Interesting competitions for children by April 1. Fun competitions for April Fool's Day for children

What holiday, and especially on April 1, can do without funny contests? Of course not. Prepare everything you need for the contests, and you will be in a good mood.

Go around the barriers

Fragile objects, crystal or porcelain cups are laid out in an intricate order on the floor. The participant is invited to practice in neat stepping over obstacles. During this time, the participant remembers the order of the items. Then the player is blindfolded and offered to follow the same path, while all objects are removed from the floor. The participant, straining his memory, tries to remember the location of objects, “steps over” them. He does not realize that there are no more obstacles.


Write and then put up comic ads. For example, you can try to sell the inheritance of Madame Petukhova, the ad might look like this: “Sale! Inexpensive! Table set - 16 places, living room set - 14 places, walnut, work of master Gambs. Do not forget to write the name, surname and phone number of the seller, i.e. your friend or acquaintance. There are a lot of things that can be sold: an astrolabe, an organ, a one-year-old bull, a samovar, galoshes, also a soul, honesty, conscience, laziness.

Theater of paradoxes

Put on a theatrical performance. In this case, you can combine incompatible. For example, Shrek met Natasha Rostova and dances with her at her first ball (do not forget about the reaction of others); SpongeBob SquarePants went for a walk and accidentally fell into the clutches of a diver. Beauty and the beast have changed places, now she is a monster, and he is a handsome man; L. N. Tolstoy and Daria Dontsova decided to write a series of joint novels.


The contestants are divided into teams. They must turn the following aphorisms into monuments:

1) a well-fed belly is deaf to learning;

2) stop a galloping horse, enter a burning hut;

3) if you chase two hares, you won't catch one.

Who quickly?

In this competition, you can offer to compete in the speed of pronouncing tongue twisters.

1. The parrot said to the parrot: “I will parrot you, parrot.” The parrot answers him: "Parrot, parrot, parrot!"

2. Once upon a time there were three Japanese: Yak, Yaktsedrak, Yaktsedraktse-Droni. Once upon a time there were three Japanese women: Tsypa, Tsypa-Dripa, Tsypa-Dripa-Drimpaponi. Here children were born to them: Yaktsedrak and Chick-

Dripoy - Shah, Yak with Chick - Shah-Sharah, Yaktsedraktse-Droni with Chick-Dripa-Drimiapony - Shah-Sharakh-Sharakhsheroni.

3. Jackal walked, jackal galloped.

4. Attraction sightseeing attractions.

5. The ships tacked, tacked, tacked, but did not catch.

6. A goat goes with a slanting goat, a goat goes with a slanting goat.

7. You can’t over-speak all tongue twisters, you can’t over-speak.

Guess the number

Surprise your guests! Ask everyone to think of one whole number and do the following mathematical operations with it:

1) add to the intended number the number following in order;

2) add 9 more to the result;

3) divide the number by 2;

4) subtract the originally conceived number. After the guests have counted, announce to them that you know what number they got in the end. It's the number "5"!

sing a song

Participants of the competition are given notes with names in advance. It is best that these are serious people, for example, politicians (Ivan IV the Terrible) or writers (L. N. Tolstoy, V. A. Zhukovsky). Each of them must sing a given song as if it were performed by his famous hero. Songs are best taken with a humorous, life-affirming content (for example, "Smile" by V. Shainsky).

tightly bound

For this test, two long ropes are needed. Two teams are recruited with the same number of people, the team that quickly passes the rope through the clothes of each team member wins.

Great cook

Papers are laid out on two tables with the following words: flour, eggs, yeast, kerosene, salt, sugar, jam, gasoline, vanillin, cabbage, mushrooms, dog, milk, computer mouse, water. Two participants are called, their task is to choose ingredients for a sweet pie from the proposed list.

Theatrical ability

For the competition it is necessary to form two teams of participants. Each participant is offered a specific role, and the teams, in turn, act out the scenes they have been given. For example, the first team could perform a skit called "Sea square dance" described by Lewis Carroll in Alice in Wonderland. And the second command is the trial of Quasimodo from the "Notre Dame Cathedral" by Victor Hugo.

