How to make wiring in a wooden bath. Wiring in the bath: requirements, diagram, features and methods of cable installation

Electrical wiring in the bath is carried out according to special rules - in accordance with the requirements of the PUE, which are specially designed for wet rooms, like a bath. The main rules are as follows: all fittings are located in the dressing room or rest room, there are no sockets in the washing room and steam room, and the shades for the lamps are placed completely sealed - special for high humidity.

A modern bath is not only a couple of lamps, but a much more functional and complex system. Which, of course, requires high-quality power supply. Those. in addition to standard lighting in the steam room today they are already equipping:

  • Electric heater;
  • Warm electric floor;
  • Electrical temperature and humidity meters;
  • Infrared heaters;
  • Electric kettle and hair dryer;
  • Mini fridge for beer;
  • Plasma TV;
  • SPA equipment;
  • Internal lighting in the pool;
  • Water heater;
  • Washing machine;
  • Pumping station;
  • Heat gun for drying all rooms.

What is the danger of improper wiring in the bath? The fact is that steam is an excellent conductor of electricity. Therefore, sockets can only be installed in those rooms that are well protected from moisture - only there condensate will not penetrate into the socket and its conductive part. But plug sockets for a steam room are generally taboo.

The ideal option is to initially invite an intelligent, trusted specialist who will carry out all the calculations and install all the equipment himself. If this is not possible, you can figure everything out yourself, but it is important to fully study all the nuances. And then invite a specialist at least for a control screening, for which he will not charge much. The specialist needs to be given an approximate plan for placing bath sockets, switches and lamps - and what devices will be placed where. And pre-subtract the planned total capacity of all equipment that will be - so the electrician will determine the required cross-section for cables.

So, how to conduct electrical wiring in a bath - from theory to practice.

General provisions for proper electrification

So, how to make electrical wiring in the bath? Here's how: electricity is supplied to it from the main switchboard through a separate power line - and the bath has a separate protective ground loop. Moreover, they conduct wiring in the bath in those places where it will be least noticeable - but at a distance of at least one and a half meters from batteries and pipes. And not in the corners or opposite doors and passages. And there are a few rules here:

  • The supply voltage must be carried out through the RCD and AB, as well as a step-down transformer for lighting the steam room and washing.
  • The best cable with which electrical wiring can be carried out in baths is, according to experienced bath attendants, a VVGngLS 3x2.5 brand cable. It is copper, in a special sheath that does not spread combustion.

  • The shield, general switch and junction boxes must be installed in the dressing room.
  • To run the wires through the walls in the bath, you need to drill holes right in the center of the log and insert a ½ inch steel pipe there. The wiring itself in the bath can be done in a metal, corrugated flexible and special plastic pipe. This will not light up even in the event of a fire in the wiring itself - it will only melt.
  • If we are talking about a wooden bath, then all wiring should be exclusively open - but preferably, not along the baseboards, but through the attic. The connection of wires needs to be made terminal - and nothing else. And in no case should they be twisted - all cables must be only solid. But it should definitely be avoided when arranging electrical wiring in the bath, so this is a rubber and vinyl sheath of wires. Corrugated wire brand H07RN-F is well suited for a bath.

Wiring diagram in the bath: the main thing is safety!

By the way, the fact that all devices and the shield should be located only in a room ideally protected from moisture is dictated not only by fire safety - in conditions of high humidity, all this quickly fails due to corrosion. And even plastic products - after all, they still have metal parts inside. But as for the modern shower cabin, which is equipped with built-in water heating, you should not worry. Due to the fact that the manufacturer initially takes care of protection, it can also be installed in the washing room.

As for the lamps, their body should be metal, and the ceiling should be made of glass. It is advisable to install them only on the walls, because. all the heat goes under the ceiling, and the temperature there is not low.

So, the transformer to which the supply voltage must be supplied must be rated for 220 volts and installed in a completely dry place. Only 12 volts can be passed through the wall to the steam room and washing room - and there cannot be any sockets there. Although officially allowed by the requirements of the PUE (for dangerous rooms, like a bathhouse) in the steam room and a voltage of 42 volts - when 36 volt light bulbs are installed.

