Interesting options for wallpaper in the corridor. We choose wallpaper for the hallway on the example of well-known design projects

When arranging a hallway, a completely natural question often arises of choosing the right wallpaper. The variety of textures, colors and manufacturers is impressive. How to make the right choice? What is the guideline for this? Wallpapers for the hallway and corridor, photos of which you can see on the site, impress with the richness of choice.

How to choose

If you do not know what wallpaper to choose for the hallway , remembers e that you need to take into account the specifics of this room. The best solution is washable options, as enough dust accumulates there.

Do not give preference to very light colors. This coating will quickly get dirty. Dark options are also not suitable, as they will give the space a special gloom. You need to choose options for decorating walls carefully. An example is wallpaper in the hallway under light doors, photos of which you can see below.

It is best to choose a wallpaper that imitates:

  • tiles;
  • stone;
  • brick;
  • plaster.

Best Options

There are several types of "wall clothes" that are ideal for the hallway.

Glass fiber

Don't be afraid to clean. If desired, you can repaint several times. They are not even afraid of solvents. The cost is quite high, but well justified.


In houses built a long time ago, the owners are constantly fighting with uneven walls. This:

  • dents;
  • bulges;
  • inclined plates;
  • bumps.

Liquid wallpaper becomes a real salvation. They cover the surface well, do not form cracks, do not fall off and do not tear. They can be dyed in different colors.


A special layer of foil is applied on top of the paper. As a result, it is possible to create unusual textures and patterns of bizarre beauty on the surface. The room will become much brighter. It is quite easy to work with them.


There are two-layer and single-layer options. Affordable. They are afraid of mechanical and other influences. The service life is short, which corresponds to the low cost.


Not suitable for rooms with high humidity. Optimal for corridors with a normal level of humidity. Durable solutions that allow you to create a noble interior.

Preferred Design

It is worth carefully choosing wallpaper in the hallway according to design, you can see photo examples in this article.


A classic option that is ideal for a small area.

vertical stripes

Allow to significantly raise the ceiling. Suitable for the perfect decoration of long walls.

Horizontal drawings

Such wallpapers for the hallway, photos of which you will find on the site, are appropriate for a short wall. These options are also suitable for small spaces.

large drawings

Will look great in spacious hallways.

Light background and dark pattern

Allows you to significantly expand the space. At the same time, it is possible to mask the dirt that appears on the walls.


It is necessary that the color of the wallpaper in the hallway be in harmony with the floor and at the same time ideally match the shade of the doors. The floor must be darker. Doors should become a real contrasting accent. A striking example is the wallpaper in the hallway under the dark doors, the photos of which are presented below.

If you don't know what wallpaper color to choose for your entryway, be aware that light colors can be hard to keep clean all the time. Dark colors require additional lighting.

Warm shades of red, brown and orange harmonize well with wood. Blue, green, purple and blue tones are suitable for plastic and chrome parts.

If the corridor is dark, you should choose pastel colors.

Cold colors are suitable for visual expansion of space. Warm shades will bring the walls closer.

Combination rules

If you want to know how to beautifully paste wallpaper in the hallway, the photos of which are presented on the site, know that the best option is a combination. As a result, excellent results are achieved.

In the process of creating combinations, it is best to choose the same type of coating. They can be non-woven or vinyl. Designers are well aware that the thickness of different coatings is different. The seams will be very noticeable. If desired, you can effectively hide them with overlays or tapes. But such an approach inevitably entails costs. At the same time, the implementation itself involves certain difficulties.

To make the interior look neat for a long time, darker colors should be used for the lower part of the walls. This technique allows you to hide small scuffs and scratches that inevitably appear during operation.

It is very easy to combine coatings if you have a clear idea of ​​​​what you want to end up with. You should make a responsible choice. It is necessary to think over every little thing and consider the options available. Only in this case it will be possible to realize the plan and create a truly bright interior.

The combination is used in the work of the best designers with solid experience. The following options are currently in use:

Horizontal combination

You can place striped wallpaper in horizontal stripes on one wall. In this case, the remaining walls must be made plain.

Vertical Combination

Alternating monochrome and print coatings vertically. This combination looks cool.


