How to make a New Year's wish. How to make a wish for the New Year so that it comes true? Short wishes for the new year

To spend the New Year holidays cheerfully and recklessly, but at the same time with hope for the future, with good wishes, with faith in the best, maybe not a national trait, but a pleasant tradition - that's for sure. After all, when else, if not on New Year's Eve, wish yourself and others happiness. Yes, and raising a glass of champagne to the chimes is accepted with good wishes.

In order to correctly formulate these New Year's wishes, we have prepared an appropriate selection for you. Here you can choose a desire for yourself and for those who are dear to you.

If you sincerely wish someone all the best, then you yourself are a good person. It's like the law of a boomerang: everything that's yours will come back to you. Wishes for the New Year will help express the kindest feelings and emotions on the main night of the year.

Short wishes for the new year

Do everything in the new year to please yourself.

I wish in the new year to be independent, but not from my friends.

I wish you to look positively at the past events in the new year, and optimistically at the future ones.

May every day of the new year shine for you with bright colors.

Let love rule in your soul - for loved ones, for life, for the world. I wish it will come true in the new year!

Happiness and health, love and kindness, harmony and peace!

May all your hopes, all your wildest desires and expectations come true, because this holiday is magical!

I wish that the magic of New Year's Eve touches each of us and makes everyone happier!

May the new year bring a sea of ​​happiness, an ocean of love, good health, success, good luck, joy and all the best!

I want to wish each of the 365 days of the New Year to live in pleasure and prosperity, not knowing worries and sorrows!

New Year and Christmas are considered family holidays, which should be celebrated loudly and pompously - in the company of relatives and friends. And it is customary to wish such people only the best. If you are ready to wish for yourself everything that you wish for others, you are sincere, and your wishes are really good.

May the New Year bring you the joy of meeting and warm smiles, may your expectations come true and your dreams come true. May each new day not be like the previous one, and each new desire be truly bright. And may there always be close people nearby.

Even the whole New Year's Eve is not enough to list my wishes. So just Happy New Year!

I wish you not to know irreparable losses and intelligently adjust your outlook on life so that you are always happy.

I wish that every day of yours be a holiday for which you would never be late.

I wish you good Siberian health, crazy love, reliable and loyal friends like me, and just remain the same wonderful person!

May there be a place in our life for miracles and pleasant surprises, interesting acquaintances and successes at work and in personal life, may the most secret desires come true and there will be as many happy moments as there are needles on a Christmas tree!

Let the New Year give everyone, without exception, a comprehensive feeling of a long-awaited holiday! I wish you good spirits, positive ideas, excellent health and immense happiness! Let faith in the best be a faithful companion on the way to our accomplishments! New discoveries and achievements in the new year!

New Year is the time for the fulfillment of cherished desires. My desire is simple - that we be the happiest in the whole world!

New Year gives faith in a real miracle! I wish you the fulfillment of your cherished desires, a magical mood, strength, energy and simple human happiness!

My wishes may be banal, but for the New Year there is no way without them! I wish you happiness and health, love and understanding, money and good luck, good spirits and a positive perception of the world.

January, with a whole bunch of holidays and bright events, requires us not just any fantasy in formulating congratulatory speeches, so as not to wish the same person twice the same thing. This is where our short wishes for the New Year should help.

Wishes for the New Year

Let the New Year knock on you

And the house will be filled with happiness.

And everything you dreamed of

May this year be fulfilled!

Let the New Year be a fairy tale

Will quietly enter your house

And happiness, joy, peace and affection

Will bring you a gift!

The old year is leaving

His last page rustles.

Let the best that was not go away

And the worst - can not be repeated.

On the Christmas tree, the ball glows,

And the globe is spinning.

I wish you a New Year's holiday

To meet new happiness.

I wish you a New Year

All the joys in the world

Health for a hundred years ahead

You and your children.

Let every day warm with warmth

And bring a lot of happiness

And dispel all doubts

Coming at midnight New Year!

May the New Year not add wrinkles,

And the old will smooth and erase

Strengthens health, relieves failures

And it will bring a lot of joy and happiness.

Happy New Year! May good luck

This year will give you

Complex tasks will be solved

And it will bring success.

Health, joy and happiness

We wish you a Happy New Year.

So that neither anxiety nor misfortune

They didn't guard at the gate.

May the coming year

New successes will come

Luck accompanies everything

And all tasks will be solved

And so that this coming year

It was kinder than the previous one.

