Gennady Trukhanov: biography and political activity. Gennady Trukhanov: biography and political activity With his wife - from school



  • Married.
  • Daughters - Ekaterina Gennadievna Trukhanova, born in 1986, Alisa Gennadievna Trukhanova, born in 2000.
  • Father - Leonid Demyanovich Trukhanov. He died in 1973 in a car accident.
  • Mother - Maria Dmitrievna Trukhanova, born in 1942.

Private bussiness

Since the 1990s, Trukhanov has been known for his Orthodox religious views and friendship with Metropolitan Agafangel of Odessa and Izmail. In addition, he has multiple regalia, among which is the Order of the "Reverend Nestor the Chronicler" II degree, which he received "for services to the church."

After some time, the former military and active athlete is drawn into politics. In 2004-2007, he worked in the apparatus of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine. In 2006, he was elected to the City Council, heads the permanent commission on youth and sports of the Odessa City Council.

In August 2008, he was appointed to the post of regional representative of the State Committee of Ukraine for Veterans Affairs in the Odessa region. In 2010, Trukhanov again became a member of the city council. He headed, having agreed with Andrei Klyuev and Sergei Levochkin, a faction of the Party of Regions. And this despite the fact that until December 2009 Trukhanov was a member of the People's Party.

In many ways, Trukhanov's rise, according to experts, was helped by the conflict between the team of Leonid Klimov, who was too keen on defending personal interests to the detriment of the party's image, and governor Eduard Matviychuk. After the latter won the undercover war, it turned out that the Regionals did not have so many personnel, and new people with weight in the city, their own team and financial resources came in handy. But he had to pay for this with an impressive quota on the electoral list. The result is known - Trukhanov has most of the faction under his heel, he is able to influence the mayor, and if he resists, put him in his place.


After serving in the Armed Forces, for a long time the name of the politician was associated with the special services, moreover, such abbreviations as the KGB and even the GRU sounded.

In 2004, Trukhanov had a serious quarrel with Alexei Kozachenko, the future people's deputy. Kozachenko insulted Trukhanov's sports school, calling it a "forge of bandits", and Trukhanov himself - their (in the sense of bandits) educator. 6 court sessions were scheduled, but Aleksey Kozachenko did not appear at any of them. The conflict was resolved only in 2006: “Aleksey Kozachenko noted that with his words he in no way and never wanted to offend the honor of the Thai Boxing Federation and athletes, and I regarded this as an apology. I think that the representatives of the federation, in particular the athletes, just like me, will be satisfied with what Alexey Kozachenko told me, ”the Porto-Franco newspaper quotes Trukhanov. By the way, the politician acquired GLAS with PLUS after the same Kozachenko tried to close them.

But one can only guess about the causes of the incident that occurred already in February 2011. City deputies - "regionals" staged an unprecedented demarche at that time - they did not appear at the meeting of the executive committee under the leadership of Mayor Alexei Kostusev. On the sidelines of the mayor's office, they said that this happened at the personal request of the head of the faction - allegedly the then associate of Kostusev, the leader of the Rodina party, Igor Markov and Gennady Trukhanov, could not divide the city department of youth and family policy.

The politician demonstrated his direct influence in the city meeting in March of the same year. Then the deputies literally did not let Kostusev go to the Odessans protesting under the walls of the city hall, and Gennady Trukhanov openly stated that if citizens are dissatisfied with something, then they should contact the deputies, and not organize protests.

A small quarrel with the mayor happened and quite recently. Aleksey Kostusev noticed that the city council began to meet too often and suggested holding sessions no more than once every three months. The leader of the PR faction countered this with a statement that the mayor did not give him a decree, and sessions would be held when a third of the deputies were needed, that is, he.

Business dossier

In the early 90s, Trukhanov created one of the first security firms in the country, which he called "Captain". Trukhanov realized in time that large Odessa enterprises would be much more pleased to deal with a legal company than with banal racketeers. All the "captain's" guards were engaged in Thai boxing. Gennadiy Trukhanov is still the head of the Federation of Ukraine in this sport. “Honestly, we made good money. Of course, as now, the forms of rewards were different. We took the object under guard, and it was always calm around it. Therefore, in a short time, they achieved that they began to serve serious enterprises in Odessa, among which were Odessaoblgaz, Eximnefteprodukt (Odessa), Odessanefteprodukt, ”the politician said in an interview with Vlast Deneg.

