Book of changes and interpretation of hexagrams. Find out fate without fortunetellers: predictions for three coins

Ancient Chinese divination on coins and the Book of Changes is considered one of the mysterious creations of man. Its creator can certainly be called the Superman. He managed to come up with symbols in which the secret of the universe is hidden.

This divination gave answers to various questions to the most influential people. And now everyone can use it.

Fortune telling on three coins - Book of Changes

The Book has another name "I-Jin" or "Zhou Yi". It was created about three thousand years ago. It describes 64 hexagrams - these are special symbols consisting of dashes - "yao". When fortune-telling, a solid line may fall out, which symbolizes the masculine principle, or an intermittent line may also fall out - the feminine principle.

The book does not describe the changes, but is a participant in them. It can help you find out why situation and how to get out of it.

First you need to prepare three coins. It can be special Chinese coins or ordinary pennies. Nuance: coins must be of the same denomination. If you often use fortune-telling with three coins, it is better to select a few coins and use only them.

In addition to coins, you need to take a piece of paper and a pen. Formulate a question the answer to which is "yes" or "no".

Mix the moments and throw one at a time on the table. The resulting combination must be written:

  • Two or three moments fell heads up - a solid line is drawn.
  • Two or three moments fell tails up - a broken line is drawn.

Repeat divination on coins: toss six times and write down the result. Six lines are written on top of each other. For example, they tossed coins for the first time - they wrote down the line, tossed them a second time - they wrote down the result above the first line, etc. You should get a column of dashes. Below is the line of the first throw, at the top - the last.

We divide the column into two parts and look at the meaning of the trigrams.

Interpretation of meanings - the first twenty of ancient divination

A special table is used for interpretation., which has an upper value and a lower value. Find your hexagram and find out the answer to the question:

The meaning of the second twenty according to ancient Chinese divination

Explanation of values:

The meaning of the third twenty

Interpretation of the third twenty divination in Feng Shui on coins.

Fortune telling on coins has gained popularity all over the world. A simple ritual and simple devices are available to everyone. Predictions will help a person who finds himself at a crossroads make the right choice, give answers to secret questions, and tell you what to expect from tomorrow.


Before starting fortune telling, prepare everything you need:

  • 3 coins;
  • handle;
  • paper;
  • book with the interpretation of hexagrams.

It is good if the coins are previously cleared of unnecessary energy and tuned to a fortuneteller. The power of the elements will help remove excess energy - put the coins in water for several hours or sing them with a candle flame, then hold them in your hands for a while. After such manipulations, coins become not just a means of payment, but a real magical attribute.

It is important to tune in to fortune telling, to create a suitable atmosphere. In the room where the ritual is performed, there should be no extraneous distracting sounds, it is better to dim the light. The fortuneteller should focus on his question to the higher powers, get rid of thoughts that are alien to what is happening. When all the conditions are met, you can start fortune telling at home.

Divination by hexagram on coins

The classic Chinese version of Change is a ritualistic, complex and time-consuming activity.

When Chinese divination gained popularity in Europe, a large number of hexagrams were tabulated. It consists of two rows of trigrams placed vertically and horizontally and a field of numbers, each of which corresponds to a prediction. This simplified version allows you to quickly find the desired description of the hexagram.

The procedure for handling the table of hexagrams is as follows:

  1. Compose a hexagram by tossing coins six times.
  2. Divide it in half into two trigrams - upper and lower.
  3. Find in the table, among the trigrams placed horizontally, the top one.
  4. Among the trigrams placed vertically, find the bottom one.
  5. Mentally continue the lines from these trigrams, and find the number at the intersection point.
  6. The number indicates the dropped hexagram, you need to find and read the prediction from it.

After compiling the hexagram, look at its number in the table. To do this, divide it in half and find the upper part among the trigrams placed horizontally, and the lower part vertically. At the point of intersection - the number of the dropped hexagram. Now it remains to look into the explanatory text-interpretation related to it.