The base is filled with fragments of wallpaper in the patchwork technique that is popular today. You can create very original zigzags, waves, combinations.

Correction of room defects

  1. For low ceilings, wallpaper in the hallway with vertical stripes is suitable. They will make the ceilings higher.
  2. Horizontal stripes visually expand the space. These options are suitable for small spaces.
  3. For dark rooms, it is good to choose metallic wallpaper for the hallway in the apartment. . You can also stick light on top and dark below.
  4. A large ornament will make a large hallway more comfortable. For a small room, a small pattern is suitable.

The choice depending on the shape and area of ​​​​the room

small hallway

For a small room, light wallpapers in a small hallway are suitable, the photos of which are presented on the site.

Great Solutions:

  • wallpaper for a small hallway with a simple print of gray-green, gray and gray-blue;
  • embossed wallpaper in light colors;
  • coatings with white checkered, they allow you to organize the space.

narrow corridor

In a narrow hallway, you need to visually expand the walls. Allow it to do color and light.

The best solution is glossy coatings in light colors and spot-type lighting.

Spacious entrance hall

In a wide hallway, you need to focus on light colors and unobtrusive decor. Dark tones will also look elegant.

Photo gallery

See photos in our gallery, choose wallpaper for the hallway, create a truly spectacular and at the same time cozy room.

The corridor is an extremely important part of the apartment. After all, it is he who is immediately seen by guests who come to your house, so it is very important that the entrance hall looks beautiful and neat. However, this is not at all as easy as it might seem at first glance, since the decoration of such a space has many features and subtleties. Next, we will talk in detail about how to choose the right wallpaper for the corridor so that the room looks as spacious as possible.

Important nuances

The hallway not only helps to create a favorable impression of the entire home, it is an important link between all the rooms in the house. At the same time, the corridor is very rarely large. But it is necessary to place a lot of necessary interior items in it: a wardrobe or a rack for outerwear, shelves for shoes, ottomans and much more. Also, when choosing the finish of the corridor, one should not forget that it is in this room that all the dust and dirt from street shoes and clothes often accumulate.

Regardless of what color you choose for your corridor, it is important to purchase wallpaper that will visually expand the room, as well as make it lighter and more spacious, because there are almost never windows in the corridors.


As we have already said, wallpapers that visually expand the space will certainly have a light shade. But this does not mean at all that the whole room will have to be completely covered with white wallpaper.

  • Be careful with the drawing. You should not choose a coating with bright or dark large colors for a small corridor. This will only make it tighter. It is better to give preference to small patterns, the size of which is much inferior to the dimensions of the furniture in the hallway. You can also glue combined versions of fashionable wallpaper. For example, decorate the wall with plain panels at the top and colored panels at the bottom. Such solutions not only visually enlarge the room, but also help to maintain order and cleanliness in the room. After all, on low panels with patterns, dust from street shoes will not be noticeable.

  • Or you can choose striped wallpaper for a small corridor. Horizontal stripes will make the room appear longer. Vertical are suitable for the design of rooms with low ceilings. Such wallpapers visually stretch the space. However, do not glue wallpaper in a narrow apartment. When unnatural light is on, an ugly glare forms on the wall. It will look completely unattractive. Better save the option with photo wallpaper for more spacious, daylight-filled rooms.

  • Choose the right color. You can paste over the corridor with plain wallpaper or play in contrast, this is a perfectly acceptable solution. So, combinations of single-color wallpaper with a coating on which there is an ornament will look great, but only on condition that they are made in the same color scheme. Using this method, you will not only be able to visually enlarge the space. You can also functionally divide the room into zones. For example, allocate space with a wardrobe and a mirror.

  • Don't be afraid to experiment and look for options that are right for your apartment. The main thing is to follow the harmony. Everything in the corridor must necessarily be combined with each other, whether it be furniture, the color of the walls, ceiling and floor, as well as their size. Be careful with the color, and you will certainly succeed.

Here are a few basic colors that you can use when decorating a corridor without fear for the result. It can be beige and light blue tones. These colors look great in Provence-style apartments or any other bright rooms. Green wallpapers in not too dark shades are quite versatile. In addition, this color gives a sense of calm and confidence to residents and guests.

