There are no short endings. Video lesson "Words-names of objects that have no endings

1. The ending is a morpheme that usually stands at the end of a word and which indicates the connection of this word with other words. The ending expresses the meanings of gender, number, case, person.

The ending is often called the inflected part of the word.

Wed: book - books - book.

This means that changing the ending does not change the lexical meaning of the word.

Endings do not participate in word formation. These are always formative morphemes. They are used in the formation of forms of the same word.

2. Endings express grammatical meanings:

    gender, number, case- in nouns ( book- the ending - a indicates feminine, singular, nominative), adjectives ( the big Book- the ending - and I indicates feminine, singular, nominative), participles ( written book- the ending - and I indicates feminine, singular, nominative), some pronouns ( my book- the ending - I indicates feminine, singular, nominative), some numerals ( one book- the ending - a indicates feminine, singular, nominative);

    case- some pronouns ( no one- the ending - wow indicates the genitive case) and numerals ( no five- the ending - and indicates the genitive case);

    faces and numbers- for verbs in the present and future tense ( think- the ending - Yu indicates 1 person, singular);

    gender and number- for verbs in the past tense ( read- the ending - a indicates feminine, singular).

3. The ending can be expressed by one or more sounds.

No knife, cut with a knife.

    But the end may be zero. The zero ending is not expressed by sound and is not indicated by a letter in writing, however, it is the absence of a materially expressed ending that has a certain grammatical meaning, for example: knife□ - zero ending indicates masculine, singular, nominative.

    Zero terminations are found in the following forms:

    nouns in the form of the nominative case, singular, masculine (2 declensions) and feminine (3 declensions);

    Table□ , daughter□ .

    part of the nouns in the form of the genitive case, plural;

    Tired, no cases, no soldiers.

    for short adjectives in the singular, masculine;

    Vesel, happy.

    verbs in the past tense, singular, masculine;

    Was reading, sang.

    for possessive adjectives with the suffix -iy.

    fox□ , wolf□ .


1) Final sounds (and letters) in the form of the genitive case, plural, 1 declension and 2 declension are not endings - armies□ , foothills□ , saucer□ . This is part of the base, and the ending here is zero. For verification, you can compare the data of the form with the forms of the nominative case, singular.

Yes, noun army[arm’ij b] has the ending -i (sound [b]), and [j] is included in the stem [arm’ij]. In order to prove this, you can decline the word: in army[j] Yu, army[j] her etc. In all these forms, [j] is preserved. This means that [ j ] is part of the stem, because the ending is the variable part of the word. Only in the form of the genitive case is this sound graphically expressed using the letter й ( armies), and in other forms it does not receive a special designation.

In forms like foothills, saucer we are seeing a similar phenomenon. Only here there is also fluency of vowels ( i, e).

Wed: foothills[pr'i e dgor'j b] - foothills[pr'i e dgor'ij]; saucers[bl'utts b] - saucer[bl'udts].

2) In the form of the nominative, singular, masculine, qualitative and relative adjectives -i is the ending (this is the inflected part of the word, cf.: blue - blue). In the same forms of possessive adjectives ( fox, wolf) -th is a suffix. It persists when tilted. Only in other forms the suffix is ​​presented in a truncated form - [j], and in writing it is not graphically expressed. The presence of this suffix is ​​signaled by the separating b.

Wed: wolf - wolf[j] his, fox - fox[j] his.

4. The ending is usually at the end of a word.

Exceptions are:

    endings before postfixes -sya (for reflexive verbs, participles), -te (in the plural imperative), something, something, something(for indefinite pronouns);

    Studying, studying, let's go, those, someone, someone, someone.

    endings in compound numbers, where endings follow each root.

    In three hundred, there is no five ten.


Indeclinable and non-conjugated words: adverbs (for example: always, very), service parts ( under, and, as if, not), immutable nouns (for example: coat, coffee), invariable adjectives (for example: beige, marengo) have no endings! Don't confuse no endings with zero endings!

The spelling of the endings is determined by the part-of-speech attribution of the word and therefore will be considered when characterizing the corresponding parts of speech.

5. The basis is a part of a word without an ending. The basis is the carrier of the lexical meaning of the given word.

6. With declension and conjugation, the stem can change - decrease or increase.

For example: leaf □ and leaf [ j ]- I- in the plural, the stem increased due to the suffix -j-. Such changes in the stem are typical, as a rule, for the verb: in most verbs, the stem of the infinitive and the stem of the present tense do not match.

