How to play Fanta. Birthday fantas for a fun company of adults

Funny, not vulgar, tasks for playing for forfeits. Find the best ones for you and don't forget to bookmark them. Fanta is a well-known game that is suitable for a large and fun company. Its roots go far back in history, and the name is translated from German as "pledge".

The essence of the game is to perform the so-called tasks for the phantoms. But none of the participants can guess what kind of assignment he will get.

It is a mistake to think that this game is only for children. It is also interesting to play for adults of different ages. And this is a fact that has already been proven by time.

3 Types of Fanta Games

  • With the help of a leader. Players give the host any of their things, for example, jewelry, mobile phone, keys. The leader puts everything in a special bag, which can be used as a regular hat. Now the players take turns taking something out of there and asking: “What should Fanta do?”. The host comes up with a task for each fan. After the end of the game and the completion of all tasks, the item can go to its true owner.
  • The second version of the game is with the help of cards. All players come up with any funny tasks for the forfeits and write them on small pieces of paper. Then everything is mixed and placed in a bag. They take turns and do what is written. When coming up with tasks, do not forget that you can also get on your own card. Therefore, it is better to write what you yourself could do. But you also don’t need to come up with very easy and elementary desires, for example, jump on one leg ten times. This will make the game as uninteresting as possible.
  • Fanta with matches. This type of game is not safe, so you should not play like this with children. But still, it has its place. Players set fire to a regular match and pass it around to each other. The task must be carried out by the person who puts out the match.

As you can see, there are many ways to play this game. The main condition for a good party is a good and slightly noisy company.

But how to come up with tasks for forfeits if nothing comes to mind?

This article will come to your rescue. We have selected only the most interesting and funny fanta tasks that you and your loved ones can easily use and not bother.

So, friends, to your attention the 50 best fanta tasks:

  1. Show without words some of your actions, for example, what you do at school or work.
  2. Take a picture with all the players, but a prerequisite is to place everyone in some original poses.
  3. Fill your mouth with corn sticks, popcorn or candy. And then say some funny phrase. This is a good task for fans, but be careful!
  4. Approach any person and wish happiness, love and health. But you need to do this only on your hands! You can ask friends for help.
  5. Pretend to be very drunk and start pestering everyone in a row, and then defiantly lose consciousness.
  6. Put on a bathrobe and sunglasses and so go to the store. Ask the seller for a fly swatter and a pinch of salt. This is one of the best fantasy tasks in the summer, and preferably in the evening.

