How to marinate lamb skewers? The most delicious marinade for lamb skewers so that the meat is soft.

Good afternoon friends!

Everyone for a picnic! Today we have lamb shish kebab - a traditional dish of the Caucasian peoples. Properly cooked mutton kebab on the grill turns out with an exquisite taste, unexpectedly soft and unusually juicy, just like pork.

If you ask a hundred people how to cook the most delicious marinade so that the meat is soft, you can immediately find out a hundred recipes. Everyone chooses their own recipe. There is no single correct cooking recipe, but there are different technologies.

How to marinate lamb for barbecue so that the meat is juicy and soft

What cuts of meat are best to use

Best of all, this is a boneless back ham. And for lovers of meat with a bone, a loin or ribs are well suited. Only in this case, it will take more time to marinate and fry the meat.

We buy meat for our family in a rural courtyard, while the owners and I drink tea, a young lamb is freshened and cut into pieces. So there is no reason to doubt the freshness of the carcass.

And when there is no such possibility, we go to the city market to the butcher shop. We choose the meat of a one-year-old lamb, always fresh and chilled. Pay attention to the light color and specific smell (fresh milk). The fat should be white, with a slight yellowish tint.

We check the freshness like this - press with your finger and a dimple is formed, which quickly levels out, and if a red tint of blood appears at the place of pressure, then it has been repeatedly frozen.

A good barbecue will come from good meat, and the best from the best meat

Marinating principles

The most common types of marinade: lemon, wine, soy, mustard, kefir, onion and vinegar based, mayonnaise based,

The universal marinade consists of four basic ingredients - salt, onion, spices and oil. Its task is to soften the meat, preserve its taste and add flavor.

Marinating lamb for barbecue is not difficult if you follow the basic principles of marinating meat.

1 principle - use natural acid:

  • freshly squeezed juice (lemon, apple, pomegranate, pineapple, kiwi, tomato)
  • wine (red, white)
  • dairy products, sour cream, mayonnaise, yogurt
  • soy sauce
  • mustard
  • sorrel, onion

2 principle - use spices

They should emphasize the exquisite taste, and give a rich aroma to the finished dish. It is important to know the measure, you need to use fragrant spices in small quantities, otherwise you risk spoiling the taste of the dish.

3 principle - use oil: olive, vegetable, sesame

Let's talk about why you need oil in the marinade. For one simple reason - the taste of all spices is better revealed in oil. And do not pour oil in glasses, just put 1-2 tablespoons. However, you decide to be or not to be.

Required Ingredients

Meat. How long to marinate depends on the temperature (it should be at room temperature) and the size of the pieces.

Remove films and veins, excess fat. Cut into pieces, the size is of great importance, it must be such that it gets into the mouth at one time. Pieces that are too large will marinate poorly and not fry, while small ones will be tough and dry.

If the meat is not fatty, then it can be alternated with small pieces of lard. I assure you that the fried bacon just melts in your mouth and is eaten first. Although lamb meat takes longer to cook than pork, but if it is not overcooked, the meat will be soft and juicy.

The fresher the meat, the less spices and marinating time are required.

Onion, it needs a lot. Meat loves onions very much, and not just onions, but its juice. I use an auger juicer. A few tears, but it's worth it. Lamb marinated perfectly in freshly squeezed onion juice, and then in vegetable oil with spices and salt.

Do not forget that it is best to prepare the marinade in glass, ceramic or enameled dishes.

TOP 5 most delicious marinades to make the meat soft and juicy

Classic marinade for lamb skewers


  • ham - 2 kg
  • onion - 2 kg
  • salt - to taste
  • a mixture of Provence herbs - 50 gr.
  • paprika-2 tbsp. l.


Cut the pulp across the fibers, into portioned pieces. Sprinkle generously with salt and lightly beat the salt into the meat. If you just mix the salt, then after 15 minutes it will draw all the juice out of the meat, and it will become dry.

Take a package of a mixture of Provence herbs. A dish prepared with this mixture of herbs will acquire a unique spicy-spicy taste and incomparable aroma.

Sprinkle the mixture generously and mix well.

Peel the onion and pass through the auger juicer. A few tears, prevention of colds and pure onion juice is ready.

You need a lot of onion juice, it should completely cover the meat.

Want to improve the color and taste of your meal? In a small bowl, mix sweet paprika with vegetable oil, and send to the marinade. And if you want to add spice, then add bitter paprika. Cover the container with the marinade with cling film and leave at room temperature for 4 hours, no more. Do not forget that onion juice is a strong softener, and it changes the structure of the meat.

Cooking the marinade according to this recipe ensures that the meat will turn out very juicy and tender. Fry the kebab for 12-15 minutes and enjoy your meal!

Thyme wine marinade for lamb


  • ham - 4 kg
  • tomatoes - 1.5 kg
  • onion - 1.5 kg
  • lemon - 1 pc.
  • red wine -150 ml
  • honey - 2 tbsp. l.
  • salt - to taste
  • thyme

Step by step preparation:

Cut the ham into plates, and then into portioned pieces across the fibers.

Cut fresh tomatoes. In the absence of can be replaced with tomato juice or sauce.

Squeeze the juice of half a lemon.

Add softened honey.

Add thyme, it goes very well with meat, helps to digest fat, in addition, it has bactericidal properties.

Pour red wine. Tartaric acid softens the fibers and gives a unique light flavor to the meat.

Onion cut into medium rings.

Mix all ingredients. Cover the bowl with cling film. It is better to marinate in the evening and send it to the refrigerator until morning.

