe the resulting frame with boards. Pay attention to how it is done in the photo. Boards go in a checkerboard pattern. So the skin turns out not only better, but also more interesting.

  • Stage 4. We enjoy the result!

Ladder for the pool in an hour from the remnants of plastic pipes

To make such a simple and convenient staircase for the pool, you do not need special materials. At the same time, the price for it will be cheap, especially if you have lost the remains of plastic pipes and various fittings for them in the bins.

If the ladder for the frame pool with your own hands made of plastic pipes was a success, then you can make it into such an interesting and uncomplicated cocktail stand with a glass top.
