How to make a sofa with your own hands at home. How to make a sofa with your own hands: step by step instructions

The sofa often becomes the centerpiece of a terrace, living room or dining room. And it is not at all necessary to lay out a tidy sum for this piece of furniture - you can make a stylish and comfortable sofa yourself, even without any special skills. This review contains sofa ideas that will tell you how to turn things into a cozy sofa that sometimes seem like outright trash.

1. Spring bed

An old metal bed can be easily turned into an original boho style sofa. All you need to make this dream come true: new mattresses, upholstered in bright fabric, and paint to update the details of the bed.

2. Crib

A crib that can no longer be used for its intended purpose can be turned into a small but cozy sofa. Just get rid of the front side, upholster the mattress with a brightly colored fabric, and add some cushions.

3. Bath

Old cast iron bathtubs can be used to create original sofas that are suitable for home and garden furnishing. Of course, such work is very time-consuming, you will need a tool and certain skills, but in the end you will get a unique piece of furniture.

4. Pallets

A charming low sofa with two drawers at the bottom, to create which you will need three wooden pallets and soft furniture pads.

5. Wooden beam

A simple yet elegant sofa, made of rough wooden blocks and laconic light-colored custom-made pillows, will perfectly fit into the interior of a modern living room or countryside landscape.

6. Furniture panels

A stylish and concise sofa, which you can make with your own hands from furniture panels and large sofa cushions, will become a real highlight of the living room, regardless of the style of its design.

7. Boards

People who are not alien to needlework can make a sofa from ordinary wooden boards and furniture cushions. Such a piece of furniture is perfect for arranging a summer patio or living room in a private house.

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8. Boat

A creative small sofa made from the bow of a dilapidated wooden boat will become a spectacular interior detail and bring romantic sea notes to the room.

9. Pallets

A low corner sofa with shelves for books, which you can make yourself from wooden pallets and large furniture cushions, will perfectly fit into the interior of an apartment decorated in Scandinavian, rustic or loft style.

10. Plywood and wood

An original, comfortable and ergonomic chair with shelves for books around the perimeter, which can be made from plywood and wooden boards.

11. OSB boards

A simple sofa that you can make yourself from OSB boards and a thin mattress will fit perfectly into the interior of the hallway.

12. Wooden boxes

Charming and very original armchairs, which can be made from wooden planks and upholstered furniture pads, will become a creative interior detail for an introvert.

13. Cinder blocks

A bright unusual sofa with a place for shoes at the bottom, which is easy to do with your own hands. To do this, you need cinder blocks, which should be stacked on top of each other so that you get a frame, a bright mattress upholstered in a pleasant fabric and a few cushions.

14. Suitcase

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17. Natural wood

Stunning natural wood sofa with a back-shelf, which can serve as a workspace or dining table, will be a stylish and functional detail of a small living room.

Especially for those who are seriously concerned about their own balcony, we have collected.

Typical furniture does not always fit a particular interior. When the standard options do not fit into the situation, you can make a sofa with your own hands - after all, any craftsman will cope with the work. To do this, you need drawings, materials, step-by-step instructions. The product, assembled independently, will last a long time, and will also look interesting in the room.

Work at home should begin with the creation of a scheme. To make the correct drawing of the sofa, you must:

  1. Select a transformation mechanism.
  2. Decide on the dimensions of the finished product, depending on its purpose (for sleeping or relaxing), as well as the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room in which home-made furniture will stand.
  3. Choose a model that suits the shape and design.
  4. Prepare everything you need for work.

When choosing or independently constructing a drawing, it is important to take into account the characteristics of the specific material from which the home master plans to make homemade sofas. When the scheme is ready, you can proceed to the next stage - the calculation and ordering of metal, wood (or plywood, laminated chipboard), filler, upholstery fabric, consumables.

Upholstered furniture of a standard type consists of two blocks - a back and a seat. When unfolded, these components form a sleeping place. A corner sofa made of plywood is a design of three modules interconnected in the form of the letter G (less often - P). The furniture stands on four legs, in some models rollers are used instead.

