Because people get cancer. Why do people get cancer? Genetic theory of the occurrence of tumors

More than 40 percent of cancer cases are the result of not quite the right lifestyle: people smoke, eat too much, neglect sports. And only in 10-15 percent of cases, genetics becomes the cause of a serious illness, according to the National Cancer Research Institute (Newark, New Jersey, USA).

And to reduce the risk of cancer, you just need to love three things and stop loving - five, oncologists are sure.

Smoking - only incense

The most effective way to reduce your chances of developing almost all types of cancer is to stop smoking. Prayers account for 30 percent of all cancer deaths.

Even if you start smoking not 20 cigarettes a day, but at least 10, it will reduce the risk of disease by 27 percent, calculated by the American Medical Association. The absence of an addiction, of course, does not cancel the likelihood of oncology, but it will be much calmer to live this way.

Fats don't belong here

A pack of sweets and a meat burger hurts more than just your waist: as soon as you become overweight, your risk of getting one of nine types of cancer increases, including the esophagus, kidneys and gallbladder. The fact is that adipose tissue produces proteins that cause inflammation. They also contribute to the growth of cancer cells.

Patricia Gantz, MD, who heads the Center for Cancer Research and Prevention at the California Medical University, says it's harder than ever for people to keep fit today: "Fast food is now cheaper than healthy food, plus we're more We spend more time watching TV and at the computer than in the open air.

The main rule is to watch your weight and keep your body mass index below 25 points.

Sweat at least half an hour a week

A third of all cancer deaths are associated not only with a disturbed diet, but also with low activity. Doctors generally recommend 2.5 hours a week of physical activity, but recent research shows that infrequent but well-aimed workouts are just as effective.

For example, half an hour of vigorous running per week is enough to reduce the risk of breast cancer in women. This allows you to reduce any inflammatory processes in 35 percent of cases.

Don't drink out of grief

Alcohol is the culprit for several types of cancer, including cancer of the mouth, throat, liver, colon, and breast. Scientists cannot name the exact cause of the development of the disease in these parts of the body, but a number of studies clearly indicate alcohol abuse.

Bacteria in the colon can convert large amounts of hot drinks into acetaldehyde. This is a chemical that causes cancer in laboratory animals. Such a compound is found in coffee, ripe fruits and bread, but it causes harm only when ethanol is oxidized.

In women who drink frequently on the bottle, estrogen levels rise, followed by adhesions (fibrous bands of connective tissue that develop when inflamed or damaged). This is a potential threat of breast cancer. To avoid a trip to the oncologist, you need to reduce alcohol consumption to at least a few times a week.

love broccoli

Vegetables not only cleanse the stomach, but also prevent the appearance of cancerous tumors. American doctors recommend eating more than two bowls of vegetables and fruits per day. Cruciferous vegetables, including broccoli and Brussels sprouts, are high in glucosinolates (glucose + nitrogen + sulfur), which have anti-cancer effects. These compounds reduce the growth of abnormal cervical cells.

Tomatoes and watermelons, which contain lycopene, and eggplants, which are rich in antioxidants, also help keep the body in good shape.
But it is better to refuse red meat in favor of the same tomatoes. Studies show that a diet that includes more than half a kilogram of this product per week is a cause of rectal cancer.

Not only the sun has spots

Women between the ages of 18 and 39 are the most susceptible to skin cancer. Over the past 40 years, the incidence among them has skyrocketed by 800 percent. In order not to experience the harmful effects of the sun's rays, it is enough to use sunscreen.

An experiment in which 1,600 people took part showed that women who did not disdain such hygiene products reduced their risk of melanoma by 50 percent. The most "evil" sun is between 10 o'clock in the morning and four o'clock in the evening. So it is worth applying the cream both in summer and in winter, getting used to it as to brushing your teeth.

Only without nerves

Stress does not in itself cause cancer, but it can change the processes in the body so that diseases can get to you more easily.
Doctors at Ohio University have found that chronic overwork and neuroses change the activity of immune cells, which begin to produce cortisol in excess when it is not needed. A similar process triggers inflammation, causing cell mutation.