If it is planned to have a washing machine in the bath, then it will definitely need to be installed only in a dry room - as well as making an outlet for it there. A separate wire should be made into the heating tank - this is important.

Around the bath itself, it is highly desirable to lay a ground loop, and in the shield - to install a differential machine or an RCD with a leakage of no more than 30 mA. If for some reason all this cannot be done in your steam room, then the T-220/12 must be installed in the dressing room panel.

Both the RCD and the machines should end up in a waterproof box.

If you need to install sensors to the heater, then only low-voltage ones, at a distance of 1 meter from the floor - and on the wall farthest from the heater. The control panel for them must be fixed unambiguously outside the steam room. The electric heater itself, by the way, is always installed without sockets - with a direct cable to the shield that hangs outside the steam room.

Wires in the steam room and analysis of the main mistakes

And now about the most subtle - the most complex electrical wiring in the bath, namely, in the steam room. The most important rule is that it should not be closer than 0.8 m from the chimney and the heater.

In the shower and steam room, you need to install fixtures with a degree of protection of IP44 and higher. And the safest option is 12-volt halogen bulbs. But for a steam room and a furnace, it is better to take a particularly heat-resistant wire that can withstand heating up to 180˚ - brand SILFLEX Sif S = 0.25-185 sq. mm, single-core, with silicone insulation.

For the purpose of safety, many attendants organize the lighting of the steam room from below - closer to the cool floor. This is most often a spotlight that can be placed under the shelves, making the lighting design mysterious and unusual. Moreover, the wiring itself to it must be done with a special heat-resistant wire in a metal pipe.

An important point: like any equipment, bath electrics must be audited at least once every four years - this is the guarantor of safety. And for reference: aluminum wiring has a shelf life of 15 years, copper wiring - 20, and therefore after this period it must be replaced - if we are talking about an ordinary house, and in a bath it does work in a rather aggressive environment.

Another important nuance: if you hire professional electricians, it is still advisable to understand at least some of the intricacies of electrical wiring in the bath. After all, it is known that today there are many who pretend to be specialists, and if their favorite steam room burns down, they will not be found with fire.

This is how the electrical wiring of the bath is done with your own hands - it’s difficult, but everything is real. And having figured it out, everything can be done much better and safer than hiring a team of local "electricians" with experience.

In the soap and steam room, the lamps should be sealed. Silicone seals are better than rubber seals (the latter break down faster, and the fixtures lose their tightness).

You can read more about lamps in articles on: lighting,.

In general, in the steam room and washing are acceptable only light sources, and even switches for them, should be located outside these rooms.

LIFE HACK! Make a small loop on the wire before leading the wire into the luminaire body - this will prevent condensation from flowing inside.

In order for the lighting to be safe, it is worth putting an RCD on the lighting group. 30 mA is enough to protect a person.

220, 12 or 36 volts?

Installation of wiring in wet areas is always associated with the choice of voltage of the installed equipment. Many are inclined to believe that it is safer to install 12 or 36-volt light sources. We are talking about economical halogen lamps or LED strips. 36-volt there are also conventional incandescent lamps.

How to conduct electricity to the bath with your own hands, if you need to connect a step-down transformer for a certain group? Modern transformers have very modest dimensions and are quite capable of being placed inside the switchboard. But that doesn't mean it's the only place for them.

You may well put a transformer directly in front of the wiring for lighting the steam room and washing.

An important point when choosing a transformer is to determine its power. Since it depends on the total power of the light sources, you should add everything and add 20-30% over.

In addition to the transformer to power the LED strip, you can use power supply. First you will need to find out what is the power of this tape per meter, and then multiply by the number of meters.

Switching power supplies that are used for LED strips are made in different cases - plastic, aluminum And open. Despite the fact that aluminum is the heaviest, it is also considered the most durable and reliable.

IMPORTANT! Don't forget to add margin if you don't want the transformer or PSU to burn out too quickly.

It is worth noting that with RCD the danger of the same incandescent lamps in the steam room becomes minimal. And halogens or LEDs have their drawbacks - the former are short-lived, the latter are intolerant of high temperatures and are sensitive to fluctuations in the current strength in the network. And the RCD or difavtomat is able to protect against electric shock in the network at both 220 and 380 volts.

