Crimea fox bay how to get. Fox Bay, Crimea

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The best places for wild holidays in Crimea - Lisya Bay

Crimea is full of places for a real wild holiday, nudist beaches. Some of them are especially popular for a variety of reasons. For example, the wild beaches of Lisya Bay (there are several of them) have long been chosen by tourists who are accustomed to relaxing without borders. At the same time, there are quieter areas on the territory of the tract, where naturists are not to be found.

Location, general information

Between the famous and, not far from the village, there is a quiet, in its own way cozy and very beautiful Fox Bay. Basically, it attracts with its wild beaches, where there are no frames. In some areas, liberated tourists go naked not only on the beach, but also in the surrounding area.

The total length of the beaches is about 4.5 km. The coastline has the shape of an irregular crescent, which gives it some kind of charm, a feature. Surrounded by impressive massive mountain ranges, Lisya Bay seems so cute, small.

Landmark Fox Bay

The coastline in all zones is large-pebble, stone. There are several so-called beaches in the tract, naturally they do not have certain restrictions, but experienced tourists know the name of this or that place. Going to the beaches of the bay, you can visit:

  • "Cuba"
  • "Jamaica"
  • "Piccadilly"
  • "Uganda"
  • "Nyusha"
  • "Kinogorodok" and so on.

I especially liked the area. This place could be historic. A famous film director built a whole city of scenery for the filming of the film there. Unfortunately, his idea was not destined to come true. Now this place is rightfully considered a local landmark of Lisya Bay and the nearest village of Solnechnaya Dolina.

By the way, the bay is popular not only among our compatriots, its natural beauty attracts even tourists from near and far abroad. The informal atmosphere, the opportunity to fully enjoy all the delights of the wild recreation of naturists are the main reasons for its popularity.

By the way, Lisya Bay is not a protected area, and despite this, its untouched, pristine nature is still preserved. Fortunately, the hand of the entrepreneur has not yet reached there. All that is there is a small table and a few benches around. At the same time, the bay is the most ecologically clean area. The air is right there. As soon as you get into the territory, your head is spinning. Literally.

What else is of interest to vacationers

Naturally, these are natural attractions. The majestic mountain slopes cannot leave you indifferent. The brightest is, causing increased interest in everyone who falls into its vicinity.

The unique relief of the surroundings of Lisya Bay attracts many lovers of spectacular photos. Particularly impressive are small rocks, dull orange, yellow, hanging over the beaches. The sea is clean, but the bottom is rocky. Sometimes on the beach of Lisya Bay they stop with tents for several days.

By the way, not far from the aforementioned Mount Echki-Dag there are two springs with very clear spring water. One of them, the so-called "Upper" attracts with its beauty. It looks like a mini waterfall. So seductive and soothing.

How to get (get) to Lisya Bay

I recommend getting here exclusively by car, your own or it doesn’t matter. Orientation should be on the map or navigator. The exact coordinates are marked below.. Well, those who still decide to go by public transport should prepare for transfers.

Leaving from take the bus going to Shchebetovka. There you will change to the route to Kurortny. It is not far from the village to Lisya Bay, but this distance will have to be walked. Those who will leave from also need to take a bus to Kurortny, but get off at the Biostation stop. And again a few kilometers to walk.

A photo

Fox bay (nudist beaches between Sudak and Koktebel) on the map, GPS coordinates: 44.895671, 35.158710

Rest in the Fox Bay allows you to escape from the daily hustle and bustle, from civilization, which at certain moments is pretty annoying. Here you completely merge with nature, you feel like a primitive person and you understand - but in some ways our ancestors were definitely lucky. All unforgettable holidays!


The nudist coast and the bay, famous in a narrow circle, between the villages of Coastal and Kurortnoe.
Lisya Bay or "Liska" is 5 kilometers of solid naked bodies. Yes, the most famous nudist and naturist beach in Crimea. As well as the annual gathering of hippies and informals.

In a few words, this place can be described as follows: sex, hippies, rastamanism, nudism, savagery. On the stones at the approach to the bay, it is written with paint “leave your clothes on everyone who enters here” and “I love the clean land”. You definitely need to listen to the second inscription, because there is a lot of garbage in Lisk at the end of the season. Because of this factor, the title "the best bay of Crimea" is gradually moving away from this place. Take your trash with you!