It is not antidepressants that will help get rid of stress, but yoga classes after seven in the evening every day.

The doctor is the head of everything

Regular visits to the doctor will allow you to notice anomalies like polyps (growth of tissues over the mucous membrane) in time. By the age of 20, it is best to undergo a full body scan, or at least do not forget about a full medical examination, and for women - about mammography. Timely detected deviations from the norm reduce the risk of breast cancer by a quarter.

In addition, every three years it is worth doing a cytological smear to rule out cervical cancer. When this analysis appeared in 1950, female mortality had fallen by 74 percent. It is time to check the colon after 50 years, but if there were cases of a similar disease in the family, even earlier. The sooner doctors detect abnormal growths, the higher the chance of curing the cancer.

There are many doctors, but one opinion

For many decades, malignant tumors have been ranked second (after cardiovascular diseases) among the main causes of human death, says the author of a textbook on the prevention, detection and treatment of cancer, Ibadulla Agayev. In men, cancers of the lung, stomach, skin, lips, esophagus occupy the first place, and in women - cancer of the stomach, breast, skin, cervix, lung and colon. By the end of the 20th century, every sixth of the people living on earth was at risk of cancer, and by 2002 - every fourth.

In the field of primary cancer prevention, indeed, the most effective measures are smoking cessation, dietary changes and chemoprevention (taking drugs that reduce the risk of cancer).

As a secondary prevention of cancer, if a person has concerns that they may get sick or are already sick, the professor recommends the following:

1. A modern method of visual examination of the walls of the esophagus, stomach and duodenum after 50 years every 2-3 years;

2. Examination of the rectum and lower colon with a special tube after 50 years every 3-5 years;

3. Checking feces for occult blood after 50 years annually;

4. Checking the rectum after 40 years of age annually.

The reason is banal - low life expectancy in Third World countries. But recently, people have begun to live longer there, which is why the curve of oncological diseases has climbed up. Although cancer is international, it spreads differently in different parts of the world.

Many geographical features of cancer have been explained. But enough secrets. In particular, the highest death rate from cancer on the small island of Jersey, where the world-famous "wild animal protection trust" founded by Gerald Durrell (Channel Islands, possession Great Britain). Here, 314 people die of malignant tumors per 100,000 inhabitants a year. In the neighboring UK, this figure is almost twice as low.

Hungary country with the highest death rate from cancer. Here, 313 people die of cancer per 100,000 inhabitants (per year). And the lowest death rate from cancer was registered in the nearby Macedonia, where there are 6 deaths per 100,000 inhabitants per year from this disease. Isn't it an impressive difference?

The geography of specific forms of cancer is more understandable and explainable.

Pancreas cancer

Most common in New Zealand, Denmark, Canada and USA. Scientists believe that this is due to the increased consumption of animal protein and meat in these countries.

So, a resident of New Zealand daily consumes up to 160 g of meat and fat. In Japan, Italy and Israel, where pancreatic cancer is rare, the daily consumption of meat products and fat is no more than 80 g.

Cervical cancer

This disease depends on geography, and is directly related to sexual life. Even in the last century, it was noticed that, as a rule, married women die of cervical cancer, and virgins and nuns are spared the trouble.

Later found an explanation for this fact. It turned out that this female disease is caused by some strains of the human papillomavirus, sexually transmitted.

Lungs' cancer

Common where people smoke a lot. In "historically smokers" Scotland, Ireland and Great Britain there are a lot of cases of this disease.

Stomach cancer

Chose your place of residence Japan and Russia- countries where they eat a lot of starch (potatoes, rice, flour products) and not enough animal proteins, milk, fresh vegetables and fruits.

In general, stomach cancer depends on a number of reasons. For example, eating pork is more dangerous than lamb or beef. The risk of developing stomach cancer is 2.5 times higher in those who consume animal oil daily. The incidence may even depend on the nature of the soil. Where there is a lot of molybdenum, copper, cobalt in the soil and little zinc and manganese, such as in Karelia, stomach cancer is much more common.

