How to store melons at home. How to save a melon for the winter or at least until the New Year? Apples and pears

Melon is a seasonal fruit, and, moreover, perishable.

How to keep a melon fresh for a long time, for example, until the New Year?

And is it possible?

Yes, it is quite real. The main thing is to choose the right fruits and create all the conditions for their long-term storage.

When choosing a melon, first of all, you need to consider its variety.

Late-ripening fruits, such as Bykovchanka or Zimovka, are stored longer than early-ripening ones. Canary yellow, Torpedo and Gulaba, which grow well in the middle lane, are also suitable for storage.

How long are melons stored at home of different varieties:

  • early varieties about a month;
  • mid-season 3 - 4 months;
  • late-ripening 4 - 6 months.

In addition, the fruit should not have damage and traces of rot on the bark.

If the melons are collected on their own, then they need to be cut in the first degree of maturity, that is, about a week before they are fully ripe.

The stripes on the bark of such a melon are moderately pronounced, and cover it halfway. If there are fewer stripes, then most likely the fruit will not ripen during storage. If, on the contrary, the whole melon is covered with pronounced stripes, then it is already ripe and suitable for immediate consumption, but it cannot be stored for a long time.

The maturity of those varieties that do not have a net on their skin can be judged by the intensity of their color: the brighter the color, the closer they are to full ripening.

Another important aspect for long-term and high-quality storage of the melon crop is the correct harvesting. They are cut from melons, leaving 3 cm of the stem. After that, they are left for 3-4 days in the garden under the sun, periodically turning over.

How and where to store in the apartment

The optimum temperature for melon is from +1 to +3 ° C. Therefore, the best place to store this product is a basement or cellar.

If you are going to store a melon in an apartment, then it is worth considering that it will not work to save it until winter.

At most - a month - a melon can lie at the balcony door. However, only unripe fruits of a variety suitable for storage are suitable for this.

On an ordinary soft bedding in a dark place, a not quite ripe melon will lie for a week. If the fruit already has a soft nose and exudes a characteristic aroma, then its shelf life at home is no more than 2 days.

Storage methods

  • fresh;
  • to freeze;
  • dry.

As mentioned above, for storing fresh melons, cool, well-ventilated rooms with a humidity of no more than 80% are used - basements or cellars.

Melons are stacked in different ways:

  1. On a soft cloth or sawdust at a distance from each other. It is important to use soft materials for lining, as dents appear at the point of contact of the fruit with a hard surface, which leads to further decay. When laying out melons, you need to lay paper or sawdust between them.
  2. In boxes with holes, placing them on top of each other. The holes in the drawers are needed for air circulation inside.
  3. In boxes with sand, falling asleep whole fruits. Sand absorbs excess moisture. Melons are placed vertically, stalk up.
  4. Hang each fruit in a separate canvas bag or net. This method of storage is considered the best.
  5. It is important to keep in mind that it is forbidden to store melon near apples or potatoes, as the former accelerate its ripening, and from proximity to potatoes, it loses its flavor.
  6. It is also necessary to inspect fruits every month in order to get rid of those that begin to deteriorate in time.

As for freezing melons, this is a great way to preserve the fruit without losing its taste.

For freezing, it is better to choose sweet varieties with dense pulp so that its consistency is not disturbed by exposure to low temperatures. Fits best.

The melon is cleaned of skin and bones, the pulp is washed and cut into small pieces. You can freeze both in special bags and in containers with a lid. Thus, the fruit is stored for a year.

Dried melon can be both outdoors and in the oven or electric dryer.

Can melon be stored in the refrigerator

Unfortunately, this melon culture belongs to those products, storage of which in the refrigerator is not recommended. This is due to the fact that under the influence of low temperatures, ethylene is released in its pulp, which can cause poisoning of the body.

If necessary, a whole, undamaged melon can be stored in the refrigerator for a week. Before this, you need to put it in a rag or wrap it with paper. You can only keep the fruit on the bottom shelf or in the fruit compartment.

How to store cut melon

If the melon is already cut, then it can be put in a container with a lid or wrapped in cling film and sent to the refrigerator. In the open state, the pieces will quickly wind up. So it can be stored for no more than three days.

