Pea leaves can be used as a fertilizer. Miraculous tops of carrots: useful properties and contraindications

Choose the perfect tried and tested carrot tops recipes online. Try variations with various herbs, learn how to keep the green doctor fresh for a long winter, useful qualities and contraindications. Traditional medicine stores a large baggage of ways to help the body. So why not use this knowledge in cooking!

There are so many vital substances in the green carrot tops that the brilliant reputation of the carrot itself fades before it. In leaflets, the content of vitamins and microelements is hundreds of times more. This is vitamin A, vitamin C - the main support of immunity, the rarest natural vitamins of group B, which are responsible for the state of the nervous system, liver and skin. We must also remember about microelements (Ca, Fe, Na, K, Zn, Se, I, Cu, F), due to the lack of which the vital activity of cells is simply impossible. For daily consumption, fresh tops are harvested as soon as strong green leaves appear. To stock up on greens for future use, you need to collect it before picking carrots.

The five most commonly used ingredients in carrot top recipes are:

Interesting recipe:
1. Thoroughly wash carrot tops and all spicy greens under running water.
2. Dry. Finely chop.
3. Add garlic, salt. Stir.
4. Arrange in sterile containers.
5. Store in the refrigerator.

Five of the fastest recipes from carrot tops:

Helpful Hints:
. Carrot tops can also be harvested by drying or freezing.
. It is recommended to use it as a seasoning for the first or second, decoctions and tea.
. It is not recommended to use carrot tops for allergies, exacerbations of peptic ulcer, increased acidity of the stomach, and intestinal disorders.

Everyone knows that humus is good for the soil. In autumn, after harvesting vegetables and flowering of flowers, there is a lot of tops left. What tops are useful to dig into the beds, and which are not?

It is very useful to lay plant remains of green manure plants in the ground - for example, white mustard, as well as oats, rye. They are specially grown for this purpose.

You can bury the tops of peas, beans.

Diseased plant residues should never end up in the compost heap. Plants have many different fungal, bacterial, viral diseases. The causative agents of various diseases do not die even after the decomposition of plant residues. With the compost, they get into the beds and again infect the plants. All that remains of such affected plants must be burned. Only such an effective measure will reliably protect the site from recurrence of diseases. It is imperative to collect and burn cabbage roots, stalks affected by clubroot, tops of tomatoes and potatoes and onion leaves on which powdery or downy mildew has developed.

Of course, everyone knows the fact that humus is very useful for the soil. For example, in our garden in the country, for the entire summer period, we do not throw out any waste from the garden and tops from plants, but put everything in a specially designated barrel for this. So we get excellent humus and when the time comes we fertilize a certain bed with it. For example, we picked radishes, carrots, green peas, rhubarb or beets, and, as already mentioned, we put the tops in a strictly designated barrel, everything will come in handy on the farm. It is especially useful to bury the tops of the following plants - these are the tops of peas, the tops of beans, the tops of white mustard, the tops of rye and oats - thanks to this tops, atmospheric nitrogen is better absorbed.

The main rule: we bury the healthy and useful, and we burn the sick so as not to spread the infection.

Very useful plants that absorb nitrogen from the air are: beans, peas, beans, lentils, mustard. Therefore, if you have an empty garden bed in your garden, do not let weeds grow there, but plant what seeds you have a lot of, even parsley or dill.

If you can buy green manure seeds (rapeseed, rye, oats, alfalfa, lupine, tagetis, calendula flowers), then plant them immediately after harvesting the main crop. Even if, due to the cold weather, they do not have time to sprout in the fall, they will sprout in the spring. do not be afraid, they will not clog your beds if you then chop them twice with a chopper.

Tops, which rarely suffer from viral and bacterial diseases, and can be buried: from beets, carrots, onions, garlic, dill, parsley, lettuce, turnips, radishes, strawberries, zucchini, pumpkins. If affected - only burn, drying before that.

The tops of cucumbers, tomatoes, potatoes, cabbage and peppers are most often affected. It is almost always burned.

All tops from vegetables: carrots, beets, radishes, radishes, etc.- also cropped old garden strawberry leaves, always leave on the beds. From above, you can fall asleep with a thin layer of manure or compost, you can simply sprinkle it with earth.

Tops from lupine perfectly pereperevaet, enriches the earth. This plant can be used as a green manure.

Very useful to bury aerial part of chrysanthemums and marigolds. The greenery of these plants has a very good deterrent effect for pests such as bears and ants. The stems are dried in the fall, tied in bunches, and in the spring, when vegetables are planted, they are added to the holes. You can simply bury it in ditches around the perimeter of the beds.

A wonderful fertilizer that enriches the soil with nitrogen is tops of peas and beans.

Tops of potatoes and tomatoes it is not recommended to use in beds, because some infections, such as late blight or brown rot, can infect the soil, and, therefore, new plantings will begin to suffer from these diseases in the spring. The tops of these vegetables can be left on the surface of the earth for the winter. Under the influence of frost and other natural phenomena, it will freeze and rot faster. In early spring, such biomass can be buried in beds for any plants except nightshade (tomato, potato, pepper, eggplant).

You can also use the tops for mulching the soil. Without organic matter and moisture, the soil turns into a desert, since the creators of fertility - beneficial microbes and earthworms - cannot exist. Therefore, in order not to impoverish the soil, after harvesting it is good to mulch its haulm beds. By spring, everything rots. The earth becomes nutritious, loose, structural, there are a lot of worms in it.

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We already have a lot of such unnecessary, seemingly, “grass” at our dacha, so I can tell a little about what we do with it.

Yes, the tops are good to use as groundbait.

You can take a large barrel well, or a bucket. We put nettles in them, you can add beet tops and water for sure. It is necessary to insist this porridge for quite a long time, then it stinks terribly. We set far from the house therefore.

Water the plant at the roots for a great harvest.

Also, the tops of tomatoes and potatoes can be used in a greenhouse. Only you need to lay them when, of course, nothing grows in your greenhouse. We dig about two shovels.

You can use tomato tops like this:

the tops should be passed through a meat grinder to get a dry mixture. It's better dry. And then just dilute it with water. Mom makes a glass of water for 40-60 grams of tops. We take hot water. We insist, then dilute to one liter. Great product is ready!

Potato tops can be burned. Ash will also be useful to you!

Many summer residents and gardeners have literally waste-free production. They know how to use everything they get from their beds. Including tops vegetables. But at the same time, the plants must be healthy - this is a prerequisite!

So, carrot tops has a specific smell that the onion fly does not like (and the carrot fly does not like the smell of onions). Therefore, it is recommended to place beds with onions and carrots nearby so that they repel insects with their aromas.

Tops of carrots and beets can be used for mulching, for example, you can just leave it in the garden before winter, and then dig up the soil.

And you can lay them for rotting in a compost heap and use them in a year and a half or two. It will be an excellent fertilizer for the garden, as a source of potassium, nitrogen, iron and other useful substances.

Tops of tomatoes should not be affected by late blight and other diseases. It contains the poison solanine, which plays a positive role in pest control. A decoction or infusion is made from the tops of tomatoes and any plants affected by aphids are sprayed. Experience shows that this remedy completely replaces tobacco.

Tomatoes, thanks to their tops, prevent aphids from attacking those plants next to which they grow. And besides aphids, tomato tops have a detrimental effect on caterpillars, spider mites, herbivorous bugs, that is, this tops exhibit insecticidal and fungicidal properties. Prepare the infusion as follows:

Just before use, do not forget to dilute the resulting infusion with water in a ratio of one to four.

Similarly, healthy tops of tomatoes can be laid in a compost pit. You can burn it to obtain valuable ash, which is used as fertilizer.

potato tops It is used to combat many pests (aphids, moths, scoops, caterpillars, fleas, spider mites, and so on). You can use the following solution to spray plants from harmful insects:

If the tops of potatoes are burned, then we get the most valuable fertilizer - ash, which contains potassium, phosphorus, boron, iron, and so on.

It is also advised to simply chop the tops of potatoes and dig into the ground - it perfectly fertilizes the soil.

When laying potato tops in a compost heap, it is better to shed them with copper sulphate and not touch them for three years so that the existing late blight fungus dies.

In autumn, after harvesting, there is always a huge pile of tops left - this is carrot tops, beetroot tops, tomato and potato tops, and many other plants. All this tops is a valuable organic raw material, which in no case should be thrown away. There is a law of the circulation of substances in nature - what is taken from the soil must return back there. Of course, in the case of an artificial agricultural system, which is any garden or orchard, it will not be possible to achieve the return of everything seized - after all, we eat grown vegetables, fruits and berries, but we make up for the lack with fertilizers.

The tops remain in the garden and must be returned to the ground, that is, used to prepare a compost heap. This is the best way to use tops. For example, for many years I put all the tops either in a compost pile or buried in the ground. Even the tops of potatoes and tomatoes - it rots perfectly by spring. Of course, they say that it is possible to contribute to the development of phytophthora in this way, but I did not notice this and this seems to me an exaggeration. First of all, because phytophthora is a fungal disease that is carried by spores, and spore maturation occurs much earlier than harvesting. Therefore, phytophthora spores, if it has penetrated your site, are already in the ground in any case, and in any case, in the fall or even spring, you should spray the former potato and tomato beds with copper sulphate to prevent this disease.

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Many of us cut vegetable tops and then throw them away. Such an attitude towards tops is completely undeserved, because not only root crops, but also shoots of plants sticking out of the ground are tasty and healthy. From the tops of some types of plants, delicious, gourmet dishes are obtained. In addition, folk medicine often uses decoctions and infusions from the leaves as effective means of treating many diseases.

Our ancestors were well aware of the excellent taste and useful properties of the tops: it was used quite widely in the traditional cooking of Russia. Borscht was cooked with tops, as well as soups, cereals and meat dishes were made, pies were baked, and even kvass and desserts were prepared.

