Decoupage of a black bottle with a handle of napkins. Master classes for students of decoupage technique

Don't know what to give a loved one? Don't rack your brains - the answer is simple! Create a gift with your own hands, it will come out elegantly and with soul. Decoupage of champagne bottles is not only beautiful, but also a necessary present for the holiday. Such a surprise will decorate the festive table, and then it will show off in the kitchen and delight the happy owner, reminding you of you.

Do not know how to make decoupage on glass? Let's take a closer look at the master class decoupage bottles with napkins.

Necessary materials

Decoupage is a technique for decorating any planes. It looks like a familiar application. Early decoupage creations date back to the 15th century, and in the 17th millennium, the skill earned wild popularity and gained fans. Italian craftsmen quickly learned to copy Chinese motifs, decorating furniture and other interior items.

To get started, you need to purchase the following materials:

  • glass cleaner;
  • acrylic-based varnishes and paints;
  • napkins for decoupage;
  • brushes of various thicknesses;
  • sandpaper;
  • waterproof varnish.

Master class on decoupage of bottles with napkins:

  • remove the sticker from the bottle;
  • dry and treat with glass cleaner;
  • it is recommended to do everything with gloves so that fingerprints do not remain.

The paint does not fall on non-degreased areas;

  • prime the entire bottle;
  • in the process of priming, acrylic varnishes are used;
  • paint the bottle with white acrylic paint;
  • transfer the pattern from the decoupage card or napkin;
  • special napkins are not required, use those that fit the pattern;
  • paint the background separately.

The background can be contrasting or similar in tone to the main pattern:

  • open everything with acrylic-based varnish;
  • a brush for varnish needs a wide and soft;
  • irregularities must be sanded;
  • wrinkles and folds should not be;
  • at the end, do not forget to apply waterproof varnish.

These are the basics of decoupage that are important to follow. There are many secrets that help improve the result of work.

Looking at the master class above, everything seems easy and banal, but it is not. In the process, a lot of pitfalls emerge, even when everything is done strictly according to the master class. Consider a step-by-step master class for decoupage bottles with a photo.

You begin the first stage - separating the label from the bottle. They rubbed it well, soaked it for a couple of hours in water. Despite all the efforts, traces of glue remained on the bottle. How to be?!

The exit is very simple. It is necessary to take nail polish remover, wet a cotton swab and wipe the bottle thoroughly. The pellets will gradually be washed off and the surface will become smooth. Useful advice for the future: the bottle must be soaked in soapy water and the label will be removed easily and with glue.

Priming the surface with acrylic paint and the result is not impressive? What to do? After priming 1 layer, the brush leaves traces, and after applying the second layer, bald spots form. It's OK. After everything dries, sand the surface and go over the paint again.

In the future, so that such problems do not arise, paint with a sponge, dipping it in paint. The result will surprise you. - And finally, the most pleasant and exciting moment - transferring the picture from the napkin. Does it wrinkle when glued? Fixed and ruined everything? No problem! Remove the soil and repeat everything from the beginning.

With PVA glue, it is necessary to cover the area on which we will glue the napkin. Take a stationery file and spread a napkin on it, moisten it slightly and straighten it. You need to apply a napkin along with the file, gradually expelling the remaining air. Remove the file and.... miracle. The drawing is so smooth and even that you can’t distinguish it from the drawn one.

You know from the Internet that you can sand if there are folds. They took sandpaper, a couple of movements and nothing was left of the drawing. Naturally! You have not yet covered with water-based acrylic varnish. Now you can sand, but only in places where it is required. After opening with varnish, preferably several times.

Do-it-yourself decoupage of bottles is not only a laborious and complicated procedure, but also a lot of impressions and emotions from the result.

How to properly care for decorated bottles

It's no secret that handmade items require delicate and reverent care than factory goods. So that the decoupage bottle does not lose its appearance and delight its owners for a long time, do not forget and ignore a few rather memorable principles:

  • All polishes turn yellow over time. Therefore, when implementing ideas with light scenes, use only acrylic varnish from a spray can;
  • wipe the dust from decoupage bottles with a damp cloth, but in no case soak in water!
  • do not put the decoupage item in the refrigerator for a long time. Condensation can soften the coating and it will come off.