But do not forget about the dangerous properties of melon. Therefore, if the fruit has already been cut, then it is preferable to save it in another way - freeze or dry.

In addition, excellent jam is obtained from melon, which can be enjoyed throughout the year.

Helpful Hints

People have been preserving food with snow and ice for a long time, but the first commercial refrigerators that appeared around the turn of the 20th century changed that. Home refrigerators made it possible for the first time to keep perishable food fresh.

However, over time, people began to store almost all products in the refrigerator, regardless of whether they should be there or not.

While some foods need to be refrigerated, some are best left at room temperature.

Food storage


If you store bananas in the refrigerator, the skin will quickly darken and change the texture of the banana. If you have overripe bananas, use them in baked goods or add them to a smoothie.


Storing bread in the refrigerator causes it to go stale faster. Cold will harden bread faster than room temperature. If you want to keep bread longer, it is best to store it in a bread box or freezer. The presence of preservatives will determine how long you can keep the bread. As a rule, the shelf life of bread is from several days to several weeks.


Everyone knows how difficult it is sometimes to spread a hard frozen piece of butter on bread. In fact, butter can be stored on a shelf in a butter dish that protects it from light and air. Butter is mainly made up of fat, and therefore it is quite possible to leave it at room temperature for several days. For longer storage, you will still need to store it in the refrigerator.


Ground coffee loses its flavor when stored in the refrigerator. It is best to store coffee in a dry, cool place in a closed container to avoid moisture. You can also store beans in the freezer, as beans taste best when you grind them at a low temperature.

Storing food in the refrigerator


Do not store melon in the refrigerator. The cold makes the pulp loose and therefore it is better if melons and watermelons are stored on a shelf. Once a melon or watermelon has been cut into, they should be stored in the refrigerator for three to five days.


Peppers soften in the refrigerator, although some experts recommend storing peppers in the refrigerator to extend their shelf life.

However, it is best to store peppers in a paper bag on a shelf. If you want the pepper to ripen faster, place a ripe tomato in a paper bag.


The cool temperature of the refrigerator makes a juicy tomato crumbly and mushy. If a soft tomato seeps liquid, it starts to spoil.

Food storage rules


Potatoes should be stored in a cool, dark place. However, the refrigerator is too cold for this purpose. Low temperatures spoil the natural starch, which affects the texture and taste. It is best to store potatoes in a paper bag.

Apples and pears

You can store them in the refrigerator, but cold air tends to spoil their crisp texture. Leave them on the shelf, but if you prefer these fruits cold, put them in the refrigerator.

Peaches, plums and cherries

Fruits with seeds should not be refrigerated. Store them on the shelf and enjoy them when they are ripe.

Onion garlic

These strong-smelling foods can transfer their scent to other foods and soften them over time. Keep them in a paper bag.

Honey, jam, syrup

Honey crystallizes in the refrigerator, so it should be stored at room temperature away from sunlight. While jams and preserves can be refrigerated, you can leave them at room temperature after opening.

In the old days, housewives had to invent themselves in order to extend the shelf life of berries and fruits, so they either dried them or lowered them into running water. Much to the happiness of modern women, technology does not stand still and they no longer need to store delicious fruits with such difficulties. For these purposes, every house has a refrigerator.

With it, you can store not only hard fruits, but also tender and very juicy berries for a long time. True, in this case, you need to know little tricks that will help you enjoy pears, apples, bananas and strawberries as long as possible.

How long can a cut watermelon be stored in the refrigerator?

Cut watermelon can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 3 days
  • Most often, we buy watermelons, which later we cannot eat and we have to put them in the refrigerator for storage. Surely everyone who did this noticed that low temperature indicators have a rather negative effect on this large berry. It becomes less tasty and fragrant and, what is the most untidy, begins to flow very strongly.
  • Therefore, it will be better if you still buy watermelons that your family can master at a time. But still, if it already happened that you had to put a cut watermelon in the refrigerator, then be sure to cover its cut with cling film and try to eat it within 48 hours.
  • After this time, it will begin to lose not only taste properties, but also the beneficial substances that it contains. Watermelon, which has lain in the refrigerator for more than 3 days, in general, is better not to eat. By this time, fermentation processes will begin in its pulp, which can negatively affect the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

How long can you keep cut melon in the refrigerator?