Lamb barbecue marinade from Stalik Khankishiyev


loin, onion, ground cumin, coriander, black pepper, salt

How to cook lamb ribs


  • lamb ribs - 2 kg
  • onion - 1 kg
  • ground cumin - to taste
  • ground coriander - to taste
  • salt - to taste
  • ground black pepper to taste


  1. Cut the young lamb ribs into portions.
  2. Cut the onion into thin rings, salt and knead with your hands until the juice is released.
  3. Combine ground cumin, coriander and salt, mix. Rub the pieces of meat with this mixture.
  4. Add the onion and marinate at room temperature for up to 4 hours.
  5. While stringing the ribs on the skewer, remove the onions from the meat. It has served its purpose and is no longer needed.
  6. Roast should be on smoldering coals with a good heat. At this time, you can not leave the barbecue even for a minute. The most important thing now is not to overdo the barbecue and save the juice.
  7. Serve hot with roasted vegetables and a lot of fresh herbs.

Delicious marinade for real Caucasian lamb kebab

We will cook according to the recipe of my good friend. Kostya will clap at the barbecue, and I will describe all his actions. The meat according to this recipe is so juicy and tasty that it just melts in your mouth. Try it, cook it, you won't regret it.


  • lamb pulp - 1 kg
  • red onion - 1 onion
  • onion - 500 gr.
  • olive oil - 2 tbsp. l.
  • rosemary - sprig
  • cilantro, zira - 1/2 tsp
  • water - 100 ml

Traditionally, the flesh of the hind leg of a young lamb is taken. Remove excess fat and films. Rinse the pulp, dry and cut across the fibers, in portions.

Peel, chop and chop the onion with a blender. Pass the resulting onion gruel through a fine sieve. We only need juice.

Pour olive oil into onion juice, put a sprig of fresh rosemary. Grind the cilantro and cumin seeds in your hands and send to the juice.

Place the meat in a wide bowl. Salt, pour the prepared marinade, mix.

Peel the onion, cut into large rings, put on the meat and mix everything gently. Add water if necessary.

Cover with cling film and leave for at least 4 hours, preferably 8 hours. In no case do not press down with oppression! Stir occasionally for better pickling.

While the barbecue meat is marinating, prepare the sauce.

4-5 garlic cloves, crushed with the wide side of a knife and chopped very finely.

Chop dill and cilantro with a knife until they turn into gruel, then mix with chopped garlic.

Put tomato paste in a bowl, add chopped garlic and herbs, honey, a little water. Mix everything well, the sauce should be of a homogeneous consistency. Let it brew for 10 minutes.

Before stringing on a skewer, free the meat from the onion, it has already given up its aroma and juice, and now it is no longer useful. Place the shish kebab pieces evenly on the skewer, if the pieces are large, for example, a loin with a bone, it is better to string them on two skewers at once.

How to fry a barbecue, I described earlier in the article chicken barbecue. Therefore, I will not dwell on this in detail.

Home cooking in the oven

I wanted a barbecue, but it didn’t work out to nature, cook at home in the oven.

For lamb skewers in the oven, we need:

  • lamb-1 kg
  • fat tail fat - 300 gr.
  • lemon - 1 piece
  • onion - 2 pcs
  • red pepper-1 tsp
  • salt - to taste
  • ground coriander, zira, turmeric - 1 tsp each.

So what is the best marinade?

Stick to the principles of pickling, get creative in the cooking process. And you will have your own unique original recipe, with which you will surprise your loved ones and friends with the most delicious marinades and the softest shish kebab.

If you have additions to recipes, write. I will be glad to your comments.

The most delicious marinade for lamb skewers so that the meat is soft

Cooking really tasty lamb skewers is considered a real art. Since ancient times, nomadic peoples considered mutton to be an indispensable food in distant campaigns, helping to gain strength of mind. Due to its easy digestibility and low calorie content, even now most people prefer lamb skewers to everyone else.

There are a few secrets worth knowing before you start cooking a real barbecue. Meat fried over a fire was cooked in ancient times, and the correct recipe for its preparation became known only a couple of centuries ago.

How to choose lamb for barbecue

Not every lamb is suitable for preparing a tasty and fragrant barbecue so that the meat is soft. Having made a mistake only once in your choice, you can beat off the desire to eat this particular meat for a long time.

  • The most delicious shish kebab with a delicate aroma and a complete absence of a special smell is made from lamb. For these purposes, individuals are selected no older than two months. The only problem is the time when you can buy such meat. Lambs must be collected between February and April.
  • The meat of an adult is great for barbecue at any time of the year. A decent tenderloin should not contain more than twenty percent fat. Otherwise, the taste of the barbecue will have a specific smell and taste. It should be borne in mind that the complete absence of fat will lead to dryness of the meat. It is worth stopping at the middle option.

  • Particular attention should be paid to the color of the fat. If it is white or light milky, then this meat is well suited for cooking. Meat with yellow fat is not worth buying, as the taste of the product, the strength of the old age of the animal, will be spoiled.
  • An important point is the appearance of lamb and its density. The uniform red color of the meat indicates its freshness. The brown hue makes it clear that the animal was old and its meat was tough.
  • Good density, the absence of veins, loose places and mucus indicates health, proper feeding of the animal and the freshness of the product.
  • If the mutton that you like has an unpleasant smell, then it must be discarded. From good meat comes a pleasant "steam" aroma.
  • When choosing the most suitable part of a ram, it is worth giving preference to: loin, hind leg, spinal part, tenderloin. You need to refuse to buy a spatula. True connoisseurs of lamb skewers should also buy fat tail fat. Small pieces strung on a skewer between large pieces of meat will enhance the taste of the barbecue and give it juiciness.

There is no need to talk about the fact that only fresh lamb should be used for cooking shish kebab, since this is an unshakable rule.

