How to properly tie a flying kite. How to assemble a kite from Auchan instruction

What could be better than a wide open field, a warm light breeze and a kite dancing in the air?

We present you a training manual, which is useful for all novice pilots. There will be some science, physics, history and culture. For adults, this is a chance to plunge into youth again.

Flying a kite is fun, but only if you know how.

Here the kite behaves calmly and with minimal effort. It is mainly used for short breaks while driving. window perimeter. This is the area where you need to land. flight area. This is the so-called "power zone" where the wind exerts the most pressure on the kite.

Kneel on the ground with the wind blowing from your back. Spread the kite as its nose is pointing towards you and its "belly" is up. This position will push the kite to the ground. Once you have the kite assembled, turn it on so that it rests on its "belly", with the nose on the ground. Move in the direction of the wind, unwinding the ropes.


Kites love open space. The more open the place you have chosen to fly, the better the kite.

The wind, which has to bend around trees, buildings or hills, becomes uneven and rough. This is "turbulence".

You won't be able to see it, but it will be difficult for the kite to fly and perform tricks in such conditions.

Note. Kites that are opened for the first time require a little "exercise" before they can reach their full potential. Seams and knots should lie down, and the fabric should stretch well. Depending on the wind power, this can take 1-4 hours. Body position As with other sports, body position is very important for driving success. Stretch the ropes and keep them parallel to each other. Stand slightly with your arms crossed at the elbows and forward. Depending on the strength of the wind and the size of the kite, be prepared to move forward as you fly the kite.

Therefore, the first advice is to choose a place as far as possible from all sorts of obstacles that interfere with the smooth passage of the wind.

Everyone heard of "Tree-Eater-Kites"?

Make sure that there are no trees in the path of the kite, they do not interfere much with piloting, but a kite flying by can get into the air flow around the tree. As a result, he will get stuck between the branches and have to call the fire brigade to save the poor fellow...

It's like you're pulling ropes. Often beginners open their arms or raise them. This is the wrong position, so the kite is more difficult to control. Another common mistake is overhandling. There is no reason for this. Regardless of the direction of the kite, keep your hands parallel to each other when you hold the wheel on the bike.

Handling If you pull the rope with your right hand, the kite turns to the right if you pull left-left. Keeping the arms in a neutral position, the kite continues in its current direction until it reaches the edge of the window. When handling the kite, first try to keep it a few times, near the zenith. Use slow, relaxed movements until you get the hang of it. If the kite is spinning and turning your ropes, don't worry, keep steering. Modern ropes allow multiple turns without affecting driving ability.

And, of course, avoid proximity to dangerous objects, such as highways or power lines.

The best places to fly a kite are a large open field, park or beach. The more open space you find, the more fun and less trouble you will have.


A kite needs wind to fly. How strong depends on the type of kite you are about to fly.

Here are some numbers that may impress observers. They are in a difficult position in four categories. For more information about each of these, you will need to get more information online. The power kite is usually an aerodynamic wing made of high quality material and controlled by rudders. When steering and maneuvering the kite in the control beams, different levels of force are generated. When the kite inflates its aerodynamic shapes, it forces it forward and up.

Some are heavy, respectively, require the presence of a strong wind. Others are specially designed to fly in light winds.

However, most kites are designed for use in the medium ranges of 1.5 - 5 m/s.

In most cases, you can determine the strength of the wind yourself, guided by your own feelings or observations of the behavior of the leaves on the trees. If the leaves barely move, then most likely it is too weak a wind, and if the whole tree sways and you can hear the linen flag fluttering, then it is even too strong.

The control line keeps the kite at an appropriate angle to the wind, thereby achieving the speed and power of the kite. The larger the arrow, or as soon as the kite is moving, or the stronger the wind, the more thrust is generated. The fighter piloting the kite takes full responsibility for the safety of himself and others during the flight.

The wind window is the area in which the kite flies without pushing the fighter into the air. In this window, a variable value and a different direction of movement are generated, maneuvering the change. The force decreases sharply as the kite approaches this window. If you are not sure how much force will be generated, a safe kite will be released.

Also, you can use special devices for measuring wind strength.

Experienced pilots eventually get used to judging the wind by eye on the effect on surrounding objects.


There are many varieties of kites. Each type was originally designed for specific purposes.

To ensure the safety of the kite, hold the kite at the edge of the windshield and maneuver it away from you to the power zone. If your skills do not allow you to fly the kite, modern kites have a safety system that allows you to reduce the attractiveness of the kite without leaving the kites.