Liver cancer

More commonly diagnosed in South-East Asia and Central Africa, as well as in Tyumen region.

Today it occupies one of the first places among male oncology. American experts warn of a real epidemic of prostate cancer in the developed world and predict at least a threefold increase in the incidence in the next 30 years.

The Chinese and Japanese are the least likely to get prostate cancer in their homeland. But as soon as a person from Southeast Asia moves to another country, the risk of this disease increases dramatically. So, among the Chinese living in California, it is 13-16 times higher. Therefore, there is every reason to believe that the cause of prostate cancer is living conditions, habits. For example, adherence to red meat and animal fats. It is believed that animal fat increases the level of sex hormones in the blood and thereby provokes the disease. The inclusion of vegetable oil and fish oil in the diet reduces the chance of getting sick.

Mammary cancer

Provoke sex hormones (estrogen). More than a century of experience in studying this type of cancer has allowed scientists to draw unambiguous conclusions: the later a woman has her first child, the higher the risk of breast cancer. The probability of getting sick, for example, increases three times if the first birth occurred at 30, and not at 18. Therefore, in countries where women give birth early (Central Asia and the Middle East, China, Japan), the incidence of breast cancer is low. Most common breast cancer In Great Britain.

I must say that in the environment there are substances that affect the incidence of breast cancer. For example, tobacco smoke contains almost exact copies of estrogen. And they act accordingly - they provoke cancer.

But some plants contain compounds (flavonoids) that protect us from cancer. There are (and many) in tea, rice, soybeans, apples, cabbage, salads, onions. It is with the regular consumption of some of these products that scientists associate the low incidence of breast cancer in the East (China, Japan).

testicular cancer

Relatively rare tumor. It mainly affects white men (the highest incidence in Norway, Denmark, Switzerland). Although it is difficult to explain why, for example, the incidence rate in Denmark is 4 times higher than in neighboring Finland, and 9 times higher than in Lithuania.

In developed countries, one in four is at risk of getting cancer during their lifetime, and one in five is at risk of dying from it. There have always been fewer cancer patients in developing countries. The reason is simple - low life expectancy. But recently, here, too, people began to live longer, which is why the curve of oncological diseases also climbed up.

For every person to hear this word from the lips of a doctor is tantamount to a death sentence. That is why many people avoid timely examination by specialists for fear of learning about a terrible diagnosis.

Scientists say that cancer diagnosed in time in the early stages can be successfully treated. Consciousness of Europeans in matters of their health is much higher than that of Russians.

But the main question that worries the minds of mankind: "How do people get cancer?" Despite the constant research of doctors, the mystery of the origin of this disease in the human body still remains unsolved. Universal has not yet been invented.

History of cancer research

Since ancient times, humanity has been preoccupied with an unknown disease that kills young and old people. An illness resembling cancer in symptoms is mentioned in ancient Egyptian chronicles, which are 3,000 years old. This suggests that the disease is as ancient as humanity. The term "cancer" itself was introduced by Hippocrates, who observed the pathological process of the mammary gland in patients. He called this disease "onkos", which means "swelling".

Until the middle of the Middle Ages, there was a ban on the autopsy of bodies after death, and cancer research ceased. The Age of Enlightenment began in the 17th and 18th centuries. Doctors were given permission to study the causes of death of people by autopsy. At this time, the scientific study of cancer has stepped far forward. All types and stages of this disease were discovered, and humanity was horrified. The worst thing was that it was absolutely incomprehensible how people get cancer?

Later, doctors learned to distinguish tumors on the basis of the chances of survival of a sick person. They began to be divided into benign and malignant. The former were characterized by slow growth, did not metastasize, and were safely removed by surgery. Malignant tumors were distinguished by the fact that they developed very quickly and killed a person through metastases. These are cells that separate from the maternal tumor and spread throughout the human body with the blood or lymph flow or move inside the body cavities. They release toxins and act depressingly on healthy cells. Consuming a huge amount of glucose from the blood, they deprive other cells and organs of nutrition. Poisoned by cancerous toxins, the body is depleted and dies.

How does cancer start?