    Game for forfeits - find your task

  7. Draw or glue on a cute mustache and walk like that for the rest of the game.
  8. Go outside or onto your balcony and shout, "People, I love you all!"
  9. Feature an athlete, animal, plant, stripper, Harry Potter, famous politician or singer, etc.
  10. Let your imagination run wild and make delicious cocktails for the players.
  11. within an hour, inform all players, every five minutes, that five minutes have passed. If you forget at least once, then start again.
  12. Give any player a beautiful haircut or massage.
  13. Play a prank on someone on the phone.
  14. Tell us the most ridiculous incident in your life that you are ashamed of.
  15. In the winter season, bring a snowman from the street into the house. It is possible in parts.
  16. Make a special medal for each player. From what and for what exactly - you decide.
  17. Spoon feed the players.
  18. 10 minutes pretend to be a foreigner. Speak any language, even your own.
  19. Say unfunny jokes for 10 minutes.
  20. Drink something with a pierced straw. If you pierce well, then it will be very difficult to do it.
  21. Do yourself a bright evening make-up. Continue like this until the end of the game.
  22. Juggle eggs. Be sure to clean up after yourself.
  23. Transform into a fantasy or cartoon creature for 20 minutes.
  24. Exchange clothes with one of the players.
  25. Drink something from a glass, but only without hands. A good fantasy task, especially in a company where alcoholic drinks are drunk.
  26. Write your phone number in lipstick on a napkin and toss it to someone when everyone forgets about this task. If a person notices, he has the right to throw a napkin to someone else. The one who ends up with it must kiss any of the players.
  27. Act out the scene with other players. For example, about how the husband returned earlier from a business trip.
  28. Play a performance called "Blue Light". Assign yourself to other role players.
  29. Kiss your neighbor on the knee.
  30. Pretend that you are a hereditary fortune teller and predict the fate of each of the players.
  31. Think of the best way to escape from prison. Don't be banal.
  32. Confess and repent to all players about your three worst sins of the last couple of years.
  33. Say 10 times how good you are in different voices and intonations.
  34. Picture a baby.
  35. Eat food that doesn't go well together. For example, herring with sugar. Be careful what you choose.
  36. Pop a balloon with your own buttocks.
  37. Imagine that you are running for president. Give your campaign speech.
  38. Dance a dance, such as a can-can, while holding a glass of water in your hands.
  39. Beg until you collect 100 rubles.
  40. Draw what they tell you, holding the pen between your teeth.
  41. Imagine that you are a reporter. Spread "yellow" and not true news about people sitting near you.
  42. For half an hour, call absolutely all the players by the same name, for example, Gennady is perfect.
  43. Make a marriage proposal to the neighbor on the right. Do it beautifully and as romantically as possible.
  44. Put tights on your head. Walk in this hat with ears until the end of the evening.
  45. Imagine that you are now graduating from high school. Give a heartbreaking speech.
  46. Recognize 5 different blindfold objects by touch, of course.
  47. Sing a popular song, but only use the vowels. It's fun.
  48. Talk in the style of Dzhigurda for 5 minutes.
  49. Draw yourself a solid eyebrow and sit like that until the end of the evening.
  50. Invite five people to a common slow dance. Do it as beautifully and sensually as possible.

Have you tried all the games? Fanta - that's what will help you out.

You can play forfeits indefinitely, fun tasks only kindle the excitement. The age of the players is not limited: adults can also join the children's company, and this will only make the game more fun.

Tasks for phantoms can be distributed in several ways

The classic way - each participant gives the host some small thing: a handkerchief, pencil, brooch, key. All things are collected in a bag. The host’s assistant takes out the little things one by one from the bag, and the host himself says: “This phantom is to do something.”

At the same time, the leader stands with his back to his assistant, and does not see whose thing he has in his hands. And the duty to come up with fun tasks for forfeits lies with the host.

For a children's company, this option will be difficult. Not every child has some small accessory with them. Not every child will easily come up with witty and fun tasks on the go. Therefore, it is better to use another method.

The names of the participants are written on the cards and put into a bag. In another bag put cards with tasks for forfeits.
The host pulls out the name of the player, and then - the task for him.

Tasks can be written not on cards, on narrow strips of colored paper, and roll each strip into stars. This will add charm to the game and warm up the intrigue, because in order to find out what is destined for you, you will first have to unfold the star.

How to make stars from strips of paper: video

How to come up with fun tasks for fans

The main rule of a successful game: tasks for forfeits for children should be age-appropriate, friendly and interesting. There should be no tasks with a joke, with humiliating overtones or with "adult" humor.

We offer you a ready-made list of funny tasks for forfeits for a fun company.

  • Draw a self-portrait with a pencil between your teeth.
  • Looking in the mirror for a minute to tell how good, smart and the best I am, without laughing.
  • Sit on a balloon so that it bursts
  • Say 5 sentences beginning with "I want to..."
  • With the help of pantomime, tell about an event known to everyone present.
  • The phantom should depict a boiling kettle, a running train, a flying plane, etc.
  • Phantom should crawl under the table.
  • Without the help of hands, eat an apple hanging on a rope
  • Pretend to be a kitten and lap up a saucer of milk
  • Draw a mirror, and copy the facial expressions and movements of the one who looks at you.
  • Draw seven different emotions on your face.
  • Quickly pronounce the tongue twister. For example: “There is grass in the yard, firewood on the grass. Don't cut wood at the edge of the yard."
  • Depict a fortuneteller and predict something funny to the neighbor on the right.
  • Move the coin with its nose across the table to a specific target.
  • Play the melody of any song with your finger on the lip.
  • Sit for exactly a minute with an angry face, and the rest at this time should try by any means to cheer him up.
  • While the presenter is reading a well-known and simple poem, the phantom duplicates it with the help of a sign language translation.
  • Sing a famous song, while instead of words, say only “oink-oink”, “bee-bee”, “quack-quack”, etc.
  • Fill your mouth with sweets and repeat the phrase “chubby sweet tooth” five times without laughing.
  • To depict some kind of animal, you can take an animal, for example, how a cat catches a fly, or how a chicken carries an egg.
  • Jump on one leg, actively wave your arms and seriously shout "I'm a butterfly."
  • There is a lemon and very seriously, without grimacing, talk about how delicious it is.