Such a kite is designed to create significant attraction. However, in humans, the classification of kites based on their use and the name of the kites has evolved more frequently. The kite sport of this power was widespread much earlier than water damage. They ride on hard surfaces. These sports are very close to kiteboarding, kitesurfing and snowboarding and are equally attractive and give a huge dose of adrenaline.

These can be simple diamond-shaped (diamond), triangular (delta), box-shaped (box), inflatable (parafoil) or controlled sports with two or four lifelines.

Before launching, make sure your kite is suitable for the current wind strength, if the kite needs a tail, if the lifeline is firmly attached.

What is the difference between two ropes and four?

At the same time, these are the only kinds of shaking when it comes to summers and winters. Two-rope kayaks are controlled in the simplest way without the possibility of pausing the kite. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the possible maximum wind speed and the energy that it generates. Four course kites have more control and are best suited for active mating such as bumpy, roller or snowboarding.

The top ropes are strength ropes. By controlling them, the kite is controlled and its energy is generated. The bottom ropes are brake ropes that allow you to change your speed by pushing them towards you. Brake cables also make it easier to control runways and takeoffs.

If everything is in order, you are ready to launch.


Running with a kite is fun but not too smart, you can't watch where you're running and enjoy the sight of the kite at the same time.

Such a flippant approach can lead to trouble for both you and the kite.

What is the difference between four rope control cables and 4 rope feeders?

Four rope handles allow you to safely, easily and accurately control the kite with maximum maneuverability. Four rope handles allow you to suspend the kite, keep it in the air, flip the kite over or lower it safely to the ground. If the kite has landed with its "nose" on the ground, the kite can be flipped over by pulling the brake lines and then be airborne again. This kite handling is most suitable for bumpy, snowboarding or leisure boarding.

The four lanes usually have a special safety system that allows you to pick up and release the kite. Aitvaro's power is distributed equally to both hands, so it's easier to fly, but at the same time, you have less control over the kite. This is due to the special control of the bar and the rope system, which can be adjusted to different lifting power and wind speed. Raising the bar will increase the power of the kite.

Instead, try a smarter approach.

Stand with your back to the wind and lift the kite as high as you can. Make sure the kite is "looking" straight up and release it easily. Do not overdo it, do not try to "throw" the kite into the sky, just let go and let it fly on its own.

If the wind is strong enough, the kite will rise into the sky and start flying. Slowly pull the rail and the kite will fly back towards you.

You will need an energy kite, a helmet with an articulated pole, a board, a harness, a life jacket

Using the hood type for kites requires a trapezoid. Damage is an extreme sport, so we recommend starting with a kite kite. You will not only learn how to safely manage changes, but also get to know kite makers, kite models. Experienced instructors will help you choose the right equipment.

Each manufacturer has several types of kites in its range.

Within a few years, it was named the king of the surf kite category. This kite gives you a great feeling for breaking waves.

Then, just before it hits the ground, let go of the rail and the kite will rise up again. All you have to do is repeat this process until the kite is caught in a steady stream of wind.

In light winds, you may need the help of a friend. Ask him to hold the kite at a distance of 15-20 meters from you and release it as soon as you pull the rail. The kite should rise into the sky in the same way as if you released it yourself in a stronger wind. Soon, the kite will rise into the zone of stronger wind and the difference will disappear altogether. This will make you look much "smarter" than people running around trying to help the snake fly.

flight control

Watch the kite continuously as it flies. If something goes wrong, you will have time to do something to avoid aggravating the situation until the structure breaks. Resist the temptation to let go of the rail too much: 30-60 meters is enough. At long distances it is quite difficult to observe the flight for you and the surrounding observers.

If the line is loose, tighten it, if the line is too tight and the kite is unstable in the air, let it go a little. The main purpose is to pilot the kite, not just let it fly.

To complete the process, start slowly winding the line onto the spool. If the wind suddenly weakens, you can do it faster. As a result, throw the lifeline along with the kite to the ground so that the lifeline lies freely in the open space, this will soon allow it to be lifted into the air again without additional difficulties.

In strong winds, it may be necessary to attach the lifeline to an anchor on the ground, as well as use gloves to avoid damaging your palms.

Remember that tension on the lifeline increases the force of the wind on the kite. If the kite is behaving unstable, do not pull the lifeline even more, trying to bring it closer to the ground. Instead, loosen the tension and let the kite rise freely higher into the sky before pulling back gently.

