Gk rostec official. Layoffs at Rostec should start with Chemezov

Rostec is formally considered a state corporation, but in reality it has long since become a kind of super-ministry. So many enterprises under one roof, even in Soviet times, were not united by any department. But, as in Soviet times, no one knows exactly how much this huge economy actually spends and earns.

This fall, the Rostec State Corporation is celebrating its 10th anniversary. The decree on its creation was signed in November 2007. The main thing that she remembers over the years is her active, and even aggressive collection of all kinds of assets under her command. Gradually, Rostec turned into a giant that manages almost the entire science-intensive industry of the country: it does not produce anything on its own, but controls financial flows and manages everything with the help of an overgrown bureaucracy. It is impossible to say how efficiently it works: full financial statements for all the years have not been published even once.

But there is an ambitious development strategy, according to which in the near future Rostec will catch up in revenue with the world leaders - Samsung, Boeing, General Electric. True, Profile's interlocutors are skeptical about these plans: neither in terms of increasing the share of civilian products, nor in attracting private investors to projects, Rostec has no special prospects today. The reality is much more prosaic: any success of the corporation is achieved thanks to its CEO Sergei Chemezov, a friend of Vladimir Putin, who “knocks out” all new government orders, subsidies and preferences. And if, for any reason, the 65-year-old Chemezov leaves his post, as many experts believe, Rostec's days as a single organism will be numbered.

From guns to toys

Rostec is present in the media space less than it deserves: in terms of scale, it is one of the largest state corporations, only Gazprom, Rosneft, Sberbank, Russian Railways and VTB are larger. And in terms of the number of employees (453 thousand), the industrial colossus is second only to Russian Railways (759 thousand) and Gazprom (467 thousand); Sberbank - 330 thousand, Rosneft - 260 thousand, VTB - 95 thousand. Initially, it was planned to transfer no more than 250 defense plants to Rostec, but by 2009 the corporation received 437 enterprises on its balance sheet, and by now At the moment, this number has increased to 663 organizations located in 60 regions of the Russian Federation. They are united by a complex management structure: Rostec is divided into clusters, clusters - into holdings (9 defense and 6 civil), those - into sub-holdings and, finally, into individual companies. In addition, the corporation includes 32 direct management organizations.

This "colossus" did not take shape immediately. Only the acquisition of managerial powers for the transferred plants dragged on for several years, when the corporation was still called Rostekhnologii. In 2013, the company was rebranded for $1.5 million with a name change to Rostec and a stylish logo presentation. In 2014, the completion of the asset consolidation was announced. Although some processes are still ongoing. In February of this year, Rostech decided to merge the United Instrument-Making Corporation and the Ruselectronics concern, and in March announced plans to absorb the aviation industry monopoly, the United Aircraft Corporation.

The desire to “reach everything” does not meet with understanding among experts. “Just as one person cannot understand everything at once, so the company works more efficiently if it focuses on one direction,” says Viktor Makeev, financial analyst at Gerchik & Co. - It is enough to turn to Western examples: McDonalds, Coca-Cola, Apple, Microsoft - they have occupied their niche and create a unique product, thus attracting investors and expanding their business. Rostec restrains the complexity of managing the entire economy from a single center, especially a state one. The merger of defense enterprises looked logical, the control of the authorities in this area is justified. But why build up non-core assets?”

“It's one thing - a market process, when more efficient players squeeze out less efficient ones,” adds Vladimir Milov, an economist. – But here we are dealing with administrative consolidation for the sake of consolidation. There is only one task: to absorb everything along the perimeter. A day is not enough to list everything that was included in Rostec. A kind of “USSR-2” is being built, although even in the Soviet Union the machine-building complex was not so centralized - on the contrary, there were different ministries, central offices, production associations competing with each other.

We do not give references

It is all the more difficult to evaluate the course chosen by Rostec, since there are no detailed data on its activities in open sources. The corporation's press releases contain optimistic figures: in 2009, its revenue was 511 billion rubles, and the total loss was 61 billion, but now its annual revenue exceeds 1 trillion, and losses have been replaced by profit. But in reality, it is impossible to trace the dynamics over 10 years: firstly, the corporation got hold of new assets, and secondly, until 2013, the calculation was carried out according to the standards of the Russian Accounting Standard - RAS, which did not exclude a second count.

Only by 2014, a methodology was developed to evaluate the work of Rostec in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), which makes it possible to calculate consolidated indicators. But even after that, Rostec did not begin to be frank: being not a joint-stock company obliged to provide reports in the information disclosure system, but a state corporation (which the legislation does not impose such conditions on), Rostec indicates only basic parameters in annual reports on its website - revenue and profit. They are growing: from 965 billion and 34 billion rubles, respectively, in 2014 to 1.27 trillion and 88 billion in 2016. But neither the sources of income, nor the balance of assets, nor the amount of free funds, nor the amount of debt can be found from these reports.

There are no ready-made statistics on how much and under what pretext Rostec receives state support. Moreover, there are different schemes: the Ministry of Finance can transfer money both to Rostec itself and directly to enterprises under federal targeted programs. As Sergey Chemezov mentioned in April of this year, in 2016 almost 100 billion budget funds were allocated for the investment projects of the corporation.

The numbers are not enough for analysis, experts complain. “When an organization has many lines of business, it is very easy to make an overall positive report. At the same time, some areas may not be effective at all,” Makeev says.

“Shame and disgrace that such a structure does not have its own accountability in the 21st century. I would like to see the rationale for its economic model, but no one will show it,” Milov throws up his hands. - When the introduction of IFRS began in the late 90s, progressive managers like Chubais, Khodorkovsky, Alekperov themselves accelerated the transition of their enterprises to these standards. Judging by the reluctance with which Rostec switched to them, certain conclusions can be drawn about its philosophy.” According to the economist, one can get an idea about the dynamics of Rostec only by examining the reports of dozens and hundreds of its enterprises separately, which looks like an unbearable task.

Rostec will feed everyone

However, the state of affairs in different enterprises varies greatly. “VSMPO-AVISMA, a titanium producer, and factories working for arms exports show good reporting,” says Milov. - But they were successful even before joining Rostec - what is the point of the merger then, where is the synergy? The rest looks sour: Novikombank, AvtoVAZ, pharmaceuticals - losses are everywhere, projects are postponed, frozen. That is, there are not so many profit centers that feed the corporation.”

Ruslan Pukhov, director of the Center for Analysis of Strategies and Technologies (CAST), calls the Kalashnikov concern a “champion” inside Rostec: “But this happened not thanks to state participation, but in spite of it - private management sets the tone in the concern,” he stipulates. - Among the state holdings, there are relatively prosperous (“Radioelectronic Technologies”), others exist neither shaky nor rolls (“Ruselectronics”), and somewhere in general a complete failure (“Constellation”, “Vega”). There are a number of enterprises that generally exist only on paper - only the administrative apparatus is listed there. In general, Rostec has come to a typical Russian concept: one with a bipod, seven with a spoon, or one man feeds two generals.” By the way, in 2014, the total number of managers in Rostec reached 100 thousand people - almost 20% of the staff versus 5-10% for foreign concerns.

Meanwhile, Rostec itself is proud of bringing enterprises to a common denominator, emphasizing that in 2009, at the time of the transfer of assets, 148 of them were in a pre-crisis and crisis state, 28 were in bankruptcy. Now the “drowning” people have been rescued and are conducting economic activities. But Profile's interlocutors doubt that this is the merit of Rostec. “You need to understand at whose expense the salvation was,” Milov clarifies. - If the leadership of Rostec pulled them out on their own, by the power of managerial genius - this is one thing, but if there is a constant appeal to state support, then the "salvation" falls on the neck of the taxpayers. Much depends on indirect assistance, for example, a third of sales of domestic "passenger cars" are provided by state-subsidized car loans. This is not taken into account in AvtoVAZ's balance sheet, but in fact it is support for them, otherwise sales will collapse. The same applies to the restructuring and prolongation of loans to defense plants, which went to state-owned banks. Since these are loans against unreliable assets, banks are forced to create reserves, which in principle leads to a rise in the price of money and an increase in interest rates. The restructuring of 2008-2009 clearly backfired on banks during the current crisis, and it remains to be seen when and where it will “rumble” again.