Joyful New Year holidays give hope for the best, that the old will remain in the previous year, and you will enter the new year with renewed vigor, joy, positiveness and confidence. After all, this is one of the most beloved and expected holidays not only for children, but also for adults. The latter are not averse to plunge into the atmosphere of a fairy tale that the New Year gives, and believe that all their wishes will come true.

In ancient times, it was believed that on New Year's Eve you can make cherished wishes, and they will come true. But in order for your dreams to come true, you must really want this, believe in miracles, perform some symbolic rites and rituals. 2019 will be the Year of the Yellow Earth Pig and 2020 will be the Year of the White Metal Rat. Let's find out how to make a wish so that it comes true in the new year 2020?

How to correctly make wishes for the New Year 2019-2020: rules

In order for the Universe to correctly perceive information from you, you must teach it correctly. You can be sure that all the wishes that you make on New Year's Eve will come true.

IMPORTANT: Make your own wishes. Only you can get the point right. Otherwise, if others dream for you, everything will not come true the way you wanted.

What time do you need to make a wish for the New Year?

  • We are used to celebrating the New Year in the circle of relatives and friends. And according to tradition, they make a wish under the chime of the clock until midnight. It is at this magical time that we move from one time to another. These seconds are especially filled with magic. But this is not the only option.
  • You can contribute to the fulfillment of a dream before the New Year holidays. No wonder children write about their desires to the fabulous Santa Claus in advance. Note - often such desires come true.
  • Do not despair if you overslept the New Year, because we will still have the Old New Year. Already here you will definitely still have time to prepare and correct with the Higher Forces so that your dream comes true.

List of 30 wishes for the New Year

Now very often there are people who do not know what to wish for, they say that they have enough of everything. But no, that doesn't happen. A person, while striving for something, lives. This state is temporary: now there are no plans, in an hour there are already. Surely on the wish list, you will find your own, which you have been postponing all the time for later, and now it's time to implement it.

  1. Explore the world, go on a trip to a country that you have long dreamed of seeing
  2. Waking up every day surrounded by my loved ones, telling them - I love it.
  3. Meet your (your) beloved (beloved)
  4. Create a strong complete family
  5. It’s great to relax on vacation so that this period of life is filled for a long time
  6. Do a lot of good deeds
  7. Get a pet
  8. Change the interior of the room, make repairs
  9. Open your own business to make the project a success
  10. Buy a subscription to the fitness center. Start taking care of your body
  11. Get slim for vacation. Get your body in perfect condition
  12. Gather all your old friends for a summer picnic
  13. Get rid of bad habits. Finally stop procrastinating
  14. Overcome your complexes, fears. Love yourself, do something unusual, for example, make a parachute jump
  15. Learn to cook delicious healthy meals
  16. Swap a boring job for something you love
  17. Buy a new car
  18. Go to a fancy dress party
  19. Raise the level of your knowledge. Get into a higher institution
  20. Fulfill a child's dream
  21. Go on a romantic trip
  22. Become a movie star, singer
  23. See with your own eyes the sunset on the ocean, the sea
  24. Arrange a hike, conquer the top of the mountain
  25. cure an old disease
  26. Visit Thailand - see the purity, beauty of the ocean
  27. Learn to swim
  28. Learn English perfectly
  29. Build your dream home
  30. Make your loved ones happy


New Year is associated with magic and miracle not only among children, but also among adults. Therefore, most people, regardless of the number of years they have lived and the skepticism acquired during this time, on New Year's Eve remember the existence of Santa Claus and his ability to fulfill wishes. The main thing is to do everything right, and then even the most cherished dream will come true.

For those who believe in fairy tales, Sputnik has selected three proven ways to make a wish so that it will come true.

Ashes in champagne

This is probably the most common and favorite way to make wishes on New Year's Eve. However, not everyone knows that all the rituals associated with it must be performed strictly according to the rules, otherwise success cannot be guaranteed. They are not difficult, but you need to remember them.

Champagne in glasses

One of the most popular ways to make a wish is "ashes in champagne". But this ritual has several important nuances.

To get started, you will need paper, a pen, a lit candle, and champagne. You need to write your desire on a sheet in advance, and it must be specific. After that, the sheet must be carefully folded four times and wait for midnight.