If the product is intended for rest and night sleep (for example, for a bedroom or a nursery), a niche for bedding may be provided in the design. It is also convenient to put children's toys or old, unnecessary things in such a box. The presence of a special box makes the furniture more functional, but increases the weight of the sofa, making it difficult to transport.

Before studying the drawings and diagrams, you need to decide on the dimensions. The standard dimensions of the product with the book mechanism are 140 x 220 cm when unfolded. When the furniture is assembled, these dimensions are reduced (100 x 220 cm).

First, individual parts (modules) of the product are made, and then they are combined into a single whole. Assembling the sofa is the most important stage. When connecting the two main elements together, the master must ensure that the folded seat does not extend beyond the armrests. When the sofa is laid out, the distance between the frames should not be less than 10 mm.

The back and seat are made from blanks. Their number is the same for any model. It is necessary to cut out:

  • rack;
  • top and bottom rails;
  • side bars;
  • overlays.

You will also need two crossbars for the seat - back and front. For manufacturing, a board of 50 mm is suitable. Lastly, blanks are made for the back and seat panel.


For sleep and relaxation

Materials and tools

For the manufacture of the frame, wood is most often used. Less expensive options are also possible - plywood or chipboard. Metal frames are the strongest, but they have one drawback - the large weight of the finished product. Experienced craftsmen take for work such types of wood as:

  • Pine;
  • Birch tree;
  • alder.

When choosing a drawing, you should pay attention to the fact that each scheme is designed for specific materials. A drawing of a metal frame is not suitable for those who decide to make a sofa out of wood, and vice versa. For additional rigidity, experts recommend using a crate made of wood, plywood or chipboard. It can be made independently or replaced with lamellas of industrial production.

For upholstery, it is recommended to choose velor, tapestry or jacquard. These fabrics are stain resistant and easy to care for. The most popular fillers are batting, synthetic winterizer and pressed felt. They differ in elasticity and high density. Sintepon is a cheap option, but it does not last long.

You should prepare in advance the tools necessary for assembling the product at home. First of all, it is a furniture stapler (for upholstery) and a screwdriver. The master will also need:

  • ruler;
  • wooden or metal square;
  • stationery knife-cutter;
  • miter box.

It should be purchased in advance and diluted according to the instructions for carpentry glue and for foam rubber. You will also need consumables: self-tapping screws, wood screws, nails, staples. After that, you can start working.

In Soviet times, foam rubber was most often used as a filler for upholstered furniture. It does not last long and can cause an allergic reaction. When hauling old sofas at home, foam rubber is usually additionally compacted with padding polyester.

Beam solid wood

Chipboard sheets


Upholstery materials

Tools for the job

Choice of transformation mechanism

It is necessary to choose high-quality parts from good metal that can withstand heavy loads. Each mechanism has its pros and cons. They are presented in the table below.

Name How it works Advantages and disadvantages
Book Two frames with fixed spring blocks are responsible for the transformation, instead of which a soft filler can be used. The backrest is easy to recline, below you can put a box for storing bedding. However, such a sofa is difficult to decompose if there is not enough space in the room.
Tango The principle of operation is similar to a book, but the back of a corner sofa (or a standard-shaped product) can be in three positions: horizontal, vertical and intermediate. The furniture has a compact size, when unfolded on the sleeping surface there are no bumps, but the back cannot be leaned against the wall.
Eurobook The seat rolls forward thanks to small rollers, the back is hidden in a special niche. The mechanism lasts a long time, the bed takes up a large area, but the rollers can leave scratches on the linoleum.

Most often, in home-made products, the book mechanism is used. It is easier to make it from improvised materials. If the spring blocks are made from high-quality raw materials, they do not wear out for a long time. A more modern modification of this model is do-it-yourself eurobook sofas.

The French folding bed mechanism is very popular among lovers of transforming sofas. To expand the bed, just pull the edge of the seat, and the three sections of the product will straighten out. However, this option is not suitable for home-made furniture, because such a mechanism quickly fails.