Beet or carrot tops are an excellent basis for borscht cooked in the Russian traditional spirit. In addition, Russian people traditionally added beet tops to cold beetroot and okroshka. There was also a special dish made from tops in Russia - botvinya. That woman who could not cook botvinya was considered a bad housewife, so they did not marry. It is impossible to imagine traditional Russian borscht without beet tops.

Why did our ancestors value vegetable tops so highly? The leaf parts of beets, radishes, and carrots contain many minerals and vitamins. In addition, the tops contain a sufficient amount of ascorbic acid, which helps to strengthen the walls of blood vessels and resist the blues. It also contains folic acid, which is extremely beneficial for the nervous system. Also in the tops there are B vitamins, iodine, calcium, magnesium, as well as potassium and iron.

Of course, in its raw form, it is unlikely that anyone will like the tops, but as an additive to various dishes, it is quite appropriate.

Beetroot tops can be used to prepare dietary vegetable salads. It contains a lot of fiber, so it provides fast satiety. Before use, beet tops should be thoroughly washed, poured over with boiling water and then chopped finely with a knife. This will make the leaves tender and soft, remove the specific aftertaste.

Beet tops go well with radish, cucumber, as well as spinach, lettuce, nuts, herbs and other products. The most suitable dressing for a salad made from beet tops would be oil (vegetable) with lemon, pomegranate or apple juice, balsamic vinegar, mayonnaise or sour cream.

Tops are also added to main courses - meat or vegetable stew, meatballs, etc. in order to enrich them with fiber and reduce calories. Beet tops are an excellent basis for filling pies. If you wish, you can prepare the tops for the future - for this you can dry it, ferment it, salt it, preserve it with any vegetables.

Dishes from beet leaves are most useful for people suffering from anemia, diabetes, diseases of the heart, blood vessels, thyroid gland and other endocrine pathologies.

In the old days, with headaches, the beet leaf was ground into gruel, which was applied to the forehead for a quarter of an hour, after which the headache passed.

With conjunctivitis, a crushed beet leaf is applied to the patient's eyelids.

A decoction of beet leaves helps with constipation: a spoonful of leaves (a tablespoon) is poured with boiling water, after which it is infused until it cools. A glass of decoction is drunk per day.

With pigmentation or freckles, a slurry of leaves is applied to the skin of the face, which is previously wiped with a soda solution.

Beets are also used for cracked skin, as well as for long non-healing wounds. In these cases, the juice of the leaves or gruel from them is used, as well as a decoction, which is used to wash wounds or use to prepare compresses. For cracks and diseases of the feet, a decoction of the leaves is used for foot baths.

The antitumor effect of the beet itself, as well as the tops of this plant, has also been proven.

There are many trace elements and vitamins in radishes, and the nutritional value of the tops is not inferior to the fruits of radishes. The tops of radishes have a special taste and aroma. This tops can be added as greens to vegetable salads, put in borscht or cabbage soup, added to meat when stewing.

Radish tops are used for medicinal purposes, for example, to get rid of fungal infections of the foot. In this case, the tops are dried, the powder is ground, and then the legs and places between the fingers are sprinkled with this powder.

No less useful is carrot tops, which are added to salads, soups and casseroles, boiled fish soup with it, make a marinade used to preserve vegetables, and even make tea. Our great-grandmothers used a decoction of carrot tops to rinse their hair in order to strengthen them and activate growth.

Fresh carrot tops are a little bitter, so they douse it with boiling water or pour boiling water for a quarter of an hour - this allows you to get rid of bitterness.

To remove sand and stones from the bladder, a compress consisting of cloth soaked in a decoction of seeds and carrot tops is placed on the lower abdomen after the bath. A similar compress is made for polyarthritis, adding more grated carrots, as well as onion juice.

Hemorrhoids tea is made from carrot tops. Also, an infusion of this tops is used for cystitis, for bleeding, and also for fibroids. Lotions with a decoction of carrot tops help with various skin problems - allergies, psoriasis, dermatitis, etc.

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As the harvest in the garden accumulates more and more tops. A zealous owner should not lose anything: something turns out to be completely edible, something goes to compost, and the tops of diseased and infected plants are burned and ash is obtained.

The easiest way is to put all plant residues in a compost heap, but you should not do this: pathogens, if they settled on a plant, do not die during composting. You can dry and burn everything, but the green mass will not burn, which means it will take a lot of time to dry. Yes, and it’s a pity for the useful substances that have accumulated in the tops: if potassium and - partially - phosphorus remain in the ash, then nitrogen compounds will evaporate.

The tops of nightshade plants are not suitable for pet food, as they contain compounds that are harmful to them. Therefore, even in the presence of livestock, such tops must be disposed of in a different way.

Tomato tops are the most problematic: in most regions, late blight attacks the plant at the end of summer, which means that the path of such tops is to the fire. Likewise with potatoes. True, potato tops dry out almost completely by the time the tubers are dug up, and there are no questions here: burning it is as easy as shelling pears. If there were no diseases on these plants, the tops can be left on the beds: during the winter it will rot, freeze, and in the spring it can be filled into the soil.

If there is a desire to put the tops in a compost pile, you will have to sprinkle it with a layer of earth there, pour it well with a solution of copper sulfate (2 tablespoons per bucket of water) and cover with a dark film until spring. In the spring, disinfection is repeated and the pile is left for another year. Often the tops are laid out around fruit trees, warming their root system for the winter and driving away pests; in the spring, the leaves will continue to rot and disappear with no visible residue.

If there were no diseases and pests on cucumbers until autumn, the tops can be sent to compost. True, cucumber lashes rot for a long time, and if compost is expected to be ready for the next year, it is better to chop them first. Actually, chopped tops can be buried right in the garden: all nutrients will remain in the soil.

By autumn, the leaves of cucumbers often turn yellow: it is advisable to find out if this is a natural process or a disease in order to know what to do with the tops

If there were problems with the cucumber bed, it is better not to tempt fate, but, pulling out the tops, let it dry for a week, and then burn it.

Beetroot and carrot tops are a whole wealth! All summer it could be eaten: first fresh in salads, then as additives in soups. And if by autumn the carrot tops remain inedible, then the beet tops are juicy until the very harvest.

You can also dry some for the winter. But a person cannot eat much, but rabbits, chickens and cattle grunt with pleasure.

Even in autumn, beet tops are edible: you can even wrap minced meat in it and cook cabbage rolls

This tops are almost never infected, so it is a pity to burn it. Yes, and it is undesirable to send to the compost, although it is possible. It will be more economical to bury it directly in the garden, and it is better to use it for mulching. If a thin layer of ready-made compost is poured on top of the tops, then almost all the nutrients in it will remain in the garden.

When removing carrots and beets, I unscrew the leaves and immediately scatter them on strawberries and under perennial flowers: some kind of warming for the winter, and by spring everything will rot and turn into natural fertilizer.

Carrot tops repel many pests with their smell, which should not be forgotten either. Both carrot and beet tops have a beneficial effect on berry bushes, under which they are left for the winter.

The tops of garden plants should not be wasted. In any case, she must serve people in her "second life". This also applies to those cultures mentioned in the article, and any others.

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A good housewife knows that sowing carrots grown in her own garden are useful not only for sweet and bright root crops. No less valuable for culinary delights and maintaining the health of all family members is the green aerial part of the culture. The medicinal properties of carrot tops were valued 4 thousand years ago. To this day, effective recipes for its use have been preserved.

In the Middle Ages, carrot tops served as an accessory for women - hairstyles and dresses were decorated with carved leaves. Modern older people also actively use the tops, in particular - for the preparation of pickles and marinades. Scientists, however, argue that even one sprig of carrot greens eaten per day can significantly improve health, supply the body with vitamins and protect against diseases of a malignant nature.

The aerial part of the carrot, called the tops, is the leaves that have come out of the basal rosette of the culture. They have long petioles, a bright green color, and a soft to the touch, unevenly pubescent surface. It is difficult to describe the shape of the sheet plate, since it is repeatedly dissected into a myriad of shares in the form of triangles. This is what gives the leaves an openwork appearance.

Although sowing carrots are biennials, the tops collected in the first year of the plant's vegetation are of the greatest value. It differs in juiciness and the content of a large number of useful substances.

The tops of carrots are greener and better, the more favorable the growing conditions of the plant. The vegetable needs watering, a sufficient amount of sunlight and moderate temperature conditions. In this case, the above-ground part will be lush, and the underground part will be weighty.

For medicinal and culinary purposes, you should not buy "tailed" carrots on the market. The ideal option is a crop grown by hand in country-garden conditions that is not exposed to harmful gases, fertilizers and chemical growth stimulants.

The reason for this is the ability of the tops to accumulate harmful substances, including salts of heavy metals, nitrate compounds and pesticides. If you had to use greens of unknown origin, you must first soak it in cold water for an hour and a half. Recipes for making carrot tops for the winter include the following methods:

For medicinal purposes, fresh and dried raw materials are ideal, for culinary purposes - fresh, salted, frozen. It is better to combine blanks, so you can provide yourself with useful greens for all occasions.

Harvesting begins in late June - early July. It is most convenient to prepare early-ripening imported varieties, which by this time give a fully developed, ready-to-eat underground part. If you collect tops from late varieties, you will have to sacrifice root crops, because they will be fully ripe only by the end of summer, or even by the beginning of autumn.

Carrots are dug out of the ground with a shovel, shaken off the ground, and the aerial part is cut off. The greens are washed several times with plenty of running water. Some people develop allergies after contact of the skin of their hands with carrot tops. To prevent it, it is better to use gloves. Spread the washed carrots on paper or terry towels in the shade so that the excess liquid is glass. After that, you can prepare the tops in the following ways.