Under the chimes, the paper must be set on fire, and it is with the flame of a candle, and not with matches or lighters. The ashes from the burnt leaf should be thrown into a glass of champagne and before the end of the chimes, drink a drink in one gulp. To enhance the effect at this moment, it is recommended to say what you have planned to yourself.

Message in a bottle

Another surefire way to make a wish is to throw it into an empty bottle and store it for a year.

Before the start of the celebration, you need to write your dreams on a piece of paper - there may be several of them. Then you need to wait until the champagne on the New Year's table is drunk and an empty bottle remains.

Bottles of champagne Wait until the bottle is empty, throw your list of desires into it, say them all to yourself, blow on the neck, cork the bottle - and store it in a dark closet all year.

It is there that you need to throw a list of desires, say them all to yourself and blow into the neck. After that, you need to cork the bottle and hide it in a closet where no one sees. Throwing it away is not worth it throughout the year.

dream light

One of the most important attributes of the New Year is the sparkler. With it, you can also make a wish that will certainly come true.

Bengal fire Bengal fire must be lit from a candle with the first blow of the chimes and make a wish, repeating it to yourself while the light is burning.

Before you sit down at the table, you need to prepare a sparkler for yourself. With the first blow of the chimes, you need to light it from a candle and make a wish, repeating it to yourself while the light is burning.

It is believed that with its sparks, the Bengal fire, as it were, will “spray” the desire in the air for its speedy implementation. It is important to keep the burnt light until the wish is fulfilled. After that, you can throw it away and make a new one on the next New Year's Eve.

A few life hacks

It is important not only to perform all the rituals, but also to make wishes correctly. Each desire must be deliberate, specific and detailed: abstract desires do not come true or do not come true at all the way a person expects. For example, if you want to lose weight, you need to write that you dream of a slim, healthy body. After all, your desire can be fulfilled, including as a result of an illness, but you are unlikely to enjoy such thinness.

Fountain pen

Formulate the desire very clearly: for example, if you want to lose weight, it’s better to write “I want a slender healthy body.” And avoid the particle not: "I'm healthy" is better than "I'm not sick."

When making a wish, one cannot wish evil or harm to other people. It is also important to really want the dream to come true, to imagine that it has already happened. You need to make New Year's wishes in a good mood.

Someone under the chiming clock dreams of great love, someone - about an increase in salary or a trip to an exotic country, there are those who dream of great, no, oh-oh-very great power. We overheard the secret thoughts of the signs of the Zodiac and today we will tell you what wishes they most often make, "while the clock strikes twelve."

Aries (March 21 - April 20)

Aries are specific. They do not spread like thoughts along the tree, such as "I want to love and be loved" or "I dream of taking a higher position." They always think of something specific, and mainly from three areas: personal life (relationships with a very specific person), career (goals are set here rather than a request “to heaven” sounds), acquisitions (buying something mega-cool). Well, sometimes the girls of this sign also think of a new breast for themselves (nose, cheekbones, hair - emphasize what is necessary), and the boys - a victory in some kind of tender or competition.

Taurus (April 21 - May 20)

Tauruses don’t really believe in all this rubbish: “Write, burn, mix with champagne, drink,” and therefore, if Santa Claus is asked for anything, it’s basically that all the good things that are in their lives go nowhere In fact, they wish themselves positive stability and the absence of problems. And only sometimes girls of this sign, who are more prone to mystical moods than Taurus-boys, think about improving their living conditions, a wealthy husband, some material things.

Gemini (May 21 - June 21)

It is difficult for the twins to focus on any one desire, and therefore if they do not think through their “most-most-most secret“ I want ”in advance, then under the chiming clock they do not have time to either formulate their dream or ask for its fulfillment - their thoughts rushing about, jumping from one to another, interrupting themselves. Most often, representatives of this sign on New Year's Eve think of new things and relationships, interesting trips and, oddly enough, wish to "fall into hell" with their enemies.

Cancer (June 22 - July 22)

Cancers always think of something truly meaningful. They sincerely believe that the desire, which is a true need and which is formulated on New Year's Eve, will certainly come true, and therefore they approach the process very seriously and with concentration. They ask the Universe for mutual love, for the birth of an heir, for peace in the family, sometimes for the health of loved ones. Sometimes their “want” also applies to something material, for example, if the old housing has become cramped due to the addition to the family, they can ask for a new house, and if everything is bad with money, then for an increase in salary.