Rules for storing melons in the refrigerator

A cut melon, like a watermelon, cannot lie in the refrigerator. You can store it there for no more than a day and a half. If it lies in it for a longer period, then pathogenic bacteria will begin to multiply on its pulp, causing fermentation and rotting of berries and fruits.

Such processes can start even earlier if you store the melon at a temperature above +5. If you see that you cannot eat the fruit for one day, then it is better to cut it into portions and freeze. In this form, it will remain tasty and healthy for almost six months.

What fruits can not be stored in the refrigerator?

Tropical fruits should not be refrigerated
  • Do not think that the refrigerator can extend the shelf life of absolutely all fruits. Some of them do not tolerate low temperatures very well and it is from its impact that they begin to deteriorate and rot. It is strictly forbidden to put absolutely all tropical fruits and persimmons in the refrigerator. For them, room temperature is more acceptable.
  • If you wrap these fruits in several layers of paper and put them on a pantry shelf, they can stay tasty and healthy for at least 7 days. Of course, this does not mean that all these fruits, in general, cannot be put in the refrigerator. If you put them there solely to cool (literally for an hour or two), then this will not affect either their taste or their appearance.
  • Yes, and if you still decide to store tropical fruits in the refrigerator, then put unripe vile ones in it. They will release a little less ethylene, which means they can stay normal for 5 to 8 days.

Is it possible to store bananas in the refrigerator and where is the best place to store them so that they do not turn black?

Bananas should not be stored in the refrigerator.
  • + 12 is considered the optimal temperature for storing bananas, so if you put them in the refrigerator, they will definitely not like it. Even on a shelf for storing vegetables, the temperature readings will be lower than they need, which means that the fruits will supercool very quickly and begin to lose all their taste.
  • But most of all, the low temperature affects the appearance of the banana. Its peel is first covered with black dots, and then, in general, completely blackens. In view of this, if you want these fruits to have both a beautiful appearance and great taste, then find a place for them in a kitchen cabinet or pantry.
  • Just put them on a large dish, wrap with cling film and put them in a place where there is a minimum of light. If you store bananas this way, they will last 10 to 14 days.

Is it possible and how to store peaches in the refrigerator?

Peaches Storage Tips
  • Zero degrees is considered the most ideal temperature for storing peaches, so you can easily extend their shelf life with the help of a refrigerator. But if you want them to remain tasty and fragrant here as long as possible, then be sure to consider the features of this fruit. Since it has a fairly tender peel and juicy pulp, it cannot be piled up.
  • So you can crush the lower fruits, and they will very quickly infect whole peaches with pathogenic microflora. If possible, lay them out in one, maximum two rows and be sure to shift each layer with paper or cotton. It also takes into account the fact that this fruit overripes very quickly, so it is absolutely forbidden to lie with fruits that emit ethylene in large quantities (these are apples and pears).
  • If you put them very close to each other, then the peaches will overripe in just a day, and then even low temperatures will not help you keep them for even the most minimal time.

How to store lemons in the refrigerator and for how long?

  • I want to say right away that it is undesirable to keep lemons in the refrigerator. Low temperature has a detrimental effect on them, and they very quickly begin to deteriorate and rot. But still, in this case, there are little tricks that will help you store this fruit in the refrigerator for 4 to 8 weeks.
  • So, if you stop the exposure of the lemon peel to oxygen, you can minimize the effect of cold on the lemon. Try simply treating its surface with vegetable oil, and then wrapping it in plain paper. So you not only limit the effect of oxygen, but also protect the fruit from condensation, which inevitably appears on all products in the refrigerator.
  • Another proven option is to store lemons in a jar of water. But keep in mind that in order for them to remain fresh, the water in the container must be changed at least 2 times a day and be sure to keep it in the green zone of the refrigerator.