Interpretation of hexagrams

  1. The prognosis is favorable, the desired will soon come true. Decisiveness will bring good luck in all endeavors.
  2. The wish will come true soon. No need to think about momentary benefits. It is better to show diligence and patience.
  3. Bad luck streak. Leave things for three months and wait out this period.
  4. Things are not as they seem. It would be wiser to trust the opinion of the authorities.
  5. Time to gather strength, take your time to act. In two months, a person will appear who will help solve the problem.
  6. Conflicts with other people. Don't get into a confrontation. Holding back emotions is the best way out.
  7. Good luck on your doorstep. Relationships with loved ones should be valued.
  8. There are still problems, but they are much less. The desire will be fulfilled if you work hard and listen to advice.
  9. Not the best time. Wait out this period, everything will be decided by itself. Focus on health.
  10. In anticipation of an important event, it is important to show friendliness to others.
  11. A promotion is expected. There are big expenses ahead, so now it’s better to live more economically.
  12. This is not the time for serious business. Pay attention to the environment, do not quarrel with loved ones.
  13. Before making a decision, you need to understand yourself. You can use the help of loved ones.
  14. In material terms, everything is fine, it's time to move forward.
  15. It is necessary to show patience in business, not to reject outside help.
  16. Good luck will come by itself, it remains only to wait.
  17. Circumstances will turn out as they should.
  18. Avoid reckless spending.
  19. Success in any business.
  20. Cardinal changes in life, not always pleasant.
  21. Everything will work out if you are optimistic.
  22. In communication with others, be yourself, then everything will work out.
  23. You can't trust everyone.
  24. Money will be needed soon. The plan will come true in a year.
  25. The path to success cannot be fast. Patience and work.
  26. Do not interfere with the natural course of events, this is a waste of energy.
  27. Be moderate in food, pay attention to health. Gossip can interfere with the execution of the plan.
  28. The wish will come true, but not soon. Show patience.
  29. A streak of failures in business, but a good period for study.
  30. You can not let things take their course, it's time to act. A man in years will help in business.
  31. It's time for peace of mind. Every business ends in success.
  32. Focus on the most important thing and put aside the rest.
  33. The right time for entertainment. Things are best left for later.
  34. The desire will be fulfilled when the attitude towards others becomes respectful.
  35. The right path is chosen, luck is not far off.
  36. Luck will be frightened away by thoughtless flirting.
  37. An outsider will help make your plan come true. Postpone relocation until later.
  38. Do not pay attention to the opinions of others, it is better to take care of the health of the nervous system.
  39. Bad period for big purchases. Studying will bring good results.
  40. Favorable period for any undertakings. Success in work and personal life.
  41. Time for profitable investments and intellectual pursuits.
  42. A promotion is expected, but this will have to work hard.
  43. Good luck will accompany in case of complaisance in relations with people.
  44. The fulfillment of desire is hindered by rudeness and arrogance.
  45. Nothing will interfere with what you have planned.
  46. The fulfillment of what has long been conceived is near. Labor will be rewarded.
  47. A high-ranking person will help in business.
  48. Time to help those in need.
  49. An unexpected trip will solve the matter, you should not refuse it.
  50. The result will be teamwork. It's time to put aside entertainment for later and get down to business.
  51. The ill-wisher interferes with the execution of the plan. Reconcile, give up the goal for a while, relax.
  52. Nothing will change in the near future.
  53. Success will come to those who take their time, considering each step.
  54. Spend money wisely.
  55. Great financial gains are coming. Do not spend money immediately, but invest in the business.
  56. Forget the bad, build relationships with colleagues. Profit will bring a trip abroad.
  57. Until the wish comes true.
  58. It's time to trade.
  59. Things will get better soon.
  60. Do not rush to agree to dubious offers that promise great benefits.
  61. Cooperation will bring good results. Modesty will be valued more than intrusiveness.
  62. Disappointment in love. Work will help you relax.
  63. Desires will come true with a delay.
  64. Wish will come true soon.

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Fortune telling on three coins - Book of Changes

The session consists of alternately tossing three coins, repeated six times. The prediction will depend on which side and in what sequence the coins will fall.

step by step plan

  1. Pick up coins, think of a question.
  2. Throw on a flat surface.
  3. Pay attention to how the coins fell: if tails fell on 2-3, draw a dashed line on paper, if heads - solid.
  4. Repeat the procedure five more times.
  5. Draw each next line above the previous one.

After such simple manipulations, a combination of broken and solid lines on six lines will appear on the sheet. This is a hexagram.

