Production of doors with polycarbonate to the gazebo. How to make sliding doors yourself

From polycarbonate, only greenhouses, sheds and country shower cabins have long ceased to be made. The advantages that this lightweight material possesses have elevated it to the rank of affordable and practical materials for finishing an apartment. In particular, polycarbonate partitions can be an excellent alternative to glass doors, the installation of which is best left to professionals. You can easily handle polycarbonate on your own. However, you can always contact Revecon specialists. We carry out the installation of hinged or sliding partitions made of polycarbonate quickly and inexpensively.

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Advantages of sliding partitions made of polycarbonate

Light weight. Unlike similar glass doors, polycarbonate partitions weigh much less. The lightness of the material makes it easy to work with and install in the doorway.

Space saving. Sliding structures have always been the #1 choice in apartments with a small area. Their main advantage is the opening along the wall. No need to leave empty space for its unhindered opening.

Security. With any glass, even impact-resistant, you need to be careful. Polycarbonate, even in case of damage, will not crumble into thousands of small fragments.

Wide range of design possibilities. In addition to the wide range of polycarbonate types on the market (monolithic, cellular, colored, transparent), you can add extra flair to your sliding partitions by combining different finishes and types of panels with each other.

Ease of installation. Polycarbonate does not require complex tools for sawing and fastening to the frame. All installation work can be done by hand, without resorting to the help of specialists.

Where can I install sliding partitions made of polycarbonate

You can install sliding polycarbonate partitions with your own hands in the apartment almost everywhere. In each of the rooms, the partitions will have their own function.

  • Shower cabin. The main function is practical (saving space and protecting the bathroom from water splashes), as well as decorative.
  • Wardrobe. The partition will create an attractive interior and hide the wardrobe shelves.
  • Living room, kitchen, children's room. Sliding polycarbonate partitions will act as doors and zone the apartment.
  • Terrace or veranda. All the same function of division of zones and practical (protection from bad weather).

Choosing a frame for polycarbonate

The frame will give the polycarbonate panels a finished look. The choice of material from which the frame will be made depends only on your preferences and the design of the interior in which you install the sliding partition. However, it is worth understanding what qualities each of the materials is characterized by.

During the installation process, you may face the question of attaching polycarbonate to the frame on both sides or with one sheet in the center. If it is important to give additional rigidity to the sliding partitions, then it is better to resort to a two-sided mounting method. If this task is not paramount, then use the single-sheet option in the center of the frame.

Ways to open sliding partitions

There can be a lot of options for moving doors along guides.

However, if you undertake the installation of sliding partitions for the first time, then stop at the simplest - compartment opening.

  • Coupe. The classic version of opening sliding partitions with a lot of variations shown in the picture. There are top and bottom guides.
  • Folding. In such partitions, there are two or more panels that, when opened, fold like a book or an accordion. The bottom guide is missing. Such partitions lose to the rest in sound insulation, because. below there is no tight connection with the floor.
  • Radius. Cloths of such partitions have a semicircular shape. There are both top and bottom guides.

Installation steps

  1. We take measurements. This important stage of work in the case of installation of sliding partitions requires special care. We measure the height and width of the doorway. We take smaller sizes as a basis.

Necessary tools: tape measure, pencil.

  1. Polycarbonate cutting and profile installation. If cellular polycarbonate was chosen for sliding structures, then before starting work, it is necessary to remove adhesive tape from its ends. Cutting is done with a jigsaw or grinder. Next, we glue the edges with a sealed tape and install a profile on top of it. The factory film, which is available on the front side of the polycarbonate, remains on it until the very last stage of installation.

Necessary tool: jigsaw, grinder, clerical knife, profile, sealed tape.

  1. Frame assembly. In order for the sliding structure to fit into the doorway, make it 1-1.5 mm smaller than the opening on all sides. It is important to prepare a frame with a clear rectangular shape to avoid skew. You can use metal corners for screeding frame parts. Polycarbonate sheets are fastened to a frame (wooden, aluminum, etc.).

Required tools: building square, screwdriver, jigsaw, self-tapping screws, bolts or screws, metal corners.

  1. Installation of guides. Depending on the selected type of sliding structure, the upper (and lower) rails are mounted. This is done above the door intake by about 5–10 cm. It is important, using a level, to do this work efficiently so that the door does not move along the guides on its own. The length of the guides is 2 times the width of the door leaf.

Required tools: guides, level, drill, screwdriver, anchors.

  1. Installation of sliding partitions. First you need to place rollers on the assembled polycarbonate frame, on which the canvas will move along the guides. The number of rollers is determined by the width of the web. For narrow ones, just one roller at the top and bottom is enough. For reliability with wide sliding partitions, it is better to use 2 pairs of rollers. We install the assembled structure in the guides, first in the upper ones, and then, slightly raising the canvas, in the lower ones.

