How to make your own wax candle. DIY decorative candles: learning to create beauty

You are on the verge of an amazing discovery of the world of candles.

In order not to throw a bunch of materials for making candles in the trash, you first need to study their properties.

  • How to save your time?
  • How to avoid beginner mistakes?
  • How to save on materials and not throw away the money spent on materials and their delivery?
  • Want to learn how to make candles yourself?
  • Do you want a new hobby that you can earn money from?
  • Then read the article to the end!

Of the many materials for creating candles, it is not easy to choose the right ones for you. There are a huge number of articles on candle making on the Internet, and, to put it mildly, not all of them are true. Often online stores that sell materials for candles (or for soap and candles) sell them and give the wrong advice, or simply try to sell you more (in other words, to make money on you).

It is necessary to take into account the properties of each material and separate the necessary from the secondary.

Candlemaker's desktop

Your work table, where you will make candles, should be protected from paraffin, dyes and everything with which you will create.

The table needs to be covered.

It can be an old newspaper and a magazine divided into sheets, polyethylene, old cut bags.

It is very convenient to use silicone baking mats (blue and red are mine).

Of course, before starting work, put on an apron or clothes that you don’t mind. If paraffin drops on clothes, then it will be almost impossible to return it to its original form.

Why is silicone mat so good?

Drops of paraffin that have fallen past the mold easily depart from it.

It is easy to wash.

Easy to fold, roll up and put away.

It is soft and pleasant to the touch.

Water bath accessory

The very first thing you can't do without is water bath.

All candles are made from candle mass melted in water bath, otherwise it cannot be melted. No way! In no case should you melt the candle mass in a microwave, double boiler, slow cooker ...

Otherwise, the paraffin will instantly overheat and ignite!

If you do not want a fire, then strictly follow these tips.

Only a water bath!

What is a water bath?

You will need an old metal saucepan (you will not use it anywhere else) and a smaller ladle, preferably with a long handle.

Water is heated and boiled in a saucepan, heating the candle mass in a ladle. Gradually, the mass melts. The paraffin will never reach the boiling point in this way. This means that harmful vapors will not be released into the air you breathe.

Make sure that the melted candle mass does not drip onto the stove.

Paraffin in contact with a hot object (or when boiling) evaporates, releasing harmful fumes. Do not confuse! When melted in a water bath, paraffin does not emit anything!

My pans look like these two photos. I bought one ladle in a specialized online store in the USA, I bought the second one from my hands. It is more convenient with a plastic handle, because does not heat up.

Food paraffin (P-2)

Why is paraffin called food grade? It is used in the food industry, for example, in the coating of cheeses to slow down product spoilage.

Paraffin is in shavings (loose, photo on the left), and sometimes lumpy (below in the photo). Buying paraffin in a briquette (layer) is cheaper.

  • Paraffin is a product of petroleum distillation.
  • The substance is white in color with a crystalline structure, in the molten state it has a low viscosity.
  • Melting temperature t pl \u003d 40-65 ° С.
  • Density 0.880-0.915 g/cm³ (15°C).

Pay attention when buying paraffin for its labeling. There is also technical paraffin (marked T), which contains a large% of technical oils, from which food paraffin is maximally cleared!

It is cheaper to buy paraffin in briquettes, but in this case you will have to buy 5 briquettes in a bag, and each factory makes about 5 kg. I have already got used to it and buy paraffin in bulk, 25-45 kg each.

At retail, paraffin is most often sold in shavings (flakes), since it is easier for the seller to pour and weigh it.

What else is needed, besides paraffin, for candles?

You can only make candles from paraffin. Then you get this effect, as in the photo. After the candle hardens, the surface is obtained with bubbles, veins, or "snowy" - as someone says - that is, heterogeneous.

  • This comes from the fact that the paraffin needs a so-called "plasticizer" because the paraffin hardens unevenly.

The snow effect is great for holiday candles!

What to do if we want to avoid this effect, we will analyze further.

In the meantime, check out how you can use the effect!