However, the millionaire Gennady Trukhanov "made" roads. Currently, Gennady Trukhanov de facto manages the Rost construction group, owned by Alexander Zhukov. Evil tongues say that the company, through formal tenders, participates in the repair of roads at the expense of the city and regional budgets.

The politician is a co-owner of a number of mass media, in particular, a group of TV channels "GLAS", "PLUS" and "Country of Soviets", as well as the newspaper "Vremya Ch". In the press, he is called a shadow business partner of the governor of the Odessa region, Eduard Matviychuk, whose business interests include real estate and construction.

Ranks, ranks, regalia

  • Member of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine Committee on Rule of Law and Justice.


In 1972 he went to the first class of secondary school No. 4 in Odessa.

In 1982 he entered the Odessa Higher Artillery Command School of the Order of Lenin. Frunze.


  • In 1986, upon graduation, he was awarded the rank of lieutenant. He received a civil specialty - an engineer for the repair and operation of automotive equipment.
  • From 1986 to 1992 he served in the North Caucasian Military District. He began his service with the rank of lieutenant and ended with the rank of captain.
  • In 1992, due to the reduction of the Armed Forces and personal desire, he retired from the Armed Forces.
  • In 1993, he organized the security company "Captain", where he worked as a director until 1996.
  • In 1995 he became the President of the Ukrainian National Federation of Thai Boxing.
  • In 2000, he was invited to work at the representative office of the oil company Lukoil in Ukraine. He served as Assistant to the Representative of the President of the company for security issues.
  • From 2004 to 2007 worked in the apparatus of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine.
  • In April 2005, he was elected to the Odessa City Council.
  • In 2006, he was re-elected as a deputy of the Odessa City Council from the People's Party. He headed the permanent commission on youth and sports of the Odessa City Council.
  • Since August 2008, he has been appointed to the position of Regional Representative of the State Committee of Ukraine for Veterans Affairs in the Odessa region.
  • In 2010 - re-elected as a deputy of the Odessa City Council. Headed the Faction of the Party of Regions of the Odessa City Council.
  • In 2012, he was elected People's Deputy of Ukraine in the 136th majoritarian constituency.
  • In May 2014, he was elected mayor of Odessa. Gained 43.9% of the vote.
  • In the local elections on October 25, 2015, he was re-elected to the post of mayor of Odessa, he won in the first round, gaining more than 52.5% of the vote.


Daughters - Ekaterina Gennadievna Trukhanova, born in 1986, Alisa Gennadievna Trukhanova, born in 2000.

Father - Leonid Demyanovich Trukhanov. Died in 1973.

Mother - Maria Dmitrievna Trukhanova, born in 1942.

Compromise and rumors:

According to Panama Papers documents released in April 2016, Gennady Trukhanov is the owner of more than twenty businesses associated with him personally or with his entourage through offshore companies in the Virgin Islands. At the same time, Gennady Trukhanov is indicated in the registration documents as a citizen of the Russian Federation. The SBU launched an investigation into the facts of the investigation. After that, protests were held in the city demanding Trukhanov's resignation.

Gennady Trukhanov de facto manages the Rost construction group, owned by Alexander Zhukov. Evil tongues say that the company, through formal tenders, participates in the repair of roads at the expense of the city and regional budgets. The politician is a co-owner of a number of mass media, in particular, a group of TV channels "GLAS", "PLUS" and "Country of Soviets", as well as the newspaper "Vremya Ch". In the press, he is called a shadow business partner of the governor of the Odessa region, Eduard Matviychuk, whose business interests include real estate and construction.

In many ways, Trukhanov's rise, according to experts, was helped by the conflict between the team of Leonid Klimov, who was too keen on defending personal interests to the detriment of the party's image, and Governor Eduard Matviychuk. After the latter won the undercover war, it turned out that the Regionals did not have so many personnel, and new people with weight in the city, their own team and financial resources came in handy. But he had to pay for this with an impressive quota on the electoral list. The result is known - Trukhanov has most of the faction under his heel, he is able to influence the mayor, and if he resists, put him in his place.

Aleksey Kostusev noticed that the city council began to meet too often and suggested holding sessions no more than once every three months. The leader of the PR faction countered this with a statement that the mayor did not give him a decree, and sessions would be held when a third of the deputies were needed, that is, he.

The politician demonstrated his direct influence in the city meeting in March 2011. Then the deputies literally did not let Kostusev go to the Odessans protesting under the walls of the city hall, and Gennady Trukhanov openly stated that if citizens are dissatisfied with something, then they should contact the deputies, and not organize protests.

