Classification of thermal equipment. Classification of thermal devices and their structure

Thermal equipment is used for thermal processing of products, as a result of which physical, chemical and biochemical changes occur in the products. Products change in mass, color, volume, their organoleptic properties improve, but their shelf life worsens due to the destruction of bactericidal substances contained in raw products (for example, eggs). Thermal equipment is used in hot, confectionery, flour shops and distribution.

Thermal equipment is classified according to the following criteria: technological purpose; type of heat sources; principle of action; heating method; degree of automation, etc.

By technological purpose equipment is divided into universal and specialized. Universal equipment includes sectional kitchen and combined stoves. Specialized equipment is divided into: brewing (boilers, autoclaves, coffee makers, etc.); frying and baking (frying pans, deep fryers, cabinets, grills, etc.); water heating (water heaters, boilers); auxiliary or distributing for serving dishes (bain-marie, heat racks, etc.). Specialized equipment has significant advantages compared to universal: allows you to get higher quality products; use equipment with higher efficiency; reduces the consumption of fat in the manufacture of cutlets, schnitzels, pies; reduces cooking time; significantly reduces energy consumption for cooking.

By heat sources(types of energy carrier) thermal equipment is divided into electrical, gas, fire (solid and liquid fuel) and steam. Depending on the energy carrier used, the devices have a different design of heat generating devices.

By heating method There are thermal equipment with direct heating, indirect heating, as well as in the form of contact devices. With direct heating, heat is transferred from the heating medium to the thermally heated product through a separating wall (electric stoves, boilers). With indirect heating, heat is transferred from the heating medium to the product being heated through an intermediate heat carrier - saturated water steam (digestive boilers, frying pans). In contact devices, heat is transferred from the coolant to the product being heated as a result of their direct contact (steamers, electric stoves).

For cooking products by the method of volumetric heating, devices are used in which the products are heated in an electromagnetic field of ultrahigh frequency (microwave devices).

By operating principle thermal devices are divided into devices of continuous and periodic action. Continuous devices are characterized by the fact that the loading and heat treatment of products, as well as the unloading of finished products in them, is carried out simultaneously (continuous boilers, a conveyor roasting oven, etc.). Firstly, products are loaded into batch apparatuses and they are heat treated, and after they are brought to readiness, they are unloaded (digestive boilers, stoves, etc.).

By degree of automation Distinguish between non-automated (solid and liquid fuel) and automated devices, in which the operation of the equipment and the control of the heat treatment mode are carried out in the device itself (gas and electric boilers and braziers, boilers, etc.).

When operating non-automated equipment - boilers, stoves, boilers operating on fire heating - control over its safe operation and regulation of the technological process of cooking is carried out by the cook. This type of equipment includes stoves, solid fuel boilers. When operating equipment on gas (boilers, stoves), its safe operation is controlled by automatic devices, and the technological mode is manually adjusted. When operating equipment with electric heating, the processes of monitoring safe operation and compliance with the thermal regime in the chamber are carried out automatically. This type of equipment includes electric boilers, baking and frying cabinets, various braziers, etc.

By constructive solution thermal devices are classified into non-sectional and sectional, modulated and modulated.

Non-sectional thermal devices have different dimensions, design; their parts and assemblies are not unified, and they are installed individually, without interlocking with separate sections of other devices in order to obtain a block of devices of the required power and productivity.

The design of modular devices is based on a single size - a module. In this case, the width (depth) and height to the working surface of all devices are the same, and the length is a multiple of the module. The main parts and assemblies of these devices are unified as much as possible.

The domestic industry produces sectional modulated equipment with a module of 200 ± 10 mm. The width of the equipment is 840 mm, and the height to the working surface is 850 + 10 mm, which corresponds to the main average anthropometric data of a person.

Further improvement of thermal equipment is based on the production of sectional devices for functional containers, which most fully corresponds to the task of reducing the share of manual labor in cooking. This equipment meets world standards in terms of module, functional capacities and containers. The length and width of such equipment are multiples of the module M, equal to 100 mm, the height to the working surface is 850 or 900 mm.

