Making wicker furniture from willow or rattan with your own hands. Lightness, elegance, reliability: learning to weave furniture from wicker, rattan and other materials Do-it-yourself rattan furniture step by step instructions

Rattan furniture has regained its popularity today, displacing soft corners, chairs and armchairs. She received such demand due to her originality, the possibility of choosing absolutely any design, practicality, elegance and light weight. These products can be purchased at the store, but they are, unfortunately, not cheap. We suggest you make your own artificial rattan furniture. Thus, you can create an exclusive headset, without causing significant damage to the family budget.

Types of rattan

To date, rattan materials are quite widely used in the manufacture of furniture. Unfortunately, the manufacture of products from natural rattan is quite problematic, since it grows in tropical countries, respectively, due to transportation costs, the cost of such material increases significantly.

Important! The natural rattan used for the manufacture of furniture has the appearance of a climbing vine stem, which undergoes special processing. The total length of such a stem can be 250 centimeters, and a width of 7 centimeters.

In this regard, artificial rattan was invented. It is much cheaper than natural and much more resistant to the effects of the atmospheric environment.


For the manufacture of rattan furniture with your own hands, the following configuration is used:

  • stripes;
  • Braid:
  • Crescent;
  • Rod.

Important! Unlike natural, artificial rattan has a different length, width and thickness, as well as a wide variety of shades and textures, which are presented in the form of a smooth or ribbed surface.

The main advantages of artificial rattan furniture

Artificial rattan furniture is quite popular in use both in public institutions and at home. For example, an armchair made of this material will organically fit into the interior of the living room near the fireplace, as well as in a modern pub or cafeteria. In addition to versatility, such furniture has a number of advantages:

  • A light weight. This greatly facilitates the process of transportation and movement from place to place.
  • Resistance to temperature changes. Such furniture is able to withstand direct sunlight, high humidity, as well as various environmental influences.
  • Rich color palette. Due to this, it is possible to create a unique design that will fit into absolutely any interior.
  • Ease of care. Rattan products are easy to clean and easy to wash.

Important! Furniture made from rattan is quite undemanding and you only need a rag to maintain it.

  • Environmental friendliness. Such furniture is absolutely safe, and the material does not emit toxic substances into the atmosphere.

Important! There are many other materials from which you will be able to create unique interior items. And to make them comfortable and organically fit into the design of a particular room, use our ideas and master classes:

Manufacturing technology of rattan furniture

By weaving furniture from artificial rattan with your own hands, you significantly save your time and physical effort on the preliminary preparation of the material for work. In order to be convinced of this, we suggest that you compare the manufacturing technology of these products, depending on the type of raw material.

Important! It does not always make sense to create new interior items. Sometimes it is enough to competently restore those that are in use and are familiar with their practicality and convenience. Here are just a few ideas you can use to transform their look:

Technology for the production of furniture from natural raw materials

Before starting the production process, rattan stems undergo a thorough preparation, which includes the following steps:

  • The rattan palm is cleaned from the bark, after which the finished material is sorted in relation to its thickness.
  • To give greater elasticity, the raw materials are treated with steam.
  • Using special devices, the stems are straightened, after which they are measured and cut to the required length.
  • The finished trunk is split into elements in the form of rods.

Important! In production, not only natural rattan is used, but also the bark removed from the rattan palm, which is later used to make furniture frame sections.

  • Depending on the type of future product, various patterns are woven from rattan rods.
  • The frame part for fittings is being constructed: the scalded stems are bent at the desired angle and fixed in this position. After a day, the finished part is removed and holes are equipped in it.
  • Previously manufactured parts and already woven elements are assembled into one whole.
  • For longer operation, the finished product is varnished.

Important! Unfortunately, such furniture is not resistant to sudden changes in temperature, needs periodic maintenance, and also has a rather high cost due to transportation costs.

DIY artificial rattan furniture manufacturing technology for beginners

Artificial rattan is also popularly called "techno-rattan". Its processing is much easier. The sequence of actions for the manufacture of techno-rattan furniture is as follows:

  • Build a frame for a future product or purchase a ready-made one.

Important! The material for the manufacture of the frame can be metal, wood or plastic.