One can only guess about the causes of the incident, which occurred already in February 2011. City deputies - "regionals" staged an unprecedented demarche at that time - they did not appear at the meeting of the executive committee under the leadership of Mayor Alexei Kostusev. On the sidelines of the mayor's office, they said that this happened at the personal request of the head of the faction - allegedly the then associate of Kostusev, the leader of the Rodina party, Igor Markov and Gennady Trukhanov, could not divide the city department of youth and family policy.

In the presidential elections in 2010, he was an active participant in the movement “For Odessa! For Yanukovych! In the fall of 2010, he headed the headquarters for elections to the City Council in majoritarian districts. Controls TV channels GLAS, Plus and Strana Sovetov.

In 2010, Trukhanov again became a member of the city council. Headed, in agreement with Andrei Klyuev and Sergei Levochkin, the faction of the Party of Regions. And this despite the fact that until December 2009 Trukhanov was a member of the People's Party.

In 2004, Trukhanov had a serious quarrel with Alexei Kozachenko, the future people's deputy. Kozachenko insulted Trukhanov's sports school, calling it a "forge of bandits", and Trukhanov himself - their (in the sense of bandits) educator. 6 court sessions were scheduled, but Aleksey Kozachenko did not appear at any of them. The conflict was resolved only in 2006: “Aleksey Kozachenko noted that with his words he in no way and never wanted to offend the honor of the Thai Boxing Federation and athletes, and I regarded this as an apology. I think that the representatives of the federation, in particular the athletes, just like me, will be satisfied with what Alexey Kozachenko told me, ”the Porto-Franco newspaper quotes Trukhanov. By the way, the politician acquired GLAS with PLUS after the same Kozachenko tried to close them.

After serving in the Armed Forces, for a long time the name of the politician was associated with the special services, moreover, such abbreviations as the KGB and even the GRU sounded.

Also Read: Dossier

Trukhanov Gennady Leonidovich - businessman, Ukrainian politician. In 2014, he was elected mayor (mayor) of the city of Odessa. Member of the parliamentary faction of the Party of Regions in the Supreme of the seventh convocation. He was a member of the City Council, worked in the administration of the Verkhovna Rada and the Department for Work with Veterans.

Gennady Trukhanov: biography

Gennady Leonidovich was born on January 17, 1965 in Odessa. He graduated from secondary school No. 4, after which he decided to master the military profession. He received his higher education at the Odessa Artillery Command School named after Frunze, specializing in the maintenance and repair of vehicles with the rank of lieutenant. From 1986 to 1992 he served in the North Caucasus, rising to the rank of captain.

After the collapse of the USSR, they began in army units. Gennady Trukhanov, whose biography has changed dramatically, resigned from the Armed Forces and returned to Ukraine. An end was put on the military career. In 1992, he headed the security of NPP Minimax, in 1993 he became the head of his own security company.

The beginning of the 2000s was associated with a sharp career growth. In 2001, Gennady Trukhanov was appointed security adviser to the general director of Lukoil-Ukraine. In 2004-2007 He was an adviser-consultant in the administration of the Verkhovna Rada.

2005-2010 was elected as a member of the Odessa City Council. As part of his work, he led a commission dealing with sports and youth issues. In 2008, he was appointed to the State Committee for Veterans Affairs.

Gennady Leonidovich is a family man. Together with his wife, they are raising two daughters: Ekaterina and Alice.


Gennady Trukhanov in Ukraine is also known as a popularizer of martial arts. He is proud of the title of Honored Worker of Physical Culture and Sports, awarded in 2002 by presidential decree.

For a personal significant contribution to the development of physical culture and sports and significant achievements of Ukrainian athletes in the international arena, on January 19, 2005, the Cabinet of Ministers decided to award the President of the Ukrainian National Thai Boxing Federation G. L. Trukhanov with a Certificate of Honor with a commemorative badge.

His merits have been repeatedly noted by the Cabinet of Ministers, the presidential vertical, the Verkhovna Rada, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Odessa City Executive Committee, and the Ministry of Defense. In 2008 he became the owner of the Order of Daniel of Galicia, in 2010 - the Order of the III degree "For Merit". In 2011, he was recognized as the "Political Leader of the Year" in the national rating "People's Recognition".

Deputy activity

On December 12, 2012, Gennady Trukhanov received deputy powers. He was elected to the Verkhovna Rada as a representative of the Odessa region from the Party of Regions, winning in constituency No. 136.

