How to open a profitable children's cafe from scratch: detailed instructions. Children's cafe business plan

We will describe in detail how to open your own children's cafe from scratch and draw up a business plan with calculations. After all, even in times of crisis, such an idea will be very successful and profitable. Parents try to diversify the rest of their children and saturate their childhood with bright and pleasant impressions. It is not surprising that today such establishments open very often even in small towns.

With a good location, well-chosen staff and menu, interesting design and thoughtful entertainment, we can talk about a successful and profitable project. And if you don’t know where to start and what you need to open, then you can always use the franchise fee and follow clear instructions for a working scheme.

Business Relevance

The children's cafe involves two areas of activity at once - catering and entertainment. It applies to, but only on a smaller scale. Depending on the chosen concept, the ways of relaxing on its territory, the services provided, the menu, the interior, etc. may differ. All this is thought out in advance in order to draw up a more accurate and detailed business plan with calculations.

The benefit from such a project is obvious - every parent wants to make any holiday for the child unforgettable, colorful, fun. Such cafes are visited by families on weekends, for birthdays and other celebrations, they organize separate children's events for entire companies of a certain age, celebrate the end of kindergarten or entering school, etc.

But in order to organize such a business, you need to understand its specifics:

  1. Since the main customers will be kids of different ages, the staff themselves and preferably the owner must love children and understand their needs and interests, be able to find a common language with them.
  2. All meals should be prepared with the highest quality ingredients and combine health benefits with a taste that children will love. Cooks may have to take additional courses for this.
  3. In addition to the dining room, there is also a play area.
  4. It is necessary to think in advance about the possibility of holding various celebrations, holidays, events, master classes, etc.
  5. All furnishings, interior and furniture should be geared towards children from 6 months to adolescence.
  6. It is important to ensure that no tobacco or alcoholic beverages are served in the establishment. And also that they are not brought with them by adults. And although this will significantly reduce your income, it is still one of the main factors that you need to pay attention to.
  7. When arranging the premises, be sure to follow all the norms and requirements of the controlling services, which are much more than when opening a simple catering establishment for adults.
  8. A tangible part of the initial costs will go to creating the most attractive interior. But it is this component that sometimes becomes decisive in whether a potential client chooses you or goes to another place.
  9. The menu is compiled with great care. The names of dishes should be changed in such a way that they make the child want to eat it. It would be useful to think about the interesting serving of food or drinks, so that their appearance also stimulates the appetite.

We collect documents

Before opening a children's cafe, you need to register with various government agencies. First, file an application with the tax office and register as an individual entrepreneur or LLC. If the size of the institution is not more than 50 sq. m., and the staff has a minimum number, then the first option is suitable.

But if you want to organize a cafe with various game rooms and halls, hire a lot of different specialists, and expand your business over time, then it’s better to focus on creating a legal entity right away. At the same time, accounting documentation will be more complicated, the registration process will be longer, but as a result, you will be more free to implement your ideas.

Calculate which of the available taxation systems will be beneficial in your case. With a small size of the institution and registration of an individual entrepreneur, it may be sufficient to acquire a patent. Otherwise, it is better to stay on the standard UTII scheme. You will also need to correctly indicate the OKVED code:

  • 56 - responsible for the provision of food and beverages;
  • 2 - allowing to conduct entertainment activities.

Also, when opening an institution, you will need to visit the regulatory authorities (SES, GPI and Rospotrebnadzor), which will give permission after a thorough check of the compliance of the premises with various norms and requirements. Since it is impossible to work in a cafe alone, you will need to hire employees. At the same time, registration with the FSS, PFR and MHIF is mandatory.

Separately, you will have to go through a check of the children's menu and ready meals, as the sanitary and epidemiological service and Rospotrebnadzor carefully monitor that children are fed only high-quality and safe products.

