Card lovers in love. The Lovers Tarot Card - The Lovers

The external meaning of the card is always and by all captured without error. Given that most of the questions asked of the cards relate to personal life, consciousness immediately clings to this meaning. Oh love, wonderful! But the tradition in this case is waving the index finger in front of the nose - not everything is so simple! Card meaning - Test! Who among us loves challenges?

Card meaning - Choice! And which of us is easy to make a choice when the soul is literally torn between two alternatives? Between past and future, old and new, whims and duty... Intrapersonal conflict - that's what the Lovers portend.

That far from blissful state, when it seems that it is impossible to make a decision, and the usually intelligible inner voice turns into a many-headed hydra, which begins to sing in chorus out of place, they say, the heart is not a stone, but the brain is not semolina ... Just a conflict between the heart and the mind manifests itself most sharply, although this is not necessary (but if the Three of Swords is nearby, for example, then it is necessary). A person at this moment of his life is somehow at a crossroads and is faced with the need to make a choice, and a very important one, and fraught with long-term consequences. Lovers always warn that this choice will come back to haunt you (or maybe the decision will affect the rest of your life). Of course, in the most typical case, this is a choice between suppressing the desire or giving in to it. This choice may concern not only a partner, but also a profession, travel, educational institution, home, car or lifestyle in general. Moreover, alternatives, as a rule, are mutually exclusive, it is impossible to sit on two chairs. Ancient interpretations emphasize the positive meaning of the Lovers - falling out in a layout, this card indicates that the right choice will be made! Lovers is a card of sincere deeds performed “not according to the law, but according to the soul”, fully expressing the true aspirations of a person. Of course, passionate love also applies here.

In the position of the past, the Sixth Arcana may indicate a choice already made, and now a person is dealing with the consequences. Being the significator of the questioner, the card can describe a person who made a sincere choice at the behest of the soul, who dared to ignore the rules and arguments of the mind. She can also talk about the fact that right now a person is facing a decision that will require courage and loyalty to himself from him, and in no case should he succumb to manipulation and pressure. The choice must be absolutely voluntary, without doubt or compromise. At this crossroads it is necessary to show all the strength of the spirit. This is a kind of decisive test, test, exam.

Of course, the event meaning of the Lovers is a union, the appearance in life of someone who becomes an “addition”. Relationships full of mutual joy, attraction, relationships, romance. Love is a divine gift and the goal of so many efforts. It is about love that most questions are asked in fortune-telling practices. Falling out in a scenario, the Lovers portend a new romance in life, even if the person did not expect this. They embody everything that is an integral part of a love connection and intimacy between people. In general, this Arcana speaks of the presence (or possibility) of a serious heartfelt attachment in life, and the Minor Arcana can tell whether the feeling is mutual, and also what outcome of the novel is most likely. If there are no negative cards around, then the Lovers are an omen of a wonderful relationship. For single people, this card is traditionally considered a harbinger of a meeting with a loved one, a true life partner. Moreover, the meaning of the Lovers is not to force events, frantically searching for love, but in that inner event that makes one open towards the world, makes a person truly receptive to the opportunities offered by life.

Lovers say that the person is involved in some kind of alliance, that the situation requires joint action, or that someone has a great influence on him (self-esteem is highly dependent on the attitude of the other). Here the need to communicate is manifested, the search for a “common denominator”, some point of view that would allow uniting opposites

In the case of the Lovers, adjacent cards are of great importance. It is believed that this Arcana "connects" the cards located on opposite sides of it. In general, the keyword of the Lovers is, perhaps, reciprocity. It can be either love or hate. There is one step between them, and precisely because of this, the intensity of rim feelings is present in both cases. This card connects what once fell into halves, and is a significator of union, merger, unification, synthesis. In general, it carries creative energy. It is believed that as the resulting alignment card (outcome of the planned business), it promises success or at least stability (preservation of the status quo).

Romantic and euphoric!

This is happiness and joy that transforms a person (at least for a while), a very strong attraction and attraction to something or someone, a willingness to give someone your heart.

According to the Lovers, it is common for a person to run headlong and sing about his love to the whole world (or the entire Internet), shouting that all ages are submissive to her and her impulses are beneficial. He now has his own reality, where the sun is brighter, the grass is greener (it doesn’t matter that it’s deep February), and the moon is always full. Romantic excitement, of course, can manifest itself in different ways, depending on the character, but the diagnosis is usually clear to everyone: an arrow in the heart! Both true love and inappropriate sentimentality, empty passions and ridiculous hobbies can go along the Lovers, other cards can give a hint about the true nature of this state. It's one thing when the Empress, the Hierophant and the World are nearby, another thing is when the Jester, the Devil and the Tower. Lovers are exclusively influenced by the surrounding cards. Neighboring cards often also indicate what a person’s attitude is to love, to relationships in general, to finding oneself in them. Sometimes it is the search for love as a salvation from all problems, including from oneself.

If this card is the significator of the questioner, then now he is clearly controlled by the heart, emotions, and not reason and calculation. Feelings are set free, possible consequences are of the least concern (although it is on this map that communication usually has very significant consequences). Attraction, love, and the voice of the heart are central to life and spiritual experience. Lovers can talk about a passionate passion for some ideal or idea.

This card also indicates the desire for the fullness of life, the time of satisfaction, harmony and balance, the unification of masculine and feminine qualities of nature.

Sometimes the card symbolizes a person connecting people and smoothing out contradictions, a mediator. She also speaks of attractiveness, beauty, sensuality, eroticism.

This card asks - what and whom do you love? What and whom do you choose at this stage of your life? What is such a choice? In essence, Lovers are the "tuning fork" component of a person.

This is the inner knowledge of the "heart", what is good and what is bad for you personally, which cannot be faked or deceived. You can not listen to him, you can pretend that you do not hear and do not know, you can act contrary, but the tone changes from this.

According to the Lovers, a person gives up one way of life for the sake of another. According to the Lovers, he strives for unity, wholeness and happiness.

This card makes a person uncompromising in terms of choice and commitment. Karmically Lovers talk about the experience of love that is not afraid to die for. The price of such a memory turns out to be expensive - subsequently a person organically does not recognize either conveniences or fakes, and no arguments of philistine reason can save him.

This is a map of human love, which is an integral and integral part of life itself. But there are other types of "marriage" and other types of opposites that need to be reconciled and united through love. Lovers represent the attraction of opposing forces, this duality is reflected in all aspects of existence, and in the struggle and union of man and woman it manifests itself most clearly. The sixth Arcana describes the stage of spiritual development, at which a person realizes in himself almost opposite sides of nature. He tries to choose one and suppress the other (the principle of poorly designed opposition). Lovers, on the other hand, symbolize not so much the struggle as the union of these opposites within ourselves, the ability to lovingly accept the most diverse properties of our nature - after all, even those that we do not approve of are somehow needed for further life and our continued growth. It can be a combination of consciousness and the unconscious into a kind of synergistic and creative unity. It can be a reconciliation of "reveal" and "shadow". Each of us has positive and negative qualities, those that we accept and those that torment us, prevent us from living, as it seems, and which we would prefer to get rid of.

"Lovers" calls to explore and reconcile the opposites within ourselves, and not to try to remove them or somehow change them. Understanding and accepting both sides of himself, a person becomes a creatively productive whole (the result of the merging of lovers is the conception of a new one). The internal conflict does not completely cease to exist - but both sides get the right to life together (not necessarily completely cloudless, but a "honeymoon" is possible). Since this task is complex, commitment is required to achieve it. It is necessary not only to recognize their existence, but to understand that between them there is an indissoluble, established connection from above and an obligation to achieve fruitful synergy, to become a single whole. Opposites are not necessarily good and evil. These features in ourselves or in another person are a mirror image of each other, mutual complement and support. It is necessary to achieve unity (albeit in struggle) of these opposites, make them work together (this requires a crushing force of attraction that cannot be overcome and thereby avoid the task) and create something more than just the sum of parts.

Psychologically, the pair of Forerunners depicted on the Arcana (Lovers are associated with Adam and Eve) can be considered as the male and female components of a human being. Returning to Eden, to the source of life, requires the unification of these two aspects of existence. If we consider the sequence of the Major Arcana as an allegory of the spiritual path, then at the level of the Zero Arcana this unity is present, but completely unconscious. Further, having awakened at the level of the Magician, a person consistently forms his individuality, encounters earthly and sacred manifestations of the male and female principles (Priestess and Priest, Empress and Emperor), and on the Sixth Arcana reaches the stage when he realizes the simultaneous existence, the indestructible interconnection of these two began, and at the same time - their separation by contradictions. Lovers do not hold hands, do not look into each other's eyes. There is no unity here (which will be truly achieved only in the World) - there is simultaneous vision, awareness and opposition, and the Tree of Knowledge is not the Tree of Life. The universal law of attraction of opposites - Eros - brings not only joys, but also sufferings, and it is only true that sexuality is an impulse to return the lost part of ourselves. Spiritually and alchemically, this is a card of Sacred Marriage, passionate and deep feelings, comprehension of the secrets of life, the beginning of the Great Work to restore the lost unity and integrity. The three figures on the card symbolize different aspects of the personality: the man is the conscious mind, the woman is the unconscious, intuitive and emotional side, the angel is the higher knowledge. Symbolically behind the man's back is the Tree of Life, behind the woman's back is the Tree of Knowledge.

Astrologically, the card correlates with Gemini, also with Libra and transneptune Cupid. In the Hamburg School of Astrology, Cupid (associated just with the Sixth Arcanum) is responsible for the synthesis, the connection of details into a big picture - this is what the Lovers have on a deep level, expressing a great desire for unity, for a “common denominator”. Here, in the form of a man and a woman in love, the mystical connection of opposites in the world as a whole is reflected. The bifurcation of consciousness into the inner and outer worlds, into life and death, into man and woman - and all the contradictions that follow from this are associated with the sign of Gemini. Communication, overcoming internal resistance and disagreements - too. Gemini reflects, first of all, the perfection of perception, its accuracy, subtlety and sensitivity, since in order to recognize the highest channels and choose the right path to them among the bustle of life, a very subtle perception is required. Our rational constructions go around and around the truth, which remains between two opposite answers. Cognition occurs only at the moment of a dual conception of things, on none of which the mind can be established: two opposite thoughts are two mirrors opposite each other, showing an infinity of reflections of what is between them. The medieval execution of the classical Sixth Arcanum implied the image of mountains, a man standing at a crossroads and an angel of love, who aims a bow at a woman on a flowery plain. It meant that a person has two ways: to give himself to the world, to a woman, to flowers - and die in the spiritual sense, or, moving away from the worldly, go to the mountains to death in order to free himself for spiritual life in other worlds, and then be reborn again An angel is a purely spiritual being. Mountains are a symbol of the completed realization of personality, astrologically symbolized by the planet Saturn.

According to the mystical tradition, Arkan offers the initiate a choice between the royal path of knowledge, which requires vows of poverty, chastity and obedience, and their antipodes, wealth, excesses, power, which will inevitably lead to a dead end. The sixth Arcana points to the mechanism of the volitional act of a person who consciously reacts to the opportunities provided to him by the world. When making any decision, one should be guided by the analogy (“as above, so below”), and always remember that achieving the goal is impossible without love for the world. It is believed that for people following the esoteric path, Lovers have the meaning of Initiation, initiation, transition to a new stage of spiritual development (and in an inverted position they say that a person is not ready for this or that a person has not passed the test, as if he had chosen not to that answer)

In Marseille and some other versions of the Tarot, not two, but three human figures are depicted on the card - one young man and two girls. One of the girls personifies purity and innocence, while the other is the image of a broken seductress. The plot emphasizes the great risk that lies in wait for the young man - to make a mistake, to choose a seemingly more attractive and easily accessible “wrong”. The card had (and has) other versions. Some of them depict an almost wedding ceremony in which the priest (or God himself) connects the young man and the girl (Adam and Eve) with sacred bonds. In the Crowley deck, the Arcana depicts the marriage of the Emperor and the Empress, and the ceremony is performed by .... Hermit! This emphasizes that true love is always part of the Path, and not an obstacle to spiritual ascent; the higher self blesses such a union without hesitation. Another version of the card depicts a young man standing between the figures of two women, the first of which is an angel, the guardian of man, and the second is an ever-present demon. A young man stands at the beginning of a mature life in front of a fork in which he must choose between virtue and vice, eternal and transient. At the top of the card, in a circle of light, it is not Cupid at all, but the Genius of Fate (his star).

If youth makes the wrong choice, the arrow of Fate will hit it. The fork in the road reminds a person that the price of free will, the power of choice, is responsibility.

The need to choose between two paths in life, two professions, two fields of activity. Often the card is drawn when a person feels tempted to turn a hobby into a job or receives some other tempting offer. Wise decisions, the right choice.

This is a good card for joint ventures, business partnerships and teamwork. Individual projects, isolation or great claims to leadership - this is clearly not here. The principle of complementarity and creative unification of efforts for the sake of the common good operates here. Alliances, partnerships. Unanimity, harmony, trust, the ability to compromise.

Collaboration, the possibility of harmonious problem solving.

Job satisfaction.

Eventally Lovers can indicate the conclusion of contracts, the merger of companies, the creation of alliances and all kinds of activities related to teambuilding, team building (again, searching and bringing to a "common denominator").
Sometimes the card describes true fans of their business, people who relate to it with genuine passion. The profession is so significant for them that all sorts of husbands and wives, friends and girlfriends are not competitors to her - first of all, airplanes.

