How to make a rocket stove to heat your home. Independent manufacture of a rocket-type furnace Do-it-yourself camp stove drawings dimensions

Among the variety of wood-burning stoves, such a heating device as a homemade rocket stove deserves special attention. It is distinguished by an original design that does not require expensive materials and components in the manufacture. Any person can make such a stove, at least a little bit versed in the drawings and able to work with his hands. Our article should come to the aid of such home craftsmen, where we will talk about the design and principle of operation of the rocket stove. Here, recommendations will be given on its manufacture from various materials.

The principle of operation of the rocket furnace

Although the rocket stove device is quite simple, it successfully uses two whole principles of operation borrowed from other types of solid fuel heaters:

  • the principle of afterburning wood gases released during combustion (pyrolysis);
  • the principle of free flow of gases through the channels (without prompting from the natural draft of the chimney).

Note. In the simplest rocket stoves for cooking, including those of a portable type, only the second principle operates, since favorable conditions are not created for the pyrolysis process to proceed.

First, we will analyze the design of direct-burning rocket stoves, designed only for cooking food. Here, a short horizontal section of the pipe serves as a firebox, which then turns upward. The design is simple to disgrace, as shown in the figure:

Fuel is put into the pipe and ignited, resulting in an upward flow of hot gases, which tends to rise along the vertical section and go outside. Here, at the cut of the pipe, a container for food or water is installed. Of course, a gap is provided between the pan and the pipe for the exit of combustion products. This is achieved through various metal supports.

For reference. The above rocket furnace device is one of the first. It is because of the nozzle turned up with a flame escaping from it that the device was called a rocket.

Since it is impossible to heat the premises with such a unit, the design of the heating rocket furnace was supplemented with a heat exchanger and channels for removing flue gases. To keep a high temperature on the vertical section of the pipe, it is insulated with any refractory material. Further, for intensive heat extraction, the nozzle is covered from above with a cap, for example, an ordinary metal barrel. A separate channel for supplying secondary air is made in the lower part of the horizontal fire tube.

Now the principle of operation of the rocket furnace looks a little different. Firstly, at the end of the horizontal fire channel, pyrolysis gases are afterburned due to the inflow of secondary air. Secondly, the products of combustion, which have a high temperature, accumulate under the top of the cap (barrel), creating some excess pressure. As heat is transferred to the outside through the metal walls, these gases cool down and rush down.

Since the cooling gases are supported from below by a new hot stream, they cannot descend in the same way, but pass through the space between the walls of the pipe and the barrel, safely exiting into the chimney channel. The flow of processes is well reflected in the scheme of the rocket furnace:

So, thanks to pyrolysis, the efficiency of wood burning increases, and the use of free flow of gases creates a self-regulating system that limits the flow of fresh air into the firebox. The air mixture is supplied as the combustion products under the hood cool down, making room for its new portion. The excess pressure of hot gases "pushes" the cooled part out, so the operation of the furnace depends little on the presence of draft in the chimney.

Efficient heat extraction

The gases entering the chimney are still at a high temperature. Just throwing them out is impractical, everyone will understand that the efficiency of such an installation will be too low. Taking advantage of the fact that the rocket stove literally pushes the products of combustion out, the craftsmen came up with 2 ways to extract heat:

  • passing gases through the channels arranged under the bench;
  • installing a water circuit on the furnace.

A rocket furnace with a water circuit is made without a hood, the force of the upward flow of combustion products is used in a multi-pass heat exchanger made of metal. It is not recommended to introduce a coil with water into the gas flow, it will not last long due to too high a temperature. It would be more correct to make a water jacket with metal fins inside the flue, as shown in the diagram:

Another way is to lay out horizontal chimney channels from bricks directly on the floor surface and arrange a chic heated adobe bed on top by connecting a rocket-type stove to it. Here, the correct selection of the length of the channels is important so that there is enough excess pressure to overcome them, otherwise you still have to take care of the organization of natural draft.

Advantages and disadvantages

Homemade long-burning rocket stoves have many admirers, and here are the reasons:

  • simplicity and low cost of installation: in order to build such a thermal device, you do not need to incur high costs for the purchase of expensive materials, fixtures and fittings. Experience in the furnace business is also required minimal;
  • self-regulation and undemanding to the natural draft of the chimney;
  • The efficiency of the furnace-rocket is a variable value and largely depends on the design, the main thing is to take away the thermal energy from the flue gases as much as possible;
  • fuel can be added "on the go".

Despite the attractiveness and simplicity of the unit, heating with a rocket stove has its negative points. It is a mistake to think that you can shove firewood of any quality into the firebox. Wet wood will not give the required temperature in the chamber, the pyrolysis process will not proceed. In the worst case, the smoke from the stove can pour into the room. Also, the “rocket” needs constant supervision, especially in terms of fire safety.

Do-it-yourself rocket stoves are of little use for a bath, because they give off relatively little heat in the infrared range, which is very important for a steam room. The surfaces of the stove that radiate heat are too small and it will not be possible to heat the bath properly.

