How Artemy Troitsky lives in his unique octagonal house. Artemy Troitsky - biography, information, personal life Where is Artemy Troitsky now

Journalist, music critic Date of birth June 16 (Gemini) 1955 (64) Place of birth Yaroslavl

The fact that rock in the Soviet Union turned out to be alive is the great merit of Artemy Troitsky. A talented journalist and prominent critic has always actively advocated the diversity of Russian music. He made friends with Grebenshchikov, Makarevich and Shevchuk. Artemy maintains warm relations with many cultural figures from the time of his youth. Among the merits of Troitsky are the popularization of techno, indie, rock styles, the organization of festivals of various levels, and educational activities.

Biography of Artemy Troitsky

Artemy Troitsky, originally from Yaroslavl, was born on June 16, 1955. His father, Kiva Majdanik, was a prominent Hispanic, political scientist, and historian. The surname went to Artemy from his mother - Rufina Nikolaevna. The journalist comes from an ancient family of Byzantine priests. His ancestors ended up in Russia during the time of Ivan the Great.

Troitsky's childhood passed in the Czech capital, where his parents ended up at work. When the young man was a teenager, his father and mother divorced.

Personal life of Artemy Troitsky

Artemy's first attempt at writing took place at the age of 12: he wrote a review for the Beatles' album in a self-published magazine. After school, the guy entered the MESI Faculty of Mathematics. After graduating from high school, Troitsky worked for five years at the RIII RAS as a junior researcher. At the same time, he wrote notes for the youth magazine "Rovesnik", played the guitar in the group of Pyotr Mamontov, organized illegal concerts of "Cinema", "Center", "Time Machine".

In 1983, Artemy fell out of favor with the secular authorities: he was fired from his job and banned from publishing.

Latest news about Artemy Troitsky

The journalist was able to return to full-fledged activity in the perestroika era. Until 1986, Artemy was the co-host of the Video Rhythms program on television in Latvia. In the same period, Troitsky made his vocal debut: with the group of Vasily Shumov, he performed the opera "Arthur Rimbaud" in the rock genre. In the 90s, the music critic organized international festivals and performances by foreign stars in Russia. At various times, he hosted author's programs on NTV, RTR, REN-TV. Since 2012, the journalist has been in opposition to the current Russian government.

Artemy Kivovich is a loving man with many novels behind him. The personal life of the critic, by his own admission, has always been confusing, adventurous and dramatic. For the first time, Artemy married a journalist at 40. In 1998, the couple had a daughter, Alexandra. She, like her parents, is a creative person: she draws well, writes novels.

The second wife of a famous journalist was an old friend Vera. In this marriage, Troitsky had two children - Vanya (15 years old) and Lida (7 years old). According to the father, offspring from different wives get along well with each other.

Now Troitsky is in "internal emigration." For the past three years, the public figure has been living with his family in the Estonian town of Mähe. The writer and art critic travels a lot and often speaks on the radio. With lectures he travels to Tallinn and London, Finland.

On June 16, 1955, the odious and talented journalist Artemy Troitsky was born in the glorious city of Yaroslavl. He always stood out among his colleagues for his integrity and ability to tell the truth in any situation.


The father and mother of the future journalist worked in scientific institutions. Dad, Kiva Lvovich Maidanik, historian, political analyst, was on the staff of the periodical. As a child, Artemy ended up in Prague, where his father was sent on a business trip to work at the publishing house "Problems of Peace and Socialism". The son grew up smart and capable, at school he had no problems with any subject. After successfully graduating from school, he entered the Economic Institute in Moscow, where he began to get involved in music. Many fellow students remember the disc jockey Artemy, who led discos for students in the Yu-4 cafe and the main building of the university. In 1977, he successfully passed his final exams, defended his diploma and got a job at the Institute of History, where he tried to defend his dissertation work related to pop music.