Another pride of Rostec, judging by the reports in the annual reports, is social work. According to the corporation, 21 of its enterprises are city-forming, and at the height of the crisis they managed to avoid large-scale cuts and social explosions. Rostec does not spare money for charity projects: in 2015, 2 billion rubles were allocated to improve the living conditions of employees, 2.8 billion to help universities. But even this does not paint the corporation, experts object. “The social burden hinders the development of Rostec,” says Alexander Raksha, partner of the Industry practice of the NEO Center consulting group. “If the task is to build an efficient corporation, then it should not perform social functions for the state.”

Not in service, but in friendship

It is also difficult to judge how the head of Rostec, Sergey Chemezov, copes with his duties without financial statements. Another thing is that the very essence of the work of Chemezov, a longtime friend of Vladimir Putin, has little to do with entrepreneurship. Sergey Chemezov met the future president of the Russian Federation while working together in the special services on the territory of the GDR in the 1980s, and with the beginning of Putin's Moscow career, he became one of his main associates. Unlike some other "friends of Putin", Chemezov maintains a neutral and overtly businesslike image, not appearing in corruption scandals.

However, Chemezov's strength as an instrumental player is hard to underestimate. Even at the stage of the formation of Russian Technologies, half the government opposed the property claims of the new corporation. Elvira Nabiullina, who headed the Ministry of Economic Development, objected to the transfer of assets not related to the defense industry to Russian Technologies, and then Finance Minister Alexei Kudrin predicted that the corporation's activities would be non-transparent. However, Chemezov fought off all the attacks, accusing the critics of trying to "bring the real thing to a dead end."

In the future, examples of successful lobbying in favor of Rostec met regularly. In preparation for the introduction of a fee for drivers of heavy trucks for the use of federal highways (“Platon”), Rosavtodor had to choose an operator to collect the fee, but at the insistence of Chemezov (due to the inadmissibility of “leakage of sensitive information from Russia”), the competition was canceled, and the operator was appointed "daughter" of "Rostec". In the wake of sanctions, Chemezov spoke about the medical security of Russia - soon, by Putin's decrees, Rostec received shares in the medical enterprises Microgen and Sintez.

After the adoption of the anti-terrorist Yarovaya package, Rostec showed interest in developing an infrastructure for storing cellular data for 10.3 billion rubles. In February of this year, another subsidiary, RT-project technologies, received a contract without a tender, now for the operation of a unified procurement information system for 2017-2018. And in the spring, in the wake of Vladimir Putin’s concern about the state of landfills near Moscow, the authorities returned to the project of building a network of waste processing plants across the country, and then it turned out that the contractor was also determined in advance, and this was Rostec again.

“This is a standard scheme for Chemezov - to break through some kind of exclusive, to create a cash flow from nothing. Slightly that, he recalls about state security. Recently, Putin said that the future of Russia lies with artificial intelligence. For sure, another “daughter” of Rostec will be created for this,” Vladimir Milov sneers. “Chemezov is perhaps the most effective lobbyist in the country. No one needs to be told twice whose friend he is. If it were not for the personality of the CEO, we would have realized long ago that Rostec is not viable,” says Ruslan Pukhov.

“Chemezov is less aggressive in the public arena than Sechin,” Milov continues. “This is a Soviet official who thinks he has become a businessman.”

Created personally "under Chemezov", "Rostec" in its current form, most likely, will last exactly as long as the functionary will lead it, a source close to the Ministry of Defense told Profile: "Chemezov is no longer young, and if he leaves, another manager will not be able to save the organization: it will quickly fall apart.

Swing on the ruble

In the meantime, Rostec is going to strengthen its position in the global market: in the development strategy of the corporation, it is planned to reach the level of Samsung, General Electric, Siemens and Boeing by 2035. At the same time, some concerns - the American Northrop Grumman, the Italian Leonardo - Rostec, according to its own estimates, are already ahead. Although in reality, in terms of operational efficiency (net profit margin, revenue per employee), the Russian corporation is noticeably inferior to the first and second.

Statements that Rostec will ever catch up with world leaders are met with bewilderment by the interlocutors of Profile. “Even if the corporation overcomes the level of $100 billion in revenue, this may not be enough, because both Boeing and Samsung themselves will continue to grow, albeit at a slower pace,” says Bogdan Zvarych, senior analyst at Freedom Finance. “So, we need to plan for high-speed catch-up growth, which requires both optimization of its structure and large-scale investments.”

Rostec does not argue with the latter: the volume of necessary investments in corporations is estimated at 4.3 trillion rubles. As for the planned growth rates, they should be 17% per year, one and a half times higher than now (11% in 2016). Rostec's ambitions must be supported by calculation, insists Stanislav Rozmirovich, director of the Center for Innovation Research at the Higher School of Economics: “I would like to see detailed plans, due to which revenue should increase, but nothing like this has been published. I hope that everything will not end with the fact that the factories will be sent down the task of directing: to produce so much more products.

So far, Rostec has published only a general approach to the implementation of its plans: recognizing that the “military” markets are experiencing low growth rates (about 5% per year), the corporation saw “smart” civil production as a development driver - telecommunications and robotics, LEDs and composite materials. According to the strategy, the current share of Rostec's civilian products (30%, or 374 billion rubles in 2016) should grow to 50% by 2025.

True, the available examples show how difficult it will be to do this. Thus, the most famous civil initiative of Rostec was the “first Russian smartphone” - YotaPhone, investments in which were estimated at $ 50 million. “In short, Apple has tensed up,” Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev said in 2013, examining the latest development. But sales statistics hardly made the American company worry: in the first two years on the market (2014–2015), less than 100 thousand YotaPhone 2 found their owners (for comparison: Apple sold 216 million smartphones in 2016, Samsung - 309 million), and as of 2016, the project remained unprofitable.

Recently, Rostec announced the development of Russian tablets: in early September, “electronic textbooks” were distributed to schoolchildren in the Sverdlovsk region as an experiment. True, local media reported that under the guise of a Russian product, students received an American enTourage eDGe model 5 years ago. The authors of the project issued a refutation, in which, however, they admitted that the American development was indeed taken as the basis for the device, but already improved in the Russian Federation and assembled in China.

“The demilitarization of production is the right course,” Pukhov agrees. – But it will be extremely difficult to implement it with the Russian defense industry. Everything that we do - even a smartphone, even a washing machine, even medical equipment - will not be something unique and, most likely, will yield to foreign analogues both in price and quality. For most of the nomenclature of such goods, we have lagged behind forever. At Rostec, taking into account the specifics of existing enterprises, in general, their hands are tied: how can they rebuild, say, a torpedo plant for a “citizen”? So there will never be 50% civilian production, even 30% is a good result. However, it all depends on how you count: paint a helicopter in “camouflage” - and it is military, paint it white - it will be medical.”

Shadow Ministry

Neither the rapid growth of Rostec nor the change in the structure of production is possible without attracting private capital, experts believe. This is recognized by the corporation itself. True, the relevant section of the strategy is outlined in dotted lines: only “partnership” is named as a possible form of cooperation with investors, and no targets for the state's withdrawal from assets have been set. Previously, such plans were discussed more specifically: at the stage of the formation of Russian Technologies, it was believed that as the economic and financial recovery of its enterprises would be brought to IPO. But the concept has changed: “IPO is unlikely to take place in the near future, taking into account both the political and economic situation,” Chemezov said in 2015. “From a situational decision called Rostekhnologii, taken at the time to preserve the potential of the defense industry and rearmament of the army, we got a conglomerate that began to live and develop according to its own laws,” states Rozmirovich.