For reference. A factory-made Robinson metal rocket furnace is often used as a portable heat source. The craftsmen were not at a loss here either and quickly modernized this product, having done the same, only with a grate.

balloon stove

This is one of the simplest options, you can use the drawing below to implement it. A propane tank with a diameter of 300 mm will serve as an excellent cap, and a steel pipe with a size of 150 mm will play the role of a firebox and a hopper. The internal vertical channel is made of a pipe with a diameter of 70 mm, and a chimney - 100 mm.

The design is completely welded, the pipes are cut to the required length, and the upper part of the cylinder is cut off. Then the parts are welded according to the drawings, only the opening between the vertical pipes with a diameter of 70 and 150 mm is filled with loose heat-insulating material. Perlite or vermiculite can act as such, in extreme cases - ordinary sand.

If there is an opportunity and desire to make a more powerful rocket furnace, then a standard 200-liter barrel is used as a cap, then the dimensions of all parts also increase. The working inner pipe is accepted with a diameter of 129 mm (or profile 120 x 120 mm), and the outer one - with a size of 450 mm. It is difficult to pick up a pipe of this diameter, so they usually find another barrel of a smaller capacity and cut off its bottom.

The entire rocket furnace from a gas cylinder assembly is not very heavy, so it is not necessary to arrange a massive foundation for it. When the unit is placed on the floor, legs are welded to it, and if a stove bench is subsequently planned, then the structure will have to be coated with a refractory compound, and then the outer lining should be made. Then basalt cardboard and a sheet of roofing iron are laid on the floor from below.

brick oven

In terms of its design, a brick rocket furnace is not much different from a metal one, but it requires a lot of labor. The difference is that all fire channels of the unit are made of fireclay bricks, and the cap is made from the same barrel.

The entire structure, except for the protruding cap, is recommended to be lowered below the floor level, for which a shallow hole is dug. Its bottom is compacted, and then a small concrete foundation 100 mm thick is poured along the formwork. After it hardens, laying begins, using a solution of refractory clay. After the laying is completed and the mortar has hardened, the pit is filled up, and an iron barrel without a bottom is put on top of the fire channel, the cavity between it and the brick is covered with insulation.

The end of the structure is coated with the same solution, and then the largest barrel is put on top - a cap. A chimney pipe is welded to its lower part, drawings of a rocket furnace are used to clarify all sizes.


For all its advantages, a do-it-yourself rocket stove cannot serve as a full-fledged source of heat for heating the whole house. It makes sense to start such construction when it is necessary to organize the heating of a small cottage or other similar building, especially since the “rocket” is not afraid of periodic work.

Not so long ago, very compact portable Robinson stoves appeared on the market, designed for cooking in field conditions: hunting, fishing, in the country. No matter how much it costs, making it yourself is much cheaper: it will take several pieces of a square-section pipe, a small piece of sheet steel for the blower door, rods for making legs and a grate. Everything is so simple that with a little experience in welding, it can be welded in a couple of hours. In the article, we will publish the available drawings, show several options for finished furnaces with an indication of the dimensions and materials used, and post a video lesson on the principles of their construction. Based on these materials, you can make a Robinson oven with your own hands.

Rocket furnaces are attractive due to their simplicity of design and efficiency. But, behind the seeming simplicity, there is an exact calculation. It is very undesirable to deviate in size: everything will stop working at all or fuel combustion will be extremely inefficient.

General principles

The portable portable oven "Robinson" was made on the basis of a heating rocket stove. The same principle is applied: firewood burns in the bunker-fuel compartment, the fire, due to the air flow, enters the combustion zone - a horizontal section of the pipe and partially rises up the chimney. First, until the furnace is warmed up, all the energy is spent on heating the chimney. Then, when it warms up, gases from high temperatures ignite again, secondary combustion of gases occurs. The modernized ones are arranged according to the same principle.

In the Robinson oven, everything is a little simpler: we do not need to heat the room. Its main task is to heat water and cook food. But the principles remain the same: the fire should heat up the chimney, and its length should be enough to burn the gases. Therefore, for normal performance, adhere to the following proportions:

  • The length of the chimney must be at least 2 lengths of the horizontal (inclined) section.
  • The height of the fuel compartment is approximately equal to the length of the horizontal section. Therefore, in the Robinson furnace, the firebox is made at an angle of 45 °, although the fuel compartment can be located at an angle of 90 °, but it is not very convenient to lay fuel in this way.
  • The cross section of the chimney should not be less than the dimensions of the firebox.

Robinson oven device: drawings and dimensions

In the original, "Robinson" was welded from a profile pipe 150 * 100 mm. Homemade similar stoves are made from a pipe of close diameter. Sometimes the fuel compartment is made from a piece of a profile pipe, and the chimney is made from a round one. At the same time, it is important that the cross section of the chimney is not less than that of the firebox, otherwise reverse draft may occur.

Below we lay out the drawings of the Robinson rocket furnace, indicating the most common sizes: a profile pipe 150 * 150 mm, a firebox 30 cm long, a chimney of at least 60 cm. In general, with this size of the firebox, it can be up to 90 cm, but keeping in mind that this is still a hiking option, we indicate the minimum possible length.