But in 1983, Troitsky was fired, and out of frustration, the guy abandoned the idea of ​​completing his dissertation. Back in 1967, Artemy Troitsky wrote a critical essay on the disc of the Liverpool four "The Beatles" called "Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band. But in those days, rock music was under pressure, and writing about foreign artists was only possible in underground magazines. But still, many fans of this genre remember Troitsky's work. Not everyone was able to listen to the records of legendary performers in those years, but thanks to the work and business trips of his father, our hero could boast of another novelty from abroad. In 1975, the young critic began to publish his articles in the magazine "Peer". Thanks to the "thaw", he was able to openly express his opinion about the famous rock band Deer Purple. It is also worth noting here that work in the publication became possible due to the efforts of an influential father, Maidanik. Artemy could attend concerts of rock vocalists in the countries of the socialist camp, and since then he has become an ardent admirer of new trends in European music. Having gained experience, in 1981 Troitsky went to work for the Zerkalo magazine. Here, the young critic did not restrain his emotions and spoke with might and main about the "stagnation" of the Soviet stage and incessantly praised the Western one. After several such works, the critic was fired, banned from writing in the domestic press at all. Realizing that you can’t cook porridge with the ideologists of the Union, Troitsky temporarily abandoned his journalistic work and began to collaborate with musicians. Back in the 70s, Troitsky was familiar with underground musicians. Having accumulated certain funds in the early 80s, he became the main organizer of concerts of the musical underground of the Union. Thanks to his efforts, the public got acquainted with the work of the amazing groups "Dynamik", "Time Machine", "Kino". Performers gathered entire stadiums, Troitsky organized festivals, after which the legends of Soviet rock began to openly perform for the audience. But among them, for Artemy Troitsky, the Center group was the most important. He organized performances of the ensemble many times and still maintains friendly relations with the guys. Further more. Artemy Troitsky dreamed of introducing Soviet rockers to foreign audiences at all costs and gradually began to arrange concerts in Europe for such groups as Bravo, TV, Sounds of Mu, etc. As a result, they began to cooperate with him foreign musicians, and the groups "Suicide", "De Fuzz", "Stereototal", etc. were able to come to the Union. International festivals of rock and ethno music began to be held at music venues. In addition, the journalist and concert organizer tried to make music, but never became the idol of millions. Few of the listeners remember the compositions “Snow from her hair”, “Agent 008”, but everyone knows Troitsky as a talented manager and organizer. After the collapse of the Union, Artemy returned to journalism, in 1995 he became the head of the Russian version of the Playboy publication. From 1995 to 1996 he worked on television, hosted the program "Cafe Oblomov". At the same time, his notes were published in the Moscow Times, Novaya Gazeta, and Saboteur Daily. Now a talented publicist and journalist is a frequent guest on television and radio broadcasts, the luminaries of domestic rock and pop music are considered with his opinion.

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Personal life

Artemy Kivovich was married several times. When asked if he is a loving person, he replies: “Yes!” From the elementary grades, he began to get involved in girls, and the first kiss happened in the 4th grade. For the first time he became a father at the age of 36, the daughter of Alexander was born, with whom the man constantly maintains a relationship. The girl is fond of fiction, wrote a fantasy novel, gets along well with Troitsky's children from her next marriage. The first official union concluded at the age of 40 and hoped that it would be forever.

Daughter Sonya was born, but family troubles, the constant employment of our hero led to a complete quarrel, and the couple divorced. At the age of 55, he married his longtime friend Veronica, in this marriage a son, Ivan, and a daughter, Lydia, were born. The Troitsky family recently moved to Estonia, the reason for this was their disagreement with the policy of the Russian leadership. The town was chosen by Vera's wife on the Internet, the couple lives in a spacious apartment in Myakha. The youngest daughter, Lidia, is studying the local language and has already begun to understand Estonian. Artemy himself calls his step "internal emigration." Only after the half-century anniversary, he realized what family happiness and harmony are. The journalist recalls that until the age of 40 he was not serious about relationships, he was fussing more and more, he was afraid not to be in time somewhere. Now he is an absolutely family man and remembers ex-wives rather as good friends.

The personality of the music critic, oppositionist and great original Artemy Troitsky is guessed at the first glance at his house in Lutsino near Moscow.

The structure is unusual - octagonal. Instead of a blank fence, there is a fence through which, if you really want to, you can see what is happening inside. A stretcher is attached to the balustrade of the balcony of the third floor in support of Navalny.