How to store cranberries in the refrigerator and for how long

Keeping cranberries fresh
  • Cranberries are a rather delicate berry, so you need to store it at low temperatures. If you live in an apartment, then the refrigerator is the ideal storage place. You can keep it here both fresh and frozen. If you like to eat these berries without additional processing, then simply clean them of plant debris, put them in small containers with airtight lids and put them on a shelf for storing vegetables.
  • Here the berries will remain edible for 1 to 2 months. If you want to extend their shelf life for another month and a half, then put them in glass jars, fill them with pre-boiled water (completely cooled) and place them in the zero zone of the refrigerator. Well, those who want to cook cranberry dishes until the new harvest can freeze the berries.
  • You also need to freeze them in small portions, otherwise you will have to periodically defrost all the berries at once, and this will greatly reduce their shelf life.

How to store apples in the refrigerator and for how long?

Storing apples in the refrigerator
  • Apples are among those fruits that, even after picking, continue to intensively release ethylene, which contributes to the rapid ripening of absolutely all fruits. Therefore, if you want to lay fruits for long-term storage, then they must be properly prepared for this. For this, the apple must be kept at a temperature of 25 to 30 degrees for 2 days.
  • Under the action of high temperature, almost all ethylene will be released from them and this will stop the maturation process. After this, the apples will need to be cooled, and then laid out in food bags with holes for ventilation. In this form, they will remain tasty and juicy for 1 to 2 months.
  • And remember that it is undesirable to store apples of different varieties together. Since some varieties ripen faster than others, this can lead to the fact that some apples will begin to lose their taste, while others will still remain greenish.

How to store raspberries in the refrigerator and for how long?

Raspberry Storage Recommendations

Raspberries can be stored in the refrigerator for 7 to 10 days. But it will remain fresh and tasty only if you store unripe, and most importantly, intact berries. They are best laid out in small hermetically sealed containers and placed in the zero zone.

In case you want to enjoy the taste of these berries for a longer period, then freeze them or grind them with sugar. But keep in mind that in this case it is extremely important to use only the highest quality berries. If you overlook and at least one spoiled raspberry gets to the raspberry, then in the process of long-term storage, the taste of all other fruits will be quite spoiled.

How to store blueberries in the refrigerator and for how long?

Storing blueberries in jars

Fresh blueberries without any additional processing can quite easily stand in the refrigerator for 5-7 days. At the same time, it will not lose either its excellent taste or useful properties. If you want this berry to lie in the refrigerator for at least 2 weeks, then put it in a specially processed container. Take wide-mouth bottles or half-liter jars and heat them well in the oven.

When they are cold, carefully place blueberries in them (no need to tamp them down), close the container with sterile lids and place on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator. If you want blueberries to last 5-7 months, then just freeze them. To do this, first pour it in a thin layer on a tray, and then put it in the freezer. When the berries are frozen, put them in a plastic bag, tie it tightly and place it near the rest of the frozen fruits.

Can grapes be stored in the refrigerator and for how long?

Grape storage rules

Grapes, like almost all berries and fruits, do not tolerate high temperatures quite well, so you need to put them in the refrigerator immediately after you enter the house. If you plan to eat it within a day or two, you can simply put it in a clean bowl and place it in the green area of ​​the refrigerator.

If you will be storing it for a month or two, then allocate space for it on the vegetable shelf. Spread it there in one layer, and cover it with a paper towel on top. If possible, then place it as close as possible to the back wall of the refrigerator. Since here the temperature is more suitable for grapes, then here they can remain tasty and fresh for up to 4 months.

Can mangoes be stored in the refrigerator and for how long?

Ways to store mangoes at home

Since the optimum storage temperature for mango is +10, it is undesirable to store it in the refrigerator. Cold will quickly make it less tasty and sour. Therefore, it will be better if you store this fruit at room temperature.

But if you still want to prepare a mango for the future, then cut it into a small cube and freeze it just like the rest of the berries and fruits. This method of storage will extend the shelf life of the fruit by almost six months.

How to store cherries in the refrigerator and for how long?