Remember the simple rules and try not to break them. Then your work of art will serve for many years!

Photo decoupage bottles

Did you know that an ordinary glass bottle can be turned into an exclusive one? This does not require significant cash costs or innate talents - to make an original accessory from improvised means everyone can. Let's see how we can.

Anything can be suitable for stylish decoupage of bottles: twine, ribbons, shells, leather, beads, salt, napkins, cereals and even egg shells - it all depends on your imagination and desire to create. You can make bottle decor in terra, rustic, or vintage style.

Bottle decor options

  • Decoration of bottles from the inside. To do this, you need transparent bottles, preferably of an unusual shape, with a variety of recesses, recesses and tubercles. You can decorate the bottles with flowers, wax or.
  • Bottle decoration on the outside. Many ways of external decor suitable for decorating gift drinks - the bottle can be opened and its contents removed after the decoration is completed.

DIY bottle decor: painting from the inside

An easy way to add color to a grooved bottle body. Pour the paint of the desired shade into the vessel, shake the bottle, twist it at various angles, and then fix it upside down. Excess paint will flow out, and the first layer will dry. Repeat the procedure so that there are no unpainted fragments.

Salt bottle decor

Salt bottle decor is a fairly popular option, since it does not require a lot of money and time, but it allows you to show your imagination to the maximum.

Salt decoration - option number 1

Pour salt into a heat-resistant dish, add acrylic paint and mix, kneading the resulting slurry with a fork. We put the mixture in the oven (100 degrees), after an hour we take it out, knead again with a fork and sift through a sieve. It turns out something similar to colored sand. We make several types of such "sands" - different colors.

Advice! To get interesting shades, mix several colors of paint before adding it to salt, kneading the resulting slurry with a fork.

We take a funnel and pour salt into a bottle, alternating colors. It is important that the bottle inside is completely dry. When the vessel is filled to the top, close the bottle with a cork and decorate it as desired.

Salt decoration - option number 2

Now we will decorate the outside of the bottle. We remove the labels and wrap an elastic band at least 5 mm wide on the bottle body - in the form of a spiral or in random order.

Coat the bottle evenly white and paint, and after it dries, apply glue. We put a bottle smeared with glue on the salt scattered on paper and gently roll it. When the glue dries, remove the gum and get a bottle with patterns. You can dilute this bottle decor with sparkles and rhinestones. In this way, you can decorate bottles with semolina or other, more original things.

Decor of cereals and pasta

The decoration of bottles with cereals is another interesting option for decorating a vessel. The main stages of work: remove all labels and degrease the glass with alcohol. We apply glue to the bottle and create several layers with a border in the form of a wavy line - glue peas at the bottom, use rice, lentils, buckwheat and any other cereals above. From curly pasta (bows, shells, leaves, etc.) create an ornament or a thematic drawing. We fix the pasta with glue on top of the layers of cereals, we also decorate the lid with pasta. We paint the resulting creation - here it is better to use spray paint with a metallic effect.

Bottle decor with napkins

Bottle decor with napkins or decoupage on glass does not require large financial investments, but everyone can prove themselves by choosing this design option, making the most of their capabilities.

Napkin with a pattern - option number 1

We need a piece of fabric, a man's handkerchief will do. We impregnate the matter with glue and wrap it on a pre-skimmed bottle, giving it an arbitrary shape. After the glue dries, cover the product with white acrylic paint. We take a napkin with a pattern, select the fragment you like, cut it out and separate the top layer (most often, napkins with a pattern are multi-layered). We glue a piece of napkin on the bottle and apply the main layer of paint of the selected color. After the paint has dried, we coat the folds created during the decoration of the bottles with a cloth, acrylic mother-of-pearl and cover the entire bottle with acrylic varnish.

