Short meaning of the name Tatyana. Tatyana - the sovereign: how this name affects fate

Forms of the name Tatyana

Common name variations: Tatyanka; Tatulya; Tanya; Tanyuta; Tata; Tanyusha; Tanyura; Tusya; Tasha Tatunya; Tatusya, Tanya; Tanyukha

Name Tatyana in different languages

  • Name Tatyana in English: Tatiana, Tatyana (Tatiana)
  • Name Tatiana in Chinese: 塔季娅娜 (Ta-tszy-yana)
  • Name Tatiana in Japanese: タチヤナ (Tatiyana)
  • Name Tatiana in Spanish: Tatiana (Tatiana)
  • Name Tatiana in German: Tatjana (Tatiana)
  • Name in Polish Tatiana: Tatiana (Tatiana)
  • Name Tatyana in Ukrainian: Tetyana

origin of the name Tatiana

There are two versions of the origin of the name Tatyana.

According to the first version, the name Tatiana, which in the old days was pronounced as "Tatiana", came from the name of the Sabine king Tatius.

According to the second version, this name has and comes from the ancient Greek word "tatto", meaning "to determine", "to establish".

Tatyana's character

She often makes decisions too quickly. It's hard to get bored in her company. She is extremely charming. In sex, Tatyana is tireless. She always lacks male attention, and in order to attract him to herself, she is ready for recklessness. Loves young men, changes them as often as possible, but not because of interest in sex. For her, self-assertion is more important. Men do not spoil her, and in order to feel like a woman, she resorts to various tricks. Among her friends, she creates the appearance that she is loved by everyone, but no one knows at what cost she is given this.

Health is generally good, but often one's own negligence leads to accidents, due to a careless attitude towards oneself in adulthood, one may appear. Particular attention should be paid to the kidneys and gallbladder.

"Winter" Tatyana is mediocrity, but she tries to seem smarter and better than everyone else.

"Basic" - narcissistic, unreasonably self-confident. Can work as a salesman, supply manager, mediocre lawyer. The name is suitable for patronymics: Petrovna, Mikhailovna, Andreevna, Borisovna, Grigorievna, Viktorovna, Valentinovna, Savelievna.

"Summer" - eccentric, unbalanced, has frequent nervous breakdowns.

"Spring" - hysterical, unpredictable. He mostly works in the service industry.

What patronymic is suitable for the name Tatyana

The name is suitable for patronymics: Sergeevna, Leonovna, Timurovna, Valerievna, Vsevolodovna.

Incompatibility of the name Tatyana

Tanya, Tanechka, Tanyusha - a female name that sounds gentle and affectionate. You decided to name your girl that way, and rightly so. She will have an amazing life full of bright events and happy moments. Looking ahead, it should be said that Tanya chooses her own fate. She has two paths. Whichever path she chooses, that's how her whole life will turn out. We offer to get acquainted with a woman whom her parents will call Tanyusha.

A little about the meaning of the name

This name was first heard in Ancient Greece. But they say that it has Latin roots. Once upon a time there lived a Sabine king, whose name was Tatius. He was fair, but quick-tempered. They say that it was from the royal name that the female form Tanya originated. The meaning of the name will be interesting to know. Translated from Greek, it means "she who sets the rules." And if you watch the representative of the weaker sex who bears this name, you will notice her strong character and unshakable will,

Tatyana's character

Since childhood, the girl is very different from her peers. It is full of grandiose plans and ideas. Among the kids, Tanya stands out. She really likes to lead and make sure that her rules or requirements are clearly followed by her girlfriends.

She is emotional, a little unrestrained, will not allow herself to be offended. At the same time, Tanya - the meaning of the name is reassuring - is quick-witted. She is a mood person. If someone upset her in the morning, then the whole day the girl will walk gloomy and gloomy. It should be noted that it is very straightforward. Often her words hurt loved ones. Growing up, she never learns to control her emotions. She will always have Tatyana so prompts, sensing that there is a weak-willed person next to her, she will immediately try to subdue him. It should be said that she is smart, but is reluctant to go to school. And she does not want to receive higher education. The girl believes that the most important thing in life is to marry successfully and live prosperously, without material problems. Adult Tatyana is a spectacular and enviable woman. She looks gorgeous and dresses well. She has many fans. Marries early and more often by calculation. As soon as a wealthy mature man appears among her gentlemen, Tanyusha will immediately begin to seduce him and fall in love with herself. It's hard to resist her beauty and charm.