Fresh-frozen cherry

Fresh cherries can be stored in the refrigerator without compromising its taste for no more than a day. After that, processes inevitably begin to occur in it, which lead to the fact that the fermentation process begins in the pulp. In order for it to remain tasty and healthy all this time, it must be carefully, literally in one layer, laid out on a tray or on a large bowl and placed in the green zone of the refrigerator.

If you bought a lot of cherries, then you have one way out - freezing. It is better to freeze it in portions, after washing and drying it. Frozen cherries can quite easily lie for at least 6 months.

How to store blackberries in the refrigerator and for how long?

Blackberry Storage Recommendations

Blackberries are a very tender berry, so even with a strong desire to store it for a long time, you will not be able to. In the refrigerator, unwashed blackberries can lie for no more than 4 days, so if you want to eat this product throughout the winter, you will have to freeze it.

In this case, the berries will first need to be sorted out, washed, dried, and only then frozen in portions. If there is no room in the freezer, then simply grind the blackberries with sugar, put them in sterile jars and store them on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator.

How to store red and black currants in the refrigerator and for how long?

Red and black currants can be frozen

Freshly picked and, most importantly, unwashed currant berries can be stored in the refrigerator for 10 to 14 days. And if you put them in a glass container, and cover it with a paper napkin on top, you can store fragrant berries for almost a month. True, for this you will have to remove the napkin from the jar once a day and let the fruits breathe a little.

Freezing is suitable for longer storage. If you first freeze the currants in one layer and only then put them in a plastic bag or a plastic container, then you will get whole berries that do not stick together, which can be used to make sauces, compotes, jams and delicious toppings for pies.

Can kiwi be stored in the refrigerator and for how long?

It is best to put a greenish fruit in the refrigerator
  • A fruit like kiwi does not grow in our country. As a rule, he comes to us from Asian countries, so most often he will get greenish on store shelves. If you plan to store kiwi for some time, then choose elastic, unripe fruits for this. When you bring them home, carefully wrap them in cling film (preferably individually) and put them in a vegetable storage box.
  • If you want to speed up the kiwi ripening process, then take a hermetically sealed bag and put an apple or a banana in it along with the kiwi. In a closed space, ethylene gas will quickly accumulate and kiwi will reach the desired condition, literally in one day.
  • But keep in mind, no matter what storage method you choose, it is undesirable to keep kiwi in the refrigerator for more than 14 days. After this time, the cold temperature will still take its toll and the fruits will first become very watery, and then begin to rot.

How to store strawberries in the refrigerator and for how long?

Storing strawberries in the refrigerator

Strawberries have one not very good property; without a refrigerator, they deteriorate very quickly and begin to rot. Therefore, if you want to extend the shelf life of this berry, then keep it on the shelf for storing vegetables and fruits. It is necessary to lay it there not washed and possibly in one layer, if you see that you will get 2 or 3 layers of strawberries, then shift each row with paper napkins.

They will protect strawberries from moisture and from ethylene, which is released from the rest of the fruit. In this form, strawberries can lie from 3 to 7 days. For longer storage of fragrant fruits, only freezing is suitable. Before freezing the berries, they must be washed, dried a little, and then laid out in one row in the freezer. After that, you just have to wait until the cold does its job and put the strawberries in plastic containers.

How to store plums in the refrigerator and for how long?

Plum storage rules

Plums, provided that they are unripe and undamaged, can be stored in the refrigerator for 10 to 15 days. All you need to do for this is just lay them out in neat rows. You can place them on any dish convenient for you or use a chicken egg tray to store fruits. Just take the plums and put one by one into special recesses.

Since plums are not very fond of low temperatures, they should be stored in the green zone of the refrigerator. You can also freeze plum fruits if you wish. In this case, you can eat them not for two weeks, but for six months. After defrosting, plums practically do not change their taste and, most interestingly, they keep their original shape perfectly.

How to store pears in the refrigerator and for how long?

Storing Pears in the Refrigerator

Pears, especially winter varieties, keep well enough in the refrigerator. But it is best to keep them in it on a shelf exclusively with fruits and berries. If onions, garlic or beets are very close to them, they will quickly become saturated with foreign odors and their taste will not be very pleasant.

