MK "Peony from foamiran" - we learn to make luxurious peonies with our own hands, for a bouquet and not only. Peony from foamiran: photo and video workshops How to make a peony from foma

From foamiran, you can make various three-dimensional decorative elements, to decorate clothes (brooch, button, headbands, hairpins), create decorative flowers (hydrangea, peony, chrysanthemum) and dolls, decorate wedding dresses, use as sheathing material. Nevertheless, foamiran is more suitable for creating artificial flowers, since the variety of colors and the palette of colors of this material allows you to accurately reflect what the master intended.

Making a peony according to step-by-step instructions will not cause difficulties for novice craftsmen, if you strictly follow the scheme. Typical colors for peony are shades of red, white and pink, as well as their combination. For example, a tree-like peony variety is distinguished by its bright red and pink color.

To make a peony from foamiran, we need the following materials and tools:

  • Foamiran (color depends on the type of peony);
  • Wire thickness from 1.5 to 2 mm;
  • Bead with a diameter of 2 mm;
  • Scissors;
  • acrylic paint;
  • Simple pencil;
  • Paint brush;
  • Decorative tape;
  • Super glue;
  • Iron.

To get stamens in the center of the flower, you need to make a stencil in the form of a sun with rays, which is put on the stem before gluing the petals, and with the help of yellow paint you can imitate pollen.

Instructions for making peony from foamiran:

  1. Making a peony begins with cutting out a stencil and a template for future patterns using ordinary cardboard. To do this, on a sheet of cardboard, draw a sketch of the petals with a pencil (fantasize and try different versions of peony leaves) and cut out the resulting patterns.
  2. We apply stencils on a sheet of foamiran, circle the blanks and cut out the petals.
  3. We heat the petals with an iron. To do this, we apply the pattern to a heated iron, and then, holding the ends with an accordion and roll the stencil to give structure.
  4. We will make the stem and the center of the flower with a bead and a thick wire. We apply super glue to the bead and glue it with the wire.
  5. We glue the petals, starting from small ones and ending with large leaves. The last row of petals is glued to the stem.
  6. We tint the leaves and give the leaves a more voluminous look.
  7. We make leaves for the trunk from green foamiran.

We make a foamiran peony: do-it-yourself templates

Patterns for peony patterns can be made from cardboard, and also later used as a stencil for future patterns, which will save time on their manufacture. There are no flowers in which two petals will be the same, so you should not be limited to the same variants of the petals, but make, for example, 8-10 types of leaves.

Now on the Internet you can find many variations of templates and stencils for any plants and flowers that can be printed and used in the future.

Why do you need a foamiran peony pattern and how to make it

To get beautiful and realistic flowers, you need to make patterns for the inner and outer petals. Therefore, in advance you need to make thin and wide petals for the inner and outer leaves, respectively. Thin patterns - should be in the core of the future flower, and wide to the stem.

To get volume, you need to cut a large number of petals (about 60 pieces, in a ratio of 30 inner and 30 outer).

Instructions for making patterns of petals:

  1. On a sheet of cardboard with a simple pencil, apply sketches of options for the flower blades;
  2. Precisely along the contour, cut out the patterns of the petals;
  3. Apply the resulting templates to a sheet of foamiran and cut out the resulting shapes.

You can make patterns for flowers without a cardboard stencil, but for this you need to know the approximate shape of the petals, which will save time in making crafts.

Wonderful peony rose from foamiran: master class

Such roses are characterized by tenderness, softness of flowers and volume of buds. Types of peony roses: with an open or closed center, monotonous, with iridescent shades. For this master class, a monotonous look is used, which even a beginner can handle.

To make a peony rose from foamiran, you will need:

  • Foamian sheets of pink color 0.5 mm thick;
  • Acrylic paint brown or red for leather;
  • Cardboard sheets for making petal templates;
  • Thick wire for the stem and a bead for the core;
  • Super glue or PVA;
  • Pencil and scissors;
  • Hairdryer or iron.

To give the flowers softness and volume, foamiran 0.5 mm thick is chosen.

The number of petals in a peony rose is less than for a regular rose, but due to the size of the leaves, we will get a large rose, and after working with acrylics, we will add volume. In total there will be 5 sizes of petals: 1 - 10 pieces; 2 - 10 pieces; 3 - 15 pieces; 4 - 9 pcs., 5 - 6 pcs. (for stem leaves) each of which is painted in a separate color (usually shades of pink or red), starting from the dark middle, ending with a light-cut flower.