Blue lovers should also not deny themselves the pleasure of decorating the corridor in just such a shade. It looks good even in small spaces without hiding precious square meters.

In the video below, you can see how the right combination of wallpaper visually expands the space of a narrow corridor.


In modern stores you will find a huge variety of different wallpaper options. It can be vinyl, non-woven, liquid, glass, washable models. Let's consider each option in more detail.

  • Washable vinyl wallpaper- This is the most practical option, which is ideal for the hallway. Indeed, in winter and in the off-season, a large amount of dust and dirt enters the apartment from the street. Ordinary paper wallpapers under such conditions will quickly become untidy or become unusable, while washable wallpapers are not afraid of moisture and dirt. They are easy to clean with a soft cloth and warm water. Do not rub them with a brush or use aggressive cleaners, then the coating will delight you with beauty and cleanliness for many years.

By the way, for lovers of everything original, unusual and attractive, silk-coated vinyl wallpapers are perfect. They look great in the interior of the corridor, while they are practical and easy to care for. It is only necessary to clean them as necessary with a slightly damp sponge.

  • Paper- environmentally friendly and accessible to everyone material. It is because of the low cost of such a coating that these wallpapers have become so popular. They are easy to find on sale, just glue. However, this option also has significant drawbacks. Firstly, before sticking such wallpaper, you should carefully prepare the walls. They should not have bumps and cracks. You should also carefully monitor that the joints between the paper webs are not noticeable.

In addition, paper wallpapers are completely unstable to mechanical damage and any external influence. They are easily torn, quickly become dirty, and they cannot be washed. Therefore, the shelf life of such a coating is relatively short.

If you nevertheless chose paper wallpapers for finishing your hallway, we advise you to give preference to denser and more durable options.

  • glass wallpaper are one of the most durable and practical types of modern coatings. After the glass coating is applied, it can be painted in any shade you like. In this case, the wallpaper is not exposed to solvents. This means that you can easily remove the old paint and apply a new one. This is a great option for those who like to update the interior from time to time. By the way, cullet will not cause any trouble in the care. They are very resistant to external mechanical stress, durable. To clean them from dirt, you can even rub the coating with a brush without fear for its integrity.

  • Liquid wallpaper great for walls that have some kind of bumps and cracks. A solution with liquid wallpaper is applied with a spatula. They level any surface, which allows you to save time and money on additional wall priming. There are no seams on this cover. You will not see peeled corners and joints that often appear when using paper wallpapers. In addition, if you cover the liquid wallpaper with varnish on top, they can be easily cleaned with a washing vacuum cleaner or with a damp cloth. Be sure to look at this option if you want to get the most beautiful and practical coverage for your corridor.

  • Fabric. Textile wallpapers will become a real decoration of your apartment. The coating consists of two layers: the bottom - paper and the top - fabric. The beauty and luxury of such material does not need to be discussed. In addition, this coating is very durable and has excellent thermal insulation characteristics. However, these wallpapers are quite expensive. But if you compare the price with the quality, the cost looks quite justified.

It is not easy to arrange the corridor and the hallway correctly: the areas are usually small, and the functionality should be wide. Moreover, both of these rooms are a link that unites all the rooms into a single whole. Therefore, it is not easy to choose wallpaper for the corridor.

What wallpaper to choose in the corridor

Since the room is a walk-through, with a heavy load, there are increased requirements for finishing in terms of strength characteristics, and all materials must be well washed and cleaned. From these points of view, you need to choose the type of wallpaper, and then talk about colors, patterns and combinations.


Vinyl coating (polyvinyl chloride or PVC) creates a very dense and durable film on the surface. Such wallpapers are also called detergents - for their ability to normally tolerate cleaning with a rag with detergents.

The basis for vinyl wallpaper can be paper or interlining. It is easier to glue non-woven. You simply apply glue to the surface of the wall and apply the cut-to-size canvas. Such wallpaper for the corridor can also be glued to slightly uneven walls.