  • Install the guides on the base. Fix them with a stapler or self-tapping screws.
  • Cut off the rods protruding to the surface of the frame.
  • Weave on a previously installed frame.

Important! The finished result directly depends on the raw materials you choose. If desired, you can even combine several different colors and textures at once.

  • At the end of the weaving process, cut off the excess.
  • Mask the ends on the finished product.

Important! Please note that if any section of the weaving is damaged, there is a risk of unraveling around the entire perimeter of the finished piece of furniture.

Important! By the way, you can choose the design of pillows yourself and arrange them with your own hands from improvised materials. To do this, our master classes will help you:

Characteristics of artificial rattan wicker furniture

Furniture items that are made using the weaving technique can be rigid and semi-rigid. In addition, in relation to the type of frame used, such furniture can be:

  • Cane. At the heart of the manufacture of these products, sticks are used, from which fittings are constructed.
  • Frameless. There is no frame in these pieces of furniture, but their manufacture requires the use of rattan raw materials with a rather impressive thickness and rigidity.
  • Prefabricated or frame type structures. These are the most durable products, since rattan weaving is carried out between the frame elements. Over time, such furniture does not lose its shape and has sufficient rigidity.

In addition, there is also a wide variety of varieties and methods of weaving, from which you can eventually get unusual elements in texture. The simplest weaving is the intersection of one rod. It is also allowed to perform openwork or a combination of several types of weaving at once.

Important! Sometimes skilled craftsmen create entire paintings using the rattan weaving technique.

Particular attention during weaving should be paid to the connection of the elements of one product with each other.

Important! For a longer operation of rattan furniture, it is necessary to qualitatively connect all the nodal fragments together during the weaving process. The finished product must be rigid and not have any weak and loose areas.

Detachable furniture connection is the best option. Due to this, you will get the opportunity to assemble or disassemble the finished piece of furniture at any time.

The one-piece connection method is considered even more durable, but to use it, you will need self-tapping screws, nails, a hammer and glue.

Important! If desired, such a hobby as weaving rattan furniture with your own hands can grow into a whole business. To do this, you will need assistants who can weave with high quality, as well as sketch designers.


Weaving rattan furniture is an exciting process, at the end of which you get original and exclusive pieces of furniture. The most important thing is to focus on the quality of raw materials and the correctness of weaving. We hope that our article will help you, and you can not only enjoy your hobby, but also make money from it.

Fashion does not stand still. Once upon a time, wicker furniture was out of competition, then soft corners and armchairs forced it out of constant use, but not for long. Already today, rattan furniture is regaining its position, occupying an important place in the interior of modern cottages and houses. Such products can not only replace modern furniture, they also have many advantages over it. Rattan is a high-quality, strong and durable material. In addition, it has unique aesthetic properties. That is why there is a high demand for it. And if someone wants to buy wicker rattan furniture, others, more enterprising, start a small production in this area. This direction is suitable for those who are looking for a way.

What is artificial rattan?

Rattan is a polymer thread, which is obtained by extrusion. The plastic is melted to a certain temperature, then passed through a specialized mold. Depending on the type and nozzle of this shape, it is possible to obtain a synthetic thread in the form of a rod, a crescent, an imitation of wooden bark, and much more. The result is raw material for further weaving of different textures and colors. The components of the plastic must comply with all specified criteria and ISO 9001 standards, be pleasant to the touch and odorless.

Features and advantages of artificial rattan:

  • aesthetic appeal;
  • high degree of material strength;
  • moisture resistance;
  • the lightness of the material, which makes it easy to move around the house and during transportation;
  • ease of assembly;
  • duration of operation;
  • does not require special care - just wipe with a damp cloth to remove dirt.

Rattan has many advantages for manufacturers as well. It is easy to work with the resulting raw material (plastic thread), due to the flexibility of the material, you can make products of any, even extraordinary shape (which is now relevant in interior design of houses). In addition, plastic rattan thread is very long (some manufacturers produce it up to 200 meters), so it is easy to work with. And you don’t need to think about connecting the lashes, which is important for natural materials.