Sometimes privatization deals do happen. So, this year, 12% of the shares of Russian Helicopters were sold for $300 million to a consortium of Middle Eastern investors. Also, the Rostec board approved the privatization of a 25% stake in Kalashnikov. But more often, the corporation flatly refuses to share property: for example, AvtoVAZ and KAMAZ as “strategic assets” will remain state-owned in any case, Chemezov said in 2015. “There will definitely not be mass privatization,” notes Ruslan Pukhov from CAST. “Rostec” is like a big bun made of low-quality flour: the raisins from it - “Russian Helicopters”, “Kalashnikov” - can still be pecked out, and everything else did not give up to anyone even in pre-crisis times. Now the business climate is very bad: all investors are in the West, and we have a cold war with him again, who will come to us? In addition, it is difficult to invest in a corporation where everything is secret. Like, give me money, but I won’t say why.”

And yet, it's time to do something with Rostec, Pukhov calls. “In 2007, when Russian Technologies was created, our economy was growing rapidly,” the expert recalls. - It seemed that we would now create several corporations in the manner of South Korean chaebols, pump money into them, and they, like locomotives, would pull the economy along with them. Today it is clear that the idea failed. And it failed 100% with Rostec, which became a black hole for absorbing budget money, a shadow ministry pretending to be a corporation.”

The main paradox is noted by Viktor Makeev: having undertaken to oversee the non-resource industry, Rostec proclaimed its mission to reduce the dependence of the Russian economy on oil and gas. But it is precisely this giant that is suppressing the high-tech sector, pushing its good goal farther into the future. “There will never be their own Apple and Microsoft in Russia - why does Rostec need competitors? – explains the expert. - They simply will not be allowed to grow - either they will squeeze out the business, or they will simply go bankrupt, not having such lobbying abilities. There are already few prerequisites for the emergence of high-tech startups in the country: programmers and engineers emigrate abroad. At least something to interest them in their homeland can only private companies. It would be more profitable for the state to give benefits to them, rather than spend money on Rostec, which, in any case, has lower motivation. It’s all state-owned, which means it’s nobody’s.”

Yesterday, a meeting of the founders of the airline was held in the Moscow City Hall. There are two of them: Russian Technologies with a share of 50% plus 1 share and the Moscow government - 50% minus 1 share, Chemezov said. The creation of a new carrier began with the “infamous” Airunion, Luzhkov recalled: in August, the government asked Moscow and Russian Technologies to get involved in resolving the crisis around KrasAir, when the company stopped flying due to debts.

The new aviation holding will be built on the basis of a new company, which is planned to be registered in the near future, Sergey Chemezov, general director of the state corporation Russian Technologies, told Vedomosti. The decision on this has been made. According to him, now its name is being chosen, the working version is Russian Airlines.

A new major player may appear on the Russian pension market. A private non-state pension fund (NPF) is being created by the United Aircraft Corporation and the State Corporation "Russian Technologies" by Sergei Chemezov. Market participants are convinced that corporations will provide their funds with a multibillion-dollar resource that, taking into account tax and structural advantages, can be used to finance their own projects.

Yesterday ended the 16-year history of the sale of one of the world's largest Udokan copper deposits. It was received by "Metalloinvest" Alisher Usmanov. The results of the competition were unexpectedly summed up a week ahead of schedule, which gave odds to the winner - Mr. Usmanov's competitor, the head of the Russian Railways JSC, Vladimir Yakunin, simply did not have time to enlist the final support of President Dmitry Medvedev. Metalloinvest plans to invest $4.2 billion in the project, and expects core assets in Mongolia and Russia from future partners - the state corporation Rostekhnologii and MMC Norilsk Nickel.

At the Baikal Economic Forum in Irkutsk, the head of Rostekhnologii, Sergei Chemezov, proposed that the state corporation be given the authority to manage and receive budgetary funds.

The airline created by Russian Technologies on the basis of the collapsed AiRUnion aviation alliance will not include private Omskavia and Sibaviatrans. They will have to solve their problems on their own. But the project will include Sakhalin Airways and Dalavia, where the crisis began last week. The state has already begun to protect the new structure from competitors. The first to suffer was Aeroflot, which was deprived of the opportunity to gain a foothold in the Far East market.

The problems of the AiRUnion aviation alliance turned into the largest consolidation in the history of Russian aviation. On the basis of the assets of the alliance and a number of other airlines, the Russian Technologies State Corporation is creating a new carrier, almost a third larger than Aeroflot. At the same time, private shareholders of AiRUnion will lose their assets, and the government of Moscow and the authorities of the Krasnoyarsk Territory will become new partners of Russian Technologies.

Rostekhnologii, in its first statement after the stop of AiRUnion at Domodedovo, made it clear that the entire responsibility for the crisis of the aviation alliance will be borne by its management. In addition, the state corporation admitted that it does not guarantee that airlines will fulfill their obligations not only by the winter season, but also until the end of the summer season. After receiving state-owned stakes in airlines, Russian Technologies plans to create a virtually new airline, Airunion.

Today, the Russian Corporation of Nanotechnologies will announce the launch of its new brand. The Swedish branding agency Differ replaced the double-headed eagle traditional for Russian state-owned companies with a multi-colored sphere, and the name was shortened by one syllable: instead of "Rosnanotech", the company is now called "Rosnano". The corporation hopes that now it will finally no longer be confused with Sergei Chemezov's Russian Technologies.

This was told to Vedomosti by the co-owner of Sibir Avia Service, which supplies fuel to the Krasnoyarsk Emelyanovo airport, Igor Katalevsky, citing a representative of Russian Technologies in KrasAir. According to him, the state corporation is ready to pay the tanker 10-12 million rubles a day. for the current consumption of jet fuel. The representative of Russian Technologies confirmed this information to Vedomosti. He did not name how this assistance will be arranged, as well as the sources of funds.

Kommersant has learned that Rostekhnologii is creating its own depository, which will be headed by Evgeny Kutilin, a native of the Federal Financial Markets Service (FFMS). This will allow not only to avoid leaks of information about transactions with shares of more than 420 enterprises controlled by Rostekhnologii, but also to save money on transactions.

Russian Technologies State Corporation and Italy's Pirelli yesterday signed an agreement to build a tire plant in Togliatti worth ?250 million. Both companies will each own 50% of the plant located in the immediate vicinity of AvtoVAZ, which is likely to become its main client. Experts believe that Pirelli has chosen the right partner in Russia.

We are negotiating with Evgeny Ostrovsky (the owner and CEO of TOAP. - Vedomosti) on the acquisition of this company, ”Igor Zavyalov, deputy director general of Russian Technologies, told Vedomosti, without specifying what share in the business he is talking about. Ostrovsky himself confirmed to Vedomosti the fact of negotiations, noting that they were still at the level of "mutual probing." He calls the alliance with Russian Technologies promising: the presence of such a powerful partner will accelerate the implementation of a number of TOAP projects. Among them are the construction of its own network of refueling complexes at regional airports (today TOAP has one refueling complex in Orsk), the organization of a platform for trading kerosene in the RTS and, finally, the development of the regional carrier Gubernskiye Airlines. Ostrovsky has no intentions to completely go out of business - he would like to retain a blocking stake.

State corporations that have the status of non-profit organizations are not subject to bankruptcy law. They receive money from the budget, but are not subject to the Budget Code. The general director of Rostekhnologii, Sergei Chemezov, told Vedomosti that the antimonopoly agency is in a hurry to regulate state corporations, but this is possible only in relation to the holdings controlled by Rostekhnologii, which will be formed in a year and a half.

The decree on assets transferred as a property contribution to the Russian Technologies State Corporation was signed on Thursday, July 10.

Rostekhnologii appears to be getting a stake in the Yantar plant, a $1.6 billion builder of frigates for India. The plant's private shareholder has simply collapsed.