As with the opening of any catering establishment, it is necessary to coordinate various documents in a number of instances. Build the following package:

  1. Projects of a building or premises, agreements and permits from regulatory authorities.
  2. Draw up a lease with the owner for a long period or show the title of ownership.
  3. Mandatory technical passport indicating the redevelopment, etc.
  4. Similar documents on installed communications (ventilation system, electricity, water supply, sewerage, heating).
  5. Permission to decorate the facade of the building, if any.

This whole process will take a lot of time and effort. Consider the length of the preparation period before planning your opening. To facilitate organizational activities, you can hire lawyers who will collect the entire package of documents and go through the authorities, obtaining the required permits.

Choose a room

It is very important to responsibly approach the choice of building. Sometimes entrepreneurs do not know where to start - from finding a territory for a cafe and then adjusting their plans to its features, or from an idea and try to find a place where they can implement the idea.

In any of the cases, it is important that the institution meets the requirements prescribed in SanPiN 2.3.1079-01. It is believed that a children's cafe must meet the following criteria:

  • The total area is about 100 sq. m., so that on its territory it is possible to conveniently place a kitchen, a dining room, a games room, a storage room, a bathroom and administration.
  • All required communications have been carried out - ventilation, sewerage, electricity, exhaust system in the kitchen, plumbing, etc.
  • The room is prepared according to fire regulations.
  • The materials used for repair and decoration must be safe for the health of children.

To provide good natural light and create space, it is desirable that the windows in the cafe be large enough and face south or east. Separately, it is worth considering the interior, which will be bright, cheerful and interesting for children of different ages.

One of the important points in the selection of premises is its location in the city. So, it is recommended to pay attention to such points:

  1. So that there are no direct competitors with a similar theme of the institution nearby.
  2. Focus on the presence of nearby kindergartens, schools, developmental groups, creative workshops, parks and recreation areas for families.
  3. It should be convenient for customers to get to you by any means available to them, so it is important that there is a public transport stop nearby and parking for private cars at the building.
  4. For the summer period, an addition in the form of an open terrace under a canopy would be an ideal choice.

If you are planning to organize such a business in the village, then you should not open a large institution, because there are not so many potential visitors. But when a cafe is located in a metropolis, you will have to work hard and create a real paradise for a children's audience, which compares favorably with competing establishments and satisfies the diverse demand of capricious customers.

What is required to open?

The organization of a children's cafe with a playroom involves the presence of a large number of equipment, furniture and other devices:

  • For the kitchen you need - special equipment (dishes, knives, cutlery, etc.) for cooking, household appliances, stove, oven, refrigerator, work surfaces, various containers and shapes, meat grinder, food processor, kettle, scales, dishwasher and etc.
  • In the hall for guests, there are sofas, tables and chairs for children of different ages, as well as special high chairs for the smallest visitors. They buy beautiful dishes, cutlery, a large screen for watching cartoons.
  • The play area is equipped with various labyrinths, ladders, toys, trampolines, etc. Here you can give free rein to your imagination and think over a playground where every child will be interested and exciting. Depending on your capabilities and wishes, a more suitable set of entertainment is selected.
  • Do not forget about the administration and other amenities - hangers, racks, computer equipment, food storage racks, etc.

When organizing festive events, you will definitely need to have musical and lighting equipment available. “Soap” and “smoke” shows are in special demand, so it will be useful to purchase special equipment to create such effects.

An optional element, but playing an important role in attracting visitors, is a showcase. If you arrange it accordingly, then you can invite more and more new customers, periodically changing the scenery. Thus, you provide advertising to your institution.

Plan your menu

The dishes offered to children deserve special attention. After all, here you need to immediately take into account several points:

  1. All products must be certified, high quality and fresh.
  2. Food is selected healthy, useful for the child's body.
  3. The attractiveness of the menu and food served should interest even capricious and fastidious visitors.
  4. The diversity of the assortment will attract more customers.
  5. The cost of each dish is desirable to maintain in the medium range.

You can design the menu itself in various ways. This also requires creativity. Make your notes bright and colorful, and add a photo of the finished food to each item so that even a child who can't read can make a choice. In some establishments of this kind, they offer to order at the counter, which makes this process easier for many children.