Equipment for the manufacture of artificial rattan furniture

The production and weaving process can be manual (suitable for beginners). It is based on the purchase of ready-made rattan, which is supplied in reels. This option does not require large investments and consists in the purchase of raw materials and hand tools.

A more professional approach is to install a production line that not only makes furniture, but also makes polymer tapes, which minimizes the cost of raw materials. Professional equipment costs from 1.5 million rubles, but having such a "factory", you can produce furniture of any shape and size.

Artificial rattan furniture making equipment:

Manual for machining and weaving

Line for the production of wickerwork

a set of files extruder
shmol (tape trim) winder
plows cooling system
bit crusher (for processing secondary raw materials)
iser (a cone-shaped steel plate for aligning rows when weaving) pellet mixer
welding machine
knives, scissors
consumables - dyes, the basis for the frame, furniture fittings

This equipment allows to produce a wide range of products - chairs, armchairs, sofas, deck chairs, beds, cribs, tables, bookcases, cabinets.

Advice A: The final price of the finished rattan furniture production line is not limited to the above cost. Depending on the planned scale of production, the volume of investments can reach up to 3.5 million rubles. But in practice, a high-power extruder and other professional machines are not needed in the workshop of a novice entrepreneur.

Search for sales markets

The demand for do-it-yourself wicker furniture made of artificial rattan does not depend on seasonality. You can organize a business in two directions:

  1. select certain models of furniture and produce them for individuals, try to expand distribution channels through cooperation with furniture stores;
  2. conduct an advertising campaign and work to order, fulfilling the desire of customers.

Do-it-yourself startup entrepreneurs still have to spend a small amount of money to acquire customers. The first orders can be made for your friends and relatives, but in the future you will need:

  • advertise in local newspapers;
  • place information on the Internet, on city portals, forums;
  • put up ads around the city, leave your business cards in places where potential customers gather.

In this business, as with, it is important to provide quality services. It is necessary to make sure that customers are satisfied with the completed order and tell their friends about it. There are masters who do not spend a penny on advertising, while they are provided with orders through word of mouth.

When entering a larger production, it is necessary to conclude contracts with specialized stores that sell furniture, or organize a point of sale on your own.

Advice: A great option for expanding sales channels is to create your own website. By cooperating with different delivery services, you can go beyond the domestic market and sell throughout the country or even abroad.

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The production of wicker furniture made of artificial rattan is. It can develop into a profitable business that is in high demand, while the market is not sufficiently saturated with such offers and has great prospects for beginners.

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If you master the technology of weaving from natural or artificial materials, you can decorate your house, apartment, summer cottage with stylish original furniture and interior items at no extra cost. It is not difficult to make artificial rattan furniture with your own hands, the prepared frame is braided with a rattan cord or ribbons, a pattern is created according to the chosen scheme.

What materials are used for weaving furniture

In our region, willow vines are traditionally used for weaving, in tropical latitudes - rattan stems (calamus). The vine is an affordable raw material, but its own harvesting is a rather laborious process. Woven furniture is less strong and durable than rattan furniture. Natural rattan, like the vine, is harvested and subjected to multi-stage processing - the stems are peeled, sorted by thickness, steamed, become elastic and straightened. Thick stems after such processing can be bent, giving the shape necessary for the frame elements, and dried. For weaving, thin stems and bark are used, they are cut into fragments of the desired length. It will not work to prepare natural rattan with your own hands - it does not grow here, and the purchase of prepared raw materials, taking into account transportation costs, will be very expensive.

Natural rattan has a synthetic counterpart - polyrattan or technorattan. It is made by extruding a soft polymer through holes of different diameters and sections. The material has many modifications:

  • flat strip with a textured surface, ribbed surface, imitation of tree bark is possible;
  • tape, braid with a smooth surface;
  • round or oval cord;
  • crescent-shaped cord;
  • rattan rod.