Lamb shish kebab: a classic recipe

For those who have ever tried the classic lamb kebab, it becomes the most favorite. Because it is in this recipe that I will tell you how to cook the most delicious marinade.

To prepare this meat dish, you should take:

  • 2 kilograms of lamb;
  • 1 kilogram of onions;
  • 300 milligrams of dry red wine;
  • 10 milligrams of vegetable oil;
  • Pepper and salt to taste.

1. Pre-meat should be washed and dried well. It is important to carefully get rid of films and tendons, if any. Cut the meat into equal pieces about 4x4cm in size. Add the required amount of salt and pepper.

2. Cut the peeled onion into rings and add to the meat. Mash well so that a sufficient amount of juice stands out from the onion.

3. In the process, add vegetable oil and continue to mix the meat.

4. Add wine at room temperature. Let the marinated meat rest.

5. Depending on the quality of the lamb, the time required to marinate the meat will vary. For pickled lamb, 20 minutes will be enough. Young lamb is marinated for an average of an hour. The meat of an adult ram will take at least 2 hours to marinate.

6. You should first choose the dishes for the marinade. It should be glass or enameled to avoid product oxidation and subsequent indigestion.

7. If the meat has already been marinated, it should be tightly strung on skewers and placed on top of the barbecue.

8. For cooking well-marinated meat, 15 minutes will be enough. You have to be careful not to burn it.

9. 5 minutes before cooking, sprinkle it with wine and turn it over several times. This will give the meat a special juiciness and flavor.

True connoisseurs of barbecue prefer to eat this dish with a large amount of various greens, selected to taste and pickled onions.

How to cook Uzbek lamb skewers: recipe with photo

Uzbek shish kebab implies various ways of its preparation. The classic recipe on the grill can be varied using a clay tandoor, a cauldron or a double boiler. One of the most delicious and interesting options is lamb rolls strung on small skewers made from rosemary sprigs. At home, it can be cooked using a grill, but nothing will convey the incredible taste of dishes cooked on the grill.

In order to cook the right Uzbek barbecue, you need to immediately prepare several types of lamb: meat from the ribs and back, sirloin with flank and tenderloin. From seasonings you need to take cumin, hot red pepper, salt, rosemary. Grape seed oil is more suitable for barbecue, as it does not burn and keeps the temperature perfectly. Having everything you need at hand, you can easily proceed to the dish itself.

1. Using a sharp knife, carefully cut the meat from the ribs and backbone.

2. Cut lamb must be wrapped in rolls. In this case, the flank should be on top, and the meat inside. Cut the prepared lamb into small rolls no more than 2-3 centimeters thick.

3. Having made a small cut through the roll, insert a sprig of unpeeled rosemary into it. Thus, each roll is held together and takes shape.

4. Mix the spices thoroughly and sprinkle them on the rolls on both sides. After sprinkling with a small amount of grape oil, leave to marinate for at least 30-40 minutes.

5. Place the pieces soaked in marinade on the grill and put on fire for further cooking. It is important to watch the rolls so that they do not burn. To do this, they need to be turned over almost every minute. 10 minutes is enough and the delicious national dish is ready.

Serve Uzbek barbecue with fresh and baked vegetables.

Learning how to cook a real lamb skewers is quite simple. In the process of cooking, it is worth resorting to some tricks and then, each time the dish will play with new colors.

Good morning to everyone who today decided to visit my page again! Another issue will be considered on the agenda and it will again touch on the topic of barbecue, but this time from lamb.

Last weekend I made several portions, and this one I decided to experiment with a different kind of meat delicacies, I am happy to share. Do not forget also that the best snack for this dish is an unsurpassed pickled onion, without which there will be no desired effect.

Have you eaten such a dish at least once in your life? Yes, and not just once. But, not everyone knows the secrets of this delicacy, and there are not so many of them, but still without them you can ruin the whole picnic. Therefore, I suggest not to waste time in vain and go directly to the content.

But, before that, I would like to consider some of the nuances so that you can immediately choose what you need on the market. This applies to those parts of which our kebab will actually be.

Take a look here, and then you can definitely make a choice, and buy either a tenderloin, a back ham or a shoulder with a loin on the market.

And remember that it is also very important to decide on firewood. After all, their aroma also plays an important role in this dish.

And plus everything else and the device on which you will conjure is also of great importance.

How to marinate lamb on a barbecue so that it is soft - a recipe with vinegar and onions

It is believed that this type of meat is the best option for creating barbecue. Because it has less fat, and it is quite soft and juicy. It also contains a small amount of cholesterol, when compared with pork, because there is much more of it.

The most traditional and favorite for most Russians is precisely the option with vinegar essence, because thanks to it you will feel a certain aroma of preservation.

We will need:

  • onion - 2 pcs.
  • parsley - bunch
  • salt - 2 tsp
  • lamb tenderloin - 1 kg
  • vinegar 9% - 2 tbsp

Cooking method:

1. Chop the greens with a knife, you can take absolutely any, parsley or cilantro is best.

2. Peel the onion heads and cut into rings or can be cut into thin circles.

3. Chop the tenderloin into small pieces so that they are the same size, about 5 by 5 cm. Then mix with onion rings and parsley, salt and pour in the vinegar. Mix everything thoroughly with your hands so that the juice from the onion stands out. Cover and leave to stand in a warm place for about 5-6 hours.

There is an opinion that it is better to put salt at the very end, try to do it in different ways. I like to add it at the very beginning.

Go hiking. Put on sticks or skewers and fry on coals until a beautiful and fragrant crust.