If the room in which the sofa will be made of wood is spacious enough, you can use the accordion mechanism. Such a product takes up very little space when folded, but requires a lot of space for unfolding. When the bed is pulled forward, it rests on the outgoing legs. The main advantage is that no physical effort is required for unfolding.

Accordion sofas last a long time, but moving legs can scratch the flooring. They also have nowhere to build a box for bedding, and the niche is located in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe rear back, which is not very convenient.


French cot


Manufacturing steps based on the model

A step-by-step guide to making furniture for sleeping and relaxing may vary depending on the specific model. Most often, home craftsmen make classic books, corners and modular products from pallets. Each option has its own design features. Instructions for assembling sofas depend on them.

Sofa book

For work, you will need timber and boards, foam rubber as a filler and upholstery fabric. You also need a ready-made transformation mechanism. Consumables will require nuts, screws, furniture bolts, staples. Below is a step by step guide. Necessary:

  1. Assemble a laundry box from boards measuring 1900 mm. Strengthen the finished product with 2 rails.
  2. Make two frames - for the seat and back, fix the slats on them to support the mattress.
  3. Cut out armrests from fiberboard. Use boards 55 mm wide and 1 m long.
  4. Make a wooden frame for the armrests and assemble the parts into one whole.
  5. Drill holes in the bedding drawer.
  6. Assemble a sofa book from modules.

When installing the transformation mechanism, it must be ensured that in a horizontal position the distance between the backrest and the seat is about 10 mm. To strengthen the structure, you can additionally apply a grid of rails. The frame is sheathed with sheets of foam rubber. To smooth out sharp corners along the edge of the product, it is recommended to glue an additional strip of the specified material as a border. If everything is done correctly, you should get a soft roller. The sofa the book differs in compactness and convenience, has interesting design.

We collect a box for linen from the boards

We strengthen with slats

We assemble the frame for the seat and back

Mattress support slats

We cut out the armrests

armrest frame

Drilling holes in the drawer

Assembling the modules

We sheathe with foam rubber

We soften the armrests with foam rollers

Do-it-yourself sofa book is ready


For work you will need timber and boards. You should also pre-select plywood or chipboard. The first option is more durable and reliable, the second is cheap. The minimum recommended chipboard thickness is 16 mm, it makes no sense to take thinner material. Stages of work:

  1. Draw a drawing. Calculate the length of both modules.
  2. Draw up a diagram showing the locations of the fasteners.
  3. Assemble and fasten with self-tapping screws a rectangular frame of boards.
  4. Install the cross bars in the center of the lower and upper parts.
  5. Sew up fiberboard at the bottom of the box.
  6. In the described way, make the second half of the product, the corner insert of a square handicap.
  7. Fold and fasten the three received elements.
  8. Make a back of 6 modules, fasten all the parts to each other with a beam.
  9. Install the seat on the hinges attached to the backrest components.
  10. Fill upholstered furniture with foam rubber at least 10 cm thick.
  11. Sheathe the frame with upholstery fabric.

For upholstery you will need a furniture stapler. It is recommended to start sheathing from the farthest corner of upholstered furniture, gradually moving to the center. You need to nail the fabric to the back from the bottom up. When this part is already processed, go to the sides. Lastly, the seat is covered with fabric.

Mounting layout

We collect the frame from the boards

Sew up the bottom of the fiberboard box

Installing cross bars

We assemble the back

Connecting the back and seat

We stuff with foam rubber

Sheathe with batting

We assemble and glue the corner insert with batting

We sheathe the back

We nail the matter to the sides

Covered with upholstery fabric

Do-it-yourself corner sofa

Pallets are wooden pallets. You can find them at any hardware store. Craftsmen use pallets as modules in the manufacture of upholstered and cabinet furniture at home. To make original sofas with your own hands for a summer residence, you will need one large pallet. To work you need:

  1. Saw the pallet into 2 fragments - large (seat) and small (back).
  2. Attach the legs to the seat with screws.
  3. Fix the back in the desired position. To do this, you need wooden corners.
  4. Prime and varnish the surface of the furniture.
  5. Fasten the plywood for the back to the crossbars using the hinges.