ADVICE! Monthly it is worth checking the performance of the RCD - just do not forget to press the "test" button at such intervals.


The outlet group is just as important. To begin with, let us clarify that you can put sockets everywhere, except for all the same steam room and washing.

Sockets are designed for different current strength- 10 and 16 amps. You should estimate approximately what load will be on the sockets in order to choose the appropriate option.

The calculation formula is simple: we sum up the power of the connected electrical appliances and divide the sum of watts by 220 volts.

You can go from the opposite: for a socket with a current limit of 10 A, the connected power limit is 2200 watts. For 16 A - 3520 W.

Depending on the choice you made, circuit breaker, which you put in the shield, must match the outlet in terms of current rating. For a 10 A socket, a 10 A switch.

What does it give? If you connect several consumers to one 16 A socket, for example, 4 kW in total, then the current in the network will be 18 A, which without a circuit breaker would lead to overheating of the socket and, possibly, a fire. And it will just turn off and that's it.

How to select the cable section will be discussed a little later.

Power group

It is customary to single out the most powerful consumers, such as an electric furnace, as a special power group. It is clear that they will also be powered from sockets, but their difference from the socket group is that for them, other parameters are selected, designed for a large current strength.

For example, if you have a 10 kW electric stove, then the current in the 220 V network will be 45.5 A. For such cases, use special power sockets capable of withstanding the high power of the electrical appliance.

In addition to a special outlet, the power group will require copper cable of a larger cross section than other wiring.

Well, he will protect her. own RCD with automatic or difavtomat.

Cable installation on walls

Email wiring in the bath is connected by a number of standards described in the PUE. Since we have already given extensive excerpts from this document, we will now state the essence briefly.

Briefly about the choice of brand and cable thickness

The bath is a humid, and in some places also a hot room, so in order to properly conduct the wiring, you need to choose the right cable with insulation that will not be affected by these adverse factors. In the premises, in addition to the washing and steam rooms, PVC insulation, NYM and VVGng cables can be used.

It is highly not recommended to lay wiring in the washing and steam rooms. It is permissible to make holes in the wall, insert metal cartridge cases and lead through the wall wiring to light sources in these premises. In this case, the switches are made outside!

But, since even a small piece of wire that will be in the steam room will be exposed to high temperatures, and its insulation will collapse in a short time, it can be recommended to lead the wire into the steam room with insulation made of silicone rubber– RKGM or PRKS, for example. It can withstand temperatures up to 170 degrees.

The thickness of the cable depends on the future load, but we immediately recommend taking the section with a margin. You already know how to calculate the current strength (we divide the power by the mains voltage), now find the appropriate section in the table (not forgetting the reserve):

Differences between wiring in different rooms of the bath

Wires can be laid as open wiring, and inside the walls. The standards for a bath are contrary to the standards for a wooden room. Therefore, we will consider this: again outside the steam room and washing it is better to lay the cable on the surface, and in the steam room and washing room - do not put at all. If the bath is not wooden, you can do hidden wiring.

open wiring should not be in a metal sheath. Plastic corrugation, cable channels and twisted wiring on ceramic insulators are acceptable. It is also desirable to lay strips between the wires and the wall heat insulator.

Useful video

You may need a report from one of the owners of the bath about the purchased and installed electrical equipment:

And here is another good video that you can use as an instruction:

In contact with

Each owner of a private house considers a bath a necessary attribute on his site. Today, a comfortably equipped bathhouse can become not just a room for personal hygiene, but also a place for real relaxation. In the article we will consider in detail how to make electrical wiring in the bath with your own hands.

Bath lighting device

When equipping the bath room with various devices and auxiliary devices, special attention should be paid to the installation of electrical wiring. In this case, the requirements for the quality of the material used are higher, since the wiring is most often exposed to extreme conditions - such as high temperature, sudden temperature changes in two adjacent rooms, high humidity. In addition, a bath, especially a wooden one, is an object that represents an increased fire hazard.