If you want these fruits to lie in the refrigerator for more than 2 months, then wrap each pear individually in paper, and then pack them literally in a kilogram in plastic bags. Make holes in them for ventilation and put them in the green zone of the refrigerator.

How to store gooseberries in the refrigerator and for how long?

Gooseberry storage

Gooseberries, like other berries, are very difficult to store. If you want it to retain all its excellent taste for at least two weeks, then you will have to sort it out as carefully as possible, and then carefully fold it into a cardboard box.

If you don’t have it, then feel free to use a plastic container, just after putting the gooseberries in it, be sure to show a paper napkin on top of it, which will absorb excess moisture.

In addition, this berry can be safely frozen. In this case, you can afford to immediately pack the gooseberries into portions and freeze them in this form. Since these berries have a rather thick peel, they will not stick together even under the influence of low temperatures.

Video: How to freeze cherries, blueberries and other berries. Tricks from the Marmalade Fox

Which varieties are suitable for long-term storage

The keeping quality of fruits largely depends on the density of the pulp and the level of pectin content - this figure should be at least 4%.

Early ripe and so-called "summer" varieties are generally not suitable for storage, they must be eaten immediately after harvest.

Another thing is varieties with a long growing season. Such fruits are not eaten, barely picked from the garden, but wait several months until they fully ripen.

The "winter" varieties include:

  • "Slavia"
  • "Gulyabi" (or Chardzhui melon),
  • "Wintering",
  • "Turkmen",
  • "Orange",
  • "Kassaba"
  • "Torpedo".

They will decorate our table in the cold months. Moreover, over time, late-ripening varieties acquire a refined taste and aroma that they do not have directly at the time of harvest.

What you need to consider so that melons are well stored

For long-term storage, only slightly unripe fruits are suitable, without external damage. Melons that are too green are more likely to rot before reaching ripeness or have a "grassy" taste.

Fully ripened specimens will quickly deteriorate, it is better to use them immediately, fully enjoying the sweetness and aroma.

We buy the "right" fruit

When choosing a sweet vegetable at the market (and melon, surprisingly, belongs to the genus of cucumbers), you need to take into account the following subtleties:

  1. The mesh on the peel should be light, dim and cover no more than 50% of the surface. This indicates a high quality and the desired degree of ripeness.
  2. A strong aroma also speaks in favor of a purchase.
  3. For long-term storage, only fruits with an elastic nose are suitable, if it is soft, the specimen has already overripe.
  4. The integrity of the melon is very important. A completely torn tail or broken skin opens the way for pathogens that contribute to decay. Stains and dents are also unacceptable - a damaged product will quickly deteriorate.

Features of growing and harvesting melons for long-term storage

Those who grow melons on their own plot need to take care of their stability during long-term storage in advance.

Late varieties are planted in late May - early June in order to harvest in the first autumn months. Sowing dates vary, taking into account the growing season of a particular variety.

Immediately before harvesting, melons stop watering and fertilizing. First of all, you should abandon potassium additives, which negatively affect the keeping quality. A week before picking the fruit, the stalk is broken in order to prevent the outflow of nutrients.

Melons are harvested in dry weather, early in the morning, while they are not yet very warm by the sun. The stalks should not be torn off completely, it is more correct to leave a “tail”, 4–5 cm long. The fruits separated from the lashes are laid out on a pre-prepared site, where they are kept for 10–12 days, if rains are not expected.

At night, the harvested crop is covered with leaves, protecting it from dew.

From time to time, the collected fruits are turned over, leaving for a longer time in the sun that side with which they came into contact with the ground during the ripening process.

When aged, melons evaporate excess moisture and become denser, and their skin coarsens, better protecting against infection.

Fresh melon for the New Year - it's possible

Fresh melon served at the festive table will become a real exotic among already traditional bananas and tangerines.

You want to surprise your family and guests, don't you? We will tell you how best to save the melon until the New Year, since this fruit is capricious and easily spoils or loses its taste.

For gourds, dark, well-ventilated rooms are suitable, with a temperature of 2 - 4ºС and a relative humidity of about 80%.

