How to draw a door on a drawing. Designation of doors on drawings according to GOST: an example of marking

indication doors and gate on the drawings used in construction, should be carried out according to GOST 21.201-2011. In accordance with this document, it is necessary to use special graphic images.

On those drawings that are made on a scale of 1:400 and smaller, the door leaves and the direction of their opening are not shown. If the scale of the displayed doors and gate is 1:50 or more, then when depicting on construction drawings, it is necessary to indicate such elements as quarters, thresholds, etc.

Image Name
Door (gate) oopolny

Door (gate) double leaf
Double single door
Double double door

Single door with swing leaf (right or left)

Double door with swinging doors
Door (gate) sliding single-leaf external
Door (gate) retractable single leaf opening into a niche
Door (gate) sliding double leaf
Door (gate) lifting
Door (gate) folded
Door (gate) folded-retractable
revolving door


One of the most common elements of buildings and structures are doors. They can have a variety of designs, but the most common are:

  • single floor
  • Double field
  • Swing
  • Rollback

According to the material of manufacture, they are classified into:

  • Wooden
  • metal
  • glass

Boxes are installed in doorways for mounting doors. If wood is used for this purpose, then such structures are made of bars, and then attached to the wall. Wooden canvases are usually made from a material such as glued boards. Often used for this purpose Chipboard, which are finished with facing materials.

The frames of metal doors and the binding of their panels are made of cold-formed galvanized steel profiles, which are subsequently painted to give the structure an aesthetic appearance and protection against corrosion. The door leaf of metal doors is composed of one or two steel sheets, a frame and stiffeners.

Structural elements of glass door leafs are a frame made of aluminum or steel profile, and a leaf made of the so-called "stalinite" (that is, tempered glass, which is characterized by increased strength).

According to current norms and standards, all entrance doors to buildings and apartments must open outward, that is, in the direction of movement to the street. This is necessary in order to facilitate the evacuation of people from buildings in the event of various emergencies (for example, fires).

For fixing door frames in the openings, wooden corks treated with antiseptics are used. They are installed directly into reinforced concrete panels at the stage of manufacturing these structures. If the doors are external, then they are installed together with thresholds, and if they are internal, then without them.

To hang door leafs on door frames, hinges are used. If the door is wide open, then it is very easy and simple to dismantle it from the hinges. In order to avoid the doors being open or slamming, special devices are used, which are called "diplomat". They serve to keep the door closed, and if they open, then smoothly, without bumps, return to it. In addition, doors are equipped with mortise locks, latches and handles. Entrance doors are often equipped with combination locks.


Gates are such building functional structures that serve to restrict access to a particular territory with their help.

They can play both strictly utilitarian and decorative roles. In the latter case, they often do not have wings and are simply an arch. If the gate is intended for the passage of vehicles, then its dimensions are taken into account during their development and production.

By their design, the gates are swing, rotary, sliding, retractable, up-and-over and lifting. The simplest in design and the most common are swing and sliding gates. There are also swing gates, in which the curtains are made of rubber sheets or elastic transparent plastic. They are most often installed in industrial buildings and can significantly reduce heat loss.

All standardized building doors entering mass production must be marked, which clearly indicates the type of leaf, its dimensions and data on the corresponding GOST. However, it is quite difficult for a consumer who is not initiated into the intricacies of deciphering door brands to deal with all these letters, numbers and hyphens.

The structure of the symbol, and their full decoding are presented below.

So, the marking has the following (indicated conditionally) form:


It should be noted that the full decoding of the marking will differ depending on whether the outer or inner door is meant.

X - first position points to product type. In the case of a door, there will always be one of two letters:

  • The letter D, which will indicate that you are dealing with a door block, and not with anything else.
  • The letter P - indicates that in front of you is a separate canvas that is not equipped with a door frame.

Y is the letter that is on second position, denotes exterior door type. There are 3 options:

  • N - wooden tambour doors.
  • C - service doors.
  • L - hatch doors and manhole doors.

In case of internal doors in second position(Y) will be one of the following letters:

  • G-blocks with a blank canvas.
  • About - blocks with the glazed cloth.
  • K - door blocks with a glazed swinging leaf.
  • U - block with continuous internal filling.

So, next to the H marking, you can see ranges with a height of 21 dm and a width of 9, 10, 13 or 19 dm. Next to the marking C - ranges 16-19, 19-9, 21-13, next to L - 10-10,13-13, 13-15.

Types of brand O and K can have standard sizes: with a height of 21 dm and a width of 8,9,10, 13 dm; 24 dm high and 10,12,15,19 dm wide.

Types of brand G and U - can have one of the above (typical for O and K) sizes, and also meet the dimensions: 21-7 and 21-12.

Z - the letter immediately following the numbers indicates the various characteristics of the door. Here you can find the following symbols, the full decoding of which is indicated below:

  • B - possessing the characteristics of increased moisture resistance.
  • L - left.
  • N - with a surfacing.
  • P - with a threshold.
  • C - with continuous filling of a cloth.
  • T - flame retardant.
  • C - with internal solid filling of the shield with wooden laths, equipped with a threshold, an embedded cylinder-type lock and a sealed porch.
  • Shch - panel type door.
  • O1, O2, O3 - options for upholstery of the outer door.

G - in the last position in the marking row is the name of the current GOST.

An excellent illustration of the complete decoding of the marking can be examples:

  • DO24-15P. Glazed double-leaf door 24 dm high and 15 dm wide, right, with a threshold.
  • DG21-7LP. The door is a deaf single-leaf door for an opening 21 dm high and 7 dm wide, left, with a threshold.
  • DN21-19PSCHO2. External door of tambour and entrance type for size 21*19, right with a threshold, shield door with a second upholstery option.
  • DS16-19GU. External service door for an opening with dimensions 16 * 19, deaf, insulated.

As you can see, the complete decoding of door brands is not accompanied by particular difficulties. Be sure to pay attention to the markings - and you are guaranteed to choose the door that you need! Read the details for ordering door blocks and all the necessary information on the main page.

What it is

General requirements according to GOST

What to include in the chart

  • item number;
  • product name;
  • number of units.

Note box

  • door dimensions;
  • cost of goods;
  • total weight.

GOST 16289-86 Wooden windows and balcony doors with triple. Types, design and dimensions


Types, design and dimensions

I.V. Strokov (head of the theme); B.A. Filozofovich; I.S. Poselskaya; G.G. Kovalenko; N.N. Tsaplev, Ph.D. tech. sciences; A.V. Tkachenko; G.V. Levushkin; N.V. Shvedov

APPROVED AND INTRODUCED BY Decree of the State Committee of the USSR for Construction of November 14, 1985 No. 192





Types, design and dimensions

Wooden windows and balcony doors of triple Instead

glazing for dwelling and public buildings. GOST 16289-80

The Decree of the State Committee of the USSR for Construction of November 14, 1985 No. 192 established the deadline for the introduction

This standard applies to wooden windows and balcony doors with triple glazing intended for residential and public buildings, as well as for auxiliary buildings and premises of enterprises in various sectors of the national economy.


1.1. Windows and balcony doors are manufactured in accordance with this standard with separate sashes and door leafs.

1.2. The overall dimensions of windows and balcony doors and the dimensions of the openings for them must correspond to:

1.3. Windows sizes 9-13.5; 12-13.5; 15-13.5; 18-13.5 and 21-13.5 modules (module M = 100 mm) for filling openings in the walls of non-modular bricks of the front masonry, at the request of the consumer, must be made 80 mm wide more than indicated in Fig. 1 by increasing the width of wide sashes, and a window with dimensions of 15-6 modules - 70 mm wide less than indicated in hell. 1, while the marking is changed accordingly to 9-14; 12-14; 15-14; 18-14; 21-14 and 15-5.