fate line

Her fate is very interesting. How happy she will be, and whether the meaning of the name Tanya matches, you can find the answer in the verses. How many poets in their creations remembered a girl with that name. Remember Pushkin's Tatyana? She fell in love, but, not having received reciprocity, she married another man - an older and wealthy one. And that's exactly what happens in reality. Tanya's marriage will be successful and strong, but without love. More precisely, she will fall in love with her husband after a few years of marriage. And if a light burns in her heart, then we can safely say that our Tanya will be very happy. The meaning of the name also suggests another fate. If Tanya does not reciprocate her husband, then her marriage will break up shortly after registration. And nothing will save this union. The initiator of the divorce will be the woman herself. Although Tanya is very sinful and was not faithful in marriage, her husband does not want to leave and will do everything to save the relationship. But no, taking her property and children, Tanya will leave. The meaning of the name also suggests that this is a very independent woman. She knows how to earn money and easily finds a profitable job for herself. No, she can't build a career. But Tanyusha will live in abundance until old age. Rarely remarries. But she will always have a lot of fans.

Old age and loneliness

Old age creeps up unnoticed. Tanya, looking back, will look at her life differently. She realizes how many mistakes she's made. But do not return the past. She will be lonely in her old age.

Meaning and origin: Tatiana - "set, appointed" (Greek).

Energy and Karma: name Tatyana- emotional and solid. Say what you like, but there is a certain determination and self-confidence in him, and such qualities can hardly be called useless today.

As a child, Tanya is often a leader among her peers, and many boyish traits can be found in her character. It happens that it is difficult for parents to keep track of their mobile daughter, although it is difficult to call her especially naughty. It’s just that these are the costs of a living nature, and by devoting some time to Tanya’s upbringing, you can direct her energy into some safe, if not useful, channel.

  • Zodiac sign: Taurus.
  • The planet Mars.
  • Name colors: brown, red.
  • Name talisman stone Tatyana: heliodor, tiger's eye.

The meaning of the name Tatyana option 2

1. The personality of Tatiana. Emitting light.

2. Character. 97%.

3. Radiation. 99%.

4. Vibration. 100,000 vibrations/s

5. Color. Blue.

6. Main features. Will - intuition - activity - sexuality.

7. Tatyana's totem plant. Blueberry.

8. Totem animal. Lynx.

9. Sign. Scorpion.

10. Type. Just look into the eyes of a girl with a name Tatyana to understand what was the look of our foremother Eve: they have the passion of the first morning rays. Very impudent - real tomboys, they lie in wait for the victim, like their totem animal, the lynx. Growing up, they give the impression of people with some kind of secret knowledge, reading the book of life.

11. Psyche. Introverts, unaffected, have an incredible memory.

12. Will. Strong. Tatyana wants to have everything. And immediately! Believes only in himself.

13. Excitability. Strong, which, fortunately, is balanced by a titanic will.

14. Speed ​​of reaction. The type is hot and hot. These women resist everything, which often interferes with their lives. They are vengeful proud, conflict and scandalous. They do not listen to other people's advice, no matter how useful they may be.

15. Activity. At school they have many problems, they argue with teachers and especially conflict with teachers. Tatyana's dream is to become an artist, an artist; a singer; sculptor.

16. Intuition. Tatyana we are guided by clairvoyance. They anticipate, guess, envelop you with their charm. Men are very quickly convinced of this.

17. Intelligence. Too analytical. Their lynx eyes miss nothing. Thanks to prettiness and charm, not only relatives can win over to their side.

18. Susceptibility. Very picky. They only love what belongs to them. Tatyana- a queen in need of subjects.

19. Morality. Not too strict. It seems to them that they have the right to dispose of moral principles and change them at their discretion.

20. Health. Tatyana has fragile bones and a very "impressive" stomach. We do not advise you to neglect the diet and have dinner late. Accidents associated with vehicles are possible. In childhood, you need to watch your eyes.

21. Sexuality. Sex for them is all or nothing. Everything - when they love. Nothing - when they do not like.

22. Field of activity. Medicine, especially paramedicine. They can become experienced engineers. They know how to talk and make themselves listen.

23. Sociability. They host the guests they like, and put the rest out the door. It would be great if they chose a phlegmatic husband for themselves. By the way, they like to collect men indiscriminately.