Guess your name

At the entrance, a sign is attached to the back of each guest with his new name, for example, an animal (hedgehog, ostrich) or a literary hero (Snow White, Cheburashka). Guests see the names of all participants in the evening, except for their own. By the end of the evening, they must learn it from other guests, who can only answer “yes” or “no” in response to questions.

Aspiring poet

You can invite participants to try their hand at writing. You name the first line, and they must come up with a second, rhymed one. For example: “Weird Day is class!” Approximate continuation: “We congratulate you on it!” Suggest to come up with a continuation of the following poetic lines:

1) a ram says to a ram...;

2) ran away from the hospital...;

3) tomorrow at school, and we ...


Two participants are called, they are offered cards with puns, their task is to unravel the words encrypted in puns: erenva (jam), tykofen (sweets), ovmok (carrots), ekfo (coffee), karonyma (pasta), omokol (milk), iranabk (bagels), ftolerak (potatoes).

gypsy girl

Several people are called, who, sitting on chairs, must perform the dance "Gypsy".

At the same time, music can be both suitable for this event, and not very, for example, from the repertoire of modern performers or masterpieces of world classics (J.S. Bach, W.A. Mozart, P.I. Tchaikovsky, etc.).


The central characters of this competition are the “riders” and their dashing “steeds”. The role of the former is played by two players, and the latter are two chairs with the signs "Rocinante" and "Bucephalus". The task of the “riders” is to ride on the “horses” to the opposite side of the hall, where there are vases with sweets. The time of the competition is limited, therefore, the higher the speed of each of the “horses”, the more sweets their “riders” will receive.

Pop the balloon

2-3 (the more, the better) balls are tied to the legs of the participants. Under incendiary music, players must pop the balls tied to the legs of opponents. The one who bursts more "enemy" balls with the least losses will win.

I want you to have fun

You can achieve a lot in life.

Only a cheerful person

Always the luckiest!

You are joking, relax

Don't forget about family!

And health in addition to you

Fortunately, joy, good luck!

Laughter is a necessary and useful thing for everyone. Healthy laughter in a cheerful company not only improves mood, but also improves health. So let's laugh, tell funny stories from life and, and give each other smiles.

When children grow up, this day becomes more and more interesting for them. I would like to make a small good holiday. In today's article, I have collected several options for comic entertainment for children and with children.

You can spend several comic contests and games for children.

Contests and games for children on April 1

Competition "Spring has come!"

There are two people in the competition. For each of them, we prepare a set of winter clothes in advance - a jacket, a long scarf, a scarf, mittens, boots. Participants put on all this treasure and stand side by side. At the opposite wall from them, two chairs are placed.

A signal is given - a whistle, a clap, the music turns on. The task of the players is to run to the chair, take off one piece of clothing, run back, touch the leader with the hand, run to the chair again, take off something else, etc. The one who quickly took off all winter clothes and returned to the start of the start is considered the winner!

Attach the tail

Remember in the cartoon about Winnie the Pooh how the donkey lost his tail?

So, we print out a picture with a donkey, color it. Separately cut out the tail. And we give the task to the children: with their eyes closed, attach the tail to the donkey Eeyore.

The game "Mom, unravel the thread"

This game, of course, is more fun to play in a big company. The leader is chosen - "Mom". All the rest, holding hands, try to intertwine with each other so as to resemble a tangled ball of thread. After that, she is called “mother” and she is asked: “Mom, unravel the thread, carefully, do not tear it!”. The task of the driver is to try to unravel the ball without breaking the clasped hands.

Competition "The most serious"

Arrange a competition between children: who can remain serious the longest. At the same time, you can ask them funny questions, tell jokes and make faces.

Prank "Confusion"

When walking with a child, deliberately confuse the names of surrounding objects. See a cat, say - "Look, there is a dog." Call a tree a flower, a traffic light a TV, a bird a cow, the sun a rain, and so on. Even small children will very quickly understand that you are joking and will begin to play along with pleasure.

Contest "Who will dare whom?"

The game is the opposite of the “most serious”. The task of children is to laugh, and laugh the longest! After all, the one who stops laughing last will be the winner!

Game "Feed Me"

Children are divided into pairs. One child sits on a chair and opens his mouth. The second child is blindfolded and given an apple. Task: feed an apple to your friend sitting on a chair. Lots of fun - guaranteed!

