When will the programs with Solovyov begin. Program evening with Vladimir Solovyov (video) latest release

US President Donald Trump said on Monday that he would make a decision on the United States' response to reports of a chemical attack in Syria in the next day or two.
Earlier, the West accused Damascus of an alleged chemical attack on the Syrian city of Douma. Moscow has denied reports of a chlorine bomb allegedly dropped by the Syrian military. The Russian Foreign Ministry said that the purpose of the stuffing about the use of poisonous substances by the Syrian troops is to shield the terrorists and justify possible forceful strikes from outside.

In a meeting with members of his administration, Trump denounced the chemical attack, saying "it was horrendous."

"We will make a decision in the next 24-48 hours," the president said, adding that such a decision might be made "by the end of the day." Asked if he ruled out military action, the US president said, "Nothing is out of the question."

"If it's the Russians, if it's Syria, if it's Iran, if it's all of them together, we'll find out," Trump added. According to him, "he has few doubts (as to who is responsible for the chemical attack - ed.), but it is up to the generals to find out."

Presidential Pool journalists asked Trump if he held Russian President Vladimir Putin responsible for what happened. To this, the US leader replied: “Yes, he can (he is responsible). And if it's him (responsible), it will be very, very tough," Trump threatened.

Evening with Vladimir Solovyov 04/09/2018

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The popular show is based on the discussion of the most pressing problems of our country in the field of foreign and domestic policy, the development of society. Famous figures from various fields are invited to each program in order to thoroughly, from several angles, consider the proposed topic. The facilitator sets the direction, not only observes what is happening, but also takes an active part in the discussion. The opinions of the participants do not always coincide, which leads to tense situations: experts from different fields ask each other direct questions, often sharp and uncompromising.
Discussion allows the viewer to consider an exciting topic from different points of view, to understand the issue of interest in more detail. The discussion is complemented by live broadcasts from anywhere in the world, the events in which the invited guests discuss. Their task is to give weighty arguments, new facts and find an explanation for the political, economic and social problems of modern society.

Evening with Vladimir Solovyov last issue today 2018 watch online

How Russia's most popular political talk show is filmed [video]

Photo: Evgenia GUSEVA

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There is only half an hour before the live broadcast, and in the shooting pavilion not far from the Belorusskaya metro station there is nothing like hustle and bustle. The cleaning lady silently polishes the floor in the semi-darkness of the studio, at the remote control with many buttons a young man chews a pie thoughtfully. And where are the scurrying assistants, dropping piles of papers? Where is the brave director, thanks to which everything will turn out as it should, but at the very last second? And why doesn't it smell like valerian?

Live broadcast is, of course, always exciting, - assures executive producer Alexander Rybin, who became Virgil for the TV program magazine in the backstage of Sunday Evening with Vladimir Solovyov. - It's just not always noticeable.

Boring Politics

The popularity of Vladimir Solovyov's talk show on the Russia 1 channel is somewhat paradoxical. The program goes on late in the evening on Sunday (and also on Thursdays, only then the word “Sunday” disappears from the name), they talk about politics, and not about pop stars. And people look with all their eyes, for nothing that in the morning they go to work. It turns out that in vain it is believed that our viewers give something simpler.

About 60 people work on the talk show. And none of them, from the manager to the illuminator, on the day of the broadcast will tell you for sure what Solovyov will talk about in the evening. Because it is always the hottest topic in the country. And the agenda, as you know, sometimes changes very rapidly.

Everything can change at the last moment, - says Alexander Rybin. - It used to be that we prepared a new topic just two hours before the broadcast.

A new topic means that you urgently need to find and persuade guests who can competently argue on specific issues to come to the studio. Work out the general concept, decide how and what the presenter will talk about. In general, you definitely won’t last in this team without strong nerves.

But on the day of our visit, there was no force majeure. Fifteen minutes before the broadcast, the lights are turned on in the studio. The podium of the presenter and the stands for speakers are immediately occupied by unknown men of a calm look, who freeze in place like mannequins. These are extras - according to their faces, operators and illuminators set up lights and cameras. And the cameras, by the way, something is not visible.

