Abstract of a lesson on teaching literacy to children of a group preparatory to school. Methodical piggy bank

Alena Bolokhontseva
Abstract of a lesson on teaching literacy in the preparatory group "Sound and letter E"

Organizing time:

1. Our hero of the day smells of paints

Thousand house painted. painter

2. Pike, perch, perch,

Our catch has arrived. fisherman

3. No vest without stripes,

who is in a vest, that one. sailor

4. Furniture, bread and cucumbers,

Sell. sellers.

5. Guitar strings, patience, talent

Plus inspiration is the same. musician

6. The king today, tomorrow the thief,

All roles played. actor

7. With a book who is in hand is a writer

Who writes books? writer

8. Insidious fire will win

The one who is called. fireman

9. TV spare parts

Will pick us. telemaster

10. A choir is heard in the field of combines

The grain ship leads. combine operator

Main part:

Pantomime "Walking with the forest". Children depict walking on tall grass, windbreak and bumps.

We went far into the forest and got lost. (Express the state of people lost in the forest.)

We got lost in the forest. (sad) Echo! Echo!

Everyone screamed "Ay!" (loud) Here's the fun.

Nobody responds. (sadly) It echoes every time

Only an echo resonates. Mimics us.

Our echo returns to us quietly “Ay! Ay! E. Blaginina

We found a path, we return home.

What is the first sound did you hear in the word ECHO?

Today we will listen and pronounce words from sound E, get acquainted with letter E.

Pronunciation sound in words.

Children, now we will go on a tour with you. What is an excursion?

Children's answers. In case of difficulty - an explanation of the teacher.

You will be the tour guide and I will be the tour guide. What are similar words called? (Related words.)

Formation of relative adjectives.

We go outside. What houses did you see on the street? (One-story, two-story, ... multi-story)– Complement suggestions: The house has a lot ... (floors). We climbed the fifth (floor). Went down from the fifth (floors).

Then we will take the subway. What is the name of the staircase that brings people down and up to the underground metro station? (escalator). Trains that carry people from one station to another are called (trains). Why are these trains called that? (They are powered by electricity). What other modes of transport are powered by electricity? (Tram, trolleybus).Let's think and name words related to the word electricity (electric train, electric locomotive, electric train, electrician)

Selection sound from a poem

Electricity in houses.

Lights are on the floors.

We need to save light.

Do you remember or not?

Name words from sound E. How do you understand the word save?

Next, we will go to a store that sells electrical appliances. Show pictures, children called: (iron - electrical appliance, etc.) Why are they called electrical appliances? Can children use electrical appliances? Why?

Let's continue the tour. Again we will go by train or, in other words, by electric train, only not underground, but on the ground. We are greeted by the person who drives the electric train, what is it called? (Driver). Whether there is a sound e in the word machinist? His name starts with sound E - Edward. He asks where we went.

(We went on a tour) The train brought us out of town so that we could see how such a huge, powerful machine works. (Excavator). What does an excavator do? What is the name of the person who operates the excavator? (Excavator operator).

Children came to us telegram from the north of Chukotka. We are invited to see the North by the northern inhabitants of the Eskimos. Repeat this word. We will bring them a popsicle as a gift. What is it? (Ice cream - delicious, sweet, cold). We'll fly north in an Airbus. (Airbus is a huge plane. There are a lot of passengers on board).

Physical education minute:

You're tired? Let's get some rest!

jump, jump

Jump, shut up (shhh,

Sit quietly, lie down.

Get up, straighten up

Stretch and bend.

Rested your body

Continuing our work!

game exercise "Say a word"

1. Long distance

He rushes without delay

It is written from the end with two C

It is called. express

2. To distant villages, cities

Who is on the wire?

bright majesty

This is. electricity

3. On a splinter, in a piece of paper

in a chocolate shirt

It asks for itself in the hands,

What is this?

4. Ukukalo, agakalo,

Shouted and cried.

And burst into laughter

It is called. echo

Visual gymnastics

Once - to the left,

Two to the right

Three - up

Four - down

And now we look around

To see the world better. (Children do exercises with their eyes).

Acquaintance with letter E

caregiver: Sound E on the letter is indicated letter E

With an open mouth

And with a big tongue

2. Over the meadows in the blue

flies by letter E

3. The letter E on C wonders

As if looking in a mirror

There is a resemblance for sure

Only there is no language.

caregiver: And now the guys will try to write the letter E(I distribute cards with letter E)

Finger gymnastics.

One thumb up

Index - behind him,

The middle one wakes up nameless,

He raised his little finger.

All got up - "Hooray!", "Hooray!"

It's time for them to go to work.

Final part:

Guys, with what new sound did we meet today?

Which one sound?

Russian words for the letter E

few in our vocabulary:

hey, and eh, and this one.

And the equator, relay race,

electricity, screen

came to us from distant lands.

But our language is used to them,

our language has become richer.

Related publications:

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Recall pictures in the name of which there are sounds G, K.