Lions do not always bother with champagne and a burnt piece of paper, but they certainly conduct their dialogue with the Universe under the chiming clock. Most often, they ask for what they cannot achieve on their own, think about what they are not able to earn with their own efforts. However, sometimes they generously wish something to the closest person, sometimes they remember something that they wanted, but for some reason did not receive in childhood, or through desire they set themselves a new difficult, but quite achievable goal.

Virgo (August 23 - September 22)

Virgins rarely make wishes under the chiming clock; someone in principle does not believe in the effectiveness of this method, considering it an anti-scientific heresy, someone professes a healthy lifestyle and does not drink champagne, someone is sure: everything except health can be bought, and in difficult life situations the magic of New Year's Eve is powerless . Those representatives of this sign, who nevertheless decide to voice their “I want” to the Universe, most often ask for some new knowledge, patience, and yes, that same health, well, or stupidly money.

Libra (September 23 - October 22)

Those Libra who have not yet found their mate, most often, under the chiming clock, ask for mutual love, less often for solving problems that for some reason they are not able to cope with on their own. The same representatives of this sign, who have already found a soul mate, are unpredictable in terms of New Year's desires - they can wish themselves great wealth, creative success, popularity, building relationships with the enemy, winning the lottery, or even climbing Everest.

Scorpio (October 23 - November 21)

Scorpios can make the same wish year after year, and no one but themselves knows what it is. The fact is that the representatives of this sign are never limited to something simple, understandable and uncomplicated, they do not exchange for trifles, give them something really fantastic and practically unrealizable, something that initially has a lot of variables, accompanying conditions, additional "options" and some unimaginable details.

Archers under the chiming clock most often think of something that is connected with a new road: a trip to an unfamiliar country, an interesting professional path, changes, if something in life does not suit you now. In addition, sometimes their New Year's wishes are related to friendship, to getting rid of interpersonal ups and downs. But if a representative of this sign suddenly decides to make a purely material desire, then it, as a rule, concerns technology: obtaining a driver's license, acquiring / buying a car or some other personal transport.

Capricorn (December 22 - January 19)

Capricorns believe only in themselves, and therefore, as a rule, it doesn’t even occur to them to wish for something under the chiming clock and ask Santa Claus for something. They are firmly convinced that they will achieve everything they want without stupid New Year's rituals. However, sometimes girls of this sign think of a successful marriage, boys - world domination, and very old uncles who have already achieved everything in their lives, but remained alone, sentimentally dream of love.

Aquarius (January 20 - February 18)

Aquarians on New Year's Eve leave the most incredible, almost unrealizable desires. They ask the Universe for something that they absolutely cannot provide for themselves. So, for example, a representative of this sign really wants to go to Paris, but there is only money for a trip to the metro, and there is nowhere to get the required amount from, well, or he wants to radically change his profession, and it’s almost impossible to break into the area of ​​interest to him, here then he will use the magic of "twelve strikes". By the way, it's usually good.

Pisces (February 19 - March 20)

Pisces, most often, before the first strike of the clock, they themselves do not know what this time they will ask Santa Claus and the Universe for, they make a wish on an intuitive level, it’s just that what you should want now, as it were, pops up in their head and starts to excite them imagination. Sometimes the thoughts of Pisces turn into an amorous direction, sometimes into a career or financial one, and it also happens that on this bright, magical night they angrily ask to punish someone they are unable to cope with on their own.

If you want to know how to make cherished wishes in the New Year 2020 so that they come true, read the article.

In ancient times, it was believed that on New Year's Eve you can make cherished wishes, and they will come true. But in order for your dreams to come true, you must really want it, believe in miracles, perform some symbolic rites and rituals. 2019 was the year of the Yellow Earth Pig and 2020 was the year of the White Metal Rat. Let's find out how to make a wish so that it comes true in the new year 2020?

How to correctly make wishes for the New Year 2020: rules

In order for the Universe to correctly perceive information from you, you must teach it correctly. You can be sure that all the wishes that you make on New Year's Eve will come true.

Most importantly, follow the tips below.

IMPORTANT: Make your own wishes. Only you can get the point right. Otherwise, if others dream for you, everything will not come true the way you wanted.

What time do you need to make a wish for the New Year?

  • We are used to celebrating the New Year in the circle of relatives and friends. And according to tradition, they make a wish under the chime of the clock until midnight. It is at this magical time that we move from one time to another. These seconds are especially filled with magic. But this is not the only option.
  • You can contribute to the fulfillment of a dream before the New Year holidays. No wonder children write about their desires to the fabulous Santa Claus in advance. Note - often such desires come true.
  • Do not despair if you overslept the New Year, because we will still have the Old New Year. Already here you will definitely still have time to prepare and correct with the Higher Forces so that your dream comes true.