There is also an opinion that the Lovers advise by all means to try to enter the highest echelons of leadership in order to constantly keep a “hand on the pulse”, to be in the closest possible contact with people on whom “everything depends”. Sometimes it really turns out to be a “career through the bed,” but more often it is still the formation of personal trust, human relationships that transcend business protocol.

There is a high probability of making a profit as a result of an alliance with a partner (business or not). Perhaps a spouse or loved one will provide significant assistance. Obtaining financial support for the development of the project.

A card of deep feelings, a responsible choice, when the voice of the heart suggests the right path. Full sincerity, following the call of the heart, the power of true love.

Of course, the Lovers are the beginning of a new strong feeling or the preservation and strengthening of the old one, the promise of a new romance, the establishment of new relationships, good relations between people. Reciprocity and harmony in relationships, affection and devotion, strong connection, reckless dedication. When confirmed by other Arcana - entry into a successful marriage. This is a card not only of passion, but also of mutual obligations - here the two stand in the presence of the Higher Power, therefore they are bound by mutual obligations (as a rule, not so much before the earthly law as before the cosmic one).

A more optimistic card for those who wish to enter into a relationship cannot be desired. But there are subtleties here. As Akron and Banzhaf write: “The desire to find the lost paradise through union with another person cannot be satisfied as long as you avoid the void at the expense of a partner who “complements you”, has exactly what you lack. It is impossible to meet a soul mate due to some external actions or a certain amount of opportunities. It's not about going to a disco or going to "how to get married" seminars. The only thing that will help is true inner readiness, which means much more than just the desire to meet the other half. This means that you really want and are ready to meet Him or Her, without any conditions and doubts. In other words - when it's really your choice. They also write “This card reflects sexuality and love with all its contradictions, and also symbolizes the alchemy of the Universe. It is amazing how a civilized, super-logical, self-oriented person still manages to exist...

Sexuality is a magnet that keeps a person within eternity, helping to take a step outside of oneself and seek meetings with other people. In order to build a real love relationship, a person has to make a choice - to give up the former free way of life, from the status of a free person, from the parental home, and also to openly confess his love to only one person. The necessity of these bold steps is the reason why the Arcanum is called The Choice."

Another important aspect of this card, which distinguishes it from the Two of Cups: Lovers are an indicator of love, friendship, cooperation or other closeness of two people between whom there is a BARRIER. These two souls must overcome it in order to truly merge. There is an element of antagonism, confrontation, and this is good. Opposite features in the person with whom we establish a connection are our reflection, resource, complement and support. Usually a partner reflects and manifests those aspects that are undeveloped, repressed or unspiritualized in ourselves. That is why the “real” partner at first usually causes not only attraction, but also a fair amount of irritation. We see in the other what we lack, but you can relate to this in different ways, from “hooray, you have it!” to "well, you and the fruit!".

Lovers say that there is no point in trying to exterminate these qualities. As Napoleon Bonaparte said, you can only rely on what resists. Lovers offer to get rid of not only the experience of joy and happiness, but also of pain and struggle, as mutually enriching and opening eyes to themselves. In this case, it is precisely the clearly made choice and mutual obligations that are the necessary element that connects those whose lives should flow together. At the highest level, the Lovers do describe a connection and intimacy full of wisdom and creation, essentially finding an "ideal partner" who is far from perfect, but truly "another half." The question is, if the first is not ideal, how can the second be ideal?! This may well be a difficult connection, embodying the unity and struggle of opposites, and peace, again, is only a dream. The union of antipodes, between which there is a mystical spiritual connection and mutual obligations (from the series "marriages are made in heaven" - are karmically conditioned). Their lives must go together, despite what separates them and makes them antipodes. Each side contains the traits the other needs in order to survive and grow, to advance along the path of evolution. At the end point of development, they will achieve deep and beautiful relationships, great unanimity and empathy, warmth and creative wisdom.

At best, they give each other desire and trust, truth and devotion, honor and passion. They are able to give themselves free rein in expressing feelings, as they have overcome the stage of struggle, the period of antagonism, the phase of conventions and reservations. This is the case when another person is known so deeply and essentially that his feelings, happiness and sorrow are more concerned than his own.

In the worst case, they have yet to understand and accept each other, overcome contradictions and become one. They will be shocked once they realize to what extent they are a couple.
Love, sensuality, longing desire, deep affection. An emotional experience of warmth, empathy, devotion, enjoying a harmonious union that brings out the best in both. In the neighborhood with favorable cards, this is really the "bliss of lovers", which a person cherishes extremely. Sexual harmony.

The choice between two life partners. The presence of two equal, equivalent in strength relationships. The need to make some final decision (especially if the layout is dominated by swords). This card may portend a love triangle, a situation where one of their lovers is tied in marriage, or when, for example, two brothers or two sisters are in love with one person, and other not very cloudless situations (the surrounding cards will tell more about this). This is especially true if there are three lovers in the used deck on the Arcana. In general, Lovers is not always “good” in the sense that it is an easy card. The situation they describe, whatever it may be, may be the most dramatic moment in a person's entire life. And God forbid, on a sleepless night, to think about the choice that you must - and have no right to make ...

The tendency to endow the partner with the features of one's own unconscious image, to create a projection, thanks to which happiness and fullness are felt. The tendency to see in him a screen on which it is convenient to project a portrait of an ideal second half, and not to notice his true nature.

In ancient interpretations, such a meaning as an early marriage (which will almost certainly fall apart) is also indicated. That is, the wrong choice was made, the person seemed to “obey his heart”, but the trouble is that it missed, his magnificent optical sight for some reason went astray. Wrong choice, reckless, stupid (even if a person is in illusions about this). Internal turmoil, confusion, bifurcation, conflict with oneself, inability to stand the test. Fatal desires, a union that suppresses individuality and unbridled self-indulgence can also be described by the reversed Lovers, although the Fifteenth Arcana takes on this role more often in the layout.

Reversed Lovers often indicate temporary problems in a relationship, business or personal, deteriorating for some reason. Jealousy, possessiveness, separating interests, in any case, the inability to achieve a love idyll. Sometimes it's cheating. Infidelity, dishonesty, unreliability. Separation (rarely divorce). Disappointment in love, in marriage. Sometimes in an inverted position, Lovers say that a person has realized his self, separated himself from his "twin", became more independent, carved out personal space. If the question concerned the prospects for a relationship with a person of interest, then the inverted Lovers say: leave hope for a successful resolution of the situation. Unfortunately, he won't. If the scenario dealt with the possibility or impossibility) of marriage, then the inverted Lovers portend the failure of matrimonial intentions. This card is very pessimistic if a lonely person asks a question about the prospects in his personal life.

Many authors believe that she more clearly than the Hermit or the Hanged Man reports that at this stage of life a person will not be able to find a companion. The only advice she can give is to learn to truly love yourself, regardless of whether you have a partner or not, to treat yourself as a valuable and worthy person. We can only accept that we deserve to be loved when we feel good about ourselves, no matter how "tasted" our personal lives are.
Sometimes inverted Lovers accentuate communication problems, a lack of understanding from which side to approach a person in order to establish the necessary contact with him.

The card may indicate that the will of a person fluctuates between the opposite forces influencing him, and he cannot make a choice, because he does not know what he wants. Sometimes it can be a conflict between calling, the will of your higher self, and devotion and attachment to another person. Irresponsibility, inability to make a sincere and honest decision. If inverted Lovers appear repeatedly, then the person is very special in making the wrong choice, affecting other people, hence the feeling of guilt.

Traditional meanings: misfortune, failure. Immature plans, unrealistic goals, lost opportunities, bad choices. Irresponsibility, neglect of possible consequences, the coming retribution.

With the Jester - complete irrationality, "disconnected mind." Blind faith in the success of the enterprise and readiness to follow the chosen path.

With the Empress - sexual contentment, pleasure

With the Hierophant - stable principles, the ability to truly believe in them and act in accordance with them without any hypocrisy

With the Hermit - isolation, loneliness, sexual coolness

With Death - a radical rejection of the old way of life

With the Devil - the risk of betrayal, a threat to relationships. Strong dependence on a partner.

With the Tower - the need to make a decision as quickly as possible, there is no time to think

With the Three of Swords - alienation, separation

With the Two of Cups - union, marriage, connection

With the Five of Cups - the collapse of relationships

With the Nine of Cups - sexual pleasure, rapture

With Ten of Pentacles - long-term alliances, family ties

Adam and Eve.

Aphrodite, Venus.

Eros, Cupid.

Cupid and Psyche.

"A chain of flowers is harder to break than a chain of iron."
“If you want to get drunk, open your palms, you won’t scoop up water with clenched hands.”

Tarot cards are not just cards, but living beings

love in tarot

The history of the creation of tarot cards, already familiar to everyone, has spread all over the world. Most people know the fact that the decks are quite specific and not only in terms of prophecies and true predictions. They have features unlike others.

  1. Non-standard number of cards. There are 78 in total and numbering starts from 0.
  2. They are divided into major and minor arcana. Moreover, the latter have 4 suits with non-standard names: wands, swords, cups and pentacles.
  3. Major arcana have the patronage of certain planets and stars.
  4. The younger ones have signs of the zodiac, gender, belong to the elements.
  5. Decks have a history of their creation.
  6. Each tarot chooses its own owner.

The Major Arcana consists of 22 cards - drawings. Each carries a certain meaning and significance. Historically, everything on Earth is governed by love (for a man or a woman, for children or parents, a country, a city, etc.), so tarot also has its lovers.

Pictured are young people. Sometimes they are depicted naked, and sometimes in clothes. In any deck, 6 lasso is a man and a woman or yin and yang. Behind them are trees: female - fruit, male - fiery. Between them is an angel, at whom the girl looks, while the man looks only at her. The interpretation of all map makers is different:

  • masculine and feminine;
  • Adam and his life partner Eve;
  • yin and yang;
  • lovers.

But, in all cases, interpretations are two opposites that attract each other. There is a relationship and love between them, given by heaven.

The meaning of 6 lasso

6 tarot has more than one name, there are several of them:

  • lovers;
  • beloved;
  • lovers;
  • children of the Voice;
  • oracle of the Almighty Gods.

The card itself refers to the constellation of twins, which speak of unity and unity of thoughts, actions and feelings. Adam or the male personality of the card carries logic and intelligence. Eva - intuition, emotions. They came together thanks to heaven and angels, although they are opposite. The trees of life and knowledge vividly show the destiny of the characteristics of the sexes. Observing the rules and regulations, they will be together until the end of days.

6 tarot refers to the constellation Gemini

The meaning of tarot 6 lovers is positive. Both upside down and upright, the lasso indicates a love relationship. It can also indicate the choice that the fortuneteller will have to make: past or future, desire or duty. Often the appearance of lovers in the alignment can be interpreted as the appearance of a long-awaited half. All meanings are evidence that change is coming. If a person is faced with a choice and there are doubts, then the wrong choice will have serious consequences.

When feelings overwhelm a person, it is they who will lead the whole life. The readiness to make self-sacrifice, to take all the blows of fate with firmness, the feeling of some kind of invisible protection in everything - this is the true feeling of love, happiness and harmony.

This is not to say that only a person can be loved. This also applies to work and profession. But in this case, the lovers tarot card warns of the need to make a choice. The appearance can serve as a clue for introspection and decision making.. Life may depend on it. It can also be regarded as a change of work or immediate duties, as a review of one's actions, illusions; start seeing things in a new way.

Direct position

To complete the perception of the lasso, you can determine the key phrases that the six stores in itself:

  • the creation of a new alliance or relationship, not only in the love field, but also in business;
  • sexual attraction, finding a partner, a love triangle, the desire to possess someone else and the achievement of this goal;
  • recovery or health improvement;
  • trips, both short and long;
  • relations with a loved one (beloved) have reached a peak - here you can see two options for foreshadowing events: a divorce or vice versa a wedding;
  • temptations and trials in relationships that require action and determination;
  • finding true love, until the grave will be inseparable.

Tarot in love appears in the layout when thoughts are completely occupied with feelings and emotions. Arkan advises to take a fateful step towards your feelings. There may be obstacles on the way to your dream, but your feeling of love must be rewarded. If the questioner has a love triangle, then you still have to make a choice in order to avoid great losses and humiliation on the part of partners and participants in such a situation.

Love experiences only interfere with a person: having made a choice, he will immediately begin to recover and breathe deeply. If you asked the cards for advice, then the beloved advise you to act more carefully and make a choice. For you, this is a test, after which a new stage of life and personal development begins. Sometimes he also says that the questioner needs healing of the soul and body, as well as financial support. If there are significant disagreements with relatives or loved ones, then the lasso gives advice to sit down and start a heart-to-heart conversation. It must have a positive outcome for everyone.

But, we should not forget about specific tarot, such as vampire or erotic tarot. The interpretation will be different. For example, in vampires it can mean fear of intimacy or perverted fantasies. And for the tarot, Manara is a sacrifice, sadomasochism, or the acceptance of mental or physical pain as pleasure.

Reversed Lovers

The key words in this position of the card will be - betrayal and treason. Problems of marriage and family, possible loss of feelings. You can consider the appearance of the card as an omen of irresponsibility and hostility on the part of the second half. Feelings turn over and this process can be called “you won’t be forced to be nice.” The beloved interprets such an assessment of what is happening in all spheres of human life: in relationships, work, finances and love.