They usually rest here for a long time - tens of days, or even months. And, you know, there is something in it, when in a week you already know half of the local natives.

That part of the bay where you can drive by car is called "Jackalka" and is considered by the "locals" as a place for "majors". The main narrow part of the beach strip is called "Jamaica", and the areas with shops and shacks are called "Goa" and "Piccadilly".

Beach at Fox Bay

The beach strip is not very wide, the coverage is coarse gray sand. But it is not easy to enter the water - there are cobblestones in the coastal strip under water.

In Lisk you can walk dressed, but not necessarily
The Echki-Dag ridge (from the Crimean Tatar - "goat mountain") comes out on the coast with one of the highest peaks in the vicinity - "Kara-Oba" (670 meters).

In addition, one of the features of the Lisya Bay is its underdevelopment: there are no buildings in the vicinity, only tents, of which there are more and more every year. The roads are only dirt roads and there are few of them. And finding a free place for a tent in the "peak" season is quite difficult.

How to relax in Lisk?

The place is “wild”, we take with us everything necessary for life in nature: a tent, foam, a sleeping bag, an awning, dishes. Don't forget musical instruments. But clothes can be left at home

Water can be collected from a spring on the mountain or from a cafe nearby.

In summer, there are several portable shops and cafes on the coast. Prices are certainly higher than in the city, but tolerable. This area is called "Piccadilly" or "Shalmans". It is not customary to go naked here. There are also a couple of paid toilets.

This bay is called a paradise for informals and rastafarians with drums and fire shows, which are very often arranged here in the evenings. There is always a warm friendly atmosphere.

Many on the Internet are interested in "nude" topics and queries such as "fox bay photo and video" and "fox photo girls" are quite popular, but there are not so many photos to be found. In Lisk itself, visitors with a camera are wary and do not like to be photographed. Take note of this moment.

Accommodation near the bay

Are you going to relax among these colorful characters, but want comfort? A good option is to rent a house in the nearest village - Kurortnoye, to which you can walk 2-3 kilometers at a leisurely pace through the hills. Housing in the village is cheap and there are plenty to choose from.

Vacation Quote

“I remember well Andrei Makarevich in Lisk, who lost his idol’s manners when he met strong wine from plastic dishes. Or - I'm talking about this summer - take the artist Oleg Kulik. This dog-man, smeared with gray healing clay, turned into a real devil and began to arrange human sacrifices, however, mostly of a sexual nature. Nobody remained indifferent. Rastamans beat drums, fiery torches floated on the water. Kulik preached the new religion, trembling with excitement from dusk to dawn. At dawn, everyone was drawn into the clear sea, which still smells of iodine in those parts ... ".
Victor Erofeev.


Where is Fox Bay located? It's simple, look at the mark on the map, write down the address or 44°54.049′, 35°10.001′ , read the directions under the map. You should definitely visit this place!

How to get to Fox Bay

This wild beach and camping is located between the Kara-Dag and Meganom mountain ranges. You can get here from Koktebel or Feodosia by bus "Feodosia - Kurortnoye (Biostation)". From the final one you need to walk a couple of kilometers in the direction from Karadag.

The second option is more difficult - to walk from the highway near the village of Shchebetovka about 5 kilometers (an hour of time).

A photo

Lisyu bay

The Fox Bay Natural Park and the Echki-Dag tract are a natural monument located not far from the extinct volcano Kara-Dag (the habitat of a giant monster -) and a cape extended far into the sea. Based on official scientific sources, the Echki-Dag region has been inhabited by people since ancient times.

On the territory of Lisya Bay, various artifacts were found, such as arrowheads, fragments of tools and hunters' camps, which belong to the Middle Neolithic (their age ranges from 40,000 to 100,000 years). The permanent population lived in these places also in the Mesolithic era (about 8000 years ago) and the Bronze Age (3000-4000 years BC).

About the Fox Bay and Echki-Dag park

Echki-Dag is the highest mountain in the entire district and has two peaks at once, this is Kara-Oba, which literally means “black hill”, the height of which is 670 meters, and “turkey rock” - Kokush-Kaya, the height of which is - 570 meters. Numerous mountain springs located in the Echki-Dag region contain large amounts of calcium and many rare minerals and trace elements, which makes bathing in such a spring incredibly beneficial for the whole body.