Artificial rattan is more popular than natural rattan for a number of reasons:

  • the price is noticeably more affordable;
  • synthetic rattan is superior in flexibility and elasticity to its natural counterpart;
  • environmental cleanliness and safety is not inferior to natural raw materials, does not have a specific smell characteristic of some polymers;
  • polyrattan is more durable, furniture made from it can withstand significant loads without deformation;
  • the furniture is moisture-resistant and frost-resistant, not afraid of changes in temperature and humidity conditions;
  • furniture is unpretentious to care, it can be cleaned of dirt using various detergents;
  • rattan ribbons and cords are available in any length, which allows you to weave furniture without joints;
  • raw materials are completely ready for work;
  • a large selection of modifications of different shapes, colors and textures allow you to create attractive furniture that will fit into any interior.

The disadvantages of techno-rattan include relatively low rigidity, so furniture made from it necessarily needs a rigid frame. There is a risk of damaging the weaving during operation, and it will begin to unravel.

For lightweight furniture that will be used in wet conditions, such as in a bathroom or outdoors, it is better to use a plastic or aluminum frame rather than a wooden frame. If the furniture will be subjected to significant loads, a metal or wood frame is preferable.

Furniture creation technique

To weave artificial rattan furniture with your own hands, you need to choose a model, decide on the frame configuration and weaving pattern, draw up a project and draw a sketch of the product, calculate the amount of material. To make a chair, 2 kg of polyrattan is enough, 5-7 kg will go to a small double sofa, up to 10 kg to a large sofa.

For novice craftsmen, it is better to stop at the usual checkerboard weaving, if you combine rattan of different colors or textures, even a simple pattern will look spectacular. If you have work experience, you can choose a more complex pattern, openwork weaving.

To create furniture, you will need:

  • a frame that you can assemble with your own hands or order a blank in a carpentry workshop, a workshop for the manufacture of metal products;
  • tape or rod for guides that are mounted on the frame, a pattern will be created on them;
  • ribbon, braid or cord for weaving;
  • fasteners for fixing the guides to the frame;
  • pins, bolts or thin strips of leather to connect the parts of the finished product (if it is assembled from separate elements).

Sequence of work:

  1. Assemble or buy a finished frame (frame elements).
  2. Fix on the basis of a series of guides. A bar or tape is wrapped around the frame, as a rule, one turn is enough, but for reliability, several overlapping turns can be made, after which the end is attached to the base. For high-quality weaving, a strong tension and density of the guides is important, it is better to connect 2-3 strips of tape and use it as one guide.

Depending on the material of the frame and the thickness of the rattan bar, it can be fastened with self-tapping screws, using a conventional furniture stapler (to wood), a pneumatic stapler with narrow short staples (to an aluminum frame). The most difficult thing is to fix the guides to the steel frame from furniture pipes. There is a way out - the frame is wrapped with rattan tape, the end is overlapped, the contacting fragments of the tape or rod are welded with a soldering iron with a point tip. Then the guides are welded to the base with the same soldering iron.

  1. The ends of the bars extending beyond the frame are cut off with a construction knife, scissors or wire cutters.
  2. On the basis of the guides, a pattern is created in accordance with the selected scheme.
  3. Weaving is constantly trimmed to get a neat pattern without distortions, at the end the final alignment is carried out. The cord (tape) can be shifted, compacting the rows as necessary or increasing the gaps between them, in the process of weaving the alignment is done by hand, when the fabric is finished, you can use a pointed pencil to push the tightly closed rows apart in some places.
  4. The ends of the cord are fixed with a stapler or soldering iron to the base from the inside, the excess is cut off.
  5. The frame itself, legs and similar elements are braided; a special tool with a curved tip is useful for pulling the tape.
  6. If the product consists of several elements, they are connected after each is braided with rattan, after the final assembly, the ends are masked.
  7. If desired, finished furniture can be painted with acrylic spray paint, but a sufficient choice of techno-rattan colors allows you to do without additional painting.

You can make it easier to pull the ribbon or cord between the guides and avoid scratches and scuffs by wiping the weaving material with a rag soaked in vegetable oil.

It is better to create complex rattan furniture (for example, a sofa) in the following sequence: first, the frames of individual elements are braided - backs, seats, sidewalls-armrests, and then they are connected to each other by bolts or in another way. To sit a large area, it is necessary to fix longitudinal and transverse stiffening harnesses from dense nylon tape on the frame before weaving.

