Crispy pickled cucumbers in jars as cask. How to make pickled cucumbers in jars without the hassle: pour cold water

Pickling cucumbers in jars, like barrel ones, is quite realistic. To do this, you must use only suitable products, as well as strictly follow all the recommendations of the recipe.

As a rule, cucumbers in jars, like barrel ones, are harvested by those housewives who do not have a cellar in which such an appetizer could be stored throughout the winter. It should be noted that in terms of their taste and crunchiness, such vegetables are in no way inferior to those made in the classical way. Moreover, it is not necessary to store them in the cold. Canned jars can be kept at room temperature, but only in a dark place.

We make cucumbers (like barrel ones) in jars for the winter

To get the most delicious and aromatic snacks, you should use only young vegetables of small sizes. Cucumbers should be intended for pickling, not have large seeds and hard skins. If large and overripe fruits are used for such a preparation, then it will turn out not very tasty and, moreover, not like the one made in barrels.

So how should cucumbers be harvested in jars, like barrel ones? For this you need to prepare:

We process components for homework

Cucumbers, like barrel cucumbers, are harvested quite simply in jars for the winter. All vegetables are processed first. They are thoroughly washed and laid out in a deep basin with ice water. Cucumbers should be kept in this way for several hours. Such processing will allow the vegetables to remain tough and crispy.

Other components are also prepared separately. All greens are thoroughly washed and scalded with boiling water. As for the garlic cloves, they are peeled and left whole.

Formation of vegetable preparation

How to pickle barrel cucumbers in jars? First you need to prepare the container. For this, three-liter glass jars are used. They should not be sterilized. Dried dill umbrellas, currant and cherry leaves, horseradish root and whole garlic cloves are alternately laid out at the bottom of the container, and by the way, the last ingredient contains substances that allow cucumbers to remain crispy and dense.

The number of cherry and currant leaves can be changed at your discretion (up or down). As for oak leaves, they should not be abused. An excess of such a component will make the peel very tough and tasteless.

After all the greens are in the jar, fresh vegetables are also tightly placed in it. (straight to the top). A pod of hot pepper is also sent there. The last ingredient should be used at your own discretion. If you want to get a spicy snack, then adding it is a must. If not, then it is better to refuse pepper.

Making brine and marinating vegetables

Before pickling barrel cucumbers in a jar, you should prepare the marinade. We make it at the rate of 40 g of table salt per 1 liter of cold water. The components are thoroughly mixed until the spice is completely dissolved. After that, the brine is poured into the jar (up to the top) and immediately covered with multilayer gauze. In this form, in jars, like barrel ones, they leave it for 3-4 days. During this time, the brine should turn sour and cloudy. By the way, for some cooks it even becomes moldy.

The final step in the preparation of snacks

After the specified period, mold is removed from the surface of the snack (if it has formed), and then the brine is poured into a metal container and brought to a boil. After a few minutes, it is again poured into vegetables, which are immediately rolled up.

Now you know how to cook barrel cucumbers in jars. After rolling the container, it is turned over and wrapped in a warm blanket. In this state, the product is kept warm until completely cooled. Then it is cleaned in a dark place and stored for about six months. By the way, you should eat such a snack only after 1-2 months. During this time, the cucumbers will fully “ripen”, become crispy and very tasty.

Cooking pickled cucumbers in jars, like barrel

Above, you were presented with the easiest way to prepare barrel cucumbers in glass jars. However, there is another method for creating such a snack. To implement it, we need:

  • young cucumbers (without large seeds and thick skins) - about 1.5 kilos per 3-liter jar;
  • (umbrellas) - 3 small pieces. to the bank;
  • blackcurrant leaves (fresh) - 4 pcs.;
  • cherry leaves (fresh) - 4 pcs.;
  • oak leaves (fresh or slightly dried) - 2 pcs.;
  • horseradish root - 3-4 cm long per jar;
  • garlic cloves - 5 pcs. to the bank;
  • fine salt - 40 g per 1 liter of liquid.

