What subjects are needed for admission to management. Professions and subjects to take

On the bulletin board you can find vacancies - manager, top manager and sales manager. This specialty is quite in demand in the current labor market, but it is not easy to find an intelligent manager, this profession requires a certain mindset and character traits. Why modern enterprises cannot do without a manager, who is a manager and what he does, is of interest to many who are not familiar with marketing. And those who stand in the way of choosing a profession - university entrants - ask themselves not a simple question: is it worth going to study as a manager and where then you can work in your specialty.

What does a manager do?

Management is management, and a manager is a specialist who manages. The very word management relatively new, but managers have been at all times. In order for the organization to function most efficiently and the goods to be sold most profitably, a person was needed who was able to direct the work of the team to achieve this task.

A leader in the modern sense is a person who organizes and manages production in order to obtain the maximum profit for the company at the lowest cost. The first leaders appeared in the 19th century in the United States of America, when large enterprises were born.
A leader is needed to:

  • Select personnel, train employees, competently distribute duties between them and monitor their activities;
  • To communicate between the organization and the external environment;
  • Serve as moral support for employees and create a favorable climate in the team;
  • Maintain discipline in the team;
  • Represent the company at forums, meetings and other events.

What qualities should he have?

They say that for every profession you need to have a calling. And these are, first of all, those personal qualities that a person needs to possess.
For a leader, the necessary and important character traits are:

  • Learnability: the ability to very quickly perceive and analyze the information received and the desire to learn new things;
  • Flexibility of mind: for a successful leader, it is important to change the strategy and approach to solving problems in dynamics. Constant competition does not tolerate standard thinking, the most resourceful and enterprising wins in the market;
  • Ability to set specific goals and carefully consider the various ways to achieve and pursue them. The main task of the enterprise is for the goods to be sold, and for the manager to sell;
  • Self-confidence: a buyer trusts a confident seller more;
  • Optimism and stress tolerance: a person who, for every trifle, will have panic and despondency, is unlikely to be able to lead a team.

What are managers?

Managers can have different areas of activity:

  1. The financial manager is responsible for the cash flow at the enterprise;
  2. The Human Resources Manager is responsible for the staffing;
  3. The manager of the development department is engaged in the introduction of innovative technologies into production, the improvement of existing products and the development of new ones;
  4. The purchasing manager is responsible for the quality of the supplied raw materials;
  5. The marketing manager promotes the product on the market, engages in advertising;
  6. The product manager oversees the production itself;
  7. The sales manager performs the main function - planning and implementing sales.

Manager is a profession in which career growth is quite possible. The career ladder starts from the lowest level - an entry-level manager, this is a manager who directly manages the staff


The highest level of managers are top managers who solve more global problems of the company.

What does a sales manager do?

The company exists and works with only one purpose - to produce products and sell them. The more sold, the better for the enterprise. But even the most high-quality and inexpensive goods need to be able to sell. Therefore, the sales manager is a very important link in the entire corporate system.

It is he who manages sales, expands the customer base, interacts with buyers, distributes goods to outlets, sets prices and discounts. The sales manager draws up contracts, discusses terms with customers, resolves disagreements and maintains all documentation. In addition, he monitors the timely fulfillment of obligations, both his own and that of the customer.

Each sales manager must fulfill a monthly sales plan, which is set depending on the estimated costs of the company: the purchase of raw materials, wages of employees and tax deductions. A well-executed plan is good, but an over-fulfilled one is better. Income received from oversales increase the salary of the manager.

What do you need to submit to a manager?

A lower-level manager can be a person without special education, but in order to quickly move up the career ladder, you need to graduate from a university with a degree in management, and for a top manager, you also need to take special courses.

The profession of "manager" can be obtained in many universities, but a diploma from an economic university will be more valuable. To enter the Faculty of Management, an applicant must pass two entrance exams in the main subjects and one profile exam in social studies.

Universities train leaders of narrower specializations: international management, management in sports, culture, business, media, and others.

Where can you work?

A leader is needed not only in an enterprise, competent management is required in all industries. For example, a sports manager organizes competitions, tournaments, sports festivals, and they are the ones who manage the team. A higher-level manager deals with the organization of Olympic events. The manager is responsible for ticket programs and work with fans.

And with such a specialty, you can work in the field of tourism. It is the organizer who selects tours with the most favorable conditions, he is responsible for delivering the client to the place of rest safe and sound, for which he interacts with airlines and insurance companies. It is in his competence to solve the problems that have arisen with the hotel and transport.

A PR manager is concerned with presenting a company or client in the most favorable light in front of viewers, business partners and everyone else. His task is to organize presentations, meetings, press conferences. A PR manager must constantly be in contact with television, the press and the Internet.