Services and games

The attractiveness of a children's cafe will directly depend on what you offer to your visitors. It can be anything:

  • board games (mosaic, puzzles, Lego, drawing);
  • active entertainment, for which you will have to install certain equipment (ladders, slides, a pool with balls, labyrinths, a trampoline, etc.);
  • slot machines;
  • attractions;
  • Puppet Theatre;
  • disco;
  • master classes in needlework, cooking and various types of creativity.

Give parents the opportunity to organize any children's holiday - birthday, kindergarten graduation, school entry, New Year, etc. Arrange themed parties, educational and entertainment programs, discos for teenagers, etc. All this will require some effort in organization and financial costs but still attract a lot of interested kids.

Who to hire?

Depending on the size of the establishment, a different number of staff will be needed. But even for a small children's cafe you will need:

  1. Administrator - responsible for receiving orders and organizational issues, and sometimes takes on advertising activities.
  2. Cooks and assistants in the kitchen - such a person must not only be highly qualified, but also have the skills and knowledge in preparing children's dishes.
  3. Waiters - bring orders to visitors, special specialization is not required, but they must love children and get along well with them.
  4. Animators - can be hired at a constant rate or pay only piece work when fulfilling orders at special events and holidays.
  5. The caregiver is responsible for the children on the playground, monitoring their safety and helping to organize common games.
  6. Accountant - when registering an individual entrepreneur, it is not required, but if you have registered an LLC, then his services will be required, because tax reports are quite complex and many documents are required to be submitted monthly; such a function is often performed by an outside person, which can significantly save on salaries.
  7. Cleaning lady or cloakroom attendant - to keep the entire room clean.

The staff must have sanitary books, where the results of the last medical examination are recorded. It is desirable to pass it twice a year. Pay attention to this point - to work with children, each employee should be checked for a criminal record in the past. This requirement is mandatory for all children's institutions.

Periodically, for special events, holidays, events, you can hire temporary staff - actors, animators, clowns, representatives of creative professions. This will greatly diversify children's entertainment, and the remuneration of such specialists will be piecework or hourly.

How to announce yourself?

To attract as many visitors as possible to your new establishment, you will need to think over a good advertising campaign. Its scale will depend on your financial investments and the level of competition. We list the most appropriate ways to inform the public about the opening of such an institution:

  • Design an attractive, inviting window display.
  • Make a bright sign above the entrance.
  • Order advertising in local media (radio, newspapers, television, children's or women's magazines).
  • Place information about your institution on thematic sites, forums, social networks and communities.
  • Start collaborating with holiday agencies, schools and development groups.
  • Print and distribute flyers at parks, clinics, schools, and more.
  • Create a website where you will post photos of the cafe, videos of past events, testimonials from satisfied visitors, phone numbers and addresses for table reservations, as well as information about the services provided and prices.
  • Use advertising on billboards, buses, subways, bulletin boards.

Here you can download ready-made as a sample.

How much money is needed?

To open a children's cafe from scratch, you need to invest a fairly large amount.

Capital investment Prices, in rubles
1 Furnaces and stoves 200 000
2 Fridge 100 000
3 Furniture 60 000
4 Dishwasher 16 000
5 Kitchen tools and utensils 20 000
6 Business registration 50 000
7 Premises renovation 100 000
Total: 546 000

The final amount strongly depends on how much the equipment itself and the selected furniture for the room cost. Also, a separate item of expenditure is toys and equipment for a children's room, for which each entrepreneur will have his own list of necessary items.

Also consider the monthly costs:

It is quite difficult to predict how much profit a cafe will bring. This is also influenced by the pricing policy of the institution, the presence of competition in the selected area, the number of visitors and ongoing events. On average, for a small town, the monthly profit is about 300,000-500,000 rubles. But this amount may be more. The payback period is 1-3 years.

Video: how to open a children's cafe - restaurant?