During his work, the Verkhovna Rada served as chairman of the sub-committee on interaction with state bodies, local governments, enterprises and institutions of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine Committee on Justice and the Rule of Law.

He was the deputy head of the group for ensuring inter-parliamentary relations with Albania. He was also a member of parliamentary liaison groups:

  • France;
  • Russian Federation;
  • Armenia;
  • Great Britain;
  • Germany;
  • Spain;
  • Japan;
  • Switzerland;
  • China;
  • Greece;
  • the United States of America;
  • Italy.

city ​​head

The election of G. L. Trukhanov as the mayor of Odessa can be considered the peak of his political and managerial career. For the first time, he was elected mayor of a million-plus city in early municipal elections with a score of 43.49% of the vote. On May 25, 2014, at a solemn meeting of the City Council, he took the oath.

A year and a half later (October 27, 2015), Gennady Leonidovich was re-elected as the head of Odessa with a score of 52.9% of the vote, thereby proving his competence in terms of managing one of the most important political and economic centers of Ukraine. Gennady Trukhanov, whose photo can be seen not only on the pages of the national, but also the foreign press, has become a popular politician.

Panama Dossier

The huge international scandal that arose after the publication of the so-called Panama Papers also affected Mayor Gennady Trukhanov. Local journalists said that the politician was involved in the registration of offshore companies in the British Virgin Islands. Moreover, all registration documents indicated not Ukrainian, but Russian citizenship. Given the tension between the Russian Federation and Ukraine, this information caused a significant resonance.

Journalistic investigations

Opponents have repeatedly accused the leader of the Party of Regions faction in the Odessa City Council, Gennady Trukhanov, of having links with crime, in particular with the authority of Alexander Angert. The politician decided to comment on the situation. In an interview with the magazine "Power of Money" he explained that in 1993-1996. he led the security company "Captain" and, due to the specifics of the work, naturally knew about the ins and outs of the underworld. He had to communicate with both law enforcement agencies and criminals.

“I had and still have to contact them. This layer of society has always existed, exists now and, most likely, will exist in the future. If we manage to completely eradicate crime, then perhaps it will disappear. Policemen also hold meetings with criminals. Therefore, to say that I am also a criminal is tantamount to saying the same thing to half of the law enforcement officers. Like, why are you in contact with bandits? When they show me photographs in which I am allegedly with criminals, I do not deny it. However, who determines that representatives of the criminal world are next to me, where are the court decisions? Mayor Gennady Trukhanov said. Of particular interest to journalists was the friendship of the deputy with such an odious person as Alexander Angert, who now lives in Israel.

Gennady Leonidovich Trukhanov was born on January 17, 1965 in Odessa. His school years were spent in Odessa secondary school No. 4. It was the school that helped develop and strengthen the character of the future politician - sensitive teachers immediately noted an honest, open and responsible student and taught him to justify the trust placed in him. Gennady Trukhanov was proudly accepted into the Komsomol, and then appointed commander of Post No. 1 at the monument to the Unknown Sailor.

Military service

Since childhood, Gennady wanted to enter the military service. But this dream had to be fought for: due to an injury received in the sixth grade, the boy was declared unfit for military service.

At the same time, Gennady became seriously interested in sports - and Thai boxing for life became not just a passion for him, but something that helps to survive, cope with pain and win.

With the help of constant training, which taught the body to cope with stress, Gennady Trukhanov also defeated the injury, after which he was accepted into the ranks of cadets of the Odessa Higher Artillery Command Order of Lenin School. M.V. Frunze.

After studying, Gennady, already in the rank of lieutenant, went to the North Caucasian Military District. Six years later, in 1992, Captain Trukhanov was dismissed from the army of his own free will.

Gennady Trukhanov: children's sports

In 1995, Trukhanov became the head of the Ukrainian National Thai Boxing Federation and brought it to the top three world leaders. Young boxers from Odessa have earned worldwide recognition - and yet many of them were once homeless children and simply "difficult" children!

The experience of working in the Muay Thai federation and caring for his homeless children prompted Gennady to decide to go into politics.

Political career

Since 2005, Gennady Trukhanov has been elected a deputy of the city council of Odessa three times, and became a people's deputy from the Suvorov district. As a people's deputy, Gennady Leonidovich:

  • restored green squares and parks in Odessa;
  • established sports infrastructure;
  • reconstructed the emergency hospital;
  • built a modern clinic.

It was Gennady Trukhanov who proposed to increase state funding for support programs for WWII veterans and organized the search and burial of the remains of fallen soldiers.