Conclusion. It is almost impossible to draw any definite conclusion. Tatyana constantly starting everything from scratch, neither marriage nor the maturity that has come is an obstacle for them.

The meaning of the name Tatyana option 3

Name Tatyana comes from the Latin Tatius - the name of the Sabine king. According to another version, Tatyana- Ancient Greek origin: organizer, founder.

Since childhood, she has been distinguished by emotionality and at the same time the ability to stand up for herself, pragmatism and adherence to principles, however, her principles can change depending on her mood. In the circle of peers, he tries to be a leader. During her school years, she attends sports sections, a dance club, dancing is a weakness of many Tatyanas. Struggling with monotony.

adult Tatyana quite stubborn and domineering, knows what she wants, and does not like objections. She will always try to stand her ground. Will cope well with any work, especially if it happens in front of the immediate supervisor; being the boss herself, she has a habit of pulling subordinates, "putting" them in their place.

In public, she is artistic, self-centered, loves male society. At home, she is somewhat despotic, shouting at her family. In family life, she is often unhappy, as she seeks to lead her husband and at the same time wants a strong, courageous person next to her. Children are a little afraid of Tatyana: she is strict and quick-tempered, she can yell at them without much reason. She does not have very many girlfriends, sentimentality is alien to her, in relations with others, including her mother-in-law, a pragmatic approach dominates.

Tanya loves to dress fashionably, but, not possessing great imagination, she usually pays a lot of money for ready-made clothes. Lover of home canning, thrifty. In the family, he often initiates repairs, alterations, rearrangements of furniture.

With age, more tolerance appears in the character of these women, which has a positive effect on family relationships. He does not like to complain to his girlfriends "about life." Jealous, but stubbornly hides her jealousy. She cannot stand monotony, long trips, travel are her passion.

Among all Tatyan, the most calm - with a patronymic Mikhailovna, gifted and rather calm - Vladimirovna, very stubborn Tatyana- Nikolaevna.

Albert, Stanislav, Vyacheslav or Gennady Tatyana should prefer Mark, Oleg, Ivan, Anatoly, Valery or Sergey.

The meaning of the name Tatyana option 4

Tatyana- "lady" (Greek)

Nervous, unbalanced. With exaggerated self-esteem. Self-serving, can be insidious and evil. A strict performer of her plans.

Sometimes Tatyana seems to be a martyr of fate, but more often her relatives become martyrs. Life with her is not easy. The mood quickly changes from unbridled fun to deep depression, and then everyone around you needs to stay away from it. Continuously requires increased attention to herself, or she will take care of you herself. And that's much worse for everyone. By nature - an introvert. It gives the impression of a too self-confident person, and only an experienced eye can determine that she is only throwing dust in her eyes.

In difficult situations, Tanya prefers to run away to an open fight. Parents should strictly control the behavior of this girl. Nature endowed her with amazing intuition. Tanya is restless, mobile and fickle. Able to analyze circumstances, quickly grasp everything, smart, but often gets bogged down in trifles, misses serious things. Has a good memory, but remembers only what interests her. From childhood, she must be taught discipline.

Tatyana leads a hectic life. She tends to play with feelings, manipulate others. If he meets a worthy opponent, he becomes his real enemy. He loves the environment of men, but very often changes friends. Near him keeps those who listen to her and adore her. Defeats lead her to despair, but this quickly passes. She should only be a leader, and if this role is occupied, she will build intrigues with gossip and unsightly situations. Subtly feels morality, but more than once betrays his principles.

She often makes decisions too quickly. It's hard to get bored in her company. She is extremely charming.

In sex Tatyana tireless. She always lacks male attention, and in order to attract him to herself, she is ready for recklessness. Loves young men, changes them as often as possible, but not because of interest in sex. For her, self-assertion is more important. Men do not spoil her, and in order to feel like a woman, she resorts to various tricks. Among her friends, she creates the appearance that she is loved by everyone, but no one knows at what cost she is given this.

Health is generally strong, but often one's own negligence leads to accidents, due to a careless attitude towards oneself in adulthood, diseases of the nervous system may appear. Particular attention should be paid to the kidneys and gallbladder.

"Winter" Tatyana- mediocrity, but tries to seem smarter and better than everyone else.