If the kite began to rotate in a large loop closer and closer to the ground, once again, when it is close to the ground, pull it towards you, this additional effort will land the snake on the ground. At this point, you will surely be glad that you did not let him go too far.


You can buy a leer in the same place as the kite itself. Quite often, kites are supplied with the lifeline, although this is not always the case.

Special lifelines are usually lighter, stronger and thinner. All these qualities have a positive impact on the piloting process. Ideally, it's best to use the thinnest lifeline that the particular type of kite can support.

Adjustment for different wind strength

Many kites can be "fitted" to a specific wind force. Adjustment is carried out by changing the point of attachment of the rail to the kite. By moving the attachment point, you change the angle of the kite to the wind.

The larger the angle, the better the kite will be able to fly in strong winds, the smaller the angle will allow the kite to fly even in a light breeze. Too large an angle can cause the kite to flip in the wind and break, too small will not allow the kite to fly.

Experiment! You will be surprised how such a small change can make a big difference in flight quality.


The design of many kites suggests the presence of a tail. The long tail, fluttering after the kite, serves as an undoubted decoration of the overall picture. But tails also have a practical value: the added weight to the underside tilts the kite up with its leading edge and provides better flight stability.

Thus, if your kite is unstable, try adding a tail, and vice versa, if the kite turns over and falls to the ground, you need to reduce the length of the tail or remove it altogether.

Tails are good for balance. One tail should be attached in the center of the kite next to the lifeline, two tails should be symmetrical on the sides, also make sure they are the same length/weight.


Even an experienced kiter sometimes encounters a tangled lifeline or finds his kite hanging from a tall tree.

Do not panic! Keep calm and everything will be fine

A snake in a tree? Don't try to climb up, if you fall it will hurt. Yes, and do not pull the rail, it is unlikely to help, rather harm.

It is best to let go of the rail and wait until the wind blows the kite through the tree. After that, unhook the kite from the lifeline and pull out the lifeline. back.

If your kite's line gets tangled up with another kite's line, just walk up to the owner and say hello. Surprisingly, both tangled lifelines will descend to the ground right to the place where you both will be standing.

And what if the rails are intertwined on the ground? In principle, you can avoid this ambush by handling them carefully, but if it does happen, all you can do is carefully unravel the ball. Life is not perfect

The kite doesn't fly?

Not all flights go smoothly. If your kite won't fly, you may be experiencing one of the following problems:

  1. "Wrong" wind. Maybe too weak or too strong. The required wind force depends on the kite, if there is a tail - try to unhook or attach a longer one.
  2. Turbulence. Trying to fly a kite near a building or large tree? Not sure it's going to happen.
  3. "Reconfigured". Maybe you or someone else has already adjusted this kite to a different wind and left it that way? Try to return as it was.
  4. "Circle". If the kite is circling, try adding a tail or moving the anchor point of the lifeline.
  5. "Lazy". If the kite does not want to rise into the air, unfasten the tail, move the attachment point of the lifeline. Maybe the rail got wet?
  6. Technical difficulties. Make sure the kite is assembled correctly, read the instructions again. Safety

Every pilot should be concerned about safety. A kite that has lost control can cause physical harm to a random person.

An unwound lifeline lying unattended on the field can be a danger to passers-by people or animals.

Please be careful when flying the kite around other people.

In particular, never launch a kite across the road, if the kite lands on the ground and the rail crosses the road, this may cause a road accident. Never fly near an airport or power lines.

Be polite and courteous to your neighbors, good pilots always treat other pilots with respect, and even strangers.

Remember that the sky is a shared resource, try to be gentle with competitors for the attention of viewers.

So you will get much more joy and pleasure!

(c) David Gomberg. GKPI.

Translation - IM "GlavZmey"

The idea to launch a ready-made kite is in the air.

1. When choosing a place to fly a kite, you should pay attention to open areas. Any nearby wind barriers, trees, stalls, statues of leaders, etc. the wind will be turned away from the true path and will give it unnecessary turbulence. Ideal for sea coast kites. But if you have to catch the breeze by jumping over the bodies laid out on the beach, you can look at other spaces. The selected glade should not be located next to a busy highway (glider pilots often run with their faces up to the sky and pose a danger near roads) and away from power lines and airfields.

2. Having slobbered your finger, find out the direction of the wind. Give the kite to your friend, whom you prudently took with you, and stand opposite him, but so that the wind blows at your back. Let the reel with the handrail be in your hands. Take a few steps back, unwinding the line. Please note that a friend should not type SMS at this time: the snake must be held with both hands above his head, trying to position it perpendicular to the direction of the wind.