  • Dry. Before drying, the raw material is cut into small pieces with a knife. Lay out on a sheet of paper or fabric cut. It is located in the shade in the open air. In the process of drying, turn over several times. Completely dry greens are packed in canvas bags or glass containers that are tightly closed. You can store dried carrots until the next season.
  • To freeze. The prepared tops are collected in bunches, tied with a thread, and then frozen in a freezer on a bag. After complete freezing, you need to put the tops in a bag or plastic container. You can chop the greens and wrap it in cling film. The required amount can be easily separated by tapping the workpiece with a rolling pin. Store until next season.
  • Salt. Carrot greens are chopped with a knife, poured into a bowl or pan. After the required amount is cut, the tops are sprinkled with plenty of salt. Salting carrot tops at home allows you to keep the taste of fresh herbs for three to four months if you store the container in the refrigerator. It is good to add such carrots to liquid dishes (soups, cabbage soup), and also as a seasoning for main dishes.

The popularity of carrot tops as a therapeutic and prophylactic agent is due to the increased concentration of nutrients in it, as well as their combination with chlorophyll, a plant substance with anti-inflammatory activity.

In folk medicine, it is believed that the green part of the culture is more useful than its underground part in terms of the content of useful compounds, more than 100 times. This is the reason for the predominant use of the root crop in the culinary arts, and its tops in folk healing.

The most significant substances contained in carrot greens are furocoumarins. It is these compounds that can provoke skin allergies, although they are absolutely safe when used internally. Substances protect the body from malignant tumors and contribute to the active suppression of the growth of existing structures.

  • blood purification;
  • elimination of internal inflammation;
  • antibacterial activity;
  • stimulation of regenerative processes.

Due to the combination of flavonoids, vitamin K, and potassium in the greenery, its use has a positive effect on the state of the blood and blood vessels:

  • normalizes blood clotting;
  • vascular walls are strengthened;
  • their elasticity is normalized;
  • excessive permeability is eliminated;
  • blood pressure is regulated;
  • vascular spasms are eliminated;
  • the level of cholesterol decreases;
  • vascular sclerosis is prevented;
  • the risk of proliferation of fibrous tissue is reduced.

The combination of selenium and zinc is extremely important for men. Carrot greens increase fertility, improve potency, help maintain sexual activity and childbearing function until old age.

Due to the record content of vitamin C, carrot greens have the following effects:

  • increases the body's resistance to viruses and bacteria;
  • slows down the aging process;
  • strengthens the vascular system;
  • creates the prevention of scurvy;
  • neutralizes free radicals.

Fresh and harvested tops are very easy to use for medicinal purposes. Freshly picked greens can be chopped, rubbed in a mortar until juice is released, and then spread out on a gauze cut. It is necessary to use such a tool as a compress for:

  • burns;
  • frostbite;
  • long-term non-healing wounds;
  • trophic ulcers;
  • oncological wounds;
  • bedsores.

From dried and fresh tops, you can prepare medicines according to special recipes.

Peculiarities. In addition to hemorrhoids, the remedy treats varicose veins, atherosclerosis, vasculitis, vegetative dystonia, and chronic constipation. Cleansing properties are appropriate for gout.

Preparation and application

  1. 20 g of dried raw materials are poured with half a liter of boiling water.
  2. Wrap the container, leave to infuse for ten hours. It is convenient to prepare the remedy for the night.
  3. After the specified time, the infusion is filtered through several layers of gauze, consumed inside a quarter cup up to five times a day.

Peculiarities. It is used to treat fibroids, polycystic, fibroids and gynecological inflammation of an unexplained cause.

Preparation and application

  1. 100 g of fresh carrot greens are washed under running water, placed in a steaming container.
  2. Pour a liter of boiling water over, mix with a spoon.
  3. Wrap for insisting for half an hour.
  4. After filtering through gauze, the product is consumed in small sips. During the day you need to drink the entire prepared volume.

Peculiarities. It is used against cystitis, urethritis, inflammation of the kidneys, as well as for soreness of the urinary tract that accompanies the release of kidney stones. In addition, the tool helps with enuresis.

Preparation and application

  1. Mix 5 g of dried carrot tops and 5 g of dried parsley, grind the mixture until a fine powder is obtained.
  2. Pour the vegetable powder with half a liter of boiling water, insist at room temperature for two hours.
  3. Consume up to five times a day for half a glass, preferably some time before meals.

Peculiarities. The drug obtained according to this recipe quickly eliminates rhinitis, sinusitis, sinusitis, however, it has a sharp garlic smell.

Preparation and application

  1. 5 g of tops is poured with half a glass of boiling water, insisted for half an hour.
  2. After straining, 5 ml of the finished infusion is collected in a separate small container.
  3. Add 5 ml of garlic juice to the infusion.
  4. Add 5 ml of any vegetable oil.
  5. After thorough mixing, the agent is instilled two drops into each nostril three times a day.

Peculiarities. The tool is perfect for children and adults suffering from seasonal, chronic or idiopathic allergies, manifested by skin rashes.

Preparation and application

  1. Mix 100 g of carrot greens of calendula flowers, carefully grind together.
  2. Pour the mixture with two liters of boiling water, leave to infuse for three to four hours.
  3. The resulting concentrate is filtered into the bath.
  4. The bathing procedure is carried out for 20 minutes daily until the urticaria disappears.

Peculiarities. You can brew tea from carrot tops in order to prevent the complications of diabetes, remove toxins from the body, strengthen immunity and normalize digestion. Also, the tool has a positive effect on vision, improves skin condition.

Preparation and application

  1. To prepare a decoction of carrot tops, pour a tablespoon of raw materials with a glass of boiling water.
  2. The mixture is put on a slow fire, brought to a boil.
  3. Remove from heat, insist for half an hour.
  4. After straining, honey is added. Consume up to four glasses per day.

Due to the rich composition and concentration of nutrients, the use of carrot tops is popular in home cosmetology. Products based on it accelerate skin regeneration, helping to saturate the epidermis with antioxidants. Cosmetics will improve complexion, eliminate skin problems, acne and wrinkles. A positive effect was also noted on the condition of the scalp. Tops promote accelerated hair growth and improve their structure.

Peculiarities. Regular use twice a week will help eliminate hair loss, make hair thicker, and “defeat” dandruff.

Preparation and application

  1. Combine 20 g of tops and dried chamomile together, grind the mixture until a powder is obtained.
  2. The powder is poured into a glass of boiling water, insisted for half an hour, and then filtered through gauze folded several times.
  3. Beat the egg until smooth, introduce vegetable infusion into it.
  4. Using a brush, the mask is applied to the scalp, left to act for 20 minutes, and then washed off with shampoo.

Peculiarities. Suitable for normal to combination skin with occasional breakouts.

Preparation and application

  1. 20 g of fresh, chopped carrot greens, rubbed with sage and calendula, taken 5 g each.
  2. The mixture is poured with a glass of boiling water, insisted for 15 minutes, filtered.
  3. 10 ml of apple cider vinegar and the same amount of apple juice are added to the finished infusion.
  4. After mixing, the product is applied to a cotton pad and wiped over the skin after washing.

Peculiarities. Used to eliminate oily sheen. Cleanses oily and combination skin, prevents acne.

Preparation and application

  1. 10 g of fresh carrot tops are poured with a glass of boiling water, left for 15 minutes, and then filtered.
  2. 10 ml of vodka and carrot juice are added to the infusion.
  3. 2 g of salicylic acid powder is introduced into the mixture, after which the resulting solution is thoroughly shaken.
  4. Wipe cleansed skin twice a day.

Previously, carrot tops were used for culinary purposes much more widely. In modern cooking, this greenery is rarely used along with parsley and dill. Although the desire to return to the most natural nutrition is gradually increasing the popularity of the product. It can be introduced into the composition of cold and hot snacks, soups, salads. This will give the dishes not only interesting taste qualities, but also significantly increase their health benefits.

Before adding to salads, the tops are left for 10-15 minutes in boiling water. This eliminates bitterness, significantly softens the structure of greenery.

Peculiarities. It can be a tasty and healthy main course. If you introduce an egg, fried minced meat or crushed liver into its composition, you get an unusual filling for pies.

  • rice groats - 100 g;
  • millet groats - 100 g;
  • wheat groats - 100 g;
  • carrot tops - 200 g;
  • butter - one tablespoon.
  1. Cook wheat, rice, millet groats until fully cooked.
  2. The tops are doused with boiling water, chopped with a knife.
  3. Mix with hot cereals, add salt to taste and butter.

Peculiarities. Ideal for filling envelopes folded from thin pancakes.

  • carrot tops - 100 g;
  • green onions - 50 g;
  • greens - 50 g;
  • an egg is one piece.
  1. Finely chop carrot tops, green onions, dill, parsley, quickly fry in a pan, in a small amount of vegetable oil.
  2. Mix green mixture with grated boiled egg.

Therapy with carrot tops, as well as its use with food, is prohibited in the presence of peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum. Contraindications of carrot tops also include increased acidity of the stomach, as well as disorders of the pancreas. Harm from consumption can occur due to the content of nitrates in the tops, so you need to use raw materials of known origin and soak it in water.

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Usually, we are used to cutting and throwing away vegetable tops, without attaching any importance to it, and in vain. Useful and tasty can be not only the roots of plants, but also their shoots sticking out of the ground. In addition, some types of tops make very delicious dishes, and recipes for infusions and decoctions are used as effective treatments for many ailments.

Our ancestors were well aware of the benefits and taste qualities of vegetable tops: it was widely used in traditional Russian cooking - they cooked soups and borscht with it, made meat and cereal dishes, baked pies, and even made desserts and kvass.

Carrot and beet tops are the best basis for borscht in the traditional Russian spirit, beets were put in okroshka and cold beetroot. And there was also a special dish in Russia - botvinya, and if a Russian woman could not cook it, she was considered a bad housewife and did not marry. And it is impossible to imagine the traditional Russian borscht without beet tops.

What is it about the tops, why was it so valued by the ancestors? In the leaf parts of carrots, beets or radishes, the composition of vitamins and minerals is even wider than in root crops. There is a lot of ascorbic acid in the tops, which helps fight the blues and strengthen the walls of blood vessels, a lot of folic acid, useful for the brain and nervous system, as well as high reserves of B vitamins, enough iron, potassium, magnesium and calcium, there is iodine.