As you can see, a leader can work not only in a small organization, but also in various industries. This is a creative specialty that requires constant improvement. In different areas, the functions of a manager may differ, as well as his activity itself. But in any case, if the question arises who is a manager and what does he do, there is one answer: manager is a manager and organizer.

Video about organizers and managers

In this video, Alexey Kuprin will tell you who an SMM manager is and what he does, how to become one:

More and more often, applicants are thinking about what to take for a manager. After all, this profession is of interest to almost every student. A common direction that allows you to work in the field of management. Many with this profession will be able to achieve tremendous success. Getting into this field is not as difficult as it seems. It is enough to know the subjects that need to be handed over. So how do you become a manager?

The manager is...

The first step is to understand what profession we are talking about. A manager in and of itself is a manager. A person who leads something, manages. Depending on the direction of activity is the sphere of human activity. There is, for example, an advertising manager. This is a person who develops and

But most often, managers mean sellers. It is because of this that students think that they need to take it to the manager. After all, sellers quite often achieve success, get good earnings, and also organize their own business.

Where to go to study

But before that, you have to understand how learning happens. Anyone can learn to be a manager at any time. In Russia, you can choose the option of mastering the profession that seems most appropriate.

You can learn to be a manager in the following ways:

  1. Admission to the university. It is in this situation that you will have to think about what you need to hand over to the manager. You can apply to study at any liberal arts university. In general universities, there is also a direction called "Management". For example, you can submit documents to MGIMO or Moscow State University.
  2. College education. Managers are trained after grade 9 and after grade 11. On average, you will have to be a student for 2-3 years. In some cases, you should not think about what you need to hand over to the manager. Colleges are sometimes accepted based on the results of the GIA or the presence of a certificate. Any liberal arts school will do.
  3. Retraining. The labor exchange or the employer can send a person to study in the direction of "Management". You don't have to take any exams at all. There are also no entrance tests.
  4. Education in specialized courses. Typically, these services are offered by private educational centers. You don't have to think about what you need to take for a manager after grade 11 or at any other time. Enough to pay. And after that you can get a diploma of a manager. This option is most often used by the population as an additional education.

Which option to choose? This each person decides for himself. The most popular type of study is admission to a university or college. In particular, when it comes to getting the first education.

Main subjects

What do you need to take for a manager after grade 11 at a college or university? Much depends on the direction of education. As already mentioned, there are a huge number of areas in which a manager is able to work and earn. However, there is a generally accepted list of required subjects for enrollment.

Among them are:

  • mathematics;
  • Russian language;
  • Social Studies.

Taking into account the fact that in Russia now subjects are divided into ordinary and specialized, then "society" is required to take a profile. The rest of the exams are normal. Enrollment in the university will primarily be carried out on the basis of the results of the GIA or the Unified State Examination in social studies.

Many people think about what they need to take for a manager after grade 11 in Russia, just because it is not so difficult to enter a university or technical school with the previously proposed list. Yes, and in itself is in demand in the country. can independently appoint additional examinations for enrollment. What should applicants prepare for?

Other items

For example, to the fact that you have to take several non-standard items. Fortunately, they are rare in practice. It is enough to successfully pass exams in the Russian language, mathematics and social science. But at the discretion of educational institutions, the list can be replenished:

  • chemistry;
  • biology;
  • physics;
  • history;
  • foreign language.

The list doesn't end there. But it is these exams that occur most often, if they occur at all. It is better to decide first on the place of receipt. And already there specifically find out what tests will have to pass. 100% can't hide from the obligatory ones. But additional USE and GIA can be avoided.

Representatives of what profession today can be found in any company, regardless of its direction of activity, form of ownership and size? Without which specialist is it impossible to work both a small company and a huge corporation? Of course, without a person who manages the activities of the company, that is, without a manager. After all, without the correct organization of the work of a group of people striving to achieve a certain goal, it is impossible to achieve any noticeable results.

Representatives of what profession today can be found in any company, regardless of its direction of activity, form of ownership and size? Without which specialist is it impossible to work both a small company and a huge corporation? Of course, without a person who manages the activities of the company, that is, without a manager. After all, without the correct organization of the work of a group of people striving to achieve a certain goal, it is impossible to achieve any noticeable results.

It's easy to guess that managerial profession in the modern world is not only one of the most sought after, but also incredibly popular among ambitious young people who think that being a manager is an easy job that does not require much labor. And at the same time, they absolutely do not take into account the fact that the specialty of a manager, like any other managerial position, is a difficult and responsible job that has its own characteristics, which we will try to introduce you to today.

What is a manager?

A highly qualified specialist belonging to the top and middle management of the enterprise and carrying out general management at a particular production site. The main defining feature of any manager is the presence of subordinates.