Manufacturing instructions:

  1. If there are no ready-made templates, then we make 5 sizes of future petals. To do this, on a sheet of cardboard, you need to draw options for patterns and cut them clearly along the contour;
  2. To give a real look, type 1 and 2 paint the upper part of the petal pink and the lower yellow;
  3. The rose has stamens, which are best made from pieces of soft wire, and the stamens themselves are made from cotton wool wound around the wire. After that, you can safely paint them yellow. The resulting base for the petals is firmly glued or wound on a stem of the same color.
  4. With the help of an iron, we give the petals a shape. To do this, we apply the petal to a heated iron and, squeezing the upper part, fix the position by twisting the flagella a little, and if this is not enough, hold it longer.

For more volume, you can heat the bottom of the petal with a hair dryer or a match.

Further actions:

  1. We begin to glue the first type of petals on the base with super glue, while slightly shifting them relative to each other, which will give more volume. It is necessary to combine sizes 1 and 2 during the gluing process, otherwise the rose will not be lush.
  2. Similarly, we glue the 3rd type of larger petals, with a smaller twist at the base of the petal.
  3. We make the last row on the bud less twisted to give splendor.

In general, it is better to create the last row separately from the whole flower, so that at the end of the work you can simply insert and glue it from below.

Additional Tips:

  1. To prevent the petals from falling, after gluing 2-3 types, make a holding substrate in the form of a wound thread with dense cotton wool.
  2. We paint the stem green and glue 5 types of petals to it, which will create rose branches, they are also green.

How to make a foamiran peony at home

To make a more voluminous flower or bouquet, we will need to cut out as many types of petal patterns as possible, and it is also important to be able to work with paints. Even a novice inventor will cope with this master class.

To make a foamiran peony, it is enough to have the following materials, which can be bought at a needlework store:

  • For the petals we use foamiran 2 mm thick, in our case we choose the pink color of the sheet;
  • We will make the stems from thick wire;
  • The core can be made from a wooden bead or a ball rolled from foil;
  • We will cut with scissors;
  • To add volume, we use acrylic;
  • We will draw patterns with a soft 2M pencil;
  • Super glue or PVA;
  • Iron or building hair dryer.

Step-by-step instructions for making a peony with your own hands:

  1. Take a couple of sheets of cardboard and make rough sketches of the petals, and then lay them on the sheets of foamiran and cut them out. Let's make 6 types of peony blades. Our peony will consist of: 11 petals of the first row, 10 petals of the second, 16 petals of the third and 7 petals of the fourth row.
  2. Paint the petals with red or brown acrylic for volume. In the process of dyeing, it is important to know that the petals further from the center of the flower are painted in a darker color.
  3. With a heated iron, add volume to the petal. After heating, we twist the petal in our fingers, straighten it and get a cup-shaped petal.
  4. We glue the bead as a core (wrap the bead with a piece of foamiran and fasten it with threads).
  5. We will paint the stem and leaves green in advance and begin to glue row after row of petals clockwise.
  6. To make the peony look more original, you can apply decorative sparkles with a spray.

Such a peony can decorate clothes or a hairpin and even use it in room decor.

A way to make peonies from foamiran with your own hands

To make a peony, you do not need to have any complicated knowledge, it is enough to have the necessary materials, tools and follow the step-by-step instructions. To do this, we need: a piece of foamiran 50 * 50 cm yellow and pink, a wire 30 cm long, super glue, scissors, an iron and gouache.

How to make a peony from foamiran:

  1. To make a peony, we need templates that we print from the Internet and cut out on cardboard. A peony bud will have 49 petals and 5 leaves per stem (5 sizes).
  2. We circle the templates on the foamiran and cut out the finished petals.
  3. We heat on the iron and twist them to give a natural look.
  4. We make a ball of foil, insert a wire into it and glue it.
  5. We apply a little glue on the ball and alternately apply the petals from 1 to the last row. So that the leaves do not fall, you can wrap the thread of the same color after each row.
  6. We tint the petals with gouache and give visual volume.

The foamiran peony turned out to be 15 cm in size. This craft will be a gift or can decorate the interior in the room.

Full bouquets of peonies from foamiran and wire

If you want to make an original gift for a girl or woman, but you don’t want to give natural flowers, then a bouquet of peonies from foamiran is what you need.