Necessary tools: carriages with rollers, screwdriver.

  1. Finishing work. If necessary, handles and other fittings are attached to the canvases, screws on rollers are tightened to align the partitions. Limiters are installed in the guides.

Required tools: screwdriver, fittings, limiters.

Order sliding partitions from Revecon

If you want to entrust the installation of sliding partitions to professionals, then we suggest that you do not delay and immediately contact us for advice on the cost and duration of work. We will do all the work on time, efficiently and at a reasonable price.

Until recently, polycarbonate was used for the construction of greenhouses, shower cubicles, canopies, etc. But today, it has become possible to build do-it-yourself polycarbonate sliding doors that will look very stylish and bring modernity to the interior of the house. Polycarbonate sheets are produced in a wide range of colors, which can suit any design solution.


The advantages of polycarbonate are as follows:

  • lightness, feeling of airiness;
  • higher reliability in comparison with glass;
  • safety - in the event of a crack, it does not crumble into small fragments;
  • ease of maintenance.

Given these features, polycarbonate sliding doors will serve for a long time and will please the owners with their durability.

Doors can be built in two versions: hanging and sliding. The second option is the most common. Sliding doors have a compartment design. Those. their sashes move along the wall. To make such doors, you need to decide whether they will have a frame or not. Metal, wood or plastic structures are often used as a frame. With a frameless type, no other materials are used to create a door, with the exception of polycarbonate itself.

Required Tools

To figure out how to make a polycarbonate sliding door on your own, you need to understand that creating a door without a frame will take a lot of material costs than a frame one, but it also looks much richer. There are no difficulties in manufacturing, and the material will be needed elementary:

  • electric drill and drills;
  • screwdriver (screwdriver);
  • roulette and level;
  • cutting machine (jigsaw);
  • square.

If the door is frame, then you must have:

  • polycarbonate canvas (pieces can be ready-made according to the size of the openings);
  • corners made of metal or polymer (for opening);
  • self-tapping screws and corners for fastening the frame sides;
  • box fasteners.

Doors without a frame are fixed using one fastener and polycarbonate sheets.

Stages of creating a polycarbonate sliding door

  1. The opening is measured, taking into account the fact that the frame is made one and a half centimeters smaller than the opening in order to close tightly and not touch the box.
  2. With special care, the squareness of the wooden opening is measured using a square. If errors are made at this stage, then the door simply will not enter the opening. For metal and plastic, this is optional.
  3. The frame of the bars is assembled using metal corners.
  4. The assembled frame of their wood is sanded and varnished (or stained) for an aesthetic appearance.
  5. Keep in mind that the frame can be made using an old canvas, on which the bars are placed around the perimeter and the necessary measurements are taken. Then, using a jigsaw, the frame is assembled and a polycarbonate sheet is attached with screws.
  6. For greater aesthetics, self-tapping screws with decorative caps are used.
  7. After that, awnings are attached to the frame and box to install the door and, finally, the structure itself is mounted.

Due to the lightness of the material, even one person can do this work. The frameless version is even simpler: a polycarbonate sheet is applied to the canvas of the old door and the desired size is cut out.

To assemble sliding doors, you need the following tools:

  • the polycarbonate sheet is five to six centimeters larger than the opening;
  • guide tube made of metal, length double the width of the opening;
  • fasteners and anchors;
  • list of previous articles.

Installation begins with a retractable structure - a guide. The tube is fixed at a height of five or ten centimeters above the opening. One half is fixed above the door opening, the other half is displaced in the direction of movement of the door along the plane.

After that, rings are attached to the polycarbonate sheet. For this, fasteners are used. They are screwed to move the door along the guide. The door should be at a distance of one and a half millimeters from the floor. If there is a threshold, the canvas is lowered slightly below it. This will allow the doors to close more tightly.

Limits are set on the guide at the ends. In this case, the rings with the polymer are hung on the guide. If necessary, handles are attached to the sheet. Once the door handles are finished, you can say that a modern and stylish door, which is also durable and safe, is now installed in your home! In addition, you can be proud that the doors are made with your own hands!

Polycarbonate material today is one of the best, if not the best option for bringing the most daring ideas to life. At the same time, the cost of installing the door and purchasing materials is minimal! Grab your tools with confidence.

Do-it-yourself polycarbonate sliding doors, All about polycarbonate - All about polycarbonate

If you want to make high-quality polymer doors, then carefully read our article, we will tell you how to create durable doors on your own.

Polycarbonate doors: how to make

Wonderful appearance, low weight, as well as a lower price compared to glass, make polycarbonate very attractive not only for the construction of verandas, greenhouses, transparent roofs and partitions, but also for filling door panels. So what if it's a polymer material?