The opening of a catering establishment focused on the joint leisure of children and their parents, holding holidays and celebrations, can either become a source of consistently high profits for the owner, or, conversely, cause expenses and losses. So that nothing like this happens to you, I advise you to read the tips below.

How to open a children's cafe - a guide to action

Determining the type of cafe

The first thing to do is decide what type of establishment you decide to create. You can create a small ice cream parlor, a fast food restaurant (like McDonald's, for example), or make a really large-scale cafe where your guests will not be ashamed to organize cultural events, celebrate birthdays and other holidays. If you want to get the most profit, I advise you to take a closer look at the last option. However, you need to understand that huge investments in the business will be needed. Although starting a McDonald's project will also be costly, since you will need a franchise, which is not cheap to buy, and profitability will suffer, because now many parents do not allow their children to eat fast food. I am sure that if your children's cafe prepares not only hamburgers, but also simple healthy food, it will be popular.

Choosing a place for a children's cafe

It is best to place a children's cafe in the city center, because it is there that, as a rule, they go on a family walk. Having visited the cinema, taking a walk in the park or after any other leisure activities, parents with children will gladly come to have a bite to eat at your establishment. It is not worth opening a cafe in the sleeping areas - it is unlikely that people from other parts of the city will come there specifically to eat, unless, of course, you have some kind of zest that distinguishes your project from many others.

Interior design and decoration

When purchasing furniture for a children's cafe, it should be understood that a small child is by nature a fidget who loves to rush headlong anywhere and anytime. Therefore, chairs and tables with sharp corners should not be taken categorically. It is better to put bean bags and “transformers”. Everything needs to be decorated brightly and colorfully, but unobtrusively. So that guests do not get tired of the atmosphere of immediacy you have created, you should observe the measure. And remember, in the first place, it is not the children who need to impress, but their parents. It is they who will lead their children to you next time.

Dealing with authorities

The sphere of public catering is a real tidbit for all kinds of inspectors who strive to turn your shortcoming into a present for your loved one. Therefore, before you start furnishing a room, you should consult with experts regarding all requirements. Even such a trifle as sockets placed at the wrong level can result in a large fine. But special attention should be paid to the kitchen - all equipment must meet sanitary and technical standards.

It can bring a stable profit constantly. In recent years, the work of these children's institutions has attracted increasing interest, especially if the project involves not only the sale of sweets and desserts. But also the sale of numerous children's goods, entertainment events and the opportunity to leave the child under the supervision of a nanny. Before you open a children's cafe from scratch, you need to draw up a clear business plan.

We note right away that this business is relevant only for large cities, especially in shopping centers. In small towns, it is practically not relevant and it would be better to open a cafe there for everyone, but with a children's menu.

The most important thing

What does it take to open a cafe for children in a small town? Most importantly, your idea should be thought out to the smallest detail. A successful and profitable project should be interesting and colorful. Your organization should involve both children and parents so that both of them want to come again and again.

Your project may be directed to:

  • catering for people of any age - from children to their parents, including students and schoolchildren;
  • offer inexpensive and tasty dishes;
  • organization of festive events of any nature - children's birthdays, anniversaries, etc.;
  • offer of ready-made meals for takeaway and delivery to addresses - at home, to schools, kindergartens, etc.

As a rule, in a small town, in order to succeed, you need to combine entertainment and food. There are a number of specific requirements that apply to an ice cream parlor.

Facility menu

Regardless of whether your catering organization for children is located in a big or small city, the menu should not only include snacks, but also snacks. No need to make large portions, as children eat a little. A good example of what should be included on the menu is original (let's say a small cake in the form of an animal or a fairy-tale character), pies and other pastries, drinks, juices, milkshakes, desserts, small pizzas and ice cream already mentioned above. The more extensive your menu is, the more fame you will have in the city as an excellent children's cafe. A children's nutritionist should have a hand in creating a high-quality and varied menu. If your project is on a budget, then you can simply read the advice of nutritionists on the net.