Making a bouquet is not difficult, you need to stock up on material, tools and patience.

To make a bouquet of peonies, we need:

  • Pre-made peony buds with stem and leaves;
  • Green wire or decorative ribbon to connect flowers into one bouquet;
  • Atomizer and gold glitter;
  • Transparent lash for a bouquet.

We will make a bouquet of 5 peonies. We collect so that the flowers do not touch each other and look in different directions. We connect the stems with a ribbon, placing them in a circle. We apply gilding over the flowers with a spray gun. Wrap with transparent film. Our gift is ready.

If desired, you can combine peonies with other flowers, such as hydrangea or chrysanthemum.

How to form a peony bud

To make a peony bud, we need sheets of foamiran of any color, preferably pink, foil balls or beads 2 cm in diameter, thin wire for stems, pastel and glue. In our case, we will make a hairpin.

Instructions for making a peony bud:

  1. We cut a circle of 5 cm from foamiran for the core and wrap the ball with it;
  2. According to the template, we cut the petals of various shapes and sizes;
  3. We tint the edges of the petals with red pastel;
  4. To create a convex shape, we use large round stones;
  5. We glue the wire of the desired size to the core;
  6. We collect the bud, sequentially gluing the petals onto the core.

To hide the wire, just wrap it in a green cloth.

This craft will appeal to any girl and woman, if done with a soul.

Is it possible to make a peony from marshmallow foamiran

Making a marshmallow-colored foamiran peony is a little more painstaking. Marshmallow foamiran must be thinned before use. To do this, we put it between two sheets of paper and heat it with an iron, draw a ruler along the surface of the sheet.


  1. We cut 3 sizes of foamiran petals according to the template (height * width 5 * 4 cm - 30 pcs; 5 * 6 cm - 20 pcs; 6 * 8 cm - 10 pcs.).
  2. We twist each petal and give an arcuate shape. For large petals, we use a ball, pulling foamiran on it.
  3. We make the core with a ball of foil, painted to match the color of the material, and glue a wire stem to it.
  4. Starting from small to large petals, glue the petals on the ball.
  5. From the combination of such flowers you can make a beautiful bouquet.

Deft peony from foamiran: master class (video)

Such a craft will be a great gift for a loved one or an original element of clothing or interior decor. It is not so difficult to create it, but the decoration is very good.

See what a delicate beautiful foamiran peony flower you can do with your own hands. A master class with step-by-step photos will tell you all the details of its creation. The method is actually simple and affordable. We will cut the petals without templates, which will significantly reduce the time.

Recall that last time we showed a master class on creating.

To create a peony, we will prepare the following materials:

- white, yellow and green foamiran;
- green, brown and coral dry artistic pastels;
- floral wire;
- foam sponge and water;
- a light bulb or other round object;
- curly scissors;
- awl or needle;
- scissors;
- mold for leaves as needed;
- green floral tape;
- hot glue.

Work steps:

We prepare peony petals very simply. We cut out two strips with a width of 4 cm from white foamiran and divide one strip into triangles with a base width of 3 cm (28 petals), the second into triangles with a width of 4 cm (20 petals). We cut the third strip 5 cm wide and divide it into triangles with a base of 7 cm (10 petals).

The next step is to transform the triangles into petals. You can put several blanks together and cut several at once. We cut off the wide edge of an arbitrary shape, and cut off the edge of the largest petals with curly scissors in the shape of a heart.

With a damp foam sponge, we tint the edge of the petals in a delicate coral or other shade. We process blanks on both sides.

If you are not making a peony from marshmallow foamiran, then we will process the petals with an iron. In the first case, it is not needed. We apply the workpiece to a hot surface and twist the petal with our fingers. We straighten each and slightly stretch the middle to give volume.

We will make the largest foamiran peony petals using a round convex object, for example, a light bulb. Then the blanks will turn out to be voluminous and we will get the desired effect from the extreme petals of the peony. We fix the light bulb, cut out squares of foamiran with dimensions of 15x15 cm approximately. We apply the square to the iron for a few seconds and pull it onto the light bulb, first from two sides, and then very quickly from the other two sides.

We fold a square with a convex surface in half and cut it out in the shape of half a petal. We make the top edge wavy.

We slightly tint the edge of each petal and twist only it, leaving almost the entire petal intact.

Since the petals are ready for assembly, let's make the middle of the peony. We cut a strip 2 cm wide from the yellow fom and cut it into a thin fringe. We apply it to the iron and twist the fringe very carefully in the same way as we twisted the petals.