But it does not break, and does not crumble into fragments, which makes the operation of structures made of it safe. In addition, making polycarbonate doors with your own hands is much easier than any other option. This is what the video in this article will tell about, and its theoretical part will supplement the information with some details.

Glass substitute: polycarbonate

Polycarbonate is an engineering synthetic sheet material that can be used at quite extreme temperatures. Therefore, it is equally suitable for both indoor and outdoor structures - you just need to choose the appropriate option.

Features and benefits of the material

Of course, polycarbonate cannot be compared with glass in terms of translucency, so it cannot be replaced, for example, in windows. But, thanks to its flexibility, it helps designers develop interesting designs with a curvilinear shape - for example: sliding canopies over a terrace or pool.

There are two types of polycarbonate, the main difference of which is their different structure:

  • First option- these are thin double panels interconnected by jumpers, which form cells in the thickness of the material. Because of this, this type of polycarbonate was called "cellular".
  • Another variety polycarbonate, because of the continuous structure is called monolithic. In appearance, the sheets are very similar to glass, and can have a thickness of 0.2 to 2 cm. They are almost as transparent, which can be seen even in the photo, which is why panels with a monolithic structure are most often used for building partitions and glazing interior doors.

A monolithic sheet does not bend as well as cellular polycarbonate, which can even be rolled, but if necessary, it is given a spherical shape by hot forming. Due to its dense structure, the material has a higher strength, and can even serve as a frameless self-supporting floor.

The standard width of a polycarbonate sheet is 2.05m. The length can vary considerably, but the minimum is 3m. The popularity of the material is also facilitated by the rich color range of the material.

It can be transparent or matte, have a bronze tint, or match all the colors of the rainbow. Manufacturers usually guarantee 10 years of quality, but in fact, polycarbonate lasts much longer.

Translucent doors

Polycarbonate can be inserted into the leafs of hinged swing doors, or serve as filling for folding or sliding doors. The former are attached to the slopes by means of hinges, the latter move on rollers along a guide rail located above the opening, or built into the floor.

Execution of polycarbonate door panels can be frameless. In this case, it has no frame, and all fittings are attached to the polymer sheet. It is clear that if there is no frame, then polycarbonate itself must ensure the rigidity of the structure. In such cases, only a monolithic version is used, with sufficient thickness.

Such a door is not cheap, but it looks very solid. Honeycomb sheets are less strong and too light for frameless doors, so they are only used to fill plastic, aluminum or wood frames.

Fabric making

It is almost impossible to make a frameless polycarbonate door - so that it looks decent in the interior, at home. Unless, it will be a compartment door in a closet or pantry.

If you give preference to the frame method, then only the wooden version is suitable for independent work. In this case, polycarbonate plays the role of glass, and is inserted into the frame in the most common way, by attaching fragments cut to size with a glazing bead.

  • Basically, our readers are interested in the question: "How to make doors in a greenhouse with polycarbonate?". To do this, you just need instructions for installing this material, which can be found without difficulty. In principle, it will be required if the entire greenhouse is assembled from polymer sheets. As for the door, the main task here is to correctly frame the canvas so that it fits exactly into the opening.

Note! If the greenhouse itself is not a factory one, but was built independently on a metal frame, then the canvas frame must also be made of metal. To do this, you can take an aluminum profile pipe with a size of 30/2 mm or 40/3 mm. If the greenhouse is built of wood, then for the door frame it is best to take a pine beam with a section of 50 * 50 mm.

  • Then the frame is sheathed with cellular polycarbonate on one or both sides. To ensure timely outflow of condensate, the sheets are oriented so that the longitudinal channels are located along the height of the door. The material itself is quite easy to process. They cut it with an ordinary hacksaw, and before installing the fasteners, they pre-drill holes.

For better rigidity, it is better to divide the frame of the door leaf in the center with a crossbar, even two.

Thus, if you do not have a solid sheet of polycarbonate that matches the size of the frame, the door trim can be assembled from two pieces and joined at the middle. With the help of hinges, the frame of the greenhouse door leaf is hung on the racks, the latches are screwed inside and out - that's the whole door.

Polycarbonate doors for greenhouses and more, Door guide

But it does not break, and does not crumble into fragments, which makes the operation of structures made of it safe. In addition, do-it-yourself polycarbonate doors

How to make polycarbonate doors: a master class

Polycarbonate is most often used in suburban areas, in the construction of sheds, canopies, as well as greenhouses, which take the most material. However, today a new direction in design has appeared - the installation of interior doors made from this inexpensive, but stylish and reliable material.

The door to the greenhouse

Use of polycarbonate

Before designers developed exclusive products made of polycarbonate, this material was widely used in the creation of shower enclosures. It was very convenient and practical, since such products are much easier to make from such plates than from anything else. For example, this material is much lighter and safer than glass.