No matter how large a tumor reaches, it originates from a single cell. Once the most common unit of the body, it performed a familiar function.

But suddenly something happened, and this same cell became alien to the body and ceased to obey the laws of physiology. As long as she did not change outwardly, the agents of immunity did not touch her. But soon the cell began to multiply incessantly. Newly formed substances require an enormous amount of energy. They draw it from the blood stream. Therefore, it has a highly developed system of blood vessels. Sucking out all the sugar from the blood, the neoplasm does not stop growing and weaken the host's body. This is an approximate mechanism of how people get cancer. But why this happens is still a mystery.

Scientists had high hopes for deciphering the human genome. They assumed that in this code it would be possible to find the key to solving the problem of o But many hopes were in vain. Even revealing the fact that a person has a predisposition to cancer in their DNA, they still cannot cure a terrible disease at the genetic level.

Risk factors

In the study of the question of how people get cancer, scientists have many secrets. But they clearly managed to determine which factors can trigger the formation of a tumor. These reasons have been called risk factors. These include:

  • Carcinogens. Back in the 18th century, the British scientist Pott made a discovery: chimney sweeps suffer from scrotal cancer much more often than other men. The reason for this is constant contact with soot. These substances also include asbestos, tobacco smoke, 3,4-benzopyrene and some others.
  • Radiation. The sad examples of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, as well as Chernobyl, have shown scientists that ionizing radiation is a powerful impetus for the development of cancerous tumors. The frequency of morbidity in people after exposure has increased forty times.
  • Viral infection. Getting cancer through a virus is not a myth. It has been proven that the human papillomavirus can provoke the development of cervical cancer in a woman. This infection can be sexually transmitted, and women who often change partners have a greater risk of getting cancer.
  • hereditary predisposition. In medicine, there is such a thing as "cancer families". But how do you know what is the likelihood of a child getting cancer? Indeed, if there are several cancer patients in the family, then the likelihood of getting this disease increases. But being born in such a family does not mean for a person that he will definitely get sick and die of cancer. We are talking about a predisposition that may not manifest itself in any way.
  • The image of a person's life. What a person eats, what he drinks and how he treats his own body directly affects his state of health. The impact of bad habits, especially smoking, on the occurrence of cancer has been proven by many years of research in this area.

Features of cancer treatment

Everyone knows that a disease is easier to prevent than to cure. This is especially true for cancer. The doctor will be able to cure advanced gastritis, but in the case of the last stage of oncology, he most likely will not give good prognosis.

Specialists are usually quite good in the early stages.

The technique is selected purely individually. Surgery, radiation or chemotherapy - all these methods are quite effective, but for patients who seek help in a timely manner. After the treatment, doctors judge the effectiveness of the measures taken in terms of a five-year survival rate. If during this rehabilitation period the cancer did not make itself felt, then the doctors conclude that the person is healthy.

Let's take a closer look at how you can get cancer.

Can you get cancer?

Upon learning that a person has an oncological disease, his entourage sometimes involuntarily tries to stay away from him. Doctors often hear from their patients the question: "Is it possible to get cancer?" Recent studies by scientists in this field have shown that there are viruses that contribute to the emergence of a cancerous tumor. These pathogens include:

  • Hepatitis B and C virus. In the vast majority of cases, they are transmitted sexually or through the blood. Once in the body, they affect the liver. Active cell division is initiated, inflammation occurs, and there is a risk of transformation of healthy tissues into cancerous ones.
  • Human papilloma virus. It is sexually transmitted and can lead to cervical cancer. With an increase in the frequency of changing a partner, a woman increases the risk of developing cancer. Vaccination against papillomavirus is not able to 100% prevent the occurrence of cancer, moreover, it has a lot of contraindications.
  • Herpes viruses, including Epstein-Barr. It manifests itself as symptoms of angina and increases the risk of leukemia.

Can you get stomach cancer?