Valentina Koryazina, who previously held the position of deputy head of the St. Ms. Koryazina owes her promotion to her former bosses - the former heads of the St. Petersburg tax inspectorate, and now the head of the Ministry of Defense, Anatoly Serdyukov and the head of the Federal Tax Service, Mikhail Mokretsov: according to Kommersant, she has never been connected with the structures of Russian Technologies, MRI's largest client .

Sergey Chemezov, head of the state corporation Rostekhnologii: “In holdings producing strategic products, the state should and will own a controlling stake.

President Dmitry Medvedev signed a decree on the formation of the authorized capital of Russian Technologies. The head of the state corporation, Sergei Chemezov, managed to obtain from the state the transfer of state blocks of shares in more than 400 enterprises, the total value of which is tens of billions of dollars. Some of them will be sold.

According to Chemezov, metallurgy and aviation, where Russian Technologies is increasing its presence, are an exception to the rule, and he does not need other industries at all.

After many months of disputes, President Dmitry Medvedev signed a list of assets to be transferred to the Russian Technologies State Corporation.

Russian President Dmitry Medvedev approved the list of assets to be transferred into the ownership of the Russian Technologies State Corporation (RT). It took the head of Tatarstan, Sergei Chemezov, seven months to break through this idea. As a result of long disputes and undercover agreements, he got state-owned stakes in 426 dissimilar enterprises, of which Rostekhnologii intends to make three dozen holdings.

Deputy Prime Minister and future head of the board of directors of the United Shipbuilding Corporation (USC) Igor Sechin began to change its leadership. Vladimir Pakhomov, First Deputy Director General of Federal State Unitary Enterprise Rosoboronexport, has been nominated for the post of head of the USC with a portfolio of orders worth $12 billion. Thus, shipbuilding has again fallen into the sphere of interests of the Russian Technologies state corporation, which is being created on the basis of Rosoboronexport - experts are waiting for the nationalization of the industry to begin.

The board of directors of Kamaz did not wait until the state-owned stake in the company was transferred to Russian Technologies, and chose the general director of the corporation, Sergei Chemezov, as its chairman.

The Rusinvestpartner company, created by Renova and Russian Technologies, has officially announced the purchase of licenses from the Metals of Eastern Siberia (MVS) corporation, owned by IFC Metropol, for the purchase of Ozernoye and Kholodninskoye polymetallic lead-zinc deposits. The amount of the transaction will be determined in August, analysts estimate the cost of licenses at $200-300 million.

Rostekhnologii expects to receive Russian 49% state-owned stakes in the Mongolian enterprises Erdenet and Mongolrostsvetmet, said Nikolai Volobuev, deputy general director of the state corporation.

Rostekhnologii will soon get the right to state assets. But control by the government will be tighter than for other state corporations.

The Russian Technologies State Corporation is creating a holding for the production of auto components, which can combine part of the assets of AvtoVAZ, KamAZ and the SOK group. Vladimir Avetisyan, a native of RAO UES of Russia, will manage the project, and Troika Dialog will finance it. The partners intend to create a company that will take up to 40% of the auto component market in Russia. However, at the initial stage, AvtoVAZ will simply transfer non-core assets to it in order to clear its own balance sheet.

Prime Minister Vladimir Putin agreed on a list of assets that the state will contribute to Russian Technologies. The state corporation will receive shares in more than 480 enterprises - from the defense industry, car and automobile manufacturing to boarding houses.

Vladimir Putin personally took up the formation of the state corporation Rostekhnologii. On Friday, the Prime Minister signed a decree on the corporatization of Rosoboronexport FSUE, 100% of whose shares are to be transferred to the ownership of Rostekhnologii as a property contribution from the Russian Federation. Yesterday, First Deputy Prime Minister Igor Shuvalov said that the draft presidential decree on the formation of the property of the state corporation, agreed with the departments, had already been submitted by the government to the presidential administration. At the suggestion of the Ministry of Economic Development, 25.5% of the shares of OAO Siberia Airlines have been excluded from the list of state assets transferred to Russian Technologies.

JSC "Corporation "Biotechnologies"", created less than three months ago within the framework of the state corporation "Russian Technologies", launches the first foreign project in the field of production of alternative fuels. Kommersant has learned that Biotechnologies, in partnership with the Vietnamese PetroVietnam and IFC Metropol, intend to build a plant for the production of bioethanol in Vietnam. Experts are skeptical about the prospects of the project due to high prices for raw materials and the lack of buyers of finished products in the region.

Deputy Prime Minister and Finance Minister Alexei Kudrin suspected Rostekhnologii of trying to "steal" state budget revenues and intending to carry out a "hidden privatization" of the federal property transferred to the state corporation. He demanded to exclude from the list of state assets transferred to Russian Technologies enterprises of civilian industries, the Russian Federation's shares in foreign joint ventures, as well as one of the key defense holdings - OJSC OPK Oboronprom. Mr. Kudrin formulated this position in a letter addressed to First Deputy Prime Minister Igor Shuvalov. Rostekhnologii categorically rejects all claims of the Ministry of Finance.

Despite the fact that the head of Russian Technologies, Sergei Chemezov, has still not been able to convince all the relevant departments to agree on the draft presidential decree prepared by him six months ago on transferring several hundred enterprises into the ownership of the state corporation, this document can be officially submitted to the government in the coming days . First Deputy Prime Minister Igor Shuvalov instructed the departments to urgently finalize the draft, and the head of the presidential administration, Sergei Naryshkin, has already informed the White House that the document has been approved at the level of presidential structures.

Rostekhnologii will not insist on a controlling stake in AirUnion OJSC, which is being created, Interfax reported with reference to the words of the first deputy head of the corporation, Alexei Alyoshin. At the first stage, Rostekhnologii will receive 51% in the OJSC, which, according to him, "will ensure a simpler formation of the company."

The Russian Technologies State Corporation enters a new business - the production of tires. It is negotiating a joint venture with the Italian group Pirelli. Rostekhnologii can partially finance the construction of a Pirelli tire plant in Russia and provide administrative support to the project, and Pirelli can become a major supplier of AvtoVAZ, which is part of the state corporation.

Rostekhnologii has finally received the first contribution to its capital from the state. On Monday, President Dmitry Medvedev signed a decree on the transfer of state-owned assets of the Airunion aviation alliance worth $176 million to the state corporation. The transition under Rostekhnologii will allow private shareholders of the alliance to create a full-fledged company that will become one of Russia's largest air carriers.

“The head of Russian Technologies has probably never heard the name of this small chemical company (it is possible that he will not hear it). But its CEO is already building his business not only for reasons of financial and production efficiency, but also taking into account the need to protect from a state corporation. And he is hardly the only one."

The head of Rostekhnologii may miss several dozen enterprises from among those lobbied by him to contribute to the capital of the state corporation. Kommersant managed to get acquainted with the latest version of the presidential decree on the formation of the property contribution of the Russian Federation to Russian Technologies, from which more than 70 enterprises were excluded. However, this concession by Sergei Chemezov has not yet led to the signing of the document: the land plots of state-owned enterprises are of interest to President Dmitry Medvedev, who instructed the creation of a federal fund to promote housing construction.

Rostekhnologii is expanding its presence in the iron and steel industry. The state plans to contribute 25% minus one share of Large Diameter Pipe Plant OJSC (ZTBD) to the capital of the corporation. The package was put up for auction, but it was canceled without explanation, as it turned out now, in order to transfer the shares to Rostekhnologii. In fact, ZTBD is an empty production site, so the main benefit of the state corporation from the asset is partners represented by the owners of Evraz Group, including Chukotka Governor Roman Abramovich.

The competition for a license for the world's third copper deposit, Udokanskoye, has been postponed for a month at the request of the applicant companies. Now accepting applications from them will end in mid-June. According to unofficial information, this was done primarily in the interests of the alliance of the Russian Technologies State Corporation, Norilsk Nickel and Metalloinvest, which did not have time to agree on a scheme for joint work.