A drawing of a Robinson rocket furnace for making do-it-yourself drawings

The legs are made of threaded rod, installed in place and tightened with nuts. This option is the most compact, but unscrewing / screwing the legs to the smoked iron is not the best thing to do. Alternative support options: steel sheet welded to the bottom or stationary legs. They do not need to be screwed, but they take up more space in the trunk.

In the case of the original Robinson oven, it does not have a combustion air duct and there is no combustion control cover. In home-made ones, there is improvement: a plate is welded in the lower part of the fuel compartment, ending with a grate. Fuel is placed on this plate. The slot at the bottom allows oxygen to be supplied directly to the combustion zone. To regulate the intensity of combustion, a damper cover is welded to the fuel compartment. In size, it is slightly wider than the fuel compartment (156.4 mm in the drawing with a firebox width of 140 mm). It should not completely cover it - otherwise the fire will die out. They make it smaller in size than the firebox or build in a slide gate.

Do-it-yourself Robinson oven: two photos and three video options

Craftsmen make small camping rocket furnaces from different pieces of metal. In the photo below you see what happened - a finished Robinson oven, made by craftsmen from Penza with their own hands. Three small sections of a profile pipe 160 * 160 mm were used, from which the furnace compartment was welded. Its total length turned out to be 40 cm. A single piece of pipe 120 * 120 mm 60 cm long was used for the chimney. In the furnace, the ash pan is welded from 8 mm sheet metal and 12 mm steel bar. Instead of legs, a metal plate is welded: thickness 8 mm, dimensions 180*350 mm.

This is the finished Robinson oven and what the master welded it from (To increase the size of the picture, click on it with the left mouse button)

According to the author: a melted stove burns well, does not smoke or act up. Only before loading with "serious" fuel: branches and chips, it needs to be heated with paper, hay, dry grass or very thin branches. When the pipe warms up, you can lay more “thick firewood”.

Difficulties with kindling a cold furnace are generally characteristic of rocket furnaces. In this case, we also have a narrowed chimney, which makes kindling more problematic.

The second version of a home-made rocket-type camp stove is made of two profile pipes: 160 * 160 mm 30 cm long for the furnace and 120 * 120 mm 60 cm long for the chimney (it is better to take no smaller section - the draft will be better). 5 mm steel was used for the ash pan, door and stand. The ash pan is cut to half the length of the firebox, reinforcing bars of 12 mm in diameter are welded to the plate. The lid does not reach the ash pan plate by about 2 cm; a large diameter nut is used instead of a handle. Base plate dimensions 20*30 cm.

Do-it-yourself Robinson oven materials and manufacturing process (To increase the size of the picture, click on it with the left mouse button)

To make it convenient to put the dishes and so that the smoke has somewhere to go, balls from the CV joint are welded at the corners of the pipe. This option turned out to be more convenient than the one proposed in the original (three rings welded together) - you can put dishes with a round bottom on such a stove - a cauldron, for example. Hunters and fishermen most often have this utensil, and not pans with a flat bottom. The kettle also becomes excellent: three liters of water in it boils in 20 minutes. The heat is sufficient for frying meat and other cooking tasks.

Portable oven Robinson: testing in the garage and on a three-day hunt (To increase the size of the picture, click on it with the left mouse button)

This video is about two rocket stoves: the already familiar home-made Robinson and a mini-stove made from cans of different diameters. This mini-stove works on the same principle, but the dimensions are more than compact.

And this video story is for those who want to make a heating and cooking rocket stove. It was also made according to the type of Robinson furnace, but with a heat-insulated casing.

The jet stove or rocket stove came about as a result of a departure from the tradition of building space heating equipment. It is considered an economical heat generator, the design of which is elementary. Therefore, many are thinking about building a jet furnace with their own hands.

Description, advantages and disadvantages of the rocket oven

A heat generator for heating the air in a room is called a rocket stove or a jet stove, because during operation, in case of excessive air intake, it makes special sounds. This noise can be mistaken for the roar of a jet engine. In normal mode, the equipment operates with a barely audible rustling sound.

The rocket stove serves as a home heating and cooking device. It takes about 6 hours to burn one batch of firewood in such equipment, more than in a standard metal stove. The reason for this is the creation of a heat generator based on a furnace with upper combustion.

The flame from the jet furnace can escape

The advantages of the rocket oven include:

  • independence from fuel energy;
  • simplicity of design, consisting of affordable parts, connected in a matter of minutes;
  • the ability to produce a lot of heat, despite the quality of the loaded fuel.

The jet furnace also has some disadvantages:

  • manual control, which implies constant monitoring of equipment operation;
  • danger of getting burned, because the walls of the equipment become extremely hot;
  • inexpediency of use in the bath, because it will not be possible to warm it up.


A unit that emits a rocket hum during operation happens:

  • portable (unit of metal pipes, buckets or gas cylinder);

    Portable rocket furnaces are mass-produced by the industry

  • stationary (created from fireclay bricks and metal containers);

    Such a unit is more difficult to build than a metal furnace.

  • equipment for heating air with a bench.

    The bench is equipped behind the rear wall of the oven

Portable structures are made in large batches, because they are used for hiking. The basis of these heat generators is a pipe made up of several segments. True, such structures, unlike units based on fireclay bricks, are not reliable. The walls of refractory blocks increase the heat transfer of the jet furnace. If desired, you can add a couch in the form of a sofa or bed, decorated with clay or sawdust.