Although it is unlikely that anyone will agree to eat raw tops, many chefs use it very widely in the composition of dishes.

Beet tops are great for vegetable diets. salads, as it is rich in fiber and quickly saturates. But before use, it must be washed very well on both sides, finely chopped with a knife and poured over with boiling water. After that, the leaves will become soft and tender, a specific aftertaste will not bother.

Beet tops are combined with cucumber, radish, green lettuce, spinach, greens and nuts, although you can diversify salads to your taste.

An ideal dressing for a salad with beet tops would be vegetable oil with apple, lemon juice or pomegranate juice, balsamic vinegar, sour cream and even mayonnaise!

Tops are added when preparing second courses - in vegetable and meat stews, in cutlets, to reduce calorie content and enrich with fiber. Beet tops are the basis for filling pies, and tops can also be prepared for future use - they are dried, fermented, salted, canned with other vegetables and then used in cooking in winter.

  • Dishes from beet tops are especially useful for people with cardiovascular diseases and diabetes, they will be invaluable for anemia, thyroid diseases and other endocrine pathologies.
  • With a headache in the old days, a beet leaf was rubbed into a pulp, applied to the forehead for 15 minutes, and the pain disappeared.
  • A crushed beet leaf is applied to the eyelids with conjunctivitis.
  • A decoction of beet leaves helps in the fight against constipation: a tablespoon of leaves is poured with boiling water and infused until cool, they drink the whole glass in four doses per day.
  • For freckles or pigmentation it is necessary to impose a slurry of leaves on the skin of the face previously wiped with a soda solution.
  • Beets help with long-term healing wounds, cracked skin - use the juice of the leaves, gruel from them and a decoction for washing wounds and compresses. For diseases and cracks of the feet, foot baths are made with a decoction of the leaves.
  • And also vitamins P and vitamin U help in the work of blood vessels, preventing atherosclerosis, activate metabolism and hematopoiesis, help in the treatment of peptic ulcer, gastritis and liver diseases.
  • In addition, the antitumor effect of beets and its tops has been proven.

Radish is rich in vitamins and microelements, and its tops are not inferior to fruits. It has a special aroma and taste, it can be added to vegetable salads like greens, in addition, it can be put in cabbage soup or borscht, stew meat with it.

Radish tops have a therapeutic effect and are used in the treatment of fungal infections of the foot. The leaves are dried and ground into a powder, which is sprinkled on the legs and the area between the fingers. The procedures are repeated until complete healing. The treatment is very effective.

What are useful tops of carrots, tops of radishes and beet tops

Carrot tops are no less useful than beet tops. It is added to soups, salads and casseroles, they cook fish soup with it, make a marinade for preserving vegetables, and even drink tea. Our great-grandmothers rinsed their hair with a decoction of carrot tops for their active growth and strengthening.

Fresh tops of carrots are bitter, and to remove the bitterness, you need to pour boiling water over the tops for 15 minutes or simply pour over boiling water.

  • Healing tea for hemorrhoids is brewed from it - pour 1 teaspoon of tops (dried in a dark place) with a glass of boiling water and insist, drink a glass of medicinal infusion in several doses during the day. The average course of treatment is about two months.
  • Useful carrot tops and with cystitis - drink pure infusion of carrot tops or mix it in equal proportions with parsley infusion.
  • An infusion of carrot tops is used for fibroids and bleeding.
  • To remove stones and sand from the bladder after a bath, a compress is placed on the lower abdomen from a cloth soaked in a decoction of carrot tops and seeds. And with polyarthritis, onion juice and grated carrots were added to them.
  • Lotions with a decoction of carrot tops make for skin problems - dermatitis, psoriasis, allergies.

Have you tried dishes with tops?

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Ecology of life. Homestead: Autumn has come, and the gardener has a heap of tops - compost heaps triumph, they swell: the tops wither on the beds, in the flower garden, from everywhere you have to take out the dying stems in armfuls. Yes, even fallen from birch leaves. As a result, questions from summer residents are becoming more frequent: what tops and what to do with.

Autumn came, and the gardener had a heap of tops - compost heaps triumph, they swell: tops wither on the beds, in the flower garden, dying stems have to be taken out from everywhere in armfuls. Yes, even fallen from birch leaves.

As a result, questions from summer residents are becoming more frequent: what tops and what to do with. There are a lot of recommendations in the books, and they contradict each other: either the tops should be taken out to the trash, or meticulously burned, or left in place in the form of mulch, or taken to the compost heap - which is right?

Practice shows that for most horticultural crops it is possible to prepare “general” compost, and only for some crops that are most vulnerable to diseases (tomatoes, gladiolus, etc.), it is better to prepare compost separately (for example, from rotten needles).

In the literature, you will find descriptions of two main methods of composting: cold (long) and hot (fast). In fact, for most of us, only a cold method is possible in a garden plot, since hot ones require too large volumes of green grass, and even chopped.

Green grass differs from stale (brown, as they say) in that it contains more nitrogen, therefore, green grass begins to decompose faster with microbes, and if it is folded into a huge pile, it warms up inside, which is why it disintegrates in a matter of weeks.

For comparison, I will describe how hot compost was made on collective farms: grass grass is sown and grown, in the fall it is cut with a combine, so that it is poured finely chopped into a truck walking behind, then it is brought to a concrete base (in the form of an inverted letter "P"), where the tractor drives back and forth on it and rams it as it arrives, and when the height of this silo mountain reaches several meters, another layer of earth about half a meter thick is piled on top for insulation.

By spring, almost clean manure can be dug out from there: the aged silage has the same color and smell. I used this material to fertilize garden plantings - the effect was like manure. In this way, today it is easy to compost lawn grass in large estates, where they keep huge areas under turfing and mow them regularly.

I repeat that we will get about the same if we use green weeds and grass from the lawn for fermentation in a barrel with herbal fertilizer in the summer. Such green grass will ferment on its own, and with small additions of nitrogen fertilizer, this will happen more actively, and the fertilizer will become more nutritious.

The cold method of composting is the creation of compost heaps from all sorts of accumulated plant residues. Usually there are two such piles - one is filled during the summer, the second ripens at this time, and so from year to year, a two-year compost is obtained.

So what about autumn foliage?

You can simply lay out the collected tops without any processing right there on the beds to suppress weeds, and dig in in the spring.

You can make a new compost heap, or throw all the tops collected in the fall onto the summer compost heap (which accumulated from waste during the season), then cover it with earth and leave it to decompose for another season, until next fall.

But what about diseased leaves and possible pests?

Regarding whether it is possible to compost the leaves of plants suffering from scab, late blight, fusarium, powdery mildew and other "terrible" diseases - I am convinced that it is possible without fear. In addition to practical experience, I rely on reasonable arguments.

Firstly, all kinds of infections and pests feed on living plant tissue, and in the compost they will have nothing to eat, and under a 10-centimeter layer of earth they will not survive, at best they will give spores, which are already abundant in the soil and in the air.

Secondly, in light of the discovery that fiber-decomposing fungi secrete antibiotics, it turns out to be ridiculous at all: a pile of decaying grass is the best place to decontaminate an infection.

Thirdly, for the appearance of a disease on plantings, it is not necessary to have spores of the pathogen (they are always present in the environment), but for these spores to get a move. This does not always happen, it depends on the characteristics of the year and on the growing conditions of plants.

Therefore, it is necessary not to destroy spores, but to create normal conditions for plants so that they grow strong. And burning tops - what's the point? This gives only psychological consolation, all the same, all disputes cannot be destroyed, we only lose organic matter.

What are the nuances in the decomposition of compost?

Here are some tips for managing compost decomposition. Decomposing any compost will speed up additional nitrogen fertilization (germs love nitrogen, as do plants).

Any plant residues will someday decompose and turn into humus (even moss, needles, duckweed, sawdust.): The rate of decomposition is affected by: moisture (compost must be watered), air access (a pile is better than a pit), temperature (a compost heap on the sun decomposes faster than in the shade), the coarseness and size of the plant remains.

Newly grown grass (lawn grass or young weeds) decomposes the fastest. Hay and fallen leaves decompose in a compost heap for about a year (and when digging into the ground - only 3-4 months).

This will be of interest to you:

Ordinary complex-composite compost in a pile of various plant residues, including food waste, decomposes for two years. The longest - several years - thick stalks of corn, sunflower, rudbeckia, etc. decompose.

a source

- Is the tops of onions and beets used to fertilize the land?

Victor Pavlovich, Rostov region, Azov district.

Onion and beet tops go well for fertilizing the soil, only in plant residues pests and diseases of vegetable crops can find shelter. Therefore, it is better not to dig them up in the places of the beds, but to lay them in compost heaps, where the tops will rot and be cleaned of harmful organisms. In a year and a half, you will have valuable compost for top dressing.

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a source

The constant disposal of plant waste is the other side of the gardening paradise medal. Starting from spring greenery and almost to the first snow, a large amount of various waste accumulates on the site, with which something needs to be done. There are especially many of them in August-September, when various crops ripen massively and, as a result, tops accumulate after harvesting - bean, pea, potato, tomato, carrot, beetroot, etc. There are years when, in addition to the tops, a large number of fruits have to be thrown into waste: a massive defeat of apples and tomatoes with various rots, damage to cucumbers, pumpkins, and zucchini. Sad situation, but there is nothing to do, you have to decide where to put it all.

A compost heap is one of the winning options. We put in it everything that fits the definition of "vegetable waste" with the exception of potato and tomato tops: it is very contagious, and contagious so much that rot spores do not decompose in the compost heap, but, on the contrary, infect the entire heap. This tops is better, after all, to burn. And the resulting ash can be safely placed in a compost heap.

A fenced compost heap looks quite aesthetically pleasing, but it has a drawback: in the spring, you have to transport humus to a place intended for beds. I will share a secret: if possible, arrange a compost heap right on the site of a future warm bed, as shown, for example, here.

This is with regard to spot beds for pumpkins and zucchini. And what to do with long warm beds for cucumbers? Yes, the same thing, only there is a small nuance: we hide all the waste inside the beds.