- It's time to take it off - it has been hanging since August, - the owner justifies himself. - Hands do not reach. Yes, in general, she, I think, does not interfere with anyone. Relevance stretching slightly lost, but not completely. It may very well come in handy again. For example, during the elections to the Moscow City Duma ...

Two wives in one lot

- Meet Lidia Artemyevna, - Troitsky introduces his three-year-old daughter. At first, she skillfully hides from the photographer, and then, to the delight of him and dad, puts on a headband and spins in all its glory. - Well, why make a face, Dudusik? Princesses don't do that!

The girl continues to grimace. All in dad!

“In general, the house was supposed to be round, like the famous house on the Arbat,” Artemy is distracted from admiring Dudusik. – But it turned out that round is technologically difficult and expensive. Therefore, the builders suggested that Vera and I (this is my wife) make the house octagonal. We liked the idea. In addition, it corresponds with the old water tower, which stands nearby. It is also octagonal. Such a house is comfortable, unusual and absolutely practical. Professional architects said that it was an amazing design, at least put it up for a competition. But I am not ambitious in this sense.

The house was built quickly - in 11 months using Canadian frame technology. He stands on stilts. Not because of the characteristics of the soil (it is completely normal), but my personal taste. I wanted the piles to be even higher, but I was slightly besieged. The pile construction has only one minus - in winter it blows from below ...
The plot of Trinity, buried in a pine forest, is ascetic: in addition to the house, there is a woodpile, a doghouse and ... one more house. For whom?

“My ex-wife and daughter live there,” Artemy calmly explains such an unconventional neighborhood. - We shared it until Vera and I had a second child - the girl Lida, whom you already had the good fortune to know (the first was Vanya's son). There was a problem of overcrowding, and I decided to build a second house. I also came up with the first one. I have an old friend, architect Anton Mosin. He is rich, he is quoted, he worked in Germany. So, I told Anton that I would like a building in the style of wooden futurism: large glazed surfaces, etc. He made a project, but it was not possible to realize the idea of ​​a larch spaceship to the end - it turned out to be too expensive. They limited themselves to what is necessary for life, and put the rest aside for later.

We have a plot of 25 acres, and, of course, no one imagined that there would be 2 residential buildings on it. Therefore, when it became necessary to build a second house, I had to somehow place it here. The problem is that I am a stubborn lover of a green friend. I mean not the snake, but the trees (however, I also have a good attitude towards the snake). So, I am categorically against cutting down pine trees. When we built the first house, only two trees were damaged. During the construction of the second - not a single one. We found a semi-clearing place and put everything into it with jewelry.

The house is about 11 meters in diameter. But high. The builders called it "pagoda". Local residents - some as a "beacon", some as a "fire tower". I spent a lot of time in London and Amsterdam, where all the old houses are so tall. There, the norm of life is not a flat, but a vertical apartment, on 3-4, sometimes 5 floors. I love running up and down.

Troitsky admits: he didn’t even think about moving away from his former family after the divorce.

“First of all, I like it here,” he explains. - Lutsino is a cult village (it was built on the personal order of Stalin, who wished to thank "academicians who made a great contribution to the victory over fascism." - Ed.), Nothing is ever sold here. And if it is for sale, then the cost of a hundred square meters is not less than 30 thousand dollars. This is absolutely not for me. And then, we are talking about my ex-wife and daughter - not strangers. Why should I leave? When Alexandra (daughter) comes here, which unfortunately doesn't happen very often, she spends a lot of time with us... I don't know, if you were to ask my ex and current wives if they feel uncomfortable being around, maybe they would have had a slightly different answer... But I feel comfortable here.

The Beatles' Living Room

Inside the unusual house is a kaleidoscope of bright colors: red, blue, green, yellow, pink.

“There is everything except white,” the owner agrees. – Even our ceilings are light, but not white. Thought about how to be fun in this house.

On the first floor of the octagon there is a colorful bathroom and, as Troitsky called the bathroom, a “bath and laundry complex” with a Jacuzzi, a bathhouse, a shower and a washing machine. Quite an ordinary kitchen with a living room, where a sofa upholstered in the British flag and an armchair with embroidered Beatles attract attention. I did not dare to sit in it. Uncomfortable same to Lennon ... mm ... back.