The territory of the natural reserve "Echki Dag - Fox Bay" is more than one and a half thousand hectares, on which, in turn, more than a thousand different representatives of the flora grow (more than half of which are Mediterranean and subtropical). About fifty species of plants that can be found on the territory of the landscape reserve are listed in the Red Book and are subject to special supervision by environmental services.

See photos of Fox Bay:

Features of a beach holiday in Fox Bay

Rest on Lisya Bay has a number of distinctive features that you will not find in any other resorts of Crimea. The length of the bay from the village of Kurortnoye to Pribrezhnoye is five kilometers, where tents, sheds, marquees, awnings and other structures are set up to shelter numerous companies of tourists from the heat of the sun and precipitation. There are a lot of advantages of rest in this picturesque corner, and here are some of them:

  • The air is of extraordinary purity, since the territory of the reserve is located in an ecologically clean place, remote from cities and any industries.
  • Thanks to the influence of the mountains, you can always find a shady, cool corner in Lisya Bay even on the hottest day. The local air is saturated with various trace elements, such as iodine, which have a beneficial effect on the upper respiratory tract.
  • Sea water in Lisya Bay is actually the cleanest on the entire Crimean coast, which, combined with a large number of various useful elements, makes staying on the territory of the reserve very favorable and healing the entire human body.

The main feature of Lisya Bay is the contingent that from year to year comes to their favorite place, namely, punks, informals, hippies and other colorful characters, who are always present here in large numbers. According to rumors, in the eighties of the twentieth century, Viktor Tsoi, Boris Grebenshchikov and other cult characters liked to come here to take a break from the hustle and bustle and gain impressions for further creativity.

In addition to the numerous informals, there are a fair amount of, or naturists, as they call themselves, on the territory of Fox Bay. No one forces anyone to undress here, so on local beaches people in swimsuits peacefully side by side with lovers of nude tanning. At the same time, the general atmosphere prevailing in these places is incredibly friendly, which makes your stay in the reserve comfortable and enjoyable.

Today, Lisya Bay is not a completely wild place, since there are a variety of cafes and very authentic bars here in sufficient quantities. The nearby village of Kurortnoye has shops, markets, pharmacies, a bus station and many other infrastructure facilities. It is worth noting that in addition to hippies and informals, representatives of creative bohemia like to come here, including quite famous people whose name is on everyone's lips.

The features of Fox Bay are:

  • A large number of precious and semi-precious stones that can be found directly on the coast. Chalcedony, Lapis Lazuli, Jasper and some other rare stones often wash ashore after a storm.
  • The unique combination of sea air with an incredible saturation of various rare trace elements and substances, which makes staying here favorable for health.

Most of the inhabitants of Lisya Bay prefer to hang out right on the wild rocky coast, but for those who wish to combine rest on the "Crimean Goa" with civilized conditions, it makes sense to stay near Lisya Bay, in the village of Kurortnoye.

There are a huge number of accommodation options here: Soviet-era holiday homes and new ones, cottages located directly on the sea coast and the private sector. The level of prices for rental housing varies significantly depending on the conditions of accommodation and proximity to the sea. For those who want to save money, there is an excellent accommodation option in Shchebetovka, where housing prices are much lower, and you can get to the sea by bus in just ten to fifteen minutes.

How to get to the place

Lisya Bay on the map of Crimea:

You can get to Lisya Bay and Echki-Dag from Feodosia or from buses following the route directly to the village of Shchebetovka. From Shchebetovka, in turn, a regular bus runs to the village of Kurortnoye, where you need to go to the beach for about half an hour along the rocks to the beginning of the tent camps.

Map of how to get to Lisya Bay from Shebetovka (Crimea):

To the south-west of Kurortny lies Lisya Bay. This is a smoothly curved strip of coast, stretching for almost 5 kilometers. The relief of the coast here is uneven, with significant elevation changes. The wide coast is covered with gray sand, both in water and on land.

Lisya Bay or Liska, as it is often affectionately called, is a place for wild recreation. There are no boarding houses or hotels nearby, but the number of his admirers is not decreasing. Every year, the fox attracts hundreds of representatives of various subcultures: hippies, rastamans, nudists, and other informals. At the peak of the season, a real tent city unfolds on the shore of the bay, and the sounds of the guitar and cheerful laughter do not subside until dawn. Fox Bay - a state of mind!