Details and operation of a jet heat generator

An elementary rocket furnace is a device of two pipe fragments connected by a branch at an angle of 90 degrees. The combustion chamber in this heat generator is usually a zone in the horizontal part of the structure. But sometimes the fuel is placed in the vertical section of the apparatus, for which the rocket furnace is constructed from two pipes of different lengths, mounted vertically and connected by a common horizontal channel.

Primary and secondary air passes through the furnace

The functioning of the jet furnace is based on two actions: the unhindered passage of wood gases through the pipe and the afterburning of gases produced during the combustion of fuel. Wood chips and firewood are placed in the furnace of this heat generator after a highly flammable material like paper has ignited there. A container with water or other contents is placed on the open section of the pipe. At the same time, a small space is left between the structure and the installed tank, which is necessary to create traction.

The processes occurring inside a stationary jet furnace resemble the operation of pyrolysis heating units.

Calculation of parameters (tables)

The volume of the furnace should be determined with skill, because it is he who affects the power and amount of heat generated by heating equipment. When calculating the dimensions of reactive heating equipment, an indicator of the inner diameter of the drum D is used, the value of which can vary within 300–600 mm. You also need to know the cross-sectional area of ​​the drum. To determine this indicator of a rocket furnace, use the formula: S = 3.14 * D ^ 2 / 4.

The main dimensions of the jet furnace are presented in the table:

Parameter Meaning
Drum height H1.5D to 2D
The height of the heat-insulating coating of the drum2/3H
The thickness of the heat-insulating coating of the drum1/3D
Cross-sectional area of ​​the primary chimneyFrom 0.045S to 0.065S (optimally - from 0.05S to 0.06S). The higher the primary chimney, the better.
Minimum clearance between the top edge of the primary chimney and the drum cover70 mm. With a smaller value, the aerodynamic resistance of the gap for the gases passing through it will be excessively large.
Flame tube length and areaLength and area of ​​the primary chimney
Sectional area of ​​the blowerHalf of the cross-sectional area of ​​the primary chimney
Cross-sectional area of ​​the external chimney1.5S to 2S
The thickness of the adobe pillow under the flue with a stove bench50–70 mm (if there are wooden boards under the bed - from 25 to 35 mm)
The height of the coating above the flue with a stove bench150 mm. It is not recommended to reduce, otherwise the oven will accumulate less heat.
Height of the external chimneyat least 4 m

Particular importance is attached to the length of the flue with a stove bench. The maximum allowable indicators are shown in the table:

The volume of the secondary ash chamber is also an important indicator, depending on the volume of the drum and the primary chimney.

D (diameter) Volume
300 mm0.1x (Vk - Vpd)Where Vk is the volume of the drum,
Vpd - the volume of the primary chimney.
600 mm0.05x(Vk - Vpd)

Building materials for the construction of a non-standard furnace

The production of jet heating equipment will require the presence of:

  • barrels with a volume of 200 liters and a diameter of 0.6 meters, an empty liquefied gas cylinder or tin buckets to build a furnace drum;
  • square or round steel pipes 2-3 mm thick, which are needed to create a blower, a combustion chamber and a primary chimney;
  • fireclay crushed stone and furnace clay as heat-insulating materials;
  • adobe, which serves as an outer coating layer;
  • fireclay bricks;
  • sand from the bottom of the river;
  • pieces of sheets of zinc-coated steel or aluminum for the manufacture of covers and doors;
  • asbestos or basalt cardboard, which performs the tasks of a sealant.

Of the tools for the construction of a rocket furnace, you will need a welding machine. And if you plan to make heating equipment out of bricks, you will have to take:

  • Master OK;
  • mortar blade;
  • pick hammer;
  • stitching;
  • an acute-angled sledgehammer;
  • level;
  • plumb;
  • roulette.

Preparing for the assembly of heating equipment

When choosing a place for a rocket furnace, they are guided by some rules:

  • reactive heating equipment is placed only in a room with an area of ​​at least 16 m²;
  • without floorboards under the oven, equipment installation will be easier;
  • above the structure that gives heat, it is forbidden to place wooden beams;
  • if it is understood that the chimney will go through the ceilings, then the heating equipment is placed in the middle of the house;
  • the heat generator cannot be installed near the outer contour of the house, otherwise the room will lose heated air;
  • the jet device must not be placed near the walls and partitions of their wooden materials.

To make it convenient to put fuel in jet heating equipment, it is more reasonable to put it with the front side opposite the entrance. It is important to leave at least a meter of unoccupied space around the rocket stove.

In a small house, builders are advised to allocate a place in the corner for the stove. In this case, the firebox should be directed in one direction, and the stove bench (if it is made) in the other.

The stove stands on a special platform that protects the floor from high temperatures.

Having found a suitable site for a rocket furnace, they begin to prepare it for construction work. If boards are laid on the floor in the house, then in the place where the equipment will be installed, they will need to be removed. A hole is dug under the open floor, the bottom of which must be pressed.