In our frame, as you remember, they show the whole studio as a whole - a circular panorama, - explains the general producer of the program Margo Krzhizhevskaya. - Therefore, the cameras are hidden in certain places behind the plexiglass - otherwise they would spoil the picture. And so they are invisible to the viewer.

They say that when the studio was made in accordance with the designer's project, it turned out that it was impossible to put the elements together. The studio turned out to be little more than a shooting pavilion - the designer, in a fit of inspiration, accidentally expanded the 3D computer model by moving the mouse. I had to saw off the unnecessary on the spot. And nothing, everything worked out as it should.

How to get on set

In the meantime, a line has formed at the wardrobe: the audience has arrived, who are about to take their places on the podium in the studio.

Recently I’m leaving the entrance, - a woman in a strict black suit and with a coat at the ready says quietly to another lady. - And I meet a neighbor, can you imagine?

The lady nods, but does not seem to understand what is so amazing about the neighbor.

And he asks: “Where could I see you recently?” And then I remembered: “Ah, on TV!”

There are no casual viewers in the studio. First of all, the public editor gives preference to those who are interested in politics. Many come not for the first time, students run in - future political scientists. In general, if necessary, these viewers can support the discussion on the topic at the proper level, and not just applaud on command, as in some other programs. Nevertheless, everyone has a chance to become a spectator: just fill out a form on the website vsoloviev.ru/contacts.

Before the broadcast - a few minutes. Guests enter the studio: State Duma deputies Sergei Mironov and Gennady Zyuganov, State Duma Vice Speaker Alexander Zhukov ... Vladimir Zhirinovsky, who over the years has become the talisman of Solovyov's programs, of course, also came. They are surrounded by make-up artists - a little powder will not hurt even men, so that the faces in the frame do not shine. Technicians attach two microphones to each - if one suddenly fails, the other will work. Vladimir Solovyov appears, makes a couple of jokes, everyone smiles. Still no tension in the air. Well, not strangers because people have been here dozens of times already.

Finally, the director commands: "Motor!"

The "control center" of the program is the control room, located on the floor above: sitting in front of a dozen monitors, the director, the program manager, the title editor and other specialists are watching what is happening.

"We don't have a red button"

Vladimir Solovyov has an earpiece in his ear, invisible to the audience. He is an experienced leader, he hardly needs third-party help. Communication with him is necessary for the director and program manager in case something happens during the broadcast in the country and the world that could affect the course of the talk show. A special person all the time while the broadcast is on, continuously scans the news feeds: if something objectively interesting on the topic of the release comes across, Vladimir Solovyov will know about it immediately.

As a rule, eight speakers are in the studio at the same time. But during the entire program, there are many more of them. The guests change during commercial breaks: some people are seen off, others are invited, the glass of water is changed, microphones are fixed. And all this in a couple of minutes.

And yet why is the program so popular? Here the guests never fought. Even Zhirinovsky keeps himself within the bounds of exceptional political correctness.

Because the program is hosted by Vladimir Solovyov, - says the general producer Margo Krzhizhevskaya. - He is by far the best presenter of political programs. "Evening..." - the program is not scandalous, not abusive, it is information and discussion. Guests are always given the floor here, the host does not put pressure on them. Of course, there are such "showmen" as Vladimir Zhirinovsky, who speak figuratively and beautifully. But our program is watched even when there are no such bright speakers. Another secret of our program is our leader Gayane Hambardzumyan. Sometimes it seems that she knows everything about everyone. We regularly have new speakers, who then appear on other channels. Gayane finds them all.

Recently, you have many politicians from Ukraine who are in opposition to the current Kiev authorities. Do they have problems later at home?

We do not remember such that they went home and no one knows where they disappeared. Because even here we do not allow them to speak frankly abusive.

But it's live. And suddenly someone in the heat of the discussion how to close up ... God forbid swear.

We have never had anything like this before. Still, serious people come to us. Nevertheless, it's scary, of course - I won't even hide it. But we don’t have any “red button” to immediately turn off the air.