The name of the profession comes from the English manage (manage, manage). In other words, a manager can be called any boss who organizes work at an enterprise or in a company. The first managers appeared in the 19th century, when a large number of large enterprises arose, the owners of which could no longer cope with their management on their own. It was then that hired managers were needed, who used four actions at once in their work, which became the basis of management: planning, organization, motivation and control.

In modern society, it is customary to single out managers depending on the number and size of management objects:

  • lower-level managers - junior bosses, which include heads of departments, foremen, heads of departments, etc.;
  • middle managers - leaders junior chiefs, which include the director of the branch, the head of the workshop, the dean of the faculty, etc.;
  • top managers - the general director of the enterprise, the director of the store, the rector of the university, etc.

In addition, managers are distinguished according to their line of business: sales manager, personnel manager, advertising manager, financial manager, content manager, office manager, tourism manager, etc.

The professional duties of a manager largely depend on the area of ​​his work. For example, a sales manager is responsible for increasing the profits from product sales, an office manager specializes in organizing the management activities of senior management, and a tourism manager does everything possible to attract as many tourists as possible to his agency.

However, in any case, officials manager duties imply the performance of managerial actions, which include: planning and organizing the activities of the enterprise within the framework of the production site subordinate to it, maintaining reporting documentation, solving personnel, organizational, technical, economic and socio-psychological problems in the team, monitoring the quality of work of subordinates, participating in development of an advertising strategy and innovative and investment activities of the enterprise, etc.

What personal qualities should a manager have?

Because manager job Basically, it consists in managing the production activities of employees of the enterprise subordinate to him, such a specialist must necessarily be distinguished by high organizational skills, leadership qualities and a well-developed sense of justice. In addition, a good manager should be:

  • resolute;
  • proactive;
  • self-critical;
  • sociable;
  • responsible;
  • active;
  • patient;
  • stress-resistant;
  • ambitious.

In addition to personal qualities, a manager must necessarily have a certain set of knowledge and skills, without which he will not be able to effectively perform his duties. In particular, a representative of this profession should be well "savvy" in the field of economics, social psychology, law, management, pricing patterns, marketing, taxation, commercial negotiation techniques, production organization, conflict resolution and advertising.

Benefits of being a manager

Main the advantage of being a manager, of course, is its prestige and great opportunities for self-realization. Therefore, today even preschoolers dream of being not pilots or long-distance sailors, but chiefs at some large enterprise, and even better, a director in their own company.

Other benefits of this profession include:

  • demand - managers are needed in almost all spheres of human life;
  • business trips, including foreign ones, are a great opportunity to see the world;
  • a variety of acquaintances - communication with a variety of people allows you to significantly expand your horizons;
  • a high level of salary - the average salary of managers in Russia is about 40-45 thousand rubles.

Disadvantages of being a manager

Despite all the attractiveness and prospects of this profession, managerial work is fraught with a huge number of shortcomings, due to which not every specialist can achieve professional success. And talking about disadvantages of the manager profession First of all, it is necessary to note the great responsibility. After all, the manager is responsible not only for the work done by his own hand, but also for the work of his subordinates.

It is also impossible not to say that the common belief that the manager only distributes responsibilities between employees, while he himself spends time in idleness, is not true. In fact, the work of a manager is very difficult and nerve-wracking, requiring complete dedication and enormous capacity for work: sometimes you have to work outside of hours, without the opportunity to distract and relax.

And all this in stressful conditions, when important decisions have to be made in emergency situations. At the same time, you must constantly remember that even one wrong decision can have the most negative impact on your career. Agree, not everyone is able to withstand such a crazy pace of work and the "burden" of responsibility.

Where can you get a job as a manager?

Get a job as a manager today it is quite simple: almost every economic university has a faculty of management. In addition, you can learn this profession at specialized courses. True, in this case, it will be possible to successfully find a job only if you already have a higher education behind you.

Also, to become a manager, you can overcome a more difficult path. Quite often, large companies independently train managers from among the most promising employees. Therefore, you can first get a job in a company, try to prove yourself from the best side, and then learn your favorite profession at the expense of the enterprise.

It should be noted that based on the current situation on the labor market in this area, we can say with confidence that graduates of such best economic universities in Russia, how:

  • Moscow State University M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University
  • Moscow State University of Economics, Statistics and Informatics (MESI)
  • State University of Management (GUU)
  • All-Russian State Tax Academy (VGNA)
  • Russian Economic Academy. G.V. Plekhanov (REA)

Nowadays, many high school graduates dream of becoming managers. This is often dreamed of even by those who do not really understand what this profession is and what dividends it can bring in the future. Therefore, our article will be devoted not only to answering the question of what subjects should be taken for a manager, but also to the numerous features of this specialty.

The manager is who

Let's start with the definition of a profession. A manager is a specialist with a higher or specialized secondary education and is responsible for any area of ​​activity of a particular company. He is quite capable of performing managerial functions, working as a manager, director or head of any department.