If you needed advice, then the cards can promise you an experience of only not very pleasant sensations. It can be regarded as a loss of communication with a partner or financial expenses. Parting is inevitable, and the cooling of the partner’s feelings is to blame. When it comes to work, this place is not for you. It is better to leave in order to avoid material and moral losses. For example, in order for you to leave your post, colleagues will go to deception, lies or incitement.

If you needed advice, then the cards can promise you an experience of only not very pleasant sensations.

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For the sexual tarot, this is a signal to stay single. The worst thing is the possibility of illness associated with Venus. Unhealthy relationships can end sadly. If we take the interpretation of vampires, then the fear of rape will find its place in reality, and this will entail additional suffering not only of the physical plane, but also of the mental (mental disorder, treatment option with a psychiatrist).

The loss of number six in an inverted position indicates responsibility for one's actions, thoughts and actions in the past.

If the layout of the personality

For such layouts, lovers also have two options. Everything depends on the position. If the card is upside down, then this person is Don Juan. He clearly has mental disabilities. His sexual fantasies can lead not only to suicidal acts or masochism, but also to other, more complex forms of depravity. There are calmer options for meaning: a person who got a divorce because of his amorous adventures or, if it comes to work and affairs, a dishonest partner.

The direct meaning of the card is the most positive:

  • great friend and comrade;
  • wonderful lover;
  • a lover or a person experiencing the same feelings as Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet.

The meaning of the card in the layout for health

The influence of the position is very great in all hands. And laying out cards for health is no different feature. Therefore, a positive position is evidence of the excellent and good health of the questioner. If there is an illness, then definitely recovery or relief of the mental state. The negative aspects of this card hint at diseases of the reproductive system and changes in hormonal levels. It also happens that an attribute is evidence of mental abnormalities, but only love can help in treatment.

What combinations of cards are dangerous

As already mentioned, there are 78 arcana in the tarot. Beloved - the sixth in a row. There can be many combinations, so for review we will take only negative connections.

  1. For relationships, a bad combination of tarot cards is lovers along with a hermit. Such relationships between people are built only on material wealth. There is no love here and never will be. Often, such a combination speaks of marriage or a relationship with a person older than himself and much more.
  2. Justice is nearby, then you should not rush into making decisions. There is a need to wait, assess the situation, weigh everything.
  3. The Knights of Swords and the Six can talk about excessive actions and impulsiveness that will lead to sad events in your life. Relationships will not end in anything good, and the questioner will suffer and bear responsibility.
  4. The Queen of Cups paired with the sixth lasso will have two options for current. If positive: a lover who will help you open a second wind, become your muse. And negative: a new love or lover will bring chaos and discord into your life. Such a relationship will end sadly for a man in any case.
  5. Lovers with a dozen swords portend a difficult period of life, but you need to pull yourself together, gain courage and patience in order to survive. “There will always be white after black, and day after night.”

But, in most cases, the meaning of the cards, even if they initially carry negative messages, is softened. Lovers in combination with other tarot cards usually have a positive meaning, as they make it possible to realize their mistake and correct the situation in a timely manner. After all, love has always been considered a healing balm for tormented souls. This feeling is associated with a lot of problems and possible temptations, but only a true feeling will help to cope with all this and restore stability to the relationship. As the first creator of tarot cards said: "Be in the power of feelings, and let your mind rest." Arkan tarot lovers is your chance to build a pure, strong and passionate relationship with a worthy person.

At first glance, it seems that the Tarot Lovers lasso reveals aspects of personal relationships. This is a typical mistake of novice fortune tellers. In fact, the Lovers (Tarot) card has a deeper meaning. She is a challenge, or a crossroads, a choice, a dilemma. Its main meaning is that a person is faced with a turning point. Let's see how to interpret this lasso in various layouts.


The three-dimensional meaning embedded in the cards is conveyed in the image. Experts know that different schools slightly modify the pictures, but the essence remains the same. Let's take a look at the Lovers Tarot. It depicts the figures of a man and a woman (Adam and Eve) next to an apple tree, in the branches of which the serpent of temptation lurks. Almost a Biblical story. The image encourages reflection on the upcoming choice. The individual is invited to decide what is more important: the sweetness of sin or the severity of debt. This is the whole point of the arcana. He's talking about a fork in the road that you can't get past. You must choose from several mutually exclusive options. As you know, the meaning of the Tarot arcana is multifaceted. Therefore, the essence of the upcoming choice will have to be judged by neighboring cards. The woman in the image has angel wings. They talk about what lies ahead - a lesson in patience. Something will provoke drastic actions. These factors will have to be understood and overcome.

inner meaning

Love requires openness from partners. Everyone needs to be accepted and respected for who they are. Tarot Lovers internally conveys precisely this deep feeling. When a person is sincere, he does not refuse responsibility, respecting the choice of others. And expects the same in return. The meaning of the card should be deciphered based on the meaning of close relationships. Love is not only great joy, but also sacrifice. It is the need for refusal in the hidden sphere that the Lovers Tarot card hints at. Its meaning, of course, varies depending on the question, the problem under consideration. But it is always the stress associated with the transformation of personality. Something unnecessary must die. In its place, a new one will appear, no less valuable, but still unknown. A person stands on the threshold of development and is afraid to take the first step. And none of the directions are closed. The fortuneteller himself needs to decide which way to go. Tarot Lovers speaks only of the upcoming choice, but cannot make it. You'll have to think for yourself. In astrology, the lasso corresponds to the sign Gemini. It is duality, constant doubt. The personality symbolized by it is mobile, flexible, sociable, but windy. It is easy to talk to her, but it is difficult to get something to do.

Card of the day (straight position)

There will be communication with young immature people. They evoke ambivalence. On the one hand, their antics are harmless, non-aggressive, sometimes funny. On the other hand, I want to scold the scoundrels for wasting their time. As a symbol of the day, the Lovers (Tarot) lasso, whose meaning is choice, should be interpreted this way. A decision is to be made. It will most likely be true. In the upright position, the lasso is considered positive. Therefore, look directly at the coming day. It is difficult, but in the evening you will be pleasantly tired and proud of your ability to solve problems. For loving people, this card portends temptation. Probably, someone will show interest in a partner. Of course, this is unpleasant. But is it worth it to be nervous because of a fleeting flirtation. Remember that the lasso speaks of openness and sincerity. Trust is part of true love.

Card of the day (reversed)

This is a bad omen. In this position, the Lovers Tarot card has a negative meaning. Serious, vital matters should not be dealt with. Don't decide anything hastily. Arkan warns against mistakes. The inverted position indicates a lack of information, wisdom, leaving the right path. In addition, the individual is not yet mature enough to control his own destiny. It is necessary to consult with elders or avoid abrupt actions, leaving yourself a path to retreat. In a more mundane sense, the lasso speaks of minor troubles with colleagues at work. Gossip will prevent you from understanding each other well. Don't expect success in the financial arena. The wrong step was taken earlier, it is necessary to pay for it. If the fortuneteller had a specific question, then there is no answer to it yet. The probability of fulfillment of desire is small. Most likely, a person could not prepare a platform for its implementation.

Tarot. Fortune telling: Lovers in a relationship layout

Let's look at the straight line first. The appearance of this lasso in the layout is favorable only when the relationship has just begun to develop. This is a sign of the right choice of partner. In combination with the two of Cups, it symbolizes a partner for life. If there is a direct Sun or the Empress nearby, then there will be a wedding. The meaning of the Tarot arcana depends not only on the orientation relative to the fortuneteller, but also on the specific position in the layout. In the past, Lovers talk about a choice that has already been made. It also affects relationships. Probably, the partner remembers a past love. But these thoughts are no longer important. In the future, our lasso is unfavorable for couples with experience. This is a sign of treason or the likelihood of such. A difficult choice lies ahead, says the Lovers (Tarot) card. Its combination with the Tower or the Hanged Man is especially unfavorable for the fortuneteller. There is a gap that will leave an unhealed wound in the heart. If the lasso is in the “real” position, then the tragedy is happening right now. The questioner may not be aware of this yet. But the partner already had a completely different interest.

Reversed position

In this case, the card demonstrates all the negativity of wrong decisions. It changes even the beautiful prospects of positive arcana. Will have to answer for the old mistakes. Problems will come from the past, which the fortuneteller has neither the strength, nor the desire, nor the ability to solve. Probably, the partner regretted your connection. He is drawn to return to the one who was before. The combination with the three of Swords in an inverted position leaves no hope. If the Hanged Man is nearby, then the fortuneteller himself will abandon the current relationship, which he will later regret bitterly. When there are many Pentacles in the layout, it means that the gap will occur for mercantile reasons. But it doesn't change the essence. You will have to suffer and regret your act. Fortune-telling on the Tarot "Pyramid of Lovers" will help to analyze the prospects for relationships in more detail. The layout is pretty easy. It has four cards. Let's take a look at it in more detail.

Pyramid of Lovers

You need to shuffle the deck and pull out four lasso, laying them out with pictures towards you. They determine what the prospects for relations are, whether there are problems, what hinders, and what, on the contrary, contributes to x strengthening. Position value:

  1. Fortune teller. His attitude to the situation, internal position.
  2. Partner. His thoughts and feelings, what he thinks of you.
  3. Relationships: what happens between people.
  4. Future: talks about the prospects for a relationship.

If our lasso appeared in the first position, then the person is not confident in himself. He considers himself unworthy of a partner, doubts, suffers. In the second position, the appearance of the Lovers is not a very good sign. So far the relationship hasn't worked out. They are windy, not durable, fleeting. If in the fourth position the Empress, the Hierophant, the World, then everything will end in a long union.

Business Impact

The appearance of the lasso in this case speaks of changes of a different order. In the upright position, it portends business negotiations, new projects, contacts. It will be necessary to think carefully about the proposals. They will be promising, but something will have to be abandoned. For example, change jobs. On the new one, not everything will immediately turn out perfectly. But the fortuneteller has enough strength to succeed. In the inverted position, the lasso warns against excessive spending and empty hopes. A card can spoil even the most positive alignment. Lovers (Tarot) in any position predict a lack of energy. There are no prospects. The man wasted his talents in vain, he could not realize the chances provided by fate. You have to repeat the whole path from the very beginning. The combination with the Tower indicates a loss of space or income. You won't find a new job soon. With the Hanged Man - predicts unprofitable investments, large losses due to one's own fault. With the triple of Swords upside down, it suggests being more careful. Likely an accident.

In health plans

In this case, the negative of the lasso is not so great. It is a sign of choosing a method of treatment, hospital, resort, and so on. The combination of our lasso with the Ace of Swords speaks of surgical intervention. If both cards are in a straight position, then the surgical intervention will lead to a complete recovery. You should agree to it. When both cards are turned over, the risk of error is great. Don't rush into a decision. It is better to use medication or other types of treatment. If the Moon is near, then refer to folk methods. They are more favorable than the surgeon's scalpel. In most cases, Lovers in a health scenario suggest combining exercise with diet. A dual approach to treatment or prevention is needed.

In the layout of desire

It is rather sad to see our lasso when they are guessing at the realization of a dream. He is good only in the position of the "past", and then with a favorable environment. If the Hierophant, the World or the Star is nearby, then there is hope, but it is necessary to work on what was conceived. Otherwise, there is no answer. The cards probably do not feel the fortuneteller has enough strength to digest the fulfillment of a desire. This is a bad sign. It is necessary to engage in self-improvement. You see, the lasso often demonstrates losses through its own fault. What you desire is at arm's length, but the absence of something important prevents you from raising it. Nobody will help. You have to change yourself to be happy and successful!

In the deck, the Lovers tarot card is the sixth card. It depicts Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. Behind the woman is a tree with juicy apples. The tree trunk wraps around snakes. There is also a tree behind the man, but there is no snake on it, and flames are depicted instead of fruits. An angel hovers over the garden - this is the Archangel Raphael. He stretches out his hands and blesses the lovers.

Tarot Lovers - the sixth card in the deck

The archangel is the patron of the air element, which carries words and provides a dialogue between lovers, because without this a healthy relationship cannot be built. The figure of Eve symbolizes the subconscious, and the figure of Adam - the mind. Their nakedness represents the purity of the relationship.

The snake acts as a tempter, but the choice always remains with people. The man looks at the woman with tenderness, and she fixed her gaze on the angel. Looking in opposite directions suggests that lovers look at life differently, but this does not prevent them from loving each other.

Interpretation of the Tarot card Lovers

Gemini has a zodiac connection with this Arcana. The sun warms the lovers and keeps them safe. Fertile land with lush green grass symbolizes a happy life. The apples on the tree represent different human feelings: love, happiness, weakness in the face of earthly temptations. The snake on the tree reminds of the sinfulness of the relationship between a woman and a man. The flame represents passion in a relationship of lovers.

Key values

Despite the outward simplicity, Arcana 6 is one of the most difficult to interpret. Two plots are hidden behind its external simplicity. In the first case, he talks about deep love experiences. In the second case, a person faces a choice: to give up love or his former life and move to a new level of relationship development.

That is why this Tarot card has another name - "Choice". The question of choice may concern not only matters of the heart, but also other equally important life issues. A person will have to make a final decision, because there will be no turning back. The decision is made by the heart, not the mind. Which plot is more suitable in fortune-telling depends on the question asked.