Two types of doors are made from polycarbonate:

  • hinged;
  • sliding.

The first type looks more traditional. Such structures are attached using canopies, which are located in the box. The second type is a coupe variant and can have either one or two doors. These sashes open along the plane of the wall.

In addition, there is another classification, according to which interior door structures are divided into:

  • frame;
  • frameless.

Frame are made in the form of a frame. You can install a polycarbonate plate into it with your own hands, as shown in the video. In this case, the frame can be both metal and plastic. For a wooden frame, experts recommend using wood such as poplar, since this breed is quite light.

The second type - frameless - belongs to a special, elite class. Such doors consist entirely of a polycarbonate sheet, while the frame and sheet are solid. They look more strict and at the same time richer, so the financial costs are much higher than in the previous case.

Manufacturing process

To make such products with your own hands, you will need various tools and supplies. Polycarbonate does not require too much processing, so it is not necessary to stock up on specific equipment. To work, enough tools such as:

  • electric drill (plus a set of drills of different sizes);
  • ruler and tape measure;
  • machine for cutting material at an angle.

Depending on the type of construction, different parts may be needed. It can be self-tapping screws, plastic or metal corners, and so on. For a frameless design, you will only need to prepare a polycarbonate sheet and several canopies.

The manufacturing process is carried out in the following sequence. First, you should make measurements of the opening in which the structure is installed. Based on the results of the calculations, it is necessary to make a frame, and its size should be reduced by approximately 1 mm. This is necessary so that the structures are tightly closed.

When creating a frame, you need to carefully monitor the corners. To avoid such distortions as in the photo, they must be strictly straight. To do this, the finished frame is pulled together with metal corners. Before the structure is covered with sheathing, the material is varnished. In this case, all surfaces (inside and outside) must be carefully sanded. In the process of painting, stain can be used.

To simplify the process of calculating a new door, it is recommended to take data from the old one as a basis, if they have been preserved somewhere. A carefully prepared frame is sheathed with polycarbonate, after which the canopies are prepared. They need to be fixed with their own hands immediately on the doors, and then on the box, as shown in the photo. The last step is directly in the installation of the door itself. Due to the fact that this design is much lighter than the others, this can be done easily without resorting to anyone's help.

Installation of a sliding structure

The sliding design is a little more complicated than the hinged one. To make it yourself, you should install the guide mechanism shown in the photo. Thanks to him, the doors will move along the walls. Benefits include:

  • the minimum area in the room in the open state;
  • reliable insulation (if the device is single-leaf).

In the manufacturing process, you will need anchors, as well as special fasteners. A metal tube is also needed, which is fixed about 7-10 cm above the opening. Then several rings must be attached to the polycarbonate sheet. They must move along the guide. They should be fixed, as shown in the photo, on the tube so that the sheet is located at a mark located 1.5 mm above the floor.

The sliding design has many other advantages that increase the comfort of the room. For example, such products do not close on their own due to a draft, and also open easily due to the design of the flaps. In addition, thanks to modern technology, the sliding structure can be automated.

Polycarbonate door designs

The attractive appearance of polycarbonate, a large selection of colors and ease of processing have long opened wide opportunities for its use in interior design. Polycarbonate used for the installation of interior partitions, screens for zoning the interior space and furniture parts.

Polycarbonate doors have become very popular lately. The door leaf made of synthetic polymer has the following characteristics:

  • extraordinary lightness. Thanks to this, the installation process of structures becomes convenient and simple;
  • the synthetic polymer is very durable, which affects both the ease of installation of the door structure and the convenience of its further operation;
  • high degree of security. Even in case of damage, polycarbonate does not form traumatic fragments and does not crumble like glass;
  • wide range of design possibilities. Depending on the type of polycarbonate, the doors can be completely or partially transparent, have different colors and shades. If necessary, you can choose a matte version of the material.

Types of polycarbonate doors

According to the method of operation of the opening mechanism, the design of doors made of synthetic polymer can be hinged and sliding. The hinged structure provides for fastening the door leaf to the jamb with the help of canopies. Sliding doors open and close parallel to the wall plane using a special guide mechanism.

Doors made of polymeric material can be frame and frameless.

The option with a frame assumes the presence of a frame for polycarbonate glazing. The frame can be metal, plastic or wood. The frame should ensure the rigidity of the door structure, but at the same time be as light as possible. Frames made of aluminum profiles are well combined with polycarbonate.

Frameless design, respectively, has no frame. In this case, all hinged elements and fittings are attached directly to the polymer sheet. To ensure rigidity and give the structure the necessary weight, for the construction of frameless doors, as a rule, monolithic polycarbonate is used. This door design looks strict and solid, but it also costs more.