3. Having moved 15-20 m away, shout to a friend: “Let go!” - and pull the handrail toward you with a jerk. If the wind is decent, the kite will rise up on its own, and you will be left standing with the coil, joyfully watching its flight. Otherwise, you will have to run a few more meters until the kite catches the wind.

4. If the kite only flies when you are running, then the wind is weak today. Even if it’s a shame to admit it after the marathon distance that you just completed with a lifeline in your hand. In a normally blowing monsoon, the flying structure flutters in height as long as it is simply held at arm's length. The wind speed of 3-6 m/s is considered optimal for a beginner. At a lower speed, only the lightest structures will be able to rise, at a much higher speed, the kite will be torn from the hands and will be subject only to a specialist kiter.

5. If the rail pulls strongly, you need to unwind the coil a little. Flight with a subsiding wind is regulated by pulling the kite towards you. With a successful combination of circumstances, the kite will hang in the air for several hours, and you will have time to take a break from the hustle and bustle.

6. In order to finally go home, the snake is pulled to the ground, gradually winding the rail. Announce to the children and onlookers gathered around that today you will not start anything else, except for the engine of your car. It might help them to break up.

Hello everyone and as they said "Peace, labor, May!")))
A fascinating story about a kite awaits you.
In short - worth taking!

After reading the review of the flying kite, it was immediately decided to order the same one.

Delivery took almost two weeks, the track was tracked.
When I came to the post office and submitted a notice, the worker could not find my parcel for a long time! .. And I said that we should look for an oblong-shaped parcel.
Imagine my surprise when it turned out to be triangular, 70 centimeters long!
I forgot to take pictures of the parcel and packaging...
And this is what the kite and parts look like!

I immediately compare it with the snake from the review, and I understand that it is going to be completely different! ..
In view of the fact that in my childhood I didn’t fly anything like this and heard about kites only by hearsay, I was seized by some stupor.
Figured out the approximate location of the parts

With the tail part, in principle, everything is clear - a flexible white knitting needle must be inserted along the edges into a spacer, while it is bent in an arc - as it should be.
Half the work was done, it only remained to understand how to properly install the black knitting needles and why they had slotted stoppers installed on them. If they are installed as in the previous review, but with thin edges into the corner stops, and in the center - into each other - the assembled spoke sticks out strongly in an arc, and what to do with it next is not very clear.
Through brainstorming and dancing with a tambourine, a solution was found.

This is how the kite looks in the assembled state - it has a clear stretch of all wings!

It remained the case for small things - field tests - in the literal sense)))

Who is interested in a brief description of the process of launching and controlling the kite:
1) we face the wind and take the kite by the place where the thread is tied (I will call it “keel”).
2) we are waiting for a good wind (this is a prerequisite for a successful launch and flight)
3) start running and let go of the kite.
After that, he begins to gain height - do not forget to let go of the rope - you can simply throw the coil on the floor, it was even more convenient for me at first.
The main condition for a successful flight is to constantly monitor the tension of the thread:
-if it weakens, you need to wind it up or run towards the wind
- when the tension is strong, you can let go of the thread, at least until the spool runs out.

(not me in the photo - my friend).

I find the control and launch of the kite very simple, well, at least for me.
A friend even decided that these were far from my first kite launches, but when he took it in his hands, he also did great.
As a result, when I launched it - I unwound almost the entire coil - the wind contributed to the successful launch and flight! I did not check the length of the thread, but it is sooooo long (100 m is declared).

Conclusion: a great thing for your money!
The only disadvantage can be an unsuccessful landing, as a result of which something may break ... (((
There was a sea of ​​emotions - everyone liked it, but especially the children - they came up with their mouths open ...
But even grandmothers turned around and pointed to the sky)))
Initially, buying a kite was conceived as entertainment for kids, but in the end, adults get no less pleasure!
Below is the launch and flight video

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Trembling, alive, he strives upwards, towards freedom and the sun, trying to fly out of his hands and break the leash. How to assemble a kite? After all, it is about him!

Surely you read S. Marshak as a child. In one of his works, we are talking about the life of a schoolboy, an important part of which at that stage was just the same kites. Among the boys, it was considered prestigious not only to make the largest one, which would last the longest in the air, but also the most durable: after all, real battles were fought! Who won't fall to the ground?! In addition to excitement, the practical value of the structure was also meant: twine and other improvised materials were very expensive. And the guys, of course, did not have the slightest idea about the properties of aerodynamics: everything was done empirically.