Once upon a time, wicker furniture was out of competition, but soft corners, armchairs, chairs gradually forced it out of the everyday life of the majority of the population, although not for long.

At present, wicker furniture, mainly made of rattan, is again in the lead, harmoniously fitting into any interior, because its advantages are undeniable, since they prevail over any cutting-edge interior items.

Types of rattan

Recently, along with the use of willow, bamboo, alder, rattan material has been widely used for weaving furniture. However, the growth of rattan in the distant tropics, which affects expensive supplies, has led to the development of a rattan analogue, called artificial. Based on this, wicker rattan furniture is made from either natural or artificial material.

natural rattan

The natural rattan used in weaving furniture is the stems of climbing vines that have undergone special processing. The stem length of a rattan palm tree can reach 250 m with a maximum thickness of 7 cm. The widespread use of rattan material is due to good flexibility and evenness of the trunk, devoid of knots.

artificial rattan

An analogue of rattan, which practically does not differ from the original material, is represented by a synthetic fiber produced by extrusion. In this case, artificial rattan can have a configuration:

  • a crescent imitating the bark of a tree;
  • rod;
  • braids;
  • stripes.

Moreover, regardless of the type of material, techno-rattan has a different length, thickness, width, as well as a variety of shades and textures, represented by a smooth or ribbed surface.

Production of rattan furniture

The process of manufacturing furniture from artificial rattan is less laborious than from natural material, since techno-rattan does not require preliminary preparation, as well as some work related to the direct manufacture of furniture.

Manufacturing technology of furniture from natural raw materials

Before the rattan stems enter the production process, they undergo a thorough preparation, including the following steps:

  1. Cleansing the stems of rattan palms from the bark.
  2. Material ranking by thickness.
  3. Steam treatment to make the raw material more elastic.
  4. Straightening of the stems is carried out using a special device.
  5. Measuring and, if necessary, cutting to a specific length.

After processing the material, the trunk is either split into thin rods or bent, giving the shape of a separate part for the future product. However, not only the stem, but also the bark is involved in the production process. So, stems of large diameter are used to make the frame of furniture, and thin stems are used for weaving a pattern, decorating corners. At the same time, the bark is ideal for weaving mats, backs of sofas, armchairs, and various types of rugs.

Thus, the manufacture of furniture from natural rattan is a practically waste-free production, consisting of the following works:

  • Manufacture of the frame of the product - is carried out by giving the stem previously scalded with steam the desired shape, followed by fixing on a special machine for a day, necessary to fix the resulting configuration. After removal from the machine, grooves, notches are made on the parts, holes are drilled.
  • The assembly of individual parts into a single product - through various types of weaving, the product is given a complete look, and the elements are connected by the same rattan.

  • Waxing or varnishing is necessary for the long-term preservation of the natural shade and texture of the original material.

Due to the fact that rattan furniture appears as a result of manual labor, each product has a truly unique openwork. Despite the unique design and aesthetic appeal, natural rattan furniture has a number of other advantages, including:

  • ecological purity of the material;
  • high strength of the product;
  • relative resistance to moisture;
  • the minimum number of joints;
  • ease of transportation;
  • ease of assembly;
  • light weight;
  • duration of operation.

However, rattan furniture is not without its drawbacks:

  • does not tolerate sharp temperature fluctuations;
  • the complexity of care due to preventive work to prevent the appearance of cracks or volumetric deformations;
  • should not be placed near heating appliances, and even more so near open flames;
  • high price.

Production of interior items from artificial rattan

The production process of techno-rattan furniture is distinguished by a fairly simple technology that allows you to make a furniture masterpiece with your own hands. The production of interior items from techno-rattan is carried out in the following order:

  1. A ready-made frame made of wood, plastic or metal is taken.
  2. To the base, with the help of a furniture stapler, bolts, self-tapping screws, guides are attached for the subsequent creation of a pattern of artificial rattan.
  3. The rods protruding beyond the frame are cut off with scissors or a knife.
  4. The prepared frame is braided with the selected type of techno-rattan. At the same time, weaving can be done in a checkerboard pattern or with a more complex openwork, combining several varieties of techno-rattan.
  5. Upon completion of weaving, the excess that extends beyond the frame is cut off and the ends of the product are masked.