Clothespin game

We attach clothespins in advance (20-30 pieces, depending on the number of children) around the house - to curtains, toys, books, etc. Task for children: find and bring as many clothespins as possible. Whoever has the most clothespins is the winner!

Having plenty of running and having fun, you can entertain children comic riddles. So you kill two birds with one stone: and “wake up” a sense of humor and develop logic (By the way, you can even play at all).

Comic riddles for children

  • Where is the end of the world? (Where the shadow begins.)
  • How many peas can go into one glass? (None. Peas don't walk by themselves!)
  • Why do people walk? (On the ground.)
  • How many eggs can you eat on an empty stomach? (One - the second will no longer be on an empty stomach.)
  • Who speaks all languages? (Echo.)
  • Why is the dog barking? (Can't speak.)
  • What kind of comb will not comb your head? (Petushin.)
  • Which tree does a bird land on during a heavy downpour? (To wet.)
  • Which question cannot be answered in the affirmative? (Are you sleeping?)
  • What is between the window and the door? (Letter "I".)
  • Can I bring water in a sieve? (You can - a piece of ice.)
  • Which clock shows the correct time only twice a day? (Which are standing.)
  • What disease on land does no one get sick with? (Nautical.)
  • Are hands pronouns? (When they are you-we-you.)
  • What happens to a crow after three years? (She is in her 4th year.)
  • What needs to be done to saw off the branch on which the crow sits without disturbing it? (Wait until she flies away.)
  • Seven brothers have a sister. How many sisters are there? (One.)
  • What does half an apple look like? (For the second half.)
  • Three ostriches flew. The hunter killed one. How many ostriches are left? (Ostriches don't fly.)
  • What bird is made up of a letter and a river? ("Oriole.)
  • My father's son, not my brother. Who is it? (I myself.)
  • What is the scariest river? (Tiger.)
  • What is thrown when it is needed and picked up when it is not needed? (Anchor.)
  • The more of them, the less weight. What's this? (Holes.)
  • What ribbon cannot be woven into a pigtail? (Machine gun.)
  • Which knot cannot be untied? (Railway.)
  • Which fields do not grow grass? (On the brim of the hat.)
  • What dishes can not eat anything? (From empty.)
  • What horse doesn't eat oats? (Chess.)
  • How do day and night end? (Soft sign.)

You will find even more fun riddles in the article "".

Animated Products

Once I met this funny joke on the Internet and it really sunk into my soul. The idea is that while the children are not seeing, for example, sleeping, you need to stick eyes on all the food and bottles in the refrigerator. A child who looks into the refrigerator in the morning will at least have a pleasant surprise!

If suddenly you have in the morning
The whole back turned white
Got a call from the bank
That you have been given a million
Take a look at the calendar
Tear off yesterday's leaf,
And look at the date
It's the first day of April.
Drop everything here
Forget sleep and laziness
And congratulations on April Fool's Day,
All the people you know!

How do you fool around with kids? Or what interesting draw did you have to hold or become a participant in? Share with us in the comments!

Wishing you smiles and laughter,

We invite you to watch a fascinating video on our video channel "Workshop on the Rainbow"


To acquaint children with comic games and competitions;

Develop thinking, memory, ingenuity;

Cultivate a sense of humor.

Event progress:

Leading: good afternoon guys! Today we have a fun day - Laughter Day. April is the month of pranks, the month of humor, laughter and good mood.

1 student:

Come here people

Both left and right!

We celebrate Smile Day

Jokes and fun!

2 student:

Come here people

And let's get acquainted!

May for many years

This day will be remembered!

Game "Funny Monkeys"

Children have to depict what is said in the text.

We are funny monkeys.

We play too loud.

We clap our hands

We stomp our feet

puff out cheeks

jumping on toes

And even to each other

Let's show the tongues!

Together we jump to the ceiling,

Let's put a finger to the temple.

Let's stick out our ears,

The tail is on top.

Let's open our mouth wide.

We will make faces for everyone.

How do I say the number "three"

All with grimaces - freeze!

One two Three!

The one who makes the funniest face wins.

1 student:

Blindfold my eyes

Turn a little.

We can't go

Faithful road.