What kind assignments for the game of forfeits to use depends on the imagination and the "audience level". Fanta with wishes to drink vodka without a snack will not work for a children's holiday. Fantas that need to be performed under the table or on the street are not suitable for a corporate party. And in a youth company or in the company of best friends, you can play bold and original forfeits. But still it is better to preliminarily stipulate the scope of the tasks performed. In order for the game to be fun and varied, come up with complex tasks that require the player to either effort or courage.

In case the players run out of options, you can offer blanks (on paper or cardboard).

Fun tasks for playing forfeits for a youth company or a company of close friends:


  1. Move the ruble with your nose so that it falls off the table into the substituted glass.
  2. Make a paper medal for each player. The name of the medals must correspond to the truth (for incomparable taste, for honesty, etc.)
  3. Make a plan of the apartment, providing all the rooms or other objects with comic captions.
  4. Drink all the alcohol that is poured into the glasses at the moment.
  5. Show without words what you do at work.
  6. Say a Caucasian toast.
  7. Turn into a foreigner for 15 minutes and say a toast in some foreign language.
  8. Go to your neighbors and bring a kilogram of salt or a bucket of water from them.
  9. Depict the scene "You must marry me" with a neighbor on the left.
  10. Drink a glass of champagne hands-free.
  11. Have a drink with a neighbor on the right "to brotherhood".
  12. Extinguish the lit candle with a cry (you can’t blow it).
  13. Put on flippers (felt boots) and dance the dance of little ducklings.
  14. Stick your head out the open window and shout loudly, "I can see Japan!!" or "People, I love you!"

crowded places

  1. Grab a stranger by the sleeve: “Don’t you trade in the market? I definitely saw you, you sold me a defective blouse! She is female!
  2. Coax 5 passers-by on the street to jump together while holding hands.
  3. Go to the store in pajamas or a dressing gown and slippers and ask for matches and salt to salt the soup.
  4. Pretend to be drunk, stick to a passerby and borrow money for a bottle of vodka.
  5. Walk into a store wearing a gauze bandage, coughing out loud, "Fucking swine flu."
  6. Meet 7 people at the entrance to the entrance, greet each one (without repeating) and say a compliment.
  7. If you play in winter, bring a snowman from the street.
  8. Collect 50 rubles by addressing similar people with the phrase: “Compatriots! I am not a local…”
  9. At the bus stop, ask a stranger: “Excuse me, but how can I get to the Vodka Museum? What stop should I get off at? How do you not know, have you not been to the Vodka Museum, or what?

Cafes and restaurants

  1. Put a sign on your table or attach a badge to your clothes with a bright inscription such as “I don’t give tips on principle”, “All catering workers are crooks”, “Please don’t spit in my soup”, etc.
  2. In a loud voice, address the waiter or others: “Tell me, why is there glass in the salad ?!”
  3. Start getting to know your roommates: send them compote “from our table”, offer something from your plate in exchange for something from their plates.
  4. Pretend that you are a visitor from a distant country, and the contempt of others for your national customs (of course, completely idiotic) will mortally offend you.
  5. Eat everything with your hands. Try to eat soup with a fork or Chinese chopsticks and wonder out loud why it's so uncomfortable. Pretend that you are unfamiliar with the devices and ask the people at the next table to teach you how to use them.

