What games can you play on the beach. Games with children on the beach: build, paint, fantasize

The most favorite time of the year for each of us is approaching - hot summer. Especially this time of the year is loved by children and teenagers, because you don’t need to go to school, do your homework too, there is an incredible amount of free time that needs to be spent not only fun and interesting, but always useful.

We say NO to sitting at the computer all summer holidays, NO to endless watching of cartoons, movies and TV shows. We say YES to fresh air, outdoor activities in the company of best friends and, of course, beloved parents.

The news portal "site" has prepared several exciting, funny and sometimes useful games for children especially for you. We won't let you get bored.

So let's play...

Games for children in the summer on the beach in the water

Children love to spend time on the beach, because there is water and golden sand. Let's use these gifts of nature and play with our children.

Strong networks

This game requires as many players as possible. It is necessary, by pronouncing a counting rhyme, to determine the two leaders of this game, while the rest will play the role of a fish. So, all participants in the game go into the water. The hosts join hands and try to catch the rest of the participants (fish). Whoever they catch goes over to their side and also join hands. Thus, by the end of the game, all the fish should be caught and a long, strong net should be formed from all the participants in the game.

Beaters in the water

Participants of the game stand in the water in a circle. The leader stands in the center of the circle with the ball, which must be attached to the rope. The host spins the rope with the ball and tries to hit the participants, who, in turn, must have time to dive under the water so that the ball does not hit them. Whom the ball touches becomes the center of the circle and takes over the role of the leader.

Summer games for children on the beach

If the beach is sandy, then there are an incredible number of options for spending leisure time.

For the smallest kids, the most interesting activity on the beach will be playing with a bucket, a scoop, a rake. You can build sandbags with your baby, cook Easter cakes, make various sand figures using molds. If a sieve is available, then you can look for small shells or beautiful pebbles in the sand.

For older children, all kinds of competitions for building figures on a given topic from sand can be great entertainment. You can offer to build from sand: a castle, an image of a dolphin or a jellyfish, a thematic inscription, a portrait, cartoon characters, etc. Children in the design of their works can use shells, pebbles, algae and other vegetation.

You can arrange a competition in the game "Tic-Tac-Toe", using sea pebbles, decorated with crayons or markers.

You can also arrange a competition, who will collect the most pebbles and shells in the allotted time, or a competition for the most beautiful drawing in the sand.

Do not forget about outdoor games on the beach. These are beach volleyball, football, all kinds of sports relay races and more.

Make your summer vacation interesting and unforgettable, eventful and definitely active! Your kids will definitely appreciate it!

Summer is already in the yard - the time for holidays and vivid impressions. What to do if the soul and body require active physical activity? Some people limit themselves to training at home or in the gym, but we have prepared something more interesting for you. How about an active beach holiday?

The beach is the perfect place to combine business with pleasure. Only here you can have fun with your friends, get a gorgeous tan, recharge with positive emotions and, of course, put your figure in order, just doing beach sports and playing active games. Which? made a rating of the most interesting games that will allow you to remember your summer vacation as one of the most fun parts of your vacation!

So, you should start with the most famous team games, so beloved by the active part of the male half of humanity.

Beach soccer and volleyball

Beach Soccer- a game for real men. Its process is so exciting that each player goes into it with his head, showing what he is capable of and competing with rivals. And how pleasant it is to plunge into cool water after an exhausting game of football!

Beach volleyball, perhaps, can be called the most popular sport on the sand warmed by the sun. It is desirable for a volleyball player to have maximum athleticism and endurance, because it is not so easy to make sharp jumps on soft sandy soil.

Frisbee as a kind of ultimate

frisbee relatively recently entered the life of the active part of the population, but quickly became one of the favorite pastimes. The game has almost no rules, and the whole point of it is that people throw a flying flat saucer at each other on the beach or on the lawn. Incredibly fun activity that you and your company will definitely enjoy!

By the way, there is a game very similar to Frisbee - ultimate. This non-contact team sport also uses a flying disc. But this game already has its own rules that must be impeccably followed. Ultimate is different in that the opponents treat each other with special respect. For them, neither participation nor victory is important. The most important thing is to play fair and enjoy the result.

beach flingo

This fun summer game is like a mixture of beach volleyball and badminton. Flingo(flingo) looks incredibly exciting. The player puts on a special apron and tosses and throws a small ball with it. The game of flingo is rather unusual and incredibly fun, but, unfortunately, it is still very poorly spread among our youth. Do you want to fix the situation?