Sectional modulated equipment has certain advantages. Equipment lines are located near the wall (along the perimeter) or in the main way (in the center of the room). Maintenance of equipment is carried out only from the front side. With the linear placement of equipment, the sequence of the technological process is ensured, while the efficiency of equipment use is significantly increased. The introduction of modulated equipment facilitates the standardization and unification of components and parts of apparatus, which facilitates the simplification of their operation, repair and installation, as well as its phased modernization. Due to the wide unification of units and parts, the cost of equipment during its manufacture is reduced. Above all modular devices, local supply and exhaust ventilation is installed.

In order to inform specialists about new types of manufactured domestic equipment in terms of productivity, type of energy carrier, purpose, year of manufacture, indexation of thermal equipment has been adopted in Russia in accordance with GOSTs. The indexing is based on the alphanumeric designation of the equipment.

The first letter corresponds to the name of the group to which these devices belong, for example, stoves - P, boilers - K, cabinets - W, etc.

The second letter corresponds to the name of the type of equipment, for example, sectional - C, food - P, continuous action - N.

The third letter corresponds to the name of energy carriers, for example, steam - P, gas - G, electric - E, solid fuel - T.

The number separated from the letter designation by a hyphen corresponds to the standard size or main parameter of this equipment: frying surface area, number of burners, number of ovens, boiling water capacity, boiler capacity, etc.

The fourth letter M is introduced into the indexing of sectional modulated equipment - modulated.

For example, KPE-60 is an electric cooking boiler with a capacity of 60 dm 3; KNE-25 - continuous boiler with a capacity of 25 dm 3 / h.

Currently, electric sectional-modulated stoves are produced, which are divided into stoves for cooking products in on-stove dishes and stoves for cooking products directly on the frying surface. The first types of slabs include PESM-2K, PESM-4Sh, PESM-4ShB, etc., and the second - PESM-1N, PESM-1NSh, etc. Non-sectional slabs include EP-7, EP-8, EPM-ZM and others

These model abbreviations are deciphered as follows: PESM-2K - sectional modulated electric stove with two round burners;

PESM-4N - sectional modulated electric cooker with four burners for direct preparation of products on the stove.

PESM-4ShB - sectional-modulated electric cooker, four burners, with a cabinet and boards for moving cookware.

PNEK-2 - a stove for heating in stove-top dishes, electric, with two round burners.

PNEN-0.2 - stove for direct frying on the working surface, burner area 0.2 m 2, etc.

Today, the kitchen of a restaurant, cafe, ordinary dining room is hard to imagine without a wide variety of equipment: deep fryers, boilers, steamers, stoves, pasta cookers and much more. Here, scientific and technological progress played a big role, making huge changes in the technology of cooking. Only the kitchen equipped with the latest technology provides a variety of menus, fast and high-quality customer service.

And it is with the installation of heating equipment in the kitchen that any business in the field of catering begins.

Classification of thermal equipment

Equipment installed in kitchens is divided into groups according to the following criteria:

  • heat sources;
  • technological purpose;
  • heating method.

According to how kitchen appliances heat up, they are divided into three types:

  • with direct heating (surface), when heat is transferred through a separating wall; such devices include stoves, boilers and much more;
  • with mixing of the heat source with the heated medium (water heaters);
  • with direct influence of a heat source on the product, for example, steamers.

Thermal equipment is divided by technological purpose into two types:

  • universal: for example, a stove;
  • specialized (single-purpose): e.g. coffee maker, deep fryer.

All thermal devices can be divided:

  • for steaming or in liquid;
  • for baking and frying on a hot surface, in a hot air environment, in cooking oil, in infrared radiation;
  • for combined cooking processes: blanching, stewing, baking, poaching;
  • for heating ready-made products;
  • to keep them hot for a while;
  • for defrosting.

Equipment is classified according to heat sources and can be:

  • electrical;
  • fire;
  • steam;
  • gas.

Industrial heating equipment for catering establishments

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It will not be difficult for a professional cook to cook many different dishes at the same time if he has a cast-iron or steel assistant in the form of an industrial electric frying pan.

In catering establishments, one cannot do without such equipment as a boiler. They are presented in different models. When choosing devices, it is necessary to pay attention to their quality, as well as technical characteristics.

