When will the result in computer science. How can I find out the results of the exams

Graduates of the 9th grade in Russia traditionally take the OGE at the end of the academic year, and it is clear that they want to know the results as soon as possible.

On average, the processing of OGE forms takes up to 10 calendar days. First, the experts give an assessment in primary points, which is then recalculated into the usual 5-point system. The results of the OGE in 2018 can be found in your personal account on the official portal of the main state exam.

The main state exam, which is taken by graduates of the 9th grade, usually attracts less attention than the USE. However, the OGE is also necessary for obtaining a graduation certificate of general secondary education, and for admission to colleges and technical schools.

In total, 9th graders have to pass 4 exams. These are two mandatory OGEs - in Russian and in mathematics, as well as two elective subjects.

The main exam takes place in three stages. The early period starts on April 20: on this day, schoolchildren will have to pass the first of the compulsory subjects - mathematics. The second mandatory OGE, in the Russian language, will be held on April 25. The early stage is designed for athletes and competitors who will not be able to pass the exam on the main dates for a good reason.

The main stage started on May 25. On this day, 9th graders will pass foreign languages. Compulsory OGE will be held on May 29 (Russian) and June 5 (mathematics). From June 20 to June 29, reserve days passed for passing exams that fell at the same time, as well as for those who missed the main deadlines due to illness.
If the OGE failed to pass the main period, then the retake in compulsory subjects will take place in the fall, from September 4 to September 22.

For information support of the general state OGE exam in grade 9, there are several official sites that provide data for teachers, graduates and their parents.

Official sites of the OGE 2018 - Grade 9:

www.fipi.ru - FIPI website (open bank of tasks, demo versions of KIM)

www.gia.edu.ru - the official information portal of the OGE (here you can find the results of the OGE, schedule, news)

www.obrnadzor.gov.ru is the official website of Rosobrnadzor.

The results of the OGE (GIA 9) can be found on regional websites. You can find them on the official information support website www.gia.edu.ru by clicking on the link for your region.

The easiest way to get acquainted with the results of the OGE is to visit your own school, where the exam results come. Each student is required to sign at his/her school for being familiar with the results of the exam.

Approximate dates for the publication of the results of the OGE:

May 25 (Fri) foreign languages ​​June 2
May 26 (Sat) foreign languages ​​June 3
May 29 (Tue) Russian June 8
May 31 (Thu) social science, biology, informatics and ICT, literature June 8
June 2 (Sat) Physics, Informatics and ICT June 8
June 5 (Tue) mathematics June 15
June 7 (Thursday) history, chemistry, geography, physics June 15
June 9 (Sat) social science June 17
June 20 (Wed) reserve: Russian language June 30
June 21 (Thursday) Reserve: Mathematics June 30
June 22 (Fri) reserve: social science, biology, informatics and ICT, literature June 30
June 23 (Sat) reserve: foreign languages ​​August 1
June 25 (Mon) reserve: history, chemistry, physics, geography August 3
June 28 (Thursday) reserve: in all subjects August 6
June 29 (Fri) reserve: in all subjects August 7

OGE in Informatics 2018, scores, latest news: Informatics has not yet been included in the list of mandatory exams

So this year, ninth-grade students decided to set five exams, where four are mandatory. The student was allowed to choose the fifth subject on his own.

Disputes about which subjects should be made mandatory still do not subside. It is currently known that computer science has not yet been included in the list. So, it will be taken only by those students who, instead of the tenth grade, decided to enter a college or technical school that are associated with modern technologies.

It is worth noting that with good grades for the ninth grade and high exam scores, you can compete for the best places in prestigious educational institutions.

Going to college is the first step towards your chosen profession. However, one should not assume that changing school to college will exempt from the unified state exam. In the near future, the government plans to introduce uniform standards for those who enter universities, according to which passing exams will be mandatory.

Unlike the USE, there are no major changes in the USE this year. Some innovations have been adopted since last year.

So, ninth grade students are now taking computer science on computers, the Therussiantimes website reports. The grade for the exam affects the scores in the certificate. In order to receive a certificate of secondary education, you need to get a minimum passing score in four of the five exams.

OGE in Informatics 2018, points: students who could not pass the OGE will be given two more chances this year

Those who failed to pass the exam will have two chances to rewrite it, the C-ib.ru website informs. However, you should not relax too much, as only two of the five exams can be retaken this year.

Despite the fact that many who pass computer science consider that the subject is very easy, you need to prepare for it thoroughly. This year the tickets are formed in such a way as to test knowledge for the entire course, with an emphasis on the practical part.

The ticket consists of theoretical and practical blocks. The theoretical block includes eighteen tasks for which you need to provide a short answer in the form of a number or sequence.

There are only two tasks in the practical block. In order to complete them, students need to create a directory, move files with a certain extension into it, where the results for the work done will be saved.

In order to get a certificate, it is enough to score five primary points, however, for admission, you need to do fifteen tasks out of twenty-two correctly.

For high school graduates. It must be taken by those who plan to enter universities for the most promising specialties, such as information security, automation and control, nanotechnology, systems analysis and control, rocket systems and astronautics, nuclear physics and technology, and many others.

Read the general information about the exam and start preparing. There are practically no changes compared to last year in the new version of KIM USE 2019. The only thing is that fragments of programs written in the C language disappeared from the tasks: they were replaced with fragments written in the C++ language. And from task number 25, they removed the opportunity to write an algorithm in natural language as an answer.

USE score

Last year, in order to pass the Unified State Examination in Informatics, at least for the top three, it was enough to score 42 primary points. They were given, for example, for the correctly completed first 9 tasks of the test.

How it will be in 2019 is still not known for sure: you need to wait for an official order from Rosobrnadzor on the correspondence of primary and test scores. Most likely it will appear in December. Considering that the maximum primary score for the entire test has remained the same, the minimum score will most likely not change either. Let's take a look at these tables:

USE test structure

Informatics is the longest exam (the same is the duration of the exam in mathematics and literature), the duration is 4 hours.

In 2019, the test consists of two parts, including 27 tasks.

  • Part 1: 23 tasks (1-23) with a short answer, which is a number, a sequence of letters or numbers.
  • Part 2: 4 tasks (24–27) with a detailed answer, the full solution of the tasks is recorded on the answer sheet 2.

