Storing garlic in winter How to store garlic in a city apartment

Evgeny Sedov

When hands grow from the right place, life is more fun :)


The benefits of garlic for the human body are great: it protects the immune system from viruses from the outside; it is added to the diet to lower cholesterol levels, heal the heart and blood vessels. At home, garlic is an indispensable vegetable that adds spice to any dish. To avoid rotting or drying out of the product, learn how to properly store garlic at home all year round.

Preparing garlic for storage

There is winter and spring garlic: the first is planted in the fall, and the second in the spring. The winter fruit, harvested in mid-July, is consumed immediately, and the spring fruit, dug out at the end of August, is intended for long-term storage at home. There is no particular difficulty with this product. In order for the vegetable to last all winter, it is important to collect it correctly:

  1. The bulbs are harvested with a pitchfork or a shovel when the weather is dry and sunny.
  2. For the next two weeks, the heads are left to dry outside in the shade.
  3. After that, the plants are cleaned of adhering earth, the roots are cut with a knife, burning them with fire, and the stem is removed. Immediately, the heads are sorted out - empty, rotten, damaged bulbs or individual cloves are discarded.

Storing garlic in the winter at home

The best storage conditions for a vegetable are dryness, darkness, coolness and minimal air humidity. Suitable places for this are the cellar, basement, barn. You can store garlic in the winter in the apartment on the balcony inside the boxes, in the refrigerator. Spring fruits are not as fastidious as winter fruits - they are safely stored at room temperature up to 20 ° C. The main mission of the storage place is to isolate the bulbs from the factors that destroy them: moisture, dampness, mold. For storage of vegetables, they are also used:

  • three-liter jars;
  • food film;
  • linen bags;
  • stockings;
  • vegetable (linseed or sunflower) oil;
  • foil;
  • sawdust box;
  • a container with salt;
  • hanging in the form of bundles.

How to keep garlic until spring in braids or bunches

This "grandfather" method of preserving a plant for winter consumption has been around for centuries. A hanging vegetable takes up little space; can serve as an addition to the interior of the kitchen. To store dried heads in braids or bundles, the stems are not removed. The woven braid is hung over the formed loop, and to make it even, twine is used. The stems of the heads are tied with a rope to form a bundle, which is also stored on the hook.

Storing garlic in glass jars or wooden crates

In a city apartment, you can store garlic inside a three-liter jar or a small wooden box (or shoe box). The main thing is to harvest the crop correctly, throw out the damaged plants, and then create the right conditions for the product. There are several ways in which the heads remain intact for a long time:

  • Sterile jar. Dried heads are placed inside the container, divided into previously cleaned slices. Leaving the jar open, it is placed where it is dark and dry.
  • Salt. To do this, you can take a jar, box or box. The essence of the method is as follows: the heads of the plant must be surrounded on all sides by salt, which absorbs excess moisture. Bulbs and salt must be dry. Inside the box or box, you should first fill in a layer of salt 2-3 cm, put garlic, cover it again with a salt layer. The lid should have small holes so that the vegetable does not languish, but breathes. It’s easier with a jar: you need to put all the heads there and pour salt inside. Leave container open.
  • Onion peel. Having covered the heads with husks, they are placed where it is dry. So they will be stored for a long time.
  • Ash. Here the principle is the same as with salt: alternating layers of ash and garlic. You need to fill them up inside a box or box.
  • Flour. This product is covered with a layer of 2-3 cm at the bottom of a jar or pan and garlic is placed on top, previously rolled in flour. Then they fall asleep with it, and the garlic heads are stored for a long time.

In mesh or cloth bag

How to store garlic in a cloth bag or mesh? A linen bag made of natural material is soaked in a concentrated solution of table salt, after which it is allowed to dry. Salt, impregnated fabric, reduces the risk of penetration of bacteria, protects the heads from high humidity. To preserve garlic for the winter, the product is stored inside the net. To do this, you need to put dried heads there, and then hang the net on a hook or carnation.

Can garlic be stored in the refrigerator

This is the right place to store the product. The refrigerator maintains a low temperature, darkness is guaranteed, humidity is kept to a minimum. A winter fruit can lie in an apartment, but its lifespan will be reduced due to stable warmth. The heads are cleaned, divided into slices, which are placed in a sterile jar, and then sent inside the refrigerator. Paper bags are also used - the dried vegetable, divided into cloves, is well stored there. You can also sprinkle the bulbs with salt. Thanks to this method, the plant will retain its properties and appearance for a long time.