Where everyone works and you need to keep silence (office, lecture, meeting)

1. Speak quietly but clearly the following set of phrases:

“Well, of course, it’s easy for you to talk about it,”

“In my opinion, complete nonsense, what do you think?”,

“Yes, he does not understand anything at all in this matter!”,

“I’m itching from these words, look here! ..”,

"Could you scratch it, right here? ..",

“Y-yes, you don’t have to think about sex ...”

2. Meow, bark, or chirp like a horse.

3. Trying not to draw too much attention to yourself, moan softly at intervals of 1 minute and pretend that you hardly lose consciousness.

Long-playing forfeits

1. Put on your desktop in the office, a photo in a frame with hearts of a terribly ugly girl. Show everyone a photo of “your bride”, say that you love her madly and get married in the summer. For married people, attach the gel-filled lips of some victim of plastic surgery to the photo of your wife in Photoshop. Show everyone a photo with the words: “My wife had plastic surgery, look what a beauty she has become!”

2. Sign all correspondence during the week: “Lovely, Ivan Ivanov, finalist of the All-Russian competition for tying knots”, “Lovely, Svetlana Petrova, Miss Bikini-95”, “I sell manure, delivered to your home, call [your number cell phone]”, “Married but available, call [your cell phone number]” or “Respectfully, Ivan Ivanov, master of the universe.”

3. Send a message to all contacts in your ICQ: “Hello! Now I work as a distributor in Avon, I want to offer you a new men's mascara "Narcissus". This mascara was created specifically for men like you ... ”and further in the same vein.

4. Send a declaration of love to the addressee selected by the previous phantom. The confession must contain at least 500 words.

We offer to download cards that are suitable for the holiday.

Task options:

  1. Show fireworks so that everyone around you can guess what it is.
  2. Draw a scene from the cartoon "Tom and Jerry". Call on other members to help you.
  3. Draw a scary monster.
  4. Draw the character of any cartoon so that everyone around you can guess what it is.
  5. With your eyes closed, tie the laces on the shoes of another participant in the game.
  6. Draw an animal so that everyone around you can guess who it is.
  7. Take a felt-tip pen or pencil in your mouth and, without the help of your hands, draw a balloon on a string.
  8. Guess the riddle: A house has grown in the field, the house is full of grain. The walls are gilded, the shutters are boarded up. We walk the house with a shaker on a gold pillar.
  9. Fill your mouth with water and try not to swallow or spit it out for 1 minute while those around you will make you laugh.
  10. Draw a mirror and “reflect” in it one of the participants in the game.
  11. Say a compliment to each of those present.
  12. Take one participant in the game as an assistant, tie your left hand to his right leg, go around the whole room together.
  13. Take a few participants in the game as assistants and together portray the Bremen town musicians.
  14. Remember your favorite song and sing an excerpt from it, adding “Ku-ku” after each line.
  15. Close your eyes and describe from memory what the participants in the game are wearing.
  16. Say the tongue twister twice “If“ if ”before“ after ”, then“ after ”after“ if ”. If “if” after “after”, then “after” before “if”.
  17. Depict how mom puts on makeup in front of the mirror.
  18. Fill your mouth with sweets or nuts and say the tongue twister 3 times “Sasha walked along the highway and sucked dry”.
  19. Tell a funny incident or anecdote in a sad voice.
  20. With the help of two participants, depict the characters in the painting “Three Heroes”.
  21. Take a few participants in the game to help, depict a steam locomotive and wagons. Drive a few stops picking up and dropping off passengers.
  22. Put on the shoes from the right foot to the left, and from the left to the right, and go around all the rooms.
  23. Say the tongue twister three times “The gorilla hamadryas cooked Hercules. And the hamadryas thanked you.”
  24. Imagine talking on the phone.
  25. Depict any athlete so that others can guess.
  26. Sing the chorus from any song while jumping on one leg.
  27. Close your eyes and draw a funny face.
  28. Close your eyes and draw a portrait of any participant in the game.
  29. Draw an evil hare, and then a kind and cute wolf.
  30. Say the verse “I love my horse” in a scary voice (like in a horror movie).
  31. Tell the tale “turnip” by confusing all the characters: “The grandmother planted her granddaughter, the granddaughter grew up ... "
  32. Yawn until one of those present also yawns.
  33. Put any fruit on your head and go from one corner to another (diagonally).
  34. Bow to each of those present in different ways, without repeating yourself.
  35. Name 10 names that start with one (any) letter.
  36. Get on all fours and go around the whole room, depicting a bear.
  37. For 1 minute, portray Princess Nesmeyana, at which time the rest of the participants in the game should make you laugh.
  38. In one corner of the room - cry, in the other - laugh, in the third - yawn, in the fourth - fall asleep.
  39. Make one of the participants in the game an unusual hairstyle.
  40. Picture a samovar.
  41. Go outside or onto your balcony and yell “Hello sleepwalkers!”
  42. Guess the riddle: Not a beast, not a bird, a sock like a knitting needle. It flies - it squeaks, it sits down - it is silent.
  43. Crawl under a chair.