An important property of paraffin is shrinkage

Due to the fact that paraffin molecules have a weak bond, there is no surface tension, such as that of water, or, for example, a molten soap base. It is weak. Thus, when the paraffin hardens, firstly, it settles, and secondly, a funnel is formed, as in the photo.

  • How to remove this funnel?- the most frequent question. Don't get scared at the sight of a funnel and don't think it's your fault. This funnel always appears. It's important to just hide it. But how?

It is necessary to pierce the hardening surface with a long knitting needle or a stick during the paraffin solidification process in order to remove excess air and open voids.

And then top up.

Thus, the funnel can be hidden.


Remember we talked about the "snowiness" effect? It can be removed. Stearin can serve as a plasticizer, a binder for paraffin molecules.

That is, if you put paraffin and a little stearin in a water bath, then the effect of snowflakes will disappear, the color will be even.

Stearin is used in the production of candles as an additive to paraffin (10-20%) or in its pure form.

    Solid, translucent mass, greasy to the touch.

  • Melting point t pl 53-65°C.
  • Density 0.92 g/cm 3 (20°C).

Stearin candles burn evenly and do not melt, they do not change their shape during thermal exposure.

But making candles from pure stearin is quite expensive. Therefore, it is better to have stearin and add it to paraffin, so that the candle mass shrinks less and the candle "flows" less.

The formula for the production of candles from paraffin and stearin:

  • 80% paraffin + 20% stearin. Try it!

Natural beeswax*

*For adherents of all natural, it is possible to make candles from bees, soy (etc.) wax.

When I purchased a natural large natural beeswax briquette, I fell in love with this material at first sight! Why do we need all these artificial flavors when there is the most fragrant honey beeswax? Ehhhh...

Beeswax is a waste product of bees. Registered as a food additive E-901.

It is secreted by special glands of honey bees, from which bees build honeycombs.

Solid substance from white (with a slight yellow tint) to yellow-brown color with a characteristic honey smell.

It has strong bactericidal properties.

At a temperature of 35 °C the wax becomes plastic.

It melts at a temperature of 62-68 °C.

I pour this wax into small silicone molds (I will show these molds later). Candles are small in weight, fragrant and beautiful.

By the way, for melting beeswax, I use a separate dish, because it is difficult to wipe off the wax.

  • beeswax is aromatherapy
  • Hardens many times faster than paraffin
  • Natural product

But, of course, beeswax - expensive product. It costs 4 times more than paraffin.

Candle molds

When you start making candles, life turns into a constant search for candle molds. Until you get professional forms.

Q-tips were my secret weapon.

They are not only round, but also in the form of a heart, a flower.

Who said that non-professional forms are bad candles?

The main thing is that the candle mass, dyes and flavors are on top. Execution, of course, too :-)

Polycarbonate molds

I purchased these forms in the USA. Forms are convenient because they are transparent.

However, polycarbonate is not eternal and cracks over time.

I recently threw away one mold (it cracked and started to leak) after 4 years of use.

Plastic molds for candles

These molds are stronger and cheaper than polycarbonate.

However, the downside is that they are not transparent.

The difference is that they have a plug (cover) at the base of the mold. This is quite convenient when you need to take out a finished candle.

Soft plastic for mini candles

These are the forms (used in the manufacture of soap).

Holes for the wick are made with a red-hot needle, and the mold is ready for making mini-candles.

Plastic Molds Milkyway Molds

There are also some very interesting plastic forms.

In Russia, I have not seen such.

Molds manufactured by Milky Way Molds, consisting of two parts. It is a durable plastic that can withstand temperatures of 200º C.

I have such forms, but I don’t make candles out of them ... they are painfully bulky ... about 2 kg!

metal molds(aluminum, steel, etc.)

Metal forms are "for centuries". Strong, stable, super, in a word. Forms are made of aluminum, steel, and other metals.

You need to be careful, because. the metal quickly heats up from the filled candle mass, you can burn yourself.

The thickness of the mold is 1-3 mm. I really enjoyed pouring candles into metal molds. Candles are smooth.

Silicone baking molds

You can use silicone molds for baking or ice: tall molds in the form of hearts, muffins, roses, as well as small molds in the form of fish, stars, etc. as decoration for candles.