Lovers say that at every step a person has to make some kind of choice. He will be responsible for his own decision. In other words, this card symbolizes freedom, because a non-free person does not have the right to choose. And also she talks about responsibility, and recalls the consequences of the decision. All tests sent to a person are a test of his honesty and strength.

  1. Direct meaning: clear life positions, relationships, unity, love and passion for one's own business.
  2. Reverse meaning: confusion, retreat from problems, loss of balance and discord.

The meaning of the card in the layout for work

You can interpret the Lovers Tarot as a favorite work and the conclusion of a successful deal. In the scenario for a career, Arkan talks about a difficult choice. The time has come to analyze all the circumstances in order to make the right decision, on which the future depends.

Tarot Lovers signals that you need to make the right decision about work

The choice concerns work, new projects and a line of conduct. Nothing new will happen in a person's life, he just needs to get rid of illusions and reconsider his views. And also the card symbolizes stability in business, a steady income or an upcoming vacation.

In an inverted position, the card talks about conflicts and disputes at work. Before making a decision, you need to consult a specialist. It is recommended to organize a team of like-minded people. Inverted Tarot 6 talks about the need to analyze your attitude to work.

The meaning of the card in the layout for love

This tarot card represents love, which comes from the heart and is the meaning of human life. Harmony, impeccability and mutual love reign in the union of the couple. To overcome life's troubles, they draw strength from their love. Often the six indicates a happy marriage, a strong sexual attraction and a spiritual connection. There is a deep passion between partners, and a desire to be together is born in their hearts. Tarot Lovers can predict the beginning of a new relationship or confirm that people who are married have made the right choice.

In an inverted position, Tarot six can report the appearance of problems in matters of the heart.

More recently, the relationship was so strong that it seemed that nothing would destroy them, but in the present they are falling apart. It begins to seem to partners that their beloved has begun to think only about himself, because of this, their relationship has lost harmony. Each of them has its own priorities. Lovers no longer make common plans. If you do not urgently take action and do not start solving problems, then soon these relationships will end.

And also in an inverted position, the meaning of the card can be as follows: non-reciprocal feelings, deceit and betrayal. One person has deeper feelings towards the other and invests significantly more in their union. This situation leads to mutual disappointment. Most likely, the problem is that one of the partners is afraid that he will be hurt and therefore does not open his heart.

The situation will change for the better only after he realizes his mistakes and begins to correct the behavior. Even if a problem period has begun in the union of lovers, this is not the end. With a little effort, partners will be able to restore harmony and mutual understanding. Sometimes Arkan speaks of duplicity and infidelity. A person cannot decide on his attachments and makes the wrong choice. And also there are disagreements with relatives of the husband.

The meaning of the card in health layouts

In the alignment for health in the upright position, the Arcanum Tarot Lovers has favorable forecasts. During this period of life, a person, more than ever, will feel good. People who have chronic diseases are advised to take up treatment, as they have every chance to overcome their illness.

If the Tarot Lovers is in an upside down position, then you need to protect yourself from stress and walk more in the fresh air

Inverted, the Tarot speaks of possible health problems and the development of diseases. Therefore, you need to take care of yourself, eliminate stressful situations, walk a lot in the fresh air.

Interpretation of the card in the layouts for personality assessment

Lovers describe a benevolent, decent, friendly and talented person. He will always come to the rescue in difficult times and you can always count on him. It is not scary to trust such people, because they will never betray. In an inverted position, the card personifies people whose views on life are radically different from the interests of the fortuneteller.

"Lovers" as the card of the year

A person who has this card in the layout will not be bored. He is provided with bright and stormy emotions. Joyful experiences can be associated with successfully completed work, new pleasant acquaintances. A person will overcome the contradictions within himself and successfully solve the tasks. In a career, there is a question of choice: a new direction of activity, or a place of work. A person will be able to meet his true love or find happiness in an existing union.

Map of the day

You will have to make a decision regarding a plan, business or a certain person. You need to listen to your inner voice and your heart in order to make the right decision. The ideal time to build long-term plans. There is a chance to meet your other half.

Tarot Lovers with other cards

Be sure to look at the combination of Tarot cards. Because Lovers in combination with other Tarot cards change their meaning. What does Arcana 6 mean in combination with other cards:

  1. Jester is the wrong choice.
  2. The emperor is the creation of a family.
  3. The devil is a mistake.
  4. Death is the inability to influence the situation.
  5. The chariot is a honeymoon trip.

Every person in their life has experienced love and succumbed to temptation. A person has to decide what to choose. The choice that faces him can be considered a test of fate. The decision he makes will determine his future. Indecision has more disastrous consequences than the wrong decision.

By succumbing to temptation, a person will lose the chance to become happy, and if he chooses love, he has a chance to start a romantic relationship. It is recommended to find an ally with whom it will be easier to walk along the path of life.

Everyone chooses for himself: a woman, religion, road.

This Arcana is considered one of the most difficult to interpret, despite its outward simplicity. The Major Arcana Tarot card Lovers (Lovers) combines two plots: a romantic story and the need to make a difficult choice. In this article, we will look at the description and meaning in the relationship of a direct and inverted card, interpretation and combination with other cards in layouts for love, health, career and work.

In essence, the Lovers are a fork in the road, a dilemma and responsibility for the final decision.

Symbolic and archetypal correspondences

  • Lovers, In Love, Love, Eros
  • Adam and Eve, Cupid, Tree of Knowledge;
  • Two Paths, Fork, Choice, Freedom, Freedom of Choice.
  • Number 6, path 17;
  • Zain (from Tipheret to Binah, from Beauty to Reason);
  • Astrologically: Gemini, Libra, Sagittarius
  • Venus/Jupiter as an expression of great love, aspect of Venus and Mars;
  • The occult meaning of the card is the Trial.

Map Description

The classic Sixth Arcana depicts mountains and Cupid aiming an arrow at a woman. That is, the choice is implied, in which direction to go - to surrender to love or go through self-knowledge. According to mystical tradition, the card gives the initiate a choice between wealth, excess, power, leading to a dead end, and the path of self-knowledge, which implies a vow of poverty, chastity and obedience.

Marseille and some other versions of the Tarot imply three figures on the card - a young man and two girls. One of them symbolizes purity and innocence, and the other - depravity and seductiveness. In this plot, the risk for the young man is hidden - a mistake in choosing a more affordable option. Another version of the card depicts a young man standing between two girls, one of whom is an angel and the other is a demon. Above is not Cupid, but the Genius of Fate.

The three figures depicted on the Lovers Tarot card represent different aspects of the personality:

  • A man is reason and reason;
  • Woman - subconscious, intuition, emotions;
  • Angel - knowledge from above, soul.

Lovers are not seen holding hands or looking into each other's eyes. Nor is the unity that can only be achieved in the "World" visible - there is opposition. The symbols are both the Tree of Life behind the man and the Tree of Knowledge behind the woman.

Sometimes the cards depict a wedding ceremony, where a priest, an angel or God unites a man and a woman (Eve and Adam) in marriage. And in Crowley's cards, this Arcana depicts the wedding of the Empress and the Emperor, which is blessed by the Hermit. This suggests that true love is part of the Path, not an obstacle.

General meaning of the card

The classical understanding interprets it as an omen of deep love experiences, showing that this step will lead to the rejection of the previous way of life and the transition to a new level of awareness and creation of Love. Such a step entails the opening of a strong information field contained in the Lovers card.

In another way, it is called "Choice". She points to a situation of choice, not only love. Lovers talk about the final choice, about the decision that must be made with the heart. The meaning of the card is determined by the question asked.

The appearance of these two interpretations is historically justified. Marriage has long been associated with duty and calculation, despite the fact that young hearts still dreamed of love. It often happened that love marriage jeopardized relationships with parents and place in society, and, therefore, was a very difficult choice.

romantic story

Lovers of the Tarot, the meaning of this card is often misleading. Most of the fortune-telling is devoted to personal life, which means that the mind clings precisely to the interpretation of the card about love. But not everything is so simple.

The main meaning of this card is a test, an intrapersonal conflict, a conflict between the head and the heart. It is the latter that manifests itself in the most acute form (especially if the Three of Swords is nearby).

Interpretations of antiquity note the positivity of the meaning of "Lovers" - in the layout, this card speaks of the correctness of the choice made. This is a card of sincerity of actions that are performed not according to moral convictions, but according to the dictates of the heart.

Naturally, the eventual meaning of the Lovers is the appearance of a “complementary” person, relations with which are full of reciprocity, joy, and attraction. In the layout, the card prophesies a new relationship, even if the questioner did not expect them.

In general, Lovers of the Tarot, the meaning of a card in a reading signals the seriousness of heart affection in life, with the surrounding cards indicating the reciprocity of the feeling and their possible outcome.

Difficult choice

Lovers in the alignment warn of a difficult decision made by the heart. It is important to note that the resolution of intrapersonal conflicts must occur harmoniously and wisely. From the position of the past, the Sixth Arcana is seen as an already made choice, the consequences of which a person faced.

As the significator of the questioner, the Lovers Tarot card tells about a person who made a decision according to the dictates of the heart, and not the voice of reason. Its essence lies not in forcing events in search of a romance, but in internal events that make a person become more receptive to the opportunities that fate offers.

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Description of personality

Positive features

The person of this card is characterized as running at breakneck speed and singing about his love to the whole wide world. He lives in his own reality, where everything acquires new colors and colors. As a significator of the questioner, Lovers say that a person is controlled by strong emotions, heartfelt experiences, and not the voice of reason. It happens that this card describes a person who is a good mediator, smoothing corners and connecting people.

Negative Traits

Youth can make the wrong choice, and then the Arrow of Fate will hit it. The fork emphasizes that the price of freedom and will in choice is a huge responsibility.

On a deeper level

Tarot card lovers, meaning - uncompromising choice. A love worth dying for. The price of this is the non-recognition of conveniences, fakes, the rejection of reason. The physical law of attraction of opposites. Eros gives not only joy, but also brings suffering. In spirituality and alchemy, the card is the Sacred Marriage, passionate and deep feelings, comprehension of the secrets of life.

The division of the mind into consciousness and subconsciousness, into the inner and outer world, into life and death, into male and female. Lovers talk about the perfection of perception, subtlety and sensitivity, since in order to recognize the right path, you need to feel very subtly. Rationality does not seem to see the truth between two opposite solutions. Cognition manifests itself as a result of the dual perception of things.

The meaning of lovers in various layouts

For career and work

The card speaks of the need to choose between two professions or areas. Often Arkan appears when the questioner feels the need to change activities or receives a profitable offer. Indicates true fans of their work who have a passion for their work.

The card is successful for alliance, partnership, team work. Guided by the principle of mutual complementation, leadership and the struggle for supremacy are out of place here. Unanimity, cooperation, joy from work. Lovers foreshadow the conclusion of agreements, mergers, the emergence of alliances.

There is an opinion that the card advises by hook or by crook to ascend to the highest levels of leadership. It may turn out to be a "career through the bed", but still much more often it is the emergence of higher trust, the formation of communications.

For finance and property

The chance of making a profit increases due to an alliance with a partner (not just a business one). Probably, a loved one or spouse will provide great support. Obtaining financing for the formation and development of projects.

For love and relationships

A symbol of deep sensuality, the responsibility of the decision made by the heart. Maximum sincerity, the path at the call of the heart, the power of true love. Lovers Tarot, meaning in a relationship can predict the beginning of a powerful feeling or the preservation of previous relationships, the prerequisites for a new romance, the formation of relationships, devotion, the strength of communication, dedication.

With a successful arrangement of neighboring Arcana, it speaks of a successful marriage. The card is not so much passion as the reciprocity of obligations - the couple is in the presence of the Higher forces, binding with mutual obligations (not only to people, but to the cosmos).

The most optimistic card for people who want a good relationship. But even here there are some peculiarities. Akron and Banzhaf wrote that the need to find the lost paradise through an alliance with another person cannot be satisfied until you escape the void through a partner who completes you and has what you may lack. It is difficult to meet a kindred heart through external influences or a certain amount of possibilities.

They also noted that this Arcana is a symbol of sexuality and

The appearance of the Lovers in the layout is not always a good sign, you need to check the neighboring cards.

love in all its contradictions, as well as the alchemy of the universe. Sexuality is a magnet that holds a person within the framework of eternity, helping to take a step forward beyond their inner limits and make a search for meetings with other people. Building real relationships forces a person to make the choice of parting with their parents, an open declaration of love for a particular person. The necessity of these actions is the reason why the Arcanum bears the name "Choice".

The most important aspect of the card that distinguishes it from the Two of Cups is that "Lovers" is an indicator of love, friendliness, partnership or other form of closeness between two beings who are separated by some kind of barrier. These souls must overcome it in order for a real merger to take place. There is an element of antagonism, confrontation, and this is not so bad.

The opposite of traits in a person with whom we establish a connection is our reflection, resource, addition and support. As a rule, in a partner there are those features and aspects that are repressed in ourselves. For this very reason, often a true partner initially causes not so much attraction, but real irritation, and even hatred. We see in the other what he may lack. But the attitude to this can be different: from “really!” to "you're not a gift."

A difficult choice between two people, two companions. The presence of two equivalent, equal in strength feelings. The need to make special, difficult decisions (especially if swords fall out in the layout). This Arcana may portend a love triangle, a problem in which one of the people is married to another person or close relatives have feelings for the same person. As well as other equally sad situations. And this becomes even more relevant in cases where three lovers are depicted in the deck on the card.