All tasks are connected in one way or another with a computer, but it is not allowed to use it to write a program in group C tasks during the exam. In addition, the tasks do not require complex mathematical calculations and the use of a calculator is also not allowed.

Preparation for the exam

  • Pass the USE tests online for free without registration and SMS. The presented tests are identical in their complexity and structure to the real exams held in the corresponding years.
  • Download demo versions of the Unified State Examination in Informatics, which will allow you to better prepare for the exam and make it easier to pass it. All proposed tests were developed and approved for preparation for the Unified State Examination by the Federal Institute of Pedagogical Measurements (FIPI). In the same FIPI, all official versions of the exam are being developed.
    The tasks that you will see, most likely, will not be found on the exam, but there will be tasks similar to the demo ones, on the same topic or simply with different numbers.

General USE numbers

Year Min. USE score Average score Number of applicants Did not pass, % Qty
100 points
exam length, min.
2009 36
2010 41 62,74 62 652 7,2 90 240
2011 40 59,74 51 180 9,8 31 240
2012 40 60,3 61 453 11,1 315 240
2013 40 63,1 58 851 8,6 563 240
2014 40 57,1 235
2015 40 53,6 235
2016 40 235
2017 40 235

Planned results of mastering the subject "Informatics"

Personal Outcomes - this is a system of value relations of students to themselves, to other participants in the educational process, to the educational process itself, to objects of knowledge, to the results of educational activities, formed in the educational process. The main personal results formed in the study of computer science in the main school are:

    the presence of ideas about information as the most important strategic resource for the development of the individual, state, society;

    understanding the role of information processes in the modern world;

    possession of primary skills of analysis and critical evaluation of the information received;

    responsible attitude to information, taking into account the legal and ethical aspects of its dissemination;

    development of a sense of personal responsibility for the quality of the surrounding information environment;

    the ability to link educational content with one's own life experience, to understand the importance of training in the field of informatics and ICT in the context of the development of the information society;

    readiness to improve their educational level and continue their education using the means and methods of informatics and ICT;

    the ability and willingness to communicate and cooperate with peers and adults in the process of educational, socially useful, educational, research, creative activities;

    the ability and willingness to accept the values ​​of a healthy lifestyle through knowledge of the basic hygienic, ergonomic and technical conditions for the safe operation of ICT tools.

Metasubject Results - methods of activity mastered by students on the basis of one, several or all subjects, applicable both within the framework of the educational process and in other life situations. The main meta-subject results formed in the study of computer science in the main school are:

    possession of general subject concepts "object", "system", "model", "algorithm", "performer", etc.;

    possession of information and logical skills: to define concepts, create generalizations, establish analogies, classify, independently choose the grounds and criteria for classification, establish cause-and-effect relationships, build logical reasoning, inference (inductive, deductive and by analogy) and draw conclusions;

    possession of skills to independently plan ways to achieve goals; correlate their actions with the planned results, monitor their activities, determine the methods of action within the framework of the proposed conditions, adjust their actions in accordance with the changing situation; evaluate the correctness of the educational task;

    possession of the basics of self-control, self-assessment, decision-making and the implementation of a conscious choice in educational and cognitive activities;

    possession of the basic universal skills of an informational nature: posing and formulating a problem; search and selection of necessary information, application of information retrieval methods; structuring and visualization of information; selection of the most effective ways of solving problems depending on specific conditions; independent creation of activity algorithms in solving problems of a creative and exploratory nature;

    possession of information modeling as the main method of acquiring knowledge: the ability to transform an object from a sensual form into a spatial-graphic or sign-symbolic model; the ability to build a variety of information structures to describe objects; the ability to "read" tables, graphs, charts, diagrams, etc., to independently recode information from one sign system to another; the ability to choose the form of information presentation depending on the task at hand, to check the adequacy of the model to the object and the purpose of modeling;

    ICT competence - a wide range of skills and abilities to use information and communication technologies to collect, store, transform and transmit various types of information, skills to create a personal information space (handling ICT devices; fixing images and sounds; creating written messages; creating graphic objects ; creation of musical and sound messages; creation, perception and use of hypermedia messages; communication and social interaction; search and organization of information storage; information analysis).

Subject Results include: skills specific to a given subject area, mastered by students in the course of studying a subject area, types of activities for obtaining new knowledge within the framework of a subject, its transformation and application in educational, educational-project and social-project situations, the formation of a scientific type of thinking, scientific ideas about key theories, types and types of relationships, knowledge of scientific terminology, key concepts, methods and techniques. In accordance with the federal state educational standard of general education, the main subject results of the study of computer science in primary school reflect:

    formation of informational and algorithmic culture; formation of an idea of ​​a computer as a universal information processing device; development of basic skills and abilities to use computer devices;

    formation of an idea about the main concepts being studied: information, algorithm, model - and their properties;

    development of algorithmic thinking necessary for professional activity in modern society; development of skills to compose and write down an algorithm for a specific performer; formation of knowledge about algorithmic constructions, logical values ​​and operations; familiarity with one of the programming languages ​​and basic algorithmic structures - linear, conditional and cyclic;

    the formation of skills for formalizing and structuring information, the ability to choose a method of presenting data in accordance with the task - tables, charts, graphs, charts, using appropriate data processing software;

    the formation of skills and abilities of safe and expedient behavior when working with computer programs and on the Internet, the ability to comply with the norms of information ethics and law.

Section 1. Introduction to computer science

The graduate will learn:

    decode and encode information with given encoding rules;

    operate with units of measurement of the amount of information;

    evaluate the quantitative parameters of information objects and processes (the amount of memory required to store information; the time of information transfer, etc.);

    write in the binary system integers from 0 to 256;

    make logical expressions with operations AND, OR, NOT; determine the value of a logical expression; build truth tables;

    analyze information models (tables, graphs, charts, diagrams, etc.);

    recode information from one spatial-graphic or sign-symbolic form to another, including the use of graphical representation (visualization) of numerical information;

    choose the form of data presentation (table, diagram, graph, chart) in accordance with the task;

    build simple information models of objects and processes from various subject areas using standard tools (tables, graphs, diagrams, formulas, etc.), evaluate the adequacy of the constructed model to the original object and modeling purposes .