In the kit you will find 5 sheets of A4 format with ready-made cards and 1 sheet for writing fantasies yourself, as well as I will cover for fantasies.

How to prepare fantas:

You need to print out the cover for forfeits first, then print the tasks on the back side. After all the sheets are printed, it is necessary to cut the sheets into separate cards.

Everyone is well aware of people like "Salki", "Burners", they love to play them, despite their advanced age. Why are the games that entertained our grandparents so attractive? The amusements that have come down to modern people are liked by the fact that almost everyone, both adults and children, can play them. An important element in them is the independence of game actions from the number of players: you can play with two participants, or you can play with a large group, the effect of the game will be equally positive. The rules of such long-standing games are simple and accessible even to a preschool child, they do not require laborious preparation. That is why they have not lost their attractiveness and are easily passed on from generation to generation. The game of forfeits is one of those ancient pastimes and is still interesting to everyone who has ever taken part in it. Despite the simplicity of actions, it develops imagination, attentiveness, promotes verbal communication, teaches to obey the rules of a collective game.

What you need to know about the game of forfeits?

If we translate the name of the game into Russian, it becomes clear that it contains rules at the same time: forfeit from German is a pledge (object), it is given under certain conditions, then it is redeemed. This game is good in its variations: you can play directly forfeits, and there is the possibility of using them as an element of another entertainment. Depending on the choice of option, the following types of forfeits are distinguished:

  • Forfeits are like cards: participants write down an interesting task on cards for other players. The host collects them, mixes them up and invites the players to draw one of them in turn. The card is read out, and the player completes the task.
  • Forfeits in the form of lots: the players take turns throwing a die with dots (dice). The one who has the smallest (or the largest) number of points, performs the task of one of the participants (the choice can be made through a children's counting rhyme).
  • Forfeits from the leader: in advance, an item (deposit) is taken from each player. Deposits are collected in a bag. The host should not see the forfeits of the players. During the game, the host takes out each phantom and gives funny tasks to the players, prepared in advance. This version of the game is very interesting for kids, but it requires careful preparation: funny forfeits, funny tasks for children, funnier prizes.

How to play forfeits with preschool children?

The game "forfeits for children" is an excellent tool to entertain and amuse preschool children. It can diversify family leisure, enrich children's holidays, for example, playing forfeits on a birthday, on New Year's Eve. How to organize a game of forfeits with children? Parents would like to know that it can be used as:

  • an application to any other game where the rules provide for a penalty in the form of a deposit for a player who has made a mistake;
  • an independent game of forfeits with entertaining tasks.

Such options dictate certain rules for preparing for entertainment.