Making your own polycarbonate doors

In order to make polycarbonate doors with your own hands, you do not need much experience in carpentry. Since polycarbonate is a material that can be easily processed, the performer will only need to carefully and accurately follow a sequence of simple steps.

Assembly and installation of a hinged door

The manufacture of a hinged door begins with determining the exact dimensions of the structure. If a polycarbonate door is planned to be installed to replace the old door, then the task is simplified, since the old door will serve as a pattern for making a new one. If the door is installed for the first time, then first careful measurements must be made opening. It must be remembered that the dimensions of the door must be 1-2 mm smaller than the dimensions of the opening to ensure the process of opening and closing.

After determining the dimensions, you can begin to manufacture the frame of the door structure. When assembling the support frame, it is necessary to strictly maintain right angles in order to avoid warping and jamming of the door during further operation.

If the frame is wooden, the required rigidity can be achieved by tightening the corners of the structure with special metal corners. When the assembly of the frame is completed, you need to carefully polish its surface, paint or cover it with a colorless varnish.

Polycarbonate can be attached to the frame either on both sides, or in one layer in the center. Double-sided fastening will give the door more rigidity, but the material installed in the center of the frame will look much more refined.

For fixing polycarbonate in one layer, it is better to use an aluminum profile as a frame. After installing the polymer material, it is necessary to attach awnings, handles and a lock. The process of installing the door on canopies is simple due to the fact that the polycarbonate door is very light in weight.

Sliding system

On the one hand, the design and installation of doors operating according to a sliding scheme is a more complex and expensive process due to the fact that a larger number of parts and fittings are used. On the other hand, almost all the details of this system are included in the complete set, and the installation process itself is very technological and consists of several well-controlled stages.

The mechanism of sliding doors is completely identical to the mechanism of sliding wardrobe doors. The system consists of an upper rail that holds the door leaf in a vertical position and a lower rail along which the door moves with support rollers. In some designs of sliding systems, there is no lower rail, and the door leaf is suspended from the upper rail.

When installing sliding doors, special attention should be paid to the horizontal installation of the upper and lower guide systems, since the entire operation of the mechanism in the future depends on this.

Installation of fittings on the door leaf must be carried out in accordance with the instructions for the parts kit. Despite the fact that the composition of the kits may differ, in general they include: a roller spring system for fixing the door leaf in the upper rail, support rollers or wheels for installing the door on the lower rail, clamps and door stops.

After installing a polycarbonate sliding door in the guides, it is necessary to adjust the position of the door leaf. Adjustment is made special screws included in the design of the lower support rollers. By rotating the screws, it is necessary to eliminate all distortions of the door leaf and achieve its even location vertically and horizontally.

Polycarbonate doors, their types and self-assembly

Polycarbonate doors are a beautiful, durable and lightweight construction that each owner can make and assemble with their own hands.

Annotation on how to make polycarbonate doors with your own hands. Features of suspended and sliding structures. The difference between doors with a frame and without it. Required materials and tools.

How to make your own polycarbonate doors hands?

Quite not so long ago, the main purpose of polycarbonate was the construction of country greenhouses, showers, the construction of canopies or canopies over the porch. But now this material is successfully used in the decoration of apartments. Thus, polycarbonate doors have become a successful design development, which can be used to decorate not only garden buildings, but also urban premises.

Frame doors consist of a wooden, plastic or iron frame, into which polycarbonate sheets are inserted.

An unlimited number of color options in which this building material is produced allows you to make interior designs that are quite appropriate for the style fronts and colors of the apartment. Well, other advantages of doors made of polycarbonate with their own hands, are clear:

  1. The material has a small mass, which makes the construction of it light and airy.
  2. Polycarbonate elements are more reliable and safe than glass ones.
  3. Even cracked, polycarbonate does not crumble into small fragments.
  4. Care of elements from this material is very easy and simple.

Taking into account all the above advantages of the material, it is possible to make interior elements that are distinguished by a long service life and durability.

Features of polycarbonate door structures

Image 1. Scheme of a polycarbonate hinged door.

Now 2 options for the construction of interior structures made of polycarbonate with their own hands have been developed. Yes, you can do doors suspended or sliding. Like ordinary designs, hanging doors are classic canvases that are installed using special fasteners on the door frame. The variant of the sliding parts is created on the principle of a compartment, where the doors open along the walls.

Both of them can be framed or frameless. To create frame parts, base frames are used, in which polycarbonate sheets are installed. Such frames can be metal, plastic or wood. In the development of frameless parts, no other material is used, except for polycarbonate. Doors made from a single piece of canvas look very beautiful and rich, but you will have to spend a little more money on their refining than on creating a structure with a frame.

Operation Method for Making Hanging Doors

Polycarbonate is a very easy-to-process material, therefore, in order to make a polycarbonate door on your own, you will need quite a few tools. The small set consists of:

  • electric drills with drills;
  • screwdriver or screwdriver;
  • level;
  • measuring tape;
  • building square;
  • cutting machine or jigsaw.