List of 30 wishes for the New Year

Now very often there are people who do not know what to wish for, they say that they have enough of everything. But no, that doesn't happen. A person, while striving for something, lives. This state is temporary: now there are no plans, in an hour there are already. Surely on the wish list, you will find your own, which you have been postponing all the time for later, and now it's time to implement it.

  1. Explore the world, go on a trip to a country that you have long dreamed of seeing
  2. Waking up every day surrounded by my loved ones, telling them - I love it.
  3. Meet your (your) beloved (beloved)
  4. Create a strong complete family
  5. It’s great to relax on vacation so that this period of life is filled for a long time
  6. Do a lot of good deeds
  7. Get a pet
  8. Change the interior of the room, make repairs
  9. Open your own business to make the project a success
  10. Buy a subscription to the fitness center. Start taking care of your body
  11. Get slim for vacation. Get your body in perfect condition
  12. Gather all your old friends for a summer picnic
  13. Get rid of bad habits. Finally stop procrastinating
  14. Overcome your complexes, fears. Love yourself, do something unusual, for example, make a parachute jump
  15. Learn to cook delicious healthy meals
  16. Swap a boring job for something you love
  17. Buy a new car
  18. Go to a fancy dress party
  19. Raise the level of your knowledge. Get into a higher institution
  20. Fulfill a child's dream
  21. Go on a romantic trip
  22. Become a movie star, singer
  23. See with your own eyes the sunset on the ocean, the sea
  24. Arrange a hike, conquer the top of the mountain
  25. cure an old disease
  26. Visit Thailand - see the purity, beauty of the ocean
  27. Learn to swim
  28. Learn English perfectly
  29. Build your dream home
  30. Make your loved ones happy

Rites of fulfillment of desires for the New Year

The year of the Rat is restless, this animal loves active ones. And everyone who will do something for the sake of his dream will definitely achieve what he wants. And to reinforce the fulfillment of your plan, use the rituals.

To attract wealth

  • Even before the New Year, buy a beautiful postcard and an envelope. Inside the envelope, put this card with wishes and any paper bill. Send it to yourself by mail. When the money arrives, put it in your wallet, never spend.
  • Retire, light three green candles, forget about the hassle. Imagine that money is falling into your hands. The more real the picture is, the better things will go for you in material terms.
  • Prepare in advance for the chimes. Take a paper bill in your left hand, and a glass of champagne in your right. According to magicians, you will have money for a whole year. Do not celebrate the New Year empty-handed.

To attract good luck, happiness

  • If the outgoing year was not successful for you, then clean the house. On the 31st, before the New Year, open the doors, windows. As the air in the rooms changes, all the negativity will go away. After the arrival of the New Year 2020, repeat the process. May good luck enter your home.
  • From the first day to the 12th day of the New Year, watch your actions and thoughts with particular rigor. Each day represents a month. For example, what will be the third of January, such is the month of March. Try to radiate more positive at this crucial moment.
  • Know that all your wishes will come true if you are grateful for today. Find bright moments at the present time, namely, for them, and thank the Higher Forces.
  • In order to start your life from a new leaf, kindle a fire on the eve of the New Year holidays. Let all things reminiscent of failures and misfortunes burn in it. Have fun by the fire, the main thing: during the ceremony, do not eat or drink.

IMPORTANT: Celebrate the New Year 2020 in new outfits. Then you will have plenty of everything in your house, it is desirable that elements of red details are present in the clothes.

Making wishes for the New Year 2020 with champagne and a piece of paper

This method is used by many, according to sorcerers, it is considered very effective. To fulfill a cherished desire, you need to take a small piece of paper. Then describe your dream in detail. For example, you need money - write how much you need, why you want to receive it. Just do not demand prosperity, in the text of the appeal do not use the words: necessary, required, necessary, etc.

Prepare a letter in advance, even before the clock strikes, burn a piece of paper at the last minute, pour the ashes into a glass with a drink (champagne, juice, wine) and drink at 12 o'clock at night. Sit in silence for a while so that the desire is fixed. And then you can talk loudly, have fun, sing, dance.