We cut out 4 droplets from a yellow fom 1.5 cm long, apply it to the hot surface of the iron for a couple of seconds and just leave it to cool. We tint the blanks in a light brown haze.

We turn the end of the floral wire into a small droplet and fasten the yellow blanks symmetrically opposite each other.

We distribute the last petals of the peony in one row and make sure that they overlap at least a little the upper part of the petals. In this case, you can make the peony more open without fixing the petals too much, or you can carefully fasten their edges together and the bud will be more dense.

On the green foamiran, we draw a small sepal and blanks for foliage, which will be slightly longer.

With the help of mold and heat treatment, we give texture to the leaves, slightly tint with a darker green pastel. We make notches with scissors along the edge. If there is no mold, then draw the veins by hand with an awl or needle.

We string a sepal with five ends and attach it to the bud, and glue the rest of the leaves symmetrically between the first layer. Wrap the stem with floral tape.

We arbitrarily cut out the leaves of the peony, give texture and shade, fasten the wire on the back side.

As a result, we get a magnificent and very beautiful foamiran peony.

Creating flowers from foamiran is a fascinating process that attracts not only children, but also adults. It is known that foamiran is used in many needlework techniques, but its main use is in the manufacture of flowers. By decorating your hair with flowers, you can change your image: from a gentle lady to a fatal beauty. For example, either hibiscus will create an image of Carmen and give passion, or a lily will show how gentle and sweet you are. In this master class, we will make a delicate and at the same time characteristic flower. It can be either empty or full. The color of this flower in nature is from pure white to maroon, from solid to tricolor. The Chinese present this flower as a sign of respect and declaration of love. It's called a peony. Today we will look at how to make 2 types of foamiran peonies.

Preparing a template for creating a peony from foamiran

Plastic suede, or foamiran, is ideal for making various voluminous home decorations and accessories, such as hairpins, brooches, hair hoops and even buttons. Wonderful artificial flowers are also obtained from this material - chrysanthemums, roses, hydrangeas and peonies. Thanks to a rich palette of colors, you can accurately bring to life all the ideas of the master.

In order to save time on preparing patterns in the future, templates should be made of cardboard. Each flower is individual, in nature there is no plant with two identical petals, so it is recommended to prepare at least 8-10 different types of petals. For convenience, you can use stencils for the manufacture of any plants presented on the Internet - you just need to download and print them.

Recommendations of the masters for making a template for a foamiran peony

To get a large, voluminous peony, you need to prepare at least 60 petals in advance, of which 30 pieces are internal and 30 are external. For outer and inner leaves, wide and thin petals are made. The wide ones will be fixed closer to the stem, and the thin ones will be in the core of the peony. This is the only way to achieve the most realistic flower from foamiran.

Making peony petals consists of the following steps:

  1. Draw sketches on a sheet of cardboard.
  2. Carefully, along the contour, cut out patterns of petals for the future flower.
  3. Stencils are combined with foamiran sheets and petals and leaves are cut out.

Of course, in some cases, you can prepare flower petals without special stencils, but then you need to know exactly what shape the petals will be in order not to waste extra time creating your masterpiece.

Peony on hair band

Little girls, like all women, want to be beautiful and fashionable, they love outfits, hairstyles and jewelry. In this master class, we will make a hair band with a peony. The shape of a simple peony is simple enough to make such a flower into everyone's fortune.

Materials and tools:

  • - white foamiran 0.3 mm thick;
  • - pastel red, dark red, yellow, green;
  • - scissors;
  • - toothpick;
  • - COSMOFEN glue (second);
  • - Bulka;
  • - sheet mod;
  • - foam sponge;
  • - rubber band for hair;
  • - iron.

The peony that we will be making consists of a lush center and two types of petals. For the petals, you need to cut 9 rectangles 5.5x4 cm in size (where 4 is the height), 10 squares 5x5 cm in size.

We put the petal template on the foamiran, circle it with a stick. Notice the petals are different. One petal has a cut base (cut out from a 5.5x4 cm rectangle), the other has a pointed base (cut out from a 5x5 cm square).

For convenience, you can first make patterns of petals from cardboard and then, applying them to the fom, cut them out. If you are sure that you can do without templates, then cut out a similar shape of the petals right away.

In nature, there are no identical petals! Therefore, what will be the petals (template or copyright) - you decide.