Now there are more concepts, but snakes have become a rarity. Although back in the last century, scientists used them already on business: with their help it was possible to carry out meteorological studies, raising devices to a height of up to 1000 m. But this is a great way to keep a child busy with a common cause and get closer to him even more! Let's try to revive the traditions?

How to assemble a kite at home

First you need to consider: the lighter the structure and the larger its plane, the higher the probability that the kite will take off. Therefore, the materials for manufacturing should be light: we will take wooden laths-shingles for the frame, and you can cover it with thin paper or foil. For a larger product, you will need canvas, plastic wrap (owners of Crazy Handles even fit an ordinary garbage bag) or thin cardboard. All this is fastened with thread / twine / thin wire. Want to use thread? Be sure to coat them with glue after finishing work!

Agree, the answer to the question "how to assemble a kite" is not so difficult!

Understanding how to fly a kite is almost as important as knowing how to make one. After all, even small birds are taught to fly by their parents, and they have wings from birth!

Location selection

A small kite is quite capable of flying in the corridor, according to the principle of a paper airplane. It is only important to run with him evenly, at the same speed. They threw it up and ... forward! For a large flyer you need space and a light breeze. Choose a place in advance: it can be a seashore, a wide field or an ordinary stadium. Eliminate possible obstacles and make sure that there are not many people around.
Did your support group come with you? Let them step aside and watch both ways: getting a construction in the face is a dubious pleasure, and it is better to keep the memory of the event not in the form of scars, but in the form of photographs.


kite launch

Remember how surfers catch waves? So and you will need to catch the moment when the flyer begins to rise, drawn by the currents of air masses. Gently straighten the structure, unravel the tail. Throw up and start running fast against the wind - this is how you give the initial speed. A correctly glued kite will quickly rise up, gradually unwinding the twine. Is that what happened? You don't need to run anymore. Enjoy the result!

Nuance: It will be difficult for a small child to launch on their own at first. Choose a smaller model. Make sure that he does not get tangled in the twine and does not cut his hands with it. The unfolding tail may well whip in the face - before launching, lay it out on the back of the ground. And ideally, practice first in the hallway.

Did you know?

Skillful Japanese know how to assemble a kite of various configurations. Taking the design of a balloon as a basis, they make outlandish animals, smear the twine with glue, sprinkle it with crushed glass and arrange real battle shows every year. The kids of the time of Marshak never dreamed of such a thing! What about your children?

Doing something yourself and checking how it works is certainly interesting. That's why people launch boats, paper planes, or other crafts. This is a great pastime with a child on the street. How to fly a kite so that it flies high, and how to control it correctly?

From the outside, everything looks simple - people launch complex figures into the air and can set their own height and speed of movement. How to achieve this? And why do snakes fly without large wings or other adaptations than a tail?

Why does a kite fly

From the outside, the flight of a kite seems amazing. Especially when it rises smoothly by itself and holds on for a long time, carried away by unknown forces. A person regulates the speed and height of the kite by moving and pulling the line.

If you delve deeper, you can understand that 4 natural forces will act on it immediately upon launch:

  • lifting and driving force (wind);
  • resistance;
  • gravity.

The interaction of forces ensures flight. Resistance occurs under certain conditions. This happens when the air opposes any moving body. It is not difficult to check the activity of the force - open your palm and move it from side to side. You will feel a slight resistance.

Now take the cardboard and start fanning it like a fan. The difference is noticeable immediately - the air seems to slow down the movement. The operator uses this force.

He starts flying a kite like this: he puts the kite on the ground, takes a line and pulls it, moving quickly against the wind. The kite will take off. It is important to choose the angle here, as this will affect the overall takeoff speed. If there is a breeze outside, then a vacuum zone forms on top of the kite, which gives confidence to the movement. The aircraft uses the vacuum zone and begins to soar like an open sail.

It turns out that the main conditions for a quick takeoff and subsequent flight of the kite is the angle of attack, which is also the angle of the necessary lifting force. If the kite stands upright, then the natural air resistance will increase, and at the same time the lifting force will increase. In a horizontal position, it quickly decreases.

Wind characteristic for flights

No wonder it is so named - its flight primarily depends on the presence and strength of the wind. In calm, even a well-designed model will remain motionless. The only thing that can simulate the wind is physical effort, but then the operator will have to run constantly.


First of all, before launching, you should check the weather: are tree branches, leaves and grass moving, raised flags are moving, are small ripples visible on the water? Great, the weather is right. It is important to find the "golden mean" of the activity of air currents. Strong gusts can break or blow the kite away.