Wed: zhd-a - be and zhd - at- the basis in the present tense has been reduced (the suffix is ​​lost - a); chit-a - be- chit-aj - ut- in this case, the basis in the present tense, on the contrary, increased due to the sound [j], which is part of the suffix of the present tense and the imperative mood (cf.: chit-ai).


1) In feminine nouns with final (final letters) -iya ( army, sandal, revolution etc.) and the neuter gender with the final -ie ( being, tension, retribution etc.) is a vowel and refers to the stem, since it is preserved during the declension of nouns.

Wed: army - I, army - and, army - her; be-e, be-I, be-eat.

2) In masculine nouns with the final -й ( proletarian, sanatorium, region etc.) this consonant also belongs to the stem, since it is preserved during the declension of nouns, cf .: edge, edge[j]- i, kra[j] -yu, kra[j]- eat. In indirect cases, [ j ] is not graphically indicated by a special sign. Its presence is indicated by vowels. i, e, u after another vowel (see paragraph 1.5).

Thus, these nouns in the nominative case, singular, like the others ( table□ , horse□ and similar), have a zero ending:

edge□ , proletarian□ , sanatorium□ .

7. Since there are several postfixes in Russian, that is, suffixes that can be located after endings, then the basis some forms of words can be torn.

how wow-to - ending - wow, basis as.. then ; uch it sya - ending - it, basis uch..sya .

    It is necessary to distinguish between the basis of a particular form of a word and the basis of a word (in word formation).

    The basis of a particular form of a word is represented by a part of the word without an ending.

    Recording - be, wrote down - a, write down - at.

    The stem of a word is determined by the initial form of the word. It includes the root, prefixes and derivational suffixes and postfixes. Formative suffixes and postfixes will not be included in the word-formative stem.

    For example, in order to identify the basis of the word in the verb form, he wrote down - a, you must first indicate the initial form of the verb (infinitive) write down and discard the ending (in other concepts - a formative suffix) of an indefinite form - be: record- .


1) The derivational basis of the verb is determined by the form of the infinitive. This is especially important to take into account, since, as noted, the verb: a) the stems of the present tense and the infinitive often do not coincide, b) a fairly large number of formative suffixes (-l - in the past tense, -i - in the imperative mood).

2) Verbal reflexive postfix -sya (learn be xia, we be xia) is not formative, therefore it must be included in the stem of the word.

3) As noted, in some cases, the forms of nouns in the singular and plural differ not only in endings, but also in formative suffixes. In this case, the basis of the word (for word formation) is also determined by the initial form - singular, nominative case, cf .: son□ /sons- the basis of the word (for word formation) - son-.

4) As noted, participles and gerunds occupy an intermediate position between independent parts of speech and special forms of the verb. Since in this manual they are considered as independent parts of speech, the participle suffixes ( -om / -em / -im; -usch / -yushch / -ashch / -box, -nn / -n / -enn / -en / -t, -sh / -sh) are classified as part of the derivational basis of the word.

Ending or inflection(lat. flixio- bending) is a significant part of the word that changes and is formative. The ending serves to connect words in a sentence or phrase and indicates the relationship between words, expressing grammatical meaning.

The grammatical meaning of the endings of different parts of speech.

  1. Noun . Noun endings

    river - rivers - rivers

  2. Adjective . Endings of adjectives indicate their number and case and gender:

    beautiful - beautiful - beautiful

  3. Numeral . Endings of nouns indicate their case and number:

    second - second - second

  4. Verb . Verb endings present and future tenses indicate person and number:

    read - read

    The endings of past tense verbs indicate their number, person and gender:

    Looked - looked - looked - looked

  5. Pronoun. Pronoun endings indicate first of all the case, then the number and gender, if any:

    he is his
    one's - one's - one's - one's

  6. Participle . Participle endings indicate number, gender and case:

    read - read - read

The end is exclusively formative morpheme, which does not give the word any additional meanings.

Endings are materially expressed and zero.

Zero ending- this is the ending of modified words, which is not expressed by sounds during pronunciation and by letters in writing, but at the same time conveys a certain grammatical meaning. The null ending can be indicative of a particular gender or case, for example:

  • Nominative and accusative case of nouns f.r. 3 declensions in the singular: daughter, oven, mother, rye;
  • Nominative case of nouns m.r. 2 singular declensions (for inanimate - nominative and accusative): friend, chair, reed;
  • Genitive case of nouns of different genders plural: countries, soldiers, windows;
  • Short forms singular m.r. adjectives and participles: cheerful, read, good.
  • Nominative case of possessive adjectives m.r. unit: brothers, mother, fox;
  • Imperative mood of verbs in singular: look, learn, watch;
  • Indicative and subjunctive mood of singular verbs. m.r.: wrote - would write; looked - would look; walked - would have walked.