On his initiative, the Dry Port project was implemented in Odessa, which made it possible to somewhat improve the ecological picture of Odessa.

But work with children and teenagers has always been a priority for Gennady Trukhanov. With his help, youth clubs and Sunday schools were built in Odessa, as well as a reception center for homeless children.

Gennady Trukhanov activities of the mayor of Odessa

Gennady Leonidovich received many awards: orders for military service, insignia - for a wide public activity, including "For combating juvenile delinquency", a certificate of honor - "For a significant contribution to the development of sports and the achievements of Ukrainian athletes in the international arena."

Trukhanov also deserved the Order of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church. The mayor of Odessa treats the Orthodox Church with great respect and love and believes that the cause will be successful only if it is blessed by God.

Gennady Leonidovich is an exemplary family man and a caring father who raised two daughters.

Family of Gennady Leonidovich Trukhanov

Gennady Trukhanov as a person

Gennady Trukhanov believes that Odessa needs to be made a clean, strong, safe city, and Odessans need to regain faith in their own strength and confidence that the state will protect them and come to the rescue in any situation.

Trukhanov, who defended his Ph.D. thesis in psychology, understands that only a clean and transparent activity of the head of the city can ensure the psychological comfort of the inhabitants of Odessa. Therefore, he tries to build his work on direct and constant communication with ordinary residents of Odessa in order to be aware of how they see their lives, what needs to be changed in the city.

Gennady Leonidovich delves into the problems of people personally

Gennady Trukhanov admits that being a politician is hard work and a huge responsibility, but he is ready to bear this responsibility honestly and openly.

A champion in sports and politics, he confidently moves towards the intended goal - to strengthen his native city, to its development.

Gennady Trukhanov himself also strives for constant self-development: in 2010 he became a candidate of psychological sciences, and in 2013 - a master of public administration. He successfully applies the acquired knowledge in practice, improving himself both as a politician and as a person.

Activities in Parliament

The parliamentary work of Gennady Trukhanov began in 2012, when more than half of the voters voted for his appointment to the post of people's deputy of Ukraine from the Suvorovsky district of Odessa.

The policy of Gennady Leonidovich had a clear social orientation - he participated in the development and promotion of bills aimed at improving the lives of different groups of the population. So, he repeatedly advocated improving the quality of general secondary education.

According to Gennady Trukhanov, children are our future, so they should get only the best.

Trukhanov and his like-minded people did everything necessary to make school education absolutely accessible.

Gennady Trukhanov his opinions

Gennady Trukhanov strives to implement one of his most important principles - ensuring transparency and legitimacy of power.

While not yet the mayor of Odessa, he realized that the injustice of the authorities to ordinary citizens who depend on the state is unacceptable. For this reason, Gennadiy Trukhanov considered it important to promote bills that would ensure maximum security for Ukrainians.

For example, Gennady Leonidovich actively supported the bill, the purpose of which was to ensure the independence and impartiality of judges; Trukhanov was also among the developers of the plan to eliminate the shortcomings of the electoral procedure.

Among the most important personal achievements of the deputy is the development of two social bills:

  • The first is dedicated to the protection of the children of war, whom Trukhanov proposed to establish a benefit for all housing and communal services.
  • The second is designed to decide the fate of hostels and to realize the right of their inhabitants to a successful solution of the housing problem.

Trukhanov's parliamentary activities demonstrated his ability to make correct and honest decisions, and Trukhanov's further election as mayor was its logical outcome.

Activities in Odessa

In 2014, the inhabitants of Odessa for the first time elected Gennady Trukhanov as their head. Trukhanov occupies this post to this day, and his re-election is the most striking confirmation that Gennady Leonidovich justified the trust placed in him.

Gennady Trukhanov is called a highly effective manager - indeed, the measures he took during the years of managing Odessa had a positive impact on the life of the townspeople.

The city head step by step works through the problem areas of all spheres of city life: from education and leisure of young people to social assistance to the elderly and war veterans.

Under Trukhanov, medical care centers are being built, urban planning problems are being solved, all possible assistance is provided to people with disabilities, and mass cultural events are being held.

Gennady Trukhanov: protection of childhood

Trukhanov devotes special attention to the upbringing of the younger generation, while adhering to a national course towards Europeanization: he fights against child homelessness and crime, organizes places for children's recreation and leisure, and organizes platforms for teaching children the basics of intercultural communication.

For example, thanks to the close cooperation between the mayor and the German Round Table charity foundation, in July 2017, orphans from Odessa were able to relax at a health resort in Germany and learn a lot about the culture of this country.