An example of a polycarbonate greenhouse with a sliding door

More details on the website

Sliding, hinged door with your own hands

hinged - sliding interior a door, assembly method.

For a frame door, you need to prepare:

Tools for mounting polycarbonate doors.

  • a solid polycarbonate sheet or several pieces, corresponding in size to the size of the doorway;
  • a corner made of plastic or metal, a beam, the length of which is equal to the perimeter of the doorway;
  • screws;
  • corners for fixing the sides of the frame;
  • fasteners for fastening the door structure to the frame.

For the production of a frameless product, only fasteners and a polycarbonate sheet are required.

Proceedings for the production of polycarbonate parts their hands is quite simple, and a person with little carpentry skills can easily handle it. An example of a frame product is shown in the figure (image 1).

First you need to measure the opening where the structure will be hung. In accordance with the measurements, the frame is assembled. With all this, it should be noted that the frame should be slightly smaller than the clearance, therefore all sides of the frame and canvas should be reduced by 1-1.5 mm, which will allow the canvas to be locked tightly, but without touching the door frame.

When making a frame, it is necessary to carefully measure the squareness of the structure with a square, otherwise the door simply will not enter the gap. In order to connect the frame from a bar, you can use special iron corners. If the frame is assembled from plastic or iron materials, the corners can be omitted. After assembly, the wood frame should be given additional aesthetics by sanding it well and covering it with stain or varnish.

Frameless doors are made from a single sheet of polycarbonate and are more expensive than framed doors.

You can also make a frame using an old canvas doors. To do this, you need to put the bars around the perimeter of the canvas, give them the desired dimensions using a jigsaw or machine and assemble the frame. Then, a polycarbonate sheet is fixed to the prepared frame with the help of screws and a screwdriver.

In order to make the polycarbonate door look prettier, you can use screws with decorative caps. Then canopies are attached to the frame and box, on which the door will be installed. After that, you can strengthen the structure itself. Because polycarbonate is much lighter than ordinary doors, one person can successfully handle this job.

In the manufacture of frameless doors, the procedure is even more simple. Here you just need to attach a sheet of material to an old door and cut a canvas of a suitable size.

But you need to keep in mind that doors of this type require the use of very strong and reliable material, which is distinguished both by quality and by a higher price.

Rules for the production of sliding doors

To assemble a sliding product, you will need the following materials and tools:

  • a polycarbonate sheet with a height and width of 5-6 cm more than the dimensions of the doorway;
  • an iron tube to create a guide 2 times the width of the doorway;
  • fasteners;
  • anchors for fixing the iron tube;
  • the set of materials indicated above.

When a sliding structure is made, work begins with fixing the guide. In this case, the iron tube must be fixed at a height of 5 to 10 cm above the door clearance. One half of the tube is placed directly above the door clearance, the second half is shifted along the plane of the wall in the direction where the door should open.

Then rings are screwed onto the polycarbonate sheet with fasteners, with the help of which the sheet will move along the guide. The rings should be fastened in such a way that the door is at a distance of 1-1.5 mm from the floor. If a threshold is set in the clearance, then the canvas can be lowered a little below it, which will create the possibility of a tighter closing of the opening.

Rings with polycarbonate are hung on a guide, at the ends of which limiting elements must be installed. Handles are attached to the canvas as needed. Stylish and safe door is ready!

The introduction of polycarbonate to create interior doors with your own hands is an ideal option in order to make your home more unusual and beautiful, without spending significant effort and money. These products will last for quite a long time, and as needed, they can always be replaced with new ones.

Polycarbonate is most often used in suburban areas, in the construction of sheds, canopies, as well as greenhouses, which take the most material. However, today a new direction in design has appeared - the installation of interior doors made from this inexpensive, but stylish and reliable material.

Use of polycarbonate

Before designers developed exclusive products made of polycarbonate, this material was widely used in the creation of shower enclosures. It was very convenient and practical, since such products are much easier to make from such plates than from anything else. For example, this material is much lighter and safer than glass.

Two types of doors are made from polycarbonate:

  • hinged;
  • sliding.

The first type looks more traditional. Such structures are attached using canopies, which are located in the box. The second type is a coupe variant and can have either one or two doors. These sashes open along the plane of the wall.

In addition, there is another classification, according to which interior door structures are divided into:

  • frame;
  • frameless.

Frame are made in the form of a frame. You can install a polycarbonate plate into it with your own hands, as shown in the video. In this case, the frame can be both metal and plastic. For a wooden frame, experts recommend using wood such as poplar, since this breed is quite light.

The second type - frameless - belongs to a special, elite class. Such doors consist entirely of a polycarbonate sheet, while the frame and sheet are solid. They look more strict and at the same time richer, so the financial costs are much higher than in the previous case.