Before construction work, a special mortar should be mixed. It consists of sand and clay combined in a ratio of 1:1. Water will be needed so much that the building materials acquire the consistency of sour cream, that is, ¼ of the amount of dry ingredients.

Do-it-yourself step-by-step instructions for making

If it is planned to make a rocket furnace from a gas cylinder, then you can not be afraid of difficulties. The steps to create equipment from such building materials are quite simple:

  1. from a cylinder with a volume of 50 liters, the upper part is cut off in order to build a kind of cap;

    The balloon is cut at the top and bottom

  2. focusing on the instructions in the drawing, all parts of the product are welded to each other, that is, a gas cylinder, a pipe with a diameter of 10 cm (future chimney), a pipe with a diameter of 7 cm (internal channel) and another pipe with a diameter of 15 cm (firebox);

    Dimensions are in mm

  3. the space between the two pipes is filled with a material that retains heat, for example, sand, which has been carefully calcined, that is, cleaned of organic substances;
  4. legs are welded to give stability to the structure.

To build a rocket stove with a stove bench, which involves the use of bricks, you need to act differently:

  1. The area for arranging the firebox is deepened by removing 10 cm of soil. The combustion chamber is formed from fireclay bricks. A formwork is created along the contour of the manufactured structure. To make the base strong, it is recommended to lay a reinforcing mesh or metal bars in it;

    The platform will harden in about two days

  2. The structure is poured with liquid concrete. Then they wait for the solution to harden, and finish the job. Bricks are laid in a continuous line, creating a platform for the furnace. After that, the walls of the structure are formed, exposing several rows of brick blocks;
  3. They equip the lower channel of the structure, while one line of bricks is laid across to block the combustion chamber. The blocks are placed, leaving the vertical channel and the opening of the firebox open;

    Two sectors of the furnace at this stage of construction must be open

  4. They find a body from an old boiler and cut off the top and bottom covers on it. At the bottom of the resulting pipe, a flange is installed through which a horizontal heat exchanger will pass. Parts need to be connected to each other with a continuous weld;

    Work requires diligence

  5. An outlet pipe is inserted into the barrel, after which they take a brush for metal and scrape rust from the walls of the container. The cleaned barrel is treated with a primer, and a little later - with paint that is resistant to high temperatures;
  6. The horizontal chimney is connected by welding to the side outlet - the future ash pan. To facilitate its cleaning, a sealed flange is mounted;
  7. Spread the flame tube of refractory bricks. At the same time, a channel with a height and width of 18 cm is formed inside the structure. While doing this, they constantly use the building level, which allows you to control the verticality of the product;

    The height of the pipe is predetermined

  8. The flame tube is covered with a protective casing, and the resulting gaps are clogged with perlite. The lower area of ​​the vertical channel is sealed with wet clay, the function of which is to prevent the heat-insulating material from spilling onto the floor;
  9. From the boiler, on which the top and bottom were cut off, a fuel tank is formed. A handle must be welded to it;
  10. To improve the appearance, the structure is treated with adobe putty, consisting of sawdust and raw clay. The first component of the composition serves in the same way as crushed stone in concrete, that is, it prevents cracking of the furnace walls. It is recommended to apply adobe putty on top of perlite backfill;
  11. They create the facade of the furnace, for which the furnace circuit is laid out of stone, bricks, adobe and sand. The wrong side of the structure is filled with crushed stone, and the front side is filled with adobe mixture, which makes the surface perfectly even;
  12. A casing made of a metal barrel is placed on the previously created base. The lower branch pipe of the tank is directed towards the bench. The bottom of the structure is treated with raw clay, which will ensure its tightness;
  13. A channel from a corrugated pipe is brought to the combustion chamber. It will serve as a link between the firebox and the atmosphere from the outside;

    At this stage, the oven looks almost finished.

  14. A test kindling of the furnace is carried out, looking at how the gases are removed from the horizontal chimney. After that, the heat exchanger pipes are connected to the lower branch pipe installed on the red brick platform;
  15. The furnace is supplemented with a pipe for removing smoke. The junction of the chimney and the heat generator is sealed with refractory coating and asbestos cord;
  16. Using clay and adobe, the couch is given the desired shape. Only the horizontal section of the structure is left unsealed, which will then be used during cooking.

    The furnace functions as a whole system

Design improvement

A stove bench with a flue inside is not the only option for upgrading a rocket furnace. The design can be improved with a water jacket connected to a heating system in which water circulates. It is desirable to give this part of the structure the appearance of a coil, created from a copper pipe, twisting on the chimney.

This design provides even more warmth.

Another way to improve the reactive furnace is associated with the organization of the flow of heated secondary air into the flame tube. This will increase the efficiency of the heat generator, but will lead to the deposition of a large amount of soot in the primary chimney. Therefore, it is better to make sure that the drum cover can be dismantled if necessary.