Under Trukhanov, Odessa became one of the participants in the Intercultural Cities Program of the Council of Europe, and this was a great victory for the city.

The goal of Gennady Leonidovich is to strengthen the position of Odessa within the framework of the program and bring the standard of living of Odessa residents to the European standard. And the head of the city successfully follows the planned course.

Gennady Trukhanov

When the current city government of Odessa is called “gangster”, they do not mean at all the former membership of Gennady Trukhanov in the Party of Regions, and not even the regular scandals with the “deriban” of his team of Odessa real estate and the “cut” of the local budget. Most Ukrainians do not even suspect that “bandits” are still a rather mild description of the people behind Trukhanov, who until recently were not a cine, but a real mafia, and on an international scale. However, as you know, there are no former mafiosi!

This publication SKELET-info will not be the first dedicated to such characters as Trukhanov, , Minin, k, Ivancho and other people whose names at one time were pronounced in a whisper and with caution. But now we will try to correct some of the inaccuracies made by other journalists, as well as look into the most hidden corners of the past and connect it with the events of the present.

Gena Captain

Gennady Leonidovich Trukhanov was born on January 17, 1965 in Odessa, where he graduated from high school No. 4. In 1982, he entered the Odessa Higher Artillery Command School (now virtually non-existent), which required a good knowledge of mathematics, and in 1986 he received lieutenant shoulder straps. For the next six years, Trukhanov served in the North Caucasus Military District, the hottest region during the collapse of the USSR. But he was more concerned not with bearded mountaineers brandishing shotguns at the gates of the military unit, but with material problems. Not surprisingly, in 1992, having already become a captain, Trukhanov abandoned his further military career, seized the opportunity and returned home to Odessa.

Subsequently, rumors arose around Trukhanov more than once about his recruitment, first by the Soviet and then by the Russian GRU, as well as the KGB and, accordingly, the FSK-FSB. These rumors were indirectly confirmed not only by Trukhanov’s strange story with Russian passports (more on that below), but also by his successful Odessa start in the company of the international “mafia” and arms dealer Leonid Minin (nee Bluvshtein) to whom he could be introduced as a “mole” .

Leonid Minin

So, the retired officer Gennady Trukhanov, who returned to Odessa and was going to live in a new way, did not go into commerce, but into “guards”. But for 1992 it was rather strange, because at that time everyone still believed that everyone had a chance to become a millionaire - and they rushed into business, to do their own thing, and only in the mid-90s, losers began to be hired as bodyguards, drivers, managers and etc. Moreover, Trukhanov immediately got the position of head of security in a certain NPP "Minimax", which was also strange: in the 90s, former "cops" and "committees", special forces or airborne forces officers were usually taken to such positions in the 90s, but gunners and tankers usually stood in line. Nevertheless, Trukhanov received not only this place, but also authority among his semi-criminal entourage - along with the respectful nickname Gene Captain (after all, he was a retired captain). Trukhanov not only agreed with this nickname, he made it his brand: when in 1993 he gathered his “boys” and opened his own “security agency”, he called it “Captain and Company”. By the way, today, for some reason, many media outlets claim that everything was the other way around, and Trukhanov was nicknamed "Captain" because of his work in this agency - which is absurd.

Security agencies today are often “legalized racketeering”, and in the 90s under these signs they gathered “fighters” of organized crime groups, whose main task was a criminal war with other organized criminal groups. Such agencies did not exist on their own (otherwise they would have simply been destroyed), they were combat units of some criminal authorities, and here the main question arises: so who did Gena Captain and his dashing "boys" work for then? This man was Leonid Minin, a native of Odessa, who went to the West in the 70s, became one of the bosses of the international mafia, and in the early 90s carried out the export of weapons through Odessa to Yugoslavia and African countries.

Thus, the following picture emerges: immediately after the collapse of the USSR, from which Minin escaped in the 70s, he returned to his homeland and began to build the structures of his criminal business in Odessa. At first it was the export of army weapons. Then, according to rumors, drug smuggling: the import of South American cocaine through the ports of Odessa and Ilyichevsk with subsequent transit through the CIS and to Europe (this “Minin scheme”, according to information SKELET-info, still works). Then - taking control of the Odessa refinery and oil terminal, investing criminal money in legal business. And in 1992, at the very beginning of Minin's turbulent activity in Odessa, under someone's patronage (the hand of the GRU-FSK?), Captain Trukhanov, who had recently been "demobilized" from the Caucasus, was introduced to him. Who undergoes an "internship" as the head of security at the unknown NPP "Minimax", and then receives the "go-ahead" to assemble a "team" under the sign of the security agency "Captain".