Silicone baking molds are flexible, inexpensive, but not so durable when the bottom is pierced (when the candle is removed from the mold, the hole gradually breaks out, and this causes paraffin to leak during pouring, although this can also be solved with paper tape or other secrets, which I talk about in my master classes).

Silicone handmade molds

Silicone molds can be bought at the store. But there are such unique silicone molds that are not so easy to make, that's why I'll tell you about them. I order my silicone molds from the master. These are not all the forms that I have.

To make a candle, you need experience.

Make your own silicone mold

According to the preparation technology, silicones are two-component (the so-called "compounds"): consisting of a base and a catalyst (hardener), which must be mixed in a certain proportion before use, and one-component - ready for use.

To make a mold, we need a two-component compound. When both components are mixed, they begin to gradually solidify.

Blind your own form from plasticine or take a ready-made one (ball, toy, etc.), place it in a disposable bucket (jar or any other container, secure it firmly with glue or tape. Mix the components in a ratio of 100 grams of base and 3.5 - 5 grams of hardener and pour in. After 8-10 hours, the form is ready.

It is better if, when pouring silicone, you just leave a place where you will later pour wax. Otherwise, you will have to cut the mold and, when casting wax, strengthen it with a rope or rubber bands. The trouble is that hot wax deforms the mold.

But the next experiments showed that the silicone mold is in any case cut along (or across, which is not important for us), because the plasticine master model cannot be removed otherwise.

Be prepared for the pungent and unpleasant odor of both the liquid silicone and the cured mold. Be sure to add fragrance to the future candle, otherwise the candle mass will absorb the pungent smell of silicone.

And also do not spare the catalyst (it is better to put more on 1 g than less). Otherwise, nothing will harden, the mixture will not seize, and you will have to get the master model out of liquid, very sticky and unpleasant silicone and fill it all over again (after having fiddled with soap and a brush).

I got such a candle from a homemade silicone mold, the result and the process didn’t really delight me, so I decided to order the molds from the master. Which is what I do to this day.

Making your own plaster mold

In this case, we will make a mold from gypsum. To begin with, it is necessary to fashion the intended future shape from plasticine.

Where the form connector is supposed to be, the blades of a safety razor should be stuck into the plasticine, not very deep. The whole structure is covered with plaster. The blades will help to quickly separate the form (the frozen gypsum is not cut and crumbles into small pieces).

These are the mini-candles I got.


You can buy wicks for your future ingenious creations at candle factories or in specialized stores.

But you need to know that there are a huge number of types and sizes of wicks on sale.

It is very important to choose the right wick for a candle.

If the wick is too thick, then the candle flame will be large and the candle will burn out too quickly; if the wick is too thin, it will burn out faster than paraffin, and the candle will “choke” and go out.

For the manufacture of the wick, a natural cotton thread is used, which does not smoke or crack when burned.

Wicks are usually marked with numbers.

No. 1 - for candles up to 3 cm in diameter,

No. 2 - for candles 3-5 cm in diameter,

No. 3 - for candles 5-6 cm in diameter,

No. 4 - for candles from 6 cm in diameter.

When you get forms, just ask the manufacturer what wicks are available and buy at least 2-3 different thicknesses, so you will test your candles and understand which ones are better.

Where else can you get a wick?

If you decide not to buy paraffin and stearin yet and make candles from old candles or from purchased household ones, then the wick can be removed from the candles.

The only negative is that the thickness of the wick cannot be selected.

Purchased Wick Alternatives

  • jute twine
  • Cotton thread twisted several times
  • Crocheted cotton "pigtail"


The candle mass and wick have been prepared. Fine! Now the question arises: how to color candle mass? This is done very simply. When the candle mass is already melted in a water bath, add a piece of dye. I mean a dye designed specifically for candles. I have a huge number of them.

The intensity of the color depends on the amount of dye.

Keep in mind that the brightness of the color of the molten candle mass always more than cooled wax. Therefore, if it seems that the color is enough, still put a little more.

And then it will really be enough! :)

Sometimes there is no way or time to get a special dye. Read the next paragraph to understand what effect this or that coloring method will give.