How to Store Frozen or Canned Garlic

Freezing and canning are suitable for those who rarely eat this vegetable, but want it to be always at home. To freeze, the heads or slices are wrapped in cling film or foil and sent inside the freezer. To properly preserve the bulbs, you need dry wine and white vinegar. The slices are placed inside a sterile glass jar, then they are poured with a mixture of wine and vinegar, tightly sealed with a lid. Often black pepper and herbs are added for taste.

Many housewives are very fond of garlic. This seasoning with a specific smell makes all dishes extraordinarily tasty. The composition of the vegetable includes a large number of trace elements and vitamins. Having harvested her favorite garlic from her plot, each housewife asks herself the question - how to store garlic in a city apartment? Today we will talk about those methods that many housewives managed to personally try, which proves their high efficiency.

Storage in glass jars

There are several types of vegetables. Actually, certain and known to experienced gardeners, the terms and nuances of collection directly depend on this. For example, spring garlic, beloved by many, is also known as summer garlic. The harvest of such a crop is traditionally managed to be harvested from its site in mid-August. Winter, which is often called winter by the people, is usually harvested at the end of July. The success of its storage depends on whether the vegetable is harvested correctly.

Cleaning must be done on time. It's time to dig when the lower leaves have turned yellow, the tops are located on the surface of the earth, and the heads on the inflorescences are not only dry, but also crack. If you are late with cleaning, you can get heads that have disintegrated into individual teeth, as well as extra roots. And then they will not be able to lie for more than 2 months. It is best to plan to dig up the crop on dry and warm days. A few weeks before the planned harvest, the beds should stop watering.

Bulbs can usually be dug up with a shovel or pitchfork. Next, they need to be decomposed in such a way that they get the opportunity to dry normally. Leave the garlic laid out in the sun for at least 3 days if you want it to not only be preserved normally, but also be then just as tasty and healthy for the body.

Let's move on to the main and exciting question for many. How to store garlic in the winter in the apartment? If you do not follow the simple rules of storage, then the crop will simply become moldy or rot. When storing garlic on your own in a city apartment, it is very important to control the condition of the bulbs, as well as create the conditions they need. One of the popular ways is to place it in an ordinary glass jar of a suitable size, which must be closed with a lid.

It is necessary to separate the husk from the heads, put the cloves in jars, then tamp well. Then you can choose one of the options. Sprinkle with salt, flour, pour oil, grind. Pre-glass jars should be sterilized and dry well. Then you can be sure that the garlic will not be affected by mold. Choose the oil according to your taste. You can use olive, vegetable, linseed or corn.

When you remove the cloves from the jar, the oil will take on an unusual garlic flavor. It is acceptable to store garlic in powder form in a jar. To make it, the teeth are cut into plates, then sent to the oven to dry. Time is no more than 15 minutes. Next, you need to grind the plates into powder. To do this, use a modern coffee grinder or food processor.

Storage with salt

How to preserve garlic in a different way, using ordinary kitchen salt, which is in the kitchen of any self-respecting housewife? It is required to take plywood boxes or large pots. It is necessary to pour coarse-grained rock salt at the bottom, place garlic, and pour another layer of salt on top. The gaps between the heads are advised to pour especially carefully.

Ideally, they cannot touch each other. Storage must necessarily take place at room temperature. Thanks to salt, garlic will not lose its excellent taste and beneficial properties for the human body. If at room temperature in salt it can lie for about 4 months, then when choosing a temperature regime ranging from 0 to -3 - up to 8 months.

Oil and iodine for storage

When making winter preparations, housewives sometimes use very unusual methods to preserve the crop. How else to store garlic in the apartment? In addition to kitchen salt, they often prefer to store a vegetable beloved by many in sunflower or other oil with the addition of iodine, which is sold in any pharmacy. Often it is already at home. The oil must be pre-prepared. So that it can create a reliable barrier against air entering the container or film. This will prevent spoilage of the stored product.

Sunflower oil should be boiled for 2 hours. After that, iodine is added to it at the rate of 20 drops of the product per 1 liter of oil. Garlic heads must be dried. They must be uncleaned. Then, using a piece of cotton wool or a cotton swab, you need to wipe each head of garlic with a mixture prepared by yourself. When the procedure is over, place the garlic in an open area under the sun's rays. When the oil is absorbed, which can be understood by running your fingers over the surface, it is advised to wrap each copy in a special cling film.

Storage in a dark place

When wondering where to store garlic in the winter in an apartment, most people, knowing about the features of this process, allocate a dark and cool place for the vegetable. This may be a cellar or basement, which is often available to residents of multi-storey buildings.