The graduate will have the opportunity:

    to deepen and develop ideas about the modern scientific picture of the world, about information as one of the basic concepts of modern science, about information processes and their role in the modern world;

    learn to determine the power of the alphabet used to write a message;

    learn to evaluate the information volume of a message written in arbitrary alphabet characters

    convert small decimal numbers from octal and hexadecimal number systems to decimal number system;

    get acquainted with how information is presented in a computer, including binary coding of texts, graphics, sound;

    learn to solve logical problems using truth tables;

    learn to solve logical problems by compiling logical expressions and converting them using the basic properties of logical operations.

    form an idea of ​​modeling as a method of scientific knowledge; about computer models and their use for the study of objects of the surrounding world;

    get acquainted with examples of using graphs and trees when describing real objects and processes

    learn how to build a mathematical model of the problem - to highlight the initial data and results, to identify the relationship between them.

Section 2. Algorithms and the beginning of programming

The graduate will learn:

    understand the meaning of the concept of "algorithm" and the breadth of its scope; analyze the proposed sequences of commands for the presence of such properties of the algorithm as discreteness, determinism, understandability, effectiveness, mass character;

    operate with algorithmic constructions “following”, “branching”, “cycle” (select an algorithmic construction corresponding to a particular situation; move from writing an algorithmic construction in an algorithmic language to a block diagram and vice versa);

    understand the terms "executor", "formal executor", "executor's environment", "executor's command system", etc.; understand the restrictions imposed by the environment of the executor and the command system on the range of tasks solved by the executor;

    execute a linear algorithm for a formal executor with a given command system;

    compose linear algorithms, the number of commands in which does not exceed a given one;

    the student will learn how to execute an algorithm written in natural language that processes strings of characters.

    execute linear algorithms written in an algorithmic language.

    execute branching algorithms written in an algorithmic language;

    understand the rules for recording and executing algorithms containing a loop with a parameter or a loop with the condition of continuing work;

    determine the values ​​of variables after the execution of the simplest cyclic algorithms written in the algorithmic language;

    develop and write short algorithms in a programming language that contain basic algorithmic constructions.

The graduate will have the opportunity to learn:

    execute algorithms containing branches and repetitions for a formal executor with a given command system;

    compose all possible fixed-length algorithms for a formal executor with a given command system;

    determine the number of linear algorithms that provide a solution to the problem that can be compiled for a formal executor with a given command system;

    count the number of certain characters in the chain of characters, which is the result of the algorithm;

    according to this algorithm, determine what task it is intended to solve;

    execute cyclic algorithms for processing a one-dimensional array of numbers written in an algorithmic language (summing all array elements; summing array elements with certain indices; summing array elements with given properties; determining the number of array elements with given properties; searching for the largest / smallest array elements, etc.) ;

    develop short algorithms containing basic algorithmic constructions in the environment of a formal executor;

    develop and write in a programming language effective algorithms containing basic algorithmic constructions.

Section 3 Information and Communication Technology

The graduate will learn:

    name the functions and characteristics of the main devices of the computer;

    describe the types and composition of the software of modern computers;

    select software appropriate for the task to be solved;

    operate on file system objects;

    apply the basic rules for creating text documents;

    use automation tools for information activities when creating text documents;

    use the basic techniques of information processing in spreadsheets;

    work with formulas;

    visualize relationships between numerical values.

    search for information in a ready-made database;

    the basics of the organization and functioning of computer networks;

    make queries to search for information on the Internet;

    use the basic techniques for creating presentations in presentation editors.

The student will be able to:

    learn to systematize knowledge about the principles of organizing the file system, the main features of the graphical interface and the rules for organizing an individual information space;

    learn to systematize knowledge about the purpose and functions of computer software; gain experience in solving problems from different spheres of human activity using information technology tools;

    learn how to process a large amount of data using spreadsheet tools;

    expand understanding of computer networks for the dissemination and exchange of information, the use of information resources of society in compliance with relevant legal and ethical standards, information security requirements;

    learn to evaluate the possible number of search results for information on the Internet, received for certain queries.

    get acquainted with approaches to assessing the reliability of information (assessing the reliability of a source, comparing data from different sources and at different points in time, etc.);

    consolidate ideas about the requirements of safety, hygiene, ergonomics and resource saving when working with information and communication technologies;

to form an understanding of the principles of operation of various means of informatization, their capabilities, technical and economic limitations

Information and information processes (9 hours)

Information. Information process. Subjective characteristics of information, depending on the personality of the recipient of information and the circumstances of obtaining information: importance, timeliness, reliability, relevance, etc.

The size (length) of a message as a measure of the amount of information it contains. Advantages and disadvantages of this approach. Other approaches to measuring the amount of information. Units

measuring the amount of information. The main types of information processes: storage, transmission and processing of information. Examples of information processes in systems of various nature; their role in the modern world.

Data storage. Information carriers (paper, magnetic, optical, flash memory). Qualitative and quantitative characteristics of modern information carriers: the amount of information stored on the carrier; speed of writing and reading information. Storage of information. Network storage of information.

Transfer of information. Source, information channel, information receiver.

Computer as a universal device for working with information (7 hours)

General description of the computer. The software principle of the computer.

The main components of a personal computer (processor, operative and long-term memory, information input and output devices), their functions and main characteristics (as of the current period of time). The composition and functions of the software: system software, application software, programming systems. Computer viruses. Antivirus prevention.

File. File types. Directory (directory). File system. Graphical user interface (desktop, windows, dialog boxes, menus). Operation of computer information objects in a visual-graphic form: creation, naming, saving, deleting objects, organizing their families. Archiving and unarchiving. Hygienic, ergonomic and technical conditions for the safe operation of the computer

Processing of graphic information (4 hours)

Image formation on the monitor screen. Computer representation of color. Computer graphics (raster, vector). Graphic editor interface. Graphic file formats.

Text processing (10 hours)

Text documents and their structural units (section, paragraph, line, word, symbol). Technologies for creating text documents. Create, edit and format text documents on your computer.

Style formatting. Inclusion in a text document of lists, tables, charts, formulas and graphic objects. Hypertext. Link building: footnotes, tables of contents, subject indexes. Collective work on the document. Notes. Recording and highlighting changes. Formatting document pages. Orientation, page sizes, margins. Pagination. Headers and footers. Save the document in various text formats. Text recognition and computer translation tools. Computer representation of textual information. Code tables. American Standard Code for Information Interchange, examples of coding letters of national alphabets. Introduction to the Unicode standard.