There is an opinion that the bacterium Helicobacter pylori can cause this serious illness. How can you get stomach cancer? Kissing the patient or drinking from his glass? Don't panic. This bacterium itself is not the cause. If the lining of the stomach is damaged, this microorganism can lead to the formation of an ulcer. which, in turn, can lead to the development of cancer. But an ulcer caused by Helicobacter pylori is successfully treated with antibiotics. The risk of cancer is provoked by excess weight, excessive consumption of red meat and other risk factors described earlier.

How to prevent cervical cancer?

Many women are interested in the question of how not to get cervical cancer? Experts give a number of recommendations:

How does brain cancer occur?

Doctors clearly cannot answer the question of how people get brain cancer. It is not yet possible for science to determine the causes of oncology of this organ for science. However, doctors managed to study well a group of factors that can provoke the formation of a brain tumor. These include:

  • genetic index. Partly, brain cancer can occur in people who have had similar diseases in the family. Also, a number of syndromes can provoke the appearance of cancer. These include neurofibromatosis of the first and second type, Gorlin's and Turco's syndromes.
  • Radiation, or ionizing radiation. This factor is relevant for workers in the nuclear industry. The risk group also includes patients who have undergone head radiation therapy as a treatment.
  • carcinogenic chemicals. People working in the plastics and textile industries are also at risk due to close contact with hazardous chemicals.

The controversy is the impact on the brain of mobile devices and injuries. A direct relationship between them and the occurrence of brain cancer has not been determined. Conversely, people diagnosed with oncology of this organ may never have been exposed to these particular factors.

What can lead to blood cancer?

For many people, there is nothing worse than getting cancer of the blood. Today, this disease claims the lives of hundreds of thousands of people, and the cause of its occurrence is still a mystery to doctors. However, studies in this area have provided clear information about several factors that can trigger leukemia. Among them are the following criteria:

  • radiation radiation. People exposed to this dangerous factor have a fairly high risk of developing various forms of leukemia: acute myeloid, chronic myelocytic, or acute lymphoblastic.
  • Tobacco smoking increases the risk of acute myeloid leukemia.
  • Chemotherapy as a method of treating various forms of cancer can be a provocateur of leukemia.
  • Chromosomal disorders of a congenital nature, such as Down's syndrome, increase the risk of developing leukemia.
  • Heredity rarely accompanies the development of blood cancer. If this happens, then we are talking about lymphocytic leukemia.

But even if a person has been exposed to one or more factors, this does not mean at all that he will definitely get leukemia. The disease may or may not appear.

How does lung cancer occur?

Every person on the planet has heard about the dangers of smoking. However, this did not reduce the number of smokers. According to statistics, in 90% of cases, this is the main provoking factor in the development of oncological diseases of the human respiratory system. Heavy smokers themselves do not notice how they get lung cancer.

Tobacco smoke contains a mass that, with prolonged exposure, disrupts the structure of the bronchial epithelium, the cylindrical epithelium turns into a flat multilayered one, and lung cancer occurs. Passive smokers are also at risk.

Harmful factors that can trigger lung cancer also include:

  • Polluted air in large cities.
  • Carcinogenic chemicals: chromium, arsenic, nickel, asbestos.
  • Chronic inflammatory processes of the respiratory system.
  • Transferred tuberculosis.
  • Pneumosclerosis.

Any pathological changes are clearly visible on an x-ray of the lungs. Therefore, an annual fluorography should be carried out.

live without cancer

As practice shows, no one is immune from the occurrence of cancer. However, following some recommendations, you can significantly reduce the risk of contracting this terrible disease. Doctors advise us how to live so as not to get cancer. Here are some simple recommendations:

  • Get rid of tobacco smoking and reduce the risk of cancer by 10 times.
  • Get a blood test for viral infections. If a person is a carrier of a dangerous pathogen, then you need to regularly monitor your health.
  • Strengthen the immune system. A healthy lifestyle, proper rest, feasible sports, bath procedures, hardening - all this strengthens the immune system and leaves no chance for cancer.
  • Pay sufficient attention to preventive examinations. It is necessary to regularly visit all the necessary specialists and take the appropriate tests. Early diagnosed cancer is almost always curable.
  • Avoid stress and negative thoughts. Optimists live longer and better.