How not to color candles

There are many options to make your candle unique. One of them is giving the candle color.

When I first started making candles, there wasn't much on hand as a candle mass dye.

And most importantly, there was little that was good and "competent" at hand.

Still, mixing paraffin and dyes is all kinds of chemical reactions, and you have to be aware of this neater.

Still, I wanted color. I started with gouache.

Gouache... Bad, very bad.

Fortunately, I have not preserved a single candle painted in this way.

The fact is that it is almost impossible to paint the candle mass with gouache: small particles of gouache settle to the bottom of the kindling, and even if you shake the paint a little when filling the form with wax, it still settles.It turns out a very pale shade, and from this muddy and untidy.

Once I was just visited by nostalgia (I still wanted to pour, albeit without normal dyes). And I "maybe" poured EARTH FROM A FLOWER TUB into the melted wax!!! It looked, of course, funny, a white candle, at the bottom of which something dark shines through. It seems at first glance there are no shortcomings.

Church candles are an important attribute of any church service. For believers, a burning candle symbolizes divine light, and three candles in a candlestick, which can often be seen in the church, personify the trinity of God.

The rules for making church candles state that such candles must be made exclusively from natural wax. Wax candles look very beautiful, exude a soft, pleasant light and are distinguished by a noble aroma. Observing some rules and techniques, it is quite possible to make such a candle at home.

For the manufacture of wax candles, you will need special casting molds, which can be purchased at specialized stores. Some craftsmen replace these forms with improvised objects with similar outlines, for example, a thin rubber hose, which is cut lengthwise before pouring, making it easier to remove the covered candle. Before starting work, the form must be lubricated with oil, and even better - with dishwashing detergent.

Melting wax is best done in a metal bowl with a narrowed "nose" - with its help it will be easy to pour the wax into the mold. In view of compliance with safety rules, the wax should be heated in a water bath. After it has reached a temperature of 80 degrees, it can be poured into a mold. Before pouring, take care of the wick for the candle. It is made from natural materials, for example, several cotton threads twisted together. The wick is placed in the mold before the wax is poured. In special forms for fixing the wick, there are holders designed for this, which in a home-made form can be noticed by an ordinary wooden stick, to which the wick is tied, and fixed on top of the form. When choosing a wick, you need to take into account that its length should be slightly longer than the length of the candle, by about 5-8 mm.

As mentioned above, church candles are made mainly from wax. However, for best results, it is recommended to mix it with paraffin, approximate proportions are 52% wax and 48% paraffin.

In addition to the traditional method of making a wax church candle by melting and pouring wax into a mold, such a candle can also be obtained by repeatedly wetting the wick in hot wax. For such work, you will need a special container - deep and narrow. The wick is tied to a stick and dipped in wax until the desired thickness is formed. This method of making wax candles is very ancient, however, it is rarely used today, as it requires patience and dexterity.

For the manufacture of a church candle, you can use not only wax, but also natural foundation. It is very important that it be a pure yellow color, without any dirt or dark spots, otherwise such a candle may not burn well. Wax sheets are twisted before heating them, and thus a candle is obtained. Before twisting, a wick is placed on the leaf. It is necessary to twist the foundation under constant pressure so that all layers fit snugly together.

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Learn how to make your own candles at low cost and have fun.

Interest today is more common among women, however, the manufacture of this device is a manly skill that has been traced over the years. Especially in medieval times, their trade was vital to kingdoms and villages because light was a necessity.

Today, when candles are of no practical value, they can add an atmosphere of comfort, coziness, and romance to any room. They have a very meditative relaxing effect, and can lead to reflection. Their main drawback is their relatively high cost. What is needed to do it yourself?

Materials: what you need to make

The process will not take you more than two hours, but the resulting products will complement your home or work interior, and will be a good gift for loved ones.


This is the heart of the candle, of which there are three main types.

Paraffin. Traditional, used for hundreds of years to make a light. Now it continues to be the most common among all species. It's cheap, you can easily add color and scent to it. The main problem with paraffin remains its potentially toxic nature. Paraffin is a by-product of oil, which automatically gives it a bad rating for most consumers. If natural products are your credo, your best bet is to look for an alternative.