Cooking process

In jars, like barrels, they are made in almost the same way as in the above recipe. Vegetables are washed, kept in ice water, and then laid out tightly in a pre-prepared container. By the way, all greens are placed in jars in advance, as well as dried dill, horseradish root and garlic cloves.

As soon as the prepared ingredients are in the container, pour fine salt into them and shake well. After that, they are poured with ordinary cold water from the tap. In this form, cucumbers in jars, like barrel ones, are covered with a glass lid and left at room temperature for exactly one day. A day later, all the brine is drained from the vegetables (into a deep saucepan), and they themselves are thoroughly rinsed with cold water (right in the jar). Bay cucumbers with the same marinade, they are again left for 24 hours.

The described actions should be carried out 2 more times. On the third day, the drained brine is boiled over a rapid fire and poured into the jar again. If it is not enough, then add a little water from the kettle to it. After that, the vegetables are immediately rolled up and turned over.

How and where to store pickles?

Having wrapped the blanks with a thick blanket, they are left warm until completely cooled. At the end, jars with barrel cucumbers are cleaned in a dark place.

Canned blanks should be opened only after a month. If you do this earlier, then the vegetables will not have time to absorb the flavors of the additives, they will turn out fresh, soft and not very tasty.

You can use such an appetizer along with the second and first courses, as well as with alcoholic beverages.

The undisputed leader of consumption on any table has always been and will be cucumbers, especially pickled ones. Barrel cucumbers enjoy constant love. With this recipe, you can cook the same ones in jars at home, delighting and surprising your loved ones with excellent homemade pickles. It will come in handy for any table, especially in winter.

Required Ingredients

To prepare a three-liter jar of barrel cucumbers, you will need the following ingredients:

  • cucumbers - about 2 kg, depending on size;
  • salt - 100 g;
  • horseradish - 2 sheets
  • dill - 2 sprigs;
  • garlic -1 head;
  • water - 1 l.

How to cook

Preparatory stage:

For pickling, you need to choose the right cucumbers. To get a delicious pickle, they must be dense, preferably even and beautiful. It is not necessary to pickle overripe fruits, as they have hard bones, as well as a tasteless peel.

  1. Soak them for 2 hours in cold water.
  2. Then rinse them thoroughly under running water.
  3. Trim off the ends on both sides.
  4. Rinse well under running water and dry the horseradish leaves and dill.
  5. Cut them into small pieces, about 5-6 cm.
  6. Peel the garlic.

Let's start the process:

  1. Wash the jar, dry it, pour boiling water over it.
  2. Lay dill with horseradish on the bottom.
  3. Next add the garlic cloves.
  4. Put the cucumbers in a jar. Put the largest ones on the bottom, the smaller ones on top.
  5. Salt dissolve in 1 liter of cold boiled water. Pour it into a jar of cucumbers.
  6. Add water, if necessary, to completely cover the cucumbers.
  7. Cover the jar with a lid, but not tightly.
  8. Leave the jar for 2 days in a warm place.

At this stage, you should have lightly salted cucumbers that can already be eaten. To cook real cask, you have to tinker a little more.

Real barrel cucumbers

  1. After this time, drain the brine into a separate pan. To do this, it is better to use a plastic lid specially designed for conservation. However, you can carefully drain the water in the usual way.
  2. Boil the brine and pour it back into the jar.
  3. Tightly roll it up with a lid, previously steamed with boiling water. To check the tightness of the seal, turn the jar upside down and look for bubbles coming out from under the lid.
  4. Wait until the jar has cooled down thoroughly.

How to store

  1. After that, put the jar in a cool place for several months. Of course, the cellar is best suited for this purpose.
  2. Cucumbers take only a couple of months to acquire the desired taste.