A convection oven is indispensable for a mini-bakery, cafe and restaurant. It mainly prepares bread and other pastries, although the range of functions of the combi steamer is much wider. Let's try to figure out how to choose it correctly, so as not to overpay and not miscalculate

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A modern catering establishment cannot afford to feed a visitor not only with cold food, but also with food that had to be warmed up several times. Therefore, in each kitchen, food warmers are installed ─ special devices for storing dishes at the right temperature.

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Types of thermal equipment


The stove is an indispensable attribute of any kitchen. She regularly served the cooks even when there was no other heating equipment in the kitchen.

Modern plates are:

  • gas;
  • electrical;
  • induction.

This is a versatile piece of equipment capable of replacing 70% of thermal kitchen equipment and to carry out almost all operations for the thermal processing of products.

Such equipment is:

  • electrical;
  • gas.

According to the method of steam formation, combi steamers are:

  • injection: at certain intervals, moisture is injected onto the electric heater tube;
  • boiler rooms: have a special steam generator;

These devices come in different sizes.

Combi steamers have a number of advantages over other types of heating equipment:

  • there is no need to constantly turn the products during cooking;
  • you can cook several dishes at once;
  • smells do not mix from different dishes;
  • food cooks faster;
  • useful qualities are preserved in products;
  • products are less boiled and fried;
  • in one chamber, dishes are cooked in several ways at once;
  • less energy costs.

According to the program management method, combi steamers are:

  • electronic;
  • mechanical;
  • combined.

The name comes from the French word saucepan, pot.

These are thermal cabinets for keeping ready meals hot for a while.

They are designed both separately for first and second courses, and universal.

Food warmers heat and maintain the temperature of dishes in two ways:

  • water;
  • steam.

Each method has its own advantages.

For mermen:

  • precisely maintain the set temperature;
  • the temperature is the same over the entire surface;
  • food does not burn.

For steam:

  • food warms up quickly;
  • the food warmer heats up completely;
  • saves electricity.

Marmites are:

  • floor;
  • desktop.

Devices can also be:

  • motionless, standing in a permanent place;
  • movable, mounted on a trolley.

Bain-marie according to materials are:

  • ceramic;
  • metal;
  • glass.


The steamer allows you to cook meals without the use of steamed oil and fat. This is the healthiest way to cook.

Steamers are:

  • electrical;
  • steamers-pans.

Electric steamers have many functions:

  • timer;
  • setting the required temperature;
  • steam distribution system.

Both types of double boilers have several tiered baskets for cooking and a water tank.

The importance of choosing the right equipment

For the kitchens of modern catering establishments, properly selected equipment is the basis of the business.

Good equipment means well-prepared dishes, which means that the establishment has a good reputation.

To choose the right equipment, consider the following:

  • institution profile;
  • approximate number of visitors per day;
  • kitchen area;
  • staff qualifications;
  • financial opportunities.

Be sure to first familiarize yourself with the technical characteristics of the selected equipment.

Cooking is an art, as in any kind of art, in cooking there is a plan, there is its embodiment. And to help go this way - from conception to implementation - in a modern kitchen should be thermal equipment.

CHAPTER 6. Thermal equipment

6.1. Classification of thermal equipment

The variety of methods of heat treatment of products predetermines a wide range of thermal devices. They can be classified according to several different criteria.

According to its functionality thermal equipment is classified into universal and specialized. Universal thermal devices include kitchen stoves, with the help of which it is possible to carry out various methods of heat treatment. Specialized thermal devices are designed to implement individual methods of heat treatment.

By technological purpose specialized thermal equipment is classified into cooking, frying, frying and baking, water heating and auxiliary. Cooking equipment includes cooking kettles, autoclaves, steamers, sausage cookers. The group of frying equipment includes frying pans, deep fryers, grills, barbecue ovens.

Frying and baking equipment includes ovens and baking cabinets, steam ovens. Water heating equipment is represented by boilers and water heaters. Auxiliary equipment includes food warmers, heating cabinets and racks, thermostats, equipment for transporting food.

depending on heat source equipment is classified into electric, steam, fire, gas (solid or liquid fuel) thermal devices.

According to the structure of the work cycle thermal equipment is divided into devices of periodic and continuous action.

According to the heating method Distinguish between contact thermal devices and devices with direct and indirect heating of food products. In contact heat devices, the product is heated by direct contact with the coolant (for example, with steam in steamers).