Here the kite has taken off and soars. The best position is with your back to the wind, facing the kite. Determining the direction of air flow is easy. Where does the grass bend, the tips of the flags point, the packets fly? You can expose your face to gusts of wind, feel how it touches your cheeks.

Those friends who managed to launch the kites will serve as hints.

How to choose a place to launch

In order to fly a kite correctly, you must first choose a suitable location. Sometimes the launch is difficult - the kite barely got up, spins constantly, pulls on the fishing line. He will gain stability later, when he gains a certain height. Or it took off easily, and then “swarmed”, becoming uncontrollable.

It is more convenient to launch kites from a small hill - a hill, an embankment, a platform. You need to choose a flat place, not crowded with foreign objects. After launch, attention will be focused on the snake hovering above, so it is important to ensure freedom of movement in advance. It would be a shame to suddenly stumble while running.

Thus, the ideal place to launch:

  • smooth, without debris and obstacles;
  • on a hill, a small mound;
  • there are no houses, horizontal bars, trees, roads, airports nearby.

Flying a kite: step by step instructions

To enjoy free flight, you need to fly a kite correctly. Take into account the weather, wind strength, choose a place, calculate the ideal launch angle.

First of all, using improvised means, determine the current direction of the wind. Remember, he is more active at altitude.

Launching a kite - alone, together

Strengthened wind. It is enough to release the snake, unclenching your hands, having previously settled down with your back to the gusts. Point the nose of the kite up before launching, holding the lifeline nearby, at the base. After releasing, slowly unwind the thread, increasing the height.

Double launch. The assistant holds the kite, directing his nose up. You, having unwound 20 meters of thread from the spool, step back. Command the assistant to open his arms and at the same time toss the kite. Watch as the released kite takes off rapidly, carried away by gusts of wind. Adjust the flight through the tension and length of the thread.

Weak wind. It seems that there is absolutely no wind below, but the tops of the trees are actively swaying. So, he is strong enough, only on top. Then it is important to help the snake to climb it.

Running alone. Having taken a position with your back to the gusts of wind, put the kite down on the ground exactly perpendicular, “facing” to you. Unwinding the rope, slowly move away, trying to keep it in the previously set position.

After moving 8-10 steps, sharply pull the unwound rope and run until the kite gradually rises, reaching the area of ​​active wind. Feeling how he caught the air currents, stop. Now you can adjust the hovering of the kite.

Double launch. The snake is held by an assistant. This method is great for a family run, when children help parents. Keep it high, aligning it strictly perpendicular to the gusts of wind. The child at this time departs, unwinding the rope.

When he rewinds 2-3 meters, ask him to run. Unclench your hands in time, giving the snake the opportunity to take off. That's it, now help the kid to regulate the flight of the kite. Be an assistant, prompting the child the nuances of control. So he can quickly learn how to fly a kite.

flight control

Basically it all depends on the actual wind strength:

  1. The wind has died down, the kite is falling - pull the rope faster by lowering your hand or stepping back. See that the thread remains taut at all times.
  2. Strengthened - on the contrary, unwind the rope, at the same time slightly loosening the tension and approaching the hovering snake. The main task is to capture the moments of wind change and adjust the thread tension in time. In order for the kite to rapidly pull ahead - loosen it, if it decreases - tighten it.
  3. The flight is unstable - at first it soars, then suddenly starts to fall. Watching the chaotic movements you need to catch the dynamics. Remember, the direction of flight always depends on the position of the kite's nose.

body position

From the launch videos, it is noticeable that a person always has a snake in front of him. It is more convenient to track the flight, control the tension force and the length of the rope. Periodically, you need to move - run or move your hands. It all depends on the strength and direction of the wind.

The starting position is with your back to him, providing yourself with the freedom of possible movements.

First maneuvers

It is more difficult to launch when the wind is weak or, conversely, strong. If the gusts cannot be determined, they are constantly changing and the kite is prowling, trying to snatch the fishing line, then it is better to wait. It is extremely difficult and even dangerous to regulate the flight in such conditions.

There is no wind, the launch will be complicated. You will have to replace the elements with physical efforts, constantly run so that the kite remains at the previously set height. It's easier when the wind is at the top. Then it is enough to raise the kite, later the element itself will pick it up.

Always look where the nose is pointed, this determines the flight path. Down - the kite will fall, up - it will rise.