4. This is the easiest and one of the best ways to quickly prepare this dish. Don't forget about or

Lamb shish kebab - a classic Caucasian recipe

It is recommended to use the loin in order to achieve the maximum effect of softness - it is it that is very tender and it will not take so long to soak it in the marinade. The secret of such a cuisine is in a special brine, namely, it will take a lot of onions, from which it will be necessary to squeeze the juice.

This is what will help make this gourmet unique and very tasty.

And vegetable oil in this case will help the pieces absorb all the aroma of spices and seasonings.

Here is the usual list of ingredients, take a leaf and write it down so that you can buy everything in the supermarket.

We will need:

Cooking method:

1. Remove the fatty film from the piece, and then cut out the back and re-clean from the film. It will turn out such a tasty bar.

2. Then chop with a knife or a small hatchet into such cool slices of approximately the same size so that they are evenly fried on the grill.

3. After cutting, it is necessary to fill them with vegetable or olive oil. Then generously salt and pepper with black pepper.

Add some oregano and paprika for a touch of spice.

Mix everything well in a bowl, and then pour in the onion juice. Which will need to be done through a juicer or grated heads. You will need approximately 1 cup.

4. The marinating process should be about 2-3 hours warm and with the lid closed, and then put on skewers and fry until tender.

5. You shouldn’t turn over very often, but don’t look at the procarault. After all, then all the work will fly down the drain.

Important! The heat should be uniform, otherwise there is a high probability of overdrying the kebab.

6. Serve with greens or cabbage leaves, or you can also use various

How to make lamb kebab with kiwi? The most delicious marinade recipe

If you decide to choose this particular option, then be prepared for the fact that the cooking time is very short, literally 30 minutes is enough, if you overdo it, the fibers will become jelly-like. Or even the dish turns into porridge.

Therefore, exactly do everything according to the instructions so that everything works out.

Watch this story and remember, there is nothing difficult, especially when you can visually see everything.

A simple and quick recipe for lamb with the addition of mineral water

There is nothing easier than using a miracle drink with bubbles in this case. A few magical spices and herbs and you'll be almost done. The main thing is to determine the time correctly, do not overexpose, otherwise it will turn out tough and not juicy.

Salt consumption can be taken by eye, but approximately always the proportions are as follows: 1 tsp of coarse table salt is used for 1 kg of meat.

We will need:

  • lamb leg pulp - 1-2 kg
  • sparkling mineral water - 1 l
  • onion - 3-4 pcs.
  • ground pepper, zira, coriander
  • tomato - 1 pc.
  • any greens
  • salt - 1 - 2 tsp

Cooking method:

1. Prepare everything you need for work, and then cut the tenderloin into pieces about 2.5 by 2.5 cm. Rinse with water and dry with paper towels.

3. Then chop the onion into thin rings, bring it in here and start kneading the mass with your hands. After pepper and salt.

Cut the tomatoes into small pieces, they will help remove the unpleasant odor that many do not like.

Now it remains to add coriander, cumin and any chopped greens. Mix everything thoroughly so that additional juice appears. Cover with cling film and keep warm for about 2.5 hours.

You can also add one spoonful of 15 g of honey here to make it sweeter and spicier - this is a super gourmet option.

4. Fry on the grill on both sides to form a golden crust. Bon Appetit!

Video on how to cook smoky meat with Stalik Khankishiev

I advise all fans of this TV presenter to watch one video. From which you can learn all the details of how to properly prepare this dish, so that everything turns out perfectly.

After all, directly how and what stages of work you perform will ultimately depend on the result. If you are a connoisseur of such charms with smoke, then I recommend not to waste time.

Awesome version of lamb skewers with soy sauce

Young lamb has a number of advantages over other types, it is considered dietary, so if you are a favorite of diets, then take any piece and more. And cook ahead, you can take a leg, neck, loin, shoulder blades or kidney part of the carcass. Just take it chilled, not frozen.

This version is completely without salt, because the sauce is already quite salty. Don't worry, everything will work out!

We will need:

  • neck - 1000 g
  • soy sauce - 90 ml
  • garlic - 2-3 cloves
  • lemon - 0.5 pcs.
  • granulated sugar - 0.5 tsp
  • black pepper and barbecue spices

Cooking method:

1. Pass the garlic cloves through a garlic press. Mix this gruel with sugar, soy sauce and spices, pepper. Plus, squeeze the juice from one half of the lemon. Stir.

2. Soak square pieces of meat with this filling, which must be cut in advance and lie in a deep bowl.

Remember that the mixture must stand in a glass jar or dish, then the oxidation process will not go.

Lamb skewers so that the pieces are juicy and do not smell

For many, a specific smell is a common problem, so most refuse to buy this type of meat. But, this can be avoided if everything is done correctly and competently. And at the same time spending very little time and a small amount of products.

We will need:

  • tenderloin or shoulder blade - 3 kg
  • onion - 2 kg
  • ground pepper
  • coriander and spices
  • salt - 3 tsp

Cooking method:

1. Grind the shoulder or neck, depending on which part of the carcass you purchased at the bazaar, into small square plastics.

2. Sprinkle them with salt, pepper, and your favorite herbs and spices. Stir the mass with your hands to slightly form a liquid.

Ginger can be added to make the fragrance even more divine and beckon everyone else in the vicinity.

3. Pass the onion through a blender to make a slurry, which you then strain to take the juice. Or turn on the juicer and twist it through it. As an option, a meat grinder or a manual grater will go.

Pour this fragrant liquid into a cup. And leave for 2-3 hours to lie down and lie down.