Paper-based wallpaper must first be smeared with glue and folded so that the smeared surface is inside. At this time, it is necessary to smear the wall, and then glue a slightly softened canvas. This is where the danger lies: soaked paper is easy to stretch, which will cause distortions, folds and other troubles to appear on the wall. So it is easier to work with a non-woven base, especially since they better hide surface imperfections and there is no need to carefully level the walls. However, there is one “but” - are they more expensive than paper-based ones? and the difference is about 40%.

In addition to the different bases, vinyl wallpapers also differ in the way they are applied.

Any type of vinyl wallpaper will work well in a hallway. They are highly durable, fade resistant, wash well. The average service life is about 7-10 years. Vanillin wallpaper for the corridor is good for everyone, except that some of them are difficult to join, but this can be dealt with by gluing a special tape at the junction.

Glass fiber

This type of wallpaper is paintable. The canvas has a certain relief, most often medium-sized. The relief of the pattern allows you to hide flaws in the processing of the wall. You can paint from 3 to 8 times - depending on the type (and price) of the paintings. well pass air, are vapor-permeable, do not emit harmful substances. In general, a good choice if you are satisfied with painted walls.

Liquid formulations

Is it a mixture of cellulose, cotton, and sometimes chemical? fibers with a coloring pigment and an adhesive composition. There are two forms of release: ready-to-use in the Vedas or in bags for dilution with water. Apply with spatulas to the prepared surface. It should not be ideally even: the layer thickness can be up to 5 mm, but too much consumption is financially unprofitable.

The composition is applied with a spatula. Some craftsmen use plastic plexiglass, some use ordinary stainless steel, and someone generally works with “trowels”. There are many techniques, choose the one that is most convenient for you.

According to the characteristics of the surface, liquid wallpaper for the corridor is a good option. Since the compositions are painted to the full depth, scratches are not visible, many of them can be washed not just with a rag, but also with a brush. But before buying, check all the performance characteristics and features. They may have significant differences.


There is also a group of wallpapers, in the manufacture of which natural materials are used. On the base, most often fabric or interlining, cork chips or bamboo are glued. They look great - the surface is natural. However, they have their own characteristics. The cork is torn off, which can be a problem in families with children. Some types of bamboo sheets need to be varnished, and they also need to be glued to a special glue. Although I must say that bamboo wallpaper for an oriental-style corridor is a godsend: they look magical.

Bamboo wallpaper for an oriental style corridor is a great choice

Cork look no worse with the right approach. An example can be seen in the photo. Above - wallpaper from bamboo, below - from cork.

How to glue: the choice of color and design

The color design of the corridor often has to be matched to the existing decor of other rooms in the apartment or house. And this means that you have to stick to the same range or choose from matching colors. Moreover, the choice of color is complicated by the presence of a large number of doors. It is impossible to ignore them.

The best option if you are planning multi-color wallpaper for the corridor, and you can find those in which there is a color similar to the color of the doors.

In the corridor with light doors, light shades look more organic.

If the color is too dark - wenge, for example, then you will have to beat it with a plinth and / or decorative elements, and the walls in such a corridor are definitely better than light ones: against their background, dark doorways look like decoration.

If we talk about colors in general, then you can use any. Even the dark ones. But they look good in spacious rooms with plenty of light (). And one condition: it is better to avoid variegation and small drawings. They make the room even smaller. If your corridor is small and narrow, then you will have to choose from light, neutral tones, and with a soft pattern.

In general, narrow corridors are a separate conversation. With the help of some tricks, you can achieve the effect of expanding space. For example, with a sufficient ceiling height, in a narrow corridor, approximately in the middle of the wall, you can make a strip of a different color. This technique allows you to "destroy" the walls to the sides. The effect is increased if there is a large mirror or mirrored cabinet doors on the opposite wall.

You can use striped wallpaper in a narrow corridor. But you need to look for wide bands. Narrow ones will create a variegated effect. If none are found, you can combine two colors of the same type (). If the ceilings are high, you can place the stripes horizontally, if not - vertically.

In order not to overload a small space with color alternation, the stripes are placed in fragments, the rest is glued with plain wallpaper. This, by the way, is one of the methods of combining in the interior.