If the product will stand in the country or on the balcony, it is best to sew a protective cover and decorative pillows from leatherette. This material is unpretentious in care. Also, leatherette tolerates high humidity well and has a long service life.

To make a product of standard sizes, suitable for sleeping and relaxing, you will need 6-8 pallets. Manufacturing technology will be about the same. One of the pallets needs to be disassembled into boards and used to fasten the modules to each other. Before you start sleeping on such furniture, it is advisable to lay an orthopedic mattress.

Saw the pallet into two fragments

Installing the back

We fix the back

We prime the surface

Fasten the legs with screws

We sew a cover and fill it with upholstery

Finished pallet sofa

To make a soft sofa, it is recommended to choose functional models with drawers and good quality filler. Roll-out (retractable) options with rollers and guides are very popular. They are good because they do not require physical effort to unfold.

You should not save on fittings, because the life of the furniture depends on the reliability of fasteners. Novice joiners and carpenters are better off choosing clear geometric models. They are suitable for interiors in any style. They are also much easier to make clearly and accurately compared to furniture of complex shapes.

Spike joints located at the ends of the boards increase the strength of the product and increase its service life. However, it is impossible to make them at home, this requires special equipment. For this reason, a novice carpenter should not set himself such a task.

Experts do not advise connecting individual elements with nails. Instead, experienced craftsmen use screws or self-tapping screws. If nails are used, the fasteners are gradually loosened.

Recommended wood species for making a sofa at home are spruce and pine. Before work, the boards are carefully polished - the surface of the material must be smooth, without roughness. Do not cut boards indoors, as wood dust accumulated in the air is harmful to health and can cause allergies.

For stuffing the back, you need to use thin foam rubber, for the seat - more dense. You can glue several sheets together. It is necessary to pay attention to the density of joining of soft parts with each other. A thin layer of synthetic winterizer is laid on top of the foam rubber to protect the filler from external influences. In furniture factories, it is used to make sofas softer.

The frame must support the weight of several people. A children's sofa made of timber is calculated based on the weight of babies (teenagers), an adult - depending on the build of older family members.

In order for wood or chipboard products to serve for a long time, all parts must be treated with a special furniture varnish (stain). If the garden sofa is intended for children to relax, the coating should not contain aggressive and allergenic chemicals. Homemade sofas have many advantages. They fit well into any space, look unusual, suitable for sleeping and relaxing. The main thing is to choose high-quality material for work and clearly present the step-by-step sequence of actions. Then making upholstered furniture with your own hands will become an interesting hobby.


Children's sofa in the interior

Sofa made of pallets treated with stain


An important role in the life of every man is played by a home sofa. Do not be ironic about this. A lot of creative plans and ways to implement them were conceived on this piece of home interior.

A good sofa can be bought in a store, today this is not a problem. But does a real home master miss the chance to try his hand at making upholstered furniture?

Financial incentive is another weighty argument in favor of the "couch project". If you calculate the cost of materials needed for work, and compare it with the price tags of furniture stores, then the savings will be very impressive.

In our article, we will consider the implemented options for home-made sofas and give a brief description of their manufacture. In addition, the topic of self-assembly of a corner sofa will be covered, from the drawing to the finishing sheathing.

How many sofas, beautiful and different ...

Having decided to make a sofa with your own hands, it will not be superfluous to get acquainted with ready-made samples of home “sofa” creativity.

We note the main features of this type of furniture, so as not to confuse it with an ordinary bed in the future. The main distinguishing feature of the sofa is not a soft bed, but a backrest that you can lean on. The bed does not have this element. Side railings with armrests are another classic element of sofa design.

In modern models, armrests are often abandoned, leaving only the backrest. In some designs, it can be turned on hinges and turned into a mattress.

Photo No. 2 Sofa with a swivel back

Such a system was called "Eurobook". The principle of its operation, as can be seen in photo No. 2, is very simple: a block with a seat on wheels moves forward, and the backrest turns on hinges with a slight movement of the hands and turns into an extra bed. This option can be taken into account by those who decide to make a sofa at home.