Most often, this is a cellar or basement. If the humidity is higher than the specified value, the melons will rot, and if the air is too dry, they will wither.

If any of the fruits has lost its "tail", the remaining recess is filled with paraffin to prevent infection.

The “Queen of melon” needs a chosen neighborhood, otherwise it will be saturated with the smell of other vegetables, such as potatoes or beets. But apples are the most dangerous for melons - these fruits emit ethylene, which accelerates ripening.

Grid storage

It is most convenient to place each melon separately in a special vegetable net made of natural or synthetic threads and hang it above the floor. The fruits stored in this way should not touch each other. It is necessary to ensure that the delicate skin of melons is not damaged during storage.

At least once a month, and preferably more often, the fruits are inspected and the specimens that have begun to deteriorate are removed.

You can follow the example of the Asian peoples and, abandoning the net, braid the melons with reeds - in this form they will last much longer.

in boxes

Melons are immersed in the filler only ¾ - this is quite enough to keep them juicy and fresh.

Sometimes, instead of dry filler, forest moss, straw, reeds or needles are used.

On the shelves

If the harvest of melons is large, it is best to use racks for storage.

The shelves are lined with something soft: thick cloth, sawdust or hay, and the fruits are laid in one layer, keeping a small distance between them. It is better to make a separate “nest” for each “Queen of melons”, covering it with burlap. So it will be possible to avoid bedsores that provoke rotting.

2 - 3 times a month, melons are turned over, inspected for damage and fully ripe specimens are selected for the table.

Before storing, melons can be treated with a 25% solution of lime or chalk. The fruits in this case will be better protected.

How to store melon at home

Let's decide right away: it will not be possible to preserve such a capricious fruit as a melon for a long time without specially created conditions. If it is not possible to place melons in a cellar or basement, it is better to immediately process it into jam, candied fruits or delicious “melon honey”.

At room temperature

A self-grown melon crop is usually not that small, so it needs long-term storage if you want to use it fresh. Another thing is when the hostess buys three or four fragrant fruits, wanting to please her family during the season. A sweet treat will be eaten in a few days and it makes no sense to put it in the cellar.

It is enough to know how long a melon can be stored at room temperature in order to have time to enjoy the fruits before they start to deteriorate. It is important to remember that:

  1. Only slightly unripe specimens should be selected for storage.
  2. The delicate skin of a melon is damaged when it comes into contact with a hard floor. Dents appear, causing the fruit to deteriorate. To avoid this, the floor is covered with a thick cloth or several layers of paper.
  3. Too high a temperature in the room or exposure to direct sunlight will speed up the ripening of melons, which is undesirable if you do not want to eat them right away.
  4. The fruit, which has reached maximum ripeness, is stored for no more than two days.
  5. At room temperature, unripe early melons can lie for a week.
  6. Late-ripening varieties can last up to a month if placed in a cool, shady place, such as a pantry or balcony door.

Cold storage

Low temperatures do not save the "Queen of melon" from rotting, only slightly slowing down this process. If there is no alternative, you can store the melon in the refrigerator on the bottom shelf, wrapped in paper, natural fabric or cling film, but loosely so as not to interfere with air exchange.

The lack of oxygen in combination with low temperatures leads to the appearance of mold. In addition, the pulp of melons loses its elasticity, and its taste deteriorates. Storage in the refrigerator is possible for two weeks - no more.

cut melon

Melons of some varieties are large enough and it is not possible to eat the whole fruit at once. What to do with the slices left from the feast? You can’t leave it on the table, they will wind up or start to deteriorate. Many housewives resort to a proven lifesaver - the so-called "freshness zone" for vegetables and fruits.


Cut a melon - it's better to eat it right away.

The cut slices are placed in an airtight plastic container or carefully wrapped in cling film, being completely sure that the product is best preserved.

However, a cut melon actively releases ethylene, the concentration of which increases in a tightly closed container. Slices lie in the refrigerator for no more than two days - they will not be able to keep them longer. Over this short period, they not only lose their benefits, but also become harmful to our body.