1.4. At the request of consumers, single-leaf windows and balcony doors, incl. with window sashes and transoms, should also be made left, and multi-leaf windows with an asymmetrical pattern - in a negative image.

1.5. The following structure of the symbol (brand) of windows and balcony doors is established:

Examples of symbols:

Right window type RS for opening 15 dm high and 9 dm wide:

ORS15-9 ​​GOST 16289-86

ORS15-9L GOST 16289-86

Window type RS for an opening 15 dm high and 13.5 dm wide, with a window sash:

ORS15-13.5 GOST 16289-86

The same, for an opening with a height of 18 and a width of 18 dm, with an asymmetrical pattern (option B):

ORS18-18V GOST 16289-86

ORS18-18VN GOST 16289-86

Balcony door, right, type RS for an opening with a height of 22 and a width of 7.5 dm:

BRS22-7.5 GOST 16289-86

BRS22-7.5 L GOST 16289-86


2.1. Windows and balcony doors must be manufactured in accordance with the requirements of GOST 23166-78 and this standard according to working drawings approved in the prescribed manner.

2.2. The design, shape, main dimensions and brands of windows and balcony doors for residential buildings must comply with those indicated in Fig. 3-6, the dimensions of the sections - in hell. 7-15; for public buildings on hell. 16-22, the dimensions of the sections - in hell. 23-32.

2.3. Dimensions on general views of windows and balcony doors are given in the light, on the outer sides of the sashes, vents, transoms and door panels and on the outer sides of the boxes.

The drawings given in this standard show dimensions for unpainted parts and products in millimeters.

2.4. To drain rainwater in the lower bars of the boxes and in horizontal mullions under wide doors, transoms and canvases, holes with a diameter of 10 mm are drilled, located at a distance of 50 mm from the vertical bars of boxes and mullions, and under window and narrow doors - one hole in the middle of the wings.

2.5. The outer sashes of windows and the outer sheets of balcony doors must be equipped with mortise wrappers with removable handles, and transoms - with fanlight devices in accordance with GOST 5090-79.

2.6. The outer sashes of windows and the outer sheets of balcony doors must be hung on mortise hinges with removable rods in accordance with GOST 5088-76.

Internal window sashes with a height of more than 1400 mm and a width of more than 600 mm, a height of more than 1000 mm and a width of more than 900 mm, as well as balcony door panels, must be hung on three hinges.

2.7. For glazing windows and balcony doors of residential buildings, glass should be used according to GOST 111-78 with a thickness of 2.5-3 mm, and for public buildings - with a thickness of 3-4 mm.

The thickness of the glass is specified in the project, taking into account wind loads and noise impacts in the construction area and is indicated in the order for the products.

2.9. At the request of consumers, along the perimeter of window frames and balcony doors on the end and side surfaces, longitudinal grooves of various profiles are allowed, filled with wooden inserts and framed with platbands when connecting products to each other.

2.10. To ensure the possibility of equipping windows and balcony doors of public buildings with lever-type fanlight devices, it is allowed to increase the thickness of the upper and vertical bars of boxes and imposts by 20 mm without changing the dimensions of the products.

2.11. By agreement between the manufacturer and the consumer, it is allowed to manufacture balcony doors with a height of 28 modules with transoms in separate boxes. In this case, the height of the blind part of the canvases or the glazed part of the transoms is reduced by 50 mm.

2.12. The location of devices in windows and balcony doors (examples) is given in Appendix 3; the specification of glasses for windows and balcony doors of residential buildings is given in Appendix 4, the specification of glasses for windows and balcony doors of public buildings - in Appendix 5; fanlight connector and handle-stop are given in Appendix 6.

Types and overall dimensions of windows and balcony doors of residential buildings

Types and overall dimensions of windows and balcony doors of public buildings

Notes to hell. 1 and 2.

Sections along the porches of windows and balcony doors of residential buildings

GOST 11214-86 glazing for residential and public buildings. Types, design and dimensions



Types, design and dimensions

State Construction Committee of the USSR

DEVELOPED by the State Committee for Civil Engineering and Architecture under the Gosstroy of the USSR

I. V. Strokov (head of the theme); B. A. Filozofovich; I. S. Poselskaya; G.G. Kovalenko; N. N. Tsaplev, Ph.D. tech. sciences; A. V. Tkachenko; G. V. Levushkin; N.V. Swedes

INTRODUCED by the State Committee for Civil Engineering and Architecture under the Gosstroy of the USSR

Deputy Chairman M.P. Kokhanenko

APPROVED AND INTRODUCED BY Resolution No. 191 of the USSR State Committee for Construction Affairs dated November 14, 1985



Types, design and dimensions

Wooden windows and balcony doors of double
glazing for dwelling and public buildings.
Types, structure and dimensions

GOST 11214-78

By the Decree of the State Committee of the USSR for Construction of November 14, 1985 No. 191, the deadline for the introduction was established

This standard applies to wooden windows and balcony doors with double glazing intended for residential and public buildings, as well as for auxiliary buildings and premises of enterprises in various sectors of the national economy.


for residential buildings - indicated in fig. 1 and in Appendix 1;

for public buildings - indicated in hell. 2 and in Appendix 2.

Windows and balcony doors shown in Fig. 1, it is allowed to apply to public buildings.

OS 15-9 GOST 11214-86

OS 15-9L GOST 11214-86

BS 22-9 GOST 11214-86

OR 18-18V GOST 11214-86

The same, in the negative image:

OR 18-18VN GOST 11214-86

OS 15-13.5 GOST 11214-86

BS 22-7.5 GOST 11214-86

The same, the left balcony door:

BS 22-7.5L GOST 11214-86


2.8. The locations of sealing polyurethane foam gaskets in accordance with GOST 10174-72 in the porches of windows and balcony doors are indicated on the section drawings.

Notes to hell. 1 and 2:

1. Product diagrams are shown from the side of the facade.

2. The numbers above the product diagrams indicate the dimensions of the openings in the modules.

Design, shape, main dimensions and brands of windows and balcony doors of residential buildings


1.1. Windows and balcony doors manufactured according to this standard are divided into types:

C - with twin doors and door leafs;

R - with separate wings and door leafs.

1.2. The overall dimensions of windows, balcony doors and the dimensions of openings for them must correspond to:

for residential buildings - indicated in fig. 1 and in Appendix 1;

for public buildings - indicated in hell. 2 and in Appendix 2.

Windows and balcony doors shown in Fig. 1, it is allowed to apply to public buildings.

1.3. Windows sizes 9-13.5; 12-13.5; 15-13.5; 18-13.5 and 21-13.5 modules (module M-100 mm) for filling openings in the walls of non-modular brick face masonry, at the request of the consumer, it is allowed to produce a width of 80 mm more than indicated, by increasing the wide sashes, and the window with dimensions 15-6 modules - with a width of 70 mm less than the specified one, while the marking is changed accordingly to 9-14; 12-14; 15-14; 18-14; 21-14 and 15-5.

1.4. For residential buildings erected in the IV climatic region, it is allowed to use windows with a narrow sash (without a vent).

1.5. At the request of consumers, single-leaf windows and balcony doors, incl. with window sashes and transoms, should also be made left, and multi-leaf windows with an asymmetrical pattern - in a negative image.

1.6. The following structure of the symbol (brand) of windows and balcony doors is established:

At the end of the brand of windows and balcony doors with single glazing, before the designation of the standard, add the number 1 through a dash.