Napkin with a pattern - option number 2

Bottle decor with tights

For such an option as decorating bottles with nylon tights, you may need not only napkins. This time, instead of fabric, we use a nylon stocking. We impregnate it with glue and put it on the bottle. We also create chaotic folds, while the cork can be covered with nylon, or you can stretch the stocking only to the neck of the bottle - upon completion of all stages of work, you will get the impression that the bottle is in a kind of bag. Dry the glue, and dry again. We paste a fragment of a napkin, let it dry, paint the bottle in the main color.

We complete the decor with a ribbon, bow, braid, sparkles. The decor of bottles with tights is a great option not to throw away a damaged thing, but to apply it in a new quality.

Toilet paper as decoration

Take a dark glass bottle and white acrylic paint. We degrease the glass and apply an arbitrary pattern, wait for it to dry. We impregnate small pieces of toilet paper with glue and use them to create volumetric irregularities on the fragments covered with paint.

After the paper dries, re-cover the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe pattern with paint. Now you can add rhinestones and open the entire product with varnish. Instead of toilet paper, bottle decoration can be used.

Bottle decor with twine

The decor of the bottles with twine looks incredibly stylish and original. The main task with this decoration option is to wrap it around the bottle as evenly and accurately as possible. After the first attempts, problems with winding should not arise. Glue must be applied to the neck of the bottle and in a spiral over the entire surface with a distance between the adhesive strips of a couple of centimeters. The twine sticks quickly enough, so you need to work quickly and accurately. You can add a variety of decor.

Advice! To make the work as accurate as possible, use tweezers.

Decor bottles with a rope

The decoration of bottles with a rope is created using approximately the same technology as with twine. The difference in decor can be not only in other options for additional decoration and the use of accessories, but also in the use of multi-colored ropes or ropes with different thicknesses and densities. The end of the rope must be glued to the bottom, smeared with glue. Twist the rope in a spiral. Further, in the direction from bottom to top, a rope is wound over the entire surface of the bottle, it must also be glued at the neck and, with the help of additional elements, secure and close the edge.

Decorating bottles with twine

Decorating bottles with twine also has the same work characteristics as decorating with rope and twine. Glue is applied to the bottle cleaned from stickers. It is best to wind the twine starting from the bottom of the bottle. Spreading glue on a bottle is completely inconvenient, it is better to do it gradually or apply glue in a spiral at intervals to comfortably hold the vessel. You can complement the decor with small circles, which are also made of twine.

Decor of bottles with ribbons

In order to recreate the decor of the bottles with ribbons, you will need ribbons, glue, and additional decorations. As a result, the total length of the starting material will depend on the thickness of the tape itself. The finished product can be supplemented with beads, shells, or you can use additional bottle decor with lace.

Bottle decor with satin ribbons

Decorating bottles with satin ribbons is an opportunity to create a stylish decoration for, or: it all depends on color combinations and the desire to create a special design element in the room. In order for the work to turn out neat, you should not use a lot of glue, you need to apply the tape closely, with strong tension. Each next layer needs to be adjusted in length. When narrowing the tape, you need to make sure that the edge is even along the neck.

Eggshell bottle decor

Eggshell bottle decor is used to give the vessel a cracked effect and visually help to achieve an antique look. You can also decorate bottles stained glass paints. The shell must be washed and the film removed from it, dried and broken into pieces of the required size. On the finished bottle, decorated, for example, with a napkin, you need to apply pieces of shell with a minimum gap between them. When the glue dries, the shell needs to be painted in accordance with the shades and overall style of the bottle. Then you need to paint the cracks between the pieces for a more realistic look and varnish.

Salt dough bottle decor

Decorating bottles with salt dough will be interesting to work with a child. To do this, you need a bottle, glue, napkins, salt dough. From salt dough, you need to create the necessary decor option, for example, flowers or an image of an animal, apply glue to the surface and press firmly onto the finished and dried bottle with napkin decor. After complete drying, which may take 2-3 days, the salt dough can be colored and supplemented with beads, colored salt or any other elements. The decor of bottles with polymer clay is carried out according to the same principle.