This is not always a cloudless and good card in matters of romantic relationships. The situation that they predict can become the most dramatic moment of a person's entire life. And God forbid, scroll through your head on a lonely night the choice that you are obliged, but have no right to make.

The tendency to endow the partner with aspects of one's own unconscious image, to create a projection that will make one feel happy and complete. The tendency to project on him, as on a screen, a collective image of the ideal person, avoiding the real picture and his true nature.

Health status

In a straight position - good health. The inverted Arkan speaks of health problems, focusing on hormones. It happens that the Lovers hint that the best medicine for each person is his half.

The card seems to ask questions: what and whom do you love? What do you choose?

Reversed Lovers card meaning

Lovers Reversed has many interpretations.

relationship problems

Unhappiness in love, unrequitedness, inseparability, incompatibility in sexual life. Traditional meanings: grief, failure. Immaturity of plans, unattainable goals, missed opportunities, negative choices. If there are negative cards around, it signals a problematic, immature and unhealthy relationship.

Ancient interpreters also pointed to another meaning - an early hasty marriage, which in most cases breaks up. This means that the choice made by the person is wrong and wrong. The questioner seemed to listen to his heart under pressure, and it missed. Recklessness and stupidity of choice (especially if a person is sure that this is not so).

Inverted "Lovers" signal temporary problems in business or personal relationships, their deterioration for some reason. Difficulties in achieving love harmony - increased jealousy, feelings of ownership, separation of interests. In some cases - treason, insecurity, dishonesty, separation and even divorce. This is disappointment in love relationships and marriage.

In the case when the question intersected with the prospects for relationships, then the inverted card warns and admonishes to leave hope for well-being with this person. Unfortunately, he can't wait. If the alignment was made on the likelihood or improbability of marriage, then this Arkan portends the failure of such a desire.

A pessimistic card, when a lonely person makes a deal on the prospects of his personal life. It is clearer than "The Hermit" or "The Hanged Man" that this stage of life does not imply the presence of a companion nearby. The only advice in this case is self-acceptance and self-love.

internal state

It happens that the inverted position of "Lovers" speaks of a person's awareness of his own "I", separation of himself from his alter ego, the emergence of independence and the emergence of personal space.

Internal confusion and confusion, divergence in one's personality, intrapersonal conflict, difficulty in testing. Murderous hobbies, partnership that suppresses individuality and uncontrolled self-indulgence are also probably described by the inverted Lovers card, but in fact, more often this role in the layout is played by the Fifteenth Arcanum.

In especially rare cases, reversed "Lovers" indicate an astral connection with the anima, daimon, animus. At the same time, an invisible connection with the “astral half” can be an imperceptible protection, health support, fulfillment of creative functions, and in special situations, a similar role is played by the partner himself, who left this world, with whom, in spite of everything, the widow or widower has remained connection.

You can take the reversed card as a sign that we deserve love and devotion only if we treat ourselves with love and respect, regardless of success or failure in our personal lives.

The appearance of a card in a spread can mean a spiritual, platonic union, a symbolic marriage between two souls, which is hindered by physical obstacles.

Incorrect choice

Sometimes inverted "Lovers" highlight problems in communication with people, misunderstandings, the inability to establish contact. The card can signal that the will of a person is influenced by opposing forces and the choice is impossible because the person himself cannot decide what he wants.

This is probably a conflict between your subconscious and devotion to a partner. Lack of responsibility. When reversed Lovers appear several times, it means that the person is "professional" in wrong choices that affect those around him, this gives a feeling of guilt.

Forum "Fortuneteller's House": active discussions on the topic

Combinations with other cards

Lovers Tarot in combination speaks of both true love and inappropriate sentimentality, empty passion - all neighboring cards can clarify everything. Well, if it is the World, the Empress or the Hierophant, and a completely different matter if the Devil, the Tower or the Jester. Lovers are too susceptible to the influence of neighboring cards, indicating the attitude of the questioner to love, relationships and problems.

  • With the Jester - complete irrationality, "disconnected mind." Blind faith in the success of the enterprise and the willingness to follow the chosen path.
  • With the Empress - sexual contentment, pleasure;
  • With the Hierophant - stable principles, the ability to truly believe in them and act in accordance with them without any hypocrisy;
  • With the Hermit - isolation, loneliness, sexual coolness;
  • With Death - a radical rejection of the former way of life;
  • With the Devil - the risk of betrayal, a threat to relationships. Strong dependence on a partner.
  • With the Tower - the need to make a decision as quickly as possible, there is no time to think;
  • With the Three of Swords - alienation, separation;
  • With the Two of Cups - union, marriage, connection;
  • With the Five of Cups - the collapse of relationships;
  • With the Nine of Cups - sexual pleasure, intoxication;
  • With the Ten of Pentacles - long-term alliances, family ties.


This Arcana is considered one of the most difficult to interpret, despite its outward simplicity. The Major Arcana Tarot card Lovers (Lovers) combines two plots: a romantic story and the need to make a difficult choice. In this article, we will look at the description and meaning in the relationship of a direct and inverted card, interpretation and combination with other cards in layouts for love, health, career and work.

Symbolic and archetypal correspondences

  • Lovers, In Love, Love, Eros
  • Adam and Eve, Cupid, Tree of Knowledge;
  • Two Paths, Fork, Choice, Freedom, Freedom of Choice.
  • Number 6, path 17;
  • Zain (from Tipheret to Binah, from Beauty to Reason);
  • Astrologically: Gemini, Libra, Sagittarius
  • Venus/Jupiter as an expression of great love, aspect of Venus and Mars;
  • The occult meaning of the card is the Trial;
  • Gallery of Tarot cards Lovers from 50 different decks.

Map Description

The classic Sixth Arcana depicts mountains and Cupid aiming an arrow at a woman. That is, the choice is implied, in which direction to go - to surrender to love or go through self-knowledge. According to mystical tradition, the card gives the initiate a choice between wealth, excess, power, leading to a dead end, and the path of self-knowledge, which implies a vow of poverty, chastity and obedience.

Marseille and some other versions of the Tarot imply three figures on the card - a young man and two girls. One of them symbolizes purity and innocence, and the other - depravity and seductiveness. In this plot, the risk for the young man is hidden - a mistake in choosing a more affordable option. Another version of the card depicts a young man standing between two girls, one of whom is an angel and the other is a demon. Above is not Cupid, but the Genius of Fate.

The three figures depicted on the Lovers Tarot card represent different aspects of the personality:

  • A man is reason and reason;
  • Woman - subconscious, intuition, emotions;
  • Angel - knowledge from above, soul.

Lovers are not seen holding hands or looking into each other's eyes. Neither is the unity that can be achieved only in the "Mir" visible - there is opposition. The symbols are both the Tree of Life behind the man and the Tree of Knowledge behind the woman.

Sometimes the cards depict a wedding ceremony, where a priest, an angel or God unites a man and a woman (Eve and Adam) in marriage. And in Crowley's cards, this Arcana depicts the wedding of the Empress and the Emperor, which is blessed by the Hermit. This suggests that true love is part of the Path, not an obstacle.

General meaning of the card

The classical understanding interprets it as an omen of deep love experiences, showing that this step will lead to the rejection of the previous way of life and the transition to a new level of awareness and creation of Love. Such a step entails the opening of a strong information field contained in the Lovers card.

In another way, it is called "Choice". She points to a situation of choice, not only love. Lovers talk about the final choice, about the decision that must be made with the heart. The meaning of the card is determined by the question asked.

The appearance of these two interpretations is historically justified. Marriage has long been associated with duty and calculation, despite the fact that young hearts still dreamed of love. It often happened that love marriage jeopardized relationships with parents and place in society, and, therefore, was a very difficult choice.

romantic story

Lovers of the Tarot, the meaning of this card is often misleading. Most of the fortune-telling is devoted to personal life, which means that the mind clings precisely to the interpretation of the card about love. But not everything is so simple.

The main meaning of this card is a test, an intrapersonal conflict, a conflict between the head and the heart. It is the latter that manifests itself in the most acute form (especially if the Three of Swords is nearby).

Interpretations of antiquity note the positivity of the meaning of "Lovers" - in the layout, this card speaks of the correctness of the choice made. This is a card of sincerity of actions that are performed not according to moral convictions, but according to the dictates of the heart.

Naturally, the eventual meaning of the Lovers is the appearance of a “complementary” person, relations with which are full of reciprocity, joy, and attraction. In the layout, the card prophesies a new relationship, even if the questioner did not expect them.

In general, Lovers of the Tarot, the meaning of a card in a reading signals the seriousness of heart affection in life, with the surrounding cards indicating the reciprocity of the feeling and their possible outcome.

Difficult choice

Lovers in the alignment warn of a difficult decision made by the heart. It is important to note that the resolution of intrapersonal conflicts must occur harmoniously and wisely. From the position of the past, the Sixth Arcana is seen as an already made choice, the consequences of which a person faced.

As the significator of the questioner, the Lovers Tarot card tells about a person who made a decision according to the dictates of the heart, and not the voice of reason. Its essence lies not in forcing events in search of a romance, but in internal events that make a person become more receptive to the opportunities that fate offers.

Description of personality

Positive features

The person of this card is characterized as running at breakneck speed and singing about his love to the whole wide world. He lives in his own reality, where everything acquires new colors and colors. As a significator of the questioner, Lovers say that a person is controlled by strong emotions, heartfelt experiences, and not the voice of reason. It happens that this card describes a person who is a good mediator, smoothing corners and connecting people.

Negative Traits

Youth can make the wrong choice, and then the Arrow of Fate will hit it. The fork emphasizes that the price of freedom and will in choice is a huge responsibility.

On a deeper level

Tarot card lovers, meaning - uncompromising choice. A love worth dying for. The price of this is the non-recognition of conveniences, fakes, the rejection of reason. The physical law of attraction of opposites. Eros gives not only joy, but also brings suffering. In spirituality and alchemy, the card is the Sacred Marriage, passionate and deep feelings, comprehension of the secrets of life.

The division of the mind into consciousness and subconsciousness, into the inner and outer world, into life and death, into male and female. Lovers talk about the perfection of perception, subtlety and sensitivity, since in order to recognize the right path, you need to feel very subtly. Rationality does not seem to see the truth between two opposite solutions. Cognition manifests itself as a result of the dual perception of things.

The meaning of lovers in various layouts

For career and work

The card speaks of the need to choose between two professions or areas. Often Arkan appears when the questioner feels the need to change activities or receives a profitable offer. Indicates true fans of their work who have a passion for their work.

The card is successful for alliance, partnership, team work. Guided by the principle of mutual complementation, leadership and the struggle for supremacy are out of place here. Unanimity, cooperation, joy from work. Lovers foreshadow the conclusion of agreements, mergers, the emergence of alliances.

There is an opinion that the card advises by hook or by crook to ascend to the highest levels of leadership. It may turn out to be a "career through the bed", but still much more often it is the emergence of higher trust, the formation of communications.

For finance and property

The chance of making a profit increases due to an alliance with a partner (not just a business one). Probably, a loved one or spouse will provide great support. Obtaining financing for the formation and development of projects.

For love and relationships

A symbol of deep sensuality, the responsibility of the decision made by the heart. Maximum sincerity, the path at the call of the heart, the power of true love. Lovers Tarot, meaning in a relationship can predict the beginning of a powerful feeling or the preservation of previous relationships, the prerequisites for a new romance, the formation of relationships, devotion, the strength of communication, dedication.

With a successful arrangement of neighboring Arcana, it speaks of a successful marriage. The card is not so much passion as the reciprocity of obligations - the couple is in the presence of the Higher forces, binding with mutual obligations (not only to people, but to the cosmos).

The most optimistic card for people who want a good relationship. But even here there are some peculiarities. Akron and Banzhaf wrote that the need to find the lost paradise through an alliance with another person cannot be satisfied until you escape the void through a partner who completes you and has what you may lack. It is difficult to meet a kindred heart through external influences or a certain amount of possibilities.

They also noted that this Arcana is a symbol of sexuality and love in all its contradictions, as well as the alchemy of the Universe. Sexuality is a magnet that holds a person within the framework of eternity, helping to take a step forward beyond their inner limits and make a search for meetings with other people. Building real relationships forces a person to make the choice of parting with their parents, an open declaration of love for a particular person. The necessity of these actions is the reason why the Arcanum bears the name "Choice".

The most important aspect of the card that distinguishes it from the Two of Cups is that "Lovers" is an indicator of love, friendliness, partnership or other form of closeness between two beings who are separated by some kind of barrier. These souls must overcome it in order for a real merger to take place. There is an element of antagonism, confrontation, and this is not so bad.

The opposite of traits in a person with whom we establish a connection is our reflection, resource, addition and support. As a rule, in a partner there are those features and aspects that are repressed in ourselves. For this very reason, often a true partner initially causes not so much attraction, but real irritation, and even hatred. We see in the other what he may lack. But the attitude to this can be different: from “really!” to "you're not a gift."

A difficult choice between two people, two companions. The presence of two equivalent, equal in strength feelings. The need to make special, difficult decisions (especially if swords fall out in the layout). This Arcana may portend a love triangle, a problem in which one of the people is married to another person or close relatives have feelings for the same person. As well as other equally sad situations. And this becomes even more relevant in cases where three lovers are depicted in the deck on the card.

This is not always a cloudless and good card in matters of romantic relationships. The situation that they predict can become the most dramatic moment of a person's entire life. And God forbid, scroll through your head on a lonely night the choice that you are obliged, but have no right to make.