Despite the simplicity of the production process, artificial rattan furniture is endowed with a lot of advantages:

  • moisture resistance;
  • light weight of the finished product;
  • the ability to withstand fairly large loads without a visible change in the original appearance;
  • resistance to ultraviolet, depending on the formulation of the material;
  • the possibility of using various detergents;
  • does not deform under the influence of a sharp temperature drop;
  • non-toxicity of the product;
  • do not have the smell of synthetics;
  • lack of joints on the furniture;
  • unpretentiousness of operation, care;
  • long service life;
  • acceptable cost.

Among the shortcomings it is worth highlighting:

  • the relative rigidity of the artificial material requires an iron or plastic frame;
  • if the weaving is damaged in any place, the product loses its strength and over time the weaving completely unravels.

Despite the shortcomings, high-quality techno-rattan furniture is in rather high demand among various segments of the population. Of course, the advantages of natural and artificial rattan furniture are significantly different, but in terms of originality and aesthetic appeal, it is difficult to lean towards one option.

Criteria for choosing rattan furniture

If there is no time or opportunity to engage in weaving, or preference is given to furniture made from natural materials, then before purchasing, you need to focus on the following points:

  • Manufacturer. Furniture from natural rattan is produced mainly in the places of growth of raw materials, and only then exported to various parts of the world. Based on this, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines rattan furniture can be considered masterpieces of genuine production.

  • Price. Rattan furniture, the price of which is very low, may turn out to be techno-rattan or defective, so it is better not to purchase such an interior item, trying to save even a significant amount of money. At the same time, rattan furniture made in China can be of high enough quality, since in Thailand there are both small workshops and factories that have been manufacturing rattan furniture for a long time.

  • Appearance. Hue heterogeneity, slight cracks indicate a violation of manufacturing technology or non-compliance with transportation conditions and can cause the product to lose all its advantages after a short period of active operation. In addition, a too voluminous layer of paint or varnish will quickly become cracked over time, completely spoiling the aesthetic appearance of the product.

Of course, when purchasing rattan furniture, sellers' reviews should be trusted the least, because they need to sell the goods, so you should carefully examine the product, test it for comfort, compare quality and cost, after which you can proceed to the purchase decision.

Rattan furniture in the interior

Having appeared on the market relatively recently, rattan furniture immediately gained particular popularity, since rattan blends perfectly:

  • with metal;

  • glass;

  • stone;

  • skin;

  • textiles;

  • tree.

Furniture made of natural or artificial rattan is ideal for:

  • for a country house;

  • for an open veranda;

  • for garden;

  • around the pool;

  • for the office;

  • for the balcony.

Tranquility and comfort are essential components of a good sleep, and rattan furniture only contributes to this. Moreover, the furniture can be selected:

  • cream shade;

  • dark tones;

  • golden color.

Sophistication and comfort of the living room will give furniture in modern style.

Or high-tech.

The spacious living room will perfectly accommodate a set of furniture, consisting of a sofa, armchairs, a pouffe and small tables.

Rattan furniture will harmoniously fit into any kitchen interior.

Moisture resistance of rattan makes it an indispensable material for the manufacture of bathroom furniture.

Artificial rattan furniture China, among which the main share of products is produced by well-known Chinese factories "Tivoli", "Baihui", both in quality and design, is absolutely not inferior to Indonesian production.

Thus, rattan furniture, the photo of which is posted in the article, quite clearly allows you to see how interior design can change. Therefore, if there are not enough resources to purchase furniture in a store, it is quite possible to try to braid some piece of furniture with your own hands.

From a tree.

Today we will talk about an artificial substitute for rattan (it is also called techno-rattan or poly-rattan), which is used to make wicker furniture. This material is supplied in the form of multi-colored ribbons, threads, circle segments rolled into coils. Unlike its natural "colleague", artificial rattan does not fade under the influence of ultraviolet radiation and is highly resistant to adverse weather conditions. Therefore, I often make outdoor furniture or wicker decorative items from it, which can be left outside all year round in snow and rain.