This sport should not be forgotten. Badminton Not only is this activity easy and fun, it also has huge health benefits. During the game, all muscle groups are tensed, and with its help, you can develop coordination of movements well.

boomerang and serso

Everything new is the long-forgotten old. Throw boomerang- both simple and difficult at the same time, because you need to practice well so that he returns. A game from the same category is serso: one person throws rings, and the second catches them on a kind of "sword".


Swimming- an ideal sport for those who want to recharge their batteries, get great pleasure and at the same time model a beautiful body. If just arranging swims is too boring for you, then you can come up with your own rules. For example, when waves rise on the sea, it is interesting to arrange a competition with friends "catch the wave". But be careful, it's far from safe!


If you have never tried running kite- Consider that you have lost half your life. For fans of this activity, this is the shortest path to a sense of freedom, without much cost or effort. In addition, it is so nice to give free rein to emotions after difficult working days! Many are so addicted to kite flying that a harmless hobby becomes an integral part of their lives.

Boat for rent

If the frantic rhythm of city life is pretty fed up, then feel free to rent a l boat or catamaran and slowly swim along the banks of some picturesque river or lake. Solitude with nature, like nothing else, contributes to moral rest and peace. And how pleasant it is to take a leisurely ride on a boat alone with your beloved!

extreme sports

For lovers of extreme sports, there are many options for active pastime. For example, sports such as surfing, kitesurfing, wakeboarding or water skiing definitely will not leave indifferent any extreme. At least once try to catch a wave and ride on its crest, and the fight against the elements will become your passion for life!

Hello dear subscribers!
The time of long-awaited holidays is coming, someone goes to the sea coast, and someone prefers to relax outside the city, in the countryside. And the most attractive entertainment is swimming in the sea, lake or river. Wherever you are with your family, children always play on the beach with great pleasure.

And to make the time spent by the water not only interesting, but also useful, you can organize various fun activities. In this article, you will learn how you can use natural factors not only to promote health, but also the comprehensive development of children, what toys to take with you to the beach, and what exercises to use to improve speech and fine motor skills.

Let's start with what things are good to have with you on vacation by the river or lake. They will make a stay outside the city for children and parents entertaining and not boring.

  • swimming accessories: inflatable rings, mattresses, armlets and vests - will keep you on the surface to start learning swimming skills and ensure safety;
  • balls: bright light inflatable for very little, rubber or volleyball for older kids and teenagers;
  • badminton;
  • for young architects, a set of molds for Easter cakes and spatulas is perfect;
  • a small watering can will also help in the construction of fairy-tale castles and will simply please the little ones, because it is so much fun to collect and pour out water;
  • for vigorous activity, water pistols and various sprinklers are used, which you can make yourself;
  • in windy weather, bright beautiful turntables or kites can be great entertainment

Do it yourself

Many toys, bright and colorful, can be bought in the store, but the most beloved ones are always those created together with mom and dad. Actions with natural materials are widely used in speech therapy practice and the work of psychologists. Their properties to relieve tension, calm down, extinguish aggression, have been known for a long time and are used in work with anxious, nervous, hyperactive, overly excited children.

In correctional and developmental work in children with speech delays or speech disorders, such activities give a good effect and contribute to positive dynamics. To do this, you do not need to seat anyone at a desk and torment them with boring lessons, the development of new knowledge and the formation of the necessary skills is easy for children in a friendly environment, right while playing on the beach.