The simplest wiring diagram in the bath is as follows:

The cable is brought into the bath to a common machine, next to which an RCD is provided - a protective shutdown device, then a water heater (boiler) and lamps are connected - one or two for each room: a locker room (dressing room), a washing room and a steam room (sauna)

However, in order to save money, having the appropriate experience and knowledge, this operation can be carried out independently. One of the main conditions for the installation of electrical wiring in the bath is the use of high quality materials, a preliminary accurate calculation of the footage and parameters of the equipment used for installation, as well as the obligatory observance of safety precautions during work.


So, if you decide to install the wiring in the bath yourself, do it right:

  • It is forbidden to conduct wiring in front of the entrance doors, at the corner joints of the premises, and also to connect more than two lamps to one switch.
  • It is unacceptable to twist and bend the wiring.
  • The junction boxes in which the cable is laid must be freely accessible and visible - in case you have to troubleshoot the electrics.
  • It is advisable, before starting work on laying wires, to draw with a pencil on the wall their location, as well as the location of switches, sockets and lamps.
  • Copy the diagram onto paper and save it - perhaps it will come in handy more than once.

Mounting methods

There are two main options - open and hidden. The first method is less time-consuming and does not require large financial costs, it is more maintainable. The only drawback of this method is the not entirely aesthetic appearance of the wiring, which, however, can be improved with some decorative elements, or simply lay the cable in boxes or trays.

The hidden wiring method is more time consuming, and financially it will require more costs. Although this is offset by a more aesthetic appearance of the walls.

Currently, retail chains offer electrical plinth, the use of which greatly facilitates the installation of electrical wiring in the premises. The product of the required length is attached to the floor or ceiling, inside it a wire is pulled through a special channel, a hole is drilled in the right place, through which the conductor of the required length is output.

When purchasing electrical wires, you should first find out the total electrical power of the equipment that is planned to be powered in the bathhouse. Knowing this value, you can determine the minimum allowable cross-section of the wire used.

For example, for 2 kW of power, it is enough to use a wire with a cross section of 1 mm 2. Other values ​​by which you can navigate are shown in the photo below (see table):

Advice. When purchasing this or that wire for installation, you should remember the need to add 20% to the calculated power (for more reliable operation).

For electrical wiring in the bath, it is desirable to use wires with a copper component that have double rubber insulation. When installing lighting, the wire of the VVGng-LS 3x1.5 brand is most often used, since its insulation is slightly susceptible to burning, and in case of a possible fire, it practically does not smoke the room. The wiring is usually closed with corrugated tubes made of PVC material. This design confidently withstands temperatures up to 180 degrees.

Important! The use of metal pipes or any other metal products for open installation is not allowed!

Required Tools

In order for the installation of electrical wiring to take place without delay, experienced craftsmen advise having the following tools at hand:

  1. A stepladder with a hammer and a construction spatula.
  2. Perforator, screwdriver set, screwdriver, grinder.
  3. Pliers with wire cutters, drills of different sizes, tape measure, construction knife, marker.
  4. Extension, tool for crimping cable lugs and stripping.
  5. Tools for measuring work: laser level, indicator screwdriver, multimeter.

Step-by-step instructions: do-it-yourself electrical wiring

Conducting wiring in the bath

There are two options for laying the cable - underground and overhead. The most simple and affordable is the air route. As a rule, in this case, a SIP-type cable is used, which has increased resistance to the damaging effects of ultraviolet radiation.

At a considerable distance from the bathhouse from the main power line, it is necessary to fix the electrical wires on additional stable supports (see the laying diagram and the entry point below).

When installing the wire on the wall of the bath, the following rules should be followed: the fastening of the electrical wire must be at a distance of at least 200 mm from the peak of the roof of the building and at least 2750 mm from the ground. The cable is introduced into the room through a pipe in the wall. The cavity of the insulating pipe is filled with molten bitumen.

Underground cable laying is more time-consuming and requires more financial costs, however, it gives the adjacent area a more aesthetic appearance due to the absence of extra wires.

For underground installation, either armored cable VB6Shv 3x2.5 with copper conductors or unarmored VVG3x2.5 is used, which must be protected with pipes of the appropriate diameter.

Advice. It is necessary to mark in some way the place of laying the cable in order to avoid its damage during subsequent earthworks in front of the territory of the bath.