Direct speech

Vladimir SOLOVIEV: I ask harshly, but I will never "yellow"

Ten minutes before the broadcast, and the presenter calmly agreed to answer the questions of the TV program magazine. We are in his dressing room - there is an ironing board with an iron, a rack with suits.

- When was the last time you were worried during a live broadcast?

Never - this is my psychological feature. I was terribly worried a couple of times when I had to sing. I was then young and stupid, for some reason it seemed to me that I had a beautiful timbre and I must certainly sing. I went out, there were about two hundred people in the hall ... Then I realized that singing is exciting, I sing badly and, in addition, they don’t pay for it. And when I need to speak, it doesn’t matter to me what kind of audience and whether it’s live.

- Does it happen that you are angry with the guests? When do they say the wrong thing?

No. I listen to them and let them open up. This is the difference.

What if two people are talking at the same time?

But I have two ears. At least I can hear information coming from both sides. It's bad when you're bored. When everyone is talking at the same time and nothing can be understood, this, of course, is a minus. But you see a real emotion, their culture, attitude towards each other, the ability to build a dialogue - this is a plus.

- How do you tune into the air? Do you try to be alone, say a special mantra?

There is nothing like that. I have the transition from the state of preparation to the state of work occurs on the command "motor!".

- Many speakers visit you year after year. Are you friends with any of them?

With everyone. I respect them all very much - they are my guests, so I do not allow insulting expressions addressed to them. I can ask as tough a question as I like, but it will never be a boorish question. I will ask about politics, but I will never "yellow".

- At the same time, you do not hide your political position, do you?

I can express a moral assessment of a certain event. But I do not advertise my political views. After all, people watch programs not to learn my views, but to see and hear my guests.

- What do you feel after the broadcast? A burst of energy? Devastation?

Here's an anecdote for you:

“Crow,” says the eagle, “let's go fly together.

The eagle made two flaps of its wings - the gigantic space is covered. And the crow flies, flies, flies - exhausted.

Eagle, aren't you tired?!

When I soar, I rest ... "

I live on the air and get enormous pleasure from it. I don't feel tired. For me, this is the meaning of what I do. This is a great joy, high honor and happiness.

Gayane Samsonovna Ambartsumyan (Program Manager. - Auth.) came up with the ideal format. People feel how the intrigue of communication arises. Before their eyes, a session of magic and its exposure takes place. My guests do not speak with the words of their speechwriters - their homemade preparations will last for 20 seconds. People are forced to communicate in uncomfortable conditions. They are alive with us! And this opportunity to see the politician alive, and not the glossy picture that he usually brings to the masses, is just captivating.

- Who chooses the ethereal costumes for you?

I invent everything myself. But we have Olesya in our team - a fantastically taciturn person. We have been working together for ten years now, and during this time she has spoken a total of twenty words. She just looks at me carefully like that, and if her lip twitches, I understand: no, you can’t act in this. That's the whole "fashion consulting".

"Evening with Vladimir Solovyov". Thursdays/22.50, Russia 1.

"Sunday Evening with Vladimir Solovyov" Sundays/22.00, Russia 1.

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The correspondent of "KP" visited the shooting of "Sunday Evening with Vladimir Solovyov." How the most popular political talk show in Russia is filmedEvgenia GUSEVA

Quote: You-know-who

Are you arriving in Nenko now?

You're an idiot? I was born in the Far East. And my parents were born here. And the grandparents as children were brought by their parents, the Cossacks, about whom I wrote.
Did Alexander Prokhorenko stick around too?
Listen, don't be a complete scum! Well, there must be something human in you.
Although, I saw Gusskih Natsiks - pederasts, Sir.

Berlin homosexuals invited "leaders of Russian nationalism" to the annual Berlin Gay Pride. Dmitry Demushkin and Alexander Belov are going to meet with pederasts.

Here are Dmitry Demushkin's recent travel notes:

“So, friends, we decided to go to Berlin in Yarussky T-shirts and visit the famous Berlin gay pride parade. What struck Berlin right away: it’s very clean on the streets, people behave culturally. If anything, please consider me a Russian nationalist. So we’re going to gay parade.