Manufacturing process

To make such products with your own hands, you will need various tools and supplies. Polycarbonate does not require too much processing, so it is not necessary to stock up on specific equipment. To work, enough tools such as:

  • electric drill (plus a set of drills of different sizes);
  • ruler and tape measure;
  • machine for cutting material at an angle.

Depending on the type of construction, different parts may be needed. It can be self-tapping screws, plastic or metal corners, and so on. For a frameless design, you will only need to prepare a polycarbonate sheet and several canopies.

The manufacturing process is carried out in the following sequence. First, you should make measurements of the opening in which the structure is installed. Based on the results of the calculations, it is necessary to make a frame, and its size should be reduced by approximately 1 mm. This is necessary so that the structures are tightly closed.

When creating a frame, you need to carefully monitor the corners. To avoid such distortions as in the photo, they must be strictly straight. To do this, the finished frame is pulled together with metal corners. Before the structure is covered with sheathing, the material is varnished. In this case, all surfaces (inside and outside) must be carefully sanded. In the process of painting, stain can be used.

To simplify the process of calculating a new door, it is recommended to take data from the old one as a basis, if they have been preserved somewhere. A carefully prepared frame is sheathed with polycarbonate, after which the canopies are prepared. They need to be fixed with their own hands immediately on the doors, and then on the box, as shown in the photo. The last step is directly in the installation of the door itself. Due to the fact that this design is much lighter than the others, this can be done easily without resorting to anyone's help.

Installation of a sliding structure

The sliding design is a little more complicated than the hinged one. To make it yourself, you should install the guide mechanism shown in the photo. Thanks to him, the doors will move along the walls. Benefits include:

  • the minimum area in the room in the open state;
  • reliable insulation (if the device is single-leaf).

In the manufacturing process, you will need anchors, as well as special fasteners. A metal tube is also needed, which is fixed about 7-10 cm above the opening. Then several rings must be attached to the polycarbonate sheet. They must move along the guide. They should be fixed, as shown in the photo, on the tube so that the sheet is located at a mark located 1.5 mm above the floor.

The sliding design has many other advantages that increase the comfort of the room. For example, such products do not close on their own due to a draft, and also open easily due to the design of the flaps. In addition, thanks to modern technology, the sliding structure can be automated.

Among the shortcomings, the relatively high cost of locks should be noted. In addition, this system has poor thermal insulation performance, and also transmits sound. Some types of construction do not allow the placement of any furniture or household appliances next to them. In addition, due to their poor thermal insulation, such a system cannot be installed at the exit from the room or near the balcony (except if it is glazed and well insulated).

Sliding doors with sashes made of glass are distinguished by a special aesthetics. In addition to the fact that sliding partitions allow rational use of space, transparent material gives the interior sophistication and lightness, and contributes to good illumination of the room. But the glass sheet has significant drawbacks: the high cost and fragility of the material, which requires a careful attitude to the design. The manufacture of glass panels can only be done by specialized companies that have the necessary equipment for glass processing.

A good alternative to natural glass are various polymeric materials. One of the most popular transparent polymers, which is used for the manufacture and installation of transparent canvases for sliding structures, is polycarbonate. This material is impact-resistant, lighter than glass, has the same transparency, and most importantly, you can make polycarbonate sliding doors with your own hands.

Features and types of material

Polycarbonate is produced in a monolithic and cellular version. These materials have different aesthetic and technical characteristics. Each type of polycarbonate is installed in a sliding structure of a certain type, which ultimately determines the appearance of the finished sliding door and polycarbonate partition.

Important! The variety of polycarbonate sheets makes it possible to use it for the manufacture and installation of a sliding door, similar to natural glass, or use it as a decorative panel material. It can be used as an independent material for the manufacture of door leaves, or in combination with other decorative materials (laminated chipboard, MDF).

Monolithic polycarbonate

It is a solid sheet of polymer with a smooth surface. It is a full-fledged analogue of natural glass.

They are produced by analogy with sheets of silicate glass with a material thickness of 2-12 mm. Thus, it is possible to produce either a frameless type panel with a thickness of 10 mm for installation in a hinged structure for glass doors, or use them as inserts into a frame from a profile for sliding wardrobe systems.

Thick sheets of this material are highly durable and are also called anti-vandal. Not only are they resistant to impact, they cannot be broken even intentionally.

Cellular polycarbonate

This material is a hollow sheet, which consists of two or more thin layers connected by thin bridges. Produced by extrusion.

Due to the cellular structure, a door made of this material weighs more than ten times less than a glass door.

Due to the multi-layered material, it cannot be made as thin as monolithic polycarbonate. The thickness of the produced sheets starts from 4 mm. Panels with a thickness of 32 mm are made from cellular material.