Food against cancer

Experts also give us a number of recommendations on how to eat so as not to get cancer. There is a direct pattern between the composition of the diet and the risk of developing cancer. According to WHO, 40% of cancers in men and 60% in women are associated with dietary errors.

It has two main directions: an obstacle to the entry of food carcinogens into the body and the use of natural oncoprotectors. Doctors give the following dietary recommendations:


The nature of the occurrence of cancerous tumors has not yet been unraveled by modern medical science. This disease can occur in a person from an absolutely healthy family, and, on the contrary, a person who is at risk in all respects can live happily into old age without knowing about oncological ailments. Until mankind has found the answer to the question of how people get cancer, and has not invented a medicine for it, it is in our power to minimize risk factors and live in harmony with our own body. Be healthy and don't get sick!

Cancer is a mysterious disease. For some reason, it affects some organs more often, others less often. For example, how often have you heard about tumors? But a kidney tumor is much more common...

Why do people get cancer?

An international group of oncologists drew attention to the fact that most often malignant tumors are found in the large intestine or mammary glands, but they develop much less often in the heart, small intestine or uterus - at least until the end of reproductive age ... Of course, the development of tumors is also influenced by various factors. So, smokers often get cancer of the respiratory tract, and those who do not eat well - cancer of the digestive system ... People who have suffered various injuries are at risk of developing bone cancer ...

And do not forget that cancer is often inherited, genetically.

So, Italian scientists discovered a gene that contributes to the development of melanoma, and Briton Peter Collins and his colleagues from the University of Cambridge identified a genetic anomaly (the fusion of two genes into one), which was observed in 60 percent of children suffering from one of the types of brain tumors. A group of researchers from the University of Washington, led by Richard Wilson, came to the conclusion that bone marrow cancer arises from changes in DNA that gradually occur throughout a person's life. Gene mutations and turn healthy cells into malignant ...

A direct connection between the state of the nervous system and the development of oncology has not yet been proven, but statistics say that among people who have experienced a serious stressful situation, there is a fairly large percentage of cancer patients. Some experts even believe that stress is the main cause of cancer...

Consequences of natural selection

But in the absence of obvious risk factors, a very clear trend is visible. Experts, having studied the data on the frequency of manifestations of a particular cancer, found that malignant neoplasms are less likely to occur in vital

small organs. In addition, quite often they occur in paired organs - lungs or kidneys, or rather, in one of them ...

The researchers suggested that this is the result of natural selection. If a small organ or one that is in the singular is affected in childhood or reproductive age, this can seriously reduce the viability of the organism, which is unfavorable for evolution - because it sharply reduces the chances of offspring ... Therefore, there are mechanisms that contribute to the resistance of such organs to genetic disorders leading to cancer.

As for large or paired organs, their damage is not so catastrophic: for example, you can remove a diseased organ and the second one will take over its functions, or cut out a part of the tissue with a tumor, leaving healthy tissue ... Therefore, such organs are less resistant to oncogenic factors and more susceptible to malignant changes.

With age, the incidence of cancer increases due to the accumulation of various mutations in the body, which, in the end, trigger the process of uncontrolled cell division. Most people develop cancer after the age of 50-60. It can be assumed that, since this age is no longer considered childbearing (at least for women, but men rarely give birth to offspring at an advanced age), the mechanisms that restrain oncogenic mutations are simply turned off.

However, the researchers believe that there may be another explanation for the phenomenon of oncogenicity. So, it is possible that nature deliberately made some organs paired or large in order to compensate for the risk of developing cancer.

Is carelessness to blame?

The question is - if these organs are not "vital" for us, then why do people die so often from oncology?

Well, evolution could not foresee in any way that people would become so careless about their health and turn to doctors only at the advanced stages of the disease, when medical intervention is often completely useless ... But in the early stages it is quite possible to survive after surgery or even a course of therapy.

More on the topic:

Cause of cancer - stress?

When it comes to the treatment of cancer, then, as a rule, it means the healing of patients who have already fallen ill. But in order to find an effective remedy for the disease, it is necessary, first of all, to establish its cause. Where does such a terrible disease as a cancerous tumor come from?