Why is the crop well preserved there? Since high temperatures are detrimental to it, which can provoke the appearance of mold or rotting. What has already been said before. One of the easiest ways to store in a cool, dark place is to braid grassy garlic stalks. It is possible to weave such an impromptu braid with the help of twine.

Further, the resulting braids are simply fixed under the ceiling or on the walls of the basement or cellar. Some people prefer to put their crops in wooden crates or cardboard boxes. The normal temperature regime is -1 - 3 degrees. At higher rates, the beginning of the germination of garlic is not excluded. And if it is less than -3 degrees in the basement or cellar, the crop can freeze. And then you will not have to rely on its high taste characteristics and the preservation of useful substances in the composition of the product.

As the practical experience of many people shows, the crop is normally stored in a cellar or basement if it is placed in nets or nylon stockings. Such simple improvised devices have been used for many years. This makes it possible to enjoy the taste of your favorite vegetable added to various dishes in winter and spring.

Video “Keep garlic in the apartment”

This video will show you how to properly store garlic in a city apartment.

Garlic is a specific crop, the entire crop of which probably cannot be eaten at once, which means that it will have to be stored. It is necessary to organize the conditions for lying in winter so that the garlic does not begin to rot and does not dry out. This can be done in a home or country basement, cellar, on the balcony or loggia of the apartment. The process is simple, it is important to remember some features.

How to prepare garlic for storage

Since ancient times, garlic hung in the winter in rooms or in the attic of houses in the form of braids. This method of storage was very popular in Rus'. But he's not the only one. The most important condition for long and high-quality storage of garlic is its proper cleaning:

  • terms - until the leaves turn yellow and the heads crack;
  • drying - in a shaded place closed from moisture;
  • selection - only healthy heads, as diseased ones will infect the rest of the crop.

Attention! Harvesting time for spring garlic is the beginning of August, for winter garlic - the second half of July.

For harvesting, it is important to choose a dry day so that clods of dirt with viruses and bacteria do not stick to the heads. It is best to work in the morning or evening before the sun begins to heat up. Leave the heads to dry for a couple of days from soil dampness. In this case, the sun's rays should not fall on the crop. After that, start drying:

  • cut the roots with a knife;
  • cauterize the head with fire on both sides;
  • cut off the stem, leaving a 2 cm section from the head.

Dry the garlic well before storing.

Another important condition for the long preservation of garlic is its proper preparation. After drying, process the crop:

  1. Prepare a solution according to the recipe: mix 10 drops of iodine in 0.5 liters of calcined vegetable oil.
  2. Carefully process the heads.
  3. Discuss again. This time you can in the sun.

Advice. Heads that do not pass the selection can be crushed and dried or frozen in the freezer as a condiment.

Preparing a place to store garlic

Storage standards for any type of garlic are a dry place and a temperature of + 3 ... + 5 ° С. Permissible minimum - 0°C. If the thermometer drops below, the garlic will freeze. Because of this, the taste will deteriorate and vitamins will be lost. Other conditions for the good preservation of garlic:

  • humidity at the level of 50-80%;
  • the absence of spoiled vegetables and fungus on the walls and ceiling in the room;
  • good circulation of fresh air.

Attention! These conditions are relevant for any room. It does not matter where you intend to keep the harvest: on the balcony of a high-rise building or in the cellar of a private house.

To prepare a cellar or basement for storing garlic, it should be carefully inspected. If you find a small amount of mold - clean the area manually, if there is a lot of fungus - use a smoke bomb. Cleaning the mold will not completely solve the problem. If this appears, then you need to work on ventilation. Also examine the premises for the presence of rodents and harmful insects. If they are, process the cellar or set traps.

It is important that the garlic storage area is well ventilated.

Boxes are most often used to store garlic on a balcony or loggia. In this case, the room must be glazed. It is also better to insulate it, protecting it from a critical drop in temperature. Control the ingress of precipitation from an open window during storage. All methods of storing garlic are relevant for both the loggia and the cellar.

Features of storing garlic at home

Surely garlic will not be the only crop that is stored in the basement or on the loggia. However, garlic heads will not feel comfortable with all vegetables and root crops:

  1. It is undesirable to store cabbage, beets, potatoes and carrots next to them.
  2. Onion has a positive effect on him. Cultures can even be stored in one container.

Advice. If the garlic cannot be stored away from the vegetables that affect it badly, hang the heads up.

Ways to store garlic at home

For this culture, people have come up with several ways of storage. One of them is boxes or containers. Use wooden, plywood or cardboard boxes. They must have air holes. You can not put garlic in a plastic container. Pour whole heads into the box and sprinkle them with flour or salt.