Competition "Artist"

Participants must draw with their eyes closed what the leader says.

  1. student:

Let's go randomly.

Beware the passerby!

On the road.

All over me!

Competition "Train"

Everyone stands one behind the other, holding on to the belt in front of the one standing. He runs fast, changing direction frequently and unexpectedly. The players must follow him and at the same time not break away from the train. The unhooked must dance or perform another task.

The song "The moon shines"

Performed by girls with staging.

Competition "Sweet Prize"

There is flour on the tray, sweets are hidden in the flour. Mouth to get candy.

Competition "Strong hand"

Each player is given a newspaper. Children take one end of the straightened newspaper: who will quickly gather the newspaper into a fist; while you can not help with the other hand and press the newspaper to yourself.


Educator: Roma, how many can you count?

Roma: Until the end.

Educator: Well, count these cubes.

Roma: One, one, one. Everything.

Mitya (looks at his watch): Today is Friday.

Educator: Why?

Mitya: since the arrow is at five, then it's Friday.

Why didn't I see you at practice? the teacher asked the student.

Probably because I wasn't there.

Children draw winter. One Petya sits idle.

Why do not you work? his teacher asks.

And I have already painted winter, - the student answered.

Where? - the art teacher is surprised. - You have a blank sheet of paper!

That's right, Petya replies. Winter is clean and white. It was cold outside, and everyone ran home to warm up.

1 student:

Got a new game

Not an easy task!

It's time for us to get down to business

And show diligence!

Competition "Tie a scarf"

You need to tie a scarf on the balloon and draw a face.

2 student:

Seven riddles - seven riddles

Waiting for the daredevils.

Seven riddles - seven riddles

Come out! Who is ready!

Riddles competition.

Which animal has a name that does not match the color of its coat? (Squirrel)

When is the temperature of the sparrow lower - in winter or summer? (Same)

What bird is called the "shepherd deceiver"? (nightjar)

What key can not open the door? (Violin)

What note is put in the soup? (Salt)

Seven children on the stairs began to play songs. (Notes)

No ears, but hears, no hands, but writes. (Record player)

Spaghetti Dance Competition

2 participants from each squad are invited. You need to take spaghetti in your mouth from both ends and dance like that. Whose couple will last the longest.

1 student:

We are all waiting for fun right now,

Gathered here for laughter

We will overcome sadness and boredom,

We will find a lot of joy!

Chastushki performed by girls.

Put your ears on top

Listen carefully.

Cheerful ditties

We will definitely sing for you!

We went to the circus in class
The focus has been removed.
After everyone's tricks
The diaries are gone!

Valya was tormenting her comb,
I did my hair for school.
It hurt, it hurt
And it turned out to be a scarecrow!

All the guys in our class
They love to stand out.
Who draws, who sings
As long as you don't study.

The school year has begun
The clock ticked
And the question bugs me:
Are holidays coming soon?

write off math
Allowed Lenka,
What do you have to kiss
With her at recess!

Competition "Laughter"

Everyone who wants to play. The players form a large circle. In the center is the driver with a handkerchief in his hand. He throws the handkerchief up until the handkerchief flies to the floor, everyone laughs out loud. A handkerchief on the ground - everyone is silent: whoever cannot stand it and laughs - sits down. How many of the most seasoned children will remain.

1st and 2nd student together:

May your heart be more cheerful

Let there be fewer mistakes.

All dropped masks and faces of friends

Blossom with a million smiles!

We wish you not to know fatigue

Walking on the white set

And we want to wish you a happy life

And kind - like this music!

Song based on "They teach at school ..."

Performed by students

Put blots on a notebook
And draw on the desk

Forget to learn poetry
And laugh at "Upchi!"

Pull braids and flowers
Talk to friends on "you"
They teach at school, they teach at school, they teach at school,
Sticking gum on a chair
Create a fun buzz.
They teach at school, they teach at school, they teach at school,

Kick the soccer ball out the window
Eat a bun under the table
They teach at school, they teach at school, they teach at school,
10 years just walking
And ruin exams
They teach at school, they teach at school, they teach at school.