"Autumn" - narcissistic, unreasonably self-confident. Can work as a salesman, supply manager, mediocre lawyer. The name is suitable for patronymics: Petrovna, Mikhailovna, Andreevna, Borisovna, Grigorievna, Viktorovna, Valentinovna, Savelievna.

"Summer" - eccentric, unbalanced, has frequent nervous breakdowns.

"Spring" - hysterical, unpredictable. He mostly works in the service industry. Name Tatyana suitable for patronymics: Sergeevna, Leonovna, Timurovna, Valerievna, Vsevolodovna.

The meaning of the name Tatyana option 5

Name Tatyana came from Greek roots. Sexually preoccupied, unbalanced, psychopathic natures. Contradictory.

Tatyana loves to seek truth and justice. She is slow, measured, thoughtful, all the time hoping for better times: the search for a just ideal.

In a state of intoxication, they are uncontrollable: they can strip naked, jump, jump, and swear. Despite this - kind, open, Tatyana often artistic.

The meaning of the name Tatyana option 6

Tatyana- from Greek. organizer, from the Latin name of the Sabine king "Tatius"; old Tatiana.

Derivatives: Tatyanka, Tanya, Tanyukha, Tanyusha, Tanyura, Tanyusya, Tanyuta, Tata, Tatulya, Tatunya, Tatusya, Tusya, Tasha.

Proverbs, sayings, folk signs. Okhnula Tatyana drunk her husband drunk.

On Tatyana's day the sun will peep through - to the early arrival of birds; and if it snows, it will often rain in the summer.

On Tatyana - the birthday of the State University. MV Lomonosov, the traditional holiday of students.


This is a very emotional artistic personality with a huge supply of charm. But at the same time Tatyana stubborn, domineering, does not tolerate objections, sometimes despotic. Business acumen is amazing, the mind is sharp, he knows how to achieve his goal.

Tanya is very subjective, self-centered, focusing on herself does not allow her to be insightful, even though she considers herself to be such. Tatyana very jealous. Her passion is travel. Not everyone can see the rich properties of her nature, and therefore it is difficult for Tatyana to realize herself.

The meaning of the name Tatyana option 7

Tatyana- establishing (Greek).

  • Zodiac sign - Capricorn.
  • The planet Mars.
  • Tatyana's color is crimson.
  • Auspicious tree - elm.
  • The treasured plant is clover.
  • The patron of the name is a gopher.
  • Talisman stone - ruby.


Tatyana stubborn, domineering, purposeful, does not tolerate objection, sometimes despotic. This is a very emotional, artistic person with a huge supply of charm. Egocentric, not sentimental, absolutely not insightful, although she considers herself to be such. Very subjective. The business acumen is amazing, the mind is sharp, the potency of the individual is colossal, however, due to the nature of her character, she is not always used.

Tatyana very jealous. Her passion is travel.

The meaning of the name Tatyana option 8

Name interpretation Tatyana- very energetic, emotional person. It is principled, although its principles often change depending on the mood. Stubborn and domineering. She prefers to be friends with men, in their society she becomes softer and more feminine.

Does not tolerate boredom and monotony. Even the furniture in Tatyana's house does not freeze in immobility - Tatyana she is constantly moving. She is talented and artistic. Without a doubt, her life is full of rich feelings and passions. She is selfish, does not take into account anything, especially when it comes to men, is able, even without any remorse, to have an affair with her best friend's fiancé.

Friendship with women means little to her, in her Tatyana seeks only profit for himself. He maintains friendly relations with men, but rather out of vanity and for the purpose of self-affirmation, than from an excess of sincere feelings for them. But often men avoid Tatyana, try not to associate themselves with close relationships with her, and she is acutely worried from a young age. She carries this complex almost throughout her life. Therefore, many of her actions are difficult to explain. He comes up with a lot of incredible stories about his love affairs, draws scenes of passionate love in his imagination and, on occasion, tries to realize his illusions.

Some men are frightened by this, while others are amused, few people take it seriously. Even with a family Tatyana does not stop, already in adulthood she can indulge in all serious.

The meaning of the name Tatyana option 9

Name Tatyana according to one version, it is of ancient Greek origin and means "organizer, founder."

Emotional child, able to stand up for himself, practical and principled. Among peers, he tries to be a leader. Having matured, she becomes stubborn and domineering, she clearly understands what she needs in life, and does not tolerate objections. Capable of doing any job.