“We, Russian nationalists, have always been told that a gay pride parade is something so terrible, that there are enemies all around. , no one behaves hostilely towards Sasha and me. We were mistaken for the usual sweet couple for such festive processions.. People are all smartly dressed, rejoice, dance and celebrate their parade. We plan to adopt some of this for the Russian March. We need to break stereotypes . We need to communicate more."

“At the gay parade itself, we met a lot of athletic young men, well-built, swarthy, friendly. They told us that in Germany they have many rights for gays, that the population treats them positively. All gays are very neat, they have good hairstyles, well-groomed nails. There is no hostility towards this. Gays are not dangerous for a Russian nationalist, I myself was convinced of this. Uh ... Sasha disappeared somewhere. "

"In the evening, the leaders of the gay parade invited us to negotiate in the most famous Berlin gay club. Sasha returned with some big, overweight guy in leather pants and a vest. They talked about something very nice. In the club, we told the gays about how gays are treated in Russia and how we are going to overcome misunderstanding towards these proud handsome men. we accepted the warm hospitality of gays, learned a lot about their customs, tried on their interesting outfits, watched their peculiar incendiary dances, Sasha also started dancing with them".

“We learned a lot from this trip. Broke almost all stereotypes towards gays by Russian nationalists. There is no need to fight, we need to be friends and communicate."

The Evening with Vladimir Solovyov program is a political talk show on the Russia channel that analyzes the latest events in Russia and the world. Russia's relations with America and Europe, events in Ukraine and the situation in the Donbass, the economic situation inside the country, cooperation with China and other Asian countries. Latest news from the Middle East and North Korea.

Evening with Vladimir Solovyov today (video) on Russia channel 23-09-2019 Ukraine and the USA

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The program includes: Elena Bondarenko, Spiridon Kilinkarov, Vyacheslav Kovtun, Alexander Semchenko, Vladimir Kornilov, Rodion Miroshnik, Vasily Vakarov, Ariel Coin, Yakov Kedmi, Alexander Sosnovsky and others.

Last Evening in HD 1 part .

Last Evening in HD 2 part .

Broadcast on YouTube at 23:15 Moscow time

Sunday evening of Solovyov (video) on the Russia channel 22-09-2019 Ukraine and the West

The main political news of Ukraine and the world in Vladimir Solovyov's talk show on Russia-1 TV channel. Politicians in Ukraine are discussing the failure of the Stanmeier formula. Radicals staged a rally outside Zelensky's office, urging the president not to compromise with aggressive Russia.

The program includes: Sergey Kurginyan, Spiridon Kilinkarov, Rodion Miroshnik, Vasily Vakarov, Alexander Okhrimenko, Evgeny Kopatko, Yakov Kedmi, Andrey Sidorov, Karen Shakhnazarov and others.

Evening with Solovyov (video) on the Russia channel 19-09-2019 Negotiations

Negotiations on Donbass and gas transit are being discussed by political experts of Vladimir Solovyov's program. Today in Brussels, the Ukrainian delegation refused to conclude an agreement on gas transit to Europe. Earlier, Leonid Kuchma refused to sign an agreement on the situation in Donbass. Explosion of a bridge in Lugansk and an attempt to blow up a bridge in Kyiv. The second part is that the probability of nuclear war is closer than ever.

The program includes: Semyon Bagdasarov, Vladimir Kornilov, Sergey Kurginyan, Vyacheslav Kovtun, Spiridon Kilinkarov, Rodion Miroshnik, Vasily Vakarov, Evgeny Satanovsky, Mikhail Khodarenok, Igor Korotchenko and others.

Evening Solovyov (video) on the channel Russia 09/18/2019

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The program includes: Vladimir Kornilov, Andrey Okara, Karen Shakhnazarov, Yulia Vityazeva, Spiridon Kilinkarov, Alexander Sosnovsky, Vasily Vakarov, Alexander Khinshtein, Dmitry Nekrasov and others.