No wonder they attract the attention of home furniture makers. These are ready-made solid modules. Of these, it is possible to build an original bed with minimal cost and time. A pallet sofa made in a deliberately rough loft fashion style looks great with a dump truck wheel that doubles as a coffee table.

All you need to assemble this design is a screwdriver and a jigsaw. Having fixed the base pallets in pairs with screws, the sidewalls are attached to them. They are made from the same pallets, cut at the level of "bosses" - thick wooden inserts. This sofa does not have a back. It is replaced by two wide pillows leaning against the wall. A pleasant "softness" of the whole structure is given by two thick foam mattresses.

If you are going to make a simple sofa, try to enlist the help of your spouse. Her sewing machine will save you from having to go to a tailor shop for sewing covers. If your wife does not share your grandiose plans, then buy a construction stapler. With it, you can accurately and quickly complete the upholstery of the frame.

Someone likes wood, and someone cannot live without metal, making everything necessary from it, including a sofa. If your old cast-iron bath has not yet been scrapped, then use the original way to turn it into a comfortable bench. There is no better material than enamelled cast iron for a garden patio.

Such an outdoor sofa is not afraid of either snow or rain, regularly bringing respect to its owner from guests and neighbors.

Modellers-constructors do not only models of old ships, tanks and aircraft. Furniture items often fall into the sphere of their attention (photo No. 6).

Why don't we make such a sofa by increasing its miniature layout to the desired size? The idea of ​​this design is simple and rational: the base is made of a profile pipe, to which thick plywood or OSB board is attached.

After practicing assembly techniques on a smaller copy, it will be easier for you to work with a full-length sofa.

If the farm does not have an old tire, then making an original round sofa is not easy. If rubber "shoes" of the tractor are available, you can cover them with fabric and attach a high back. A stand with legs and soft foam cushions give the structure the perfect look.

How to make a corner sofa yourself?

Without a detailed assembly diagram, it is impossible to start this work. The corner sofa consists of several parts, the manufacture and docking of which requires precision. The best fastening material for a beginner is self-tapping screws. Spike joints of the frame - the level of an experienced carpenter.

So, to assemble a corner sofa, you will need the following materials:

  • wooden block (section 30x50 mm);
  • board (25x80 mm);
  • plywood or chipboard (thickness 12 mm);
  • plywood (thickness 5 mm);
  • foam rubber 10 cm thick;
  • thin foam rubber or batting (for making a lining for the hull skin);
  • PVA glue for attaching a soft lining;
  • upholstery fabric.

To work, you will need the following set of tools:

  • screwdriver;
  • jigsaw and hacksaw with a miter box;
  • construction knife for cutting foam rubber;
  • scissors for cutting furniture fabric;
  • stapler;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • sewing machine.

Before you make a corner sofa yourself, you need to clearly define its layout and once again review all the prepared drawings.

The basis of each block of the corner sofa is a frame made of plywood or chipboard, mounted on a bar frame. If the thickness of the plate is large enough (from 16 mm), you can do without a bar. In this case, the self-tapping screws are screwed directly into the ends of the plates, having drilled guide holes of small diameter in them to prevent splitting of the material.

For the rational use of the internal space in blocks No. 1 and No. 2, removable covers can be made. To support them from the inside along the contour of the frame, it is necessary to fix a bar with a section of 2x3 cm, lowering it below the upper cut of the plates by the thickness of the cover (12 mm). In order for the lid to be easily lifted, two holes are drilled in it for fingers.

By design, blocks No. 1 and No. 2 are the same, but we will make block No. 3 with a drawer-seat that increases the useful area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe sofa. This is the simplest option that does not require the installation of transformation mechanisms (retractable or rotary). Their correct installation and adjustment for beginners is a complex process.

We will have a drawer with a lid made of chipboard or thick plywood. It is not difficult to assemble it, but making comfortable folding legs is a problem. They will interfere when pushing the drawer into the sofa body. Instead, we will increase the height of the front plate of the box. It will play the role of a support platform when unfolding the sofa.