After this period, you will be able to enjoy the unearthly taste of barrel cucumbers, which perfectly complement meat and fish dishes. They can also be used as an ingredient in salads, and the brine will be an excellent base for pickle soups. Cucumbers turn out to be just as crispy as traditional cask cucumbers, which are the unchanging love of almost all connoisseurs of pickles.

Before describing the cooking processes, I want to answer the important question of most housewives: why do cucumbers become soft and not crispy when pickled?

If you're also experiencing this problem, chances are you're cooking without vinegar. I advise you to add a small amount to each jar. For most, this method has helped keep cucumbers from going limp and maintaining elasticity.

Cold pickled cucumbers for the winter

Products that we need in the fermentation process:

  • One and a half kilograms of fresh cucumbers;
  • Three pieces of horseradish leaves;
  • Approximately five to seven pieces of cherry leaves;
  • Tops of dill (umbrellas) - three or four things;
  • Three tablespoons of table salt;
  • Four cloves of garlic;
  • Peppercorns - at will and taste preferences.

This is the average amount of ingredients needed to make one 3-liter jar of spin.

  • Thoroughly wash one and a half kilograms of cucumbers, dry with a towel. We take a three-liter jar and begin to carefully put vegetables and spices with herbs into it so that they are arranged in layers in the jar.
  • Pour a cup of drinking water, dissolve three tablespoons of salt in it. Pour the resulting mixture into a jar, add drinking water so that it reaches the neck. We wait for the natural fermentation process (three or four days) and put it in a cold place.

Housewives take note! Voids are a common problem in cucumber fruits. To avoid, I recommend pouring washed cucumbers with cold water before salting and leave for six hours.

How to understand that jars need to be cleaned in cold places? Before this step, make sure that the natural fermentation process in the jar is complete. The main signal is the turbidity of the liquid. In no case do not forget about the cucumbers that you leave to roam. Be sure to add water to the jar if it decreases, otherwise the fruits may become moldy and the workpiece will be damaged.

I hope you enjoy this recipe as much as I do. Bon Appetit!

Pickled cucumbers with mustard in jars, like cask

All we need:

  • Nine to ten kilograms of fresh cucumbers;
  • Two garlic heads;
  • Dill umbrellas - three or four pieces;
  • 50-70 cherry leaves;
  • One horseradish root;
  • Half a glass of mustard powder from a bag;
  • Salted brine;
  • Horseradish leaves - at will and taste preferences.

This recipe is designed for several blanks at once, because stocks for the winter are never small. For this reason, stock up on three-liter jars.

  • The first step here is rather preparatory. As in any recipe, before you start responsible harvesting for the winter, you need to make sure the quality of the products. Soaking will help to keep dense, elastic and smooth cucumbers without voids. We wash them, put them in a large container for six hours and fill them with cold water.
  • Let's move on to the cooking process. You can salt in the container that is more convenient for you, I prefer three-liter jars. We take a jar and put mustard, some spices and leaves on the bottom. Put a few cucumbers on top of the greens. Then again put the leaves and spices in equal amounts, continuing to the end, so that you get a kind of multi-layered sourdough.

Interesting fact! Mustard can be put not in its pure form, but wrapped in a small cloth bag. So she will give all the taste to the cucumbers, but will not settle on them or stir up the brine.

  • Fill the jar to the top with salted brine. It is made on the basis of an approximate proportion - 200-300 g of salt per 3 liters of water. We close the jar with a transparent lid and leave to ferment.

Advice for all housewives! Cucumbers will turn out much tastier if you periodically remove the lid and rinse it with very hot water.

After the brine has become cloudy, you can put the jars in a cold place and enjoy delicious cucumbers, like barrel ones, all winter.

Recipe for pickled crispy cucumbers under a nylon cover

Many people like to eat sour pickled cucumbers on winter evenings, and someone even prepares them for the festive table. I think this is due to their rich taste and comparative ease of preparation. It turns out that cooking methods largely depend on the lids that cover the jars during fermentation. Now I want to talk about a recipe where we need ordinary nylon lids.