The head of Russian Technologies, Sergei Chemezov, intends to receive from the state not only large industrial assets, but also a number of real estate objects in Moscow. As follows from the draft government decree prepared by Russian Technologies, the state corporation claims a mansion built in 1917, located opposite the Kremlin on Sofiyskaya Embankment, the Sosnovka-5 state dacha complex in Troitse-Lykovo, and several objects in the Pushkin Square area. The total market value of these assets exceeds $150 million.

State Corporation "Russian Technologies" is going to enter a new market for the production of medicines. For this, the head of Russian Technologies, Sergei Chemezov, is seeking the transfer of state-owned blocks of shares in 35 pharmaceutical enterprises to the ownership of the state corporation. Some of these enterprises are also of interest to the Federal Agency for Industry (Rosprom), which proposes to merge state assets in the industry into OAO Russian Pharmaceutical Technologies.

The proposal of the head of Russian Technologies, Sergei Chemezov, to form a consortium for the development of the Udokan copper deposit was followed by the first official reaction. Yesterday the Board of Directors of Norilsk Nickel decided to apply for participation in the competition. Metalloinvest, which Mr. Chemezov called the third member of the consortium in his recent letter to Vladimir Putin (see Kommersant dated April 28), also promises to discuss Udokan at the board of directors. The main competitor of these companies in the competition will be another consortium consisting of UMMC, Russian Railways and Vnesheconombank.

The VSMPO-Avisma corporation, controlled by Rostekhnologii, has had unexpected problems with the antimonopoly authorities. The Federal Antimonopoly Service refused to satisfy the corporation's request to increase its stake in its subsidiary OOO Mining Company Uralskoye Zoloto. The department explains its decision by the opacity of the ownership structure of VSMPO-Avisma. It is really so complicated that the corporation's shares are not included in the list of assets that should be contributed to the capital of Rostekhnologii.

The head of Russian Technologies, Sergei Chemezov, wants to create the world's largest mining and metallurgical company. He agreed with Vladimir Potanin and Alisher Usmanov on joint participation in the competition for a license for Udokan and insists on the transfer of Russian shares in the Mongolian Erdenet and Mongolrostsvetmet to the state corporation. Then Sergey Chemezov plans to merge his mining assets with MMC Norilsk Nickel in order to take control of 9-10% of the world copper market, as well as to begin expansion into gold mining by obtaining the Sukhoi Log deposit.

The head of the Russian Technologies state corporation, Sergei Chemezov, intends to receive from the state not only large industrial assets, but also access to multibillion-dollar budget financing. As follows from the draft resolution of the government of the Russian Federation, prepared by Russian Technologies (available to Kommersant), the state corporation proposes to empower itself as a state customer for state defense orders, as well as a recipient and manager of budget funds. If the document is approved by Prime Minister Viktor Zubkov, from January 1, 2009, Russian Technologies will become a government customer under six federal targeted programs totaling more than 1 trillion rubles.

The head of Rostekhnologii, Sergei Chemezov, said yesterday that the formation of the state corporation could be completed by the end of April. Meanwhile, Kommersant has learned that the Ministry of Economic Development has refused to approve a draft presidential decree prepared by Mr. Chemezov on the transfer of state-owned blocks of shares in more than 500 enterprises to the state corporation. The department of Elvira Nabiullina demanded that the shares of a number of enterprises, including KamAZ and a number of airlines, be excluded from this list, and for the rest, a justification should be provided for the expediency of their inclusion in the state corporation. The requirements of the Ministry of Economic Development may delay the formation of Russian Technologies for an indefinite period.

The head of Russian Technologies, Sergei Chemezov, had to make concessions to the defense lobby in exchange for approval of his plan to create a state corporation. Kommersant has learned that on Friday, First Deputy Prime Minister Sergei Ivanov held a meeting at which the plan for the formation of the Russian Federation's property contribution to the capital of Russian Technologies was adjusted. Russian Technologies themselves will create defense holdings, but the state will have a "golden share" in each of them. This will give him the right to veto all strategically important issues on the decisions of Russian Technologies as a shareholder of holding structures.

The head of Russian Technologies, Sergei Chemezov, managed to defend his scenario of creating a state corporation. As Kommersant learned, on Wednesday Prime Minister Viktor Zubkov approved his proposed plan for the formation of a property contribution from the Russian Federation to the capital of Russian Technologies, which involves the direct transfer of state blocks of shares in about 300 enterprises to them. The only concession to the defense lobby is that Rostekhnologii agreed to bear responsibility for the failure of the enterprises transferred to them to carry out work to ensure the defense capability of the state.

The plans of the head of Russian Technologies, Sergei Chemezov, to acquire state-owned stakes in almost 250 enterprises, ran into resistance from the Military-Industrial Commission under the government of the Russian Federation, which is headed by First Deputy Prime Minister Sergei Ivanov. Mr. Ivanov approved an alternative scenario for the formation of the property contribution of the Russian Federation to the capital of Russian Technologies: it does not involve the direct transfer of all state-owned stakes, but the creation at the initial stage of four defense holdings with 100% state participation, after which no more than 75% of them should be transferred to Russian Technologies shares. Representatives of Rostekhnologii say they will push for the implementation of their plan.

Kommersant has learned that the State Corporation Rostekhnologii, which is being created on the basis of the assets of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise Rosoboronexport, may be transferred to one of the largest arms exporters, the Federal State Unitary Enterprise Instrument Design Bureau. This Tula enterprise appears in the list of state assets for which the state corporation claims. As a result, a conflict of interests between the special exporter of Russian weapons and the Almaz-Antey concern, which produces similar short-range air defense systems, may arise.

The state corporation Rostekhnologii is expanding - it can get a 100% stake in OAO Technopromexport and a state-owned stake in KamAZ. Moreover, Technopromexport itself became the initiator of joining Russian Technologies, preferring Sergei Chemezov's state corporation to Inter RAO UES and Rosatom. For KamAZ, the introduction of shares in the state corporation will become an alternative to privatization, which, according to experts, is not necessary for the current controlling shareholders of the plant.

A new applicant has appeared at FSUE STC Atlas - following the tax authorities, the state corporation Rostekhnologii, which is being created on the basis of FSUE Rosoboronexport, has become interested in the creator of the EGAIS system. Kommersant has learned that Atlas is one of the state assets at the expense of which the head of Russian Technologies, Sergei Chemezov, proposes to form the authorized capital of the state corporation. Participants in the alcohol market are frightened by the hardware struggle for control over Atlas - by July 1, the person responsible for developing the new EGAIS program, which is subordinate to the tax service of the GNIVTS, may not have time to create its product from scratch.

Former deputy chairman of the board of VTB, Igor Zavyalov, will oversee the financial activities of the state corporation Rostekhnologii, which is currently being formed, whose assets are estimated at $25 billion. As Kommersant learned, the head of the state corporation, Sergei Chemezov, proposed to the supervisory board of Rostekhnologii to approve the candidacy of his personal friend for the post of deputy general director of the corporation. The first council meeting is scheduled for tomorrow.

President Vladimir Putin has begun forming the staff of the state corporation Rostekhnologii, which is being created on the basis of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise Rosoboronexport. As expected, Sergei Chemezov, a personal friend of the president and ex-head of Rosoboronexport, took the chair of the state corporation's general director, and former deputy Anatoly Isaikin was appointed in his place.

The state corporation Rostec is preparing large-scale reductions in management personnel. Soon, 40,000 managers of various levels working in Rostec structures may lose their jobs. Meanwhile, according to experts, the head of the state corporation Sergei Chemezov himself should also be laid off. This was reported to The Moscow Post correspondent by representatives of the military-industrial complex (DIC).

A wave of cuts is coming

One of the largest Russian state corporations, Rostec, which is run by the infamous top manager Sergei Chemezov, is preparing for large-scale reductions in the management team.

As it became known to the press, the Rostec state corporation, which unites about 700 companies mainly in the field of mechanical engineering and the defense industry, wants to cut about 40,000 managers in the next two years.