For easy pull-out, two wheels from office chairs can be attached to the back of the front panel of the drawer. The body of the wheel will not rest against the bottom of the sofa if a small cut is made in it in advance.

The lid on unit 3 can be made removable to store bed linen.

The dimensions of the seat cushion must be equal to the dimensions of the drawer area. Pulling out the drawer of our corner sofa, we remove the back cushion and put it in place of the mattress.

Further, our step-by-step instructions contain a description of the assembly of the backs. For all corner sofa blocks, their design is the same: vertical posts connect three boards. The two lower ones serve to fix the back to the sofa, and the upper one provides rigidity and serves as the basis for attaching the skin.

Having assembled the back frame, it must be sheathed with plywood 5 mm thick in front and behind. All sharp corners are processed with sandpaper so that there are no hooks and irregularities when installing upholstery fabric. Batting or thin foam rubber should be glued to all front and side surfaces to make the upholstery softer and more voluminous.

The last stage of manufacturing is the upholstery of the sofa with fabric. It can be bought at a specialized store, having made a preliminary calculation of the area of ​​\u200b\u200bsheathing and not forgetting a margin of 5-10%, necessary for cutting and turning on the frame.

To do this, all the front parts of the body and back must be measured and cut out pieces of material according to the obtained dimensions. They are fastened with a stapler on the invisible ends of the panels. To prevent the fabric from wrinkling at the corners, make cuts on it and pull it tight before shooting the staples.

Cushions for the back and seat of a corner sofa are best made of foam rubber with a thickness of at least 10 cm. The optimal design of covers for them is a removable zipper. When soiled, the covers can be easily removed and sent to the wash. If you have no experience in sewing, then draw a simple pillow sketch and order the tailoring of covers in the atelier.

Everyone knows that upholstered furniture is necessary in every home. But there are people who cannot find a quality option for themselves from the store and decide to start making their own. The most basic step to this work is that you yourself will accurately make a model of the size that your living space allows.

Many people wonder what is a modular sofa? It is not difficult to answer, because this is a standard corner sofa known to all of us in its various representations. It would seem that it would be very difficult to assemble it on your own. But do not despair, even a beginner can cope with the task, the main thing is to have a desire.

It is possible to create an original design

It is worth noting that a self-made sofa immediately eliminates such shortcomings as:

  • wrong size;
  • irregular building forms;
  • inharmonious to the interior color design and decoration.

You can create semi-circular sofas or with an acute angle, it all depends on your imagination. It is important that in the end you get the original model, which will be no worse than the store version, but at the same time it will cost several times cheaper.

Preparation for work

Before you start work and prepare all the necessary material, you need to prepare detailed drawings and diagrams. This stage will help to avoid mistakes in the work, in addition, you can correctly purchase all the necessary materials, avoiding unnecessary costs. Dimensions can be taken on the Internet, but later change them to suit your room.

1 2 3

Then, in the hardware store, you should purchase the following materials for work:

  • plywood bars, chipboard;
  • furniture legs and lifting mechanisms;
  • foam rubber, synthetic winterizer, pillow filler;
  • upholstery for furniture;
  • jigsaw, drill, screwdriver;
  • construction stapler with staples;
  • screws and nails;
  • wood glue and PVA glue.

In order for a do-it-yourself modular sofa to turn out no worse than the store version, you need to cut out beautiful armrests. If you do not have experience in carpentry, then you should order a cutting from a professional who, according to the drawings, will make perfectly even models.

Sofa frame assembly

First you need to assemble the armrests. It would seem that the smallest details, but they require close attention during assembly. Since they should turn out perfectly even and symmetrical, you must clearly follow the instructions. Experts put a special bar between the sides of the armrest, which controls their size. All parts are connected using self-tapping screws and a screwdriver.

Next, you should assemble the frame of the sofa. You need to start with two bars of the same distance and thickness and connect them to each other with longitudinal bars. You need to connect it qualitatively and firmly, so that in the future the sofa does not loosen up and you do not have to repeat the procedure. Next, you should attach to the base of the board on which the back of the product will be held.