An example of a symbolic designation is a type C window for an opening 15 dm high and 9 dm wide, with right hinged sashes:

OS 15-9 GOST 11214-86

The same, with the left hinged sashes:

OS 15-9L GOST 11214-86

Right balcony door type C for opening 22 dm high and 9 dm wide:

BS 22-9 GOST 11214-86

The same, a P-type window for an opening 18 dm high and 18 dm wide, with an asymmetrical window pattern (option B):

OR 18-18V GOST 11214-86

The same, in the negative image:

OR 18-18VN GOST 11214-86

The same, type C windows for an opening with a height of 15 and a width of 13.5 dm, with a window leaf:

OS 15-13.5 GOST 11214-86

The same, for the right type C balcony door for an opening 22 dm high and 7.5 dm wide, with the right hinged leaf:

BS 22-7.5 GOST 11214-86

The same, the left balcony door:

BS 22-7.5L GOST 11214-86


2.1. Windows and balcony doors must be manufactured in accordance with the requirements of GOST 23166-78, the requirements of this standard and according to working drawings approved in the prescribed manner.

2.2. The design, shape, main dimensions and brands of type C windows and balcony doors for residential buildings must comply with those indicated in Fig. 3-5, for public buildings - hell. 6-11, and the dimensions of the sections of parts and porch - to hell. 12-23.

2.3. The design, shape, main dimensions and brands of windows and balcony doors of type P for residential buildings must comply with those indicated in Fig. 24-27, for public buildings - hell. 37-43, and the dimensions of the sections of parts and porches for residential buildings - in hell. 28-36, public buildings - to hell. 44-53.

2.4. Dimensions on general views of windows and balcony doors are given in the light on the outer sides of the sashes, transoms, vents, door panels and on the outer sides of the boxes.

In the drawings given in this standard, the dimensions of unpainted parts and products are indicated in millimeters.

2.5. To drain rainwater, cuts 12 mm wide are made in the lower bars of the boxes and in horizontal imposts of windows and balcony doors of type C, and holes with a diameter of 10 mm are drilled in windows and balcony doors of type P, located under wide sashes, canvases of balcony doors and transoms at a distance 50 mm from the vertical bars of boxes and imposts, and under the window and narrow doors - one slot or one hole in the middle.

2.6. External sashes of windows and balcony doors of type P must be hung on mortise hinges with removable rods in accordance with GOST 5088. Internal sashes of windows of type C with a height of more than 1400 mm and a width of more than 600 mm, as well as a height of more than 1000 mm and a width of more than 900 mm must be hung on 3 loops.

2.7. For glazing windows and balcony doors of residential buildings, glass with a thickness of 2.5-3 mm according to GOST 111-78 should be used, and for public buildings with a thickness of 3-4 mm.

The glass thickness is specified in the project and when ordering products, taking into account wind loads and noise impacts in the construction area.

2.8. The locations of sealing polyurethane foam gaskets in accordance with GOST 10174-72 in the porches of windows and balcony doors are indicated on the section drawings.

2.9. At the request of consumers, along the perimeter of window and door frames on the end and side surfaces, it is allowed to arrange longitudinal grooves of various profiles, filled with liners and framed by platbands when connecting the blocks to each other.

2.10. In residential and public buildings for climatic regions, where, according to thermal engineering calculations, windows and balcony doors with double glazing are not required, as well as in unheated buildings and premises, only external elements of windows and balcony doors of type P should be used, while the thickness of the frame bar should not be less than 54 mm, and the dimensions of the sections are set in the working drawings.

2.11. To ensure the possibility of equipping windows and balcony doors of public buildings with lever-type fanlight devices, it is allowed to increase the thickness of the upper and vertical bars of boxes and imposts by 20 mm without changing the dimensions of the products.

2.12. By agreement between the manufacturer and the consumer, it is allowed to manufacture balcony doors with a height of 28 modules with transoms in separate boxes. In this case, the height of the blind part of the canvases or the glazed part of the transoms is reduced by 50 mm.

2.13. By agreement between the manufacturer and the consumer, it is allowed to manufacture type C windows with a height of 6 and 9 modules, intended for stairwells, without an impost with a hinged sash on the lower horizontal axis with the obligatory installation of opening limiters.

2.14. By agreement between the manufacturer and the consumer, it is allowed to fill the blind part of the inner leaves of balcony doors of types C and P with cement particle boards in accordance with GOST 26816-86 separately or with fiberboards, and in the outer sheets, replacement of wooden sheathing with cement particle boards 12 mm thick. Other options for filling the blind part of the outer sheets are allowed, which do not reduce the performance of the products, while the filling (panel) must be deepened in quarters of the bars and fixed with a layout (glazing bead).

2.15. The location of appliances in windows and balcony doors (examples) is given in the recommended Appendix 3; the specification of glasses for windows and balcony doors of residential buildings is given in reference appendix 4, the specification of glasses for windows and balcony doors of public buildings is given in reference appendix 5.

Overall dimensions of windows and balcony doors of types C and P of residential buildings

Overall dimensions of windows and balcony doors of types C and P of public buildings

Notes to hell. 1 and 2:

1. Product diagrams are shown from the side of the facade.

2. The numbers above the product diagrams indicate the dimensions of the openings in the modules.

3. Windows of residential buildings with a height of 18 modules and balcony doors with a height of 24 modules - limited use for climatic subregions 1A, 1B and 1D.

Design, shape, main dimensions and brands of windows and balcony doors of residential buildings

Design, shape, main dimensions and brands of windows and balcony doors of public buildings

Sections along the porches of windows and balcony doors of residential and public buildings

1 - sealing gaskets; 2 - loop (for side section)

Specification of elements for filling doorways: GOST requirements

During the construction of any type of building, one of the main documents establishing the design plan is the specification form for filling the openings. It indicates the list of necessary items, their design features, dimensions and other characteristics. There are even separate GOST standards on this score, they relate primarily to the rules for drawing up the specification and the principle of submitting the necessary information.

What it is

For a person who first heard such a term, it will be interesting to know in more detail what the specification of the doorway filling elements is. At its core, this is a kind of document, or rather, part of the project documentation for any building. It supplements the drawn up drawings and demonstrates the names and models of those elements with which it is supposed to fill the doorways in the future. In other words, this is a list of structures and their individual parts that are required to complete a construction project. Thanks to the specification, you can estimate the construction budget and see a more accurate plan of the final result.

When performing independent work on the construction of a building on a private site, there is no need to draw up a specification. You can get by with approximate calculations and purchase everything you need in the course of interior finishing work.

The rules for compiling this list are determined by GOST. Specifications for window openings, niches and partitions with gaps also fall under the same requirements.

Specification of openings with the type of door opening

General requirements according to GOST

In order for the form of the specification of the opening filling elements to comply with GOST, it is necessary to carefully study the standard number 21.101. It describes the general provisions regarding the rules for the implementation of project documentation during the construction of a building. Be sure to draw up detailed drawings, complete with which the specification should go. Appropriate designations allow you to more accurately represent the picture of the future structure.

You should also refer to GOST 21.501. This paragraph explains the rules for drawing up the drawings themselves. Both standards contain many subclauses. As for the doorways themselves, they are mentioned here separately. When fulfilling the specification on the drawings, it is important to observe special requirements regarding the dimensions of the table. There are specific sizes for columns and spacing for rows.

In general, for a person who does not have special skills or education in this area, it will be quite difficult in a short time to understand all the intricacies of compiling project documentation, including specifications.