One wall is striped - the rest are plain painted

How to combine wallpaper in the hallway

If desired, you can combine a strip with a large floral ornament. But it is extremely difficult to choose wallpapers from different collections without the appropriate skills. In this case, it is easier to use a single collection. Many manufacturers produce canvases with different patterns, which are combined with each other. An example of a combination of striped and floral wallpaper in the corridor is in the photo below.

By the way, pay attention, the color of the door almost exactly matches one of the stripes, and the jambs - on the other. Perhaps that is why this option looks beautiful.

There is a classic combination option: when 1/3 of the walls at the top or bottom are covered with other wallpapers. The lower part, as a rule, is made darker, the upper part is lighter. This technique visually "lowers" the ceiling, which is useful if the room is narrow and high.

The lower third is darker - one way to combine

Moreover, the lower part is not necessarily monophonic. It can be a medium-sized pattern, a strip, sometimes a monogram. It all depends on the style of the apartment or house.

Another version of the same technique is in the photo below. In this case, the darker part occupies 2/3 of the walls, and so that the room does not seem gloomy, a large floral pattern is chosen.

Wall mural

Modern technologies allow you to transfer any images to paper. With the advent of high-quality large-format photo printing, it became possible not to assemble an image from pieces, but to glue it as a continuous sheet. This looks much better. Wall murals are also used in the corridor.

But, with such a design of the walls, one condition must be observed: everything else is very calm, almost monochrome. The main focus is photography. Otherwise, something incomprehensible will turn out.

Flowers, plants, nature - the second popular motif

Wallpaper for the corridor: photo ideas

A bit of gold on the walls - new in the wallpaper design of the last season

Poppies on the wall - cheerfully

Blue wallpaper is a rarity in the hallway

Different patterns and textures in the same range - a great combination

striped corridor

For a classic interior, a classic pattern is suitable

A combination of smooth and foamed vinyl, backlighting does the trick

Below - bamboo wallpaper, above - smooth

One accent wall is lilac, the rest are neutral

Different wallpapers of the same collection

The corridor is the place where we find ourselves, crossing the threshold of the house. The first impression of your home is formed by the guests immediately after they get into this room. To make everyone like the room, you need to choose the right wallpaper for your corridor.

Most often, corridors in apartments have a small area. We will talk about how to visually increase the space with the help of wallpaper in this article.

Selection rules

When choosing wallpaper for a small corridor, you need to consider the following:

  • It is necessary to limit the use of dark colors or beat it in contrast, for example, with white doors or white furniture.
  • Bright shades, for example, red or orange, will create a festive atmosphere in your corridor, but here you need to know when to stop. Bright color must be diluted with calm pastel colors.

  • You need to choose the right drawing. If you choose striped wallpaper, then you need to take into account that vertical stripes narrow the room, while horizontal ones, on the contrary, expand it.
  • An interesting solution would be to combine wallpapers of different colors. In this case, aesthetic and practical problems can be solved.
  • When choosing a finishing material for the walls, think about whether it will be combined with the floor, furniture, whether they fit the style.


The corridor is the room that is most exposed to pollution. Therefore, you need to choose wallpapers that are easy to clean. All washable wallpapers differ in their water resistance, and to determine this, there is a special mark on the packaging. Some types can be subjected to mild wet cleaning, others can be cleaned with a stiff brush, and still others can be cleaned with special products.

Wallpaper can be made from various materials:

  • Vinyl washable. Great choice for a small hallway. High-quality and resistant to mechanical stress material, easy to clean, you can apply detergents to it. It must be remembered that these wallpapers must be carefully glued, since after applying the glue they expand slightly, and after drying they narrow, which can lead to divergence of the joints.

  • Glass fiber. Very reliable, environmentally friendly material. These wall-papers possess high fire safety, big resistance to mechanical damages. This material can be repainted many times as it is resistant to solvents. If you have pets, then they cannot damage such wallpapers.

  • Cork. Suitable only for well-lit rooms due to the ability to absorb light. They are made by applying a thin layer of cork to paper. This finishing material is environmentally friendly, durable and has a variety of eye-pleasing shades.