Installing the shield in the bath

The main purpose of the shield is to distribute power to energy consumers in the bathhouse. A prerequisite for installing the shield is a dry, well-ventilated place with sufficient free access, with the least possible temperature fluctuations. As practice shows, the most suitable place is a dressing room or a rest room.

The shield is installed at such a height that its top cover is at a distance of 1800 mm from the floor. The wiring in the shield is single-phase, the cable is three-core (for grounding installation).

Wiring from the shield

When wiring, remember:

  • From the shield, the wires are bred to consumers only with a solid cable.
  • Switches and sockets are mounted in a vertical position only in dry rooms.
  • It is strictly not allowed to install switches and sockets in steam rooms, showers and washing rooms.
  • The wires are connected by welding or soldering.
  • All appliances used in the bath must be grounded.

In addition, before turning on the shield for the first time, you must make sure that there are no errors in connecting all devices.

Installation of fixtures

Any appliance used in the bathhouse must be made of heat-resistant and heat-resistant material that can withstand large temperature changes well. Therefore, it is undesirable to use plastic shades in lighting devices; it is also necessary to pay attention to the moisture resistance of the material when choosing lighting devices.

To illuminate the room, it is enough to select lamps with a power of 75 watts. The light, if possible, should be diffused - this has a more favorable effect on perception. Premises with a high level of humidity can be illuminated with lamps with a supply voltage of 12 V.

Advice. To illuminate the washing rooms, experts recommend additionally “hanging” lamps on step-down transformers.

It is advisable to place lighting devices on the walls, and not on the ceiling, where the air temperature is slightly higher. It is unacceptable to use fluorescent lamps for lighting the interior of the bathhouse.

Important! Lamps placed in the steam room and washing rooms must have additional protection with heat-resistant moisture-proof shades.

Install lamps in a place protected from direct fire

If there is a swimming pool at the bath, then the lighting of the room must be brighter, providing a kind of comfort. Since the temperature at the pool is not as high as in the steam room, fluorescent, LED lamps, lights of various shapes and colors are installed.

In this case, of course, it is necessary to take all possible measures for their safe use. If desired, lighting is also installed in the water, however, only special lamps with increased tightness, which will operate at reduced voltage, should be used here.

Installation of sockets

At this stage, remember:

  • Sockets are placed in the bath only in rest rooms or in dressing rooms.
  • It is strictly forbidden to arrange sockets in rooms with high humidity.
  • The height of the outlets should not be higher than 1 m from the floor level. In this case, it is desirable to select sockets equipped with covers.
  • When using sockets, it is not recommended to connect more than one device to one socket.
  • To prevent moisture from getting inside sockets and switches, wires are brought to them from the side or from below.

Optional equipment

Recently, electric furnaces are increasingly being used for heating in baths. They are compact, easy to use and easy to connect. Electric furnaces are able to automatically maintain the set temperature, and, importantly, garbage and ash do not accumulate during operation.

The durability and normal operation of the electric furnace to a large extent depends on the correct installation of the electrical wiring. For this purpose, wires with insulation capable of withstanding temperatures up to 170 degrees are used. The wiring is additionally laid in a corrugated pipe. For safety reasons, a temperature limiter is installed that turns off the stove from the power supply when the temperature in the steam room reaches above 140 degrees.

Video: lighting in the bath (steam room, etc.)

Despite the fact that conducting electricity in the bath with your own hands seems difficult, it will not be difficult to lay the cable. The main rule is compliance with safety regulations and proper distribution of loads on power supply from the main. Given the recommendations received, you can install switches and conduct lighting in the bath yourself.

Installation of electrical wiring in the sauna is a very responsible job, on which the safety of visitors depends. There are many nuances that must be observed, and these include the need to use only heat-resistant cable for the sauna and the ban on placing sockets in the steam room. Next, we will consider all the main features of the selection and installation of electrical appliances in baths and saunas.

Sauna wires

When choosing wires for a sauna, you need to keep in mind that all rooms in it can be divided into two groups:

  • Rooms where regular cable can be used.
  • Rooms where only heat-resistant wire can be used, since the temperature here reaches very high rates, up to 170 degrees in the steam room. In addition, heat-resistant wire should be used when connecting an electric furnace.