Fun and funny costume contestthat the children prepared at home.

mini disco

On April 1 April Fool's Day, it is customary to have fun and play pranks on friends and acquaintances. You can also play fun games and contests with them. Moreover, it was for April 1 that we came up with such funny contests. They will cheer everyone up and make even the most serious people smile. So play, have fun and remember that you need to live with a smile not only on April 1, but every day of the year, even if there is no reason for this.

Competition 1 - man-woman.
All participants are divided into two teams, men and women. And each team chooses captains. After the captains have appeared for men and women, the leader says that they should switch teams. That is, the captain of the men passed to the women and vice versa. And the task of the other team members is to make a woman out of a man, and a man out of a woman in a certain time. To do this, you can use cosmetics, clothing accessories and anything. Whoever gets it more believable and more fun, that team wins.

Competition 2 - guess who.
This competition needs people who want to. As soon as those who wish have appeared, they are brought out transparent glasses with liquids. The main thing is that in each glass the same thing is poured. It can be salt water, sweet water or even vodka. Glasses are placed in front of the participants and they are given straws through which they will have to drink. The host says that one has vodka poured in a glass and you have to guess who has it. And do it by facial expression. Therefore, while the participants are drinking the liquid, others are closely watching everyone and guessing who has vodka in the glass. And then they make their guesses. After everyone has spoken, the facilitator announces that everyone had salt water in a glass.

Competition 3 - competition of riders.
For this competition, you need the same children's four-wheeled bicycles. And also to make a small track, along which the participants will ride. Whoever overcomes everything first, he won. But this is not the main thing, the main thing is how adults will ride children's bikes. It will be funny and fun.

Competition 4 - race in buckets.
For the contest you need empty iron buckets. Participants are divided into two teams, and each team is given two buckets and one broom. At the command of the leader, the first team members stand with their feet in buckets and, moving in this way, go to a certain place. Having reached this place, they take a broom and also come back. Then the second participant makes the same path, only he takes the broom from the first participant and carries it to where he took it. Etc. Whichever team goes through everything first wins.

Competition 5 - with fins and binoculars.
As you may have guessed, you need fins and binoculars. And also it is necessary to arrange empty buckets in a row so that they can be bypassed. Participants put flippers on their feet and pick up binoculars. You just need to look through the binoculars in the other direction so that it reduces. And so it is necessary to go the whole distance, bypassing the buckets and not touching them. Here you can without a winner, the main thing is that it will be funny.

Competition 6 - clothespin.
Participants are given clothespins. And they must clamp them with their teeth in the place where they are unclenched. And then the participants are invited to come to the table, press the clothespin with their teeth so that it opens, and take a piece of lemon or orange into it. And then, holding a piece in clothespins, bring it to the finish line. So you can arrange whole competitions in teams.

Competition 7 - announcement.
This is a creative contest. Participants need to come up with an ad that says they are renting a dog kennel. Naturally, you need to come up with a funny ad. Whoever gets the funniest wins.

April 1 - this Day is not included in any calendars of significant dates and national holidays, but it is celebrated with equal success in Russia, Germany, France and even in the East. In some countries, April 1 is called April Fool's Day, in others - April Fool's Day. How to play on April 1 of your friends, work colleagues and just passers-by? In Russia, April Fools' jokes became fashionable under Peter I. Everyone jokes on April Fools' Day. So be on your guard, and, of course, stock up on a set of fresh jokes and surprises yourself! In general, have fun, because a minute of laughter is as good for health as a kilogram of carrots.

Game "April jokes"
The company announces that now everyone will play one very funny game. Everyone should stand in a circle, squat down, put their hands on the floor and catch on with the neighbors on the right and left with their little fingers. Then the presenter affectionately addresses the neighbor on the right, “Vasenka, you know how to play the April jokes game.” To which the neighbor on the right should answer: “No, Andryushenka, I don’t know how to play the April jokes game,” and then turn to his neighbor on the right with a similar question: “Mashenka, do you know how to play the game“ April jokes ”? The answer follows, and so on in a circle. When everything goes in a circle and again reaches the leader, the leader rises, (shakes himself), looks at everyone from top to bottom and says: “I know how to play the game “April jokes, why are you sitting here like fools ?!”.