Attention! The filler must be dry. In the case of flour, this is easy to determine by eye. Salt may have to be additionally calcined in a pan or in the oven.

A wicker basket can easily act as a substitute for a box. It just has suitable holes for air circulation. The basket doesn't have to be big. You can take a few small ones, as long as they contain your crop.
Housewives often use 3-liter jars. They can be filled with both whole heads and cloves peeled from the husk. Salt or oil is used as a filler that will protect garlic from moisture. You can also keep garlic clean by controlling the humidity with a lid.

Garlic will keep well even in a regular jar.

A cheap, simple and time-tested way is nylon tights as a container. The material consists of many small holes, so it is able to breathe. Just place the garlic inside and hang the pantyhose from a nail under the ceiling. Instead of a women's accessory, you can use a net for storing vegetables or keep garlic hanging and without containers. For this, a braid is woven from it, twisting the stems with twine or an ordinary rope. The pigtail can organically merge into the interior of the room.

If the garlic sprouts during storage, fill it with sunflower oil. It is also used to preserve garlic. The culture storage process is simple: keep the heads dry and monitor the temperature. Then the harvest will be perfectly preserved for a long time.

How to store garlic in the cellar and in the refrigerator.

Many summer residents, after harvesting garlic, think about how to store it. There are many storage options that will help to preserve the aroma and taste of spices for a longer time.

At room temperature, garlic is stored for 3-4 months, while spring garlic is best suited for storage.

Garlic storage options in the apartment:

  • In pigtails. This is a simple and economical way. The heads are intertwined with the use of stems and hung.
  • In stockings. Raw materials are stuffed into nylon tights and hung up. In this case, the heads must be dry and healthy.
  • In banks. It is necessary to sterilize the jars in advance, put dry garlic in them.
  • In bags. For this, linen bags are used. They are pre-soaked in saline and dried. Heads are poured into bags and not tightly tied. Hang in a dry place.
  • In flour. Flour serves as an adsorbent for moisture. It is necessary to sterilize and dry the jars in advance. A ball of flour is poured into the container and dry heads are laid out. Pour a small ball of flour again. Then a layer of raw materials is laid again. The last layer is flour.
  • In salt. Salt also absorbs moisture well, but does not allow the spice to dry out. It is necessary to put a layer of garlic and a layer of salt in sterilized containers. Banks are kept open, in the cellar in wooden boxes.

Preparing garlic for storage for the winter: how to prune for the winter?

First of all, it is worth collecting the heads in time. When the weather is sunny and dry, and the heads are dense and elastic, while the tops are dry, you can start digging.

Varieties of Garlic Pruning:

  • Unlike many crops, garlic must be dried with the stems. It is necessary to harvest the crop and let it dry well.
  • After that, when the roots and tops are dry, it is necessary to cut off the roots, leaving 3 mm. The tops are not cut off completely, 10 cm is left.
  • After that, the temperature mode of storage is selected. It can be 16-20 °C or 2-4 °C.

Onions and garlic can be stored together, but should be kept away from other vegetables. The fact is that these vegetables do not tolerate excessive moisture, mold instantly starts on them, and the bulbs rot.

Storage options for onions and garlic:

  • It is necessary to pour onions and garlic separately into paper bags, after making holes in them with a hole punch.
  • In the boxes it is worth putting packages with garlic and onions. You can store pre-prepared heads in stockings. In this case, they are hung in the heat.

This option does not involve peeling the garlic and disassembling it into cloves. It is quite humid in refrigerators, and this is fraught with the appearance of rot for the heads.

Varieties of storing garlic in the refrigerator:

  • In banks. Garlic is laid out in sterilized jars and covered with salt.
  • In packages. The heads are poured into a paper or cardboard bag with holes. Store in the vegetable compartment, but do not put potatoes, beets and carrots nearby.
  • In bags. You can pour the heads into linen bags and cover with a small amount of flour.

Requirements for the conditions in the cellar:

  • The optimum temperature in the cellar is from +2 to +5 °C
  • Humidity should be between 50 and 80%
  • Absence of fungi and pathogenic bacteria
  • good ventilation

Storage options:

  • In capron
  • In braids

What is the best and correct way to store bulbils, winter, spring garlic so that it does not dry out before planting in spring and autumn?

In general, you can get your own garlic from bulbs in 2 years. Bulbs are mini bulbs that are obtained from the arrows of garlic. They are collected at the end of summer and dried. Store planting material until late autumn or spring. Seed material is stored warm, in linen bags.