Memories of a summer holiday at sea can be preserved for a long time by creating such a simple souvenir

Nautical style bottle decor

Nautical-style bottle decor combines a variety of options. It could be a bottle adorned with string that has beautifully placed shells on it, or an accessory like an anchor, which can be made from polymer clay or salt dough. Also, a great solution could be the option of decorating a bottle using salt, sand and shells.

Bottle decor for men

The decor of bottles for men depends on which holiday the gift will be prepared for or what interests the person being presented has. If a man is fond of fishing, then the choice in favor of a drawing on the theme of fishing will be harmonious. Add decoupage Especially for fans of Jack Daniels: do not rush to throw away an empty bottle, because you can make an original table lamp or a soap container by adding a special dispenser

Bottle decor with threads

The decoration of bottles with threads is carried out according to the same principle as in the case of a rope or twine. The only difference will be that you can start wrapping both from the bottom and from the neck of the bottle. Glue is better to use transparent, it will not stain a thin thread and will not change its color. The thread can be used thin and woolen, it all depends on the original idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe decor.

Leather bottle decor

Bottle decor can be attributed to one of the most time-consuming decoupage processes, which requires the greatest material costs, although if you have pieces of leather in your arsenal, the option will be economical. To work, you will need a bottle, glue, scissors and leather. It is better to take thick, but soft skin, then it will be convenient to work with it, and the effect will be the most luxurious. It is better to apply glue directly to the skin and attach a piece to the bottle. Leather can be patterned

When, after the next holiday, you cannot throw away the bottle because the shape of the vessel is very interesting, it means that the sense of beauty has defeated the arguments of reason or there is already an idea for decoration.

Your soul needs a creative act - decorating bottles with your own hands.

At your service there is always a master class in the society of a master or an Internet version of the work process. Ideas for decoration can be seen on forums where needlewomen share their achievements. A simple way to decorate is decoupage with a photo. After processing, a picture, photograph or postcard is glued onto the bottle. There are many techniques and master classes where bottles are decorated with twine, salt, leather, ribbons and even tights.

We paint the bottle

In order to feel the taste for decoration, simple manipulations with the object are enough. Do-it-yourself elementary decor of glass containers is done with the help of paint. A transparent object can be painted inside or outside.

For internal coloring, pour acrylic paint into the bottle using a syringe without a needle and rotate the bottle to achieve a dense internal coating.

As an interesting idea, you can paint the inside of the container in several colors. To do this, each color layer should not cover the entire surface, but only a part. The colored decor of the bottle adds mood to the interior.

Outside, the bottle is painted with a sponge or brush. Pre-treat the vessel with alcohol and apply acrylic paint with tangential movements. Buy a few toners for white acrylic paint or use gouache - mixing colored toners with a white base, get the right shades and make a colorful bottle decor.

Painted bottle - the basis for decoration

You can quickly decorate a bottle of interesting shape with your own hands with ribbons and lace. Make a small bow out of ribbons, sew them on a lace base, add a brooch, beads and put on the neck of the vessel - an exclusive decor item is ready!

A bright and sparkling effect is achieved with improvised materials, for example, salt. Treat the prepared bottle from the outside with glue and sprinkle with salt with large crystals, carefully place on a flat surface until completely dry. It is appropriate to decorate an object with salt for a winter interior or a New Year themed one.

If a solid layer of salt seems boring or you need to decorate several areas with salt, then glue only those places where sparkling is needed and cover with salt. A master class on this topic will help in mastering the technique.

More about decor

Even just by painting a bottle with your own hands, you can achieve an incredible effect of silver or gold gloss, shimmering with the lights of a New Year's fairy tale, sparkling carnival or vintage treasure.

To get a stylish effect of gold / silver plating on a future art object, it must be prepared. Preparing glass for subsequent decoration with your own hands, at the initial stage, is the same for any method of painting: the object should be washed, dried, degreased and treated with a universal primer.

The prepared glass vessel can be painted. For these purposes, automotive paint in a can is suitable. It should be sprayed at a distance of 15 centimeters from the object, outdoors or on a balcony.
If you don't have a spray can, get gold/silver acrylic paint from hobby stores or a hardware store. Use a sponge to apply. It should be painted with point (plugging) movements, leaving a trace on the surface, and not a strip, the surface will turn out to be even, without streaks.