5. By the way, you can take pita bread and more greenery to make it even more wonderful and beautiful. Bon Appetit!

Soft and juicy Uzbek lamb shish kebab

In principle, there is no special secret here, it is important to do everything as prescribed in this instruction. It is rosemary that gives an awesome taste, and for those who do not like it, you can replace it with coriander or, in general, apart from allspice and salt, do not add anything else from spices.

Take more onions, do not regret. You can even take 1 to 1 in equal proportions. As they say you can’t spoil porridge with butter, you can’t spoil the kebab with onions either.

We will need:

  • shoulder blade - 2 kg
  • salt - 2 tsp
  • rosemary - a pinch
  • ground allspice - 1 tsp
  • onion - 6 pcs.

Cooking method:

1. With a sharp knife, chop the most basic ingredient into portions. Add salt and pepper, mix very thoroughly with your hands. After one hand, you can still spank the meat so that a little juice stands out.

Next, pepper, add more rosemary, mix. Let it stand like this for 15 minutes. And only after that, chop only one or two heads of onion into small cubes, and grate the rest of the onions on a coarse grater. Combine all this and stir. The onion will give softness and tenderness to this dish.

2. After that, put in the refrigerator for 10 hours, you can leave it for 4 hours if you leave it warm. Next, fry according to all the rules on the grill. Don't forget to flip the skewers so nothing burns.

Delicious lamb skewers with lemon

Everyone knows that it is citrus fruits that soften the pulp, and this will happen with lamb loin. And garlic will give a zest, turmeric is a beautiful and elegant color. The recipe is really unusual and very cool, so give it a try. And here also tomato juice is added, which will make the meat even spicier and tastier.

Consider the list of products, as you can see, it is not small, but also inexpensive, budget.

Another advantage of the marinade is universal - suitable for chicken, pork or veal, including.

You can also use ribs or other parts of the animal.

We will need:

Cooking method:

1. Chop at the very beginning a stocky young onion into rings or feathers.

2. Then add cilantro leaves and garlic pieces to the onion vegetable. Here you should also chop red chili peppers into small sticks and be sure to remember that this is all well rumpled with your hands.

4. But that's not all, mash the cumin and coriander seeds and add them here. Pepper. Pour in vegetable oil and tomato juice. Well, the filling turned out great!

5. Stir and place fillet pieces or loin in this sauce. Sprinkle with lemon juice, stir.

6. Cover the cup with cling film and make a couple of holes so that the mass breathes. Put in the refrigerator for 1.5-2 hours. And then do the operation of dressing the pieces on sticks.

7. Put the miracle with the heat of the heat on a serving plate and eat with any greens for health!

How to cook lamb in pomegranate juice

I remind you that natural acid is the best option to make any meat pieces softer and juicier. Especially if you are dealing with pomegranate or other bright fruits. Take a look at this picture, I saw it in Arguments and Facts. You can repeat right now.

Interestingly, instead of pomegranate juice, orange or kiwi is perfect. But you can also use dairy products such as kefir or yogurt.

Just do not forget to season well with vegetable oil so that all the spices give off their smells and aromas.

You can use vegetable, olive or sesame oil, but seasonings and spices - be careful with them, do not overdo it, you can take absolutely any.

We will need:

  • carcass - 2 kg
  • bulbs - 5 pcs.
  • spices
  • salt - 2 tsp
  • pomegranate juice - 1 l

Cooking method:

1. Prepare everything you need and start cutting. First of all, chop the meat into cubes, then chop the onion.

2. Mix it all in one container and pour pomegranate juice, add salt and spices. Keep warm for about 2-3 hours, and then bake on coals until an attractive crust. Check with a knife or fork for doneness.

Lamb shish kebab with mayonnaise

Our Russian people will go to any lengths to serve this delicious dish with mayonnaise. You can use it instead of sauce, or you can soak it in it. The idea is great and as simple as two and two.

And if you want to get a varied taste even at the same time, then you can divide the whole mass into two parts, and sprinkle one with some seasonings, and the other with only herbs.

Thus, you get two completely different versions of this second course. At a picnic, this charm will go away in no time.

We will need:

  • mayonnaise - 2 tbsp.
  • pieces of lamb meat - 3 kg
  • onion - 1.5 kg
  • coriander, basil, parsley
  • black and red ground pepper
  • salt - 3 tsp

Cooking method:

1. In a container, preferably deep, place the tenderloin cubes, season them with everything you need from the list. Stir and season with salt. Chop the onion into rings, add here.

2. Then add mayonnaise, or if not, then use at least sour cream or kefir. Cover with a lid and let stand for a couple of hours on the table.

3. Go on a picnic and fry savory culinary creations in nature at your own pace.

That's all friends! Wow, it's been a day today. And how are you doing? Did everything work out? Write and share your opinions and suggestions right at the bottom of this note. See you all. In touch, as always, was the owner of this blog.

Lamb is a specific meat, which is not always tasty, and sometimes has an unpleasant odor. However, if you choose the right carcass and a good marinade, you can get an amazing barbecue.
Recipe content:

Fans of this meat will surely say that a real barbecue is only one that is made exclusively from lamb. And not surprisingly, they will be right, since initially barbecue was prepared only from this type of meat. That is why lamb kebab is called authentic, i.e. original and authentic version of the dish. But, as for the preparation of many dishes, lamb also requires certain knowledge and subtleties.