The subtleties of operating an unconventional furnace

The rocket furnace is heated by analogy with the upper combustion heat generator. It turns out that the kindling of equipment called a rocket must be carried out according to certain rules:

  • the main raw material for the furnace of the unit must be laid only after the structure has warmed up well, for which, first, sawdust or paper is placed and set on fire in the blowing sector;
  • they necessarily react to the muffling of the hum coming from the furnace - they put a large batch of fuel into the combustion chamber, which will ignite on its own from the red-hot residues of sawdust;
  • the process is closely monitored, that is, after laying firewood, the damper is fully opened, and after a while, when the equipment makes a hum, it is covered to produce a sound similar to rustling;
  • as necessary, the damper is covered more and more, otherwise the furnace will become filled with an excess volume of air, which will disrupt the pyrolysis inside the flame tube and lead to the creation of a strong hum.

Since the reaction furnace was originally designed for use in the field, its design is extremely simple. This allows you to cope with the manufacture of the unit by an ordinary home master. But, despite the apparent lightness, the rocket stove is supposed to be assembled, taking into account the correct ratio of parameters. Otherwise, the equipment will be unproductive.

A rocket or jet stove is a heating and cooking device that uses wood products as fuel. The popularity of such equipment is due to several factors. One of the most important is the ease of manufacture and low investment. In addition, the rocket stove is in demand because of its optimal technical characteristics, but we will talk about this a little later.

Several interesting features

The jet furnace appeared a long time ago. During this time, a huge number of myths have developed about such equipment. The most interesting thing is that the same operating principle is used in the rocket furnace as in the MIG-25 aircraft. Someone even said that such heating equipment works on the reverse, but this is not at all the case.

All these myths and inventions are connected, rather, with the name than with the principle of operation of the device. But rocket-type stoves were only so named because they make a hissing sound, similar to that of a rocket in flight, when fired incorrectly. If the stove has been folded correctly, then it will work quietly, with a slight rustle. It can be done quickly, but not always as easy as we would like. That is why, before proceeding with the assembly, it is necessary to learn in more detail the principle of operation, characteristics, consider a couple of diagrams and drawings.

Long burning rocket stove

The main requirement put forward for jet furnaces, and for any other long-burning devices, is high heat transfer. Moreover, it is desirable that it be possible to load fuel without stopping the combustion process. If such heating equipment burns for 6-7 hours without "refueling", then it can be safely called fit.

In general, any rocket is based on the afterburning of pyrolysis gases. As you know, pyrolysis is the process of decomposition of solid fuel into volatile gases, occurring under conditions of insufficient oxygen in the furnace, which slows down the combustion process and causes the fuel to smolder. All this allows a relatively small amount of wood fuel to heat the room for a long time.

Operating principle

Almost all furnaces of this type are vertically loaded. The fuel that gets into the furnace burns out, and gradually settles to the bottom. The main part of oxygen enters through the blower, due to which an excess of air is achieved, which should be enough for afterburning. But it is recommended to limit its amount, since cold streams can cool the heated mixture.

If the loading is vertical, then the main regulator is the flame, which displaces air. Usually, to maintain the pyrolysis process, that is, to maintain the temperature at the proper level, there is a flame tube. The longer it is, the better the traction. But along the entire length of the pipe, we have a significant temperature difference.

Quite an important point is the heat transfer after the firebox. For more efficient heat release, a small amount of it (within 5-10%) is removed outside. So the room heats up faster, and it becomes possible to reduce the heat loss of the riser (battery). Almost all do-it-yourself rocket furnaces are made in such a way that the riser is covered with a thin layer of metal, which will retain heat. We continue to consider the device.

Do-it-yourself rocket stove: drawings

In order for the heating equipment to work as efficiently as possible, it is necessary to be guided by the drawings during assembly. You can find them in this article and use them when assembling.

Let's talk about how to create It is needed for heating and cooking in the warm season. Heats up to 400 degrees Celsius. In this case, the oven must be portable. The firebox can be made open. The main structural difference from the classic jet furnace is that the furnace is made with a combined blower. As a result, the volumes of incoming secondary air are reduced, therefore, oxygen cannot cool the pyrolysis gas.

The hole made in the lid of the hopper allows you to adjust the temperature, although not very accurately, but it is quite enough for cooking. Now let's take a closer look at the assembly process.

First assembly step

To begin with, we need a regular canal elbow in good condition. Its dimensions may vary. It all depends on how big the oven you want to get. Two pipes (usually 150 mm in diameter) are welded at an angle of no more than 90 degrees. As a result, we get a firebox with a pipe. It must be remembered that the short section of the pipe must be horizontal, and the long one - vertical. Accordingly, the flame from the horizontal nozzle will be drawn into the vertical channel.

The most primitive way from the point of view of labor intensity to organize the supply of secondary air is that a sheet of metal is attached to the brackets in the furnace. It turns out that the hearth will be separated from the chimney. The passing air will move to the corner of the knee, which is what was required to be achieved. Please note that a do-it-yourself rocket stove (see drawings in this article) made must have legs. It is desirable to weld them. On the vertical part of the pipe, you can put a grate to cook.

The second stage: the manufacture of a rocket potbelly stove

As a basis, we take the construction obtained a little earlier. An additional element must be added to it, resulting in a kind of potbelly stove. We need to make a horizontal channel. The rectangular section of the channel is more preferable, as it improves the operational properties of the unit. As for the duct, it can be made horizontal. The most important thing is that air flows through it. The most expedient solution is to install a plate with ribs along the bottom wall.