In the numerology of the name Tatyana corresponds to the number eight.

The meaning of the name Tatyana is “founder”, “mistress”. This transcript is of ancient Greek origin. Another variation of the origin of the name Tatyana is from the male Tatian (the name of the king of Sabine from Ancient Rome). The owner of the name celebrates the day of the angel on January 25 on the day of the holy martyr Tatyana.

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Diminutive variations and forms of the name Tatiana: Tanya, Tanya, Tanya, Tanya, Tanyusichka, Tata, Tatka, Tatya, Tatyusya, Tanchik.

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      Little girl

      The nature of a child born at different times of the year:

      • Summer - cheerful, restless and sociable. The girl has many friends, she is inquisitive and active, takes the initiative and tries to be the first in everything.
      • Autumn - generous and good-natured. Autumn Tatyana is absolutely devoid of envy and anger, knows how to enjoy little things, is smart beyond her years, and develops faster than her peers.
      • Spring - cheerful, naive and stubborn, loves fairy tales and dreams for hours, has a rich imagination and artistic talents. Tanya loves to dance, participates in all school performances, draws beautifully and sings well.
      • Winter - the girl grows up as a responsible and sensitive child, she helps her parents, is complaisant and executive, loves animals and will never offend her younger brothers.
      • Tanya grows up as a principled and fair child, she actively explores the world, it is impossible to keep her, she violates parental prohibitions and always defends her own point of view, does not know how to admit mistakes and does not accept critical remarks in her direction.

        The girl is interested in literature, music and sports fields, she develops diversified, but does not always bring what she started to its logical end. She is a good student at school, she likes both the humanities and the exact sciences, often becomes a head girl and an activist in the class. She can be both a diligent student and a hooligan person, it all depends on the parental upbringing and environment of the girl.

        How to determine if a guy suits a girl - name compatibility in love and marriage

        young girl

        Having matured a little, the young lady becomes stubborn and wayward. She is not objective towards others, because she considers herself the best, her opinion should be listened to, she wants to be authoritative and powerful. Tanya loves to break men's hearts, she dresses beautifully and stylishly and tries her best to stand out from her friends.

        She is proud and disciplined, knows how to rationally allocate her time, diligently studies at the institute and does not miss lectures, carefully prepares for exams. Tanya loves in her free time not only to read and engage in self-development, but also to attend student parties, where she is always surrounded by attractive guys. The young lady does not seek long-term and serious relationships, she likes love adventures and passions.

        The influence of the name on fate

        The secret of the name lies in the vital energy and greatness of Tatyana, her wisdom and fortitude.

        Characteristics of the owner of the name Tatyana.

        temperament typesanguine
        Key qualitiesActivity, communication skills, purposefulness
        Strong character traitsResponsibility, justice, good nature, perseverance, diligence, discipline, perseverance
        Negative sidesStubbornness, despotism, selfishness
        PsycheTatyana loves to be admired and respected, she is a good storyteller, but she cannot always listen carefully to her interlocutor, often interrupts and does not compromise
        Intuitive abilitiesAlthough Tatyana has developed intuition, the woman is used to rational thinking, she is not inclined to trust her inner feelings and looks for common sense in everything
        Mental capacityAnalytical mindset, high concentration and excellent memory. Tatyana can think logically, easily finds a way out of difficult situations and makes rational decisions
        SexSeductress and real seductress, enjoys experimenting in bed, uninhibited and passionate, can be aggressive and tough, likes to dominate in intimate relationships
        ProfessionsScientist, physician, lawyer, actress, singer, designer, photographer, journalist, social worker, writer, artist, financier
        HobbiesTravel, literature, cinema, theatre, music, needlework, fashion, design, science
        HealthThere are nervous breakdowns, there are problems with the digestive system. Tatyana has vulnerable immunity and poor eyesight
        MoralTatyana has a heightened sense of duty, she cares about her loved ones, but sometimes she can neglect moral principles in her own interests.
        BusinessA woman will become a successful business woman because she has high ambitions, business acumen, leadership qualities and wisdom. She is able to competently manage money and manage a large company.
        friendshipThe owner of this name has few friends, but those who are close to her are real and devoted. Tatyana values ​​her loved ones and will never leave them to their fate.

        Love and family relationships

        A man who suits Tatyana must be courageous, strong morally and physically, wealthy and intelligent.