Multimedia (6 h)

The concept of multimedia technology and the scope of its application. Sound and video as components of multimedia. Computer presentations. Presentation design and slide layouts. Sounds and video images. Composition and montage. Possibility of discrete representation of multimedia data .

Mathematical foundations of computer science (14 hours)

The concept of non-positional and positional number systems. Acquaintance with binary, octal and hexadecimal number systems, recording integer decimal numbers from 0 to 1024 in them. Converting small integers from binary, octal and hexadecimal number systems to decimal. Binary arithmetic.

Propositional logic (elements of the algebra of logic). Boolean values, operations (logical negation, logical multiplication, logical addition), expressions, truth tables .

Fundamentals of algorithmization (10 hours)

Training executors Robot, Doubler, etc. as examples of formal executors. The concept of an algorithm as a formal description of the sequence of actions of an executor for given initial data. Properties of algorithms. Ways of writing algorithms. An algorithmic language is a formal language for writing algorithms. A program is a record of an algorithm in an algorithmic language. Direct and program control of the performer.

Linear programs. Algorithmic constructions related to checking conditions: branching and repetition.

The concept of a simple quantity. Value types: integer, real, character, string, logical. Variables and constants. An algorithm for working with quantities is a plan of purposeful actions for performing calculations with given initial data using intermediate results.

Start programming (10 hours)

Programming language. Basic rules of the Pascal programming language: program structure; data submission rules; rules for writing basic operators (input, output, assignment, branching, loop).

Solving problems of developing and executing programs in the Pascal programming environment .

Modeling and formalization (10 hours)

Concepts of natural and information models.

Types of information models (verbal description, table, graph, diagram, formula, drawing, graph, tree, list, etc.) and their purpose. Models in mathematics, physics, literature, biology, etc. Using models in practice. Assessment of the adequacy of the model to the object being modeled and the goals of modeling. Computer modeling. Examples of the use of computer models in solving scientific and technical problems. Relational databases. Basic concepts, data types, database management systems and principles of working with them. Entering and editing records.

Search, delete and sort data.

Algorithmization and programming (8 hours)

Stages of solving a problem on a computer. Algorithm design: division of a task into subtasks, the concept of an auxiliary algorithm. Calling auxiliary algorithms. Recursion.

Control, control and controlled systems, direct and feedback. Management in wildlife, society and technology.

Processing of numerical information (7 hours)

Spreadsheets. Using formulas. Relative, absolute and mixed references. Performing calculations. Construction of graphs and diagrams. The concept of sorting (ordering) data.

Communication Technology (10 hours)

Local and global computer networks. Internet. Information transfer rate. Channel capacity. Transmission of information in modern communication systems. Interaction based on computer networks: e-mail, chat, forum, teleconference, website.

Information resources of computer networks: World Wide Web, file archives.

Website development technologies. Content and structure of the site. Site layout. Placement of the site on the Internet.

Basic understanding of the legal and ethical aspects of using computer programs and working on the Internet.

Table of thematic distribution of the number of hours

Author's program

7-9 grade

Working programm

7-9 grade

Work program by class

7th grade

8th grade

Grade 9



The computer as a universal device

information processing




multimedia technologies


Numerical Information Processing


Algorithms and Executors


Formalization and modeling


Communication technologies


Mathematical foundations of computer science


Beginnings of programming

Algorithmization and programming

Reserve time

Educational - thematic planning with the definition of the main types of educational activities

Analytical activity:

    evaluate information from the standpoint of its properties (relevance, reliability, completeness, etc.);

    give examples of coding using various alphabets encountered in life;

    classify information processes according to the accepted basis;

    highlight the information component of processes in biological, technical and social systems;

    analyze relationships in wildlife, technical and social (school, family, etc.) systems from the standpoint of management.

Practical activities:

    encode and decode messages according to known encoding rules;

    determine the number of different characters that can be encoded using a binary code of a fixed length (bit depth);

    determine the bit depth of the binary code required to encode all symbols of the alphabet of a given capacity;

    operate with units of measurement of the amount of information (bits, bytes, kilobytes, megabytes, gigabytes);

    evaluate the numerical parameters of information processes (the amount of memory required to store information; the speed of information transfer, the bandwidth of the selected channel, etc.).

Topic 2. Computer as a universal information processing device. (7 o'clock)

Analytical activity:

    analyze a computer from the point of view of the unity of software and hardware;

    analyze computer devices in terms of organizing the procedures for input, storage, processing, output and transmission of information;

    determine the software and hardware necessary for the implementation of information processes in solving problems;

    analyze information (signals of readiness and failure) when the computer is turned on;

    determine the main characteristics of the operating system;

    plan your own information space.

Practical activities:

    receive information about the characteristics of the computer;

    evaluate the numerical parameters of information processes (the amount of memory required to store information; the speed of information transfer, the bandwidth of the selected channel, etc.);

    perform basic operations with files and folders;

    operate computer information objects in a visual-graphic form;

    evaluate the size of files prepared using various input devices in a given time interval (keyboard, scanner, microphone, camera, video camera);

    use archiving programs;

    to protect information from computer viruses using antivirus programs.

Topic 3. Processing of graphic information (4 hours)

Analytical activity:

Practical activities:

    determine the color code in the RGB palette in the graphics editor;

    create and edit images using the tools of a raster graphics editor;

    create and edit images using vector graphics editor tools.

Topic 4. Processing of text information (9 hours)

Analytical activity:

    analyze the user interface of the software used;

    determine the conditions and possibilities of using the software for solving typical problems;

    identify common and differences in different software products designed to solve the same class of problems.

Practical activities:

    create small text documents through qualified keyboard writing using basic text editor tools;

    format text documents (set document page parameters; format characters and paragraphs; insert headers and footers and page numbers).

    insert formulas, tables, lists, images into the document;

    perform collective creation of a text document;

    create hypertext documents;

    perform encoding and decoding of textual information using code tables (Unicode, KOI-8R, Windows 1251);

Topic 5. Multimedia (6 hours)

Analytical activity:

    analyze the user interface of the software used;

    determine the conditions and possibilities of using the software for solving typical problems;

    identify common and differences in different software products designed to solve the same class of problems.

Practical activities:

    create presentations using ready-made templates;

    record sound files with different sound quality (coding depth and sampling frequency).