water exercises

  • Transfusion is a fascinating action, you can do it with a glass, counting how many of them will fit into a large bottle, spoon or through a funnel.
  • Comparison: pour water into different containers, ask the baby to show where there is more and where there is less. By pouring, let him try to equalize the level.
  • When loading all kinds of objects, talk about which ones are heavier and which ones are lighter.
  • By launching paper boats, you can talk about what floats, flies, rides - this will enrich vocabulary and knowledge about the world around.
  • Try transferring liquid from one container to another with a foam sponge - the absorption process will delight your child.
  • Fishing - drop balls of different colors and sizes into the water, with the help of a net, the child must catch, for example, balls of a certain color, or only small ones, or only large ones.
  • Companies of younger peers will like role-playing games that teach communication skills and interpersonal interaction. This is an important stage in the development of personality. True, at first, adults will have to direct the plot, distribute roles, extinguish possible conflict situations.
  • Wash the doll - if you brought a doll with you, then washing it can be a wonderful educational game - at the same time it is good to study and fix the names of body parts: eyes, ears, cheeks, pens, etc.
  • Washing - striped doll outfits, the baby will learn the name of clothing items: shirt, trousers, dress and others.
  • The exercise for catching with a pinch of small gizmos floating in the water strengthens the hands well.

Sand activities

Such fun provides self-massage of the hands and feet, improves fine motor skills, promotes spatial imagination, and forms a creative approach. Pleasant tactile sensations from tickling streams will saturate kinesthetic hunger, help relieve emotional stress and anxiety. At the same time, in the course of speech communication, sound pronunciation improves, the conceptual dictionary expands, and the grammatically correct construction of phrases and phrases is formed.

  • Pouring and pouring into bowls, bottles, jars.
  • Find a treasure - bury several shells, balls, cars, etc. in several places, and offer to become treasure hunters. Team searches will delight the kids. For an early age, it is better to bury the figurines in a limited space - pulling out, the baby should name what it is, describe - what, what it does, why, etc.
  • Sorting: when pulling out buried figures, you need to sort them by color, type, theme (for example, put only red ones in one cup, blue ones in another, or balls in one, cubes in another, etc.)
  • Drawing on the sand - no brush is needed here, you can draw and write with a stick or fingers. A wonderful way is to draw with water, because it leaves behind a clear dark mark. Using a watering can or a sprinkler, you can draw paths, write letters and numbers, draw geometric shapes and real pictures.
  • With preschoolers, you can study the syllables and the composition of the word by drawing them on a wet surface. For schoolchildren, writing words, sentences or examples will serve as an excellent workout. The repetition of what has been passed in a fun way will surely appeal to even not the most diligent students.
  • Sand is an excellent building material, you can build houses, a railway, fences, a car garage and entire cities. Offer to make figures of animals, talk about what sounds they make, practice pronouncing them in chorus or in turn.
  • Repair a letter or number. Draw part of the picture and have your son or daughter complete it. You can draw mirror pictures and guess where the right one is.
  • It's fun to sprinkle grains of sand on a piece of white paper and blow it off. This exercise trains the respiratory system well.
  • Leave footprints in turn on a wet base, compare them, you can make a whole path and try to step one after another.
  • "Geese - geese." Draw the tracks of geese or other birds with your fingers or palms.
  • Show how the fox runs - press the holes with your fingers, sweeping the path with your other hand.
  • "Bunnies on the lawn" - make jumping movements with two fingers.
  • Snake - draw zigzag lines with the edge of your palm.

Pebble games

The shore near a pond or river is not always sandy; on some banks there are pebbles - small round pebbles. But don't let that discourage you, you can also come up with a lot of interesting activities with them. A simple thing, such as picking and throwing stones, is actually an excellent workout that helps to form spatial orientation, three-dimensional representations, and strengthen attention and memory. It makes it possible to analyze and generalize, develops an eye, dexterity and accuracy, coordination and perseverance.

  • Everyone loves to throw pebbles into the water, competing, you can explain to the kids the difference in the size of the stones, in gravity, why this one flew far, and the second one flopped next to it. Teach older children to launch "pancakes" - when a small flat pebble launched horizontally bounces off a smooth plane, this fun will keep them busy for a long time.
  • It is convenient to lay out numbers, letters, geometric shapes from stones.
  • Tyr. Draw targets on the ground and throw pebbles, trying to hit the center.
  • Sort stones by size: large, medium, small.
  • You can build from pebbles both planar (path) and volumetric (pyramid) things.
  • While saying certain syllables, lay out a pebble and count how many syllables are in which word.
  • Organize a "cafe" - cook together a soup of blades of grass, leaves and pebbles, sculpt Easter cakes and pies for imaginary guests.
  • Remember funny rhymes, songs and nursery rhymes about Easter cakes, sandbox, summer, sea and river.