        Tatyana is the owner, she will constantly monitor and check her husband, so it is important not to give her an extra reason for jealousy and all the time to demonstrate passionate feelings towards her wife: give gifts, arrange pleasant surprises. However, it’s not worth indulging a woman in everything, because Tatyana’s interest in such a man will not last long.

        A woman will surround her chosen one with warmth, care and love. Tatyana will make a good mother, a thrifty housewife and a devoted wife. She will become the best friend for her children, she will always support and give wise advice.

        Tatyana will never complain about life to her friends, she has ideal family relationships, harmony and material well-being. It is impossible to get bored with this woman, she tries to diversify her leisure time and comes up with interesting entertainment for her household.


        Tatyana is not ready to devote herself completely to domestic life, even if her lover provides financial stability. A woman will still work, she needs general recognition and implementation in professional activities.

        The owner of this name will feel comfortable in the creative field. Tatyana should have freedom of action and a flight for fantasy, she does not accept limits and job restrictions.

        Tatyana is suitable for social and scientific activities, professions related to finance and programming. A woman is a valuable worker and a wise leader, she copes with difficult tasks with high quality and finds non-standard solutions in any situation.

        What suits Tatyana?

        Talismans and symbols for the name Tatyana.


        Maximum compatibility in love and marriage with male names: Oleg, Taras, Valery, Igor, Ivan, Vladimir, Evgeny, Nikolai, Anatoly, Sergey and Artem.

        Possible relationships with Roman, Vitaly, Arkady, Tigran, Yuri and Nikita.

        Difficult relationships with male names: Stanislav, Vyacheslav, Gennady, Alexander.


        Psychological portrait and fate of Tatyana, who was born under different astrological signs.

        SagittariusA smart, rational and purposeful woman, behaves with others with dignity and aristocratic. She knows her worth, values ​​her close people, she is respected in her professional activities, Tatyana's opinion is considered, she is powerful and authoritative, strong in spirit and almost always achieves stunning success in her career
        CapricornShe is balanced and calm, knows how to make a good impression and easily finds a common language with any person. She is charming and energetic, but can sometimes succumb to laziness and melancholy. Tatyana is simple, open and responsive, she will always help her friend out, but she herself will never ask for help, she is used to relying only on herself. Tatyana will become a devoted wife and a good housewife
        AquariusInsightful and good-natured nature. She never envies anyone, is not capable of causing harm to others. Tanya is not interested in material wealth, she appreciates the spiritual qualities in people and seeks to benefit society by choosing the low-paid, but worthy profession of a teacher or doctor
        FishesSociable and cheerful, does not tolerate criticism and remarks from outsiders. She is fragile and naive, believes in true love and miracles, tends to idealize those around her. Tatyana-Pisces lives in her fictional world and does not want to perceive the harsh reality
        AriesAmbitious, very demanding and energetic woman. She is temperamental, emotional, she has many admirers. Tatyana makes grandiose plans, but does not always bring what she has started to the end, she is self-confident and stubborn, it is difficult for relatives to find an approach to Tatyana-Aries, therefore conflicts often occur in a woman's family and at work
        TaurusPatient, dedicated and reliable. Tatyana-Taurus has conservative life views, she is used to a stable and calm life, she never takes risks and does not commit impulsive acts. A woman is diligent and persistent, therefore she achieves high results in her career.
        TwinsA secretive, silent and gloomy person, she prefers loneliness, pondering the meaning of life for a long time, loves to philosophize, is fond of psychology. The manifestation of initiative for Tatyana-Gemini is not typical, she avoids responsibility, does not like to stand out in the crowd
        CancerCharming, very vulnerable and sensual nature. A woman is touchy and vindictive, is very popular with men, has many secret admirers, but will marry only for great love, material wealth is not important for her, spiritual qualities prevail
        a lionPersistent, imposing, used to being a winner in life, does not deviate from her goals, regardless of obstacles. She knows how to manipulate people and competently manages her subordinates, is authoritative, does not forgive weaknesses. Next to Tatyana-Lev there should be an imperious and successful man who can tame an obstinate woman
        VirgoShe is sociable and inquisitive, is fond of everything and a little, wants to always be in the spotlight, so she does eccentric things. She is a bright and extraordinary personality, does not like dullness and routine, chooses a creative field of activity, where Tatyana's nature and her many talents can be revealed.
        scalesSensitive, talented and modest, she is not used to defending her opinion, even if she is sure that she is right. She is diligent and responsible, but does not show initiative at work, which is why she rarely achieves success in her career. Tatyana does not have high ambitions, she is malleable and compliant, her softness is often used by others.
        ScorpionStubborn, principled and funny. A woman is spontaneous and active, often becomes the soul of the company. Tatyana-Scorpio is disinterested, does not tolerate mercantile and hypocritical people and will never allow herself to be manipulated. She loves noisy events and friendly meetings, leads a healthy lifestyle, is fond of extreme sports.