In devices with direct heating, heat is transferred to the products through a separating wall (for example, boilers and pans), in devices with indirect heating - through an intermediate heat carrier. Water, steam, mineral oils, organic and organosilicon liquids are used as an intermediate heat carrier.

By design decision thermal devices are classified into non-sectional and sectional, modulated and modulated. Non-sectional thermal devices have different dimensions, design; their parts and assemblies are not unified and they are installed individually, without interlocking with other devices. Non-sectional equipment requires considerable space for its installation, since its installation and maintenance are carried out from all sides.

Sectional equipment is made in the form of separate sections, in which the main components and parts are unified. The service front of such devices is on the one hand, thanks to which it is possible to connect individual sections and obtain a block of devices of the required power and productivity.

The design of modular devices is based on a single size - a module. In this case, the width (depth) and height to the working surface of all devices are the same, and the length is a multiple of the module. The main parts and assemblies of these devices are unified as much as possible.

  • 2.9. Refractory and heat-insulating materials
  • 2.10. Materials for Electric Furnace Heaters
  • 3. The main equipment for cooling materials and products
  • 3.1. Refrigeration equipment indexing
  • 3.2. Non-mechanized hardening tanks
  • 3.3. Mechanized hardening tanks
  • 3.4. Hardening presses and machines
  • 4. Additional equipment
  • Straightening Equipment
  • Cleaning equipment
  • pickling plants
  • Washing machines, ultrasonic cleaning
  • Shot blasting machines
  • 4.3. Straightening equipment
  • 4.4. Cleaning equipment
  • 5. Accessories
  • 5.1. Auxiliary Equipment Classification
  • 5.2. Equipment for obtaining controlled atmospheres
  • 5.3. Means of mechanization (handling equipment)
  • 6. Means and systems for automation of technological processes of heat treatment of parts
  • 6.1. Automation Tasks
  • 6.2. Development of automation tools
  • 6.3. Temperature measuring devices
  • 6.4. Automatic control devices in thermal shops
  • 6.5. Control electronic computers in thermal shops
  • 7. Designing the production of technological processes of heat treatment
  • 7.1. Design stages, basic provisions, principles and design tasks Classification of thermal shops
  • Design Challenges
  • Design stages
  • 7.2. Design and regulatory documentation
  • 7.3. The concept of a unified system of technological preparation of production
  • 2. Selection and calculation of the required amount of equipment.
  • 7.4. Automation of design work
  • 8. Recommendations for the choice of modes of heat treatment of blanks from steels of various groups and purposes
  • 8.1. Engineering steels
  • 8.1.1. The shape and characteristic dimensions of products
  • 8.1.2. Type of pre-heat treatment (annealing) mode
  • 8.1.3. Annealing mode selection
  • 10. Recommendations for heat treatment of tool steels, including high-speed ones
  • 11. Technology of heat treatment of machine parts and tools
  • 11.1. General provisions for heat treatment
  • 11.1.1. Physical basis of heating and cooling steel
  • 11.1.2. Characteristics of heat treatment processes for steel parts and tools
  • 11.1.3. Quench media
  • 11.1.4. Issue of steel products
  • Low temperature processing
  • Aging
  • 11.1.5. Processes of chemical-thermal treatment
  • Cementation
  • Nitriding
  • Cyanidation
  • 11.2. Principal bases for determining the duration of heat treatment
  • 11.2.1. Influence of technological factors on modes
  • heating parts
  • Heating parts in a constant temperature furnace
  • 11.2.2. Temperature stresses and allowable heating rate
  • 11.2.3. The duration of the process during chemical-thermal treatment
  • 11.3. Estimated determination of metal heating parameters in furnaces
  • 11.3.1. Thin and massive bodies
  • 11.3.2. Calculation of heating and cooling times in a constant temperature environment
  • 11.3.3. Calculation of heating and cooling in an environment with a constant temperature using auxiliary graphs
  • 11.3.4. Calculation of the holding time for temperature equalization
  • 11.3.5. Determination of calculated sections for setting the holding time during heating and cooling in the process of hardening, normalization and tempering. Typical modes of heat treatment of forgings
  • 11.3.6. Heat treatment of large parts of power units
  • 11.3.7. Cutting Tool Heat Treatment Technology
  • Steels used for cutting tools
  • Preliminary heat treatment of cutting tool blanks
  • Tool hardening
  • Tool release
  • 11.4. Practical recommendations for heat treatment
  • 11.4.1 Analysis of elements of heat treatment technology
  • Elements of heat treatment technology
  • Heating rate
  • Heating and cooling time
  • Some practical recommendations for setting the length of the exposure time
  • 11.4.2. Technological environments. Purpose and classification of technological environments
  • Factors that determine the effectiveness of media
  • The nature of heat exchange processes
  • Regulation of the composition and amount of the medium
  • Application No. 1
  • 2. Recommendations for basic heat treatment
  • 3. Heat treatment technology.
  • Equipment and automation of processes of heat treatment of materials and products
  • Part 2
  • 191186, St. Petersburg, st. Millionnaya, 5
  • 1. Classification of equipment of thermal shops