Topic 6. Mathematical foundations of computer science (14 hours)

Analytical activity:

    identify differences in unary, positional and non-positional number systems;

    identify common and differences in different positional number systems;

    analyze the logical structure of statements.

Practical activities:

    convert small (from 0 to 1024) integers from decimal to binary (octal, hexadecimal) and vice versa;

    perform addition and multiplication operations on small binary numbers;

    write real numbers in natural and normal form;

    build truth tables for logical expressions;

    calculate the truth value of a logical expression.

Topic 7. Fundamentals of algorithmization (10 hours)

Analytical activity:

    determine from the flowchart what problem this algorithm is intended to solve;

    analyze the change in the values ​​of quantities during the step-by-step execution of the algorithm;

    to determine, according to the chosen method of solving the problem, which algorithmic constructions can be included in the algorithm;

Practical activities:

    convert the record of the algorithm from one form to another;

    build chains of commands that give the desired result with specific initial data for the performer of arithmetic operations;

    build chains of commands that give the desired result with specific initial data for the executor that converts character strings;

    build arithmetic, string, logical expressions and calculate their values

Topic 8. Beginnings of programming (11 hours)

Analytical activity:

    analyze finished programs;

    determine according to the program for which task it is intended;

    identify the stages of solving a problem on a computer.

Practical activities:

    to program linear algorithms that involve the calculation of arithmetic, string and logical expressions;

    develop programs containing branching operator/operators (solving a linear inequality, solving a quadratic equation, etc.), including using logical operations;

    develop programs containing loop statement(s)

Topic 9. Modeling and formalization (10 hours)

Analytical activity:

    to carry out a system analysis of the object, to highlight among its properties the essential properties from the point of view of modeling purposes;

    evaluate the adequacy of the model to the object being modeled and the goals of modeling;

    determine the type of information model depending on the task at hand;

    analyze the user interface of the software used;

    determine the conditions and possibilities of using the software for solving typical problems;

    identify common and differences in different software products designed to solve the same class of problems.

Practical activities:

    build and interpret various information models (tables, diagrams, graphs, diagrams, flowcharts of algorithms);

    convert an object from one form of information representation to another with minimal loss in the completeness of information;

    explore objects with the help of information models in accordance with the task;

    work with ready-made computer models from various subject areas;

    create single-table databases;

    search for records in a ready-made database;

    sorting records in the database.

Topic 10. Algorithmization and programming (8 hours)

Analytical activity:

    highlight the stages of solving a problem on a computer;

    split the original task into subtasks;

    compare different algorithms for solving the same problem.

Practical activities:

    execute ready-made algorithms for specific initial data;

    develop programs containing a subroutine;

    develop programs for processing a one-dimensional array:

    • (finding the minimum (maximum) value in the given array;

      counting the number of array elements that satisfy a certain condition;

      finding the sum of all array elements;

      finding the number and sum of all even elements in an array;

      sorting array elements, etc.).

Topic 11. Processing of numerical information (7 hours)

Analytical activity:

    analyze the user interface of the software used;

    determine the conditions and possibilities of using the software for solving typical problems;

    identify common and differences in different software products designed to solve the same class of problems.

Practical activities:

    create spreadsheets, perform calculations in them using built-in and user-entered formulas;

    build charts and graphs in spreadsheets.

Topic 12. Communication technologies (10 hours)

Analytical activity:

    identify common features and differences in the ways of interaction based on computer networks;

    analyze domain names of computers and addresses of documents on the Internet;

    give examples of situations in which information search is required;

    analyze and compare various sources of information, evaluate the reliability of the information found;

    recognize potential threats and harmful impacts associated with ICTs; evaluate proposed ways to eliminate them.

Practical activities:

    interact via e-mail, chat, forum;

    determine the minimum time required to transfer a known amount of data over a communication channel with known characteristics;

    search for information on the Internet on request using logical operations;

    create using constructors (templates) complex information objects in the form of a web page that includes graphical objects.

Calendar - thematic planning Grade 7








Lesson equipment

Main types of educational activities (UUD)


Information and information processes



Information. Information process. Subjective characteristics of information, depending on the personality of the recipient of information and the circumstances of obtaining information: importance, timeliness, reliability, relevance, etc.

Animation "Classification of information according to the way it is perceived" (N 134872)

Regulatory: goal setting planning Cognitive: general education - use general methods for solving the tasks;Communicative: proactive cooperation - asking questions, asking for help


The main types of information processes: storage, transmission and processing of information. Examples of information processes in systems of various nature; their role in the modern world.


Animation "Types of information processes" (N 118499)

Regulatory: planning - choose actions in accordance with the task and the conditions for its implementation.



Data processing. Processing associated with obtaining new information. Processing that involves changing the form, but not changing the content of the information. Search for information.

Practical work No. 1

The World Wide Web as the most powerful information storage. Search for information.


    demo simulator "Work of a search engine on the Internet" (N 119393)

Regulatory: planning – determine the overall goal and ways to achieve it;forecasting - Anticipate the outcome.Cognitive: general education - choose the most effective ways to solve problems; control and evaluate the process as a result of their activities.Communicative: proactive cooperation

Data storage. Information carriers (paper, magnetic, optical, flash memory). Transfer of information. Source, information channel, information receiver.

Practical work No. 2: Recording audio and video information, observations, measurements related to objects and events of the surrounding world, using digital cameras and sound recording devices for this.

 animation "History of information storage media" (N 125863)
 animation "Loss of information" (N 135081)
 animation "Source and receiver of information" (N 135155)

Regulatory: planning - choose actions in accordance with the task and the conditions for its implementation.Cognitive: semantic reading, symbolic actions

Representation of information. Forms of presentation of information. Language as a way of presenting information: natural and formal languages. Alphabet, alphabet power.

Practical work No. 3: Encoding of text information. Determination of numeric character codes and transcoding of Russian-language text in a text editor.