GOST 21.501 - a document regulating the rules for drawing up a specification

What to include in the chart

According to GOST, there is a pre-designed form designed to fill out the specification. It takes into account the presence of all the necessary columns for entering product parameters. There is a category of required names that cannot be removed from the form. In some cases, they are quite enough for a basic description of the situation. If you need to specify any specific data, you can add auxiliary columns for this kind of information.

In general, the following parameters are entered in the scheme:

  • item number;
  • product name;
  • number of units.

Additionally, specific units of measurement, the weight of items recorded in the specification, a specific brand or model can be indicated.

For doorways, usually only a few components are included in the specification list. First of all, it is, of course, a canvas and a door frame or an arch. In addition, extensions, sills and platbands, as well as other elements of the design of the opening, can be attributed to them. In some cases, the inventory also contains individual fragments of the canvas itself. For example, it can be glass and stained-glass windows. It is also necessary to record protective structures, such as gratings and lifting shutters, on the form.

An example of designing a door specification according to GOST

Note box

In addition to the main provisions, GOST assumes the presence of an additional column in the specification form - “Notes”. In this section, brief notes may be made regarding important design points that are not included in the general list of columns. These primarily include:

  • door dimensions;
  • dimensions of the opening framing structure;
  • the material from which the filling element is made;
  • cost of goods;
  • total weight.

In addition to the specification, ideally there should be a detailed building plan with drawings in several projections. The rules for their implementation are also established by GOST.

The specification allows you to more fully cover the list of upcoming work and indicates the list of necessary materials to complete the construction and design openings. This is very convenient when you need to provide an estimate for each item.

Types according to GOST 6629-88: wooden blank canvas

Doors, like any other products, as well as building materials, are manufactured in accordance with state-approved standards. Depending on the version of their execution and purpose, there are documents regulating the production of internal doors and GOST: internal doors.

How many such standards are there, and what exactly do they pay special attention to? After watching the video in this article, as well as reading the content, you will get a lot of useful information on this topic.

The main document, on the basis of which doors are made of wood and its derivatives for installation inside public and residential buildings, is the state standard number 6629-88 (see). We note right away that in the manufacture of soundproof, evacuation or any other special-purpose construction, one should not rely on it.

For clarity, we present each of them in the form of a table:

Type Symbol and explanation

Type "G". This option is installed inside buildings: they can have one or two canvases, with lattice filling. Options are as follows: with and without a box; with and without a threshold; with and without covers.

With glazed panels

Type "O". . This is the only difference from the previous version. The options are the same.

With swinging glass panels

Type "K". The photo shows the so-called, the wings of which do not pretend, but swing. They are also interior, but differ from the types "G" and "O" in execution and principle of operation.

They are always two-floor, with a box, without overlap and also without a threshold. The presence or absence of plates is at the discretion of the manufacturer.


Type "U". This category includes reinforced structures. They are installed inside buildings, at the entrance to an isolated room - for example: to an apartment. They are always single-sided, without overlap and facings.

Cloths must have a continuous filling. The truth is to decide whether there will be a box or not, it is left to the manufacturer.

By the way: according to this GOST, on manufactured, manufactured without boxes, upper half-loops must be installed. The lower half loop must be packed and included in the product package.


  • The standard regulates the manufacture of structures of all types, according to clearly defined standard sizes. Marking according to GOST should reflect the height and width of the opening for which this product is intended. For example: DK 24-19 means: swinging door, height 24dm (2.4m), width 19dm (1.9m), taking into account the thickness of the frame.
  • Two-field constructions of the type "O" and "G" can have canvases that are unequal in width. The letters “P” (right) or “L” (left) are also added to the single-field marking. The additional letter "P" means that the product has a threshold - for example: DG 24-15PP.
  • As for not markings, but graphic images on the drawings of the designed buildings, they are carried out in accordance with the standard 21 * 201-2011. Paragraph 4.7 contains a table with samples of graphic images of doors that designers must adhere to. We provide this table below.

Designation according to GOST on the drawings and in the plan

Doors of all types must be manufactured in accordance with the working drawings presented in this standard, and only in accordance with the permitted dimensions. Next, your attention will be offered a short excursion into technology - it can be useful for those who want to make a wooden door with their own hands.


Structurally, the canvases are divided into frame structures, consisting of strapping bars and panels, and panel structures. It is more difficult to make a frame door, the material consumption is higher and it must be of high quality. Therefore, the price of such a design is higher.

By and large, the panel door is based on the same frame, only with internal filling and lining with cheaper material: plywood or fiberboard 3-5 mm thick. Such doors are cheaper, but due to their hollow structure and filler, they have higher soundproofing properties.

The set of technological operations in the manufacture of a panel structure is as follows:

  • frame assembly and filling
  • cutting of facing parts
  • gluing boards and processing their ends around the perimeter
  • Installation of lining or layouts under glass
  • Making a canvas box

To make a glazed door, two frames are made from bars with the same cross section. Frame parts are connected in the corners with a spike or with special clips. The filling of the frames can be very different: slats stuffed at some distance or completely, MDF, plywood. If the padding is solid, the assembly order will be like this.


  • On the finished frame, on one side, a lining is applied, smeared around the perimeter with glue, and then fastened with small carnations 2-2.5 cm long. Then the frame is turned over and its interior is filled with bars or slats. Their cross section must correspond to the thickness of the door frame.
  • It is necessary to try to ensure that the filling elements are pressed tightly, and their joints do not coincide. Next comes the turn of the second shield, which is mounted similarly to the first. In the case when the filling of the frame is not continuous, but sparse, you need to try so that the size of the cells does not exceed 4 cm.

  • Furniture factories, of course, have their own technologies, and as filling the frames, they use not lumber, but special honeycomb liners made of pressed cardboard. After the frames are filled, the shields are glued onto them using a hydraulic press.

If pressing is done mechanically, then gluing takes a lot of time - up to half a day. When using the hot method, a quarter of an hour is enough for this.

Approximately one day after pressing, the perimeter of the doors is processed. This includes filing boards, grooving, grinding. In conclusion, they are installed on the details of the lining and the layout on the glass, if any.

Outdoor structures

In the previous chapter, we talked about internal wooden doors. Exterior standard doors are manufactured according to another standard, number 24698-81. It does not apply to doors for cultural buildings, shopping and sports centers, railway stations, as well as to structures whose area exceeds 9m2.


  • This document regulates the manufacture of three types of doors: under the letter "H" - vestibule and entrance, under "C" - service. The third type is designated by the letter "L". This is not even a door, as such, but a hatch (manhole) - for example, to exit from the entrance to the attic. Everything is the same here: also, taking into account the purpose, the requirements for door designs, their sizes and markings are set out.

metal blocks

  • This indicator is a certain time period during which the door can withstand the influence of extremely high temperatures and not lose its load-bearing capacity, as well as its heat-insulating properties. It is clear that special requirements are imposed on such structures.

SNiP: fire-fighting elements

  • The porches must be sealed, and the canvases are equipped with closers. There are types of doors that are normally used in the open. In this case, the obligation of the manufacturer is to equip them with automation that works during a fire and pretends to be a canvas.

Note! Another very important requirement: the door leading to the emergency exit must not have a locking mechanism that cannot be opened without a key. Moreover, not only the materials from which the canvas is made, but also the fittings installed on it, must be non-combustible.

Aluminum fire-resistant products

  • Installing fire doors in a privately owned home is voluntary. But there are categories of buildings that must be equipped with fire doors without fail. For example, in multi-storey buildings, the height of which exceeds 50 m, all exits should be equipped with such structures - including those to vestibules, stairwells and elevator shafts.
  • The fire resistance limit of structures installed at these points must be at least half an hour. Doors with the same characteristics are also installed in elevator lobbies of one-section buildings, as well as in technical basements. In public buildings, all entrance groups must be equipped with refractory blocks.