  • Soya. New to the market, becoming an increasingly popular main ingredient. Soy was created in the 90s, when the movement for natural products was actively gaining momentum. It is usually made from soybean oil, but is sometimes mixed with paraffin and other waxes (palm, bees, etc.). It also readily accepts colors and odors.
  • Beeswax. The oldest crafting ingredient; beeswax candles have been found in the great pyramids of Egypt. As the name suggests, it is produced by bees and is a by-product of the honey process. Because of this, it has a natural golden color and a subtle sweet aroma. This is a completely natural product, but you won't be able to add other flavors to it. The natural scent will overpower other scents. Bee is also the most expensive option.

Most of the types that are sold in the store are sold in the form of granules. This makes the job easier as the pellets melt faster. If you bought a block, use a sharp knife to cut it into small pieces.


The wrong wick can ruin your homemade candle. The main problem is the size, or rather the width. For container ones, which will be discussed, you need a wide wick. The length of the wick is not important - you can cut it.

Aroma oils

Without smell, you just burn wax. It looks pretty but doesn't create the subtle scent that candles are used for. There are thousands of fragrances to choose from - just search the internet. You can use essential oils, but the final product will not be as good with them. For men, it is better to choose from such "masculine" aromas as a mixture of cloves, amber and sandalwood, apple and maple bourbon, blue spruce, butter rum, coffee, whiskey.

Dishes for melting

A pan with a double bottom will do the job best. Melting directly over the flame in a conventional saucepan will be too strong, so use a steam bath.

The form

Coffee mugs, glassware, jars - anything that can withstand heat is used as a container. With a lid, they can be transported, sent, so you can easily give to loved ones.

Accessories: thermometer, spatula, old pen

With a thermometer handy, you can quickly take your temperature. When you buy wax, especially the one used to make it, there are instructions on it as to what temperature the fragrance oil is added to, when to pour it into the container, etc. Use a spatula or spoon to thin it out and dissolve large chunks. Later you will learn why old pens / pencils are good helpers for homemade candles.

Workflow: how to do?

  • Prepare your workspace

Waxing is a messy business. It melts, drops can go anywhere, you won't even know it until it dries. Lay newspaper or paper towels around your work area. Use them to set the thermometer, spatula - be careful, they will probably stick a little. Luckily wax isn't that hard to clean, you can just scrape it off with your fingernail. Get your molds and wicks ready.

  • melt the wax

Using a double bottomed saucepan or water bath, melt the wax. Put about 200-300 grams, watch it melt by breaking it into pieces with a spatula and stirring it. It melts in about 10-15 minutes. Do not forget to monitor the temperature - you need it to be between 70 - 75 degrees. If the temperature starts to rise, remove it from the heat.

  • Fasten the wick

While it is melting, attach the wick to the container. Rare wicks have a small sticker embedded on the bottom, but the main body does not. Super glue is one option, but you can use the old candle trick: dip the metal tongue of the wick into the melted wax, then quickly attach it to the bottom of the container in the center. After a couple of minutes, when it hardens, the wick will be fixed at the bottom.

  • Add aromatic oils, stir

When completely melted, add the desired aromatic oils. Each species is different and requires a different amount per 1 kilogram, so follow the instructions on the package. Having taken a block that is suitable for different purposes, remember the following proportion: 60 grams of oil per kilogram of wax. Pour it into the pan, stir for one minute to ensure even distribution.

  • Add color as desired

This is an optional step. Your candles will come out a natural milky white, but you can add some color by using a non-toxic colored pencil or block. For example, you can add half a millimeter of red pencil to 500 grams of wax to get a soft pastel shade. Want a bright color? Use more pencil.

The color will be much brighter in the melted mixture, but will become milky as it cools.

  • Let the mixture cool down

After adding the aromatic oil, turn off the heat and let it cool down for a couple of minutes. The optimum temperature for pouring into a container is about 55-60 degrees. It won't take long - just a few minutes, so pay attention to your thermometer. Once it has cooled properly, pour it into a container. Hold the wick so that it stays in the center, don't overtighten it. We advise you to leave a little in the pan - it will come in handy at the end.