The tendency to endow the partner with aspects of one's own unconscious image, to create a projection that will make one feel happy and complete. The tendency to project on him, as on a screen, a collective image of the ideal person, avoiding the real picture and his true nature.

Health status

In the upright position - good health. The inverted Arkan speaks of health problems, focusing on hormones. It happens that the Lovers hint that the best medicine for each person is his half.

Arcana Council 6

The card seems to ask questions: what and whom do you love? What do you choose?

Reversed Lovers card meaning

Lovers Reversed has many interpretations.

relationship problems

Unhappiness in love, unrequitedness, inseparability, incompatibility in sexual life. Traditional meanings: grief, failure. Immaturity of plans, unattainable goals, missed opportunities, negative choices. If there are negative cards around, it signals a problematic, immature and unhealthy relationship.

Ancient interpreters also pointed to another meaning - an early hasty marriage, which in most cases breaks up. This means that the choice made by the person is wrong and wrong. The questioner seemed to listen to his heart under pressure, and it missed. Recklessness and stupidity of choice (especially if a person is sure that this is not so).

Inverted "Lovers" signal temporary problems in business or personal relationships, their deterioration for some reason. Difficulties in achieving love harmony - increased jealousy, feelings of ownership, separation of interests. In some cases - treason, insecurity, dishonesty, separation and even divorce. This is disappointment in love relationships and marriage.

In the case when the question intersected with the prospects for relationships, then the inverted card warns and admonishes to leave hope for well-being with this person. Unfortunately, he can't wait. If the alignment was made on the likelihood or improbability of marriage, then this Arkan portends the failure of such a desire.

A pessimistic card, when a lonely person makes a deal on the prospects of his personal life. It is clearer than "The Hermit" or "The Hanged Man" that this stage of life does not imply the presence of a companion nearby. The only advice in this case is self-acceptance and self-love.

internal state

It happens that the inverted position of "Lovers" speaks of a person's awareness of his own "I", separation of himself from his alter ego, the emergence of independence and the emergence of personal space.

Internal confusion and confusion, divergence in one's personality, intrapersonal conflict, difficulty in testing. Murderous hobbies, partnership that suppresses individuality and uncontrolled self-indulgence are also probably described by the inverted Lovers card, but in fact, more often this role in the layout is played by the Fifteenth Arcanum.

In especially rare cases, reversed "Lovers" indicate an astral connection with the anima, daimon, animus. At the same time, an invisible connection with the “astral half” can be an imperceptible protection, health support, fulfillment of creative functions, and in special situations, a similar role is played by the partner himself, who left this world, with whom, in spite of everything, the widow or widower has remained connection.

You can take the reversed card as a sign that we deserve love and devotion only if we treat ourselves with love and respect, regardless of success or failure in our personal lives.

The appearance of a card in a spread can mean a spiritual, platonic union, a symbolic marriage between two souls, which is hindered by physical obstacles.

Incorrect choice

Sometimes inverted "Lovers" highlight problems in communication with people, misunderstandings, the inability to establish contact. The card can signal that the will of a person is influenced by opposing forces and the choice is impossible because the person himself cannot decide what he wants.

This is probably a conflict between your subconscious and devotion to a partner. Lack of responsibility. When reversed Lovers appear several times, it means that the person is "professional" in wrong choices that affect those around him, this gives a feeling of guilt.

Combinations with other cards

Lovers Tarot in combination speaks of both true love and inappropriate sentimentality, empty passion - all neighboring cards can clarify everything. Well, if it is the World, the Empress or the Hierophant, and a completely different matter if the Devil, the Tower or the Jester. Lovers are too susceptible to the influence of neighboring cards, indicating the attitude of the questioner to love, relationships and problems.

  • With the Jester - complete irrationality, "disconnected mind." Blind faith in the success of the enterprise and the willingness to follow the chosen path.
  • With the Empress - sexual contentment, pleasure;
  • With the Hierophant - stable principles, the ability to truly believe in them and act in accordance with them without any hypocrisy;
  • With the Hermit - isolation, loneliness, sexual coolness;
  • With Death - a radical rejection of the former way of life;
  • With the Devil - the risk of betrayal, a threat to relationships. Strong dependence on a partner.
  • With the Tower - the need to make a decision as quickly as possible, there is no time to think;
  • With the Three of Swords - alienation, separation;
  • With the Two of Cups - union, marriage, connection;
  • With the Five of Cups - the collapse of relationships;
  • With the Nine of Cups - sexual pleasure, intoxication;
  • With the Ten of Pentacles - long-term alliances, family ties.


Die Liebenden;The Lover (The Lovers); L'Amoureux

This is one of the most complex Tarot Arcana, with outward simplicity. The map combines two plots. In the classical sense, it promises deep love experiences, but shows that such a step involves a choice: the rejection of the former way of life (parental home, easy intrigues, etc.) and the transition to a new stage - the stage of consciousness and creation of Love. Only this step opens a powerful information field, which contains the card of the Lovers. That is why its second name is "Choice".

It can also mean some other situation of choice, not necessarily related to love. Then it means that one way or another we will have to make a choice, decisively and irrevocably, leaving no loopholes for ourselves and taking on certain obligations in addition. Lovers are a bold decision made by the heart.

Which of the two plots appears before us in this case depends on the meaning of the question asked. It is quite clear where these two meanings come from. Historically, marriage has long been a matter of duty and calculation, although, of course, most of the living souls relied on love. If the candidacy of the groom / bride did not cause delight in anyone except the lover himself, then marriage for love became a very serious choice in life, which often called into question everything else - parental and master's goodwill, career, place of residence, title and status.

AND The lovers in the alignment warned of a difficult test on the way, of a decision made by the heart. And not just a decision, but a very important one, accepted irrevocably and forever. This is a map of a fork in the road that becomes a challenge. A card of freedom of choice - at every step a person faces a dilemma, to act one way or another, and responsibility for the decision made. Thus, another meaning of the card is freedom, because a non-free person has no choice.

She also speaks of responsibility for the consequences of a choice, warns against neglect. In general, this card symbolizes the indissolubility of freedom and responsibility, cause and effect can be to a much greater extent than even Justice. Each choice is a test of strength and honesty. It is desirable that the decision regarding the intrapersonal conflict be harmonious and wise, and in any case, its implementation requires a combination of efforts.

The total value in the layout

The external meaning of the card is always and by all captured without error. Given that most of the questions asked of the cards relate to personal life, consciousness immediately clings to this meaning. Oh love, wonderful! But the tradition in this case is waving the index finger in front of the nose - not everything is so simple! The meaning of the card is the Trial! Who among us loves challenges? Card meaning - Choice! And which of us is easy to make a choice when the soul is literally torn between two alternatives? Between past and future, old and new, whims and duty...

Intrapersonal conflict is what the Lovers portend.

That far from blissful state, when it seems that it is impossible to make a decision, and the usually intelligible inner voice turns into a many-headed hydra, which begins to sing in chorus out of place, they say, the heart is not a stone, but the brain is not semolina ... Just a conflict between the heart and mind manifests itself most sharply, although this is not necessary (but if the Three of Swords is nearby, for example, then it is necessary).

A person at this moment of his life is somehow at a crossroads and is faced with the need to make a choice, and a very important one, and fraught with long-term consequences. Lovers always warn that this choice will come back to haunt you (or maybe the decision will affect the rest of your life). Of course, in the most typical case, this is a choice between suppressing the desire or giving in to it.

This choice may concern not only a partner, but also a profession, travel, educational institution, home, car or lifestyle in general. Moreover, alternatives, as a rule, are mutually exclusive, it is impossible to sit on two chairs. Ancient interpretations emphasize the positive meaning of the Lovers - falling out in a layout, this card indicates that the right choice will be made! Lovers is a card sincere deeds committed "not according to the law, but according to the soul", fully expressing the true aspirations of a person. Of course, passionate love also applies here.

In the position of the past, the Sixth Arcana may indicate a choice already made, and now a person is dealing with the consequences. Being the significator of the questioner, the card can describe a person who made a sincere choice at the behest of the soul, who dared to ignore the rules and arguments of the mind. She can also talk about the fact that right now a person is facing a decision that will require courage and loyalty to himself from him, and in no case should he succumb to manipulation and pressure. The choice must be absolutely voluntary, without doubt or compromise. At this crossroads it is necessary to show all the strength of the spirit. This is a kind of decisive test, test, exam.

Of course, the event meaning of the Lovers is a union, the appearance in life of someone who becomes an “addition”. Relationships full of mutual joy, attraction, relationships, romance. Love is a divine gift and the goal of so many efforts. It is about love that most questions are asked in fortune-telling practices. Falling out in a scenario, the Lovers portend a new romance in life, even if the person did not expect this. They embody everything that is an integral part of a love connection and intimacy between people. In general, this Arkan speaks of the presence(or possibilities) in a life of serious heart affection, and the Minor Arcana can tell whether the feeling is mutual, as well as what outcome of the novel is most likely. If there are no negative cards around, then the Lovers are an omen of a wonderful relationship. For single people, this card is traditionally considered a harbinger of a meeting with a loved one, a true life partner. Moreover, the meaning of the Lovers is not to force events, frantically searching for love, but in that inner event that makes one open towards the world, makes a person truly receptive to the opportunities offered by life.

Lovers say the man is involved in some sort of alliance that the situation requires joint action, or that someone has a great influence on him (self-esteem is highly dependent on the attitude of the other). Here is the need to communicate search for a "common denominator" some point of view, which would allow to unite the opposites.
In the case of the Lovers, adjacent cards are of great importance. It is believed that this Arcana "connects" the cards located on opposite sides of it. In general, the keyword of the Lovers, perhaps, reciprocity. It can be either love or hate. There is one step between them, and precisely because of this, the intensity of rim feelings is present in both cases. This card connects what once fell into halves, and is a significator of union, merger, unification, synthesis. In general, it carries creative energy. It is believed that as the resulting alignment card (outcome of the planned business), it promises success or at least stability (preservation of the status quo).

Personal state

Romantic and euphoric! This is happiness and joy that transforms a person (at least for a while), a very strong attraction and attraction to something or someone, a willingness to give someone your heart. According to the Lovers, it is common for a person to run headlong and sing about his love to the whole world (or the entire Internet), shouting that all ages are submissive to her and her impulses are beneficial. He now has his own reality, where the sun is brighter, the grass is greener (it doesn’t matter that it’s deep February), and the moon is always full. Romantic excitement, of course, can manifest itself in different ways, depending on the character, but the diagnosis is usually clear to everyone: an arrow in the heart! Both true love and inappropriate sentimentality, empty passions and ridiculous hobbies can go along the Lovers, other cards can give a hint about the true nature of this state. It's one thing when the Empress, the Hierophant and the World are nearby, another thing is when the Jester, the Devil and the Tower.

Lovers are exclusively influenced by the surrounding cards. Neighboring cards often also indicate what a person’s attitude is to love, to relationships in general, to finding oneself in them. Sometimes it is the search for love as a salvation from all problems, including from oneself. If this card is the significator of the questioner, then now he is clearly controlled by the heart, emotions, and not reason and calculation. Feelings are set free, possible consequences are of the least concern (although it is on this map that communication usually has very significant consequences). Attraction, love, and the voice of the heart are central to life and spiritual experience. Lovers can talk about a passionate passion for some ideal or idea.

This card also indicates the desire for the fullness of life, the time of satisfaction, harmony and balance, the unification of masculine and feminine qualities of nature.
Sometimes the card symbolizes a person connecting people and smoothing out contradictions, a mediator. She also speaks of attractiveness, beauty, sensuality, eroticism.

On a deeper level

This card asks - what and whom do you love? What and whom do you choose at this stage of your life? What is such a choice?

In essence, Lovers are the "tuning fork" component of a person. This is the inner knowledge of the "heart", what is good and what is bad for you personally, which cannot be faked or deceived. You can not listen to him, you can pretend that you do not hear and do not know, you can act contrary, but the tone changes from this. According to the Lovers, a person gives up one way of life for the sake of another. According to the Lovers, he strives for unity, wholeness and happiness.
This card makes a person uncompromising in terms of choice and commitment.

Karmically Lovers talk about the experience of love that is not afraid to die for. The price of such a memory turns out to be expensive - subsequently a person organically does not recognize either conveniences or fakes, and no arguments of the philistine mind can save.
This is a map of human love, which is an integral and integral part of life itself.But there are other types of "marriage" and other typesopposites in need of reconciliationAndconnection through love.

Lovers represent the attraction of opposing forces, this duality is reflected in all aspects of existence, and in the struggle and union of man and woman it manifests itself most clearly. The sixth Arcana describes the stage of spiritual development, at which a person realizes in himself almost opposite sides of nature. He tries to choose one and suppress the other (the principle of poorly designed opposition). Lovers, on the other hand, symbolize not so much the struggle as the union of these opposites within ourselves, the ability to lovingly accept the most diverse properties of our nature - after all, even those that we do not approve of are somehow needed for further life and our continued growth.

It can be a combination of consciousness and the unconscious into a kind of synergistic and creative unity. It can be a reconciliation of "reveal" and "shadow". Each of us has positive and negative qualities, those that we accept and those that torment us, prevent us from living, as it seems, and which we would prefer to get rid of. "Lovers" calls to explore and reconcile the opposites within ourselves, and not to try to remove them or somehow change them. Understanding and accepting both sides of himself, a person becomes a creatively productive whole (the result of the merger of lovers is the conception of a new one). The internal conflict does not completely cease to exist - but both sides get the right to life together (not necessarily completely cloudless, but a "honeymoon" is possible).