In total, now in Rostec (including sub-holdings) there are about 85,000 people related to administrative and managerial personnel. The state corporation told reporters that now the share of managers in the total number of employees (about 475 thousand people) is 18%, while the world norm is 5-10%.

The optimization program in March 2015 was already approved by the Supervisory Board of Rostec, which is headed by the Minister of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation Denis Manturov.

The central office will not count employees

The staff optimization itself will begin with the central office. Until September 1, 2015, half of the 620 employees will be laid off.

The Supervisory Board will agree on a further plan to optimize the staff from among the managers of other organizations of the state corporation in September-October.

At the same time, according to experts, dismissals in the central office of Rostec, most likely, will not affect the inner circle of Sergei Chemezov. So neither the head of Rostec himself, nor his first deputy Vladimir Artyakov, nor another deputy head of Rostec, Igor Zavyalov, will lose their positions.

Meanwhile, these scandalous top managers, according to experts, should be in the forefront of those fired from Rostec. After all, all of them were previously suspected of withdrawing assets.

"Machination" Zavyalova?

One of the most scandalous top managers of the state corporation is Igor Zavyalov, Deputy General Director of Rostec, whom opposition leader Alexei Navalny caught participating in corruption scandals, even when Zavyalov was still working at VTB.

Recall that initially the "rescuers" of the "Wings of the Soviets" in the person of Chemezov and Artyakov promised subsidies to the football club from Samara, but that was not the case. After all, instead of the promised sponsorship support, the Wings of the Soviets were given a loan through AKB Novikombank, controlled by Chemezov, at an inflated interest rate (16-19% per annum), while the average rates for legal entities in Russia then ranged from 8.7 to 13 ,8%.

Moreover, it seems that both the head of Rostec and the then regional head, and now the first deputy of Chemezov, were able to “fuck” quite well from this “salvation”. After all, the top manager of Novikombank for work with corporate clients is the brother of the now former governor of the Samara region, Yuri Artyakov, which means that the bank has “all its own”.

Vladimir Artyakov, First Deputy General Director of Rostec

As a result, Chemezov and Artyakov, instead of saving, drove the Wings of the Soviets into even greater debts. By the way, how did the leadership of the football club "confuse" gratuitous subsidies with an expensive loan? Obviously, this question should be asked to the deputy head of Rostec, Zavyalov, who was then the president of Wings of the Soviets.

However, this scandal did not end there, because during this dubious "rescue operation" those 200 million rubles that were allocated for the needs of the FC from the regional budget "disappeared" somewhere. According to rumors, they went to pay interest to Novikombank.

Chemezov's favorite bank?

By the way, then Rostec became the owner of 20% of the authorized capital of Novikombank, and Chemezov began to drag the accounts of such large subsidiaries of Rostec as Concern Radioelectronic Technologies, etc. to this bank.

After the financial crisis broke out in Russia in 2015, Chemezov did not leave his "favorite bank" without state support. On January 27, 2015, it became known about the increase in the capital of JSCB Novikombank by 1.5 billion rubles by attracting a subordinated loan from JSC Rosoboronexport.

According to official information, on January 20, 2015, the capital reached 31.66 billion rubles. As of January 2015, Novikombank is 57.68% controlled by the state corporation Rostec, which owns Rosoboronexport.

Ilya Gubin, President and Member of the Board of Directors of Novikombank

By the way, another high-profile scandal related to Novikombank recently occurred. On February 25, 2015, it became known that Novikombank, controlled by Rostec, would take over the management of Fondservicebank together with the temporary administration (represented by the Deposit Insurance Agency).

The fact that Chemezovsky Novikombank will be engaged in the “recovery” of Fundservisbank, through which Roscosmos projects were financed, was compared by experts with a raider takeover.

In the best traditions of Rostec, Ms. Ignatova became a shareholder of Itera Group (the parent company of the holding) through her Belize company Elsamex Enterprises Ltd back in 2006.

Sergey Chemezov, CEO of Rostec State Corporation

Thus, it is possible that the leadership of Novikombank and Rostec has a “related interest”.

It turns out that one way or another, the entire management of Rostec is connected with Novikombank. Of course, none of those involved in this “banking scheme” will also be fired from Rostec due to the massive reduction in management personnel.

friendly neighbors

However, the general interests of the Rostec leadership are clearly not limited to the “ardent love” for Novikombank alone. The thing is that the top managers of this state corporation even have dachas in the neighborhood - in the elite cottage village of Akulinino, located in the Domodedovo district of the Moscow region.

For example, in this village, the general director of the state corporation "Rostec" Sergey Chemezov has 6.2 hectares.

Sergei Chemezov's dacha (photo taken from Takhir Baibekov's blog)

Artyakov neighbors Chemezov. But its plot is smaller - about 5 hectares. Across the river from Chemezov and Artyakov are the possessions of Zavyalov, who owns 9 hectares.

It is interesting how these land properties were bought with, if, for example, in 2013 the maximum cost of land on the prestigious Rublevo-Uspenskoye Highway reached $307,000 (10.1 million rubles at the rate of 08.08.2013) per hundred square meters. ? But the salaries of Chemezov, Zavyalov and Artyakov are clearly not enough to legally buy all these hectares.

Family bonds

In addition to the “land issue” and “banking”, the head of Rostec Chemezov has another area of ​​interest that is directly related to the state corporation he heads.

Affiliated companies

Rostec(until July 23, 2014 - Russian Technologies) is a Russian state corporation established at the end of 2007 to assist in the development, production and export of high-tech industrial products for civil and military purposes. It includes more than 700 organizations, of which 14 holding companies have been formed. 11 of them - in the military-industrial complex, 3 - in civilian industries, as well as more than 80 direct control organizations. . Rostec organizations are located on the territory of 60 regions of the Russian Federation and supply products to the markets of more than 70 countries of the world. The corporation was established on the basis of a property contribution made by the Russian Federation.

The full name in Russian is the State Corporation for the Promotion of the Development, Production and Export of High-Technological Industrial Products "Rostec". The abbreviated name in Russian is the State Corporation "Rostec". Full name in English - State Corporation for Assistance to Development, Production and Export of Advanced Technology Industrial Product "Rostec". The abbreviated name in English is State Corporation "Rostec".


In total 437 enterprises were transferred to the state corporation in 2009 . Their total loss was 630 billion rubles. 30% of these enterprises were in a pre-crisis and crisis state, 28 were in bankruptcy, 17 enterprises did not carry out economic activities, and 27 partially lost their property or had a significant risk of losing it. The heads of a number of enterprises included in Rostec were in conflict with each other. By the time of the acquisition by Rosoboronexport, which later became part of Russian Technologies, a controlling stake in VSMPO-AVISMA in 2006, the company was in a crisis due to a conflict of shareholders. In October 2005, the Federal Service for Financial Markets (FFMS) suspended trading in the company's ordinary shares on the RTS and MICEX exchanges.


Rostec includes more than 700 organizations.

Organizations of the Corporation, related to industrial assets, occupy a dominant position in the Russian Federation in the production of the following types of products:

  • military and civil helicopters;
  • aircraft engines, aircraft units and devices,
  • avionics, parachute systems;
  • operational-tactical missile systems, multiple launch rocket systems;
  • short-range air defense systems;
  • small arms and melee weapons;
  • ammunition and pyrotechnic products;
  • opto-mechanical and opto-electronic devices;
  • automated control systems, means of communication, electronic and radar reconnaissance, electronic countermeasures for communication and control systems;
  • systems and means of encryption technology;
  • electronic warfare equipment and means of state identification;
  • products of electronic component base and electrovacuum devices;
  • trucks;
  • cars.

The main activities of the Corporation's organizations include:

  • industrial production;
  • research and development.

The scope of activities of the Corporation's organizations includes:

  • development, production and modernization of weapons, military and special equipment (VVST);
  • after-sales service, repair and disposal of weapons and military equipment;
  • development, production and service of civil industrial products.