    The equipment of thermal shops is divided into three groups: basic, additional and auxiliary.

    Main the equipment is used to perform heat treatment operations and includes furnaces, heating installations, cooling devices (hardening tanks, hardening machines, cold treatment equipment, etc.). The classification of the main equipment of thermal shops is shown in Figure 1.1.

    Rice. 1.1. Classification of the main equipment of thermal shops

    To additional equipment includes equipment for straightening and cleaning parts (straightening presses, pickling baths, sandblasting and shot blasting machines, washing machines, etc.). The classification of additional equipment for thermal shops is shown in Fig. 1.2.

    Fig 1.2. Classification of additional equipment of thermal shops

    Auxiliary equipment includes carburetor and controlled atmosphere preparation units, quench fluid coolers, sanitary equipment, overhead and slewing cranes, monorails with electric hoists, roller tables, conveyors, conveyors, etc. The classification of auxiliary equipment of thermal shops is shown in fig. 1.3.

    Fig 1.3. Classification of auxiliary equipment of thermal shops

    Furnaces and heating installations are classified according to their technological purpose, according to the type of thermal energy, according to the method and degree of mechanization, according to the use of various media during heating.

    By technological purpose furnaces and heating devices are divided depending on the operations for which they are intended, into annealing, hardening, tempering, carburizing, etc.

    By type of fuel or thermal energy used furnaces and heating devices operate on liquid, gaseous fuels and electricity.

    By method and degree of mechanization furnaces are divided into pusher, conveyor, carousel, drum and others. These ovens may have devices for manual loading and unloading of products, for automatic unloading, etc.

    By the use of various media for heating furnaces and heating devices are classified into furnaces with controlled atmospheres (neutral, carburizing), furnaces-baths with molten salts and metals.

    2. The main equipment for heating materials and products

    2.1. Furnace indexing

    First letter index indicates the type of heating. The letter adopted for electric ovens With(resistance heating), for fuel stoves - letter T(thermal flame) or letter H(heating flame).

    Second letter The furnace index indicates the main design feature of the furnace. The following main designations are accepted: H– fixed hearth furnace; D- a bogie hearth oven; W– mine (round); L- tunnel; G- hood; E– elevator (furnace with lifting hearth); T- pusher;

    To– oven with conveyor hearth; E– oven with overhead conveyor; R– oven with roller hearth; YU– walking hearth oven; And– pulsating hearth furnace; B- drum; BUT- carousel (with a rotating hearth or vault);

    I- pit stove; SCH– slot furnace; At- methodical (blacksmithing).

    B (bath) - the second letter of the index for furnace-baths and electrode-salt baths.

    Third letter The index of ovens indicates the nature of the environment in the workspace. For electric resistance furnaces, the following designations of atmospheres are accepted: O– oxidizing; W- protective; AT– vacuum; H- hydrogen; BUT- nitrogen.