Important nuances

Let's say you have a good idea, the relevance of which is not in doubt. Your task is to start bringing the project to life. A great option is a game club with playgrounds. There, the children will be able to have fun and communicate with each other while their parents walk around or just relax. If your project will be located in a residential building, then choose the ground floor premises for it.

Please note that the idea of ​​​​creating an ice cream parlor involves renting or buying a fairly spacious area - at least 100 square meters and 60 seats (4 seats at each of the 15 tables). In order for the cafe to bring good profits in the summer, you will also need an open terrace. There should be enough space for organizing children's holidays, games with animators.

See how the establishments in your city are decorated. For an idea to be profitable, the project must be exciting and unique. Decorate the room in the spirit of a fairy tale - you can decorate the walls with images of superheroes, favorite characters of the guys, whole scenes. Fresh flowers, cages with birds and aquariums with exotic fish, funny figurines of animals - the work of such a children's cafe will interest every parent and child. Especially if there is a game room with rides and clowns.

If you already know how to start a business, don't forget that your idea needs to develop further. Subsequently, the work of the ice cream parlor and the game room in the city can be supplemented by:

  • creation of a small cinema for high-quality licensed children's films and cartoons. Fun children's parties can also be held here;
  • organizing an animal shelter where birds and small animals will be sold;
  • creating a pool for kids so that the crumbs can have fun in the water.

You can also start selling branded semi-finished products and children's clothing, organize outdoor events, festive banquets both in schools and kindergartens, and at private individuals' homes.

In order to attract attention, you should open your own website on the network. It should contain complete, including contact information about your institution. To data on working hours and location, menus and prices, add useful headings, such as “Tips for parents”, “Psychological help” and so on. Take care to set up an online line with a consultant in order to start communicating with your clients.

As a rule, a children's cafe works according to the following schedule: weekdays - 10-17 hours for children and their parents, 18-22 hours for students and high school students. On weekends and holidays, you can extend your work schedule to get additional customers and profit.

When deciding on calculations and prices for menus and entertainment, make sure that visitors with an average, not just high income, can drop by. Your cafe should be accessible to anyone. Having decided where to start, start organizing a business immediately! Staff must have experience with children and medical books.

In any, even a small town, there are always cafes where you can have a relatively inexpensive and good lunch. But not everywhere open children's cafes. It is believed that children visit cafes much less often than adults. But if you properly organize a business, then you can make good money at a children's cafe. Consider how to open a children's cafe and why this business is worthy of your attention.

How to open a children's cafe from scratch

The last cafe, where you can go with your children or have a good time with the whole family, is very much in demand. Families come to relax together in the cafe, which has a place for adults and children, an interesting menu and exciting games. The children's cafe is just a godsend for mothers who stay at home with babies, families with small children, and for those who want to organize a birthday or an exciting holiday for their children.

But for the organizers, the opening of a children's cafe involves serious preparatory work. If you want to open a children's cafe from scratch, in addition to starting capital, you will need:

  • analyze demand and draw up a business plan,
  • choose a place and arrange a rental
  • draw up documents for a children's cafe
  • think over the interior and make repairs
  • purchase equipment, furniture and toys
  • hire staff and buy toys
  • think over the menu
  • run an advertising campaign

It seems complicated, but any global task is easily solved if it is broken down into several small tasks. It is quite possible to open a children's cafe in 3 months.

What should be a children's cafe: interior and design

For a children's cafe, a special design is needed. The main thing here is bright colors, fabulous atmosphere and a "magic" menu. The main task is to attract children so that, having visited your institution once, they want to come again and again. Therefore, for a long and successful work in this business, it is necessary not only to provide services in the field of catering, but also to organize holidays. In general, a children's cafe requires imagination from the owners: this is a business idea for creative people.

An excellent example of this kind of institution is the Anderson cafe in Kazan. Everything here is done for the convenience and comfort of preschool and school children: columns in the form of toy houses, unusual serving of dishes, beautiful children's furniture, even very comfortable toilets. And, of course, exciting mazes and toys. There is even an inscription for adults: "Children left unattended will be eaten or sold into slavery."