Doors that meet fire safety requirements can be made not only of steel, but also of aluminum - with filling the frames of the canvases with fire-resistant glass. In this case, they not only provide the possibility of unhindered evacuation of people in a force majeure situation, but also perfectly complement the interiors and exteriors of buildings.

GOST 21.501-93






1 DEVELOPED by the Academy of Sciences by the Central Research and Design and Experimental Institute for Methodology of Organization, Economics and Design Automation (TsNIIproekt), Design Institute (Promstroyproekt), Design Institute No. 2 (PI-2), Central Research and Design Institute Institute for Individual Experimental Design of Dwellings TsNIIEPzhilishcha) INTRODUCED by the Ministry of Construction of Russia2 ACCEPTED by the Interstate Scientific and Technical Commission for Standardization and Technical Regulation in Construction on November 10, 1993. The following voted for the adoption of the standard:

Name of State

Namebody of state management of construction

The Republic of Azerbaijan Gosstroy of the Republic of Azerbaijan
Republic of Armenia State Architecture of the Republic of Armenia
Republic of Belarus Gosstroy of the Republic of Belarus
The Republic of Kazakhstan Ministry of Construction of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Republic of Kyrgyzstan Gosstroy of the Kyrgyz Republic
The Russian Federation Gosstroy of Russia
The Republic of Tajikistan Gosstroy of the Republic of Tajikistan
Ukraine Ministry of Construction and Architecture of Ukraine
3 INTRODUCED from September 1, 1994 as the state standard of the Russian Federation by Decree of the Ministry of Construction of Russia dated August 12, 1994 No. 18-104 TO REPLACE GOST 21.107-78, GOST 21.501-80, GOST 21.502-78 and GOST 21.503-80


Introduction date 1994-09-01

This standard establishes the composition and rules for the design of architectural and construction working drawings (architectural solutions and building structures *, including working documentation for building products **), buildings and structures for various purposes. _____________ * A building structure is understood as a part of a building, a structure of a certain functional purpose (framework of a building, covering, flooring, etc.), consisting of elements interconnected in the course of construction work. ** A building product is understood as an element of a building structure (column, truss, crossbar, floor slab, wall panel, reinforcing cage, etc.), manufactured outside the place of its installation.


1.1. Architectural and construction working drawings are performed in accordance with the requirements of GOST 21.101, as well as this standard. When performing working drawings of metal structures, one should be guided by the relevant standards of the Design Documentation System for Construction (SPDS) .1.2. Working drawings of architectural solutions and building structures intended for construction and installation work are performed as part of the main sets, which are assigned grades in accordance with GOST 21.101. According to the working drawings of the AR grade, if necessary, they make up an equipment specification in accordance with GOST . Conventional graphic images of building structures and their elements are given in Appendix 1.1.4. The architectural and construction drawings indicate the accuracy characteristics of the geometric parameters of buildings, structures, structures and their elements in accordance with GOST 21.113. The requirements for the accuracy of the functions of the ional geometric parameters of buildings, structures and structures must be linked to the requirements for the accuracy of manufacturing products (structural elements), breakdown of axes and installation of structural elements by calculating the accuracy in accordance with GOST 21780.1.5. On architectural and construction, working drawings (on images of foundations, walls, partitions, ceilings), openings, grooves, niches, nests and holes with the required dimensions and bindings are indicated.


2.1. The main set of working drawings of architectural solutions includes: 1) general data on working drawings; 2) floor plans, including basement, technical underground, technical floor and attic; 3) sections; 4) facades; 5) floor plans (if necessary); 6) roof (roof) plan; 7) layouts of elements of prefabricated partitions *; 8) layouts of elements for filling window and other openings *; 9) remote elements (assemblies, fragments); 10) specifications for layouts in accordance with GOST General data on working drawings 2.2.1. The composition of the general data on working drawings, in addition to the information provided for by GOST 21.101, includes a statement of interior decoration in form 1 (in the absence of a main set of working drawings of interiors).

Room finishing list

Area, m2

Notes: 1. The number of graphs is determined by the presence of interior elements to be finished. 2. The area of ​​finishing the premises is calculated according to the relevant regulatory documents.2.2.2. In general instructions, in addition to the information provided for by GOST 21.101, indicate: 1) the class of responsibility of the building (structure); 2) the category of the building (structure) for explosion and fire hazard; 3) the degree of fire resistance of the building (structure); 4) the characteristics of wall and insulating materials**; 5) instructions on the installation of waterproofing and blind areas **; 6) instructions on the exterior decoration of the building (structure) **; 7) instructions on measures during the production of work in winter. 2.3. Floor plans 2.3.1. When performing the floor plan, the position of the imaginary horizontal secant plane of the section is taken at the level of window openings or at 1/3 of the height of the depicted floor. In cases where window openings are located above the secant plane, sections of the corresponding walls are located along the perimeter of the plan at the level of window openings. ________ * Schemes of the location of prefabricated metal elements, partitions and filling window openings are performed as part of the working drawings of metal structures. The layouts of the elements of prefabricated reinforced concrete partitions are usually performed as part of the main set of working drawings of reinforced concrete structures. ** Given if there are no corresponding instructions on the drawings. 2.3.2. The following are applied to the floor plans: 1) the coordination axes of the building (structure); 2) dimensions that determine the distances between the coordination axes and openings, the thickness of walls and partitions, other necessary dimensions, marks of sections located at different levels; 3) cut lines. The cut lines are carried out, as a rule, in such a way that the openings of windows, external gates and doors fall into the cut; 4) positions (brands) of the elements of the building (structure), filling the openings of the gates and doors (except for the panel partitions that are part), jumpers , stairs, etc. It is allowed to indicate the positional designation of gate and door openings in circles with a diameter of 5 mm; 5) designations of nodes and fragments of plans; .The areas are put down in the lower right corner of the room (technological section) and underlined. Categories of premises (technological sections) are put down under their name in a rectangle measuring 5 ´8 (h) mm. For residential buildings, if necessary, the type and area of ​​​​apartments are indicated on the plans. At the same time, the area is put down in the form of a fraction, the numerator of which indicates the living area, and the denominator - useful. ) put down their numbers. For residential buildings, the explication of premises, as a rule, is not performed; 7) the boundaries of the zones of movement of technological cranes (if necessary).

Explication of premises

________ * Explosion and fire safety category.2.3.3. Built-in premises and other sections of the building (structure), for which separate drawings are made, are shown schematically as a solid thin line showing load-bearing structures. 2.3.4. Platforms, mezzanines and other structures located above the cutting plane are depicted schematically by a dash-dotted thin line with two points. 2.3.5. Examples of building floor plans are given in Appendix The floor plans are followed by: 1) a list of lintels in the form 3. Examples of filling out the list and specifications of elements of lintels are given in Appendix 3; 2) specifications for filling elements of window, door and other openings, shield partitions, lintels marked on plans, sections and facades - according to form 7 or 8 of appendix 7 of GOST 21.101. An example of fulfilling the specification of elements for filling openings is given in appendix 3.