Drawing for April 1 "Guess the fairy tale"
In the company, a victim is selected and sent out the door (in the sense, from the premises). Next, the rules are explained to everyone. The victim must guess a very famous Russian fairy tale, which was supposedly guessed by friends. The victim is required to ask leading questions that can be answered unequivocally “yes”, “no”, “I don’t know”. The rest answer "yes" if the question ends in a vowel, "no" - if it ends in a consonant, "I don't know" - for "b", "b", "y", "y". Thus, the victim, asking questions in turn to each of the players, completely comes to a standstill in his logical guesses, it is then that you can have mercy (if everyone has already laughed enough) and inform the victim about the rules.

Funny April 1 "My neighbor"
The driver comes in and begins to ask in turn all those present about who they all thought of from those present. You can only answer yes or no. The joke is that everyone answers about their neighbor on the right.

Draw "Motorcycle"
The victim is chosen. She is forced to pick up a box of matches from the floor with the help of two matches. After he manages to do this, make him stomp on the floor with his right foot. If everything works out, the host loudly announces that this is how a motorcycle is started in a madhouse.

Game "Pharaoh"
A girl is chosen and her eyes are tied. Bring her to the table on which someone is lying. Take her hands and apply to different parts of the body lying. At the same time, each time you say: “Here is the leg of the pharaoh, here is the belly of the pharaoh, here ...”, and at the end the hands fall into some kind of salad, and you say: “But the brains of the pharaoh.” The result is unpredictable.

Game "Zoo"
Each participant in the game is called an animal (very quietly, so that the others do not hear). Everyone stands in a circle and holds hands. It is explained to each that as soon as the name of his animal is pronounced, he must very quickly squat down. And his neighbors in a circle should not allow him to do this. The host begins to talk about his trip to the zoo. First, he pronounces any animal, then another and another, and gradually comes to the name of the desired animal. The meaning of the draw is that everyone is guessing the same animal. And the whole circle flops together on the floor.

Game "Labyrinth"
It is necessary that the majority of those who have gathered earlier do not participate in this. In an empty room, a long rope is taken, and such a labyrinth is stretched so that a person, passing, sits down somewhere, steps over somewhere. A person starts up, it is explained to him that he must go through this labyrinth blindfolded, he must remember the labyrinth and he will be
suggest. When they begin to blindfold, the rope is removed ....

in my pants
Everyone sits in a circle and everyone tells their neighbor (clockwise) the name of any movie. He remembers what he was told, but tells his neighbor a different name, etc. (it is desirable that as few people as possible be aware of the matter) When everyone has said, the presenter says that it is necessary to say the following phrase: “In my pants ...”, and then - the name of the film that you were told. It's pretty funny if it's "Battleship Potemkin" or "Pinocchio".

One two Three!
The game, for non-compliance with the rules - some kind of fine, for example, a bottle of champagne The guesser pronounces the conditions to the Player: The guesser: “I say one, two, three. You repeat "three" and remain silent for exactly a minute. After that, as a rule, a question of the type follows, but you won’t make me laugh, you won’t tickle, they honestly say “no”. Guessing: "One, two, three"; Player: "Three" Guessing: "Well, you lost, you shouldn't have repeated it." Player: "Yes, you said it yourself (or something like that)." As a result, if the player is not completely brake, the moment of silence is interrupted. What the Player is immediately informed about.

Cheerful little tailor
To play, you need to assemble two teams in which an equal number of men and women. They all stand in a line (man - woman - man - woman). Two tailors are chosen. Each of them receives a small wooden stick, into which a long woolen thread is threaded (it is better if it is twisted into a ball). At the signal of the leader, “sewing” begins. For men, the tailor threads threads through the trousers, and for women through the sleeves. The tailor who "sews" his team faster wins.

The game "Puffy-cheeked lip-slap"
You need a bag of sucking sweets (such as "Barberry"). 2 people are selected from the company. They begin to take turns taking candy from the bag (in the hands of the host), put it in their mouths (swallowing is not allowed), and after each candy, say loudly and clearly, looking into the opponent’s eyes: “Thick-cheeked lip-slap”. Whoever stuffs more sweets into his mouth and at the same time says the “magic phrase” will win. I must say that the game takes place under the cheerful shouts and whoops of the audience, and the sounds made by the participants in the game lead the audience to complete delight!