Gold, like silver, is colored, i.e. has several shades, which makes working with these paints exciting.

You can add decor in several ways. For example, wrap the thick part of the container with lace, securing it with a glue gun. Or partially wrap with twine, colored threads, beads. Stick on hearts or ribbons. Decorating bottles is a fun activity, and you can use all the materials at hand for every idea.

Decoupage of bottles with napkins (master class)

A popular technique for decorating bottles is decoupage. Visit a decoupage master class and you will appreciate the technique in full.

Simple manipulations with napkins, decoupage cards or printed pictures allow you to get a charming decorative item of exclusive design.

The easiest way to decorate an object is to paste a cut-out picture. To get a taste for handmade, visit a master class on the technique of interest and find ideas. Prepare the container as mentioned above, choose the plot you like (from a postcard, magazine, decoupage card), cut it out and stick it on the surface. Add accessories, brooches, beads, ribbons by gluing them with your own hands using a glue gun. Sometimes this is enough.

Decorating bottles with a more fundamental approach requires preparation, a master class will always come in handy. For the technique in the classic version, a colored layer of a napkin is used. That is, only a layer with a pattern is required from a three-layer napkin, the class of the napkin is also important - it must be with a bright pattern.

For work you will need:

  • decoration object;
  • universal soil;
  • acrylic paint white and colored;
  • toners or artistic gouache;
  • acrylic lacquer (art or construction);
  • brushes, sponge for plugging;
  • patterned napkin.

Stages of the master class:

  1. Prepare a glass container (wash, degrease, prime).

  1. Paint the bottle to be decorated with white acrylic in two layers by tamponing with a sponge. Dry after each application.

  1. From a napkin, cut out a pattern with nail scissors or tear along the contour. If the drawing is on a white background, you can deviate from the contour, the white part of the napkin will merge with the background on the subject.

  1. White color is not always suitable for your idea and therefore any other color can be applied on a white surface. If you are new to decoupage, use light, creamy shades to add color. With a dark background for napkins, more work is required. Dry the surface.

  1. Attach the drawing with a colorful layer up and apply acrylic glue on top of it with a brush (acrylic varnish can be used), try to avoid wrinkles and bubbles. You must act quickly and carefully. Dry.

  1. When you have glued all the drawings, you can proceed to the final design. Decoupage of bottles is completed by applying three layers of varnish with drying. With fine sandpaper, it is necessary to sand the surface and cover with a final layer of varnish. DIY bottle decoration is complete!

Not only decoupage

Having mastered the simple decoupage of bottles with napkins, you always want more. The smooth surface of the bottle does not give a texture, with the help of which a more interesting effect is achieved. You can create an interesting surface with tights or stockings. A master class on this type of decor can be found on the Internet.

To do this, cut off one part from a pair of tights, soak it with a mixture of PVA glue and water (proportion 1 to 1) and put it on the bottle. Lay out coattails, waves, any texture.

Instead of tights, you can use decoupage with a cloth, the procedures for materials and techniques are similar.

Leave a few places flat to stick the napkin on. Dry completely, prime with a special compound or acrylic paint. Now you can decoupage bottles, tint, embody your ideas or leave it as it is.

Another way to get texture: wrap the bottle with threads, colored threads for sewing of different thicknesses are quite suitable. Colored thread decoration is also quickly obtained when using cotton yarn for knitting.

Using alternately threads of different colors, you can get a very stylish decor item, fix the threads with PVA glue. The decor of the bottles with twine, threads should be varnished and used as a vase, or you can prime, paint and stick napkins.

Leather for decoration

Decorating bottles with leather is one of the most beautiful opportunities to recycle leftover leather or outdated jackets, boot tops and get an interior item for home decoration. You can decorate any glass surface with leather. To work, you need glue like "Moment", tweezers, scissors and a knife, as well as imagination.