List of jumpers

2.4. Sections and facades 2.4.1. The contour lines of structural elements in the section are depicted as a solid thick main line, visible contour lines that do not fall into the section plane are depicted as a solid thin line. 2.4.2. The following are applied to the sections and facades: 1) the coordination axes of the building (structure) passing in the characteristic places of the section and the facade (extreme, at expansion joints, load-bearing structures, in places of height difference, etc.), with dimensions that determine the distances between them (only in sections) and the total distance between the extreme axes; 2) marks and, characterizing the location of elements of non-existent and enclosing structures in height, 3) dimensions and height bindings of openings, holes, niches and nests in walls and partitions sections; 4) positions (brands) of elements of the building (structure) not indicated on the plans. The types of filling of window openings, the material of individual sections of walls that differ from the main materials are also indicated on the facades. Types of window openings are allowed to be indicated on the floor plans; 5) designations of nodes and fragments of cuts and facades. Examples of making cuts are given in Appendix 4, facades and their fragments - in Appendix 5.2.5. Floor and roof plans (roofs) 2.5.1 The following are applied to the floor plans: 1) coordination axes: extreme, at expansion joints, along the edges of sections with various structural and other features and with dimensional references and such sections; 2) designation of floor slopes ;3) type of floors. Designations of floor types are put in a circle with a diameter of 7 mm; 4) marks in the places of floor differences. The walls of the building (structure) and partitions on the floor plans and depict one solid thick main line. The floor plans indicate the elements of the building (structure) and devices that affect floor structure (gate and door openings, expansion joints, channels, ladders, etc.), boundaries of sections with different floor designs. Expansion joints are depicted by two thin solid lines, the boundaries of floor sections are dashed lines. Floor plans may be combined with floor plans.2.5.3. An explication of the floors in form 4 is made up for the floor plans. An example of the implementation of the floor plan is given in Appendix 6.

Explication of the floors

__________ * Type of floor according to the working drawing. ** When using a standard design and floor, only additional data is given. The following are applied to the roof (roof) plan: 1) coordination axes: extreme, at expansion joints, along the edges of sections of the roof (roof) with various structural and other features with dimensional references of such sections; 2) designation of roof slopes; 3) marks or schematic transverse roof profile; 4) positions (brands) of roof (roof) elements and devices. stairs, other elements and devices that are not appropriate to indicate and mark on other drawings. An example of a roof plan is given in Appendix 7.2.6. Schemes of arrangement of elements of prefabricated partitions, filling of window and other openings 2.6.1. The layouts of the elements of prefabricated partitions (except for reinforced concrete panel ones), the filling of window and other openings are carried out taking into account the requirements of clause It is allowed to combine the layout of elements of prefabricated partitions with floor plans. An example of the layout of elements of prefabricated partitions is given in Appendix The layout of the elements for filling window openings is made up for each type of filling. Solid filling between two adjacent coordination axes is considered as filling of the same type. When panels are supplied with filled openings, the arrangement of filling elements is not performed. An example of the arrangement of elements for filling window openings is given in Appendix 9.


3.1. The main set of working drawings of building structures (hereinafter referred to as structures) includes: 1) general data on working drawings; 2) from the layout of structural elements; 3) specifications for the layout of structural elements. The composition of working drawings of monolithic reinforced concrete structures additionally include: 1) reinforcement schemes for monolithic reinforced concrete structures; 2) statement of steel consumption for monolithic structures in form 5. The statement does not include standard products - dowels, bolts, washers, etc.

Sheet of steel consumption, kg

Continued statement

3.2. In addition to the information provided for by GOST 21.101, the general data on working drawings include: 1) information about the loads and impacts taken to calculate the structures of a building or structure; 2) information about soils (bases), the level and nature of soil water, freezing depth *; 3) instructions on measures for preparation for foundations and on special conditions for the production of work *; 4) information on measures for anti-corrosion protection of structures (in the absence of the main set of working drawings of grade A3); 5) instructions on activities in the production of work in the winter. 3.3. Layouts of structural elements 3.3.1. On the layout diagram of structural elements (hereinafter referred to as the layout diagram), the structural elements and the connections between them are indicated in the form of catchy or simplified graphic images. 3.3.2. The layout scheme is performed for each group of structural elements related to the conditions and sequence of construction work. Examples: 1. Layout of elements of foundations and foundation beams.2. Layout of blocks of basement walls (sweep of block walls of the basement) .3. Layout of columns, connections by columns, crane beams. _____________ * Provided in the absence of them in the technical requirements for the layout of foundation elements.4. The layout of trusses (beams) .5. Layout of wall panels and partitions. 3.3.3. The layout scheme is carried out in the form of plans, facades or sections of the corresponding structures, with a simplified representation of the elements. 3.3.4. The following is applied to the layout diagram: 1) the coordination axes of the building (structure), the dimensions that determine the distances between them and between the extreme axes, the dimensional binding of the axes or surfaces of structural elements to the coordination axes of the building (structure) or, if necessary, to other structural elements, other necessary dimensions; 2) marks of the most characteristic levels of structural elements; 3) positions (marks) of structural elements; 4) designations of nodes and fragments; 5) data on permissible mounting loads. 3.3.5. Identical positions (brands) of successively located structural elements on the layout diagram may be applied only at the ends of the row, indicating the number of positions.3.3.6. The layout of wall panels with a multi-tiered arrangement of panels within a floor is performed in the plane of the walls in the view, with one arrangement - in the plan. It is allowed to assign sequential numbers to layouts. Example: Layout of floor elements at elev. 7.200 between axes 1 - 15, V - D (diagram 1). 3.3.8. Marks are applied on the layout diagram for installation in the design position of structural elements that have an asymmetrical arrangement of embedded products and other distinguishing features. , slabs, etc.), for each of which separate reinforcement schemes are performed, then these elements are assigned positional designations or marks in accordance with features. one.

Heck. one

3.3.10. In the technical requirements for the layout, if necessary, provide instructions on the order of installation, embedment of seams, requirements for field connections. 3.3.11. Working drawings of reinforcing and embedded products developed for monolithic reinforced concrete structures as independent documents are not included in the main set of working drawings, but are recorded in the list of reference and attached documents in the "Attached Documents" section. 3.3.12. The following are applied to the reinforcement scheme of a monolithic reinforced concrete structure: 1) the coordination axes of the building (structure); 2) the contours of the structures - with a solid thick main line; 3) dimensions that determine the position of reinforcing and embedded products and the thickness of the concrete protective layer. they are depicted with a very thick solid line. If necessary, clamps are indicated on the diagram to ensure the design position of the reinforcement. 3.3.13. The following simplifications are used on the reinforcement scheme: 1) frames and meshes are depicted with a contour in accordance with the drawing. 2; 2) to ensure the correct installation of asymmetric frames and meshes in the design position, only their characteristic features are indicated (diameter of rods differing in diameter, etc.) in accordance with Fig. 3; 3) if the reinforced concrete structure has several sections with evenly spaced identical frames or grids, then their contours are applied on one of the sections, indicating the position numbers and in brackets - the number of products of this position. In the remaining sections, only positions are affixed and in brackets - the number of products of this position in accordance with the features. 4;

Heck. 2

Heck. 3

Heck. 4

4) in sections with separate rods located at equal distances, one rod is depicted with an indication of the line and leader and its position on the shelf, and under the shelf of the leader line - the step of the rods in accordance with Fig. 5. If the pitch of the rods is not standardized, then next to the designation of the rods indicate in brackets the number of rods in accordance with the drawing. 6; 5) reinforcement of elements crossing the depicted element, as a rule, is not indicated (Fig. 8); 6) when depicting a frame or mesh, identical rods located at equal distances are applied only at the ends of the frame or mesh, and also in places where the pitch of the rods changes. At the same time, under the shelf of the leader line with the designation of the position of the rod, their step is indicated in accordance with the drawing. 7; 7) in a complex reinforcement scheme, it is allowed to indicate positions at both ends of the same reinforcing product or a separate rod in accordance with Fig. 8; 8) the dimensions of the bent rods are indicated on the outer, and the clamps - on the inner faces in accordance with Fig. nine.