Ingredients needed to ferment cucumbers:

  • Three kilograms of fresh cucumbers;
  • Three to four cloves of garlic;
  • A bunch of dill (divided into branches);
  • 10 grams of horseradish leaves (one leaf);
  • Six pieces of cherry leaves;
  • Two tablespoons of table salt.

Once again, the first step of the recipe begins with preventive measures to eliminate voids. We wash the cucumbers, cut off the buttocks and put them in containers filled with cold water for five to six hours. After this period, you can start the main cooking process.

  1. We need three-liter jars. We take one such jar and begin to lay out a pyramid of spices, cucumbers and leaves. Cherry leaves and horseradish leaves, garlic and dill are sent to the bottom. After that, lay the cucumbers in a dense layer.
  2. On top of them we put a clove and a sprig of greens, cucumbers again, and so on, until the top of the multilayer blank reaches the top of the jar.
  3. We dissolve two tablespoons of salt in a glass, pour the concentrated solution into a jar, then fill it to the top with drinking water.
  4. We put the resulting mixture under a nylon cover and leave to ferment for several days in places where sunlight does not penetrate.

When about five days have passed, the cucumbers can already be tasted by the whole family, the preservation process is completed. I hope everything works out for you and your loved ones will appreciate all the efforts!

For those who like to watch the entire cooking process directly, I recommend watching an interesting video:

Recipe for iron lid

As I already mentioned, cucumbers can be rolled up both under a nylon and under a tin cover. Now I would like to focus on the recipe using the latter method.

Today we need:

  • Three kilograms of fresh cucumbers of medium or small size;
  • Six currant leaves;
  • horseradish root;
  • Garlic - three cloves;
  • Fresh dill - a few twigs;
  • Lavrushka - 2 sheets;
  • Peppercorns at will;
  • Cloves - optional;
  • Salt - two tablespoons.

At the very beginning, always make sure that in the future there are no annoying feelings about a spoiled dish and futile efforts. To do this, we do preventive procedures so that there are no voids in the cucumber fruits.

  1. Fill the container with thoroughly washed cucumbers with cold water and leave for six to seven hours.
  2. Give the crunch and a special flavor to the cucumbers in this recipe horseradish roots. Wash them and cut into small pieces. Garlic in this case also occupies a leading position in giving taste to the dish. I usually put in 2 cloves, but you can put in as many as you want, it won't spoil the taste of the dish.
  3. We put currant leaves, horseradish, parsley, garlic, cloves and dill at the very bottom of the jar. Here, if desired, you can add a little tarragon. Then we put the cucumbers in dense layers to the top of the jar.
  4. We dissolve about 180 grams of salt in 3 liters of water and pour cucumbers with this mixture so that the liquid completely covers them. We close it under an iron lid and put it in a dark place for three days, while the fermentation process takes place.

Just a few days, and you and your household will be able to appreciate the taste of the finished dish. Don't be afraid to experiment with spices and add too many ingredients. Find your ideal proportions and enjoy the delightful sensations.

Above, I shared my favorite recipes on how to make delicious pickled and crispy cucumbers. There is nothing difficult in preparing pickled cucumbers for the winter in a cold way in jars, and even to taste like barrel ones, since all the ingredients are available, and you don’t need to sit in the kitchen for a long time. Get ready for the winter period with special attention, keeping all the vitamins that summer has given us.

Barrel cucumbers are the most delicious. In addition, they are healthier than salted and pickled due to lactic acid, which is required by the body for metabolic processes. If there is no barrel, cucumbers according to this recipe can also be pickled in jars.

There are several methods for harvesting cucumbers for the winter. When actually salting, only salt is used. When pickling, one of the acids is added to the jars: acetic, citric or tartaric.

Cucumbers in barrels are preserved according to the fermentation method - product fermentation. As a result of this process, lactic acid is produced in cucumbers, which prevents vegetables from spoiling. Only this method gives cucumbers a unique smell and taste, appetizing crunch and density.