Since this task is complex, commitment is required to achieve it. It is necessary not only to recognize their existence, but to understand that between them there is an indissoluble, established connection from above and an obligation to achieve fruitful synergy, to become a single whole. Opposites are not necessarily good and evil. These features in ourselves or in another person are a mirror image of each other, mutual complement and support. It is necessary to achieve unity (albeit in struggle) of these opposites, make them work together (this requires a crushing force of attraction that cannot be overcome and thereby avoid the task) and create something more than just the sum of parts. Psychologically, the pair of Forerunners depicted on the Arcana (Lovers are associated with Adam and Eve) can be considered as the male and female components of a human being. Returning to Eden, to the source of life, requires the unification of these two aspects of existence. If we consider the sequence of the Major Arcana as an allegory of the spiritual path, then at the level of the Zero Arcana this unity is present, but completely unconscious.

Further, having awakened at the level of the Magician, a person consistently forms his individuality, encounters earthly and sacred manifestations of the male and female principles (Priestess and Priest, Empress and Emperor), and on the Sixth Arcana reaches the stage when he realizes the simultaneous existence, the indestructible interconnection of these two began, and at the same time - their separation by contradictions.

Lovers do not hold hands, do not look into each other's eyes. There is no unity here (which will truly be achieved only in the World) - there is simultaneous vision, awareness and opposition, and the Tree of Knowledge is not the Tree of Life. The universal law of attraction of opposites - Eros - brings not only joys, but also sufferings, and it is only true that sexuality is an impulse to return the lost part of ourselves. Spiritually and alchemically, this is a card of Sacred Marriage, passionate and deep feelings, comprehension of the secrets of life, the beginning of the Great Work to restore the lost unity and integrity.

The three figures on the card symbolize different aspects of the personality: the man is the conscious mind, the woman is the unconscious, intuitive and emotional side, the angel is the higher knowledge. Symbolically behind the man is the Tree of Life, behind the woman is the Tree of Knowledge.
Astrologically, the card correlates with Gemini, also with Libra and transneptune Cupid. In the Hamburg School of Astrology, Cupid (associated just with the Sixth Arcanum) is responsible for the synthesis, the connection of details into a big picture - this is what the Lovers have on a deep level, expressing a great desire for unity, for a “common denominator”.

Here, in the form of a man and a woman in love, the mystical connection of opposites in the world as a whole is reflected. The bifurcation of consciousness into inner and outer worlds, into life and death, into man and woman - and all the contradictions that follow from this are associated with the sign of Gemini. Communication, overcoming internal resistance and disagreements - too. Gemini reflects, first of all, the perfection of perception, its accuracy, subtlety and sensitivity, since in order to recognize the highest channels and choose the right path to them among the bustle of life, a very subtle perception is required. Our rational constructions go around and around the truth, which remains between two opposite answers.

Cognition occurs only at the moment of a dual conception of things, on none of which the mind can settle: two opposite thoughts are two mirrors opposite each other, showing an infinity of reflections of what is between them. The medieval execution of the classical Sixth Arcanum implied the image of mountains, a man standing at a crossroads and an angel of love, who aims a bow at a woman on a flowery plain. It meant that a person has two ways: to give himself to the world, to a woman, to flowers - and die in the spiritual sense, or, moving away from the worldly, go to the mountains to death in order to free himself for spiritual life in other worlds, and then be reborn again. An angel is a purely spiritual being. Mountains are a symbol of the completed realization of personality, astrologically symbolized by the planet Saturn.

According to mystical tradition, Arkan offers the initiate a choice between the royal path of knowledge, requiring vows of poverty, chastity and obedience, and their antipodes, wealth, excess, power, which will inevitably lead to a dead end. The sixth Arcana points to the mechanism of the volitional act of a person who consciously reacts to the opportunities provided to him by the world. When making any decision, one should be guided by the analogy (“as above, so below”), and always remember that achieving the goal is impossible without love for the world. It is believed that for people following the esoteric path, Lovers have the meaning of Initiation, initiation, transition to a new stage of spiritual development (and in an inverted position they say that a person is not ready for this or that a person has not passed the test, as if he had chosen not to that answer).

In Marseille and some other versions of the Tarot, not two, but three human figures are depicted on the card - one young man and two girls. One of the girls personifies purity and innocence, while the other is the image of a broken seductress. The plot emphasizes the great risk that lies in wait for the young man - to make a mistake, to choose a seemingly more attractive and easily accessible “wrong”. The card had (and has) other versions. Some of them depict an almost wedding ceremony in which the priest (or God himself) connects the young man and the girl (Adam and Eve) with sacred bonds.

In the Crowley deck, the Arcana depicts the marriage of the Emperor and the Empress, and the ceremony is performed by .... The Hermit! This emphasizes that true love is always part of the Path, and not an obstacle to spiritual ascent; the higher self blesses such a union without hesitation. Another version of the card depicts a young man standing between the figures of two women, the first of which is an angel, the guardian of man, and the second is an ever-present demon. A young man stands at the beginning of a mature life in front of a fork in which he must choose between virtue and vice, eternal and transient. At the top of the card, in a circle of light, it is not Cupid at all, but the Genius of Fate (his star). If youth makes the wrong choice, the arrow of Fate will hit it. The fork in the road reminds a person that the price of free will, the power of choice, is responsibility.

professional situation

The need to choose between two paths in life, two professions, two fields of activity. Often the card is drawn when a person feels tempted to turn a hobby into a job or receives some other tempting offer. Wise decisions, the right choice.
This is a good card for joint ventures, business partnerships and teamwork. Individual projects, isolation or great claims to leadership are clearly not here. The principle of complementarity and creative unification of efforts for the sake of the common good operates here. Alliances, partnerships. Unanimity, harmony, trust, the ability to compromise. Collaboration, the possibility of harmonious problem solving.

Job satisfaction. Eventally Lovers can indicate the conclusion of contracts, the merger of companies, the creation of alliances and all kinds of activities related to teambuilding, team building (again, searching and bringing to a "common denominator").
Sometimes the card describes true fans of their business, people who relate to it with genuine passion. The profession is so significant for them that all sorts of husbands and wives, friends and girlfriends are not competitors to her - first of all, airplanes.

There is also an opinion that the Lovers advise by all means to try to enter the highest echelons of leadership in order to constantly keep a “hand on the pulse”, to be in the closest possible contact with people on whom “everything depends”. Sometimes it really turns out to be a “career through the bed,” but more often it is still the formation of personal trust, human relationships that transcend business protocol.

Financial and housing situation

There is a high probability of making a profit as a result of an alliance with a partner (business or not). Perhaps a spouse or loved one will provide significant assistance. Obtaining financial support for the development of the project.

Personal relationships

A card of deep feelings, a responsible choice, when the voice of the heart suggests the right path. Full sincerity, following the call of the heart, the power of true love.
Of course, the Lovers are the beginning of a new strong feeling or the preservation and strengthening of the old one, the promise of a new romance, the establishment of new relationships, good relations between people. Reciprocity and harmony in relationships, affection and devotion, strong connection, reckless dedication. When confirmed by other Arcana - entry into a successful marriage. This is a card not only of passion, but also of mutual obligations - here two stand in the presence of a Higher Power, therefore they are bound by mutual obligations (as a rule, not so much before the earthly law as before the cosmic one).

A more optimistic card for those who wish to enter into a relationship cannot be desired. But there are subtleties here. As Akron and Banzhaf write: “The desire to find the lost paradise through union with another person cannot be satisfied as long as you avoid the void at the expense of a partner who “complements you”, has exactly what you lack. It is impossible to meet a soul mate due to some external actions or a certain amount of opportunities. It's not about going to a disco or going to "how to get married" seminars. The only thing that will help is true inner readiness, which means much more than just the desire to meet the second half.

This means that you really want and are ready to meet Him or Her, without any conditions and doubts. In other words, when it is really your choice. They also write “This card reflects sexuality and love with all its contradictions, and also symbolizes the alchemy of the Universe. It is amazing how a civilized, super-logical, self-oriented person still manages to exist ... Sexuality is a magnet that keeps a person within the bounds of eternity, helping to take a step beyond oneself and seek meetings with other people. In order to build a real love relationship, a person has to make a choice - to give up the former free way of life, from the status of a free person, from the parental home, and also openly confess his love to only one person. The necessity of these bold steps is the reason why the Arcanum is called The Choice."

Another important aspect of this card, which distinguishes it from the Two of Cups: Lovers are an indicator of love, friendship, cooperation or other closeness of two people between whom there is a BARRIER. These two souls must overcome it in order to truly merge. There is an element of antagonism, confrontation, and this is good. Opposite features in the person with whom we establish a connection are our reflection, resource, complement and support. Usually a partner reflects and manifests those aspects that are undeveloped, repressed or unspiritualized in ourselves.

That is why the “real” partner at first usually causes not only attraction, but also a fair amount of irritation. We see in the other what we lack, but you can relate to this in different ways, from “hooray, you have it!” to "well, you and the fruit!". Lovers say that there is no point in trying to exterminate these qualities. As Napoleon Bonaparte said, you can only rely on what resists. Lovers offer to get rid of not only the experience of joy and happiness, but also of pain and struggle, as mutually enriching and opening eyes to themselves. In this case, it is precisely the clearly made choice and mutual obligations that are the necessary element that connects those whose lives should flow together.

At the highest level, the Lovers do describe a connection and intimacy full of wisdom and creation, essentially finding an "ideal partner" who is far from perfect, but truly "another half." The question is, if the first is not ideal, how can the second be ideal?! This may well be a difficult connection, embodying the unity and struggle of opposites, and peace, again, is only a dream. The union of antipodes, between which there is a mystical spiritual connection and mutual obligations (from the series “marriages are made in heaven” - are karmically conditioned). Their lives must go together, despite what separates them and makes them antipodes. Each side contains the traits the other needs in order to survive and grow, to advance along the path of evolution. At the end point of development, they will achieve deep and beautiful relationships, great unanimity and empathy, warmth and creative wisdom. At best, they give each other desire and trust, truth and devotion, honor and passion. They are able to give themselves free rein in expressing feelings, as they have overcome the stage of struggle, the period of antagonism, the phase of conventions and reservations.

This is the case when another person is known so deeply and essentially that his feelings, happiness and sorrow are more concerned than his own. In the worst case, they have yet to understand and accept each other, overcome contradictions and become one. They will be shocked once they realize to what extent they are a couple.

Love, sensuality, longing desire, deep affection. An emotional experience of warmth, empathy, devotion, enjoying a harmonious union that brings out the best in both. In the neighborhood with favorable cards, this is really the "bliss of lovers", which a person cherishes extremely. Sexual harmony.
The choice between two life partners.

The presence of two equal, equivalent in strength relationships. The need to make some final decision (especially if the layout is dominated by swords). This card may portend a love triangle, a situation where one of their lovers is tied in marriage, or when, for example, two brothers or two sisters are in love with one person, and other not very cloudless situations (the surrounding cards will tell more about this). This is especially true if there are three lovers in the used deck on the Arcana. In general, Lovers is not always “good” in the sense that it is an easy card. The situation they describe, whatever it may be, may be the most dramatic moment in a person's entire life. And God forbid, on a sleepless night, to think about the choice that you must - and have no right to make ...

The tendency to endow the partner with the features of one's own unconscious image, to create a projection, thanks to which happiness and fullness are felt. The tendency to see in him a screen on which it is convenient to project a portrait of an ideal second half, and not to notice his true nature.

Health status

Good health (inverted card indicates health problems, with emphasis on hormones). Sometimes Lovers hint that the best medicine for a person is another person.

Light and shadow (advice and caution)

Advice: unite! Align your efforts with those of others. When you are truly not alone, this means that you must constantly remember your connection with others and that every decision you make affects them (“two are one flesh”). Another tip of the card: listen to the voice of the heart and do as it tells, make the final decision. Give rest to the mind, to be in the power of feelings. It looks like it's time to confess your love and make (accept) an offer! And the third advice: cherish what you have. Because, as the song says, we don’t keep what we have (but weep when we lose it).

Map warns that greater independence is needed in resolving issues, it is impossible to depend on a partner to such an extent. You should not seek association with anyone, pour out your soul and open your heart to someone, make a decision based on emotions. The card can also speak of neglecting the consequences of one's actions dictated by feeling (and these consequences can be unpleasant).

flipped card

The meaning of reversed Lovers is manifold. It can be unhappy, unrequited, unrequited love. Sometimes - sexual incompatibility. It can also be a purely spiritual, platonic union, a symbolic marriage between kindred spirits, which may well be hindered by material circumstances.

In exceptionally rare cases, this may be an indication of the existence of an astral connection with a kind of daimon, anima, animus (moreover, such an invisible "astral half" can invisibly protect, help maintain health, perform creative functions; in exceptional cases, a partner can play a similar role, already departed from this world, with whom, nevertheless, the widower / widow retained a connection). Surrounded by negative cards - problematic, immature, unhealthy relationships.