  1. If in the first case it is enough for an adult (leader) to come up with funny tasks for redeeming forfeits, and for children - small items for collateral, then in the second case, original tasks are jointly invented, which are the plot of the game.
  2. Fun for forfeits will be interesting for both children and adults if the tasks are unexpected and funny. But do not overdo it, you should pay attention to the fact that the game actions are safe and harmless for the children.
  3. Fun activities should be age appropriate for preschoolers to complete. Then you will not lose interest in the game.
  4. Ethics is also important for preschoolers, as at this age children can come up with offensive nicknames if the player is in an awkward situation.
  5. When thinking over tasks for playing forfeits, it should be remembered that too long and protracted actions of some players can reduce or even lose interest in the game among other participants. Everything should be done quickly, funny and not offensive!

The funniest tasks for ransom forfeits

"Edible" tasks for children

They do not require special preparation, you can use treats for the holiday.

  1. Blindfolded, without helping yourself with your hands, take a piece of fruit from the dish with your mouth and guess what it is (apple, pear, kiwi, strawberry)?
  2. With caramels on your cheek, quickly utter tongue-twisters, for example, “The tea saucers are about to break”, “The chick grabbed a lollipop”, “The crow missed the crow”.
  3. Eat a slice of lemon and not wince.
  4. Find candy in flour with your teeth.
  5. Compose a riddle about fruits or vegetables on the table, then treat the participant who guessed the fastest.
  6. From pieces of fruits and vegetables, make a funny face (olives - eyes, strawberries - mouth, pieces of cucumber - eyebrows, hair - parsley or dill).
  7. Imagine the birthday boy as a small child, tie a bib and feed yogurt from a spoon.
  8. Come up with and show what you can drink water from if all the dishes suddenly disappeared (from a palm, a paper bag).
  9. Without helping yourself with your hands, drink water from a plastic cup.
  10. Blindfolded, pour water from a small bottle into a plastic glass and drink it.
  11. Pour water from glass to glass and read a poem at the same time.
  12. Depict a kitten that laps milk (soft ice cream) from a saucer.
  13. Depict a cockerel that pecks at grains (small nuts, such as pine nuts).
  14. With the help of sweets (candied fruits, caramels, fruits), draw a picture of a salute.
  15. Make a salad out of pieces of fruit and treat those present.
  16. Find the hidden fruit on the dish and eat it, for example:
  • The fruit looks like a tumbler, wears a yellow shirt (pear).
  • Blue shirt, yellow lining, take a bite - sweet (plum).
  • He came to us from hot countries, and his name is ... (banana).
  • With orange skin, like a ball (orange).

"Inedible" tasks

Assume a special preparation for the game.

  1. Draw a portrait of one of the participants.
  2. Draw a self-portrait.
  3. Draw any object with a pencil clenched in your teeth: a snowman, a Christmas tree, an apple, a candy.
  4. Draw and color simultaneously with both hands some kind of figure: a square, an oval, a bunny from two circles and ovals, a kitten, a camomile.
  5. Fold any object out of paper as quickly as possible: an airplane, a boat, a bow.
  6. With a blindfold, draw a pet, for example: a cat, a goat, a dog.
  7. With eyes closed, determine by touch which object the leader put in his hand.
  8. Find an object according to the description in a magic bag by touch, for example, oval, smooth, with pimples (cucumber); fluffy, with ears, antennae (kitten).
  9. Play "teaser": in mirror image, repeat all the movements and grimaces of the other participant.
  10. Dance with a full glass of water in your hand.
  11. Without helping yourself with your hands, move any small toy with your nose to a specific goal (flag, cube).
  12. Jump from wall to wall with a balloon in your knees.
  13. Climb under the table and portray a dog that guards the house.
  14. Remember as many polite words as possible.
  15. Change shoes from the left foot to the right, walk in this form with a beautiful gait.
  16. Puff out your cheeks and sit like that for a while, trying not to laugh at the jokes of those present.

Creative tasks for fans

Thorough preparation of props, music and artistic word is required.

Playing forfeits for children will become their favorite entertainment if parents show creativity, interest in preparing for entertainment and take an active part in game activities themselves.

Good luck in your creative search for organizing holidays!