If the kite falls

The situation will be saved by the following maneuvers - loosen the initial tension of the rope, allowing the wind to straighten the flight on its own. You can carefully adjust the direction of the nose. Wait for it to rise up and return the rope to its original tension. Adjust its length according to the wind pressure.

Is the fall inevitable? Loosen the rope, let the kite slowly lower itself.


Walked up, it's time to plant the snake. The right approach is needed here, especially when a strong wind holds. Many people think that it is enough to wind the thread and it will fly by itself. This approach is dangerous for crafts. Strong air currents can break the thread or harm the snake.

It is better to make sure the kite has a safe landing. Plant it across the wind. First take a position with the kite 90 degrees into the wind. Now slowly approach the hovering aircraft while shortening the thread. See that it remains taut and pliable enough.

Is it blowing hard? It is worth moving, looking for a zone where it is weakened and landing there. Move, reducing the length of the stretched thread as much as possible. A strong wind usually blows in gusts in one direction. There are quiet places. It is important to find such a safe zone and land the kite.


Although kite flying is considered a harmless activity, there are a number of precautions to be aware of.

Safety regulations:

  • do not choose places for launching where there are power lines or stretched wires nearby;
  • look for a flat place without trees, horizontal bars and houses;
  • launch in windy (light or medium wind) but clear weather, not in a thunderstorm;
  • do not trust the launch to small children, especially in strong winds;
  • if the fishing line is rough, it is worth protecting your hands with gloves;
  • avoid roads, airports, especially when running with a child!

Both children and adults are delighted with this fun - flying a kite. They are triangular, diamond-shaped, box-shaped, in the form of birds or dragons. There are even in the form of a butterfly flapping its wings.

The history of the flying kite goes back to ancient China. There he received the name "dragon kite" due to the fact that on the Dragon Festival huge constructions of torsos made of paper with a snake head at the end were launched into the air. This tradition is still alive today. From China, dragons became widely known in Asia. Later, in Europe, they learned how to make a kite out of paper.

This simplest aircraft in its long history served both science and as a military tool, and helped in the development of aircraft. Now it has become a well-known toy, popular with both adults and children.

Of course, in today's world you can always buy a ready-made kite in the store. But if you know how to make a flying kite with your own hands, you can not only enjoy the creative process, but also get a unique toy. Created with your own hands, it will be a greater joy than the one that is bought. The manufacturing process is very interesting, exciting and also uncomplicated. And the manufacturing costs are minimal.

How to make a flying dragon with your own hands

To create an air dragon at home, you need to have a basic understanding of the main elements of its design:

At home, you can make the following types of flying dragons: flat air and box-shaped (volumetric).

Materials for making a favorite toy can be different, for example, paper, fabric, polyethylene. For some models need wooden slats. You will also need ribbons or threads with bows or tassels for the tail: it all depends on your imagination.

Serpent "Monk"

How to make a paper kite For starters, try the simplest and most classic version - the paper “Monk”. Even small children will be happy to take part in its manufacture. To make this origami, you will need:

  • a square from a sheet of thick paper (not newspaper);
  • bobbin threads for a bridle;
  • narrow strips of bright fabric or tail tape;
  • scissors;
  • glue;
  • needle for making holes.

It is advisable to choose sheets with a format no larger than A3. Larger sizes require heavier paper, which leads to an increase in the weight of the model. As a result, a large device can be so heavy that it cannot fly.

The scheme for its manufacture is simple:

Despite the ease of manufacture, the Monk will fly well. It must be launched on bobbin threads, in a small breeze, because a strong wind can easily crush it. If it starts to roll from side to side when starting up, the tail may need to be adjusted. You need to either lengthen it or make it heavier. In the case when the Monk takes off with difficulty and gains altitude very poorly, the tail, on the contrary, should be made easier. With the right adjustment of the tail, the kite should fly steadily, wagging a little in different directions.

Frame snakes made of paper, fabric, polyethylene

Another type of flat flying structure is a frame kite. To build it, apart from paper, fabric or polyethylene, wooden rake is also needed and. One of the schemes for its manufacture is used in the presence of the following materials:

  • sheets of paper or package;
  • two wooden slats (one shorter, about 2/3 the length of the first);
  • strong thread;
  • fabric (any);
  • scotch;
  • glue.