2. Development of general, fine and articulatory motor skills. Work on the development of breathing and voice.

1. General relaxation. "Fish".

  1. Development of general motor skills.
  1. The development of fine motor skills. "Shark".
  1. Facial massage.

According to general rules.

  1. The development of facial muscles:

Furrow your brows;


Pull your cheeks into your mouth.

6. Development of articulatory motility. An exercise:

For the jaw: a sharp tilting of the jaw down:

The tongue got angry

He clenched his fist tightly.

He ran hard

The door opened and went out!

For lips: lips - "artists" (silently pronounce the sounds a-o-e-i-y - s).

For the tongue: “tongue with a spatula”, “needle”, “hump”, “cup”; perform actions on text

Look to the right

Look to the left

Look down the path for puddles.

Didn't find anything, came home.

- Divers. Children "turn" into "divers". Speech therapist “Now we will go down under the water. Inhale through the nose (“dived”), exhale through the mouth (“surfaced”) - 2 times.

8. Exercise for the development of pronunciation and literacy.

1. Announcement of the topic.

Today we will get acquainted with the sound of E.

2. Acoustic - articulatory image of sound.

Isolated pronunciation of the sound E - in chorus, individually, with the connection of oral, tactile - vibration and acoustic control.

Sound characteristic.

The sound E is a vowel (air comes out freely through the mouth, without encountering obstacles), is indicated in red.

3. Development of phonemic hearing.

Raise the red flag when you hear the sound E.

4. Connection of sound and letter.

This is E

With an open mouth

And with a big tongue.

Finding the letter E in the split alphabet.

  1. Automation of sound in syllables.

Sound analysis and synthesis of syllables such as EK, KE.

Compiling them from the letters of the split alphabet, printing in notebooks.

  1. Automation of sound in syllables, words, sentences and texts.

A) - Pick up the names of children that begin with the sound E.

(Edik, Emma, ​​Elya.)

b) Name the pictures on the board. The division into syllables of words of a complex syllabic structure (Escalator, squadron, excavator, squadron, electricity). Recording a graphic scheme.

C) Sound analysis of the word Edik, the compilation of this word from the letters of the split alphabet.

D) Compiling a sentence with the word Edik according to the proposed scheme:

__________ __________ _________ .

Edik sees the popsicle.

E) Compilation of this sentence from the letters of the split alphabet.

Identification of words with the sound E from the poem.

Electricity in houses

The light is on the floors

We need to save light.

Do you remember or not?

  1. Fizkultminutka. Game Forbidden Movement.
  2. Exercise for the development of the lexico-grammatical side of speech.

Looking at a picture of a fish. The name of the body parts of the fish: head, gills, torso, tail, fins. The speech therapist tells the children that the body of most fish is covered with scales and that fish live in water.

The game "Name: whose fin, whose tail, whose head, whose body" (the formation of possessive adjectives).

Pike: Shark:

Head - pike head - shark

Tail - pike tail - shark

Torso - pike fin - shark

Fin - pike body - shark

  1. The result of the lesson and evaluation of children's activities.

What sound are we talking about today?

Describe this sound. Where do fish live?

What is their body covered with?



Correctional and educational:

Acquaintance with the sound and letter E;

Isolation of sound [E] from a number of vowel sounds and the beginning of a word;

Analysis of a number of EUA type vowels;

Reading a series of vowels;

Plural formation of nouns.


Correct pronunciation of the sound [E] in words and sentences;

Expansion of vocabulary on the topic "Autumn";

The use of words with diminutive suffixes;

Development of memory, attention, logical thinking, fine motor skills;

Correctional and educational:

Raise the desire to actively participate in the educational process.

Equipment: subject pictures, painting "Autumn in the Forest", material for analysis, board, markers, letters.

GCD progress

1.Org. moment

The one who calls the word that begins with the sound [I] (A, U) will sit down

2. Repetition

What is sound?

What sounds do we know?

What are these sounds? Why?

e / game "What sound do I want to say?" (silent articulation)

How did you guess?

How many sounds did I say? (AI, IAU) - analysis

3. Acquaintance with the sound [E]

Now I will open my mouth wide, put my wide tongue behind my lower teeth and say E-E-E.

What sound did I say?

Say this sound in unison, one at a time.

What do you think the sound [E] is? Why?

This sound is in the words:

Emma Echo Electric Excavator Tour

Ella It's Electricity Escalator Tour Guide

Edik Screen Whatnot Squadron Floors

D / game "Echo"

The 1st row says [E] loudly, the 2nd - quietly.

D / game "Clap your hands when you hear the sound [E]"


D / game "Find and name"

Children are given the task to find among the surrounding objects for a given sound ([U]: iron, duck, corner; [E]: bookcase, screen, electricity, print; [I]: toys, games, tools; [A]: lampshade, orange , car, alphabet.