To make folds, pieces of leather need to be soft. A detailed master class can be found on the Global Web. Spread a bottle and a piece of leather with glue, attach the skin to the surface and form folds.

Leather is a little more difficult to work with than decoupage of bottles with a cloth, but folds are also formed directly on a glass bottle.

The formed decor must be given time for final drying and, if desired, additionally painted, gilded, glued other elements - it all depends on the idea.

In the design for a piggy bank, coins are suitable, for a gift wine container, a beautifully made dense cork will not hurt, it is also trimmed with leather.

Do not throw away empty beautiful bottles, with their help you will create a unique art object for your home with your own hands. And it doesn’t matter if it’s decoupage bottle decor, leather trim or dyeing, uniqueness and creativity are the most important things in decorating.

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Is there a way to turn an ordinary bottle into a decorative vase and decorate it, for example, on a kitchen window sill? Undoubtedly. And this type of decorative art, like decoupage, will help in this. Of course, without basic knowledge it is difficult to decoupage bottles on your own, a master class in this case helps a lot. Although the technique itself is quite simple and does not require special skills and talents. It is enough to be able to work with paper, scissors and glue and find free time for this. The scope of the imagination has no limits.

Decoupage - what is it?

French words always sound beautiful and mysterious, although they sometimes mean the most mundane things. So is the case with decoupage, which translates as "cutting". In fact, this is an application that is glued to a variety of surfaces.

Anything can serve as a material for decoupage, as long as it embodies the creative intent of the master. The most commonly used pictures are cut out of paper. After all, it easily takes any shape and can be fixed on glass, wood, stone and any other surface that you want to decorate.

For example, using the decoupage technique, you can turn an old porcelain teapot into a magnificent flower pot and complement the kitchen interior with it. An old sideboard, prepared for exile to the country, may well compete with its antique counterparts if its doors are covered with floral ornaments in the style of the 18th century, artificially aged with a special craquelure varnish that gives the product an antique look. But the most popular is napkin decoupage, when an image you like is cut out of ordinary paper napkins and fixed on glass or stone with a layer of varnish.

Materials for decorating a bottle using decoupage technique

In general, the decoupage technique for beginners and for more experienced craftsmen is no different in work. Before starting, it is better to stock up on patience and the necessary tools and materials for creativity.

In the first place is the glass bottle itself - its surface should be as even as possible, without embossed decorations.

This is followed by a drawing chosen either on paper napkins or on decoupage cards, magazine clippings, pictures downloaded from the Internet and printed on a printer, etc. can be used.

To remove grease stains from glass, you will need any liquid that can do this.

Degreased glass needs to be primed. Any acrylic paint that matches the color of the main pattern is suitable for this.

Sponges for applying primer

As an adhesive, both special decoupage glue and school PVA are usually used.

Of course, brushes will also be needed, preferably flat ones and made of synthetic bristles that do not lose hairs during work.

Fan brush for decoupage

In addition to primer paint, you should also have simple colored acrylic paints for decoration, and the same varnish for fixing the image on glass.

To give the product an old look, craquelure varnish will become indispensable, it will also fix the pattern. After its application, the thing acquires the features of antiques.

And, of course, it will be impossible to do without a number of things - small scissors, masking tape, foam rubber, containers for paints and varnishes, sandpaper, rags for wiping.

Napkin decoupage bottles: step by step instructions

Glass surface preparation

Any used bottle is glued on all sides with various labels and labels. Getting rid of them is not easy, but it is possible. The bottle should be in a soapy solution for some time, then all traces of paper and glue are peeled off with emery. Only after that comes the turn of the solvent, which removes the remaining fat from the surface of the glass.


In principle, you don’t need to prime the bottle, but choose such a pattern that decoupage on glass will look great on a transparent surface. But to enhance the brightness, relief, it is better to cover the bottle with acrylic paint that matches the color of the selected pattern, and at least one tone lighter. This is where you need a foam roller or sponge. Dipping it in a wide jar of paint, carefully primer either the entire bottle or that part of it on which the drawing will be applied. To create a rich color, it is better to put two or three layers of paint.