Cables for rooms with moderate temperature

For the premises of the first group, cables of the following brands are suitable:

  • ABVG;

All of the above wires can be used both with an open method of wiring, and hidden. As a rule, baths and saunas are made of wood, so there are some requirements for their insulation - it must be made of PVC, polymer compositions or cross-linked polyethylene.

For example, for lighting rooms it is better to use wire brands:

  • PPGng-HF 3*1.5;
  • VVGng-LS 3*1.5;
  • NYM 3*1.5.

The wires for the socket group must have a cross section of 2.3 square millimeters.

Cables for steam rooms

In a steam bath, an ordinary cable cannot be mounted; it must be heat-resistant. Otherwise, the insulation may deteriorate, which can lead to disastrous consequences.

From wires of Russian production, products of brands are suitable:

  • RKGM 1*2.5;
  • PVKV 1*2.5;
  • PRKS 3*2.5;
  • PMTK 3*2.5.

Since the level of humidity is increased in the baths, the electrical wiring must provide a protective ground.

Installation of electrical wiring and electrical appliances

Before proceeding with the installation of electrical wiring, it is necessary to approximately calculate the power that the electrical network in the sauna will have to withstand. The required cross-section of the wire depends on this, respectively, so that it can withstand this current.

If only lighting fixtures will be used in the bath, then the wiring should be designed for a power of about 1-2 kW. If additional accessories are used, then the power must be increased.

The design power can increase especially significantly if an electric oven is used in the bath. It can reach 10 or even 20 kW.

When working with electricity, the safety instructions must be strictly observed.
In particular, when performing any operations, even in the case of replacing a light bulb, it is necessary to completely de-energize the room.


As mentioned above, saunas can be installed in both open and closed ways, however, preference is still given to the closed method. According to GOST R 50571.12-96, clause 703.52, wires cannot be laid in metal pipes and corrugations, and cables with a metal sheath cannot be used.

This is due to the fact that the metal is susceptible to corrosion. To perform the installation of electrical wiring in an open way, it is desirable to use cable channels or plastic corrugation.

Sockets and switches

First of all, it should be said that the installation of sockets in steam rooms is strictly prohibited. The same rule applies to junction boxes and switches. In addition, you can not install sockets and switches in shower rooms.

In other rooms, you can install electrical appliances with your own hands without restrictions.


Particular attention must be paid. Ordinary lamps cannot be used for all the same reasons - high temperature and humidity.

The main requirement for the lamp is tightness, since water or steam entering it can lead to a short circuit and fire, in addition, the lamp can shatter and injure resting glass fragments.

Also, when performing lighting, it should be borne in mind that the light in the steam room should not be too bright, so it is better to use matte shades and a 60 W light bulb.

better in the corners, as these are the coolest areas of the room.

Sauna power supply voltage

Before the owners of the baths, the question often arises - what voltage to choose? You can not rack your brains and use the usual household voltage, i.e. 220v.

However, for this, certain conditions must be met:

  • Electrical wiring lines must be protected by differential machines or RCDs.
  • Power must be supplied with a TN-C-S earthing system.
  • The bath must have a system for equalizing the potentials of the EMS.

If for some reason the conditions listed above were not met, then it is necessary to power the voltage in the bath through a step-down transformer, for example, you can use YATP-0.25 220/36V

The step-down transformer must be located outside the sauna room.


Failure to comply with safety requirements during the installation of wiring and electrical appliances can even cost the lives of those who will be in the bath. It is therefore essential to use the correct sauna cable and to correctly install all the elements. If you doubt your abilities, then it is better to entrust this work to specialists.

For more information on this topic, see the video in this article.

Any owner, having a private house or a good summer cottage, dreams of a bathhouse, at least small, but cozy enough. When building and equipping this structure, it should be borne in mind that it is quite unsafe and the right wire will protect against fire in the room.

Zones in the bath

The most unsafe place in the bath is the steam room. A conventional or electric furnace is placed in this room and the temperature can reach 130 degrees Celsius, and at the same time, the humidity also has a high rate of about 90%. Considering these factors, anyone can conclude that the corrosive environment will easily damage the outer shells of the wires.