Evening with Solovyov (video) on the Russia channel 17-09-2019 Ukraine and the world

News of Ukrainian politics and events in the world are discussed by famous political scientists on Vladimir Solovyov's talk show on the Russia channel. In today's edition: oligarch Igor Kolomoisky rules President Zelensky; whether the Normandy format is needed and what to discuss there; current events in the Donbass.

The program includes: Konstantin Zatulin, Dmitry Kulikov, Spiridon Kilinkarov, Evgeny Kopatko, Vasily Vakarov, Alexander Okhrimenko, Andrey Okara, Alexander Sosnovsky and others.

Solovyov's evening (video) on Russia channel 16-09-2019 Ukraine and the world

The latest statements and actions of Ukrainian politicians are discussed by the experts of Vladimir Solovyov's program. Bohdan called his deputies "animals", while Zelensky continues to rely on humor. Nobody is going to fulfill the Minsk agreements, because their implementation will be the collapse of the current government.

The program includes: Andrey Okara, Vadim Karasyov, Vladimir Kornilov, Sergey Kurginyan, Rodion Miroshnik, Spiridon Kilinkarov, Vasily Vakarov, Ariel Cohen, Sergey Stankevich and others.

Sunday evening with Solovyov on the Russia channel 15-09-2019 Ukraine and the USA

The situation in the Donbass and the political news of Ukraine are discussed by the guests of Vladimir Solovyov's program. In today's issue: Yalta Forum in Kyiv; preparation for the Normandy format; why Vladimir Zelensky is building a dictatorship.

Program participants: Spiridon Kilinkarov, Vasily Vakarov, Alexander Sosnovsky, Sergey Kurginyan, Vladimir Zhirinovsky, Rodion Miroshnik, Evgeny Kopatko and others.

Evening Solovyov (video) on the channel Russia 12-09-2019 Ukraine and the world

The main political events in Russia, Ukraine and the world in the talk show of Vladimir Solovyov on the Russia channel. In today's issue: Vladimir Putin drank the promised glass in Dagestan; negotiations with Ukraine on gas; preparation for negotiations in the Normandy format.

The program includes: Vladimir Kornilov, Vasily Vakarov, Andrey Mishin, Semyon Bagdasarov, Yakov Kedmi, Spiridon Kilinkarov and others.

Evening with Solovyov (video) on Russia channel 11-09-2019 Ukraine and USA

Today's program began with a discussion of a tragic date in US history. The terrorist attack and the collapse of the twin towers in America marked the beginning of great political events. Gray eminence Igor Kolomoisky met with President Volodymyr Zelensky and his team.

The program includes: Leonid Kalashnikov, Evgeny Kopatko, Vasily Vakarov, Spiridon Kilinkarov, Andrey Okara and others.

Solovyov's evening (video) on Russia channel 10-09-2019 Ukraine and Stalin

The main news of Ukraine and the situation in the Donbass became the first topic of Vladimir Solovyov's program. In today's issue: Oleg Sentsov proposed to return Crimea "on a tank"; Nadezhda Savchenko was left without a job and without a livelihood; Ukraine refuses to conclude an agreement on gas. Alexander Prokhanov about the phenomenon of Stalin.

The program includes: Alexander Prokhanov, Yulia Vityazeva, Konstantin Zatulin, Rodion Miroshnik, Vasily Vakarov, Alexander Okhrimenko, Vladimir Kornilov, Spiridon Kilinkarov and others.

Evening with Solovyov (video) on the Russia channel 09-09-2019

The latest events in Ukraine and international politics in the program of Vladimir Solovyov on the Russia TV channel - 1. In the issue: what laws does the new Verkhovna Rada pass; what the exchange of prisoners of war can lead to; why the Ukrainian military kidnap the people of Donbass.

The program includes: Kirill Kulikov, Elena Bondarenko, Vasily Vakarov, Vladimir Kornilov, Rodion Miroshnik, Vyacheslav Kovtun, Spiridon Kilinkarov and others.

Sunday evening with Solovyov (video) on the channel Russia 08-09-2019

The main events of international politics and the situation in Ukraine in the talk show of Vladimir Solovyov on the Russia TV channel. In the issue: the exchange of prisoners of war took place; statements by Ukrainians about a new gas treaty; Eastern Economic Forum and its results; election day in Russia.