Here, of course, you will have to use brute male power as a digger, but the result exceeds all expectations! Right in the middle of the bed, all the soil is selected for a shovel, one and a half or two (as it should be), everything vegetable is added to this ditch. We put mowed grass there, which did not go to mulch, and rotten fruits, and old bath brooms, and carrot-beetroot-dill-pea-bean tops, and cabbage stumps with roots (pre-cut into small pieces) and everything -all.

As the ditch fills up, backfill it with soil:

And we form a bed. And in the spring - please - we plant cucumbers or peppers in this warm bed. And you don't need a greenhouse. And every year we make such a warm bed next to the previous one, so it turns out that in five years all the beds will be warm, since the waste in such a bed “burns” for three to four years. In addition, such a change of beds contributes to the observance of crop rotation.

And in a year, you will be very surprised and delighted when, when digging this garden bed, you will see a lot of earthworms that have bred in this paradise for them.

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carrot tops- a product widely used in cooking. This herbal ingredient can be added to salads, soups, included in marinades. Due to the many beneficial properties carrot tops found its application in medicine.

It should be noted that the green part of the plant contains much more nutrients than the root crop itself.

Chemical composition carrot haulm has a high content of vitamins: ( B1, B2, B3, B4, B5, B6, B9, B12, C, K, PP, D, E) and minerals ( iron, potassium, calcium, magnesium, manganese, copper, sodium, selenium, phosphorus, zinc).

In addition, greens are rich in dietary fiber, carotene and chlorophyll. 100 grams of the product contains 35 kcal.

Composition carrot tops determines its many useful properties.

They are as follows:

  • cleansing the blood of toxic substances;
  • the establishment of metabolic processes;
  • prevention of cardiovascular pathologies;
  • normalization of blood pressure;
  • positive effect on the nervous system;
  • improvement of the digestive tract;
  • healing effect in diseases of the urinary organs;
  • strengthening bone and muscle tissue;
  • prevention of cancer;
  • treatment and prevention of eye diseases, improvement of vision;
  • normalization of hormonal levels, maintenance of reproductive function;
  • increased immunity;
  • anti-inflammatory and wound healing effect;
  • beneficial effect on the condition of the skin, hair, nails;
  • prevention of premature aging.

Despite the abundance of useful properties, carrot tops can also have a negative impact on health.

To prevent this from happening, the following factors should be considered:

  1. This herbal product contains caffeine, therefore it is contraindicated for people with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, as well as for women during pregnancy and lactation.
  2. Included in haulm essential oils and dietary fiber can cause digestive problems and cause painful colic.
  3. The high content of active ingredients in the plant increases the risk of allergic reactions.

carrot tops can also be used as a remedy. In its pure form or in combination with other components, this herbal product helps with specific ailments.

Take the infusion regularly haulm(can be combined with parsley infusion).

Add chopped greens to ready-made dishes (soups, cereals, salads, etc.)

Prepare the infusion as follows: crushed carrot tops(2-3 tsp) pour boiling water (250 ml), insist for an hour. The resulting remedy is taken 100 ml every 3-5 hours. The course of treatment is 10-14 days.

For local exposure, compresses are used: a gauze napkin is moistened in a warm infusion of carrot tops, applied to the affected area and fixed for 20 minutes. For the same purpose, you can use warm twigs. haulm, previously scalded with boiling water.

crushed carrot tops mixed with parsley in equal proportions and squeezed. The resulting juice is taken in 25-30 ml for 25 minutes. before meals 3 times a day. The duration of treatment is 10-14 days.

Infusion preparation: carrot tops(1 tsp) pour a glass of boiling water, let it brew. The resulting product is divided into several portions and consumed throughout the day.

For external treatment baths are used. To this end carrot tops(350 g) is poured with boiling water (10 l) and insisted under a closed lid until the water cools to a comfortable temperature (not lower than 39 degrees). The duration of the procedure is 15–25 minutes. Perform 1 time per day for two weeks.

From carrot tops prepare a decoction and make lotions on the affected areas.

carrot tops widely used in the preparation of first and second courses, vegetable casseroles, salads. Fresh greens are used to prepare the filling for pies and pancakes. Dried tops can be brewed and consumed as a tea.

To prepare this dish you will need the following: products:

  • potato;
  • carrot tops;
  • green onions;
  • sour cream;
  • breadcrumbs;
  • vegetable oil;
  • salt.

Cooking process:

  1. Boil the peeled potatoes in salted water and rub on a fine grater.
  2. Place the resulting puree in a thick layer on a baking sheet, pre-oiled and sprinkled with breadcrumbs.
  3. “Cover” potatoes with tops and green onions, then pour a small amount of sour cream.
  4. Bake in the oven.

In addition to fresh tomatoes and carrot tops, additional Ingredients(their number is indicated based on one three-liter jar):

  • sugar - 6 tbsp. l.;
  • salt - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • vinegar 70% - 1 des. l.

Preservation process:

  1. Place on the bottom of a sterilized jar tops, then - tomatoes, on top - a layer haulm.
  2. Pour the contents of the jar with boiling water, soak for 5 minutes.
  3. After that, pour the water into a saucepan, and, adding sugar and salt, bring to a boil.
  4. Pour the tomatoes with the resulting solution, add vinegar and roll up the jar.

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Healthy soups and borscht, cereal dishes, pies, desserts and kvass are cooked with young tops of vegetables. Young beet leaves are considered the most popular.

Carrot and beet tops are the best basis for borscht. Beetroot can be added to okroshka and cold beetroot. It is rich in ascorbic and folic acid, useful for the brain and nervous system. The tops contain vitamins of group B, iron, potassium, magnesium, calcium, iodine.


Ideal for salads. It is rich in fiber. Before cooking, it must be washed well, finely chopped and poured over with boiling water. The leaves will become soft and tender. Beet tops are combined with radish, celery, cucumber, lettuce, spinach, herbs and nuts.

Dress the salad with cold-pressed vegetable oils with lemon or apple juice, sour cream.

Tops can be added to main dishes - vegetable stew, meatballs, casseroles, omelettes. Beet tops can be a filling for pies. The tops are harvested - dried, fermented, salted, canned with other vegetables and then used in cooking in winter.

The benefits of beet leaves

- Useful for cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, anemia, thyroid diseases.


Carrot tops are added to soups, salads and casseroles, make a marinade for preserving vegetables, and even drink tea. Our great-grandmothers rinsed their hair with a decoction of carrot tops for their active growth and strengthening. Fresh tops of carrots are bitter. To remove the bitterness, it is doused with boiling water.

Carrot tops have long been used as a remedy:


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Even medical professionals recognize the effectiveness of some folk medicines, such as carrot tops. The benefits and harms of this product have been studied in such detail that even skeptics were forced to reconsider their attitude to herbal medicine.

Today, nutritionists recommend using it for a variety of diseases. The medicinal properties of the product are manifested even if it is used in the process of preparing familiar dishes. Carrot tops are added to soups, marinades and vegetable salads.

People without regret throw away carrot tops, using only the orange root of the vegetable as food. Of course, this is the best behavior in the case when the product was purchased in a store or on the market. If the carrots were grown on their own plot, it is much more reasonable to use the tops on the farm. Numerous beneficial properties of carrot tops are manifested due to its balanced chemical composition:

  • The greens of the vegetable contain 500 times more vitamins and minerals than the root. Vitamins A and C, calcium and selenium deserve special attention. In addition, carrot tops contain vitamins B, C, D, E, phosphorus, fluorine, potassium, iodine and several other substances in a smaller volume.
  • The presence of proteins allows you to saturate the body with chemical compounds necessary to start vital processes.
  • Greens contain chlorophyll, which, together with calcium, helps cleanse the blood and lymph nodes of toxins.
  • The fiber in the composition of the product ensures the removal of all excess from the intestines. This allows you to normalize peristalsis, start digestion and get rid of extra pounds.

The listed substances are stored in carrot tops for several days after its collection. The sooner the product is used for its intended purpose, the more likely it is to get a therapeutic effect from it.

The beneficial substances listed above have not only the indicated properties, their spectrum of action is much wider. This is due to the fact that in combination they work much more efficiently, giving the following results:

  • Carrot tops help to remove excess fluid from the body, due to which edema disappears, the load on the heart and kidneys is reduced.

Tip: If you want to get the maximum benefit from the use of carrot tops, they should be cut from root crops as soon as possible after harvest. Otherwise, the root will begin to absorb nutrients from the green part, impoverishing it.

  • The green part of the vegetable is recommended to be consumed during the recovery period after an illness. Substances in its composition strengthen the immune system, restore muscle tone and stimulate the adrenal glands.
  • Regular use of the product has a positive effect on the condition of nails and hair, and the skin becomes cleaner, firmer and more hydrated.
  • The introduction of carrot tops into the diet leads to the destruction of existing cholesterol plaques and reduces the risk of new ones forming. Improving blood circulation increases life expectancy and improves its quality.
  • Fortified preparations are useful for neurological pathologies, diseases of the retina. They are recommended for tuberculosis, beriberi, kidney and heart problems, hemorrhoids, cystitis, constipation.
  • Compresses with grated fresh leaves relieve wounds, ulcers, boils and signs of frostbite on the surface of the skin. If you squeeze the juice from this composition and mix it with honey, you can get an excellent remedy for a sore throat or stomatitis.
  • The use of a decoction of the leaves stimulates metabolism, thereby reducing the risk of developing obesity. This composition can be included in the diet during the diet, it contributes to faster weight loss.

Particular attention to carrot tops should be paid to people who are forced to spend a long time in front of a computer screen. The abundance of vitamin A will prevent the decline in the quality of vision and relieve fatigue caused by eye strain.