On earth there are many very interesting cafes for children with beautiful design and interior. One of the most amazing children's cafes in the world is "Alice in Wonderland" in Japan, where all the scenery of the Disney cartoon is reproduced: huge tomes, a checkerboard floor, unusual doors. In Taiwan there is an establishment for girls "Barbie Cafe". The entire interior of the establishment is designed in pink.- from curtains to clothes of waiters.

A good children's cafe is always creativity + love for children. If you just want to make money, stop at a regular cafe or other catering outlet.

How to open a children's cafe from scratch and attract customers: a step-by-step business plan

Before opening a children's cafe, you need to carefully consider a business plan, and how, in fact, do you want to attract visitors to your establishment? To get a good income, an interesting menu must be combined with a good entertainment program. We will analyze step by step how to open a children's cafe.

Step 1. Analyze demand. Go to all the children's cafes in the area and see how the work is organized: what kind of design, entertainment, menu, prices are there. Assess the strengths and weaknesses of these institutions. Analyze the number and composition of visitors. Who comes there - couples with small children or schoolchildren? What hours or days are cafes full? How often do they organize holidays?

Step 2 Find a room. It is desirable to choose a room for a cafe on the first floor of a residential building. The second option is a shopping and entertainment center. It is desirable that the area was at least 100 square meters. meters, as it will be necessary to place a hall with tables, a game room, utility rooms. If possible, open

  • small cinema,
  • pets' corner,
  • point of sale of children's clothing;
  • point for renting cosplay costumes.

Step 3 Repair and selection of equipment. Let's take a closer look below. At the same time, you can start registering an enterprise.

Step 4 Find staff, think over animation and distinctive “chips” of your cafe. Not bad if there are clowns in the cafe, and the waiters are dressed in costumes of fairy-tale characters. You can also organize additional events on the road.

Step 5 Make a cafe schedule that suits all visitors. The cafe is open from 10 am to 10 pm. For small children with parents - up to 18 hours, and the rest of the time - for high school students, who can also offer their chips, for example, interesting events.

Step 6 Make a menu. Firstly, it should be different from an adult, secondly, portions should be made smaller, and thirdly, come up with an interesting serving and names of dishes. Certain dishes can be served in the form of figures: snowmen, animals, etc. It will be much more interesting for a child to eat a rice snowman instead of rice porridge, or a white mouse instead of dumplings. As for the names, tonys should also be original: “funny hamburger”, “shaggy sausage”, “sun on a plate”.

Step 7 Advertising campaign. A new children's cafe definitely needs good advertising. It is best to give it to social networks and also make your website. You can also advertise on sites that are somehow related to children: children's entertainment, children's clothing, etc. Be sure to make a good colorful sign, if possible - place ads in kindergartens and schools.

Equipment and furniture for a children's cafe

Equipment for a children's cafe is a special article, since certain requirements are imposed on it. You will need:

For the hall:

  • tables (low);
  • chairs (various sizes);
  • showcase.

For kitchen:

  • plates;
  • cabinets of a certain height,
  • fridge,
  • Dishwasher;
  • tables;
  • hood;
  • special tools and utensils.

For the play area:

  • labyrinth;
  • Stuffed Toys.

As for the premises where the children will be, they should be as comfortable as possible for them. It is not advisable to use fragile dishes, slippery materials. The main criteria are functionality and safety. Furniture is better to choose wooden, without sharp corners, and have special chairs for kids.

What documents are needed to open a children's cafe: registration and registration

To open up businessfromno problem, you need to register it right away. For a children's cafe, two forms of business registration are acceptable: individual entrepreneur or LLC. Registration can be done both in the tax office itself, and to draw up documents online. Now there are no problems.

The easiest way is to set up a sole proprietorship. To do this, you must pay a state duty of 800 rubles, fill out a special form, prepare a photocopy of your passport. Forming an LLC will cost more, and in addition, statutory documents will be needed. IP is an easier way, but it must be borne in mind that in case of failure, an individual entrepreneur will pay with his property, and LLC - only with the property of the organization.