How to choose meat for barbecue

Whatever you make a wonderful marinade, but the kebab will be delicious only when the meat is chosen correctly.
  • Never buy frozen lamb, as there is a big risk that the meat will not taste good. It is easy to check this - press on a piece. If the resulting recess fills with blood, then the meat is frozen. In fresh meat, the hole will not appear and will not be filled with blood.
  • If you still purchased frozen meat, then defrost it at room temperature and immediately start cooking.
  • For barbecue, it is desirable to give preference to loin, leg or shoulder blade.
  • When buying meat, inspect it well so that there is no puddle of water under it, and above it - bloody smudges and traces of snow.
  • For barbecue, the best meat is young lamb. It has a soft texture and does not have an unpleasant odor. This meat is light in color with white fat. The meat of an old animal is bright red in color with yellow fatty layers, and after a long heat treatment it remains tough.
  • The layer of fat should be uniform. This says that the animal was well fed, and accordingly the meat will be tasty.
  • Smell a piece. The smell should not be sharp, neutral with a slight sweetish aftertaste. If you experience discomfort, then refuse to buy, this product is not fresh.

How to cook lamb skewers

Lamb is perhaps the only meat that does not require rinsing under water. It is simply wiped off with a paper towel. Meat processing consists only in the removal of non-edible parts - tendons and films. After, it is cut into medium pieces so that they fit in the palm of your hand. Usually their size is 5x5 cm. Too large pieces will not bake well, and small ones will be dry.

For barbecue, it is advisable to use coals from cherry, birch or linden firewood. You can buy ready-made coals or burn them yourself in a fire. But whatever the coals are, do not forget to heat them completely so that they burn evenly over the entire surface with a reddish heat and only a little flash of a thin layer of white ash. Never start cooking a barbecue unless the flames are out. And if a flame breaks out, then put it out by sprinkling a little water, wine or marinade.

Turn the skewers regularly while roasting. This will allow the lamb to fry evenly, give an appetizing crust and not burn. If the meat in some places began to burn or dried out, then grease them with marinade or sauce. Lamb is not cooked for a very long time, because. may become dry and have a rubbery taste. On the grill, no more than 5-10 minutes is enough, for medium roasting - 15-20 minutes. Lamb freezes when it reaches t40 ° C, so it is advisable to use it immediately.

Delicious lamb skewers marinade

To make the meat juicy and soft, it must be marinated: a fresh young piece - for 1-3 hours, an old one - 10-12. The easiest foods to pickle are: olive oil, lemon and lime juice, yogurt, vinegar, mustard, soy sauce, garlic, rosemary, mint, cumin, cardamom, oregano, chili, thyme. Meat turns out delicious after daily pickling in vegetables: celery root, onions, garlic, carrots and allspice peas.

In general, the marinade should be such that the lamb turns out tender with an unusual taste and harmonizes with seasonings and spices. We offer the perfect recipe. marinade for real Caucasian lamb shish kebab.

  • Calorie content per 100 g - 134 kcal.
  • Servings - 2
  • Cooking time - 20 minutes to prepare the marinade, 3-4 hours to marinate the meat


  • Tomatoes - 0.5 kg (per 1 kg of meat)
  • Bulb - 0.5 kg
  • Garlic - 1 head
  • Seasonings - 1-2 tsp
  • Salt - to taste

Step by step preparation:

  1. Peel the onion and garlic. Wash the tomato.

  • Wipe the meat with a napkin and cut into pieces.
  • In a deep bowl, combine vegetables and mix. Add meat with spices.
  • Leave the lamb to marinate for 3-4 hours. If you want the kebab to marinate faster, then stir it every 10 minutes.

  • The marinade can be made in a variety of ways, but you should not experiment with it for lamb meat on your own. Not all seasonings and spices are in harmony with this variety, and it is difficult to find the ideal proportion. And overdoing it with spices, you can emphasize the unfavorable sides of the barbecue. Therefore, we offer another proven option marinade for lamb with Abkhaz flavor.


    • Lamb - 1 kg
    • Red dry wine - 250 ml
    • Adjika - 4 tablespoons
    • Bulb - 4 pcs.
    • Garlic - 3 cloves
    • Salt - to taste
    • Black ground pepper - to taste
    • Spices - to taste
    Step by step preparation:
    1. Mix wine with adjika.
    2. Peel the onion and garlic, finely chop and combine with salt and selected spices.
    3. Combine the wine-and-azhy mixture and the garlic-onion mass.
    4. Cut the meat into slices, pour over the marinade and leave for 5 hours.
    5. Thread lamb pieces tightly on a skewer and cook on hot coals for about half an hour.

    How to marinate lamb skewers

    One way or another, let's not forget that the preparation of the marinade is the most important preparatory process. It is from how it is cooked that the final taste, softness, juiciness and aroma of the kebab will largely depend. Therefore, we will not take risks, but, as with the previous recipes, we offer a variant of the national lamb marinade with Turkish roots.


    • Lamb - 1 kg
    • Red dry wine - 250 ml
    • Tomatoes - 300 g
    • Garlic - 2 cloves
    • Bulb - 1 pc.
    • Salt - to taste
    • Black ground pepper - to taste
    • Spices - to taste
    Step by step preparation:
    1. Wash the tomatoes. Peel the onion and garlic. Twist the products in a meat grinder.
    2. Pour wine into the vegetable mass, add spices and mix.
    3. Cut the meat into pieces and season with the prepared sauce. Leave it to marinate for 6-7 hours.
    4. Salt the kebab, mix, put on a skewer and fry on hot coals, periodically turning over for about 30-40 minutes.

    Lamb kebab marinade is the most delicious

    cannot be bypassed and real Georgian lamb kebab. The marinade of this national cuisine is prepared quite simply. We will give the main ingredients for it below, and with spices, as always, you can show culinary imagination. For example, Georgian culinary specialists prefer: suneli hops, cilantro, savory, marjoram, coriander, basil, saffron.