Today, we can list several dozen areas in which these specialists work. In large companies, you can easily find brand managers, professionals in the field of investments, public relations, financial flow or business risk management, and others.

Of course, a specialist who carries out managerial activities in one direction or another must thoroughly know all its specific features and follow all possible innovations, instantly adopting them.

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Where do they train to be a manager

As we said above, to become a manager, you need to get the appropriate education. Teach for this specialty is usually universities of economic orientation. It is enough just to choose the faculty of management and pass all the required entrance exams, which may be different in each individual educational institution. However, today the vast majority of them accept applicants based on the results of the Unified State Examination.

Management specialists with higher education have a number of competitive advantages in the process of employment. But you don't have to get it at all. You can also become a manager after graduation:

  • college, which can be entered both after 11 and after the ninth grade. The desired specialty is available both in economic and humanitarian educational institutions. For admission, you need the results of the exam or final certification;
  • specialized courses. Their main advantage is the absence of any entrance tests. The main criterion for admission is the availability of adequate financial resources, since training courses are organized by a wide variety of private commercial firms. After completing them, you will receive an appropriate certificate, but you should not expect that with it you will immediately become a sought-after specialist. Most likely, the employer will still prefer you a university graduate or, at worst, a specialized college.

Finally, one can become a manager as a result of retraining, which is usually carried out directly at the enterprise or at specially organized courses from employment centers.

Entrance exams for future managers

So slowly we got to the answer to the main question that this article should answer. What exams will an applicant who wants to make a dizzying career in the field of management need to take? The most important, both today and at all times, were considered:

  • Russian language, which is a compulsory subject for the Unified State Examination;
  • oral or written (composition) exam in Russian literature;
  • Social Studies.

Also, many universities require the results of the Unified State Examination or passing the entrance exam in mathematics.

As already mentioned in this article, a manager is a profession that covers several areas at once, often radically different from each other. Therefore, very often the applicant has to take additional exams in subjects directly related to a particular direction. For example, a tourism manager is unlikely to be able to make a successful career without knowledge of geography, history and foreign languages, and a specialist who holds the position of manager at some manufacturing enterprise - without physics or chemistry.

Manager is a sought-after profession

The answer to this question will depend, first of all, on the direction you choose. As we have already said, the demand for specialists in the field of advertising and sales is quite high. There are chances to find a good job for those who dream of working in the tourism sector.

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In general terms, certified managers often face rather tough competition and end up working as sales assistants in some large retail chains. Not all managers excel in volume, so it’s not worth building far-reaching plans immediately after graduation. However, if you thoroughly study both the chosen direction and the profession itself, you will be able to make a successful career.

“I would go to the director, let them teach me ...”

How to learn to be a boss? Twenty years ago, this question sounded meaningless: one could become a leader only by climbing the corporate ladder from the position of an engineer, economist, etc., by deed proving one's competence in the field of production, organizational skills, and the ability to answer not only for oneself, but also for others .

In our opinion, this was an absolutely correct path, which would be correct to extend to many other areas of human activity, success in which depends not only on knowledge, but also on natural inclinations, abilities, and talent.

Recently, however, another concept has become increasingly stronger: in order to lead correctly, it is enough to acquire the necessary knowledge in management theory, psychology, economics, etc. And how, say, to bake bread - it’s not so necessary for the manager to know, because there are technologists, craftsmen, bakers in the end for this ...

Of course, such a point of view has some sound grain, especially since no one will appoint a newly-made “manager” immediately after the university to lead the company, and life will eventually put everything in its place. What can I say? - Democracy invites citizens to deal with their own lives. If you want to learn to be a boss, for God's sake. Only if later it suddenly turns out that this is not yours, do not blame anyone for wasted years.

Having finished the "philosophical reasoning", let's return to the essence of the issue.

Today, universities offer such an opportunity - to get a specialty in management. The specialty is called "Management".

As a rule, a certain professional orientation still remains; Managers are trained in various profiles:

  • production management,
  • logistics,
  • marketing,
  • work with personnel and so on,

therefore, the applicant has the opportunity to choose the field of activity that is closer to him. There is also a certain "insurance" in this - if, for example, one does not succeed in becoming a marketing director, at least one will be able to work as a merchandiser, sales representative, or, in the end, just a qualified salesperson.

Training in the specialty "management" today is carried out by quite a few educational institutions of a very different orientation. Depending on the region and the specific university, the average USE score for admission is required from 33 to 100 points.

Entrance exams are usually:

  • maths,
  • Russian language
  • and social studies or a foreign language.

Full-time education lasts 4 years (bachelor's degree), while part-time education lasts 5 years. In addition, some universities provide the opportunity to receive postgraduate education in this specialty; that is, already having a higher education, for example, a technical one, you can additionally receive an extramural education of a manager within two years.