When registering a business, it will be necessary to indicate the OKVED code. OKVED code 55.30 is suitable for you, which includes the work of restaurants and cafes, and it is also advisable to indicate OKVED code 92.72 - for organizing entertainment and recreation.

When choosing a taxation system, it is most convenient to focus on the simplified taxation system, which involves not too complicated reporting and payment of taxes, in which you have to pay 6% of net profit or 15% of earnings.

The downside is that children's institutions are checked more often than others. Therefore, you should always have:

  • lease contract;
  • permits from SES, State fire supervision and local administration;
  • certificates for products and toys;
  • health records for staff.

Licenses and special permits are not needed to open a children's cafe.

Financial plan for a children's cafe

Before you seriously think about opening a children's cafe, you should calculate the costs and expected income.

How much does it cost to open a children's cafe

Cafes are not cheap. Let's calculate how much it costs to open a children's cafe. first you need to be ready to shell out a round sum of about 2,000,000 rubles for the business, depending on what exactly you plan to do. In small towns, the amount may be slightly less, in Moscow - even higher.

The biggest expense will be the purchase of equipment. It can take from 1,000,000 rubles or more.

Purchase of products - 75,000 rubles.

Business registration - 40,000 rubles.

In addition, the amount of start-up capital must include rent, taxes, utility bills, which will amount to another 150-250 thousand rubles.

How much can you earn at a children's cafe

As a rule, a children's cafe pays off within a period of one to three years. Let's calculate how much you can earn at a children's cafe. If we take into account that the average check will be 500 rubles, and the income from holding events is 1,000 rubles, then with an average fullness of a cafe for 10-12 tables, you can earn from 3,000,000 to 4,500,000 rubles a month.

How to open a children's cafe in a small town

In metropolitan areas and large cities in the field of children's cafes there is a certain competition. In a small town, a children's cafe may be the only one, but this does not mean that the requirements for it will be less. And it's not just about space and equipment requirements. If you want your cafe to work for a long time and bring in a good income, it should suit both adults and children. Let the establishment not have a large area, but you should not save on design, interior and dishes.

The original design of the establishment, high-quality dishes with unusual names, an exciting program will certainly bring a large number of customers to your cafe. Moreover, for small towns, such an “advertising move” as word of mouth remains relevant. If the first visitors like your cafe, they will tell their friends and acquaintances about it, and therefore, you will not have to incur extra advertising costs: the attendance of the establishment will increase due to word of mouth.

In addition, you can save on staff. You will need 2-3 waiters, a cook who can also be a confectioner, a cleaning lady who combines the duties of a cloakroom attendant. So opening a cafe in a small town is even easier and cheaper than in a big city. Another plus of a small town is better transport accessibility compared to a metropolis and the inexperience of the population. If in Moscow and other large cities it is difficult to surprise visitors with animation and a new gaming zone, it is easier to do in a small city. But keep in mind that the average price tag in your cafe should be “lifting” for people with an average income level in your city.

An alternative to a children's cafe - a cafe with a play area

An alternative to a children's cafe can be a cafe with a children's playroom or area. That is, a cafe can be for adults, but the trick is to make it a playground for children's games: install a labyrinth, a dry pool, and buy toys. A cafe with a game room will attract more customers for the following reasons:

Parents will have somewhere to leave their children, and they will be able to sit quietly at the tables;

Children will play exciting games and not interfere with adults.

The cafe with a play area is a good option for families with children who want to spend an evening together.

Opening a cafe with a children's playroom or area is not difficult, but it will require additional costs. The playing area does not have to be in a separate room. It is enough to make a play area, and for example, put a small labyrinth in it.

  1. Cafe for children's parties

These are rather cafe-clubs where children can gather to spend time together, have fun and play. The program usually includes refreshments, games, animation. In these cafes, places are always booked in advance. Additional services are sold well there - for example, calling animators.