Draw "The most dexterous"
The game is played by 3 to 5 people. It is better if these are men after a certain consumption of alcoholic beverages. They come out, stand facing the audience. The host gives each of them a plastic bottle (1.5-2 liters), which each of them puts in his pants. But not entirely, the main thing is that the bottle should hold. The bottles are prepared in advance, their bottom is pierced into a small, most importantly, into an inconspicuous hole. Next, the leader gives each of them a mug of water and a spoon, with which they need to scoop the water from the mug into their own bottle. This operation is coming at speed. Men do not immediately notice the catch. At first it seems that they are spilling past the neck. But when someone the most lively scoops up the last spoon, and the leader asks to get the containers, then, looking at the empty bottle, they realize that he poured a whole glass into his pants. It has been verified that the drunker a person is, the faster he scoops water into his bottle.

Jokes on April 1 "The strongest"
Men - participants in the game are offered to do push-ups several times on a strip of wallpaper. After they are offered to repeat this, but blindfolded, you need to grope for a sheet of wallpaper, take a position and who will do more push-ups. In the meantime, the men are blindfolded - the wallpaper is turned over, and on the other side, naked silhouettes of women are depicted in natural growth. Fans count the number of push-ups, cheering them on with jokes and advice.

Let's have a drink
Everyone can take part in the game. The number of participants at the same time depends on the number of props. Props: gymnastic hoops (preferably plastic), beer (cola, sprite, etc.), preferably in glasses (it will be more original), but it can also be in jars or bottles. It is necessary to twist the hoop on the belt (arm, leg, neck) and at the same time drink (try to drink) beer (cola, sprite, etc.). The winner can be determined by several parameters: who will drink faster, who will not spill, who will be able to drink at all. Well, and so on.

All participants stand in two circles - internal and external. One player has a hat on his head, you need to put it in your circle. There is only one condition - to transfer the hat from head to head, without touching it with your hands. The team in which the player number one is again in the hat wins.

The game is played by two people. Everyone holds a spoon with an orange or a potato in their teeth. Hands behind the back. The task is to drop your opponent's orange with your spoon and not let yours drop. For the most daring, use an egg instead of an orange.

Hedgehog gloves
Male players are given thick winter gloves. Their task is to fasten as many buttons as possible on the shirt or robe that is worn over the clothes of their partner in the game.

Burn, burn, my candle
The players are tied to ropes, to the ends of which are attached either matchboxes or moistened cotton wool. A lit candle is placed in front of the players. Contestants need to extinguish the candle as quickly as possible without the help of hands.

Eh, apple!
The game requires a large basin of water. Several apples are thrown into the basin, and then the player kneels in front of the basin, holding his hands behind his back, and tries to catch the apple with his teeth and get it out of the water.
Belts are fastened to the waist of the players, to which an apple is suspended on a rope. A board with nails is placed in front of the players. It is necessary to “prick” an apple on a nail (plant) as soon as possible.

Games for April 1 Erotic
A woman and a man, preferably little known, are tied to her belt a frying pan of a middle size, and to him - a ladle. Then they need to make as many hits with a ladle on a pan (or vice versa) as possible in a minute. Spectators also make their assessments on the technique of execution and the volume of the hit.
As a variation, you can tie a fork to both of them, moreover, from behind and so that each fork hangs at the level of its (!) knees. The task is to catch the forks while standing face to face. It is especially interesting if the participating couple are of different heights.

Competition for April 1 "Ha-ha-ha"
The players sit in a circle, and one of them says "Ha" as seriously as possible. The next one says "Ha ha", the third one says "Ha ha ha" and so on. Whoever says the wrong amount of "Ha" or laughs is out of the game.

One, two, three game
The guesser pronounces the conditions of the game to the Player. Guessing: "I say one, two, three. You repeat "three" and you are silent for exactly a minute." After that, as a rule, a question of the type follows, but you won’t make me laugh, tickle, honestly say no. Guessing: "One, two, three"; Player: "Three" Guessing: "Well, you lost, you shouldn't have repeated"; Player: "Yes, you said it yourself (or something like that)." As a result, if the player is not completely brake, the moment of silence is interrupted. What the Player is immediately informed about.