The sun, fresh air, warm breeze are the best helpers for healing the body, because hardening procedures can be carried out directly in natural conditions. But for developmental activities, we need water, pebbles and sand. Bathing, and even more so swimming, strengthens muscles well, teaches coordination of movements, improves the respiratory and cardiovascular systems. And walking and running on the hot sand improve coordination, massage the energy points on the feet. However, all these factors are successfully used for learning and development in the process of entertainment on vacation.

Be sure to alternate passive activities with energetic movements, running, jumping, sports, swimming. Then the baby will not get tired and will not lose interest in what you are ready to offer him.

While spending time on the shore and enjoying relaxation and communication, do not forget about safety rules. Do not leave the crumbs alone, do not let the elders swim far, and the younger ones splash around unattended. You should not be allowed to take sand or pebbles in your mouth, lick dirty hands. You can not stay in the open sun for a long time, it is better to be in the shade of trees. Use sunscreen, keep drinking regimen, dry young swimmers thoroughly with a towel.

After such an exciting day, full of new impressions, positive emotions, laughter and joy, your child will sleep peacefully all night, and in the morning he will wake up fresh, cheerful and ready for new discoveries.

As you can see, you can spend time with benefit anywhere, using the most ordinary things lying under your feet. This does not require special efforts or professional education, just desire, a little imagination and love. We will be glad if you liked the described techniques and methods and you remember them when spending a vacation with your family in nature. Subscribe, read and share your knowledge with your friends.

Summer holidays with children near water bodies are very beneficial for health. It is not surprising that most parents try to take their children to the sea for the summer. The southern climate and sea water have a curative and preventive effect on the human body.

What are the benefits of children's vacation at sea:

  • Strengthens immunity.
  • Sea air has a healing effect on the respiratory tract and blood circulation.
  • Sea bathing has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, relieves depression and insomnia.
  • Rest on the sea is recommended for children suffering from diathesis, psoriasis and other skin diseases.
  • Dry climate and sea sand are an ideal prophylactic against bronchial asthma.
  • Sea water relieves problems associated with the endocrine system.
  • The metabolism is normalized.
  • Sea air, rich in trace elements, has a positive effect on the development of intelligence and memory in a child.

Enumerate the advantages of relaxing by the sea can be endless. And everything would be fine, but many parents are worried that a long time lying on the beach will quickly bore the child and he will require entertainment. Undoubtedly, it will be so. That is why we decided in this article to give some recommendations and advise parents on what to do with children on the beach.

What to play on the beach with children under 3 years old - ideas

  • Sand castle. Going to the beach, don't forget to take with you a "sand construction kit: scoop, spatula, bucket, molds" The kid will start building a fabulous sand castle with great pleasure. This game can continue indefinitely, because the castle requires protection from raids by troops from neighboring states, and for this you need to dig a moat and fill it with water, build a fence. You can decorate the castle with shells and make loopholes in its walls. The fantasy of a little builder will allow, with the help of parents, to create a real masterpiece of architectural art. Don't think that building a castle is a sedentary activity. Nothing like this. After all, the baby will have to apply water, collect shells, find improvised building material.
  • Treasure search. Several children can play this game at once. First you need to limit the site on the territory of which the treasure will be located. Then distract the children by bathing, and at this moment hide the treasure. In the form of a treasure, you can use a chest with pebbles and shells, a bag of nuts, a box with soldiers. Beforehand, children need to be told an exciting story about a shipwreck, about pirates and a mysterious treasure buried by them. Show the search area and calmly sunbathe until the treasure is found.
  • Seascapes. Find a sandy stretch of beach near the water and draw some ingenious (from your point of view) drawing on the sand at some distance. Ask your child to complete the picture with their own details. Collect seashells and frame your canvas. Perhaps the child will have a desire to create his own picture in the sand.
  • Cruise. At home, make a wooden boat in advance (possible with scarlet sails). There is no time for such an activity, buy a plastic ship in the store or make an ordinary paper ship. Children love to sail boats. But you need to let a boat into the sea or river with your parents. Don't feel like chasing your sailor for hours? Do you want to relax and sunbathe? No problems. Dig a moat with your baby, cover it with polyethylene and fill it with water. On certain sections of the improvised river, piers, walkways and real drawbridges can be built. Dream up, your child will definitely appreciate your efforts.
  • angler . Today on sale there are a lot of all kinds of children's toys under the general name "Fisherman". These kits include plastic fish with magnets and a fishing rod, also equipped with a magnet. Launch the fish into a bucket, a large basin, into a lake dug in the sand. The child will enthusiastically catch fish for the evening fish soup.