  1. Children's mini-cafe

For starters, you can try your hand at opening a mini-cafe. It can be placed in a large game room: a small showcase and 2-3 tables will completely solve the problem.

  1. Franchise cafe for children

If you do not know how to open a children's cafe from scratch, if difficulties arise, you can start working on a franchise. What do franchisors usually offer?

  • ready project for business development;
  • ongoing support;
  • fast start;
  • raw materials and equipment.

It is better to start working with well-known brands that have already established themselves in the market and are well known.

What franchises can be considered?

  1. Franchise network "Kinderland" To start, you need 3,500,000 rubles. Monthly contributions -5% of earnings. It is possible to recoup the project within one and a half - two years.
  2. Franchise network "Cinderella". Initial investment - 2,500,000 rubles, royalties -5%. Investments pay off within a year.
  3. Franchise network "AnderSon". The starting capital is 2,000,000 rubles. Royalty - 10%. Payback 1.5-2 years.

It is up to you to open a cafe from scratch or franchise. Of course, if you open a cafe from scratch, the costs will be lower and there will be more freedom in choosing design and interior. If you work on a franchise, an already promoted trademark of a children's cafe will help you.

A children's cafe is a sought-after and popular business, because most parents want to see their children happy and do not spare money for this. If you are creative and love children, this business will appeal to you and, if successful, will bring not only pleasure, but also high income.

Absolute majority parents are ready for the pleasure of their child for almost everything. Of course, what kind of mother agrees to stay at home when the child is bored? A much better option would be to go with the baby to a park or cafe, where he can play interesting games with his peers.

However, the weather does not always allow you to spend time outside. Unfortunately, there are not children's cafes in every city. And as a conclusion from this it follows that the opening of such an institution will be a very profitable business.

Where to start

Of course, with the choice of a suitable place. The best option would be an area in which children's institutions are concentrated. In view there are hospitals and clinics, gardens and schools.

After visiting such places, the child will probably want to eat. And an institution designed for kids will be very helpful.

Buildings located near parks and children's shops are also perfect.


After a suitable area for a children's cafe is selected, the business should be registered.

This process can take a lot of time and nerves. Firstly, the cafe is a food point, and secondly, the institution is intended for kids.

Checks and permissions of the fire service and SES will be simply necessary. Naturally, it will be necessary to register trading activities and obtain the status of an individual entrepreneur. But this is, let's say, the technical part of the question.

What should be a children's cafe

As for the children's cafe itself, here it is necessary to think over not only the location. The design of the room and its general atmosphere must be appropriate for the purpose.

That is, standard tables and chairs will not work, even if the walls are painted with bright paint. A children's cafe, from which serious profits are expected, must be extraordinary.

Children should strive to visit it again. For this, you should not spare money and imagination. A magical land, however small, can be created by anyone.

Be sure to take care of the seats for children and parents, which will be comfortable for both the first and second. A play corner in which you can have fun should be equipped with a large number of educational toys.

The place should be safe, bright and very spacious so that several babies can fit in it at once. Parents will surely appreciate the children's if there is a teacher in it. You can leave a child under his supervision - both adults have a rest, and children spend time usefully.

Children's cafe menu

As for the menu, it should not be ordinary either. It should combine ordinary cuisine with children's dishes. You can come up with unusual names.

For example, it will be much more interesting for children to order "Porridge from Masha's Cow" than "Millet Porridge with Milk".

Naturally, there should be sweets and drinks. It is desirable to arrange all dishes in an unusual, colorful way.. They will arouse interest and desire to try.


If we return to the staff, then you should think about hiring animators in costumes of fairy-tale characters. This creates a festive atmosphere, so loved by children. You can create themed days that will be dedicated to a specific cartoon or fairy-tale character.

This way you can increase attendance, because some children are delighted with Luntik, others with Kolobok. Naturally, the parents of the child's addiction know and simply will not be able to refuse him to visit the institution.

In general, a children's cafe can be developed indefinitely. The main thing is to take into account the wishes of the children and look back at the competitors - a cafe that is excellent in all respects will clearly be a success.