Useful lactic acid contains vegetables cooked with a small amount of salt. There are many vitamins in this product. Barrel pickled cucumbers compensate for the lack of fluid in the body, inhibit the activity of harmful bacteria in the intestines, and lower cholesterol levels.

The most valuable are barrel cucumbers prepared by pouring cold brine without subsequent pasteurization in hot water.

Preparing for salting

For pickling, it is advisable to use the freshest cucumbers that do not require pre-soaking.

Cucumber selection

Not every cucumber is suitable for cold pickling in a barrel way. Vegetables choose:

  • young, by no means overgrown;
  • medium size (10–15 cm);
  • even and dense;
  • without damage and abrasions;
  • no signs of decay or stains.

It is desirable that all the cucumbers in the jar are about the same size.

Soaking cucumbers

Purchased vegetables will have to be soaked. This is necessary so that they are filled with liquid lost during storage. In addition, such fruits may contain nitrates, which, when soaked, will mostly dissolve in water.

It is not worth soaking for a long time, at most - for 6 hours. Water is used very cold. You can keep it in the refrigerator or add ice to the container.

Water needs to be changed frequently - preferably every hour.

Spices for salting

To make the cucumbers tasty and fragrant, put a lot of greens: dill (leaves and stems with green seeds), tarragon, horseradish leaves, parsley, savory, basil, celery.
Horseradish is required, as it will protect the blanks from the formation of mold.

The remaining herbs are chosen according to their preferences, but always fresh. It is desirable that they were collected in the morning. Their total amount is 60 grams per three-liter jar. For 10 kg of cucumbers, on average, you need to take about 600 g of spices, almost half of which is dill.

For strength and crunch of cucumbers, you can put oak, cherry, currant leaves.

For a spicy taste, horseradish root, pepper, garlic, bay leaf are added to the brine.

What kind of salt to take

It is better to salt and ferment cucumbers with coarse rock salt.

Iodine should not be used. The main reason is that potassium iodate, which it contains, slows down the fermentation processes. Sometimes cucumbers fermented with iodized salt can be bitter, lose their density or acquire an unpleasant odor.

A large amount of salt also inhibits fermentation: cucumbers will be salted without having time to develop lactic acid.

The ideal ratio of salt to the main product is 600-700 grams per 10 kg of cucumbers.

To speed up the fermentation process, you can add a little sugar - 1-2% of the brine volume. Sugar is especially useful in the case when the cucumbers are slightly wilted or too large.


You need to ferment in glass jars with a volume of at least three liters, otherwise the product will not ferment properly.

Cucumbers are salted in enameled buckets, tanks or pans, since hermetic closure for pickles is not required. But if you plan to store the blanks for a long time, then it is better to transfer the cucumbers to jars before lowering the stocks into the basement.

Mandatory stage - washing and sterilization

Cucumbers are washed thoroughly, but gently. Try not to damage the skin, otherwise rotting processes may develop, and this will destroy the blanks.

The greens need to be sorted out, the coarse parts, yellowed and sluggish leaves removed, and the roots cut off. Wash it under running water or in a bowl, changing the water at least four times.

The roots of horseradish and parsley are carefully washed and cleaned. Scales are removed from garlic and divided into cloves, which are used whole or cut.

Banks or enameled containers are washed with soap and soda. Rinse thoroughly. They must be sterilized for at least 10 minutes in boiling water or over steam.
After washing, nylon covers are poured over with hot water.

A quick recipe for harvesting barrel cucumbers in jars

According to this recipe, salting cucumbers is very simple. But they require a suitable storage location - a cold basement or caisson. And it is very important to strictly adhere to the cooking technology.

Zelentsy should be the same size and without any damage. For the top layer, you can take smaller cucumbers. They are washed clean. You don't need to cut anything.

Seasonings are placed at the bottom of sterilized three-liter jars - horseradish leaf, garlic (3-10 cloves), dill (leaves and stem), peas (black and allspice).