The interpretation of hexagrams is given in the Chinese Book of Changes. This monument of world literature came to us from the 3rd millennium BC. e. According to legend, a turtle once appeared to the Chinese ruler Fu Xi with mysterious signs on its shell, consisting of solid and intermittent lines. Fu Xi was able to decipher these inscriptions. He described them as a system of signs containing information about the universe and the secrets of the universe. Later, the number of hexagrams included in the Book of Changes increased to 64. This system of symbols and their interpretation describes the entire world process, the alternation of situations that reflect the struggle between the forces of evil and good, light and darkness, tension and compliance. A person who finds himself in such a whirlpool often needs wise advice, which is contained in the Book.

Interpretation and decoding of divination

Each symbol included in the Book of Changes describes different life situations, their development and human actions. The description provides recommendations for solving the problem. The predictions contain ancient Chinese philosophy and wisdom, so the Book of Changes is studied not only as a divination system, but also as a scientific work.

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Ancient Chinese divination on coins

The above predictions are simplified for the perception of a modern person, and the divination ritual is adapted to the conditions of our life.

In ancient China, divination was a complex and lengthy ritual filled with philosophical meaning. Initially, fortunetelling was done with the help of yarrow stalks, then silver coins began to be used. When not in use, they were kept in a sacred box, along with the Book of Changes, wrapped in silk. Before divination, silk was spread on a special table. Coins and the Book of Changes were placed on the matter. Incense was lit, the fortuneteller turned towards the south with a threefold bow to the earth, then the ritual began.

Antique pirate divination with coins for the future

In ancient times, sea pirates often turned to divination on coins. The fate of the sea wolf is unpredictable, full of dangers. Sea robbers relied on higher powers when they wanted to know the answer to a secret question or doubted their actions.

For divination, they took three identical coins and threw them on the table. If 2-3 tails fell out, an “X” sign was drawn on paper, if 2-3 coins fell on heads, then “O”. They threw coins several times and wrote down the desired symbol. The result was a sign that predicted fate. The interpretation of the combination is similar to predictions from the Book of Changes.

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In order for fortune-telling to be truthful and informative, follow the following rules.

  • Don't ask the same question multiple times in a row.
  • In one session, you can solve only one problem, put the rest aside for another time.
  • If a hexagram numbered 3, 29, 39, 47 fell out, there is no need to get upset and fall into despair, it is better to follow the recommendations received from the Book of Changes, and the situation will be resolved for the better.
  • You can’t guess if there is a goal in your thoughts to harm others.

Any fortune-telling should be approached seriously, with respect for higher powers. If the spirits refuse to take part in the ritual, the result will be random and the prediction will not come true.

Chinese divination on coins can suggest the answer to any question. Its advantage is that the fortuneteller will receive not only information about the upcoming event, but also advice on further actions. Even if the answer of the Book of Changes does not please, do not despair, following wise advice will turn the situation around for the better.

Fortune telling on the book of changes is a way to find answers to exciting questions. This ritual came from antiquity and is still relevant today because it has a huge percentage of veracity and probability. Divination is based on meditation and the correct interpretation of hexagram symbols.

The Book of Changes is an ancient Chinese magical element. Everyone is able to discover the secret world of coin layouts and tell the secrets of the universe. The book of changes is addressed by those who are concerned about the present and the future.

This fortune-telling embodies the dark and light sides of everything around. A person, as an active vital energy, is able to influence the coincidence of circumstances and make changes to what is happening.

interpretation of divination using hexagrams

The interpretation in the book is due to hexagrams - small images consisting of straight and broken lines. In total, 64 pictures can be distinguished, of which only eight are the most basic.

names of the main hexagrams
  • A complete hexagram that can answer any question for you consists of six lines. Lines can be either straight or broken. You can get a hexagram by tossing coins for divination on the Chinese book of changes
  • Coins are a must. These can be special coins, but if they are not available, they can be replaced with standard everyday pennies. It is only necessary to choose three coins of the same denomination. Before throwing coins, you need to hold them tightly in your palms and shake them, mentally asking an exciting question
  • Remember that the answer to your question must be mandatory: either "yes" or "no". After you formulate it, throw all three coins on the table
  • Prepare a blank sheet of paper and a pencil in order to clearly capture the information. Coin spreads will help you draw symbols

chinese coins for divination by the book of changes

Pay close attention to the dropdowns. If you are guessing on standard everyday trifles, remember the notation:

  • eagle - straight line
  • tail - intermittent

So, if you get three eagles - this is a clear, even line, if three tails - a broken one. In other cases, when coins fall out on the opposite side, focus on a larger number. If two heads and one tail, the line is straight, and if two tails and one head, the line is broken.