According to the most common version, the name is of ancient Greek origin and means "founder". Tatyana's character is characterized by such traits as perseverance, perseverance, pride, and the ability to stand up for herself. This whole, independent, strong personality, which, in addition, is quite emotional and sentimental. Tatyana falls in love quite often, it seems to her that each of her new hobbies is forever. It is not difficult for Tatyana to confess her feelings, because she is brave and self-confident. Even the lack of reciprocity cannot offend her much. She can offer friendship to her lover and rejoice that she can simply communicate with him. Tatyana is an open person, she does not like to hide or keep something back. But it also happens that others begin to consider her too harsh, and she tries to express her thoughts less straightforwardly.

A strong character and willpower often allow Tatyana to achieve brilliant success in life, provide for herself independently and be financially independent. She is able to do several things at the same time, perfectly coping with them and helping others at the same time. Often Tatyana's colleagues are a little jealous of her, but this is white envy, because she is not at all arrogant, on the contrary, she is always ready to help.

Friends are incredibly important for Tatyana, they are like a second family for her. She loves to be in their company, to invite them to her home. Tatyana is an excellent cook, she knows how to make each of her guests feel comfortable, even if he came to her for the first time. She is able to captivate with an interesting conversation, cheer up, because she has a great sense of humor.

Tatyana needs the help of loved ones if she has any trouble. She needs support, participation, a heart-to-heart talk. Tatyana herself is ready to forget about everything in the world if her loved one is in trouble. Tatyana's responsiveness and sincerity disposes to her even those people who at first do not like her temper and straightforwardness. Tatyana knows how to listen without interrupting, although her advice is often too intrusive. It is important for her that her opinion is listened to, because she almost never doubts her own rightness. Tatyana may lack tact, but you can’t refuse her kindness, sincerity and desire to help her. That is why she has so many friends, girlfriends and acquaintances.

Diminutive forms of the name Tatyana

Tanya, Tanechka, Tanyusha, Tanya, Tata, Tatochka, Tatka, Tasha, Tashenka, Tatyanka, Tanyuta, Tatusya, Tusya.


Straightforward, quick-tempered, sometimes aggressive. Sometimes he behaves too sharply, by all means trying to defend his opinion. Has a penchant for business, which she is not without interest.


Stubborn and wayward, she does not like to be given advice, even if they come from a loved one. He likes parties and fun, often goes to clubs and discos.


Friendly, cheerful, the soul of the company. It has an easy character, goodwill, but often behaves too trustingly and naively.


Infantile, dependent, but tries to hide it. Often suffers from her shyness and indecision, which prevent her from achieving success. Needs constant support and approval.

a lion

Egocentric, narcissistic, prone to dominance over others. She pays a lot of attention to her appearance, which for her is a real weapon. Many consider her a selfish and prudent person.


Erudite, smart, versatile. She loves traveling, especially to unusual places where you can get a lot of new experiences. Prefers clubs and parties in the evening in the company of close friends or alone with a good book.


Sincere, kind, compassionate. Sometimes he cannot distinguish a good person from a bad one, which leads to disappointment. She needs to be less naive.


A person with a complex character, which is not at all easy to understand. She can be aggressive, capricious, wanting to improve, but not understanding how to do it. He thinks he's always right, even though he's not.


Responsive, kind, always ready to help. Able to listen and empathize, if necessary, give useful advice. She cannot stand loneliness, friends and communication with them are vital to her.


Honest, open, a little harsh, not recognizing lies and betrayal. Hardworking, able to work day and night, achieving her goals only on her own.


Diplomatic, mastering the art of communication. He knows how to present himself, to find an approach to this or that person. He is a good psychologist who can help anyone.


A dreamy person, often hovers in the clouds and does not want to go down to earth. Sometimes she forgets that she lives in the real world, she needs a more practical friend who would help her and guide her.