You can add parsley, tarragon, oak leaves, blackcurrant, cherries.

It turns out very tasty if you put a washed and peeled thin horseradish root 10 cm long on the bottom of the jar. It can be cut into small pieces.

fermentation process

Cucumbers are set vertically, tightly. Between the rows it is desirable to lay an additional layer of greenery. Smaller cucumbers are placed horizontally so that the jar is completely filled. Spread another layer of spices on top and, of course, a horseradish leaf and a sprig of dill with green seeds.

Prepare the brine. The amount of liquid depends on the fullness of the container. A three-liter jar usually requires 1.5 liters of liquid. The exact volume is easy to calculate if you fill the jars with clean water and measure its amount with a large measuring cup.

For the brine you will need:

  • water - 1 l;
  • salt - 50 g.

Ideally, if there is good well water. You can not even boil it - the cucumbers will turn out tastier. It is allowed to use bottled water or passed through a filter with a high degree of purification.

The salt is stirred until completely dissolved, after which the liquid is filtered through 4 layers of gauze.

Tap water will need to be boiled. This will kill germs and make it easier for the salt to dissolve. The brine must be completely cooled and filtered.

It remains to fill the contents with cold brine so that the water reaches the edges of the jar. The neck is tied with gauze. The jar is placed in a large bowl or basin, since foam forms during the fermentation process, so a little liquid will pour through the edges of the jars. At the same time, a wonderful smell of lightly salted cucumbers will appear.

How long will it take

The fermentation process lasts 2-3 days. The timing depends on the temperature in the room where the banks are.

If the room is warm, then in 2 days everything will be ready. This will be seen by the appearance of a whitish suspension in the jars - this is lactic acid. It will quickly settle, and the brine will become transparent. The foam will stop appearing, the smell will change a little, but remain pleasant.

If the house is cool, cucumbers will ferment for another day.

Thus, on the third or fourth day, the jars are closed with clean nylon lids (but not sealed tightly!) and put away for storage. If this is not done on time, the cucumbers will peroxide. They will no longer be so tasty, strong and crispy. The smell will become sour.

It should be borne in mind that in heat such blanks will quickly deteriorate. Cold-fermented cucumbers should be stored at a temperature of 0 to -3°C. If it is not possible to urgently take the blanks to a cold place, you can put them in the refrigerator for 2-3 days.

In a caisson, cucumbers prepared in the “barrel” way are stored for a whole year without changing their taste and density.

Recipe for barrel cucumbers for nylon lids

If there is no way to store cucumbers fermented like in a barrel in a caisson or a cold basement, you can leave the jars in the apartment. But before that, the brine must be boiled.
First, pickle cucumbers, as in the previous recipe. After 3-4 days, when the vegetables are ready, the brine is drained.

Wash ingredients (options to choose from):

  • rinse the cucumbers together with herbs without taking them out of the jar;
  • take everything out of the jar and rinse separately;
  • wash the cucumbers, and replace the herbs and spices with fresh ones;
  • Rinse everything, and replace the greens of only the top layer completely.

Brine processing:

  • boil the brine in a separate bowl, while removing the foam;
  • replace all brine with fresh (1 tbsp. salt per liter of water);
  • Sterilize jars in low-boiling water for 20 minutes without removing or rinsing anything.

After washing, cucumbers and greens are placed back in the jar and poured with hot brine. It's better to do it twice. The first time the jars are covered with lids, kept for 5-10 minutes, drained and boiled again.

The jars filled with hot brine are hermetically sealed with tight nylon lids. They are not flipped. The heat is covered and left to cool, after which it is removed to a permanent storage place.

In this way, you can salt cucumbers not in jars, but in a saucepan or tank. And only after fermentation, transfer to jars.

Pickles prepared with this method will be slightly different than cold-poured, but still very tasty and crunchy.