As for the chimney, it is connected to the knee. The material used is a steel pipe of suitable diameter. Often such a furnace is assembled from what is at hand. But the most important requirement is to organize a high-quality furnace and outlet. In this case, it is undesirable to use too thin metal, on which the corrosion process will be noticeable.

Furnace with vertical heat exchanger

The idea itself is quite simple to implement. It consists in the fact that a thick-walled steel heat exchanger is mounted on the path of hot streams. In this case, the construction described above is used, and an additional element is added to it. But here it is desirable to slightly increase the furnace in size and change the vertical pipe to a container for dry heat exchange. It can be an empty gas cylinder, which is ideal. True, you will have to make the chimney channel coaxially with the horizontal pipe (firebox).

The firebox can be made in various designs. The most popular are the pipe, the box and the furnace body. If the furnace is not too small, it can act as a primary heat exchanger. Therefore, if you want to achieve a long burning, say, such that the Apostle's rocket furnace has, then the fuel compartment must be expanded. Usually it is made high, about 50-60 cm. Consequently, vertically loaded logs light up from below and completely burn out under their own weight.

Mounting the injector

At the stage of afterburning the fuel, for a better process, a separate channel for supplying oxygen is installed. For these purposes, it is desirable to use a steel pipe having a diameter of not more than 18 mm and curved. One end of the pipe must be plugged, about five or six holes of small diameter must be drilled in it. This side runs through the entire system. In this case, the end with drilled holes should reach the flame. The free side is diverted to the environment, where there will be access to air. Heating the metal leads to the appearance of thrust in the tube, and oxygen is supplied for afterburning. In principle, Gabriel Apostol's rocket furnace of this type is very efficient and has a high heat dissipation.

Useful addition

If you have a desire, then at the final stage you can organize a turbocharging. To do this, you need to connect an air pump to the injector. An old vacuum cleaner or a powerful compressor will do. At the same time, pay attention to the fact that the injector has a good throughput.

The system works as follows. After turning on the pump, excess pressure is created in it. In proportion to the increase in power, traction increases. Gradually the temperature of the heat exchanger will increase. This is similar to the bellows that have been used since ancient times. Such rocket wood and other low-grade fuel will work very efficiently. Investments are practically not required, since equipment can be assembled from improvised means and materials.

A rocket stove is a type of wood-fired cooking stove. Stationary models of furnaces are also used for heating.

She got her name from the hum that is heard at the beginning of the fire. With the right mode of combustion, it subsides. The shape of the structure also resembles a rocket - vertical cylinder. The oven is also called a reactive oven.

A similar principle has been used in Korea and China to heat houses in winter. Travelers in the old days noted that much less firewood is spent in this case than in a traditional Russian village.

Jet furnaces, product drawings

Rocket stoves are divided into portable and stationary. The first devices are smaller and have a simpler design. She reminds upside down "G". Fuel is placed in the lower crossbar. Due to the vertical shape of the main body, natural traction is created.

Photo 1. Drawing and finished version of a metal rocket furnace with dimensions, left and top view.

As the temperature rises, the device works more efficiently. Its power is enough to quickly heat water for cooking for several people. To prevent the firewood from burning out too quickly, you need to adjust the draft in the stove. To do this, cover or completely close the fuel door.

Portable jet furnaces mass-produced. Most popular models "Robinson" and "Flint". Due to the simplicity of the design, they can be made independently.

Stationary devices are somewhat more complicated. In the cap, the air channels are made in such a way that the heated air first rises. Transferring heat to the inner walls, it gradually sinks down. Then it passes into the chimney located at the bottom.

Photo 2. Drawing of a rocket furnace made of bricks and a metal barrel. The arrows show parts of the device.

This oven is quite economical to use, since it burns not only firewood, but also pyrolysis gases. The chimney channel of the furnace is sometimes not taken out of the room immediately, but is carried out inside a stove bench made of brick and / or clay. Such a couch heats the room to a comfortable temperature. The structure itself is made from large diameter pipes, barrels or bricks.

Important! The device needs in preheating before the firebox. First, paper, newspaper, or something else quickly flammable is lit. And only firewood is placed in a warmed-up firebox.

Brick long-burning rocket stove

Since brick accumulates heat, such devices are well suited for space heating. Taking into account the duration of burning, one bookmark of fuel is enough for 6-8 hours to maintain a comfortable temperature.

Sometimes the oven is made entirely of brick. Only fittings (doors) will need steel or cast iron. In other cases, the outer part of the furnace hood is made from a barrel or a wide pipe.

Attention! brick oven requires a separate foundation, not related to the one being built for the building itself. It is advisable to plan its location before construction begins.

Device from a pipe with a water circuit, diagram

The design of the furnace is welded from iron pipes of different diameters.

If it is supposed to heat a small room, the furnace cap can be made from waste gas bottle.

In a house of a more impressive size, suitable for these purposes iron barrel.

If a water circuit is installed on the chimney of the furnace, then a long-burning boiler can be obtained, which will heat the room well.

The water circuit is usually made from gas cylinders.


This is a simple and reliable camp stove. She is quite capable quickly (in 10 minutes) boil a liter water. In this case, you do not need to lay firewood.