Many owners of suburban areas would like to put furniture made of this material in a gazebo or recreation area. But the high price of these products, which are considered a “handmade” product, stops them. It was the money issue that prompted the FORUMHOUSE user with the nickname Lulava master weaving from artificial rattan and all the wisdom of this craft in order to equip the living room in your house near Moscow with beautiful and functional furniture, on which you can sit and relax on long winter evenings.

Lulava Member of FORUMHOUSE

After searching, I found wicker furniture, which I really liked. Having caught fire with the purchase, when I saw the price tag on it, I cooled down, but the desire to have something like that overcame. Having studied the Internet, I made a firm decision - to start make wicker furniture yourself.

And here are the samples of furniture that the user liked.

Now let's announce the price tag for it: an armchair costs 45 thousand rubles, a corner sofa - 124 thousand rubles. No wonder that Lulava ordered 26 kg of techno-rattan - strips 9 mm wide and 1 mm thick.

Artificial rattan is sold in kilograms. This ratio of width and thickness, as indicated above, ultimately gives the maximum length of the coil for a given weight, which allows savings.

Also, according to the user, if a do-it-yourself rattan sofa or chair is made with a platform used as self-supporting, then it is better to use a more durable polyrattan, in the form of a circle segment, 1.2-1.4 mm thick, although artificial rattan 1 mm thick has sufficient strength and bearing capacity.

The work should begin with the choice of the base, which will be braided with rattan ribbons. One of these options may be a metal frame made of galvanized or aluminum pipes. But Lulava I settled on the most technologically advanced version - a wooden one, from a bar with a section of 4x4 cm, which is then treated with antiseptic impregnations.

Rattan weaving for beginners: the nuances

The most difficult thing in the manufacture of artificial rattan furniture is the weaving process itself. Despite the many training videos on the Internet, it is not always possible to see the nuances of the technology on them. Information is not enough. Therefore, the user had to learn a lot by trial and error.

Start weaving rattan furniture with the simplest products. This will allow you not to “burn out” ahead of time, and also not to lose interest in work. And only "filling your hand", move on to more responsible subjects.


I started the weaving work with an ottoman. Moreover, I had to redo it 3 times until I figured out how to do everything right. Then I moved on to the manufacture of the frame - the basis of the sofa. To do this, I took the dimensions of the Swedish counterpart - 2240 (length) x 660 (height) x 860 (width) mm.

The design of the wooden frame is shown in the following photo.

The assembly was carried out on the "75th", the so-called. "black" screws. Although such fasteners are not the best option for connecting critical structures (it can cut off hats on self-tapping screws), the main thing is to think about how the load is distributed.

The armrests of the sofa should not "hang" in the air. The part must rest directly on the load-bearing frame, and the main load is redistributed on it. Self-tapping screws are needed only to fix the armrest - to connect it to the base in the desired position and prevent shifting.

When weaving artificial rattan, it is important to remember that one wrong stitch made at the very beginning will lead to a marriage of the product. Everything will have to start over. Making furniture from polyrattan is the lot of the attentive and patient.


It is most convenient to work by placing furniture on a stand. Even after watching the video with weaving master classes, I still have questions about the secrets of work. Everything had to be learned through experience.

Of the weaving tools we need:

  • Stapler - it is necessary for fixing strips of polyrattan with staples to a wooden base;
  • Small pliers, with their help it is convenient to remove the bent bracket;
  • A hammer of small weight, needed for finishing staples;
  • Knife or cutter;
  • Soldering iron or superglue.

A soldering iron is needed to solder the lock - at the junction of the strips.

Practical advice on working with techno-rattan is interesting. We assemble the frame with maximum geometric accuracy. Misalignments or inaccuracies in measurements can cause more stitches to be sewn on one side than on the other, or gaps are left.

According to Lulava, not important- the length of the sofa, the width of the armrest, because the pitch of the vertical threads can be changed.

But especially important- the height of the sofa, the length of the armrest and the height of the sofa on the front side (from the seat to the bottom edge).

The weaving itself is carried out without the use of a shuttle, because Polyrattan is a tough material and pulls well through the rows. The use of the shuttle will only complicate the work of threading it between the strips.