  • Liquid. These wallpapers, unlike the others, are applied to the wall with a spatula. With this method of application, the coating is obtained absolutely even, without joints. They are cleaned with a vacuum cleaner, and if the surface is treated with varnish, then it can be washed with a damp sponge.

  • Non-woven. This finishing material is very popular at present. Has the increased durability, durability, good decorative qualities. Due to the depth of the pattern, these wallpapers create volume, so necessary for a small room.

  • Paper. Such a finishing material, due to its low cost, is the most accessible. In addition, the advantages are their environmental safety and pleasant appearance. Due to the fact that such a finishing material is unstable to mechanical or other influences, the service life of such wallpaper is short.

The disadvantages of wallpapering include the mandatory preparation of the walls before sticking them. The surface must be carefully leveled, all cracks must be repaired.

In the process of work, it is necessary to ensure that there are no noticeable joints between the canvases.


When designing a corridor, the main attention should be paid to the illumination of this room. If for a well-lit hallway there are no particular difficulties with choosing a wall covering, then for a dark corridor you need to choose wallpaper in light and saturated colors that expand the space.

Bright colors should not be used due to the fact that they tend to absorb light.

Ornament choice

With the help of an ornament, you can adjust the surface of the wall, hide some flaws or emphasize the merits. So, for example, if the wall is uneven, then wallpaper with a geometric pattern will only emphasize its unevenness, but a canvas with a blurry pattern, on the contrary, will hide flaws.

If you stick wallpaper with a bright ornament, then your corridor will look smaller, and if with a small pattern, then this will visually expand the narrow corridor.

If the corridor is square, then a variety of wallpapers will suit it, and if the room is long and narrow, then the choice will be much more difficult. Finishing material with a large and clear ornament should not be used., otherwise your corridor will visually turn into a cramped and stuffy room.

A corridor with horizontal striped wallpaper will appear longer, and narrower if you choose a material with a vertical stripe. For such premises, it is best calm neutral pattern.

If you have a wide corridor, then the best choice for it would be striped wallpaper with narrow vertical ornaments that visually increase the height of the room.

If you want to make your hallway more comfortable, get fashionable textured wallpaper imitating tiles, fabric, wood and other materials. If you want to decorate the corridor with paintings, you can get by with ordinary wallpaper of the same tone.

For a small corridor, you should not purchase a finishing material with a large pattern, because it will reduce an already small space. Canvases with a bitmap or with a projection effect will help to visually expand the hallway.

For a small corridor or hallway, you can choose any wallpaper to your liking, but if the room is square, choose finishing materials that level out its shortcomings. For example, you can use wallpaper with vinyl chips - due to the small pattern on the general background, the space will seem more spacious.

It is important to remember that the pattern on the wallpaper should be smaller than the furnishings of the corridor.

Decorative techniques

When choosing a finishing material for walls, pay attention to its texture. In accordance with the idea of ​​the designer, you can choose canvases for stone, leather, plaster, textiles, wood, frescoes and other options. At the same time, do not forget that for the hallway you need to choose easy-care materials.

To create an unusual, original environment in your corridor, you can use various techniques:


You can stick dark wallpaper in the lower half of the wall, and lighter in the upper half. They will add light and make the corridor visually wider, and the dark bottom will be an obstacle to wall pollution.

When decorating with combined wallpaper, you need to carefully consider the selection of shades so that they blend well. For example, you can paste over part of the wall near the floor with a canvas with a vertical pattern, and above - with plain or finely ornamented wallpaper. The connection of these types of wallpaper is made out with a baguette, selected in accordance with the design of the entire room.

To draw attention to the pattern on the canvas, you can use various moldings, panels and applications. So you can create an individual, unique design in your corridor.

If you have a long and narrow corridor, different wallpapers on opposite walls will look beautiful, subject to the combination of color and pattern.

For example, on one wall there will be wallpaper in the form of a floral ornament on a greenish background, and on the other - a canvas with vertical beige stripes. You can visually expand the room with this finishing option.

If in a long corridor the wall near the entrance is pasted over with darker wallpaper with an ornament, the opposite wall with lighter wallpaper, and an arch or paneling is built at the junction, then such a corridor will look shorter. So you can get two different functional areas.