To get one hexagram, you need to flip coins exactly six times for one question.

It is advisable to be distracted from everything that is happening around you during fortune-telling and retire to a separate room. Remember that compliance with all the rules and regulations of the procedure will allow you to get the most accurate answer to your questions.

Video: “Fortune telling on coins, the answer to any question. Book of Changes»

How often can you read the book of changes?

This fortune-telling has no restrictions, so everyone can turn to the book of changes for answers in any exciting life situation with any question. Often people use fortune-telling on coins to solve difficult situations and get the approval of higher powers for certain actions.

Divination by the book of changes requires full concentration on the process, observance of the rules of divination and possession of one's emotions. Only such fortune-telling will give really useful advice and a clear interpretation that can somehow affect your life.

divination on coins according to the book of changes

The rules that must be followed during divination on coins according to the book of changes:

  • The book cannot be asked the same question several times by tossing coins. If the answer does not suit you, you need to either accept it or wait a while to ask it again.
  • A negative or unsatisfactory answer should not upset you and lead you into a state of emotional instability. You need to take any negative hints as experience and advice.
  • Ask the book only “kind” questions that are not capable of bringing anything negative to others or to you.
  • Before divination, try to relax, take a bath or shower, go through meditation. Your soul must be completely calm and clean in order to correctly accept the interpretation
  • The Book of Changes does not tolerate misuse, so make sure that it is used only to give interpretations.

Fortune telling on coins according to the book of changes can be divided into two types:

  • semi-classical (more modern)
  • ancient Chinese (original)

Each person chooses the method of fortune-telling and interpretation for himself, focusing on his intuition.

Video: "What is a book of changes, how to understand it?"

Semi-classical divination on coins according to the book of changes

In this type of divination on coins, one goal is pursued - to get a clear hexagram that can be correctly interpreted. Semi-classical divination differs from ancient Chinese only in descriptions of interpretations oriented towards more modern ones.

For semi-classical divination, coins should be tossed exactly six times. Each layout produces its own line: intermittent or even. All lines are written from bottom to top. One hexagram - one answer to the question.

Chinese hexagram example

Semi-classical fortune-telling suggests that you visually divide the resulting hexagram of six lines into two parts. And with the help of the table located in the book, calculate your number.

Each number is a more simplified and understandable way of interpreting a six-line hexagram. So, you do not have to look for the exact symbol in the book for a long time.

divination table on three coins

Video: “How to guess according to the I-Ching Book of Changes?”

Ancient Chinese divination on coins according to the book of changes

This method of divination is also called "canonical". It is not quite similar to divination on coins, because to determine the hexagram, yarrow stalks were used here, which were tossed and mixed.

This method of divination is suitable for those who are used to going through a long meditation and looking for an answer in the drop-down symbols for a long time.

stems (sticks of fate) for divination according to the book of changes

Only concentration and thoughtfulness in the drop-down symbols will be able to reveal and give the correct interpretation of divination. Divination should be accompanied by sticks made from stems or wood, the most common being bamboo sticks. Their number should consist of 50 pieces.

Rules of canonical (ancient Chinese) divination:

  • One of all the sticks is put aside (any) and does not take part in divination
  • All sticks are divided into two bundles
  • One bundle is tightly compressed in the left hand, and the right hand takes out one stick from it and clamps it on the left hand between the little finger and the ring finger
  • Then four sticks are also taken out with the right hand from the left bundle and distributed between the middle and index fingers of the left hand
  • These four stems are then laid aside and now the same manipulations are performed with the left hand with the right bundle

In total, there may be five or nine stems between the fingers of the left hand in combinations: 1+1+3 , 1+2+2 , 1+3+1 , 1+4+4

  • They should be put aside. All remaining stems are collected together and the procedure is repeated again. Between the fingers of the left hand there are four or eight stems ( 1+1+2 , 1+2+1 , 1+3+4 , 1+4+3)
  • Three dimensions will give bundles that will have 36, 32, 28 or 24 stems
  • From this amount, four stems should be counted to get six, seven, eight or nine bunches. Each of the numbers will denote a hexagram, which is written from the bottom up

Book of changes, divination on coins: interpretation of hexagrams

It is preferable to choose the semi-classical style of divination on coins in order to get a more accurate number.