Wishes in balloons for the New Year

To celebrate the New Year in the company, it does not hurt to organize interesting games, comic contests. This will especially please children - after all, they believe in magic so much and for good reason, because such a time is really a magical period. For fun entertainment, you need to prepare in advance. Take a lot of ordinary balloons, put notes with wishes inside them. Then present them to all guests. Let everyone burst their balloon and find out what awaits them in the year of the Rat.

Wishes in dumplings for the New Year

It is very good if you cook such dumplings not alone, but with relatives and friends. For everything predicted to come true, you will need a positive mood, warm conversations about something good.

For various wishes, you need a certain filling, just write a note and wrap it in dough - this is not for this case.

  • small crust of bread, caught in a dumpling at the festive table, is a symbol of the fulfillment of material desires
  • Coin- this is a good sign (for profit, unexpected wealth)
  • Thread for travel lovers
  • Ring - to marriage
  • Dill fulfill all health desires
  • A piece apples comes across to people who spend the whole year quietly, calmly
  • Cabbage - to a permanent relationship
  • Cucumber - fulfillment of a cherished dream
  • sour berry- unhappy love
  • Garlic- not a very good harbinger, it indicates that many obstacles await you on the way
  • Caramel - love adventures

Bag of wishes for the New Year

  • A bag of desires can be sewn and decorated with your own hands. Moreover, there are a lot of options for the execution of this product on the Internet. If you sew a thing yourself, then fill it with positive energy.
  • Then, on the eve of the New Year, each guest must write his wish on a piece of paper, and at 12 o’clock at night give the bag to Santa Claus, he will fulfill all desires
  • Another option is to hang a bag at the entrance. Let everyone who enters the house put a gift there. When the New Year arrives, hand out gifts randomly.

Comic wishes for the New Year 2020

In order not to get bored on a festive night, play the game "Comic Wishes". Be sure - this activity will not let you fall asleep and not wait for twenty-four hours (the holiday). For this, it is necessary that people in turn fulfill each other's desires.

You can make any interesting wish to make it funny. For example:

  • blindfold a person and let him identify any four objects
  • show which symbol of the current year
  • say a rhyme to a given word
  • give a head massage to the person sitting next to you
  • draw a mustache for a friend
  • sing the song "Brilliant" - to a man
  • dance the dance of "Little Ducklings"

Fantas wishes for the New Year

Forfeits are the same comic desires, only here one person (the presenter) guesses what the owner of the fanta should do. To do this, each participant puts his thing in the bag. The host takes it out and comes up with a wish for this person. Again, the wish list can be varied.

  • Stand on a chair and read a poem
  • Get a ring from a plate with sour cream with your teeth
  • Sing a children's song
  • Crow crow for half an hour every five minutes
  • dance a gypsy girl

Sign with grapes for the fulfillment of desires for the New Year 2020

Grapes in Italy is a symbol of success, happiness. On the festive New Year's table, there must be clusters of these sweet berries without fail. It is believed that exactly twelve seedless grapes should be eaten before the clock strikes, then you will have a “sweet life” all year long.

How to make a Christmas tree of wishes for the New Year 2020?

  • To fulfill your cherished desires, your Christmas tree must be decorated not only with toys, but also with sweets, tangerines, home-made cookies in the form of various figures.
  • It is believed that if the Christmas tree is decorated in this way, then your family will have harmony, grace and material difficulties will not befall you. Such delicious decorations should be removed from the Christmas tree for the New Year and eat.
  • There is another effective rite. If there is discord in your family, then for the New Year 2020, buy two Christmas trees. Wrap them tightly between each other, put them in one container, as if there is only one Christmas tree, dress it up. And in the New Year, the relationship between you and your soulmate will improve.

Children's wishes for the New Year

Already slowly teach your baby to make wishes correctly. You can dream about everything, the main thing is not to get hung up only on material interests. When the child starts writing a letter to Santa Claus, tell him that you can make a few wishes.

For example, let him think of a new car so that grandma and grandpa are healthy and have many new good friends. All dreams should radiate only positive.

IMPORTANT: If you teach your child to make the right desires that can be realized (not all kinds of transformations, for example: “I want to become a fairy”), then in the future the child will be able to correctly formulate his goals and realize them.

How to make a wish for a child for the New Year 2020?

To make a child's dream come true, you will definitely need the help of adults. It is the parents who should help the baby make a wish. For the crumbs, this action means a lot, because children believe in miracles more than adults. See below for how you can make a child's wish.