A natural remedy can cause significant harm to health, but only if it is openly abused. Carrot tops are useful and safe if included in one of the dishes during the day or used as a profile medicine for no longer than the recommended time. But in this case, you should remember the following nuances:

  1. The product contains quite a lot of caffeine, so you should not combine it with coffee or strong tea. At a minimum, they should not be included in one meal.
  2. Greens should not be introduced into the diet of pregnant women and people with pathologies of the digestive system during an exacerbation.
  3. After using the product in any form, an unpleasant sensation in the stomach may appear. The abundance of essential oils and dietary fiber can cause digestive disorders and cause colic.
  4. Mouthwashes based on carrot tops improve the condition of the gums, but an abundance of organic acids can increase the sensitivity of the enamel.

Raw tops contain the maximum amount of useful substances, but with an increased sensitivity of the body to plant products, it is better to introduce it into the diet in boiled form. Such products are no less useful, but at the same time they act noticeably softer.

The green part of the carrot is often used as one of the ingredients in complex dishes. This is enough to get a therapeutic effect on the body, but such approaches still cannot be compared with folk recipes.

  • With hemorrhoids. We take a teaspoon of tops, fill it with a glass of boiling water and insist under the lid for 3-5 minutes. The resulting composition is filtered and drunk in several doses throughout the day. The course of treatment is designed for 1 month. After that, you need to take a break of 2-4 weeks and, if necessary, you can repeat the approach.
  • With cystitis. We take a teaspoon of chopped tops, pour it with a glass of boiling water. The resulting composition is kept in a water bath for 10 minutes and filtered. The product should be cooled to a warm state and drunk during the day. To enhance the therapeutic effect, the liquid can be combined with a decoction of parsley, which is prepared in the same way.
  • With stones or sand in the kidneys. It is necessary to prepare the healing mass in one of the following ways. It is used to prepare compresses that are applied to the problem area along the stone or sand movement.
  • Dermatitis and skin manifestations of allergies. Lotions with a decoction of carrot tops will relieve these problems.

For the preparation of these products, you can use not only fresh, but also dried product. If you bring it to the desired state by natural drying, it will retain in its composition a lot of the necessary chemical elements.

When there is no special need to drink decoctions and infusions from carrot tops, but you just want to improve your health, you can cook one of these dishes:

  • Potato casserole with herbs. Take a few potato tubers, boil and rub on a coarse grater. Lubricate the baking dish with olive oil, sprinkle with breadcrumbs and lay out the potato mass. Next, lay out a layer of fresh chopped carrot tops mixed with green onions. Pour all this with sour cream of low fat content and bake in the oven for half an hour.

  • Canned tomatoes with herbs. In a sterile jar with a volume of 3 liters, lay out the sprigs of carrot tops, then put small tomatoes and another layer of greens. Fill the contents of the jar with boiling water, wait 5 minutes and drain the liquid into a separate container. In this water you need to add a tablespoon of salt, 6 tablespoons of boiling water and a teaspoon of 70% vinegar. Pour the marinade over the workpiece and roll up the jar.

The calorie content of carrot tops is quite low, so you should not try to satisfy your hunger with the product. Attempts to replace the usual food with healing herbs can lead to serious disruptions in the state of the body. It is better to use greens as a remedy or food supplement. If signs of an allergic reaction appear or the digestive process worsens, the ingredient should be discarded and consult a doctor.

a source

With carrots I don’t know, but with beets.

1.5 kg cabbage
3 kg peeled tomatoes
1.5 kg carrots
2 kg beets
0.5 kg bell pepper
beet tops
1 kg onion
300gr. vegetable oil
½ liter tomato paste
20 black peppercorns
3 tablespoons of salt / can be more /
1 tablespoon of vinegar
Boil in small portions for 20-25 minutes, then stir, into a bucket and boil for another 40 minutes. Roll up.

Pickled beet tops(Add to soups different, and pies, and canned food.)

Beet tops are a very useful product. And there are different vitamins in it, and useful minerals - in bulk. So for winter, pickled tops are a very valuable product. And delicious. You can add it to the soup and use it as a snack (but this is not for everybody).

It is advisable to preserve the stems and greens of beet tops in various ways - petioles using triple filling, and leaves - sterilization.
1. We pickle wide beet leaves for cabbage rolls, it turns out no worse than in grape ones - dolma.

He cuts the stem, cuts off the hard part of the stem from the leaf, if there is one, slightly beats gently along the stem, put the leaves one on top of the other several pieces, roll them into a tube and put them in a jar. And so on until the jar is tightly “lined” with leaves. We put dill in advance at the bottom of the jar - an umbrella is enough, we cut a couple of cloves of garlic, a piece of horseradish root. We cook the marinade: per liter of water 50 grams of sugar, 25 salt, 100 ml of apple or grape vinegar, bay leaf, allspice and black peppercorns. Pour the leaves to the top, sterilize in boiling water for 15 minutes, roll up.

2. Pickle leaves and stems for borscht.
Everything is the same, only the leaves, along with the stems, are cut finely, put in a jar, poured with marinade, sterilized, rolled up. If you later use it as a side dish, in addition to the spices listed above, you can add cloves - 2-3 things.

For a 0.5 liter jar -

250g stems from beet tops or 150

200g of leaves without petioles, 1 teaspoon of salt, 0.5 teaspoon of sugar, 1 clove of garlic, a piece of horseradish, dill, 5

7 allspice peas, 10

15 black peppercorns, 1 ml 70% vinegar

1st way
Cut the washed stems. If the stems are planned to be used for soup in the future, then you need to cut them smaller, and if for a snack, then longer (you can have a length equal to the height of the jar).

In prepared (peeled and scalded) jars, put a clove of garlic, cut into slices, a small piece of horseradish root, a small umbrella of dill and add different peppers.
Fill to the brim with chopped beet stalks.
Pour in boiling water. Let stand 1-2 minutes. Pour boiling water into a saucepan. Pour boiling water over the jars again (second filling) and cover with lids.
Put the pot with the first water on the fire. Pour salt and sugar into it and add a little water.
When the water boils, drain the water from the jars and pour boiling brine (third pour).
Pour vinegar into jars (it is convenient to measure the right amount with a syringe) and seal tightly.
Banks wrapped in a blanket until cool.

2nd way
With this method, the leaves must either be cut or carefully folded if the leaves are later used for stuffing.
Put the leaves in prepared jars (at the bottom of which put garlic, horseradish, dill and pepper beforehand).
Pour water into the jars, then drain it into a saucepan (this is necessary to find out the exact amount of water that fits into the jars).
Pour salt and sugar into the water and boil for about 2 minutes.
Pour boiling brine into jars.
Cover the top of the jars with lids.
Put gauze on the bottom of a large wide saucepan, put the jars and pour boiling water so that it reaches the shoulders of the jars.
Sterilize at a low boil 15

20 minutes.
Pour vinegar into jars and roll up.

a source

Our ancestors knew about the benefits of tops. Tops are used in traditional Russian dishes.

Soups and borscht were cooked with tops, cereal dishes were made, pies were baked, desserts and kvass were made. In the heat in Russia, our ancestors treated themselves to botvinya from young beet leaves. Botvinya was considered a festive dish. It was served at royal feasts.

In the old days, housewives harvested tops for future use. It was dried or salted for the winter. So, in one old book we read: “Peel the young beetroot, wash it, put it in a tub, lightly sprinkle with salt, pour bread, white kvass, put it in a cold place.”

Carrot and beet tops are the best basis for borscht.

Beet tops were put in okroshka and cold beetroot.

The tops are rich in ascorbic acid, which helps fight the blues and strengthen the walls of blood vessels. Lots of folic acid, good for the brain and nervous system. The tops are rich in B vitamins, iron, potassium, magnesium and calcium, iodine.

Great for salads. Beetroot is rich in fiber. Before cooking, it must be washed well, finely chopped and poured over with boiling water. The leaves will become soft and tender.

Beet tops are combined with radish, celery, cucumber, lettuce, spinach, herbs and nuts.

Dress the salad with cold-pressed vegetable oils with lemon juice or apple juice, sour cream.

Tops can be added for cooking second courses - in vegetable stew, meatballs, casseroles, omelettes. Beet tops can be a filling for pies. The tops are harvested - they are dried, fermented, salted, canned with other vegetables and then used in cooking in winter.

The benefits of beet leaves
- Useful for cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, anemia, thyroid diseases.
- With a headache in the old days, they rubbed a beet leaf into gruel, applied it to the forehead for 15 minutes.
- A crushed beet leaf is applied to the eyelids with conjunctivitis.
- A decoction of beet leaves helps in the fight against constipation: a tablespoon of leaves is poured with boiling water and infused until cool, they drink the whole glass in four doses per day.
- Helps with long-term healing wounds, cracking skin - use the juice of the leaves, gruel from them and a decoction for washing wounds and compresses.
- In case of diseases and cracks in the feet, foot baths are made with a decoction of the leaves.
- Activates metabolism and blood formation, helps in the treatment of peptic ulcer, gastritis and liver diseases.

Radish tops are rich in vitamins C, B1, B2, PP, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, iron, and magnesium. It has a spicy taste, subtle, pleasant. Radish tops can be added to salads as greens, to cabbage soup or borscht.
Radish tops can also be dried, closed in jars finely chopped, sprinkled with salt and placed in the refrigerator for the winter. There is more vitamin C in the leaves of the radish than in the root. Radish stimulates metabolism.

Carrot tops are added to soups, salads and casseroles, make a marinade for preserving vegetables, and even drink tea. Our great-grandmothers rinsed their hair with a decoction of carrot tops for their active growth and strengthening.
Fresh tops of carrots are bitter. To remove the bitterness, it is doused with boiling water.
Carrot tops have long been used as a remedy:
- Healing tea for hemorrhoids - pour 1 teaspoon of tops (dried in a dark place) with a glass of boiling water and insist, drink a glass of medicinal infusion in several doses during the day.
- Carrot tops are useful for cystitis - they drink a pure infusion of carrot tops or mix it in equal proportions with parsley infusion.
- An infusion of carrot tops is used for fibroids and bleeding.
- Lotions with a decoction of carrot tops are made for skin problems - dermatitis, psoriasis, allergies.

a source

Not many people know that both tops and roots are useful in carrots, thanks to which the vegetable is deservedly called a pantry of vitamins. Most of us throw away the tops and do not even suspect what we are refusing. For example, carrot tops tea has general strengthening and healing properties.