  • The secret of attaching the wick

The wick attached to the bottom may wobble a little in the liquid wax at first. You definitely want it to stay level, in the center, while everything hardens. Just put the pen on top of the mold, tie a wick to it, leave it to harden for several hours.

As the candle cools, you will notice a slight dip in the wick. The wax will also come off the edges of the jar. Reheat the mixture remaining in the pan, fill the holes that appear with it.

  • cut the wick

You will probably have a few extra inches of wick sticking out. Too long a wick will burn with too much bright flame. Light it up and test it: if the flame is more than 2.5 centimeters, cut the thread.

  • Admire your own candles

Cool candles at room temperature to avoid cracking.

And candlesticks can decorate any interior.

To do this, you do not need to buy candles and / or candlesticks, as they can be do it yourself using old candles kept at home and a few handy tools.

Here are some cool ideas on how you can beautiful and fragrant candles and candlesticks for them at home.

How to make coffee candles

You will need:

Small bowls or glasses

Candle wax (can be cut from old candles, melted and used)

candle wick

Super glue

coffee beans

Sliced ​​vanilla beans


1. Melt the paraffin in the microwave, in a saucepan on an electric stove or in a water bath.

2. Glue the wick to the bottom of a bowl, glass or other shape where you will pour the melted wax next.

3. Pour some paraffin into the mold, add a layer of coffee beans and a layer of vanilla beans. After that, fill out the form to the end. Try to keep the wick straight.

* While pouring paraffin, it can be stirred with a stick.

4. Wait for the paraffin to harden and, if necessary, cut off the excess part of the wick.

How to make a candle (video instruction)

Beautiful candles at home: animals

You will need:

Paraffin (can be from an old candle)

small toy animals

Small candlesticks (with a thin stem)

Drill with a small drill or any thin, hard and sharp object (to make a hole in the toy for a candlestick)


Spray paint or acrylic paint.

1. Hold the toy animal with pliers and make a hole in it so that you can insert the candle holder. Be careful not to pierce the toy through.

2. Paint the toy on all sides. If you are using spray paint, then you need to paint outdoors, and preferably with a respiratory mask (spray paint contains substances that are harmful to health).

* If desired, you can paint the candlesticks.

* Let the paint dry, and then you can light candles or just put candle holders in a prominent place so that they decorate the interior.

DIY shell candles at home

You will need:

deep shells


Short wick

Super glue


1. Put the shells on the newspaper.

2. Glue the wick to the bottom of the shell.

3. Melt the paraffin and pour it into the shells.

4. Wait for the paraffin to cool down and you will have the perfect decoration for the bathroom, for example.

Making candles with cinnamon (photo instruction)

You will need:

cinnamon sticks

Thick candle (unscented)


1. Put a rubber band on your candle.

2. Start putting cinnamon sticks under the gum.

* You can use two or three elastic bands for reliability.

* You can decorate the candle with braid, jute sackcloth and / or a sprig with berries (can be artificial).

Homemade candle with spices

You will need:

4 small jars (or 2 large)

2 tbsp. tablespoons of spice (can be cinnamon or a mixture of several spices, such as cinnamon, cloves, ginger and nutmeg)

Olive or nut oil (1/2 cup)

Long wick (about 30cm)


Adhesive tape (adhesive tape)



1. Pour some oil into a saucepan and put on a small fire, but do not bring to a boil.

2. Add spices to the oil and stir.

3. Remove from heat and let cool.

4. Pour the resulting solution into a jar and let it brew for no more than 2 days.

5. Melt the paraffin - cut a piece of paraffin (new or from an old candle), place in a saucepan and put on a small fire.

6. Prepare the wick. Attach it to the bottom of the jar with tape.

7. Add 2 tablespoons of oil to the jar.

8. Pour the melted paraffin into the jar and stir to combine the oil and paraffin.

9. Place the jar in the freezer for 20 minutes or just in the refrigerator for 1 hour.

10. When you light a candle, you will feel a pleasant aroma.

Do-it-yourself lemon candle (master class)

You will need:

Paraffin or beeswax

lemon essential oil

Container for paraffin (form).