We cut off a strip of 3x15 cm from white foamiran in the amount of 1-2 pcs. If you want the middle of a peony of medium splendor, then use one strip in your work. If you want a very lush middle, then use two stripes.

We cut the strips with a fringe.

We draw peony leaves on cardboard, cut them out. Then we transfer to foamiran and cut out the leaves from it.

How to draw a peony leaf pattern on cardboard?

Draw a circle, divide it into six parts with lines. These lines will be the center of each sheet. First we draw narrow leaves, then short wide ones. The length of the leaves can be adjusted - make it longer or shorter, taking into account how much shrinkage your foamiran gives. It may happen that the cut leaves, ideally suited in size to the finished peony, after heat treatment will greatly decrease in length and become small.

In this master class, we will show how, having only white foamiran on hand, make a flower and leaves. But if you don't want to hand-color the leaves, cut them out of olive or green fomace.

We stain the sponge with red pastel and tint all the details. On large petals, shade only along the cut.

We paint over the white blank of leaves with green and yellow color using a regular foam rubber sponge.

We will form a strip with a fringe, or rather the fringe itself, with the help of fingers, by rubbing.

We turn on the iron. We begin to form small petals - we heat it, fold the tips with an accordion, rub it with our fingers (left view), then heat the lower part of the petal and squeeze it with a bulb (right view).

We take a large petal, heat it up and squeeze it with a bulk (left view). We heat the upper wavy part of the petal (tips), fold it like an accordion and twist it in a spiral (right view).

We will give the texture of the part of five leaves with the help of mold. We heat one sheet on the iron, apply it to the mold, press it tightly. We repeat the same with the rest of the leaves.

We do the waviness at the edges like this: we heat a small piece of the sheet, stretch it with our fingers.

We give the leaves a little red tint. Just a few strokes are enough.

Collecting a peony bud

Let's start assembling the peony. Lubricate the bottom strip of fringe with glue and twist it with a roll.

Paste around with small petals.

We divide the large petals into two circles, that is, there will be 5 pieces in each row.

Glue the first row.

Glue the second circle of petals between the petals of the first circle.

Peony flower collected.

For the brightness of the foliage, you can make a clearer border with green pastel.

We cut off a thin strip of 0.7x3 cm from foamiran, tint it in the color of the leaves. We make two cuts on the foliage so that a thin strip passes through them.

Glue a thin strip to the elastic.

We pass the ends into the slot.

Glue the ends to the leaves.

Lubricate the middle with glue and glue two parts - foliage with a peony. If necessary, glue each leaf.

We rub the edges of the large petals with red pastel.

The middle of the peony can be fluffed up a little.

Full foamiran peony on a hair clip

Materials and tools:

  • - white foamiran Silk LUX;
  • - olive foamiran;
  • - office white paper;
  • - iron;
  • - scissors;
  • - glue Kosmofen;
  • - toothpick;
  • - acrylic red paint;
  • - thin brush;
  • - hairclip;
  • - contours with multi-colored sequins and silver;
  • - sheet mold.

According to the proposed pattern, we make patterns of petals from cardboard. The size of the petals can be reduced or increased.

We cut squares of foamiran in such a size that the petal fits freely. A peony flower will consist of many petals of different sizes (seen in the pattern) and their number varies depending on the size. Petals A will need 16 pieces, B - 6 pieces, C - 6 pieces, D - 22 pieces, but 6 of them need to be made a little narrower. Accordingly, we cut squares in the same amount.

Before cutting the petals, it is necessary to thin the foamiran. We put chopped pieces of foma between sheets of white paper.

Iron on both sides.

After ironing, the foamiran became thinner and more tender. We apply a petal template to a piece of foma, circle it with a toothpick or stick. Cut out. You can cut the petals by eye, but the main thing is to observe the height of this petal.

As mentioned above, you will need 22 petals G, but 6 of them should be a bit narrower. In general, the number of petals can be different. It depends on how lush you want the peony to be.

We stretch the middle of the petals with our fingers to get the shape of a spoon (convex). Stretch the fom carefully, because there is a risk of tearing it. Just in case, you can carve out one extra petal.

We fold the tip of the petal with an accordion. Roll and rub with fingers.

We do this with all the petals.