Our grandmothers also knew about the benefits of garden carrot tops and used it to maintain beauty and health. They were aware of its beneficial properties that improve vision and have a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin, nails and hair. The chemical composition of the tops of carrots in many respects even exceeds the concentration of vitamins, micro- and macroelements contained in the root crop itself.

  • Due to the presence of vitamin C (several times more than in carrots), it strengthens the immune system.
  • The content of potassium and vitamin K - improves metabolic processes, normalizes blood pressure, prevents heart disease.
  • Chlorophyll is a kind of sorbent that cleanses the blood and lymph nodes of toxins.
  • The tiny leaves of this plant contain selenium, a powerful natural antioxidant. Among its wide spectrum of action: the ability to reduce the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases, a positive effect on the state of the thyroid gland and reproductive function, and the suspension of premature aging.
  • Carrot greens have a weak diuretic effect, which is used to treat kidneys and get rid of edema.

The bitter taste of carrot leaves explains the presence of harmful alkaloids in it, but according to their characteristics, these substances are less toxic than, for example, caffeine. At the same time, for the use of such tea for medicinal or restorative purposes, a doctor's consultation is required.

As the leaves grow, they absorb nitrates from the soil. In this connection, contraindications for taking this greenery, in addition to individual intolerance, include pregnancy, breastfeeding, and childhood. The properties of carrot tops can adversely affect the presence of hypotension and stomach diseases.

The daily dose of the drink should not exceed 1 cup. In case of an overdose, unpleasant consequences are possible in the form of nausea, vomiting, low blood pressure.

For harvesting and eating, carrot tops must be grown in an ecologically clean area, away from roads and industrial facilities. In addition, in areas where no recent nitrogen fertilization or pesticide treatment has been carried out. It is better if it is a young carrot grown personally in your garden.

Throughout the summer, you can brew tea from freshly cut carrot tops. The ground part of this vegetable is usually quite thick. Therefore, even when the root crop is still small, you can pick 1-2 young stems without harm to the bush.

First, the leaves are sorted out, breaking off the yellowed and blackened. Then thoroughly washed and finely chopped.

Pour a teaspoon of chopped greens into the teapot, pour a glass of boiling water (250 ml) and cover with a lid. Herbal drink should be infused for 10 minutes. Then it is poured into cups. If desired, sweeten with honey or sugar.

Pre-scalding the product with boiling water or soaking in cold water will help get rid of bitterness.

Harvesting raw materials for the future will make it possible to make tea from carrot tops in winter.

Brew a teaspoon of dried carrot tops with a glass of boiling water, let it brew for 10 minutes. Add honey or sugar, milk, cream to taste.

To enhance the taste, it is often mixed with black loose leaf tea.

For greater benefit, carrot tops can be used in blends with various herbs, pieces of dried berries and fruits. For example, rose hips, currants and other berries, nettle leaves.

The recipe includes only carrot ingredients:

  1. Pour 2 teaspoons of dried leaves and 3 teaspoons of dried chopped carrots into a warm teapot.
  2. Pour the mixture with a glass of boiling water.
  3. Insist 20-30 minutes, strain. The drink is ready, pour into cups.

You can also prepare delicious and healthy tea from dried and fresh carrots, using it as a monocomponent or in combination with other ingredients.

It is undoubtedly more useful to brew fresh carrot tops. But in the conditions of our climate, it is necessary to prepare it for the future. There are two ways to make a blank:

  1. Drying way. Cut bunches of tops for convenience, it is desirable to divide into separate stems. Wash them well, dry them slightly, cut them and spread them out on a surface in the shade in a well-ventilated room at room temperature, leave to dry completely. Put the tea leaves prepared for the winter in a hermetically sealed glass jar or canvas bag. Store in a dark place for no more than a year.
  2. By freezing. First, the tops need to be washed, allowed to dry (1-2 hours) and prepared in the same way as before drying. Then the raw materials are laid out in containers or bags for freezing and put in the freezer.

The tops of carrots for harvesting for future use should be collected in the middle of summer at the moment of maximum concentration of useful substances in it, the main thing is to do this before the foliage begins to turn yellow.

From frozen carrot tops, you can prepare not only teas and decoctions, but also add it to soups, borscht, main dishes, salads.

Brewing tea based on carrot tops is a great opportunity to strengthen the body and get rid of many ailments. The main thing is to take into account all contraindications, listen to your body, stop taking the drink at the slightest indisposition, and not self-medicate.

1024w, 1200w" style="border: 0px; float: left; margin: 1em 1em 1em 0px;" width="297" />Miraculous carrot tops: benefits and contraindications How can carrot tops be used to good use?

Traditional medicine knows many ways to help the body get rid of various ailments. For example, with the help of carrot tops, the beneficial properties of which are undeservedly forgotten.

Meanwhile, not only the root crop itself, but also its grassy upper part is a source of vitamins and valuable nutrients.

Tops of carrots: what is in the composition

There are so many useful properties in the tops of carrots that it easily overshadows the excellent reputation of the root crop itself. Scientists have found that the grassy part of vitamins contains 500 times more. These are the beauty vitamin retinol (A), the longevity and health vitamin C (ascorbic acid), the B group of vitamins responsible for strong nerves, a healthy liver and beautiful skin.

There is a healing vitamin PP (nicotinic acid) in the greens, vitamin K, which is indispensable for bones, as well as other incredibly useful substances:

Powerful antioxidants that restore cells and prevent aging (for example, selenium);

Essential oils;




Micro and macro elements (selenium, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, iodine, zinc, iron, cobalt, sodium, manganese, copper).

All this vitamin madness significantly exceeds the amount of similar substances in a traditional food product. For comparison: vitamin A in an orange carrot is almost 200 times less than in its inedible grassy top. At the same time, there are very, very few contraindications for carrot tops when eaten or for medicinal purposes.

Carrot tops: useful properties

A huge amount of calcium and green chlorophyll explains the ability of carrot greens to cleanse the body. Decoctions prepared on the basis of carrot tops cleanse the lymphatic system and blood of toxins.

Useful properties of carrot tops are not limited to this:

Calcium is necessary to prevent osteoporosis, strengthen teeth, muscles and nails;

Potassium and vitamin K are able to reduce high blood pressure, normalize metabolic processes, have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart and vascular system;

Vitamin C strengthens the immune system.

Decoctions of carrot greens increase visual acuity, prevent eye diseases, and are indicated for both myopia and hyperopia. They are very helpful for those who are overweight. Due to the large amount of fiber, herbal tea from the tops enhances the digestive processes and intestinal motility, which contributes to stable weight loss, subject to proper nutrition.

It is no coincidence that our ancestors regularly drank carrot tea. In summer, you can use fresh herbs as a "tea tea", in winter - dried or frozen. To prepare a cup of fragrant tea, you need only one teaspoon of raw materials. You need to insist on a healing decoction for at least half an hour. Additionally, its action can be enhanced with other plant components: nettle, currant, raspberry, rosehip, etc.

What diseases does carrot tops treat?

It is ideal to use decoctions based on carrot tops for general strengthening and cleansing of the body, preventing anemia and beriberi, and recovering from an illness.

However, decoctions of green carrots can prevent more serious diseases and cope with some of them. Useful properties of carrot tops are used in the following cases:

For the prevention of heart attack and stroke due to the ability to restore elasticity to the walls of blood vessels and maintain it;

For the natural normalization of high blood pressure and the cure of the first stage of hypertension;

For the prevention of osteoporosis and vision loss;

In the treatment of acute or chronic cough;

In the treatment of hemorrhoids;

In the presence of excess weight and impaired metabolism;

To get rid of irritability, depression, insomnia;

With regular stress and increased stress on the nervous system;

With alcohol poisoning to cleanse the blood and liver with acute toxic effects;

To increase male potency, improve sperm quality.

Decoctions of carrot tops have diuretic properties, helping to get rid of puffiness. In addition, they can be used to clean the kidneys of sand.

When changing milk teeth, it is useful for children to chew fresh carrot leaves: the juice will strengthen tooth enamel and gums.

Tops of carrots: folk recipes

You can use green tops for various purposes. For example, to get rid of hemorrhoids, you need to brew carrot tea and drink half a glass three times a day in between meals. The course of treatment is not less than a month.

With persistent edema, diseases of the urinary tract and genital organs, you need to prepare a carrot broth and take it at night in a glass. With the normalization of the condition, you can switch to the preventive use of tea at will.

Herbal tea from carrot tops can treat cystitis. It is necessary to prepare a more concentrated decoction: take four tablespoons of fresh or harvested herbs for two cups of boiling water and leave for at least an hour. Take ½ cup on an empty stomach 20-30 minutes before meals every eight hours. The course continues until the symptoms disappear.

To remove sand from the kidneys, you need to take dried carrot tops (fresh will not work). Brew in the usual proportion: a tablespoon of a glass of boiling water. Insist all night. Take 50 ml warm five times a day. The course is long, at least 8 months. In the presence of stones and sand in the kidneys, you can use the prescription only after consulting a doctor or on his recommendation. Possible contraindications of carrot tops must be taken into account.

To cleanse the body of the accumulation of toxins and toxins you need to prepare a regular infusion, take it about twenty minutes before meals for a month. Four glasses should be taken per day.

Tops of carrots: how to prepare

If fresh tops are used for food, they can be harvested at any time. While the orange carrot sits in the garden, its tops are suitable for making an infusion.

To prepare greens for future use, you need to collect it at the moment of the highest concentration of nutrients, but before the tops begin to turn yellow. The ideal time is the end of summer.

The collected tops should be washed in cold water, dried in the sun, avoiding wilting, and then transferred to the shade. Finally dry the tops in a well-ventilated shaded area. The prepared raw material is stored for a year at room temperature in a tightly closed glass jar.