1. Genetic reasons. The fact that genes can influence the development of oncological diseases has long been suspected by scientists. After all, it is not uncommon for several members of the same family to have cancer at once.

Doctors do not yet have direct evidence that cancer is inherited. Only results from individual studies are available. So, Italian scientists discovered a gene that contributes to the development of melanoma, and the British Peter Collins and his colleagues from the University of Cambridge identified a genetic anomaly (the fusion of two genes into one), which was observed in 60% of children suffering from one of the types of brain tumors.

A group of researchers from the University of Washington, led by Richard Wilson, came to the conclusion that bone marrow cancer arises from changes in DNA that gradually occur throughout a person's life. Gene mutations turn healthy cells into malignant ones.

2. Lifestyle. According to a study by Dr. Manami Inue of the National Cancer Center in Tokyo, people who lead an active lifestyle are less likely to get cancer. The scientist sees the reason in the fact that exercise allows you to maintain a normal weight, and this, in turn, reduces the risk of developing cancer of the stomach, colon, liver and pancreas.

3. Improper nutrition. The foods we eat can also cause cancer. So, if a person consumes too much Sahara, the liver processes it into lipids, and a large amount of lipids reduces the production of the SHBG protein (a globulin that controls the amount of testosterone and estrogen hormones in the blood). If the content of sex hormones in the blood increases dramatically, this can lead to polycystic ovaries and uterine cancer in women.

Harmful and red meat- Scientists at the University of California have proven that as a result of its consumption, toxic Neu5Gc acids are formed in organic tissues, which provokes the production of antibodies by the immune system. As a result, chronic inflammation develops, which can degenerate into cancer.

10 misconceptions about cancer

Every year, 11 million people in the world suffer from cancer, approximately 8 million of them die each year from this disease. Cancer is the second most common cause of death after a heart attack. More people die from cancer than from malaria, AIDS and tuberculosis combined.

There are many more misconceptions about malignant tumors or cancer than about other diseases. This is not surprising, because even for specialists, cancer is a mystery. There are too many causes and relationships here to realize, understand and still try to cure them all.

Amazingly, every nation has its own legends about cancer. Many people, especially in industrialized countries, overestimate the impact of the environment. However, they often ignore the simple fact that the disease directly depends on them.

In developing countries, the majority tends to consider cancer as a fate, fate or punishment from heaven. "This erroneous view is worrisome because it keeps people from being more prudent," say experts at the International Union Against Cancer (UICC).

According to the international organization UICC, every second respondent believes that alcohol is harmless - the main thing is to eat more fruits and vegetables, which allegedly can prevent the development of cancer. The legend is especially popular: one who experiences a big one gets a malignant tumor as a result.

And now the 10 most persistent misconceptions according to the UICC.


The famous doctor managed to put in his book almost the entire world experience
prevention of a dangerous disease. We have compiled the rules of nutrition and life
<<по мотивам>> best-selling book by David Servan-Schreiber, renowned physician,
who managed to put in his book<<Антирак>> almost the entire world
experience in disease prevention

Just don't be afraid of the word<<рак>> in the title! With the same success
eating tips (see below) could be called anti-diabetes,
anti-heart attack, anti-stroke and anti-overweight.

But what can you do: 15 years ago, neurologist David Servan-Schreiber
accidentally discovered that he had cancer...

And I felt it in my own skin: only medical methods
treatment for the victory over the sore is not enough. Dedicated to finding
natural cancer prevention. After all, everyone has cancer cells.
But not everyone gets cancer.

For example, food! It turns out that quite traditional dishes of different nations
can save you from cancer. Because it lowers blood sugar
or fight inflammation, due to which, it turns out,<<кормится>>
tumor. Are there foods that make cancer cells...
commit suicide! (The most useful - see Anti-cancer plate).

At the same time, there is food-the enemy, which is better to refuse.
Evidence-based medicine does not study the medicinal properties of food one by one.
the only reason: food, unlike medicine, cannot be
- To the prevention of food and the right way of life, oncologists,
Of course, they can be skeptical, says Pavel, a diagnostician.
Tkachuk. - But there is world experience: for example, in Japan, women are much less
suffer from breast cancer. And in Europe and America now a whole
an epidemic of this cancer...