The program includes: Vladimir Zhirinovsky, Yakov Kedmi, Sergei Stankevich, Dmitry Evstafiev, Karen Shakhnazarov, Andrey Sidorov, Elena Bondarenko, Vasily Vakarov, Rodion Miroshnik and others.

Evening Solovyov (video) on the channel Russia 05-09-2019

Vladimir Putin announced the progress of negotiations with Ukraine. In the near future, the parties will exchange detainees. The situation in Ukraine is discussed by political scientists of the two countries in the program of Vladimir Solovyov.

The program includes: Karen Shakhnazarov, Yulia Vityazeva, Rodion Miroshnik, Vyacheslav Kovtun, Vasily Vakarov, Spiridon Kilinkarov, Vladimir Kornilov and others.

Evening with Solovyov (video) on the channel Russia 04-09-2019

The latest political news from Ukraine and the world in the program of Vladimir Solovyov on TV channel Russia - 1. In today's issue: new laws are adopted by the Verkhovna Rada; they want to rewrite the constitution of Ukraine; how many deputies will remain after the reform.

The program includes: Vasily Vakarov, Semyon Bagdasarov, Vyacheslav Kovtun, Spiridon Kilinkarov, Vladimir Kornilov, Alexander Okhrimenko, Vladimir Sergienko, Evgeny Tarlo, Dmitry Nekrasov and others.

Solovyov's evening (video) on Russia channel 03-09-2019 Ukraine and Beslan

Ukraine and the world through the eyes of political scientists from different countries in the program of Vladimir Solovyov on the Russia channel. The latest decrees of Vladimir Zelensky and the situation in the Donbass through the eyes of well-known political scientists.

The program includes: Vadim Karasev, Vladimir Kornilov, Vasily Vakarov, Spiridon Kilinkarov, Dmitry Kulikov, Yulia Vityazeva and others.

Veche Solovyova (video) on the channel Russia 02-09-2019

Hot political news from Ukraine, Russia and the world on Vladimir Solovyov's talk show on Russia-1 TV channel. In today's episode: the new Ukrainian prime minister rides a scooter around the office; Volodymyr Zelensky promised American curators quick reforms; meeting in Warsaw.

The program includes: Spiridon Kilinkarov, Vyacheslav Kovtun, Rodion Miroshnik, Vasily Vakarov, Vladimir Kornilov, Alexander Okhrimenko, Alexander Sosnovsky and others.

Evening with Vladimir Solovyov from 16-01-2019 SPECIAL EDITION!

The first topic in the special issue of Vladimir Solovyov's Evening program was the preparation of an assassination attempt on Vladimir Putin during his visits to Serbia. Also in the issue: events in Ukraine and the situation in the Donbass; the failure of Theresa May's rule; resettlement of the affected house in Magnitogorsk.

Program participants: Andrey Sidorov, Alexei Kondratiev, Vasily Vakarov, Spiridon Kilinkarov, Semyon Bagdasarov, Dmitry Kulikov, Sergey Mikheev, Karen Shakhnazarov and others.

An evening with Solovyov 05/30/2018 The murder and resurrection of Arkady Babchenko

The Ukrainian special services played a prank on the entire world community by carrying out an operation on the imaginary murder of journalist Arkady Babchenko. The media, including Western ones, are at a loss. Who and why needed to arrange such a comedy and where it will lead.

Program participants: Dmitry Steshin, Alexander Khinshtein, Igor Markov, Sergey Mikheev, Vadim Tryukhan and other political scientists.

Claims against Solovyov in Crimea

Many patriots of Russia cannot forgive Vladimir Rudolfovich for his statements about Crimea until the reunification of the peninsula with the Russian Federation. But did the sofa warriors think that these statements were preparations for the operation, which ended in success? That CIA consultants on Russia are still in prostration, not fully understanding how this could happen? Does everyone remember the awarding of Solovyov by Putin? Do not make hasty conclusions without having complete information and watch Vladimir Solovyov's programs.