Freezing is used instead of drying. In this case, the prepared tops, after drying, are placed in plastic bags or plastic containers and put into the freezer.

Carrot tops: contraindications

Do carrot tops have contraindications? Despite the healing power, this herb can really damage health. Fortunately, the list of contraindications is small:

Allergy to essential oils or other herbal ingredients;

Exacerbation of gastric ulcer;

intestinal disorder;

Inflammation of the large intestine;

Increased acidity of the stomach;

Ulcerative colitis.

Pregnant women should not use a decoction of carrot tops: this can lead to miscarriage or premature birth, as the tone of the uterus increases.

There are few contraindications for carrot tops, but they concern not only ingestion. The greens contain the active substances furocoumarins. They can cause rashes and inflammation in people with sensitive skin.

Do not rush to get rid of carrot tops. This is a healing herb that can strengthen the body and rid it of many ailments.

The old confrontation between lovers of tops and admirers of roots is now leveled by an instructive story with sowing carrots. Once upon a time, this plant was eaten exclusively by its aerial green part and seeds. Then it turned out that in gastronomic terms, the underground part of the carrot clearly wins, and the dispute between benefit and pleasure was resolved by the victory of the latter. Perhaps this can be explained by the lack of awareness of the population in the true healing values ​​of the parts of the carrot. But today, when science has reached unprecedented heights, and it became clear that many times more vitamins and other useful substances are hidden in the tops of a vegetable than in the root crop itself, the situation began to change dramatically.

As unbelievable as it sounds, but carrot tops there are five thousand times more vitamins than in the orange carrot itself. The green part of the vegetable is literally saturated with the B vitamin group, retinol, that is, vitamin A, and ascorbic acid, no less known as vitamin C. It also contains more rare vitamins K, E and PP.

Solidly represented in the tops and minerals in the form of macro- and microelements:

  • potassium;
  • gland;
  • cobalt;
  • calcium;
  • lithium;
  • sodium;
  • phosphorus;
  • Selene;
  • aluminum;
  • fluorine;
  • sulfur;
  • iodine.

There are also other valuable ingredients in carrot tops in the form of coumarins, chlorophyll, essential oils, lysine, tannins and even caffeine.

Did you know? In the European Union, carrots are considered a fruit, because the Portuguese make jam from them, and according to European standards, jam is made only from fruits.

The pronounced antioxidant qualities of carrot tops are mainly due to the solid presence of the mineral selenium in them. As a result, the use of tops contributes to the optimization of the activity of the cardiovascular system, inhibition of the emerging process of early aging, and improvement of reproductive qualities. Selenium is so well represented in the tops that just a couple of stems are enough to get its daily dose.
And chlorophyll, paired with calcium, is responsible for such a valuable quality of tops as the ability to cleanse the body's circulatory system of toxins and poisons.

Potassium and vitamin K optimize the activity of the heart, successfully lower blood pressure in hypertensive patients and normalize metabolic processes.

The retinol present in carrot greens really helps to improve vision, increases its sharpness and prevents eye diseases, both among nearsighted and farsighted people.

Carrot tops should be especially in demand among those who want to lose weight. Infusions from it stimulate the digestion process, activate intestinal motility, which, with a properly structured diet, leads to weight loss.

Such a wide range of medicinal qualities of carrot tops, of course, could not be left without the attention of traditional healers. For example, the presence of phytoncides in it makes it possible to effectively use it in the form of compresses during the treatment of wounds, ulcers, frostbite and other similar problems.
The same ability of carrot tops as a mixture of its juice and honey to fight pathogenic microflora is used in the treatment of throat or stomatitis.

The antioxidant properties of this remedy, which help to cleanse the blood vessels of bad cholesterol and return their walls to flexibility and elasticity, help prevent stroke and heart attack.

A significant presence of potassium and vitamin K contributes to a decrease in blood pressure in hypertensive patients, and the presence of calcium in the product prevents the occurrence of osteoporosis.

One of the most valuable qualities of carrot tops is its unique ability to effectively deal with such an ancient human scourge as hemorrhoids, even in the most advanced cases and at any stage of this problem.

This remarkable quality is explained by the ability of the elements contained in greens to act in the body at the cellular level, stimulating redox processes and activating the ability of cells to recover, which leads to recovery.

These qualities of the remedy plus its analgesic, anti-inflammatory, anesthetic, analgesic properties also help to cope with problems in the gastrointestinal tract, the genitourinary system in general and in the female reproductive system in particular.

Carrot tops are also able to improve potency in men, strengthen teeth and gums in children when changing teeth, eliminate swelling, treat severe coughs, calm the nervous system after stress, eliminate insomnia, and even really help with alcohol intoxication, cleansing the liver and blood from poisons.

With diabetic problems, carrot tops can make the process of sugar absorption into the blood smoother. Containing 10 grams of sucrose per 100 grams of product, carrot greens can fully compensate for sugar in the body.
And the dietary fibers present in it, enriching the vessels with microelements that prevent the breakdown of sugars, contribute to the fact that glucose, which breaks down with the help of enzymes, does not affect blood sugar saturation in any way. As a result, everyone is fine: both the vessels, the body, and the person himself.

While the townspeople at the word "carrot" immediately imagined an orange root crop, in the villages the aerial part of this vegetable was no less widely used. And here, not only the traditional frugality of the villagers was manifested, but also the old recipes inherited from their ancestors.

For example, the once very popular botvini. In addition, carrot tops were certainly used in the manufacture of various kinds of pickles, for example, when pickling tomatoes or, which gave the products a spicy spicy flavor.

Today, culinary specialists use this product most actively in the preparation of salads and soups. Many housewives are happy to make fillings for pies and pancakes, vegetable cutlets and casseroles from it.

In summer, you need to cook not only sleds, but also carrot tops, more precisely, in the middle of summer, when orange root crops are pulled out of the beds. Greens should be separated from them, and it is greens. Yellowed and twisted stems are categorically unsuitable for harvesting and storage.

Then the tops are thoroughly washed and laid out in a thin layer (preferably on cotton fabric) and sent for drying, which is best done in a dry and shady place.

Important! In no case should carrot greens be dried in the sun, because as a result, many useful substances can be missed in it.

It is best to store the product in a glass container or in cotton bags in a dry and dark place.

Freezing greens has become very popular recently. To do this, well-washed tops should be dried for a couple of hours, finely chopped and, placed in a container or plastic bag, sent to the freezer.

Possible harm and contraindications

Carrot tops are not able to cause any harm to a healthy person. However, if someone has temporary or permanent health problems, then there are natural contraindications that regulate the intake of this product:

  • first of all, this applies to persons who have an individual intolerance to the product;
  • people who are exposed to allergens should also be wary of this product;
  • it is not recommended to use tops for people who have problems with the gastrointestinal tract during an exacerbation of peptic ulcer, with increased acidity of gastric juice, with an inflammatory process in the large intestine, with ulcerative colitis and with intestinal upset;
  • the ability of this product to lower blood pressure is fraught with trouble for people suffering from hypotension;
  • people who have very sensitive skin, with tactile contact with the leaves, due to the furocoumarin substances present in it, can get skin irritation or even inflammation.

Important! Pregnant women are forbidden to take funds with the presence of carrot tops. Its ability to increase the tone of the uterus can lead to miscarriage or premature birth.

How to take carrot tops

There are three types of taking this remedy for the treatment and prevention of diseases.

To make tea from this product, you need to take a teaspoon of finely chopped tops for each cup of water - fresh, dry or thawed. Pour freshly boiled water into the teapot, then let the tea brew for ten minutes.
It is not recommended to drink more than three glasses of this tea a day, as it is not only a pleasant drink, but also a remedy that, if used regularly, can prevent many of the diseases listed above and even cure them. For example, such as varicose veins and hemorrhoids, or visual impairment.

The beneficial properties of carrot tops have been known for a long time. In ancient medical books, various recipes for the use of this valuable raw material are given. Carrot tops help to solve problems with hemorrhoids, are used to treat varicose veins and vascular diseases. It is also widely used in cooking for the preparation of snacks, first and second courses.

Photo Shutterstock

Useful properties of carrot tops

It is known that carrot tops contain 6 times more vitamin C than root crops. It is also a source of potassium, calcium, and chlorophyll, which cleanses the blood, lymph nodes, and adrenal glands of toxic poisons, and helps strengthen muscles and bones.

Rare vitamin K is found only in the tops of carrots and is absent in the root.

The ancient Greek physician Pedanius Dioscorides considered carrot tops to be medicinal plants and included them in the list of 600 main medicinal herbs. It is still used today in the complex treatment of oncological diseases. In folk medicine, a decoction of carrot tops is used during childbirth to stimulate the uterus, and tea is used as a diuretic during the treatment of kidney diseases and in the fight against edema.

Recently, scientists have found that carrot tops, unlike the root crop, contain selenium. Literally one leaf of carrots, eaten in a salad for breakfast or in soup for lunch, provides the daily requirement of this useful trace element. Selenium strengthens the immune system and is a good prevention of cancer. Moreover, the selenium contained in the organic form is absorbed by the body much better compared to tablets.

The use of carrot tops has its contraindications. It can not be used during periods of exacerbation of peptic ulcer of the duodenum and stomach, as well as during inflammation of the large and small intestines. In people with particularly sensitive skin, after contact with the leaves, an allergic reaction often occurs: a rash and irritation. British experts believe that this is due to the content of furocoumarins, which are completely harmless when taken orally.

The use of carrot tops in cooking

In old cookbooks, there are many recipes for dishes with the addition of carrot tops. In modern cooking, it is customary to add it to soups and cabbage soup, various salads, cook potato and carrot casserole with tops, use it as a filling for pies and pancakes, as well as to decorate dishes. Dried, it can be brewed as a tea.

To cook pancakes with carrot tops, you need to take:

1 glass of flour; - 1 glass of milk; - 1 glass of water; - 200 grams of carrot tops; - 200 grams of green onions; - 200 grams of dill; - 7 eggs; - vegetable oil; - salt.