§ 1.4. Presentation of information

animation "Types of signs according to the way of perception" (N 135070)
animation “Classification of signs according to the way of perception. Signals" (N 135152)

Cognitive: semantic reading

Communicative: initiative

cooperation - ask questions, ask for help; be active in interaction to solve problems

Information encoding. Universality of discrete (digital, including binary) coding. Binary alphabet. binary code. The bit depth of the binary code. Relationship between the length (digit capacity) of a binary code and the number of code combinations.

animation "Definition of the concept of "information coding"" (N 135044)
animation "The concept of "code"" (N 134945)

Regulatory: goal setting - transform a practical task into an educational one.Cognitive: general education

Communicative: interaction - to ask questions, to formulate one's position

The size (length) of a message as a measure of the amount of information it contains. Advantages and disadvantages of this approach. Other approaches to measuring the amount of information.

 animation "Definition of the concept of "transcoding information"" (N 135147)
 test on the topic "Coding of information" - "System of tests and tasks N10" (N 134851)
 virtual laboratory "Digital scales" (N 135009)

Regulatory: implementation of educational activities – perform learning activities in a materialized form;correction - make necessary changes and additions.Cognitive: general education Communicative: proactive cooperation - ask questions, be active; use speech

Units for measuring the amount of information.

animation "Calculating the amount of information: alphabetical approach" (N 134881)
simulator “Interactive problem book. Section "Measurement of information" (N 119252)

Regulatory: goal setting control and self-control - use

established rules in controlling the method of solving a problem.Cognitive: general education Communicative: interaction

Generalization and systematization of the main concepts of the topic:

"Information and Information Processes"

Verification work

Interactive test on the topic "Information and information processes"

Regulatory: planning - choose actions in accordance with the task and the conditions for its implementation.Cognitive: semantic reading, symbolic actions

Computer as a universal information processing device.

General description of the computer. The software principle of the computer. Hygienic, ergonomic and technical conditions for the safe operation of the computer.

animation "Components of the system unit"

Regulatory: goal setting - to formulate and hold a learning task.Cognitive: general education Communicative: proactive cooperation - ask questions and seek help

The main components of a personal computer (processor, operative and long-term memory, input and output devices), their functions and main characteristics (as of the current period of time).

Practical work No. 4: Connecting blocks and devices of the computer, connecting external devices, turning on the understanding of signals about readiness and failure, obtaining information about the characteristics of the computer, turning off the computer.

 animation "Open computer architecture" (N 135123)

 simulator program "Computer device - 2"

Regulatory: goal setting

keep the cognitive task and apply the established rules.Cognitive: general education - control and evaluate the process and the result of the activity.Communicative: communication management

The composition and functions of the software: system software, application software, programming systems.

Practical work number 5: Installing a licensed, shareware, and freeware program

demonstration for the lecture "Structure of PC software" (N 119268)

Regulatory: goal setting - formulate and hold a learning task;planning Cognitive: general education

Communicative: planning

educational cooperation

Computer viruses. Antivirus prevention.

Legal norms for the use of software.

Practical work number 6: Protection of information from computer viruses.

    Information module on the topic "Computer viruses and anti-virus programs"

Regulatory: goal setting - formulate and hold a learning task;planning – apply the established rules in planning the solution method.Cognitive: general education - navigate the variety of software.Communicative: - listen to the interlocutor, ask questions; use speech

File. File types. Directory (directory). File system.

Practical work number 7: Planning your own information space, creating folders in accordance with the plan, creating, naming, saving, moving, deleting objects, organizing their families, saving information objects on external media.

    demonstration for the lecture "Files and file structures"

Regulatory: goal setting - transform practical

task in education.Cognitive: general education - consciously build oral messages.Communicative: proactive cooperation - articulate your problems

Graphical user interface (desktop, windows, dialog boxes, menus). Operation of computer information objects in a visual-graphic form: creation, naming, saving, deleting objects, organizing their families. Archiving and unarchiving.

Practical work number 8: Operating computer information objects in a visual-graphic form (studying the interface elements of the used graphical operating system).

Information module on the topic "Basic elements of the interface and controls"

Regulatory: correction -

Cognitive: general education - navigate in a variety of ways to solve problems; recognize, name and define objects and phenomena of the surrounding reality in accordance with

Generalization and systematization of the basic concepts of the topic "Computer as a universal device for working with information."

Verification work

Interactive test on the topic "Computer as a universal device for working with information"

Regulatory: grade - establish the correspondence of the result to the set goal.Cognitive: informational - search for and highlight the necessary information from various sources.Communicative: communication management - adequately use speech to plan and regulate their activities


Processing of graphic information



Image formation on the monitor screen. Computer representation of color


RGB color model animation

Regulatory: forecasting - to anticipate the possibility of obtaining a specific result when solving a problem.Cognitive: informational - receive and process information;general education - pose and formulate problems.Communicative: interaction - to formulate own opinion and position


Computer graphics: vector.

Practical work No. 9 Creating an image using the tools of a vector graphics editor. Using primitives and templates. Construction of graphic objects: selection, union. Geometric transformations.


    animation "Images on the computer" (N 196610)

Regulatory: correction - make the necessary additions and changes to the plan and method of action in the event of a discrepancy between the action and its result.Cognitive: general education - control the process and the result of the activity.

Communicative: planning of educational cooperation - define a common goal and ways to achieve it


Computer graphics: raster.

Practical work number 10: Creating an image using the tools of a raster graphics editor. Using primitives and templates. Geometric transformations.


 practical module on the topic "Raster editor"
 control module on the topic "Raster editor"

Regulatory: forecasting - to anticipate the possibility of obtaining a specific result in solving problems.

Cognitive: general education - recognize, name

and determine the objects and phenomena of the surrounding reality in accordance with the content of educational subjects.Communicative: interaction - build clear statements for the partner


Graphic editor interface. Graphic file formats.

Practical work number 11: Entering images using the graphic panel and scanner, using ready-made graphic objects. Scanning graphics

Project "Greeting Card"


3.3. Creation of graphic images

 practical module on the topic "Vector Editor"
 control module on the topic "Vector editor" Interactive test on the topic "Processing graphic information"

Regulatory: goal setting - transform a practical task into an educational one;

control and self-control Cognitive: general education - choose the most effective solutions to the problem.Communicative: interaction - to formulate own opinion and position


Text information processing



Text documents and their structural units (section, paragraph, line, word, symbol). Technologies for creating text documents.

Practical work number 12: Acquaintance with the techniques of qualified keyboard writing, the "blind" ten-finger method of keyboard writing and techniques for mastering it.