The design was developed in the last century, but due to its advantages it is still used today. "Robinson" is mass-produced, but it is easy to assemble it yourself.

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This oven is similar to the previous version. But the combustion chamber in it shorter and more obtuse in relation to the chimney. Such a stove resembles an inverted letter "G" in shape.

How to make a rocket stove with your own hands

He has several stages- selection of a suitable design; selection of materials and tools; directly manufacturing.

Project selection

When choosing the right project, consider the following factors:

  1. The purpose of the stove is whether only cooking is required or also heating the room.
  2. Available materials.
  3. Approximate power. It depends on it how many servings of food or how much space the device is enough for.


For a brick structure you will need:

  • fireclay (refractory) brick;
  • refractory mix for masonry;
  • concrete mortar (for the base);
  • mineral wool;
  • asbestos;
  • a whole barrel or an empty gas cylinder for a cap (optional);
  • oven doors - combustion chamber and ash pan;
  • if the cap is brick - a thick sheet of stainless steel according to the size of its section.

To finish the furnace are used:

  • refractory paint;
  • clay;
  • stones;
  • etc.

For metal, take:

  1. Round metal pipe diameter about 150 mm and length no more than 90 mm(better about 60 mm).
  2. Profiled (rectangular) pipe with a cross section of 100-120 mm and length about a third round.
  3. Instead of a rectangular pipe, you can take a sheet of steel with a thickness 3 mm.
  4. 3 nuts.
  5. Steel bars, plates or long bolts for legs.

Reference. For better traction, take a profiled pipe with a side no larger than the round diameter.

Instrument preparation

Suitable for manufacturing:

  • Master OK;
  • level;
  • welding machine;
  • bayonet shovel;
  • metal brush;
  • level;
  • Bulgarian.

Manufacturing, dimensions of devices

There are many variations on this theme. Consider manufacturing two fundamentally different types of jet stove. This is a brick stove with a bench, which is used indoors, and a camp stove, assembled from metal. If necessary, changes are made, combinations of methods are possible (for example, a heating and cooking device, but made of pipes covered with clay or stones).

How to make a brick oven with a bench

First step- foundation arrangement. Under it, a rectangular recess is dug, which is then filled with concrete.

For strength, it is better to pre-install reinforcement. The base must be strictly horizontal.

After the concrete mortar has cured bricklaying begins. External walls are located along the perimeter of the concrete pad. The combustion chamber is formed. On one side of it is a combustion chamber with a hole for loading firewood. On the other hand, there are air ducts.

Important! Each row of bricks is also checked by a level. This is done in both planes - horizontal and vertical.

Also in the combustion chamber leave a hole for ash cleaning which is closed by a door. When this chamber is ready, a metal barrel is put on it. The gaps are filled with insulation, for example, mineral wool.

If the barrel is not used, it is installed on top stove for cooking. Asbestos insulation is placed under it.

Chimney connected to the air duct and is displayed on the street.

Then finished the device is decorated. For example, it is coated with clay and covered with paint. Another option is to leave the brickwork.

Jet stove for hiking

It consists of two compartments connected to each other. To assemble it, first cut the pipes at an angle in 45°. If a metal sheet was taken instead of the second pipe, cut it into the following parts:

  • two with sides 300 mm and 150 mm;
  • two - 300 mm and 100 mm;
  • and one 150 and 100 mm.

Photo 3. Ready jet stove for hiking. The device is made of metal pipes.

Then weld them together. You will also need another plate to separate the fuel compartment, its dimensions 200 mm and 100 mm.

All pieces are welded together. in accordance with the diagram. A round pipe is fixed at the bottom of the rectangular and in the middle relative to the sides.

Welded from rebar scraps grate. It is convenient to make it retractable to lay firewood and then push it inside the firebox.

Sawed off from the pipe 4 rings. They are attached from above so that the dishes do not block the draft hole.

In collapsible version legs are installed. Nuts are welded from below, into which long bolts are then screwed. There is another way. Rods or scraps of steel sheet are welded to the bottom. It is less convenient to transport, but there is no need for assembly.

When the structure is ready it needs to be painted. Only refractory paint is used. This will protect against corrosion, as well as cover traces of soldering.

Possible difficulties

When laying bricks, it is not easy to accurately calculate the size of the holes for the furnace and ash doors. That's why you can lay out a row with a door without mortar, "dry", and figure out how best to position it. And then lay out the bricks, fastening with mortar.

When making a furnace from pipes, it is difficult to calculate the place of their connection. Therefore, first a round fragment is sawn off and attached to a rectangular one in the right place. Around draw a line with a marker on which the cut is made. If the fuel part is assembled from separate plates, it will be more convenient to cut a hole before welding them between themselves.

Useful video

Watch a video that demonstrates the process of kindling a camping rocket stove, describes the characteristics of the device.

Pros of using a rocket oven

Jet furnaces quite economical to use. But for ultra-efficient operation, it is important that the fuel is dry, otherwise the secondary combustion of gases does not occur.

Rocket oven not suitable for installation in the bath. The fact is that for the desired effect, it is required that the walls of the room first heat up. And in the mode created by this furnace, it is the air that heats up.

As a heating device in a house for permanent residence, such a device is not always convenient.