There are unchangeable words and word forms that do not have endings and a system of grammatical properties. These words and forms include:

Indeclinable nouns, often of foreign origin: taxi, coat

Possessive pronouns that indicate belonging to a third person: her, him, them

Indeclinable adjectives: burgundy, khaki


Such words have connections with other words with the help of semantic relations, and the zero ending is not indicated in writing in any way.

Are there words without an ending?

    Indeclinable nouns have no endings at all (cinema, coat, domino, jury, taxi, guru, and so on).

    These are also abbreviated words, particles, conjunctions and adverbs, prepositions.

    Indeclinable adjectives also do not have an ending.

    In the composition of some words, you should not look for endings. And why? To answer this question, let us recall what, in fact, the ending is. The ending is an inflectional morpheme. This is where it follows that immutable words cannot and do not have endings at all.

    And now we list the invariable words, to which we attribute

    indeclinable nouns, for example: boa, couturier, role, dandy, referee, penalty kick, suluguni; department head.

    indeclinable abbreviations: VDNKh, Moscow State University, GAI, rono;

    indeclinable adjectives, for example: raglan sleeves, rush hour, Hindi language, khaki color, mini skirt;

    adverbs: above, on the right, for a long time, fun, back home, skipping.

    The forms of words also do not change:

    gerunds- inhaling, drawing, letting go, hiding;

    comparative degree of adjectives or adverbs: more fun, lower, higher, deeper.

    The service parts of speech do not change: prepositions, particles, conjunctions.

    The question of the infinitive is also resolved in two ways: some believe that -t is the ending, others are the suffix of the indefinite form of the verb. Hence, there is no ending in this form.

    Yes, there are a lot of words without endings in Russian. To put it simply and simply, it is all immutable words. Words that do not have inconstant features.

    The logic of such a hypothesis lies in the very essence of the concept of ending. It is needed in the language solely to show the mutability of the word to the form of various word forms, as well as to determine in contexts which of the grammatical forms this or that word has. The endings have no other functions, except for form-distinctive.

    Hence and examples:

    • Taxi. There is no ending. At least a taxi service, at least 1 taxi car, at least 25 such cars, it’s all the same only taxiquot ;.
    • Through a window or through a keyhole, one peeped or a whole group peeped, - only peepingquot ;. Ends are not required.
    • Tipsy. One person in this state or 8 people. They are on holiday or at work. Sun is equal to only tipsyquot ;.
    • Smarter. The comparative degree is considered an unchangeable form, constant. Therefore, she is smarter; or he is smarter - there is no grammatical difference, and therefore there is no ending.
  • There are quite a few such words. I will give examples from several categories.

    Indeclinable nouns - stew, tiramisu, pots, curlers, retro, magneto, loto, graffiti, khachapuri, incognito, mashed potatoes, interviews and many others.

    Abbreviations - North Korea, China, South Africa, CAR (Central African Republic), hydroelectric power station, university, nuclear power plant, life safety, NFO, thermal power plant, gas station, civil defense, EU, housing office, registry office, air defense, DNA, RNA, media, state district power station, CIS, SUZ, UNESCO, Gulag, traffic police, TRP.

    The ending is the inflected part of the word, in some words e cannot be. Therefore, there will be no ending in immutable words. Let's take a look at which ones.

    Invariable words that do not have any ending include:

    1) Participles. Examples: looking, inhaling;

    2) Indeclinable nouns, some of which are borrowed from other languages. Examples: blinds, coat, referee;

    3) Indeclinable adjectives. Examples: beige, khaki, marengo, burgundy;

    4) Adverbs. Examples: new, neat, fun;

    5) Abbreviations. Examples: Germany, USA, Moscow State University, RF, UN.

    6) Adjectives in a comparative degree: faster, stronger, more active;

    7) All particles, prepositions and conjunctions.

    Yes, there are. First of all, the unchanging parts of speech are remembered - gerunds (sitting, exploding, crying), categories of state (time, laziness, pity) and adverbs (bitter, sad, nowhere).

    In addition, among nouns and adjectives there are indeclinables.

    Indeclinable nouns - lady, jury, coat, taxi, kangaroo.