Distribution fittings (pos. 6) should be laid
within x pos. 1 and 2 below, within pos. 3-5 - on top

Heck. 5

Heck. 6

Heck. 7

Heck. eight

Heck. nine

3.3.14. It is allowed not to make drawings for simple parts that are directly part of a monolithic reinforced concrete structure, but to provide all the necessary data for their manufacture in the specifications and, if necessary, place images of these parts on the drawing of a monolithic structure. With a large number of parts, the data necessary for their manufacture is given in the statement and in form 6. An example of filling out the statement is given in Appendix 11.

Parts sheet

3.4. Specifications for the layout of structural elements 3.4.1. The specification for the layout of structural elements is drawn up in accordance with form 7 or 8 of Appendix 7 of GOST The specification for the layout of prefabricated structures is filled in by sections: 1) elements of prefabricated structures; 2) monolithic sections; 3) steel and other products. 3.4.3. The specification of a monolithic structure, consisting of several elements, for each of which a separate reinforcement scheme is performed, is compiled in sections for each element. 3.4.4. The name of each section of the monolithic structure specification is indicated as a heading in the column "Name" and underlined. The names of the sections include the brand of the element and through a dash - the number of elements per monolithic structure. Examples: 1. Bm1 beams - pcs. 2.2. Plate Pm1 - pcs. 1. Each section of the monolithic structure specification consists of subsections, which are arranged in the following sequence: 1. Assembly units.2. Details.3. Standard products.4. Materials. In the "Assembly units" section, the elements that are directly included in the specified monolithic structure are recorded in the following sequence: 1. Frames are spatial.2. Frames are flat.3. Grids.4. Embedded products. In the "Materials" subsection, materials are recorded that are directly included in the specified design (for example, concrete).


4.1. The composition of the working documentation for a building product generally includes a specification, an assembly drawing, drawings of parts and, if necessary, technical conditions. Working drawings of building products (hereinafter referred to as products) are performed in accordance with the requirements of GOST 2.109, GOST 2.113 and taking into account the additional requirements of this standard.4.2. When performing a group working document for products, products of the same name, a single configuration and having common design features are combined into one group. 4.3. Variable sizes, not the same for all designs and covered by one image, are applied with letter designations, the number of which should, as a rule, be no more than three.4.4. If necessary, the product drawings are accompanied by a test scheme, a design scheme, or their load-bearing capacity is indicated. 4.5. On the assembly drawing of the product or on its schematic representation, the places of attachment of lifting or supporting devices are indicated in accordance with the drawing. ten.

Heck. ten

4.6. On the assembly drawing of the product, the following technical requirements are given: 1) requirements for the surface finish of the product. The image of the surface requiring special processing is designated in accordance with Fig. eleven;

Heck. eleven

2) other requirements for the quality of the product; 3) references to documents containing technical requirements that apply to this product, but not shown in the drawing. 4.7. If an indication of the orientation of the product in the structure is required, then a mark is applied on the drawing of the product in accordance with the drawing. 12.

Heck. 12

4.8. The assembly drawings of reinforced concrete products, in addition to views, sections and sections, include reinforcement schemes. The reinforcement scheme for reinforced concrete products is performed in relation to clauses 3.3.2 and According to the drawings of reinforced concrete products, a steel consumption sheet is compiled (see form 5). An example of filling out a steel consumption sheet is given in Appendix 12.4.10. Specifications for products are performed in accordance with GOST 2.108 and GOST 2.113, taking into account the following additional requirements: 1) the columns "Format" and "Zone" are excluded. The size of the column "Pos." taken equal to 10 mm, columns "Name" - 73 mm; 2) group specifications for the product are performed preferably according to options A and B of GOST 2.113. When fulfilling the specification according to option B, the number of execution columns is not limited; 3) it is allowed to combine specifications with the assembly drawing independently on the sheet format; 4) assembly units and materials are recorded in the relevant subsections of the product specification in accordance with clause For products (reinforcing, embedded, connecting, etc.), consisting only of parts, they make up a specification in form 7, with a group method for making drawings of such products - in form 8. An example of a group working document for meshes is given in Appendix 13.


Group specification

_________ * It is allowed to indicate the name of the product 4.12. As part of the working drawings of reinforced concrete structures, it is allowed to make working drawings of metal products in accordance with Appendix 14.4.13. Designation of products and their specifications 4.13.1. The designation of the product is also the designation of its specification. 4.13.2. The designation of the product and its specifications include the designation of the corresponding main set of working drawings with the addition to its brand through the index point "I" and through the dash of the product brand or its ordinal (positional) number. Examples: 845-5 -KZh.I-B1845- 5-AR.I24.133. Reusable products may be designated without reference to the object of construction and the brand of the main set of working drawings. In this case, the product designation is assigned by the design organization. 4.13.4. The designation of the assembly drawing of the product includes the designation of the product and the document code. Examples: 845-5-KZh.I-B1SB845-5-AR.I2SB4.13.5. The designation of technical specifications for the entire group of products includes the designation of the corresponding main set of working drawings with the addition of the index “I” through the dot and through the dash of the document code. For example: 845-5-KZh.I-TU before the document code, they additionally indicate (through a dot) the brand of products of this group. Example: 845-5-KZh.I -B.TU4.13.6. When a group working document is executed for products, each version is assigned an independent designation. The designation of the version includes the general designation of products drawn up by one group working document and the version number. 4.13.7. The serial number of the performance is set within the general designation, starting from 01, and separated from the general designation through a dash. Examples: 845-5-КЖ.И-Б2-01845-5 -КЖ.И2-01 assign only a general designation without a serial number of execution in accordance with clause Details for which separate drawings are not made are not assigned designations. 4.13.9 An example of the execution of a drawing of an individual product is given in Appendix 15.4.14. Application of working drawings of typical products 4.14.1. If, and according to the terms of application of the working drawings of a typical product, it is necessary to make changes to them (for example, to provide for the installation of additional embedded products, holes), then as part of the working documentation of the building (structure) for this product, additional working documentation should be made taking into account the following requirements : 1) a typical product is depicted in a simplified way; 2) on the image of a typical product, only those elements and dimensions that relate to changes are indicated. If necessary, other dimensions are applied (for example, the total length and width of the product) given in the working drawings of a typical product, which are marked with a “*”, and in the technical requirements on the drawing indicate: “* Dimensions for reference”; 3) in the specification of the changed product is recorded as a typical product as an assembly unit and other products installed during the change; 4) columns “Pos. ” and “Col.” do not fill in for a typical product, in the column "Designation" indicate the designation of the specification for a typical product, in the column "Name" - its name and brand. 4.14.2. The modified product is assigned an independent brand, including the brand of the typical product and an additional index. Example: 1 K84-1a, where "1K84-1" is the brand of the typical product, "a" is the index assigned to the modified product 4.14.3. An example of a drawing of a typical product with additional embedded products is given in Appendix 16.





image ing

In terms of


1. Glass block partition Note. On drawings on a scale of 1:200 and smaller, it is allowed to designate all types of partitions with one solid thick main line
2. Openings
2.1. Opening (designed without filling)
2.2. Opening to be punched in an existing wall, partition, covering, ceiling
2.3. Opening in an existing wall, partition, covering, ceiling, to be sealed Note. In the explanatory inscription and instead of the ellipsis indicate the material of the bookmark
2.4. openings:
a) no quarter and
b) with a quarter
c) on a scale of 1:200 and smaller, as well as for drawings of prefabricated structural elements
3. Ramp Note. The slope of the ramp is indicated in the plan as a percentage (for example, 10.5%) or as a ratio of height and length (for example, 1: 7). The arrow on the plan indicates the direction from the launch.