- I don’t think I need to explain why the Beatles? the music critic asks. - Many people think that the sofa and armchair were made to order, and these are serial products of the expensive English company Andrew Martin. In general, we have no show-off instincts, there is nothing expensive or luxurious in our house, but I decided to splurge on a sofa and an armchair. Together they cost more than all the rest of the furniture! But they are very beautiful. If you remove the blanket with which it is covered from the sofa, it’s absolutely wonderful! But the blanket is lying, because the children are jumping around here, spilling milk ...

Here, in the living room, we first wanted to put what is called a wall, - Artemy points to ordinary prefabricated racks. - This modular design is one of our discoveries, based on the principle of "needless invention is cunning." We looked closely at large wardrobes, but for some nice-looking things they asked us for 200 thousand rubles or more ... I decided: the game is not worth the candle - and began to look for palliatives. I saw these 3-5-section multi-colored pieces in a large hypermarket. We bought them, put them on top of each other - and it turned out to be the cutest thing for books, gifts, toys and other things. It cost 40 thousand!

Of the interesting things that I can show you is a record player. Turntables are now in great fashion, and I brought this year in the 90th from England. As you can guess, I have a wild number of disks - several tens of thousands. Someone in a country house has a fur coat store, and I have a record store in Moscow. We decided not to clutter up this house, and there are almost no disks here - only those that are needed for work today.

Pictures call for indecent

Troitsky asked us not to enter the children’s bedrooms on the second floor (although Lidochka pulled us into her room): “There is a complete mess!” And he showed the adult: “Very cozy, here I spend most of my time. It serves as both a bedroom and an office. Everything is traditional: computer, table, bed. But in the corridor, eyes run wide from hooligan pictures.

These artworks hang on all the walls near Troitsky.

“I have a whole collection of them,” Artemy boasts. – She exhibited many times in different cities. The paintings may seem eccentric to some (and they really are), but we love them! Especially scary ones. In the hallway there is a large photograph that Katya Rozhdestvenskaya took for her project. She offered us to take a family photo in any costumes and any interior. We, almost without conferring, said: "The Addams Family!"

This picture fully reflects our aesthetic aspirations. Well, the rest - in the same spirit: eccentric, indecent. You can watch, but do not publish, so as not to be told that we are calling for something like this ...

Pillow rookery

Troitsky is also proud of the “rookery”, as he calls the third floor because there are huge colored pillows scattered across the floor.

“One big fun space,” he says. - I have never seen this anywhere. Objectively speaking, the third floor is the best place in the house: a 360-degree panoramic view, a high ceiling with a chandelier that looks like a spider, a balcony ... But, unfortunately, it is used very sluggishly. For some children's amusements (we play, we dance), for meeting guests ... But in everyday life - no. I think the point is that the third floor was originally planned as a studio-workshop. Vera has some artistic ambitions (and talent, I think).

She was supposed to work there. But children and turnover are not particularly given. While Lidousi's easel is standing there.

See photo gallery

Born June 16, 1955 in a Moscow intelligent family, but his childhood was spent in Prague, because at that time his parents worked in the editorial office of the journal "Problems of Peace and Socialism", located in Czechoslovakia.
Staying in an international environment of representatives of the left orientation determined the circle of interests. While still at school, he became interested in rock music and in 1967, when he was twelve years old, he began to make a handwritten magazine dedicated to rock music.
After moving to Moscow, he decided to get a “solid” profession and entered the Moscow Institute of Economics and Statistics, from which he graduated in 1977 with a degree in mathematics and economics.
Even in his student years, Troitsky worked as a disc jockey in clubs, and after graduating from the institute he finally realized that rock music was his real vocation.
I tried to organize a record company together with partners. But the inability to adapt to the market and combine releases of profitable and unprofitable discs has led to the fact that the company is on the verge of closing.
Gained fame as an organizer of rock festivals. At first, they were held semi-underground, and already in December 1991, he became one of the organizers of the first Moscow jazz music festival Gagar in-Party. But these big events were preceded by a long period of forbidden festivals and apartment concerts.
After the success of the festival, Troitsky began to hold similar parties on the cycle track and in other equally unusual places.
Publishing has a special place in his life. For several years, Troitsky was also the editor of the Russian edition of Playboy magazine. But work in such a well-known magazine, unfortunately, is over. As if promoting the accumulated knowledge and skills, for several years Artemy led his own program on NTV - "Cafe Oblomov". It was a kind of dialogue between the presenter and the invited guest. However, this program also ceased to be released, unable to withstand competition with more profitable projects.