The federal law on the State Corporation for the Promotion of the Development, Production and Export of High-Technological Industrial Products "Rostec" declares that the main goal of the corporation is to "assistance in the development, production and export of high-tech industrial products by providing support in the domestic and foreign markets for Russian organizations - developers and manufacturers of high-tech industrial products, organizations in which the Corporation, due to the predominant participation in their authorized capital in accordance with agreements concluded between them or otherwise in a way has the ability to influence the decisions made by these organizations (hereinafter referred to as the Corporation's organizations), by attracting investments in organizations of various industries, including the military-industrial complex, as well as participating in social and other socially significant projects in the interests of the state and society in accordance with this Federal law, other federal laws, decisions of the President of the Russian Federation" .

The main declared functions of the corporation:

  • Assistance to organizations of various industries, including the military-industrial complex, in the development and production of high-tech industrial products, advanced research and technology development;
  • Ensuring the promotion to the domestic and foreign markets and the sale in the domestic and foreign markets of high-tech industrial products, as well as goods and results of intellectual activity related to the creation of these products;
  • Participation in the implementation of the state policy in the field of military-technical cooperation of the Russian Federation with foreign states and the state armament program, as well as the organization, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, of the implementation of the state armament program, the state defense order and the mobilization plan, long-term target programs, federal target programs and military-technical cooperation programs;
  • Attracting investments in organizations of various industries, including the military-industrial complex, including in the interests of creating competitive models of high-tech industrial products, including military products;
  • Implementation in the interests of organizations of various industries, including the military-industrial complex, advertising, exhibition and marketing activities, participation in the organization and holding of exhibitions (shows) of samples of civilian, military and dual-use products on the territory of the Russian Federation and abroad;
  • Providing assistance to organizations in various industries, including the military-industrial complex, in conducting applied research in promising areas of development of science and technology and in introducing advanced technologies into production in order to increase the level of domestic development of high-tech industrial products, reduce the time and cost of its creation, as well as conducting scientific research in promising areas of development of science and technology;
  • Rendering assistance to the activities of an organization that is a state intermediary in the implementation of foreign trade activities in relation to military products.
  • Implementation of other functions in accordance with federal laws and decisions of the President of the Russian Federation.

On December 21, 2012, the rebranding of the corporation was announced. The name, logo, slogan were changed. Russian Technologies changed its name to Rostec, in English the name of the corporation will be written Rostec. The new logo of Rostec is an open square symbolizing a window to the world and a frame of focus. It expresses the philosophy of the corporation's slogan "Partner in Development". A new corporate website was also presented, the information on which is duplicated in six languages ​​(in addition to Russian, English, German, French, Spanish, Arabic and Chinese are used). The languages ​​were chosen taking into account the countries and regions that are the largest customers for the products of the corporation's enterprises. The corporation has an official YouTube channel and social media accounts (Facebook, Twitter, VKontakte). “Communications and the brand are increasingly influencing the formation of the added value of products,” said Sergey Chemezov, CEO of Rostec. - An international brand is necessary to attract world technological and financial leaders, successfully implement the corporation's strategy, and increase its capitalization. According to The Wall Street Journal, the rebranding is designed to make the corporation more open. The rebranding project was implemented by the Apostol strategic communications center and the founder and co-owner of the British agency Winter Ilya Oskolkov-Tsentsiper. The graphic design was carried out by a team led by Hazel Macmillan (among her latest projects is the design of British Airways aircraft). The site was developed by the British agency SomeOneElse, whose specialists participated in the projects of HSBC, Land Rover, BBC. About $1.5 million was spent on rebranding.

Development strategy 2025

“Implementation of the development strategy of the Rostec corporation will change the structure of the Russian economy,” said General Director Sergey Chemezov. The formation of developed industrial capacities with leadership in industries will allow Russia to get rid of the economic model based on the export of natural resources. "The Rostec State Corporation combines the most important enterprises in the Russian industry. In order to create an effective model for managing these assets, it was decided to restructure the corporation" Rostec" and all its holdings. The most important strategy in the strategy is the growth of income in rubles, including the introduction of "smart" civilian products to the international market. Such markets are developing twice as fast as those in which Rostec operates.

“The new strategy, which predicts an annual growth of 17%, has set very ambitious goals for itself, which require a lot of effort from the corporate management. Despite this, I believe that our forecasts are achievable, because Rostec is the main actor in Russian industry and has the opportunity to achieve the goal. One of the main areas in the new strategy of Rostec Corporation will be the development of innovative technologies,” said Denis Manturov, Minister of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation, Chairman of the Supervisory Board.

Rostec is one of the ten largest industrial organizations in the world in terms of revenue. The company has identified key areas for development: a 17% annual increase in revenue and a sharp increase in the share of civilian products, up to 50% by 2025. "The new strategy includes five main elements:

  • Aggressive growth;
  • Entering new markets;
  • Operational efficiency;
  • Technology partnerships;
  • Implementation mechanism.

Entering high-tech fast-growing markets, such as: the market of electronics, information technology, automation, control systems, robotics, new materials, etc. - in priority.


To implement the new strategy, Rostec has formed the main clusters in such industries as Aviation, Radio Electronics and Armament


The aviation cluster of the corporation includes holding structures:

  • United Engine Corporation (UEC)

Corporation composition


Russian helicopters

Rostec created Russian Helicopters, which ranks first in the world in terms of sales of combat attack helicopters, left behind by Sikorsky, Bell and Eurocopter.

  • More than 8,500 Russian helicopters are used in more than 100 countries around the world
  • Russian Helicopters occupy 85% of the national and 14% of the international market
  • The portfolio of firm orders is 396.1 billion rubles. (808 helicopters)

In 2011, Russian Helicopters and the Italian company Agustawestland agreed to establish a joint venture helivert to launch the AW139 twin-engine multipurpose helicopter in Russia. The production plant is located in Tomilino, Moscow Region. In 2017, the Russian Direct Investment Fund (RDIF) formed a consortium of leading Middle Eastern funds and completed the acquisition of a minority stake in Russian Helicopters. The cost of Russian Helicopters is estimated at $2.35 billion. The deal consists of two stages. The first stage involves the sale of 12% of the shares and an investment of $300 million. USA, as well as an agreed subsequent potential increase in investment to $600 million. USA. The deal will increase the authorized capital of the holding. This will allow to accumulate a significant amount of funds within the Company. These funds are needed to implement the Company's strategy and business plan, including the development of new types of helicopters. In addition, these funds will help implement the holding's investment program, as well as finance possible mergers and acquisitions aimed at increasing the value of the holding and capital financing programs.

United Engine Corporation

The holding is responsible for the production of engines for military and civil aviation programs, as well as space programs. UEC also manufactures power turbines for the production of electricity and heat, gas compressor units and offshore gas turbine units. UEC has created a new version of the PD-14 aircraft engine for the next generation MS-21 aircraft, as well as a new generation military engine for the PAK FA fighter, a number of helicopter engines, etc. The holding has developed and introduced new gas turbine units with a capacity of 60-110 MW to the market .

KRET (Concern "Radioelectronic Technologies")

KRET develops and manufactures military equipment for radio-electronic, state identification, aviation and radio-electronic equipment, multi-purpose measuring instruments. The holding has developed one of the two existing state-owned radar systems. The company's goal is to enter the world market of radio-electronic equipment.


Leading Russian developer and manufacturer of aircraft equipment, including landing gear, fuel systems, flight control systems and auxiliary power units. Specializes in the creation and development of:

  • Engine control systems and units
  • Life support systems, rescue systems
  • control systems and actuators
  • hydraulic and fuel systems
  • Supply systems and switchgears
  • auxiliary power supplies
  • runway equipment



Roselectronics consolidated electronics companies specializing in the development and production of electronic components, devices and equipment, as well as microwave equipment and semiconductor devices. The scope of the company's activities includes the creation of high-tech production of competitive products in the field of communications and systems, automated control systems, electronic security and robotic systems that meet modern requirements, as well as competitive in civilian and military markets with high export potential.