§ 4.1. Text documents and technologies for their creation

Regulatory: goal setting - transform a practical task into an educational one;

control and self-control - use the established rules in controlling the method of solving the problem.Cognitive: general education - choose the most effective solutions to the problem.Communicative: interaction - to formulate own opinion and position


Creation, editing and formatting of text documents on the computer Style formatting. Inclusion of lists and tables in a text document.

Practical work number 13: Formatting text documents (setting document page parameters; formatting characters and paragraphs; inserting headers and footers and page numbers).


§ 4.2. Creating text documents on a computer

Regulatory: goal setting - transform a practical task into an educational one;control and self-control - use the established rules in controlling the method of solving the problem.

Cognitive: general education

choose the most effective solutions to the problem.Communicative: interaction - to formulate own opinion and position


Including formulas in a text document

Practical work number 14: Insert formulas into a document.


Regulatory: goal setting - transform a practical task into an educational one;control and self-control - use the established rules in controlling the method of solving the problem.Cognitive: general education - choose the most effective solutions to the problem.

Communicative: interaction - formulate

own opinion and position


Inclusion of diagrams and graphic objects in a text document.

Practical work number 15: Creating and formatting lists. Inserting a table into a document, formatting it and filling it with data.


§ 4.4. Visualization of information in text documents

Regulatory: goal setting - transform a practical task into an educational one;control and self-control - use the established rules in controlling the method of solving the problem.Cognitive: general education - choose the most effective solutions to the problem.Communicative: interaction - to formulate own opinion and position


Hypertext. Link building: footnotes, tables of contents, subject indexes.

Practical work number 16: Creation of a hypertext document.


§ 4.3. Text formatting

Regulatory: goal setting - keep the cognitive task and apply the established rules.

Cognitive: general education - control and evaluate the process and the result of the activity.Communicative: communication management - exercise mutual control


Notes. Recording and highlighting changes. Formatting document pages. Orientation, page sizes, margins. Pagination. Headers and footers. Save the document in various text formats.


§ 4.3. Text formatting

Regulatory: goal setting - transform a practical task into an educational one;control and self-control - use the established rules in controlling the method of solving the problem.Cognitive: general education - choose the most effective solutions to the problem.

Communicative: interaction - formulate

own opinion and position


Text recognition and computer translation tools.

Practical work number 17: Text translation using machine translation system.


§ 4.5. Text recognition and computer translation tools

    control module "Programs-translators"

Regulatory: goal setting - transform a practical task into an educational one;control and self-control - use the established rules in controlling the method of solving the problem.Cognitive: general education - choose the most effective solutions to the problem.Communicative: interaction - to formulate own opinion and position


Computer representation of textual information. Code tables. American Standard Code for Information Interchange, examples of coding letters of national alphabets. Introduction to the Unicode standard.

Practical work number 18: Scanning and recognition of a "paper" text document


§ 4.6. Estimation of quantitative parameters of text documents

Regulatory: goal setting - transform a practical task into an educational one;control and

self-control - use the established rules in controlling the method of solving the problem.Cognitive: general education - choose the most effective solutions to the problem.Communicative: interaction - to formulate own opinion and position


Generalization and systematization of the basic concepts of the topic "Text information processing".

Verification work.

Project "History of the development of computer technology"


Interactive test on the topic "Text Information Processing"

Regulatory: correction - make the necessary adjustments to the action after its completion, based on its assessment and taking into account the mistakes made.

Cognitive: general education

Communicative: interaction proactive cooperation - articulate your problems





The concept of multimedia technology and the scope of its application. Sound and video as components of multimedia Practical work number 19: Creation of a presentation using ready-made templates, selection of illustrative material, creation of slide text. Presentation demonstration. Using the microphone and projector


§ 5.1. multimedia technology

 animation "Representation of sound in a computer" (N 196609)
 animation "Analog-to-digital and digital-to-analog conversion" (N 135035)

Regulatory: correction - make the necessary adjustments to the action after its completion, based on its assessment and taking into account the mistakes made.

Cognitive: general education - navigate in a variety of ways to solve problems; recognize, name

and determine the objects and phenomena of the surrounding reality in accordance with the content of the subject.Communicative: interaction - to formulate own opinion and position;proactive cooperation - articulate your problems


Computer presentations. Presentation design and slide layouts.

Practical work number 20: Recording images and sound using various devices (digital cameras and microscopes, video cameras, scanners, tape recorders).


Regulatory: control and self-control - compare the method of action and its result with a given standard in order to detect deviations and differences from the standard.

Cognitive: informational - search for and extract the necessary information from various

sources in various forms.Communicative: communication management - predict the emergence of conflicts in the presence of different points of view


Sounds and video images. Composition and montage.

Practical work No. 21: Music recording (including using a musical keyboard). Processing of material, installation of information object.


§ 5.2. computer presentations

Regulatory: goal setting - to form and maintain a learning task;forecasting - to anticipate the level of knowledge assimilation, its temporal characteristics.Cognitive: general education - choose the most effective ways to solve problems.Communicative: interaction - to formulate their difficulties; ask questions, engage in verbal dialogue


Possibility of discrete presentation of multimedia data. Generalization and systematization of the main concepts of the chapter "Multimedia". Verification work.

Project "Computer Devices"


§ 5.2. computer presentations

Regulatory: correction - make the necessary adjustments to the action after its completion, based on its assessment and taking into account the mistakes made.

Cognitive: general education - navigate in a variety of ways to solve problems; learn,

name and define objects and phenomena of the surrounding reality in accordance with the content of the subject.Communicative: interaction - to formulate own opinion and position;proactive cooperation - articulate your problems


Interim certification. Testing


Test for the course of the 7th grade

Regulatory: correction - make the necessary adjustments to the action after its completion, based on its assessment and taking into account the mistakes made.

Cognitive: general education - navigate in a variety of ways to solve problems; recognize, name

and determine the objects and phenomena of the surrounding reality in accordance with the content of the subject.Communicative: interaction - to formulate own opinion and position;proactive cooperation - articulate your problems


Analysis of the test for the year

According to preliminary data, the average score of USE participants in basic mathematics in 2018 was 4.29, slightly improving compared to last year (4.24). The exam is graded on a five-point scale. 567,000 participants passed the basic mathematics, which is 24,000 more than a year earlier.

The number of participants who failed to reach the minimum three points continues to decline for the fourth year in a row. In 2018, 3.1% of participants did not overcome the minimum threshold, which is 0.3% less than a year earlier.