Now Troitsky is passionate about radio journalism and divides his time between two programs - "FM Dostoevsky" on radio "Europe-Plus", which exists both as a website on the Internet, and the program "Uncle KO's Ark" on Radio-101. Over time, Troitsky became more selective and learned to limit the scope of his interests as a leader, although omnivorousness was and remains his main feature as an observer. Troitsky's abilities have already been marked by a professional music media award, which he was awarded as the best journalist in 1997. Unlike most of his colleagues. Troitsky practically does not use a computer in his work, because he is afraid to trust technology. But he works on the Internet, although he does not hide the fact that every time he has to "break through the psychological barrier."

The hero of our first essay from the series "Russia and "persons of Jewish-liberal nationality" declared in its title" will be one of the most odious and typical - in our subjective opinion - representatives of the native Jewish-liberalism, Artemy Kivovich Troitsky (aka, "nee ", Maydanik).

One day "Troitsky" will regret this very much

This is his mother Rufina Nikolaevna Troitskaya, and his father ... his father, Kiva Lvovich ... that's right, a political scientist and Hispanic historian. Maidanik. Well, it's like Zhirinovsky's father is a lawyer. You yourself understand everything very well.

And Artemy Kivovich himself is not just anyone and not just how, but a whole music critic and even a journalist. In any case, this is how he has positioned himself over the past few decades. And it is not so important that at the same time, the gentleman "music critic" with a diploma in mathematics and economics himself somehow very, very painfully perceives any criticism addressed to himself and - paradoxically - thoroughly "floats" in modern musical styles and trends.

Here something else is important. It is important that the former guitarist of "Sounds of Mu" Artemy Kivovich - all of himself is so brave and independent. That is why it is still in demand in certain circles. Like a journalist. With a seriously ill soul, so to speak. Mentally ill, that is. For the fate of Russia. Maybe. Since, a) he permanently lives in Tallinn, and b) with the same enviable constancy, sticks his long nose into affairs and events that are certainly far beyond his understanding and sound, rational comprehension. Over and over again, appearing either on the air of the Ekho Moskvy radio station (well, of course!), or at all sorts of official (and not so) events that are of a terry anti-Russian, Russophobic character. In the company of ardent Russophobes like himself. Not to mention his repeated statements of a very definite nature addressed to us.

"Jewish racial music critic, Honorary Udmurt, rock journalism, non-dissident redneck..."
Well-known resource "Lurke" about Artemy Troitsky

Well, here, for example, is the recent so-called. The "Free Russia Forum", which took place not in Moscow, well, what are you, but in Vilnius, where Troitsky was assigned the role of one of the speakers. Other speakers and participants were a match for him: here you have Masha Gessen, and Ilyushenka Ponomarev, and Zhenechka Chichvarkin and his namesake Kiselyov (this bespectacled nit is now working outside the so-called Ukraine), and even the hyperactive Alfred Koch almost in an embrace with the "mad pussy" Mashenka Alyokhina, the "woman"-plunger Bozhena Rynskaya and the former mistress of the late Nemtsov, the lady "civil activist" company Zhenechka Chirikova ... There was, of course, another true truth-teller - a long, long time crazy chess player and part-time politician, head of the Council of the "Foundation for the Protection of Human Rights" Kasparov (aka, we recall, "nee" Weinstein). And so on and so forth. In a word, one solid classic of the genre, all familiar "faces", demons of all calibers and stripes.

Simply put, a civilian garbage dump for the "humiliated and emasculated offended." Which, nevertheless, at the aforementioned forum was clearly patronized by those looking from Uncle Sam, as it were, a political scientist, publicist, leading employee of the Brookings Institution Lilia Shevtsova and a certain Natalya Arno, whose position (or passion of a lifetime ?!) is indicated very modestly: "Free Russia foundation (Washington)".