  • Buy a small chest in advance, attach a thread to it, so that later you can hang it on a beautiful Christmas tree. Give your child a piece of paper, a pen, let him write about his dream with your help. Wrap the leaf, put it in a chest. Together, ask the casket to help the wish come true. Hang on the Christmas tree, after the New Year, throw out the leaf.
  • Take a landscape sheet, paints, a brush, water. Ask the child to draw what he wants. Put the picture on the table. During the chimes, tell the child to think about his dream again and look at the drawing.
  • And do not forget about the most proven method - a letter to Santa Claus. Give your child an envelope, a pen, a sheet of paper. When he writes his wish, seal it in an envelope, sign it. Take away, promise to send a message to the addressee.

How to meet the Old New Year and make a wish?

  • Old New Year is celebrated in many countries. It is celebrated from the 13th to the 14th of January. This is a magical time of divination, the fulfillment of cherished desires. If you did not have time to make your wish for the New Year, then do not despair and make it on this magical night.
  • In the old days, on the evening before the Old New Year, young girls and boys all got together and went to visit friends, wishing happiness, kindness, prosperity. For this they were treated to festive dishes, sweets, and were given money.
  • Now these traditions have begun to be forgotten and the holiday is celebrated at home with the family. True - not everyone celebrates it, because it often falls on weekdays. Those who nevertheless decided to celebrate the Old New Year should prepare twelve festive dishes.
  • The food is prepared varied from different types of meat, it is imperative that kutya and pork be present. Not superfluous on the festive table will be pancakes, dumplings, pies. The richer, more varied the food, the more prosperity you expect next year.

Ritual of making wishes for the Old New Year

  • To achieve your goal, for the Old New Year, first get rid of the burden that is weighing you down at the moment. To do this, burn a piece of paper on a plate. But before that, on that sheet, describe the essence of the problem that torments you.
  • If you are a fashionista and it is very important for you to dress well, then meet this year in a new red dress. Then the whole year of the Rat you will look great and often buy new clothes.
  • Before midnight, fill the glass with any drink (not necessarily champagne), lightly blow on the liquid, make a wish. Have a drink at twelve o'clock sharp.

Divination by wish for the Old New Year

  • Write your desire on one piece of paper, do not write anything on the other. Put papers under your pillow. In the morning, put your hand under the pillow and pull out one piece of paper. But before that, don't look out the window. If a leaf with a desire, then it will definitely come true.
  • Prepare two cups. Half fill one, leave the other empty. Exactly at midnight, think about your dream. Then start pouring water from one cup to another. Do this seven times. Then look, if the water is not spilled, then the dream will come true, and if it is spilled, then no.
  • Again, write your innermost desire on a piece of paper. A minute before midnight, light a piece of paper in a container. If up to twelve burns completely, then the desire will come true.

Magic wish card for the Old New Year

If you want to realize your plans for the future life, then on the eve of the Old New Year, make a wish card with your own hands. For her, you need to take a drawing paper, divide it into nine equal parts. Each square is responsible for a certain aspect of your future life. See the picture below.

In each square you need to stick pictures that symbolize your idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthese aspects. Be sure to sign the photo. Paste your best photo in the center where you like yourself. For the Old New Year, make your dreams come true.

Prayer for the fulfillment of desires on the Old New Year

For your prayers to be effective, you must fast until Christmas. That is, until the Nativity of Christ, they will not only refrain from eating meat, etc., but also be cleansed spiritually - be positively disposed. Moreover, the second is even more important than the first.

On the eve of the Old New Year, go outside (be closer to the stars). Think about your dream, read the prayer "Our Father" three times, cross yourself.

If a girl, a woman has been dreaming of marriage for a long time, then let her pray. Then he will ask the Blessed Virgin for a quick marriage.

What can not be wished on the Old New Year?

Thoughts are material. This statement has already been confirmed many times. Wishes to friends and enemies who have pissed you off are fulfilled especially quickly. So be careful with such thoughts. On this holiday, forget all quarrels, try to forgive irritants. Especially if they themselves ask you about it.

The Old New Year is the holiday on which people forget about conflicts, have fun, enjoy life.

Ways to fulfill wishes for the New and Old New Year: tips and reviews

After reading this article, you will realize your cherished desires on your own without outside help. After all, there are many ways to do this, which one you like, choose for yourself.

Video: 9 ways to make a wish for the New Year