    Third letter index for ovens-baths is indicated: M- butter; G- molten metal, salt or alkali, and for fuel furnaces - indicates the nature of the environment in the working space: O- oxidizing (that is, ordinary furnace); W- artificial (protective, non-oxidizing, for cementation, etc.).

    fourth letter index indicates the individual characteristic features of the furnace. The following designations are accepted: BUT- the furnace is included in the unit, that is, it can be aggregated with a hardening tank and other equipment; AT- vertical arrangement of the furnace (in furnaces of circular cross section) or vertical movement of products (in mechanized furnaces); F- grooved under the furnace; To- well furnace (periodic action) or annular hearth (in furnaces with a rotating hearth); T- plate hearth (in furnaces with a rotating hearth); M– the furnace is mechanized; H- Continuous furnace (drum); P- Batch oven (drum).

    The numbers after the letters with a hyphen indicate the dimensions (in decimeters) of the working space of the furnace (or the dimensions of the muffle, retort).

    For furnaces with a rectangular section of the working chamber, the first digit indicates the width of the hearth, the second - the length of the hearth, the third - the height of the chamber (or the loading window, if the height of the window is less than the height of the furnace chamber).

    For round furnaces (shaft, well, etc.), the first digit indicates the diameter of the chamber, the second - the length of the chamber.

    For rotary hearth ovens, the first number indicates the outer diameter of the hearth, the second the inner diameter of the hearth, and the third the width of the hearth.

    The numbers indicating the dimensions of the hearth chamber, window and retort are separated by dots.

    The limiting temperature of the furnace (in hundreds of degrees Celsius) is given in the denominator (through a slash).

    For fuel stoves, next to the number indicating the temperature of the stove, a letter indicating the type of fuel is put through a hyphen: G– natural or other gas; M– oil or other liquid fuel, for example, the stove index.

    SKZ-12.70.01/7 reads as follows: electric oven, with a conveyor hearth, with a protective atmosphere, hearth width 12 dm, hearth length 70 dm, chamber height 1 dm, temperature limit 700 °C.

    Furnace index TTZA- is read as follows: fuel, pusher, with protective atmosphere, aggregated, hearth width 8 dm, hearth length 72 dm, chamber height 8.5 dm, temperature limit 950 °С, on gas fuel.

    Thermal equipment for food processing is classified according to the method of heating, technological purpose, heat sources.
    According to the method of heating, the equipment is divided into equipment with direct and indirect heating. Direct heating is the transfer of heat through a dividing wall (stove, boiler). Indirect heating is the transfer of heat through an intermediate medium (boiler steam jacket).
    According to the technological purpose, thermal equipment is divided into universal (electric stove) and specialized (coffee maker, baking cabinet).
    Depending on the sources of heat, thermal equipment is divided into electric, gas, fire and steam.
    Thermal devices can also be classified according to the principle of operation - continuous and periodic.
    According to the degree of automation, thermal equipment is divided into non-automated, which is controlled by a service worker, and automated, where control over safe operation and the mode of heat treatment is provided with the help of automation devices of a thermal apparatus.
    At catering establishments, thermal equipment can be used as non-sectional or sectional modulated.
    Non-sectional equipment is equipment that differs in size, design and architectural design. Such equipment is not designed to work with other types of thermal equipment. Non-sections
    This equipment for its installation requires significant production space, since the maintenance of such equipment is carried out from all sides.
    Currently, the industry is mastering the serial production of sectional modulated equipment, the use of which is advisable at large catering establishments. The advantage of sectional modulated equipment is that it is produced in the form of separate sections, from which various technological lines can be completed. Sectional modulated equipment has uniform dimensions in length, width and height. Such equipment is installed linearly around the perimeter or in the center of the room, and the installed section contributes to an increase in labor productivity and general culture in the workplace.
    For all types of thermal devices, GOSTs have been developed and approved, which are mandatory for all plants and enterprises associated with the production or operation of equipment.
    GOSTs indicate: the name of the apparatus and its indexing, parameters, safety requirements, labor safety and industrial sanitation, completeness, as well as requirements for transportation, packaging and storage.
    All thermal devices have alphanumeric indexing, the first letter of which corresponds to the name of the group to which this thermal device belongs, for example, boiler - K, cabinet - Sh, stove - Pi, etc. The second letter corresponds to the name of the type of equipment: food - P, continuous action - N, etc. The third letter corresponds to the name of the coolant: electric - E, gas - G, etc. The numbers indicate the main parameters of thermal equipment, for example KPP-160 - a digester boiler, steam, with a capacity of 160 liters.