To create a frame, you need to connect the slats in the shape of a cross. You can fasten them with twine, previously moistened with PVA glue. Then you need to cut, focusing on the frame, the sail of the dragon itself. For this model, it will turn out to be a diamond shape. The ends of the sail must be firmly tied to the ends of the rails, for strength, you can even use adhesive tape. In the middle of both segments of the smaller rail, you need to tie the ropes and fasten them in the middle cross rail. It will turn out like a pyramid of ropes, which must be fixed to the handrail. It remains to fix the tail at the bottom of the product. For a good flight, the tail must be significantly longer than the main part.

Frame devices are the most popular and easy to build at home. They can have any other shape: the popular triangle, star or bird. The form is limited only by imagination and materials.

dragon in the shape of a triangle

The classic triangular shape is a more difficult variety of flat structures to manufacture.

You will need a thick plastic bag for this., slats, rope with a coil. The dimensions of the finished product depend on the size of the package and the height of the launcher. The scheme for making a triangular kite is as follows:

To get the likeness of a bird, one feature is used: a bowstring is pulled between the side parts.

Box kites at home

Another type of flying kite that you can make yourself is the box-shaped, or voluminous, flying kite. For its manufacture you will need:

  • wooden sticks - 8 pieces;
  • sheets of thick paper;
  • strong rope;
  • ruler;
  • scissors;
  • glue.

For the manufacture of a box device at home, strong plastic bags, such as trash bags, are often used instead of strong paper.

The frame is assembled from 4 vertical slats 80 cm long and 4 horizontal slats (struts): two 75 cm long and two 50 cm each. From sheets of thick paper with glue, you need to make two strips, each 186 cm long and 24 cm in width, plus 1 cm on all sides for allowances. Each strip must be divided into 4 identical parts.

Corners are cut out at the folds in the allowances and strong threads are inserted into the folds of all allowances along the entire length so that they go into the cut corners on both sides by about 7 cm. Then the allowances and strips are connected with glue. The narrow edges of each strip are connected by lateral allowances - it turns out two boxes, but without a bottom. Inside the boxes at the corners, long laths are inserted and fixed with the ends of the threads glued into the strips. The boxes should be at the edges of long wooden slats.

Then spacers are placed crosswise so that they rest against long slats. In places where the spacers cross, this connection must be secured with a thread. The snake stretched by spacers of the box will become like a rhombus. The bridle is made of a thin rope 1.3 m long. One end of the bridle is connected to one of the long rails above the upper box, and the other end is attached to the rail above the lower box on the same side. A handrail is attached to the bridle - and you can do a test run. A tail is not required for such a kite.

The box kite can fly properly only in fairly strong winds. Its improved version is a triangular box kite with an additional wing. This type of kite is more complex in design, but it has better aerodynamics, and it takes off in a light wind without a takeoff run.

How to fly kites

Flying the kite correctly is very important. The wind should blow at a speed of 4-6 m/sec. The most preferred place to launch is in the field and, if possible, on a hill, away from roads and wires. It is dangerous if the lifeline of a launched kite comes into contact with the wires or hangs on them. Especially if it is electrical wires under high voltage. It is also important to take into account the strength of the wind and the strength of the handrail. If there is a strong gusty wind outside, then the rope can break and the flying kite will be carried by the wind to the wires.

You can launch a flying toy in different ways. If there is only one person, then the kite is placed with the front side against the wind. The one who launches must gradually move back, unwinding the rope and keeping the structure upright. Moving away a little, about 10 meters, you need to pull the rope towards you and carefully run. If there is wind, the kite immediately rises up.

It is much more convenient and easier to launch with two people. So, one stays with the kite, holding it over his head. The person who has the rope in his hands must stand with his back to the wind and unwind about 15 meters of the lifeline, then pull it up. The sign for launching the kite is the raising of the hand.

When the kite reaches a sufficient height, it is necessary to carefully release (poison) the rail. If a gust of wind occurs, the rope must be released a little, this is necessary to relieve the pressure of air flows on the body of the structure. When the wind subsides, the flying device must be immediately pulled towards you.

It is better to launch a box kite in the same way - against the wind and preferably not alone. The headwind will carry it forward, but at the same time there will be lift and it will stay in the air at an angle. If the bridle is made straight, from threads of equal length, then the kite does not have an angle of inclination and will not rise up even with a strong wind.

On a calm day, you can try to make the kite fly by running forward with it. In this case, not the wind, but the movement creates a counter flow of air, which is needed for flight. At the top, the box kite flies by itself, even if the person does not move, because the air currents above are stronger than below the ground.

If you want to have an interesting time, find an exciting activity for the whole family, then making an air dragon is perfect for these purposes. It is not difficult to make it with your own hands, and its launch will not leave anyone indifferent.

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