4. Stairs
4.1. Metal stairs:
a) vertical
b) oblique
4.2. Stairs:

1:50 scale and larger

a) lower march

b) intermediate marches

On a scale of 1:100 and smaller,
as well as for layouts of elements of prefabricated structures

c) upper march Note ie. The arrow indicates the direction of the rise of the march
5. Existing element to be dismantled
6. Blind area
7. Column:
a) reinforced concrete:
solid cross-section double-branched
b) metal:
two-branch Note. Image A - for columns without a console, B and C - for a column with a console
8. Farm

Note. Image A - for a reinforced concrete truss, B - for a metal truss
9. Stove, panel
10. Metal connection:
a) single plane:
mountains isontal
b) two-plane
c) strands



11. Doors, gates
11.1. Single door

11.2. Double door

11.3. Door, double single leaf

11.4. Same, double

11. 5. Single-leaf door with a swinging leaf (right or left)

11.6. Double door with swinging doors

11.7. Door (gate) retractable single leaf

11.8. Door (gate) sliding double leaf
11.9. Door (gate) lifting

11.10. Folded door

11.11. revolving door

11.12. Gates

12. Window bindings
12.1. Side-hung binding, inward-opening
1 2.2. Same, outward opening
12.3. Bottom-hung binding, inward-opening
1 2.4. Same, outward opening
12.5. Top-hung binding, inward-opening
12.6. Same, outward opening
12.7. Binding with medium hanging horizontal horizontal
12.8. Same, vertical
12.9. Sliding binding
12. 10. Lift binding
12.11. Binding deaf
12.12. Side-hung or bottom-hung binding, inward-opening Note. The top of the sign (depicted by dashes) should be directed to the strapping, on which the binding is not hung
13. Reinforcing products
13.1. Conventional fittings
13.1.1. Reinforcing bar:
a) side view
b) cross section
13.1.2. Reinforcing bar with anchoring:
a) with hooks
b) with bends at a right angle m
13.1.3. Anchor ring or plate
End view
13.1.4. Reinforcing bar with a right angle bend away from the reader
The same, in documentation intended for micro-filming, and where the rods are located very close to each other
13.1.5. Reinforcing bar with a bend at a right angle going towards the reader
13.2. Prestressed rebar
13.2.1. Prestressed reinforcing bar or rope:
a) side view
b) section
13.2.2. Cross-section of posttensioned reinforcement located in a pipe or duct
13.2.3. Anchoring at stressed ends
13.2.4. Embedded anchorage
End view
13.2.5. Removable connection
13.2.6. Fixed connection Note. It is allowed to show prestressed reinforcement with a solid very thick line
1 3.3. Reinforcing connections
13.3.1. One flat frame or mesh:
a) conditionally
b) simplified (transverse rods are applied at the ends of the frame or in places where the pitch of the rods changes)
13.3.2. Several identical flat frames and grids Note. Reinforcing and embedded products are depicted as a very thick solid line
14. Connections and fasteners of elements of wooden structures
14.1. Doweled
14.2. On staples
14.3. On connectors

14.4. Pin connection:
a) lamellar
b) round
14.5. Connections on washers Notes: 1. Images of fasteners are performed in accordance with GOST 2.315. 2. Conditional images and designations of welded joints are performed in accordance with GOST 2.312


Scaled image

1:50 and 1:100

15. Smoke and ventilation channels
15.1. Ventilation shafts and channels
15.2. Chimneys (solid fuel)
15.3. Chimneys (liquid fuel)
15.4. Gas pipes



An example of a plan for a one-story industrial building

An example of a floor plan for a residential building



An example of filling out a list of jumpers

Note. The cross-sectional scheme can be supplemented with the marks of the bottom of the jumpers and the orientation of the location of the jumpers in relation to the coordination axes.

An example of filling in the specification of jumper elements




Qty. per floor

Unit weight, kg




An example of the specification of opening filling elements




Qty. on facades

Unit weight, kg







OGD 18.12-2
OTD 18.18-2
OGD 18.18-2
OGD 24.18-2
OGD 24.12-2



door blocks

GOST 14624-84

GOST 6629-88 DU24-10
GOST 24584-81 DAO24-10VL
TU 36-1965-16 Gate 3.6 ´ 3.6
_________ * The column shows the height of the opening.



An example of a one-story section
production building

Section 1-1

An example of a multi-storey section
production building

Section 2-2

An example of a section of a residential building

Section 1-1



An example of the execution of a facade and a fragment of a facade
production building

Facade 1-22.

Fragment 3 of the facade

An example of the facade of a residential building



An example of a floor plan



An example of a roof plan



An example of the implementation of the layout of elements,
prefabricated partitions



An example of the implementation of the layout of elements
filling a window opening




Layout of foundation elements
and foundation beams

Layout of columns and crane beams

The layout of the floor slabs

Wall panel layout

Layout of wall panels, partitions and other
residential building elements

Layout of columns, crossbars and beams
ceilings at el. ...



Example of filling out a parts list




Element mark

Prestressed reinforcement class

Reinforcing products

Embedded products

Rebar class


Rebar class

Stamp rental







GOST 5781-82

GOST 5781-82

GOST 6727-80

GOST 5781-82

GOST 103-76

GOST 8510-86

Æ 14

Æ 16

Æ 20

Æ 6

Æ 8

Æ 10


Æ 5


Æ 16

Æ 20


-5 ´ 14

-5 ´ 16


L 75 ´ 50 ´ 5


-2A IVa


-9A IV a




Product brand

Pos. det.



1 child, kg

Product weight, kg

Æ 16А-III l = 3050
Æ 8А-I l = 650
Æ 12А-III l = 2150
Æ 6A-I l \u003d 550
Æ 10A-III l = 1550
Æ 6А-I l = 550
Æ 16А-III l = 3500
Æ 16А-III l = 3400
Æ 16А-III l = З050
Æ 8А-I l = 350
08A-I l \u003d 65O
Æ 12А-III l = 2500
Æ 12А-III l = 2400
Æ 12А-III l = 2050
Æ 6А-I l = 350
Æ 6А-I l = 650
1. Fittings - according to GOST 5781-82.2. Limit deviations from the dimensions of the rods and releases - 2 mm.




1. External metal stairs with a width of not more than 1.0 m.2. Stringers of stairs with reinforced concrete steps and platforms.3. Fencing: on the roof, platforms, openings, pits, stairs (reinforced concrete, metal).4. Shields over channels up to 1.0 m wide with a load of not more than 20 kPa (3000 kgf / m 2) .5. Shields over openings (for example, monolithic) up to 2 m 2 with a load of not more than 20 kPa (2000 kgf / m 2) .6. Designs of peaks with removal no more than 1,5 m.7. Metal elements of reinforced concrete structures (for example, individual metal beams, connecting products, anchors, outlets, between reinforced concrete slabs, metal waterproofing of walls, profiled flooring used as formwork).8. Other metal products, structures, the parameters of which are similar to those listed in p.p. 1-7.









Item number, listing, application

GOST 2.108-68 4.10
GOST 2.109-73 4.1
GOST 2.113-75 4.1; 4.10,
GOST 2.312-72 Appendix 1
GOST 2.315-68 "
GOST 21.110-95 1.2
GOST 21.113-88 1.4
GOST 21.101-93 1.1; 1.2; 2.1, listing 10; 2.2.1; 2.2.2; 2.3.6, listing 2; 3.2; 3.4.1
GOST 21780-83 1.4