Take petals A and work with the base. Fold the two sides towards the middle. In order not to use glue, we will use the property of foamiran silk LUX - when heated, it sticks together. Having folded the base of the petal, we heat this piece on the iron. When we see that the fom is well heated, we press it with our fingers. All! Foamiran stuck together without the use of glue.

Peony collection. Take three petals A and glue them together at the base.

Now glue the remaining petals around the middle.

Glue can be used for a second moment or Cosmofen (for convenience, you can drop it on some container and take it with a toothpick).

Glue 6 petals B.

Glue petals B between the petals of the bottom row.

We take 6 petals G, which are narrower than the rest, we also glue them in a checkerboard pattern.

In the next row, glue 6 more petals.

There are 10 petals left. We distribute 8 petals in a circle and add 2 if necessary.

Peony can be left white or make a bright center. We paint with red acrylic paint petals A along the cut, and three, from which come from the middle, almost along the entire length.

Cut out peony leaves from olive foamiran.

We draw longitudinal lines on each side that mimic the veins.

We heat up and print on the mold.

Stretch the edges.

Glue two sheets to the peony on opposite sides.

Glue the trefoil to the clip so that the middle is in the center.

Lubricate the clamp with glue (about 2 cm short of the control point for closing and opening), glue it to the peony.

With a contour with silver sequins, lightly touching, we go through all the petals and leaves.

We circle the edges of the leaves with a contour with multi-colored sequins.

Ahead of the New Year and a flower with sparkles will be relevant in a beautiful hairstyle.

We continue to create luxurious flowers and decorations with our own hands from new materials.

Use this master class to make a foamiran peony, which is suitable for decorating a brooch, hairpin or hair hoop. Plastic suede is very practical - it is not afraid of water and high temperatures, keeps its shape well and is absolutely safe for children and adults. Flowers are realistic, it is difficult to distinguish them from real ones. At the same time, needlework does not require much effort, is suitable for beginners and is a great pleasure.

Preparation of materials and tools

To make a foamiran peony with your own hands, prepare:

  • hot pink foamiran (do not know what it is? about the material and the principles of working with it);
  • green foamiran;
  • oil pastel purple, red, green;
  • petal templates;
  • wire;
  • scissors, ruler;
  • glue gun;
  • stick or toothpick;
  • iron.

In order to make a flower close to real, it would be nice to have a live sample or a visual picture in front of you. For clarity, we took a photo of a terry peony of the Nakhodka variety.

The presence of peonies in the flower arrangement has become a squeak of this year. We recommend from felt according to our other master class. Also, be sure to see how to make plastic suede for hairpins.

How to make a peony from foamiran

Peony petal templates must be made from cardboard, first cutting out squares and rectangles:

  • And the size is 4x4.5 cm (width / height);
  • B size 5.3x5.5 cm;
  • In size 5.5x5.5 cm;
  • G size 5.5x6.5 cm.

Cut out approximately the same patterns as you see in the photo.

Using a peony pattern, circle the necessary details on the foamiran with a stick or a toothpick.

Cut out 12 pieces of parts A, 8 pieces - B, 6 pieces - C, 18 pieces - D.

Color parts A as shown in the photo using red and purple pastels.

Unlike A, B, C, paint the details of D only in purple (contour and rays).

The formation of petals occurs under the influence of high temperature. To do this, use an iron.
Parts A heat, twist into an accordion, knead with your fingers, scrolling in a spiral.

Form blanks B and C in stages. First, heat the tip, twist. Heat the middle part of the foamiran petal, give a bulge, stretching in width.

Form blanks G in the same way as the previous two, but at the end heat the side sections and twist them back, as shown in the photo of the master class.

Take a wire if you want to make a peony on a stem, or a stick if you need a flower for some kind of accessory. Cut a mini strip 3-4 cm long, 0.5 cm wide.

Glue it to the wire.

Fasten the first foamiran petal to the glue (detail A).

Glue all parts A in a circle.

Divide parts B into two rows of 4 pieces each.

Glue petals B in one row, there are 6 of them.

Distribute the largest petals (G) into three rows (each with 6 pieces). Glue two rows.

Fill the center with glue so that a bulge is created.

Glue the final row of petals, covering the middle of the glue by 0.5 mm.

Peony flower from foamiran, ready. Fix it with colorless hairspray.

Cut out a sepal of five leaves, glue it to the base of the flower.

The leg can be wrapped with teip tape or cut off the wire and glue the flower to a hairpin, brooch, hair band. Also, the decor is suitable for decorating a bag or beret, as well as for pasting a topiary ball.