1. Melt the paraffin in a saucepan over low heat.

2. From a saucepan, pour some melted paraffin wax into the bottom of a candle mold and insert a wick.

* The wick can also be pre-glued to the bottom of the container.

3. Add a few drops of lemon essential oil to the paraffin pan.

4. Pour the melted paraffin into the mould, keeping the wick level.

5. Wait for the wax to cool down.

* You can decorate the candle with jute and film, making it a great addition to a gift.

Making a candle with lavender at home

You will need:

soy wax

soy wicks


flavoring agent

A jar or other container for a candle.

1. Place soy wax in a saucepan and heat to 60-70 degrees. For one large soy candle, you will need 2 cups of crushed wax.

2. While the wax is melting, glue the wick to the candle container.

3. Remove the wax from the stove and let cool to 50 degrees. After that, add a flavoring agent - vanilla aroma oil or lavender.

4. Pour the melted soy wax into the jar. Try to keep the wick straight, for this you can press it with chopsticks or toothpicks.

5. The wax will harden overnight, after which the candle can be used, and if necessary, part of the wick can be cut off if it is too long.

Here is another way to make a scented candle at home:

Summer citrus candles at home

You will need:


floating candles

Lemons and lime

Essential oil with a lemon or other citrus scent

aromatic herbs

Twine or braid.

1. Cut lemons and limes into slices.

2. Place the herbs in the jar. Rosemary, thyme, lavender, and chamomile were used in this example.

3. Fill the jar halfway with water and add 10 drops of essential oil.

4. Place lemon and lime wedges in a jar and top up with water.

5. Now it remains to put a candle on the water and decorate the jar with twine or braid.

The soft fragrance of melting wax, the flickering of live lights, the magical aura of romance - candles can create a special atmosphere in the house, cheer you up or relieve stress after a hard day. They charge the dwelling with the power of the natural elements and protect it from negative energy. Scented candles, created by you according to the sketches of your own imagination, have even more power, because they concentrate the warmth of your hands and the miracle of creation.

Fire has a magical effect: it can be destructive and life-giving, burning and warming, dazzling and illuminating. It is believed that a person can look at him forever. Accompanied by the flame of a candle, religious and witchcraft rituals take place - exactly the same as accompanied by incense. Aroma candles - a beautiful tandem of smell and light, are in special demand among mystical, dreamy and sensual natures. And if they also carry a high decorative value, then how can you do without them at all?

Handmade candles will allow you not only to throw out your creative potential, but also provide pleasant gifts to all your friends and relatives. And, who knows, maybe this exciting activity will turn into an easy source of income for you?

Making candles at home: materials and equipment

Everything you need for an exciting process of candle making can be purchased at needlework stores and art shops. Making candles at home is not too expensive, and for the first experiments you can get by with a minimum number of necessities.

To place original accents in the interior and create a pleasant atmosphere, you will need:

Wax, paraffin, stearin

Both pre-assembled cinders and a special candle mass will do. Ten to twenty percent stearin added to paraffin will give it hardness and reduce "weeping" when burned. Natural wax for candles can be bought from beekeepers - by the way, they will certainly have foundation for the textured finish of your creations.


You can make your own candle wick by twisting it from thick cotton threads. You can also use floss. However, it is much easier to buy ready-made in the store - the price is more than affordable. An important point: the thickness of the wick greatly affects the quality of the burning of the candle. Too thin will give a weak light, which will go out, choking on melted wax. Too thick - a guarantee of excessively intense burning and soot.

Dishes for melting wax

It must be heat resistant. For a small candle, any tin will do - the main thing is that it is convenient for you to work with it (remove, hold, tilt).

Saucepan or bowl for water bath

There is only one requirement - it should be wider and lower than the dishes for melting. Sustainability is welcome.

Special dyes or wax crayons

Pigments for coloring candle mass can be in the form of a powder or solid granules. Ordinary wax pencils from your child's artistic arsenal will adequately replace them. Water-soluble dyes are not suitable categorically!