table of hexagrams
  • 1 - a good, good sign, foreshadowing a favorable course of affairs and good news
  • 2 - requires concentration, work, perseverance and strength, which in the end will give a good result
  • 3 - a bad combination that brings anxiety and problems
  • 4 - requires avoiding dangerous situations and waiting time for things to succeed
  • 5 - requires a long wait for problems to resolve themselves
  • 6 - disharmony, conflicts, negativity
  • 7 - calls for solitude
  • 8 - says that the worst is behind
  • 9 - portends good luck in the future
  • 10 - says that it's time to calm down and not take dangerous steps
  • 11 - calls not to forget about friends and loved ones
  • 12 - indicates that the situation will change soon
  • 13 - the desire will come true when you put effort into it
  • 14 - auspicious time for doing things
  • 15 - a quick fix for the better
  • 16 - says that you need to do self-development
  • 17 - no need to swim against the current
  • 18 - analyze events carefully
  • 19 - success awaits you
  • 20 - get ready for trouble
  • 21 - do not despair and tune in to the positive
  • 22 - do not hide your true face
  • 23 - big changes await you
  • 24 - it is necessary to solve a confusing situation
  • 25 - your wishes come true on time
  • 26 - rest and take a break
  • 27 - look at yourself from the side
  • 28 - do not offend those around you
  • 29 - do not lose heart and find the strength to manage the situation
  • 30 - not everything is as good as it seems
  • 31 - luck accompanies you
  • 32 - do not chase "two birds with one stone"
  • 33 - hold back your emotions
  • 34 - do not be too assertive and confident
  • 35 - your luck is very close
  • 36 - soon the situation will change dramatically
  • 37 - your soul will give you an answer
  • 38 - try to find harmony
  • 39 - negative hexagram, expect problems
  • 40 - the new period will be favorable
  • 41 - it is necessary to show generosity to people
  • 42 - fix your financial affairs
  • 43 - be careful not to make a mistake
  • 44 - nothing will be favorable for you
  • 45 - a good and kind period in life
  • 46 - success in financial affairs
  • 47 - your period of bad luck will end
  • 48 - favorable financial permissions
  • 49 - try to change your plans
  • 50 - fulfillment of a wish
  • 51 - inevitable success and good luck are approaching
  • 52 - do not expect success in business and endeavors
  • 53 - be careful and attentive
  • 54 - income will exceed your expenses
  • 55 - a symbol of a favorable harvest, expect profit
  • 56 - minor unpleasant event
  • 57 - do not let others spread rumors about you
  • 58 - luck is in a hurry to you and soon things will end in success
  • 59 - your failures will end soon
  • 60 - do not try to harm others, take care of yourself
  • 61 - you are destined to try your luck in business and career
  • 62 - do not take all events tragically
  • 63 - try to find help from loved ones
  • 64 - your business will fail

Divination for health according to the book of changes

Fortune-telling is turned to when medicine and doctors cannot find an answer and a solution to the problems of diseases. In such cases, questions and the essence of the problem are revealed to the person. The answer to fortune-telling can carry several meanings and open up solutions:

  • do you have a serious illness
  • will you be able to get rid of the disease soon
  • does the disease promise you serious complications
  • how much waste will go to recovery
  • who to look for help to gain health
divination on coins will reveal the secrets of health

Divination for love according to the book of changes

The most common questions that are addressed to divination are questions of a personal nature. People strive to get answers to those questions that excite their hearts. After all, only the Universe can know everything and help a person to endure and endure the situations that are happening.

Divination for love is a kind of way to plunge into the depths of your personal thoughts, experiences and correctly analyze the situation.

fortune-telling will give answers to all "heart" questions

Divination for the future according to the book of changes

Only fortune-telling can reveal all the secrets of upcoming events, hint to the questioning person about how to behave and what steps not to take. The correct interpretation of hexagrams will allow you to decipher upcoming events and the outcome of any business, as well as relationships.

Fortune telling should be done from time to time in order to immerse yourself in your own thoughts and clearly define what you want for yourself.

book of changes

Fortune telling according to the book of changes at a fortuneteller: pros and cons

Of course, only a person who knows the art of divination can interpret the most correct and detailed result of divination. To do this, you can contact a professional fortune teller. It is not difficult to comprehend the art of divination and interpretation if you have intuition and patience.