Further, Trukhanov very quickly achieves such confidence in Minin that since 1995 he has become his bodyguard (head of security?) and confidant. To clarify: another confidant, since the Odessa crime boss Alexander Angert (he was also considered a “mole”, but already of the Ukrainian Ministry of Internal Affairs), who, as they said, helped Trukhanov find money and “boys” to create an agency, also became so close to Minin "Captain".

Having become the "shadow of Minin", Trukhanov still controlled and expanded the Odessa "security business". He opened several more security agencies, received the honorary title of president of the Ukrainian Thai Boxing Federation (the favorite sport of bandits of the 90s) and created his clubs, which trained new "fighters". And he accompanied Minin abroad (which is why in 1996 he left the post of director of the Captain, remaining its owner), while registering in hotels under different names with different passports - for example, as a Greek of Georgian origin Gennadias Ouzopulus (Nice, 1996 and Belgium, 1997). And in the dossier "Ukrainian mafia", collected by the Italian police in 1996-98, Trukhanov appeared as one of the main figures of Minin's organized criminal group who settled in Italy.

"List of Minin" "List of Minin"

This dossier indicated the Italian residence of Trukhanov and his wife: Rome, Baldo degli Ubaldi street 66. But, according to the observations of the Italian police, Trukhanov did not enjoy pizza in the shadow of the Colosseum, but regularly wandered between Italy and Odessa as a trusted "authorized" Minin. In particular, it was emphasized that Trukhanov controls several “security firms” and sports clubs in Odessa, which were the Odessa fists of the Minin group. Actually, all this explains why in the official biography of Gennady Trukhanov the 90s is a complete gap, with a brief mention of the Captain agency and the Thai boxing federation.

Gennady Trukhanov in the dossier "Ukrainian mafia"

There is a version of the involvement of Minin and his people (Trukhanov and Angert) in a conspiracy against the Odessa authority of Viktor Kulivar (nicknamed "Karabas"), who was killed in 1997. Independent and principled, besides not wanting to deal with "drugs", Kulivar could interfere with Minin's grandiose plans. In the criminal war that then unfolded in Odessa, the "army" of Trukhanov's Thai boxers and security guards prevailed over numerous, but scattered groups of "brothers". Thus, Angert, Minin's henchman, leaning on the fists of Trukhanov's people, became the new "watcher" in Odessa from the criminal business.

blood oil

Gennady Trukhanov "materialized" again in Odessa in 2000, at the representative office of the Lukoil oil company in Ukraine - as an assistant to the representative of the president of the company on security issues, that is, again as the same head of security. Behind this next short entry in his biography lies a big battle for the Odessa Oil Refinery, which was taken over by Minin's people ...

But the Chechens wanted not only to sell oil, but also to control the oil companies that buy them, including in order to organize the legal re-export of oil to Europe. So they managed to take control of the Kherson refinery - in which they were helped by connections with the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry and top manager of the Ukrainian branch of KPMG Kateryna Chumachenko. This business was directly managed from the Chechen side by Ziya Bazhiev, and from the Ukrainian side . But in Odessa, the Chechens, although they found an ally in the person of the mayor (1994-98), but immediately ran into strong opposition from the Minin group, which itself took over the oil and gas business in the region, fighting with local competitors - and had the support of the governor . At the same time, the sources SKELET-info it was reported that Minin's oil war was carried out by two power "fists": for the "pinpoint" physical liquidation, he had a detachment of "police killers" under the leadership of Vasily Maryanchuk (nicknamed "Accountant" and "Rogul"), who worked directly for Angert, and for large “showdowns”, raider seizures and protection of objects were used by security guards and masters of Thai boxing Trukhanov. Moreover, if then the Maryanchuk gang was exposed and arrested (“leaked” by his employers as used material), then Trukhanov and his people got away with it, remaining the main “silovik” of the Minin-Angert organized criminal group, because he was a member of this mafia “family” .