Important! When planning the dimensions of a sliding door or a polycarbonate partition, you need to remember that the width of the strip of cellular material is 2.1 m, and it is cut along the length in stores in increments of 1 m. The length of the end profile for polycarbonate is associated with these dimensions.

Profiles for polycarbonate

For mounting and closing the edges of polycarbonate sheets, several types of profiles are produced. They are made from aluminum and polycarbonate. In the manufacture of a sliding door, only end profiles may be needed to frame the frame and create a rigid frame. It depends on the design of the door, the chosen type of sheet of material and the technical capabilities of the master in terms of the quality of cutting the material at home. Such a profile may be needed to stiffen the panel and to frame the door, which will hide the chips.

The end profile closes the honeycombs of the cellular sheet that are open at the ends from moisture and dust getting into them. If you do not close the ends with a profile, then over time the material will lose transparency. In particular, it is necessary to be conscientious about closing the ends of the polycarbonate when installing the door to the bathroom.

The end profile, which acts as a frame, will give the door an aesthetic and finished appearance.

Under any purchased sheet, there are also end profiles of the appropriate thickness: from 2 to 16 mm. The length of the profile is the same as the width of polycarbonate - 2.1 m.

How to work with polycarbonate

After buying cellular polycarbonate, you can see that its ends are sealed with tape. This is a temporary protection that needs to be removed. After cutting the polycarbonate, the ends with open cells will need to be glued with sealing tape. The end profile is put on over the tape. To hold an aluminum or polycarbonate profile, it is planted on small droplets of transparent silicone.

In addition to the ends, polycarbonate is pasted over with a film on one (front) side. It is removed only after the installation of the cellular polycarbonate sliding door is completed. The only thing that needs to be done is to partially unstick it around the edges, where the frame profile will sit, and the roller carriages will be attached. In addition, this will prevent the sides of the canvas from being confused if a sliding door of two or more wings is mounted.

Important! Before cellular polycarbonate is sealed and installed in the sliding door frame, it must be kept in a room with dry air. This will prevent the formation and accumulation of condensate inside the cells of the sheet.

To cut the material, a jigsaw with a fine-toothed saw, a grinder, and a clerical knife are used.

Frame panels

The polycarbonate structure with the frame will be more visible, it will be perceived as a full-fledged door. The frame will act as a frame that will stiffen the panel.

The compartment version is most suitable for the manufacture of a polycarbonate sliding door. The frame made of profiles for the sliding door structure of the polycarbonate compartment type is assembled on self-tapping screws, no additional fittings need to be installed on the canvas. Polycarbonate 4 and 10 mm thick can be installed in the frame. Thin parts are installed in the profile using a special seal. In this option, you can make the canvas combined, with inserts from monolithic, cellular, transparent or colored polycarbonate.

Sliding mechanisms with frame canvases are supporting and hinged. Hinged systems are installed in the rooms, in which there is no bottom rail, and the door is held with U-shaped flags installed on the floor at the side of the opening.

In the support mechanisms, the canvas moves along the lower guides, and the upper roller serves to balance the sash. Support structures are installed in openings with low traffic.

Rollers in structures with a frame are attached to the upper and lower horizontal jumper of the frame frame. Each manufacturer produces its own range of profiles, which differ in shape, type of coating, but all standard sizes are the same.

Sliding mechanisms for frameless panels

Sliding systems designed for glass panels differ from the usual carriages by the mechanism of attachment to the canvas. They are designed for mounting sheets with a thickness of 8 to 12 mm. They have two types of fasteners: clamping and point-clamping. The principle of their work is as follows: two long strips wrap around the panel from the end on both sides and are clamped. In point-clamp systems, the screw that tightens the jaws of the clamp passes through the web, and a hole must be drilled for it. In clamping systems, the clamping jaws are applied to the end of the panel, and the clamping screw is located above the web.

Important! In these cases, an aluminum end profile must be installed on the canvas.

All designs with fastening of roller carriages to glass (polycarbonate) are only with the upper type of sliding. There are three main types:

  • Open;
  • Closed;
  • Mounted.

The open type system is a guide in the form of a pipe along which a roller in the form of a pulley rolls.

Closed structures usually have clamp-type roller carriages, and after installation, the upper guide is closed with a decorative strip.

In the hinged system, the roller carriage is mounted on the side of the panel, and the guide is not above the sash, but behind it.

Video how to cut polycarbonate:

In sliding systems, polycarbonate is a cheap and practical alternative to glass. But due to the flexibility of this material and the presence of chips after cutting, the sheets must have a frame made of a profile that will hide all defects and make the sash rigid.

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Roman 21.04.2019 03:43

Hello! I share the feelings of the previous speaker! I would like such doors. I am writing from Voronezh


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