Ornament cutting

To work with thin elements of a napkin, it is better to use scissors from a manicure set or simply carefully separate the pattern from the rest of the paper. Then the image will be more natural.

Not only napkins are suitable for application, but also magazine clippings on thicker paper. To obtain the effect of an image drawn directly on glass, a cutout of thicker paper must be covered with two or three layers of varnish, dried well, and then put this picture in water for about twenty minutes. If the layers of soaked paper are carefully removed, then a transparent picture will remain on the varnished surface, which is glued to the base. Not every master class will teach such a decoupage of bottles.

Attaching a picture to a bottle

The same dry napkin is applied to the prepared dry, fat-free surface of the bottle, and then a brush with pre-selected glue begins to “walk” on its surface. All air bubbles are squeezed out very carefully and carefully from under the napkin, inadvertently formed wrinkles are smoothed out. If you are afraid to spoil your first masterpiece, then you can practice on an understudy bottle.

In the case of using decoupage cards, they should first be soaked in warm water, and then laid out to dry on a towel.

This work is painstaking and very accurate, you can not even inadvertently tear the card. It is carefully smeared with glue, first from the reverse side, and then, laid on the glass, gently straightened and smeared on the outside, expelling the remaining air and eliminating wrinkles. If it was intended to use more than one picture for decoupage of the bottle, then all other images are glued in the same way.

Fixing the result with varnish

After gluing the image to the bottle, a sufficient amount of time must pass for the paper to dry completely. But in this form, the drawing is completely defenseless against air, light, water and sharp objects. To keep the surface intact, it is fixed with a varnish layer. And so that the bottle is not afraid of water either from the inside or outside and is used for its intended purpose, this varnish layer must be applied at least three times. But the result will be a thing that is not ashamed to show to friends.

If you fix on the camera what the decoupage of bottles looks like in stages, then you can show the photo to friends or other needlewomen.

Decoupage bottles with rice paper

Among all types of decoupage, a special place is occupied by the use of rice paper in the process. To conduct a master class, it is desirable to determine what exactly is needed for this.

  • A glass bottle, if possible, not very narrow, so that there is something to roam on and the decoupage turned out to be noticeable and bright.
  • Sheets of rice paper in two colors - light green and white. It will be used as a base for decoupage.
  • Paper napkin with a pattern. Floral ornaments will add grace and tenderness to the decor.
  • Glue and a brush with artificial bristles so that no hairs remain on the bottle.
  • A special white acrylic-based marker that leaves a line on any surface, and a varnish to fix the drawing.
  • Scissors, solvent for degreasing glass, napkins or towels for applying the product, decorative tape.

So, let's try to figure out why you still need rice paper for decoupage and how to use it correctly.

The most important process is the degreasing of the glass surface. After all, the quality of fixing the image depends on it. We will do this with the help of any cleanser and a regular napkin or cloth.

It is necessary to prepare paper from rice.

ATTENTION!!! It cannot be cut with scissors, it just needs to be carefully torn into small fragments. Scissors will create a smooth edge, and if the rice paper is torn, the fibers will give the surface the necessary naturalness.

No wonder the Chinese came up with the idea of ​​making paper from rice. It is more elastic than usual, it is much easier to work with it. This is the opinion of everyone who happened to take this paper in their hands.

There are two different ways to apply rice paper to glass:

  1. Press fragments of dry paper to the bottle and soak the paper through with glue. Then dry and treat with acrylic varnish.
  2. Alternatively, also attach pieces of rice paper to the bottle and moisten them thoroughly with water. After drying almost to the end (you can use a hair dryer for speed), then also cover the pieces of paper with acrylic varnish.

This master class shows how, using the first method, you can make a quite nice and original vase from an ordinary bottle. From green rice paper, select three long pieces with pointed ends, stick them with a narrower edge up around the entire bottle, carefully pulling and straightening all the folds and wrinkles.

All free fragments of glass are carefully filled with white rice paper edge to edge. It is allowed to overlap the edges a little, anyway, no one will see these roughnesses in the finished product. But only if the fragments were torn off, not cut off.