If there are no suitable storage conditions for cucumbers fermented as barrels, and there are fears that the jars may "explode", you can add a little vinegar during the last boil. But these will be already pickled cucumbers, although with a different taste than with conventional canning.

Cucumbers for the winter with mustard as barrel

Cucumbers pickled for the winter with mustard will never grow moldy. In addition, this seasoning will make the preparations even tastier.




1 cucumbers 2 kg Wash thoroughly, soak for 2-3 hours
Cold water pour over cucumbers
2 Salt 2 tbsp. l. Dissolve salt in water by boiling for 2-4 minutes
Water 1.5 l
3 Dry mustard 1–3 tbsp. l. Stir in brine, cool
4 Leaves of oak, currant, horseradish, cherry 2–4 pcs. Put half of the total amount on the bottom of the prepared jars.
horseradish root 5–10 cm
Basil, tarragon 2-3 branches
Peeled garlic 1-2 heads
5 Rinse the cucumbers with clean water and put them in a jar in even rows, filling it as tightly as possible.
6 Leftover herbs and garlic Lay on the top layer of cucumbers
Umbrella dill with green seeds 1–2 pcs.
7 Pour the cucumbers in jars with the cooled brine to the very top.
8 Close with tight nylon lids and put away for storage

Greens put any to taste. For spiciness, you can add a piece of bitter or 10-20 black peppercorns.

Cucumbers according to this recipe will need 2 months to ripen.

Salting barrel cucumbers for the winter in a hot way

Cucumbers as barrels can be prepared by hot pouring. Such salting will allow you to store stocks at positive temperatures at home.

Stage Ingredients Quantity


1 cucumbers 2 kg Soak for 3-4 hours
2 Water 1.5 l Prepare the brine in a cold way (if you want to boil water, then it is completely cooled)
Salt 100 g
3 Currant and horseradish leaves, dill, parsley taste Put on the bottom of a sterilized jar
Peeled garlic 4-5 cloves
peppercorns 10 peas
4 Put the soaked cucumbers tightly in a jar, place the remaining greens and 1-2 dill umbrellas on top. Tie with gauze
5 Leave to ferment for 2-3 days
6 Drain the fermented brine into a saucepan, boil, removing the foam
7 Pour cucumbers with hot brine, soak for 5-10 minutes
8 Drain the liquid again and bring to a boil again.
9 Pour the boiling brine into a jar. Roll up with a sterile metal lid

Before pouring cucumbers a second time, you can add vodka - 3 tablespoons. This will not affect the taste, and the brine will be protected from spoilage. For the same purpose, a pinch of mustard seeds is placed on top of the contents of the jar.

But you can not use the old brine, but replace it with a new one. In this case, 1.5 tbsp. l. salt.

After sealing, the jar is placed down with a lid and covered with something until it cools completely.

Recipes for preserving cucumbers for the winter

Crispy pickled cucumbers in jars - an easy, quick and tasty preparation for housewives. It does not require culinary skills and will save you time...

1 hour

4.5/5 (2)

To save you time and effort, share some more helpful tips., which are sure to come in handy when canning:

  • you need to use only rock salt, as the jar may explode, or the cucumbers will turn sour;
  • everything that you put in jars must be washed thoroughly so that the brine does not ferment and the cucumbers do not deteriorate;
  • for sterilization, jars should only be placed in a cold oven so that they warm up evenly and do not explode;
  • you can add a little mustard seed to each jar so that the jars do not explode;
  • to make the cucumbers very crispy, you can add a small piece of oak bark to the spices in each jar;
  • if you cut off the tails of the cucumbers or make several punctures with a fork, they will be soaked with brine faster;
  • it is necessary to sterilize the covers: boil the metal ones for 15 minutes, and thoroughly wash and scald the capron ones.

Storage and use

Pickled cucumbers are a truly versatile dish. They are added to, or eaten just like that, cut into pieces, and adding a little chopped garlic and vegetable oil. Store pickles better in a cold place: cellar, refrigerator or even on the balcony.

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