Interesting games on the sea and on the beach with a group of children - options for the camp

  • Who quickly? Groups of children line up on the shore without stepping over the line drawn in advance. The host draws a boundary line from buoys and on the water. The depth of the water in this place should reach the shoulders of the shortest participant. On command, all participants run into the water to the limit line and return to the shore. The first player to reach the shore wins.
  • Sea battles. The goal is to get rid of the fear of water bodies. Children are divided into two teams and stand opposite each other. The water comes up to their waist. On command, they begin to splash water at the rivals, trying to force them ashore. The winners stay in the water.
  • Treasure search. The goal is to teach children to dive. The host throws a bright thing into the pond, which goes to the bottom. Treasure seekers must find the sunken thing as soon as possible. The first diver to find the treasure wins.
  • Giants and dwarfs. The game takes place waist-deep in water. The host calls out the command "Dwarfs". All children sit down. At the command of the Giants, they try to jump out of the water as high as possible. Having confused the team, goes ashore.
  • Shark . All players in the water form a circle. They are "fish". There is a “shark” in the middle of the circle. A shark can be both an adult and a child. The fish should swim next to the shark so that it cannot reach and grab them. The caught fish itself becomes a shark.
  • With a report by swimming. Participants in this competition must be able to swim. All children line up at the starting line on the shore. At a distance of 10-15 meters (the place is quite deep), a milestone in the form of a flagpole is set up in advance. The host gives each player a sheet of dry paper. The task is to deliver a report to the "commander". The player must, holding a sheet of paper in one hand, swim to the flagpole and return back. Order - the report must remain dry.
  • Swing . Participants are divided into pairs. They turn their backs to each other and grab their partner with their arms bent at the elbows. Taking a deep breath, the players take turns leaning forward until their face touches the water. The exercise is repeated.

All of the above games are held under the strict supervision of adults.

Joint beach games for children and adults

  • Knight Tournament. Tournament participants are fathers and children. Stock up on long balloons in advance. They will symbolize knightly swords. Dads are horses. Children are knights. Dads put the children on their shoulders and enter the water. At the signal, the tournament begins. Children with the help of balls try to throw the enemy off his "horse". The defeated knight and his faithful horse are eliminated from the competition.
  • Sea battle. This game requires rubber air mattresses. Players are divided into teams. In each team, the father becomes the captain. There can be as many mattresses as you like. The more of them, the more spectacular the battle will be. The goal of the game is to throw the opponents into the water and capture their ship.
  • Obstacle running. Children run a certain distance, being knee-deep in water. Players must raise their legs as high as possible while running. The winner is the player who first managed to reach the finish line. This game can be made more difficult by inviting the participants to run backwards. Not only children participate in the game, but also their parents.
  • duck hunting . All children are ducks, parents are hunters. Children are in waist-deep water. At the leader’s command: “Hunters are coming”, the children plunge into the water with their heads and count to five. Then they emerge. At the command of the host: "The hunters are gone", the children walk, play, swim. After the next signal: "Hunters are approaching" - the children hide under water. The one who emerges first receives penalty points. The winner is the player with the fewest penalty points. The purpose of the game is to teach children to fearlessly dive headlong into the water.
  • Flying ball. Two teams disperse in the water and line up opposite each other. The distance between the lines is one meter. One of the parents (let's call him the judge) throws a rubber ball up, standing between the lines at the same distance. The players try to catch the ball and pass it to the player of their team. The ball is thrown between the participants. The team in possession of the ball strives not to lose it and not give it to their opponents. The ball must not be allowed to fall. The team that loses or drops the ball is considered the loser. Thanks to this, children learn to navigate in the water.