    • Lamb - 2 kg
    • Onion - 500 g
    • Grape vinegar - 2 tbsp.
    • Lemon - 1 pc.
    • Salt - to taste
    • Black ground pepper - to taste
    • Spices - to taste
    Step by step preparation:
    1. Peel the onion and cut into half rings. Cut lamb into equal pieces. Combine the products in a deep bowl.
    2. Wash the lemon and squeeze out the juice. Combine it with grape vinegar, mix and pour over the meat.

    If you decide to cook lamb, then you should take care of the marinade. It happens not only in the preparation of delicious barbecue, but also in the manufacture of various lamb dishes. For example, before baking lamb in the oven, it is better to pre-hold it in a marinade of sparkling water, lemons and spices. This will make the meat more juicy and flavorful. In this article, we will share with you recipes for making marinade for lamb, and also tell you how to marinate meat properly.

    How to marinate lamb for barbecue

    Classic lamb marinade recipe

    What you need to prepare a classic lamb marinade:

    • Onion (medium size) 2 pcs.
    • Mineral water (medium carbonated) 1-1.5 l. (for 1-1.5 kg of meat).
    • Lemon juice 1-2 tbsp. l.
    • Salt, spices to taste.


    • Peel the onion and cut it into half rings.
    • Squeeze out the juice of a lemon and mix it with onions.
    • Cut the lamb into pieces and place them in a deep bowl or saucepan. Pour the meat with a mixture of lemon juice and onions. Salt lamb and add spices.
    • Open the mineral water and fill it with lamb so that it does not completely fill the meat. If you are using highly carbonated mineral water, then you need to leave it open for 30 minutes so that it becomes less carbonated.
    • Cover the bowl with a dish and put the lamb in a cool place for 3-4 hours.

    Kiwi marinade for lamb

    What you need to make kiwi marinade:

    • Onion 2 pcs.
    • Kiwi 1 pc. (for 1 kg of lamb).
    • Highly carbonated mineral water.
    • Spices for barbecue.


    • Peel the onion and cut it into large pieces.
    • Put the pieces of lamb in a large bowl, salt it and add spices.
    • Mash the kiwi and add it to the meat. Then fill it with a small amount of mineral water so that it only slightly floods the meat.
    • Marinate the meat for 2-3 hours. Lamb does not need to be kept in the marinade for more than 3 hours so that the kiwi does not soften too much.

    How to Marinate Lamb for Oven Cooking

    Marinade for lamb with kefir

    What you need to prepare marinade with kefir:

    • Kefir (low-fat) 3-4 tbsp. for 1-1.5 kg. lamb.
    • Fresh herbs 1 bunch.
    • Salt, spices to taste.


    • Chop fresh greens and add it to kefir.
    • Cut the lamb, salt it and add spices. Pour the meat with a mixture of kefir and herbs.
    • Marinate the meat for 2-3 hours.

    Mustard marinade for lamb

    What you need to prepare mustard marinade:

    • Onion 2 pcs.
    • Mustard 2-3 tbsp. l.
    • Cream 2-3 tbsp. l.
    • Dry white wine.
    • Salt, pepper to taste.
    • Vegetable or olive oil.


    • Peel the onion and cut it into half rings. Fry the onion in vegetable (olive) oil.
    • Pour some wine over the onion. Wait until the wine has evaporated by one third. Add mustard and cream to the onion. Mix everything, salt and pepper the marinade.
    • Simmer the marinade for 5-7 minutes.
    • Pour the lamb pieces with the cooled marinade and marinate the meat for 1-2 hours.

    • If for cooking lamb it needs to be cut into pieces, then it is better to make them large enough. It is advisable to cut the lamb into pieces of 4-5 cm. This way you keep the juiciness of the meat.
    • You can add your favorite spices to the recipe if you like. For example, lamb goes well with coriander, dried herbs, saffron, bay leaf, mustard seeds, etc.
    • Old meat needs to be kept longer so that it is better saturated with spices and becomes juicy.
    • Before cooking lamb, you need to clean it properly so as not to spoil the taste of the dish: remove fat and films, as well as bones (if any).

    After the meat is marinated, it is better to immediately start cooking it. So you keep the juiciness and pleasant aroma of meat. The marinade itself can be used in the cooking process. For example, you can bake lamb with a marinade that kept the meat on the eve of cooking.

    As I already wrote in the first recipe about, this is probably the most delicious kebab, of all kebabs, especially if it is cooked correctly. Some say that you need to take meat only on the ribs, others say only the pulp.

    In the last article, I showed a recipe for lamb ham. In this article, we will look at a couple of kebabs from other parts of the lamb, but also very tasty.

    Lamb skewers, the most delicious marinade to keep the meat soft. Step by step recipes + 2 videos

    Watch the third video recipe. It's an interesting barbecue marinade. And in the first recipe, a very tasty barbecue and a simple, quick marinade.


    1. Lamb loin skewers on the grill


    • Loin of lamb - 2 pcs. 8 pcs.
    • Lemon - 1 pc.
    • Onion - 1/2 head
    • Garlic - 4 cloves
    • Rosemary - 2 sprigs
    • Mint - 2-3 sprigs
    • Thyme - a small bunch
    • Oregano - 2 tsp
    • Olive oil (or any vegetable oil) - 3-4 tbsp.
    • Salt pepper
    • Sugar - 1 tsp


    Lamb, including lamb (although not so much) has a specific taste. Not everyone likes this taste. In order for everyone to eat your lamb loin skewers with pleasure, it must be marinated.

    Marinated in many ways, each has its own marinade. We will marinate with a fairly simple, quick, but giving your meat flavor and taste, marinade. Thyme and rosemary go great with lamb meat. This meat goes well with citrus flavors. Mint is very good.