The main defenders against oncology: 1. Green tea. Brew 10 minutes
drink within an hour. 2-3 cups per day.

2. Olive oil. Better than cold pressed, 1 tablespoon per day.

3. Turmeric. Add to dishes in combination with black pepper, otherwise not
digested. A pinch a day is enough. Has similar properties

4. Cherry, raspberry, blueberry, blackberry, blueberry, cranberry. Can
frozen, you can fresh, the quantity is not limited.

5. Plum, peaches, apricots (all<<косточковые>>). According to the most
recent studies help no worse than berries.

6. Vegetables of the cruciferous family: broccoli, cauliflower and other types
cabbage. It is advisable not to boil, but to bake or cook in a double boiler.
Can be raw.

7. Garlic, all kinds of onions. 1 head or half a small one is enough
bulbs. Better in combination with olive oil, you can slightly

8. Mushrooms. There is evidence for champignons and oyster mushrooms, as well as
various types of Japanese mushrooms.

9. Dark chocolate with more than 70% cocoa. Just not dairy!

10. Tomatoes. Precisely boiled, better with olive oil.

How to build your nutrition

(These products<<питают>> cancer cells) Sugar (white and brown).
Bread. Especially white rolls, all pastries from the store, white rice, strongly
boiled pasta. Potatoes and especially mashed potatoes.
Corn and other types of CRISPY flakes. Jams, syrups, jams.
Soda, industrial juices. Alcohol outside meals, especially
strong. Margarine and hydrogenated fats. (We love them
add to butter) Industrial dairy products (from cows,
who ate corn and soy). French fries, chips, pizza,
hot dogs and other fast food. Red meat, poultry skin, eggs (If chickens,
pigs and cows were raised on corn and soy, injected with hormones and
antibiotics). The peel of store-bought vegetables and fruits (in it
pesticides accumulate). Tap water. water from plastic
bottles heated in the sun.

LOOK ON: Coconut sugar, acacia honey. The author also mentions
agave syrup. Products made from mixed cereals and wholemeal flour: bread
rye, dark rice and basmati, oats, barley, buckwheat, flax seeds.
Lentils, beans, the author mentions sweet potato - sweet potato. Muesli,
oatmeal. fresh berries (see<<Главные защитники от онкологии>>) Home
lemonade, tea with thyme, citrus peel. A glass of RED wine a day
while eating. olive oil, flaxseed,<<Натуральные>> dairy
products (The animal ate grass). Olives, cherry tomatoes. Vegetables.
just not large: mackerel, mackerel, sardines, salmon.<<Экологичное>>
meat and eggs (animals were not injected with hormones). Peeled vegetables
and fruitsFiltered water, mineral water, preferably from GLASS


IT IS BETTER TO REJECT THIS: 1. Deodorants and antiperspirants with
aluminum. 2. Cosmetics with parabens and phthalates: see the label
shampoos, varnishes, foams, hair dyes, nail polish,
sunscreen. Cosmetics with hormones (estrogens) and
placenta. 3. Industrial means from insects and rodents. 4.
Plastic tableware with PVC, polystyrene and styrofoam (Precisely
You can't heat up food in it. 5. Teflon pans with damaged
coated. 6. Cleaners and detergents, toilet capsules with
ACRYLIC. 7. Dry cleaning of clothes and
underwear. 8. Perfume (they contain phthalates).

REPLACE WITH: 1. Natural aluminum-free deodorants. Search in pharmacies
specialized stores. 2. Natural cosmetics
free of parabens and phthalates (see specialized stores). 3. Funds
based on essential oils, boric acid. 4. Ceramic or
glassware. 5. Cookware without Teflon coating or with
undamaged coating. 6. Environmentally friendly detergents and cleaners
products, including washing powders (look in specialized
stores, popular Japanese and Korean
household items). 7. If you use dry cleaning, ventilate
linen in the air for at least an hour.