Having thoroughly smeared all the rice paper with glue, we set the bottle aside to dry completely, and at this time we are carefully cutting out the ornament from the napkin prepared for decoupage.

Lubricate the entire bottle with glue again, carefully press the pattern and carefully pass over it with a brush, carefully removing air bubbles and excess glue from under the napkin.

The bottle is once again sent to dry, and then the entire surface is covered with acrylic varnish. To fully protect the image, you will need to repeat this procedure 2-3 times.

After complete drying, the contours of the drawing are outlined with a white acrylic marker. This will give the whole product brightness and expressiveness.

Useful and decorative tape. The neck of the bottle, left without decor, is very cleverly hidden under it.


The use of hand-made things to decorate your own home makes it possible to uniqueize the interior, to give originality to the composition. One of these decor elements can be decoupage bottles.

Numerous photos of decoupage bottles clearly demonstrate that such things can be not only decorative accessories for the interior, but also become a wonderful unique gift for a variety of celebrations and holidays.

What is decoupage technique

The word decoupage came to us from France and means "cutting" in translation. If we talk about the technique itself, then it consists in sticking individual paper images on different surfaces, in fact, a simple application.

Most often, images are selected from napkins, special decoupage cards or rice paper are also used, if desired, you can use clippings from magazines.

To create a unique interior decor, you can use ordinary bottles of interesting shapes. Do-it-yourself bottle decoupage is a great opportunity to turn an ordinary thing into an original flower vase that you can give or decorate your home with.

For example, decoupage of a bottle of champagne is often used to decorate a bottle that will be on the wedding table of the newlyweds. Champagne is also decorated for the new year or birthday.

Materials for decoupage creativity

Both a beginner and an experienced master can use decoupage technique. To start creating, you need to purchase the necessary materials and fixtures.

First of all, you need to choose a base - a bottle. It is better to choose a product with a smooth surface, without relief.

Next comes the drawing. To decoupage bottles with napkins, fragments of ordinary paper products are selected, it is also possible to use rice sheets, decoupage cards, clippings from magazines or pictures from the Internet.

To degrease the surface and remove all grease stains, you need to stock up on any suitable liquid that will cope with this task.

After degreasing, the glass surface will need to be primed. For these purposes, acrylic paint of any color that is suitable for the composition is suitable.

To stick a paper fragment to the surface, an adhesive composition is required. It can be a special decoupage glue or ordinary PVA diluted with water in a ratio of 1 to 1.

The required attributes are brushes. It is advisable to use synthetic products from which hairs do not fall out during the process.

A set of acrylic colored paints is required for the artistic design of the product, and acrylic varnish is required to fix the image. To give the bottle the effect of aging, a craquelure varnish composition is used.

In addition to these materials, small scissors are also needed, preferably manicure, foam sponges, containers for paint and varnish, sandpaper.

Step by step instructions

In order to create a beautiful decor accessory the first time, you should use the bottle decoupage instructions for beginners.

Preparatory process of the bottle. Any bottle should first be cleaned of all stickers and adhesive residue. To do this, the container must be soaked in soapy water, and then remove all fragments. Next, the fat deposits are removed with a degreaser.

The next step is to separate the desired fragment of the picture from the paper. To do this, it is better to use small nail scissors. If a napkin is used, then you need to take only one top paper layer.

If thicker magazine paper is taken, then first the surface is varnished, dried, and then soaked for 20 minutes in water. Then the transparent pattern will separate from the base.

Now it's time to glue the paper pattern onto the bottle. To do this, the dry fragment is applied to the bottle and smoothed with a brush dipped in glue from the center to the edges, squeezing out air bubbles and smoothing out wrinkles. In this form, the bottle should dry well.

The work is fixed by applying varnish to the entire surface of the bottle. It is better to apply varnish in three layers.

At the final stage, you can use sparkles, rhinestones, beads, etc. to decorate and decorate the bottle.

A detailed master class on how to decoupage a bottle will help everyone to create a unique composition for decoration.

Photo decoupage bottles