Most professionals take decades to memorize all the important symbols and meanings of hexagrams. To carry out the ritual, such people use only original attributes that carry the positive energy of centuries.

divination and professional

Whatever fortune-telling, it always depends on your emotional state and mood. It is imperative to undergo a ritual of cleansing the soul and body before the procedure in order to achieve the best result and obtain a detailed interpretation.

Try to retire from everyone and exclude any possibility that you will be disturbed during divination and knocked off the meditative wave. Believe in fortune-telling and then events will begin to take place on schedule.

Video: "Book of Changes"

Fortune-telling on three coins, which came from Ancient China, is called "I Ching", or fortune-telling according to the "Book of Changes". It is the earliest known philosophical text. According to scientists, it was created more than 5,000 years ago, during the reign of the Zhou Dynasty. A little later, the text of the Book of Changes was adopted a little later as the canon of the Confucian Pentateuch.

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The "Book of Changes" reflects the quintessence of all Chinese philosophy, which says that all phenomena in this world are repetitive. The title of the book contains the main idea of ​​the variability of nature and humanity as a result of a change in the balance between Yin and Yang.

    Hexagrams: what is it?

    Hexagrams, their image and numbering

    According to the philosophy of the Book of Changes, life consists of a series of situations. Each of them can be expressed by one of 64 characters, consisting of 6 lines.

      These lines, called yao, consist of either a solid long line or 2 short lines. The lines are different for a visual demonstration of the duality of all processes in the world. The long line represents the energy of Yang, that is, light, day, man. The dashed line is the personification of Yin energy, means a passive state, the moon, a woman.

      Hexagrams are written and interpreted from the bottom up. 3 lower lines, or the lower trigram, means the inner life - the creative one. 3 upper lines, or the upper trigram, denotes the outer life - destructive.

      How to write and read hexagrams?

      For divination, you will need three coins, although initially they used yarrow stalks in the amount of 50 pieces. They were transferred in a special way from one hand to another, receiving two bunches from a different number of stems. Later, a semi-classical fortune-telling method was introduced, for which they began to use moments, which greatly simplified the fortune-telling process.

      Basic Rules:

      • if you use Chinese coins, then the side with hieroglyphs means Yin and is written with a broken line, and the side with the dragon represents Yang and is written with a solid line;
      • if you have ordinary coins, then heads are Yang, tails are Yin.

      Action algorithm:

  1. 1. Clear thoughts of extraneous thoughts and shake the coins in your hand or glass.
  2. 2. If two or three coins fell with the Yin side up, then draw a dashed line, if they fell with the Yang side, then a solid line. This action should be repeated 6 times, writing the lines from the bottom up.
  3. 3. Then find the hexagram in the table and its interpretation by number.

Meaning of hexagrams

Hexagrams by numbers are shown in Figure 1.

Interpretation of hexagrams:

  1. 1. Qian. The path to success is open. Make efforts to achieve your goals and justify your hopes.
  2. 2. Kun. Soon there will be people ready to help you. You will be able to find the right path without making any effort to find it. You treat even the smallest fruits of your labor with love.
  3. 3. Zhong. Expect trouble, but don't doubt. Only forward!
  4. 4. Mun. Don't be afraid of danger. Learn to compromise. Before you get down to business, check all the nuances. Learn to look at the world with the eyes of a child, fresh and admiring.
  5. 5. Xu. You must patiently wait for the right moment for decisive action, otherwise the danger cannot be avoided. Be restrained. Keep a close eye on what's going on. Soon everything will be back to normal.
  6. 6. Sun. Seek advice from the wise. Do not interfere in events, and then there will be peace. Remember: life is made up of lessons.
  7. 7. Shi. To reach the top, be firm. Carefully choose the time for active action and do not interfere in the course of events if you do not have enough strength.
  8. 8. Bi. The worst is behind us, but some difficult problems still remain. It is necessary to participate in common affairs, success awaits in cooperation with others. Pay close attention to your responsibilities.
  9. 9. Xiao chu. The night is darkest just before sunrise. Wait: soon everything will change for the better.
  10. 10. Lee. Show respect to the Universe and it will give you great luck. If you live according to the laws of conscience, the soul will receive a reward.
  11. 11. Thai. In work, you are moving towards success by leaps and bounds, while forgetting about friends, which is not worth doing. But don't lose your sanity.
  12. 12. Pi. Take a closer look at your surroundings and do not allow unworthy people into it. Be careful and take on big things. Quarrels with friends on the basis of misunderstanding are possible.
  13. 13. Tui-jen. In business, expect help from those from whom you could not expect before. Calm down: everything is fine, things are going uphill.
  14. 14. Yes Yu. Your middle name now is freedom. Gather all your strength and direct it towards the fulfillment of your innermost desires.
  15. 15. Qian. Keep yourself in control and do not do rash acts, so as not to reap bitter fruits later.
  16. 16. Yu. The luck you've been waiting for is just around the corner. Time is favorable for entertainment, but in moderation. If you have something in mind, then proceed to implement, now is the time. But at the same time, be careful.
  17. 17. Sui. Do not change your principles, even if something goes wrong. If you can achieve a small victory, then soon expect a big one.
  18. 18. Gu. In order not to fall from the top and turn the situation for the better, consider every step you take.
  19. 19. Lin. Now is the time when luck takes under its wing in any endeavor: from small to large.
  20. 20. Guan. Consider everything that is happening around you. Between the inner and the outer there is a connection invisible to you.
  21. 21. Shi. If you get down to business - do not stop. It is also the time for new beginnings.
  22. 22. Bi. Do not try to change the world around you - it is beautiful like that. As soon as you understand this, harmony will come. Appreciate the balance you have found.
  23. 23. Bo. You need to lie low and not take on any business. Otherwise, you will get into a mess and harm your reputation.
  24. 24. Fu. Everything you do will bring positive results. You will easily pass on the road of difficulties. The term - 7 days, 7 weeks or 7 months - will become important for you.
  25. 25. U-van WANG. If you do not have the strength to stay on the path or field you have chosen, then failure is inevitable. Consider it.
  26. 26. Yes-choo. Your path to happiness is helping those in need.
  27. 27. I. Moderate your ardor. Stop complaining about life, otherwise it will only get worse.
  28. 28. Yes. Curb your violent temper, otherwise there will be trouble. Restraint and calmness are virtues and excellent protection. Listen to the inner voice - it will show the right path.
  29. 29. Si-kan. One of the four worst combinations. Be careful - there are traps waiting for you. Move slowly and come to the respect of society.
  30. 30. Lee. Candy in a beautiful wrapper is not always tasty. Listen to a friend - he will save you from mistakes. You will only succeed if you achieve balance.
  31. 31. Xian. On your doorstep - good luck, success and a series of joyful events that will give your soul peace.
  32. 32. Hyun. The virtue of constancy opens all doors. You have to be patient, it will only do you good. You should not strive for change, you should avoid mistakes. It's time to sort out your plans; not the right time to start.
  33. 33. Dun. You need silence and solitude for a while to see the way to the top. For a wise man, solitude is happiness. Engage in the consolidation of plans for the future.
  34. 34. Da zhuang. Slow down as you go up the road. Ambition and self-confidence will do no harm only if they are adjacent to benevolence.
  35. 35. Jin. Your innermost desire will soon come true. Good luck on the way, you just have to wait a bit.
  36. 36. Min-i. Difficulties strengthen the will. You overestimate yourself. Be careful. Keep your thoughts to yourself.
  37. 37. Jia-ren. Do not leave the house, so as not to bring trouble on yourself. Listen to the advice of a friend, he sees more than you.
  38. 38. Kui. You are very nervous and see enemies in everyone. It's not, you'll soon find out.
  39. 39. Chien. The more effort you make to move forward, the more you are thrown back. Keep calm. Every decision needs to be considered.
  40. 40. Jie. Your actions may bring disaster. Leave tension, find true harmony in life.
  41. 41. Sun. The hand of the giver shall not fail. Stop and think about your plans for the future
  42. 42. I. It's time to get paid for your deeds, whether good or bad. If you have something in mind - act.
  43. 43. Guay. Do not be stubborn, otherwise you will lose those who helped you achieve success. Be fair.
  44. 44. Go. Be careful with new acquaintances. Be gentle with people. The work begun now will bring an unsatisfactory result. Caution won't hurt you.
  45. 45. Cui. Higher powers will help you connect with people who will support you as you rise to the top. Everything you start will lead to success.
  46. 46. ​​Sheng. Expect decent pay for your work. Nevertheless, do not slow down, and get a decent result.
  47. 47. Kun. Bad moment for action. Get down to the bottom and watch. Take the good man's advice.
  48. 48. Ching. Despite the fact that everything is not going smoothly in your affairs, do not refuse to help others. Only small hopes can be fulfilled.
  49. 49. Ge. What you get will be much more than expected. Wait for new opportunities, and with them - self-confidence.
  50. 50. Dean. It's time to understand the simple truth: what you sow, you will reap. Get ready for the harvest.
  51. 51. Zhen. There will be a thunderstorm soon, but after it the sun will definitely come out.
  52. 52. Gen. A lull in business, which calls for a sober assessment of one's strengths. Victory is near.
  53. 53. Chiang. To succeed and not lose happiness, walk the road of life, carefully considering each step you take. Do not interfere with the speed of life.
  54. 54. Gui-mei. Refuse intimate communication if it is not based on love. Survive the gap - soon everything will work out.
  55. 55. Feng. Your lucky star lights your path extraordinarily brightly, but it is not forever. Be prepared for things to get worse.
  56. 56. Lu. Go through life with the same attention with which you travel through an unknown country. To be content with the circumstances of life in the same way that a traveler puts up with the difficulties of travel.
  57. 57. Sun. It seems to you that the world around you is hostile. If you're unsure about the right thing to do, don't let yourself be talked into doing it.
  58. 58. Dun. The blues will be overwhelmed by new happiness. Good advice should not be ignored. Do not waste your energy and nerves on something that does not depend on you.
  59. 59. Huan. After a series of rains, the weather cleared up again. You have the opportunity to climb to the top of success. Don't push your friend's hand away.
  60. 60. Jie. Gather the rest of your strength for a decisive leap forward. The benefits of the work done will be less than you expected at the beginning of the journey. Don't lose your sense of proportion.
  61. 61. Zhong-fu. Your arrogance and arrogance have no justification. Working in a team or in pairs will bring good results. The path to success lies through restraint and willpower.
  62. 62. Xiao-guo. Small success will lead you to big. Don't waste your energy on trifles. A new chance will come soon.
  63. 63. Chi-chi. A new road will lead to new success. Don't lose your calm and mindfulness.
  64. 64. Wei Chi. Luck is at the gate, but the period of decisive steps has not yet come. Be prudent and decisive in moderation, and then desires will come true.