Exam results are stable. They show a shift in emphasis in the preparation of students who do not plan to enter specialties with specialized mathematics: with the transition from teaching “everyone to everything” to focusing on each student achieving the chosen level of mathematical training, commented on the results of the exam, the head of the Federal Commission for the Development of Control Measurement Materials for the Unified State Exam mathematics Ivan Yaschenko.

According to him, there was a visible improvement in the performance of most practice-oriented tasks, for example, in 2018 they began to solve an important practical problem for the optimal choice, for calculating the probability of an event in a practical situation, much better. The growth in the general mathematical culture of those taking the basic exam reflects a marked improvement in the performance of logical problems.

The average result on the Unified State Examination in Geography is 1.5 higher than last year. The exam was passed by 16,000 participants - 2,000 more than a year earlier. The number of those who did not overcome the minimum threshold of 37 points decreased by 2% compared to last year.

The level of preparation of the majority of participants has noticeably increased, although the tasks for explaining geographic relationships and patterns remain the most difficult for them, - said Alexander Lobzhanidze, head of the Federal Commission for the Development of Control Measurement Materials for the Unified State Examination in Geography.

The average score on the Unified State Examination in Informatics and ICT is comparable to the results of the previous year. The exam was taken by 67,000 participants, 14,000 more than a year earlier.

In 2018, the number of USE participants in computer science increased by a quarter. This fact reflects the measures taken to implement the Strategy for the Scientific and Technological Development of the Russian Federation in terms of the development of IT education. The average USE score in informatics in 2018 is comparable to the same indicator last year. More than 13% of the USE participants in computer science showed results in the range of 81-100 test points, - commented the head of the Federal Commission for the Development of Control Measurement Materials for the USE in Informatics and ICT Sergey Krylov.

Unified State Exam is the main test for schoolchildren, passed as part of the state certification and further continuation of education. Every year, various changes are made to the schedule and conduct in order to improve the knowledge control system.

The form, procedure for conducting, evaluating the results and publishing them within the framework of the Unified State Exam are regulated Federal Law No. 273. According to him, the USE is a mandatory form of certification of school graduates and one of the requirements for admission to universities.

When will the results of the Unified State Examination in Informatics in 2018 be published: Latest news?

2018 Informatics Early Exam took place on 23 March. On this day, schoolchildren who, for good reasons, will not be able to attend the exam during the main stage of the examination, were able to pass it.

The main stage took place on Monday 29 May. Passing a unified exam in computer science, as well as in geography, opens the main stage of passing state exams.

During the USE, annually allocated reserve days, which are assigned to those who, for some reason, could not be present on the main day of the subject. For informatics were allocated June 20 and July 1- the last day when all items can be handed over.

  • At the end of the exam, the forms are sent to the Information Processing Centers in the regions. The term for checking the exam in computer science is no more than 4 days. Forms are scanned, checked by machine, and specialists evaluate tasks with a written answer, if any, are present in the test.
  • The next 5 days, the check is carried out in the central check commissions;
  • After it, the final verdict is issued by the State Commission of the region;
  • Final results are published within 3 days.

The waiting period for results is no more than 14 days. The results of the Unified State Examination in Informatics 2017 will be announced around June 12. The publication of the results according to the official plan is scheduled no later than the 14th. As a rule, the actual terms of publication of the results are 10-12 days.

How to find out the results of the exam in computer science?

In each subject of the country, the ways of informing are different and can be formed independently. Here are a few ways to check your score:

  1. Information stands, lists in schools or institutions where the exam was held;
  2. State educational authorities, Education Committees;
  3. On the website of the Unified State Exam www.ege.edu.ru;
  4. Regions can create their own websites or hotlines, which contains all the information about the exam.

To receive information, you must specify:

  • Name of the participant;
  • Region;
  • Registration code in the Unified State Examination or the number of an identity document.

Information about the results is provided free of charge in the presence of personal data! Both the participants themselves and their parents can find out the results.

Early USE in Informatics

The early computer science exam was held on March 23rd. Applications for it were submitted by 2.5 thousand students. The exam was held at 124 exam sites throughout the country. The results were published on April 4th.

To pass the Informatics and ICT exam, you need to score minimum 40 points.

How to view your work

After the results are published, the exam participant has the opportunity see your work. Its scanned copy is available when viewing the results on the USE website. To access you will need:

  • ID document number;
  • The identification number that was sent to the participant in the exam notice.

According to the results of the exam can appeal. There are two types:

  1. About violations during the exam. Must be submitted on the day of the examination and before the participant leaves the examination room. It is necessary to receive appeal forms from the organizers and fill them out in 2 copies, outlining your claims. Both forms are signed by the organizers, after which one remains with the commission, the second remains with the participant. The term of consideration is no more than 2 days. If the appeal is successful, the participant will be able to take the item again on the reserve day.
  1. Challenging the results of the exam. After the scores are published, there are two days to file an appeal for disagreement with the exam results. In 2018, in computer science, applications will be accepted until June 16, and the final verdict will be delivered on July 3. The application is also submitted in two copies. The solution of examination tasks is again evaluated by the Commission. The solution will be to keep the points set or set others.

When passing a single exam, concepts appear "primary" and "test" scores, and there is also a system for translating the former into the latter. The results of the exam are set in primary scores, and then translated into test scores, which are final. A special scale is developed annually, taking into account the general training of all participants, and should equalize their chances for a successful delivery of subjects.

In informatics in 2017, you need to dial at least 6 primary points. They will meet 40 test, that is, the minimum threshold for passing.

The unified examination is carried out with compliance with special rules:

  • Various mobile devices, cheat sheets, books, etc. are prohibited. The delivery of computer science does not imply the presence of additional tools or reference books. You can take a pen, water, medicine, food;
  • Tasks are limited in time. Informatics is rented within 4 hours. Time for filling out documents and briefing is not included in this time. The participant can leave the drop-off point earlier, but without the possibility to return.
  • The gathering of participants starts at 9 am. The exam itself starts at 10 o'clock. If you are late, the time for solving tasks is not extended.

Date of retaking the exam in computer science in 2018

Retaking the exam in computer science in the fall of 2017 is possible for those who:

  • Did not pass the subject on the main day or did not complete the tasks for good reasons;
  • Whose results were canceled by the commission.

Retake days are assigned September 13 and 21 (reserve day).