What is the best thing to do with the leftover slices

How to be? Is it possible to throw away a half-eaten melon every time? Or the one that got a little spoiled and had to be cleaned?

There is a much better way, or rather two:

  • freezing;
  • drying.


Only fruits with dense pulp, such as the Kanetalupa variety, are suitable for freezing, otherwise there is a risk of getting a little appetizing gruel in the end.

The pre-washed and dried melon is cut into small slices or balls are made with a special spoon, which are good for cocktails and desserts.

Then the pieces are laid out on a tray, leaving a distance between them, and sent to the freezer. When the cutting "seizes", it is packaged in slide bags or sealed containers and brought to a condition at -18ºС. A higher temperature will not preserve the taste of the product.


  1. The prepared melon is cut into slices, 2 cm thick.
  2. They are laid loosely on a baking sheet, in one row and sent to an oven preheated to 220ºС.
  3. After 15 minutes, reduce the fire and open the door.
  4. Dry the slices for 6 hours at a temperature of 85ºС. Turn the contents of the oven over every 30 minutes.
  5. Then drying is kept for several days in a well-ventilated area for complete dehydration.

Store the resulting product in glass jars with a twisted lid or linen bags.

Melon requires a certain skill when stored fresh. But, following the above rules, you can serve it to the table all winter, enjoying the unique taste and aroma of a natural product.

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It's always nice to eat juicy melon. And to do it out of season is doubly pleasant. However, preserving a melon can be quite problematic, because these tender fruits deteriorate quickly enough. Therefore, they need special storage conditions. Of course, you can always make wonderful jam or jam from a melon, but sometimes you really want to taste a slice of fresh fruit! To make this wish come true, you need to familiarize yourself with the basic rules for storing melons.

How to choose a melon

When purchasing a melon, you should carefully look at the condition of the mesh on its peel - if the melon is of high quality and ripe, the mesh will not be very bright. You can also determine the ripeness of a melon by the softness of its spout - if it is slightly elastic, then you can safely take the melon.

For long-term storage, it is necessary to select slightly unripe fruits, and their skin should be without any visible damage. At the same time, melons should not be too green, because they contain very little sugar, and after they ripen, their taste is unlikely to please. And if too ripe melons are sent to be stored, they will quickly begin to rot.

For long-term storage, late-ripening varieties will be the most suitable. If melons are grown on their own plot, then before sending them for storage, the melons separated from the lashes must be spread out in one layer on the ground and dried thoroughly in the sun. Ideally, melons are left in this form for one and a half to two weeks, turning them over every 4 to 5 days. At this time, natural physiological processes will occur in the fruits, significantly increasing their keeping quality.

How to store

Melons are best stored in cellars and cellars. They are especially well stored hanging - for this, melons are placed in linen bags or nets so that the fabric or mesh knots do not cut their delicate skin. Also, all stored melons should in no case be in contact with each other - in this case, bedsores will not form on them. The optimal temperature for storing melons is considered to be 2 - 4 degrees, and the best relative humidity is in the range from 70 to 80 percent.

If possible, melons are placed in special boxes, after which they are covered with sand - this method will allow you to keep juicy fruits for quite a long time (beets with carrots are stored in approximately the same way). Melons should be stacked vertically in boxes, filling them halfway or three-quarters. Fruits stored in this way must be systematically inspected and discarded if damaged and start to deteriorate specimens. Only during the inspection you need to turn them very carefully.

As for the refrigerator, it is undesirable to store melon in it. If there are no other options, then not quite ripe fruits are wrapped in cloth or paper and carefully placed on the lower shelf. As a rule, melons can be stored in this form for up to six days.

The melon is also perfectly stored in dried form. Moreover, dried slices are incredibly tasty and very healthy.

Storing a cut melon

To keep the cut melon until the next day, it makes sense to use the refrigerator - there the fragrant fruit can last up to two days. And you can cut a piece of melon into several strips up to four centimeters long each, then transfer all the strips to a tray or baking sheet and send them to the freezer. When the bars are frozen, they are laid out in bags and placed in the freezer for further storage. In this form, the melon can lie for up to a year.