In ancient interpretations, such a meaning as an early marriage (which will almost certainly fall apart) is also indicated. That is, the wrong choice was made, the person seemed to “obey his heart”, but the trouble is that it missed, his magnificent optical sight for some reason went astray. Wrong choice, reckless, stupid (even if a person is in illusions about this). Internal turmoil, confusion, bifurcation, conflict with oneself, inability to stand the test. Fatal desires, a union that suppresses individuality and unbridled self-indulgence can also be described by the reversed Lovers, although the Fifteenth Arcana takes on this role more often in the layout.

Reversed Lovers often indicate temporary problems in a relationship, business or personal, deteriorating for some reason. Jealousy, possessiveness, separating interests, in any case, the inability to achieve a love idyll. Sometimes it's cheating. Infidelity, dishonesty, unreliability. Separation (rarely divorce). Disappointment in love, in marriage.

Sometimes in an inverted position, Lovers say that a person has realized his self, separated himself from his "twin", became more independent, carved out personal space. If the question concerned the prospects for a relationship with a person of interest, then the inverted Lovers say: leave hope for a successful resolution of the situation. Unfortunately, he won't. If the scenario dealt with the possibility or impossibility) of marriage, then the inverted Lovers portend the failure of matrimonial intentions. This card is very pessimistic if a lonely person asks a question about the prospects in his personal life. Many authors believe that she more clearly than the Hermit or the Hanged Man reports that at this stage of life a person will not be able to find a companion. The only advice she can give is to learn to truly love yourself, regardless of whether you have a partner or not, to treat yourself as a valuable and worthy person. We can only accept that we deserve to be loved when we feel good about ourselves, no matter how "tasted" our personal lives are.

Sometimes inverted Lovers accentuate communication problems, a lack of understanding from which side to approach a person in order to establish the necessary contact with him.
The card may indicate that the will of a person fluctuates between the opposite forces influencing him, and he cannot make a choice, because he does not know what he wants. Sometimes it can be a conflict between calling, the will of your higher self, and devotion and attachment to another person. Irresponsibility, inability to make a sincere and honest decision. If inverted Lovers appear repeatedly, then the person is very special in making the wrong choice, affecting other people, hence the feeling of guilt.
Traditional meanings: misfortune, failure. Immature plans, unrealistic goals, lost opportunities, bad choices. Irresponsibility, neglect of possible consequences, the coming retribution.

Manifestation in combinations

  • With the Jester - complete irrationality, "disconnected mind." Blind faith in the success of the enterprise and the willingness to follow the chosen path.
  • With the Empress - sexual contentment, pleasure
  • With the Hierophant - stable principles, the ability to truly believe in them and act in accordance with them without any hypocrisy
  • With the Hermit - isolation, loneliness, sexual coolness
  • With Death - a radical rejection of the old way of life
  • With the Devil - the risk of betrayal, a threat to relationships. Strong dependence on a partner.
  • With the Tower - the need to make a decision as quickly as possible, there is no time to think
  • With the Three of Swords - alienation, separation
  • With the Two of Cups - union, marriage, connection
  • With the Five of Cups - the collapse of relationships
  • With the Nine of Cups - sexual pleasure, rapture
  • With Ten of Pentacles - long-term alliances, family ties

Archetypal correspondences

Adam and Eve. Aphrodite, Venus. Eros, Cupid. Cupid and Psyche.
"A chain of flowers is harder to break than a chain of iron."
“If you want to get drunk, open your palms, you won’t scoop up water with clenched hands.”

QUOTES “All decisions have to be made when there is not enough data for this! And yet we are responsible for everything we do.”

Sheldon Kopp

“What drives men who rush from one mistress to another, experiencing all kinds of female attractiveness and love just to convince themselves that the world is worth living? Their relentless pursuit of more and more victories comes from a deep-seated doubt in their ability to conquer at least one woman so that she really becomes attached to them. So they wander through life, like beardless youths, in whom one half of the soul is in love with the female instinctive nature, and the other is afraid of her and dreams that the “woman of their dreams” will take them under her care as a mother or older sister. And, since they themselves are simultaneously aware of this internal contradiction and are not aware of it, they behave with women either as self-confident men or as timid youths. From women who accept them together with this ridiculous shyness of theirs or who do not notice it, they soon run away themselves, saying to themselves: since they are so zealously presenting themselves to me as my own mother, they are obviously afraid of an open confrontation between the sexes, and they should not be taken seriously. And, on the contrary, in front of women who do not approve of their childishness, they play strong men. But as soon as a woman believes in this game, they say to themselves: what a stupid creature! Such a woman will not make a man happy! If there is a woman who does not give in to the game and does not want to take pity on their childish timidity, they leave because they are indignant at her callousness. There is another kind of erotic self-deception, which at first glance is not at all such. I mean that feigned coldness, that ostentatious severity that comes from an irresistible desire to be more influential, more dangerous, more terrible than other men. Men who find refuge in such behavior also have a fear in the very depths of their souls - of the fact that they are not given (and never will be!) To become a real man. Well, in this they are probably right. For they lack the ability to be respectful and bold at the same time, which only Aphrodite can bestow on a person. All of the above, however, does not give respectable husbands, who are not embarrassed to see in their wives a mother, a kind nanny and an erotic servant, the right to believe that their “fidelity” is at least somewhat better than the “inconstancy” of the others mentioned.



Adam and Eve. Behind them is the Tree of Life with 12 fruits and the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil with the Serpent. On it (remained) four fruits from the original five, corresponding to the five senses. Above - the archangel Raphael, the personification of "pure love". A. Waite deliberately abandoned the topic of choice.
ANALOGIES The six-pointed star, the Star of Solomon, the Shield of David, the sign of Vishnu, the mystical marriage of Shiva and Shakti, two triangles superimposed on each other: the upper one, personifying fire, indicates Eros and fate, the lower one, water, points to the earth.


That's no problem at all; the only problem is the problem of choice. If you are ready to be responsible for your choice, then it is correct.


You can't force someone to love you. You will be loved the more, the more you treat yourself with love.

The opening of individual consciousness, the ability to be responsible for oneself. Readiness for love, desire and ability to live together with another person (A. Waite).

GOAL The right to choose, the consciousness of responsibility. Self-confidence and the union of opposites (A. Waite).
SHADOW SIDE Indecisiveness, lack of will. Rejection of oneself, a feeling of hatred, painful jealousy (A. Waite).
TRADITIONAL INTERPRETATION (plus) Choice, release from addiction, ability to be responsible for oneself. (minus) Procrastination, pessimism, health problems, impotence, infidelity, vices, dangerous relationships
SYNTHESIS In older tarot decks, the theme of choice is emphasized. Hence the advice of the card, interpreted as "it is impossible to have everything at once." To get what you want, you need to give, let go of something, even if it has been long and dearly loved. Or, as the Chinese proverb says: “To get water, you need to offer your palms, not your fists.” Waite found the theme funny and replaced it with the "pure love" theme. However, here, too, a choice is required. True, here it is positive (on the principle of desire, not unwillingness). I myself interpret this card in different ways, depending on the specific alignment.
EVENT VALUE In Tarot, he interprets both various situations of choice, both on the principle of desire and on the principle of unwillingness (refusal): to fall in love, open up to great love, start a new phase in relationships with a partner or spouse. Conclude a new, important acquaintance. Or, perhaps, lovingly begin to do something.


Uranus, the owner of the great Silence and boundless outlook, the lord of the starry sky, married Gaia (the goddess of the earth), so that from his starry night light she would give birth to a world full of colors and colors. Instead, she bore him many evil demons, whose rampant temper began to threaten the omnipotence of his royal meditations in the still light of the night sky. And he created hatred, which was nothing more than a curse of unwillingness to see his creations, and threw these vile monsters back into Tartarus. And his love froze in an endless spasm of conception, and remained so until Kron (his son), avenging his mother, separated the organ struck by hatred from the divine body with a lightning stroke of the sickle, which Uranus was not allowed to notice. The separated part of the deity fell into the world ocean, the waves of which melted the frozen awn, and then for the first time it was revealed that hatred is just convulsively compressed love, and from the foam brought to the surface of the waters, one was born that it made no sense to reject: Aphrodite. And she hid this secret of love-hate and icy lust in the depths of the ocean and, like Afrogenes, the Foam-born, created from the lazily swaying waves those unsteady, foggy images, the alluring call of which makes deceived victims rush from one love to another, seeking and not finding in them what attracted them so much. Those of them who are not capable, like Kron, with open eyes to enter the world of frozen hatred and icy contempt, she has since taken with her, like the queen of beautiful illusions, to the world of pleasant dreams and unburdening indecision. It was up to people to reconcile Uranus, the Master of Silence, with the demons of thunder generated by him. To hear in your soul the symphony of life with its tornadoes shaking the world, the struggle of creatures for existence, the ups and downs of powerful organisms, the groan of the elements, birth and destruction, eternal anxiety, longing, chance, fear and hatred, to hear and accept it - this is the feat of the great Loving. Here is the last secret of Aphrodite, hidden in the dark depths of the waters, limited only by the distant reef of the horizon. And only fish protect it.

Philip Metman, "Myth and Destiny"

The interpretation of the tarot card lovers in the upright position

Good choice, right choice. Love, harmony, passion, new relationships. You are on the right track.

  • attraction, love, affection, love, harmonious problem solving, union, cooperation, health, beauty
  • the test you have to face, a new love
  • right choice, wise decisions, right choice (between two equally worthy goals), possible struggle, but with a happy outcome.

At an elementary level, the tarot card lovers means love (sometimes rekindled) and happy relationships. The deeper meaning of the Lovers Tarot is an important choice for the Questioner in some area of ​​life, for which several sometimes conflicting options must be carefully considered and evaluated. The Lovers tarot card is worrisome, but its correct orientation suggests that with proper attention, all internal problems will be eliminated.

The Lovers Tarot card speaks of the need to choose from two mutually exclusive options: as a rule, this is a conflict between feelings and reason, spirit and body. It means the inevitability of a choice that must be made, guided more by intuition than by reason. Another meaning of the Lovers Tarot can be love. In real life, it means an emotional heart connection, as well as the appearance in life of someone who will become your complement.

The interpretation of the tarot card lovers in an inverted position

Bad choice, mistake, disappointment. Argument. We urgently need to change plans, change previously made decisions. Act prudently.

  • wrong choice, ill-conceived choice, poor choice, inner turmoil, health problems
  • unbeared test, lost love
  • disappointment, failure, conflict, separation, immature plans, unrealistic goals, unhappiness

The reversed Lovers Tarot card warns against rash decisions that you will later have to regret. In addition, the card warns of indecision and / or inconsistency: a person must carefully choose a path and stick to it. In relationships with others, an inverted tarot card of lovers means disappointment and inappropriate remarks made.

Your plans are unrealistic. An inverted Lovers Tarot card can symbolize an internal split, a conflict with oneself. It can also be a signal of chaos, confusion, lack of stability of feelings. Can predict separation, the collapse of love plans. Beware of the decisions you make. Obstacles will block your path to happiness and your aspirations, as you are influenced by opposing forces and your will fluctuates between them.

Map Description

Apart from supernatural figures (angels, etc.), in some decks, only two young lovers are depicted on the tarot card, dressed or naked. In other decks, there is a third person, either observing or in some way influencing the outcome of their merger. In some medieval decks, this third person is an old man. He is either an observer or a paternal figure before whom the young couple speaks. In Egyptian tarot decks, the trio consists of a young man and two young women, between whom he must clearly choose.

In tarot decks with three human figures, there is a winged figure leaning over them from clouds and pointing arrows at a woman (or one of two young women).

In tarot decks with two young lovers, a supernatural power is above them - a winged angel stretching out his arms in blessing. The choice they have to make is shown in another way (for example, in Waite's deck, Adam and Eve are depicted standing, respectively, at the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil and the Tree of Life).

The need for choice is as much a part of the allegory of this card as the union of two young lovers.

inner meaning. Given to understand the direct position of the map

You are faced with an important choice that will affect your future life. You have to decide - as wisely as possible - what you are going to do. And whatever the choice, you need to combine all forces to achieve success.

The allegory of the Lovers - the union of opposites - is depicted here as a man and a woman, and the mystical connection between them is like a spirit. This is an allegory of romantic love, ideal friendship or other closeness of two people, especially if there is some barrier between them that these two souls must or want to overcome in order to merge. In this case, it is mutual obligations that are the necessary element that connects those whose lives should flow together.

But there are other types of "marriage" and other types of opposites that need to be reconciled. As an allegory for your spiritual development, the Lovers tarot card symbolizes the union of opposites within yourself. Each of us has positive and negative qualities. And among them there are those that we accept, and those that we would prefer to get rid of. In other words, there are qualities that we do not even want to admit to ourselves.

The Lovers tarot card encourages you to explore and reconcile the opposites in yourself rather than trying to remove or change them. Understanding and reconciling both sides of your nature, you will become one, not in conflict with yourself. And because this task is difficult, commitment is required from you in order to achieve your goal.

You must not simply recognize the presence of different traits. You need to understand that those traits that you disapprove of are also necessary for continued growth.

Opposites are not necessarily good and evil. Opposite traits in yourself, or in another person you are trying to connect with, are mirror images of each other, complementary and supportive. Here you need to achieve unity of these opposites, make them work together, overcome conflicts and create a whole - more than the sum of parts. This is the Lovers tarot card lesson.

The reward for reconciling the irreconcilable elements in yourself is an increase in your own strength and will. You no longer need to waste time and energy on the struggle - always useless! - with those qualities in yourself or others that annoy you. Instead, combine them in yourself and use them to increase your own power over situations and events.