    Indeclinable adjectives - beige, burgundy, khaki, electric.

    Yes, there are such words, they do not decline, and therefore do not have different endings. There are many such mls, in different parts of speech, adverbs, gerunds, nouns, prepositions and small ones, that is, abbreviations and conjunctions. Lady, blinds, jury, it's time, sorry, USA, Moscow State University, pots and many other words.

    The so-called abbreviations have no endings, and how can they have endings when they are reduced to the limits and it is even difficult to determine the gender of such complex-abbreviated words like -GUM, VDNKh, VAK. Such words should be appreciated and known.

    There are words

    which have endings (bucket-o, spring-a),

    there are those that have a zero ending, or a non-materially expressed ending (day, lilac),

    and those words that do not have an ending are words that do not change.

    Here we include the words of invariable parts of speech (adverb, gerund, preposition, conjunction, interjection)

    and part of the words from the changeable parts of speech: indeclinable nouns. (piano, coffee) and adjectives (khaki).

    Of course, there are many words in Russian that do not have an ending. That is, it is not zero, but it does not exist at all. At school, children often often believe that both are one and the same.

    For example: the word house the ending is zero, otherwise the word would have a different form: house-a, house-y, house-e

    the word metro is not here, because it is foreign, French.

    Here are as many words without endings as we can remember:


    Among the words that do not have an ending, there are abbreviations, and again a few examples.

    In Russian, there is a special section called word formation, which deals with the question of how new words are created. To date, it is the most complex and inconsistent, since every year philologists make new discoveries in this area. In total, 87% of words in Russian appeared due to word formation, and only 13% of the roots of them are unique. New parts of speech can be formed using affixes (prefixes and suffixes), and their form can be changed using inflections (endings).

    Briefly about word formation

    This science began to exist as an independent only in the second half of the twentieth century. The first attempts to do this were made by Grigory Osipovich Vinokur, who was the first to single out synchronic and diachronic word formation. Modern scientists are interested in the second aspect, which considers the creation of new words with the help of significant parts - prefixes, suffixes. Inflection is a less significant morpheme, so there are words in Russian that do not have an ending.

    What is a morpheme?

    There are certain units of change in word formation. In this science, a morpheme is the minimum significant part of any member of a sentence. There are words in Russian that do not have an ending, prefix or suffix, but they cannot exist without the root, which is their main part. New members of the sentence are formed by adding affixes. These include prefixes, suffixes, interfixes and postfixes.

    The ending serves to form a new form of the word, therefore it is the least significant morpheme. It is not surprising that in many members of the proposal it may be completely absent. It will not be difficult for you to find out for yourself which words do not have endings, since they cannot be changed by numbers, tenses and cases.

    Prefixes and suffixes are commonly referred to as word-forming morphemes. They testify to some specific features that are not observed in the initial form of the word.

    What can the ending mean?

    This morpheme is not involved in word formation, but only helps in creating new forms of words. The lexical meaning does not change when the ending changes. In Russian, inflection expresses the following grammatical meanings:

    Gender, number, case - for nouns, adjectives, participles, pronouns, numerals. For example: music, bright, luminous, you, fifty family.

    Person, number - for verbs in the present tense and future. For example: we think, I will hear.

    Gender, number - for verbs in the past tense. For example: arrived, remade.

    Case - for pronouns and numerals. For example: you, forty-two.

    When wondering which words do not have endings, you should pay attention to invariable parts of speech, such as adverbs, interjections, as well as conjunctions, particles, prepositions.

    Morphemes. Part 1: Root

    Each word in any language of the world has a certain meaning. The root is the core or another part of speech and carries a conceptual meaning. The exceptions are unions, prepositions and some interjections that serve to connect the members of a sentence. Basically, all words that have a root and an ending form the basis of a sentence. These are nouns, adjectives and verbs. However, in any rule you can find an exception - so did the linguists, the compilers of the word-formation dictionary.

    Until recently, there was an opinion that in the Russian language there is a unique verb in which there is no root. "Take out" is used only with prefixes, it has a perfect form and the first conjugation. Having performed a morphemic analysis, it can be revealed that "you" is a prefix, and "well" and "t" are suffixes. Thus, the verb has lost its historical root - the philologist and linguist Boris Unbegaun wrote in his writings that this word is "remarkable by the complete disappearance of the root." Nevertheless, the words "take out" and "take out", oddly enough, are the same root. In Russian there are words that do not have an ending, but have main morphemes.