The "army" of Minin, who already had experience in the criminal war, defeated the Chechens (who had their own detachments of militants), even despite the fact that the Chechens, through the same Tretyakov, were "protected" by another international "mafia" Semyon Mogilevich. The peak of this war came in 1996, when Ruslan Arbiev, head of security at the Odessa Oil Refinery, who was called the unofficial leader of the Chechen diaspora in the region, was killed. It was reported that Arbiev had previously worked in the police, but in 1988 he was sentenced to two years, in the 90s he met the director of the Odessa Oil Refinery Valery Melnik, whom he quickly “spudded”. Melnik believed that, as the head of security (with his own staff), Arbiev would protect him from the claims of the Minin-Angert group (Melnik had his own plans to privatize his plant), but he actually let the fox into the chicken coop. The complete seizure of the refinery by the Chechens did not take place for two reasons: at that moment the plant received oil from other sources (through the Minin organized criminal group), and then Ruslan Arbiev was killed. This completely forgotten (and become “hanging”) crime, as well as the murders of other people associated with Odessa oil (Alexander Zginek, Evgeniy Garbuz), eloquently speaks of the intensity of the struggle for the plant. Maybe that's why Minin and his closest assistants, including Trukhanov, had to be "buried" in Italy? Moreover, Trukhanov then took the whole family (wife, daughter) to Italy, which was quite understandable: he, as the commander of the power wing of Minin's organized criminal group, would have been hit first. Alas, this interesting information was not even included in the report of the Italian police, and in general the history of the Odessa Oil Refinery in the mid-90s was carefully cleaned of such details by someone.

It is worth noting that during both the war for the refinery and the large criminal meat grinder in Odessa in 1997-99 (after the murder of Karabas), Ruslan Bodelan was guarded exclusively by the Trukhanov agency Kapitan. The Minin-Angert group took great care of the health of its main "administrative resource" - as long as they needed it.

The economic seizure of the plant was carried out through the Sintez company, created back in 1990 by Russian businessmen Leonid Lebedev, Mark Garber and Alexander Zhukov (nee Rabkin), who traded in Siberian oil. However, Zhukov, in addition to this, in the early 90s also participated in the arms trade with Leonid Minin: in particular, in 1994, Zhukov's company was engaged in the supply of weapons to the warring Yugoslavia (and Trukhanov's "Captain" provided protection for the cargo). In this case, they became close, and SKELET-info there is information that it was Zhukov who advised Minin to take up the Odessa Oil Refinery. In the mid-1990s, Zhukov separated from the Russian Synthesis, registering his own Sintez Oil United Kingdom in Britain, and then in Ukraine, its subsidiary Sintez Oil Ukraine CJSC. Which, in turn, owned the "Sea Transport Bank" of Odessa, through which not only the oil transactions of the Minin group passed.

Abramovich's father-in-law and wife: Alexander Zhukov with his daughter Daria

Interestingly, a former KGB colonel Valeriy Borovik worked at Sintez Oil Ukraine CJSC, who in the late 90s, having retired, decided to get into business - and for some reason directly into the criminal team of Minin-Zhukov-Angert, about whose deeds he was well informed. But his son Alexander Borovik, who fled the USSR in 1989 (after dropping out of the KGB Higher School), joined the team of Mikhail Saakashvili in 2015. He was warmed and favored by the then governor of Odessa as an "honest fighter against corruption", and nominated by him as a candidate for mayor of the city - as opposed to Gennady Trukhanov. What irony! Interestingly, Saakashvili was aware that Borovik Sr. and Trukhanov had actually been in the same organized criminal group for many years?

Alexander Borovik: the son of Minin and Angert's henchman was Saakashvili's anti-corruption hope

It can be said that Zhukov, with his Siberian oil, saved the Odessa Oil Refinery from absorption by the Chechens in the 90s, but he also became the main reason for the capture of it by the Minin group. And in 1998, Zhukov agreed on the supply of oil to the Russian company Lukoil to the plant. Then "Sintez Oil United Kingdom" and "Lukoil" created an offshore company "LUK-Sintez Oil Ltd", which during 1999-2000. acquired a 76% stake in the Odessa Oil Refinery. A few months later, another operation was carried out: Lukoil bought out the share of Sintez Oil and became the sole owner of the refinery, forming its subsidiary OJSC Lukoil-Odessa Refinery there, Gennady Trukhanov became the head of security. The meaning of this operation, as a result of which the plant became the property of the Russian company Lukoil (it sold it to the oligarch Kurchenko in 2013), remained undisclosed. According to unofficial information, the shareholders of Sintez Oil (Minin, Zhukov and their inner circle, including Trukhanov, also Bodelan) purchased Lukoil shares in return, which was a more reliable investment: a large international corporation is better protected from risks than one plant.


Sergey Varis, for SKELET-info

Gennady Trukhanov: governor of the Odessa mafia. Part 1 updated: September 20, 2017 by: creator