The first step is to understand the zones into which the steam room in the bath or sauna is divided according to GOST R 50571.12-96. According to this document, the premises with the greatest risk of electrical wiring fire are divided into four zones, they are marked in the figure.

  • the first zone is intended only for the installation of furnaces of any type;
  • the second zone is characterized by the fact that it has no special requirements for moisture or heat resistance;
  • the third zone increases its demands, and here electrical appliances should work well at temperatures above 120 C, and the wiring should cope with heating more than 170 C;
  • if an electric oven is installed in the steam room, then only the equipment for controlling this oven or automatic shutdown sensors should be placed in the fourth zone. There should not be any other electrical appliances in this place.

The last two zones are the most dangerous, so here you need to select the most insulated and heat-resistant wires. Domestic manufacturers offer the following options:

  1. wire RKGM, PRKA, PRKS, PVKV, which has many copper wires inside, it is quite flexible and can withstand temperatures up to 180 degrees;
  2. PMTK wire can consist of one or many wires, it also bends well, but at the same time it can withstand up to 200 degrees.

Other rooms in the bath are not so dangerous and the VVGng-LS wire is suitable here. Do not forget the cross section of the cable, this value for the wires of the steam room should be at least 2.5 square meters. mm, and for other rooms - 1.5 sq. mm.

Heat-resistant cable for saunas and baths.

Let's take a closer look at the markings of heat-resistant wires and go through the characteristics, see how reliable and practical they are.

Let's start with the RKGM

This wire is covered with silicone rubber (RK) on top, which acts as an insulator, inside there are bare copper wires (GM). It also has a fiberglass winding, which is located between the insulation and the wiring itself. This winding allows the RKGM brand cable not to react to external stimuli such as high temperature (up to 180) and humidity (up to 100%).

In the event of a fire, the wire does not burn, mold is also not afraid of it. Due to its strong insulation, it withstands shock and mechanical damage well. Given all of the above, we can say with confidence that the RKGM wire is perfect for any area in the steam room of a bath or sauna.


This brand also has a coating of silicone rubber (RK), has an increased hardness (A). The letter P means "wire". Works great when the temperature rises to 1700C-1800C, and sufficiently high humidity up to 90%.

It burns poorly, but emits little smoke when ignited, does not break if multiple bends occur during installation, and is not affected by mold. Well suited for baths and saunas.

Next wire PRKS

This cable inside can consist of several cores, from two to five. Their winding is of different colors, but one must be blue or light blue. A vein of this shade always goes to zero. If there are more than two cores in the wire, then there is grounding, which is indicated in green.

This wire (P) is insulated with silicone rubber (SR) for connection (C). Can withstand temperatures up to 2500C. With significant overheating, it does not emit toxic substances, and also does not lend itself to deformation in conditions of high humidity. This cable for the bath fits perfectly.

Next, let's get acquainted with the PVKV wire

The wire (P) is designed for winding leads (B), has two-layer silicone rubber insulation (KV). It tolerates heating of the environment even up to 200 degrees, and an increase in humidity up to 90%. Mold and mechanical influences do not affect the performance of this cable.


The mounting wire (PM), has high heat-resistant (T) characteristics, like all heat-resistant ones, it is insulated with silicone rubber.

It can be both single-core and multi-core. In the multi-core version, each core is marked with a separate color, as with the wire of the PRKS brand. Resistant to high temperatures, but does not tolerate a strong drop to -250C. The maximum humidity level has no negative effect on the wire.

The last cable that is suitable for wiring in a VVGNG-LS bath

This is a copper cable that consists of several cores. The external insulation, as well as the individual insulation of each core, is made of PVC rubber. It does not burn well, but when ignited, it emits very little smoke, which makes it possible to leave the room as soon as possible in a life-threatening situation. It works well in conditions with high humidity, but it does not withstand heating above 50. It cannot be used in the steam room, but it is perfect for other rooms in the bath.

After reviewing some representatives of heat-resistant wires, we can draw some conclusions. All of them have an organosilicon winding, which helps the copper wire to withstand elevated ambient temperatures, high levels of air humidity, and, like RKGM, not succumb to mold.