Storage options for peeled garlic:

  • in vegetable oil
  • in vinegar
  • in salt
  • in banks

Peeled garlic cloves are stored in oil. This is ideal for damaged teeth.


  • The teeth are peeled and washed thoroughly with water.
  • After that, the cloves are laid out on a paper towel and wait for complete drying.
  • Garlic is laid out in a sterilized jar and poured with sunflower oil to the very top.

Garlic stored in salt can easily survive the whole winter. The heads are placed in a wooden box with holes, sprinkling each layer with dry table salt. You can fill sterilized jars with heads, filling voids with salt. It is necessary that both the bottom and the top of the container have a thick ball of salt (about 2-3 centimeters high).


  • Be sure to pre-dry the heads or cloves
  • Jars for storing peeled cloves must be sterilized
  • Salt is taken not iodized

For storage, you can safely use earthenware. It differs in that it does not start mold.

Methods for storing garlic in earthenware:

  • in salt
  • in flour
  • in sunflower oil

If you store garlic in cloves, having previously peeled it, then it is imperative to wash it. After that, the teeth must be dried. If garlic will be stored in bulbs, then it cannot be washed. The heads are cleaned of dirt and dried. Any contact with water is prohibited.

Garlic can also be stored frozen. To do this, you need to clean the cloves from the husk, wash and dry. Next, the cloves are laid out on paper towels until the moisture has completely evaporated. After that, pour the cloves into bags and put them in the freezer. Such garlic will lose a little flavor, but retain all the beneficial properties.

The cause of rotting garlic during storage is rot and fungi. To prevent garlic from rotting, it must be stored properly. In most cases, the cause of rotting garlic is high humidity. Accordingly, the heads must be dried and sprinkled with adsorbents before storage. It can be salt or flour.

As you can see, in order to enjoy the spicy taste and aroma of garlic, it must be stored properly. Stick to the rules and do not let the heads get wet.

VIDEO: Store garlic


Everyone knows about the valuable and beneficial properties of garlic. And the fact that with improper storage most of the useful qualities are lost is not known to many. It is especially difficult to preserve winter garlic. It lies worse than spring, but gives an excellent harvest. Therefore, it does not hurt us to learn how to store winter garlic so that it can benefit our health for a long time.

Timely Harvesting - Successfully Storing Winter Garlic

Timeliness when harvesting winter garlic is just as important as when planting it. It depends on when the crop is harvested, how long it will lie. The main task is not to collect it too early or late. Therefore, it is worth focusing on some signs that characterize maturity.

Ripe, ready-to-pick garlic is characterized by yellow foliage. His tops are no longer so resistant and, basically, all lies. If you dig an onion, then the peel of the garlic ready for harvest should be thin and dry. Having noticed these signs, you can start harvesting winter garlic.

Often the desired degree of maturity falls in July. Having chosen dry weather, we start harvesting. There can be no talk of any before this operation. This will require work gloves and a pitchfork. Undermining the ground with a pitchfork, carefully remove the heads, trying not to damage them. The harvested crop must be dried.

Storage of winter garlic - preparatory work

Vegetables, together with the tops, are dried for at least 5 days. Lay them out on the street, or in a dry, ventilated area. It is important not to let the crop get wet. After high-quality drying, you can start trimming the tops. At this stage, it is already necessary to decide how it is planned to save it. Depending on the storage method chosen, the stem is left shorter or longer. And the roots are cut as standard - leaving a short tail.

While cutting the tops, each head must be carefully examined. All damaged bulbs are unsuitable for long-term storage. They need to be removed immediately and used in cooking. The same should be done with overripe bulbs. You can recognize them by decaying cloves. For long-term storage, leave only high-quality, timely harvested fruits without any damage.

How to store winter garlic - methods and secrets

Not everyone has good basements or pantries. Many, having harvested, are forced to look for ways to keep it in their apartments. Consider several options for storing winter garlic. Those who have basements may not worry too much about how to properly store winter garlic. Everything is simple here - for it, the optimal storage temperature is 2–4 degrees, and it is this temperature that is set in the basement.

The heads can be tied into brooms or pigtails (for this case, the tails are left longer), or they can be folded into boxes or boxes and lowered into storage. Much more troublesome for those who do not have a cellar. Let's look at how to store winter garlic in a warm room. It should be noted right away that this storage method is worse, but it is possible as an option. It is most effective to store winter garlic in the vegetable compartment of the refrigerator. To do this, it is wrapped in a natural dense fabric.