Essential oils

You can also make scented candles with your own hands at home using synthetic fragrances, but, you see, this will reduce magic to zero. Essential oils have powerful therapeutic properties, the range of their aromas is rich - it will not be difficult to choose a composition that is pleasant and useful for you. If desired, you can get by with vanilla, cinnamon, and ground coffee available at home.

thin sticks

They will be required to fix the wick exactly in the middle of the candle, to stir the dyes and flavors in hot paraffin, and also to apply the original “scratched” ornament to the finished candle.

Candle molds

Specialty shops will surprise you with the choice of molds for pouring paraffin, but making candles at home does not require any extra expenses. Real masterpieces "with a twinkle" will be obtained with the help of an aluminum beer can, a tetra-pack bag, a glass of yogurt.

Napkins for decoupage, coffee beans, dried flowers, beautiful spices, beads, rhinestones

If you already make candles with your own hands, then certainly original ones. Decorative elements - offered by the store or found in your home treasures - are a source of inspiration for creating a unique author's work. And special candle glues, varnishes, contours and markers will allow you to create the most elegant and colorful work. But keep in mind: only candles with a large diameter and a thin wick can be decorated with flammable paper, fabrics, herbs.

Scented candle at home: work sequence

This process requires, above all, caution: hot wax spilled on a towel, clothes, skin can cause fire and burns. But otherwise - an aromatic candle at home - it's simple, interesting, exciting!

Think over the design and aromatic composition for the future candle. Measure the required amount of pigments, select the decor. Prepare the mold and wick.

If you are pouring wax into a mold, make a small hole in the middle of its bottom. Thread a wick into it and tie a knot on the outside of the mold - later this will be the top of the candle. Pull lightly so that the knot fits snugly into the hole. Lightly grease the mold with vegetable oil or liquid soap. Put it on the bottom, and put two sticks on the upper walls - in diameter or diagonally. Fasten the wick between them so that it is stretched exactly in the middle of the candle.

Prepare a water bath. The water in it should not boil. At the bottom of the dish, you can put a cloth napkin. Cut (break, grate) the candle mass into small pieces, place them in a heat-resistant dish and set to melt. Add stearin if needed.

The maximum temperature to which paraffin can be brought is 75 degrees.
Add pigments to the melted mass, and then flavors. Mix thoroughly.

Carefully, without moving the wick, pour the wax into the mold. Leave to harden for 15-30 minutes. The time depends on the thickness of the candle.

Untie the knot at the bottom of the mold, gently pull on the wick and remove the candle.
If the candle does not give in, send it to the freezer for 15 minutes, then it will easily slip out of the mold.

Cut the wick (the one at the bottom) to a length of 1 centimeter, and the bottom one to the root.
Your scented candle is ready! Now you can make a carved ornament on it, wrap it beautifully with twine or decorate it using decoupage technique.

By putting crushed ice in the mold before pouring the wax, you will get fantastic openwork candles.

You can make a candle in a glass jar, a pretty jar, a coconut shell, dried orange peel - in which case you will need a special metal wick holder. It must be glued to the bottom of the selected vessel.
Natural beeswax is much more suitable for scented candles with essential oils: it, unlike paraffin, does not emit harmful substances during combustion, but saturates the air with useful ones.

Striped candles are easy: just pour layers of multi-colored wax one by one after the previous one has hardened.

Rose essential oil has a very intense fragrance. To many, when burning a candle, it may seem suffocating.

The most popular air fragrance oils:

  • Citrus fruits: orange, tangerine, bergamot, grapefruit, lime, lemon - improve mood, help overcome depression, are useful for increasing body tone and preventing SARS.
  • Lavender, mint, sandalwood, myrrh, storax - relieve insomnia, relax, clear the mind.
  • Jasmine, ylang-ylang, patchouli - aromas of a romantic evening.
  • Fir, cedar, pine, tea tree, vetiver, eucalyptus - will help you get rid of colds faster, destroy microbes and viruses in the air.

Making candles with an exquisite aroma has a therapeutic effect in itself. Creativity distracts from bad thoughts, reveals the soul of a person, brings meaning and satisfaction to his being. After creating your fragrant wax masterpiece, light it up, focus on the flame, relax and think: "Life is beautiful."