Shvabe Holding is responsible for the production and development of high-tech optical electronic systems for civilian needs through the production of optical, medical and energy-saving equipment.

Concern "Avtomatika"

Concern Avtomatika is the largest enterprise in the Russian Federation dealing with information security issues, development and production of equipment and systems for secret communications, secure information and telecommunication systems, as well as special automated control systems.


Concern "Techmash"

Concern "Techmash" specializes in the development and production of consumables for the Armed Forces of Russia. The holding company CJSC NPC Tekhmash currently includes 48 organizations for the production of ammunition and special chemicals, 47 enterprises belong to the military-industrial complex and are included in the consolidated register of organizations of the military-industrial complex of the Russian Federation. Many enterprises and research the institutions included in the holding have a history that goes back several decades.The organization of the holding is located in 15 regions of the Russian Federation.

High-precision complexes High-precision complexes are part of the enterprises of the military-industrial complex, focused on high-precision systems and weapons for the tactical battlefield. The holding produces a full production cycle of weapons and defense equipment.

RT-Chemical Composite

The holding specializes in innovative research and development in the field of polymer composite materials and complex products for space exploration, aviation, weapons and military equipment, land and water transport, energy and other industries.

Concern "Kalashnikov"

On August 13, 2013, NPO IZHMASH OJSC and the Izhevsk Arms Plant were merged into the Kalashnikov Concern. The concern's shares are divided between the Rostec Corporation (51%) and private investors (49%). To date, the Kalashnikov Concern - Russia's largest manufacturer of military automatic and sniper weapons, guided missiles and a wide range of civilian military products, including shotguns, sporting rifles, vehicles and tools.In 2017, the sale of shares in the Kalashnikov holding to Andrei Bokarev and Alexei Krivoruchko, with the approval of the board of Rostec ", was put forward for consideration by the Supervisory Board. It is mentioned that the possible number of transferred securities is 26% minus one share. "If the process is approved, then the share of private investors in the Kalashnikov holding will increase to 75% minus one share. Rostec State Corporation “will reserve a blocking stake in the amount of 25% plus one share,” said Sergey Chemezov, General Director of the Rostec Group of Companies. Rostec, the corporation's development strategy 2025 provides for attracting private investors to various assets. At the moment, Rostec Group owns 51% of the shares. The CEO of the holding, Alexei Krivoruchko, owns 49% of the shares, which he bought in 2014 for 1.3 billion rubles. The Kalashnikov Concern is Russia's largest manufacturer of military automatic and sniper weapons, guided missiles and a wide range of civilian military products, including shotguns, sporting rifles, vehicles and tools. The market share is 90% of the production of automatic weapons in Russia and 95% of sniper weapons.


Splav Holding is one of the leading companies producing and improving multiple launch rocket systems and providing these products to the world market. This is the only holding company in Russia that develops and manufactures multiple launch rocket systems. JSC "TsNIITOCHMASH" JSC "TsNIITOCHMASH" is the main developer and manufacturer of weapons for the Russian army and the Ministry of Internal Affairs. JSC "CNIITOCHMASH" - creates and implements projects for the production of small arms and simulators for them, combat equipment, conducts research and development on control systems for precision-guided munitions (also protection against these systems), artillery systems.

Other companies


The only state intermediary for the import and export of a full range of military and dual-use products, technologies and services. Rosoboronexport exports 85% of Russian military goods

Rosoboronexport exported arms worth $13.8 billion in 2015


VSMPO-AVISMA produces more than 90% of Russian titanium, occupying 30% of the world market. Exports products to 48 countries of the world, having about 350 customers. The corporation provides up to 40% of Boeing's titanium needs, 60% of EADS's needs, and 100% of Embraer's. The corporation's revenue for 2015 exceeded 72 billion rubles, net profit - 14 billion rubles.

National Immunobiological Company

A Russian pharmaceutical holding established to ensure Russia's independence from imports in the healthcare and drug supply system by developing its own competencies and uniting Russian developers and manufacturers of immunobiological medicines.



In July 2008, Rostec signed an agreement with the Metalloinvest holding company, providing for the creation, in case of winning the tender, of a joint venture to develop the Udokan copper deposit in the Chita region, whose reserves are estimated at 20 million tons of copper or 1.3 billion tons of ore, which is 30% of all explored reserves in Russia. In September of the same year, the competition was won by the Mikhailovsky Mining and Processing Plant (part of Metalloinvest). As of mid-2012, preparatory work was underway at Udokan to develop the deposit. In accordance with the plan, production should begin no later than June 2014.

Rostec is implementing a project to build the fourth Moscow airport in Ramenskoye. The volume of investments of the joint venture of the state corporation with the Lithuanian Avia Solutions Group Ramport will amount to 10.2 billion rubles. In Ramenskoye, it is planned to build an air terminal complex for 60 thousand square meters. m, a cargo terminal, administrative and office buildings, hangars, parking lots, a hotel and a commercial center. The opening of Zhukovsky International Airport took place on May 30, 2016. The first flight departed the airport on September 12, 2016.

In 2009, Daimler was involved as a strategic partner of KAMAZ. A number of joint projects are being implemented, including the production of Daimler cabs. Two joint ventures were created - FUSO KAMAZ Trucks Rus and Mercedes-Benz Trucks Vostok. In early 2015, the merger of these joint ventures was announced.

Rostec and the Chinese state corporation Shenhua, the world's largest producer and distributor of coal, will cooperate in the field of investment and joint development of coal deposits and the development of related infrastructure in the Far East. Rostec also plans to build generating facilities at the fields and high-voltage transmission lines to export electricity to China. The total investment in projects will be up to $10 billion. In particular, it is planned to develop the Ogodzhinsky coal deposit in the Amur Region. The planned production volume is up to 30 million tons per year. As part of a comprehensive strategy for the development of the field, RT - Global Resources plans to build its own coal sea terminal Port Vera in the Primorsky Territory, which will ensure the transshipment of mined coal to the Asia-Pacific countries.

In January 2017, a joint venture between Rostec and PJSC Polyus Zoloto - SL Zoloto LLC won the auction for the right to develop the Sukhoi Log gold deposit, one of the largest in the world. Having contributed 4,900 rubles to the authorized capital of the new company for 49% of its shares, the state corporation will receive $ 141 million within five years for the sale of 23.9% of the shares to a partner - Polyus. Vedomosti calculated that the return on this investment for Rostec is 172,560,122% over five years. At the same time, the Russian budget, according to journalists, receives less revenue from non-competitive bidding; Rostec may also refuse to transfer to the state the proceeds from the sale of $ 141 million and dividends from OOO SL Gold.

In addition, Rostec is actively developing cooperation with other foreign partners and major Russian transport and energy companies, industrial groups, government agencies, local and regional authorities, and constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

Social responsibility

The corporation's special area of ​​responsibility is its 21 city-forming enterprises. As an example of the corporation's activities aimed at stabilizing the social situation in single-industry towns, the media cited the policy towards AvtoVAZ, the city-forming enterprise of Togliatti, during the economic crisis of 2008-2009. Despite large-scale layoffs, a social explosion in the city was avoided; a special employment program for laid-off workers was developed. In the city of Verkhnyaya Salda (Sverdlovsk region), where one of the VSMPO-AVISMA enterprises is located, unemployment is less than 1%.

In 2014, the implementation of social projects continued. A corporate program was developed to improve the living conditions for employees, for which up to 2 billion rubles were allocated by the end of 2015. The participants of the program will be qualified specialists in the most demanded specialties, in which Rostec is in dire need. The State Corporation acted as a partner of the In the Family Circle program and the International Theater and Film Festival, a presentation of the Russian Educational Park took place. Rosoboronexport supported a charity evening to help victims of Ebola. The enterprises of the Corporation financed the construction of kindergartens, implemented projects for medical and sanatorium services for the employees of the Corporation, and also implemented a number of other social projects