    1. Remove the zest from a whole lemon on a fine grater. The zest is the top yellow part of a lemon. There is a white part under it; you don’t need to remove it, it will add bitterness. Half of the zest is immediately sent to a deep marinade cup.

    2. Peel the leaves from two sprigs of rosemary and chop them finely.

    3. Add rosemary to the marinade bowl.

    4. Finely chop a bunch of thyme.

    5. Very finely chop the onion. Also finely chop the garlic.

    6. Remove the mint leaves from the branches and chop finely too.

    7. We send all this to a marinade cup.

    Of course, everything that we put for the marinade can be taken dry. But you yourself understand that fresh, there is fresh, and now the stores have it all.

    8. Squeeze half a lemon into a cup. You don't have to choose bones. We'll shake it all off anyway.

    9. Fill our marinade with a couple of tablespoons of olive oil. You can take any vegetable oil. Sprinkle with salt.

    10. Mix everything, at the same time squeezing the mass in your hand so that it gives juice.

    11. Add oregano, mix.

    Let's start cooking meat

    12. Cut the meat into pieces along the ribs. Such pieces are called portion cutlets. Of course, it's a bit strange for us. But that's what they're called.

    13. Put the meat in a cup with marinade and mix thoroughly. We try to have a marinade on every piece.

    Cooking Sauce

    14. Squeeze the second half of the lemon into the cup, the lamb loves sourness. Add olive oil, add a little oregano, you don't need much. we have enough of it in the marinade. Pour a teaspoon of sugar, a pinch of mint, a pinch of rosemary and the remaining lemon zest.

    15. Our sauce is ready. We set aside. Then we will water them with ready-made kebabs.

    We fry kebabs

    16. Our meat has already marinated. The lamb marinates very quickly. 15-20 minutes is enough. Let's go fry.

    17. Before putting the meat on it, it is advisable to sprinkle or wipe the grate with a little vegetable oil and wait until it burns out so that the meat does not stick much later.

    18. Shake off all the pieces of marinade from the meat with your hand so that they do not burn and put the already clean meat on the grate.

    19. We begin to fry the meat. Please note that the loin is fried very quickly. If you want the meat to be completely fried, then keep it on fire for 3 minutes on each side.

    20. 3 minutes have passed, turn over to the other side.

    21. Fried on the second side, put a new batch on the grill, and remove the finished kebabs. In total, they were fried for about 6 minutes on both sides.

    22. We keep the second batch smaller so that it is pink inside, as some people like.

    23. Pour the prepared kebabs with the previously prepared sauce.

    24. Cut and compare two pieces. One was fried for 3 minutes, it is almost completely fried. Well, maybe a little pinkish. The second piece, which we fried for 1.5-2 minutes, is red inside, but very juicy.

    25. It is best to hold the meat for about 2.5 minutes on each side. It will be the most. Check the kebab by cutting with a knife. The coals must be well heated.

    Well, our delicious barbecue is ready. The aroma is amazing. The taste is exceptional.

    Get to the table before it gets cold.

    Bon Appetit!

    1. Lamb shish kebab with fat tail fat


    • Lamb (hind leg pulp) - 1 kg.
    • Fat tail fat - 100-150 g.
    • Zira - 1 tsp
    • Coriander - 2 tsp
    • Black peppercorns - 0.5 - 1 tsp
    • Onion - 1 head
    • Salt - 2-3 tsp
    • Sumac - see below what it is


    1. Grind the zira, wrapping it in a towel, on top with a hammer. Unfortunately, we did not have a mortar. Yes, it's not that important. Grind coriander and peppercorns in the same way. Pour everything into a small bowl, add salt and mix.

    2. Cut the meat into pieces of 50-70 grams, cut off the veins, excess fat. Sprinkle the meat with our ground mixture. For this amount of meat, you need about 2-3 teaspoons of the mixture. That's all for now with meat. Let it marinate.

    3. Cut fat tail fat into thin slices. It can now be bought on the market from lamb sellers

    Making onion salad for barbecue

    4. Cut the onion thinly with a sharp knife. If the onion is sharp, rinse it with cold water. Sprinkle the onion with the same spices as the meat, add some salt. And most importantly, add ground sumac to the onion.

    Sumac or sumac (from the Aramaic "Sumaqa" - red) is a burgundy-colored spice popular in the East with a sour, slightly astringent taste, without any pronounced aroma.

    In Russia, unfortunately, while he is little known. However, onions, sprinkled with a sour drug of red color, are liked by many. After all, this is a great appetizer for barbecue, pilaf and grill.

    Sumac can be found in spice shops. In many countries, meat is marinated with vinegar, lemon juice, and other acidic liquids. But in the Caucasus, sumac is the first spice that is remembered when you need to marinate meat for barbecue or barbecue. Sumac is especially good at ennobling lamb.

    Anyway. Onion salad is ready, we work further.

    5. We put the meat on skewers, alternating pieces of meat with pieces of tail fat. Fatty pieces of meat come across, lard can be put on through two pieces.

    6. We got 5 skewers with barbecue.

    7. Sprinkle a little flour on top of the kebab.

    Let's start barbecue

    8. We place the barbecue on the grill with hot coals.

    9. Turn over after 4 minutes. It is necessary that at first the meat would be sealed in a strong heat, and then slowly come to a weaker one. Depending on the meat, it may be ready in 12-15 minutes. Be sure to check with a knife.

    10. Meat can be served on a warmed dish or on pita bread. Lavash put on roasting meat and let warm up.

    11. In the meantime, let's prepare a vegetable salad.

    12. Our delicious barbecue is ready. Onion and vegetable salads are ready. Everything else is there. To the table.

    Bon Appetit!