If you like working with plastic suede, check out this needlework. Step-by-step lessons are designed for different levels - there are simpler and more complex crafts.

A master class on making foamiran peony was prepared specifically for the online magazine "Women's Hobbies". If you want to be the first to know about the release of new lessons, join our groups on social networks!

A spectacular gift in the form of a luxurious hand-made bouquet for family and friends - what could be nicer? We offer a master class on making a beautiful flower that attracts with the luxury of colors and splendor of forms - a foamiran peony.

Foamiran (revelure, plastic suede, fom, fom eva) relatively recently appeared on our market and immediately fell in love with needlewomen, thanks to its qualities. This material is not afraid of water, when heated, it easily acquires and perfectly holds the desired shape. Foamiran products are stretchable, do not shed and do not change texture.

Our master class with step-by-step explanations, photos and videos, using the example of a peony, will help you learn how to create the first masterpieces from foamiran with your own hands.

Learning to collect a beautiful and lush peony from foamiran: a master class

For work, we need the following materials and tools:

  • Foamiran of several colors (light pink, dark pink, dark green).
  • Acrylic paints in yellow, dark pink, dark green.
  • Thick wire for the stem.
  • Thin wire for leaves.
  • Tassel.
  • Sponge.
  • Glue gun.
  • Toothpick.
  • Foil.
  • Floral tape.
  • Manicure scissors.
  • Iron.

Tools and materials are ready, you can get to work.

Let's start with a template for the future petals and leaves of our peony.

We cut out the patterns according to the template, apply each of them to the foamiran and circle the edge with a toothpick.

Now we cut the blanks according to the following scheme:

  • petals a, b, c- ten to fifteen pieces
  • petals d, e- five pieces
  • leaves h- three jokes
  • leaves m- six pieces
  • sepals To And l- five pieces
  • basis and in the form of the sun - one piece

You can use any color for the petals, at your discretion. In our master class, we use, alternating, light pink and dark pink petals.

Let's start processing our blanks. With the help of acrylic paints and a sponge, we tint the petals, giving them the inherent heterogeneity of the shade. We color the petals in a variety of ways: first, darker closer to the base, then to the edge of the petal. To give the leaves a natural look, use a brush to draw dark green veins on them, distributing them throughout the leaf.

Now let's give the petals a natural shape. For this petals A And b alternately heat for a few seconds on the iron, then take it in your hands, fold it into an accordion, twist both ends of it in different directions. Expanding.

petals d will be in the shape of "boats". To create a recess, heat the petal with an iron, press with your thumbs and gently stretch the foamiran, making a cavity in the center. Next, you need to slightly stretch the petal across with your fingers. petals e And With processed in exactly the same way.

Let's move on to the leaves. We heat up, twist the ends a little. Fold them in half, stretch a little around the edges. To simulate the veins on the sides of the sheet, fold it in half, then collect the half in folds and pinch it between your fingers.

We start assembling the flower. For the base on which we will attach the petals, we roll a ball from a piece of foil. We make a hole in it, fill it with glue from a gun and immediately insert a thick wire.

We put a blank on the wire in the form of a sun, we connect the “rays” with a thread from above, above the ball. Lubricate the tips with yellow paint, imitating stamens.

Using a glue gun, glue all the petals to the base of the stamens A.

Now glue the petals b in a circle - first light pink, then dark pink. We fold the bottom of the petals with an accordion, forming a fold. So the flower will be more magnificent. Next row - petals With in a checkerboard pattern. Next, glue the petals in a checkerboard pattern e. The final row is the petals e.

Glue the sepals to the resulting bud. Little ones first l, and sepals between them To.

The flower is ready, we proceed to the collection of leaves. We apply glue to the base of the leaves and roll up the leaf, glue a thin wire to all the leaves. We fasten one sheet together with the help of floristic tape h and two sheets m.

We attach the resulting branches with leaves to the stem of the flower. We wrap the stem with tape. Our peony is ready.

Now it can be used as a great decoration for your interior. And if you stick a hairpin or an elastic band instead of a stem, you get a fashionable female hair accessory.

We hope that our master class will facilitate your work, making it interesting and enjoyable thanks to step-by-step recommendations and high-quality photos.

Video on the topic of the article

At the end of our master class, we also want to invite you to watch a video on this topic, which contains detailed step-by-step instructions for making a peony. Enjoy watching!