Fabrication of the frame Closing the oriented strand board

For additional strengthening, you can use wood glue.

After the actions taken, the resulting structure is upholstered with plywood sheets, forming a uniform box in which personal items or bedding can subsequently be stored. As soon as the frame is ready, immediately screw the legs to the product, otherwise it will be much more difficult to do it later.

Assembly of the rest of the parts

The backrest for the sofa is also assembled separately from the frame, in full accordance with the drawings.

The back is connected almost at the end

The retractable part is assembled, but at the moment it remains aside, since it has not yet been sheathed with material and a soft layer. Everything is fastened to self-tapping screws, and then interconnected in the following order:

  • back to frame;
  • armrests;
  • retractable part.

Sheathing and decoration

How to make a sofa soft and comfortable? This is much easier than assembling the frame and installing each element together. Decorating, as the final stage, brings more positive emotions, as the result actually becomes visible. At the same time, this stage is very important, because the appearance of new hand-made furniture will depend on how carefully you finish the work.

It is better to start with the armrests, since it is they that have to be aligned and given exquisite curves. The foam pads do an excellent job of making the armrests very comfortable and soft. We cover the seat with the same foam rubber. It should be carefully fixed with glue, otherwise she will walk while using the sofa for its intended purpose. When all the soft parts are wrapped with foam rubber, you can start covering the furniture with fabric upholstery.

The original design of the armrests of the sofa

The fabric should be chosen one that can serve you for a long time, without unexpected damage. Also, be sure to consider how often you will need to clean your sofa. If there are small children or animals in the house, you should upholster the furniture with breathable fabric, which makes it easy to get rid of dirt. Well, do not forget about the interior of the room for which the furniture is made. The upholstery must match it in order to create additional comfort.

Sofas that can transform into a full-fledged double bed are gradually replacing standard beds from apartments, especially small ones. After all, they are more compact.

An important factor is a wide selection of finished products that can fit into any interior and decorate it. They have standard sizes and have a high price, so sometimes it becomes necessary to make a non-standard sofa bed with your own hands.

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What is a sofa bed

The sofa bed is a symbiosis of two separate pieces of furniture. When folded, it functions as a comfortable sofa for relaxing. After the transformation, it turns into a comfortable sleeping place, which can easily be used by two people.

The shape of the sofa bed can be angular, straight, round, modular. Thanks to the installation of a folding mechanism in the sofa, the furniture is transformed into a double bed.

Device and dimensions

All sofas come off the assembly line in standard sizes:

  1. allowable length - 120-190 cm;
  2. width - 55-70 cm;
  3. armrest height - 10-40 cm;
  4. back height - 20-70 cm;
  5. seat height - 40-45 cm.

Before you start making a sofa with your own hands, you need to study in detail the device of numerous types of this product, which is directly related to the folding mechanism:

  • The book is represented by metal corner plates that connect the seat, back and armrests. They have been familiar to everyone for many years. The sofa-book unfolds by lowering the back from a vertical position to a horizontal one. It is necessarily equipped with a linen box and requires some space against the wall for transformation. For this reason, the product is placed with a slight indent or pushed back a little before being turned into a bed.
  • Click-clack is a kind of book, but instead of soft upholstery, the base is made up of a metal frame and slats. The mechanism got its name because of the characteristic sound that is heard during unfolding. The advantage of the design is the additional moving armrests that lower and lengthen the bed. When folded, the click-clack takes up much less space than a book. In addition, the backrest can be fixed in the “half-sitting” position.
  • The accordion is transformed by pushing the seat forward, which, in turn, pulls the back folded in half. When folded, such a sofa takes up little space, and after unfolding it triples. The accordion mechanism is durable and reliable. Often manufacturers supplement models with removable covers.