All the water games that we have listed in our article will certainly give you and your children a lot of fun, children will stop being afraid of water, learn to play in a team, have a great weekend in the fresh air and definitely get closer to their parents. After such games, it will be possible to gradually move on to teaching the child to swim. Of course, it is better to do this in the pool and under the clear guidance of a coach. But one thing is for sure - thanks to the games on the water, your children will go to the swimming section without fear and prejudice.

Boredom is one of the main enemies of humanity. It would seem that here it is, a commonplace dream come true: you lie down on the velvet beach of Asia, Europe or even the Dominican Republic. Aborigines scurry around, humbly offering massage and manicure services. Sea azure pampers the eye, and the temperature of the water all day and night invitingly beckons to plunge into it, surrendering to the salty waves, forgetting about everything in the world ... But, no! Even the realization that you are now on one of the best among heavenlyislands of thailand soon ceases to please, and deadly beach boredom sets in.

When a holiday by the sea is accompanied by a child, resort apathy is sometimes multiplied by irritation: they say, to lie around calmly and get bored enough. But the restless child demands attention, pulls mom and dad, asks to play with him.

And here it is necessary to paraphrase either Ilf or Petrov - the jester will now figure out which lines one of the wits composed - “Why do you need to go to the beach with a child, Shura? You have no imagination!”

I will announce the list of my proposals.

  1. Fly a kite.

The good old, paper or rag - which one is at hand or you can make yourself. In a particularly strong delight this occupation leads the boy-fathers and boy-sons.
I see one difficulty. On Otres, where we usually go for walks, casuarina trees grow in abundance along the water's edge - such coniferous trees. Snakes tend to get entangled in their branches, and it is sometimes difficult to get objects of fun from there.

  1. Collect shells, corals and other seafood

For starters, you can limit yourself to simple gathering. Then, if the baby is of a respectable age from three years old, you can do various interesting developmental things:

  • learn to count on shells
  • color them
  • collect all kinds of crafts - beads, bracelets; lay out bizarre figures on the wet sand.
  1. Use the beach as a giant sandbox

A huge plus - here you can not be afraid to get dirty, collect sand in shoes, hair and other similar places. Therefore, there is no limit to the possibilities for creativity! We dig pits, build houses, roads, lay channels, create lakes and build entire cities. The most adventurous can even depict a railway and run a train along it. Leaves, branches, shells, corals, pebbles, plastic bottles and tins - there are so many creative materials around!

However, it will be enough for the smallest butuzes to hand over a shovel, a truck and a form for Easter cakes. For a while, the little ones usually plunge headlong into sand meditation. An adult, meanwhile, can break away and get bored to the fullest. Or stick to Instagram. Or finally entrust your legs and other parts of the body to the alluring beach one, as they like in Southeast Asia.

  1. Huge drawing board

Wet sand is a fertile ground for attacks of fine art. We take a branch, a spoon, a Chinese stick, a straw, a finger and surrender to the art impulse. You can draw anything: from trivial “mamapapaya” to beeches and numbers, from a primitive flower to an intricate mandala - whoever hurts, as they say. At the same time, a session of art therapy is free for us ...

  1. play hopscotch

This half-forgotten Soviet game, by the way, was popular not only in the USSR. Modern Cambodian schoolchildren jump heartily from square to square during breaks. Especially fun is traditionally liked by us girls all over the world. Mysterious, simple and alluring hopscotch for all time!

  1. Play ball and other sports equipment

We take with us balls, shuttlecocks, jump ropes, boomerangs and other devices for organizing outdoor games. It got hot - they went into the water. And even right in the sea you can have fun with almost sports pastime.

  1. Catch fish and crabs

Now all the Greenpeace people exhaled quickly and took a breath: no one is going to torture animals. We will study them. Viktoralekseich takes a large plastic glass from cane juice, fatty Cambodian ice coffee or some other neck. This flimsy vessel soon becomes a temporary home for the crab. Or fish - which is enough for today's sons' dexterity. The marine animal flounders peacefully in its caustic salty environment, and the maximum that threatens it is a slight attack of claustrophobia. However, even he does not threaten, because the smaller brothers do not have consciousness, and therefore all sorts of phobias and hypochondria are completely absent. So for a few minutes we carefully and in detail consider where the crab has legs, a tummy, a back, and especially pleasing eyes on special processes. After that, the innocent creature will carefully return to the sea.