4. Conversation on the painting "Autumn". Formation of nouns. numbers.

Tree-trees, trunk-trunks, stump-stumps, squirrels-squirrels, leaf-leaves, grass-herbs, mushroom-mushrooms, lair-dens, bird-birds, hare-hares, hedgehogs ...

b) choose action words:

wind: blowing, swinging, circling, howling ...

trees: grow, sway, turn yellow ...

leaves: turn yellow, crumble, spin, rustle ...

c) d / game "Call me affectionately"

wind-breeze, tree-tree, leaf-leaf, squirrel-squirrel, grass-grass ...

5. Connected speech. Retelling of the story "Autumn in the Forest"

After a hot summer, autumn has come. It got colder. Birds fly to warmer climes. It often rains. The ground is covered with colorful leaves. Squirrels, hedgehogs and mice store their food for the winter. The bear is looking for a place for a den.. The hare is changing his fur coat. People gather mushrooms and berries in the forest. This time of year is called sad.

6. Letter E.

This is E

With an open mouth

And with a big tongue.

7. reading AUE, EIU, UIA, UEA ...


What sound did you learn?

What is this sound?

Name words for this sound.

Name names for this sound (Ella, Edik, Emma)

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

Presentations "Sound and letter E, Yu, Z"

Presentations are intended for work by educators and speech therapists of preschool educational institutions with children of senior preschool age in teaching literacy ....

abstract of a speech therapy lesson sound and letter E. in the preparatory group.

The development of speech breathing, fine motor skills. massage of the face, facial muscles, articulatory motility, phonemic hearing. Exercise to develop pronunciation and literacy....

Correction-developing tasks.

To teach a child to single out a word from a series that differs from the rest in syllabic structure.

Learn to distinguish between animate and inanimate objects, learn to ask appropriate questions: who is it? what is this?

Teach the child to clearly pronounce the sound [E].

Exercise the child in pronouncing words of a complex syllabic structure.

To teach a child to reflect interrogative and narrative intonations in writing using a dot and a question mark.

Exercise 1. An adult pronounces a series of layers, and the child listens carefully and names a word that differs from the others in its syllabic structure:

poppy - buck - so - banana; catfish - com - turkey - house; lemon - wagon - cat - bud; poppy - cancer - broom - tank.

Task 2. Acquaintance with the sound [E]. Guess the riddle, name the first sound in the riddle:

Lives without a body

Speaks without language.

Nobody sees him

And everyone hears. (Echo)

An adult shows in front of a mirror and explains to the child the articulation of the sound [E]:

Lips in a smile;

The teeth are close;

The wide tip of the tongue touches the lower teeth, the back of the tongue is raised;

The neck "works".

Sound symbol [E]: the girl reproachfully says to the kitten: "Eee..."

Characteristic sound [E]: the sound [E] is a vowel, it can be sung (tongue, lips and teeth do not interfere with the free passage of air). Designation: red circle.

Task 3. phonetic exercise.

What do fishermen say when a fish is off the hook? "Uh...h!"

Task 4. Didactic exercise "Clap your hands if you hear the sound [E)":

uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh...; eh, ah, uh, eh...; Emma, ​​Anna, Edik, echo, Olya.

Task 5. Repeat a series of syllables for an adult:

pte-kte-bde-where; kte-bde-where-pte.

Task 6. Find an extra word in a row (by the presence or absence of sound [E]):

bus, echo, orange, watermelon; this, echo, Edik, antennae.

Task 7. Remember the names of people starting with the sound [E] (Ella, Edik, Edward, Eleanor, Emma).

Task 8. From a number of drawn objects, select those in the name of which there is a sound [E].

Task 9. Speak words that are complex in syllabic structure with the child in syllables, explaining to him the meaning of these words. Divide words into syllables. Find the longest and shortest word. If possible, make a sentence with each word:

tightrope walker, squadron, electric welder, electric locomotive, electric iron, tour guide, electrician, crew, electrical appliance, eucalyptus, elevator.

Task 10. Explain to the child that all animate objects answer the question: who is it?, and inanimate objects - to the question: what is this? Learn to ask questions to animate and inanimate objects.

Continue row:

Who is it? It's a girl, a cat, a dog...

What is it? It's a car, a table, a jacket...

Didactic game "The fourth extra" (on the basis of animation or inanimate objects):

car, plane, table, Grandpa; crow, nightingale, chair, cow.

Task 11. Introduction to the letter E.

The letter E opened its mouth:

Either he yawns, or he sings.

O. Hoffman

What else does the letter E look like?

The letter E from the fingers: the thumb and forefinger of the right hand form a semicircle, and the index finger of the left hand forms the “tongue” of the letter E.

Letter games.

Task 12. Independent sound-syllabic analysis of the word Edik: drawing up a diagram from circles; laying out of the letters of the split alphabet, reading, cheating.

Reading sentences with interrogative and declarative intonation. Recording sentences under dictation with the help of an adult, reflecting interrogative and narrative intonation in writing (use of a period and a question mark).

Who is this? It's a cat. Who is this? This is Edik. Who is it here? This is a fly.