  • Meralat, or French folding bed, is a compact sofa. The sleeper is hidden inside it under a seat attached to one segment. Unfolding occurs by lifting the seat from the backrest and turning it forward, supported by steel legs. Attached to the back of the seat, one segment pulls the rest, and the sofa can increase 3 times. There are models in which the seat is represented by pillows and unfolding occurs after they are removed.
  • Sofas with a berth, which is located under the seat. They are pulled forward by means of a roll-out mechanism. Then the segment rises up, and the backrest lowers to a horizontal position.

When choosing any type of sofa for home production, you must first purchase a transformation mechanism and study the drawings for its installation and use.

How to make a sofa bed

Before proceeding with the production of a piece of furniture with a hidden bed at home, you need to measure the available area for its installation and determine the maximum width of the sofa. Based on the data obtained, a detailed drawing of the product is developed with assembly diagrams of the constituent elements.

To understand how to make a sofa bed, consider the process of making a book.

Based on standard sizes, acquire:

  • boards 190x20 cm long - 2 pcs., 80x20 cm - 2 pcs., 80x50 cm - 2 pcs., 100x50cm - 12 pcs.;
  • timber 5x5 and 6x4 cm;
  • sheet of fiberboard, plywood or chipboard;
  • wooden or metal legs (if provided by the drawing);
  • filler (foam rubber, spring blocks);
  • cloth fabric for upholstery and sheathing of the frame and armrests;
  • mechanism "book";

In addition, you need to prepare a measuring tool, pencil, scissors, screwdriver, electric jigsaw or hand saw, fasteners.

Frame assembly

It is necessary to start manufacturing with the assembly of the linen box. To do this, fold a rectangle of 2 long and 2 short boards. Strengthen the corners of the structure with 4 bars 20x5x5 cm, placing them outside and pushing the short side boards 5 cm inward. Additionally, 2 rails are installed across the box. The bottom of the box is sewn up with a sheet of fiberboard or plywood.

At the same stage, you need to paste over the outer part of the box with synthetic winterizer and upholster it with a cloth. To do this, use a long canvas equal to the perimeter of the entire box, width - 30 cm.

At the next stage, you need to make the back and seat yourself. According to the scheme, they have the same size 189x65 cm. For manufacturing, a 6x4 cm timber is used, in which it is recommended to make grooves for the lamellas in advance with a milling machine. Fastening can be done without grooves, directly on top of the timber.

Seat upholstery

The fabric upholstery of the seat follows the same pattern as the backs. The slats are covered with foam rubber and sheathed with fabric. To form a flat bed after unfolding, the thickness of the filler must be the same in both parts.

In the places of the future location of the transformation mechanism, the fabric is not nailed, but left to hang freely.

Back upholstery

To create the soft part, foam rubber with a thickness of at least 6 cm will be used. The thicker the filler, the softer the upholstery will be. Since lamellas are located in the center of the back, pre-cut foam rubber sheets are glued around the perimeter directly to the timber. In order to avoid problems with the installation of the folding mechanism in the future, pieces of 5x10 cm are immediately cut out in the corners in those places where the back and seat will be connected.

Then a piece of fabric is laid on a flat surface, which exceeds the size of the back by 25-30 cm. A blank is placed on it with foam rubber down. Around the perimeter of the entire product, the fabric is carefully wrapped and slightly stretched to avoid the formation of wrinkles. Fastening is carried out using a construction stapler.

Hinge installation and assembly

The next stage of production is the installation of the “book” mechanism. The back and seat are laid side by side, keeping a gap of 10 mm between them. You can insert something to prevent the parts from shifting towards each other. Then a metal device is applied in the corners. The mechanism is attached to the wooden frame with self-tapping screws.

To install the upper part of the sofa, you must first drill holes in the center of the side walls of the linen box. After placing the back and seat in the right place, you need to connect them with the bolts included in the kit. The holes in the mechanism and the boards must match.


For the manufacture of armrests, a frame is first assembled from a bar. Then, a blank cut from fiberboard or plywood is screwed to it with self-tapping screws. The upper part of the part is softened with felt and foam rubber. A synthetic winterizer is glued over the entire plane and upholstered with a cloth.

When the armrests are completely ready, they are screwed to the bars that were previously installed at the corners of the linen box.

What do you do with old furniture?