    Illustrative examples of stem and root

    This morpheme is the most important in any word. There are cases when the members of a sentence consist of two or more roots, which are connected with the help of interfixes (five-sided, one-story). Words that are close in meaning are called cognates.

    How to do morpheme parsing

    A large number of word-building dictionaries greatly simplify the definition of parts of a word. However, given the rapid development of the areas of the Russian language, all types of parsing must be done independently, since in manuals you run the risk of stumbling upon outdated data. With the help of morphemic analysis, you can have a prefix, root, ending and suffix. Following the sequence of actions will provide you with a quality analysis.

    First you need to determine the part of speech in order to identify the possibility of changing it according to persons, numbers, gender and other criteria. Find the ending (if there is one), followed by the stem, the root, and then all the affixes.

    How to do word-formation analysis

    The purpose of this type of parsing is to find out the way in which a part of speech is formed. The first step is to find the original basis and check it for derivativeness. Next, pick a starting word. After that, you can highlight the stem of the word being parsed, and then the affixes. So you can identify the word that is the primary source and find out which words do not have an ending from those that you need to parse into morphemes. Knowing this simple algorithm, a schoolboy, student or novice philologist will be able to easily master the most complex humanities.

    Don't have an ending immutable words. Here are examples of words belonging to different parts of speech that do not have endings.

    Based on the statement that the end is inflectional morpheme, we conclude that in Russian invariable words have no endings.

    What can the ending mean?

    This morpheme is not involved in word formation, but only helps in creating new forms of words. The lexical meaning does not change when the ending changes. In Russian, inflection expresses the following grammatical meanings:

    • Gender, number, case - for nouns, adjectives, participles, pronouns, numerals. For example: music, bright, luminous, you, fifty family.
    • Person, number - for verbs in the present tense and future. For example: we think, I will hear.
    • Gender, number - for verbs in the past tense. For example: arrived, remade.
    • Case - for pronouns and numerals. For example: you, forty-two.

    When wondering which words do not have endings, you should pay attention to invariable parts of speech, such as adverbs, interjections, as well as conjunctions, particles, prepositions.

    Let us consider in detail which words of which parts of speech or their forms do not have endings and give examples of words without endings:

    1. borrowed indeclinable nouns

    bra, role, entertainer, dragee, penalties, blinds, maestro, graffiti, avocado, stew, kangaroo, aloe, avenue, interview;

    some Russian compound abbreviated indeclinable words, For example:

    • the head of the department (I asked the head of the department, met with the head of the department, I remember the head of the department);
    • gorono (met at the gorono, called the gorono, I will inquire about the work of the gorono);
    • abbreviations - VDNH, Moscow State University, GAI, UN, NATO, etc.;

    2. indeclinable adjectives

    • color (what?) indigo;
    • sleeves (what?) raglan;
    • hour (what?) peak;
    • language (what?) Hindi;

    3. adverb

    • from afar
    • fast
    • side by side
    • scattered
    • to my mind
    • childishly
    • in Latin
    • in Caucasian and;

    4. service parts of speech (particles, prepositions, conjunctions) and interjections.

    Have no endings immutable forms some parts of speech:

    1. verb form- gerund

    • read in the newspaper;
    • I run in the park;
    • consider carefully;

    2. the shape is simple comparative degree of adjectives, For example:

    • beautiful - more beautiful;
    • strong - stronger, stronger;
    • strong - stronger;

    My handwriting (what?) is more beautiful than that of my younger sister.

    With age, the child became (what?) Stronger.

    In the room, the smell of a bouquet of lilacs became (what?) stronger.

    3. the shape is simple comparative degree of adverb, For example:

    • firmly - stronger, stronger (hold);
    • quickly - faster (to run);
    • strongly - stronger (hit);
    • bad - worse (to feel)

    Brew tea (how?) Stronger.

    My brother runs (how?) faster than his classmates.

    The sea worries (how?) more and more.

    Due to the dense fog, the road is visible (how?) worse than yesterday.

    All other words in Russian are changeable and, accordingly, have in their composition an inflectional morpheme - the ending:

    • tree - tree branches;
    • lecture - at the lecture;
    • sunny day - many sunny days;
    • the first entrance - at the first entrance;
    • walk - walk.

    We will learn to distinguish the listed invariable words from words and their forms that have a zero ending in the morphemic composition. By changing the word by gender, number, case or person, it is possible to identify a materially indicated ending in its composition, for example:

    • bridge - bridge construction;
    • painting - the direction of painting;
    • put it on the shelf.