Hexagram 24 is considered special. It looks like this: one solid line, then five broken ones. means return; its key designations are freshness, rebirth. The essence of this hexagram is that in life everything moves in a circle and all mistakes can be corrected.

Divination using the Book of Changes is an ancient Chinese coin toss divination. By tossing coins 6 times, you will receive the Book's recommendation, and if you act on it, you will come to the best solution to your problem. And then subsequent events will develop in a favorable way for you!

Divination consists in building a hexagram from 6 solid or broken lines. Depending on which hexagram was formed, this or me answer follows, according to the Book of Changes.

In total there are 64 different variants of hexagrams. That is how many of them are needed so that the Book of Changes can describe all the main life situations. By the way, in the DNA molecule, which is the carrier of the genetic code of any organism, there are also 64 possible combinations. Is it just a coincidence - ancient Chinese divination and modern science?

Book of Changes - how to guess?

Fortune-telling consists in the fact that first you mentally ask the question that you want the Book to answer. Then flip three coins six times. Drag them around the screen with the mouse, and then release. Flip coins slowly, relax and take your time. Each roll is one of the lines in the hexagram. If two or three virtual coins are placed with the "yang" side up, then a solid, yang line is drawn. If the coins lay tails up, then this is a Yin, dashed line. They are drawn from the bottom up, one above the other - the first at the very bottom, the last line at the top. Fortune telling will be completed when you flip the coins 6 times.

What to ask?

Your question to be answered by the Book should be specific, clear, and of course, should be really important to you. It should not concern a case that is directed to cause harm to others. You also cannot ask the Book of Changes about the same thing twice, even if you did not like the answer at all. If possible, the book should answer only one question during one session. If you have a lot of questions, don't ask them all at once. Better come back a little later and do the divination again.

Still, do not forget that virtual fortune-telling is not the same as fortune-telling "live", but more of a harmless entertainment. Therefore, if your answer to the Book of Changes is not to your liking, then do not be discouraged and take it lightly!

Tell your friends! Let them try to guess too. Click on the social media buttons!