You can get here from the village of Kurortnoye in half an hour along the path along the sea, past cape crab and "watermelon". There are two more walking routes from Shchebetovka to Lisya in the mountains and from Shchebetovskoye Lake (Bryntsevsky Stavok). In good weather, you can get there by car, the road goes along the unfinished sewage treatment plant, through vineyards and mountain serpentine. The main thing is not to pass the turn to the left (exit from the asphalt) if you move towards Shchebetovka.

Fox bay, wild beach, photo (Crimea)


The trail from Shchebetovka to Liska

Liska is located at the foot of the Echki-Dag mountain range, the highest in the vicinity of the bay. The outlines of the ridge are recognizable from any point: these are three peaks, “three brothers”, as they were called by the people. Echki-Dag - the meaning in the Turkic languages ​​\u200b\u200bof "goat mountain". One of the most interesting places of the entire mountain range is the “Ear of the Earth”. This is a deep karst cave on the eastern slope of the Kokush-Kaya peak, which is a narrow, almost sheer tunnel 132 meters deep. There is a legend that this cave leads to the very center of the Earth. There are also springs on Echki-Dag, after a breathtaking ascent, you can always refresh yourself on one of them.
From Mount Echki-Dag, a magnificent view of the village of Kurortnoye and the extinct volcano KaraDag opens up.

Fox Bay (Crimea) on the map

Kinogorodok (Crimea)

Another interesting place in the vicinity of the bay is the film town. This is a real oriental-style village, built by the Yalta film studio in 2004 for the filming of the film "Live Fish". The movie was never made, but the scenery remained. They gradually fall into disrepair, but attract vacationers from Liska. Youth festivals are often held here, informal companies gather, although entry is officially prohibited here.

Lovers of "wild" recreation and informals come to a quiet place on the southeastern coast of the peninsula. Fascinatingly beautiful virgin nature, breathtaking views, warm sea, secluded beaches of Lisya Bay in Crimea annually attract travelers from all over the world. In the summer season, tents are pitched everywhere, local residents open mobile cafes and shops on the shore, but there is no developed infrastructure in these places - those who do not care about the lack of comfort and amenities gather here.

Beach in Lisya Bay in Crimea: photo, description, recreation features

The coastline stretches for 5 km, running between the villages of Kurortnoye and Pribrezhnoye. The influence of the mountains softens the heat, the heat is easily tolerated. Clean healthy air, clear water, pebbly and sandy beaches, picturesque landscapes and the absence of conventions attract both those who like to spend holidays as "savages", and hippies, punks and other representatives of informal youth to this reserved area. The majestic mountain ranges surrounding the coast form bizarre compositions, adding charm to the landscape.

IN Fox Bay of Crimea is a nudist beach. Naked people calmly side by side with vacationers in traditional bathing suits. A friendly and open atmosphere reigns here and the most amazing acquaintances are easily made. The basic rule is that everyone rests as he pleases. Everyone is free to behave unusually and even strangely - the main thing is that this does not interfere with others. Because of this, Lisya Bay is not suitable for families with children; it is better to go here in the company of like-minded people.

The coastal strip is conditionally divided into separate sections, each of which has its own name. The most famous:

  • - Uganda;
  • - Piccadilly;
  • - Guana;
  • - Nyushka;
  • - Miami;
  • - Cinema town;
  • - Cuba.

Due to the spacious territory, the beaches of the Fox Bay are rarely crowded with visitors. In the shade of trees there is a place for car camping. Paid toilets and showers are installed. You need to take care of cleanliness and garbage disposal yourself.

natural attractions

Supporters of active leisure climb the mountains, from the tops of which a breathtaking view of the sea and rocks opens up. Walking along the Karadag trail, you can take great photos of the Fox Bay. There are springs with clear ice water. Thrill-seekers will be interested in the karst formation in the Echki-Dag rock, resembling a well with sheer walls going to a depth of more than 130 meters. It is called the Ear of the Earth. Descent down is possible with the use of mountain equipment.

In Sun Valley, where unique grape varieties are grown, connoisseurs will be able to taste excellent local wines. Excursion trips are organized to the Karadag nature reserve. There are representatives of rare species of fauna and flora listed in the Red Book. The program includes a visit to the museum exposition of exotic animals, a visit to an aquarium with marine life, a dolphinarium.