The key word is carefully. Viktoralekseich is brought up in severity and fear of Buddhism: any encroachment towards violence against living beings - and po.op, po.op! nipped in the bud.

  1. Read aloud

Why not! If a child likes to listen to fairy tales or other creations of human feathers, you can calmly and amicably read aloud to him. Look at the pictures along the way. You can even use your phone or tablet - we live in a blessed time, and gadgets can not only alienate us from children, but also bring us closer to them.

Now I love to read to my son - there is a special feeling of unity. When I want to complicate my task for self-development, I do it in English. Yes, I do not spare the fragile young psyche with my terrible German-like accent - I often take me for a German! - but nothing. Generation next will figure out how to properly pronounce anglicisms sometime later. I now especially need language practice for work, and no one will forbid us to combine the useful with the useful and pleasant.

Speaking of work...

  1. Do yoga or just exercise

Let's say you are completely chocolateand the beach was deserted. Let's say the offspring, for some reason, is interested in bodily practices and strives with pleasure to join the parent's dogs with downward muzzle and trikonasanas. Then I see no reason to resist these benevolent impulses of young men and women from 1 year old and older!

I often practice at sunset or in the morning by the water. The son is happy to imitate his little body and also tries to sit in the Lotus or pretend to be dogs with multidirectional muzzles ... A generation of people is growing for whom yoga is a common thing for their mothers and fathers!

If Eastern philosophy is far from you, my materialistic friend, you can just have fun squatting, jumping and doing push-ups with your offspring. The main thing is not to overdo it and remember the increased risk of insidious heat stroke in an unusual climate.

10. Play music

A sudden and viable idea. For example, our husband and father of the family decided to master the djembe - such a downhole African drum with awesome basses. And generally loud. It is inconvenient to do this at home, and my physiognomy, sour with every blow on the membrane, does not at all inspire the newly minted drummer.

And on the beach - free will. My men take an authentic drum, go to the beach and break away for a couple: even when there are a lot of people, the arrangement of the roar of the waves dissolves the volume of the bass instrument. All is well, but in our young descendant, probably, in the meantime, somewhere deep inside, Vivaldi comes to life. Or Jimi Hendrix, at worst. I hope… Well, if no one comes to life, then at least motor skills and a sense of rhythm develop. And also beautiful.

Variations with instruments can be different: harmonica,ukulele, recorder, etc. not very large sound pickups.

Finally, if you don’t want to be creative and go crazy in creativity, you can still remember the banal ...

  1. Catch and other elementary games

We catch up with each other with enthusiasm. Throwing sand bombs. We swim and teach the baby to swim. We splash with hands and water pistols. Why not fun!

12. Meet and communicate with natives

In Asian countries, children are adored, and light-skinned babies everywhere cause special tenderness. So the attention and high point of the child of Slavic appearance from the Khmers, Thais, Vietnamese and other Mongoloid friends are provided. You can react in different ways, but we like communicating with the locals: they are cheerful, carefree, love to play with their son and look after him.

13. Wallow in hammocks

If you take a soft light hammock with you and pull it in the shade between two trees, the baby can indulge in a wonderful daytime sleep there. The main thing is to remember about the protection of sand fleas and other blood-sucking.

Or you can lie down with him and work out the following - a very primitive, but having the right to life type of leisure.

14. Watch movies or cartoons

In the most neglected cases: we take out a tablet, turn on something interesting and imagine that there is not a beach around, but an ordinary yard with a sandbox. Or native city apartment.
What to do! Our man on vacation is sometimes inclined to be bored. And, it’s scary to say, even dreaming about the speedy end of the vacation and returning to the knurled schedule: work is home.

For a change of scenery is not only relaxation, but also a serious test for the ability to spend time with yourself. And with my children...

I know how many readers and readers are also experienced animators of themselves and children on the beaches of Asia. And I will be glad for your tips and options on how else you can diversify parent-child joint holidays on the seas and oceans.

With wishes of the brightest vacation, from which only warm memories will remain, sincerely yours, Asian mother Marta and Mr. Victor is what the local expats call him. Sihanoukville, Cambodia, April 2017.