We note in passing that the Brookings Institution (formerly the "Institute of Government Studies") is considered one of the most important think tanks in the United States, specializing in the social sciences, municipal government, foreign policy and the world economy. Since 2004, its president has been Strobe Talbott, a bosom friend of Bill Clinton, a former US Deputy Secretary of State and also a former (?) member of the notorious Skull & Bones, the oldest secret society of Yale University students ...

All familiar faces. Senator John McCain, Natalia Arno and Mark Feigin

And the aforementioned slanted (and, apparently, not very popular with the opposite sex - you don’t have to be Freud here) Natalia Arno is the head of this same Free Russia foundation, another emigre non-governmental organization whose main task, as stated on their official website, is - no more and no less - "the unification of the efforts of the citizens of Russia to build freedom and democracy, protect basic human rights and values, etc." That is, again, sheer demagoguery of yet another fighters with the regime from across the ocean, like another offended by Russia, stealing in his time, Sergei Aleksashenko (in December 1995 - September 1998 - First Deputy Chairman of the Central Bank of Russia), since 2013 a permanent resident in the USA and is currently one of the leaders of the said Free Russia foundation.

Speaking of demagogy and demagogues. I remember very much how the so-called. "Forum Free Russia", slightly leaning back in his chair, languishing under the spotlight from his own "reckless courage" gopnik from allegedly Judeo-liberalistic journalism Troitsky. Again, about you and me: " ... In short, you will see a quilted jacket, immediately write it out in the "scoreboard", and if he is still with a smartphone, take the smartphone away and on the ground ... uh ... and so that he does not resurrect(an approving greasy chuckle of Jewish "colleagues"). What a depth of thought, you just feel it! Yes, this is Lucius Seneca of our days. His mother is in that very place ...

So what is the reason for such a pathological dislike of Mr. Troitsky for Russia and for all of us? Upon closer inspection, it turns out that everything is outrageously simple. The native grandfather of the subject, Lev Abramovich Maidanik (1902-1975) worked in the field of jurisprudence, was a lawyer and was married to a certain Adele Isaakovna Barats (1902-2000). That is, in fact, we have all the same "Russian Laws of Moses" as before. But this is so, by the way, as they say, without "presenting" (in the language of the political gopnik Troitsky himself).

But their son, Kiva Lvovich Maidanik (1929 - 2006), at one time had problems with career growth, since exactly by the time he graduated from the history department of Moscow State University, Stalin's "struggle against rootless cosmopolitanism" began. Simply put, the fight against Jewish dominance in government bodies and state structures of the USSR. And Maidanik Jr., of course, was himself a 100% Jew, and even his supervisor was none other than Ivan Maisky himself, once a Menshevik and even formally Minister of Labor in the government of Kolchak, who, Maisky, that is, in February 1953 , that is, literally on the eve of Stalin's death, there were serious problems with the state security agencies and personally with Lavrenty Beria (Maisky was arrested and charged under Article 58 of the Criminal Code of the RSFSR, later released and rehabilitated).

"Sobsna" subject. The facial expression delivers

As a result, Lyova Maidanik was not recommended for graduate school, but was sent to work at a school. For three years he taught history at a school in the city of Nikolaev (Ukrainian SSR), the next two - in Moscow ... Simultaneously with work at school, Maidanik nevertheless entered the correspondence graduate school, from where, however, he was already expelled as a graduate student of the aforementioned Maisky. No repressions were applied to the young man by the state security organs of the USSR. Moreover, shortly after Stalin's death, he was reinstated in graduate school and successfully defended his Ph.D.

But the "sediment" in the Maidanik family, apparently, remained. How else to explain such "deviant behavior" of Artemy Kivovich... khe-khe... Troitsky? In a word, everything is as always - they are completely d "artagnans, and we are shit, which, by definition, must bear collective responsibility before the" God's chosen people. "True, everything is exactly the opposite.

And in conclusion, a few more lines about the subject from a material with a very telling title
